Teaching With CES EduPack PDF
Teaching With CES EduPack PDF
Teaching With CES EduPack PDF
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Materials Education covers a broad area since all physical objects in
this world are made of materials. However, people in different
disciplines will need to understand different aspects. An industrial
designer may be fascinated by surface properties, a material scientist
curious about a beautiful microstructure, and a structural engineer
riveted by the strength of an I-beam. Add to this the different ways in
which this varied audience is taught, in lectures, through project
work, online, self-study, and so on, and you will see that there
cannot possibly be one universal Materials Education Teaching Resource. We can,
however, try and inspire and support as many educators as possible around the world with
resources that are varied and flexible. So there is no one way to use CES EduPack. Use it
however fits your course, your students, and your teaching style. If you would like some
examples of the most common ways in which CES EduPack is used, read on.
The paper Uses of CES EduPack1 documents the results of a survey of CES EduPack users
around the world and illustrates how it is used across different disciplines and throughout all
years of study. The most common courses on which it is used are at the introductory level,
giving an overview of Materials and/or Manufacturing Processes, and Capstone Design
Project courses, but it has also been used and valued in many other ways. This paper does
not intend to prescribe how you use CES EduPack. For that reason, instead of talking
about specific courses, it looks at different modes of learning that are supported by CES
EduPack and the skills that can be developed by students while using it.
Silva, A.; Ashby, M.F.; Melia, H. The Use of CES EduPack at all levels of Higher Education Teaching
Resources Granta Design Ltd, 2012
Self-learning / Interactive
A resource than can promote self-learning can help students to work out concepts
that were not fully understood in class, aid revision, or explore beyond the syllabus.
To do so, it must be engaging and easy to use.
Courses are time-constrained and so educators would like to spend as little time as
possible teaching students how to use software. CES EduPack is very easy and
intuitive to use. Very little time needs to be spent introducing the software. There is a
set of video tutorials2 (see Figure 2) that show students how to use all
functionalities of CES EduPack and what is in the different databases. There is also a
getting started guide3, with simple exercises to build knowledge of each function.
Interactive textbook
Many students bring laptops, tablets, phones, or other devices in to lectures. They
might be looking up vocabulary they dont understand in Wikipedia or busy trying to
finish that homework you set. With CES EduPack on their computers, they have the
possibility to put lecture content in perspective, with quick access to reliable materials
property descriptions for example.
Teaching Resources CES EduPack 2014 Video Tutorials Granta Design Ltd
Teaching Resources Getting Started Guides Granta Design Ltd
Outside of lectures, students can use CES EduPack to learn about definitions,
measurement techniques, and origins of materials properties in more detail, on-
demand, using the science notes. These effectively act as an interactive textbook
within the software. Speakers of Spanish, French, German, or Japanese can learn
the English translation for materials terms in the language glossaries contained in
the Help Menu. In general, the Help Menu has a lot more than just software help, for
example Solutions to Standard Engineering Problems, Case Studies, Performance
Index Tables, and information on Selection Methodology also being available.
All available material properties are nicely compiled in the Limit stage and their
range charts, where students can immediately see the actual ranges of value for
different material properties of all families, the unit used for the property and a basic
one or two word description e.g., Youngs Modulus Stiff or Flexible (see Figure 3).
Then of course there is the data itself. In Level 1 and Level 2, the records purposely
have engaging pictures that tell the student something about their use, and if
possible, also show a surface finish. The descriptions and supporting information
sections have a wealth of information. A student is not likely to start reading
datasheets from top to bottom, but using the search function in a full text search
brings up interesting answers to many questions. A search for age-hardening in
Level 2 takes a student to the Al-alloys record, where age-hardening is described
(see Figure 5). If a student has a particular application in mind, they might also be
tempted to find out what something is made of by making use of the typical uses
In Level 3, even more text-based explanations and summaries are available and
searchable. Most lower-level folders have a Folder-Level Record which includes
high level information on a group of materials (see Figure 6). This is similar to what
you might get in widely used Materials Science Textbooks that have chapters on
Aluminum Alloys and Carbon Steels, etc.
