Berlin To Toughen Anti-Terror Measures: International

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World News Roundup


Crisis still simmers

Out of sight,
out of mind?
(RTRS): A year after hundreds of
thousands of refugees snaked their
way across southeastern Europe
and onto global television screens,
the roads through the Balkans are
now clear, depriving an arguably
worsening trag-
edy of poignant
Europes mi-
grant crisis is at
the very least nu-
merically worse
than it was last
year. More peo-
ple are arriving
Miliband and more are dy-
ing. But the twist
is that, compared with last year, a
lot of it is out of sight.
Take the border between Greece
and Macedonia. Summer crops
have replaced the city of tents at the
border outpost of Idomeni, even if
some locals are convinced there is
an unseen population hiding in the
surrounding forests, waiting for
smugglers to assist them on their
onward journey.
The tiny Greek village was a
focal point of the migrant ow
north towards Germany and other
wealthy countries, with thousands
of refugees squatting for months
waiting for sealed borders with
Macedonia to open
Elsewhere in the Balkans, a Re-
uters photographer, revisiting the
people-packed locations where he
and his colleagues captured last
years diaspora, found empty roads,
unencumbered railway tracks and
bucolic countryside.
More than one million people Police inspectors search a car on Aug 10, in Hildesheim. Police conducted searches in different locations of the German state of the North Rhine-Westphalia in relation to the Islamic State group con-
eeing conict in Syria, Iraq and nections. (AFP)
Afghanistan made their way to Eu-
rope last year, with the majority of
them crossing the precarious sea
corridor separating Greece and Tur- Extremism
key, the temporary home for more
than 2 million refugees displaced
from Syria.
They came carrying their worldly
belongings in plastic bags and haul-
Police raid suspected IS recruiters
ing babies on weary shoulders, a
visual exodus of the kind not seen
in Europe since the end of World
War Two.
Many have since reached their
Berlin to toughen anti-terror measures
destination in northern Europe, but BERLIN, Aug 10, (Agencies): Germa-
with the borders closed and the Eu- nys Interior Minister Thomas de Mai-
ropean Union now attempting to ziere is preparing to unveil a slew of
Marseille Burqini pool party nixed in secular France
contain the numbers, thousands are new anti-terror measures, reports said
stuck at holding centres in Greece
and Italy.
They are not so nearly visible
Wednesday, after two attacks in July
claimed by the Islamic State group.
The new measures to be announced
Sisters tip led to arrest of jihadi suspect
there - nor are the ones still coming. Thursday include speeding up the SOFIA, Bulgaria, Aug 10, (Agen- but he said that he doesnt intend Extreme ideological positions
Data expulsion process for asylum seek- cies): The arrest in Bulgaria of a to do so, Dragomir Alexandrov told are taking advantage of the con-
ers convicted of crimes, Bild daily French citizen with ties to the at- The Associated Press. troversy over this event to address
According to data from the Inter- tack on the Charlie Hebdo satirical Hamyd entered Bulgaria from conicts in which Speedwater Park
national Organisation for Migration reported, quoting anonymous security
sources. newspaper in Paris followed a tip Serbia on July 26, stating tourism and the city of Pennes-Mirabeau
(IOM), arrivals are up 17 percent from his sister, new details showed as the reason for his one-week visit do not wish to be involved, the
on last year, stoked mainly by a German Interior Minister Thomas The minister is also planning to
make being a threat to public secu- Tuesday. to Bulgaria. He had been travelling statement said.
spike at the start of the year through de Maiziere speaks to the media on The arrest warrant issued by a alone, with only personal luggage. Smile 13 said on its Facebook
Greece. Aug 10, at police headquarters in rity grounds for deporting migrants. French court for Mourad Hamyd Rumyana Arnaudova, a spokes- page it was stunned and sad-
Deaths among those trying to get Bremen. Germanys Interior Minister Doctors will also have their strict was based on his sister Khadijas woman for Bulgarias chief pros- dened by the extent of the contro-
to Europe, mainly due to drowning, Thomas de Maiziere is preparing to condentiality obligations lifted in report to police that her brother had ecutor, said Bulgarian authorities versy.
unveil a slew of new anti-terror mea- special cases that would allow them to boarded a train via Hungary and received information through in- It said that it had received threats
are up more than 15 percent. sures, reports said Wednesday, after
This is not a blip, said David inform authorities should their patient Serbia to Bulgaria, even though ternational channels that Hamyd including bullets sent to it in the
two attacks in July claimed by the Is- be a potential threat to the population, he had told her he would travel to was a traveling IS ghter and was mail and had informed the Col-
Miliband, a former British foreign lamic State group. (AFP)
minister who now heads the Inter- added Bild. Morocco. considered to be especially dan- lective against Islamophobia in
national Rescue Committee, an aid The tougher stance comes after the This route corresponds with the gerous. France.
