List & Forms Mahkamah
List & Forms Mahkamah
List & Forms Mahkamah
2. Writ 6 1
46 6
4. (Deleted)
25. Notice by Sheriff of Property taken in Execution 17 2(2)
54. Receivers Security by Undertaking 30 2(3)
80. Affidavit Verifying List of Creditors Claim 44 12(1)(b)
75 4
106. Orders for Appointment of Receiver, etc 51 3(2)
111A. Notice of Appeal (other than a Decision made After Trial) 55 5(2)
135. Affidavits of Service 62 9
162. Administration Bond 71 34(1)
163. Grants 71 35
71 37(10)
189. Certificate by Solicitor for Person under Disability 76 3(7)(c)
198. Writ 93 3
201. Judgment for Plaintiff where Defendant did not file 93 8(1)
Statement of Defence
No. 1
(Title as in action)
Upon the application of ............................ the plaintiff (or the defendant) in this action and upon
reading the affidavit of ..................................... filed the ....... day of ........................, 20.......... and
upon hearing
It is ordered that Writ Nos ....................... be consolidated with writ Nos ......................... and do
proceed as one action and It is further ordered that the title of writ No .................. be amended by
adding to it the titles of ................................... (state the numbers of the writ which are being
consolidated). (State any other orders or directions given by the Court).
No. 2
WRIT (O 6 r 1)
.................................................................... Plaintiff
................................................................ Defendant
We command you that within fourteen days after the service of this writ on you, inclusive of the
day of such service, you do cause an appearance to be entered for you in a cause at the suit of
...................... and take notice, that in default of your so doing the plaintiff may proceed therein to
judgment and execution.
......................................................... .........................................................
Plaintiff's Solicitors Registrar, Court
This writ may not be served more than six calendar months after the above date unless renewed
by order of court.
The defendant (or defendants) may appear hereto by entering an appearance (or appearances)
either personally or by a solicitor at the Registry of the Court.
A defendant appearing personally may, if he desires, enter his appearance by post, and the
appropriate forms may be obtained by sending a Postal Order for $ ................................ with an
addressed envelope to the Registrar, Court at ............................................
Indorsements to be made on writ before issue
Indorsement of claim
The plaintiff's claim is for ................................. (If the plaintiff's claim is for a debt or liquidated
demand only, the following indorsement must be added at the foot of that claim :)
And $ .......................... (or such sum as may be allowed on taxation for costs, and also, if the
plaintiff obtains an order for substituted service, the further sum of $........................(or such sum
as may be allowed on taxation). If the amount claimed and costs be paid to the plaintiff or his
solicitor within 8 days after service hereof (inclusive of the day of service), further proceedings will
be stayed, but if it appears from the indorsement on the writ that the plaintiff is resident outside
the scheduled territories, as defined by the Exchange Control Act 1953, or is acting by order or on
behalf of a person so resident. proceedings will only be stayed if the amount claimed and costs is
paid into court within the said time and notice of such payment in is given to the plaintiff or his
(If the plaintiff sues, or the defendant is sued, in a representative capacity, this must be stated in
the indorsement of claim).
This writ is issued by ............... of .......... solicitor for the said plaintiff whose address is
............................... (or where the plaintiff sues in person). This writ is issued by the said plaintiff
who resides at .................................... and is (state occupation) and (if the plaintiff does not reside
within the jurisdiction) whose address for service is ............................................).
Indorsement as to service
This Writ was served by ............................. by way of personal service (or as may) (state manner
of service or in accordance with the terms of an order for substituted service) on the defendant
(who is known to me) (or who was pointed out to me by ..........................................) (or who
admitted to me that he was .............................) at (place) on....................the ................ day of
............., 20........
Process Server
No. 3
Renewed for ......... months from the ............... day of ....20........ by an order of Court dated the
................. day of ..........20.......
No. 4
No. 5
........................................................................ Plaintiff
.................................................................... Defendant
Note--This summons may not be served more than 12 calendar months after the above date
unless renewed by order of the Court.
If a defendant does not attend personally or by his counsel or solicitor at the time and place
abovementioned such order will be made as the Court may think just and expedient.
No. 6
Let all parties concerned attend before the Judge (or Registrar) in Chambers on .............. of ................., 20.., at ............m., on the hearing of an application by ................... that
No. 7
(Title as in action)
To ........................................................................
Take notice that ........................... of ................... has begun an action against you,
.......................................... in the Court of Malaya/Sabah&Sarawak at ........................... by writ
dated the .............. day of ....................20......, which writ is indorsed as follows (copy the
indorsements) and you are required within ............ days after receipt of this notice, inclusive of
the day of receipt, to cause an appearance to be entered for you in the said Court to the said
action, and in default of your so doing the said ........................................... may proceed therein
and judgment may be given in your absence.
You may enter an appearance in person or by a solicitor either (1) by handing in the appropriate
forms, duly completed, at the Registry of the Court, or (2) by sending them by post to the
Registrar, Court at ........................................................................
If you enter an appearance, then, unless a notice of application for judgment is served on you in
the meantime, you must also serve a defence on (the solicitor for) the plaintiff within days after
the last day of the time limited for entering an appearance, otherwise judgment may be entered
against you without notice.
No. 8
(Title as in action)
I (name, address and description of deponent) do make oath (or affirm) and say as follows:
2. I verily believe that I have a good cause of action against the abovenamed intended defendant
(state the grounds on which the application is founded and where the action arose).
4. At least .............days will probably be necessary to effect service on the intended defendant
and to enable him to enter an appearance in the Registry of the Court.
5. I apply for leave to serve the same on the said intended defendant ........................... at
............................... or elsewhere as he may be found in the State of ......................................
No. 8A
AB Plaintiff
To (CD and) every (other) person in occupation of ........................ Let all persons concerned
attend before the Judge in Chambers on, the ....................... day of ...................
20........., at ............................ o'clock, on the hearing of an application by AB for an order that he
do recover possession of ....................on the ground that he is entitled to possession and that the
person(s) in occupation is (are) in occupation without licence or consent.
This summons was taken out by .......................... solicitor for the said plaintiff whose address is
......................... (or where the plaintiff sues in person)
This summons was taken out by the said plaintiff who resides at ....................... and is (state
occupation) and (if the plaintiff does not reside within the jurisdiction) whose address for service is
Note-Any person occupying the premises who is not named as a defendant by this summons
may apply to the Court personally or by counsel or solicitor to be joined as a defendant. If a
person occupying the premises does not attend personally or by counsel or solicitor at the time
and place above-mentioned, such order will be made as the Court may think just and expedient.
Form 8A was inserted by the Rules of the High Court (Amendment) Rules 1984 (PU(A) 114/84
para 2 (b).
No. 9
(Title as in action)
Upon the application of ..................................... the intended plaintiff and upon reading the
affidavit of ............................... filed the ................ day of ................, 20.... and upon hearing
It is ordered that the intended plaintiff have leave to issue a notice of a writ of summons (or
originating summons) (or as may be) against the intended defendant and to serve the said notice
of writ on him at (address at which intended defendant to be served) or elsewhere in (name of
country within which service to be effected).
And it is ordered that the time for entry of an appearance in the action by he intended defendant
be ................. days after service on him of the notice of writ.
No. 10
(Title as in action)
I hereby request that the notice of the writ (or as may be describing the document) in this action
be sent through the proper channel to (name of country) for service on the defendant)
............................, at ...................... or elsewhere in (name of country) and that it may be served
(i) through the government of ............ (where the Government is willing to effect service)
I hereby undertake to be responsible personally for all expenses incurred by the Minister in
respect of the service requested and, on receiving due notification of the amount of those
expenses, to pay that amount to the office of the said Minister and to produce a receipt for the
payment to the proper officer in the Registry.
Solicitor for the..................
No. 11
(Title as in action)
To the Registrar,
Solicitor for the defendant
(or defendant in person)
The said defendant (requires or does not require) a statement of claim to be filed and delivered.
No. 12
(Title as in action)
IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that no appearance has been entered for the said (name of person
No. 13
l. The defendant ...................................... is, and was at the commencement of this action, justly
and truly indebted to (me, or the abovenamed plaintiff) in the sum of $................. for the ...........
The particulars of the said claim appear by the indorsement on the writ in this action.
2. It is within my own knowledge that the said debt was incurred and is still due and owing as
(2) I am informed by (state source of information) and/or I verily believe (state grounds of belief)
that the said debt was incurred and is still due and owing as aforesaid).
4. I am duly authorized by the plaintiff to make this affidavit (delete if sworn by plaintiff).
No. 14
To ..................................
Take notice that, if you intend to defend this counterclaim, an appearance must be entered to the
counterclaim on your behalf within 14 days (or if the counterclaim is to be served out of the
jurisdiction insert here the time fixed by the order giving leave to serve the counterclaim out of the
jurisdiction) after the service of this defence and counterclaim on you, inclusive of the day of
service, otherwise judgment may be given against you without further notice.
The person served with this counterclaim may enter an appearance in person or by a solicitor
either (1) by handing in the appropriate forms, duly completed, at the Registry of the Court, or (2)
by sending them by post to the Registrar, Court at ...........................
No. 15
(As in Form 11 but substituting for the title of the action the following):
................................................................. Plaintiff
.............................................................. Defendant
................................................................... Plaintiff
the said
............................................................. Defendant
(by counterclaim)
No. 16
(As in Form 11 but substituting for the title of the action the following:)
..................................................................... Plaintiff
................................................................ Defendant
And between
..................................................................... Plaintiff
................................................................ Defendant
(By original writ and by order)
Enter an appearance for (name of added defendant) who has been served with an order dated
the ......... day of ............., 20......... making him a defendant to the action.
No. 17
To of
(1) An action has been begun in the High Court/Subordinate Courts in accordance
with the writ /originating summons attached hereto.
(2) You are or may be one of the persons who is interested in the estate/trust
property to which the action relates.
(3) You may within 14 days after service of this notice enter an appearance using
the electronic filing service and thereby become a party to the action.
(4) If you do not enter an appearance you will be bound by any judgment given in
the action as if you were a party to it.
Solicitor for
No. 18
.................................................................... Plaintiff
............................................................... Defendant
............................................................. Third Party.
(Issued pursuant to the order of (name of Judge) dated the................ day of..........., 20.......... )
To....................of .................................................
Take notice that this action has been brought by the plaintiff against the defendant. In it the
plaintiff claims against the defendant (state the nature of the plaintiff's claim) as appears from the
writ (or originating summons) a copy whereof is served herewith (together with a copy of the
statement of claim).
The defendant claims against you (state the nature of the claim against the third party as for
instance to be indemnified against the plaintiff's claim and the costs of this action or contribution
to the extent of (one half) of the plaintiff's claim or the following relief or remedy namely...........on
the grounds that (state the grounds of the claim)).
And take notice that if you wish to dispute the plaintiff's claim against the defendant, or the
defendant's claim against you, an appearance must be entered on your behalf within 14 days (or
if the notice is to be served out of the jurisdiction insert the time for appearance fixed by the order
giving leave to and the defendant's against you and your liability to (indemnify the defendant
issue the notice and serve it out of the jurisdiction) after the service of this notice on you, inclusive
of the day of service, otherwise you will be deemed to admit the plaintiff's claim against the
defendant or to contribute to the extent claimed or to .................... stating the relief or remedy
sought) and will be bound by any judgment or decision given in the action, and the judgment may
be enforced against you in accordance with Order 16 of the Rules of Court 2012.
Dated the of ................, 20................
Solicitor for the defendant
The person served with this notice may enter an appearance in person or by a solicitor either (1)
by handing in the appropriate forms, duly completed, at the Registry of the Court or (2) by
sending them by post to the Registrar, of the Court at..................................................
No. 19
The defendant requires that the following question or issue, viz., (state the question or issue
required to be determined) should be determined not only as between the plaintiff and the
defendant but also as between either or both of them and yourself.
And take notice that if you wish to be heard on the said question or issue or to dispute the
defendant's liability to the plaintiff or your liability to the defendant, an appearance must be
entered on your behalf within 14 days (or if the notice is to be served out of the jurisdiction, insert
the time for appearance fixed by the order giving leave to issue the notice and serve it out of the
jurisdiction) after the service of this notice on you, inclusive of the day of service, otherwise you
will be bound by any judgment or decision given in the action in so far as it is relevant to the said
question or issue, and the judgment may be enforced against you in accordance with Order 16 of
the Rules of Court 2012.
Solicitor for the defendant
No. 20
Let all parties concerned attend before the Judge (or Registrar) in Chambers on ............., of ............, 20........... at ..........m. for leave to issue a third-party notice a copy of
which is attached herewith.
This notice is taken out by the defendant (or solicitor for the defendant) of................. To...............
No. 21
(As in Form 11 but substituting for the title of the action, the title on the third party notice and
substituting for the request to enter appearance the following:)
Enter an appearance for (name of third party) to the third party notice issued in this action on
.............., 20........ by the defendant and served on the said ...................on ............, 20..............
No. 22
Let all parties concerned attend before the Judge (or Registrar) in Chambers on the of .............., 20............. at ..........m. on the hearing of an application on the
part of ............ for an order for third party directions, as follows:
that the defendant serve a statement of his claim on the said third party within
........................days from this date, who shall plead thereto within .............days.
And that the said third party be at liberty to appear at the trial of this action, and take such part as
the Judge shall direct, and be bound by the result of the trial.
And that the question of the liability of the said third party to indemnify the defendant be tried at
the trial of this action, but subsequent thereto.
And that the costs of this application be costs in the cause and in the third party proceedings.
This notice is taken out by the defendant (or solicitor for the defendant or as may be) of
........................... To ...........................................
No. 23
Upon the application of ..................................and upon hearing ............................... for the plaintiff
and ...................... for the defendant and ......... for the third party........................
It is ordered that the defendant serve a statement of his claim on the said third party within days
from this date, who will plead .............thereto within days.
And that the said third party be at liberty to appear at the trial of this action, and take such part as
the Judge shall direct, and be bound by the result of the trial. And that the question of the liability
of the said
third party to indemnify the defendant be tried at the trial of this action, but subsequent thereto.
No. 24
(State the money, goods or other movable property claimed and the grounds for the claim).
No. 25
Take notice that ......................... of.............................. has claimed the following property (specify
the property claimed) ........................................ taken in execution by me under the writ of seizure
and sale issued in this action.
If within 4 days after receiving this notice, you give notice to me that you admit the claim of the
said ......................................................... to the said property or request me to withdraw from
possession in Form 31 you will not be liable for any costs incurred after the receipt by me of your
No. 26
Take notice that I admit (or dispute) the claim of ..................... to the property seized by you (or I
request you to withdraw from possession) under the writ of seizure and sale issued in this action.
Execution Creditor (or solicitor for execution creditor)
No. 27
2. On the ...................... day of ................, 20.... I notified the execution creditor of the said claim.
He does not admit the claim and has not requested me to withdraw from possession of the
property claimed.
3. I value the property claimed at approximately $......................... I claim no interest in the subject
matter in dispute other than for commission fees and expenses of execution.
No. 28
Affidavit in support
1. (If in an action.) This action is brought to recover (state what) claimed by the plaintiff but I have
received a claim adverse to that of the plaintiff from ......................... of .................................
......................... (or, if no action), I have received adverse claims from ..........................
of........................................................ and ............................ of ........................................ to (state
what) which is of the approximate value of $ ........
2. I claim no interest in the subject matter in dispute (other than the sum of $..................... for
costs or charges) (or as the case may be). I do not in any manner collude with either (or any) of
the said claimants.
3. I am ready and willing to bring into Court or to pay or dispose of the subject matter in dispute in
such manner as the Court may direct.
No. 29
(Title as in Form 28)
Whereas the above claimant has made a claim to certain property taken in execution under
process issued out of this Court at your instance:
You are hereby summoned to appear before the Court, on............... of................,
20..... at .........m. when the said claim will be adjudicated upon and such order made thereon as
the Court shall think just.
(b) To Claimant
You are hereby summoned to appear before the Court on ............... .........................m, to support a claim made by you
to......................................... certain property taken in execution under process issued out of this
Court at the instance of the execution creditor and in default of your then establishing such claim
the said property will be dealt with under the said process as property of the execution debtor.
The Claimant (or Solicitor for Claimant).
Whereas the defendant in this action has filed an affidavit (a copy of which is hereto annexed)
stating that he has received a claim from ........ ..........of .................. to.........................................
(part of) the subject matter of this action:
You are hereby summoned to appear before the Court on................. the ....... day of
................................, ..........m when the Court will adjudicate upon the rights and claims
of yourself, the defendant and the.......................................................... (In summons to claimant
not a plaintiff in the action, add : A copy of the writ and statement of claim in this claim in this
action is hereto annexed).
No. 30
Upon this Interpleader Notice (or Originating Summons) coming up for hearing before the
Honourable Judge................................... of ..................., 20.......... and upon
hearing the evidence adduced and what was alleged by the parties (or their counsel) (Insert the
appropriate Operative Part).