Figure 6. Folder-level records with
information on a materials class
There is a set of resources specifically designed for self-learning available via the
help menu under the case studies button. The case studies take students through the
problem definition, constraints and objectives, the model, the selection, and
conclusions, in such a way that the student could follow along with software.
Students have different learning styles 4(auditory, verbal, visual etc.). For many
people, diagrams, charts, images, and graphics generate meaning that sticks in the
mind. Sometimes, when you have large amounts of data to convey, a chart is
probably the only way to do it. However, materials charts are not the only way in
which CES EduPack can be used in preparing lectures.
CES EduPack can produce bar charts and bubble charts using the data on Materials
and Processes with a few clicks of a button. Here are a few typical examples of how
this gets used by educators.
Felder, R.M.; Silverman, L.K. Learning and Teaching Styles In Engineering Education [Engr.
Education, 78(7), 674681 (1988)]
Sometimes, the basics are best shown graphically
Two perspectives on the world of materials
A good starting point for understanding the importance of various materials might be
to use data on world production. A simple bar chart compiling key families, for
example, could be useful (see Figure 7).
Different materials classes have strikingly different properties with, sometimes, many
orders of magnitude separating the highest and lowest values. Bubble charts, using a
log scale and the family envelope feature of the charting tool are a good way to give
students a comprehensive overview and start to discuss the topic (see Figure 8).
Trends and Relationships
Charts can also illustrate relationships
between properties. Youngs Modulus is
a basic Mechanical property, which
engineers need to understand. It is
fundamentally a measure of how easily
you can deform materials elastically.
Melting point is a measure how much
heat energy you need to put in to a
material before its atoms move apart.
These two properties are both linked to
the potential energy curve of the atomic
Figure 9. Diagram showing the
bonds, shown in Figure 9.
energy needed to displace atoms
Multiple Dimensions
Understanding the evolution of materials over time, can help students to realize that
there are many different grades of polymers and many metal alloys and that they
need to be systematic in approaching selection from 160,000+ materials. Hopefully, it
will also inspire them to create their own materials. In the example in Figure 11,
below, there are three dimensions: Strength, Density and Time.
De Guire, M. Exercises: Materials Course Assignments - Mechanical Properties Case Western
Reserve University 2010 [www.teachingresources.grantadesign.com/Exercises/EXEMECEN10]
Figure 11. The explosion in the
number of materials over time
Another easy way to add a third dimension is to use the Custom Subset feature, to
chart only the group of materials that you are currently lecturing about today and
colour-code those materials to highlight your point. For example, you could colour
Carbon Steels by tempering temperature, adding another dimension to your plot, as
shown in Figure 12.
You can take temperature into account in the Aerospace Database by plotting
temperature dependent properties at different temperatures. This is also like having a
third dimension, see Figure 13.
Figure 13. Charts showing the Yield Strength and Youngs Modulus of
common aerospace alloys at -100 and +250 degrees Centigrade.
A striking feature of many of the bubble charts is the large range of values covered
by one material (see Figures 12, 13 and 14). With natural materials, there is variation
in how the tree or crop has grown and a huge variety of species; for man-made
materials, the variation comes about through the ingenuity of materials engineers.
Aluminium Alloys have a range of yield strengths, with
the highest being almost ten times the lowest
A picture tells a thousand words. Pictures can help students quickly connect what is
being discussed in a lecture with an object they have seen and possibly touched
before. It helps them to engage with the lecture and file the new information they are
receiving. Each record at levels 1 and 2 has images. Where possible, images are
provided of multiple applications and a surface image (see Figure 15).
