Ship Knowledge A Modern Encyclopedia 2010 PDF
Ship Knowledge A Modern Encyclopedia 2010 PDF
Ship Knowledge A Modern Encyclopedia 2010 PDF
In a very clear and yet detailed way the various subjects pertaining to
modern shipbuilding and seamanship as well as to present-day shipping
modes and the offshore industry are dealt with in this book. An attempt is
made to give as complete an overview of ships, pertinent auxiliaries,
systems, rules and regulations as possible. The book provides a rich source
of maritime information meant for all persons with an interest in shipping.
Especially for basic studies it is eminently suitable for maritime students
and newcomers in the fleet. For those employed in shipbuilding, shipping
and related fields the work is an efficient work of reference and a
convenient manual. Realizing this book could not have been accomplished
without the help and loyal support from the shipping trade and industry
themselves. Besides pertinent documentation they also supplied expert
knowledge and commentary regarding contents and textual issues, for
which 1 stand in great debt to them.
The author aims at forging a strong link between the contents of the book
and the preferences and views of its readers and any reactions,
recommendations, criticism on their behalf is highly welcome. On the
website free downloads of questions pertaining to each
chapter as well as a glossary of technical terms will be available.
Translations of the glossary into more languages will be available
Table of contents
PAGE 22 2
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PAGE 44 ^
PAGE 82 ^
PAGE 104 G
PACE 160 O
PAGE 174 G
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PAGE 266 J ^
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Shipwlse 1. Introduction
2. Multi-purpose ship
3 Open container ship "Nedlloyd Europa"
Principal Dimensions
2. Propeller
IMOno 8915691
3. Stem
Name Nedlloyd Europa rrir.-*
4. Container with a length of 40 Nedhyd -
Gross Tonnage 48508
feet (FEU) on a 40' stack
Net Tonnage 19254
5. Container with a length of 20
Deadwt Tonnage 50620
feet (TEU) on a 20' stack
Year when Built 1991
6. Accommodation ladder
Engine 41615 hp Sulzer
7. Pilot or bunker door
Ship Builder Mitsubishi H.I.Nagasaki Japan
8. Container guide rail
Speed 23.5 knots
9. Row no 11
Yard Number 1184
10. Row no 04
Dimensions 266.30-32.24-23.25
11. Tier no 08
Depth 12.50
12. Wing tank (water ballast)
Vessel Type Container Ship
13. Service gallery
Call Sign PGDF
14. Fixed stack
Containers 3604 teu
15. Movable stack
Flag Neth.
16. Bay no 15
In Service 1997
17. Bay no 06
18. Tier no 86
19. Cells, hold 1 and 2, for
containers with dangerous
goods (explosives)
20. Container support
21. Breakwater
22. Bulbous bow
Principal Dimensions: Access:
4 Car & Passenger Ferry "Pride of Hull" Stern ramp (I x w)
Delivered: Nov. 2001 12.5x18 m
Product ranker
6. Anchor Handling Tug Supplier (AHTS)
Principal Dimension:
1. Rudder
2. Jet nozzle Length: 23.99 m
Breadth: 6.20 m
3. Propeller
Depth: 2.70 m
4. Engine room
5. Engine room bulkhead Gross Tonnage: 102 G T
Volumes and weights
2 Form coefficients
Midship section coefficient
Block coefficient
Prismatic coefficient
3 Lines plan
4 Drawings
Measurement Treaty
Shipwise All aspccts concerning the measurements of seagoing vessels are arranged in
the certificate of registry act of 1982. Part of the certificate of registry act is the
International treaty on the measurement of ships, as set up by the I M O -
T H E S H A P E OF A S H I P conference in 1969. The treaty applies to seagoing vessels with a m i n i m u m
length of 24 metres and c a m e into force in July 1994.
Perpendicular PlimsoII Mark
Line perpendicular to another line or The PlimsoII mark or Freeboard mark
plane (for instance the water line). On consists of a circle with diameter of
a ship there are: one foot, which through a horizontal
Fore Perpendicular (FPP, or FP) line is drawn with as upper edge the
This line crosses the intersection of centre of the circle. T h i s level
F o r c e s on a ship the water line and the front of the indicates the m i n i m u m f r e e b o a r d
5 stem. insalt water s u m m e r c o n d i t i o n s .
Aft Perpendicular (APP, or AP) Beside the circle is a number of
LAWS AND REGULATIONS This line usually aligns with the horizontal lines indicating the mini-
centerline of the rudder stock (the m u m freeboard as above. S u m m e r
i m a g i n a r y line a r o u n d w h i c h the f r e e b o a r d : S. O t h e r conditions:
C O N S T R U C T I O N OF THE V A R I O U S rudder rotates). Tropical: T. Winter: W. Fresh (water):
SECTIONS Load Line F, Tropical Fresh: TF, and for small
The water line of a ship lying in the ships, less than 100 m: Winter North
CLOSING ARRANGEMENTS water. There are different load lines Atlantic: W N A . All connected by a
f o r different situations, such as: vertical line. For easy checking of the
Light water line position of the Mark, above the mark
L O A D I N G GEAR The water line of a ship carrying only a reference line is drawn: the Deck
,(.! 174 G her regular inventory. line. Normally at the level of the
weather deck, but in case the weather
A N C H O R A N D MOORING GEAR Deep water line deck is not the freeboard deck (e.g.
The water line of m a x i m u m load Ro-Ro), at the level of that deck.
draught in seawater. When the distance is impractically
Water line large, or the c o n n e c t i o n deck
The load line at the s u m m e r mark as shellplate is rounded off (tankers,
calculated in the design of the ship by bulkcarriers), the reference line is
the ship builder. positioned at a lower level. The Mark
Construction water line (CWL) and the Deckline are to be marked
The water line used to determine the permanently on port and starboard-
dimensions of the various c o m p o - side, midlength.
nents f r o m which the vessel is
Base Line
CHAPTER 2 QUESTIONS Top of the keel.
Explanation of the picture at the
S = S u m m e r (for water
with a density of
1.025 t/m3)
W = Winter (ditto)
T = Tropics (ditto)
W N A = Winter North
Atlantic (ditto)
TF = Tropical Fresh water
F = Fresh water
Breadth (B)
The greatest moulded breadth,
measured f r o m side to side outside
the f r a m e s , but inside the shell
Freeboard plating.
Breadth over all
Depth The m a x i m u m breadth of the ship as
(T) m e a s u r e d f r o m the outer hull on
starboard to the outer hull on port side.
The difference between the draught at
the stem and the draught at the stern.
Down and trimmed by the head. I r- Camber 1.3 Proportions
If the draft is larger at the stem, than
at the stern. The ratios of some of the dimensions
Down and trimmed by the stern. d i s c u s s e d a b o v e can be used to
If the draft is larger at the stern, than obtain i n f o r m a t i o n on resistance,
at the stem. stability and manoeuvrability of the
On an even keel, in proper trim. ship. S o m e widely used relations are:
The draft of the stern equals the draft
of the stem. L/B
The ratio of length and breadth can
Depth Sheer differ quite dramatically depending
T h e vertical distance between the This is the upward rise of a ship's on the type of vessel. C o m m o n
base line and the upper continuous deck f r o m amidships towards the values:
deck. The depth is measured at half bow and stern. The sheer gives the Passenger ships 6-8
Lpp at the side of the ship. vessel extra reserve buoyancy at the Freighters 5-7
stem and the stern. Tug boats 3-5
T h e distance between the water line Camber A larger L/B value is favourable for
and the top of the deck at the side (at Gives the athwart-ships curvature of speed, but unfavourable for
the deck line). T h e term s u m m e r the w e a t h e r deck. T h e c u r v a t u r e manoeuvrability.
freeboard means the distance from helps ensure sufficient drainage.
the top of the S-line of the Plimsoll's L/D
mark and the topside of the deck line. Rise of floor The length/depth-ratio. The custo-
Unique to some types of vessels like mary values for L/D varies between
Air draught tugboats and fishing boats. This is 10 and 15. This relation plays a role
The vertical distance between the the upward rise of the lower edges of in the determination of the freeboard
water line and the highest point of the floors f r o m the keel towards the and the longitudinal strength.
the ship. The air draught is measured bilges.
f r o m the s u m m e r mark. If the ship B/T (T = Draught)
has less draught one can ballast until Turn of bilge T h e b r e a d t h / d r a u g h t - r a t i o , varies
it reaches the s u m m e r draught and so Gives the turn of bilge of the ship. between 2.3 and 4.5. A larger breadth
obtain its minimum air draught. in relation to the draught (a larger
B/T-value) gives a greater initial
Register ton
To determine the volume of a space
the register ton is used. O n e register
ton equals 100 eft, or 2.83 m \
An example of a ship with a small depth
Gross Tonnage
T h e gross tonnage is calculated using
a formula that takes into account the
ship's volume in cubic metre below
the main d e c k and the e n c l o s e d
spaces above the main deck.
This is the weight of the hull including the regular inventory. The regular
inventory includes: anchors, life-saving appliances, lubricating oil, paint, etc.
2. F o r m c o e f f i c i e n t s
Waterplane-coellicient (Cw) =
Lpp x Bmld
The midship-coefficient gives the ratio of the area of the midship section (Am)
and the area spanned by Bmld and T.
Midship-coefficient (Cm) =
Bmld x T
The block coefficient gives the ratio of the volume of the underwater body and
the rectangular beam spanned by Lpp. Bmld and T. A vessel with a small block A ship with a small block-coefficient and
coefficient is referred to as 'slim'. In general, fast ships have a small block a large midship section coefficient
Customary values for the block coefficient of several types of vessels:
Tanker 0.80-0.90
Freighter 0.70-0.80
Container vessel 0.60-0.75
Reefer 0.55-0.70
Frigate 0.50-0.55
Block coefticient (Cb) =
Lpp x Bmld x l
water lines
The ordinates
Vertical cross-sections in fore and aft direction are called buttock lines. These
cross-sections are parallel to the plane of symmetry of the ship. W h e n the
buttocks are projected and drawn into one particular view, the result is called a
sheer plan.
Buttock lines
The diagonals are cross-sections of
fore and aft planes that intersect with
the water lines and verticals at a
certain angle. On the longitudinal
plan they show up as straight lines.
The curvature of the water lines and
buttocks are compared to each other
and modified until they are
consistent. When this procedure is
executed, the results can be checked
using the d i a g o n a l s . T h e most The diagonals
c o m m o n diagonal is called the bilge
Nowadays the lines plans are being
made with the aid of computer-
programs that have the possibility to
transform the shape of the vessel
automatically when modifications in
the ship's design require this. When
the linesplan is ready, the programs
may be used to calculate, among
other things, the volume and stability
of the ship.
The lines plan of a container vessel with a length over all of203.5 meters
Cb 0.565
Volume 896 m 3
Bmld 10.080 m
Cm 0.908
2.90 %
1 . , , 1 1 1 , , , I Tin Id 4.500 m
Cp 0.622
KM 5.13 m
L S.000
Lpp = 23.500 m
Cb =0.157
Volume = 9 2 m 3
Bmld = 6.250 m
Cm = 0.305
LCB =-3.16% - 2.500
Tmld = 4.000 m
Cp =0.515
KM = 6.06 m
Lpp = 73.200 m
Cb = 0.637
Volume = 4196 m 3
Bmld = 18.000 m
Cm = 0.933
LCB = -0.75 %
Tmld = 5.000 m
Cp = 0.683
KM = 8.67 m
Heavy cargo ship, multi-purpose.
Lpp = 134.000 m
Cb = 0.710
Volume = 18644 m 3
Bmld = 28.000 m
Cm = 0.992
LCB = -2.24 %
Tmld = 7.000 m
Cp = 0.715
KM = 14.46 m
10. 300
Lpp = 96.000 m
Cb = 0.452
Volume = 1620 m 3
Bmld = 11.500 m
Cm = 0.752
LCB = -2.30 %
Tmld = 3.250 m
Cp = 0.601
KM = 6.17 m Frigate
Lpp = length between perpen- Cm = midship section LCB = point of application of the
diculars coefficient resultant of all upward
Bmld = breadth moulded Cp = prismatic coefficient forces; longitudinal centre
Tmld = draught moulded Volume = volume of the under- of buoyancy (m).
Cb = block coefficient or water body, as measured = Height of meta-centre
coefficient of fineness on the water lines, to the above the keel (m).
outside of the frames (m 3 ).
4. D r a w i n g s
Frame 27 Frarie 76
T h e general plan roughly depicts the
division and arrangement of the ship.
T h e following views are displayed:
containers. star
Web Prone
T a n k t o o load 15 t / n 2
S t a c k l o a d c o n t a i n e r s hold 20 f t - 75 t o n
i 40 f t - 90 t o n
Stackload c o n t a i n e r s on h a t c h e s 20 f t - 30 t o n
(line load) 40 ft - 40 t o n
Equlpmentnr. 994
2 Anchors 2 2 9 5 ko POOL TV
44 nn Stud Chain U3 495 n
Max. long, bendlnonowent 166000 kN.w
Here part of the midship section of the same multi-purpose ship is shown.
Shell expansion of a container- feeder.
4.3 Shell Expansion their locations and the dimensions of Together with the stability and 'light
the structural m e m b e r s (including the weight' particulars, this f o r m s the
In order to get an idea about the plate thickness). basis from which stability
composition of the different plates of c a l c u l a t i o n s can be p e r f o r m e d .
the shell plating and their particulars Safety plan Normally this drawing goes together
(for example hull openings), a shell T h e safety plan is a g e n e r a l with the deadweight scale, which
expansion is drawn. This drawing arrangement plan on which all the gives information about the
can be m a d e in two forms. In one safety devices (for example lifeboats, relationship between draught and for
version the true athwart-length of the life r a f t s , e s c a p e r o u t e s , fire e x a m p l e displacement in fresh and
shell is shown; therefore the length extinguishers) are shown. salt water.
shown in fore and aft direction is not
the real length of the shell. This Docking plan 5. Important data on
results in what seems a s o m e w h a t T h e docking plan is a simplified various ships
distorted image of the ship. T h e other version of the g e n e r a l plan. It
version (shown below) shows a 3D- indicates where the ship should be S h i p o w n e r s h a v e an interest in
like view of the ship. supported by the keel blocks in case promoting their ships as much as
of docking. Furthermore the bottom p o s s i b l e , e s p e c i a l l y the t y p e s of
4.4 Other plans and other tank plugs are shown with cargo their ships can transport. Or to
the type of liquid with which tanks put it in another way: how they can
Construction plan may be filled. earn money. T h e table on the next
This drawing depicts the fore and aft page contains data of a number of
cross-section midships (CL) and the Capacity plan ships which differ very much in the
plan views of the most important This is also a simplified version of type of cargo they can carry. T h e
decks. Sometimes the drawing also the general plan. All tanks and holds abbreviations and other information
includes the watertight and other are indicated with their volumes and are e x p l a i n e d , u n l e s s they h a v e
i m p o r t a n t b u l k h e a d s . It i n d i c a t e s centre of gravity respectively. already been explained in the text.
strengthened for heavy cargoes (2)
Ice Class Finnish/Swedish 1A
Length over all 168.14 m
Breadth moulded 25.20/25.30 m
Height in hold as SID 14.30 m
Heisht in lower hold as TWD 3 height 3.30. 7.00 or 10.25 m
Heisht in tween deck as TWD 3 heights 9.90. 6.20 or 2.95 m
Design draft 10.00 m
Max summer draft 10.65 m
GT abt 16,800 (4)
NT abt 6.900
D E A D W E I G H T all told design draft abt 18,900/18,275 mt (excl/incl TWD) (5)
max summer draft abt 21.150/20.525 mt (excl/incl TWD)
CAPACITY grain = bale hold 0 14,000 cbft 400 m 3 (6)
hold 1 179,000 cbft 5,050 m 3
hold 2/3 662,000 cbft 18,750 m 3
total 855,000 cbft 24,200 m 3
if tween deck installed 63.000 cbft/1,780 m less in holds
F L O O R SPACE tank top total 1.625 (no 0: 50 m 2 . no 1: 340 m2, no 2/3: 1,235 m2) (7)
tween deck total 1,840 m 2 (no 1: 425 m 2 , no 2/3: 1,415 m 2 )
weather deck total 2,800 m 2 (no 0: 50 m2, no 1: 425 m 2 , no 2: 685 m 2 , no 3: 650 m2)
AIR C H A N G E (basis empty holds) abt 20 x per hour (8)
Hold units 478 TEU
Deck units 632 TEU
Total units 1.110 TEU
Max size height up to 9'6", width up to 2,500 mm
limited quantity alternative dimensions such as length 45 ft
Power available for reefer connect. up to 800/900 kW
SIDEPORTS 5 side shifters, each 16t SWL, 500t capacity per hour (10)
HATCHES weather deck no 0: 6.50 x 7.50 mno 1: 25.60 x 17.80/15.20 m (11)
no 2: 38.40 x 17.80 m no 3: 25.60 x 20.40 m
steel, end folding type
tween deck no 1: 25.60 x 17.80/15.20/10.10 m no 2: 38.40 x 17.80 m
under crossbeam: 4.20 x 17.80 m no 3: 25.60 x 20.40 m
consisting of 18 steel pontoons:
1 of 6.37 x 17.72 m 2 of 6.37 x 10.02 m
1 of 6.37 x 15.12 m 5 of 6.37 x 17.72 m
2 of 3 . 1 7 x 1 7 . 7 2 m 4 of 6.37 x 20.32 m
2 of 1.50 x 20.32 m 1 of 4.20 x 17.72 m
Bulkheads/compartments removable pontoons up to 14 compartments at TEU interval
Weather deck hatch covers 1.75 t/m 2 weatherload. 2.00 t/m 2 payload
Tween deck hatch covers hold 1: 7.5 t/m 2 . hold 2: 5,5 t/m 2 , hold 3: 5.0 t/m 2
Tank top 20.0 t/m 2
DECK C R A N E S combinable (13)
Tons/reach 3 of 120 mt SWL/14m and 50 mt SWL/30m
Position 2 x PS (aft and mid) and 1 x SB (forward)
MAIN E N G I N E Wartsila 16,400 HP/12,060 kW Bowthruster 1.155 HP/850 kW (14)
Speed ballast abt 20.0 knots
design draft aht 19.6 knots
max laden abt 19.2 knots
Fuel consumption per day abt 45 mt IFO 380 cSt
no MDO at sea, except for maneuvering
Intermediate Fuel Oil 1.700 m 3
Marine Diesel Oil 180 m 3
BALLAST CAPACITY 7,200 m 3 (16)
5.1 General cargo ship
'TrjBaamijr ffl I
5.2 Refrigerated vessel
GT/NT: 11.382/6.408
Loa: 155 m
Beam: (3) 24 m
Summer draught: 10,1 m
Compartments: (4) 4/4/15
Ventilation/Air changes: (5) Vertical / 90
Different temps: (6) 8/2 per hold
Cranes: 2 x 40 t
Pallet cranes: 2 x8t
Container capacity: (7) 294 TEU plus 60 FEU
or 207 FEU
Reefer plugs: (8) 185
Speed banana laden: (9) abt. 21.5 knots
Flag: panama Consumption (reefer plant): (10) abt. 49 MT IFO 380 RMG 35
Call sign: H.3.E.Y. Aux: (11) abt. 6 MT IFO 380 RMC. 35
Lloyds No: (1) 9167801 1.800 MT IFO 380 RMG 35
Built: 2000 Tank capacity: (12) 150 MT MDO DMA
DWT: (2) 12.902 mt Bowthrusler
Additional Features:
Explanation on the specifications of the "Comoros Stream"
(1) L l o y d ' s number is also the IMO-registration number of the ship, even after a change of ownership, this
number stays with the vessel.
(2) Dead weight
(3) Breadth
(4) The number of holds, hatches and compartments. Most holds have three tween decks resulting in a hold
which is divided into 4 compartments.
(5) The ventilation is vertical. The entire hold capacity can be replenished 90 times per hour.
(6) N u m b e r of isolated compartments where the temperature can be adjusted separately of the other
compartments; two per hold.
(7) T h e vessel can transport 294 T E U s + 60 F E U s or 207 FEUs.
(8) Ship can supply 185 containers with electricity.
(9) If the vessel is fully laden with bananas, the m a x i m u m speed is 21.5 knots.
(10) The daily fuel consumption ( including the refrigerating plant) is approximately 4 9 tons of Intermediate Fuel
Oil 380 (old notation) or Residual Machine G35. the viscosity is 35 est (at 100 C). G gives the quality of
the viscosity.
(11) T h e daily fuel consumption of the auxiliaries is 6 tons.
(12) Capacity of the fuel tanks is 1800 tons R M G and 180 tons D M A (Distillate Marine Fuels, A is gas oil).
Tank capacity
Fuel: 217 cbm
Ballast: 1307 cbm
Flag: Dutch Fresh water 24 cbm
Built: 1998 / 1999
Type: boxed shape / sid Engine equipment
D.W.T.: (1) 2964 mt Main engine: Wartsila 8L20
D.W.C.C Summer: (2) 2800 mt Output: 1320 bhp
GT / NT: 2056/ 1168 Consumption: Abt. 10.5 knots on
L.O.A.: 88.95 m abt. 5.500 litres MGO
B.O.A.: 12.50 m
Draught laden: (3) 04.34 m
Air draught: (4) 09.30 m
Classification: (5) B.V. 1 3/3 E cargo-
ship deepsea - BRG
Trading area: unrestricted waters
incl. river Rhine
Container intake (total): 108 teus
Cubic capacity GR / BA: 151.000 cbft
Movable bulkhead: 2
Tanktop strength: 15 mt/m2
Hatch strength: 1 mt/m 2
5.4 Ferry
Length o.a.: 172.90 m
Length b.p.: 160.58 m
Breadth moulded: 25.70 m
Depth maindeck: 9.40 m
Depth upperdeck: 15.10 m
Design draught: 6.35 m
Total power at MCR: (1) 44,480 kW
Trial speed at design draught: 28 kts
Passenger capacity: 1.600
No of passenger cabins: 160
Dead weight: 4.500 T
Trailer lane length: (2) 1.780 m
Car lane length: (3) 450 m
(1) Marpol requirements. Annex 1: oil products, Annex II: liquid chemicals.
(2) The tanks are constructed of duplex stainless steel.
(3) Sloptanks are tanks that collect the tank washing water.
History of modern shipping
Classification of ships in
The early developments
Definition of "Offshore"
Stages of Offshore activities
Brief description of offshore
1. History of modern shipping
A M O D E R N E N C Y C L O P E D I A 1.1 The development of regular service liners during the 19th
and the first half of the 20th century.
The period from 1800 until the Second World War saw the rise of the regular
service liners. This was the result of the transport of cargo and passengers
between Europe and the colonies in the East and the West, and the increasing
number of emigrants leaving for North America.
1.2 After World War 11.
Bitumen tanker A traditional multi-purpose ship,
Passenger liners have been superseded 2.2 Other ships. 3 Brief discussion on
almost entirely by aeroplanes, several types of ships.
b e c a u s e of the large d i s t a n c e s Fishing vessels:
involved. However, after 1990 the Trawlers The discussion of the vessels below
n u m b e r of p a s s e n g e r ships that Other types of fishing vessels includes a general description, dimen-
s p e c i a l i z e in luxury c r u i s e s have sions and other characteristics. For
increased enormously. Vessels providing services for shipping: instance, important f e a t u r e s f o r a
Seagoing tugs container vessel are the m a x i m u m
2 Classification of ships Harbour tugs number of containers it can carry and
in types. Icebreakers the deadweight. For a passenger liner,
Pilot vessels the deadweight is not important, but
In this overview types of vessels are Coast guard vessels the number of passengers is. A tug
categorized. It is by no m e a n s a Research vessels boat has to possess a high bollard
complete overview. S o m e vessels can pull, whereas that is not important for
be placed in more than one category. Salvage: a dredger.
2.1 Ships for the transport of Shear legs
cargo and passengers Diving vessels
Bale and unit cargo:
Container vessels Construction and infrastructure:
Heavy-cargo vessels Dredgers
Multipurpose vessels Cable layers
Cattle ships Shear legs
Container feeder
Generation period area of navigation containers vessels
1 before 1966 local services near Pre-ISO. L * b * h = Predominantly
the coast, USA 35'*17'*24* modified ships, with
Australia own cargo gear.
2 after 1966 Short international ISO-standard. L = 20'
services, U S A , or 40'. B = 8 \ H = 8' or Container vessels of
Europe. Australia, 8'6" 700-1500 T E U
Japan, etc..
3 after 1971 Long international High cube High speed container
and intercontinental containers. H=9' and vessels bigger than
services 9'6". 2000 TEU.
4 after 1984 Around the globe, Deviations f r o m Container vessels
also China, India and ISO-standard. E.g. bigger than 3000
African countries. 1=45' TEU
3.3 Heavy-cargo ships Characteristics cargo, for instance cars and trucks.
- Carrying capacity Compared to multipurpose vessels,
Heavy-cargo ships can be divided - M a x i m u m deck load reefers have:
into: - Dimensions of holds and decks - smaller coamings
- semi-submersible heavy-lift ships - Lifting capacity per crane and - more tweendecks
- conventional heavy-lift ships m a x i m u m height above deck. - loading gear with a limited lifting
- dock-ships (semi-submersible) capacity of about 4 0 tons.
