El Libro Del Conosc00mariuoft
El Libro Del Conosc00mariuoft
El Libro Del Conosc00mariuoft
El Libro del conoscimiento
Nancy F. Marino
Copyright 1999
El libro del conoscimiento de todos los reinos = The book of knowledge of all
kingdoms / edition, translation and study by Nancy F. Marino.
p. cm. (Medieval & Renaissance texts & studies ; v. 198)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-86698-240-X (alk. paper)
Voyages and travels. 2. Flags. I. Marino, Nancy F., 1951-
1. II. .
Tide: Book of knowledge of all kingdoms. III. Series: Medieval & Renais-
sance Texts & Studies (Series) ; v. 198.
G370.L5 1999
910.4-dc21 99-13118
It is set in
smythe-sewn and printed on acid-free paper
to library specifications.
Foreword IX
Bibliography 111
When Marcos Jimenez de la Espada first wrote about the Libro del
conosdmiento de todos los reinos in 1874, he was enthusiastic about his plans to
edit for the first time what he considered a historical account of the travels
doubtful that its author was a Franciscan friar, as the book's first editor
imagined him. Jimenez de la Espada had at his disposal three manuscripts of
the text firom which to render his edition. However, it is not entirely relia-
phy, maps, and the state of exploration in the fourteenth century has in-
creased enormously since the work's first modem appearance in 1877. This
information has been indispensable not only for the purposes of editing the
text, but also for the reconsideration of many aspects of the book (author-
ship, sources, date of composition, etc.). In addition, it provides the modem
reader with useful annotations.
The present edition is the result of my participation in the ADMYTE
project, for which I provided a paleographic edition of the Conoscimiento.
When I agreed to undertake the editing of this text, I had little idea of what
the book was about, and no concept of how suggestive a work it is; over
the past few years, I have become obsessed with medieval maps, heraldic
devices, and travel books in general.
My thanks to Charles Faulhaber for suggesting that I edit this text for
the Libro del conoscimiento; a fourth codex, missing since the seventeenth
century, finally surfaced and was sold at Sotheby's in 1978, then disappeared
into an unnamed "German state library," rendering it unaccessible for
todos sus Reynos [A Trip around the World with the Arms of all its Kingdoms].
Foho Ir has an initial capital E of eleven lines that contains an exquisite
miniature of a gentleman seated at a writing table, on the lower shelf of
which there are two jugs, painted in grey tones to simulate silver. He wears
blue and red clothing and a black cap in the late fifteenth-century style, and
is in the act of writing: in his right hand is a pen, in the left, an inkwell.
Behind him is a window through which one can see the countryside and the
wall of the next building. On this wall is a type of cabinet which appears to
This siglum was assigned to the manuscript by Marcos Jimenez de la Espada, in his edition of
the Libro del conoscimiento de todos los reinos (Madrid, 1877; repr. Barcelona: El Albir, 1980) as were
the sigla of the next two under consideration, N and R. I have found no reason to change them.
contain several other "silver" objects. The first folio also has an ornate and
colorful border of flowers and other such decorative motifs. On the bottom
of the page are two angels holding a red shield with the Hebrew letters that
that the gentleman depicted in the miniature was Santillana himself, whose
portrait normally adorned the initial of the first folio of the codices he
owned. After comparing the miniature in S with other known likenesses of
the Marques, Jimenez de la Espada concluded that it was not the famous
nobleman who was portrayed, rather it was the author of the Conoscimiento.
This is probably an accurate assessment, given the activity of the individual
in the miniature. Nevertheless, Jimenez de la Espada would go on to insist
completeness, make it the most satisfactory of the manuscripts for use as the
basis of an edition. In this we follow the lead of Jimenez de la Espada, and
^ Peter E. RusseU, "La heraldica en el Libra del conosfimiento," in Studia Riquer, vol. 2 (Bar-
celona: Quadems Crema, 1987), 688, is not convinced by this opinion. Mario SchifFdoes not
count this work among those of the Marques's library, studied in his Z^ bihlioth^que du Marquis
de Santillane (Paris: Emile Bouillon, 1905).
have employed S as the foundation for our edition. It is probably not, how-
ever, the oldest of the four witnesses, as our predecessor would have it; but
he had never seen the recendy re-emerged text that appears to be the ear-
liest known copy.
The Biblioteca Nacional owns a second manuscript of the Libro del cono-
scimiento, MS. 9055 (siglum N). It is, however, incomplete. Unlike S, which
lacks a title, N prefaces the text with the rubric: "[E]ste es el libro del
conosfimiento de todos los rregnos et tierras et seiiorios que son por el
mundo et delas senales et armas que han en cada tierra et senorio por sy et
delos rreys et senores que las proueyen" [This is the book of knowledge of
all the kingdoms and lands and lordships that there are in the world, and of
the emblems and arms that there are in each land and lordship itself, and of
the kings and lords that rule them]. Written on paper, Nis missing at least
one folio at its end, and seven other folios interspersed throughout the text
are unaccounted for as well. After its last existing folio (66v) there follow
two blank pages, then the last half of the work entitled La Donzella Teodor
[The Maiden Theodora] (fols. 69r-74r), and finally a list of some Visigothic
and later kings of Spain (fols. 74v-78v). The
was copied entire manuscript
in one precise Gothic hand, perhaps by the "Rodericus de Gaton" who
signed the last folio. At the foot of this page is written: "Aiio de mill et
quatrof ientos et ^inquenta et quatro anos a veynte et dos dias del mes de
Julyo fale^io el rrey don John en Valladolit" [Year of one thousand and four
hundred and fifty- four years, at twenty-two days of the month ofJuly King
Don Juan died in Valladolid]. The manuscript evidently was copied some-
time following the death of Juan II of Castile.
The more than adequate, is
depiction of the coats of arms in N, while
not as well executed as in S. In manu-
addition to the 110 shields in this
script, there are eleven miniatures which portray unusual humans or famous
Besides some textual discrepancies, this is the aspect that most distinguishes
S firom N
(and from the other two codices as well, as we shall see below).
ATs non-armorial illuminations are generally prefaced by a short piece of
text which is missing, logically, from S. This usually takes the form of "et
esta es su figura" [and this is its image], probably a copyist's makeshift inter-
polation designed to introduce the drawing that follows. Important textual
variants clearly demonstrate that S and N originated from distinct manu-
script sources. These differences include both additions and omissions in N
as well as variant use of lexical items.
The third codex, MS. 1890 of the University of Salamanca (R), was
housed previously in the library of the Royal Palace in Madrid, and prior
only half painted; some are not illuminated at all, but are simply outlined
roughly in pen; several have been obliterated, probably the result of discov-
ered but uncorrected errors; from fol. 37v to the end of the text on fol.
41 V, the coats of arms disappear altogether although space was left for them
by the copyist. The miniatures of monstrous humans and legendary places
are likewise rendered poorly.
R and Nseem to have been copied from the same source, as Jimenez de
Espada also assumed.-^ Their texts are strikingly similar, and the discrepan-
cies between them are not significant enough to suggest that they would
have originated from two different manuscripts. The copyist of N, for
example, sometimes omits a word or phrase, or sometimes inserts an incon-
sequential addition (especially when introducing a miniature) or makes a
relatively unimportant alteration (as in "rreynado" [reign] instead of "rreino"
[kingdom]); and there are the typical variant readings of names unfamiliar to
the copyists (Birona/Bixna, Liristol/Bristol, etc.). But Georges Pasch, in his
study of the coats of arms of the three manuscripts known to him (5, R and
N), concluded that the illustrators of these codices worked independently of
one another; at times the representations of the shields are different in small
ways, and sometimes there is nothing at all in common between them.^
Perhaps there is a simple, but unverifiable, explanation for this: once the
copying of the text had been accomplished, the new codex could have
passed on to an artist who worked firom a description rather than a visual
image of the arms.
In his 1678 work entitled Pro^ressos de la historia en el reyno de Aragon, y
elogios de Geronimo Zurita [Progress of History in the Kingdom of Aragon and
praise for Geronimo Zurita], Diego Jose Dormer
book belonging described a
to theCount of San Clemente that had previously been in the possession of
the renowned Aragonese historian Zurita.^ Dormer called it a "Viaje del
mundo, escrito en 1305 y tiene notas de Zurita" [Trip around the world.