The images all have captions that tell you about the copyright of the image. Many are
either public domain or have a creative commons license so that lecturers can copy
and paste them in to their lectures. Right click on datasheets to copy them in to your
PowerPoint lecture. As well as Materials images, there are process diagrams,
surface finish images in surface processes records, phase diagrams, and crystal
structure diagrams (see Figure 16). Not to mention many very helpful diagrams in the
science notes created by Professor Ashby.
Mike Ashbys Lecture Units
Assignments and Assessment
The most basic learning activity one can set with CES EduPack is simply to assign
the students to research a topic and report back, for example, exploring the
properties of carbon steels, or describing how Youngs Modulus varies across
material classes and why. There are many exercise booklets provided on
Grantas Teaching Resource Website and most of the specialist editions of CES
EduPack come with an exercise booklet highlighting the specialist materials
knowledge needed in their areas. These help students differentiate between
constraints and objectives, derive performance indices, perform materials and
process selections etc. Case studies are also provided in many topic areas (see
Figure 19). You can save selection project files, meaning that an Educator can save
and distribute a file with questions in the notes section, or Educators can request that
students deliver a selection project file as part of their assessment. Ready-made Eco
Audit Projects are provided on the Teaching Resources Website, and these can be
used as the basis for assignments, exploring different redesign options to reduce the
environmental impact of a product. Lastly, Solution Manuals are also available on
the Teaching Resources Website for three books by Professor Ashby: Materials
Selection for Mechanical Design; Materials: Processing, Design and Science; and
Materials and the Environment. These books all have exercises that students can do
using CES EduPack.
Projects within courses
Project-based teaching is very valuable for engineering, design, and scientific
degrees. It helps the students to synthesize their knowledge and learn professional
skills such as teamwork, communication, and project management. CES EduPack
can support many different kinds of project-based activities.
The Eco Audit tool aims to help students model a product or component and assess
its environmental impact and cost during design. It is suitable in introductory courses
on Materials or Manufacturing as well as on Design or Product Development. It is
purposely not a full LCA tool, but something quick and easy to set up, allowing
students to play with different scenarios in a short space of time. The student
downloads or builds a model of a product, detailing its size, existing or intended bill of
materials, what each component is made of, how it is processed, and how the
product is transported and used. All the calculations and sources of Eco data are
intended to be transparent to the student and the model is well described under the
i-button or help function within the software.
You and your students are free to disagree with how the
model is set up; in fact, such discussions are very
welcome in this relatively new field
A lot of effort has gone in to making sure that the Eco Data used, such as embodied
energy or carbon footprint of materials, is as fully referenced and accurate as
possible. However, Eco Data is not the same as mechanical property data, where
thousands of physical tests have been performed to agreed standards. In the help
menu, there is a warning for the students about Eco data and how to use it sensibly
(see Figure 20 as an example of data variability). Exercises using Eco Audit projects
have been created to highlight that uncertain data can still be used in decision
making as long as the difference in the data is larger than that of the uncertainty in
the data.
Figure 20. A chart shown in the help menu of the Eco Audit Tool helping
students to understand the level of uncertainty in the data they are using
Many Eco Audit Projects are formed around the idea of assessing a product,
suggesting redesigns, and making a comparison. You can Bar-chart the design and
redesign alongside each other and quickly see the pros and cons of a product from
both an environmental and cost perspective. If you click on a column on the
comparison chart, you get some hints and tips for ideas on how to reduce the
environmental impact in that phase of the products life. Because the Eco Audit Tool
is so easy to use and the comparison chart updates as soon as you change a
parameter in the model, you can use these charts (see Figure 21) to get the students
to find out which aspects of design make the most impact on the environment and
get them to focus their efforts where they will make the biggest difference. At
the same time they need to be aware of the cost implications so that they can
properly argue for their design in a business context. (Note that the cost to the
environment isnt included in the model, but is represented by the carbon footprint
and embodied energy figures.)
Click the bars to get design tips.