Possible cargo
- Trucks
- passengers
- cars
An ore carrier being discharged by a lighter. - trains
- trailers (with containers)
Ships transporting ore have a special ramps in the side or stern which also
design. Ore is very heavy, (stowage function as a driveway. Because the Characteristics
factor is approximately 0.5 m 3 /t) and r a m p s m a y not b e d e f o r m e d t o o - number of cars or trucks
thus ships only need small holds to be much. RoRos are equipped with an - lane length
loaded completely. To prevent a too antiheeling system which automatically - height between decks
large stability the holds must not be distributes water between two op- - n u m b e r of passengers
situated too low or too close to the posing ballast tanks. To prevent the - carrying capacity
sides of the ship. S o m e bulkcarriers cargo from moving in bad weather,
can also function as a tanker. This the vehicles are fastened using a 3.8 Cruise ships
combination carrier is called an Ore lashing system. During loading and
Bulk Oil ( O B O ) carrier. discharging additional ventilation is Except in some archipelagos areas, as
required to get rid of the exhaust the Philippines and Indonesia, the
Possible cargo fumes. traditional p a s s e n g e r liners h a v e
- Coal disappeared. International and inter-
- Ore continental transport of passengers is
- grain and other agricultural products n o w a l m o s t c o m p l e t e l y d o n e by
- fertiliser aircraft. The modern cruise ships are
- cement used for making luxurious holiday
- light minerals trips to distant countries and ports. On
board there is a w h o l e r a n g e of
Characteristics Ro-Ro carrier facilities for relaxation like
- Carrying capacity (t) s w i m m i n g pools, c i n e m a s , bars,
- Cargo volume (ra 3 ) - Ro-Ro car and passenger ferries casinos, theatres etc.
A l m o s t all f e r r i e s transport both
3.7 Roll on Roll off passengers and vehicles, whether they Possible cargo
are navigating inland waterways or - passengers
- Ro-Ro carriers the o c e a n s and seas. T h e vessels
To facilitate the transport of mobile usually shuttle between two ports on a Characteristics
cargo, Ro-Ro vessels have continuous very tight schedule. The passengers - m a x i m u m n u m b e r of passengers
decks, spanning the entire length of drive their own cars on board via a - n u m b e r of cabins according to size,
the ship. As a result of this the vessel ramp, which is either part of the ship, luxury and location on the ship.
loses its stability rapidly if water placed on the quay, or a combination
enters the decks after a collision or a of these two. F e m e s have the same Without exception, these vessels are
burst side door. In connection with type of decks as the R o - R o carriers, equipped with very good air
this, the safety regulations for these and therefore they f a c e the s a m e conditioners. Stability fins limit the
vessels have been sharpened in the p r o b l e m s w h e n w a t e r floods the rolling to 2- ultimately 4. Even
last f e w y e a r s ( 2 0 0 3 ) by the decks. modern cruise ships with sails have
requirement of division doors. no noticeable list when sailing. The
number of persons on board can be as
The tweendecks of these ships are high as 4000; the crew is half or two
often adjustable in height. Loading third that number.
and d i s c h a r g i n g p r o c e e d s via the
The building of large luxurious motor
and sailing yachts is very similar to
the building of commercial ships, but
with more emphasis on the finish and
Possible cargo
- none or some passengers
- dimensions
- total sail area and nature of the
Navigating through unknown territories on a luxuty ship
- motor power
3.9 Cattle ships Characteristics - number of cabins and number of
- total deck area (m 2 ) berths
Cattle ships transport livestock such - stable system - luxury
as sheep f r o m Australia to the Far - floor system - seaworthiness
East, a n d c o w s f r o m N o r t h w e s t - manure system
Europe to the Mediterranean. T h e 3.11 Fishing vessels
holds are set up as stables. The silos 3.10 Yachts
with fodder are located at the main or - Trawlers
lower d e c k . S h e e p are o f t e n fed Yachts can be distinguished as motor Trawlers are fishing vessels which
automatically, while c o w s are fed yachts and sailing yachts with an drag their nets through the water. In
semi-automatically: the f e e d is auxiliary motor. These vessels are pelagic fishery, the nets are sus-
mechanically moved f r o m the silo to purchased by and used for: pended between the water surface
the deck where it is then distributed to - private individuals for use in leisure and the seabed. In bottom fishery, the
the a n i m a l s by m e a n of w h e e l - time; these yachts have a length of net is dragged over the seabed, which
barrows. A network of conveyor belts 10 to 20 metres.
and lifts dumps the manure - Wealthy persons w h o use the yacht
overboard. A proper air conditioning as their (temporary) domicile,
is required: at least 45 air changes per either for leisure or for
hour are necessary. To achieve a low representative purposes;
stability cattle ships are very slender - C o m p a n i e s which use the yachts for
ships. This prevents the animals from representative purposes: these
breaking their legs when the ship yachts have a length of
e x p e r i e n c e s rolling. T h e s l e n d e r approximately 15 metres or more.
shape of the fore ship also prevents - Private individuals or c o m p a n i e s
too much pitching. who buy the yacht for races.
- Large yachts used in chartering; the
Possible cargo length of these yachts starts at
- Livestock like cows, sheep, goats, approximately 15 metres.
camels, horses etc.
Possible cargo
- sand
- gravel
- stratum or clayish soil
- (port) mud
- p u m p capacity
- depth range
- hold volume (the largest is 13,000 m 3 )
- carrying capacity
A cable ship
The table below briefly highlights the main activities of Offshore and of the vessels / units in use to facilitate the
availability of "Oil & Gas".
b.l Jack-ups
T h e J a c k - u p drilling rig ( o f t e n
shortened to "Jack-up" or "Drilling
rig" is used f o r exploration drilling in
approx. 10 metres to max. 150 metres
water depth. The Jack-up barge is a
triangulary or a rectangularly shaped
barge that is towed to the work
location. At the location the barge
raises its deck alongside the legs with
the lower ends of the legs resting on
the seabed.
Jack-up barges are mainly used for
exploration drilling (usually 3 legged) Jack-up rig in a jacked up position.
and as a work barge for construction
w o r k (typically 4 - l e g g e d ) . L o n g 1. Drilling derrick 7. Leg
distance transport of Jack-ups is by 2. A-frame 8. Deck crane
towing with a tug (wet tow) or by 3. C r o w n block 9. A c c o m m o d a t i o n
heavy lift transport ship. (See photo 4. Monkey board 10. Helideck
section 3.3 of this chapter) 5. Drill floor 11. Deck incl. tanks & workspaces
6. Jacking gear & jack houses 12. Cantilever, supporting the derrick.
b.2 Drilling ship
A ship-shaped drilling ship is used for
drilling exploration and production
wells in m e d i u m to deep water ( f r o m
150 to 3 0 0 0 metres water depth).
9. Lifeboat station
frPIt? radio or hydro-acoustic beacons
10. M.O.B. Boat or (D) GPS.
11. Deck cranes
12. Floater
13. Sponson (addional
On top of a jacket, various items
are to be fitted and interconnected.
These parts are pre-fabricated as
far as practicable, and as squarely
as possible, so that, when placed
on top of the jacket, and after
fixing them permanently to the
structure of the j a c k e t , only
connections between these items
h a v e to be m a d e . T h e s e pre-
fabricated structures, often box-
s h a p e d are called M O D U L E S .
Crane vessel installing fixed platforms T h e weight of each module is
limited by the weight the available
offshore crane unit can handle.
e.l Fixed Production Platforms.
Fixed P r o d u c t i o n P l a t f o r m s are
prefabricated onshore, transported on
barges to their final p r o d u c t i o n
locations at sea and subsequently
they are installed and completed to
facilitate the actual oil / gas produc-
tion. The platform can be subdivided
into the following main components:
Schematic view of the process and storage on hoard an FPSO with an external turret Anchor Handling Tiig (AHT) g.2b Multipurpose Support Vessel (MSV) shaped or of the semi-submersible
An anchor handling tug is used to set A m u l t i p u r p o s e s u p p o r t vessel is type. Often an M S V also has facilities
and retrieve a n c h o r s of m o o r e d somewhat similar to a diving support for divers and can work as a DSV.
offshore units and for towing these vessel, but has no facilities for divers.
units. T h e A H T often looks similar to Without diving operations, the DP g.3 Standby vessels and chase vessels
a PSV, but has a shorter aft deck and requirements are less stringent. M S V s Standby vessels stay in the neigh-
an open stern with a stern roll to be can be used for a large variety of tasks bourhood of platforms or offshore
able to pull anchors on the deck. If the like: operations to perform rescue opera-
anchor handler can also function as a -survey work (e.g. seabed, pipeline, tions in case of emergencies. Chase
s u p p l i e r it is called an A n c h o r subsea structure); vessels are used to chase ships away
Handling Tug Supplier (AHTS). -(subsea) construction, installation f r o m platforms, offshore operations
(see illustration chapter 1, section 9) and maintenance or repair work; or seismic survey vessels and for
-trenching of cables or pipelines; supply operations. Of course these
g.2a Diving Support Vessel (DSV) -installation of flexibles; tasks can be combined in one ship.
Diving support vessels are used to -well intervention and workover Often converted fishing vessels are
support divers doing inspection, services. used for this.
construction or repair work on subsea
ipL ;
structures. To facilitate the diving M S V s typically h a v e a relatively I
operations D S V s have diving bell(s) large accommodation, a heli-deck, a
and decompression chambers for the flat work-deck aft, (heave-
divers. A moonpool is used to lower compensated) crane(s) and/or an A- RESCUETO
3 Delivery
'^"(BSTfiSijpjai s
Length o.a. 139.95 M
Length p.p. 134.70 M
Rule lenght Bur. Ver. 132.31 M
Breadth moulded 21.00 M
Depth moulded 10.60 M
Draft summer freeboard CA. 8.06 M
Design Draft 6.90 M
Deadweight (6.90mtr) appr. 11700 ton
Deadweight (8.06 mtr) appr. 14800 ton
Draft scantling 8.10 M
Total engine output 5400kW
Service speed 14 Kn
Gross tonnage approx. 8550 GT
Cargotanks 100% appr. 16000 m3
Slobtank appr. 380 m3
Washwater / ballast tank appr. 247 m3
Ballast water appr. 6014 m3
Potable water appr. 99 m3
HFO appr. 725 m3
Gasoil appr. 114m3
26 Rue de CAMPILLEAU 3 3 5 2 0 BRUGES (FRANCE)
Tet (33)56 16 15 14 / For (33) 56 57 64 74 / Tder 560828 Petro
General Arrangement
Postbuj 108
Sander bv
-A general arrangement plan for a oil/gas/chemical tanker
1.3 The tender describes the ship in detail and has a 10% of the total building price is
fully elaborated general arrangement estimated.
After having studied all the offers, the plan. The shipyard assigns a yard
shipping c o m p a n y will make a number to the future ship, which is In many countries there exists a good
definitive choice for a particular stated on all the drawings and co-operation between the various
design. This leads to a preliminary documentation. At this point the clock shipyards, and standardisation has led
estimate of construction or preli- starts to tick for the time of
minary building plan, a document that construction.
may be as large as 200 pages. The
preliminary building plan is then sent 2. D e s i g n a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n
to two or three shipyards for an offer.
This procedure is called a tender, and The building time, as agreed in the
participating in it is called "to contract, comprises the design phase
tender". Sometimes the EU demands and the building phase. The building
an "open tender" in which other time varies between 6 and 24 months.
shipyards, if they are from the EU, A building group is formed by the
can partake. shipping company and the shipyard
who both appoint people, who are ,
It can sometimes take months for the each person in his or her own field of
shipyards to calculate an accurate expertise, responsible for the entire A cross-section on a screen
price from the tender, but they still do building process until the delivery.
not receive any money; there are still to a better match of products and
no obligations. Finally the order will 2.1 The design department computer-programme. This makes it
be granted to one of the shipyards. In (engineering) increasingly easy for shipyards to
this choice, not just the price is taken build parts for each other.
into consideration, but also other The design department is often called
factors like the reputation of the the drawing office, even though 2.2 Specialist knowledge
shipyard (working within budget and nowadays there is not a single
time) and if the shipyard has drawing table to be found. The ship is For certain difficult areas of design,
constructed a vessel for the shipping worked out in detail in construction specialist research and engineering
company before. drawings (or sheer plan or working firms are approached. These firms
plan) and floor plans. The schemes of will produce work for:
1.4 The estimate of construction all the mechanical, hydraulic,
pneumatic, and electrical systems are - the optimisation of the shape of the
After this preparation, often lasting a detailed and the accommodation is ship
year, the parties involved sign the drawn in. - calculations on noise and vibrations
final building contract. The building - the optimisation of the propellers,
contract establishes all the legal Certain essential drawings have to be ducts and rudders
positions and commercial conditions submitted to the classification society
between the shipyard, the shipping where the ship is to be registered. And Research on the shape is done both by
company and often also the financier. even though people from the shipping computer calculations and results of
Now that the building contract has company are in the building group, model testing in one of the model
been signed, all the parties have some drawings still need approval tanks. The resistance curves for
obligations that start with the down from the management of the shipping example are obtained by measuring
payment and end with the delivery on company. Furthermore, the whole of the required propulsion power at
completion and the final payment. the design has to live up to (legal) different draughts and speed. In
demands of the classification bureau, addition to this, research is done on
Within the contract there will be a who regularly send their inspectors to the influence of swell on the speed,
provision to allow for adjustment of the shipyard to assure compliance the necessary propulsion power,
the price should any changes be made with initially approved drawings. navigability, the rolling and pitching
to the original design at some stage There are shipyards that have a small behaviour and manoeuvrability. In the
during the building contract. For any design department. They will contract case of very large ships, research is
alterations or components of which the design out to an independent done on the extreme forces and
the price is unknown the price will be marine engineering office, or they moments of inertia that arise in the
estimated and included with any other will co-operate with other shipyards. ship in case of heavy swell.
estimates. The payment will be The working out of all the details to a
settled at a later date in accordance complete and approved set of The optimisation of the ship's shape is
with the provisions made within the drawings takes tens of thousands or a very laborious task where
contract. Part of the building contract even hundreds of thousands of hours. measuring and calculating go hand in
is the estimate of construction, which This is costly; as a rule of thumb up to hand.
Wave-pattern before optimisation Wave-pattern after optimisation
2.3 Planning
In the figure above the wave patterns is accounted for in the optimisation
of a ship at a certain velocity before process, there are many other effects
and after optimisation are depicted. that can further minimize wave
The optimisation procedure has resistance.
reduced the wave resistance because
the ship makes fewer waves after
optimisation. The bulb stem has
already reduced this resistance
because the wave produced by the
bulb stem counteracts the bow wave. A plate cutter
However, this is only one effect that
Monkey island
Bridge wing
v Movable bulkheac
Bulkhead in
Uptake ^ tweendeck
Fore peak section
position Chain
Bottom panel
Bottom panel
Bottom panel
Engine room casing
Stern section
A midship section, is
^ Bottom panel formed by two side panels
and a bottom panel.
Sternpost Engine
- pre-treatment
- building by panel
- building by section
- building of hull and deckhouse
- painting
- launching
- fitting out and subsequently
- trials at the shipyard
- sea trial
1. General
2. Longitudinal strength
4. Local stress
5. Ship in waves
6. Stiffening
T u t SHAPE o r A SHIP
The pattern of forces on a ship is very
complicated and largely depends on
the following parameters:
" 13
E x a m p l e s of static:
- A swing with a child is slowly pushed forwards f r o m rest. This is a
static movement because the force exerted on the swing is absorbed
- A crane on a ship is loading a ship with cargo. As the cargo runner is
stiffened, the ship lists slowly. This is a static m o v e m e n t because the
ship absorbs the force that lifts the weight instantaneously.
E x a m p l e s of dynamic
- The same swing is pushed forwards suddenly. The weight of the swing
cannot absorb this sudden burst of force and gets out of control. This is
a dynamic motion.
CHAPTER 5 QUESTIONS - T h e same crane has lifted the weight several metres. The weight
VISIT suddenly snaps and falls on the quay. This causes the ship to list
violently to the other side. The ship is unable to absorb the sudden
change in weight and, as a result, acquires a dynamic motion.
differences between upward pressure upward pressure. In the drawing on The longitudinal forces occur
and the local weight give rise to the right a part of the aft ship is because:
shearing forces that lead to depicted along with the shearing force a. the weights in the ship are not
longitudinal tensions. The shearing near a bulkhead. The shearing force at homogeneous in the fore and aft
force is the force that wants to shift the bulkhead is 400-200=200 tons. direction
the (athwart-ship) plane from one part The d o w n w a r d force causes a b. the upward pressure differs
of the ship to another. The submerged hogging moment of 400t x 6m. The because of the shape of the
part of the ship clearly shows the upward force causes a sagging underwater body
difference in volume between the moment of 200t x 3m. The bending
midships, the fore- and the aft ship; moment at the bulkhead is: 2400tm-
this is the reason for the difference in 600tm = 1800tm hogging.
sheering force
The submerged part of this ship clearly shows the difference in volume between the midships
200 tons shearing force at
section and the aft ship. This explains the difference in upward pressure.
this bulkhead
Buoyancy force
The black vectors represent the upward pressure and the weight of the ship.
The red vectors give the resultant per section.
Initial draught
t t t
The black vectors give the resultant shearing forces between the different compartments.
The red vectors give the resultant per section.
2.2 Explaining bending moments
The ship is partially in a trough. In this case the fore ship will experience a large
sagging moment while the aft ship experiences a large hogging moment.
fig 1 fig 2
J _ t t
r i i i
load curve
bending moment
The mean resultant per compartment called summing. The sum of the areas take the shape of the bending moment
is given as a vector on the line below. above the baseline has to equal the line if this has only one extreme
sum of the areas below the baseline. (maximum) value.
The load curve gives the difference The situation in figures 1 and 2 is
of the up- and downward forces per The shearing forces are expressed in called a hogging condition and the
metre at each point on the baseline. tons. situation in figures 3, 4, 5 and 6 is
The sum of the areas above the called a sagging condition. Around
baseline and the areas below the The bending moment is determined the half height of the vessel there is a
baseline should be equal. by summing the shearing forces going "neutral zone". Here there are hardly
The shearing force curve gives a sum from left to right. any tension or compression stresses.
of the shearing forces on the right part However, especially at the ends of the
produced by the left side, going from The bending moment is expressed in vessel, heavy horizontal shearing
left to right. If the direction of the tonmetre (tm). If the shearing force stress can occur.
force is changing (from upward to curve changes from rising to falling
downward or vice versa), the shearing or vice versa, the bending moment
force curve will change from rising to will bend at the bending point from
falling or vice versa. The shearing "hollow" to "round" or vice versa.
force curve has an extreme value at When the shearing force curve
the points where the direction of the crosses the baseline, the bending
force is changing. Converting the moment line will change from rising
load curve to a shear force curve is to falling or vice versa. The ship will
fig 4 fig 5
calm water wavetop
bending mc)ment
2.3 Longitudinal reinforcements Situation 1
Only the holds in the fore and the aft Explanation of the above pictures:
T h e preceding shows that the biggest ship are loaded, resulting in a great
stresses occur in the outer fibres: in hogging moment. The graph shows 1. Upper strake side bulkhead
the shear strake, bilge strake, upper that the bending moment reaches the (22 m m )
strake of the side b u l k h e a d and limit for seagoing condition. There- 2. Main deck or gangway (14 m m )
b o t t o m strakes. T h i s is were the fore, this is a dangerous situation. 3. Longitudinal or side bulkhead
thickest plating is a p p l i e d . T h e D u r i n g ( u n ) l o a d i n g in port this (9 m m )
pictures a b o v e show a view that bending moment is still allowable.
4. Deck beam (HP-profile)
clearly emphasizes the difference in The d i f f e r e n c e between m a x i m u m
5. Deck beam (flat bar)
plate thickness between the upper allowable bending m o m e n t s at sea
6. Longitudinal f r a m e (HP-profile)
strake of the side bulkhead and the level and in the harbour c o m e s f r o m
side bulkhead just below it. In this the additional bending m o m e n t s due 7. Web f r a m e with plate stiffeners
ship ( c o n t a i n e r f e e d e r ) the u p p e r the waves at sea. around manhole.
strake of the side bulkhead is about Situation 2 8. Inner side of the shell with
2.5 times as thick as the continuous The cargo is distributed equally over stringer.
side bulkhead. The place where the the whole ship, resulting in modest 9. Stringers on the side bulkhead.
plate thickness changes (from 22 m m shear forces and bending moments.
to 9 m m ) is called the taper. Because part of the cargo is placed on
the main deck, the initial stability
2.4 The loading programme (GMO) is negative. This means that
the centre of gravity (G) is above the
W h e n the ship's officer has entered metacentre (M) when the ship has no
the weight of all the items on the ship list. W h e n the ship starts listing M
into the l o a d i n g p r o g r a m m e , the will m o v e u p w a r d s d u e to the
computer can calculate the stability, w i d e n i n g of the w a t e r l i n e till it
shearing f o r c e s and b e n d i n g mo- reaches G. In case of an increasing
ments. The program compares the difference between G and M the ship
p r e s e n t situation with the requi- will eventually capsize.
r e m e n t s and r e g u l a t i o n s of the Situation 3
classification bureau and the proper Only the holds in the midship section
authorities. T h e f o l l o w i n g p a g e s are loaded. Because of this the ship
contain a number of examples of experiences a large sagging moment.
loading situations as the computer on The maximum bending moment
board depicts these. T h e situations e x c e e d s the a c c e p t a b l e b e n d i n g
have been greatly exaggerated for moment for seagoing condition at
clarity. Of the total loading Vi L (frame 108) by 2 % . In port this is
programme, only a f e w (shortened) still permissible. See also the table
pages are shown. "strength summary" and the graph of
bending moments.
Pressure distribution for a hogging condition
Two computer simulations which show the tension and compressive stresses in hogging condition.
02 01
-3.601 72.851 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7.800 61.450 -53 -3403 401 26598 270 17727 0 0 0 0 617 3012
34.625 34.625 -1912 -86886 1798 97873 507 28087 284 10774 462 19448 1139 29862
51.200 18.050 -4038 -142256 2914 125683 721 33685 909 27895 462 19448 968 46982
I 74.300 -5.050 -7335 -163783 3891 132865 1440 38091 909 27895 462 19448 -633 51319
| 90.025 -20.775 -9304 -138955 4788 122453 1739 34379 909 27895 693 15618 -1176 36962
110.860 -41.610 -11017 -87478 5396 102487 2277 16923 1329 12914 1046 4026 -968 8584
133.900 -64.650 -11764 -49577 5934 74204 2669 -2502 1826 -11267 1302 -8487 -34 186
146.501 -77.251 -11910 -39430 6089 63392 2694 -4208 1826 -11267 1302 -8487 0 15
S { 2
07 06 ] [ 05 04 03 | [ 02 01
7 B 7A 6 B 6A rSC-, 5 B 5A 4 B 4A 3 B 3A r2C-, 2 B 2A 1B 1A_
1 1 it , i I I Z ] C I_J I i. ill z
ooLimit, Harbour
1000t SHEAR FORCE xxLimit, Seagoing
Shear Force and Bending Moment Results
-3.601 72.851 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7.800 61.450 -470 -31165 401 26598 220 14265 0 0 0 0 150 488
34.625 34.625 -3747 -182130 1798 97873 361 20887 842 31981 462 19448 -284 -2098
51.200 18.050 -6737 -260427 2914 125683 613 27147 2633 81197 882 31066 306 -854
74.300 -5.050 -10983 -288729 3891 132865 1333 31553 4103 90039 1540 33779 -117 -1081
90.025 -20.775 -13402 -258328 4788 122453 1631 27841 5197 75390 2037 27744 251 318
110.860 -41.610 -15406 -198358 5396 102487 1742 25332 5773 60624 2390 16152 -105 1882
133.900 -64.650 -16197 -158411 5934 74204 1747 25023 5853 56719 2646 3640 -17 91
146.501 -77.251 -16340 -148428 6089 63392 1752 24681 5853 56719 2646 3640 -0 -27
t 1 r
15 10 10 15 20 25 30
-3.601 72.851 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7.800 61.450 -144 -9411 401 26598 220 14265 0 0 0 0 476 2217
34.625 34.625 -2661 -123187 1798 97873 305 18602 0 0 0 0 -558 12621
74.300 -5.050 -9763 -223138 3891 132865 1125 23786 3800 21874 658 2713 -290 -43362
90.025 -20.775 -12518 -188139 4788 122453 1521 18810 6519 -13967 1155 -3322 1466 -33716
110.860 -41.610 -15155 -108364 5396 102487 1684 15013 7500 -37139 1260 -5704 685 -5188
133.900 -64.650 -16367 -47067 5934 74204 1689 14704 7500 -37139 1260 -5704 15 -5
146.501 -77.251 -16538 -35252 6089 63392 1689 14704 7500 -37139 1260 -5704 -0 -12
70 0.49 m
Container COG 50 %
3 Torsion of the hull
Two drawings of a modern, double-hull tanker built using the longitudinal system
Plating Stiffenings on the plating Plate-stiffeners Holds
1. Shell 8. Side longitudinals 13 Tie beam or cross-tie 20. Wing ballast tank
2. Longitudinal bulkhead 9. Bottom frame / 14. Stringer 21. Double bottom
(of the inner hull) Longitudinal 15. Stringer deck 22. Cargo tank
3. Transverse bulkhead 10. Inner bottom 16. Watertight floor
4. Longitudinal bulkhead longitudinal 17. Full floor
5. Lower hopper 11. Bulkhead stiffener 18. Watertight side keelson
6. Tanktop 12. Stiffener with brackets 19. Web frame
7. Bottom
1 Wheelhouse front windows 17 Transverse full floor
2 Wheelhouse rear windows 18 Stringer
3 Portside funnel 19 Stern fender
4 Starboardside funnel 20 Sternroller, for
5 Mast anchor handling
6 Deckhouse top (location for 21 Bulwark toprail, gunwale
raft / rescueboat) 22 Thruster nozzle
7 Foredeck 23 Poop deck, working deck.
8 Forward bitts 24 Rubbing bar
9 Forward bulwark with 25 Deck beam
fairlead 26 Transverse bulkhead
10 Location bow fender 27 Location towing winch
11 Side bollard forward 28 Steering-gear room
12 Bilge keel 29 Side bollard aft
13 Towing bitt 30 Longitudinal bulkhead
14 Sideshell transverse frame (Tailshaft tunnel)
15 Deck bracket 31 Bilge plating
16 Bilge bracket
1. IMO
A M O D E R N E N C Y C L O P E D I A Within the United Nations, maritime affairs are taken care of by the
International Maritime Organization, in abbreviation, IMO. The main
objective, from the first conference in 1948 up to its entry into force in 1958,
is improvement of safety at sea.