two attacks by migrants in the south- route that is usually chosen by the The waterpark initially said it
group set up by Albert Einstein
ern state of Bavaria an axe rampage jihadist volunteers that want to join Also: understands why the plan is of
himself a refugee to rescue Euro- Europe the Islamic State group in Syria or MARSEILLE: A Marseille water- particular interest to the media dur-
peans before the outbreak of World on a train in Wuerzburg and a suicide
bombing in Ansbach. Iraq, said the arrest warrant, which park has cancelled plans to host ing an emotionally difcult period
War Two. was made available to the AP a private event for Muslim women in the wake of two jihadist attacks
The forces that are driving more In Wuerzburg, the 17-year-old at-
Russia accuses Ukraine: Russias tacker was shot dead by police after Tuesday. wearing burqinis full-body swim- that rocked France last month, in-
and more people from their homes - Hamyd, who was jailed in Bul- suits after they sparked outrage cluding an attack with a truck that
Federal Security Service said on Wednes- injuring ve people. In Ansbach 15
weak states, big tumults within the day it had thwarted two armed Ukrainian garia on July 29, is the brother-in- in secular France, authorities and killed 84 people as they celebrated
Islamic world, a divided interna- people were injured after a failed Syr- law of one of the men who attacked the park said Tuesday. Bastille Day in the Riviera resort of
attempts to get saboteurs into Crimea and ian asylum seeker detonated an explo-
tional system .. None of these things dismantled a Ukrainian spy network inside Charlie Hebdo in January 2015. Neither Speedwater Park nor Nice.
are likely to abate soon. sive device outside a music festival, He was initially suspected of a role the town of Pennes-Mirabeau (a But the waterpark noted that as
the annexed peninsula. killing himself.
Some of the mantle of accepting The FSB accused Ukrainian special in the attack on the paper, but his Marseille suburb) wish to be the a private company it had a right to
huge migrant ows that was carried De Maiziere is also expected to high school classmates launched a site of public disorder, they said in hold a private event.
forces of planning to carry out terrorist sign off next week on a declaration
by Greece last year and the begin- attacks inside Crimea targeting critical successful social media campaign a joint statement. Islamic dress is a hot-button is-
ning of this one has been taken up infrastructure and said an FSB employee
with regional interior ministers from to clear his name, saying he was in The event was the brainchild of sue in France, where the full-face
by Italy. and a Russian soldier had been killed in Chancellor Angela Merkels Christian class at the time. Smile 13, a womens association veil is banned in public places.
This follows a resurgence of mi- clashes with Ukrainian forces. Democratic Union and sister party I am a student who lives peace- catering for Arabs in the south- Senator Stephane Ravier of
grant ows from northern Africa. The aim of this subversive activity and Christian Social Union that calls for fully with his parents, he said then. ern port city, whose population of Le Pens National Front said the
More than 140,000 asylum seekers further security and anti-terror mea- A court in the Bulgarian capi- nearly two million includes around planned burqini day showed that
terrorist acts was to destabilise the socio-
sures, according to RND media group tal Soa will hold a hearing on 220,000 Muslims, mainly of Alge- despite assurances from the Mus-
are now housed in Italian shelters, political situation in the region ahead of
Wednesday on the European ar- rian origin. lim community following the ter-
a seven-fold increase on 2013, with preparations and the holding of elections, which publishes more than 30 regional
dailies. rest warrant issued against him. The association had not con- ror attacks, a certain number of
the migrant crisis in its third year. the FSB said in a statement. A court-appointed attorney said rmed its reservation or paid a de- Muslims voluntarily set themselves
In Greece, where arrivals Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine These additional measures include
on Tuesday that Hamyd wants to posit for the event pencilled in for apart from ... our society.
plunged in the wake of an accord in 2014 in an operation that triggered US imposing a burqa ban, scrapping the return to France and that the court Sept 10. Last months attacks the Nice
between Turkey and the EU to stem and European Union sanctions. Ukraine possibility of dual nationalities for hearing is a standard legal proce- Politicians on both the right and the truck massacre, followed by the
the ow in March, an estimated says it wants the strategically-important German citizens and boosting the pres- dure. left slammed the plan as provocative, grisly knife murder of a priest near
57,000 migrants were still stuck in peninsula back; Moscow says the matter is ence of police in trains, as well as at The extradition has to be ex- with left-wing senator Michel Amiel, the northern city of Rouen less
the country by Aug 8. settled and closed forever. (RTRS) railway stations and airports. ecuted within a week. He could ap- the mayor of Pennes-Mirabeau, say- than a fortnight later led to an
Campaigners say the accord has The declaration also calls for the peal the decision within three days, ing he would seek a ban. outpouring of inter-faith solidarity.
