Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi - Some Experience Some Suggestions
Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi - Some Experience Some Suggestions
Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi - Some Experience Some Suggestions
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Translated by
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there will still be claimants, the sins of the claimants will
be heaped on him. He will then be throum into the
Hellfire. [Muslim]
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Qllran that the pious elders of the past enter..tained was not
based only on paying attention to the meaning of the verses and
fine points in their interpretation, They in fact tried to derive
the effect of the message and got involved heart and soul in
AlI all' s gI'andelll', excellence, and magnificence at the time of
reciting the Quran. They tried to take inspiration from the
loftiness of Allah's WOId and were overwhelmed by its beauty
and appeal that move the heart.
Two things may be helpful in benefiting from the recitation
of the QlII"an:
A. Reader's consciousness at the time of reciting the
QUJ"an of the sublime status of the QtlI'an, blessings of
its recitation, its effectiveness in securing closeness to
Allah. and winning rewards in the Afterlife.
B. His pondering on how the Sahabah, Tabi'een, jurists,
muhadditheen, ulama and pious persons used to recite
the Qllran and studying the events and narratives
relating to the etiquette and regard they observed in
their relationship to the Quran. .
It is also useful and is supported by experience that we ;1
9. Zikr
(We should try to make sure that (we meet death as a virtuous
peI'son and for this purpose) engender in our heart softness
Appreciate the value of Madrasa. These are the minarets of light. If
they cease to exist, darkness will engulf the world as there will
then pe none to tell what pleases or displeases Allah and what will
arouse or appease His wrath. No matter how humble they look,
they are immensely important. If the large schools and colleges are
not there, the loss at the educational level will not be irreparable.
You will not be qualified for a high-level job, but YOll will still be
able to earn YOUI' livelihood through business or .by any other
means. You will not be a B. A., an M. A. OJ' a Ph. D., but you will
still be able to manage yOllI" affairs. But if the Madrasas are not
there, how will you manage the vacuum? In case of their absence,
who will tell you how to win Allah's pleasure and shun His
displeasure, and what makes a person successful or a failure) in the
Afterlife? You should therefore duly appreciate and acknowledge
the immense value of Madrasa and realize that the life force for our
existence and success comes from Madarasas.
(coutesy: Tameere Hayat, 10 August 2014)
TrIJII$I.IvJr! by
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