Jimenez de la Espada, Conosdmiento, xiii.
dating from the middle of the fifteenth century (rather than the latter half,
when the others evidently had been produced) and noted its many Aragon-
ese spellings which suggest that it was copied by an Aragonese amanuensis
who was working from a Castilian text.^'
incomplete at its end. It is bound in worn red leather and has the remains
of four pairs of closing ties. Zurita's signature can be seen at the top of fol.
Iv; he also added short annotations (generally just a place-name) to five
folios, but none of these notes is particularly elucidative. The most inter-
the superior source of the Conoscimiento given that, like N and R, Z in-
cludes drawings of strange humans and legendary places that seem to coin-
cide with the intentions of the author.^ However, after comparing Z to the
other three extant codices, it clearly cannot supersede S as the superior tex-
tual version. In the first place, Z is the most incomplete of the four texts,
missing perhaps as many as three folios at its end (absent is the narrator's
The language of aU of the manuscripts is Castilian, and only MS. Z shows signs that its
copyist was not Castilian. In this study we will not address any phonological or lexical issues of
this text.
^ Russell, "La heraldica," 689.
return to Spain from Persia). But even more important is the copyist's
egregious carelessness in the execution of his task. Comparison of Z with N
and R seems to confirm that it was copied from the same or a similar
source, but there are striking discrepancies in Z that can only be attributed
to the laxity of the person who reproduced it. The omissions are both nu-
merous and important: often whole words, phrases, or sentences are absent,
firequently to the detriment of the grammatical sense of a particular section.
It is a characteristic of the author's style to mention a place-name more than
once in a sentence or a paragraph; it is a characteristic of the copyist of Z
to duplicate the text up to the first mention of a name, leave out any text
found between it and the second mention, then continue to copy from that
point. This is the obvious result of inattention to his work. But the conse-
quences to the author's original composition of the book are dire. Besides
this kind of common error of omission, the reader must also contend with
the oversight and consequent elimination of entire passages that result in the
total absence of information about certain kingdoms. The omission of text
is compounded by the copyist's gratuitous (although relatively harmless)
addition of the adverb muy [very] to adjectives such as grande [large] or
poblado [populated]. The indifference of the amanuensis toward his work
therefore taints the merit of Z, making it the least reliable of the four extant
many nations, rather than its narrative of the long journey. Ironically, when
the Conoscimiento was rediscovered and published in the nineteenth century,
its editor and other scholars once again chose to believe that the anonymous
author actually did undertake the virtually impossible voyage he described.
In early May 1402, an expedition left the seaport of La RocheUe with
the intention of conquering the Canary Islands for the French crown. The
campaign was headed by Jean de Bethencourt, a nobleman from Normandy
who was assisted by Gadifer de la Salle, a minor noble who could be consid-
ered a soldier of fortune. Their unexpected reliance on Castilian assistance
for materials and men for this expedition led Bethencourt to shift his alle-
* The River of Gold and Prester John were, of course, only attractive legends. Prester
was thought to be an extremely wealthy priest-king who lived in Ethiopia; belief in his existence
was so strong that ambassadors were sent twice to 6nd him. See C. F. Beckingham, "The Quest
for Prester John," Bulletin of the John Rylands Ubrary of Manchester 62 (1979-80): 290-304.
On the River of Gold, see E. G. R. Taylor, "Pactolus: River of Gold," Scottish Geographical
Magazine 44 (1928): 129-44.
Felipe Fernandez Armesto, in his Before Columbus: Exploration and Civilization from the
Mediterranean to the Atlantic, 1229-1492 (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1987),
181, believes that Bethencourt drew his information about the location of the River of Gold
from the Libra del Conoscimiento, then enhanced it with detail from legend as well as from his
own imagination about the easy accessibility of gold there.
ready knew, they relied on his information with regard to all the
other countries; they have therefore inserted in the sequel other
extracts from his book, as they found occasion.'^
Jean de Bethencourt, TTie Canarien or Book of the Conquest and Conuersion of the Canarians
1402, trans. Richard Henry Major (London, 1872), 96-97. It is evident that a copy
in the year
of the Conoscimiento no longer extant was consulted by these explorers, because the four
manuscripts we know today all date from the second half of the fifteenth century.
'"Jean Richard, Les recits de voyages et de pekrinages (Turnhout: Brepols, 1981), 35; Buena-
ventura Bonnet, "Las Canarias y el primer libro de Geografia medieval, escrito por un fraile
espaiiol en 1350," Revista de Historia 67 (1944): 207; George H. T. Kimble, Geography in the
part with a disparaging comment about the veracity of the Lihro del conosci-
miento made in the 1630 publication of Le Canarien, edited by Pierre Berge-
ron. In the section which recounts the "mendicant fiiar's" stay in the city
which was the supposed residence of Prester John, the 1630 version says:
"He remained there several days, for he saw there a considerable number of
marvelous things, of which at present we make no mention in this book, in
order to hasten on to other matters, and for fear the reader might take them
for lies."'^ The original edition apparently read: "... in order to hasten on
to other matters, and our intention is, with the grace of God, to declare
them more fully at another time."'** According to Bonnet, Bergeron adul-
terated his version, omitting certain chapters, joining others together to
form one, eliminating entire sentences, and modernizing the text.'^ Bon-
net would vindicate Jimenez de la Espada because of the alteration of the
quotation used by Morel-Fatio to discredit the Conoscimiento. However, this
eliminates only one of his arguments against the authenticity of the book.
Later we shall Manuel Serrano y Sanz is as rigorous as
examine others.
Morel-Fatio in book reflects a true travel
his refusal to accept that the
e viajes de Pew Tafur por diuersas partes del mundo
Alfred Morel-Fatio, review of Andan(as
avidos,1435-1439, ed. Marcos Jimenez de la Espada, Revue Critique d'Histoire et de Litterature 9
(1875), 136-37; Otto Peschel, Geschichte der Erdkunde (Amsterdam: Meridian, 1961), 174.
" Bethencourt, Le Canarien, 101-02.
'* Bonnet, "Las Canarias," 205-27. The translation from page 214 is mine.
Bonnet, "Las Canarias," 213.
passing a place called Gozora on the Afirican coast. The author of the Cono-
sdmiento claims to have been informed about the fate of the Vivaldi expedi-
tion during his trip through Africa. In the section of the work that deals
with his presumed travels through Nubia and Ethiopia, the narrator stops at
Autohiograjia y memorias (Madrid: Bailly-Bailliere e hijos, 1925), xli.
" Among the of the Vivaldi voyage is the usefijl article by Francis M. Rogers,
many studies
"The Vivaldi Expedition," Annual Report of the Dante Society of America 73 (1955): 31-45.
Rogers, "The Vivaldi Expedition," 42, and Perez Embid, Los descubrimientos en el Atlantico
y la el Tratado de Tordesillas (Seville, 1948), 58. Carlo Conti
rivalidad castellano-portuguesa hasta
Rossini, "II Lihro del Conosdmiento e le sue notizie sull'Etiopie," Bollettino della Reale Society
Geograftca Italiana Series 5, 6:9-10 (1917): 675, n.l, believes that it is Mogadishu, and says that
this is the earliest, if not the absolute earliest, mention of this place in Western sources.
ended, is probably the ancient city of Gaetulia (Gazula in the Conosc imie
nto), a place on the West African coast opposite the Canary Islands. Perez
Embid assumes that the Vivaldi brothers intended to find the route to India
either African or Atlantic waters, were headed around Africa in their search
for a route to India when their vessels were destroyed.^" In either case,
readers of the Conoscimiento were led to believe that such expeditions had
been attempted a century prior to the composition of the book, a supposi-
tion that could have led to other efforts to do the same.