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PAGE 244 Y 2
PAGE 266 J ^
Designed, approved and surveyed to withstand the roughest seas.
PAGE 280 J ^ The governing body is the Assembly, as 1914, but due to World War I never
with Committees for the different came into force. A number of safety
objectives. Safety is dealt with by the conventions have been implemented
MSC, the Marine Safety Committee. since; the last one SOLAS 1974, with
PAGE 302 J ^
amendments, is now valid.
M E P C , the Marine Environment M A R P O L started only in 1954,
Protection Committee deals with dealing with oil pollution. Now
PAGE 122 Y fi
pollution problems. MARPOL 73/78 with various
amendments is valid.
The above has resulted in two major
CHAPTER 6 QUESTIONS issues: S O L A S and MARPOL. The above Conventions resulted in
VISIT The former deals with the Safety of worldwide recognised certificates
Life at Sea, SOLAS, and the latter which ships have to carry, after being
with Marine Pollution, or Marpol. surveyed to ensure that they meet the
Through the years many protocols requirements. A variety of compul-
sory equipment has to be type- For bulk carriers a special certificate
approved by Flagstate(s) and/or has been created in connection with
Classification Society. the transport of Solid Bulk Cargoes.
These cargoes have been categorized
2. Certificates A, B and C, depending on their
hazards. For each of these cargoes
The following certificates are in use: there are special requirements.
liter m e d i a t e
Initial Special
1st a n n u a l 2nd annual i 3rd annual 1 111 a n n u a l
m 1 m 1
All r e l e v a n t p e r s o n n e l must be
informed of the results of these audits
and the measures taken. The manage-
ment must correct all shortcomings.
Internal audits are usually p e r f o r m e d
b. External audits
External audits are performed by the
bureau of classification under
For Class and ISM, ships have to dry-dock two times in five years
supervision of the Flagstate. If the
4.2 Objectives The Flagstate issues the D O C , but organisation lives up to the standards
only a f t e r an official b u r e a u of set, the shore organisation receives
The objectives of the ISM-code are: classification has approved the safety the D O C and the ship the S M C .
- to satisfy all relevant national and management system. The DOC
international laws like S O L A S , remains valid for a period of five
M A R P O L , ISM, Class and years, p r o v i d e d that the annual 5. International organisation
Labour laws surveys by the bureau of classifi- for standardisation (ISO),
- creating a permanent awareness of cation yield good results. Quality management
safe behaviour by the personnel systems.
on board and ashore b. The ships
- ensuring a readiness to act The ships can get a safety ISO has drawn up the ISO 9 0 0 0
effectively in emergencies m a n a g e m e n t certificate ( S M C ) if the standard. This standard sets d e m a n d s
- guaranteeing safety at sea D O C has been issued to the shipping f o r m a t t e r s that an o r g a n i s a t i o n
- preventing accidents and d a m a g e c o m p a n y . T h e S M C also r e m a i n s should have or do in such a way that
to environment valid for a five year period. During the customer can be confident that the
this period there should b e an product meets the standards of good
T h e ISM-code is a standard safety of inspection s o m e w h e r e between the quality.
c o n s i s t i n g of 13 e l e m e n t s , each second and third years.
describing a business operation that is A c o m p a n y will voluntarily use the
relevant to safety and environment. 4.4 The audits ISO-standards, possibly under
T h e elements can be considered as p r e s s u r e of the f r e e m a r k e t . T h e
paragraphs of the ISM-code. They T h e S M S is inspected by means of an c o m p a n y will d r a w up a quality
can deal with: audit. An audit is a prescribed survey m a n a g e m e n t system ( Q M S ) that can
- maintenance (planned to check whether the organisations on be c e r t i f i e d by a bureau of
maintenance) shore and on the ship are able to classification.
- office personnel and crew successfully execute the regulations
and h a v e r e a c h e d certain g o a l s . The I S O - 9 0 0 0 standard is a general
4.3 How ISM works A u d i t s can be d i s t i n g u i s h e d into standard aligned to the ISM-code.
internal audits and external audits. T h i s m e a n s that every c o m p a n y
a. The shipping companies T h e ISO-organisation (see below) draws up and executes its own Q M S
Every shipping company must grants one certificate to the entire based on the demands.
possess a "Document of Compliance" organisation, contrary to the I S M
or "DOC". This document states that which has separate certificates for the
the shipping company is seen fit to organisation on and off shore.
exploit the ship in accordance with
the d e m a n d s of the ISM-code. O n e of a. Internal audits
the d e m a n d s is that the shipping Internal audits are performed by the
companies must develop, execute and shipping c o m p a n y and can comprise
maintain a safety management system matters like:
(SMS). - the overlap between the way of
working on board and the S M S
regulations applied
6. Marine pollutions
6.6 Annex VI
6.5 Annex V
( e r m a n t B c h e r X l o p b
Official Number
Name of Ship or Port of Registry Date *)
Distinctive Number or Letters
IMONo.: 8412405
*) Date on which the keel was laid or the ship was at a similar stage of construction [Article 2(6)]. or-date on which the ship
T h e T o n n a g e s of the s h i p a r e :
GROSS T O N N A G E 2881
This is to certify that the tonnages of this ship have been determined in accordance with the provisions of the International
Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969.
e r m a n t s c b e r X l o g b
Franzelius Werner
The undersigned declares that he is duly authorized by the said Government to issue this certificate.
No RTD0/AST0/2002011105111
Nombre del Buque
Register No : 85L011
N de Registro
A rmado
Port of Registry : PANAMA
Puerto de matrtcula
This is to certify that the above named ship has been entered in the Register Book with the classification symbols and
notations :
El abajo Jirmante certifica que este buque ha sido insert to en el Lib ro Registro con los simbolos de clasificacion y menciones
This certificate, issued within the scope of Bureau Veritas Marine Division General Conditions, is valid until :
Este certificado, expedido de acuerdo con las Condiciones Gene rales de la Division Naval de Bureau Veritas es vdlido liasta
8 January 2006
This certificate is imalid without the annexes listed. Conditions of use are given on page 2/2. Este certificado no es vdlido
sin los anexos indicadosen la pdgina 2/2. IMS condiciones para la utilizaeion se detallan en la pdgina 2/2.
Any person not a party to the contract pursuant to which this certificate is delivered may not assert a claim against Bureau Veritas for any liability arising c
of errors or omissions which may be contained in said certificate, or for errors of judgement, fault or negligence committed by personnel of the Society or
its Agents in the establishment or issuance of this certificate, and in connection with any activities which it may provide.
Certificate no:
R O T 0000001
liegisfer P a g e 1 of 3
Particulars of Ship
Name of ship "MINERVA ASTRA"
Distinctive number or letters 9 H D W 7
Port of registry Valletta
Gross tonnage 59,693
Deadweight of ship (metric tons) 105946
IMO number 9230098
Type of ship" Bulk carrier Oil tanker C h e m i c a l tankor Gas carrier
C a r g o s h i p o t h e r t h a n a n y of t h e a b o v e
Date on which keel was laid 01 / 2 0 0 1
This is to certify:
1. that the ship has beer, surveyed in accordance with the requirements of regulation 1/10 of the Convention;
2. that the survey showed that the condition of die structure, machinery and equipment as defined in die above regulation was satisfactory
and the ship complied with the relevant requirements of chapters II-l and II-2 of die Convention (other dian those relating to fire safety
systems and appliances and fire control plans);
that the last two inspections of die outside of the ship's bottom took place on - and -;
that ati Exemption Certificate h a s been issued.
This certificate is valid until' 04 D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 6 subject to the annual and intermediate surveys and inspections of the outside
of the ship's bottom in accordance with regulation 1/10 of die Convention.
Issued at Rotterdam on 0 5 D e c e m b e r 20
Length (L) as
Distinctive Number
Name of Ship Port of Registry defined in article IMO Number
or Letters
2 (8) (in metres)
Freeboard { A new ship Type of { M'v 'W
assigned as:* ! . in existing ship ship:* { Type '<Br
{ Type "/)'' with retittvi'tf ftwbrntrtf
{ Type "B" with increased freeboard
Note: Freeboards and load lines which are not applicable need rot be entered on the Certificate.
Allowance for fresh water for all freeboards other than timber 260 mm.
The upper edge of the deck line from which these freeboards are measured is 0 mm above/below the top of the freeboard (2nd)
deck at side.
1. That the ship has been surveyed in accordance with the requirements of article 14 of the Convention.
2. That the survey showed that the freeboards have been assigned and load lines shown above
have been marked in accordance with the Convention.
This Certificate is valid until 30th June, 2005 subject to annual surveys in accordance
with article 14(1) (c) of the Convention.
Gerijianischer Lloyd^
1. When a ship depa-ts from a po:t s:tuated on a river or h's-d wata-s. deeper loai n-g shall be pormitled corresponding lo the weigit of and ali alher materials required for consumption between
h e point of departure and the sea
2. Wnen a chip is in fresh water of unit dens.ty Hie aporopriate load line may be submerged by Ihe amount of the liesh water a '.cwarce shown above. Wneie Hie density is ofton than unity, an
allowanco shall be made proportional lo t-e difference between 1.025 and the actual density
"Delete as appropriate
Form No. S75D12002-01 Page 1 of 4
Certificate no:
R O T 0000001
Agister P a g e 1 of 3
Issued under the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as modified by the Protocol of 1988 relating
u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y of t h e G o v e r n m e n t of t h e R e p u b l i c of M a l t a
by Lloyd's Register of Shipping
Particulars of Ship
Name of ship "MINERVA ASTRA"
Distinctive number or letters 9 H D W 7
Port of registry Valletta
Gross tonnage 59,693
Sea areas in which ship is certified to operate A1 A ,
A 1 A Z
(regulation IV/2)
IMO number 9230098
Date on which keel was laid1 01 / 2 0 0 1
This is to certify:
1. that the ship has been surveyed in accordance with the requirements of regulation 1/9 of the Convention;
2. diat the survey showed that:
2.1 the ship complied with the requirements of die Convention as regards radio installations;
2.2 the functioning of the radio installations used in life-saving appliances compiled with the requirements of die Convention;
that an Exemption Certificate h a s n o t been issued.
This certificate is valid until2 04 D e c e m b e r 2006 subject to the periodical surveys in accordance with regulation 1/9 of
the Convention.
Issued at Rotterdam on 05 D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 1
Date on which keel was laid or ship was at a similar stage of construction or, where applicable, date on which work for a conversion or an alteration or
modification of a major character was commenced.
' Delete as appropriate
Insert the date of expiry as specified by the Administration in accordance with regulation l/14(a) of the Convention. The day and month of this date correspond to
the anniversary date as defined in regulation : :(n) of the Convention, unless amended in accordance with regulation l/14(h).
Form 2206 (2002.09)
(Note : This Certificate shall be s u p p l e m e n t e d by a R e c o r d o f C o n s t r u c t i o n and Equipment)
\v C e r t i f i c a t e No. 2H0-0200M
D i s t i n c t i v e Number
Name o f Ship Port of Registry Gross Tonnage
or L e t t e r s
Type o f ship:
1 That the ship has been surveyed in accordance with Regulation 4 of Annex I of the Convention; and
2 That the survey shows t h a t the structure, equipment, systems, fittings, arrangement and material of
the ship and the condition thereof are in a l l respects s a t i s f a c t o r y and that the ship complies with
the applicable requirements of Annex I of the Convention.
Manag i ng D i r e c t o r
* \
Delete as appropriate
lOPP(PNM) 1998.1
This Certificate shall be supplemented by a Record of Equipment (Form E)
Certificate No. 2 N Y - 0 1 0 1 S E
Issued under the provisions of the
I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O N V E N T I O N F O R T H E S A F E T Y O F L I F E A T S E A , 1974
as modified by die Protocol of 1978 relating thereto under the authority of the Government of
N a m e of S h i p REEFER
Distinctive N u m b e r or Letters
Port of R e g i s t r y PANAMA
Gross Tonnage 7367
D e a d w e i g h t of S h i p ( m e t r i c t o n s ) *'
L e n g t h of S h i p ( R e g u l a t i o n I I I / 3 . 1 0 ) 127.38 m
IMO Number IMO 1234567
T y p e of S h i p : *2 B u l k ^ f f F r t e F / Oil t a n k e r / heniictri=taBkerV g a s - e a m e r /
C a r g o ship o t h e r t h a n a n y of t h e a b o v e
1 That the ship has been surveyed in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 1/8 of the Convention, as modified by
the 1978 Protocol.
2 That the survey showed that:
2.1 the ship complied with the requirements of the Convention as regards fire safety systems and appliances and fire control plans;
2.2 the life-saving appliances and the equipment of the lifeboats, liferafts and rescue boats were provided in accordance with
the requirements of the Convention;
2.3 the ship was provided with a line-throwing appliance and radio installations used in life-saving appliances in accordance
with the requirements of the Convention;
2.4 the ship complied with the requirements of the Convention as regards shipborne navigational equipment, means of
embarkation for pilots and nautical publications;
2.5 the ship was provided with lights, shapes, means of making sound signals and distress signals, in accordance with the
requirements of the Convention and the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea in force;
2.6 in all other respects the ship complied with the relevant requirements of the Convention.
3 That the ship operates in accordance with Regulation 111/ within the limits of the trade area
4 That in implementing Regulation 1/6 (b) the Government has instituted Mandatory Annual Surveys.
5 That an Exemption Certificate has / lltlb nut *2 been issued
A f M P / ^
I s s u e d at N e w Y o r k on 28 M a y 2002.
i V
u\\r ,
alf of Managing Director
SE(PNM)-74/78P 2002.1
No: GRO 9902500
CERTIFIED Page 1 of 3
Certificate of Class
LR number 9201798
to confirm that having been surveyed by Lloyd's Register's Surveyors and reported by them to be in compliance
with Lloyd's Register's Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, it has been assigned the class
*Unless extended after completion of a Special Survey (see page 3) or in accordance with Part 1, Chapter 2, Section 3.5.9 of the
Rules and Regulations (see page 3) and is subject to surveys as prescribed (see page 2) being satisfactorily completed.
2 To establish the classification status of this ship, the quarterly computer print-out issued by LR and
the Interim Certificates issued on completion of classification surveys should be consulted, in
addition to this certificate.
is gebouwd en uitgcrust in overeenstemming met het bepaalde in Artikel 54 van Bijlage IV van het
Schepenbesluit 1965, en derhalve geschikt is voor het vervoer van gevaarlijke stoffen zoals aan de ommezijde
is constructed and equipped in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 54 of Chapter 11-2 of SOLAS 1974,
as amended, and therefore suitable for the carriage of dangerous goods as specified overleaf.
Er bestaan geen bijzondere voorschriften als bedoeld in bovengenoemd Artikel 54 voor het vervoer van
gevaarlijke stoffen van klasse 6.2 en 7 en voor het vervoer van alle gevaarlijke stoffen in beperkte hoeveelheden,
zoals gedefinieerd in Hoofdstuk 18 van de Algemene inleiding van de International Maritime Dangerous Goods
There are no special requirements as expressed in abovementioned Regulation 54 for the carriage of dangerous
goods of Class 6.2 and 7 and for the carriage of dangerous goods in limited quantities, as defined in Section 18
of the General Introduction to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code.
F.P. Hachmang
C e r t i f i c a t e no:
R O T 0000002
Fvegi^er P a g e 1 of 5
Issued under the provisions of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
(resolutions MSC. 4(48) and MEPC. 19(22), as amended by resolutions MSC. 16(58) and MEPC. 40(29))
u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y of t h e G o v e r n m e n t of t h e K i n g d o m of t h e N e t h e r l a n d s
by Lloyd's Register of Shipping
Particulars of ship
Distinctive number or letters P C H S
Port of registry Dordrecht
Gross tonnage 4,671
Ship type" (Code paragraph 2.1.2) 2
IMO number 9191656
Date on which keel was laid or on which the ship was at a similar
stage of construction or (in the case of a converted ship) date on which Qg j 2 9 9 9
conversion to chemical tanker was commenced.
The ship also complies fully with the following amendments to the Code:
M S C 50(66) a n d M E P C 69(38)
The ship is exempted from compliance with the foil owing provisions of the Code:
This is to certify:
1. 1.1 that the ship has been surveyed in accordance with tine provisions of section 1.5 of the Code;
1.2 that the survey showed that the construction and equipment of the ship and the condition thereof are in all respects satisfactory and
that the ship complies with the relevant provisions of the Code;
2. that the ship has been provided with a manual, in accordance with the standards for procedures and arrangements as called for .by
regulations 5,5A and 8 of Annex II of MARPOL 73/78, and that the arrangements and equipment of the ship prescribed in the manual are
in all respects satisfactory and comply with the applicable requirements of the said Standards;
that die ship is suitable for the carriage in bulk of die products listed on page(s) 6-16 provided that all die relevant operational provisions
of the Code are observed;
GL-Reg. N o . 94690
Nationality United K i n g d o m Length Overall 202.85 in
Signal Letters VSTN3 Extreme Breadth 35.50 m
Type of Power Engine ITC(69) Length 182.02 m
Type of Vessel Passenger ITC(69) Breadth 28.10 m
IMO-No. 9221554 I T C ( 6 9 ) Depth 11.55 m
Keel Laid 21.11.2000 ITC(69) Gross 42289
Year Built 2002 ITC(69) Net 20877
No. of Passengers 1582 Containers above deck**
Based upon the rules of m e a s u r e m e n t for the P a n a m a Canal as specified in 3 5 C o d e of Federal Regulations sectioi
or the International T o n n a g e Convention of 1969 this vessel has been measured and assigned the following Total
Volume in cubic metres:
149 885.11
T his Certifies that the above named vessel has been measured in accordance with the Rules for Measurement of Vessels
for the Panama Canal, and that die particulars of tonnage contained on this Certificate are correct.
Issued by: Germanischer Lloyd , at: Hamburg ,on 22nd April, 2002
(Authority) (Place) (Date)
(fSamanxBdnr Xlopb
Franzelius Werner
* BB (barrels). Hie figure is the sum of the capacities of all fuel oil (light and heavy) and lubricating
oil tanks for the vessel's own use. Tanks used for both fuel oil and water ballast are to be included,
however, tanks with means for discharging to other vessels or shore installations are not to be included.
Tonnage on
Name of Ship Official Signal Port of Registry International Tonnage Certificate IMO-No.
Number letters Gross Net
Tons of 100
The space measured for Gross Tonnage in this Ship comprises the following and no others, viz:
1. Space under the tonnage deck including part of double bottom available for oil drain tank 68 391.20 24142.09
2. Space or spaces between the tonnage deck and the uppermost deck: Lower tween deck
Upper tween deck
3. Closed-in spaces under or in permanent constructions above the uppermost deck, viz.:
Space between uppermost deck and shelterdeck with side openings
Bridge spacc 12 001.65 + 13 172.47; 12 870.63 + 7 882.57 45 927.32
Break or breaks
Turret cbm Trunk cbm
Roundhouses (1st Tier) 10 588.72 cbm cbm cbm cbm cbm cbm
(2nd Tier) cbm cbm cbm cbm cbm cbm
(3rd Tier) cbm cbm cbm cbm cbm cbm ' 13 714.54
(Upper Tiers) 1 426.15 cbm 1 533.36 cbm 141.61 cbm 24.70 cbm cbm cbm
cbm cbm cbm cbm cbm cbm cbm
Side screens cbm 101.30 cbm 98.31 cbm 56.92 cbm 34.16 cbm cbm cbm 290.69
Hatchways cbm cbm cbm cbm cbm cbm cbm
cbm cbm cbm cbm cbm cbm cbm
Total of Tonnage of closed-in spaces above the uppermost deck 59 932.55 21 156.19
NOTE: for particulars of spaces not included in the GROSS REGISTER TONNAGE 128 323.75 45 298.28
Measurement for Gruss Tonnage, sec page 3 DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS TONNAGE (Details on page 2) 7 527.48 2 657.20
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the British ship above-named has been rc-measured, and that the Tonnage ascertained as above is in accordance with the rules
adopted by the International Tonnage Commission at Constantinople.
e p ^ a u f e c b c r X l o p b
yltf - L JA^
Franzclius Werner
Issued under the provisions of the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974, as amended
THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT the safety management system of the ship has been audited and that it complies with the requirements of the
International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM Code), following verification that the
Document of Compliance for the Company is applicable to this type of ship.
The Safety Management Certificate is valid until 2007-10-14 ,subject to periodical verification and the validity of the Document of
Compliance remaining valid.
Issued at:
Date of Issue:
Det Norske Veritas, Hovik, Norway
s * -V-
Head of S e c t i o n
1 Holds
2 Aft ship
5 Foreship
6 Accommodation
6.1 Introduction
4 6.2 Safety
J^1 6.3 Environment
6.4 Methods of insulation
6.5 Communication
6.6 Maintenance
6.7 Overview of the various
1 Holds
A M O D E R N E N C Y C L O P E D I A Seemingly the holds are not very interesting. In general they are large empty
rectangular spaces whitout visible stiffenings (frames, floors etc.).
Nevertheless, the hold is so important that the entire construction is aimed to
enable the moving of the hold and its contents (the cargo). The amount of cargo
carried is ultimately the decisive factor for the earning capacity of the ship.
PAGE 280 J ^
Hold of an LNG Carrier (membrane type)
In m u l t i - p u r p o s e ships, the ship
o w n e r s p r e f e r just o n e very large
hold. T h e c r e w can then d e c i d e on
the basis of the type of c a r g o h o w
to s u b d i v i d e the hold. T h e hold is
d i v i d e d by m o v a b l e b u l k h e a d s
p o s i t i o n e d either horizontally or
vertically. T h e b u l k h e a d s can be
attached to the sides of the hold in
a very s i m p l e manner. L e g a l safety
r e q u i r e m e n t s (intact d a m a g e stabi-
lity) n o r m a l l y require that o n e or
m o r e of these m o v a b l e b u l k h e a d s
a l w a y s be in place. T h e actual
n u m b e r of cross f r a m e s d e p e n d s on
the length of the ship.
View of a tank on a chemical tanker.
Both the sides of the w i n g t a n k s a n d
t h e t a n k t o p s h a v e m a n h o l e s to m e a n s of b e a m s and / or b r a c k e t s c o n t r o l l e d by v e n t i l a t i o n , recir-
m a k e i n s p e c t i o n of t h e t a n k s w e l d e d to s t r o n g p o i n t s in the culation a n d / o r the use of driers.
possible. T h e sides of the w i n g - s h i p ' s side and tanktop. T h i s can,
tanks also h a v e lashing points f o r of course, only b e d o n e with tanks T h e h o l d s on cellular container-
c a r g o s e c u r i n g . H e a v y c a r g o is that d o n o t c o n t a i n oil. T h e s h i p s are d i v i d e d i n t o m u l t i p l e
o f t e n seafastened t e m p o r a r i l y by h u m i d i t y in t h e h o l d s c a n b e cells, each c a p a b l e of storing a
stack of 2 0 or 4 0 containers in f o r e
and aft direction. T h e spaces (cells)
are separated f r o m each other by
g u i d e rails. D u r i n g l o a d i n g and
discharging the containers are
g u i d e d by the rails in the vertical
direction. In addition, the rails also
secure the c a r g o in place.
M o s t m u l t i - p u r p o s e ships are " b o x
s h a p e d " . T h i s m e a n s that the hold
is r e c t a n g u l a r and the spaces d o not
h a v e curves. T h i s is i m p o r t a n t f o r
the stacking of containers. If the
hatches and the holds have a
facility to f a s t e n the containers, the
h o l d s are then said to be " c o n t a i n e r
T h e t w o pictures at the p r e v i o u s
p a g e s h o w the insides of a tank on
a c h e m i c a l tanker ( G T 3 3 5 0 , dead
w e i g h t 5 0 7 0 tons). T h e transverse
b u l k h e a d is a c o r r u g a t e d b u l k h e a d .
T h e h o l d c a n b e i n s p e c t e d by
e n t e r i n g via a ( c o m p u l s o r y ) hatch
a n d a s i m p l e ladder. P e r h a p s not
i m m e d i a t e l y a p p a r e n t in the p h o t o ,
the d o u b l e b o t t o m is slightly tilted
t o w a r d s the keel-plate, to facilitate
the f l o w of liquids.
