Aayu Bhav
Aayu Bhav
Aayu Bhav
and for the desired business, it is important to have longevity. Therefore, house
next to Jaayaa Bhaav (house of spouse / partner) ie 8th house from ascendant is
called Aayu / Mrityu Bhaav (house of death / longevity). This house is also called
house of secrecy. Thus, works connected with 7th house also need some secrecy
for their successful performance and completion. This house also relates to
water. Therefore, if this house is influenced by greater number of benign
planets; one may be connected with profession connected with water / liquid /
sea / Naval profession or may travel through sea / water channels. 8th house
being house of Vinaash / Dukh, longevity & secrecy and Saturn being Kaarak of
Dukh, longevity & stability; Saturn is nominated as Kaarak of 8th house.