lulled policymakers into a false recruitment of 15,000 police ofcers
Assange appeals arrest warrant: between by 2020 and for measures to
sense of accomplishment by allow- WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has
ing them to believe that Europes appealed a Stockholm district courts deci- halt the nancing of mosques by ex- Separately German authorities on and that the man is suspected of in- Initial reports suggested that he
migration problem has been solved. sion to maintain a European arrest warrant tremist organisations. It also urges the Wednesday arrested a man suspected volvement in crimes in Syria. was suspected of being a member of
By outsourcing the responsibili- against him over a 2010 rape allegation, expulsion of foreign religious leaders of involvement in violence in Syria, At this stage, prosecutors are in- the Islamic Sate group and that threats
ty to Turkey and to Greece, Europe- his lawyer said on Wednesday. who preach hate. a move triggered by the detention vestigating several people in connec- against a German league soccer match
an governments are basically saying We have appealed the decision to keep Meanwhile, German police last week of a Syrian asylum-seeker tion with possible acts of violence in were involved. Jaeger told reporters
we have solved the crisis because him remanded in custody in absentia, Wednesday raided apartments and who was suspected of planning an Syria and possible vague attack plans that the arrest resulted from a vague
we dont see it, and we cant smell Tomas Olsson told AFP. The paperwork work places of three men suspected attack. here in Germany, he said. tip from someone who thought he or
it and we cant hear it, said Gauri was submitted to the Svea Court of Appeal of recruiting members for the Islamic Police in the western city of Duis- Authorities said Tuesday that a she had heard something.
van Gulik, deputy Europe director on Tuesday. State organisation, federal prosecutors burg said the man was arrested in near- 24-year-old Syrian asylum-seeker He said investigations so far
at Amnesty International. Swedish prosecutors issued the arrest war- said. by Dinslaken, but gave no further de- was arrested Friday in Mutterstadt, havent produced evidence that
The crisis is as big as ever, and rant because they want to question Assange No arrests were made in the raids tails. North Rhine-Westphalias state in a neighboring German state, af- the suspect was a high-ranking IS
as yet unsolved by governments, about the rape allegation, which he denies. in the western state of North Rhine- interior minister, Ralf Jaeger, said the ter an unidentified witness provided member, and show that there was
she told Reuters. The 45-year-old Australian sought refuge Westphalia and the northern state of arrest resulted from investigations fol- information on possible plans for an no concrete attack plan against a
IOM data says that 258,186 peo- in the Ecuadorian embassy in London in June Lower Saxony. lowing the asylum-seekers detention, attack. soccer match.
ple arrived in Europe by the end of 2012 after exhausting all his legal options in
July, compared with 219,854 over Britain against extradition to Sweden.
the same period in 2015. Assanges lawyer urged Sweden to
respect a non-binding legal opinion by the
There were 3,176 fatalities by UN Working Group on Arbitrary Deten-
Aug 7, outpacing the 2,754 who burned homes and forced people to ee in smoke inhalation and minor burns. on the wrong side of the road. Tourism is the
tion, which on February 5 ruled that his panic, authorities said Wednesday. He said 80 of the injured were still in mainstay of Madeiras economy. The high
died in the rst eight months of last connement in the Ecuadorian embassy
year, a slightly longer period. Miguel Albuquerque, head of Madeiras the hospital. At least 37 houses and a ve- winds in recent days have also forced the
amounted to arbitrary detention by Swe- regional government, told reporters the star hotel had burned down. cancellation of around two dozen ights.
Its absolutely incredible be- den and Britain. (AFP)
cause if you think about the panic three victims died in their burned homes The blaze, fueled by hot weather and The blaze broke out on Monday and
early Wednesday as the wildre hit the strong winds, forced the evacuation of reghters said the islands steep hills and
this caused last year and the incen-
tive there was to really get some 3 dead in Madeira Islands: A wildre coastal city in the dark. He said two around 1,000 residents and tourists in the dense woodland made it hard to reach the
policy changes in place, nothing has swept overnight into Funchal, the capital other people were seriously hurt, one islands off northwestern Africa. Residents ames. Albuquerque said ofcials suspect
happened, Van Gulik said. of Portugals Madeira Islands, killing three person is missing and more than 300 described chaotic nighttime scenes, with the re was started deliberately and police
elderly people and injuring hundreds as it people required medical treatment for Assange Olsson people eeing the ames by car at high speed have made two arrests. (AP)

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