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First edition

Technical drawings - Simplified representation

of pipelines -
Part 1 :
General rules and orthogonal representation

Dessins techniques - Reprbsen ta tion simplifihe des tuyaux et lignes du tuyau teries -
Partie 7 : R&gles gh?rales et reprhsentation orthogonale

Reference number
ISO 6412-1 : 1989 (EI
ISO 6412-1 : 1989(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to

the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the ISO Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.

International Standard ISO 6412-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 10,
Technical drawings.

ISO 6412 consists of the following Parts, under the genera l title Technical drawings -
Simplified represen ta tion o f pipelines :

- Part 7: General rules and orthogonal represen ta tion

- Part 2: lsome tric projection

Annex A of this part of ISO 6412 is for information only.

0 ISO 1989
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any
means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without Permission in
writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 l CH-121 1 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland

ISO 64124 : 1989 (E)

Depending on the information it is intended to convey and the form of representation
required, a distinction has to be made between graphical representation by means of
orthogonal and that by means of isometric representation.

This part of ISO 6412 deals, therefore, with general rules used for both representations
(orthogonal and isometric). Rules applicable only to isometric representation are given
in ISO 6412-2.

For the purposes of this part of ISO 6412, all dimensions and tolerantes on the
drawings have been stencilled in upright lettering. lt should be understood that these
indications could just as well be written in free-hand or inclined (italic) lettering without
altering the meaning of the indications.

For the presentation of lettering (proportions and dimensions), see 4.4.

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Technical drawings - Simplified representation

of pipelines -

Part 1 :
General rules and orthogonal representation

1 Scope ISO 3461-2 : 1987, General principles for the creation of

graphical Symbols - Part 2: Graphical Symbols for use in
This patt of ISO 6412 specifies rules and conventions for the technical product documen tation.
execution of simplified drawings for the representation of all
ISO 3545 : 1981, Steel tubes and tubular shaped accessories
kinds of pipes and pipelines made of all sorts of materials (rigid
with circular Cross-section - Symbols to be used in specifica-
and flexible).

lt shall be used whenever pipes or pipelines have to be ISO 4067-1 : 1984, Technical drawings - lnstallations -
represented in a simplified manner. Part 7 : Graphical s ymbols for plumbing, heating, Ventilation
and ducting.
For the purposes of this part of ISO 6412, the figures illustrate
the text only and should not be considered as design examples. ISO 5261 : 1981, Technical drawings for structural metal work.

NOTE - This part of ISO 6412 might also be of some use for the ISO 5455 : 1979, Technical drawings - Scales.
representation of similar installations, such as Ventilation or air-
conditioning Systems; in such cases, the term duct, etc. should be ISO 6428 : 1982, Technical drawings - Requirements for
substituted for the term Pipe. microcop ying.

ISO 7573 : 1983, Technical drawings - ltem lists.

2 Normative references
3 Definitions
The following Standards contain provisions which, through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of
For the purposes of ISO 6412, the following definitions apply.
ISO 6412. At the time of publication, the editions indicated
were valid. All Standards are subject to revision, and Parties to
agreements based on this part of ISO 6412 are encouraged to 3.1 orthogonal representation : Projection method in
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions which the projectors are at right angles to the projection plane.
of the Standards listed below. Members of IEC and ISO main-
tain registers of currently valid International Standards.
32 isometric representation : Projection method in which
ISO 128 : 1982, Technical drawings - General principles of each of the three coordinate axes is inclined at the same angle
presen ta tion. to the projection plane.
ISO 129 : 1985, Technical drawings - Dimensioning - General
principes, definitions, methods of execution and special indica- 3.3 flow line: Representation of the flow path of the inlet or
tions. outlet streams or of material, energy or energy carriers.
ISO 406 : 1987, Technical drawings - Tolerancing of linear and
angular dimensions.
4 General principles
ISO 1219 : 1976, Fluid power Systems and components -
Graphit s ymbols.
In this clause all general principles are specified which are com-
ISO 3098-1 : 1974, Technical drawings - Lettering - Part 7: mon to the methods of projection and to the pictorial represen-
Gurren tly used characters. tations, as recommended in this part of ISO 6412.

ISO 6412-1 : 1989 (E)

4.1 Representation of pipes, etc. 4.3 Lines

The flow line representing a Pipe, etc. (irrespective of its 4.3.1 Thickness of lines
diameter), shall be a Single continuous thick line (type A, see
table 1 and ISO 1281, coinciding with the central line of the pipe In general, only one thickness of line shall be used. However, in
(see ISO 4067-1). cases where more than one line thickness has to be used, the
line thicknesses shall be Chosen from ISO 128; the relative pro-
Bends may be simplified by extending the straight length of the portions of line thicknesses a:b:c shall be 2:fl:l. Different line
flow line to the vertex (see figure 1). However, bends may be thicknesses shall then be used as follows (sec also 4.3.2):
shown for sake of clarity in the form illustrated in figure 2. In
this case, if projections of bends would otherwise have been
- line thickness a: main flow lines;
elliptical, these projections may be simplified by drawing cir- - line thickness b: secondary flow lines, lettering;
cular arcs (sec figure 3).
- line thickness c: leader lines, dimension lines, etc.