1. Forecastle deck
2. Breakwater on the main deck
3. Bulkhead
4. Ballast tank shaped to make the hold
box shaped
5. Tanktop
6. Longitudinal bulkhead between hold and
wing tank
7. Manholes, entrances of double bottom
8. Holes for fitting containers
1. Bridge
2. Accommodation
3. Engine-room bulkhead
4. Tanktop
5. Ballast tank shaped to make the hold
box shaped
6. Longitudinal bulkhead wing tank
7. (full) Floor (plate)
8. Side keelson
9. Webframe
10. Toprail
11. Coaming
12. Gangway
Double hull tanker
T h e stern b o r d e r s the b a c k s i d e of
the stern section. T h i s is a plate
r u n n i n g the full width of the ship,
o n t o w h i c h the n a m e of the ship
and the h o m e p o r t are w e l d e d .
Longitudinal cross-section of the engine foundation
1. Tanktop
2. Top plate for engine foundation
3. Brackets under engine foundation
4. Floors
5. Longitudinal girders of the engine
1. Centre keelson
2. Side keelson (watertight)
3. Floors
4. Hole in the deck for the
azipod (see also chapter 9)
5. Skeg
6. Floor brackets on the frames
7. Stiffening floor brackets
8. Longitudinal floor brackets
9. Stringer brackets
The Skeg.
Explanation of the above image: 1. Web frame On the pictures below you see the
2. Top plate engine foundation aft of two Roll-on Roll-off vessels.
The same ship (a container feeder), 3. Tanktop The open spaces can be closed by
now seen from aft with a glimpse of 4. Coaming stanchion ramps (not yet in place). When the
the engine room. Here you can see 5. Upper deck ramps are opened, they can be used
ballast lines coming from tanks in 6. Web frame to load or discharge moving cargo.
the engine room. The frames in the 7. Longitudinal framing 1. Freeboard deck
engine room and the double bottom 8. Water or oil tank 2. Main deck
run in the transverse direction and 9. Bottom wing tank 3. A-frame, space for the
the ones in the wingtanks in the 10. Deliveiy suction line of the wing tank clearance of the screw
longitudinal direction. 11. Side keelson 4. End of shafting
12. Centre keelson plate 5. Skeg
13. (full) Floor (plate)
T h e e n g i n e r o o m is a c o m p a r t m e n t
that s p a n s the full width of m a n y
s h i p s . In t a n k e r s and b u l k c a r r i e r s ,
h o w e v e r , o f t e n there are b u n k e r tanks
in the sides so that in those cases, the
e n g i n e r o o m d o e s not s p a n t h e
c o m p l e t e width of the ship. T h e back
a n d the f r o n t are p r o v i d e d with t w o
watertight bulkheads: the e n g i n e - r o o m
b u l k h e a d ( f o r e ) a n d , if the e n g i n e
r o o m is at the a f t e r end of the ship, the
aft peak b u l k h e a d ( a f t ) .
In t h e v e r t i c a l d i r e c t i o n an o p e n
c o n n e c t i o n is f o r m e d by the e n g i n e
r o o m casing. In the casing there are
several c a t h e a d s (cranes) with either
m a n u a l or e l e c t r i c t a c k l e s f o r the
m o v i n g of auxiliaries, tools or parts of
the main e n g i n e . M o t i o n of larger and
s m a l l e r m a s s e s and the outside w a t e r
pressure m a k e s the use of w e b f r a m e s
in c o m b i n a t i o n with w e b b e a m s and
pillars necessary.
T h e d o u b l e b o t t o m b e l o w the e n g i n e
r o o m is s o m e t i m e s higher than other
sections of double bottoms to
a c c o m m o d a t e the propeller shaft. T h e
exact location of the propeller shaft is
d e t e r m i n e d by the d i a m e t e r of the
propeller. W h e n the d o u b l e b o t t o m is
not higher, the e n g i n e f o u n d a t i o n will
be raised.
1. A f t peak bulkhead
2. Cable guide
3. Hoist beam
4. Tween deck
5. Main deck
6. Top plate for the engine
7. Longitudinal girders for the engine
8. Longitudinal deck girder with
9. Longitudinal deck beam
10. Transverse deck girder
11. Watertight bulkhead (wing tank)
12. Watertight centre line bulkhead
(wing tank)
13. Frame 2 3 ( w e b f r a m e )
14. Side keelson
15. Floor
16. Web f r a m e
Peek in the engine room of a container feeder
160 2'0 435 JM
no 120 I
410 M r 440 450
(411) (4411 (431)
a I mm $
i 130x10
i (so^Yso?
1. Bottom
2. Side keelson
3. Full floor
4. Tanktop
5. Vents
6. Heating coils
7. Synthetic pipe for ballast tank
Location of the section in the ship
1987 6600
4001 F r a m e 46
>00x400 ~ioo*4oa
r-100 r>100
Tansverse cross-section
n P g o o x i o s *?XhHP200X10 629
r-M riZXfT *^
550, HPgQQXO
l Long, section 1305 off C.L.(T) 50S aeq,
Q i n1111- y 1
g: n'J
L o n g , s e c t i o n 2 6 7 0 off C.L.Q
L o n g , s e c t i o n 6 6 0 0 off C.L. 50
Longitudinal cross-section
1. Full floor
2. Side keelson
3. Bilge strake
4. Bilge keel
5. Recess container pot
6. Vents
7. Drain holes
8. Tanktop
9. Tanktop stiffening
10. Bottom frame
11. Portside
12. Starboard side
13. Longitudinal frame system
14. Transverse frame system
15. Floor on frame 31
16. Floor on frame 35
17. Floor on frame 46
18. Scallops
Explanation of the image at the left:
1. Bilge plate
2. Bilge keel
3. Aluminium anodes in the
ballast tank
1. Bilge plate
2. Side keelson
3. Full floor
4. Tanktop
5. Vent channels
6. Upper frame
7. Container support
8. Bottom frame
View of the down side of the double bottom. In the middle you can see the HFO-tank with heating coils.
Explanation of these three images:
1. Draught mark
2. PlimsoII mark
3. Hatch
4. Railing
5. Container strut
6. Bilge strake, approximately
10 mm thick
7. Ground bar
8. Bilge keel, approximately
220 x 15 mm (for this particular
ship) The bilge keel is welded
onto a strip. When damaged, the
bilge keel should break off, with
the strip remaining attached to the
shell. Without backing strip, a
fracture in the bilge keel could
continue into the bilge strake, and
Side view that is dangerous! Bilge keel
Explanation of the above image: is easier than the longitudinal system in the forepart.
1. Hatch coaming There is no need for longitudinal framing as the
2. Breakwater longitudinal stress in this area is minimal. Transverse
3. Bulwark grey with bulwark stanchions (purple) strength is stronger than longitudinal strength. This
4. Transition from transverse system to longitudinal transverse strengthening is desired to withstand the forces
system. For constructional purposes the transverse system caused by panting and pitching.
The bulbuous bow is in fact a
piece of protruding bow that
breaks up the bow wave before it
manages to reach the ship. The
bulb stem also has a favourable
effect on the wave system around
the ship. The ideal situation is one
where the ship cuts through the
waves, whilst generating no waves
by itself. For every wave that is
created by the ship is lost energy;
compare a tugboat with a "sharp"
1. Bow
2. Forecastle deck
3. Wave breaker
4. Bulbous bow
5. Gangway
6. Stringer deck
7. Bow thruster room
8. Bulwark with stanchions
9. Fire extinguishing line
10. Top rail
11. Vent of the wing tank
12. Stringer
13. Transition of transverse to
longitudinal system
14. Tank top
15. Side keelson
1. Side keelson
2. Centre keelson
3. Tanktop
4. Stringer deck
5. Web frame
6. Floor brackets
7. Manhole
8. Bulb
9. Bow thruster tunnel
X gam.
Frame 121
Horizontal cross-section at 4.30 m above the base line Transverse cross-section at frame 127
W iXI P* N*
The drawing of the ship shown extra frame for every frame. The ice 1. The forward direction
above gives a clear picture of the strake can run all the way from 2. Main deck
various stiffenings. Note that the web forward to the place where the ship is 3. Deck longitudinals
frames are never isolated but are at its widest. 4. Deckbeam
always part of a ring frame. For 5. Double skin with longitudinal
every three framings there is a web frames
frame. The stiffenings under the 6. Longitudinal frames
main deck run in the longitudinal 7. Additional intermediate framing
direction. Directly underneath this is for ice strenghtening
the icebelt; in this section there is an 8. Transverse frame
6 Accommodation crews and shorter lay days, the Part D - Fire safety measures
importance of recreational and for tankers.
6.1 Introduction leisure facilities has grown.
6.3 E n v i r o n m e n t
In the past, the accommodation of 6.2 Safety
the crew was not the most a. Vibrations
important aspect in the design In particular safety equipment Vibrations are usually
phase. One reason for this was the demands focus on the prevention accompanied by sound or noise.
large number of men in the crcw of fire. These demands are stated in Indeed, vibrations and noise often
compared to the present day. Thirty the SOLAS resolution, chapter 11-2 have the same source. On a ship
years ago (circa 1970) a crew of "Construction - Fire protection, those sources mostly are the
forty manned a vessel that would Fire detection and Fire extinction". propellor, the engines and even the
today have a crew of twenty. Due The chapter consists of the waves at sea. Insulation techniques
to the added workload of today's following parts: and prevention of local resonance
crew, pressure for improved are used to keep the vibrations in
facilities for the personnel is Part A - General the accommodation within accep-
growing . Most cabins for example Part B - Fire safety measures for table levels.
now have their own toilets and passenger ships (ISO-criteria: vibrations of 4-5
showers. As a result of smaller Part C - Fire safety measures for mm/sec are tolerated. Values larger
cargo ships then 10 mm/sec are unacceptable.)
Flexible support of the (main) engine reduces the level of air sound.
The flexible placing of the engine has two goals:
b. Spray insulation
This form of spray insulation is
sprayed on the bulkhead. Spray
insulation can be used for thermal
insulation, sound absorption and
fire resistance (melting tempe-
rature is 750 C).
5. U-profile
6. Accommodation panel (a galva- 6.5 C o m m u n i c a t i o n
nised steel plate of 1 mm
thickness) Every cabin has to be equipped
with a telephone and a terminal for
a central antenna for radio and TV.
Galley For operational and safety reasons
it is necessary that each member of
6.4 M e t h o d s of insulation the crew can be summoned or
warned at any time and any place.
Two methods of insulation widely
used are: 6.6 M a i n t e n a n c e
i i
Lockers in the accommodation
1.1 General
1.2 Types of hatches
1.3 Positioning of a hatch
1.4 Distortions of the ship
1.5 Watertightness
1.6 Hatch cradle
1.7 Side-rolling hatch covers
3. Tween-deck hatches
4. Entrances
5. Miscellaneous
The most common hatch cover nowadays on ships up to 10.000 tons is the
pontoon hatch cover. Approximately 80-90% of these vessels use this system.
The hatches (maximum weight 25 tons) are opened and closed by a hatch
cradle, or a crane on the ship or on the quay. The hatch cradle can also move
the pontoon hatch covers over the ship in the longitudinal direction. This
PAGE 22 2
system allows the hatch covers to be stacked on the coaming .
Reasons for buying pontoon hatch covers with a hatch cradle are:
PAGE 44 ^
- the system does not require a lot of maintenance
- tween decks and grain bulkheads can also be positioned with the hatch
PAGE 68 ^
1. P o n t o o n hatch c o v e r
FORCES ON A SHIP 2. H a t c h cradle
PAGE 82 ^ 3. Beam
4. Hatch coaming
PAGE 160 O
PAGE 196 2 0
P\GE 216 J I
Beam between two closing hatches During loading and discharging the
ship can be somewhat distorted. This
1. Beam phenomenon is called harbour
2. Closing hatch deformation. The distortions can be
prevented by the placing of one or
3. Wedges Multi-purpose ship with pontoon hatch
more beams or hatches in the
transverse direction. If, in spite of
1.3 Positioning of a hatch this, distortion still occurs, it can
1. End hatch cause the hold walls and thereby the
The positioning of pontoon hatch 2. Closing hatch toprail to move several millimetres
covers is more difficult than the 3. Beam out of position.
positioning of hydraulic folding 4. Intermediate hatch
hatches. On the port and starboard Stainless steel gliding blocks are
sides of a pontoon hatch cover two welded onto the toprail to guide the
profiles called centre punches are gliding of the hatches along the
welded. When closing the hatch the toprail.
centre punch engages in a recess in
the top rail. The hatch is then locked Furthermore, the gliding blocks
on one side while on the other side the (5mm thick) prevent the hatch from
centre punch may have up to 60 mm sagging through the sealing rubber if
of free space. As a result the pontoon there is too much weight on the hatch
hatch cover appears to move several (deckload). Instead, the hatch rests on
millimetres over the sliding blocks in the gliding blocks. The sealing
rubbers are allowed to be compressed
up to 10 mm to prevent excessive
a. To seal the pontoon hatch cover, a The lifting and lowering of the
Circumferential seam sealing rubber gasket is put in place hatches by the hatch cradle is done
where the pontoon hatch cover by:
1. Closing hatch rests on the hatch coaming / - hydraulic cylinders (up to 14 tons)
headlegde. The gasket is - steel cables operated by winches
2. Intermediate hatch
supported by an compression bar. on the loading platform of the
3. Compression bar
If possible, the gasket has to be hatch cradle (up to 21 tons)
4. Rubber gasket swabbed with vaseline once a
week and kept clear of obstacles. Hatch cradles are usually equipped
In the athwart direction the gasket with two storage cranes. These cranes
is in the closing hatch which rests are capable of:
on the compression bar of the - loading and discharging
intermediate hatch. provisions and engine parts
- lifting of materials in and out of
b. Cleats make sure that the rubber the hold
gasket is pressed sufficiently - carrying materials over the entire
against the compression bar. There length of the ship.
1. Electromotor with hydraulic 4. Storage crane
pump 5. Control bob storage crane
2. Control box 6. Movable bridge
3. Winches with steel cables for 7. Columns
pontoon lifting 8. Wheel with hydromotor. Two of
the four wheels are equipped with
9. Reel for the feeder cable
........ -
n ^
like: system will immediately come
into action in case of a hydraulic
- operating grain or separation M leak.
- operating the supports for the
-J /
This drawing shows how, with the aid of
1.7 Side-rolling hatch covers
Safety devices:
Folding hatch with cylinders on the - Ruptured hose safety system. This
outside prevents the hydraulic system
from emptying.
a. Cylinders attached to the outside - If the control button is released
of the hatch use the head ledge (dead man's brake), the system
as a fixed point. This type is only will stop. For example, if the
possible if it leaves enough control button is on starboard a
walking space in the gangway dead man's break should be
(minimum of 60 cm). installed on port side. Emergency
b. Cylinders which are supported by breaks can also be installed.
the beam. The pistons that push - A safety hook. This prevents the
the hatch up or down are located opened hatches from slamming Cross-section of the folding hatch
at the main hinges. shut.
1. Hatch
2. Cylinder
Advantages of hydraulic folding
hatches are: 3. Stopper
- faster opening and closing (time = 4. Wheel
money) 5. Ramp
- the hatches can cover the holds 6. Safety hook
over the entire length of the ship 7. Main hinges
(there is no hatch cradle blocking 8. Hinges between two parts of the
their way) hatch (hatch hinges)
ship with opened (hydraulic) folding hatches. The ship is being loaded with timber parcels
3 Tween deck hatches 3.2 Folding hatch 4 Entrances
Tween decks come in the following Tween-deck folding hatches are 4.1 Side doors
versions: common on ships that need multiple
- pontoon hatch tween decks above one another such Side doors are found on ships with a
- folding hatch as reefers. In the case when there are large freeboard, like passenger liners.
three tween-decks, there is usually These vessels use this door to embark
3.1 Pontoon hatch one tween-deck in which the folding and disembark the passengers. Larger
hatch has thermal insulation. The side doors (ramps) are used to load
Pontoon hatches are mostly found on folding hatches in tween-decks are and discharge vehicles. Generally,
multi-purpose ships where their mainly operated mechanically. The these doors are controlled hydrau-
function is twofold (see also chapter cargo runner of the crane is used to lically (see also chapter 10). A side
8.1). Pontoon hatch covers can be open the hatches. door locally weakens the strength of a
placed both horizontally (tween deck) ship. This has to be compensated for
and vertically (grain or separation by a thicker skin plating and heavier
bulkheads). The positioning of the construction parts.
pontoons is done with the means
available on the ship, like a hatch
cradle or a crane. If the pontoons are
not in use, they are stored in the store-
A watertight door
Outside door
Inside doors
These doors are behind the weather
tight doors. The bureau of
classification can demand that there
Cross section and top view of an is a fireproof zone in the
expansion trunk with lid accommodation. This can then be
achieved by using metal fireproof
inside doors.
5 Miscellaneous
Ventilation grill with cover
5.2 Watertight doors
5.1 Accommodation doors
These are used in watertight
Outside doors bulkheads, for instance in the engine-
Outside doors are weather tight. This room bulkhead. Watertight doors can
means that, if the door is closed, it be controlled at the actual location of
will only leak when submerged in the door as well as on the bridge. The
water. The outside doors should be control panel on the bridge indicates
able to open and close with a single if a watertight door is opened or
bar. The difference in the outside closed.
doors shown below is the number of
closing points. This determines how
watertight the doors are.
Ventilation grill for the accommodation
Overview of the watertight doors that
can be controlled from the bridge
5.4 Manhole covers
Many vessels have an aluminium
gangway in addition to an accommo-
dation ladder. This is used whenever
the accomodation ladder cannot be
used. The gangway is put into the
right position by either a crane or by
o r 9 Mr TRtiS OR LESS
Hi(V< dliMii J l m m
I 20cm
Lifebuoy w i t h
V Bulwark ladder secured to uhlp
self-igniting light
This drawing instructs how the pilot ladder and all the auxiliaries involved should he positioned in order for the pilot to safely
board the ship. Taken with kind permission from: "Witherby & Co.LTD" in London
1. Onboard loading gear
1.1 The opt for own cargo gear
1.2 Overview of ship's cranes
1.3 Statutory demands
2. Revolving cranes
2.1 The position of cranes on the
2.2 Securing the cranes
2.3 Load control
2.4 The ship's stability
2.5 Safeguards
2.6 Drives
2.7 Classification of cranes
6. Derricks
6.1 Hoisting diagram
6.2 Stabilising pontoons
7. Gantry cranes
7.1 Revolving gantry crane
7.2 Gantry crane with a trolley
and a fixed jib
7.3 U-gantry with a cable trolley
without a fixed jib
8. Side-loaders
9. Ramps
9.1 Several types of ramps
9.2 Quarter ramps
1.1 The opt for own cargo gear
A N C H O R A N D M O O R I N G GEAR There are many types of cargo gear Ship's cranes reduce the stability and
for ships and just as many insentives the carrying capacity of a ship; they
for choosing one or the other: also cost money and require
E N G I N E ROOM attention. On a general-cargo ship,
- The charterer (who rents the two cranes, including foundation,
ship) demands it. Why, is not the represent 10% of the total building
the shipping company's concern, costs. Refrigerated vessels often have
but if not in possession of a self- 7 or more (light) cranes on board
discharging ship, the order goes to a which may cost as much as 20% of
competitor who does have one! the total building costs. As a
- The area of navigation demands it compromise it is possible that a ship
because the ports in that area lack is built without cranes, but with the
cranes. This is often the case in necessary foundation (strengthening
Africa, South-America, Asia and in in several places on the ship) and
small ports and factory sites all piping systems. If cranes are then
over the world. required, they can be installed
- In order to transport special cargo. without radical changes to the ship
This requires special attention, and without extra loss of time (if the
however is paid better in general. cranes are ordered in advance).
Special cargo is a one-time, large-
scale transport like a complete
factory, moved in sections.
1.2 Overview of ship's cranes
type of ship dead weight crane capacity number of cranes The items checked by the Classifi-
cation Bureau are noted in the
general cargo <3000 dwt 25 t none or 1 or two Register of Ship's Lifting Appliances
and Cargo Handling Gear.
feeders 5000 dwt 40 t 2
(300 TEU) Excerpts from the ILO-152 treaty:
Every seagoing vessel must have a
feeders 9000 dwt 40 t 2
Register of Ship's Lifting Appliances
(600 TEU)
and Cargo Handling Gear.
containers / The inside cover of this register must
10000 dwt 40 to 120 t 3
general cargo state :
- The rules for the five-yearly
bulk 6000 dwt 25 to 30 t 6 inspections as stated in the ILO-
rules and the rules of the
bulk 70000 dwt 0 none Classification Society.
- Rules for the annual inspections
refrigerated 10000 dwt 7 to 40 t 4 to 7
- Test certificates must be present for
all parts of the loading gear that can
wear through use and ageing, like:
1.3 Statutory demands Division of tasks. - the crane (complete)
The inspections, certification and - the runner/topping lift wire(s)
The statutory demands for loading responsibilities are divided as - the blocks and sheaves
gear, including lifts, ramps, hoistable follows: - the hoisting winch
decks etc. are laid down in the ILO- - All ILO-152 tasks directly related to - the crane hook
convention 152 (International Labour cargo handling (cranes, ramps etc.) - attachments
Organisation). Compliance with the are the responsibility of the The certificate must show which
regulations is under the supervision of Classification Society. requirements are met for every part.
the Shipping Inspectorate and Classi- - All ILO-tasks related to safety, - Certificates are marked by a stamp
fication Societies like Lloyds and like entrance to the ship, hold or with the signature of the surveyor,
Veritas. crane entrances and safety in the the surveyor's number and the date
holds as well as supervising the and place of testing.
Classification of loading gear can be Classification Societies are the - The bottom of the jib must show:
according to: responsibility of the Shipping - the maximum hoisting capacity
- National law, which states that the Inspectorate. - the range that goes with it
ship checks the gear annually and - All tasks that do not result from the (the horizontal distance between
a class check is done every 5 year. ILO-152 treaty like hoisting gear in turning point and vertical runner).
- International regulations which the engine room, store cranes etc. These figures must be clearly
state that the gear has to be checked are the responsibility of the visible from the place where the
every year by the Classification shipping company, in compliance cargo is hooked on to the cargo
Bureau. with national law. hook.
SWL 60 t (40 t)/16 m (28 m)
SWL means Safe Working Load and is
60 tons with a range of 16 metres and
40 tons with a range of 28 metres.
c. Lifting velocity
In some cranes it is possible to switch
the winch manually from single work
to double acting. In double acting, the
maximum lifting force is larger and
the lifting velocity smaller (inversely
proportional). Often this happens
automatically; if the winch has to lift
heavy loads it will slow down.
1. Support on deckhouse
2. Support on the forecastle
2.4 The ship's stability impossible. Emergency stops can b. Electric drives
only be reset locally. The electrical drives of the ship's
When working with cargo gear, the - A hoist-limit switch shall be pre- cranes receive their electricity from
stability (GM0) of the ship must be sent. This is a limit switch that the ship's switchboard. For this
positive to such an extent, that it defines the highest position of the purpose, the ship's 3-phase current is
remains positive when a load is being hook. changed by an adjustable converter
lifted. Modern revolving cranes are - Empty-drum safeguard. The into either direct current (DC) or an
allowed to cause a list of no more hoisting cable shall be wrapped alternating current with an adjustable
than 5 degrees. Too great a list can be around the drum at least three times frequency. The control lever operates
prevented or reduced by pumping in order to acquire sufficient lifting the converter, which sends current to
ballast water or fuel. In many ship's capacity (friction). the engine and keeps the brakes off.
this is automated by an anti-heeling - Sometimes an inclination-limit In contrast to the hydraulic engines,
system that automatically pumps switch is present. This shuts down the electrical engines can not absorb
water from one wing tank to another. the crane when the angle of the forces of a load if the power
inclination becomes too large. supply is cut off. In case of a stop-
In general, revolving cranes are command, the brakes are applied
hardly bothered by trim (the diffe- Specifically for revolving cranes: instantaneously to overcome this
rence in draught fore ward and aft). - A limit switch for the highest and shortcoming. However, as a result of
Most cranes can tolerate a trim of 5 lowest position of the jib. This is this, the brakes of an electric winch
degrees, but there are also cranes with also the maximum and minimum engine get worn faster than the brakes
a maximum trim of 2 degrees. outreach limit. of a hydraulic winch motor.
- Turning-limit switch
One of the reasons for a maximum As in hydraulic drives, excessive
list and a maximum trim is that the 2.6 Drives lifting, slacking, topping and slewing
slewing engine must overcome a are prevented by a limit-switch. Of
larger part of the load's weight (this Every crane has at least three engines: course, moving in the opposite
increases with the sine of the crane's one for the runner, one for the topping direction is still possible.
angle with the vertical). of the jib and one for slewing. The
engines can be driven either hydrau- 2.7 Classification of cranes
2.5 Safeguards lically or electrically. The hydraulic
engines are powered by an electric Revolving cranes can be distin-
Some safety measures of revolving motor; the actual forces in the crane, guished into the following types:
cranes are typical for these types of however, are generated by the
cranes, others apply to all crane types. hydraulic engine. - conventional type
General rules: - low type
- A zero voltage device shall be a. Hydraulic crane drives - automated pallet crane
present. If the power supply is The runner and the slewing both - revolving gantry crane
restored after it has been interrupted, require revolving hydraulic engines;
the crane must not start to operate on its the topping of the jib is done with a
own. Nowadays the main switch hydraulic cylinder. The main slide
shuts off automatically. It valve is controlled with the main
can be turned on again when the lever via the driver valve. The engine
crane driver is back in place and automatically stops moving in a
resets the controls. direction when the crane reaches an
- An overload safety shall be extreme position. This is done with
present. If any part of the crane the aid of a limit switch and an end-
experiences an overload, this part is switch. Of course, movement in the
immediately shut down. In case of opposite direction is still possible.
an electrical crane motor any
overload should also activate the The main slide valve often has a very
brakes. If this does not happen, the ingenious construction that adapts the
load or the jib falls down, and when force and velocity of the winch
the crane is revolving it will be dif- engine to the position of the control
ficult to stop it. lever. The main slide valve also keeps
- Emergency stops shall be present. the brakes off when necessary.
