BaseLangs Ultimate Guide To Spanish

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BaseLang's Ultimate

Guide to Spanish
If youve ever wanted to learn Spanish fast, youre in the right place. This guide
covers everything from improving your confidence, to learning conjugations, to
how to understand people when they speak fast. Weve held nothing back.
In this guide, youll learn...

How to understand people when they talk fast

The number one mistake most people make that cripples their
How to unlock all the Spanish you already know so that you
can use it in conversations
Why learning from software is bullshit and whether a teacher is
actually worth it
How to learn grammar, memorize vocabulary, and attain a near-
native accent
...and a LOT more

This guide is a true one-stop shop, including everything you need

to know about how to learn Spanish faster. No more searching for
another blog post, app, or asking friends for advice. Youve found
your golden ticket.

Who is this for?

If youve been struggling to learn Spanish, or simply want to

accelerate your results
If you only need help with one aspect of your Spanish, like
listening or grammar
If youre learning for professional reasons, for romance, because
youre traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, or simply
because you want to...

...then this guide can help you.

Who Am I?
Hey, Connor here.

Im the guy who wrote this massive guide.

Not long ago, I was where you are now. I didnt speak any Spanish,
and desperately needed to figure out the fastest way to learn. I
had challenged myself to learn Spanish in a month, something
most people consider impossible.

I had to figure it all out myself. Sure, I had some disparate sources
to get ideas from, but there was nothing out there like this guide
to help me. But, through the ups and downs, I did it.

My film, Spanish in a Month: A Language Learning

Documentary, has since inspired over 300,000 people in 187
The avalanche of questions I got after the documentary took o
are the reason this guide exists.

What you find here is everything I know about how to learn

Spanish fast. Ive held nothing back.

There are five parts to this guide:

Part 1: Introduction
Youre about to finish this part.

Part 2: Principles
Here Ill cover the fundamental principles of learning Spanish that
are necessary for the rest of the guide to make sense.

Part 3: Stages of Learning

Here well dig into the dierent stages youll go through when
learning Spanish and what to focus on at each point.

Part 4: Strategies
This is where well dig into the nitty-gritty tactics and strategies I
use, from pronunciation to conjugations to vocab.
Part 5: Putting it into Practice
This is where youll learn how to take this massive guide and
actually use it, and how to make implementing it way easier.

Lets get started.


This is your foundation. Here youll learn which mistakes to avoid, the
fundamentals that youll use over an over again, and the overall strategy that you
should take.

Communication Before Perfection

Without a doubt, this is the most fundamental principle.

Its pretty simple:

Get to communication first, then focus on perfection.

Too many people worry about making mistakes. Maybe you worry
that if you make mistakes now, you wont be able to un-learn
them later. This makes you petrified of making mistakes, so you
never open your mouth and actually speak.

This preocupation with being perfect is what holds back the vast
majority of language learners. If you can let go and stop worrying
about being perfect, and just focus on getting your point accross
- on communicating with another human being - your progress
will be so much faster.

You will often surprise yourself when you just spit out a sentence
without thinking about it and it actually ends up 100% correct.
And no, you wont have any issues un-learning bad habits. Trust
me, I made a LOT of mistakes early on, and I didnt spend any time

You also wont be embarrassed if you dont speak perfectly. In

fact, people from Latin America (Spain too) are some of the most
friendly and warm in the world (isnt that part of the appeal?).

Ill say it again:

Get to communication first, then focus on perfection.

Let that sink in. Its the most important concept in this guide and
the one that will save you so much heartache.


Hours vs. Months

When I tell people I learned Spanish in a month, the typical
response goes something like, really? how? thats really

But I dont necessarily think a month is impressive.

For example, what if I told you I learned Spanish in five months?

Suddenly not as impressive.

But if I studied an hour a day for five months, or five hours a day
for one month, thats 150 hours either way.

Which brings us to what is less of a principle, and more of a

reality-check: its not about how many weeks, months, or years
you have spent learning a language, but how many hours.

Because maybe you studied for five minutes a day for a year.
Thats only thirty hours - which I spent in six days.
There is only one caveat here, as each speed (as measured in
months) has a downside:

if you learn Spanish in a very short period of time, like I did, you
are also more likely to forget it quickly. You need to maintain it
(which is very easy and basically involves talking to people)
once its there, or you may forget it.
if you learn Spanish over a long period of time, like a year, youll
inevitably forget things along the way and will likely end up
needing to re-learn things (which will take less time the second
time, of course).

How many months you decide to fit the hours into is up to you
and your personal preference.

Personally, it was easier to learn it in a month than over a longer

period of time. This is because Im very good at extreme deep
focus for a short period of time, but quite terrible at maintaining
little 30-60 minute a day habits.

Maybe you are better at habits, or your schedule simply doesnt

allow more time per day. If thats the case, youll need to do less
time a day over a longer period of time.
Either way, measure your hours, not your months.


Intellectual to Second Nature

In the next principle, youll find out why speaking is everything.

But one of the main reasons why speaking is so important is so

fundamental to this approach that we need to look at it
separately. It has implications on how we approach almost
everything - from vocab to grammar to pronunciation.

Lets pretend youre learning a single vocab word, azucar (sugar).

When you first learn the word, you know it intellectually. Its in
your brain, and you can recognize it. Depending on how well you
know it, you can say the Spanish word when presented the
English word after a split second to a few seconds.

But when it comes to using the word in real speech in a real

conversation with someone, the part of your brain that takes that
intellectual knowledge of the word azucar and uses it in a
sentence hasnt been used yet.
So, as a preview to how I approach vocab, the process is roughly

1. Be exposed to a word through your curriculum, teacher,

convesation, or other input
2. Learn and reinforce the word with flashcards until you can
almost always recall it when presented the English
3. Use the word a LOT in real conversations to solidify it

The role of speech here is to move the word from Intellectual to

Second Nature (from step two to three).

If you know the word intellectually, you can recall it.

But if you want the word to flow naturally out of your mouth as if
it was English, you have to use it in conversations a lot.

This phenomenon is the same with grammar. Its very similar with
pronunciation (where its more about muscle memory than your
brain). Its one of the two big reasons you struggle to understand
people when they talk fast.
Ill get to how it applies for each part later on, but the core of it is
so simple and so important that Ill say it again:

Learn something intellectually and then use speech to make it

second nature.


Speaking is Everything
After communication before perfection, this is the most
important principle for learning Spanish fast. In fact, its the one
that makes that one possible.

Speaking. Is. Everything.

Speaking is either the foundation or the most important

ingredient in every area of language.

Want to improve your vocab? Speak more.

Want to improve your grammar? Speak more.
Want to improve your confidence? Speak more.
Want to improve your listening skills? Speak more.
Want to improve your pronunciation? Speak more.
Want to improve your writing? Speak more.

Speaking. Is. Everything.

OK, OK. Let me explain.

First, by speak, I generally mean have conversations, not just

production (although speaking by itself is helpful for some

Lets go skill by skill, explaining just how important speaking is to

each one. These will be greatly elaborated on in each individual
skills how-to chapter, so Ive used the shortest possible
explanation to illustrate speakings importance for each one.

To improve your ability to speak well, you need to practice
actually speaking.

Youd think this one would be obvious, but so many people end
up using apps or textbooks and are surprised when they cant
actually open their mouths and speak Spanish.

The reality is, language is like any other skill: its built on
repetition. If you dont speak, you wont have experience
speaking, so while you may understand things just fine, when it
comes for your turn to form sentences on the fly, youll shut

You saw how important speaking is for vocab in the last principle,
Intellectual to Second Nature.

Essentially, speaking is what takes a word from needing a split

second to be said (while you find it in your head) to flowing
naturally like English.

Confidence, evolutionarily, stems from competence.

And if you havent had a lot of practice speaking Spanish, you

wont have competence, and thus no confidence.

The only way to improve your confidence when speaking Spanish

is to speak Spanish. Theres more to it than this, but well cover
that later.

The same intellectual to second nature concept that applies for
vocab, applies for grammar.

Whether you learn from a textbook, website, app, or teacher

(which I recommend), youll only know the grammar concept
intellectually until you actually start using it, over and over, in
sentences with real people in real conversations. Thats how you
unlock it, letting it flow naturally like your native language does.

When it comes to writing, its pretty simple: if you can say it, you
can write it.

If you can, in the middle of a conversation, dynamically create the

sentence and speak it, do you really think youll have trouble
writing the same thing? No.

But, if you can write something, you cant necessarily speak it.
This is the problem that those in the university system face, for
example: they can write essays in Spanish, but lock up when
someone actually speaks to them.

This is partly because they dont have practice on that end of the
spectrum, and partly because while writing lets you sit and think
and fix things, speaking happens on the fly and doesnt give you
the luxury of time to think.

Thus, if you spend more time speaking, you will improve both
your speaking and your writing.

Messaging a little with friends is more than enough writing

practice (and you dont necessarily even need that). Of course, if
you want to become a very good writer in Spanish, you need to
write a lot - but thats true even of your native language.

Many people struggle to understand people when they talk fast.

Depending on the country, the speed of speech can seem to

range from fast to lightspeed. How are we non-natives supposed
to keep up?

Well - we can - but there are a lot of things we need to do to train

our ears to keep up.

But guess what is an important part of training listening skills?

You guessed it. Having conversations.
The first step in good pronunciation is learning how to properly
make the sounds. Ill cover how to do that later on, but lets
assume for now that you can make the sounds correctly.

Once you can physically make the sounds, you need to use
repetition as its like any other skill in that you have to practice it
for it to become second nature. So, you need to get in the reps
saying each sound over and over in real words to train your
mouth to make the sounds naturally (Ill explain this in more
depth later).