(Operative Parts)
It is adjudged touching the claim of .................................... to (specify the property) (or to the
proceeds of sale (or value) of (specify the property) taken in execution under process issued out
of this Court at the instance of ....................... execution creditor, that the said (specify the
property) (or proceeds of sale) (or value) (or part of the said property) (or proceeds of sale (or
value)) namely (specify same) is (or are) not the property of the claimant.
And it is ordered that the said .................................... do pay to the said ................. the sum of $
.......................... for costs (and the sum of $.................for extra expenses of execution and
keeping possession occasioned by the claim). Insert directions as to disposal of any money in
It is this day adjudged touching the claims of the plaintiff and the claimant to ...............................
(part of) the subject matter of this action that the claim of the plaintiff (or claimant) is valid and that
the claimant (or plaintiff) has no claim thereto.
(And it is further adjudged that the plaintiff (or claimant) do recover against the defendant the sum
of $...........for debt and $................ for costs amounting together to the sum of $............................
And it is further adjudged that the plaintiff (or claimant) do recover the sum of $.....................from
the claimant (or plaintiff) for costs ............................... (add if any costs awarded to the defendant
against the plaintiff or claimant:
And it is further adjudged that the defendant do recover the sum of $............................for costs
from the plaintiff (or claimant)).
(If the claimant fails to appear and an order is made barring his claim proceed as follows:
And the claimant .......................... not appearing, it is declared that the said ...................... and all
persons claiming under him be forever barred as against the plaintiff and all persons claiming
under him).
(c) In any other case
It is this day adjudged (here set out the judgment determining the claim as between the applicant
and any claimant who appears or, if all the claimants appear, the judgment determining the rights
and claims of all parties and any order as to payment, or delivery of the property and costs).
(If any claimant fails to appear and an order is made barring his claim proceed as follows:
And the claimant ..................................... not appearing, it is declared that the said
.......................... and all persons claiming under him be forever barred as against ......................
the applicant and all persons claiming under him).
No. 31
Further and better particulars of the statement of claim (or defence or as may be).
(Here set out in numbered paragraphs the particulars requested (or ordered) and the answers to
Solicitor for the.........
No. 32
(Title as in action)
Take notice that the plaintiff wholly (or specify the part) discontinues this action (or the defendant
wholly (or specify the part) withdraws the defence or discontinues his counterclaim) against the
defendant (plaintiff).
Solicitor for the.................
No. 33
Take notice that the above plaintiff/defendant intends to apply to the ............................Court
at.........................., for an order that the
defendant/plaintiff make interim payment(s) to the plaintiff/defendant.
No. 34
(Title as in action)
The (identify party) offers to settle this proceeding (or the following claims in this proceeding) on
the following terms: (set out terms in consecutively numbered paragraphs).
(Name, address, telephone and fax number of solicitor or party making offer)
No. 35
The (identify party) withdraws the offer to settle dated the day of
20 .
(Name, address, telephone and fax number of solicitor or party giving notice)
No. 36
The (identify party) accepts your offer to settle dated the day of 20
(Name, address, telephone and fax number of solicitor or party accepting offer)
No. 37
(Name, address, telephone and fax number of solicitor or party making offer)
No. 38
(Title as in action)
The following is a list of the documents relating to the matters in question in this action which are
or have been in the possession, custody or power of the abovenamed plaintiff (or defendant)
................ and which is served in compliance with Order 24, rule 2 (or the order herein dated the
..... day of ........, 20...........).
1. The plaintiff (or defendant) has in his possession, custody or power the documents relating to
the matters in question in this action enumerated in Schedule 1 hereto.
2. The plaintiff (or defendant) objects to produce the documents enumerated in part 2 of the said
Schedule 1 on the ground that (stating the ground of objection).
3. The plaintiff (or defendant) has had, but has not now, in his possession, custody or power the
documents relating to the matters in question in this action enumerated in Schedule 2 hereto.
4. Of the documents in the said Schedule 2, those numbered the schedule
were last in the plaintiff's (or defendant's) possession, custody or power on (stating when) and the
remainder on (stating when).
(State what has become of the said documents and in whose possession they now are).
5. Neither the plaintiff (or defendant), nor his solicitor nor any other person on his behalf, has
now, or ever had, in his possession, custody or power any document of any description whatever
relating to any matter in question in this action, other than the documents enumerated in
Schedules 1 and 2 hereto.
Schedule 1
(Enumerate in a convenient order the documents (or bundles of documents, if of the same nature,
such as invoices) in the possession custody or power of the party in question which he does not
object to produce, with a short description of each document or bundle sufficient to identify it.)
(Enumerate as aforesaid the documents in the possession, custody or power of the party in
question which he objects to produce.)
Schedule 2
(Enumerate as aforesaid the documents which have been, but at the date of service of the list are
not, in the possession custody or power of the party in question.)
Notice to inspect
Take notice that the documents in the above list, other than those listed in part 2 of Schedule 1
(and Schedule 2), may be inspected at (the office of the solicitor of the abovenamed (plaintiff)
(defendant) (insert address) or as may be) on the ................... day of ........................,20...........
between the hours of ............... and ....................
Solicitor for the...................
No. 39
I, the abovenamed plaintiff (or defendant) ................................ do make oath (or affirm) and say
as follows:
1. The Statements made by me in paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 of the list of documents now produced
and shown to me marked are true.
2. The statements of fact made by me in paragraph 2 of the said list are true.
3. The statements made by me in paragraph 5 of the said list are true to the best of my
knowledge, information and belief.
No. 40
Take notice that you can inspect the document mentioned in your notice of the .......... day of
......................, 20........ (except the deed numbered ................................... in that notice) at my
office on ....... day next the instant between the hours of ..................m.
Solicitor for the ...................
No. 41
Take notice that the plaintiff (or defendant) requires you to produce for his inspection, the
following documents referred to in your pleading (or affidavit) namely:
Solicitor for the..................
No. 42
Take notice that the documents mentioned in your notice of the ............ day of ..........................
(except the deed numbered in that notice) may be inspected at .......................... (insert place of
on .................. the.......... day of .............. between the hours of .......................................... and
(Or, that the plaintiff (or defendant) objects to giving inspection of the documents mentioned in
your notice of ................. the .......... day of ....................., 20........, on the ground that (state the
Solicitor for the..................
No. 43
Upon the application of ............................ and upon reading the affidavit of ........................ filed
the .......... day of ................, 20........, and upon hearing
It is ordered that the .............................. do, on reasonable notice, produce at (insert place of
......................... inspection), situate at .................................... the following documents, namely
........................................... and that the ......................... be at liberty to inspect and peruse the
documents so produced, and to make notes of their contents, and be entitled to be supplied with
copies thereof on payment of the proper charges. And it is ordered that in the meantime all further
proceedings be stayed, and that the costs of this application be.......................................
No. 44
Let all parties concerned attend before the Judge (or Registrar) in Chambers of......................, 20.......; at..........m. on the hearing of an application by
......................... for an order that the ............................. be at liberty to serve on the
............................. interrogatories in writing and that the said ............................. do within. .......
days answer the questions in writing by affidavit.
No. 45
(Title as in action)
(Here set out the interrogatories in the form of concise questions, each interrogatory to be set out
in a separate paragraph and numbered consecutively).
l. Did you?
(EP, a director (or as may be) of the defendants, the X. Co., Ltd., is required to answer the
interrogatories numbered..........................).
To the abovenamed (defendant AB and CD) (plaintiff) and (their) (his) solicitor
No. 46
Upon the application of .................................. and upon reading the affidavit of ..........................
filed the ......... day of ........................, 20....... and upon hearing ........................................
No. 47
The Answer
In answer to the said interrogatories (we, the said AB and CD severally) or (I, the abovenamed
AB or plaintiff), do make oath (or affirm) and say as follows:
1. To the 1st interrogatory, namely (state in full the interrogatory), that (stating the answer).
2. To the 2nd interrogatory, namely (state in full the interrogatory), that (stating the answer).
3. To the 3rd interrogatory, namely (state in ful1 the interrogatory), that I object to answer it on the
ground that (stating the ground of objection).
No. 48
Take notice that the plaintiff (or defendant) in this action requires the defendant (or plaintiff) to
admit, for the purposes of this action only, the several facts respectively hereunder specified; and
the defendant (or plaintiff) is hereby required, within 14 days from the service of this notice, to
admit the said several facts, saving all just exceptions to the admissibility of such facts as
evidence in this cause.
Solicitor for the...................
The facts, the admission of which is required, are:(set out admissions required, e.g.)
No. 49
The defendant (or plaintiff) in this action, for the purposes of this action only, hereby admits the
several facts respectively hereunder specified, subject to the qualifications or limitation, if any,
hereunder specified, saving all just exceptions to the admissibility of such facts, or any of them,
as evidence in this action:
Provided that this admission is made for the purposes of this action only, and is not an admission
to be used against the defendant (or plaintiff) on any other occasion, or by anyone other than the
plaintiff (or defendant, or party requiring the admission).
Solicitor for the..............
No. 50
Take notice that the plaintiff (or defendant) in this action proposes to adduce in evidence the
several documents hereunder specified, and that the same may be inspected by the defendant
(or plaintiff), his solicitor or agent at ............................................. on the ........... day of
...................., 20 ........ between the hours of ............. and ...............; and the defendant (or
plaintiff) is hereby required, within 7 days to admit that such of the said documents as are
specified to be originals were respectively written, signed or executed, as they purport
respectively to have been; that such as are specified as copies are true copies; and such
documents as are stated to have been served, sent or delivered were so served sent or delivered
respectively; saving all just exceptions to the admissibility of all such documents as evidence in
this action.
And further take notice that if you do not within the aforementioned 7 days give notice that you do
not admit the said documents (or any of them) and that you require the same to be proved at the
trial you shall be deemed to have admitted the said document (or documents) unless the Court
shall otherwise order.
Solicitor for the.................
(Here describe the documents, the manner of doing which may be as follows: )
1. ........................................................... ...............................
2. ........................................................... ...............................
3. ........................................................... ...............................
4. ........................................................... ...............................
5. ........................................................... ...............................
Description of Document Dates Original or Duplicate
delivered,when,how,and by
No. 51
Take notice that I do not admit Numbers 1, 2 and 5 of the documents (as the case may be) in the
Notice to Admit Documents saving all just exceptions to the same as evidence.
Solicitor for the..................
No. 52
Take notice that you are hereby required to produce and show to the Court on the trial of this
................................. all books, papers, letters, copies of letters, and other writings and
documents in your custody, possession, or power, containing any entry, memorandum, or minute
relating to the matters in question in this and particularly.
Solicitor for the..................
No. 53
(a) Where the injunction is against a limited company or a corporate body, the Form should read:
"that the defendants (insert name of company or corporate body) by their agents or servants or
otherwise be restrained, etc. "
No. 54
And we ..................................... hereby jointly and severally (in the case of a Guarantee or other
Company strike out "jointly and severally") undertake with the Court to be answerable for any
default by the said....... ................................. as such receiver (or manager) and upon such
default to pay to any person or persons or otherwise as the Court or a Judge shall direct any sum
or sums not exceeding in the whole $ .................. that may from time to time be certified by the
Registrar to be due from the said receiver and we submit to the jurisdiction of the Court in this
action to determine any claim made under this undertaking.
(Signatures of Receiver and his surety or sureties. In the case of a surety being a guarantee or
other company, it must be sealed or otherwise duly executed).
No. 55
I, ..........................., of..........................., the receiver appointed in this cause, do make oath (or
affirm) and say as follows:
1. The document now shown to me marked A is, as it purports to be, a full and true account of
............................. for the period therein specified.
2. ...................... and ..............., my sureties named in the guarantee (or undertaking) dated
............................., 20........, are both alive and neither of them has become bankrupt or insolvent.
2. The .................................. Co. Ltd., my surety named in the guarantee (or undertaking) dated
................ 20 ......, is still carrying on business and no originating summons or other proceeding
for its winding-up is pending).
No. 56
1. I did at the time and place, in the lots, and subject to the conditions specified in the said
particulars and conditions of sale hereto annexed and marked A, put up for sale by auction the
estates described in the said particulars.
The result of the sale is truly set forth in the bidding paper hereto annexed and marked B.
2. I have received the sums set forth in the fourth column of the schedule hereto as deposits from
the respective purchasers whose names are set forth in the second column of the said schedule
opposite the said sums in respect of their purchase-money leaving the sums set forth in the fifth
column of the said schedule due in respect thereof.
(Note-This form can be adapted to meet the requirements of O 31 r 3 (1) (b), when Certificate has
to be given by a Solicitor).
No. 57
(Title as in action)
Let all parties concerned attend before the Judge (or Registrar) in Chambers on ..............., the
........... day of .................., 20..... at .......................m. on the hearing of an application on the part
of (state nature of the application).
This notice is taken out by the plaintiff (or as may be) of (state address).
No. 58
TAKE NOTICE that the abovenamed Plaintiff/Defendant intends to use the affidavits of
This notice is taken out by the plaintiff/defendant (or as may be) of (state address).
No. 59
Let all parties concerned attend before the Court in Chambers on .............. , the .............. day of
.............. , 20 .............. , at .............. a. m. /p. m. for pre-trial case management.
This notice is taken out by the plaintiff (or as may be) of (state address) .
No. 60
Note: Applicants are to indicate only those prayers for which directions are necessary.
(Title as in action)
Take notice that the abovenamed intends to apply at the first case
management herein for directions in this action (insert directions required)
2. This action be referred to the Court and that the costs of this application be costs in the
3. The action be (or by consent) transferred to the and that the costs of
this application be in the discretion of the .
4. The plaintiff give security for the defendants costs to the satisfaction of the Court in the
sum of RM on the ground and that in the meantime all further
proceedings be stayed.
5. Unless the plaintiff within days gives security for the defendants costs in the sum
of RM to the satisfaction of the Court, the action be struck off, and that the costs
of this application be in the discretion of the (and that if the security
be so paid the directions be as follows:)
6. The plaintiff have leave to amend the writ by and that the service of
the writ and the defendants appearance do stand, and that the costs incurred and thrown
away by the amendment be the defendants in any event.
7. The plaintiff have leave to amend the statement of claim as shown in the document
served herewith and to re-serve the amended statement of claim in days,
with leave to the defendant to serve an amended defence (if so advised) in
days thereafter, (and with leave to the plaintiff to re-serve an amended reply (if so
advised) in days thereafter) and that the costs incurred and thrown away by
the amendments be the defendants in any event.
8. The defendant have leave to amend the defence as shown in (the document served with)
the defendants notice under this Notice for Directions and to re-serve the amended
defence in days (and with leave to the plaintiff to re-serve an amended reply
(if so advised) in days thereafter) and that the costs of and the costs thrown away
as a result of the amendments be the plaintiffs in any event.
9. The plaintiff serve on the defendant within days the further and better particulars
of the statement of claim specified in (the document served with) the defendants notice
under this Notice for Directions.
10. The defendant serve on the plaintiff within days the further and better particulars of
the defence specified in the document served herewith.
11. The plaintiff serve on the defendant within days the further and better particulars
of the reply specified in (the document served with) the defendants notice under this
Notice for Directions.
12. The plaintiff within days serve on the defendant a list of documents (and file an
affidavit verifying such list) (limited to the documents relating to the
(period from to )
(issues raised in paras. of the statement of claim and paras. of the defence)
(issues of )).
13. The defendant within days serve the plaintiff with a list of documents (and file an
affidavit verifying such list) (limited to documents relating to the
(period from to )
(issues raised in paras. of the statement of claim and paras. of the defence)
(issues of )).
14. There be inspection of documents within days of the service of the lists (filing of
the affidavits).
15. The plaintiff have leave to serve on the defendant the interrogatories shown in the
document served herewith, and that the defendant answer the interrogatories on affidavit
within days.
16. The defendant have leave to serve on the plaintiff the interrogatories shown in the
document served with the defendants notice under this Notice for Directions, and that the
plaintiff answer the interrogatories on affidavit within days.
17. The plaintiff (or defendant) (retain and preserve pending the trial of the action) (upon
days notice to give inspection of) (the subject-matter of the action, to the defendant (or
plaintiff) and to his legal advisers (and experts)).
19. An affidavit of (in the form of the draft affidavit (served herewith) (with
the defendants notice under this Notice for Directions)) (to be served within
days) be admissible in evidence at the trial.
21. It be recorded that the parties ((plaintiff) (defendant) refuses to) admit for the purposes of
this action that (the truth of the statements in the document served
(herewith) (with the defendants notice under this Notice for Directions)).
22. The evidence in chief of all witnesses shall be limited to one witness statement for each
witness to be exchanged within months and objection to the contents of the
statement shall be taken within one month after the exchange of the witness statement.
23. The evidence in chief or the substance thereof of all expert witnesses shall be in the form
of a witness statement and shall be exchanged/disclosed within months.
