MSC 127
MSC 127
MSC 127
Four Sizes
8-225 TR (28-791 kW)
186-335 CFM
80-200 HP
l Small Footprint
l Built-in, High Efficiency Oil Separator
l Refrigerants: R22, R134a, R404A, R407C, R507
and other HFCs
l UL Recognized
l Designed for A/C & Refrigeration
l Fully hermetic design
l Models from -50F (-46C) to 50F (10C) SST
l Models from +65F (18C) to 145F (63C) SDT
l Helium, Neon, and Other Alternate Gas Applications
l Low oil carry-over rate of less than 0.2%
l Optional vapor injection to enhance capacity
l Smooth, Quiet Rotary Motion
Company Information
Hartford Compressors Inc. designs, manufac-
tures, and supports an extensive range of rotary
screw compressors and reciprocating compres-
sors for use in air conditioning and refrigeration
systems. With decades of experience in develop-
ing innovative products for commercial, indus-
trial, and marine applications, Hartford
Compressors sets the standard for precision
engineering, optimum performance, and cus-
tomer satisfaction.
Oil Separator
Slide-Valve Capacity Control Capacity control from 100% to 20% of full load
Solid State Motor Protector Thermal motor protection
Unloading Solenoid Valves Energizes load/unload mechanism
Optical Oil Level Sensor Electronic low oil level safety, mounted externally
Oil Sump Heater Prevents refrigerant migration
XL or 2 Step Motor Start Choice of motor starting method
Built-in Suction Check Valve Prevents rotors from spinning backwards
Suction Filter Serviceable filter for compressor protection
Standard Voltages 200/3/50Hz; 230/3/60Hz; 400/3/50Hz; 460/3/60Hz
Oil Strainer Located in the oil sump to filter oil continuously
Liquid Injection Standard on air-cooled applications for oil cooling
U. S. Standard Units
General Compressor Information
Motor Displacement SST Range SDT Range Estimated
Model Refrigerant Nominal HP at 60 Hz (CFM) Rotor L/D Min (F) Max (F) Min (F) Max (F) Weight (Lb.)
1210NHF6X6K R22,R407C 120 0 50 65 145 1010
1210NHF6W4K R22,R407C 80 186 20* 50 65 115 968
1210NHF6W3K R22,R407C 60 @ 1.00 20* 50 65 110 948
1210NHL6V5K R134a 60 3500 0 50 65 145 867
1210NLF6V5K R22,R507, R404A 100 RPM 0 20 65 125 990
1210NUF6V5K R22,R404A, R507 100 -50 0 65 125 990
1212NHF6X6K R22,R407C 150 0 50 65 145 1020
1212NHF6W4K R22,R407C 100 233 20* 50 65 115 983
1212NHF6W3K R22,R407C 80 @ 1.25 20* 50 65 110 963
1212NHL6V5K R134a 80 3500 0 50 65 145 884
1212NLF6V5K R22,R507, R404A 120 RPM 0 20 65 125 1002
1212NUF6V5K R22,R404A, R507 120 -50 0 65 125 1002
1215NHF6X6K R22,R407C 175 0 50 65 145 1265
1215NHF6W4K R22,R407C 120 279 20* 50 65 115 1225
1215NHF6W3K R22,R407C 100 @ 1.50 20* 50 65 110 1205
1215NHL6V5K R134a 100 3500 0 50 65 145 1109
1215NLF6V5K R22,R507, R404A 150 RPM 0 20 65 125 1250
1215NUF6V5K R22,R404A, R507 150 -50 0 65 125 1250
1218NHF6X6K R22,R407C 200 335 0 50 65 145 1260
1218NHF6W4K R22,R407C 150 @ 1.80 20* 50 65 115 1230
1218NHF6W3K R22,R407C 120 3500 20* 50 65 110 1214
1218NHL6V5K R134a 120 RPM 0 50 65 145 1120
* "NHF6W4" and "NHF6W3" models can operate down to 10F SST, however, the maximum allowable SDT is 105F.
