Unisafe-Brochure Sept 2005
Unisafe-Brochure Sept 2005
Unisafe-Brochure Sept 2005
ABB is a global leader in Power and Automation The product offering covers a wide spectrum of
technologies that enable utility and industry technologies across the entire voltage range including
customers to improve performance while lowering indoor and outdoor circuit breakers, air and gas
environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies insulated switchgear, disconnectors, capacitor banks,
operate in around 100 countries. reactive power compensators, power transformers,
distribution transformers, instrument transformers,
In India, ABB serves customers with the complete
Compact Substations (CSS) and Ring Main Units (RMU).
range of power and automation technologies. The
company has a vast installed base, extensive
manufacturing facilities and a countrywide marketing
Advantage ABB
and service presence.
The Power Technologies division offers electric, gas 120 years of technology and innovation
and water utilities as well as industrial and commercial Unparalleled domain competence
customers a wide range of products, systems and
services for power generation, transmission and
Vast global experience
distribution. ABBs turnkey solution capabilities in the Total solution provider
sector range from Electrical Balance of Plant (EBOP)
for power plants, bulk power transmission,
Large installed base
substations and complete electrification to utility Environment-friendly technologies
automation and distribution systems.
Air insulated indoor switchgear cubicle type Unisafe with
vacuum circuit breaker type VD4
The Unisafe cubicle is designed and type Small width panel - 600mm up to 1250A
tested to meet requirements of IEC62271- busbar rating
200 & 60694 / IS:3427
The normal service performances are
Metal clad compartmentalised construction - all guaranteed under the following conditions
compartments are segregated from each other Min. Ambient Temp.: -50C
with metal sheets Max. Ambient Temp.: +400C
Max. Relative Humidity: 95%
IP4X degree of protection externally & IP5X
available as an option Insulation level of 95kVp available on request
The VD4 circuit breaker is designed and type Features of operating mechanism:
tested to meet requirements of IEC62271- O-C-O operation without recharging
100 / IS:13118
Closing spring charged by motor in
Vacuum used as insulation and arc interruption less than 15 seconds
medium Electrical anti-pumping
Operationally safe and reliable in a wide range Provision for manual charging
of ambient temperatures (-)50 to 400C Synchronisation and fast auto
Capable of interrupting small magnetising and re-closure duty
capacitive currents Standard accessories:
Mechanical ON/OFF push button
Vacuum interrupters assembled in epoxy
Spring charge/discharge indication
enclosure with insulated contact arms
Air insulated indoor switchgear cubicle type Unisafe with
vacuum circuit breaker type VD4
Metering compartment
Metering compartment with numerical / static / electromagnetic relays,
indicating meters, lamps and control switches
Breaker compartment
Cassette mounted breaker placed on elevated level with test position of breaker behind
closed door
Interlocks :
Racking in/out of breaker from test to service position and vice-versa with cubicle door
closed only
To prevent racking in/out of breaker, when breaker is in closed position
To prevent door from opening when breaker is in service position
Multiple guides for safe and enduring alignment of fixed & moving power contacts
Busbar compartment
Spacious busbar compartment for adequate air
Quality assurance
ABB Indias manufacturing facilities conform to the
highest quality standards and environment norms.
These products are manufactured of ABBs works in
Nashik which has the following certificates.
General arrangement drawing Unisafe Cubicle
Dimensions in mm
Front View
Side View FRONT
680 588
Dimensions in mm
Technical details Unisafe cubicle
Rated Voltage kV 12
Rated Frequency Hz 50
Degree of protection
Enclosure IP4X
Between the compartments IP2X
1VDS22004-YN 07/2005/1000
Data and illustration without engagement. ABB reserves the right to make changes in the course of technical development.
ABB Limited
Medium Voltage Equipment Regional Marketing Offices:
Street No. 17 North West South
MIDC, Satpur
Nashik 422 007 NBCC Tower ABB House Embassy Star, 1st Floor
Tel: +91 253-2351095 98 4th Floor Dr. S B Path No. 8, Palace Road
Fax: +91 253-2351260 No. 15, Bhikaji Cama Place Ballard Estate Vasanth Nagar
New Delhi 110 066 Mumbai 400 038 Bangalore 560 052
Exports Marketing Office: Tel: +91 11 26186000 Tel: +91 22 56318231 39 Tel: +91 80 22949779
Maneja Fax: +91 11 26197592/84035 Fax: +91 22 56318276/77 Fax: +91 80 22949808
Vadodara 390 013
Tel: +91 265-2638930 Century Plaza
Fax: +91 265-2638908 East Central
No. 3C, 3D & 3F, 3rd Floor
4th Floor Vandana House 561 / 562, Anna Salai
No. 9 1st Floor Teynampet (Mount Road)
Elgin Road G E Road, Ramkund Chennai 600 018
Kolkata 700 020 Raipur 492 001 Tel: +91 44 24340201
Tel: +91 33 22832906/8 Tel: +91 771 5060816-8 Fax: +91 44 24340282
www.abb.co.in Fax: +91 33 22832990 Fax: +91 771 5053391