25. There shall be a discussion between the experts not later than days before the
exchange of witness statements for the purpose of requiring the experts to identify the
issues in the proceedings and where possible reach agreement on an issue, and the
issues which the experts are to discuss shall be limited to the following:
26. Within days of the discussion, the expert witnesses are to prepare and furnish
to the parties a joint written statement indicating the agreed issues, the issues on which
they disagree and a summary of the reasons for disagreement.
27. That (name) of (organisation) be appointed as assessor(s) in this action.
28. A plan of the locus in quo other than a sketch plan be receivable in evidence at the trial.
30. By consent, (the right of appeal be excluded) (any appeal be limited to the Court of
Appeal) (any appeal be limited to questions of law only).
31. Trial. (Estimated length and number of witnesses) To be set down within days
(and to be tried immediately after the action in Suit No. of 20 ).
*32. The witnesses whom the Plaintiff intends if necessary to call shall be limited to the
Witnesses of fact:
Expert witnesses:
*33. The witnesses whom the Defendant intends if necessary to call shall be limited to the
Witnesses of fact:
Expert witnesses:
Entered No. of 20 .
*Note: All witnesses must be named here or in the order of court to be extracted on this Notice
for Directions and witnesses not so named shall not be allowed to testify at the trial
without leave of court.
No. 61
I certify that this action was heard before the Honourable Judge .....................on
of.................., 20........ (and on of......................., 20.......) and occupied the time of
the Court as follows:
The Judge directed that (state precisely the terms of the judgment or order or directions given).
Clerk of the Court
No. 62
Clerk of the Court
No. 62A
Take notice that you are required to attend before the Deputy Registrar/Senior Assistant
Registrar of the ....................................Court at .. on..the of .., 2012 at.a.m/p.m for the hearing of the assessment of
No. 63
No. 64
No. 65
The word 'Testificandum' in Form 65 was amended by the Rules of Court 2012 (Corringenda)
(PU(A) 152/80) para 32. Previously, it read 'Testicandum'.
No. 66
Solicitor for the..................
No. 67
1. That the above action is fixed for hearing on........................... of..................,
20.......and that................... a prisoner confined in the.................. prison, will
be a material witness for me at the hearing (or is a party to the action).
2. That I am advised and verily believe that I cannot safely proceed to the hearing of his action
without the evidence of the said..................... .......................................................... (or my
3. I hereby apply for an order under section 32 of the Prisons Ordinance 1952 that the
said................................may be brought before the Court.
No. 68
You are hereby required upon tender made to you of a reasonable sum for the conveyance and
maintenance of a proper officer and of .....................
........................................................................... now a prisoner in the .............................. in going
to, remaining at and returning from the Court at ............... , to bring the said .....on the ........ day of to give testimony on behalf of............................................ and after the said
........................ shall have given his testimony before the Court or the Court shall have dispensed
with his further attendance you are required to cause him to be conveyed under safe and sure
conduct back to the said ...........................................................................
No. 69
Upon the application of ................ and upon reading the affidavit of ......................... filed of................... , and upon hearing..........................................................., and that
the Court is desirous of obtaining the testimony of (name of person).
And it is further ordered that the Judge/Magistrate (or Registrar) do take down in writing the
evidence of the said witness according to the practice of the Court pertaining to the examination
and cross-examination of witnesses (or as may be otherwise directed) and do cause the witness
to sign his deposition in his, the Judge/Magistrate's (or the Registrar's) presence; and do sign the
deposition taken in pursuance of this order and when so completed, do transmit the same to the
No. 70
It is ordered that a letter of request do issue directed to the proper judicial authority for the
examination of the following witnesses, namely:
.......................................... of .................................................
.......................................... of .................................................
And it is ordered that the deposition taken pursuant thereto when received be filed in the Registry
of the Court at..................... and that office copies thereof may be read and given in evidence on
the trial of this action, saving all just exceptions, without any further proof of the absence of the
said witness than the affidavit of the solicitor of the party using the same as to his belief.
And it is ordered that (the trial of this action be stayed until the said depositions have been filed
and that) the costs of and incidental to the application for this order and the said letter of request
and examination be (costs in the cause).
No. 71
Upon the application of ................................ and upon reading the affidavit of .................... filed
................. day of ......................., 20...... and upon hearing
It is ordered that the Malaysian (or British) Consul or his deputy at .......................... (or
............................. Esq.) be appointed as special examiner for the purpose of taking the
examination, cross-examination and re-examination viva voce on oath or affirmation, of
................................. witnesses on the part of ....................... at .................................. in (name of
country). The examiner shall be at liberty to invite the attendance of the witnesses and the
production of documents, but shall not exercise any compulsory powers. Otherwise such
execution shall be taken in accordance with the Malaysian procedure. The ...................................
solicitors to give to the .................... solicitors ............. days' notice in writing of the date on which
they propose to send out this order to...................... for execution, and that .............. days after
the service of such notice the solicitors for the plaintiff and defendant respectively do exchange
the names of their agents at ......................... to whom notice relating to the examination of the
said witnesses may be sent. And that .......days (exclusive of Sunday) before the examination of
any witness hereunder notice of such examination shall be given by the agent of the party on
whose behalf such witness is to be examined to the agent of the other party, unless such notice
be dispensed with. And that the depositions when taken, together with any documents referred to
therein, or certified copies of such documents or of extracts therefrom be sent by the examiner,
under seal, to the Registrar of the Court ................................. (insert address on or before the
.......... day of ............. next, or such further or other day as may be ordered there to be filed in the
Registry. And that either party be at liberty to read and give such depositions in evidence on the
trial of this action, saving all just exceptions. And that the trial of this action, be stayed until the
filing of such depositions. And that the costs of and incidental to the application for this order and
such examination be costs in the cause.
No. 72
Whereas an action is now pending in the Court of Malaya/Sabah & Sarawak at in which
....................... ............................ is plaintiff and defendant and in which the
plaintiff claims........
And whereas it has been represented to the said Court that it is necessary for the purposes of
justice and for the due determination of the matters in dispute between the parties that the
following persons should be examined as witnesses upon oath touching such matters,
namely........................of ....................................., and .......................of ........ and it appears that
such witnesses are resident within your jurisdiction.
Now I,.................................. the Registrar of the Court of Malaya/Sabah & Sarawak hereby
request that for the reasons aforesaid and for the assistance of the said Court you will be pleased
to summon the said witnesses (and such other witnesses as the agents of the said plaintiff and
defendant shall humbly request you in writing so to summon) to attend at such time and place as
you shall appoint before you, or such other person as according to your procedure is competent
to take the examination of witnesses, and that you will cause such witnesses to be examined viva
voce (or upon the interrogatories which accompany this letter of request) touching the said
matters in question in the presence of the agents of the plaintiff and defendant or such of them as
shall, on due-notice given, attend the examination.
And I further request that you will permit the agents of both the plaintiff and defendant or such of
them as shall be present to examine (upon interrogatories and viva voce upon the subject-matter
thereof or arising out of the answers thereto) such witnesses as may, after due notice in writing,
be produced on their behalf and the other party to cross-examine the said witnesses (upon cross-
interrogatories and viva voce) and the party producing the witness for examination to re-examine
him viva voce.
And I further request that you will be pleased to cause the evidence of the said witnesses (or the
answers of the said witnesses and all additional viva voce questions, whether on examination,
cross-examination or re-examination) to be reduced into writing and all books, letters, papers and
documents produced on such examination to be duly marked for identification, and that you will
be further pleased to authenticate such examination by the seal of your tribunal or in such other
way as is in accordance with your procedure and to return it together with (the interrogatories and
cross-interrogatories and) a note of the charges and expenses payable in respect of the
execution of this request through the Malaysian (or British) Consul from whom the same was
received (or the Minister for Foreign Affairs) for transmission to the Court of
Malaya/Sabah&Sarawak at ...........................................
And I further request that you will cause me, or the agents of the parties if appointed, to be
informed of the date and place where the examination is to take place.
No. 73
I (We) hereby undertake to be responsible for all expenses incurred by the Minister for Foreign
Affairs in respect of the letter of request issued herein on the ............................., and on receiving
due notification of the amount of such expenses undertake to pay the same as directed by the
Registrar of the Court, at.........
The following have been appointed as agents for the parties in connection with the execution of
the above letter of request.
Plaintiff's Agent:
Defendant's Agent:
Solicitor for the..................
No. 74
Before me
Commissioner for Oaths
Before me
Commissioner for Oaths
I, having truly, distinctly and audibly read over the contents of the above affidavit (add if exhibits
are referred to in the affidavit "and explained the nature and effect of the exhibits therein referred
to") to the said deponent who seemed perfectly to understand the same and who made his mark
thereto in my presence (Through the interpretation
of............................................................................. ).
Before me
Commissioner for Oaths
(d) To an affidavit by a person who does not understand English. Sworn (or affirmed) on of............, 20........... at ...............through the interpretation
(if the interpreter is not a Court Interpreter add the following:
"the said........................having been first sworn that he had truly, distinctly, and audibly translated
the contents of his affidavit to the deponent............................and that he would truly and faithfully
interpret the oath (or affirmation) about to be administered unto him the said
Before me
Commissioner for Oaths
No. 75
JUDGMENTS (O 42 r 5 (1))
(Title as in action)
No appearance having been entered (or no defence having been served) by the defendant
herein, It is this day adjudged that defendant do pay the plaintiff $....................... and
$.................costs (or costs to be taxed). (The above costs have been taxed and allowed at
$............ as appears by the Registrar's certificate dated the............. day of 20...............)
No appearance having been entered (or no defence having been served) by the defendant
herein, It is this day adjudged that the defendant do pay the plaintiff damages to be assessed.
The amount found due to the plaintiff under this judgment having been certified at $
appears by the Registrar's certificate filed the ......................... day of ......................., 20...........
It is adjudged that the defendant do pay the plaintiff $.................and costs to be taxed.
(Note-This form is a combined form of interlocutory and final judgment. The plaintiff may at his
option enter interlocutory judgment by omitting the words below the line in the form and enter a
separate final judgment in (f) below).
No appearance having been entered (or no defence having been served) by the defendant
It is this day adjudged that the defendant do deliver to the plaintiff the movable property described
in the writ (or statement of claim) as (description of movable property) or pay the plaintiff the
value of the said property to be assessed (and also damages for their detention to be assessed).
It is this day adjudged that the defendant do pay the plaintiff the value of the movable property
described in the writ (or statement of claim) to be assessed (and also damages for their detention
to be assessed).
The value of the said movable property having been assessed at $........... (and damages at
$........ ) as appears by the Registrar's certificate filed of.................,20........
It is adjudged that the defendant to pay the plaintiff $................ and costs to be taxed.
No appearance having been entered (or to defence having been served) by the defendant herein,
It is this day adjudged that the defendant do give the plaintiff possession of the immovable
property described in the writ (or statement of claim) as .................. and pay the plaintiff $
.....................costs (or costs to be taxed).
(e) Judgment in default in action for possession of immovable property, damages and cost (O 13
r 4)
No appearance having been entered (or no defence having been served) by the defendant
herein, It is this day adjudged that the defendant do give the plaintiff possession of the immovable
property described in the writ (or statement of claim) as.........................................
And it is further adjudged that the defendant to pay the plaintiff (mesne profits) (damages) to be
The amount found due to the plaintiff under this judgment having been certified at the sum of
$ appears by the Registrar's finding filed the.............................. day of......... ,
It is adjudged that the defendant do pay the plaintiff $.................. and costs to be taxed.
(Note-See the note to (b) above).
The plaintiff having on the of............. , 20....... obtained interlocutory judgment herein
against the defendant for damages (or as may be) to be assessed, and the amount found due to
the plaintiff having been certified at $ appears by the Registrar's certificate filed
the........ day of............. , 20...............
It is this day adjudged that the defendant do pay the plaintiff $.......... and costs, to be taxed.
The defendant having entered appearance herein and the Court having under Order 14, rule 3
ordered that judgment as hereinafter provided be entered for the plaintiff against the defendant.
It is this day adjudged that the defendant do pay the plaintiff $.......... and $..................... costs (or
costs to be taxed).
deliver to the plaintiff the movable property described in the writ (or statement of claim)
as................(or pay the plaintiff the value of the said movable property to be assessed) (and also
damages for
their detention to be assessed) and costs to be taxed.
give the plaintiff possession of the immovable property described in the writ (or statement of
claim) as........... and costs to be taxed.
The above costs, etc. (as in (a) above).
The Court having under Order 14 rule 5 ordered that judgment be entered for the defendant
against the plaintiff on the counterclaim for $..................... and costs of the counterclaim,
It is this day adjudged that the plaintiff do pay the defendant $............. and costs of the
counterclaim to be taxed.
This action having been tried before the Honourable Mr Justice............. on the.................... day
of...................., 20..................
It is adjudged that the defendant do pay the plaintiff $..................... and his costs of action to be
taxed (or that this action be dismissed and that the plaintiff do pay the defendant his costs to be
taxed) (or as may be according to the Judge's order).
(It is further adjudged that execution be stayed for days) (and .................if within that time notice of appeal, execution be further stayed until the determination of the appeal or
as may be according to the Judge's direction).
This action having on of............... , 20...... come on before the Court on motion
for judgment on behalf of the (party moving the Court) and the Court after hearing counsel for the
(plaintiff and defendant, or as may be) having ordered that (recite direction for judgment).
It is this day adjudged pay the $..... and costs to be taxed.
Dated and entered the..................... day of........... , 20.........
This action having on of............. , 20.... been called on for hearing before
the Honourable Mr Justice................ and the plaintiff having failed to appear, and the defendant
having thereupon become entitled under Order 35, rule I (2), to judgment dismissing the action
and the said having ordered that .............. judgment be entered accordingly.
Therefore it is adjudged that this action do stand dismissed out of this Court with costs.
And it is further adjudged that the plaintiff do pay the defendant his costs to be taxed.
It is this day adjudged that the defendant do pay the plaintiff $.......... and costs, to be taxed.
This action by an order dated the ............. day of........, 20.......... having been ordered to be tried
before ......................., Registrar of the Court and the said Registrar having tried the said action
and having by his certificate dated the.................... day of......20..... directed that judgment as
hereinafter provided be entered for the plaintiff (or defendant).
Dated and entered the..................... day of............... ,20....... The issue (or question) arising in this
cause (or matter) by the order dated the of..............., 20.......... ordered to be tried
before the Honourable Mr Justice ............. having on of........ , 20..........been tried
before the said............... and the said.........
having found ................ and having ordered that judgment as hereinafter provided be entered for
the................. (or having dismissed the cause or matter), It is adjudged that (the defendant do
pay the plaintiff $...... and his costs of action to be taxed) (the plaintiff do pay the defendant his
costs of defence to be taxed) (or as may be according to the order made).
(Recital as in (a) or (f) to (n) according to the circumstances in which judgment was obtained).
The plaintiff having by a notice in writing dated the ................. day of ............................ ,
20........... , discontinued this action (or withdrawn his claim in this action for......... ) and the
defendant's costs of the action (or of the claim withdrawn) having been taxed and allowed at
$ appears by the Registrar's certificate dated the.......... day of................., 20........... ,
and the plaintiff not having paid the sum within 4 days after taxation.
It is this day adjudged that the plaintiff do pay the defendant $.......... ........................ the said
taxed costs.
(q) Judgment for costs after acceptance of money paid into Court (O 59 r 10 (2)(3))
The defendant having paid into Court in this action the sum of $.......... in satisfaction of the
plaintiff's cause(s) of action (or in satisfaction of the plaintiff's cause of action for..........), and the
plaintiff having by his notice dated of.......... 20......., accepted that sum in satisfaction
of his cause(s) of action or in satisfaction of his cause of action for.............and abandoned his
other cause(s) of action), and the plaintiff's costs herein having been taxed and allowed at
$................ as appears by the Registrar's certificate dated of........., 20..........and the
defendant not having paid the sum within 48 hours after taxation.
It is this day adjudged that the defendant do pay the plaintiff $.......... the said taxed costs.
No. 76
(Title as in action)
Upon the application of..........................the plaintiff (or the defendant) in this action and upon
reading the affidavit of................................. filed of..................... , 20....... , and
upon hearing.
It is ordered that the following accounts and inquiry be taken and made; that is to say,
1. An account of the movable property not specifically bequeathed of............. ......., deceased, the
testator in the pleadings named, come to the hands of, etc.
2. An account of the testator's debts, (or where deceased died more than six years before
judgment, (An inquiry whether there is any debt of the deceased remaining unpaid)).
4. An account of the legacies and annuities (if any), given by the testator's will.
5. An inquiry what parts (if any) of the testator's said movable property are outstanding or
undisposed of.
And it is ordered that the testator's personal estate not specifically bequeathed be applied in
payment of his debts and funeral expenses in a due course of administering, and then in payment
of the legacies and annuities (if any) given by his will.