And, of course, speaking (by itself) is the only way to get in these
reps, and conversations (including another person) are a more
fun way to do it.

Why Other Strategies Fail

This is one of the reasons why you didnt learn much in high
school or university. Aside from the un-optimal curriculum and
focus on perfection, you get almost no speaking practice at all (if

Its why tapes, by themselves, dont work - you need

conversations or you just have input and no output. Theres also
obviously nobody there to explain things to you when you get
confused, which happens a lot.

Its why apps like Duolingo or software like Rosetta Stone dont
work. Among other issues, they all ignore speaking.


How to Talk About Anything

But you dont understand, I need to learn medical Spanish. I
dont need the normal stu.

I was in the middle of a conversation with someone who emailed

me for advice after watching the documentary. They wanted to
work in urgent aid in Latin America.

What I explained to them next is the secret to how to talk about

any subject (if you even want to call it a secret).

All you need to do to learn how to talk about any topic in Spanish
is to learn the vocabulary for that topic.
Theres nothing dierent about medical Spanish from normal
Spanish. Its just extra vocabulary.

No matter what you want to talk about, you need the same
fundamentals. You need the core vocabulary that everyone uses
all of the time.

Then, if you want to talk about a specific topic or field, like

medicine, all you do is learn the words for that topic.

Verbs like to bleed and to sew and to break. Nouns like

surgery, kidney, and vaccine.

New subjects are just vocab hung on the framework of core

Spanish you have to learn first.

Opening up entire new worlds in Spanish is a simple as learning

some new words.

80/20 Everything
If youre already familiar with the 80/20 Rule (also called the
Pareto Principle), you can probably skip this. Just know that it
applies BIG TIME with Spanish.

The 80/20 Rule basically states that 80% of the results come from
20% of the inputs.

80% of the pea pods are produced by 20% of the plants.

80% of the revenue is created by 20% of the customers.

80% of the headache in support is created by 20% of the


And 80% of spoken Spanish uses 20% of the language.

Well, actually, that last one isnt true.

You need to know much less than 20% of the language to

understand 80% of social conversations.
The most commonly used grammar and vocab (which is a rather
small percentage of the total words, conjugations, and complex
grammar in Spanish) allows you to understand often over 80% of
what youll hear in Spanish.

What you learn (being eective) is more important then how you
learn (being ecient). So, you can cut months o your learning
curve by cutting a lot of material out of your curriculum.

What This Looks Like In Practice

When you dig into the Stages of Learning section, and then later
the Perfect Spanish Curriculum Blueprint bonus, youll see
exactly how this plays out.

But, for example, it means that:

Until the advanced stages, you dont learn the majority of the
dierent conjugations (of which there are a LOT, but most of
which are almost never used). You just learn the most
commonly used ones.
You learn the most commonly used vocab first (based on
frequency lists), and the niche vocab that you personally will
use a lot (things you are interested in and thus talk about).
You stack the most important/most commonly used stu first,
as it will give you the most bang for your buck.

The curriculum and stages of learning I present here have 80/20d

everything to the Nth degree, so luckily you dont have to do the
work of figuring out what stu is the most important.


Learning From Software is Bullshit

How many people do you know that have successfully learned a
language to fluency using apps? Using just a computer?

Introducing the most advanced technology the world has ever

seen. Features include:

impeccably accurate voice-recognition, with no annoying

state-of-the-art pronunciation feedback
infinitely interesting and engaging, with hundreds of millions of
dierent versions to try
built-in accountability
scientifically proven
Introducing... humans.

Language is about communicating.

Language is about having real conversations.
Language is about connecting with a culture.
Language is about people.

But even if those weren't true, the fastest way to learn a language
to actual fluency would still be spending as much time as
possible speaking and having conversations with real people.
All the little fill in the blank, click the picture, multiple choice
bullshit you're doing in that app is training you to be good at
THAT. But it's not going to help you much when you need to
actually turn around and open your mouth to have a real
conversation with a real person in Spanish.

Introducing George
I have a good friend. We'll call him George.

George had been using Duolingo for two years, diligently doing a
little bit every single day. He'd long finished the entire curriculum.
George then moved to Medelln, Colombia for a few months.

When George arrived, on paper, he knew almost as much, if not

more Spanish than I did. He certainly knew more grammar, and
could probably crush me in a written test.

But guess what? He spent his entire time using software, and
almost no time talking to real people. And when he arrived in
Colombia, in a real, Spanish-speaking country, he couldn't
actually have conversations.
He could handle the basics, and that's about it - because he had
never practiced actually speaking and understanding a native
speaker in the real world.

So, when he arrived, he took my advice, and started speaking a

lot. And within two months, he had a local girlfriend and a circle
of Colombian friends, most of which spoke little or no English at
all. People he never would have connected with if he didn't
actually speak Spanish - if he had only ever used software.

The only caveat to this is that computerized flashcards are good

for vocab (and vocab only), when paired with speaking and other
things. Well cover that later.

Dont try to learn a new language from software. Speaking is



Do You Need a Spanish Teacher?

I get asked a lot, do I really need a teacher to learn Spanish?
What if I just do it on my own?
Well, no. Its not absolutely required to learn the language. People
have learned it before with no human assistance and will
continue to do so. But

1. Why? You are learning Spanish to communicate with Spanish-

speakers, which are people. If the whole point is to speak with
people, why would you cut that out, even if it didnt help?
2. Its slower. For reasons Ill cover in a second, having a teacher
speeds things up enormously.
3. Its not as good. You wont learn slang or how people speak in
the street (why this is important is covered in the next
4. Its not as expensive as you think. More on my favorite tools
for learning Spanish later on. But if youre already itching to
start some classes, take a look at BaseLang (we wrote this
guide!), where you can get unlimited one-on-one Spanish
classes with professional teachers for just $99 a month. Your
first week is just $1 so you can try it out.

So if you absolutely want to learn Spanish without human

assistance, go for it. But, I dont advise it, and 95% of this guide
will be of little use to you as the bedrock of my approach is built
on conversations with real people.
Teachers vs. a Language Exchange
By this point, you should be convinced that you need to speak,
that conversations with native speakers are very important.

One of the most common questions I get is, why should I pay for
a teacher when I can do an exchange for free? Is is really worth


First, lets look at the pros and cons of an exchange.

Large selection of people
People are from many dierent Spanish-speaking countries

English skills arent usually very good when you need an
You need to tell them what to teach you next, which requires
you to know what you even need to learn in the first place
(which you dont - even I didnt past a certain point during the
You have to spend half your time speaking in English (its an
exchange after all), which is very time-inecient
The person probably isnt that great at explaining things. In fact,
you probably cant explain English well either, because as a
native speaker, things just make sense.

For instance, whats the dierence between may and might?
Or why we say big, red house, not red, big house? Its the
same for a native Spanish speaker that hasnt been trained to
teach - they dont know why things are the way they are, and
cant explain things better than, I dont know, thats just how its

In contrast, a professional teacher

Since they are professionals, they can actually explain dierent
concepts as they have a deep understanding of both Spanish
and English - and thus can explain the dierences between
them and relate Spanish grammar concepts to how things work
in English.
You spend the entire time learning Spanish.
The teacher gets invested in your success and can guide you
through the process. They know you, your interests, your
progress, and your weak points.
They know what you need to learn next, so you dont have to tell
them what to cover.
They, quite frankly, make you feel awesome. They make you feel
like you are getting it. Mistakes no longer feel embarrassing.
They know not only how to teach you the language, but to
coach your psyche to make sure you actually feel like you are
progressing (because often, you wont).
Per above, teachers make gaining confidence to actually speak
so much easier because its no longer scary.
The best teachers are good at a level we dont even notice. In a
seemingly casual conversation, they will ask questions that will
force you to use the concept you just learned. They will pretend
theyve never seen a particular movie just youll have to explain
it to them for more practice.

They can somehow dumb down their own Spanish to almost
only use the grammar and vocab that you either already know
or are learning. You think (and feel like) its just a casual
conversation, but behind the scenes, theres a lot going on.
They arent free. But, they can be a lot more aordable than you
think (Ill cover one good option in a minute)
BUT, depending on what you make an hour, it is likely a smarter
financial decision to pay for the tutor. This was my own logic,
when I decided to spend $1,350 in a month on my tutor for the
documentary (3 hours a day for 30 days straight):

Assuming that a teacher is no better/faster than an exchange
(definitely not true), an exchange doubles the amount of time it
would take for you to learn Spanish.

I estimate roughly 150 hours to a conversational level, using the
methods in this course, starting from zero. Since an exchange,
in this hypothetical situation, doubles that how much money
could you make in 150 hours, and couldnt that cover more than
the cost of your teacher?

For most people in the western world, it makes more sense to
work a little bit more and pay for a tutor. Youll still come out
ahead on time.

But if you cant aord $15/hr, dont worry. You can get unlimited
classes for just $99 a month with BaseLang. The teachers are
all professionals that work for us, so youre getting all of the
benefits of having a teacher for a lot less money. Your first week
is just $1, so you can see if you like it first. Click here to sign up.

If you dont want to use BaseLang, thats cool too. Whether you
use us or not, I still suggest you use a teacher.

So yes, I definitely recommend a teacher.

Is it possible to learn Spanish without one? Absolutely. And an

exchange is better than nothing. But since it takes so much more
time, you are more likely to give up - and thats assuming youre
on a very relaxed schedule.

If you want to learn Spanish fast, getting a teacher is vital.