Figure 21. An example where cost and environmental impact can both be reduced by
changing the transport method. Notes are provided on how
to reduce environmental impact
Materials Selection Decision making, trade-offs
There are well-known methodologies for selecting materials and processes7. CES
EduPack supports that methodology by providing data and selection tools (you can
read about those tools and the methodology in more detail elsewhere8.) The software
provides students with a mini textbook on selection methodology, a guide to
performance indices, and varied selection case studies accessible via the Help menu
of the software. A series of lecture units on how to select materials and processes
are also available on the teaching resources website.9
Materials Selection in CES EduPack is, however, much more than simply getting the
right materials for the job. It involves deciding on your criteria, finding the data you
need, prioritising different requirements, and making sure you read the fine print.
Students are lead through a process where they decide which design requirements
are constraints and which are objectives. They learn how to derive a performance
index using common engineering equations and, importantly, they learn how to
handle conflicting objectives in a systematic manner10. Trade-offs (see Figure 22)
are one of lifes inevitable features and it is important that students learn how to
tackle these. The results of most selection projects are a short list of potential
materials. It is then important that students read the records in more detail.
Pahl, G.; Beitz, W.; Feldhusen, J.; Grote, K.-H. Engineering Design: A Systematic Approach Springer
3rd Ed. 2007 and Ashby, M.F. Materials Selection in Mechanical Design BH 4th Ed. 2010
8 Ashby, M.F.; D. Cebon, D; Silva, A. Paper: Teaching Engineering Materials Granta Design Ltd 2012
Ashby, M.F. Lecture Unit 8. Objectives in conflict Granta Design Ltd
Mass m
There is lots of useful data in the supplementary information section in the data
records. For example, in the Beryllium records, which show up frequently due to high
strength and stiffness, it mentions that Beryllium dust is toxic (see Figure 23).
Reading the records can lead the student to adapt constraints, e.g., add non-toxic, or
to loosen constraints as none of the candidate materials appear viable. Students can
see that if they change their criteria slightly, different results show up.
There is often, contrary to high school education,
no right answer
GRANTA MI for Industry Supporting your Business Strategy Granta Design Ltd
Ashby, M.F. Paper: Hybrid Synthesizer Granta Design Ltd 2011
Ball, N.; Bream, C.; Bateson, J. Guide: The Hybrid Synthesizer - Model Writer's Guide Granta Design
Ltd [www.teachingresources.grantadesign.com/Type/Papers/PAPHSWEN13]
Figure 24. The Hybrid Synthesizer tool
Students can be given projects to understand the model and to trial different material
combinations and geometries to optimise performance for a given application. This
is particularly suitable for courses on light-weighting in aerospace or automotive
structures where composites, metal foams, or other hybrids are common.
One type of project that is set by many universities is a project where a product is
taken apart and the components are analysed, i.e., what it is made of and how it was
manufactured is investigated. An example of this type of project using CES EduPack
has been contributed to Grantas Teaching Resource Website by Rob Wallach of the
Materials and Metallurgy department of the University of Cambridge13. CES EduPack
helps in a couple of ways. Firstly, each material record has a section called Typical
Uses. The search function can be used to scan this text and identify a short list of
typical materials that the object could be made from. There is also other information
to broadly characterize a material, such as a list of the polymer Recycle marks
commonly seen on packaging, and images of materials, including, where possible, a
surface finish image. Once the materials have been identified, the links between
material and process records in CES EduPack can be used to find out which
processes could be applied to that material. From there, cost and batch size
information can be used to narrow down further. Different processes become
economic at different scales of productionthis is reflected in the attribute Relative
cost index in Level 2. This is generated using a cost model, which includes batch
size as a parameter. So if, as is likely, the students are disassembling a cheap,
mass produced object, they can take that information into account when
contemplating a likely process route, adding realism to their learning.
Figure 25. Assembly/Disassembly diagram from
a contributed project on the teaching resources website
Many universities have extensive design projects in the final year of the degree. The
purpose is usually threefold: to learn about the design process, to cement the
knowledge gained in technical courses in the previous years, and to gain valuable
skills that they will need in future jobs such as project management, teamwork, and
communication. During these projects CES EduPack can help in several ways (see
Figure 26).