(if ordered)
And it is ordered that the following further inquiries and accounts be made and taken; that is to
6. An inquiry what immovable property the testator was seized of or entitled to at the time of his
7. An account of the rents and profits of the testator's immovable property received by, etc.
8. An inquiry what incumbrances (if any) affect the testator's immovable property, or any and
what parts thereof.
9. An account of what is due to such of the incumbrancers as shall consent to the sale hereinafter
directed in respect of their incrumbrances.
And it is ordered that the testator's immovable property be sold with the approbation of the Judge,
etc., etc.
And it is ordered that the further consideration of this cause be adjourned, and any of the parties
are to be at liberty to apply as they may be advised.
No. 76A
Take notice that you are required to attend before the Deputy Registrar/Senior Assistant
Registrar of the ....................................Court at .. on..the of .., 2012 at.a.m/p.m for the taking of the account.
No. 77
(Title as in action)
Take notice that a judgment (or order) if this Court was given (or made) on the ............. day of
..............., 20 ....... by which it was (state substance of judgment or order).
And also take notice that from the time of the service of this notice you (or the
infant........................... or the patient as may be) will be bound by the said judgment (or order) to
the same extent as you (or he) would have been if you (or he) had originally been made a party.
And also take notice that without entering an appearance you (or the said infant or patient) may
within one month after the service of this notice apply to the Court to discharge, vary or add to the
said judgment (or order) and that after entering an appearance at the Registry ..................... of
the High Court at , you (or the said infant or patient) may attend the proceedings under the said
judgment (or order).
No. 78
AB DECEASED, By judgment (or order) of the High Court dated ............ ...........................,
20....... , and made in an action in the matter of the estate of AB deceased, S against
P....................... 20...., B.................., the creditors of AB late of.................., of................, who died
on ......................, 20...... are to send by post prepaid to ................................, so as to reach that
address on or before......... , 20....... their full names, addresses and description, the full
particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any)
held by them, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of the said judgment (or
order) unless the Court on application otherwise orders.
(Signature and address of the solicitor of the party prosecuting the judgment or order stating on
whose behalf he is acting).
No. 79
AB DECEASED. By judgment (or order) of the High Court dated............, 20 ............, and made in
an action In the matter of the estate of AB deceased (late of.................................
of...................who died on ........,20.....).
S against U........, 20...., B............. the following inquiry was (or inquires were) directed, viz.:
Notice is hereby given that all persons claiming to be entitled under the said inquiry (or inquiries)
are to send by post prepaid to................. as to reach that address on or before ..............,
20......, their full names, addresses and descriptions, and full particulars of their claims or in
default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of the said judgment (or order) unless the
Court on application otherwise orders.
(Add name and address of the solicitor of the party prosecuting the judgment or order and state
on whose behalf he is acting).
No. 80
(Title as in action)
1. I have in the paper writing now produced and shown to me and marked A setforth a list of all
the claims the particulars of which have been sent to me by persons claiming to be creditors of
the said AB, deceased, pursuant to the advertisement issued in that behalf, dated the of........................... , 20.........
2. We have in the paper writing now produced and shown to us and marked B setforth a list of all
the claims by persons claiming to be creditors of thesaid AB, deceased, which have been
received by us or either of us other than claims comprised in the said paper writing marked A.
3. We have in the paper writing now produced and shown to us and marked C set forth a list of all
the sums of money which were or may have been due and owing by the said AB, at the time of
his death, and are or may be still due and owing, and which have come to our knowledge or to
the knowledge of either of us but in respect of which no claim has been received by us or either of
us has been sent in pursuant to the advertisement in that behalf.
4. We have examined the particulars of the several claims and sums of money comprised in the
said paper writings marked A, B and C and we have compared the same with the books,
accounts and documents of the said AB (or as may be and state any other inquires or
investigations made) to order to ascertain,as far as we are able, to which of such claims and
sums of money the estate of the said AB is justly liable.
5. From such examination (and state any other reasons) we are of opinion and verily believe that
the estate of the said AB is justly liable to the amounts set forth, in the sixth columns of the first
parts respectively of the said paper writings marked A and B, and in the fifth column of the first
part of the said paper writing marked C, and to the best of our knowledge and belief such several
amounts are justly due from the estate of the said AB and proper to be allowed to the respective
persons named in the said paper writings.
6. We are of opinion that the estate of the said AB is not justly liable to the amounts set forth in
the second parts respectively of the said paper writing(s) marked A, B and C, and that the same
ought not to be allowed without proof by the respective claimants (or we are not able to state
whether the estate of the said AB is justly liable to the amounts set forth in the second parts
respectively of the said paper writings marked A, B and C, or whether such amounts or any parts
thereof respectively are proper to be allowed without further evidence).
7. Except as hereinbefore mentioned, there are not, to the best of our knowledge information and
belief, any claims of creditors against the estate of the said AB, or any sums of money due and
owing by the said AB at the time of his death and still due and owing.
List of claims the particulars of which have been sent in to GH by persons claiming to be creditors
of AB deceased, pursuant to the advertisement issued in that behalf, dated
$ $
List of claims by persons claiming to be claiming to be creditors of AB deceased other than claim
sent in pursuant to the advertisement issued in that behalf, dated ........................ day of...........,
List of sums of money which may be due but in respect of which no claim has been received.
No. 81
1. I have in the paper writing now produced and shown to me and marked D set forth a list of all
the claims the particulars of which have been sent to me by persons claiming under the inquiry
(or inquiries, numbered.............. and .................) directed by the judgment (or order) in this
action, dated the.................. day of................... 20........., pursuant to the advertisement issued in
that behalf, dated the.................. day of........................., 20........ And we, the said CD and EF for
ourselves say as follows:
2. We have in the paper writing now produced and shown to us and marked E set forth a list of all
the claims by persons claiming to be interested in the subject-matter of the said inquiry (or
inquiries) which have come to our knowledge or to the knowledge of either of us other than claims
contained in the said paper writing marked D. And we, the said CD, EF, and GH, for ourselves
say as follows:
3. Except as hereinbefore mentioned there are not to the best of our knowledge information and
belief anyclaims under the said inquiry (or inquiries).
List of claims the particulars of which have been sent in to GH by persons claiming under the
inquiry (or inquiries .............................. and ......................... ) and directed by the judgment (or
order) in this action, dated, etc., pursuant to the advertisement issued in that behalf dated the
............ day of................. 20......
List of claims by persons claiming to be interested in the subject of the inquiry (or
inquiries.........................and..........................) directed by the judgment (or order) in this action,
dated, etc., other than claims sent in pursuant to the advertisement, dated the............ day
of............, 20 ..............
No. 82
I hereby certify that the result of the accounts and inquiries which have been taken and made in
pursuance of the judgment (or order) in this cause dated of...................... is
as follows:
The particulars of the above receipts and payments appear in the account marked verified by the
affidavit of ......................... filed on the .............. day of ................. , and which account is to be
filed with this certificate, except that in addition to the sums appearing on such account to have
been received, the said defendants are charged with the following sums (state the same here or
in a schedule), and except that I have disallowed the items of disbursement in the said account
numbered .... .................. , and ...........
2. The debts of the testator which have been allowed, are set forth in the ................. Schedule
hereto, and with the interest thereon and costs mentioned in the schedule are due to the persons
therein named, and amount altogether to $...........................................................
3. The funeral expenses of the testator amounted to the sum of $........... ..........., which I have
allowed the said executors in the said account of movable property.
4. The legacies given by the testator are set forth in the schedule hereto, and with the interest
therein mentioned remained due to the persons therein named, and amount altogether to
5. The outstanding movable property of the testator consists of the particulars set forth in the
............................ Schedule hereto.
6. The immovable property to which the testator was entitled consists of the particulars set forth in
the............................. Schedule hereto.
7. The defendants have received rents and profits of the testator's immovable property, etc. (in a
form similar to that provided with respect to the movable property).
8. The incumbrances affecting the said testator's immovable property are specified in the
......................... Schedule hereto.
9. The immovable properties of the testator directed to be sold have been sold and the purchase-
moneys amounting altogether to $..................... have been paid into Court.
NB-The above numbers are to correspond with the numbers in the order after each statement;
the evidence produced is to be stated as follows:
The evidence produced on this account (or inquiry) consists of the probate of the testator's will,
the affidavit of AB filed......................., and paragraph numbered ...................of the affidavit of CD,
No. 83
The indorsement should be in the following words or words to the following effect:
(a) In the case of a judgment or order requiring a person or body corporate to do an act within a
specified time-
(b) In the case of a judgment or order requiring a person to abstain from doing an act-
If you, the within-named.................................................. disobey this judgment (or order), you will
be liable to process of execution for the purpose of compelling you to obey the same.
(c) In the case of a judgment or order requiring a body corporate to do or to abstain from doing
the act, but it is sought to take enforcement proceedings against a director or other officer of that
"If............neglect to obey this judgment (or order) by the time therein limited (or in the case of an
order to abstain from doing an act, if ...... ...................... disobey this judgment (or order), you (a
director or
officer of the said ....................................) will be liable to process of execution for the purpose of
compelling the said to obey the same."
No. 84
(O 45 r 12 (1))
(Title as in action)
To the Sheriff,
We command you that you cause to be levied and made out of the property liable to be seized
under a writ of seizure and sale which shall be identified by or on behalf of (name of execution
creditor) as belonging to (name of execution debtor) now or late of (address of execution debtor)
by seizure and if it be necessary by sale thereof $...........................which the said (name of
execution creditor) lately in Our Court recovered against the said (name of execution debtor) by a
judgment (or order or as may be) bearing the...... of .............................., 20
...... And in what manner you shall have executed this Our writ make appear to us in our said
Court immediately after the execution thereof. And have there then this writ.
This writ may not be served more than twelve months after the above date unless renewed by
order of Court.
Indorsements to be made on Writ before issue
$ C
THIS WRIT is issued
............. Solicitor for the
...... who resides
The execution debtor
Amount of judgment and
costs Subsequent costs (if
Paid to account of judgment
Remaining due
Costs of this writ
Interest on $ %
p.a. from
......................... to
Property seized
Property sold on
Expenses of Execution
No. 85
Upon the application of and upon reading the affidavit of filed the day of
20 , and upon hearing
Note: This order shall, unless registered under any written law relating to such immovable
No. 86
To the Sheriff,
We command you that, without delay, you do seize and deliver, to the above- named (name of
execution creditor) the following movable property, that is to say (describe the property delivery of
which has been adjudged or ordered) (and $ ........................... damages and $ ..........................
costs) which the said (name of execution creditor) lately in our Court recovered against the said
(name of execution debtor) by a judgment (or order or as may be) bearing the ........... day of
............, 20........
(And we further command you that if the said movable property cannot be found within
Malaya/Sabah & Sarawak you cause to be levied and made out of the property liable to be seized
under a writ of seizure and sale belonging to the said (name of execution debtor) and if necessary
by sale thereof $.............. being the assessed value of the said property).
And in what manner you have executed this our writ make appear to us in our said Court
immediately after the execution thereof. And have there then this writ.
No. 87
(Title as in action)
To the Sheriff,
Whereas lately, by a judgment of our said Court bearing the............. day of ......................... , 20
........... , it was adjudged (or ordered) that the defendant (name of defendant) do give the plaintiff
(name of plaintiff)
possession of (describe the immovable property delivery of which has been adjudged or ordered)
and do pay him $ ................................ and) $..........................costs.
We command that you enter the said immovable property and cause (name of plaintiff) to have
possession of it.
And we further command that you cause to be levied and made out of the property liable to be
seized under a writ of seizure and sale belonging to the said (name of defendant) and if
necessary by sale thereof $................. And in what manner you have executed this our writ make
appear to us in our said Court immediately after the execution thereof. And have there then this
No. 88
Let all parties concerned attend before the Judge (or Registrar) in Chambers on of ............20.......... , at ...... m on the hearing of an application on the part
of ................................... that ............................... may be at liberty to issue ..........................
execution (or writ of seizure and sale, or as may be) against the defendant (or as may be) on the
judgment herein dated the............ day of .............................. 20....... (notwithstanding that 6 years
have elapsed since such judgment, or as may be) and that the defendant (or as may be) do pay
the cost of and occasioned by this application.
This notice is taken out by the plaintiff (or as may be) of (state address) to the defendant (or as
may be).
No. 89
To the Registrar,
Please issue writ of seizure and sale against (name of execution debtor) of (address of the
execution debtor) to levy the sum of $..................... (and $ ............................... for interest thereon
at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the .............. day of..............., 20 ....... till the .......... day
of ........... , 20 ........) due under the judgment (or order) herein dated the ............... day of
.........................., 20 ....... which remains unsatisfied to the extent of $ ................
$ c
Amount adjudged
Interest as per calculation attached
Subsequent costs
Paid to account
Balance still due
Execution Creditor (or by or)
on behalf of solicitors for
(b) Praecipe for writ of delivery
To the Registrar,
Please issue writ of delivery against (name of execution debtor) of (address of execution debtor)
for delivery of (describe the movable property) under the judgment dated the
of.............20.......... which has not been delivered to me by the execution debtor in accordance
with the said judgment.
(And if the said movable property cannot be found, to levy $................ the value thereof as
assessed by the Court in the said judgment (or in an order dated
of....................... 20.........)).
To the Registrar,
No. 90
I,........................... of .......................................... being the plaintiff (or as may be) named in, and
the sole person entitled to the benefit of the judgment herein, hereby consent to a memorandum
of satisfaction of the said judgment being entered in the Cause Book.
Plaintiff (or as may be)
Advocate and Solicitor or Commissioner for Oaths
No. 91
(Title as in action)
Take notice that I have this day seized the movable property found on or upon the premises No
................ pursuant to a Writ of Seizure and Sale/Writ of Distress No ............ of 20 ......... for the
sum of $ ........ and that I value the property seized at $ .................... approximately.
Unless you pay the amount abovementioned together with costs of this execution within 7 days
from the date hereof or obtain an order of the Court to the contrary the same will be sold by public
auction on the..................... day of............................. , 20.........
and all others whom it may concern.
No. 92
Notice is hereby given that the property seized at.........on the.......... day of........., 20.... , under
writ of Distress/Seizure and Sale No ......., of 20...., will be sold by public auction on the ....... day
of ............, 20......, at m unless the amount to be levied and the fees and expenses of execution
be sooner paid.
No. 93
Upon the application of ............................... and upon reading the affidavit of .............................
filed the ..... day of ..............., 20... and upon hearing.
It is ordered that the said judgment (or order) be suspended (or that the execution issued in this
action be suspended) for (state time) upon the following terms (state terms):
Dated the ..... day of ..............., 20...
No. 94
20 , a copy of which is attached, I was directed to cause to be levied and made out of the
property liable to be seized under the writ of seizure and sale belonging to
the sum of $ .
Now I do give you notice that I hereby seize the securities specified in the Schedule
hereto to which the judgment debtor is beneficially entitled to satisfy the judgment of the
abovenamed dated .
No. 95
1. I am a................... in the employ of............ Solicitors for the plaintiff and am duly authorised to
make this affidavit on behalf of........ ...............................
2. On the............ day of......, 20........, judgment was entered for the plaintiff for $...... and $.........
costs (or as may be). The said judgment remains wholly unsatisfied (or unsatisfied as to the total
sum of $........,
or as may be).
3. In order to enable the plaintiff to decide upon the methods to employ to enforce the said
judgment, it is desired to examine the judgment debtor (or ..............., an officer of the judgment
debtor company) on the question whether any and if so what debts are owing to him (or the
judgment debtor company) and or means of satisfying the judgment debt.
4. In these circumstances, I respectively ask for an order that the said judgment debtor (or.........)
to attend before the Registrar to be examined on the said questions, and to produce upon such
examination all books or documents in his possession relevant to the said questions at the time
and place appointed for his examination.
No. 96
Upon the application of .................... and upon reading the affidavit of ................ filed the ...... day
of .................., 20 ....... and upon hearing.
Note-This order requires personal service, and the copy served must bear a copy of the
appointment of the cite for the examination, and be indorsed as prescribed by O 45 r 7 (4), when
it may be enforced by committal.
No. 97
.......................................................Judgment creditor,
..........................................................Judgment debtor.
.................................................................... Garnishee.
Upon the application of............and upon reading the affidavit of sworn to (or affirmed) and filed of................, 20..... and upon hearing .....................
It is ordered by the Judge (or Registrar) that all debts due or accruing due from the above-
mentioned garnishee to the above-mentioned judgment debtor (in the sum of $.................) be
attached to answer a judgment recovered against the said judgment debtor by the abovenamed
judgment creditor in the Court on the....... day of ......., 20... for the sum (or to answer an order
made in the Court on te........... day of.... ................., 20........ ordering payment by the said
judgment debtor to the abovenamed judgment creditor of the sum) of $ ........... (debt and $ .......
costs) (together with the costs of the garnishee proceedings) on which judgment (or order) the
sum of $ ........... remains due and unpaid.