The credibility given to the Libro del conoscimiento also might have led to
its use in the production of the Este World Map, a work of Catalan origin
dating from the mid-fifteenth century. Kimble believes that "the only part
of the map which may be considered unmistakably moulded on the narra-
tive is the west coast of Africa, south of Cape Verde. The delineation of a
longitudinal gulf, doubtless intended for the Gulf of Guinea, with the
nomenclature accompanying it recalls, in the most striking fashion, the
Friar's Gulf "^' All other Catalan maps, including the famous 1375 mappa-
mundi, depict nothing south of the River of Gold. But the maker of the
Este World Map does not refer to information found in the Conoscimiento
when working on other parts of Afiica, as the map legends and the details
book do not coincide anywhere else. Based on this presumed
in the travel
from the last place mentioned without reporting his departure or arrival,
and visiting fictitious locations.
The narrator begins his journey in Seville, sets out to Portugal, then
north to Galicia. He travels east along the north coast of Spain, crosses the
French border to visit Bayonne, then returns to Navarre. From here he
traverses the Pyrenees and follows the western coast of France to the mouth
of the Loire River. After traveling four days inland to Paris, he heads
toward the north coast and sees Dieppe, Calais, then Bruges. Once he has
toured several other cities in Belgium, the traveler proceeds to Cologne,
passing through Germany and Austria to the Czech border. He returns to
Cologne, traveling on to the Netherlands and Denmark, then to the north-
em coast of Germany. He follows the coast to Poland, apparently heads
south to Krakow, then sets out for Lithuania before turning south into the
area bordering Bohemia, Romania, and Ukraine.
Without mention of his departure from Ukraine, we suddenly find the
narrator on the Swedish coast of the Baltic Sea, where he embarks for the
island of Gotland, subsequently returning to Sweden. The journey contin-
ues to Norway, where the traveler boards an English ship for Denmark and
then heads back to Norway. He now sails to Scotland, England, and Ire-
land, where he learns of a ship that is going to Spain. He boards it and pro-
ceeds first to the north, passing to the Orkney, Shetland, and Faroe Islands
From India the narrator goes to Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and the Bay of Ben-
gal, then east to Burma. Unexpectedly we find him in a merchant ship in
the South China Sea heading toward Java, only to return to Burma. Then
he journeys to Cathay, making a long trip to the legendary castle of Ma-
gog,^^ where he claims to have stayed "for a time." Leaving Magog he
^^ The story of Gog and Magog, followers of the Antichrist, appeared in the prophecy of
Ezekiel. He predicted that they would rise up and take over the Earth on the Day ofJudgement.
They were believed to be found in northeastern Asia. Medieval lore has Alexander building a
finds in the book "the stamp of credibility" missing from known noveUzed
gate to contain them, a legend referred to in the Conoscimiento. On mappaemundi they are
depicted often as two giants. See A. R. Anderson's and Ian Michael's works on this subject in
the Bibhography.
"^ The Tanais appears to be the river Don, whose source is a lake, which could explain this
The Dawn of Modem Geography (London: H. Frowde, 1906), 3:416, n.l; Pasch, "Drapeaux du
Libra del Conoscimiento," 8; J. K. Hyde, "Real and Imaginary Journeys in the Later Middle Ages,"
Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 65A (1982): 144-45.
travel books such as the Travels of Sir John Mandeville. "Credible" to Kimble
means that the author limited the number of times he mentions fantastic
animals and humans and their unconventional behavior. He also considers
references to the profit made by merchants or the author's visit to an Afri-
can king to be "natural touches" of "a bona fide mode of expression which
seems to belie the charge of fabrication." In addition, Kimble is impressed
by the exactitude of the Conoscimiento's description of the coast of West
Africa, and attributes it to the narrator's first-hand knowledge of the re-
gion. ^^ But none of these lines of reasoning constitute plausible proof that
such a voyage in fact did take place.
Some scholars believe that the author might have undertaken at least
some of the journey, then invented the rest to complete his "tour" of the
known world. Bonnet admits that it would have been impossible to cover
so much ground in a reasonable amount of time: some estimates place the
required time to complete this voyage at twenty years. He is taken, though,
by the idea that the author was a Franciscan missionary and was probably
present, therefore, in North Africa where he gleaned direct information
about the area.^^' In his introduction to a facsimile of Jimenez de la Es-
pada's edition of the Libro del conoscimiento, Francisco Lopez Estrada com-
ments that some of the facts put forth in the book might be true and might
even be the product of personal experience, but others obviously originate
in geographical lore and the works of others. ^^ Martin de Riquer assumes
that the author did not make the journey all at one time, but rather in seg-
ments over a twenty-year period.^" While it is not inconceivable that the
author in fact did make some of the voyage outlined in his book, as any
merchant, herald, missionary, ambassador, or pilgrim might have done, it is
difficult to accept that he personally took part in all of it. Even Clements
Markham, who translated Jimenez de la Espada's edition into English, does
not accept the Hteralness of the entire narrative. He does accept, however,
the premise that the author was "a great traveller" who combined his own
experiences with other geographical information he gathered.^'^ Serrano y
Sanz effectively sums up his reasons for not embracing the theory of author-
audaz y afortunado que registra la Historia, al lado del cual Marco Polo
resultaria un vulgar turista" [If his narration were true we would find
ourselves beholding the most audacious and fortunate traveler that History
records, next to whom Marco Polo would result a common tourist]/^'*
Some of those who have considered this issue have found errors in the
book that belie the assumption that the author truly made the journey.
Hyde, for example, points out several such inaccuracies. To reach Ireland
from England, the traveler claims to have made a short crossing of only one
mile, an inaccuracy. His knowledge of the Mediterranean seems second-
hand, and he "does not follow any credible sailing route." Bosnia, accord-
ing to the narrator, is the name of a mountain, and Crete is a city on
Rhodes, whose position he mistakenly describes. These misrepresentations,
Hyde conjectures, are probably due to the author's simple misreading of the
information on a map he was consulting.^' But they also strongly suggest
dary castle of Magog, a visit to mythical Malsa, home of the fictional Prester
Serrano y Sanz, Autohiografla, xli.
who in 1346 set out to find the legendary river and abruptly disappeared.
The author also wrote of African ants that dug up gold nuggets as they
made their home underground, a legend that dates back to Herodotus.
Despite certain properties that have convinced some that the author
recounted a personal experience, there are simply too many discrepancies
and fantastic elements in the book to allow the informed reader to accept
it as a totally true account. While it is possible that the anonymous author
really did travel to some of these places at one or more points in his life, the
ratio of real travel to invented journey seems to be quite small. The book
can be therefore best described today as a geographical "novel," and not an
authentic travel book.
Possible Sources
'* Some critics have supposed, therefore, that the author was from Seville, or at least
Andalusian. See Russell, "La heraldica," 691.
Mappaemundi are more than simply maps of the world, as their name
might imply; they contain an abundance of material and have a didactic
time charts called portolans, which correctly illustrated coastlines and seas.
Serious travelers had little use for the typical mappamundi, which included
a combination of geographical places, historical facts and fiction, description
of peoples both real and mythical, legends, unusual animals and plants, and
often the coats of arms of the countries depicted/^'*
These works were meant almost exclusively for leisure reading and arm-
chair traveling, not for use as an accurate reference for actual journeys. Two
of the best known maps that date from the mid- to late fourteenth century
are the Angelino Dalorto map (1339) and the Catalan Atlas (1375); they are
also the most firequently mentioned by those who have studied the Conosci-
miento and its possible sources. However, there were most likely numerous
portolans and mappaemundi produced in the fourteenth and fifteenth cen-
turies. Harley and Woodward say that we know of 180 such works dating
from that era, charts which represent a "minute fraction" of the vast num-
ber that must have existed.^'' In this time of active land and sea travel
accomplished by merchants, missionaries, ambassadors, pilgrims, and other
such travelers, it is evident that each ship and number of
the total vessels
least one portolan chart. It is impossible to pinpoint the exact map of the
very few remaining that the author of the Conosdmiento consulted when
composing the work; the data he offers do not match precisely the details
contained in any one of the extant maps. However, it is possible to deter-
mine that he used an atlas of the Catalan school, although not specifically
J. B. Harley and David Woodward, The History of Cartography (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1987), 2:112.