Be Native
This is an issue that only plagues a small percentage of people,
but enough that I need to cover it. Maybe you havent been
Some people think they dont need to try to sound as native as
possible when speaking Spanish. Typically, they either

Think its un-cool to actually say things correctly, instead of in a

gringo accent. This is a big issue in traditional education when
most of the people around you have terrible accents and will
make fun of you if you actually sound latino.
Or, they think that they understand me, it doesnt matter. Yea,
sure, maybe they do usually. But isnt the whole purpose of
speaking Spanish to connect with Spanish-speakers? Its a fact
(whether we like it or not), that people like people similar to
them. When you speak in a gringo accent, you are instantly less
familiar to them, which inevitably means they dont trust you as
much and the connections dont get as deep, typically. This isnt
their fault - this is just stu happening subconsciously.

This of course assumes they do understand you and that your
gringo accent has decent pronunciation. Often, youll have to
repeat things an extra time. You could have said it perfectly, but
having to repeat it will be terrible for your confidence as you will
have to wonder if you screwed something up.
When you make an eort to sound local - not just in your accent,
but also in the words, phrases, and slang you use - you unlock an
extra dimension.

People are suddenly a bit warmer with you. They feel more
comfortable right away (this is why I intentionally use very local
Spanish where I live in Medellin, especially when first meeting

And maybe, youll reach the holy grail of Spanish: being mistaken
for being part-latino (or latina).

The Arepa Joint in NYC

Earlier this year, I was in NYC for a week, visiting some friends.

One of my buddies, Pieter, recommended that we go to an Arepa

joint near where he lived. If you dont know, an arepa is a flat,
usually round, bread made of corn. There are many dierent
types, but this particular restaurant served a type of Venezuelan
arepas that are hollow in the middle. They are opened up then
stued with dierent variations of meat, cheese, vegetables,
sauces, and other (very) delicious things.
My entire week in NYC, I had been trying to talk to people in
Spanish. My accent is very good (probably the strongest part of
my Spanish, as a whole), and I was saying things correctly, but
people would just switch back to English.

But, at this little arepa shop, the guy (from Venezuela) actually
spoke back to me in Spanish. I laughed with him and talked for a
little bit. It wasnt a necessarily hard conversation in terms of
the subject matter, but we were speaking pretty quickly.

At the end, I asked where he was from.

where are you from?
Where in Venezuela? I have some friends there.
Oh, thats awesome!
Where are you from?
I live in Medelln - Colombia.
Ah, that makes sense, I was trying to place your accent. Youre
from there?
No no, Im from Florida, I just live there now.
But youre part latin? One of your parents or something?
(laughing) No.

When I told Adrian this story, his immediate reaction was

whoooooaaaa, which he followed with a high-five.

Trust me - I dont look latin at all. Thats a big compliment.

And its not that unachievable.

But you need to try to sound local.

It makes a dierence.

Bonus Reason to Become Native

Heres another reason to try to be as native as possible: its

Seriously, learning the slang and little sayings and phrases of a

specific city or region is probably the most fun thing you can do
when it comes to Spanish. Since I live and learned everything in
Medelln, where people are paisas (the word for people from the
region), my slang, accent, and speach patterns are all very paisa.
We laugh that I speak dont speak espaol, but paisaol.
You may think that you should just carry a neutral accent and not
sound from any one place. And if you are doing business in many
dierent Spanish speaking countries, perhaps thats true. But if
not, picking a place to be from gives your Spanish some flavor
and gives you a sense of identity.

This is of course somewhat dependent on you traveling or living

in a Spanish-speaking country. But if you are in the US, look at the
latinos in the nearby neighborhoods or your Spanish-speaking
friends, and see where they are from. Learn the slang relevant to
them (they will have a blast teaching it to you, trust me).

Youll learn some hilarious stu. Here are two examples from
Colombian Spanish to whet your appetite:

1. Quin pidi pollo?

Who ordered chicken? While this could literally mean who
ordered chicken, it has another, very funny meaning.

This phrase is used in groups of Colombian women when a very

attractive man walks into the room. The man is the chicken.

This makes absolutely no sense at all. The best explanation a

friend of mine got was that chicken used to be rather rare in
Colombia for some reason (I dont know if this is even true), so it
is used in this phrase to point out an attractive guy.

2. Arroz en bajo
Another one from the dating department, this mean rice on low
(on the backburner).

Its used primarily by women (though also by men) to describe

men they arent even remotely serious about seeing, but are
talking to a little bit, just to keep them interested. Arroz en bajo
means keeping the man (or woman when this happens the other
way around) warm, so that if she has a Friday with no plans for
some reason, that she has someone to do something with.

Theres a LOT more, and its a ton of fun to learn, and even more
fun to use, especially when people arent expecting you to know

Other than asking, and the rare good resource on regional slang,
the main way to learn this (or pick up something odd so you can
ask what it means) is through mimicry, which is covered later on.

Be native. Its worth it.


Mindset Matters
A few month ago, a friend of mine and I had coee in Medelln
and we started talking about personal development - specifically
one month challenges.

At one point, he asked me how I overcame the incessant inner

doubt that I cant actually do this, or who am I to try to do this?

My answer surprised him, and his question made me think about

the mindset side of things that I took for granted.

I responded, I dont have those doubts. I go into one of these

challenges and literally have zero doubt at all that I can pull it o.
Im not a fool - I have done my research and put everything in
place to help me do it. But once Ive started, I have no doubt to
fight o.

Now, this friend is no average guy. Hes had a lot of success with
several businesses, relationships, languages, and personal
So it made me realize just how uncommon my irrational
(potentially arrogant) confidence is when going into a new
challenge to which Ive fully committed.

And after some thought, I realized just how key your mindset
really is, especially when it comes to learning Spanish.

Going in, the most productive mindset is

Im good at Spanish
Spanish is easy and this is fun
I cant fail, why would I ever give up? Look at how awesome I am
at this

These dont need to be rational or true. They may not be. But
either way, they help you - so why not try to adopt them?

But, a lot of people have destructive mindsets going into the

process of learning Spanish

Spanish is hard
Im bad at languages
Im too old and my memory is bad
He/she might be able to, but I cant
I have to be perfect
I failed at all my other goals, why am I kidding myself that I can
do this one?

These mindsets are toxic. Even if they arent true (and they arent),
they will hinder your progress substantially.

Stages of Learning
Now that you have the principles down, lets look at what you should actually
focus on at each stage of learning Spanish so that you make progress as fast as

How Babies Learn Languages

At dierent stages of your learning, you want to cover dierent
things, have dierent levels of correction from your teacher, and
focus on dierent aspects of the language. Ill break these stages
into Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced for simplicity.

In the next chapters in this section, Ill dig into the ideas and
strategies behind each stage.

Youll see how these play out in more detail in the Perfect
Spanish Curriculum Blueprint bonus, which will be invaluable
when it comes to actually implementing this on a lesson to
lesson basis.

But first, I want to share something about how babies learn their
native language.

Enter Adrian
In the process of writing this book, I sat down and had a long
conversation with Adrian, my teacher from the Spanish in a
Month documentary.
While I had already done lots of research on the developmental
psychology of how children learn their native language, I wanted
to see his perspective, from the point of view of a teacher (and a
really good one at that).

Turns out, he had done his research too, and our general
thoughts matched up. But he had some really insightful things to

This is what he had to say:

The problem with most approaches to learning is that

they think that adults learn dierently than babies. The
reality is, we all acquire language in the same way (note
from Connor: the scientific literature supports this). There
are a few stages we go through with language

1. First, we learn how to listen. Babies sit there, and they

cant talk. But they listen, and absorb. They start to
recognize all the dierent sounds and understand the
meanings of dierent phrases.
2. Then, they eventually can start to repeat the phrases
they have heard. You tell them agua, and they can reply
agua. Its all built on sound.

3. Then, they can start to create sentences of their own

using what they know.

The same process is what happens with reading and

writing, with understanding (reading) coming first, and
then writing (production) coming afterwards. For babies,
this happens after sound. For adults, we can do it at the
same time (note from Connor: this goes back to the
whole, if you can speak, you can write concept), though
the reading and writing aspect obviously assumes youve
learned how those systems work in Spanish already.

This is a work in progress, where you understand more

and more and then can produce and use it, while you
begin to understand new material (note from Connor: this
is a concept I refer to as the Onion, which Ill be talking a
lot about later).

This is why you can typically understand more than you

can say.
Its also part of why I dont like tests like DELE - they focus
on all four (listening, speaking, reading, writing) from the
start, which goes completely against how humans acquire

This is baked into how a good teacher should teach on a

lesson-to-lesson level, but also how the optimal
curriculum is formed.

Now that we understand the baby-psychology of how a good

teacher goes about teaching a specific topic, lets dig into when
they should teach which material - and why.


Before the Basic stage is Survival Spanish. This is nothing more
than the handful of phrases found in any guidebook, like where
is the bathroom or chicken, please.
Getting survival Spanish down just takes an afternoon (at most)
of memorizing these phrases - theres nothing really to it. So Ill
start by assuming youre at least at a survival level.

At the end of this stage, you will be at a hacked-conversational

level. Remember, were focusing on communication first,
perfection later - so your teacher should correct a small
percentage of your mistakes. A good teacher knows how to
balance this, but for example, using the wrong gender should
always be let slide at this point.