And it is ordered that the said garnishee attend before the Judge (or Registrar) in Chambers, on
................. the day of .........., 20..... at.......m., on an application by the said judgment creditor that
the said
garnishee do pay to the said judgment creditor the debt due from the said garnishee to the said
judgment debtor, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy the said judgment (or order),
together with the costs of the garnishee proceedings.
No. 98
....................................................Judgment creditor
......................................................Judgment debtor
I,....................., of................,the abovenamed judgment creditor (or, state the name, the residence
and the occupation or description of the deponent), do make oath (or affirm) and say as follows:
1. By a judgment (or order) of the Court given in this action, and dated.... day of
............................, 20.............., it was adjudged (or ordered) that the abovenamed judgment
debtor should pay me, (or the abovenamed judgment creditor) the sum of $.................... , and
cost $ ...........
2. The said judgment (or order) still remains unsatisfied to the extent of $...................... and
interest amounting to $.........................
3. To the best of my information or belief (state the name, address and description of the
garnishee) is indebted to the judgment debtor in the sum of $................ or thereabouts, and is
within the jurisdiction of this Court. The grounds of my information and belief are (state the
sources of the deponent's information or grounds of belief).
4. I am duly authorised by the abovenamed judgment creditor to make this affidavit on his behalf.
No. 99
(a) Garnishee order absolute where garnishee owes more than judgment debt.
Upon reading the affidavit of .................................. filed the ................ day of............., 20....... ,
and the order to show cause made herein dated the ............... day of.......,20....... and upon
hearing the solicitors for the judgment creditor and the garnishee, whereby it was ordered that all
debts due or accruing due from the abovenamed garnishee to the abovenamed judgment debtor
should be attached to answer a judgment recovered against the Court on the....... day of .............,
20.........for the sum (or to answer an order made in the Court dated the .................... day of
...................., 20............. ordering payment by the said judgment debtor to the abovenamed
judgment creditor of the sum) of $.......(debt and $......... costs) (together with the costs of the
garnishee proceedings) on which judgment (or order) the sum of $....... remained due and unpaid.
It is ordered that the said garnishee do forthwith pay to the said judgment creditor (or into Court if
the judgment creditor is resident outside the scheduled territories as defined by the Exchange
Control Act 1953, or would receive payment of the said sum on behalf of a person so resident,
unless the Controller's permission under the said Act has been given unconditionally or upon
conditions which have complied with) $ .............. being so much of the debt due from the said
garnishee to the said judgment debtor as is sufficient to satisfy the said judgment debt and costs,
together with $ ................... the costs of the garnishee proceedings, and that the sail garnishee
be at liberty to retain $ ....... for his costs of this application out of the balance of the debt due from
him to the judgment debtor.
(b) Garnishee order absolute where garnishee owes less than judgment debt.
It is ordered that the said garnishee ( after deducting therefrom $......... for his costs of this
application) do forthwith pay to the said judgment creditor (or into Court if the Judgment creditor is
resident outside the scheduled territories as defined by the Exchange Control Act 1953, or would
receive payment of the said sum on behalf of a person so resident, unless the Controller's
permission under the said Act has been given unconditionally or upon conditions which have
been complied with) $ .......... the debt due from the said garnishee to the said judgment debtor.
And that the sum of $..................the costs of the judgment creditor of this application be added to
the judgment debt and be retained out of the money recovered by the said judgment creditor
under this order and in priority to the amount of the judgment debt.
No. 100
It is ordered that the judgment creditor and the garnishee proceed to the trial of an issue wherein
the said judgment creditor shall be plaintiff and the said garnishee shall be defendant, and that
the question to be tried shall be whether there was any debt due or accruing due in any and what
amount from the Judgment debtor to the said garnishee at the time the said order nisi was
served. And it is further ordered that the question of costs and all further questions be reserved to
the Judge (or Registrar) trying the same issue.
No. 101
Upon the application of ..................................... and upon reading the affidavit of .........................
filed the ................... day of........., 20..., and the order to show cause made herein on of ................., 20... and upon hearing ....................................................
It is ordered that the interest of the defendant in the sum of $ .................... stock ( or shares in the
Co. Ltd., or as may be) now standing in the name of the said defendant (or as may be) stand
charged with the payment of $..................., the amount due from the said defendant to the plaintiff
on the judgment (or order) of the Court dated the of ...................., 20... (and interest
thereon at the rate of $.............per cent per annum from the said date until payment) together
with $ ............ the costs of this application, the said costs to be added to the judgment debt.
No. 102
It is ordered by the Judge (or Registrar) that unless sufficient cause to the contrary be shown
before the Judge (or Registrar) on ........................ the ..................... day of ................,
........ m, the defendant's interest in the said stock (or shares) so standing as aforesaid shall and it
is ordered that in the meantime it do, stand charged with the payment of $ ............................ due
on the said judgment (or order) together with the costs of this application.
No. 103
In the matter of (state the settlement or under document under which the deponent's interest
arises giving the date and other particulars sufficient to identify the document)
To the Accountant-General,
Take notice that the securities comprised in and subject to the trusts of the settlement (or as may
be) referred to in the affidavit to which this notice is annexed consist of the following, namely
(specify the stock, shares, etc., stating the names in which it stands). This notice is intended to
stop the transfer of the said securities and not the payment of any dividend thereof or interest
thereon (or and also the payment of any dividend thereof or interest thereon).
(or solicitor of deponent
if affidavit sworn by him)
No. 104
(Title as in action)
Upon the hearing of the originating summons for an injunction the day made into this Court by
counsel for the applicant.
And the applicant by his counsel undertaking to abide by an order the Court may hereafter make
should it decide that the respondents ( the Accountant-General or as may be) have sustained
damage by reason of this Order and are entitled to damages which the applicant ought to pay:
It is ordered that the Accountant-General (or the ................................... Co. Ltd. or as may be) be
restrained until the ...................... day of ............., 20........ or further order from permitting the
transfer of (describe stock) standing in the name of (state name of holder of stock) in their books,
or any part thereof, and from paying any dividend or interest due or to become due thereon.
No. 105
Let the defendant ............................... attend before the Judge (or Registrar) in Chambers on
................ the................ day of............, .... m on the hearing of an application on the
part of the plaintiff for an order that a receiver be appointed (or that .............................. be
appointed receiver ) in this action to receive the rents, profits and moneys receivable in respect of
the interest of the defendant ....................... in the following property, namely (describe the
property) in or towards satisfaction of the moneys and interest due to the plaintiff under the
judgment (or order) in this action dated the .............. day of.............., 20....and for an order as to
the costs of this application.
No. 106
(a) Order directing notice for appointment of receiver and granting injunction meanwhile
Upon the application of ......................... and upon reading the affidavit of ............................ filed
the................. day of.............., 20 ........and upon hearing
It is ordered that the defendant do attend before the Judge (or Registrar) on the .................. day
of........., m. on the hearing of an application on the part of the plaintiff for the
appointment of.............
as receiver in this action, on the usual terms, to receive the rents, profits and moneys receivable
in respect of the said defendant's interest in the following property , namely (describe the
property) in or towards satisfaction of the sum of $.......debt $......costs and interest on the said
sums at the rate of $...... per cent, per annum from of ...., 20........ due under the
judgment (or order) in this action dated the....... day of......., 20......
And the plaintiff (by the solicitor) hereby undertaking to abide by any order the Court may
hereafter make should it decide that the said defendant has sustained damage by reason of this
order and is entitled to damages which the plaintiff ought to pay, it is ordered that the said
defendant by himself, his agents or servants, or otherwise be restrained, and an injunction is
hereby granted restraining him until after the hearing of the above application, from assigning,
charging or otherwise dealing with the said property.
(If security ordered). It is ordered that .................................. of on first giving security to the
satisfaction of the Registrar, be and is hereby appointed to receive the rents, profits and moneys
receivable in respect of the abovenamed defendant's interest in the following property, namely
(describe property).
(If no security ordered and receiver is not the plaintiff). The plaintiff being answerable for the acts
and defaults of the receiver, it is ordered the ......................of .................... be and is hereby
appointed to receive (continue as above) but he shall not receive more than the amount of the
judgment debt and allowed costs of obtaining this order without leave of the Court or first giving
(at the plaintiff's cost unless otherwise ordered) the usual security to the satisfaction of the
(If no security ordered and receiver is the plaintiff: as above omitting "The plaintiff being
answerable for the acts and defaults of the receiver" and the words after "the Court".)
That this appointment shall be without prejudice to the rights of any prior incumbrancers upon the
said property who think proper to take possession of or receive the same by virtue of their
respective securities or, if any prior incumbrancer is in possession, then without prejudice to such
And that the tenants of premises comprised in the said property to attorn and pay their rents in
arrear and growing rents to the receiver.
And that the receiver have liberty, if he shall think proper (but not otherwise), out of the rents,
profits and moneys to be received by him to keep down the interest upon the prior incumbrances,
according to their priorities. and he allowed such payments, if any, in passing his accounts.
And that the receiver shall on the................ day of .................. (3 months after the date of order),
and at such further and other times as may be ordered by the Registrar leave and pass his
accounts, and shall on the ................... day of.........., (4 months after date of order), and at such
further and other times as may be hereafter ordered by the Registrar pay the balance or balances
appearing due on the accounts so left or such part thereof as shall be certified as proper to be so
paid, such sums to be paid in or towards satisfaction of what shall for the time being be due in
respect of the judgment signed on the day of for the sum of $.......................... debt and
$...............costs, making together the sum of $................
And that the costs of the receiver (including his remuneration), the costs of obtaining his
appointment, of completing his security (if any) , of passing his accounts and of obtaining his
discharge shall not exceed ten per cent of the amount due under the said judgment or the amount
recovered by the receiver, whichever is the less, provided that not less than one hundred dollars
be allowed unless otherwise ordered. Such costs shall be taxed unless assessed by the Registrar
and shall be primarily payable out of the sums received by the receiver, but if there shall be no
sums received or the amount shall be insufficient, then upon the certificate of the Registrar being
given stating the amount of the deficiency, such certificate to be given after passing the final
account, the amount of the deficiency so certified shall be paid by the defendant to the plaintiff.
It is also ordered that the balance (if any) remaining in the hands of the receiver, after making the
several payments aforesaid, shall unless otherwise directed by the Registrar forthwith be paid by
the receiver into court to the credit of this action, subject to further order.
And that any of the parties be at liberty to apply to the Registrar in Chambers as there may be
No. 107
(Title as in action)
Upon application this day made unto this Court by counsel for the plaintiff and upon reading the
affidavit of ........................ filed the ................ day of......., 20............... of service on the defendant
........................... of a copy of the order of the Court dated the .............. day of ..........., 20 ........
and of notice of this application:
And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant .......................... has been
guilty of contempt of court in (state the contempt):
It is ordered that for his said contempt the defendant do stand committed to prison to be there
imprisoned (until further order).
(It is further ordered that this order shall not be executed if the defendant ..........................
compiles with the following terms, namely, ......................).
No. 108
Whereas by an Order of this Court pronounced this day it was ordered that the abovenamed
............ do stand committed to........ prison for his contempt in the said Order mentioned.
These are therefore to command you the Sheriff and every Police Officer to apprehend the said
............ and him safely convey to ..................... prison there to be detained and kept in safe
No. 109
AB .............. Applicant
CD .............. Respondent
Take Notice that the Court will be moved on .............. , the .............. day of .............. , 20
.............. , by the
The grounds in support of this application are those appearing in the Statement filed herewith.
The affidavit of .............. , Affirmed on the .............. day of .............. , 20 .............. , and filed
herein shall be read in support of this application.
No. 110
AB .............. Applicant
CD .............. Respondent
Take Notice that leave to apply for judicial review having been granted on the .............. day of
.............. , 20 .............. , the substantive application for the relief sought herein shall be heard in
open court on .............. , the .............. day of .............. , 20 .............. , at 9 a.m. or so soon
thereafter as counsel may be heard.
And further take notice that a copy of the statement and all affidavits in support are herewith
served upon you.
(2) All other parties upon whom service has been directed.
No. 111
Take notice that .............................(1) being dissatisfied with the decision of the
Sessions/MAGISTRATES' Court after trial at ............................. given on the ..... day of ...............,
20..., appeals to the High Court against either/or the whole of the said decision such part of the
said decision as decides that
(set out details)
Dated the ..... day of ............... 20...
Appellant/Solicitor for the Appellant
The Registrar, Sessions Court at .............................
The Magistrate at .............................
and to
(1) Insert name of appellant.
(2) Insert name and address of respondent or respondents.
No. 111A
Take notice that .............................(1) being dissatisfied with the decision of the
Sessions/MAGISTRATES' Court other than a decision made after trial at ............................. given
on the ..... day of ..............., 20..., appeals to the High Court against either/or the whole of the said
decision such part of the said decision as decides that
(set out details)
Dated the ..... day of ............... 20...
Appellant/Solicitor for the Appellant
The Registrar, Sessions Court at .............................
The Magistrate at .............................
and to
(1) Insert name of appellant.
(2) Insert name and address of respondent or respondents.
No. 112
...................................................................... )
A. B., the appellant abovenamed, appeals to the Court against the whole/part of the decision of
the Sessions Court / Magistrates' Court at ................. given on the ................. day of
.......................20.........on the following grounds-
Appellant / Solicitor for the Appellant
To the Registrar and the respondent.
Note - Insert number of proceedings in Court below and the
names of the parties thereto.
Form 112 was inserted by the Rules of the High Court (Amendment) (No 2) Rules 1981 (PU(A)
126/81)para 7.
No. 113
A B., ...............................................................Appellant
Note - Insert number of proceedings in Court below and the
names of the parties thereto.
Take notice that, on the hearing of the above appeal ...............................the respondent above-
named, will contend that the decision of the Sessions Court /Magistrates' Court at ............ given
on of .................,20............ought to be varied to the extend and on the grounds
hereinafter set out:
Solicitor for the Respondent
No. 114
Take notice, that the abovenamed plaintiff (or defendant) intends to appeal against the decision
of the Registrar given on the of........., 20........ ordering (or refusing to order) (
state in full the
order appealed against).
Solicitor for the................
And further take notice, that you are required to attend before the Judge in Chambers
on.........., of........., 20.... at........ m, on the hearing of an application by the said
plaintiff (or defendant), that (state the order sought to be obtained).
No. 115
Take notice that this action has been transferred to the Court pursuant to an order of that Court.
No. 116
(General Title)
Take notice that the High Court Suit No. ...........of 20......has been transferred to this Court and
numbered as Summons No................... of 20......and that you are required to attend
the..................... Court at........................................on..................... of........,
20..........,at..........m. for such directions as to the further conduct of the proceedings.
No. 117
No Particulars Amount
1. Getting Up (A)
Total of Items
Filing Fees
Witnesses allowances
Translation services
Miscellaneous (Particularize)
No. 118
CAUSE BOOK (O 60 r 2)
$c $c
No. 119
No. 120
No. 121
No. 122
No. 123
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Serial Date Natur Number Name Name Amou Prope Date
No. of e of of of of nt rty or Recei
issue Writ Proceedi Plainti Defend Premi ved
ngs ff and ant ses to by
Addre and be Sheriff
ss Addres
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Date of Where Number Order Date of Gross Date Remark
Executi Execute of any on sale or amount Writ s
on d applicat Applicat release realised returne
ion for ion d
No. 124
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Seri Date Originat Num Nam Name Mont Peri Rent Date
al of ing ber e and hly od Due recei
No issu Applica and and Addres rent Fro ved
e tion No Addr Addr s of m To by
ess ess Defend Sheri
of of ant ff
applic plain
ant tiff
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Date of Where Number Order Date of Gross Date Remark
Executi Execute of on Sale or Amount Writ s
on d Applicati Applicat Releas Realise returne
on for ion ed d d
ge or
No. 125
No. 126
CAVEAT BOOK (O 60 r 2)
No. 127
No. 128
No. 129
(Title as in action)
Ledger Account (if the same as the cause state "as above).
The Accountant-General is hereby directed to receive (the sum of $.........) (paid in on behalf of
the defendant ................. in satisfaction of the claim of the plaintiff ........................ or the funds
and securities
specified in the schedule hereto or as may be).
Note - Where funds are lodged in Court not being moneys paid in under the provisions of Order
14 or as security for costs or in satisfaction of a judgment or order, but are to be lodged under an
order comprising funds of various natures and directing lodgement by one or more persons, a
single direction may be issued, and the particulars stated in a schedule to the direction, e.g.:
Money Securities
$ $
(b) For Payments Out
Ledger Account (if the same as the cause state "as above")
The Accountant-General is hereby directed to pay to (insert the name of person to be paid and
whether as plaintiff or defendant or as solicitor to plaintiff or defendant) the sum of dollars (in
words at length) $..... lodged in Court in the above cause or matter on behalf of the defendant
................. in satisfaction of the claim of the plaintiff ................. (or as may be).
Ledger Account (if the same as the cause state "as above")
I hereby certify that under Order dated of............. 20........ the sums stated in the
schedule subjoined hereto amounting in the whole to $........... have been ascertained to be the
sums payable under the said Order to the persons respectively named in respect of (state in what
character paid).
