Relief Package
Relief Package
Relief Package
(Amounts in Rupees)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Pay Family Pension & Group Funeral Monthly Four Educational Retention of Appoint- Financial Lump- Marriage Fare- Final
Scale gratuity (in lieu Insurance Grant Grant Months Scholarship Government ment of Assistance sum Grant well Payment of
of commutation) rates w.e.f Salary (upto 3 Accommodation One Child w.e.f payment Grant G.P.F
01.07.2007 children) or Widow / 01.07.14 w.e.f
Wife 01.09.13
1-4 Gross Pension:- 1,50,000 4,000 1,300 Primary to Till the date on In BS-1 to 5 400,000 Lump-sum 20,000 (for Not The
5-10 Basic Pay X length 1,75,000 Four months Matric 1500 which the and posts 600,000 payment each admiss- amount
11-15 of service X 7_ 3,00,000 salary (pay F.A & B.A deceased of Junior 800,000 equal to daughter) ible to subscribed
300 last drawn 3000 government Clerks (BS- leave pay w.e.f family during
plus M.A, MBBS, servant would 11) under upto 01.01.2002 of non service plus
Gratuity:- allowances ) etc 6000 have retired on Rule 17-A three gazette interest
16 superannuation of the hundred -ed accrued
Gross Pension X Punjab Civil and sixty govt. thereon
25 X index of 4,50,000 10,000 3,500
Primary to Servants five days servant
17 100 6,00,000 (Appoint- out of Rs. 50,000 s
age next Matric 5000
18 8,75,000 F.A & B.A ment & 1,000,000 leave at Amount
birthday X 12 Conditions credit
19 10,50,000 6,000 14000 equal
M.A, of Service (for each to last
MBBS,etc. Rules, daughter) basic
Family Pension:- 1974) w.e.f
16000 pay
20 & Gross Pension X 8,000 2,000,000
above ____75 12,50,000
Relevant instructions:
1 Rule 4.6 (3) (4) of Punjab Civil Service Pension, Rules read with FDs letter No. FD-SR-II-4-108/2010 (D) dated 15.07.2010
2 No. Secy. (Funds) S&GAD / G I /1-2/2008 dated 06.02.2008
3 Rule 4(b) Punjab Government Servants Benevolent Fund Part-II (Disbursement) Rules, 1966 (SOP.IV (S&GAD) 2001 (WF)Pt. I dt. 7.6.2002) &
Rule 3 (b) of Rule ibid (Part-I)(SOP.IV (S&GAD) 2001 (WF) Pt. I dt. 7.6.2002)
4 Rule 4(d) of Rules ibid (SOP.IV (S&GAD) 2001 (WF) Pt.II dt. 7.6.2002) & Rule 3 (D) of Rules ibid (SOP. IV(S&GAD) 2001 (WF) Pt. I dt. 7.6.2002)
5 FD.SR. I-3-2/99 dt 1.7.2002.
6 Rule 4 (C) of Rules ibid (SOP.IV (S&GAD)2001 (WF) Pt. II dt 7.6.2002) & Rule 3 (C) of Rules ibid (SOP. IV (S&GAD)2001 (WF) Pt. I dt.7.6.2002)
7 Rule 5.45 (i) of Civil Services Rules (Punjab) Volume I, Part. I (FD.PR.17-1/99 dt 27.5.99) & No. EO (S&GAD) Policy/2009 dated 19.01.2009.
8 SOR. III-2-42/92 dt. 28.8.1993. Amended further vide SOR III-2-42/92 (P-II) dated 12.04.2003, SOR-III (S&GAD)2-10/2006 dated 05.01.2008 and SOR-III (S&GAD) 2-2/2012 dated 28.03.2016.
9 FD.SR. I/ 3-10/2004 dated 13.11.2014
10 Rule 19 of Revised Leave Rules, 1981. Amended vide No. FD-SR-II/2-141/2012 dated 11.04.2014
11 Rule 4(a) of Rules ibid. No. BF 458/2011 dated 13.11.2011 & Rule 3 (a) of Rules ibid. No. BF 458/2011 dated 13.11.2011
12 Rule 3 (e) of Rules ibid (SOP. IV (S&GAD) 2001(WF)Pt.I dt 7.6.2002)
13 Punjab G.P Fund, Rules