At a Basic stage, your main focus is on

1. Pronunciation. Get this down early, please. Its one thing that
is not easy to unlearn later. You dont need a near-native
accent yet (well get there later), but you should be able to say
every word perfectly (or very close to it). You dont need words
or to even know what anything means to learn this.
2. Building the foundation of grammar. Without basic grammar,
you have no way to communicate simple ideas. This includes
the super basics like I, you, the, it is a cat, dog > dogs,
it is my dog, but also certain conjugations/grammar
concepts well see in a second (like voy a and tengo que)
3. Enough vocab to give you words to learn the foundation of
grammar with. Not a ton of focus on vocab here (meaning
nouns, non-essential verbs, adjectives).
4. Learn the window words. These are the words I put on my
window in the documentary - core words like before, after,
under, and, but, if, so, thats why, how do you say, and of
course. These are connectors and prepositions, among
other things.
5. You arent having many full conversations at this point
beyond speaking Spanish with your teacher (the examples
and practice they present for learning). This is because
without grammar building blocks, you cant have real
conversations - because you cant form sentences. Thus,
trying to have a full conversation is bad for your confidence at
this point.
6. Learn the most common 30 or so verbs and how to conjugate
them in the five most used forms.

What are the five most used forms?

At this stage, I recommend only learning a few conjugations. In

order of importance:
1. Infinitive. This is what the verb looks like unconjugated. E.g.
comer (to eat).
2. Simple Present. This is not what you are doing now, but rather
something you (or I, he, she, etc) does in general. E.g. comes
(you eat).
3. Progressive. This is the -ing conjugation. E.g. estoy
comiendo (Im eating). This is super easy.
4. Simple Past. There are multiple past tenses with slightly
dierent meanings, but you dont need to worry about those
yet as youll get your point across with any of them. This is the
easiest and most used. E.g. comiste (you ate).
5. Conditional. This is the I would (verb) conjugation. E.g.
comera (she would eat).

Then, there are two very important grammar hacks that you will
use a lot:

1. Voy a. This lets you skip learning the future tense completely
until the advanced stages, as it means Im going to. All you
do is conjugate the verb ir (to go), add an a, then the
infinitive of any verb. For instance, Im going to eat is voy a
comer. Youre going to eat? Vas a comer.

Im going to eat is so close to I will eat that you can avoid
all the extra work of learning another conjugation until much

Just like that, you can skip hours of work memorizing another
conjugation, while still being able to talk about the future.
2. Tengo que. This is the same structure as voy a in that you
have the conjugation for tener (to have), then que, then the
infinitive of any verb. It means I have to. So, I have to eat
is tengo que comer.

Like I said, Im not going to teach you the actual grammar here
(that would take awhile), as thats the job of your teacher. But as
far as what to focus on - studying these conjugations and
focusing on these aspects is going to give you the most bang for
your buck.

Add the relevant vocabulary for the topic, and you should be able
to have a (not-so-pretty) conversation about almost anything
with just what you learn in this stage.

In fact, in the next stage, Intermediate, we do exactly that: start to

pile on the vocabulary. We also begin to clean up some of your
mistakes, introduce the rest of the most used grammar, hone
your accent, and start having lots of full conversations.
Lets take a look.



At this point, you have crossed the golden threshold from being
rather hopeless, to actually being able to hack together
conversations. You can now communicate!

At this point, youre no longer worried that, maybe I cant actually

learn Spanish. You start to feel like youre getting it.

And you are.

The intermediate stage is much longer than the basic stage.

Through this stage, youll progress to being conversational
(where I was at the end of the documentary) roughly halfway
through. And when you cross over into the Advanced stage at the
end, youll be conversationally-fluent (of course, per the 80/20
rule, this second half of the intermediate stage takes longer than
the first half).

At this stage, your teacher will start correcting your basic

mistakes, and generally cleaning up your Spanish. The better
you get, the more they will correct your mistakes.

From the beginning of this stage to the end, youll progress from
sounding like a retarded 8-year-old (remember, reaching that
point is a golden moment) to a fully functioning adult that
stumbles over dicult sentences.

What are you focusing on here?

1. A lot more vocab. Now that you have the grammatical

structure to use it with, its time to start adding a lot more
vocab. This will expand your ability to use Spanish in many
dierent situations faster than anything else now that you
have the grammatical foundation.
2. Honing your accent. At the start of this stage, you should be
able to pronounce every word perfectly. Now, its time to start
trying to sound more local. This comes mostly through a
process of mimicry that Ill discuss later, but also from
starting to speak faster and fluidly.
3. The remaining core grammar. Youll want to cover things like
the present perfect I have eaten (he comido) and the most
common imperatives take it please (tomalo por favor). Youll
begin to use the subjunctive in specific situations (based on
mimicking when your teacher uses it), but you wont actually
understand the full rules behind it yet. For the specifics of
what youll want to cover at this stage, see the perfect
curriculum bonus.
4. Lots of conversations. Now that you can actually
communicate, one-on-one conversations with people will
become one of the most important parts of the entire
process. In fact, more than 60-70% of your time will be spent
just having conversations. This is primarily here to move all
the grammar and vocab you are learning from intellectual to
second nature.

Remember, speaking is everything.

In addition to the things you need to learn, youll also start to care
about slang and saying things like the locals do. This goes a long
way in having people feel comfortable with you and forming
deeper bonds. Your teacher should already be doing this on a
somewhat region-neutral basis, as textbook Spanish is rarely
how people actually speak to each other.
If youre already living in a Spanish-speaking country, or know
where you will be traveling/doing business in/etc, starting the
process of learning the slang of that area will be one of the most
fun parts of learning Spanish.

For instance, in Medelln, its very common to add pues (which

technically means well, but is usually closer to uhm or
completely meaningless in Medelln) to sentences, even though
its not correct.

Slang and street-Spanish changes from country to country, and

often city to city, which is awesome. This isnt necessary, but I
definitely recommend giving it some time.

Once youve progressed through this stage (which will take a lot
longer that the basic stage), youll move on to the Advanced

This stage is very simple.

You are already conversationally-fluent. You handle two hour

conversations about the dierences between German and
Mexican culture, what you wish was dierent about your
education, and laugh about something stupid that happened to a
friend a few days ago, all without much diculty.

You may still make some mistakes and run into dicult
sentences that you butcher, but the conversation flows naturally.
For the most part, you feel like you really speak Spanish now.

For most people, progression from this stage is erratic and slow,
as they have already reached their goal.

Indeed, for most people, there is little reason to put in the amount
of work that is necessary to progress from being
conversationally-fluent, to actually speaking perfect Spanish,
often about technical subjects.
But, if you are one of the ambitious individuals who wants to
push forward, heres whats next.

1. The rest of the grammar. At this point, you have all of the
most useful grammar, and are simply left with a lot of less
used conjugations (some of which are almost never used),
complex sentence structures, the subjunctive mood (which,
at this point, you only know to a limited extent), and more.
Basically, you need to learn whatever is left now that you
already know the most used stu.

A good teacher and curriculum will help you select the most-
used of the least-used, but even then youre making
incremental gains.
2. A shitload of vocab. Basically, you need the most used words
for almost every subject, from car engines to kitchen utensils
to types of fish. And of course, this is when you start to go
really deep into the vocab for the subjects that you care
about (you should already have a strong vocabulary in these
subjects - this is when you fill it out).
3. The vast majority of your time will be spent in conversations.
Luckily, this will point out to you the things you struggle with
most and where you are lacking vocabulary. Also, since you
already have a strong level, conversations will suddenly be
just as fun as they would be in your native language.
4. At this point, your teacher should point out every last little
stupid mistake you make. Youll also want to request this of
the people you speak with often. Youre after perfection at
this point, after all.

Progress at this point is rather personal. Some people will start

reading lots of books in Spanish and picking up vocab that way.
Some will prefer TV shows or movies. Some people will listen to
music or radio. Some will just have a lot of conversations and
note down the words and grammar they dont know as they go to
cover later.

Once you are at this point, your teacher takes more of a support
role than a central pillar role. You still will need them to explain
the complicated grammar concepts you have coming up, some of
which will be so ambiguous and confusing that sometimes even
they, as a professional, have a hard time explaining. They will also
push your limits much harder than your friends and other people
you have conversations with, which is essential for faster growth.

The concepts in the next section, Strategies, will help you both at
this stage and at the Basic and Intermediate levels. Now you
understand the principles. You understand the progression. Now,
lets covered the how-to questions that you probably came to
this guide with.

You have the principles. You understand what to focus on, and when. Now, its
time to dig into the nitty-gritty strategies and tactics on how to approach each
aspect of learning Spanish.

How to Learn Spanish Vocabulary

With the right methods, learning vocab is, minute for minute, one
of the most valuable uses of your study time.

Once you have a base of grammar to use it with, the fastest way
to unlock new topics and widen the breadth of things you can
talk about is by learning new vocab.

In the intermediate stage, learning a lot of vocab is a big part of

what will get you from hacked-conversational to
conversationally-fluent. And at the advanced stage, youll be
learning vocab like its your job.

So its with good reason that people give such weight to learning
new words, and ask so many questions about how best to go
about it. And being the language learning industrys favorite
topic, there are some really good tools out there to help you here.

My strategy for vocab is simple:

1. Learn the words intellectually using an SRS

2. Make using the words second nature by using them in real

A word of warning before we dig into the strategy here: do NOT

learn vocab until you have very good pronunciation. Your accent
doesnt need to be great, but you should be able to pronounce
each word individually almost perfectly. Otherwise, youll end up
learning a word like disculpe (excuse me) thinking that it sounds
like dih-scuhl-p (wrong) instead of dee-scool-peh (correct).

If you end up memorizing the word with bad pronunciation, you

wont recognize it when other people use it in real speech, and
the whole point of learning the word is ruined. Dont skip this step
(see the strategy on pronunciation later on for the how-to of this).

With that warning out of the way, back to our regular

programming: learning vocab quickly and eortlessly.

The Magic of the SRS

SRS is short for spaced repetition system.

Basically, this is a fancy way of saying smart flashcards.