Capacity (TR), Power (KW) and Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER), 60 Hz, R22
Saturated Saturated 1210 1212 1215 1218
Temp. F Temp. F (TR) (KW) EER (TR) (KW) EER (TR) (KW) EER (TR) (KW) EER
105 35.7 66.3 6.5 42.7 79.3 6.5 53.0 92.8 6.9 - - -
0 125 27.9 82.9 4.0 33.9 99.0 4.1 42.1 115.8 4.4 - - -
145 - - - - - - - - - - - -
105 46.9 69.1 8.2 55.4 82.5 8.1 68.8 96.6 8.5 - - -
10 125 39.0 85.5 5.5 45.7 102.2 5.4 56.7 119.6 5.7 - - -
145 - - - - - - - - - - - -
105 57.6 75.1 9.2 72.5 92.8 9.8 89.6 107.4 10.0 107.1 130.1 9.9
20 125 54.2 90.2 7.2 66.6 109.2 7.3 82.8 129.4 7.7 97.6 155.3 7.5
145 46.1 113.8 4.9 56.0 137.3 4.9 71.8 161.2 5.3 81.5 193.2 5.1
105 71.6 73.9 11.6 90.9 91.2 12.0 112.0 106.7 12.6 133.5 128.4 12.5
30 125 66.6 90.9 8.8 81.9 110.7 8.9 103.6 130.2 9.5 120.7 156.5 9.3
145 56.7 114.2 6.0 69.9 138.5 6.1 87.7 162.3 6.5 103.1 194.4 6.4
105 88.3 72.5 14.6 110.9 89.5 14.9 139.2 106.0 15.8 162.8 126.4 15.5
40 125 82.2 92.2 10.7 101.3 112.2 10.8 124.0 132.7 11.2 147.1 158.5 11.1
145 70.6 115.3 7.4 87.0 139.9 7.5 103.9 164.2 7.6 126.3 195.8 7.7
105 107.1 71.0 18.1 131.1 87.6 17.9 172.9 105.1 19.7 194.3 124.4 18.7
50 125 99.3 94.0 12.7 122.9 114.0 12.9 156.4 133.8 14.0 180.7 161.0 13.5
145 86.2 116.9 8.9 105.6 141.5 9.0 132.9 163.8 9.7 155.1 197.4 9.4
Metric Units
General Compressor Information
Motor Displacement SST Range SDT Range Estimated
Model Refrigerant Nominal KW at 50Hz (m3/hr.) Rotor L/D Min (C) Max (C) Min (C) Max (C) Weight (kG)
1210NHF6X6K R22,R407C 89 -18 10 18 63 459
1210NHF6W4K R22,R407C 60 262 -7* 10 18 46 440
1210NHF6W3K R22,R407C 45 @ 1.00 -7* 10 18 43 431
1210NHL6V5K R134a 45 2900 -18 10 18 63 394
1210NLF6V5K R22,R507, R404A 75 RPM -18 -7 18 52 450
1210NUF6V5K R22,R404A, R507 75 -46 -18 18 52 450
1212NHF6X6K R22,R407C 112 -18 10 18 63 464
1212NHF6W4K R22,R407C 75 329 -7* 10 18 46 447
1212NHF6W3K R22,R407C 60 @ 1.25 -7* 10 18 43 438
1212NHL6V5K R134a 60 2900 -18 10 18 63 402
1212NLF6V5K R22,R507, R404A 89 RPM -18 -7 18 52 455
1212NUF6V5K R22,R404A, R507 89 -46 -18 18 52 455
1215NHF6X6K R22,R407C 130 -18 10 18 63 575
1215NHF6W4K R22,R407C 89 394 -7* 10 18 46 557
1215NHF6W3K R22,R407C 75 @ 1.50 -7* 10 18 43 548
1215NHL6V5K R134a 75 2900 -18 10 18 63 504
1215NLF6V5K R22,R507, R404A 112 RPM -18 -7 18 52 568
1215NUF6V5K R22,R404A, R507 112 -46 -18 18 52 568
1218NHF6X6K R22,R407C 149 473 -18 10 18 63 573
1218NHF6W4K R22,R407C 112 @ 1.80 -7* 10 18 46 559
1218NHF6W3K R22,R407C 89 2900 -7* 10 18 43 552
1218NHL6V5K R134a 89 RPM -18 10 18 63 509
* "NHF6W4" and "NHF6W3" models can operate down to -12C SST, however, the maximum allowable SDT is 40C.