No. 130
No. 132
No. 133
(Title as in action)
Upon the application of .................. the plaintiff in this action and upon reading the affidavit
of................. filed the............... day of ........., 20...... and upon hearing.
It is ordered that service of a copy of this order, and a copy of the writ in this action by sending
the same by a prepaid registered post letter addressed to the defendant............ at ................(or
such other substituted service as may be ordered) shall be good and sufficient service of the writ.
No. 134
(Title as in action)
I have made all reasonable efforts and used all due means in my power to serve the said writ, but
I have not been able to do so.
Note - The affidavit should also specify the method of substituted service asked for, and state that
if such service is ordered it will probably be effectual in bringing the writ (or as may be) to the
knowledge of the defendant. If the defendant is evading service the affidavit should so state.
No. 135
(Title as in action)
1. I did on ..............the .......... day of......... 20......, at (state where) personally serve (the
abovenamed defendant) (or one of the abovenamed defendants) (or a partner in the above
named defendant firm of .......& Co.) (or the person (the insertion of the name is not essential)
having at the time of such service the control or management of the said partnership business)
(or as may be) with a true copy of the writ (or as may be) in this action which appeared to me to
have been regularly issued out of the Registry of the Court against (the abovenamed defendant)
(or the abovenamed defendants) (or as may be) at the suit of (the abovenamed plaintiff) (or
plaintiffs) (or as may be) and which was dated the of ....., 20...........
2. The defendant (or as may be) (is known to me) (or was pointed out to me by .................) (or
admitted to me that he was..........................)
3. At the time of the said service the said writ (or as may be) and the copy thereof were
subscribed (and indorsed) in the manner and form prescribed by the Rules of Court 2012.
4. I did on the ............ day of ................indorse on the said writ the day of the month and the
week of the said service on the said defendant.
1. I did on ..........the ........ day of ............... 20....... (date of posting), serve ............. the
abovenamed defendant (or as may be) with a true copy of the writ (or as may be) in this action,
which appeared to me to have been regularly issued out of the Registry of the Court against the
abovenamed defendant (or as may be) at the suit of the abovenamed plaintiff (or as may be), and
which was dated the............ day of.................... 20......... by leaving the same at (place of service)
((or sending the same on the day of .................., 20......, by prepaid registered post address the
registered office of the said defendant (or as may be) (and as in paragraph (3) etc. of (a) above).
Note- This form may be used with necessary alterations for a foreign company registered in
Malaysia under the Companies Act 1965 but the affidavit must state that the company is a foreign
company registered pursuant to the said Act and that service is being effected on the person
authorised by registration in Malaysia to accept service on behalf of the defendant under the said
2. That the said writ (or as may be) appeared to me to have been regularly issued out of the
Registry of the Court against the abovenamed defendant (or as may be) at the suit of the
abovenamed plaintiff (or as may be) and was dated the ......... day of ..........., 20........... (and as in
paragraph (4) etc. of (a) above).
1. I did on ............. the ............. day of ....... 20........, serve the abovenamed defendant with notice
of the writ in this action and of the order for service by advertisement dated the........ day of ....,
20.........., by causing to be inserted once in (names of paper or papers as ordered) an
advertisement in the words following namely:
2. The advertisement aforesaid appeared in the (name of paper) on the ...... day of........, 20.......,
(and in the (name of paper) on the............... day of................).
Take notice that an action has been commenced against you in the Court in Suit No
......................... of 20......... By................... of ............................................, in which the plaintiff's
claim is for (state very shortly the nature of claim and the amount (if any) claimed in the
indorsement on the writ).
And that it has been ordered that service of the writ in the said action on you be effected by this
advertisement. If you desire to defend the said action you must within ........... days from the
publication of this advertisement, inclusive of the day of such publication, enter an appearance at
the Registry of the Court. In default of such appearance judgment may be entered against you.
Solicitor for the.................
1. I did on ..................... The .............. day of ..............., 20......, at...... personally serve the
abovenamed defendant (or plaintiff) with a true copy of the order (or judgment) dated .......... in
this action, now produced and shown to me marked ................... (or recite operative part of order
or judgment).
2. The copy of the said order (or judgment) so served as aforesaid had indorsed thereon when so
served the words following, that is to say "If you the within named neglect to obey this order (or
judgment) by the time-therein limited you will be liable to process of execution for the purpose of
compelling you to obey the same order (or judgment)".
No. 136
To the Registrar.
Take notice that (name of new solicitor', of ......................., has (or have) been appointed to act as
the solicitor of the abovenamed; plaintiff; or defendant ; (if for one or more of several defendants
naming the defendant or defendants)) in this action, in the place of (name of original solicitor).
To the abovenamed defendant (or plaintiff) or his (or their) solicitor and to (naming the former
solicitor of the plaintiff (or defendant)).
No. 137
To the Registrar,
Take notice that I, ......................................... the abovenamed plaintiff (or defendant) intend to act
in person in this action in the place of ........................... and that my address for service is ...........
To the abovenamed defendant (or plaintiff) and to (naming the former solicitor of the plaintiff (or
No. 138
Let all parties concerned attend before the Judge (or Registrar) in Chambers on .................... the
................. day of ............, 20....... at ..............m. on the hearing of an application on the part of
(name of party applying) the abovenamed plaintiff (or defendant) for an order declaring that
(name of solicitor who has ceased to act) of (address) ...... .............................. has ceased to be
the solicitor acting for you the abovenamed plaintiff (or defendant) in this action (or matter).
This notice is taken out by .............................. of solicitor for the ........ in person. To (name of
party whose solicitor has ceased to act).
No. 139
(Title as in action)
Mr .......... Solicitor for ..... in this action (or matter) having (died, become bankrupt or
any other reason for removal) and the said (name of party formerly represented by solicitor)
having failed to give notice of change of solicitor or notice of intention to act in person and notice
of the .............. application having been duly served upon the said (name of party formerly
represented by solicitor).
Upon the application of ................................... and upon reading the affidavit of .........................
filed the ............... day of ..........., 20.......... and upon reading.
It is ordered that the said .............. ceases to be the solicitor acting for the said (name of party
formerly represented by solicitor) in this action (for matter).
No. 140
Let all parties concerned attend before the Judge (or Registrar) in Chambers on .............. the
......... day of .........................., 20....... at .................m. on the hearing of an application on the part
of (name of solicitor withdrawing), the solicitor for the said (name of party represented by solicitor)
the abovenamed plaintiff (or defendant) for an order declaring that the said (name of solicitor
withdrawing) has ceased to be the solicitor acting for the said plaintiff (or defendant) in the above
action (or matter) and that the costs of this application be ...............
This notice is taken out by ......................... of ................... solicitor for the ...............
No. 141
Mr ............................... the solicitor for ....................... a plaintiff (or a defendant) in this action (or
matter) having duly served notice of the application on the said .....................
Upon the application of ................................... and upon reading the affidavit of .............. filed the
................ day of ..........., 20......... and upon hearing.
It is ordered that upon compliance with the requirements of Order 64, rule 5 (1) of the Rules of
Court 2012, the said .................. ceases to be the solicitor acting for the said ..................... in this
action (or matter).
No. 142
I, ............................., Registrar of the Court of Malaya/Sabah & Sarawak hereby certify that the
documents annexed hereto are as follows:
(2) A copy of the evidence of service upon the person named in the process.
And I certify that such service so proved, and the proof thereof, are such as are required by the
law and practice of the Court regulating the service of legal process in Malaya/Sabah & Sarawak,
and the proof thereof.
And I certify that the cost of effecting such service, as duly certified by me amounts to the sum of
$ ...........................
No. 143
And the matter of a judgment of the (describe the Court) obtained in (described the proceedings)
and dated the ........ day of ......., 20......
Upon the application of ....................................... the judgment creditor in this action and upon
reading the affidavit of................... filed the ..................... day of ............., 20........(and upon the
judgment creditor giving security in the sum of $ ........................ by payment into Court, or bond
to the satisfaction of the Registrar).
It is ordered that the judgment dated of ..................... 20............., of the (describe the
foreign Court) whereby it was adjudged that the abovenamed (name of judgment creditor) of
.......................... do recover against the abovenamed (name of judgment debtor) of
.........................(amount due under the judgment) which is equivalent in Ringgit to $.......... for
debt and $........ for costs (or as may be) be registered as a judgment of the High Court pursuant
to the Ordinance.
It is further ordered that the abovenamed (name of judgment debtor) be at liberty to apply to set
aside the said registration within .................. days after service upon him (within the
jurisdiction}(or name of foreign country if to be served abroad) of notice of such registration
pursuant to rule 7 of Order 67 if he has grounds for so doing, and execution upon the said
judgment will not issue until after the expiration of that period or any extension of the period
granted by the Court; or if an application be made to set aside the registration until such
application has been disposed of.
No. 144
I, ..................................... Registrar of the High Court of Malaya/Sabah & Sarawak hereby certify
that the judgment obtained by ............................. plaintiff (or defendant) against .......................
defendant (or plaintiff) in this action on the ..................... day of ................, 20.... for payment of
the sum of $ ................. and $............... costs carries interest at the rate of ................ per centum
per annum calculated on the said sums of $.............. and $................ from the date of the said
judgment until payment.
No. 145
I, ................................ Registrar of the High Court of Malaya/Sabah & Sarawak hereby certify that
the writ (or as may be). a copy of which is hereunto annexed, was issued out of the Registry of
the High Court on the .............. day of...................... 20 .... by .................. the abovenamed
plaintiff against ................. the abovenamed defendant, for payment of the sum of $............. in
respect of (state shortly nature of claim or ground of action).
That the said writ was duly served on the ............... day of ........... 20.........., upon the said
defendant (state mode of service) (that the said defendant duly appeared to the said writ on the
...... day of ...., 9.....).
That the said plaintiff obtained judgment against the said defendant for payment of the sum of
$..... in respect of (state shortly nature of claim or terms of judgment), together with the sum of
$............. for costs, which judgment was obtained (state grounds on which judgment was based).
That (no) objection has been made to the jurisdiction of the Court (on the grounds that
No. 146
................................................................ Plaintiffs
................................................................ Defendants
To: The (owners of and other) persons interested in the ship of the port of ................... (or cargo,
etc., as may be).
We command you that within eight days after the service of this writ, inclusive of the day of
service, you do cause an appearance to be entered for you in an action at the suit of
..........................; and take notice that in default of your so doing the plaintiffs may proceed
therein, and judgment may be given in your absence, and if the res described in this writ is then
under arrest of the Court it may be sold by order of the Court.
WITNESS ............... Registrar of the High Court at................... the of .........., 20..........
Plaintiff's Solicitors
High Court,...............
Memorandum to be subscribed on the Writ
This writ may not be served more than twelve calendar months after the above date unless
renewed by order of Court.
The defendants may appear hereto by entering appearances either personally or by Solicitor at
the Registry of the High Court at ........................ The defendants appearing personally may, if
they desire, enter their appearances by post, and the appropriate forms may be obtained by
sending a Postal Order for $....................... with an addressed envelope to the Registrar, High
Court ............................
(If the plaintiffs sue, or the defendants are sued, in a representative capacity, this must be stated
in the indorsement of claim).
This writ is issued by .................................... of ......................... solicitor for the said plaintiffs
whose address is ................... (or where the plaintiffs sue in person. This writ was issued by the
said plaintiffs who resides at ................. and is (state occupation) and (if the plaintiffs do not
reside within the jurisdiction) whose address for service is ...................).
Indorsement as to service
This writ was served by ................................. by way of personal service (or as may be) (state
manner of service or in accordance with the terms of an order for substituted service) on the
defendant (who is known to me) (or who was pointed out to me by ...................) or who admitted
to me that he was ...........................) at (place) on .................. the ........ day of ......................,
Process Server
No. 147
(Title as in Form 146)
To the Sheriff,
No. 148
Solicitors for the plaintiffs
No. 149
Solicitors for the..................
No. 150
We................................... of ................................... solicitors for the plaintiffs request that the writ
left herewith be duly served on...........................................................
Solicitors for the plaintiffs
No. 151
Release (O 70 r 12 (1))
(Title as in Form 146)
To the Sheriff,
Whereas in this action we did command you to arrest the .......................... and to keep the same
under safe arrest until you should receive further orders from us. Now we do hereby command
you to release the said .............................. from the arrest effected by virtue of our warrant in this
Sheriff's indorsement
No. 152
solicitors for the..................
No. 153
Solicitors for the..................
No. 154
Solicitors for the..................
No. 155
Whereas this Admiralty action in rem against the abovementioned property is pending in the High
Court and the parties to the said action are the above- mentioned plaintiffs and defendants:
Now, therefore, we ............... of ......................and ................. hereby jointly and severally submit
ourselves to the jurisdiction of the said Court and consent that if they, the abovementioned
defendants (or plaintiffs, in the case of a counterclaim) do not pay what may be adjudged against
them in this action, with costs, or do not pay any sum due to be paid by them in consequence of
any admission of liability therein or under any agreement by which this action is settled before
judgment and which is filed in the said Court, execution may issue against us, our executors or
administrators, movable property, for the amount unpaid or an amount of dollars whichever is the
Solicitors for the....................
This bail bond was signed by the said ...................................... and............................, the sureties,
the ..................... day of......................................................, 20................
Before me,
Commissioner for Oaths.
No. 156
Solicitors for the..................
No. 157
To the Sheriff,
Whereas in this action the Court has ordered (description of property giving name, if a ship) to be
appraised and sold.
We hereby authorise and command you to choose one or more experienced persons and to
swear him or them to appraise the said ....................................... according to the true value
thereof, and such value having been certified in writing by him or them to cause the said
.............................. to be sold by (private treaty or public auction) for the highest price that can be
obtained for it, but not for less than the appraised value unless the Court on your application
allows it to be sold for less.
And we further command you, immediately upon the sale being completed, to pay the proceeds
thereof into Court and to file the certificate of appraisement signed by you and the appraiser or
appraisers, and an account of the sale signed by you, together with this commission. Witness
............ Registrar of the in ............the .............. day of ........, 20.....
No. 158
Principal Registry, Kuala Lumpur/Kuching.
An application for Probate (or Letters of Administration) (or Caveat) has been filed by
......................the ............ day of.........., 20........
High Court
Subordinate Courts.
High Court
The Registrar,
High Court.
Subordinate Courts
No. 159
.............................. . A copy of the list of Beneficiaries named in the said Will of the said deceased
is now produced and shown to me and marked as exhibit and annexed hereto.
4. The Applicant is the (5) ............................................................
5. .............................. of .............................. and .............................. of .............................. has (or
have) a prior right to the Applicant being (6) .............................. and .............................. of
.............................. has (or have) an equal right to the Originating Summons being (6)
.............................. but he on the ... day of ..............., 20... by writing signed by ..............................
renounced such right.
6. There is .............................. minority (or life) interest in the estate of the said (7)
7. (The Applicant desires that .............................. of (8) .............................. be appointed co-
administrator with him of the estate of the said deceased. The consent in writing of the said
.............................. so to be appointed is hereto annexed).
8. The Applicant prays that Letters of Administration of the Estate and Effects of the said
.............................. may be granted to him as (9).............................
The address for service of the Applicant is ..............................
I, .............................. the Applicant do make oath (or affirm) and say that the contents of the
foregoing Originating Summons are to the best of my knowledge and belief in all respects true.
Sworn (or affirmed) as in Form 74.
.............................. has an equal right to the said .............................. to letters of administration
being (state relationship) but he on the ... day of ..............., 20... by writing signed by him
renounced such right.
6. There is a (or no) minority and a (or) life interest in the estate of the said ..............................
namely (set out the minority and life interest, stating the name, age and interest of each minor
7. The applicant company by a resolution of their board of directors, a copy whereof under the
Seal of the applicant company is filed herewith, have authorised .............................. an officer of
the applicant company to make, swear and sign the originating summons on their behalf.
8. The applicant company prays that Letters of Administration of Estate and Effects of the said
.................... may be granted to it.
The address for service of the applicant company is ..............................
I, .............................. an officer of the applicant company duly authorised by the applicant
company for this purpose do make oath/(or affirm) and say that the contents of the foregoing
Originating Summons are to the best of my knowledge and belief in all respects true.
Sworn (or affirmed) as in Form 74.
Note-In a Originating Summons for probate where there is one executor or executrix only named
in the will, he or she should be described as the sole executor or the sole executrix and in a
originating summons for Letters of Administration all persons entitled to any part of the estate
should be disclosed.
(1) State country e.g. Malaysia, Singapore.
(2) Religion e.g. Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim (if a Muslim state Madzhab to which he
(3) A widower, widow, spinster or bachelor.
(4) His only or one of the lawful widows (or her lawful husband) and state the next-of-kin (in case
of children state name, sex, and age or date of birth).
