Operations Management - Chapter 4
Operations Management - Chapter 4
Operations Management - Chapter 4
Throughput rate = the rate at which items emerge from the process, the number of
items passing through the process per unit of time
Cycle time = the time between times emerging from the process
Throughput time = the average elapsed time taken for inputs to move through the
process and become outputs
Utilization of process resources = the proportion of available time that the resources
within the process are performing useful work.
Standardization of processes
One of the most important process design objectives concerns the extent to which
process designs should be standardized. By standardization in this context is meant
adopting a common sequence of activities, methods and use of equipment. It is a
significant issue in large organisations because very often different ways of carrying
out similar or identical tasks emerge over time in the various parts of the
organization. The problem is that allowing the numerous ways of doing things
causes confusion, misunderstandings, and eventually, inefficiency. The practical
dilemma is how to draw the line between processes that are required to be
standardized, and those that are allowed to be different.
Designers are faced with complex trade-offs between these factors, although it is
not always easy to obtain all the information that is needed to make the best
Life-cycle analysis = analyses all the production inputs, the life-cycle use of the
products and its final disposal, in terms of total energy used and all emitted wastes.
The inputs and wastes are evaluated at every stage.
Process Types
The position of a process on the volume-variety continuum shapes its overall design
and the general approach to managing its activities. These general approaches to
designing and managing processes are called process types (see figure 4.3, page
Project processes
Project processes deal with discrete, usually highly customized products; often with
a relatively long timescale between the completion of each item, where each job has
a well-defined start and finish. Project processes have a low volume and high variety.
Activities involved in the process can be ill-defined and uncertain. Transforming
resources may have to be organized especially for each item. The process may be
complex, partly because the activities in such processes often involve significant
discretion to act according to professional judgment.
Jobbing processes
Jobbing processes also deal with high variety and low volumes. However, while in
project processes each item has resources devoted more or less exclusively to it, in
jobbing processes each product has to share the operations resources with many
others. Resources will process a series of items but, although each one will require
similar attention, they may differ in their exact needs. Many jobs will probably be
one-offs that are never repeated. Jobbing processes could be relatively complex;
however they usually produce physically smaller products and, although sometimes
requiring considerable skills, such processes often involve fewer unpredictable
Batch processes
Batch processes may look like jobbing processes but do not have the same degree
of variety. Each time batch processes produce more than one item at a time. So
each part of the process has periods when its repeating itself, at least while the
batch is being processed. If the size of the batch is just two or three items, it is
little different to jobbing. If the batch processes are large, and especially if the
products are familiar to the operation, batch processes can be fairly repetitive.
Because of this, the batch type of process can be found over a wide range of volume
and variety levels.
Mass processes
Mass processes are those which produce items in high volume and relatively narrow
variety. The activities of mass processes are usually repetitive and largely
Continuous processes
Continuous processes have even higher volume and usually lower variety than mass
processes. They also usually operate for longer periods of time. Sometimes they are
literally continuous in that their products are inseparable, being produced in an
endless flow. They often have relatively inflexible, capital-intensive technologies with
highly predictable flow and, although products may be stored during the process,
their predominant characteristics is of smooth flow from one part of the process to
Professional services
Professional services are high-contact processes where customers spend a
considerable time in the service process. They can provide high levels of
customization. Professional services tend to be people-based rather than equipment
based, and usually staff are given considerable discretion in servicing customers.
Service shops
Service shops have levels of volume and variety between the extremes of
professional and mass services. Service is provided via mixes of front- and back-
office activities.
Mass services
Mass services have many customers transactions, involving limited contact time and
little customization. Staff are likely to have a relatively defined division of labor and
have to follow set procedures.
Process mapping
Process mapping simply involves describing processes in terms of how the activities
within the process relate to each other. There are many techniques which can be
used for process mapping. However, all the techniques identify the different types of
activity that take place during the process and show the flows of materials or people
or information through the process.
Process visibility
It is sometimes useful to map such processes in a way that makes the degree of
visibility of each part of the process obvious. This allows those parts of the process
with high visibility to be designed so that they enhance the customers perception of
the process. There are several levels of visibility, the boundary between the two
categories medium visibility and low visibility is called the line of visibility. The line
between very high visibility and high visibility is called the line of interaction.