Eponyms in Dermatology
Eponyms in Dermatology
Eponyms in Dermatology
Eponyms in Dermatology
by Heather Kiraly Orkwis, DO. (Updated July 2015*)
Marjolins ulcer = aggressive SCC Ollendorfs sign = secondary Shulmans syndrome = eosino-
arising in site of chronic injury or burn syphilis papule tender to touch with blunt philic fasciitis (dry river bed)
McCune-Albright Syndrome = Sjgren-Larsson syndrome =
Albright syndrome; Coast of Maine Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome = ichthyosis with erythroderma, spastic
caf-au-lait macule(s), polyostotic fibrous Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia di-tetraplegia with scissor gait, mental
dysplasia, precocious puberty (GNAS1) syndrome (HHT1, HHT2) retardation, atypical retinitis pigmentosa
Milroys disease = congenital lower Papillon-Lefvre syndrome = pal-
limb lymphedema (FLT4) moplantar keratoderma with periodonto- Sneddons syndrome = livedo
sis (cathepsin C) reticularis, HTN, CVA associated with
Montgomery syndrome = xan- antiphospholipid antibodies
thoma disseminatum Parry-Romberg syndrome =
acquired progressive hemifacial atrophy Sturge-Weber syndrome =enceph-
Mucha Habermann disease = (morphea variant) alotrigeminal angiomatosis
pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis
acuta (PLEVA) Refsum syndrome = phytanic acid Tyndall effect = blue tinging of
storage disease (PAHX, PEX7) subcutaneous lesions due to short wave-
Muckle-Wells syndrome = length colors (blue/violet) scattering
recurrent fevers and urticaria, progres- Richner-Hanhart syndrome =
sive deafness, secondary amyloidosis Tyrosinemia type II (tyrosinase amino- Urbach-Wiethe disease = lipoid
(cryopyrin) transferase) proteinosis (ECM1)
Muir-Torre syndrome = DNA mis- Ritters disease = staphylococcal Vohwinkel syndrome = PPK mu-
match repair defect, sebaceous tumors, scalded skin syndrome tilans, keratoderma hereditaria mutilans
adenocarci-noma of the colon (MLH1, (connexin 26, loricrin)
MSH2) Russells sign = dorsal hand with
dry skin and calluses, seen with bulimia/ Von Recklinghausen disease =
Naxos disease = right sided cardio- purging neurofibromatosis I (neurofibromin)
myopathy, woolly hair, non-epidermolytic
PPK (plakoglobin) Schnitzlers syndrome = nonpru- Wells syndrome = eosinophilic
ritic urticaria, arthralgias, IgM monoclonal cellulitis, flame figures on dermatopa-
Netherton syndrome = ichthyosis protein thology
linearis circumflexa (SPINK5)
Senear-Usher syndrome = Zinsser-Engman-Cole syndrome
Nikolskys sign = normal epidermis pemphigus erythematosus; variant of P. = Dyskeratosis Congenita (dyskerin)
easily separated when pressed firmly foliaceous confined to seborrheic sites
with a sliding motion, seen in pemphigus
vulgaris, staphylococcal scalded skin Sezary syndrome = generalized
syndrome exfoliative erythroderma (part of CTCL)
1. Bolognia JL, Jorizzo JL, Schaffer JV, editors. Dermatology. 3rd ed. China: Elsevier publishing; 2012.
2. Spitz JL. Genodermatoses: A clinical guide to genetic skin disorders. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005.
*Reviewed and updated July 2015 by: Alina Goldenberg, MD, Emily deGolian, MD, Elise Herro, MD, and
Sharon Jacob, MD.