Red emergency stop buttons shall Furthermore, if the oil lines of a
be present within reach of the crane hydraulic engine are closed, the main
driver and wherever the regulations slide valve can absorb the extra load.
require them. When pushed, all
movement of the crane is made
3. Conventional type crane
The advantage that the conventional
revolving cranes have over the low
types is that during topping and
slacking, the load remains at the same
height. This horizontal level luffing /
load travel is achieved by using the
high position of the pulley block and
the way that the runner reeves
through. This ensures that it slacks Topping wire to a point somewhere on the jib 3. Hoisting rope (runner)
the same distance as the top of the jib 4. Hanger / topping lift
rises. When lowering, the same thing 5. Cabin
happens in reverse. 6. Pulley
The runner can be connected to the although the load can smash against - Slamming of the jib as a result of
top of the jib, or to a point halfway. the crane cabin, it cannot damage the waves is prevented because double-
cylinders. acting hydraulic cylinders can
3.2 Topping with hydraulic absorb both pulling and pushing
cylinders Some typical numbers that apply to forces.
these cranes are: - Cylinders are easier to maintain
The fulcrum is attached higher to the - maximum lifting capacity of than cables. The latter have to be
crane house if the crane jib is moved 16-60 tons replaced every five years.
vertically by hydraulic cylinders. - maximum reach 22-34 metres - The jib cannot shoot through the
This is because the cylinders are top-position. This allows cranes
attached to base of the jib at one end Using hydraulic cylinders for the with hydraulic cylinders to have a
and to the base of the crane house at topping of the jib has a number of smaller range (2 metres) than
the other end. The cylinders are advantages over topping with a steel cranes with runners (3 metres).
positioned to be on the sides of the cable:
crane cabin when the jib is In the case of double runners, hook
completely topped. This means that blocks are used instead of hooks.
1. Jib
2.Crane house
3. Hoisting rope
4. Topping cylinder
5. Crane cabin
6. Pulley
7. Hoisting winch
8. Cargohook
Hook block for double runners 9. Hook block with swivel
Topped crane
with the topping
adjacent to the
crane hut
3.3 The crane cabin Revolving crane with hydraulic topping cylinders
1. Crane cabin
2. Lever for topping and revolving
3. Lever for lifting
4. Jib
5. Hydraulic motor
6. Oil tank
7. Oil filter
8. Oil cooler
9. Limit switch
10 Drum for topping
11. Drum for hoisting
12. Pulley block
side view
maximum range
Hook rotator
1. Jib
2. Crane house
3. Runner
4. Topping cylinder
5. Crane cabin
6. Hoisting winch
7. Hook block
top view 8. Cam disc
9. Outlet air-cooler
10. Floodlight
2 11. Fulcrum of the jib
12. Crane foundation
13. Hook rotator
Revolving crane of the low type with hydraulic topping cylinders A crane of the low type
The bulk crane is a unit designed for The cage has no freedom of rotation
loading grabs and logs on standard relative to the jib. When the jib
bulk carriers. rotates, the cage has to follow, hence
the name pallet swinger.
6 Derricks
It is not uncommon for general cargo
ships to have revolving cranes with a
lifting capacity of approximately 150
tons. If these vessels have even
A derrick in three positions
A lieavy-lift ship with a heavy piece of cargo suspended from two cranes with spreaders A feature of a derrick is that the crane
is built on, around and in a heavy,
fixed mast. The crane house is
Mast 6. Hook of auxiliary hoist replaced by a slewing platform to
2. Jib 7. Slewing bearing which the jib is attached in two
3. Topping lift and running part of 8. Mast foundation / pedestal places, whilst still being free to rotate.
the hoisting rope 9. Hatch The pulley block and the fixed top
4. Hook block 10. Anti-heeling tanks blocks are located in the top of the
5. Cargo-hook 11. Top of the mast mast. The top of the mast is free to
rotate relative to the mast and it
rotates together with the jib. The
derricks described here often have no
crane cabin. The crane is remote-
controlled by a control panel that
either lies somewhere or is strapped
onto the shoulders of an operator. The
cranes depicted here are all driven
The hook block is made so heavy that
it slacks itself. This is necessary, but
requires a large weight because the
runner is a very thick and therefore
tough steel cable that does not slack
Gantry crane with a cable trolley and a fixed jib, front view and side view
- Straight ramps
The use of straight ramps on a ship
means that the ship depends on the
presence of an extending quay in the
berthing place onto which the ramp
can be placed. This requires a long
quay and, if loading and discharging
Side and top view of an elevator-system is done via the foreship and the
aftship, the full length of the ship has
1. Opened side door 9. Lower deck to fit in the berthing place. However,
2. Door-lifting mechanism 10. Cargo (paper rolls) this is not necessary if the straight
3. Hydraulic lifting system 11. Ramp with roller conveyor ramps extend from the side of the
4. Control room 12. Quay ship.
5. Guide 13. Maximum quay height
6. Elevator 14. Wing tank
7. Roller conveyor for tween deck 15. Double-bottom tank
8. Tweendeck 16. Counterweight
- Straight ramp in the fore ship - Straight ramp in the aft ship
The bow visor door in the fore ship The aft ship can suffice with just one
has a very complicated shape because watertight door, which, if it is flat, is
it is part of the streamlined profile of used as a ramp. In the picture on the
the ship's bow. The inside of this door right this is the case. The closed ramp
has a flat edge with a rubber seal to protrudes above the aft ship.
make the door watertight. This outer The pictures below show ramps that
door or visor absorbs the forces of the are not part of a door.
waves. For this reason there are high
demands for fatigue, strength, locks,
seals and safety. The stem should
have a compulsory second watertight
door that is part of the collision
bulkhead. This second door is flat. As Stern door and ramp combined
this door is placed at the collision
bulkhead usually it is not possible to
use this door as a ramp. Ramp with flap
A quarter ramp makes an angle of When the tweendeck is full, the ramp,
approximately 45 with the ship's complete with cars, is hoisted to the
centre line. This limits the orien- tweendeck position. The lower deck
tations of the ship in berthing to the can be loaded when the ramp has
side where ramp is located. Quarter been hoisted.
ramps can do with less quay length
than straight ramps.
L l o y d ' s R e g i s t e r of S h i p p i n g
Not* 1 Note 2
boxpt for initial examinations, if all the lifting Appliances arc The thorough examinations to be indicated in column 3 include:
thoroughly examined on the same date it will be sufficient to Initial
enter in eokimn 1 'AD lifting Appliance*' li not. or if an initial 12-monthly
examination If conducted then the lifting Appliances which Rve-yearty
have been thoroughly examined on the dates Mated must be Repair/damage
dearly indicated. Other thorough examinations
Situation and description of Ufsng Appliances Examination f certify that on th* data to which I Rn
with dUHnj*f*ig faartwi or marts, V any) pcrfo*nt0 nave appended by wpiatut*. the (tobedatedi
aNch law been IvugMy examined (sea Not* 2) lifting Appliance* shown In column 1
were thoroutfay examined and no
0*fetU affecting their safe working
UL2 conation war* found other than thoae
LJL2U itonn In oafcrtrvt 5
(Date, ttamo and s4tiah)
Deck Cranes
No. 1 deck crane at No. 1 cargo hold starboard 14.0 metres 132.0 120.0
18.6 metres 99.0 90.0
30.0 metres 55.0 50.0
No. 2 deck crane al No.2 cargo hold starboard 14.0 metres 132.0 120.0
18.6 metres 99.0 90.0
30.0 metres 55.0 50.0
No.3 deck crane al No.3 cargo hold starboard 14.0 metres 132.0 120.0
18.6 metres 99.0 90.0
30.0 metres 58.3 53.0
I certify that on the date to which I have appended my signature, the gear shown in column 1 was tested and thoroughly
examined and no dejects or permanent deformation were found; and that the safe working load is as shown.
Date Remarks
25 February 2000 The equipment have been assigned the Society's
Port LA Notation.
WJ. n
Signature Surveyor to Lloyd'a Regirer of S h i p p i n g / Q s ' JItarfa N W v
! 5
T.Yamato / ~~~ JcJ
This certificate is the standard international form as recommended by the International Labour Office in
accordance with ILO Convention No. 152.
FOftM UtO(LA2)(M/tt) 1/J Lloyd'i Register of Shipping,registeredoffice 71 Fcnchurch Street London BOM 48S
1 2 3 i
Situation and description of lifting appliances (with distinguishing numbers Angle to the Test load Safe working load
or marks, if any) which have been tested and thoroughly examined horizontal or (tonnes) (SWL) at angle or
radius at which test radius shown in
load applied column 2 (tonnes)
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Legal requirements for the
anchor and mooring gear
2. Mooring gear
2.1 Winches
2.2 Mooring gear auxiliaries
2.4 Emergency towing system for
3. Rigging
The purpose of the anchor gear (or 1.2 Legal demands on the
ground tackle) is to fix the position of anchor and mooring gear.
a ship in shallow water by using the
seabed. Reasons for doing this can A certificate for the anchor and
be: mooring equipment is only issued
PACE 22 2
- The ship has to wait until the berth after all the requirements from the
becomes vacant Classification Society are met. The
- To load or discharge cargo when a table on the opposite page indicates
port does not have a berth for the equipment numbers used to deter-
ship, either temporarily or perma- mine the minimum weights and dimen-
nent. sions of the anchors, chains, ropes
- To help with manoeuvring if the etc. The equipment number can be
ship does not have a bow thruster found on the midship section drawing.
PAGE 126 7
Anchor winch on general purpose ship with mooring drum and warping head (the
E N G I N E ROOM numbers refer to the list on the opposite page).
PAGE 244 1 2
Forecastle deck
Forecastle deck
(kg) (kg) (M) (mm) (mm) (m) <kN) (m) (*N)
A = displacement (weight of the ship) this term gives the influence Anchors are the final safety recource
of the displacement and the currents on the ship. of a ship. From the ancient times of
BH = width and height, this term which determines the influence of frontal the first boats, the men using them
winds, (m2) had a stone on some sling to keep the
A = the lateral surface of the ship (above the water), which determines the boat in position. Later developments
in fluence of side winds, (m2) show combinations with wood,
ending in the stock-anchor with
is carried out at the earliest oppor- - the shell cannot be easily damaged
tunity and that the vessel takes during heaving when the anchor
additional tug-assistance leaving and flukes leave the water vertically.
entering port.
The crown plate ensures that the
The stern anchor is used to prevent flukes of the anchor penetrate the sea
ships (coastal-trade liners for floor. In certain types of anchor, the
example) from rotating due to the flukes prevent the anchor from
changes in a river-current. burying itself too deep in the sea
Anchors can be distinguished as: bottom. The navy uses a specially
- conventional types developed HHP-anchor with an open
- HHP-anchors (high holding power) crown plate (bottom plate). The
Pool anchor (HHP) Type HG "Pool N'
- SHHP-anchors (super high holding advantage of this type of anchor is
anchor that it digs into the bottom very
Common conventional anchor types rapidly. For dredging and offshore
are: Spek, Hall, Union, Baldt. Spek jobs there are special anchors which
anchors have the advantage of being have to be laid down by anchor run
fully balanced. Accepted HHP boats and are certified as recoverable
anchors are AC 14, Pool and Danforth. mooring systems. HHP-anchors are
CQR and plow-type anchors are only allowed to be 25% lighter in weight
used on small craft. Various copies of because their holding force is twice as
accepted types are made all over the strong as that of a conventional
world. The conventional type is still anchor. The SHHP-anchors can be
used a lot and serves as a standard for 50% lighter in weight, because their
newer types of anchor (see table). holding force is even larger, namely 4
Conventional anchors are always times as large as with a conventional
cast. Newer types can also consist of anchor. However, this type of anchor
Hall anchor (conventional anchor) plates (or other components) that are is not accepted by Class for normal
welded together. If the flukes are
1. Crown / shackle
hollow, they tend to be more resistant
2. Shank
towards bending forces.
3. Flukes Some anchors are fully balanced;
4. Crown pin this means that the centre of gravity
5. Crown plate lies so low that the anchor always
6. Anchor chain with swivel leaves the water with the flukes
wooden stock. When propulsion or
steering fails, the seafarer has to rely This has the following advantages:
on his anchoring equipment. It is - an anchor recess that completely
therefore of utmost importance that envelops the anchor can be used.
this equipment is in good condition.
A regular check of the condition of
the anchor itself, the crown, anchor
shackle, the chain cable, windlass,
brake band and anchor securing
arrangements is a master's obligation.
In general, ships have two bow
anchors and sometimes a stern
anchor. There are two bow anchors
for safety. Under normal
circumstances one anchor is suffi-
cient, but under severe weather
conditions or in strong current both
The total holding force is supplied by the
anchors may be needed. Also, if one
anchor fails, the second anchor is a anchor and (the weight ) of the chain.
back-up. A ship is not allowed to sail The dashed lines in the drawing show
from any port when one anchor has that it is not dangerous if a ship floats
been lost. In general the Classifi- away for a certain distance (a ship's
cation Bureau may allow departure, length) from the original anchor-
under the condition that replacement position. HHP-anchor with an open crown plate
ships and can only be used on yachts
and special craft.
qualities Ul, which has become anchor chain is almost completely
mm m obsolete, and U4, which is an inside and stops completely when the
offshore quality. anchor is home.
The anchor chain is composed of A D-shackle connects the anchor and
lengths (shackles), each with a length the chain. A swivel is usually fixed on
of 15 fathom (15 x 1,83 = 27.5 m). the chain and allows the anchor to
The shackles are interconnected by a rotate independently from the chain.
Stud link chain kenter shackle. The swivel can also be connected
In order to keep track of the outboard directly to the anchor.
1.5 Anchor chain chain-length, the paying out and
heaving in of the anchor can be
The chain runs from the chain locker, monitored by markings near each
through the spurling pipe, via the kenter shackle. The markings can be
gypsy wheel of the windlass through white paint and/or wire wound around
the hawse pipe, to the anchor. The the studs. The kenter itself is red. Description of the images below:
anchor chain consists of links with
studs to prevent kinks in the chain. The paid out chain length can also be 1. Anchor shank
monitored electronically, by sensors
2. Anchor / link
that carefully register how many
3. Swivel
times the gypsy wheel rotates. An
4. Open link
5. Enlarged link
6. Kenter shackle
7. Crown shackle
Kenter shackle
1. half link
2. locking pin
3. stud Different ways to connect the anchor to the chain
Spek anchor
Flipper Delta-anchors on a deck of an AHTS
Hall anchor
Danforth anchor
~V \ W
This certificate is issued to the above Client to certify that the Anchor Chain Cable and Chain Cable fttmgsf, detailed herein, have been made, examined and tested in accordance
with the Rules and Regulations of Lloyd's Register of Shipping, and also in accordance with the schedules under the UK Anchor and Cham Cable Rules 1970 = Statutory
Instruments 1453 (British Flag Ships Oniy)f
Chain grade Nominal Diameter (mm)
U3a 40.0
Total length of chain cable (m) Length of link (mm) Breadth erf link (mm) Mass (tonnes)
Nil Nil Nil Nil
Number of enlarged shackles Number of swivels Number of lugged joining shackles Number of lugless joining shackles
Nil Nil End Shackle:15 (Fifteen) Nil
Proof load applied k N / t f f - Break load applied kN/tl | Approved alternative procedure for break test applied
896.0 1280.0 Yes No
Break test frequency Each (27.5m) length | | Every four (27.5m) lengths j ] Each batch (fittings) [X]
Cast number C% Si% Mn% P% s% Al% N% Cr% Cu% Nb% Ni% V% Mo%
T2001183 0.32 031 1.46 0.020 0.009 0.043 0.006 0.07 0.17 0.01 0.08 0.01 0.01
a) LR and Office b) Certificate number c) Proof load and grade
LR QDO J15068ty7-(1-15) PL896KN U3
Signature - Surveyor to Lloyd's Regjsf^SjfSfiJfrping^^-^^^)^ To be completed by the Surveyor verifying the equipment after placing on
board Signature - Surveyor to Lloyd's Register of Shipping
Should tin; Anchor Cham Cable or fittings inscribed above be lost or destroyed, this certificate is to be returned to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register of Shipping,
lxmdon,for cancellation. If the Anchor Chain Cable or fitting is impaired or otherwise altered, so as to destroy its identity ivith the certificate, the facts are to he
reported to the Secretary, or one of LR's Suroeyors in order that the certificate may be altered accordingly.
1.6 Hawse-pipes and anchor addition to this, the plating is extra 1.7 Chain stopper / cable stopper
pockets thick in this area.
The chain stopper absorbs the pull of
The hawse pipe is a tube that leads Anchor pockets are sometimes made the chain by diverting it to the hull.
the chain to the forecastle deck. A in the bow into which the anchors can The chain stopper's holding force
water-spray in the pipe cleans the be completely retracted. should be min. 80% of tensile
chain during heaving of the anchor. breaking strength of the anchor chain.
The advantages of the anchor recesses: Furthermore, the hawse pipe's resis-
- the anchors are protected from tance absorbs 20% and the windlass
direct contact with waves. should have a holding force of 45%
- a loose anchor cannot bang against of the minimum break load.
the shell (important on passenger
liners) In most types of chain stoppers, the
- damage to the shell by floating ice chain runs over a roller, equipped
can be prevented. with a tensioner. The securing
- prevention of fatigue damage to the consists of a hook onto which both
anchor itself eyes of a steel wire are attached. This
- mooring wires do not get fouled wire is put through a link of the chain
and tensioned. This securing fixes the
A water-spray installation in the hawse pipe anchor in the recess thereby
preventing banging of the anchor
During heaving, the flukes of the against the shell.
anchor should be parallel to the ship's
shell. A collar protects the part of the Cable stoppers are to be divided into
ship's shell around the hawsepipe. In anchor securings for when the vessel
is at sea, and for when the vessel is
riding at anchor. When the vessel is at
sea, the anchor is held by the brake
band, and a securing wire or
preferably a high tensile chain,
through the chain cable and attached
to a strong point on the focsle deck.
The windlass should not be engaged.
1.8 Winches
Winches on the forecastle and on the The anchor chain enters the chain
quarter deck of a car ferry locker via the spurling pipes. Chain
lockers are high and narrow, making
them self-trimming. This means that
the stacked chain can not fall over in
bad weather. A grill on the bottom of
the chain locker makes sure that
water, rust and mud can fall through.
A (manual) bilge pump can drain the
1. Bearing
2. Sliding claw
3. Fixed claw
Pipe outside the chain locker where the
Clawelutch out and in
end link is connected, The wheel is used
to secure a pin through the end link.
A rope may never stay on the
warping drum because then the
force exerted by the ship may well
exceed the pulling force of the
warping drum. The warping drum
can absorb equal amounts of pulling
force and brake force; the brake
force of the drums, however, is three
times as much as the pulling force
due to the band brake.
1. Head lines
Rope can be made from either natural
2. Spring
or synthetic fibres. Nowadays, with a
The drawing above shows how a rope
2.3 Emergency towing system few exceptions, most ropes are made
from synthetic fibres. The synthetic can be composed
for tankers
fibres are manufactured from mineral Some rope-types have a mantle. The
In recent years a number of environ- oil products that have undergone a purpose of the mantle is to keep the
mental disasters involving tankers chemical process. The rotation of the strands in the core together. This has
has shown how difficult it is to make threads is opposite to the strands, the advantage that the strands in the
a connection whith a ship in distress. preventing the rope to unlay. Below core can be arranged in a parallel
The IMO demands that tankers with a some (of the many) types of ropes are fashion: this gives the maximum
carrying capacity of more than categorised according to the way they tensile strength. The mantle itself
20,000 tons have an emergency have been stranded (plaited). rarely contributes to the tensile
towing connection foreward and aft. strength. The threads in the core need
not be resistant to wear as the mantle
provides the wear resistance. There-
fore it is important that the wear
resistance of the mantle is higher than
the wear resistance of the core. A
mantle keeps the cable round and
compact, which reduces sensitivity to
B e n d ot D y n e e m a lesfing
residual strength 1 3 0 % Advantages over steel cables are:
- light-weight
cycles (x 1000)
- easy to manage
PHILLYSTRAN PSP - non-conductive
This graph shows the TCLL-values for a
(Polyester) - small backlash
number of rope-types
V Jlu J k ,.
b. Polyamide
Polyamide is better known as nylon.
Polyamide ropes sink (density >
1.000 t/m3) and absorb water after
being a few days in contact with
water. The absorption of water adds
4% to the rope's weight. This can
reduce the MBF by 10%. Polyamides
have a large elasticity. A consequence
These graphs show that the elasticity of of this is the backlash when parting.
polypropylene is greater than that of 3.2 Description of common cables The rope sweeps over the deck and
polyester. At maximum load, the endangers the people present there.
polypropylene stretches by 20% and the a. High-grade cables Certain types of polyamides can be
polyester by 12%. b. Polyamide spliced and re-used after the rope has
c. Polyester snapped. However, especially cheap
strands and the way that the rope is d. Polyolefines ropes are disposed of when they snap,
plaited, the presence of a mantle. e. Natural rope and a new rope is ordered.
- Water-absorption, expressed as a f. Steel cables
weight percentage of the rope. c. Polyester
- Backlash or snapback. This indicates a. High-grade cables Polyesters are very resistant to wear
if, in case of breaking, the rope falls Aramide and High Module and very durable, both in wet and dry
"dead" on the deck, or snaps back. PolyEthylene (HMPE) are high-grade conditions. In mechanical charac-
Rubber has a large backlash. cables. Kevlar, Twaron and Technora teristics polyester resembles nylon,
- Creep limit. This is the lengthening are aramide brand names and except that it is more resistant to
of the cable in time under constant Dyneema and Spectra are HMPE- wear. Furthermore, polyester is more
tension brands. The difference between the expensive. The density of nylon
- Chemical durability. This indicates two types is that the aramide has a (1.14) is lower than of polyester
how well the rope can resist (the lower (thus better) creep, but aramide (1.38) and the energy absorbing
action of) chemicals.
- A knot or splice in a cable can
reduce the strength by as much as
- TCLL-value (thousand cycle load
level). This is the cyclic load level as
a percentage and as an absolute
value of the maximum load under
wet conditions. This is the load at
which a cable will break when it has
undergone the load a 1000 times.
For example, if the TCLL-value of a
100 tonf. cable is 50%, or 50 tonf,
then the cable will break if subjected
to a 50 tonf load a 1000 times
capacity of nylon is higher, making it Although the resistance to chemicals The strength is optimal when
more suitable to absorb large force and UV-light is good, the MBF is different sizes of wires are used in the
variations. For this reason, nylon is about 2-8 times smaller than the MBF strands, so that the section is
often used as a stretcher, to protect of synthetic ropes. Manilla on ships is optimally filled with steel. Like
steel cables from large shock loads. used for the pilot ladder, boat ropes of ordinary rope, there are right hand
lifeboats and helicopter-nets. The and left hand laid cables. Analogue to
d. Polyolefines reason for this is: synthetic rope, the direction of
There are two types of polyolefine rotation of strands and wires is mostly
rope, namely high performance ropes - manilla is less sensitive to fire and opposite, called 'ordinary lay'. Other
and standard ropes. The difference burns slower constructions and ways of lay are
between these two lies not just in the - manilla is rough and hairy, therefore Cross Lay, Lang's Lay, Non-Rotating,
MBF, but also in the qualities like it does not slip easily, especially etc. Each lay is used for specific
UV-sensitivity and wear resistance, when wet. purpose. During the fabrication
which increase the durability of the process the wires in the strands can be
rope. High performance ropes can f. Steel wire ropes pre-formed into the helical form
also be found with a mantle. Poly- Steel cables or wire ropes have which they get in the finished state, to
propylene, polyethylene and mixtures advantages and disadvantages. They reduce internal stresses in the rope.
of these compounds are polyolefines. are strong, cheap, have little elonga- That prevents unspinning, and a
Many high performance ropes like the tion under tension, have a high wear broken wire does not stick out.
Tipo-eight are also polyolefines. resistance, but they are heavy, and
they rust. The construction of steel wire is given
Polyprop is a polyolefine-rope that is in a formula.
often used. Its advantages are: They are used where the circum- For example: Galvanised, Diam.
- it floats stances allow or demand it, for 36 mm, 6 x 36 ws + iwrc. It means
- it is relatively cheap instance for hoisting and luffing wires 36 mm diameter, 6 strands with each
in cranes, mooring wires for tankers 36 galvanised wires, warrington seal
The disadvantages are: and bulkcarriers, anchor wires in (ws), and an independent wire rope
- not very resistant to wear dredging and offshore, towing wires core (irwc). Warrington seal is a
- low TCLL-value for fishing and tugboats. In case of means of constructing a wire rope
- short lifespan fire they are not immediately from wires with different diameter, so
destroyed. that water ingress is limited.
Steel wires are available in numerous Steel wire is mostly galvanised, but
constructions, depending on the untreated steel wires also exist, and
requirements. There are basically two for special purposes stainless steel is
steel tensile strength grades: 1770 used.
N/mm2 and 1960 N/mm2. Cables are
made of a number of strands, turned
in a long spiral around a core. The
strands consist of a number of
An eye is spliced into ci rope usually galvanised wires.