The first time you see a card, if you get it right, youll see it again
in ten minutes. Then, if you get it right in ten minutes, you wont
see it again for a day. Then four days. Then two weeks. Then a
month. Then three months. Then a year.

BUT, if you get it wrong, it goes right back to the beginning, and
you see it often again until you can correctly recall it.

Dierent apps have slightly dierent intervals, but the

psychology is the same:

1. By forcing you to recall the word just before you were about to
forget it, the memory formed is much stronger
2. By reviewing things on extended intervals, you can learn
20-30 new words and manage your vocabulary of thousands
of old words with only 20 minutes of work a day (or less)

Because these intervals are based on science and studies (which

I wont bore you with here, as I think this is fairly intuitive), not
only are you spending less time on vocab, youre retaining it

Another nice part of training with an SRS is you can do it in tiny

chunks of time anywhere. Waiting in line? Get in some vocab. On
public transport? Get in some vocab. On the toilet? Get in some
vocab. These twenty minutes almost never add any study time
to your day, they just make your idle time productive.

Ill cover the how-to, including which apps I use and recommend,
for this in a minute. But first lets look at the often overlooked
second half of learning vocabulary.

Actually Use the Words in Real Life

Lets say you have learned a new verb with your SRS: desarrollar
(to develop). Youve studied it a few times and can always recall it.
Thus, you wont see it again for a month.

Most people stop here. But the reality is, when the flashcard
comes up and you see to develop on the front, it still takes you a
half-second to a second to remember it and say desarrollar.

While that sounds fairly quick, when it comes to using it in a

conversation, youll end up with a pause before the word comes
out. Your speech is going to end up all choppy and full of pauses,
while you search your brain for the word.

What we want is for the word to flow out naturally, like English
does, without thinking about it.
The only way to do this is to actually use it in conversations.

It depends word to word. Some, where you have a strong memory

tied to the word, take less time to make second nature. Others
will take a little more brute force. But every word requires
repetition and use in real conversations to become fully second

This second half of the process is fairly straightforward. Just talk.

A good teacher will force you to use the words if you dont
naturally yourself.

But for the first half, how should you go about structuring your
learning with the SRS, and what app should you use?

How to Structure Your Cards and Learning

Before we dig into the technology well use here, lets discuss how
to structure your cards.

The front should either have a photo of the object (for nouns that
are easy to illustrate, like tree) or just the English. Personally, I
just put English for everything as I didnt have enough time to dig
around for photos.
Well cover why you dont need to worry about translation in the
grammar chapter, but youll just need to trust me for a bit that
putting English on the card is totally fine.

You should NOT put the Spanish on the front and the English on
the back, ever.

This is a huge mistake, as its training you to recognize the

Spanish and understand it. If you put Spanish on the front, youll
find yourself understanding people when they speak but being
stuck when it comes time to open your own mouth.
The point of these cards is to train you to be able to produce
Spanish, given only English and no hints, as this is how it works
when youre actually talking to someone. If you can produce the
Spanish, you can recognize it, but not the other way around.

As for how much to study, that depends on how fast you are
trying to progress. For most people, 15-20 new words a day is
plenty. Remember, youll need to keep up with maintaining your
old cards as they come back to you days, weeks, or months later,
and that will take at least half of your time. This will keep your
daily studying down to 15-20 minutes a day.

If you have more time and are more ambitious (make sure you
want to keep up with it in the long term), increase from there.

Recommended Resources
There are two apps I recommend as your SRS. Id pick one and
just stick to it.

Available on iOS, Android, and Desktop.
This is what I personally prefer, as its simpler. You are shown the
front of the card. You tap the screen (or click on your computer),
and it shows the back underneath the front side. Then, you tap on
the right if you got it right, or on the left if you got it wrong. Self
graded and dead-simple.

Its also very customizable in case you want to get fancy.

Personally, I just use the standard, simple front/back setup and it
works perfectly.

However, its not very pretty (rather, its very ugly), and theres a bit
of a steep learning curve to figure out how to use it. Its not
intuitive and youll likely need some tutorials and poking around
to get setup.

The iOS app is $19.99 (Android and Desktop versions are free),
which pays for their server costs.

Its also not very good at gamifying the experience, which means
that unlike some apps (like the one coming up), Anki isnt playing
with your psychology to get you hooked on training your
vocabulary. If you feel like you may need some extra motivation to
keep up with doing this daily, youll want to use the next option,
Available on iOS, Android, and their website (which works on any
mobile device, too).

To start, Memrise is free for all platforms. They do have a

premium version, but we dont really need it.

Memrise is very easy to use, it looks good, and its intuitive. If you
arent that good with technology in general, this is your pick.

Memrise does things a bit dierently than Anki, but its based on
the same principles. Early on with a word, they will show you
multiple choice, as its easier. As you progress, they will make you
type out the word fully, as well as one or two other variations.

Some people will like this variation, and some will prefer a self-
graded simple flashcard setup like Anki.

But what Memrise does way better than Anki (other than being
easy to use and looking good) is that they have gamified things a
bit. Its not overdone, but you may find that their little concept of
building words from seeds to saplings to full plants, then having
to water your plants to keep them alive, as well as their progress
bars, goals, and other simple built-in mechanisms will keep you a
little more motivated to come back keep studying.

Memrise also makes adopting pre-made flashcard decks that

other people have made very easy, and can save you a lot of time.
Just, the first time you see the word, youll want to stop and make
a few mental associations with it:

1. What it sounds like (say it a few times and check that you
match the recording that the deck creator hopefully included)
2. How its spelled (this is pretty simple and I wouldnt spend
more than a few seconds on this)
3. Lastly, try to attach some personal meaning to the word
(which is best), or a create mnemonic.

A Mnemonic is a simple memory device that ties a short but
memorable sentence to the word. For instance, for gato,
your mnemonic could be the cats ga-toes (the cats got
toes). Stupid, but it will help you remember the word. Make
these yourself as borrowing other peoples mnemonics dont
work as well.

The only point of this is to get you to the point of getting the
word right every time, at which point you wont need it
anymore and youll start using speech to make the word
second nature.

This step is also optional - you dont have to do this. But for
many people, it helps - and if you get stuck with a word you
can never seem to recall, this will help.

If you want to steal our flashcards, which go from complete

beginner to advanced student, focusing on the most used and
important words first, then just download the Perfect Spanish
Curriculum Blueprint, which includes a link to our private
Memrise group. It even has clear native speaker audio recordings
for every word!


How to Improve Confidence

At the end of last year, I ran a poll to 672 people asking what their
number one struggle with Spanish was.

What did 41% say? Confidence.

The other big one, 46%, was understanding people when they
speak fast, which is closely tied to confidence.

It ranges from people born into latin families who feel

embarrassed that they cant speak the language (and thus cant
talk to their grandparents), to people who have taken the
language for 6+ years in the traditional school system but lock up
when people talk to them.

The answer, once again, is speaking.

To understand why that is, lets look at my favorite definition of

confidence (which people define wrong all of the time), from PhD,
Georey Miller:

"Confidence is the realistic expectation you have

of being successful at something, given (a) your
competence at it and (b) the risk involved with
doing it."

A great example he uses is that of driving a car. When you first

start learning to drive, you have (a) no competence at it, and (b)
high risk, as driving a several ton machine at high speeds, while
navigating roads and other cars, is dangerous.

Your feeling of low confidence is an evolutionary mechanism to

keep you alive. If you felt high confidence and didn't know what
you were doing, you could very quickly kill yourself.

But after years of driving, you've done it so much that you have
high competency, and the risk involved is decreased because
you've had so much experience in all types of sitations.

Its the same with Spanish.

Lets assume you have low confidence with Spanish.

When you are faced with speaking to someone, (a) you have low
competence as you dont have much practice actually speaking
and having conversations with people, and (b) your reptillian
brain finds it high risk, as its a social interaction where you dont
want to make the other person angry (evolutionarily, they may
attack you) or get embarrassed by your bad Spanish
(evolutionarily, this was bad for mating odds).

Thus your confidence is low and you shy away from the situation.
The only answer here is to improve your competence speaking
with someone in a real conversation. Once you have a high
competence speaking with someone, the risk will fade away and
youll be confident. If you still arent confident once you have
competence with speaking, then you have a low-confidence
issue with social interactions as a whole, which is well beyond
the scope of this course.

The Confidence Onion

Confidence is not an on/o switch - it's not something you have
or don't have.

No, confidence is like an onion.

When you first start learning, you have no confidence in anything.
But after a short period of time, you're pretty confident at
greetings - because you've done them a lot, and you're not
worried at that point that you won't be able to say "hola, como
estas?". That gives you the most inner layer of the onion.

As you learn more, and then practice those concepts, eventually

you are confident at those things, and your onion of confidence
adds layers. Pretty soon you're confident ordering food at a
restaurant and giving directions to a taxi driver. Then you're
confident at basic conversations.

As you learn, the sphere of things you are confident speaking

about increases, adding layers to the onion. Pretty soon, you are
confident having normal conversations, just like you'd have in
English. But even at that point, you aren't confident speaking
about philosophy or science - because you don't have much
competence there.

In this way, just as you build from communication to perfection,

you build from confidence in greetings to confidence in
conversations to confidence speaking about advanced topics or
using advanced grammar. It's not black and white.
The nice thing is, as your onion grows, your confidence that you
will be able to add more layers to the onion goes up too. Once you
can have conversations confidently, you'll carry more confidence
into learning new things or handling unfamiliar situations, as you
have a history of (more accurately, a demonstrated competence
in) learning new things and handling somewhat unfamiliar
situations before. Your confidence snowballs.

Very soon, confidence wont be a worry anymore.


How to Learn Spanish Grammar

Grammar is likely either your favorite subject when it comes to
learning Spanish, or, like most people, its scary.