Capacity (KW), Power (KW) and Coefficient of Performance (COP), 60 Hz, R22
Saturated Saturated 1210 1212 1215 1218
Temp. C Temp. C (KW) (KW) COP (KW) (KW) COP (KW) (KW) COP (KW) (KW) COP
40 119.2 56.2 2.1 141.3 67.2 2.1 175.2 78.6 2.2 - - -
-15 50 98.8 68.4 1.4 117.5 81.7 1.4 145.6 95.6 1.5 - - -
60 - - - - - - - - - - - -
40 149.9 58.5 2.6 177.3 69.8 2.5 219.9 81.6 2.7 - - -
-10 50 129.1 70.6 1.8 150.7 84.3 1.8 186.9 98.6 1.9 - - -
60 - - - - - - - - - - - -
40 178.1 61.9 2.9 225.4 76.4 2.9 277.7 88.9 3.1 331.8 107.4 3.1
-5 50 168.5 73.3 2.3 207.3 88.9 2.3 263.7 104.7 2.5 307.0 126.0 2.4
60 146.3 90.3 1.6 179.2 109.4 1.6 230.5 128.6 1.8 264.2 154.5 1.7
40 216.4 60.9 3.6 274.7 75.2 3.7 338.7 88.4 3.8 402.6 106.0 3.8
0 50 203.9 73.9 2.8 250.8 90.1 2.8 316.3 105.8 3.0 369.4 127.1 2.9
60 177.4 90.8 2.0 218.7 110.4 2.0 272.2 129.8 2.1 321.4 155.4 2.1
40 260.4 59.9 4.4 326.8 73.9 4.4 411.8 87.8 4.7 479.6 104.5 4.6
5 50 245.8 75.0 3.3 302.9 91.3 3.3 372.0 107.8 3.5 440.6 128.7 3.4
60 215.3 91.8 2.3 265.2 111.5 2.4 318.3 131.3 2.4 384.2 156.7 2.5
40 309.5 58.7 5.3 378.9 72.5 5.2 500.3 87.1 5.2 561.5 102.8 5.5
10 50 290.9 76.4 3.8 360.2 92.6 3.9 459.5 108.7 4.2 530.5 130.8 4.1
60 256.7 93.0 2.8 315.4 112.7 2.8 397.7 131.2 3.0 462.4 158.1 2.9
Compressor Nomenclature
12 15 N H F 6 W 4 K 0EM BJ O C
12 = 127 mm C = 115/1/50-60
J = 230/1/50-60
10 = 1.00 START METHOD
12 = 1.25 0 = Two step-double-delta
15 = 1.50
AK = 200/3/60
B = Flanged semi-hermetic female drive BJ = 400-460/3/50-60
N = Fully hermetic female drive BK = 200-230/3/50-60
CA = 500-575/3/50-60
H = High temperature
L = Commercial temperature ASSEMBLY LEVEL
U = Low temperature 0EM = Original Equipment Mfg.
RMF = Remanufactured
L = R134a K = w/cast iron main housing
and inlet needle bearings
6 = Automatic unloaded start (spring) MOTOR SIZING
3 = Undersize by 2 steps
4 = Undersize by 1 step
V = Vapor & liquid injection 6 = Oversized by 1 step
W = Vapor injection only
X = Vapor & liquid injection
* For special engineered compressors,
these six characters would be replaced by SE.
Example: 1215SE1271KOEMBJO
Outline Drawings