Diameter MBF
QUALITY TYPE OF LAY regular lay (mm) (kN)
TYPE OF CORE greased
12 84,6
14 115
yoo w
Diameter MBF
QUALITY galvanised TYPE OF LAY regular lay (kN)
TENSILE STRENGTH 1770 N / m m 1 DIRECTION OF LAY right hand lay
10 54,4
TYPE OF CORE fibre greased
12 78 y 3
NUMBER OF OUTER WIRES 72 left hand lay
Diameter MBF
QUALITY galvanised TYPE OF LAY regular lay
2 (mm) (kN)
lang lay
8 41,1
ungalvanised 10 64,3
dry 12 92,6
NUMBER OF OUTER STRANDS 12 left hand lay 14 126
Rotation resistant wire, used as hoisting rope
End links
Steel wire clamps split in two sets of strands. Half the Modern slings are fabric. Woven from
A steel wire clamp can be used to number of strands are laid in a bend modern fibres very light and strong
quickly make an eye in a cable. The in one direction, the other half into band-type slings are made, with one
U-bolt of the clamps should be the other direction, meeting together disadvantage: they can easily be
attached to the part of the cable that is in opposite direction, forming an eye. damaged by sharp items. But
free from pulling forces. The bolts The strands are turned into each other, strength-weight ratios can be
should be attached to the "dead" part, forming a wire. Where the ends come extremely high, when modern fibres
where no pulling forces are acting on together a conical steel bush is placed as Dyneema, Aramide, or other
:he cable. on forehand, which is pressed to- carbons are used. Very flexible and
Steel wire clamps may not be used for gether, preventing the wire ends from soft slings are made from Dyneema
lifting purposes, with an exception for jumping loose. in long straight threads, not laid,
guys and keg sockets to make sure inside a canvas tubing. This type of
:hat the cable does not slip. The strongest sling is the grommet. A sling is very friendly to machined or
wire is turned around a circular rod, polished steel objects.
say six times the circumference,
forming a cable, wherafter the rod is 3.5 Forces and stresses
pulled out, and the wires, acting as
strands, remain, turned around them- - Some definitions
selves. The ends are put away inside Safe Working Load (SWL) or
the rope. A grommet is very flexible Working Load Limit (WLL) is the
and very strong. The heaviest maximum acceptable load on an item
grommets, for offshore lifts, reach a (shackle, hook, wire, derrick, crane,
calculated MBL of 7500 tons. etc.).
Testing is not possible, but the MBL
of the individual wires is a known
figure, found from a breaking test of a
When lifting objects, often slings are
needed. A sling is a wire with at each
snd an eye spliced or clamped. The
;ye can be long or short, all depen-
ding on the purpose. When the item to
oe lifted has lugs welded on it, a sling
with talurits and shackles can be used,
[n other cases long eyes are more
versatile. These eyes can be talurit-
;lamped, but better is a flamish eye,
with a swaged clamp. A flamish eye
,s a very simple but very strong
splice. From a wire with an even
lumber of strands, the strands are
:urned loose over the double length of
Cable-laid sling
he eye. Over that length the wire is Spreader with hook, SWL 6000 tons
Minimum Breaking Load (MBL) is
the guaranteed minimum load at
which an item, when tested to
destruction as a sample for a large
number of identical items, will fail.
So, on average, most items will fail at
a higher load. The load-stretch
diagram below shows that the tested
chain actually failed at a higher load
than the MBL. The diagram also
shows that proof loading by the
manufacturer is done to 2.5 times the
safe working load. For a re-
certification test, the proof load will
be 2 times the SWL. Normally used
figures for the ratio WLL/MBL (or Heavy-duty bow shackles ready for testing
SWL/MBL) are:
- Forces in wires
The figure on the right shows the
forces in a wire when a weight of
1000N is lifted, and how the force in
a rope or wire increases as a function
of the angle between the components.
When that angle exceeds 90 the
increase is excessive. Between 120
and 150 the forces run up to 1950N.
The angle is therefore not allowed to
exceed 120. The material used for
the wire does not influence the
2. Engine types
5. Lubrication
6. Starting
7. Exhaust gas
8. Combustion air
9. Shafting
10. Electricity
11. Heating
13. Pumps
14. Safeguarding
15. Firefighting
19. Valves
As a consequence of the fixed-pitch length as possible for cargo, and to
propeller, the main engine is nor- make the ship not longer than neces-
mally a directly reversible diesel sary. However, in the finer built hulls,
engine. A reversing gearbox is only such as the bigger container-ships the
found in combination with small engine room is located more forward,
engines. say one third from aft. Modern
passenger-ships and Ro-Ro vessels
More than one propeller systems are have their engine room spread over a
found on fast ships, such as passenger large part of the ship's length, limited
FORCES ON A SHIP ships and ships which are restricted in height, to create a minimum loss of
by draught, or where the total power vertical space where cabins or
needed is too much for one propeller. vehicles can be located.
Explanation of these 3D-images:
2 Engine types
1. Bottom plating
Propulsion diesel engines can be
2. Side keelsons divided into three groups:
3. Floors
4. Tanktop 1. High-speed four-stroke diesel
5. Top plate engine foundation engines, RPM above 960.
6. Foundation gearbox
7. Engine On this page you see an example
8. Shafting of a high-speed engine.
9. Gearbox
10. Sea inlet box
2. Valve protection covers
3. Control panel
4. Protection of fuel pumps
5 . Protection of camshaft
6. Crankcase cover
7. Nameplate
Medium-speed engine, 8 cylinders in line
8. Camshaft cover
9. Aircooler
2. Medium-speed four-stroke diesel
engines, RPM ranging 240-960.
Medium-speed V-engine.
Medium-speed V-engine
3. Fuel
The criterium for the choice between
the engine types, apart from the size
of the ship, the available space and
the required power, is the fuel which
can be used. Diesel oil (MDO) is best,
produces least dirt, but is expensive.
The so-called heavy fuel (HFO) is
much cheaper, but requires additional
systems as pre-cleaning and heating.
It produces sludge and dirtier exhaust
gases. It contains more sulphur than
diesel. This heavy fuel can only be
used in medium-speed and slow-
running engines. High-speed engines
require high-quality diesel oil.
Cylinder oil
service tank
Pump station
Cooling-water pumps with
stand-by pumps
5. Lubrication To other
Each diesel engine needs lubrication.
Normally this is done by pumping oil
through the bearings and forced
Master Control Unit
upwards from the crankcase towards and
Crankshaft position
the cylinder liners. Small engines Backup Control Unit Engine load
Cylinder lubrication
P* Xfi
R L I F E ,
. J L L F L H ,NII.
6. Starting combustion sequence. The main air
line from air vessel to engine
contains a distributor, a rotating disc,
driven by the engine crankshaft, with
7. Exhaust gas the engine can be boosted by supply- compressor. The air rises in tempe-
ing the cylinder with air of a higher rature due to the compression. By
The combustion produces exhaust pressure. More air means more fuel cooling this air after compression, the
gas. This is a very hot mix of carbon that can be burnt. And that again pressure rises even more.
dioxide, nitrogen oxides, unbumt means more engine output.
oxygen, sulpur dioxide, and carbon Cooling water from the main system
(soot). The sulphur oxides are The output of the engine is limited by is used for this air cooling, and also to
harmful. With water they form acids, the temperature of the exhaust gas. cool the whole unit.
corrosive to the steel exhaust pipes, When the temperature in the cylinder
and not environmentally friendly. becomes too high, damage can occur 9. Shafting
This of course also counts for carbon to outlet valves, cylinders etc. There-
dioxide, and the nitrogen oxides. fore the air must have a certain over- The shafting arrangement transfers
Pressure is put on reduction of Nox capacity for cooling purposes the torque produced by the engine to
and Sox. the propeller. In the most common,
The quantity of air can be boosted most simple and most reliable
The heat in the exhaust gas can be further by compressing the air before systems this is a monobloc casting.
used to warm up fuel, and for other it goes into the cylinder. The air can Controllable pitch propellers are also
purposes, such as accommodation be compressed by using the velocity quite common, but more complex,
heating. In the exhaust-gas pipe a heat of the exhaust-gas. In the exhaust-gas expensive and more vulnerable to
exhanger can be built in which water line a turbine is fitted, driving a rotary failures. They have, however, the
or another liquid is pumped through. advantage of the optimal pitch you
When the liquid is water, and it need for each speed and a constant
evaporates, the heat-exchanger is RPM, which gives the possibility of a
called an exhaust-gas boiler. When it main-engine driven (shaft) generator.
does not evaporate, the heater is
called an exhaust-gas economiser.
8. Combustion air
The air needed in the cylinders for
combustion, is normally drawn from
the engine room. In small ships only
an opening to atmosphere is suffi-
cient, in big ships electrically driven J. Exhaust-gas inlet
ventilators supply the engine room 2. Exhaust-gas turbine
with a large quantity of air, also to 3. Air-inlet filter Main engine flywheel with intermediate
keep the engine-room temperature 4. Rotary compressor shaft and main lubricating-oil pumps,
sufficiently low. The performance of 5. Compressed air outlet electric motors
the engine room. The propeller is
fitted on the tail shaft, normally with
a press-on fit. The after end of the tail
shaft is conical, fitting precisely in the
conical hole of the propeller. Some-
times it is secured against turning by
a key. But this is old-fashioned. The
normal way nowadays is the so-called
key-less fitting, where the propeller
during the push-up is pressed by high
Shafting looking aft Diesel generator
oil-pressure on the conical surface.
Normally the shafting consists of one
intermediate shaft and the tail shaft. 1. diesel engine
A controllable pitch propeller is fitted
with bolts on a flange at the after end 2. generator
The intermediate shaft is needed to of the tail shaft. Such a shaft has to be
create access when the tailshaft needs withdrawn outwards, which often normal. All three are identical, and
to be withdrawn. The intermediate makes removal of the rudder each is capable of taking the complete
shaft is then to be laid aside. In the necessary. The shafting of a control- electrical power demand at sea. The
system are a number of bearings: one lable pitch propeller (CPP) is much electricity produced is normally 3-
or two bearings on the intermediate more complex, due to the hydraulic phase current. When more than one
shaft, and the bearings in the stern functions needed by the propeller, and generator is running the electric
bush. The total number can vary which is distributed through hollow output can be connected through a
depending on the length of the system shafting. circuit breaker to the bus-bars of the
and the weight of the shafts. the main switchboard in so-called
A fixed-pitch propeller is normally a parallel mode. A synchroniser-panel
The aft-most shaft, the tail shaft, is right-handed propeller. A controllable is installed in the switchboard, which
supported by the stern bearing. It is pitch propeller is left-handed, this to only allows the circuit breaker to be
located inside the after-peak tank, out create astern properties similar to closed when the generator which is to
of sight. This bearing is part of the those of a fixed-pitch propeller. be switched on, is in phase with the
stern tube, which is completely filled other already running generator(s).
with lubricating oil so that the tail 10. Electricity Together they then feed one system.
shaft rotates in oil. The diesel output power is controlled
A ship has a considerable power by a governor on each diesel engine
At the aft side of the stern tube a consumption. Steering gear, lighting, that regulates the fuel quantity, while
complicated sealing system is fitted, ventilation, all the pumps, compres- keeping the RPM constant. Big ships
to keep seawater outside and the oil sors, air-conditioning, etc. A diesel usually have generators that produce
inside the stern tube. This seal is generator supplies the power. 440 volt and 60 Hertz (3-phase).
located just forward of the propeller.
The outer seal is protected by a At least two diesel generators are
surrounding ring, the rope-guard. At needed. When one fails, the other can
the forward end of the stern tube, take over. To allow proper main-
where the shaft leaves the engine tenance of one diesel generator when
room a similar, but less complicated the ship is in normal operation, and
seal is fitted, again to retain the oil in not to be at risk of insufficient 1. Generator
the stern tube and not leaking it into redundancy, a third diesel generator is 2. Engine
3. Gearbox
4. Shaft
Various methods of driving a shaft generator, the "power take o f f ' or PTO
Small bilge pump of the bilge-water Portable extinguishers of various Ships navigating the seas, make their
separator kinds, fire hoses with water from own fresh water. Salt water, evapo-
various pumps, portable foam rated into steam and then brought into
14. Safeguarding extinguishers, and when the other a condenser, produces condensate.
systems fail, a total flooding instal- And that is fresh water. When the
The various machinery in the engine lation using carbon dioxide, high pressure in the boiler is reduced
room is safeguarded by control expansion foam, or water related below atmospheric, the boiling tem-
systems. A simple diesel engine of systems. perature is lower than 100 degrees C.
20 hp already has a lubricating oil This phenomenon creates the possi-
pressure alarm. When the lubricating- bility to use the hot cooling water
(steam) goes to the high part of the The most common valve types are:
drum, where another heat exchanger
with cold seawater acts as a con- Gate valves
denser. From the tubes condensate is
dripping. Below this condenser a
conical dish is situated, where the r
condensate is collected. Through a
drain line in the centre of the dish,
the fresh water is transferred outside
Fresh water generator the drum.
after having done its work in cooling A second way of making fresh water
the main engine, to make fresh water. is filtering. Salt water is pumped
The cooling water is led through a under high pressure through a mem-
heat exchanger inside the lower part brane with openings so small that salt
of a drum, where the pressure is molecules cannot pass. The water
reduced using an ejector. The heat passes and comes out as fresh water.
exchanger is submerged in clean sea- This process is called reverse
water, that is boiling in the low- osmosis.
pressure atmosphere. The vapour
1. Housing
2. Wedge
3. Spindle
4. Sealing rings
5. Plug
Globe valve
150 54f
1. Duct keel 4. Branches to the double- 5. Direction of engine room 8. Two-way valve
2. Tank wall bottom tanks and wing 6. Bow-thruster room
3. Ring line tanks 7. Filter
Ballast line made of synthetic fibres. Ballast pump in the engine room, lines and (stop) valves
1 Valve (butterfly)
Butterfly valve 2 Operating handle
3 Valve casing
Ballast arrangement on a large
container vessel. Each tank has its
own connection. Ballasting and
unballasting of each tank simulta-
neously is possible.
1 Overboard
2 Ballast distributor
3 Anti-heeling system
4 Lines to the tanks (in the duct
5 Valves with remote control
6 Filter
7 Pump
(WJ 0C ftML/GT
92 104
- n Jj=
a r i "'EE
- k
(l . ! / "
j L.
?e *93
ACCORDINC IMO REG. 5 4 , THE VALVES MARKED WITH F MUST HAVE 2. Ballast arrangement (blue)
P O S S I B I L I T Y TO B E B L O C K E D IN C L O S E D P O S I T I O N ( 6 x ) 3. Overboard (for bilge and ballast)
4. Engine room bulkhead
TWO BALLAST TANKS SIMULTANEOUS ( = 2x ON 125) 5. Main bilge line, from distributor to ejector and
ALL LINES MADE OF MILD STEEL AND 6. Engineroom bilge line, port side, starboard side,
HOT GALVANIZED AFTER MANUFACTURING midship and aft. All fitted to the main bilge line.
DIMENSIONS ACCORDING "RECON" STANDARD 7. Direct bilge arrangement from the engine room
LIST R - S T D - 1 0 Q 2 -"NORMAL WALLED" COLUMN 1 / tunnel 8. Suction distributor chest
X M l > SUCT. FROM CROSS-OVER SEE OWG: 36-1 (2x) 9. Ejector
X 3 0 ? > D R M K ' C MOUID TROM ri-ri PUMP SEE owe: 3 5 - 2 Bilge and ballast arrangement on a container feeder
Top view of the forepart of the engine room
Non-return valve
o Pump
0 Filter
Common symbols
22 Fire-fighting arrangement
Fire on board ships has probably still on deck, an isolating valve must the vessel can be reached by at least
more often caused the loss of a ship be placed. When shut, this valve, two hoses. In case of fire in the engine
than grounding, collision or bad ensures that the rest of the bilge room an isolating valve outside the
weather. A good fire-fighting arran- system remains isolated in the event engine room must be shut to keep
gement, conforming to legal require- of bilge lines in the emergency pump pressure on the fire line from the
ments is therefore a necessity. room compartment becoming damaged. emergency fire pump.
The emergency pump may not be
The fire-fighting arrangement has to driven from the engine room but must
transport seawater to the fire be driven independently by a diesel
hydrants. The system consists of engine or electrically driven by an
lines, pumps, valves with couplings, emergency generator.
hoses, nozzles and spray installations.
Both main pumps must deliver suffi-
A minimum of three fire-fighting cient pressure. This pressure should
pumps is compulsory on all ships. be enough to get at least a pressure of
One of these pumps must be situated 4 bar at the highest point on the ship
outside the engine room. This is the (the bridge). There must be enough
emergency fire-fighting pump. As hydrants (connection point for fire
close to the pump as possible, while hose) to ensure that every location on
BUCC system r o a c s w p
v? c[tJo-
r 534
<s> 3
1. Arrangement in the engine room
au wc-uncs uaoc or uu> s u a amo
2. Arrangement on deck
X2S> swct. rnou cross ovtn set owe 3-i 4. Isolating valve
5. Hydrant
6. Supply from general service
7. Main fire pump
8. Suction
9. Emergency fire pump
10. Sea valve
Fire-fighting arrangement
Fixed propellers
Controllable pitch propellers
Rudder propellers
Electrical rudder propellers
Propeller shafting
Water-jet propulsion
Types of rudders
Steering engines
1. Propellers
ship k n o w l e d g e
In order for a ship to obtain a certain constant speed, a force needs to be exerted
on the ship. The magnitude of this force depends on the ship's resistance at that
particular speed. If the ship is travelling at constant speed the force exerted on
the ship equals the resistance of the ship. The force that moves the ship can
come from an outside source like a towing line or the wind, but generally the
force is generated by a power source on the ship itself (engine). The propulsion
system usually consists of the engine or turbine, reduction gearbox, propeller
shaft and propeller.
The efficiency depends on the flow The propeller pitch is the distance in
LAWS AND REGULATIONS field of the propeller, which depends the direction parallel to the propeller
on the ship's underwater body, the shaft that a point on the propeller
power of the propeller, the number of covers in one revolution in a solid
C O N S T R U C T I O N OF T H E V A R I O U S blades, rotations per minute, the substance. Similar to a point on a
SECTIONS maximum possible propeller dia- corkscrew turning in a cork. When
meter, the blade surface area and the rotating in a fluid a propeller will
CLOSING ARRANGEMENTS ship's speed. have a (small) slip. Rotations or
revolutions per minute are
abbreviated as rpm.
As described above, the propeller
pressure of a rotating propeller is not
just the result of the water-pressure
on the pressure side, but also of the
underpressure on the other side of the
propeller. Propellers that rotate
rapidly can create an under-pressure
that is so low that watervapour
bubbles are being formed on the
suction side of the propeller. These
gas-bubbles implode continuously on
the same spot and cause damage to
the suction side of the blade. This is
called cavitation. Severe cavitation causes:
- a reduction in propulsion power
- wear of the blades
- vibrations that bend the blades
Fixed right-handed propeller on a tanker (deadweight 30,000 tons). Propeller being
- noise in the ship
polished to reduce roughness, for less rotation friction and less fuel consumption. - high cost to rectify
Pressure and suction sides of the
propeller A proper working propeller often
The approach velocity of the water is shows light cavitation wich is not
a result of the ship's movement harmful.
through the water. If the ship is lying
still, this Ve = 0. The approach
velocity can be calculated by
subtracting the wake velocity from
the ship's speed. The speed of
rotation of the propeller and the
approach velocity result in the speed
(V). This V hits the propeller blade at
a certain angle:
A drawing of the upper fixed propeller
blade of a right-handed propeller seen
a = 9-10 at service speed
from above
1. Cross-section of propeller The speed of the incoming water
blade creates an under-pressure on the
2. Propeller shaft forward side of the blade (suction
3. Suction side side) and an over-pressure on the aft
4. Pressure side side of the blade (pressure side). The
5. Leading edge propeller blade acts as a wing profile.
6. Trailing edge Propellers are usually viewed from
Drawing of a controllable pitch propeller with propeller shaft. The pitch adjustment of
the blades is done via oil pressure though the hollow shaft. (For explanation of the
numbers see next page.) The figures apply to a propeller with a diameter of 2.5 metres.
Safety precautions
1. The position of the blades can be
changed manually without loss of
propulsive force.
2. If the hydraulic system fails, the
blades can be locked in the ahead
1.4 Nozzles
Fixed propeller in a wing-nozzle Tug boat equipped with two azimuthing thrusters and a bow thruster
Hxeept for the tunnel thruster, all
rudder propellers can steer Ihc ship
thereby giving Ihc ship excellent
manoeuvrability. Nowadays, modern
electronic equipment lur satellite
navigation can be employed to couple
the rudder propellers to the dynamic
positioning system (DP system). This
can keep a ship in a predetermined
position irrespective of the influences
of currents and wind. Retractable
thrusters are often used for this
purpose. When the ship is in position,
the azimuth thrusters are lowered and
the ship switches to DP. Other
advantages of the rudder propeller are
the very compact engine room (because
there is 110 need for a long propeller
shaft); this results in lower
installation costs as compared to a
conventional propeller.
control panel
1. Joystick
2. Control automatic pilot
3. Read-out daughter-
Conventional dieseldirect
Diesel-electric drive
A cruise ship with 2 electrical rudder propellers that can rotate 360.
1.6 Electrical rudder propellers
Advantages are:
1. It is possible to separate the power
source and the propulsion system
2. It can combine the power supply
of the auxiliaries and the
propulsion system
3. Few vibrations and little noise
4. Excellent manoeuvring
5. Lower fuel-costs
1. Azipod with a 1200 volts cyclo- energy for all the ship's systems
converter like propulsion, AC, galley,
2. Five diesel engines coupled to 5 watermakers etc.
generators (2 times 11.2 MW and 3. Main grid, 11000 volts / 60 Hz
3 times 8.4MW. These supply the 4. Bow thrusters
1.7 Propeller shafting
1. Stern
2. Rudder
3. Propeller boss
4. Propeller
5. Propeller post
6. Aft stern-tube seals
7. Shafting
8. Forward stern-tube seals
9. Intermediate shaft bearings
10. Propeller shaft
Stem post with shafting of a controllable pitch propeller
The lubricating agent between the
propeller shaft and the shafting can
be: a. oil
b. water
a. Lubricating oil
Approximately 70% of all ships use
oil as a lubricant for the propeller
shaft. When oil is the lubricant, the
bearing is usually made of white
metal, and sometimes of synthetic
material. The disadvantage of synthe-
tics is that they poorly transmit the
frictional heat between bearing and
shaft. At the front side of the front
bearing there is a sealing case, which
prevents oil from leaking into the
Stern bearing and seals
b.Water as a lubricant
1. Inlet
2. Driving shaft
3. Impeller
4. Hydraulic steering cylinder
5. Jetavator, steering part
6. Hydraulic cylinder that alters the
direction of the propulsion
7. Reversing plate, can be moved
by the cylinder
8. Reverse section
9. Sealing box to prevent water
from entering the ship
10.Combined guide and thrust
11. Nozzle
This picture shows the manoeuvring abilities of two car-ferries (60 metres in length)
and two passenger ferries (40 metres in length)
V = velocity of water-flow
L = lift
D = drag
N = resultant force
- = under-pressure
+ = over-pressure
a = distance between the rudder-
Rt OJfci stocK Turifarit N * a stock and the point of
Horizontal cross-section of the rudder blade of a balance rudder
application of N
Construction of part of the aft ship of a
con tainer feeder
Top view
1. Transom
2. Steering flat
3. Aft perpendicular = rudder axle
4. Rudder
5. Rudder trunk
6. Space for the rudder stock
7. Ice-protection
8. Rudder dome (deadwood)
9. Stern post or propeller post
10.Wash bulkhead on centre line
11. Wing plate
12.Centre line propeller shaft
13.Side keelson
14.Floor plate Construction of part of the aft ship of a container feeder
Side keelson
Current flows at maximum rudder angle Top view of a fish tail rudder
3.3 Steering engines
1. General
In ram steering engines, the rudder This steering engine has every
stock is rotated by a tiller that, in turn, component in pairs
is controlled by the rams. A ram Ram steering engine on a large ship
consists of a cylinder and a piston. (turning the rudder to starboard)
The tiller and the rudder stock are
often linked by a conical connection.
Ram steering engines may have 1
ram, two rams or 4 rams. If the
cylinders are double-acting, the
steering engine can still operate
through one of the cylinders when the
other one fails. This is also a
requirement of SOLAS.
1. Rudder stock
2. Tiller
3. Ram (piston + cylinder)
4. Hydraulic lines
5. Electro-motor
6. Protection of coupling between e-
motor and hydr. power pack
7. Pump in tank filled with oil
(power pack) Ram steering engine of a large ship
3. Rotary vane steering engines
A generator rotor
NAV-1 Bridge console
- Temperature seawater 32
centigrade (other temperatures can
be agreed on restricted services).