(5) Descriptions to be used where the person applying for Letters of Administration is:
(a) a widow "the lawful widow", or, if the deceased was of a religion allowing polygamy, as "the
only lawful widow" or "one of the lawful widows", as the case may be;
(b) a husband as "the lawful husband";
(c) a father "the lawful father and next-of-kin";
(d) a mother "the lawful mother and next-of-kin", or "the lawful mother and only next-of-kin";
(e) a child "the lawful and only child and only next-of-kin" or "one of the lawful children and next-
(f) a brother "the lawful brother";
(g) a sister "the lawful sister";
the brother or sister shall further be described as "one of the next-of-kin" or the "only next-of-kin";
(h) a nephew "the lawful nephew" and "one of the" or "only next-of-kin";
(i) a niece "the lawful niece" and "one of the" or "only next-of-kin"; if a brother or sister is living
and the nephew or niece being the child of a brother or sister of the intestate who died in his life-
time applies for administration he or she shall be described as "one of the persons entitled in
distribution to the estate and effects of the deceased";
(j) grandparent grandchild, cousin, etc., shall be described as "lawful" and "one of the next-of-kin"
or "only next-of-kin".
(6) State relationship.
(7) Set out the minority or life interest stating the name, age and interest of each minor entitled.
(8) State relationship, if any, to deceased.
(9) Set out the capacity of the applicant as in (5) above or as may be.
No. 160
RENUNCIATION (O 71 r 31 (4))
(Title as in Form 6)
(a) Of Administration
Whereas the abovenamed deceased ........................ of ................ who at the time of his (her)
death had property within Malaya/Sabah & Sarawak died on the.................................. day of
.............., 20....., at.... intestate leaving me (insert name) ................................his (her)
................................ and next-of-kin:
Now, I................................., do hereby renounce all my right and title to letters of administration of
the estate of the said deceased.
Before me,
(or Commissioner for Oaths)
(b) Of Probate
Whereas the abovenamed deceased ....................... of ................. who at the time of his (her)
death had property within Malaya/ Sabah & Sarawak died on the ........................ day of............,
20............, at ........ having made and duly executed his (her) last will and testament bearing date
the .................. day of ...................., 20...... (with a codicil ..................thereto bearing date of......., 20....) and thereof appointed me the sole (or) one of the executor(s):
Now, I..................................., do hereby declare that I have not intermeddled in the estate of the
said deceased and will not hereafter intermeddle therein with intent to defraud creditors; and I do
hereby renounce all my right and title to the Probate and execution of the said will.
Before me,
(or Commissioner for Oaths)
No. 161
I (We) ....................................... of do make oath (or affirm) and say that I (we) will faithfully
administer the estate and effects of ......................... deceased by paying his debts so far as his
estate and effects will extend and the law requires, and distributing the residue of his estate and
effects according to law, and that I (we) will render a just and true account of my (our)
administration when I (we) shall be thereto lawfully required.
No. 162
Before me,
(Commissioner for Oaths)
No. 163
GRANTS (O 71 r 35)
(Title as in Form 6)
(a) Of Probate
BE IT KNOWN that at the date hereunder-written the Last Will and Testament (with codicils if
such is the case) .................... (a copy whereof is hereunto annexed) of .................... late
of................ deceased who died on the ................ day of ......................... at ..................... leaving
property situate within the jurisdiction of this Court, was proved before this Court, and that
Administration of all and singular the movable and immovable property of the deceased situate
within the jurisdiction was granted by this Court to ...... ........................... sole executor (or one of
the executors or as the case may be) named in the said Will he (or they) being first sworn well
and faithfully to administer the same, by paying the just debts of the deceased and the legacies
contained in his Will (or will and codicils) and to render a just and true account thereof whenever
lawfully required.
BE IT KNOWN that at the date hereunder-written Letters of Administration of all and singular the
movable and immovable property situate within the jurisdiction of ........................... late of No
..........................., deceased, who died on of........................., 20........, leaving
property situate within the Jurisdiction of the Court were granted to (;insert the name and
character in which the Grant is taken) ......................... he having been first sworn well and
faithfully to administer the same by paying the just debts of the deceased and distributing the
residue of his property according to law and to render a just and true account of his administration
whenever lawfully required.
intermeddled in the property of the said deceased and afterwards died on the ............. day
of.........., 20....., leaving part thereof unadministered and that on the .......... day of ....., 20....
Letters of Administration of the said property so left nadministered were granted by this Court to
(insert the name and character in which grant was taken) he having been first sworn well and
faithfully to administer the same by paying the just debts of the said intestate and distributing the
residue of such his property according to law and to render a just and true account of his
administration whenever lawfully required.
BE IT KNOWN that the last Will and Testament (a copy w hereof is hereunto annexed) of
................................. late of ..................... deceased, was on the ...................... day of ...............,
20...... proved in the High Court and Probate thereof was granted to................. the Executor (or
one of the executors) named therein who after taking such Probate died leaving the
administration of the estate of the deceased incomplete and without having by his will appointed
any executor thereto and be it further known that on the ......................... day of .....................,
20...... letters of administration with the said will annexed of all and singular the movable and
immovable property of the deceased situate within the jurisdiction and left unadministered as
aforesaid were granted by this Court to (insert the name and character in which the Grant is
taken) he having been first sworn well and faithfully to administer the same according to the said
will and to pay the just debts of the said deceased, and the legacies in the said will contained as
far as the said property of the deceased shall extend and the law requires and to render a just
and true account thereof when lawfully required.
Dated the ....................... day of ......................, 20.........
(e) To an Attorney
As in (b) above inserting after granted to........... the duly constituted attorney of .....................(one
of the lawful children and next-of-kin of the said deceased or as may be) for the use and benefit
of the said .................. until he shall obtain a grant of letters of administration to himself.
(f) To a Guardian
As in (b) above inserting after ;granted to .........; as the legal guardian of ........................... the
lawful infant children and next-of-kin of the said deceased, limited until one of the said infants
shall obtain a grant to himself.
No. 164
CAVEAT (O 71 r 37 (3))
(Title as in Form 6 or as may be)
Let no grant be sealed in the estate of........................... late of............................. deceased, who
died on the ..................... day of ............, 20..... at ................................ unknown to .....................
of ..................... having interest as (here describe the nature of the interest).
No. 165
You are hereby warned within 14 days after service hereof upon you, inclusive of the day of such
(1) to file a notice of appearance in Form 166 either in person or by your solicitor at the Registry
of the High Court, setting forth what interest you have in the estate of the abovenamed
of ....................................... deceased, contrary to that of the party at whose instance this warning
is issued; or
(2) if you have no contrary interest but wish to show cause against the sealing of a grant to such
party, to issue and serve a notice for directions by the Registrar
And take notice that in default of your so doing the Court may proceed to issue a grant of probate
or administration in the said estate notwithstanding your caveat
Issued at the instance of (here set out the name and interest including the date of the will, if any,
under which the interest arises) of the party warning, the name of his solicitor and the address for
service. (If the party warning is acting in person, this must be stated).
No. 166
Enter an appearance for the abovenamed caveator (or person cited) in this matter.
Solicitors for the............
No. 167
CITATIONS (O 71 r 41 (1))
(Title as in Form 6 or as may be)
To..................................... of .................................
And whereas it also appears that ........................ is the natural and lawful brother of the said
...................... deceased and the natural and lawful son of you ..........................
Now this is to require you, the said............................... that, within 14 days after service hereof,
including the day of such service, you do cause an appearance to be entered by you in the
Registry of the High Court, and accept or refuse letters of administration of the estate of the said
deceased or show cause why the same should not be granted to the said ................................
And take notice that in default of your so appearing and accepting and extracting the said letters
of administration the Court will proceed in the premises according to law, your absence
To ...................................... of ...............................
Whereas it appears by the affidavit of.............. filed the ........... day of ........., 20.....that, ....... of
............deceased died on the ............. day of ............, 20..... at ............. having made and duly
executed his last will and testament bearing date ............. (and now remaining in the Registry)
and therein appointed you. the aid........... the sole executor (or sole executor and residuary
legatee and devisee or as may be):
And whereas it further appears by the said affidavit that the said ......... is a creditor (or a legatee
named in the said will or as may be):
Now this is to require you, the said .......... that, within 14 days after the service hereof, including
the day of such service, you do cause an appearance to be entered by you in the Registry of the
High Court, and accept or refuse probate and execution of the said will (or as may be) of the said
deceased, or show cause why the same should not be granted to the said ................ as creditor
of the said deceased (or as may be):
And take notice that in default of your so appearing and accepting and extracting the said probate
of the said will the Court will proceed in the premises according to law, your absence
To ..................................... of ................................
Whereas it appears by an affidavit of.................... filed the .............. day of ........, 20........, that
probate of the alleged last will and testament of................... of.......deceased, was, on the
............... day of ...................... 20...............granted to you by the High Court: And whereas it is
alleged in the said affidavit that the said deceased made and duly executed his last will and
testament, dated the .................. day of .................... 20......, and thereof appointed the said
.................. executor (or as may be) and that the said probate ought to be called in revoked, and
declared null and void in law:
Now this is to require you, the said .................... that, within 14 days after service hereof on you,
inclusive of the day of such service, you do bring into and leave in the Registry of the High Court,
the aforesaid probate in order that the said ......................... may proceed in due course of law for
the evocation of the same.
(d) Citation to Bring in Probate (Intestacy Alleged)
To ....................................... of ..............................
Whereas it appears by the affidavit of ...................... filed the ..................... day of .........., 20......,
that probate of the alleged last will and testament of ........................ of deceased, was on the of ........, 20.......... granted to you by the High Court, and that the said
deceased died a bachelor, leaving the said .........................., his natural and lawful father and
next-of-kin: And whereas it is alleged in the said affidavit that the said deceased died intestate,
and that the said probate ought to be called in, revoked, and declared null and void at law:
Now this is to require you, the said........... that, within 14 days after service hereof on you,
inclusive of the day of such service, you do bring into and leave in the Registry of the High Court,
the aforesaid probate in order that the said ................. may proceed in due course of law for the
revocation of the same.
To ..................................... of ................................
Whereas it appears by the affidavit of ................. filed the .............. day of ..........., 20....., that
letters of administration of all the estate and effects of .............., deceased, were, on the .........
day of ....., 20....., granted to you by the High Court: And whereas it is alleged in the said affidavit
that the said deceased made and duly executed his last will and testament, dated the ..............
day of.........., 20...., and thereof appointed the said .........., executor (or as may be), and that the
said letters of administration ought to be called in, revoked and declared null and void in law:
Now this is to require you, the said ....... that, within 14 days after service hereof on you, inclusive
of the day of such service, you do bring into and leave in the Registry of the High Court, the
aforesaid letters of administration in order that the said ......, may proceed in due course of law for
the revocation of the same.
(f) Citation to Bring in Administration (Administrator alleged not to be entitled)
To .................................... of .................................
Whereas it appears by the affidavit of ....................... filed the ....................... day of ......., 20...... ,
that letters of administration of all the estate and effects of ............................. of ........................,
deceased, were, on the ......... day of ....... 20....., granted to you by the High Court, as the natural
and lawful brother and one of the next-of-kin of the said deceased:
And whereas it is alleged in the said affidavit that you are not one of the next-of-kin of the said
deceased, and that ............................... is the said lawful son and only next-of-kin (or as may be)
and that the said letters of administration ought to be called in, revoked, and declared null and
void in law:
Now this is to require you, the said ....................... that, within 14 days after service hereof on you,
inclusive of the day of such service, you do bring into and leave in the Registry of the High Court,
the aforesaid letters of administration in order that the said ............. may proceed in due course of
law for the revocation of the same.
To ............................. of .............................
Whereas it appears by the affidavit of ......................... filed the ................. day of ............., 20.....,
that there is now pending in the High Court, Probate suit entitled ............................ and another
against ........................., No............ of 20........, wherein the plaintiffs are proceeding to prove in
solemn form of law the alleged last will and testament, dated of ...........................,
20.......,at ..............
And whereas it further appears by the said affidavit that you are the natural and lawful .............
and one of the next-of-kin of the said deceased (or a legatee under the alleged will, dated..........
or as may be).
Now this is to give notice to you, the said ...................... to appear in the said suit either
personally or by your solicitor, should you think it for your interest so to do, at any time during the
dependence of the said suit and before final judgment shall be given therein. And take notice that,
in default of your so doing, the said Court will proceed to hear the said will proved in solemn form
of law and pronounce judgment in the said suit, your absence notwithstanding.
No. 168
BE IT KNOWN that this having been produced, and a copy thereof deposited
with this Court, is now sealed this day of 20 pursuant to the Probate
and Administration Act (Chapter 251) on the application of .
No. 169
O.S. No. )
of 20 . )
Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Grant, which was issued under the seal
of your Court, was, on the date herein stated, resealed in the Registry of the Court.
No. 170
By a judgment (or order) of this Court dated the .................... day of ................................, 20.........
it was adjudged (or ordered) that ........................................... (give particulars of the judgment or
No. 171
To the Sheriff,
Whereas it has been shown to the satisfaction of the Court that ................................... the
abovenamed judgment debtor is about to abscond:
You are hereby commanded to arrest the said ............................ and to bring him forthwith before
the Court and if the Court is not sitting to deliver him to the officer- in-charge of the
.......................... Prison, there to be kept until the next sitting of the Court when you are to bring
him forthwith before the Court.
And you are hereby further required forthwith, after the execution of this order, to return the same
into this Court, with the place, time and mode of execution indorsed thereon.
No. 172
To the Bailiff.
Whereas a Judgment Debtor Summons was personally served on ............................. a judgment
debtor. And whereas the said .............................. failed to appear on the ..... day of ................,
20... (pursuant to the said Judgment Debtor Summons) you are hereby commanded to arrest the
said ..............................and to bring him forthwith before the Court and if the Court is not sitting to
deliver him to the officer-in-charge of the ............................. Prison there to be kept until the next
sitting of the Court when you are to bring him forthwith before the Court.
And you are hereby further required forthwith, after the execution of this Order to return the same
into this Court, with the place, time and mode of execution indorsed thereon.
Dated the ..... day of ..............., 20...
Entered No..........of 20...
No. 173
To the Sheriff,
Whereas ........................... the plaintiff in the above action has proved to the satisfaction of the
Court that there is reason able cause for believing that the defendant (here state the reasons for
the order):
You are hereby ordered to arrest the said ................................... and to bring him forthwith before
the Court and if the Court is not sitting to deliver him to the office-in-charge of the
............................... Prison there to be kept until the next sitting of the Court when you are to bring
him forthwith before the Court in order that he may show cause why he should not furnish
security in the sum of $............. being the amount of claim and costs for his personal appearance
before the Court, while the above action is pending and until satisfaction of any order that may be
made against him in the action.
Note: the defendant shall not be arrested if he pays to you the said sum of $................. to be
deposited by you in Court to abide the trial of the action or further order of the Court.
(b) Order to attach property before judgment
To the Sheriff,
Whereas .......................... the plaintiff in the above action has proved to the satisfaction of the
Court that there is reason able cause for believing that the defendant (here state the reasons for
the order):
You are hereby ordered to forthwith seize all movable property liable to be seized under a Writ of
Seizure and Sale which shall be identified by or on behalf of ................ the plaintiff as belonging
to ................the defendant to the value of $..........being the amount of claim and costs as a
pledge or surety to answer the just claim of the plaintiff amounting to $......................... and costs
estimated at $............until the trial of this action and satisfaction of any judgment that may be
given against the defendant herein.
Note: The property shall not he seized if the defendant pays you the sum of be
deposited by you in Court to abide the trial of the action or further order of the Court.
No. 174
To the Registrar,
Please issue a Judgment Debtor Summons against (name and description of judgment
debtor) of (address of judgment debtor) in respect of the judgment (or order) herein dated
the day of 20 which remains unsatisfied to the extent of $
Judgment Creditor
No. 175
Take notice that the abovenamed plaintiff intends to apply to the .............................. Court at
............................. on ..... the ..... day of ..............., 20..., at....m. for leave to issue a judgment
debtor summons against ............................ on the ground that the abovenamed is liable (as a
partner in the fir. of (name of defendant firm) or as the person carrying on business in the firm of
(name of defendant firm)) to pay the sum payable under the judgment (or order).
Dated the ..... day of ..............., 20...
Entered No.......... of 20...
No. 176
I, (name, address and description of deponent) make oath (or affirm) and say as follows:
1. On the ..... day of ..............., 20..., I (or the plaintiff obtained judgment (or an order) in this
action in this Court against the defendants (state firm name in which defendants were sued) for
the sum of RM............... and RM............... costs and there is now due and payable under the said
judgment (or order) the sum of RM...............
2. I allege that (state name, residence and occupation) is liable as a partner in the said firm (or as
the person carrying on business in the said firm name) to pay the sum payable under the said
judgment (or order), and I make this allegation on the following grounds:
(State any ground on which the person named is alleged to be liable, with the deponent's sources
of information and grounds of belief).
3. (Where the plaintiff does not make the affidavit, add) I am duly authorized by the plaintiff to
make this affidavit on his behalf.