At the early stages of a project it can be used to generate ideas by searching for
information about similar products. The limit stage (mainly used for screening)
presents a list of properties; this forms a handy checklist for potential
constraints, and can be used as the basis of a questionnaire if speaking to potential
customers or the instructor if they are representing the customer in the project (this is
described in more detail in a paper describing a Product Development Course using
CES EduPack.14). During the concept development stage, different options can be
worked through. Some options can be quickly discounted by roughly working out
costs using the materials price data and the relative cost model in the Process
Universe. Proper material and process selection can be performed on the leading
idea, and different approaches, such as Eco Design and Design for
Manufacturability, can be catered for using data from CES EduPack. Depending on
the structure set up by the educator, it may be necessary to communicate the design
idea and material choice to a customer, to the supervisor, or possibly within the
design team in order to get agreement to move forward to a build stage.
One example of a decision based on material properties could be the choice between
a cheap steel option vs. a light expensive aluminium option, given constraints on
mechanical performance. Notes can be added to each selection stage in CES
EduPack, and the selection saved as a project and shared between team members
or sent to the instructor for review.
It involves 5 steps:
Fredriksson, C,; Eriksson, M.; Melia, H.; Facilitating the Teaching of Product Development",
Proceedings of the 121st ASEE Annual Conference, June 16-18 2014, Indianapolis, USA.
Ashby, M.F.; Ferrer, D.; Bruce, J.; Paper: Materials and Sustainable Development Granta Design,
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya 2013
Students are guided through a process by which you can review if a technical
development is sustainable while maintaining an open ended but systematic and
fact-based framework for learning. They normally work in groups participating in the
process over several weeks, gathering data from CES EduPack, but also from
newspaper articles, the internet, and so on. When tested at three universities, one of
the areas that the students found most difficult was identifying stakeholders,
understanding their concerns, and prioritizing them. The methodology helps the
students to assess the importance and influence of different stakeholders (see Figure
In Figure 29, we display key areas at the second level headings for the CDIO criteria
where we think students work with CES EduPack can help. In order to secure
accreditation in some of the major accreditation systems around the world, this is a
good starting point. In Figure 29, we have matched the CDIO criteria with ABET
accreditation criteria, which clearly shows the similarities. CDIO and the European
EUR-ACE system for accreditation can be matched in a very similar way and the
conclusion is the same. CES EduPack can help the Educator arrange learning
activities to help Students achieve learning outcomes in courses and engineering
programmes, which in turn facilitates accreditation and quality assurance.
Conceive Design Implement Operate [www.CDIO.org]
Image from: Vakhitova T. and Fredriksson C., "Practical Competences as Learning Outcomes using
CES EduPack", Journal of the Association for Engineering Education of Russia (AEER): Engineering
Education 2013, (13) p. 16-23
(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
The selection methodology supported by CES EduPack is used by industry, and indeed you may be
interested by the case studies available on our website from real industrial companies.
(c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
We have shown how we can support manufacturability and eco constraints, the process universe
contains a relative cost index model and price details of materials are regularly updated, so that
students may also take cost in to account.
(h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global,
economic, environmental, and societal context
The Sustainable Development Edition is purposely designed so that students can think about societal
impact and the global context with a datatable on the nations of the world.
(b) design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyse and interpret data
Lastly, in order to make smart decisions using the results from CES EduPack you need to understand
the data, how accurate it is and what it can and cant tell you. This critical thinking is encouraged
through exercises and case studies.
In summary, students can learn about materials properties, formulate complex
problems in a simplified model, experience projects with no right answer, weigh-up
pros and cons, reflect on data sources, appreciate different stakeholder perspectives
and understand lifecycle thinking.
CES EduPack is specifically designed for teaching. It is an excellent data source and
a rational materials selection tool, but it can do so much more when skilfully applied
by a talented educator.