Antenna Mcqs
Antenna Mcqs
Antenna Mcqs
3. One of the following is very useful as a multiband HF receiving antenna. This is the:
a. conical horn
b. folded dipole
c. log periodic
d. square loop
a. Biconical
b. Horn
c. Helical
d. Discone
5. Indicate which of the following reasons for using a counterpoise with antenna is false:
6. One of the following is nota reason for the use of an antenna coupler:
a. Discone
b. Folded Dipole
c. Helical
d. Marconi
8. Indicate which one of the following reasons for the use of a ground screen
with antennas is false:
9. Which one of the following terms does not apply to the Yagi-Uda array?
a. Good bandwidth
b. Parasitic elements
c. Folded dipole
d. High gain
10. An antenna that is currently polarized us the
a. helical
c. parabolic reflector
d. Yagi-Uda
11. The standard reference antenna for the directive gain is the
a. infinitesimal dipole
b. isotropic antenna
c. elementary doublet
d. half-wave dipole
12. Top loading is sometimes used with an antenna in order to increase its
a. effective height
b. bandwidth
c. beamwidth
d. input capacitance
d. correct the curvature of the wavefront from a horn that is too short
a. circular polarization
b. maneuverability
c. broad bandwidth
a. Half-wave dipole
b. Log-periodic
c. Discone
d. Marconi
A. Vertical
B. Horizontal
C. Circular
D. Spiral
2. If the antenna increases 3.3 times how much does the radiated power increase?
A. 3.3 times
B. 10.89 times
C. 9.9 times
D. 6.6 times
A. image
B. top loading
C. bay
D. quarterwave
5. If the current ratios of the two or more elements must be held 5% and the phase angle
to 3 the antenna is called a
C. broadband array
D. wideband array
A. Antenna
B. Loudspeaker
C. Microphone
D. Transducer
A. Rhombic antenna
B. Folded dipole
C. End-fire array
D. Yagi-Uda antenna
A. 2.15 dB
B. 1.76 dB
C. 1 dB
D. 0dB
A. Minor lobes
B. Null
C. Antenna patterns
D. Major lobes
10. What is the gain of the Hertzian dipole over isotropic antenna?
A. 1.64 dB
B. 2.15 dB
C. 1.76 dB
D. 1.55 dB