Lets make one thing clear: its only scary because its easy to get
confused and flustered. And its only easy to get confused and
flustered if you are trying to learn grammar on your own (likely
with a textbook or app).
How to approach grammar
The core of the how-to aspect of learning grammar, then, is very
simple. Have your teacher teach it to you.

The reality is textbooks (or even explained like you are five
resources) cant answer your questions. They cant clarify things.
They present you a lot of information and arent much help in
integrating that information into what you already know, or
filtering the information by what you should bother learning now
and what can wait until later.

Grammar should be explained to you by a teacher, who will be

able to compare it to things youve already covered, know how
much to teach you, and most importantly, clarify and answer
questions for you until you get it.

Not exactly revolutionary, I know - but you dont really care about
that. You just care that it works.

Using an SRS for Grammar

During the Spanish in a Month documentary, I used flashcards
for grammar as well as vocabulary. As recommended in another
book, I put full sentences, fill in the blanks, etc. These, while not
entirely ineective, werent a great use of time.

But, I also did some simple cards just for conjugations.

For instance, instead of putting a full sentence like I have carrots,

because you gave them to me, I just put I have.

For instance, for the present tense of the verb Tener (to have), I
simply had these cards:

I have / tengo
you have / tienes
he has / tiene
she has / tiene
(misc object) has / tiene
you (formal) have / tiene
they have / tienen
you (plural) have / tienen
we have / tenemos

Thats it.
I did this with past tenses, with irregulars, and basically any verb
where I wanted to have the conjugation down cold.

This was gold.

Unlike doing full sentences, where you are exercising your

translation muscles, doing it this way gives you the little building
block that you can rearrange and put in any sentence. Always
favor building blocks over phrases.

When it comes to conjugations, once youve learned a tense and

a verb from your teacher (and later on, you can add regular verbs
to this without their help), using an SRS like this is the fastest way
to get conjugations into your head.

You still need to learn how the conjugation works from your
teacher, but once you understand the mechanics, when it comes
to memorizing the conjugation for each verb, this is the fastest
way to do it.

In fact, each conjugated form of the verb suddenly just becomes

a vocab word (and an easy one, as most verbs follow the same
rules, and youll have several other cards for the same verb). Its
extremely ecient.
Remember that we need to use the 80/20 rule when deciding
which verbs and which conjugations to memorize, but as far as
doing the memorization itself, this is the fastest way.

Grammar is Also Like An Onion

Like confidence, grammar is also like an onion.

You learn one topic, practice it through speaking to solidify it,

and then learn another topic.

Each new conjugation, sentence form, or grammatical concept is

a new layer of your onion.

So, like with confidence, as you learn, the sphere of grammar you
are comfortable using increases, adding layers to the onion. First
you can say I eat apples, then Im eating an apple, then I was
eating an apple, then I would have eaten an apple.

As you build from foundational grammar (see the Perfect Spanish

Curriculum Blueprint bonus for what to learn when - download
that here) to advanced grammar, you are expanding your onion.

What youll be roughly doing is

1. Learning a new concept (adding a layer)
2. Practicing it in conversations to make it second nature
(solidifying the layer)
3. Then, once its second nature, adding another concept.

In the very beginning, it will be impossible to completely do step

two, as you arent to a level of having conversations yet. Instead,
this part will involve practice sentences and short exchanges
with your teacher.

But as you get more and more advanced, step two will become
more and more important as trying to keep adding layer after
layer on a non-solid foundation is a recipe for disaster.

Its why I only add one concept at a time, really - because I need
to make sure that each new thing is solidified and second nature
before moving on. Otherwise, Ill have a hard time integrating the
next new concept into what I already know, as I wont know it
that well. In conversations where both concepts are used at the
same time, suddenly Im having to try to learn two concepts at
the same time. Its inecient.
Especially once youve achieved a conversational level, focus on
one concept at a time. Solidify it through speaking and THEN
work on the next concept.

As you build this onion (through your teacher), you now have a
framework from which to make meaning from other people
speaking, and thus you can start the process of mimicking.

What is mimicking, and why should you do it?

Thats what the next strategy is about.


Listen and Mimic

In the last chapter, we talked about grammar, in the sense of
things that actually have rules. Things you can be taught.

But when it comes to speaking like a native, there are a lot of

things that you cant really be taught. You have to learn them like
a baby, by listening to other people and then mimicking them.
This is how you learn all of the things that dont have direct
translations, and the things that have so many dierent shades of
meaning that it would be impossible to explain in a concrete

Sidenote: I wouldnt worry to much about this strategy until you

have at least a hacked-conversational level, as you need some
framework of understanding for these fuzzy concepts to rest on.

How Mimicry Works

Lets take the word ya.

The way its typically taught, ya is just listed as meaning

already, and thats the end of the story.

But ya is SO much more. In fact, its one of my favorite words in

Spanish and I wish we had something like it in English.

In English, already generally carries the implication that it

happened a while ago. If you just did something, youre not going
to say that you already did it.

But ya doesnt have that. Ya could be any time in the past, even
if thats fifteen seconds ago.
You see, a teacher can explain that shade of meaning for you, just
like I just did.

But ya has so many other uses that are impossible to explain.

You only begin to understand all of the dierent shades of
meaning the word carries after hearing people use it.

For instance, youll pick up that if youre sitting in the living room
and are waiting on someone to get their shoes on so you can all
go out for lunch, and they walk back into the room with their
shoes on, you could simply ask, ya?. In this case, ya is more like
ready? than already.

You can also say y ya, which is very common and basically
means and thats it.

Noticing in what contexts people do and dont use words and

then mimicking them is central to how you learned as a little kid.

Its how you if you hear someone speaking English when its not
their native language and hear them say a word that just seems
o, that you know that the word is o.
There arent hard cut rules, just an understanding of how the
word is used based on hearing it hundreds or thousands of times
in dierent contexts and your brain crunching some meaning out
of those experiences to create some fuzzy, subconscious
guidelines in your head.

Why is the fox quick?

Heres a mind-trip example for you to help you understand where
this fuzzy-understanding comes in: why is a fox quick, but you say
that a dog is fast? If you are native, would you ever say that a fox
is fast? No for some reason it just doesnt fit, a fox is quick, not

And there are no rules of why this is true, which means you can
only learn by hearing people always use quick with fox instead of

Now, this is an extreme example to illustrate the point, and being

so native that you care about quick vs. fast shouldnt and wont
be your worry until youre already fluent, but the same form of
learning is used when learning the shades of a much more basic
word like ya.
Thats How Your Learn Fuzzy Concepts
So the way to learn the fuzzy concepts - things that dont really
make sense when translated into English - is to listen and

I learned this method from Idahosa Ness, who well see again in
the next chapter on pronunciation. Idahosa was the expert I
consulted with on accent training for my documentary.

All you do is listen to people speak. See how they use words. And
then copy them. Just try to test using the words out like they do.
Repeat things. Its a very fuzzy process that is by necessity a bit
self-taught, but is the key to speaking like a native.


How to Get Perfect Pronunciation

Remember the poll I ran asking people what their #1 struggle
with Spanish was?

A measly 4% said that pronunciation was their problem.

Meanwhile, 46% said understanding people when they talk fast.
For reasons Ill dig into more in the next strategy (How to
Understand People When They Talk Fast), these are two sides of
the same coin.

Why? Because language is sound.

Thats ultimately what it is - a shared way of getting meaning out

of certain sounds (sounds that form words and sentences).

And yet, theres such a small focus on sound. Most people dont
even think much about it. You may be one of the many people
who think that your pronunciation is fine. Maybe it is, but I bet
for the vast majority of people reading this right now, your
pronunciation isnt perfect.

Think back to the Stages of Learning section and my warning

about pronunciation in the beginning of the vocab chapter.
Pronunciation is one of the very first things you should learn, if
not the first.

When you have perfect pronunciation one of the obvious benefits

is that you speak correctly. But there are a few hidden benefits
that I didnt realize until after a few weeks:
Your confidence is higher because you never have to repeat
things to people. You could say something perfectly on paper,
but if the pronunciation is wrong, youll likely have to repeat it -
introducing doubt into your mind and hindering your

Its also higher because when you know your pronunciation and
accent are good, you suddenly are more apt to speak and have
one less thing to worry about.
You learn vocab faster. Good pronunciation means that you
remember vocab words correctly, meaning you start
recognizing and using the word in real life faster, which
accelerates the process of learning a specific word.
Listening comprehension goes up. When you have perfect
pronunciation (the sound aspect), there are only two things
that hold you back from understanding people when they talk
fast: slurring (covered in the next chapter) and the words/
grammar not being second nature (covered before).

Pronunciation is more than fifty percent of this equation. If you
want to improve your listening comprehension getting perfect
pronunciation is the biggest win and a pre-requisite for the
other two factors to help.
Less mental headache. Early on, speaking Spanish is a lot of
mental work. If you train your mouth to handle the
pronunciation part on autopilot, theres a huge drop in mental
People will switch back to English with you less (this is nearly
impossible to avoid completely if you are in the US if you dont
look latino). The main reason people do this is because when
you have a terrible accent, its sort of painful to listen to you, so
they will switch to English if they speak it. It also makes people
think your Spanish is bad - even if it isnt.
Before we get into how to train your pronunciation, what is the
dierence between pronunciation and accent?

Lets take an Australian and an American. They both have

dierent accents in English, but neither have incorrect

An accent is just dierent pacing and sometimes dierent

pronunciation of the same word or sentence.