- Trim 5 gearbox from the harmful forces of For large ships and ships carrying
the direct-on-line starting by starting more than 32 passengers, the required
- Pitching 5 star/delta or starting slowly by a capacity of the batteries for emer-
frequency converter. gency lighting and communication is
- List 22.5 roll 22.5 too big to handle practically. A
separate emergency generator with its
- Vibration, Shock, radiated and autonomous fuel tank, starting
conducted interference EMC systems and switchboard, which
automatically starts when the main
- Susceptibility to radiated and power fails is required. Also the
conducted interference EMC supply cables to the various emer-
gency consumers is to be away from
- Voltage and frequency variations the spaces containing the main power
- Total harmonic distortion A starter drawer
An initial starting system, that is a
- Functionality of the equipment in 6.8 Emergency generator starting system capable of starting the
general, performance data, emergency generator without any
accuracy etc. An emergency generator is a gene- help from outside with all normal
rator with the same characteristics as starting gear out of order, is to be
All essential equipment shall be a main generator but located in a provided. This initial starting system
selected from the lists of type-tested space separated from the main may consist of a hand-started diesel-
equipment. If an equipment is not generators and independent of any driven air compressor in case of air-
listed at least it shall fulfil the equipment outside this space. So started engines or a spare battery.
requirements for type-testing as starting equipment such as an air
available from the Classification bottle with a non-return valve of the
Societies. engineroom starting air system, a
separate fuel tank, an emergency
6.7 Starting devices switchboard in the same space as the
generator set to limit the possibility
Starting devices are used to limit the of failure of the emergency system in
in-rush current of a consumer when case of failure of a space. This all to
connected to the main power supply ensure continuity of emergency
to an acceptable value. That is to a power as much as possible.
value that does not disturb the proper
functioning of the other devices in the
installation. Starting devices are also
used to limit the starting torque of an
electric motor, so to protect a delicate
Integration of systems, introduction
of distributed control systems consis-
ting of programmable logic control-
lers with remote input and output
modules, connected through a two-
wire bus system is now normal
practice for larger systems. An
operator friendly software package on
a PC type work station is simplifying
control and supervision in an unstop-
pable process. It reduces cost of
cabling and manning. The problem is
that the Rules and Regulations of both
the Classification Societies and the
laws of the national authorities are not
suitable to include the constant
process of change and improvement.
Rules have to be made or read more
The engine control console of "Blue flexible to express their intended
Stars" during the commissioning, 7. Automation function and not the way things are
containing: done in practice. Basically because
Automation is intended to make the these ways change all the time.
1 Main engine 1 control and operation of the installation more Redundancy both in hardware and
instrumentation comfortable, easier, and last but software, is a logical requirement.
2 Emergency telegraph port shaft certainly not least, make it possible to Software shall be made in a structured
3 Viscosity controller fuel main engines operate the system with less crew. It way and testing of the different parts
1 and 3 also facilitates automatic observation and later the total system shall form
4 Main engine 3 control and of systems, registration of failures part of the acceptance procedures.
instrumentation and registration of service time. This Software shall also be well docu-
5 Main engine 1 and 3 RPM and to organise planned maintenance. It mented, inclusive of changes and
Turboblower RPM indicators stands to reason that no computer extensions. For essential systems, that
6 Propeller pitch and RPM indicators system is able to motivate a crew to is, systems required for sailing and
pitch controls also change-over perform. Automation is also intro- for the habitability of the crew,
system for bridge control duced to execute actions which are sufficient back-up or emergency con-
7 Main engine 2 control and too complicated to be handled by a trols shall be fitted.
instrumentation crew member within the available
8 Viscosity controller fuel main engines time. This is for instance applicable to A summary of the most important
2 and 4 a thruster-control system of a ship systems which are available:
9 Emergency telegraph stbd shaft with 8 thrusters where the 8 azimuth
10 Main engines 2 and 4 RPM and and rpm control levers are substituted - Engine room alarm and
turboblower RPM indicators by a single joystick, creating the monitoring system, usually
11 Main engine 4 control and summary of the desired results of consisting of simple displays
instrumentation these 8 thrusters giving status and analogue values.
12 Viscosity controller fuel auxiliary
engines However, the level of automation is - Marine operator work stations;
13 Automatic telephone system dependent on a lot of factors, such as: more sophisticated systems also
14 Alarm and monitoring visual display - requirements of the owner including control and presentation
units - function of the ship of engineroom systems by
15 Operator keyboards - cost reduction sophisticated graphics trends, that
- qualifications of the crew is, figures stored over a period of
- complexity of the installation time; analyses, calculating
- rules and regulations of the relations between figures;
Classification Society and the calculation of running hours.
flagstate (registry) Whatever you can think of, to
make it more comfortable for the
It will be clear that first of all a engineer to control and supervise
cost/availability analysis has to be an installation as well as possible.
made before starting planning of Automatic logging of all figures as
automation. required by the authorities etc.
Engine control system fitted to an engine
- Tank gauging systems, from more accurately the events, but is Sound powered telephone
simply sounding figures heights to certainly no real replacement for an This system is independent of the
more sophisticated giving of tank engineer finding a slowly growing vessel's main power supply and meets
contents in m3 or even in tons. small leak in a flange. the demands for emergency commu-
- Reefer monitoring systems. Here nication between vital positions on
also from simple failure alarms to The alarms are presented by an board such as wheelhouse and engine
complete datalogging of the illuminated "LED" and a nameplate. room. Most automatic telephone
reefer temperature, C0 2 content Depending on the size and intended systems operate nowadays through a
over the whole voyage (to prove Notation such as "manned" or UPS system. Therefore the sound-
that transport was not to blame for "unmanned" engineroom larger sys- powered system is getting obsolete
cargo arriving damaged). tems often composed of distributed
input units linked together through a Public address system
- Generator control and power redundant network, still presenting With this system one way commu-
management system, from the alarms as simple illuminated nication is possible. It is used to
minimum automatic starting of a "LEDs" with a nameplate for identi- address large quantities of people and
stand-by generator in case of fication. It can also initiate group to page people. It is also used to give
failure of the running generator alarms to the bridge instructing the the general alarm signals. The system
and sequential restarting of all bridge crew to reduce power or warn and cable network shall then meet the
essentials to a complete load- them for an automatic shutdown of requirements for general alarm
dependent start-stop of the the propulsion system. Most more systems such as: duplicated ampli-
generator plant. Inclusive of complex systems facilitate a graphic fiers, separated circuits, fire resistant
automatic power reduction in case display on a visual display unit or cables and other require-ments to
of failure of a running generator workstation with all kinds of software ensure that a single failure in the ship
until the next generator has started, to enable analysing of the retrieved does not abuse the rest of the system
synchronised and taking load. data. Automatic preparation of a outside the damaged area.
engineer's logbook only to be signed
- Propulsion remote-control systems is also possible. 8.2 External communication
from straight-forward remote- systems
control systems where each handle Essential automation systems shall be
controls a single engine or composed of type-approved equip- GMDSS stands for Global Maritime
propeller, to more state-of-the-art ment and be subject to an acceptance Distress and Safety System. It uses
systems where the desired result is test at the manufacturer's works under the satellite communications now
input, such as for example "move conditions as real as possible. available through the International
25 metres to port, rotate with the Maritime Satellite (INMARSAT)
rotating point astern through 90 8. Communication systems System.
clockwise". Track following, even
a link in location, water depth and 8.1 Internal communication INMARSAT is a co-operative organi-
speed are feasible. systems sation, which includes about sixty
countries. They fund and take
So in automation there is no technical Talk-back system compensation according to each
limit and therefore a balance in The main station is normally installed member's use of the system.
expected results and cost shall be the in the wheelhouse and can communi- Geostationary satellites are sited
basis for the design. cate with each sub station. The sub- about 36,000 kilometres over the
stations only can make a connection equator to provide complete global
7.1 Alarm, monitoring and to the main station and not to the coverage except in the extreme north
control systems other sub-stations. Normally this and south arctic regions. The system
system is installed in the wheelhouse,
Alarm and monitoring systems are engine room, steering-gear room and
available in all sorts and sizes starting on fore-deck and after-deck.
from a little self-contained unit for 10
digital alarms with a common output Automatic telephone system
for a group alarm and an audible With this system, which is identical to
alarm with accept and reset facilities. your telephone at home, duplex
Alarm and monitoring systems are conversation between telephones is
intended to monitor and register possible.
automatically all the essential
parameters of the installation and
display any abnormality occurring. It
saves time-consuming watchkeeping NAV-I Bridge lay-out
rounds, registers more and probably
Today's state-of-the-art wheelhouses Zone 1 Areas where an explosive-gas
can be arranged for operation and atmosphere will be periodically
watchkeeping by one person only. present during normal operation. For
Apart from wheelhouse layout requi- example, spaces adjacent to and
rements with respect to an all around below the top of the cargo tanks
view (view from the operator's posi- carrying crude oil, oil products etc.
tion), facilities as route-planning with a flash point not exceeding
(location usually a chart table), the 60 C. Spaces separated by a single
communication GMDSS console and deck or bulkhead from zone 0 areas,
GMDSS console. the navigation workstation with off- also cargo pump rooms and enclosed
normal alarms and watchkeeper well- and semi-enclosed spaces in which
provides automatic communication being check are to be fitted. pipes containing above cargoes are
with an override facility for distress located. Also areas on open deck
calls. Several service standards are 10. Dangerous areas within 3 metres of any cargo tank
provided. outlet, cargo valve, cargo-pipe flange,
Dangerous areas are those areas cargo-pump room outlets, 6 metres
9. Navigation and nautical where due to the continuous or part- radius from high pressure discharge
equipment time presence of gases or flammable valves and 2.4 metres above deck.
liquids or even explosive dust, the
Normally the following equipment is risk of explosion exists.
- One RADAR with ARPA function Dangerous areas are, for example, the
and rotating transmitting/receiving tanks of a tanker and the deck above,
aerial usually X-band (frequency the cargo-handling area, pump room
8-12 GHz), wave length 3cm. etc., but also the car-deck of a ferry
- A second radar is to be provided where cars are stowed with fuel in
for ships bigger than 500 GRT. their tanks, a helicopter refilling
This is usually an S-band radar in station on a yacht and a paint store or
the frequency range of 3-4 GHz, the hold of a dry-cargo ship certified
wave length 10 cm. The reason to for the carriage of dangerous goods. Detail of cargo-deck. Electrical control
select two radars with different and monitoring equipment. The tank-
frequency-bands is their different level indication system with the blue
capability to cope with the cables is executed in intrinsically safe
environmental conditions such technology and the pump controls on the
as fog, rain, sea-clutter etc. right in explosion-proof execution.
- Two independent automatic
position fixing systems: GPS or,
more accurate, DGPS with Zone 2 Areas where an explosive gas
omnidirectional satellite aerial and atmosphere is not present during
for DGPS also a parabolic normal operation and, if present, for a
differential aerial short period of time for tankers
- One Echosounder Tanker deck IWW Tanker, a dangerous carrying products with a flash point
- One log with speed and distance area above 60 C.
- One magnetic standard compass Cost-effective solution number one is This is the only zone defined for the
- One gyrocompass not to install any electrical equipment dry-cargo ships and for Ro/Ro spaces
- One automatic pilot in dangerous areas. The dangerous of ferries if sufficiently ventilated.
areas are divided into the following The explosive-gas atmosphere is
zones: considered not to be present during
normal operation.
Zone 0 Areas where an explosive-gas
atmosphere is continuously present or Caution. Liquified natural gas (LNG)
can be present. For example, a cargo and the vapours from kerosine are
tank of a crude oil tanker, oil products heavier than air and any opening to a
tanker or chemical tanker carrying deck or lower space shall be subject
flammable liquids other than lique- to further study with respect to the
fied gases having a flash point not zoning.
exceeding 60 C and for liquefied
gases the cargo tank and the secon-
Bridge wing console. dary barrier spaces.
functioning together. An example are
the load tests of a diesel-generator set
or a switchboard combination. Further
tests may include load dependent
start-stop by a power management
system with automatic reduction of
propeller pitch and/or RPM of electric
driven thrusters in case of overload of
the generator plant. A lot of this can
be done in the harbour as it does not
require sailing conditions.
T1 below 450 C
T2 300 C
T3 200 C
T4 135C
T5 100 C
T6 85 C
1.1. Wood
1.2. Steel
1.3. Aluminium and its alloys
1.4. Copper and its alloys
1.5. Synthetic materials
3. Paint
3.1. General
3.2 Conventional paint
3.2. Binary paint
3.3. Comparing the two painting
4. Painting
4.1. Pre-treatment
4.2. Applying the paint-layer
4.3. Thickness of the layer
4.4. Types of paint
4.5. Painting systems
5. Cathodic protection
6. Antifouling
6.1. Fouling
6.2. The shell, the ideal surface for
6.3. The purpose of antifouling
6.4. Types of antifouling used
7. Docking
8.1 Maintenance
8.2 Repairs
8.3 Modern ship-repairs
8.4 Conversion
1. Construction materials - technical and economical benefits
ship k n o w l e d g e for ships - strength
A MODERN ENCYCLOPEDIA - suitability for welding
This chapter is not about materials - adequate resistance to brittle
science, but about what materials are fracture
used in the construction of ships, and - low cost & availability
their characteristics. The emphasis
will be on corrosion and main- Steel-making process
tenance. The various types of steel are
fabricated on the basis of iron (ore)
1.1 Wood and/or scrap materials, in a steel-
making process in which the basic
Until the end of the 18th century material is heated up to approxi-
wood was the only construction mately 1600 C. Then the refining
material for ships. Some of these process is initiated. Within this
ships had longer lives than their steel refining process certain excessive
successors. Mine hunters have used elements such as carbon, sulphur and
FORCES ON A SHIP wood as a construction material the phosphor will be removed in the
longest of all the large ships. The only shape of so-called "slag". Depending
wood still found on modern ships is on the quality and type of steel
LAWS AND REGULATIONS used for dunnage, decks, stairs and needed, the refining process within a
interior, especially on cruise ships. chosen steel-making process (basic
Though there certainly are very hard oxygen converter, electric furnace &
C O N S T R U C T I O N OF THE V A R I O U S types of wood that do not rot, most open-hearth process) will be com-
SECTIONS types of wood must be protected pleted. The differences in strength,
against rotting. Wood used on decks toughness, hardness and weldability
CLOSING ARRANGEMENTS does not get slippery and, unlike will be obtained by the addition of
metals, it is not weakened by fatigue. particular elements during the steel-
A wooden overlay on a steel deck to making process in combination with
L O A D I N G GEAR avoid excessive corrosion must be the heat treatment during the
applied with great care. Water must fabrication of the plate material,
not be allowed to become entrapped forgings and castings. Additions can
between the wood and deck, to avoid contain carbon, silicon, manganese,
excessive corrosion. nickel, vanadium, chrome, etc.
Stainless steel
Stainless steel is an alloy of steel,
Cr (chrome) and Ni (nickel) and
sometimes other elements. The
surface of the steel is a neutralisation
layer, which is an oxidised skin in the Cast steel rudderhorn entirely of stainless steel or titanium.
colour of the metal. This protects the In both cases, the alloy used is nobler
material beneath it from oxidation come in regular contact with sea- than steel, which can be degraded by
(corrosion). Stainless steel is more water. For contact with fresh water it. Heat exchangers can be found in
noble than ordinary steel and will and oil, brass is suitable for use in the piping system of the ship, but also
therefore corrode less. nipples, thermometers, manometers in a sea-chest, a box in the ship's shell
and many other shiny appliances. The that is open to seawater.
1.3 Aluminium and its alloys binnacle of the standard compass is
also usually made of brass. 1.5 Synthetic materials
Aluminium is a very soft metal, but
by choosing the right elements to Bronze (gun metal) There are so many synthetics that it is
form alloys, the strength and stiffness Bronze is an alloy of the moderately impossible to treat them all in one
can be increased significantly. noble copper and the less noble tin. paragraph. In general, synthetics are
Aluminium is also non-magnetic, Bronze is seawater resistant and is not sensitive to corrosion. However,
making it suitable for mine hunters. therefore used in propellers, valves, ultra-violet radiation in sunlight and
Even though alum-inium is not a coolers and almost all other parts that ageing can degrade the compounds.
noble metal, corrosion is limited come into contact with seawater. Synthetics are a-magnetic and can not
because the metal is covered by a Nowadays, the ship's bell is still be welded. In yacht-building synthe-
very dense oxide-layer that protects made of bronze, but better alloys have tics are common. On larger ships,
the rest of the metal. If chemicals or been developed for the propellers. synthetics are used for piping systems
electric currents remove the oxide Bronze is still common in heat because of their inability to conduct
layer, then corrosion will take place exchangers and pumps. Bronze is electricity and their insensitivity to
rapidly. The main advantage of using more noble than steel (iron) and can corrosion. Nowadays paint is also
aluminium is its low weight. Despite therefore affect the ship's steel. In largely synthetic. The ropes are not
the fact that aluminium is much softer very aggressive water, tin tends to made of manilla anymore, but of one
than steel, it is much more difficult to slowly dissolve. This causes a bronze of many synthetic fibres. Synthetics
work with. A drill gets stuck easily, it propeller to roughen slowly. are sometimes flammable, but are
is much more difficult to get the always weakened by heat more than
surfaces smooth, a grindstone is soon Materials for propellers metals. Metals like iron and
clogged and it is impossible to weld it Nowadays every propeller factory has aluminium can burn like torches and,
with a common welding apparatus. its own alloys for the different when that happens, cannot be
Alumi-nium is utilised for complete applications of propellers. Usually extinguished. Luckily metal construc-
upper parts of passenger ships, mine these alloys are similar to bronze, but tions do not catch fire easily.
hunters, yachts, lifeboats, high-speed with a more complicated compo-
light-weight motor ships and for parts sition. In almost all cases the alloys A commonly used synthetic construc-
that need to be lightweight or non- contain little or no iron (non-ferro tion material is Glass-fibre
magnetic like the wheelhouse of a alloys) and behave nobler than steel, Reinforced Polyester (GRP). This is
fishing vessel or the surroundings of which can cause corrosion of the a composite material, consisting of
the standard compass on larger ships. steel. In exceptional cases, the woven or chopped (glass) fibres
propellers are made of stainless steel. bound together by polyester. Other
1.4 Copper and its alloys The strongest nowadays is a copper- combinations of fibre and binder
nickel-aluminium alloy. material can also be used, but mainly
Brass for high-tech applications. GRP is
Brass is an alloy of the moderately Materials for heat exchangers mainly used for parts where weight or
noble copper and the less noble zinc. The housing, pipes and tube plates of non-corrosive properties are
Aggressive water like seawater a tube heat exchanger are almost important. With the use of a mould it
dissolves the zinc leaving the remai- always made of copper containing is possible to make complex shapes.
ning copper very porous. Therefore non-ferro alloys. In plate heat Because of this expensive mould,
brass is never used for parts that can exchangers, the plates are made GRP products are usually standard
parts, produced in large series, like
piping, water-tight doors, etc. Even
complete hulls of smaller ships (e.g.
lifeboats, fast rescue boats, yachts,
minesweepers) are built in GRP.
2. Corrosion
2.1 The corrosion process
A protective surface layer can coun- Ships usually apply paint as the
teract, stop or reduce the extent of the protective layer.
corrosion process. One of the follo-
Microscopic image of rust
wing methods can be chosen:
3. Paint Nowadays more and more environ- general the vapours are harmful to
mental restrictions are being imple- health and environment. These
3.1 General mented related to the use of zinc compounds are almost always
chromates, lead, etc. Also chlorinated inflammable and can form explosive
Paint is a liquid product that is meant rubber systems and vinyl systems are mixtures with air. There are strict
to be applied on objects in a usually no longer in use because of the high regulations for ventilation and
relatively thin layer. During and after content of volatile organic compounds breathing-protection when working
applying the paint it creates a film (e.g. toluene, benzene), restrictions with these compounds in closed
that has the tendency to tighten into a however vary from country to spaces. It is difficult to distinguish
thin continuous layer. On drying this country. solvents from thinners; the words
film becomes a solid hard or tough solvent and thinner are often
layer that protects the surface it is interchanged. Thinner is a much used
covering from corroding. Paint is also Water is used in both one (acrylics) or dilutent.
used to embellish objects. Paint can two-component (water-based epoxy)
be divided into: water-based products. These coatings Fillings and additives
however are not solvent free. In Additives are used to influence the
- conventional paint solvent-free coatings (epoxies) thinner characteristics of the paint like a matt
- physical drying paint is not normally used and if it is used, surface, a rough surface (anti-slip
- oxidative drying paint then only very little is added to paint), protection of the underlying
- chemically active paint or binary extend potlife of mixed material for material against heat, prevention of
paints the application method depending on sagging and counteracting film
climatological conditions (tem- forming.
3.2 Conventional paint perature) .
3.3 Binary paint
Real old-fashioned oil paint was Binding agent
made from linseed oil and turpentine. The purposes of the binding agent in In binary paints or two-component
Later these were replaced by the paint are: paints, the film forming and drying
synthetic components. Single pot takes place by a chemical reaction
paints, that behave similar to oil - Coherence of the paint between two components. A better
paint, are called conventional paints. - Connecting the pigment name for these types of paints would
The paint can be used immediately - Adhering the paint to the base be "chemically active paint". The
after the can is opened and the - Influencing characteristics like components are:
contents stirred. Leftover paint can be gleam, elasticity, mechanical
stored in the closed can for future use. strength, wear resistance, - the base component
The conventional paints dry because: resistance against chemicals and - the hardener
- the solvent evaporates (physical sunlight.
- the binding agent reacts with Binding agents can be composed of
oxygen from the air (oxidative drying oils, synthetic resins, latex or a
drying and / or polymerisation) combination of these.
Thermal cleaning
For local removal of paint, a paint
stripper can be used. The heat softens
the paint, which can subsequently be Local gritblasting. In some countries
removed by tools. The paint stripper
sandblasting is still applied, in most
is not used on a large scale because of
countries, however, it is no longer
the fire-hazard and the toxic vapours
that are released upon heating. allowed due to health (lung) problems.
Hydro-jetting of the skin
Gritblasting is done by blasting
granular materials at high speed with
high-pressure air against the steel.
The material is cleaned thoroughly
and the surface is roughened which is
essential to achieve a good mecha-
nical bonding with the coating. The
roughness can be adjusted by
adjusting the size of the grit material
during the gritblasting. The surface
becomes covered with microscopic
pits that are good for the tacking of
the paint layer. The first layer of paint
should be applied immediately after
gritblasting to prevent moisture in the
air for forming a new layer of rust on
the bare steel.
4.2 Applying the paint-layer
I Neutral
oxygen and the electrolyte. If the
paint-layer stays intact, this works.
As soon as the layer is damaged,
the corrosion begins.
- reversing the current by using a
sacrificial anode of a very base All the zinc is still present. The skin
metal shows no fouling or wear. This ship did
- reversing the current by creating not break due to a corroded skin, but it
Galvanic corrosion an opposite potential, ICCP system. broke from the inside due to corrosion in
(Impressed Current) the ballast tanks
- there is a chance of overpro- platinum is used, but more often the exact value depending on the size of
tection, especially when the anodes anodes are made from a mixture of the ship, the amount of damaged
have just been applied. This can high-grade metal oxides (MMO, paint layer, the speed of the ship and
damage the paint-systems. mixed metal oxides). Oxides cannot the salinity of the seawater. The
oxidate again. The selected oxides do voltage can be as high as 20-30 V,
5.5 Impressed current not dissolve in water. If the anodic depending on the number and
reaction has no metals to consume, positioning of the anodes. Where the
In the ICCP-system (impressed the reaction will produce small shell is in direct contact with the
current cathodic protection), a large bubbles of oxygen, which are not seawater, this voltage is reduced to
positive current is applied to the without harm to the skin. The 1,5-2,5 V. The pros and cons of the
water. As a result, current flows into strength of the impressed current can ICCP-system are:
the ship's steel wherever it is in range between 10 A and 600 A, the
contact with the seawater inducing a Advantages:
cathodic reaction that protects the - a minimum of maintenance is
steel against corrosion. To achieve required
this, a rectifier is connected to the - high reliability
ship's steel with the negative exit. - action can be controlled at any
The positive exit is connected to two moment
or more anodes in the ship's skin. - an automatic regulator can adapt
These insulated anodes are embedded the current with the use of
in the skin to prevent damage by reference electrodes if a change in
floating ice and are made of inert the water-composition (fresh,
materials (inert is another word for brackish, salt) or damage to the
non-reactive). Sometimes the very paint-layer requires this.
noble (but very expensive) metal - the high investment costs
(compared to a sacrificial-system)
Anode in the skin will recover itself in approximately
6 years.
- the costs of acquisition are
significantly higher than those of a
sacrificial system
- If the ICCP-system is wrongly
tuned it can cause extensive
damage to the ship below the
Regulator Reference electrode seen fron inside waterline.
Special paint layer around the anode
Reference electrode
Active anode
The ship rests on the keel blocks that
are placed on the tanktop of the dock.