^^ Harley and Woodward, The History of Cartography, 2:373.
difficult to accept that it is the first such map that they made. Kimble
considers the Catalan atlas the work of an experienced cartographer capable
of very accurate descriptions and in possession of excellent drafting tech-
niques.-^^ Its delineation of the Far East, for example, is the finest of the era
and is not equalled until the middle of the fifteenth century. Cartographers
generally agree that there must have existed early fourteenth-century proto-
types of this map, although their whereabouts are unknown. The 1375 Adas,
probably based on a portolan chart, was executed splendidly because it was
intended for the library of a king, and its preservation can be attributed to this
fact. But it is reasonable to assume that the Majorcan school manufactured
other, less grand works destined for more practical use and lesser collections,
and that these examples simply have not survived the centuries.
Much of the data that the author offers to his readers can be found some-
where on the Catalan chart. A significant similarity is the relatively accurate
placement of the Canary Islands and the Azores in the Atlantic, something
not accomplished by many other documents of this era. Other coincidences
between the Atlas and the Conoscimiento include the following: most of the
cities and countries the author mentions, both real and imaginary, and the
distances between them; many of the legends he writes about (for example,
Prester John, Gog and Magog); references to earlier explorers (the doomed
Vivaldi voyage and explorer Jacme Ferrer's ill-fated 1346 expedition to the
River of Gold); drawings of different sea-going vessels and camels used for
transportation; mention or sketches of monuments located in certain cities;
some of them invented. (The shields are placed over the general location of
the places they represent, since border delineations were not employed on
such maps.) There is also a striking similarity in the language used by both
the book and the atlas. many of its inscriptions, the Catalan map begins
the explanation with the word "sepiats" [know], while the author of the
Conoscimiento often introduces explanatory material with the word "sabet,"
the Castilian equivalent.
But there are also differences between the Catalan Atlas of 1375 and the
Lihro del Conoscimiento that indicate that the author could not have relied
specifically on this map. For example, the book's description of the area
south of the River of Gold on the west coast of Africa is not depicted on
the Catalan map; in fact, all existing maps of Catalan origin end in the south
at the latitude of this river. -^^ In addition, the narrator's description of Asia
does not appear to originate from a reading of the Catalan charts. The Cres-
ques atlases were based probably on information gleaned from Marco Polo's
writings; the description of these lands in the Conosdmiento does not resem-
ble either the map or the Italian explorer's book. The anonymous author
presents his readers with two distinct travel routes that lead to Cathay; this
and conclusions are still valid."*" He notices agreement in the area of Nubia
and Ethiopia, whose ruler both the book and the map show as Abdeselib,
aname that does not appear on the Catalan atlas. In addition, the Dalorto
map legend at Nubia reads, in imperfect Latin: "Iste Rex saracenus habet
continue guera cum christianos nubie et ethiopie qui sunt sub dominio prest
lane christianus niger" [This Saracen king is at continuous war with the
Christians of Nubia and Ethiopia, who are under the rule of Prester John, a
black Christian]. The map legend refers also to the kingdom of Titimissen
(Tlemsen). The Conosdmiento offers this similar observation: "[Ljlegue a otro
rreinado que dizen Tremisin, et confina con el flumen Nilus et sienpre bive
en guerra con los cristianos de Nubia et de Etiopia" [I arrived in another
kingdom that they call Tremisin, and it borders on the river Nilus and it
always lives at war with the Christians of Nubia and of Ethiopia]. There are
also coincidences between the coats of arms depicted for this area. The
Dalorto map assigns to Christian Nubia (where Prester John was believed
to reside) a cross bearing three intersecting arms; the Conosdmiento attributes
thissymbol to Prester John himself Both the map and the narrative display
the same coat of arms in the cases of the kings of Dongola and Tlemsen.
Each also locates Earthly Paradise south of Ethiopia, but the Dalorto map
shows one river (evidently the Blue Nile) originating in Paradise, while the
travel book describes four distinct rivers. It should be noted also, however,
that the Conoscimiento does not make use of all the place-names found on
this map. Sometimes the author corrects the names or adds others not listed
by Dalorto.
Having compared and contrasted the 1339 Dalorto map with the Cono-
scimiento, Conti Rossini concludes that, despite their similarities, the author
of the Conoscimiento did not consult the Dalorto map. This opinion is sec-
onded by others who have studied the possible sources of the travel book,
and concluded that the Lihro del conoscimiento does not correspond exactly to
any extant portolan or mappamundi because its author had at hand a work
no longer available to us. Hyde, however, puts forth a theory which eUmi-
nates the necessity of such a missing link: "With all its faults the Conosci-
the book have used as the basis for his narrative a map or maps, correcting
and expanding the information according to other more accurate or current
material he had obtained? This would explain the fact that his description
does not completely match any known map; but it is, of course, a theory
work of 1339, a map that more closely resembles the Catalan Atlas of 1375.
It was probably a work produced by the Catalan school. Whether he en-
hanced his writing with knowledge obtained fi-om other sources, or wheth-
er any of the information was updated by later copyists, can only be left to
Hyde, "Real and Imaginary Journeys," 146.
that we are about to consider will help to demonstrate that the Conosd-
miento was written probably in the last quarter of the fourteenth century,
sometime after 1378 but before about 1402.
Scholars who have attempted to date the work often cite the following
passage, near the beginning of the work, as significant evidence:
Et de Ponte Vedra vine a una villa que es del rreyno de Castilla, que
ya conte de suso, que dizen Tarifa, la qual poblo un alarabe muy
poderoso que dixeron Tarif Et sobre esta villa fue desbaratado et
powerful Arab, named Tarif, founded. And near this town Alboacen,
King of all the western land beyond the sea, was defeated and con-
quered, and it was the very noble King Don Alfonso de Castilla
who conquered and defeated him, and stole from him all his military
camps and his treasures and all his women, and [Alboacen] was
killed by his knights.]
minus post quem.^^ Bonnet and Pasch, therefore settle on a date of compo-
^^ Bonnet, "Las Canarias," 207; Pasch, "Drapeaux du Lihro del Conosdmiento," 9; Hyde,
"Real and Imaginary Journeys," 145, n.65. Beazley, The Dawn of Modem Geography, 3:416,
suggests C.1345; opting for c.1350 are Kimble, Geography, 109, and Joaquin Rubio Tovar, cd.,
Ubros espafioles de viajes medievales (SelecciSn) (Madrid: Taurus, 1986), 63.
sition of about 1350, while Hyde extends the possibiHty to 1375, the date
of the Catalan Atlas which he believes the author used as a reference for
other facts included in the book.
Riquer finds another possible date of composition in the 1350s from a
reference in Conoscimiento:
Apres de (^erdena es otra isla que dizen Cor^ega. Las seiiales dende
son un pendon bianco con una cruz bermeja, por que la ganaron los
[After Cerdeiia there is another island they call Corcega. Its insignia
is a white flag with a vermilion cross, because the Genoese took it
from the Catalans. And for that reason there is war between them
The first of the Genoese-Catalan battles took place in February, 1352, and
a truce was signed in March of 1360. 1348 is not therefore, a reasonable
date for the work; rather, sometime between the 1352 clash and the settle-
ment eight years later. But there remains one bothersome issue: The critical
remark "Et por eso an oy dia guerra con ellos" [And for that reason there
is war between them today] appears in only one manuscript, 5, which dates
from the latter half of the fifteenth century. This singular occurrence of the
remark could suggest that it might be a later interpolation made either by
a fourteenth-century copyist who was responsible for one of the now lost
Russell, "La heraldica," 691.
have passed since the battle, reference to it on a portolan chart or atlas, and
its inclusion in the Conoscimiento. Russell conjectures that the text was writ-
ten sometime between 1350 and 1370.