So for instance, in Spanish, y and ll are pronounced in three

main ways:

like a y in English: llamas = ya-mas (Spain, parts of Latin

like a j in English: llamas = ja-mas (most of Latin America)
like a mix between sh and j in English: llamas = sha-

All of these are dierent accents, but correct pronunciation. This

is an extreme example - other than this, the core sounds are all
almost identical. So you can learn correct pronunciation and
then pick an accent to tune how you pronounce certain things.
When in doubt, a neutral accent like in Colombia (inland, not by
the coast) or Ecuador is your best bet.

Sidenote: Using computer generated speech to learn, or trusting

computer speech recognition to be correct, is a big no-no. They
are almost never right, and never natural. Avoid them and get a
real human to help, or at least a recording.

How to Train Spanish Pronunciation

The first step here is something that seems innocuous: learning
the Spanish alphabet.

In fact, though simple, most of the people Ive worked with on

pronunciation find learning the alphabet, and then being able to
replicate the sounds perfectly, is one of the biggest and easiest

Once youve nailed each individual syllable, youll start making full

After that, its o the the races with full sentences and music.

At each step, youll be doing a LOT of repetitions of each sound,

word, or sentence. This is because your mouth is a muscle, and
you need to build muscle memory so that perfect Spanish
pronunciation comes out automatically. Muscle memory takes
many repetitions to develop, but once its there, youll never have
to worry about your pronunciation again.

Now, this section is a bit dicult to teach without sound (seeing

as its about sound), so I created a massive free resource for you
that has everything you need called Sounds of Spanish. Ill refer
to it a lot this chapter as youll need it to do the exercises I
recommend. Click here to get access to that bonus.

You can read through this now without doing the exercises, but
when you are ready to actually work on your pronunciation, make
sure to click that and get the free resource, as youll need it.

Step 1: Learning the Alphabet

The first thing youll want to do is learn the Spanish alphabet.
This covers almost every syllable youll use in Spanish.

Heres what to do to learn this. It may seem like overkill, but it will
actually save you a TON of time in the long run of constantly
having to fix little issues.

For each syllable:

1. Listen to the sound recording or watch the video (included
for more dicult and important sounds)
2. Practice making the sound until you think you have it perfect
3. Record yourself saying it
4. Compare your recording to one of a native. If it sounds the
same to you, then
5. Have your teacher listen
6. If they say it's perfect (don't take "close enough"), then
practice the hell out of it. Sound is a muscle movement, and
the more you practice it, the easier it will become to make
that sound, which means you won't slur, stumble, or stutter in
the middle of a conversation. I recommend at least a hundred
times for each vowel and two hundred for the two rs. The rest
of the sounds are used in English and you can get by with
thirty or so at this stage.

A quick warning: if you skip the part where a native says you got
it perfect, dont do the repetitions. You will do nothing but be
creating a muscle memory for the wrong sounds, which is
Step 2: Practicing Full Words
OK, now were going to do the above process all over again with
full words. Ive hand-picked the words used in the resource to
cover the most important sounds and progressively get harder.

For each word:

1. Starting from the first word, listen to the sound recording

2. Practice saying the word until you think you have it perfect
3. Record yourself saying it
4. Compare your recording to one of a native. If it sounds the
same to you, then
5. Have your teacher listen
6. If they say it's perfect (don't take "close enough"), then
practice the hell out of it. Again - sound is a muscle
movement, and the more you practice it, the easier it will
become to make that sound, which means you won't slur,
stumble, or stutter in the middle of a conversation.

Once thats done, its time for full sentences.

Step 3: Full Sentences
Here we go again, with the same process. This time, its going to
get a lot harder. Im going to start with easier sentences, and then
it will get faster and harder. This step will help you a lot with
understanding people when the talk fast (which I cover in more
depth in the next chapter).

Its going to be even more work, but by the end, youll have rock-
solid pronunciation and will reap the benefits of it for the rest of
your life.

For each sentence:

1. Listen to the sentence a few times, and see if you can mimic it
on your first try
2. Practice saying the sentence until you think you have it
3. Record yourself saying it
4. Compare your recording to one of a native. If it sounds the
same to you, then
5. Have your teacher listen
6. If they say it's perfect (don't take "close enough"), then
practice the hell out of it. This is the most important step.
If you have just been reading along without doing the exercises,
make sure to click here to get the Sounds of Spanish bonus and
actually do all of this.

This entire process - from syllables to words to sentences - will

take some time. You cant do it all in one day, and a week may
even be a bit ambitious. Theres a reason I dedicated two hours a
day to this for the first ten days or so of my own Spanish learning

But its worth the eort, or I wouldnt be recommending you do it.

Along the way, you can use the third-best tool for learning
pronunciation (after these exercises and doing it live with your
teacher): music.

The Magic of Music

Ill admit it.

I learned how the word recuerdo (I remember) is pronounced

from J Balvins runaway reggaeton hit, 6 AM.

In fact, I learned a LOT about pronunciation and the rhythm of

the Spanish language from music. I happened to use primarily
reggaeton (which is basically latin rap music), but you could use
any music in Spanish, whether thats salsa, bachata (which I also
used), or something else.

Theres really no system here. Find a genre of music in Spanish

that you like, download a bunch of your favorite songs (or an hour
long mix from YouTube, like I did), and then listen to them over
and over again, while singing along.

You will still get some benefit (other than the enjoyment of the
music) from just listening, but for this to help your pronunciation,
you need to sing along. If you dont usually do that, go
somewhere where you are alone, put in headphones so you dont
even hear yourself, and loosen up a little.

Its a lot of fun, and it will help add some spice to the structured

Now, once youve sung along to some songs, and youve finished
every syllable, word, and now sentence, all with your teachers
stamp of perfect approval - you have perfect Spanish

Congrats! That will come in handy when it comes to

understanding people when they talk fast, which is up next.


How to Understand People When

They Talk Fast
If there was a bane of every Spanish-learners existence, it would
be this or conjugations.
Understanding people when they speak fast is not only an
important skill, but the one area where it seems everyone has no
idea what they are doing as far as fixing the problem.

The typical diagnostic for this is just to do more listening

practice. And of course, if you arent having regular
conversations, thats part of it. But if you are having
conversations, more listening isnt going to help you. Its treating
the symptom, not the disease.

And the disease is threefold.

Tuning Your Ear

Its interesting that many people think their pronunciation is fine
but then complain that they cant understand people.

I was one of them, and was skeptical that what Im about to tell
you was true until I experienced it for myself.

Perfect pronunciation gets you more than halfway there when it

comes to listening comprehension.

It doesnt really make intuitive sense that your ability to say

something correctly impacts your ability understand something.
But what was going on in the last strategy, as you went through
each exercise - every time you recorded your voice, compared it
to a natives, and saw no dierence, and then had your teacher
point out how your pronunciation was actually slightly o, you
were tuning your ear to Spanish.

Every little mistake and adjustment that you go through when

training yourself to perfect pronunciation tunes your ear to the
sounds of Spanish.

The process of learning pronunciation gives you the deep

understanding of the sounds of Spanish, meaning that you
suddenly can understand people so much easier.

If you cant understand people speaking at a normal pace (not

fast), than you definitely need to work here first, as the next two
elements wont help you until you can do that.

Intellectual to Second Nature

Ah, the backbone of this guide coming up again.

Assuming youve got the sound aspect down, your issue is speed
of processing the words, not the speed of processing the sounds.
For instance, would you have any issues understanding como
estas?, even if it was said really fast? Of course not. You dont
even have to blink, you just answer.

Thats because como estas is already second nature for you.

Youve used and heard it enough that theres no longer any
translation going on behind the scenes.

Your problem is that as someone says a sentence, you have to

mentally pause to translate each word, and your brain cant do
that fast enough to keep up with someone speaking quickly.

Even if each translation only takes a split second, you wont be

able to keep up.

When someone is speaking fast (and of course this isnt an issue

at lower speeds), the only way to understand everything as they
go is for the words and sentence structures they use to be
second nature for you.

Lets take the sentence la verdad no puedo, tengo que irme al

parque ahorita (The truth is, I cant, I have to go to the park in a
minute). Someone says this to you while in a rush and it comes
out really fast.

Lets then assume two dierent situations:

1. The words puedo, irme, and ahorita arent second nature

2. Only irme isnt second nature

In the first situation, youre screwed. Even though you know much
of the sentence, there is too much that isnt second nature
(meaning youll have to take a split second to think about it and
understand it), and youll probably end up missing the meaning of
the entire sentence.

In the second situation, you are only missing one part, and you
will be fine. Youll be able to translate that part in your head and
still be able to understand everything else.

The point of these two situations is to show that you dont

necessarily need to know every word by second nature to
understand people speaking fast, but if you end up with more
than one, maybe two a sentence, youll be left behind.
Luckily, the vast majority of speech uses the same things over
and over again, so you dont necessarily need to know every
grammar concept and every word to keep up with the vast
majority of rapid speech.

At the end of the day, understanding people when they speak fast
is just another huge benefit of using speaking to move concepts
from knowing them intellectually, to them being second nature.

In English, we dont talk like we type. Or rather, when saying a full
sentence, we usually dont say each word in the sentence the
same way as we would have alone.

For instance, what are you doing tonight? is rarely said with
each word individually.

No, we slur things together, and you end up with whadda ya doin

Those arent even the same syllables!

When it comes to understanding super-rapid speech, this is the
issue. We know how Spanish sounds and can follow a normal or
even moderately fast paced speaker. All of the words the person
is saying, we know by second nature. But we still dont
understand them.

Our brains are looking for one thing (syllables in a certain order),
and not finding it - because its not there.