These keel blocks are 1 - 1.25 metres
apart and each can carry a weight of Construction in an excavated dock Ship on a patent slip
Ship lift dock is pumped dry. The ship is engine room compartment and bilge
The ship lift consists of a platform positioned correctly by dock winches wells have to be checked to determine
and below that a number of cradles attached to the fore and aft, both on if there is any leakage. Repairs to
(approximately 14). The cradles are port and starboard side. The double bottom tanks and side shell
used to lower the platform into the dockmaster gives the orders to the must be tested prior to undocking.
water. After this the ship navigates operators of the winches. The exact
above the platform, which is lifted in middle of the dock is indicated by a 8. Maintenance and
its turn by winches. The ship can then cable and a plumb line, which are repairs
be moved horizontally over the suspended between the two sides.
shipyard in both the fore and aft Another method is to use a measuring 8.1 Maintenance
direction and the athwart direction. rule to determine the distance
This method is suitable for ships up to between the edges of the dock and Ships maintenance is usually divided
a length of 125 metres. both the ship's sides at the fore and into HULL and ENGINE mainte-
aft. The ship will touch the docking nance.
blocks when the draught of the side Hull maintenance is normally done in
sponsons equals the ship's draught. drydock. A ship has to be drydocked
The draught of the sponsons is the twice every five years. This is
draught above the keel blocks. The basically for examination by Class of
ship is buoyant when it touches the the underwater parts. When no
docking blocks. The stability of the repairs are to be carried out, it means
ship will decrease if the weight only examination, cleaning and
exerted by the ship on the dock repainting of the ship's outside hull.
blocks increases. The apparent rise of Maintenance of decks, and every-
centre of gravity 'G' is faster than the thing inside the shell-plating is
rise of the metacentre 'M', in other usually done by the ship's crew.
words: G catches up with M. Bilge or When the ship is set dry in drydock,
side holders have to be placed before the outside of the hull is cleaned
the stability becomes zero (GM=0). A using high-pressure water jets, at
critical moment for the floating dock least 100 Bar, to remove dirt and
Ship lift arises when several decimetres of fouling, and to make the hull ready
1. Platform water, still present on the dock-floor, for repainting. Oily spots, if any, are
2. Cradles start to move. A large area of free removed with special solvents. Rusty
3. Dockyard floating fluid can come into motion. spots are specially cleaned using
Before the dock is dry, all water-
cooled engines and auxiliaries on the
7.3 Preparing for dry-docking ship have to be shut down. If the ship
has air-cooled auxiliaries, these can
As mentioned before, the dockmaster keep supplying the ship with power.
has to determine the position of the If these are not present, electricity
ship and the side blocks in the dock in from the shore must be utilised. A
accordance with the dock plan. If requirement of the shipyard is that the
possible, the ship should have no ship is connected to the shorebased
cargo on board. If there is still cargo fire-fighting installation by means of
on board, then docking can only take hoses to the (international) shore
place in close consultation with the connection.
The old paint-layer is removed by
classification society. The structural gritblasting
integrity of the ship may require 7.5 Refloating
additional blocks to be placed. The sand-discing, gritblasting, hydro
ship should enter the dock preferably Before the dock is flooded to undock (water) blasting, with water of 700 to
on even keel. A floating dock can be the ship, the presence of all the plugs, 2000 Bar as cleaning method. The
positioned with the same trim as the grills, anodes, inlet and outlet valves, original paint system of these spots is
ship. The maximum allowable trim of manhole covers etc. has to be to be restored, whereafter the entire
the dock differs per dock. checked. outside hull can be painted as wished
by the owner. Sometimes, when the
7.4 Dry-docking The ship should leave the dock in the roughness of the underwater hull has
same ballast condition as when it become too high, due to numerous
When the ship has entered the dock, entered. This means that ballast tanks layers of paint and local touch-ups,
the dock master is responsible for the have to be refilled. This is done from the entire underwater part is blasted
dry-docking. The ship must be in the the dock with pumps and hoses. to remove all the rust and paint, and
exact middle of the dock, before the When the ship is floating again, the to start the paint system as from new.
Length o.a. 139.95 M
SECTION FR.22 SECTION FR.38 SECTION FR.153 SECTION FR.182 Length p.p. 134.70 M
Rule lenght Bur.Ver. 132.31 M
Breadth moulded 21.00 M
Depth moulded 10.60 M
Draft summer freeboard CA. 8.06 M
Design Draft 6.90 M
Deadweight (6.90mtr) appr. 11700 ton
w f t 1 1
Deadweight (8.06 mtr)
Draft scantling
appr. 14800 ton
ii L
ii Total engine output
Service speed
14 KB
1 -q 'IT - " 7
Gross tonnage appro*. 8550 GT
Cargotanks 100% appr. 16000 m3
1 Slobtank appr. 380 m3
i 2
M (33)56 H15 / fa (33) 57 M 7( / Ho MOSffl PtVo
'Iiqiaal l.'150|amui HHW-01 y
Anchors and chain cables are to be lowered and laid out, and
measured up, to establish the loss of thickness due to
corrosion and/or wear. When too thin, chains are to be
replaced. Inspection of anchors and chains and their
measurements are required at least every five years. When
Anchors and chaincables are lowered. Blasting and painting is the anchors and chains are lying in the dry-dock, it is
in progress..
Damaged how
^ H I H H H t t
New part lowered... ..and brought in position to be attached
8.4 Conversion
Related to ship repairs, more than to engine room is coupled to a jobs, drilling units, storage systems,
newbuilding, is carrying out conver- completely new fore ship; original or transport barges often have to be
sions. Existing ships are sometimes steam propulsion is changed to diesel modified before they can carry out
modified into something totally propulsion; passenger ships are the next job. This kind of work is also
different from the original ship. Bulk upgraded with more cabins, from normally done at a repair yard.
carriers are converted into drill ships emigrant transport into cruise ship, or Sometimes they use newbuilding
or into pipelayers; tankers are getting from ferry into floating hospital, etc. capacity, for instance, to have a new
a second life as FPSUs, Floating A special field is work related to midbody built in case of a lengthe-
Production and Storage Units, cargo- offshore oil and gas exploration and ning, or simply the new parts needed
ships or tankers are simply production. Due to the continuous are made.
lengthened, an existing aft ship with change in requirements for certain
Fire classes
Fire classes highlight the charac-
teristics of combustion depending on
the type of fuel. The fire class is used
to determine which method of fire-
fighting is most suitable for the
particular fuel.
B Liquids Liquifying
goods, petrol,
alcohol, stearine,
fat, tar,
C Gases LPG, butane,
D Metals Magnesium, alu-
minium, titani-
um, zirkonium,
sodium, potassium
Overx'iew of fire classes and the types of Civss-section of a powder extinguisher Cross-section of CC>2-extinguisher
fuels 1. Carrying handle
2. Control lever
2.3 Fire-fighting
3. Outlet pipe
When there is a fire, all attempts are 4. Snow horn
to be made to get it extinguished. 5. Blow-out pipe
There are various means of fire-
fighting, with different objectives:
take away heat, oxygen or the
flammable material, to prevent
combustion as described above.
Removing the flammable material
sounds easy, but is often the most
difficult way.
(fresh water)
extinguishing pump
and intern,
shore connection
sea water)
r, .1
2.11 Detection
Engine room
In an unmanned engine room, or an done using a small smoke source or a C0 2 battery has a special trigger and
engine room which is operated from a special gas; heat detectors use a can be released at will into the
control room, a fire-detection system cigarette lighter, and flame detectors relevant hold.
has to be installed. Smoke-, heat- and an ordinary battery torch.
flame-detectors are fitted in strategic Fire extinction
(high) locations, so that in case of fire Cargo holds Each ship has to be provided with at
it is detected soonest. Three types of Fire in cargo holds can be detected least two firemen's outfits, complete
detectors are in use: for smoke, heat through Sample Extraction. To detect with breathing apparatus. This is a
and flames. For smoke normally a smoke in cargo holds of dry cargo heat-resistant suit, with boots, gloves
radio-active isotope which triggers an ships, there is an arrangement where and helmet, to go close to a fire, when
alarm when the radiation is gas is extracted from each cargohold, necessary for fire-fighting or for
obstructed, contacts the alarm or cargo-compartment. This gas is evacuation of people in danger. In
cabinet, which gives alarm. The drawn via a pipeline, one for each
alarm cabinet is usually in the compartment, towards a cabinet,
wheelhouse. The alarm activates usually in the fire control room or on
bells, ringing loudly throughout the the bridge, where in its simplest form
ship. At the cabinet can be seen which the samples of each space are
loop is activated. Each loop covers a checked one by one by leading the
certain area in the engine room. In samples through a glass tube with a
each loop also heat and flame light behind and a photo-electric cell
detectors are fitted. The heat detector the other side. When the light is
reacts to a sudden rise in temperature, obstructed, an alarm is raised. Inves-
the flame detector to light shattering. tigation and action must then be
Testing of smoke detectors can be undertaken by the ship's staff. The Fireproof boots
The fire control station is normally
also the mustering point for the
fire-defence group.
Fire alarm
The Fire Alarm, a bell ringing loudly,
at intervals of a few seconds, can be
activated manually by pushing a
Light-weight aluminium fireproof suit, enabling to get close to fires and heat. button in a little red box, behind glass.
The alarm buttons are installed
case of smoke, the Breathing Modern ships are provided with a throughout the ship. Also, when fire
Apparatus (BA) set is to be used. The fire-control station. In big ships this is has been detected by a detection
BA set comprises a compressed air a room in the accommodation, system, it activates the alarm.
bottle, and a smoke mask. accessible from outside, with a fire- Resetting of the alarm can only be
door to the rest of the space. The fire- done at the main display, usually on
control station, depending on the type the bridge. On the display can be seen
of ship, comprises the following: which button, in which zone or
- a display of the fire alarm system, detection-loop, was activated. A zone
- the cabinet with the operation or loop can be isolated when repairs
handles of the quick-closing valves, are carried out and smoke at that
- stop-buttons of the mechanical location is inevitable (engine room
ventilation, workshop).
- the smoke extraction cabinet,
- the remote operation cabinet of the
C0 2 fire-extinguishing system,
- a firemen's outfit including a
breathing apparatus set,
- other related equipment.
Hydrostatic release
2nd engineer
watchkeeping eng
1st maritime officer
maritime officer
ship's cook
validity in months
',>.'- = initial training as part of the curriculum of nautical colleges in the Netherlands
C) = applicable to ships certified for an unlimited area (GMDSS sea areas A3 and A4)
(**) = required for at minimum 2 officers in charge of a navigational watch (presently all officers In charge of a navigational watch)
m = mandatory only for designated crew (according to the vessel's manning plan or muster list)
Training matrix in accordance with 1995 STCW-treaty. The table shows an overview of required exercises for working on passenger
ships, safety exercises are included. The table is made by the Royal Association of Dutch Owners (KVNR), in collaboration with the
Association of Dredging and Civil engineering companies (VBKO) and the Shipping Inspectorate. The data in the table has a
temporary status and is based on the situation in the spring of2002. The matrix for cargo ships is somewhat different. No training in
handling large groups of people in emergencies is included here.
To respond fast and efficiently in case During normal daily work, also safety
of an accident, people need to be measures have to be taken. Personal
trained. Regular drills, fire-drills, and safety items for normal work are:
abandon-ship drills, have to be Safety helmet, Ear-protection, Eye-
carried out, and are compulsory. It is protection, Gloves, Safety-shoes,
important that the drills are as Coveralls, Lifebelt, etc.
realistic as possible. On completion
of the drill an evaluation has to be
made, where the shortcomings of the
group or the individuals are to be
discussed, and, if necessary, some
theory is reviewed. The drills are to
be entered in the ship's logbook.
Drills on board with liferafts is
difficult. That has to be done at shore
institutes. The same counts for
distress signals.
Enflammbare Gase
Markings should make something clear in a simple and Flammable gases
fast way. For instance, on ships carrying passengers station Luft im Ventiiabonssystemen
Air in ventilation systems
numbers are useful for orientation of the passengers on the
ship. However, the markings are important for both crew
and passengers in case of an emergency. The markings Ol (mcht zum Kraftstoffgebrauch)
show the exits and the location of life-saving appliances. Oil other than fuel
This is made easier by the use of arrows on the walls or a Sauren, Laugen
Acids, alkalis
lighting-system for passengerways and staircases. These
Nichtbrennbare Gase
escape route markings (green) in the accommodation are Non flammable gases
compulsory according to the IMO-regulations. Not only Medien (trocken und feucht)
Masses (dry and wet)
the escape route must be marked, but also all means of
Abwasser / Abgase
safety. The markings on these should be photo- Waste media
luminescent. This means that they light up when no light Flieflrichtung
shines on them. Flow direction
5.1 GMDSS well as distress messages, and 5.2 SART (Search and Rescue
watertight (GMDSS) walkie-talkies Transponder)
GMDSS is legally required, as for communication in case of
agreed upon in the SOLAS 74 distress. Life rafts and lifeboats are difficult to
Amendment in which the distress see on radar because of their poor
and safety radio traffic is regulated. radar-reflecting properties. To over-
All passenger liners and ships larger come this problem, a device (SART)
than 300 GT are obliged to have has been developed that, on receiving
GMDSS. GMDSS ensures that, a radio signal, answers by trans-
irrespective of the ship's location, mitting a radio signal of the same
reliable shore to ship and ship to frequency. This makes the life raft or
shore communication is possible lifeboat visible on the radar screen.
using radio and/or satellites. All When the ship is evacuated, one
information regarding transmitting individual, indicated on the Muster
and receiving, and the frequencies List, is responsible for bringing the
used, can be found in the "Admiralty SART from the bridge, to the life raft
List of Radio Signals", Volume 5. or lifeboat. The SART has a range of
GMDSS also includes the NAVTEX approximately 30 miles.
receiver, which receives and prints
weather forecasts and warnings as
Parachute light
2. Powder extinguisher
3. CO2 -extinguisher 2 kg
MG = MB + BK - GK
MB = lb / Vol
GZ = MG sin (phi)
5b 60
heeling angle [degrees!
reeling angle [degrees]
W h e n t h e s h i p h a s r e a c h e d t h e angle o f h e e l at
w h i c h t h e c e n t r e s of gravity G a n d b u o y a n c y B
a r e a c t i n g o n t h e s a m e vertical line, the righting
lever gz b e c o m e s 0 a n d n o m o m e n t exists.
If t h e s h i p is i n c l i n e d a b o v e this a n g l e of
heel, t h e c e n t r e of gravity G will m o v e to the
w r o n g s i d e of t h e vertical line d r a w n
t h r o u g h t h e c e n t r e of b u o y a n c y B r e s u l t i n g in
a m o m e n t w h i c h will capsize the s h i p .
B1 = B2
Higher ships have higher stability
Both ships have the same GM value, large initial stability. Narrow, slender Positive influences on stability:
but a different stability range (respec- ships, like passenger ships, or a large A higher beam at the waterline means
tively 34 and 47). The breadth is the container-ships with deep draught and a much higher moment of inertia, and
same for both vessels. The depth of with a high freeboard have a small thus a higher MB. When ships are
hull 2 is greater than the depth of initial stability. This results for the lacking stability, often so called
hull l. wide ship in short rolling hauls, and blister tanks or sponsons are added,
for the narrow ship in long hauls. making the ship wider over the length
Normal GM values are very much However, when at the wide ship the of the parallel midbody.
depen-ding on the ship's type. deck is immersed, the stability
Passenger ships are designed to have reduces fast, whereas with the narrow Negative influences on stability:
a low GM, 0.5 metre or so, to get a ship, with a high freeboard, the Heavy deck cargo brings G up. In
long rolling time for the sake of stability only gets larger. This as a freezing conditions with fog or spray,
passenger comfort. result of the moment of inertia of the ships with many masts and derricks
waterline, reducing in the case of the could suffer from 'icing': deposits of
Bulk earners loaded with ore have a barge, and getting larger in the case of ice on high locations bringing G to
very high GM, due to the centre of the passenger ship. dangerously high levels. Fishing
gravity of the cargo being very low. ships have capsized due to icing.
When loaded with grain or coal, the During design this all has to be taken Heavy pieces of cargo hanging in a
hold is full, and GM is lower. Tankers into consideration and carefully ship's crane cause stability problems.
have similar values, where also the calculated and all the possible cargo Free surfaces of liquids in compart-
influence of free surface has to be and ballast conditions have to be ments can have a large negative
taken into consideration. Wide ships checked for. influence. A relatively thin layer of
with shallow draught like barges, or seawater on a RoRo cargo-deck can,
an empty tanker or bulk carrier, have when the ship rolls, run all water to
nedmg n g e [degrees]
i = moment of inertia of the free
Car deck of a Ro-Ro with doors to reduce the free surface of any liquidfloodingthe deck. j T h g d o o r s m closec] position
2. The doors in stored position
the ship has enough spare buoyancy A (shortened) calculation of the surviving this damage. The sum of all
after the compartment has sprung a floodable lengths, beginning in the aft these probabilities is a number
leak. The ship submerges a little but perpendicular and the resulting between 0 and 1 and represents the
the bulkhead deck remains above the bulkhead graph is shown below. The chance of surviving in case the ship is
maximum immersion line. In order to table and the curve are for the yacht damaged. The regulations derived
get a quick view of the maximum dis- depicted below. from this method also include a
tance between the watertight bulk- Depending on the regulations, the minimum survival chance. These
heads across the entire length of the ship shall be able to survive a one- probabilistic leakage calculations
ship, the lengths L are plotted verti- compartment damage or a two- currently apply to:
cally in the points P. The resulting compartment damage. A two-com-
curve is called the Bulkhead Graph. partment damage can occur if the ship - passenger liners (IMO resolution
is struck at a bulkhead separating two A265) as an alternative to the
compartments. The combined length SOLAS rules (resolution A265 still
Distance from Floodable of the two compartments should then encompasses some deterministic
APP in metres length in metres be smaller than the floodable length rules)
to survive the damage. - cargo ships with dry cargo, longer
00.00 20.32 than 80 metres (measured over the
05.00 10.32 b. Calculation of floodable lengths, closed hull).
10.00 11.35 (trim and stability in case of a leak,
15.00 13.42 assuming certain well-defined types of In order to estimate the centre of
damage) gravity of the leakage, a number of
20.00 17.56
A drawback of the method described uncertain parameters are of major
25.00 17.09
in a. is that a possible list is not taken importance. For instance:
30.00 11.54 into account. The method described
35.00 09.14 here (b) to determine the number and - What positions does the water,
40.00 08.96 positions of the bulk-heads does take occupy, especially in rooms with
45.00 14.06 the loss of stability into account and an irregular shape.
50.00 24.02 also assumes some well-defined - Trim. List
53.75 31.52 types of damage. These calculations - The possibility of trapped
are called deterministic leakage air-bubbles.
A drawback of this method is the
exact definition of the damage. A ship 5.How to take damage
that is designed by this method can stability into account
live up to all the demands, but still on board.
sink if the damage is 1 cm bigger than
the model assumes. The stability must be calculated for
every voyage the ship makes, and of
c. probabilistic leakage calculations course the stability has to fulfil the
(Calculations of the chance of surviving various rules and regulations. The
in case of damage) weight distribution can differ per trip
distance from APP (m) 1/250 This method tries to capture the as can many other parameters.
possibilities that the damage is Factors that are of importance to the
greater than assumed in the model. A damage stability are:
Bulkhead Graph (graph of/loadable
probability is assigned to every type - kind of cargo (permeability)
length )
of damage, as is the probability of - wing and double-bottom tanks;
filled or empty
- does the liquid stay in a leaky tank
or does it flow out?
K. van Dokkum, Enkhuizen - The Netherlands 25, 27, 28, 41, 48, 49, 55, 88, 110, 143, 146, 147, 149, 153, 163, 166, 169, 170, 176,
198, 206, 256, 257, 311, 316, 318, 320
Vuyk Engineering Center (VEC), Groningen - The Netherlands 25,37, 131, 134, 135, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 147, 149, 150, 152, 153,
198, 261
Rik te Pas, Delfzijl - The Netherlands 26
Feederlines BV Groningen -The Netherlands 28
Martijn van Engeland, TU-Delft - The Netherlands 29, 30,31,85, 99
SARC BV, Bussum - The Netherlands 32.33, 333
BigLift Shipping BV, Amsterdam - The Netherlands 33, 50, 177, 185, 186
Niestem Sander bv, Delfzijl - The Netherlands 34, 35, 36, 72/73, 294, 297
Spliethoff Beheer BV, Amsterdam - The Netherlands 39,48, 188, 194, 195
Seatrade Groningen, Groningen - The Netherlands 40, 50, 90/91, 92/93, 94/95, 110, 112, 168, 184, 185, 208, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228,
229, 230,311,312,317
RAH Management BV, Rhoon - The Netherlands 41
van der Giessen-de Noord, Krimpen aan den IJssel, The Netherlands 41, 53, 68/69, 78, 79, 126/127, 129, 137, 148, 151, 154, 218, 219, 266/267, 270,
272, 276
Anthony Veder Rederijzaken BV, Rotterdam - The Netherlands 42, 214
GB Shipping Services BV, Dordrecht - The Netherlands 42, 46, 52
Holland America Line, Spijkenisse - The Netherlands 47, 54, 78, 254
Royal Navy, Den Helder - The Netherlands 47, 58, 59
Peters BV Scheepswerf, Kampen - The Netherlands 48
Dockwise Shipping BV, Breda - The Netherlands 50
Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works, Japan 51
VroonBV, Breskens - The Netherlands 51,52, 54
Cornelis Vrolijk's Visserij Mij BV, Llmuiden - The Netherlands 55
SvitzerWijsmuller, IJmuiden - The Netherlands 55, 322/323, 330
Smit, Rotterdam - The Netherlands 55
Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam - The Netherlands 56,71, 106, 203, 298
IHC Holland, Kinderdijk / Sliedrecht - The Netherlands 56, 57, 247
IHC Gusto Engineering BV, Schiedam - The Netherlands 61,62,64, 65, 66
Heerema, Leiden - The Netherlands 63
Kvaemer - Masa, Sweden 63
Jotun BV 64, 129, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 296
Flying Focus, Castricum - The Netherlands 65, 167
Allseas Engineering bv, Delft - The Netherlands 65, 66, 268
GenChart BV, Capelle a/d LJsel - The Netherlands 70, 179, 183, 302/303
MARIN, Wageningen - The Netherlands 75
Bas Spruit, Delfzijl - The Netherlands 82/83, 86
Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg - Germany 89, 97
Willy Becker, Hamburg - Germany 96
Hans ten Katen, Rotterdam - The Netherlands 96, 109, 196/197, 201, 209, 215, 248, 284
W. Smit, Lies - The Netherlands 98
NAPAOY. Helsinki - Finland 100, 101, 132, 133, 139, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330
ARL Albacore Research Ltd, Canada / Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Co., Inc, USA 102/103
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Tokyo - Japan 107, 108
MITSUI Eengineering & Shipbuilding Co, LTD, Tokyo - Japan 128
Sigma Coatings Marine Division, Uithoom - The Netherlands 129
Wijnne & Barends BV, Delfziji - The Netherlands 130, 167
ABB Industry Oy, Helsinki - Finland 136
Delta Marine, Raisio - Finland 136, 234, 237, 238,239
Helmers, Hoogezand - The Netherlands 155, 156, 157
Rubber Design, Heeijansdam - The Netherlands 155, 156
Flinter Groningen BV, Paterswolde - The Netherlands 158, 309,319
Coops & Nieborg BV, Hoogezand - The Netherlands 162, 164, 165, 168
Roden Staal BV, Roden - The Netherlands 163, 164, 167
Winel BV, Assen - The Netherlands 168, 169, 170
Winteb, Winschoteii - The Netherlands 170
MME Group, Ridderkerk - The Netherlands 171
Witherby & Co LTD, London - UK 172
Genchart BV (Mr B. Jobse), Capelle a/d LJsel - The Netherlands 174/175, 184, 190, 301,332
Liebherr Maritime Benelux BV, Utrecht - The Netherlands 176, 178, 181, 182, 183, 187
Tille Shipyards, Kootstertille - The Netherlands 178
Huisman - Itrec, Schiedam - The Netherlands 185
TTS - Mongstad AS, Isdalsto - Norway 189, 190
SEC, Groningen - The Netherlands 199, 200, 201, 204, 205, 206, 207
Wortelboer BV, Rotterdam - The Netherlands 201
Lankhorst, Sneek - The Netherlands 208, 209,210,211,213
Proofload, Oss - The Netherlands 212
Hendrik Veder BV, Rotterdam - The Netherlands 214
MAN Rollo, Zoetermeer - The Netherlands 216/217, 220, 221, 222/223, 224, 227, 229
Kongsberg, Spijkenisse - The Netherlands 220
Econosto, Capelle aan de Ussel - The Netherlands 230, 231,232, 233
Marine Service Noord BV, Westerbroek - The Netherlands 236, 242
Wartsila Propulsion, Druncn - The Netherlands 246, 247, 250, 258, 259
Promac B V, Zaltbommel - The Netherlands 250/251,264
Kawasaki, Japan 252
HRP Thruster Systems bv, Krimpen a/d Lek - The Netherlands 252, 253
Siemens, Hamburg - Germany 253, 254
Cedervall, Sweden 256
Thyssen, Hamburg - Germany 257
Kamewa Group, Kristinehamn - Sweden 258, 259
Bot Groningen BV, Groningen - The Netherlands 262, 263
Hatlapa, Uetersen - Germany 264
Allseas, Delft - The Netherlands 268, 65, 66
Rene Borstlap, Rotterdam - The Netherlands 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279
TESO, Texel - The Netherlands 270
Croon, Rotterdam - The Netherlands 273
Schneider, Haarlem - The Netherlands 274
Niehuis & van den Berg BV, Rotterdam - The Netherlands 294
Ajax Fire Protection Systems BV, Amsterdam - The Netherlands 305, 306, 308, 309
Minimax GmbH. Bad Oldesloe - Germany 308
Heien Larssen, Drammen - Norway 310
Umoe Schat-Harding BV, Utrecht - The Netherlands 313
Fr. Fassmer & Co, Berne/Motzen - Germany 313,314
Stocznia Ustka S.A., Poland 314
De Wolf Products, Yerseke - The Netherlands 315,316
Hammar, Germany 315
Royal Dutch Shipping Company Association (KVNR). Rotterdam - The Netherlands 317
Crewsaver, Hampshire - UK 317
Drager, Lubeck - Germany 318
H. Marahrens. Bremen - Germany 318
McMurdo, Portsmouth - UK 318
Comet, Bremerhaven - Germany 320
Loek Peters, Amsterdam - The Netherlands 331
SARC, Bussum - The Netherlands / M. Straten, Nijmegen - The Netherlands 333