HiVDR PlayBack Operation Manual Rev03
HiVDR PlayBack Operation Manual Rev03
HiVDR PlayBack Operation Manual Rev03
This document contains Confidential Information that is Proprietary to Hyundai Heavy Industries,
Co., Ltd. This commercially sensitive information is being provided to the recipient solely for the
purpose specified and shall not be reproduced, disclosed or supplied, in whole or in part, to any
other person without the prior written consent of Joint Development & Cooperation Agreement.
Revision record
The voyage data recorder system, including all sensors, shall be subjected to an annual
performance test. The test shall be conducted by an approved testing or servicing facility to
verify the accuracy, duration and recoverability of the recorded data. In addition, tests and
inspections shall be conducted to determine the serviceability of all protective enclosures and
devices fitted to aid location. A copy of the certificate of compliance issued by the testing
facility, stating the date of compliance and the applicable performance standards, shall be
retained on board the ship.
(SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 18)
Clause page
1 HOW TO ...........................................................................................................................5
How to
1.1 Retrieve the back up data from HiVDR-E
The back up data made by ODB (On-demand backup) function which is available at HiRAM is stored at
separated storage inside of HiDPU (Data process Unit). The operation system of HiDPU is equally same
as a regular computer but specially designed for marine purpose. Its also compatible with other office
computers such as a desktop or laptop computer. Were going to use one of these type of computer to
retrieve the data.
Retrieve the data is just simple as coping files from one to another folder. Since it is the communication
between two computers, we need a network connection to link each computer. This will be the only
difference from just coping files from one to another folder.
1.1.1 Preparation
To make a valid connection to HiVDR following materials must be prepared.
1. A desktop or laptop computer with at least 2GB free space for one backup copy.
(May need more space to retrieve more copies)
2. A straight (op. of cross) Ethernet (LAN) cable long enough to connect your computer to HiVDR.
3. This documentation.
Find out Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) from the items and double click.
Then youll see a popup window Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties.
Select Using the following IP address and change IP address, Subnet mask and Default
gateway as follow. Dont care DNS server addresses.
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:
Reboot your computer to make sure the changed IP address takes effect.
Please note: We strongly recommend NOT to access to Dpudata folder without any instruction from
customer service center. Immaturity of handling this data may cause system conflict. Problems followed
by trying to access this folder are solely operators responsibility. Attempts to manipulate or amend
the data will void warranty.
E folder is the one were going to explore. ODB command from HiRAM let the VDR back up the data to
this folder. This will be stored as a form of a folder with UTC time stamp.
Once you find out the proper backup folder, simply drag-and-drop to desktop or click the folder and
press Ctrl+C to copy and move to preferred location using explorer then Ctrl+V to paste. We
recommend copying the data under C (or D, if there is) root to easily find out.
You may erase the data folder at E folder if E drive is almost full. Select unwanted data folders and
press delete key on the keyboard.
You can burn this copied data using CD-RW or DVD-RW on your own computer.
The size of one backup folder could be up to 1.5GB depends on the amount of data.
Find out shortcut of HiVDR playback software and double click to run. Or go to Start
Program HiVDR-PL and click HiVDR playback software.
Look at the up left corner of playback software there are several icons.
Click blue monitor icon to load the backup data.
Then youll see popup window to find out the destination where the
backup data exists.
The popup window will start from where the playback software is installed.
Explore to find out the backup data.
Once you find out the backup data, youll see the folder as shown in the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Now the backup data is loaded successfully. All you have to do is just
play the data. Press play button in the control box to replay the backup
data. This will replay the data as normal speed.
: Rewind to the point of 10 sec ahead
: Rewind to the point of 5 sec ahead
: Stop
: Pause
: Start
: Rewind to the point of 5sec later
: Rewind to the point of 5sec later
If you want to replay the data faster go to File Set Playback Speed
and choose appropriate speed one of x1, x2, x4.