When people speak really fast, they by necessity end up

combining words and dropping syllables, just like we do in
English. Ill refer to these as slurs going forward.
Ill give you an easy example: de hecho (in fact) is rarely said with
much pause at all in between the words. At a fast pace, de
hecho suddenly becomes decho (remember, the h is silent
anyways), with a miniscule hiccup in the middle of the e sound -
if even that.

There are three main ways to solve this issue, and youll end up
using a combination.

Like I said in the last chapter, reggaeton is basically latin rap
music. Like rappers in English, they drop a lot of syllables to get
the words out so quickly, which makes them an idle spot to find
common ways to slur words together (people will slur things in
the same way, just like in English).

People or teachers just telling you.

I just taught you what to expect with de hecho, for instance. This
is helpful but the issue is there are hundreds of these dierent
slurs, just like in English, so it can only go so far.

Doing it yourself.
And lastly, an unexpected resource: speaking quickly yourself.
If youve already nailed your pronunciation and can consistently
speak correctly (as far as sounds) at a normal speed, start
speaking faster.

Little by little, speak faster with your teacher and Spanish-

speaking friends. They will understand you just fine - they are

But this exercise of pushing yourself to speak faster will not only
improve your accent (it will), but you will end up needing to slur
some things together yourself. And if you have your accent down
already, the slurs that you will naturally make yourself are almost
always the exact same ones a native would use.

If you do this for long enough, youll end up self-discovering and

learning a ton of these slurs. This has been by far the most helpful
thing personally when it comes to understanding people when
they speak fast. Ive gradually raised my own speaking speed to
the point where, now, if I speak Spanish with some of my non-
native friends, they have to ask me to slow down.

How cool would that be?


How to Use Non-Speaking Inputs

At later stages, it may be helpful to do things other than have
conversations, lessons with your teacher, and flashcards.

These include:

Movies / TV Shows

These resources are not necessary at all for learning to a

conversationally-fluent level. I dont personally use them. They
may not even be necessary to get to a native-level fluency, but
since Im not there yet I cant say.

But since many people ask about them (eective or not, they are
popular), I thought Id share how Id use each one, if I did.

Each of the methods - reading, radio, and TV/movies - is most

useful at an advanced stage. These are great for volume of
Spanish input, but without at least a conversational level (Id wait
until conversationally-fluent), you will get more bang for your
buck each hour from speaking, flashcards, and the other things
Ive recommended in the guide.

Reading Spanish
Reading is the one thing I will begin doing once Im ready to really
start expanding my vocabulary more aggressively.

In our native languages, one of the main ways we learn

vocabulary is through reading.

However, reading isnt necessarily a good way to remember

words. In our native language, we understand the context of
everything else happening, so the new word is the only unknown.
This makes figuring out its meaning after seeing it a few times
relatively easy. But in Spanish, you dont have that luxury.

So, what you do is use reading to encounter new words, and then
you look them up and move them to your SRS to start the
process of memorizing it (and then use speaking to make it
second nature). A bonus of this method is that the words
association with where it was in the story you were reading in
Spanish will help with initial recall.

Like I mentioned before, this isnt ideal at an early stage with a

second language like Spanish, as you dont have the groundwork
to understand most things. And if you start with a focus on
reading, you will end up able to read and write but not speak.

But once you are conversationally-fluent, reading can be a great

source of new vocabulary words and questions to bring your

Spanish Radio
Talk-show radio (the type we are talking about here, not music)
has one main use: lots of input.
Basically, the only reason youd turn on spoken text radio in
Spanish is to just spend a lot of time listening to Spanish. Its very
good at just giving you a massive input of spoken Spanish to try
to follow along with.

Unlike an audiobook, which could also work, you generally dont

care enough about what they are talking about to worry about
missing some of the words (which is a good thing).

The role of massive input is just to give your brain more practice
crunching spoken Spanish. Its sort of dumb practice.

Spanish Movies and TV

Like talk-show radio, but way more interesting, are the rather
popular learning resources of movies and TV shows.

Like radio, the main role of movies and TV is massive input. The
nice part is that here, you get some visuals to go along with
things, which can help dramatically when it comes to following

I would start here with English movies you already know well,
dubbed in Spanish (dubbed is when the English audio is taken
out and voice actors say the lines in Spanish instead of English).
Because you already know the plot and what they are roughly
saying in English, it becomes much easier to follow.

After that, move to TV. Because its significantly longer, the plot is
more consistent, and you will be able to follow along with the
Spanish side of things without worrying about who the
characters are.

Only use English subtitles if you absolutely have to. In fact, if you
need them, I would focus on speaking and your SRS and then
come back later.

But what if?

Id wait until youre at least conversationally-fluent, as these wont
help you as much as flashcards, classes, sound training, and
conversations until advanced stages.

If you really want to use these, then do it. It may keep you
studying when you otherwise would have quit the language

Putting it into Practice

Youre almost done. You understand the principles, the stages of learning, and
now the exact how-to strategies. But thats a lot of information to process. This
section will help you put it all into practice in the easiest, cheapest way possible.

The Golden Tool: How to Make All of

This Automatic
Youve learned that you need to focus on communication before

Youve learned that in order to speak Spanish as eortlessly as

English, you need to use real conversations to move your
intellectual knowledge to second nature.

Youve learned that once things are second nature, your

confidence issues fade away, all translating in your head goes
away, and you can suddenly understand people when they speak

Then, once you realized how expensive one on one classes are
and how time consuming and inecient exchanges are, you
wondered how youre ever going to get in any speaking practice.
Maybe you even figured youd have to go back to doing things like
you were before (and continuing to not see the results you want).

But theres another way.

A few weeks after I finished my challenge to learn Spanish in a
month, Adrian (my teacher) approached me with an idea.

We started working on it that day, and has pretty much

consumed our entire lives since then.

That idea was BaseLang.

At BaseLang, we oer unlimited one-on-one classes with

professional native teachers for $99 a month.

Its truly unlimited - if you wanted to take 8+ hours a day, you


If you are looking for a one-stop shop for learning Spanish fast,
BaseLang is your best bet. Its a complete system, including

A curriculum optimized for communication first, perfection

later (which makes progress WAY faster and prevents quitting)
Detailed pronunciation training that gets you sounding like a
Tons of conversation time to move concepts and words from
intellectual to second nature
Cool, fun to talk to teachers that make learning FUN, like
talking to a friend
Flashcards for vocabulary that go along with the lessons
High personalization, meaning we are constantly adapting to

Its EXACTLY what I wish existed when I was learning Spanish.

Your first week is just $1 so that you can try it out.

If at any time in the first 35 days you dont absolutely LOVE it, just
let us know and not only will we give you a full refund, but well
send you an extra $20 for wasting your time. You literally have
negative risk.

If that sounds great to you, just click here and follow the
instructions to start your one week trial for $1.

If you want to really accelerate your results with Spanish and be

able to have the conversations you need to make intellectual to
second nature - and all the benefits that entails - BaseLang is
your best bet.
We also invest one percent of our revenue into poor
communities in Latin America, so youre not just learning
Spanish, but also giving back.

Click here to signup and see if its for you.

A Quick Sidenote
Im going to be completely honest here. I dont really care if you
signup for BaseLang.

I just care that you speak. You need to be having conversations

with natives as much as possible if you want fast results. If thats
with BaseLang (and thats really the most aordable and best way
to do it), great. If you get in your speaking another way, Im cool
with that, and Ill keep helping you out in other ways.


Im sure you have a bunch of questions, so Ill do my best to cover
the most common ones here.

How does this work, roughly?

When you signup for BaseLang, you get access to our online
platform where you can book classes with any of our teachers.
Everything is displayed in your timezone. You just select a
teacher, pick which time slots you want, and confirm. Then, you
meet with your teacher on Skype at the time you picked.
Teachers are available from 6am until midnight Eastern US time.

The teachers handle the curriculum and personalization all in the

background, so you just show up for class and let them work their

Since the classes happen over Skype (which is free), you can take
them on your phone, tablet, computer, or anywhere Skype works.
If I just want conversation practice or to follow
my own curriculum, can I do that?
Of course. If you just want to use our teachers in sandbox mode,
go ahead. Youll just need to tell them exactly what you want.

Is it really unlimited?
Yep :)

No caveats. Your brain will melt before we kick you out (which is
never). You wont get an email asking you to calm down if you
start abusing the system. We want you to take as many classes
as you want and as you can.

We have extra teachers available during the most popular hours,

so dont worry about having unlimited classes but not actually
being able to book any due to availability. We make sure there are
always enough teachers available.

How is this dierent from just another

Beside the fact that professional teachers start at $15-20 an hour
(meaning youd only get 5 hours of class for the same price as a
month of unlimited classes with us), there are a number of
reasons to use BaseLang

We focus on communication first, perfection later, making you

see results faster
The entire program is extremely personalized
Many teachers means you can find a teacher you connect with,
and take classes whenever you want, not just when a particular
teacher is available
We handle everything for you, including flashcards for vocab
that go along with the lessons
If you are looking for a turnkey way to implement all the
strategies in this guide, BaseLang is the only solution

Clarify the pricing, is there a contract?

BaseLang is month to month, no contracts.

Your first week is $1 (this starts when you signup, not when you
take your first class)
After that, you are automatically charged $99 every month.
Cancel at any time with 2 clicks.
If you arent happy in the first 35 days, get a full refund plus an
additional $20 for wasting your time
No surprises, fast support


Thank you!
Thats it, you finished the guide! Time and attention is the worlds
most valuable resource, and Im flattered that youve spent so
much of it with me here.

If you loved it and think your friends who are learning Spanish
would find it useful, Id appreciate if you shared it with them on
Facebook, Twitter, or via email.

And if you have any questions, you can email me personally at I read and reply to everything.

Thank you!

2016 BaseLang, LLC. All rights reserved.

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