4.2 Scale 4.3.2 Types of line

If the drawing is to scale, this shall be indicated in accordance The types and thicknesses of line shown in table 1 shall be
with ISO 5455. used.

Table 1

Line type in accordance with Application

with ISO 128

Al Flow lines and connected

A Continuous thick

Bl Hatching
B2 Dimensioning
B Continuous thin
B3 Leader lines
B4 Isometric grid lines

C : Continuous thin freehand

Cl/Dl Limits of partial or
interrupted views and
Continuous thin with zigzags
D -+dr-

El Flow lines specified on

E --mm Dashed thick
other drawing

Fl Floor
F2 Walls
---- Dashed thin
F F3 Ceilings
F4 Holes (hole punchings)

-- --- Chain thin G 1 Centrelines


EJ mmmIp= Extra thick chain linel) EJI Contract boundary

Kl Outlines of adjacent Parts

K --w-e- Chain thin double-dashed K2 Parts situated in front of
the cutting plane

1) Four times the thickness of line type G.

ISO 6412~kl989 (EI

4.3.3 Spacing of lines The outer diameter (d) and the wall thickness (t) of pipes may
be indicated in accordance with ISO 5261 (sec figure 2). If
In accordance with ISO 6428, the space between parallel lines necessary, an item list (sec ISO 7573) giving additional informa-
(including hatching) shall not be less than twice the thickness tion on the pipes, including the associated equipment, may be
of the heaviest of these lines, with a minimum spacing of added to the drawing. Lengths shall Start from the outer faces
0,7 mm. of the pipe ends, flanges, or centre of the joint, whenever
The minimum spacing between adjacent flow lines and be-
tween flow lines and other lines should be 10 mm. 4.5.2 Pipes with bends should be generally dimensioned from
central line to central line of the pipelines (sec figures 1 and 2).

4.4 Lettering If it is necessary to specify the dimension from the outside or in-
side external protection or surface of the Pipe, the dimension
may be specified by arrows pointing to short thin strokes
Lettering shall be in accordance with ISO 3098-1; lettering
parallel to the projection line (sec figure 3).
type B vertical is preferred. The line thickness of the lettering
shall be the same as the line thickness of those tpd-Symbols to
The dimensions from outer to outer, from inner to inner and
which the lettering is close or associated (sec ISO 3461-2).
from inner to outer vertex are shown in figures 3a), 3b) and 3c),
4.5 Dimensioning
4.5.3 Radii and angles of bends may be indicated as shown in
figure 4.
4.5.1 In general, dimensioning shall be in accordance with
ISO 129. Nominal dimensions may be indicated in accordance The functional angle shall be indicated; in general, angles of
with ISO 3545 using the short designation DN (sec figure 1). 90 are not indicated.

/- 060,3x 7,5


Figure 1 Figure 2

a) b)
Figure 3

Figure 4
ISO 6412-1 : 1989 (E)

4.5.4 Levels refer generally to the centre of the pipe and 4.5.5 The direction of slope shall be indicated by a right-
should be indicated in accordance with ISO 129 (see figure 5). angled triangle above the flow line, pointing from the higher
If, in special cases, it is necessary to specify the level to the down to the lower level.
bottom of a pipe this shall be indicated by the reference arrow
pointing to short thin strokes, as specified in 4.5.2 [see figures 3
The amount of slope shall be indicated in accordance with the
and 8a)l. methods shown in figures 6 to 8.
A similar rule shall be applied to indicate Ievels to the top of the
pipe [see figure 8~11. lt may be useful to specify the level of the sloping Pipe, either at
its higher or at its lower end, or at any convenient Point, by
referring to a datum level (see figure 8).

4.56 The positions of the ends of the pipe shall be specified
by indicating the coordinates referring to the centres of the end

4.6 Tolerantes

Figure 5 Tolerantes shall be indicated in accordance with ISO 406.

Cl 0,2% rl 1:500 r-l 11500

4 b)

Figure 6 Figure 7


a) b) Cl
Figure 8

Iso 6412-1 : 1989 (EI

5 Crossings and connections

5.1 Crossings without connections shall normally be
depicted without interrupting the flow line representing the , \
hidden pipe (see figure 9; see also ISO 4067-1); if, however, it
is absolutely necessary to indicate that one pipe has to pass L-wSd min.
behind the other, the flow line representing the hidden pipe
shall be interrupted (see figure 10). The width of each interrup-
tion shall not be less than five times the thickness of the con-
tinuous line (see figure 11).

Figure 11

5.2 Permanent junctions (whether made by welding or other

processes) shall be marked by a prominent dot in accordance
with ISO 1219 (sec figure 12). The diameter of the dot shall be
five times the thickness of the line.

5.3 Detachable connections should be represented in accor-

dance with ISO 4067-11).

