Paper 19
Paper 19
Paper 19
Academics Department, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament) Page 1
MTP_Final_Syllabus 2012_Dec2016_Set 2
Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and carries 20 marks and any five from Question
No. 2 to 8.
(b) State whether the following statements are true or false: [51=5]
(i) In case of utilities generated for the purpose of inter unit transfers, the distribution cost
incurred for such transfers need not be added to the cost of utilities.
(ii) XBRL is a language based on XML family of languages.
(iii) Interest and finance charges are considered to be part of cost of production.
(iv) Cost Audit is to be conducted only when the shareholders of the Company direct such
an audit at the Annual General Meeting.
(v) Maximum amount of penalty payable by the Cost Auditor for non-compliance with the
provisions of Companies [Cost Audit Report] Rules 2014 is ` 5,000.
(c) Answer any five of the following in one or two sentences: [51=5]
(i) How would you compute the cost of utilities as per CAS 8 when the utilities are
generated for the purpose of Inter Unit Transfer?
(ii) Define Energy Audit
(iii) Define Corporate Branding.
(iv) Explain Sun Set Clause in one or two sentences.
(v) What means 4-digit CETA Code as explained in the Companies [Cost Records and
Audit] Rules, 2014?
(vi) Whether the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 is applicable to a
company which is classified as a micro enterprise or a small enterprise including as per
the turnover criteria under section 7(9) of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Development Act, 2006?
II. Answer any FIVE from Question No. 2 to 8. Each question carries 16 marks.
2. (a) What are the duties and liabilities of a Cost Auditor relating to reporting of frauds
identified during audit? [6]
(b) The Cost Audit report contains significant information which would help to access and
improve operational efficiency of a concern. Discuss the statement with reference to
the matters to be reported by a Cost Auditor in his report? [10]
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(b) Operational Auditing is an extension of Internal Audit in operational areas but with
different approach. Examine this statement in the light of the objectives of operational
audit. [6]
4. (a) Basic pay ` 5,00,000; Lease rent paid for accommodation provided to an employee
` 2,00,000, amount recovered from employee ` 40,000. Employers Contribution to P.F.
` 75,000, Employees Contribution to P.F. ` 75,000; Reimbursement of Medical expenses
` 67,000; Hospitalisation expenses of employees family member borne by the employer
` 19,000, Festival Bonus ` 20,000; Festival Advance ` 30,000. Compute the Employee
Cost. [6]
(b) PARTHAN CO. LTD. a single product manufacturing company, has following four
operations undergone by a product under Cost Audit. The Processwise Input, Output, Direct
Employee Costs and Direct Material Costs for the year ended March 31,2016 are given
below: [10]
Process Input Units Output Units Direct Direct Material
Employee Costs Cost (Amt in `)
(Amt in `)
MP-1 312000 280800 8,42,400 11,23,200
MP-2 330000 297500 11,90,000 13,38,750
MP-3 414000 397500 19,87,500 16,89,375
MP-4 390000 361000 28,88,000 23,82,600
5. The following is the abridged Balance Sheet of Apple Ltd., a single product
manufacturing Company:
Year ended 31st March, 2016 2015
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Capital Work-in-Progress 86 74
Investments: 30 30
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6. (a) The Financial profit and loss account for the year 2015-16 of a company shows a net
profit of ` 26,28,000. During the course of cost audit, it was noticed that
(b) From the following figures extracted from the accounting records, you are required to
compute the Valued Added by the company:
` Lakhs
Net Sales excluding excise duty 21,000
Increase in stock of finished goods 250
Raw materials consumed 2,600
Packing materials consumed 1,200
Stores and spares consumed 550
Power and fuel 4,600
Repairs and maintenance 200
Insurance 120
Direct Salaries and wages 480
Depreciation 885
Interest paid 1,398
Factory overheads:
Salaries and wages 240
Others 250
Selling and distribution overheads:
Salaries and wages 120
Additional sales tax 457
Others 1,700
Administration overheads:
Salaries & wages 120
Others 80
7. (a) The following data were extracted from the departmental data of Cost centre
where A and B were employed and performing the job X, Y and Z.
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The normal working hours per month is 200 hours. Overtime is paid at double the rate of
normal wages ad dearness allowance. Employers contribution to Provident fund and ESI
are at equal the rate of employees contribution. The two workers are employed on jobs
X, Y and Z in the following proportion:
Jobs X Z
Worker A 30% 40%
Worker B 20% 50%
(b) A company has units in SEZ and in non-SEZ areas. The Companies (Cost Records and
Audit) Rules 2014 has exempted companies operating in special economic zones from cost
audit.What would be applicability of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules 2014 on
such a company in respect of maintenance of cost accounting records and cost audit?
8.(a) Analyze the role of Internal Auditor in the internal control system of the organization. [6]
(b) The Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 requires submission of a Single Cost
Audit Report at the company level. What is the procedure of certifying and submission of
Cost Audit Report of a company where more than one Cost Auditor is appointed? [5]
(c) Explain the features of a good internal control system. [5]
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