The author's evident reliance on information taken from cartographical
works nevertheless provides some significant clues about the date of the
book's composition. Angelino Dalorto's 1339 map which, as we have seen,
can be linked to our text, shares several pieces of information with the
Conoscimiento. While it would be difficult to prove conclusively that the
anonymous author used the Dalorto map as a reference, it is possible to say
book and the map at least had a common
that the travel source, and that
they both reflect geographical data both new discoveries and old wis-
dom that was available in about 1339. But that knowledge was not exclu-
sive to these two works. Another map which contains information similar
to that found in the Conoscimiento is the so-called Laurentian Atlas (or
Medici Atlas of the Laurentian Library), begun in 1351. And many scholars
who have noted similarities between the Conoscimiento and Abraham Cres-
ques' Catalan Atlas usually dated 1375
have assigned the travel book a
date closer to that year. It is clear that there is no one map that can be iden-
tified as the definitive source of the book, but it is also true that the dates
late as 1385. In addition, the 1375 date typically given to the Catalan Atlas
seems to be, according to Fernandez Armesto, the year that the work on it
commenced; the texts that accompany the map also contain the dates 1376
and 1377. For this reason, and because mapmaker Cresques is known to
have sent the King of France a similar mappamundi in 1381, the date of the
Catalan Atlas should probably be revised to the late 1370s or early 1380s.'*'*
flag: in two quarters there are gold flowers on a field of blue because the
king is of the House of Francia; in the other two quarters there are in each
three long gold lynxes, and the field is vermilion]. Edward III of England
claimed the French throne in 1340 and began to use this quartered coat of
arms; in 1406 Henry IV ceased to display this flag. Another example, firom
MS. R, depicts the flag of Majorca with gold and red vertical bars; that is to
say, the same as the Aragonese standard. Such correspondence can only be
the case after October of 1349, when Pedro el Ceremonioso of Aragon de-
feated Jaime III of Majorca and seized his kingdom, incorporating it into his
own. But perhaps the most significant coat of arms for the dating of the
Conoscimiento is the shield of France, depicted with three gold fleurs-de-lis
on a field of blue. Riquer uses this information to date more precisely the
book after 1376, when the French began to use this modernized version of
their flag, which was earlier entirely semy with fleurs-de-lis (i.e., covered
[The author must have traveled for many years, and although he
might not have reached distant lands that he describes as if he had
seen them, it is perfectly acceptable that he knew the kingdoms of
Europe and the islands of the western Mediterranean. The trips of
Here, Riquer attempts to explain the obvious problem which arises from
the incongruity between the author's stated year of birth in 1305 and the
probable date of composition of his work after 1376, coupled with a seem-
ingly "contemporary" reference to the Catalan confhct with the Genoese.
As we have seen earlier in the section, mention of this conflict does not
unquestionably represent information original to the work. There seem to
be several possible explanations for the issue of the author's age. First, it is
not impossible that the author of the Conoscimiento was more than seventy
years of age when he wrote this book, but it was not a memoir of his actual
travels. Why would he be reluctant to identify himself at the end of his life,
when most likely he would have been proud of such accomplishments and
knowledge? A second possibility is that the date of birth furnished for the
narrator is simply another fiction created by an author already given to fic-
tionalizing a medieval world tour; this notion supports the concept that the
author and the narrator of the text are not meant to be one and the same
person, as we shall discuss in the section about the authorship of the book.
The other conceivable solution to the question of the author's age is that
the description of the French coat of arms is a later interpolation. This is
Riquer, "La heraldica en el LdC," 319.
author of this book was probably not a Franciscan firiar, but maintains that
this person indeed did travel to places for first-hand knowledge of heraldic
devices in use at the time. (Russell contends that the author never under-
took any of the travels at all.) Riquer concludes that the creator of this text
began writing it in about 1352-60 and completed the project shortly after
1376, basing his work mostly on facts he took from various mappaemundi,
but occasionally on information he gathered in his own journeys.
Another clue suggesting the work's earliest date of composition can
found in a seemingly off-hand remark that the author makes about the city
of Avignon. While he only mentions the place in passing, he identifies it as
"una fibdat do mora el Papa de Roma" [a city where the Pope of Rome
resides]. Clement VII moved his court there in 1378. Since all of the manu-
scripts we have contain this reference, it is probably in the original text and
not a later insertion. It seems that, in spite of the various opinions concern-
ing the text's earliest possible date, this brief allusion to the anti-pope's
residence in Avignon provides the best evidence that the Conoscimiento
could not have been written before the fall of 1378, when Clement became
the first anti-pope and the Great Schism of the western Church began.
Avignon ceased to be the papal residence in 1408.
So while there is virtually nothing in the text itself which identifies with
exactitude the year or years of its composition, there is enough evidence to
set its date of composition within a twenty-four-year span. If we consider
the reference to the Pope's residence in Avignon as the Conoscimiento'
terminus a quo, then the book could not have been composed before late
1378. Russell judiciously maintains that the only real terminus post quem of
Alan Deyermond and Jeremy Lawrance, eds., Letters and Society in Fifteenth-Century Spain:
Studies Presented to P. E. Russell on His Eightieth Birthday (London: Dolphin, 1993), 149-51.
Curiously, Russell's essay appeared in an homage volume to Riquer.
When the authors of Le Canarien described the Libro del conoscimiento de
todos las reinos they considered its creator a Spanish mendicant friar. This is
apparently the first time that the author of the Conoscimiento is identified as
a Franciscan, and most of those who subsequently wrote about the work
followed this assertion without question. It is not clear, however, how the
authors of Le Canarien, themselves members of religious orders, arrived at
the conclusion that the anonymous author of the travel book was a Francis-
can friar. None of the four extant manuscripts identifies him by profession,
nor does the author make any comment within the work itself that would
lead one to conclude that he belonged to a religious community. In fact,
the narrator of the Conoscimiento only comments about his life at the be-
ginning of the book, where he mentions that he was bom in Castile during
the reign of Fernando IV, on 11 September 1305, a year that he identifies
in terms of the Christian and Hebrew ages, as well as the eras of Nabucho-
donosor, Alexander the Great, and Caesar, in addition to time passed since
the Great Flood. As Russell appropriately points out, it is strange that the
author would define his date of birth in such specific terms but not identify
himself in any other way; Russell suggests that by revealing his identity the
author would have revealed also the fictional nature of the Libro del conosci-
miento, since the author's contemporaries surely would have known that he
never in reality made the trip he described.'*^
Most historians, geographers, and literary critics who have commented
on the Conoscimiento have not made an issue of its authorship, reiterating
without question that this person was a Franciscan. The scholar most con-
vinced of this religious identity is the editor of the 1877 publication of the
work, Jimenez de la Espada, whose fascination with and belief in the auth-
enticity of the book led him to make some improbable affirmations about
both the author and the text. In an attempt to identify positively the pur-
ported monk who composed the travelogue, Jimenez de la Espada engaged
Russell. "La heraldica." 690.
author was a missionary in Africa accounts for how well he knew the parts
of this continent cited in his narrative.^' Miguel Angel Perez Priego also
subscribes to the theory of Franciscan authorship, but offers a quite reason-
able justification for accepting the position that it is possible: "Aunque [el
idea clerical del saber: es un libro del 'conoscimiento de todos los reinos e
tierras e seiiorios que son por elmundo' y tambien de 'las armas y los
senores' que los gobieman; es decir, un relato didactico, una compilacion
eled through almost every part of the world known in the mid-fourteenth
century and subsequently wrote about his numerous stopovers. One good
reason to challenge this assumption is simply the lack of textual evidence
that upholds the theory. As we have seen, the author makes no disclosures
concerning his particular vocation, either by straightforward statement or by
implication, nor does he communicate to the reader the purpose of his
(1984): 234.
commerce, even if only from the map or maps he consulted. But his evi-
dent interest in and comprehension of the heraldic convention is what most
attracts our attention, details to be examined below.
What if the Libro del conoscimiento had been written by a herald? We
have already proposed that the fifteenth-century audience was not interested
in this book for its "travel" aspects (many of which were found to be erro-
neous by explorations that took place not long after the book was written),
but for its illustration of more than 100 coats of arms of cities and nations.