6 Representation of equipment
Figure 9

6.1 General

All items of equipment, machinery, valves, etc. shall be

represented by means of graphical Symbols with the same line
thickness as the flow line (sec ISO 3461-2).

The graphical Symbols used shall be in accordance with the

International Standards given in clause 2 and in annex A.

6.2 Fittings

6.2.1 Fittings such as nozzles, tee-pieces and bends, should

Figure 10 be drawn with the same line thickness as the flow line.

a) b)

Figure 12

1) lt is envisaged to enlarge ISO 4067 to include all other graphical Symbols used for piping Systems.

ISO 6412-1 :1989(E)

6.2.2 Transition pieces for changing the Cross-section shall be 6.3 Supports and hangers
represented in accordance with figures 13 to 15.
Supports and hangers shall be represented by their appropriate
Symbols in accordance with figures 16 to 19.
The relevant nominal sizes shall be indicated above the
Symbols. The representation of repeated accessories may be simplified as
shown in figure 20.

NOTE - Figures 16 to 19 refer to hangers only. It should be

understood that in the case of supports, the same Symbols should be
used, but in the reverse Position.


Concentric Single
Figure 13 General

Figure 16

DN200/DN10O-DNlOO/DN5O or


Figure 17
Concentric multiple

Figure 14


Figure 18

Eccentric Single Y
Figure 15

Figure 19

Figure 20

ISO 64124 : 1989 (El

If necessary, an alphanumerical code giving more information 6.6 Direction of flow

about the type of supports and hangers, with their numbering,
may be added to the Symbols shown in figures 16 to 19. The The direction of flow shall be indicated by an arrowhead (sec
code giving the numbering shall be given on the drawing or in ISO 4067-1) on the flow line or near a graphical Symbol
associated documents (see figure 21). representing a valve (sec figures 23 and 24).

Figure 23


FPI : Fixing Point No. 1
SS9: Sliding suppor-t No. 9 Figure 24
GH4: Guiding hanger No. 4

Figure 21 6.7 Flanges

Flanges shall be represented, irrespective of their type and

6.4 Additional provisions sizes,
Additional provisions such as insulation, coating, stream tracer - by t-wo concentric circles for the front view,
lines, etc. may be specified in writingl).
- by one circle for the rear view,
6.5 Adjoining apparatus
- by a stroke for the side view,
If needed, adjoining apparatus, such as tanks, machinery, not
belonging to the piping itself, may be represented )y their using lines of the same thickness as used for the representation
outlines using chain thin double-dashed lines (type K; see of the pipes (see figures 22 and 25). A simplified representation
table 1 and ISO 128) as shown in figure 22. of the flange holes may be shown by the appropriate number of
crosses at their centrelines.

7 Examples
I ie
i- ---s---- An example of orthogonal projection is given in figure 25.

Figure 22 NOTE - Other examples are given in ISO 3511-3 and ISO 3753.

1) lt is envisaged to enlarge ISO 4067 to include all other graphical Symbols used for piping Systems.
ISO 6412-1 :1989 (EI

9l 6(8) 1 7

t I Reference
number I
end Points
of the

1 x,= -8 y, = + 72 Zl = + 50
r ,-

9 xg = - 20 Yg = 0 zg = + 40

NOTE - Points at which the pipe changes direction and connections are indicated by reference numbers. The pipe and the reference numbers are
identical to those in the isometric representation illustrated in ISO 6412-2 : 1989, figure 23. Reference numbers for Points hidden behind other Points
are shown in brackets.

Figure 25

1so6412-1 :1989 EI

Annex A


ISO 841 : 1974, Numerical control of machines - Axis and I S 0 3511-3 : 1984, Process measuremen t con trol functions and
mo tion nomencla ture. instrumen ta tion - S ymbolic represen ta tion - Part 3: De tailed
s ymbols for instrumen t in terconnection diagrams.
ISO 1101 : 1983, Technical drawings - Geometrical toler-
ancing - Tolerancing of form, orien tation, location and run- ISO 351 l-4 : 1985, Process measurement control functions and
out - Generalities, definitions, s ymbols, indica tions on ins trumen ta tion - Symbolic representation - Part 4: Basic
drawings. Symbols for process Computer, interface and shared
displa y/con trol functions.
ISO 1503 : 1977, Geometrical orientation and directions of
movemen ts. ISO 3753 : 1977, Vacuum technology - Graphical Symbols.

ISO 351 l-l : 1977, Process measurement control functions and ISO 4067-6 : 1985, Technical drawings - lnstallations -
ins trumen ta tion - S ymbolic representation - Part 1: Basic Part 6: Graphical Symbols for water supply and drainage
requiremen ts. Systems in the ground.

ISO 351 l-2 : 1984, Process measurement control functions and

instrumen ta tion - Symbolic representation - Part 2: Exten-
sion of basic requirements.
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ISO 6412-1 : 1989 (EI

UDC 744.4 : 621.644

Descriptors : pipelines, drawings, technical drawings.

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