Sworn (or affirmed) (as in Form 74).
No. 177
(a) To a person.
You are hereby summoned to appear before the Court at ......................... on ..... the ..... day of
..............., 20..., at ...m. then and ther. to be examined respecting your ability to satisfy the
Judgment recovered against you in the above action on the ..... day of ..............., 20..., for
RM............... and RM............... costs upon which Judgment the sum of RM............... is still due.
Take notice that if you do not so appear an order for your arrest may be issued.
Dated the ..... day of ..............., 20...
Entered No....... of 20...
To ................................ of ..............................the abovenamed Judgment Debtor.
(b) To a partner or person carrying on business in a name other than his own.
Whereas the plaintiff obtained judgment (or an order) against the defendant firm
.............................. in this Court on the ..... day of ..............., 20..., for the sum of RM...............
and costs upon which judgment the sum of RM............... is still due;
And whereas (on your own admission in the proceedings) (or having been individually served with
the summons in this action as a partner you failed to appear at the trial) (or having been adjudged
to be liable as a partner. you are liable under the said judgment (or order) as (a partner in the said
defendant firm) (or the person carrying on business in the name of the said defendant firm):
And whereas the Court has granted leave to issue this judgment debtor summons against you
You are hereby summoned to appear before the .............................. Court at .............................,
on ..... the day of ..............., 20..., at ....m. then and there to be examined touching your ability to
satisfy the said judgment (or order).
Take notice that if you do not so appear (or if person to be served has not admitted in the
proceedings that he is liable as a partner, or has not been adjudged to be liable as a partner, or
has not been individually served as a partner and failed to appear at the trial, add: you will be
deemed to admit your liability to pay the amount, due under the said judgment or order and) an
order for your arrest may be issued.
Dated the ..... day of ..............., 20...
Entered No...... of 20...
To .............................
(Name of person (one person only to each summons) alleged to be a partner in, or carrying on
business in name of, the firm against which judgment (or order) obtained).
(c) To an officer of a corporation.
You are hereby summoned to appear before the .............................. Court at .............................,
on...the ..... day of ..............., 20..., at...m. then and there to be examined touching the ability of
the abovenamed defendant corporation to satisfy the judgment (or order) recovered (or made)
against the said corporation in the above action on the ..... day of ..............., 20..., for
RM............... and RM............... costs upon which judgment (or order) the sum of RM............... is
still due.
Take notice that if you do not so appear an order for your arrest may be issued.
Dated the ..... day of ..............., 20...
Entered No....... of 20...
To ................................ of ..............................(an officer) of the abovenamed defendant
No. 178
Affidavit in support
I.........................................the abovenamed judgment creditor do make oath (or affirm) and say:
That the particulars stated above are to the best of my knowledge and belief in all respects true.
No. 179
Take notice that you are required to attend the Court at ............on ................... the.............. day of
............ 20 to show cause why you should not be committed to Prison for having
the order of the Court dated the day of.............20....., that is to say, in having made default in
payment of the ......... instalment due thereunder (or here state the order disobeyed or not
complied with).
No. 180
To the Sheriff,
Whereas an order was made by the Court on the ........................ day of ........................, 20.....,
whereby it was ordered that ............. the abovenamed judgment debtor pay the judgment debt
and costs by instalments of $.............. a month (or as may be):
And whereas he has made default in the payment of instalment amounting to $.. .........(or as may
You are hereby commanded to arrest the said ................................. and to deliver him to the
officer-in-charge of the .......................... Prison there to be kept for the term of ................days
from the arrest under this Order or until earlier payment of the installment due amounting to
$........(or as may be).
Note: The judgment debtor shall not be arrested if he pays to you the said sum of
$ be deposited by you in Court.
No. 181
Signed by .......................... }
the of ................, }
20............. in the presence of: }
Commissioner for Oaths,
Malaya/Sabah & Sarawak
This certificate is sufficient authority for the discharge of the judgment debtor from detention
under the Order of Commitment No ........ of ........, 20........ issued in respect of non-payment of
the judgment debt.
No. 182
Whereas it has been shown to the satisfaction of the Court that the judgment debtor has satisfied
the judgment debt in respect of which he is imprisoned under an Order of Commitment No
............ of .................. 20........ dated the ........ day of .................. 20......., in the above action.
You are hereby commanded to discharge from your custody the said judgment debtor for which
this shall be your sufficient authority.
On the application of ............................... and upon reading the affidavit of ............................. filed
the ..... day of ..............., 20... and upon hearing ............................. and the Court being satisfied
that the defendant (or judgment debtor. is unable to pay the sum recovered against him (or the
instalments due under the judgment (or order)).
It is ordered that the said judgment (or order) be suspended for (state time) upon the following
terms:-(state terms). (or that the defendant be discharged from custody under the Order of
Commitment No..... of 20... upon the following terms, namely:-(state terms, including, if so
ordered, liability to rearrest if the terms are not complied with)).
Dated the ..... day of ..............., 20...
No. 184
I, .................................. of ........................... do make oath (or affirm) and say that I am the
landlord (or his attorney or duly authorised agent) and that (the defendant) is justly indebted to
.................... in the sum of dollars ..............($.................) being arrears of rent of the premises No
....................... Malaysia due for ............... months from the ................... day of
............................... 20...... to the...... day of ............... 20............. at the rate of Dollars ($.......) a
month payable in advance (arrears) on the day of each month (less the sum of Dollars.................
($...............) paid to account).
No. 185
Signed by .............................. }
the ................ day of............., } (Signed). the presence of: }
Solicitor (or Commissioner for Oaths)
No. 186
................................................................. Plaintiff,
................................................................. Defendant.
To the Sheriff,
I hereby direct you to distrain the movable property found on the premises No. (give full address)
.........................................for the sum of...................dollars and ......................cents, ($...........)
being the amount of ...................months' rent due to ................. for the same, from the ...............
day of ..........., 20............ to the............... day of ..................., 20......, together with costs
amounting to $......................and the prescribed fees and the expenses of executing this Writ,
according to the provisions of the Distress Ordinance.
But you are hereby expressly prohibited from taking any property not legally liable to a distress for
No. 187
(Title as in action)
Upon the application of the Sheriff and upon hearing the evidence of........ (or reading the affidavit
of .......... filed the ........ day of ........., 20......) and it appearing from the said evidence (or affidavit)
that on the .................. day of ..............................., 20....... certain property liable to be seized
under the Writ of Distress issued herein namely (specify the property liable to be seized alleged
to have been removed) was removed from the premises No ............ with the intention of
hindering or preventing the distraint thereof.
It is ordered that the Sheriff do follow and seize the said property in execution of the writ,
wherever it may be found and deal therewith as if it had been seized upon the said premises in
accordance with the provisions of the Distress Ordinance.
No. 188
Solicitor (or Commissioner for Oaths)
No. 189
Solicitor for the.................
No. 190
Upon the application of ......................... and upon reading the affidavit of .......................... filed
the .................. day of ....................., 20....., and upon hearing ...............................
It is ordered that the ....................... furnish the ................. with a statement in writing, verified by
affidavit, setting forth the names of the persons constituting the members or co-partners of their
firm, pursuant to the Rules of Court 2012, Order 77 rule 2, and that the costs of this application
No. 191
Take notice that the writ is served on you as the person having the control or management of the
partnership business of the abovenamed defendant firm of ....................(and also as partner in
the said firm (a)).
Solicitors for the Plaintiff
Note-(a) If the person served with the writ is served in the two capacities of manager and partner,
the clause should be left standing. If he is served as manager only, it should be struck out.
No. 191A
(a) an order re-opening the hire-purchase transaction between the plaintiff and the defendant;
(b) an order directing an account to be taken between the plaintiff and defendant in respect of
the transaction;
(c) an order relieving the plaintiff from payment of any sum in excess of RM..................;
(d) an order setting aside the hire-purchase agreement made between the plaintiff and the
defendant on (date);
(e) an order giving judgment for the plaintiff against the defendant for the sum of
(g) an order giving judgment for the plaintiff against the said X.Y. for such sum as this Court
shall think fit; and
(h) such further and other relief as this Court shall think fit.
(ii) that the transaction is such that a court of equity would grant relief to the applicant
therefrom; and
(iii) that the said X.Y. has shared in the profits of or has had a beneficial interest
prospectively or otherwise in the transaction.
No. 192
Please enforce the order of the Commissioner for Labour under section..........of the Employment
Act, 1955, in No. E................ of 20.........dated of........., 20........for the sum of
RM................against..................of....................... in favour of.........................of...............................
by way of judgment debtor summons (or writ of seizure and sale).
The person to be served (or the property to be seized) will be pointed out
by.....................................the (or one of the) complainant(s) who will pay the transport expenses
of the process server (or the expenses of the bailiff for executing the writ of seizure and sale and
any deposit required).
Commissioner for Labour
To the Registrar,
No. 193
Date of Registration.............,20...............
No. 194
(In the case of a prohibitory order under section 73 of the Employment Act, 1955, add:
And in the matter of a prohibitory order dated of ....................., 20.........., made
by the Commissioner for Labour under the Employment Act, 1955, against................................)
No. 195
Upon hearing ..............and upon reading the affidavit of .............. filed the .................. day of
.................. 20......., it is ordered that the plaintiff A.B. do recover possession of the land described
in the originating summons as ......................... (and the defendant .......................... do give
possession of the said land on .............................) (and that the defendant ............. do pay the
plaintiff $......... costs (or costs to be taxed)).
No. 196
Please register transfer of share Nos ............... from ...... to ....... the Accountant-General.
Secretary of the ............ Co. Ltd
No. 197
Ledger Account (if the same as the cause state as above;). I (name and ad- dress of applicant)
solemnly and sincerely declare that I am the (degree of relationship) and next or one of the next-
of-kin of (name of deceased) and that I am entitled to take out administration to his estate and to
receive the sum of $ .............directed to be paid to him by the Order dated the of
........, 20.....And I further declare that the total value of the assets of the deceased including the
above sum does no exceed $10,000 and I certify that the funeral and other testamentary
expenses of the deceased have been paid. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously
believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declaration Act.
No. 197A
No. 198
WRIT (O 93 r 3)
IN THE STATE OF .....................................................MALAYSIA
CASE NO.............................................................
State of Claim
Name of Plaintiff----------------------- NRIC No:
.............................. ......................................
Date Signature/Right thumb print of Defendant
.............................. ......................................
1. If you dispute the plaintiff's claim, you must file in your statement of defence in Form 199 on or
2. You must appear in this Court on the trial date and at the time shown below if you do not agree
with the plaintiff's claim.
3.Bring all witnesses, books and other papers with you to support your case
TRAIL DATE ..................................................TIME...................................
.............................. ......................................
(1) The plaintiff must fill in his name in full an his identity card number in the first part.
[Am. P.U.(A)331/2006]
(2) In the second part of the plaintiff must fill in the name of the defendant in full and his last
known address.
(3) In the third part of the plaintiff must state exact amount claimed. The amount claimed should
be exceed RM5,000.
[Am. P.U.(A)331/2006]
(4) In the same part, the plaintiff must state the particulars of his claim. The particulars must state
the relevant date and how the claim has arisen or what is the basis of the claim.
(5) Having filled in the particulars, the plaintiff must sign the form personally.
[Am. P.U.(A)331/2006]
(6) Having completed the form, the plaintiff must file the form in 4 copies in the Registry of the
Second Class MAGISTRATES' Court. He must pay filing fee of RM10. The Registry will put the
seal of the Court on the 4 Copies of the for. and fill in the hearing date. A copy of the form will be
returned to the plaintiff.
(7)You may consult a lawyer but cannot be represented by a lawyer at the hearing.
(1) When you receive this form sealed with the seal of the Court, you ar. being sued by the
(2) If you dispute the claim you must state your defence, with particulars, in Form 199.
(3) You must file in your statement of defence in the Court Registry.
(4) If you fail to file in your defence within the prescribed time or if you fail to appear in Court on
the hearing date, the Court will give judgment to the plaintiff with costs.
(5) You may consult a lawyer but cannot be represented by a lawyer at the hearing.
[This form is given free of charge]
No. 199
IN THE STATE OF...............................MALAYSIA
CASE NO............................................................
Statement of Defendant :
Counterclaim :
.............................. ......................................
Date Signature/Right thumb print of Defendant
.............................. ......................................
(1) If you admit the plaintiff's claim, you may state in the space for the statement of defence that
you admit the claim.
(2)If you dispute the claim, your statement of defence must contain particular. as to why you
dispute the claim.
(3) If you have any counterclaim, you must state your counterclaim with particular. in the space
for counterclaim.
(4) You must file your defence (and counterclaim if any) within the time limit, otherwise judgment
will be entered in favour of the plaintiff.
(5) You must sign Form 201 personally and then file it in 4 copies in the Court Registry. If defence
is filed the filing fee is RM4 and if defence and counterclaim are filed the filing fee is RM24. The
Registry will put the seal of the Court on the 4 copies of the form and return to you a copy.
[Am. P.U.(A)331/2006]
[This form is given free of charge]
No. 200
IN THE STATE OF ................................... MALAYSIA
CASE NO.......................................................
Defence to counterclaim :
.............................. ......................................
Date Signature/Right thumb print of Defendant
.............................. ......................................
(1) If you admit the defendant's counterclaim, you may state in the space for defence to
counterclaim that you admit the counterclaim.
(2) If you dispute the counterclaim, your defence to the counterclaim must contain particulars as
to why you dispute the counterclaim.
(3) You must sign Form 200 personally and then file it in 4 copies in the Court Registry. The filling
fee is RM4. The Registry will put the seal of the Court on the 4 copies of the form and return to
you a copy.
[Am. P.U.(A)331/2006]
No. 201
IN THE STATE OF...............................MALAYSIA
CASE NO............................................................
The Writ having been duly served on the defendant and the defendant having failed to file his
defence within the stipulated time, it is hereby ordered that the defendant do pay the plaintiff
RM........... and RM........... costs
Dated the ..... day of ............... 20...
No. 202
IN THE STATE OF...............................MALAYSIA
CASE NO............................................................
This action having this day been called on for hearing before His/Her Honour
................................... in the presence of the plaintiff, and the defendant not appearing, it is
ordered that-
*(a) the defendant do pay the plaintiff RM.......... and RM..........costs;
(b) the defendant's counterclaim be dismissed.
Dated the ..... day of .............. 20...
*Delete as the case may be
No. 203
IN THE STATE OF.......................................................................MALAYSIA
CASE NO................................................................................
This action having this day been called on for hearing before His/ Her the presence of the defendant, and the
plaintiff not appearing, it is ordered that-
*(a) the action be dismissed.
(b) the plaintiff do pay the defendant RM........................... on the counterclaim;
(c) the plaintiff do pay the defendant RM........................... costs.
Dated the ............... day of ............... 20......
*Delete as the case may be
No. 204
The defendant having admitted the claim, it is this day ordered that the defendant do pay the
plaintiff RM..................... and RM......................cost.
Dated the .............. day of .............. 20.....
[This form is given free of charge]
No. 205
IN THE STATE OF..................................................................MALAYSIA
CASE NO..........................................................................
Signature/Right thumb print of Plaintiff/Defendant
The plaintiff/defendant has applied to this Court to set aside the judgment/order dated
..........................The date and time of hearing of the application are shown below:
Hearing date ............................................. Time.............................................
........................................ ...............................................
Date of filing Magistrate
No. 206
IN THE STATE OF...................................................................MALAYSIA
CASE NO............................................................................
This action having this day been called on for hearing before His/ Her Honour
......................................... in the presence of the plaintiff and the defendant, and both parties
having consented, it is hereby ordered that-
*(a) the defendant do pay the plaintiff RM..................................
(b) the defendant do pay the plaintiff RM...................................... after deducting the counterclaim;
(c) the plaintiff do pay the defendant RM........................................
(d).................................................... day pay .............................. RM.................................. costs.
Dated the .................... day of ................. 20...
No. 207
IN THE STATE OF...................................................................MALAYSIA
CASE NO..............................................................................
This action having been heard before His/ Her Honour ........................................... it is hereby
ordered that-
*(a) the defendant do pay plaintiff RM............
(b) this action be dismissed;
(c) the plaintiff do pay the defendant RM........... on the counterclaim;
(d) the counterclaim be dismissed;
(e) ..... do pay .............................. RM..........costs
Dated the ..... day of ................. 20...
No. 208
AT ...........................................................................................
IN THE STATE OF .................................................................
CASE No. ...............................................................................
................................................................. ..Judgment Creditor
................................................................. Judgment Debtor
The judgment creditor applies to the Court for the enforcement of the judgment/order of this Court
given on ................................ which was served on the judgment debtor by registered post on
This is to require you the judgment debtor to appear before this Court on ................................ at
............................... a.m./p.m. to show cause why an order for the enforcement of this
judgment/order should not be made against you.
........................ ...........................................
Date Signature/Right thumb print of Judgment Creditor
Date of filing