Checking Through Policies The Key To Successful Ageing: From Cell To Self Abstract
Checking Through Policies The Key To Successful Ageing: From Cell To Self Abstract
Checking Through Policies The Key To Successful Ageing: From Cell To Self Abstract
The world is growing old fast. In the next 10 years, the number of people over age
60 will surpass one billion. Over the last 30 years, the field of ageing has been a
sign of exceptional growth of research interest, yet it is only really within more
recent social gerontology that the many varied experiences of older people are
being acknowledged and explored through the intersection of race, ethnicity,
sexuality, class, and as many have argued, most importantly gender. Through time
everything has changed fast but the perception towards ageing or old age has not
changed at all. Old age is more a biological construction rather than a physiological
and psychological construction. Ageing in twenty-first century, is both a celebration
and a challenge. It makes the case for governments, NGOs, global institutions, and
civil society to fully commit to a concerted global effort to realign 21 st century
society to fit the realities of 21st century demographies (UNFPA and HelpAge
International; 2012; 12). Today in the developed world, average life expectancy is
increasing. So eventually, there will be an increase in the number of retired people
who will receive a pension. There will be a smaller proportion of young adults so a
smaller working populations. A greater burden on working adults, the demand for
healthcare will rise and young adults will have to look after elderly relatives. Seeing
this, the government has also formulated certain policies and made a structure
which is helpful to them.
A good interaction between family members is significant enough for a safe old age,
but reduced family size are raising questions about the ability of the family to
perform its role to look after aged persons. It is indeed a matter of concern. People
may have to retire later and the state pension age will rise. People should be
encouraged to have more children and governments could encourage immigration
in order to increase the number of young adults. Therefore there was decided for a
combined help from the family, the state and the economy. With old age, comes a
negative connotation of the degrading health. People often associate old age to be
troublesome rather than a break which can instill one to start afresh. With the given
1 For further discussions, see, Population Policy for the Aged in India by Aparajita
Chattopadhay, VOL/NO.- 31/43, 2004.
population, the age between 60-90 hold a large number of people, which is really a
matter of concern of the state. General problems that the aged people face are
related to heart, blood pressure, deficiencies of certain minerals or vitamins and
chronic problems like dementia, weak eye-sight, loss of memory and depression
with poor cognitive impairment.
The aged people also requested for a possible residential structure, where they
could live properly, this visionary model talks about a community old-age home
based on the concept of a cooperative society. This society would provide them the
medical facility, but they would share the expenses. The socio-economic structure is
not a balanced one in India. There have been marked differences in this and
therefore it has caused a clear dichotomy between rich and poor. Again the policies
that are made are available to very few of the aged population, in most of the cases
they do not percolate down to all the spheres of the society and help the poor.
Again with this another stark differentiation that gets added is the gender
differentiation. Often in this society, which is always based on the principal of
inequality, the female partners suffer a lot. Mostly in the lower echelon of the
society, their health is never a matter of concern and as the domestic workers don
not come in the periphery of the national income, so most of the policies do not
take them into account.
Policies of India are seen in contrast with that of china. In the early 1970s, when
China began to universally implement a family planning program, no one
considered its negative consequences on population and development in Chinas
future. A decisive document involving the one-child policy, called, the Public
Letter of Central Government, published in 1980, stated that the phenomenon of
ageing will not appear within this century if they implement one-child policy in
China.2 Due to the sudden drop in fertility in China, initiated and promoted by the
government, the change in the age structure has exceeded the changes in social
economy and the institution, including the changes of conventions and traditions of
Chinese society. The impact will be profound, and the conflicts between them will be
inevitable and incredible. However, as economic reform evolves toward a market
economy, traditional ways to secure the elderly have confronted serious problems.
The government started giving up the right to plan and control enterprises, which
also means giving up the obligations. The survival of the enterprises, including the
people who are affiliated with them, has to depend on their own development. Since
the early 1990s, some of the enterprises have faced a depression. Due to lower
benefits, enough money did not exist to pay the income of the workers, which led to
some lay-off.3 Because of the difficulties in paying the working people of the unit,
it was more difficult to pay the people who had retired. Unfortunately, both the
government and the people have not realized the severity of the aging problem in
China. Although some barriers do exist in dealing with this problem, it is still not too
late. (Qiao; 2001; pp-9)
Coming back to the Indian scenario, India has however tried to make certain policies
for the aged population, which is the need of the hour and eventually implement
Although efforts are being made to deal with the problems across Europe and
beyond, no single country has the answers, as the recent reports of the Care
2 The document of the Central Government was published as a letter in Guangming
Daily in September 1980, which is a symbol of the beginning of the one-child policy.
It expressed that, in order to curb the population to within 1.2 billion at the end of
the 20th century, the government called all the people I China to advocate having
one child per couple.
3 This is not exactly unemployment. The number of lay-off indicates the people
who still belong to the enterprises, but have no work to perform. Some of them can
receive a small amount of life expenses from their enterprises while some have
Quality Commission on failures in care for older people have highlighted older
1. Declaration on the European year for active ageing and solidarity between
2. Minister of pensions- dollar 1 million to help people who are at risk of long
term loneliness and isolation.
3. DWP commissioned the Ageing well program and implemented it in
partnership with the local Government Association.
At last in my paper, I have tried to talk about ageing and seeing it in a more
positive manner. Ageing is a natural phenomenon, so one should try to deal with
it as a part of everyday life. A working person should be understood properly and
make planning for the post-retirement phase from much before. Various
industrial counselors help one to deal with this phase properly and help one to
plan accordingly. Therefore, the pre-retirement counseling is very important now.
In the fast world, with the fast pace of life it becomes very difficult to get a bit
out of the track and think ones life beyond the race of life. So after the
retirement, that time needs to be utilized efficiently. Either one works or one
plans to lead a free life staying back at home and enjoying the support of the
young generation, it is solely his/her decision. One should take the call
accordingly and the young generation must extend their helping hands in
helping the aged population to deal effectively with their life. What otherwise
happens is, depression slowly engulfs them, which leads to cognitive impairment
and like a slow poisoning pushes one to towards death. So it is the time to be
more aware and to be more cautious in helping the wiser population to lead a
peaceful life, by supporting them and making them realize that they would be an
example for the future generation to successfully cope up with the situation.