Is it not possible that a herald or an apprentice to this post (called perseruante
in Spain) might compile a roll of arms of the lands of the known world,
using a travel itinerary as a pretext? Such a person certainly could have
made at least part of the journey himself the profession of herald (which
finally became defined in the fourteenth century) required a knowledge of
reading and writing, as well as a rudimentary ability in other languages,
since travel was a necessary aspect of this work. According to Richard
Wagner in his Heralds and Heraldry in the Middle Ages, "[M]any heralds led
a wandering life from court to court and even from country to country,
mingling always in what may be called chivalric circles; so that their oppor-
tunities for both collecting and spreading news of feats of arms and those
who performed them would be ample.
The existence of professional heralds in Castile in the mid-fourteenth
century is difficult to demonstrate with any certainty. For example, there
was no herald listed as a member of Pedro I el Cruel's household,''^ yet
the chronicle of his reign clearly states that the king made use of heraldic
devices on the flags and banners which accompanied him to the field of
battle. ^^ But even if there was no designated herald or king of arms, some-
one must have been responsible for this task. Heraldic symbols came into
use in Spain at the end of the twelfth century when Alfonso VIII of Castile
put the castle on his shield.^** Edward, Prince of Wales (the so-called Black
Prince) brought a herald with him to Spain when he came to support Pedro
I in the struggles against his half-brother, Enrique de Trastamara. In fact,
this herald was also entrusted with the task of messenger (a secondary and
later common duty of the office) between the two camps, and was reward-
ed with expensive garments for his services. ^^ Heralds from Spanish king-
doms also have been mentioned in other fourteenth-century works: there
is reference in a French chronicle that in 1366 the heralds of Aragon and
Navarre were in Brussels on the occasion of a tournament organized by the
Duchess of Brabant. ''^'
Their identity is uncertain, however. The first her-
ald to be baptized "Aragon" was Jean de Bar, in 1387; Martin Carbonel was
named "Navarra" in 1369.^'' Both men may have practiced the office of
heraldry prior to their official appointment. The first documentation of her-
alds in Castile has a late date (1429, in Juan II's chronicle) but the occupa-
tion might certainly have existed well before then, especially since it was
Richard Wagner, Heralds and Heraldry in the Middle Ages (London: Oxford University
Press, 1946), 28.
^^ Luis Vicente Diaz Martin, Los Oficiales de Pedro I de Castilla (Valladolid: Universidad de
Valladolid, 1987).
^^ Pero Lopez
de Ayala, Cronica del rey don Pedro, eds. Constance L. Wilkins and Heanon M.
Wilkins (Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1985), 162.
Martin de Riquer, Heraldica caslellana en tiempos de las Reyes Catolicos (Barcelona: Biblioteca
Filologica, Quaderns Crema, 1986), 16.
^' Lopez de Ayala, Cronica,
163; also Chandos Herald, Life of the Black Prince, ed. Milfred K.
Pope (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1910), 155, 160; and Alfonso de CebaUos-Escalera y Gila,
Heraldos y reyes de armas en la corte de Espana (Madrid: Coleccion El Peneverante Bor^iia, 1993),
' Wagner, Heralds, 34.
being named, heralds or kings of arms were usually baptized with the name of the
kingdom or other some such designation, and henceforth were referred to with that name. Thus
in Spain there were heralds called Castilla, Aragon, Navarra, Gerona, Trastamara, Catalufia, Val-
encia, etc. See Riquer, Heraldica castellana, 364-67.
common in the other two Spanish kingdoms and in Portugal at least sixty
his disposal a limited but sufficient number of sources from which to copy
facture. Other than geographical charts, there were few works that the
Umited to only the most essential vocabulary/'^ in other words, the author
employed common lay language when describing the colors, shapes, and
illustrations on the coats of arms he had included. But this does not neces-
sarily beUe his possible identity as a herald, professional or otherwise. Other
known masters of heraldry also have made use of everyday language in their
descriptions of arms. A good example is the Castilian herald Garci Alonso
de Torres, who composed his Blason de annas [Depiction of Arms] sometime
between 1476 and 1496. Despite his familiarity with established heraldic
terminology for the colors of arms, he often wrote uerde [green] instead of
sinopla [vert], amarillo [yellow] rather than oro [or], negro [black] for sable, and
Colorado [red-colored] or bermejo [vermillion] for gulas [gules].''"* The author
of the Conoscimiento also common names for colors, at times
uses the
interchanging them with the accepted terms. He applies a number of official
It is not impossible then, that the unknown author of the Libra del
conosdmiento was a herald or at least a member of the court entrusted with
the responsibility of this profession. He certainly possesses the required
knowledge and culture that the position demands. And a person attached to
the court would have access to the kinds of works he seems to have con-
sulted in the compilation of the book: additional travel books, maps, historical
treatises and other such texts.
The identity of the curious person who wrote the Conosdmiento proba-
bly w^ill never be known, and evidently the author assured his own ano-
nymity by his studied omission of remarks about his own person. His
apparent desire to remain unnamed further confirms the fictional nature of
his book. He is the author but not the narrator of the tale. He has created
a pose, that of a traveler through the known world, as a means of offering
his audience a description of places they would never go, and of people
they would never see. This proposition is, of course, the principal purpose
of medieval travel literature, factual or fictional. This particular voyage, it
nificant aspect of the Lihro del conosdmiento, if not the most important feature
of the work. After a brief account of his arrival in a place and any interest-
ing characteristics of the region, its people, or curiosities, the author inevita-
bly includes a blazon (written description) of the territory's heraldic arms,
which usually also appears as a painted or sketched shield in the body of the
text. As we have mentioned previously, the heraldic component of the
Conosdmiento may account for its continued popularity into the fifteenth cen-
tury, when the book's geographical information was known to have been
largely misleading or entirely erroneous. It is in the 1400s that the Spanish
the growing number of works dealing with its norms and depicting Spanish
arms attests. The Conosdmiento certainly can be considered one of these
works for, as Riquer points out, the work is an authentic book of blazoned
and illustrated arms, which gives it singular importance in the history of
Spanish heraldry.^^
The use of heraldic devices first appeared in Europe at the end of the
eleventh century, and became firmly established by the middle of the next
century.^^ Emblems were essentially a means of identifying and distin-
guishing persons; the need to use them for this purpose came about as a
foot and the public could not discover them easily. Therefore the partici-
pants put on their shields a symbol that could be associated with them;
banners with the same emblems were flown when they jousted, and heralds
were put in charge of documenting this aspect of the proceedings. When
the practice became widespread, it became necessary to systematize and
normalize the depiction of coats of arms. The norms included heraldic
colors (azure, gules, vert, purpure, and sable) and metals (argent and or), geo-
metric shapes called ordinaries (crosses, stripes or bands displayed at various
angles, each with its own name), and other articles (called figures), which
included a wide range of motifs such as animals or humans both real or fan-
tastic, natural objects such as plants or flowers, or inanimate objects such as
castles, cups, or keys. By the end of the twelfth century, most European
heraldry conformed to these standards as well as to other instituted norms,
such as avoiding the juxtaposition of metal and metal, or color and color.
Although heraldry was bom in a milieu of combat, soon it was adopted
by those who did not participate in tournaments. Within one hundred years
the use of heraldic devices was taken up not only by kings and seignorial
they did not ordinarily delineate the interior boundaries of these territories;
they simply placed the flag associated with the region over its general area
on the map.^'^ But the design of these flags was by no means standard, and
the selection of flags depicted on the maps also varied widely. At times the
arms were invented by the mapmakers; sometimes the arms shown were
incorrect or simply out of date because of the constant poUtical turmoil in
the Middle Ages. These inaccuracies make the flags on medieval maps an
undependable source of historical data, as well as an unreHable method to
date the maps on which they appear. As we have seen in the section on the
Conoscimiento's sources, its author probably referred to one or more mappae-
** There are a number of good books on heraldry. Refer to Riquer, Wagner, and Wood-
cock in the Bibliography.
" Sec Harley and Woodward, History of Cartography, 1:399-401 on the use of flags on maps.
mundi and doubdess copied some of the coats of arms he described from
these maps.
The four extant manuscripts of the Libro del conosdmiento each contain
numerous coats of arms either completely painted or sketched. Nofiers the
highest number, with 110 heraldic arms (plus eleven miniatures of people,
things, or places supposedly encountered on the journey); S follows with
108 arms plus nine spaces intended for shields but left blank (and no other
miniatures); R has 106 coats of arms, with blank spaces for sixteen more (as
origin. Now that Z is available, it is possible to see that the arms that appear
in it resemble those in R and N, which also suggests a similar source for all
three codices. Take, for example, the arms of Navarre: in S the chains asso-
ciated with the kingdom divide the shield into eight diagonally prescribed
segments (gyronny); R and iV depict the chains horizontally across the field,
and above them are added three fleurs-de-lis not found in 5 (a possible
Pasch, "Drapeaux du Libro del Cotioscimiento," lists, describes, and provides sketches of 110
coats of arms, using the drawings in Markham's translation as his source. Markham, Knowledge,
does not explain his criteria for selecting shields from the three manuscripts known to him,
although he does identify the source of each coat of arms with an S, R, or N. Most of them he
reproduces from S, but provides only eighty-nine of its 108 flags. He adds to this twenty-three
from N
and only seven from R, either to complete the set with flags missing from S or to show
the variations that occur in the other two codices. Pasch, who obviously did not have access to
any of the manuscripts, assumes that each has only the number of arms credited to it in
Markham's work, well below the real number contained in each of them.
See Pasch, "Drapeaux du Libro del Conosdmiento," and Riquer, "La heraldica en el LdC "
and Heraldica castellana for more specific information.
'" Pasch, "Drapeaux du Ubro del Conosdmiento," 9.
work unique in the fourteenth century, since imaginary heraldry was a com-
monplace in the Middle Ages, having begun about the same time as real
was created. Heraldic emblems have been created for such figures as Moses,
Adam, Attila the Hun, Jupiter, Mars, King Arthur and his knights, Christ, the
Devil, and Prester John (these last arms appear in the Conoscimiento), as well
as for numerous fantastic kingdoms, countries, and institutions. Many of these
fanciful arms later found their way into real armorials, such as Hierosme de
Bara's 1579 work entided Blason de armoires [Depiction ofArms]?^ The inven-
tors of these shields generally conformed to the norms followed by heralds
with respect to use of color, metals, and charges, but some (probably less
familiar with heraldry than anxious to imitate it) committed errors in color or
Unfortunately the miniature in Z has been intentionally darkened, making it impossible
to see what might have been painted there.
^^ Michel Pastoureau, "L'heraldique imaginaire," Perpectives medicvaks 10 (1984): 98102.
Riquer, Herdldica castellana, 33.
existed (juxtaposing the colors green and black^'*), the author seems to be
well acquainted with the approved norms and applied them appropriately.
As Russell has pointed out, the unidentified author seemed to think that the
rulers of unfamiliar Asian and African countries used heraldic devices in the
same way that Christian and Moslems rulers did7^ The use of heraldry was
probably so widespread that he must have assumed that all nations had arms,
and set out to invent some for those with which he was unfamiliar. Know-
ing that heraldic charges were frequently symbols associated with a particu-
lar country, the author provided a flag with a pagan idol for an Afhcan
nation he claimed was filled with idolaters; on the shield of another Afhcan
realm of warm climate he placed palm trees. We must recall here that it was
the credible description of these African arms that led the Bethencourt ex-
pedition to believe that the "mendicant friar" actually had reached these re-
mote places and made them confident that they could duplicate his journey.
Another indication that the anonymous author was informed about
heraldry is his frequent reference to the historical or other reasons for the
pictorial aspect of arms. He tells the reader, for example, that Corsica's flag
resembles that of Genoa "because the Genoese took it from the Catalans."
This kind of information was not ordinarily found on portolans or mappae-
mundi, so even if he copied the physical attributes of the shield from such
a source, he was aware that historical circumstances could determine its ap-
pearance and knew what those circumstances were. There are several such
examples in Conoscimiento, regarding both real and imaginary realms. The
author informs us that the flag of Naples displays fleurs-de-lis because its
king belongs to the House of France, and with the same seriousness tells us
that Nubia bears the arms of Prester John because he rules the area.
The unknown author of the Conoscimiento takes great care to make the
blazoned arms of his work creditable. Where he describes coats of arms of
real places, he is generally accurate and contemporary. (We must remember
that the appearance of the French flag with only three fleurs-de-lis led Ri-
quer to date the work after 1376, when these arms came into use.) Where
he concocts the purported shields of realms and rulers unfamiliar to him,
the author avails himself of standard heraldic norms and creates arms based
on plausible premises. As we have said elsewhere, the journey attached to
the text seems to be a pretext for the author's real intention, that is, to
provide an armorial of all the places that appeared on contemporary carto-
graphical works.
Riquer, "La heraldica en el LdC," 315.
Russell, "La heraldica," 694.
In the late eleventh century the First Crusade took fighting men, both
knights and peasants, to the Holy Land. Those that returned did so with
tales of their travels, stories of places they visited and people they met, foods
they ate, and the hardships and dangers of the road. Some of the tales were
embellished with yams about miracles and fantastic creatures, humans and
plants, fictitious things that were the essence of medieval legends. Medieval
men and women were more willing to believe such fanciful stories because,
unlike ourselves, they were not suspicious about things that they had not
experienced first-hand. Some of these stories, which dated from antiquity,
were conveyed as if they were fact. Therefore, medieval people believed in
the existence of men without necks or with dog faces, birds that grew from
buds on trees, ants who mined gold, and a wealth of other such lore.
Because they did not distinguish between the "scientific" and the fictitious,
the people of the Middle Ages were the ideal audience for books about
travel to far-off places which they would never see; they longed for these
exotic places to be filled with equally exotic things, unlike the familiar
people and circumstances of their own lives. The authors of travel books
were pleased to oblige their public, embroidering accounts of real (or some-
times fictitious) journeys with anecdotes about legendary cities or monsters
that they supposedly encountered or heard about during their journeys. In
this way they could satisfy the requirements of different reading publics,
from the merely curious to those such as prospective pilgrims, merchants,
ambassadors, or explorers who sought factual information about what to
expect along the routes they planned to follow.
Beginning in the late thirteenth century, travel literature enjoyed a
They are the first European travelers about which we have information, and
the first to trek on land across Asia. John of Pian de Carpine, a Franciscan
from Cologne, made the initial trip to the land of the Great Khan in 1245,
work widely read not only during his lifetime, but for centuries thereafter,
and it was translated into many languages.^''
to promoting the work of the missions, or simply serving as a tool for dis-
seminating knowledge. Most of those who wrote these books were not
authors by profession, which the deficiency of their literary style often dem-
onstrates. What reveals itself instead is an enthusiasm to relate their adven-
tures against a backdrop of cities, mountains, seas, and other natural or man-
made phenomena.
The narrator of the typical medieval travel book usually has a strong lit-
age) is made clear from the outset. Because he recounts personal experienc-
es, the author customarily writes in the first person, a style that also draws
the reader closer to the text, giving them a sense of participation. It was not
only the itinerary of the trip that was of interest to the reader, but also the
day-to-day experiences, observations, and conditions which the traveler
underwent en route to his destination that held fascination. Most travel
books contain comments on the various hardships that the joumeyers had
to endure. The narrators constantly complain of cold or heat and inadequate
clothing to endure the climate; and transportation problems, including the
fatigue that came from travel on foot or horseback. The travelers frequently
refer to the accommodations they enjoyed or endured, as well as the quality
of the food they ate at inns or monasteries. Both hunger and thirst are
There are a number of informative books on medieval travel. See, for example, Labarge,
Ladero, Newton, and Ohler in the Bibliography.
'' Ibn Battuta, Trauels, A.D. 1325-54 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1958).
recurrent topics in these stories. The perils of the road, such as thieves or
poor treatment by those they met along the way, is also a recurring theme
in this literature, as is the inherent danger of the transportation itself, espe-
cially if by sea. There are tales of treacherous waters and near disasters, as
well as illnesses that could befall travelers on long sea voyages. Some authors
mention their traveling companions by name; or mention only those closest
to them, and some mention no names at all. Once the traveling party
arrived at a town or city, there could arise the problem of language and
the consequent misunderstandings between the Europeans and the native
people. The confusion and its results are typically explained in some detail.
period. Although written as a first-person account, the work lacks the kind
tor provides an identifiable structure and exhibits a certain style of his own,
if a rather unadorned and often tedious one.
The purported itinerary forms the backbone of the Conoscimiento: the
book offers a linear and chronological narrative of the places along the sup-
posed route that the narrator followed. Most of the cities are enumerated in
rapid succession, giving the reader the impression that they were merely
passed by and not visited as the author would have us believe, or even copied
firom a map, as was probably the case. But he does follow an accepted and
traditional composition in the narrative, conforming at least in a superficial
to conclusion because the book ends when the voyage is over. The second
characteristic is its chronological order which conforms most strictly in the
more objective and truthful works and least rigorous in the more ficticious
"[E]t andudo aqueUa nao por alta mar tanto tienpo que Uegamos a
una isla que dizen Eterus." [And that ship traveled the high seas for
so long a time that we arrived at an island they call Eterus.]
"Et parti de Alcaara et fuy me para Damieta et falle una nao de cris-
The narrator almost never gives explicit information about the number of
days, weeks, or months he either traveled to or remained in a particular
place, in part because he apparently had little idea of the time required to
cover the ground about which he was writing. Already we have seen that
probably it would have taken over twenty years to actually make the jour-
ney he describes, without taking into account the time he claims to have
spent living in various cities, as he declares he did on eleven occasions.
Another established feature of travel books is the organization of the de-
scription of cities, the de laudibus urhium. The conventional structure in-
cludes information on the antiquity of the city in question, its geographical
location, the fertility of its lands, the customs of its people, the buildings
and monuments of note, and its celebrated men. In some such works the
author breaks the rhythm of his narrative to expound at length on an un-
usually interesting aspect of a city. In the Conoscimiento, however, this kind
of information generally is offered in a rather perfunctory manner, and there
is never more than a paragraph's notice about any given place. The author
uses repetitive and uninspired language to describe the sites according to the
traditional requirements.Virtually all of his descriptions mention the regions'
lands, and virtually all are depicted with the same adjectives: the land under
consideration is always cold, temperate or hot, populated or unpopulated,
large or small, abundant or barren. In one instance, the area is deemed dan-
gerous, though for unstated reasons; in another, a city is delightful for
Like his remarks about the condition of the lands, his comments are usually
limited to a few words about their physical attributes, their intelligence, or
their religion. This last element is what he mentions most, and his typical
some schismatic Christians, others are not Catholic Christians, or are Greek
Christians; non-Christians are usually referred to as idolatrous, or "people
without religion who
keep no commandments." The narrator, however,
never expands comments or includes further details about their religious
well as the inhabitants of parts of India are said to be wise, again without
explanation. The quality and quantity of the narrator's observations about
people he met on his journey do little to convince the reader that he speaks
firom experience, compared to the abundance of particulars offered by his
literary counterparts.
Travel literature of this period does not lack the fantastic element, espe-
cially in certain legends which had great impact on people, such as the exis-
who first alluded to them. The Libro del conoscimiento also has its share of
such fantastical beings: there are the cynocephali (barking men who have
dogs' heads and feet); the antipodeans (people who occupy the opposite end
of the globe, known as the torrid zone, and are therefore black from sun-
bum); birds on the island of "Hibernia" that grow from well-watered trees,
and are delicious either boiled or roasted; griffins on the island of Java; and
on the River of Gold there were supposedly ants as big as cats that would
unearth gold nuggets as they built their anthills.
months of daylight and six of night. He mentions the seven climates four
times, a concept which came to medieval men through Macrobius, and
appeared in the works of the Venerable Bede (eighth century) and Albertus
Magnus and Roger Bacon (both of the thirteenth century). The narrator
writes several times about astronomy, and informs the reader that it was
discovered in Persia. But other than the reckoning of his birth date accord-
ing to the ages of man, any of these scientific terms usually could be found
on a mappamundi, so we cannot credit our author with either being knowl-
edgeable enough about these matters to write of them, or consulting works
more learned than a contemporary map.
Like other works of this genre, the Conoscimiento is written from the
point of view of the narrator, but he seems only to imitate literary tradition
in an attempt to lead his readers to believe in the truthfulness of the en-
deavor. To times em-
bring added authority to his writing, the author at
"wise men told me this," or "they affirm that," "I heard marvelous things,"
"they showed me," or "they told me other secrets." But when telling of
something quite fantastic (such as the existence of men without necks), the
narrator generally adds the disclaimer "but I did not see them," apparently
because he is not very convinced of what he is saying. Nevertheless, the
author does affirm that he saw Noah's ark, which probably seemed more
historically valid to him than reports of ill-formed humans and therefore
ready told; Itwould be too long to tell]. Occasionally he uses the verb fablar
[to speak] or dezir [to say] The narrator frequently addresses his audience in
[to travel] appear in the text, nor the noun viaje [journey]. In fact, he uses
no nouns at all to describe the journey; he reserves the word jomada [a
books hold little literary interest or have no notable literary value. Their
style is straightforward and linear both geographically and chronologically;
figurative language almost never appears in them. But the Libra del conosci-
Tamerlaine] in about 1406. Written in the third person (which sets it apart
firom most other works of the genre) , it is essentially the chronicle of an of-
ficial embassy visit, an almost day-to-day record that Clavijo composed dur-
ing his journey, and offers an abundance of details including exact dates and
hours of the day, precise accounts of what he observed and heard, and an
excellent physical description of the lands he saw. Pero Tafur's Andattfas e
viajes Uourneys and Travels] was written following his return from travels
which lasted from 1436 to 1439, and is therefore a less explicit narrative
than most. Nevertheless, Tafur offers accurate information of his voyages
and the time he spent in this endeavor. Although intended to be a chronicle
of the life of don Pero Nino, Count of Buelna, Gutierre Diez de Games's
El Victorial essentially contains a travel narrative of the count's wanderings
from 1403 to 1410. All of these works, whether told in the first or third
person, are characterized by the strong personality of their narrators, and the
exact purpose of the travels reported, be it a diplomatic mission or simple ad-
since (as we have already seen in the section on the manuscript witnesses)
it provides a complete text of the Libra del conoscimiento and contains the
fewest number of errors of the four extant codices. Because all the available
manuscripts date firom the fifteenth century
and are therefore removed by
some one hundred years firom the work's date of composition we have no
"original" text upon which to base an edition. The edition offered here has
been constructed with careful consideration to what would be the most
correct and accurate text possible given the witnesses at hand.
I have made as few modifications of the text as possible, following cur-
rent practice, and have made only alterations that would faciUtate its read-
ing. They are as follows:
The translation follows closely the original Spanish text; this has been
done in order to maintain its characteristic narrative form. Therefore no at-
tempt has been made to improve the text by changing such infelicities as its
abundant and sometimes tedious use of the word "and," including its fre-
as they appear in the Spanish text for several reasons: the reader will be-
come aware of the often numerous variants found in the original; some
cities and other places are identified mistakenly by the narrator (the correct
toponyms are found in the notes to the edition and translation); and the
imaginary places mentioned usually have no apparent translation in English.
However, those names containing descriptive adjectives (e.g.. Mar Mayor)
have been translated (Great Sea).
The Spanish and English texts share the same set of footnotes.
The illustrations of the coats of arms mentioned in the text have also
been prepared using S as the source. When they vary in the other manu-
scripts, variant arms are given as well. In some cases the illustration was
missing in S, and one of the other manuscripts, usually N, was used to
supply the arms.
The Roman numerals in square brackets in both the Spanish and Eng-
the number of the illustration.
lish texts refer to
El Libro del conoscimiento
71^ W.
XXXIIa. Napol (S) XXXIIb. Napol (N, Z) XXXIIc. Napol (R)
XXXIII. ge^ilia XXIV. Venecia XXXV. Esclavonia
3l FE
r- ' -
CIX. Atologo ex. Derbent CXI. Caraol
En el nonbre de Dios padre et fijo et spiritu santo que son tres personas
indeviduas en una esen^ia: Yo fuy nas^ido en el rreynado de Castilla,
rreynante enuno el muy noble rrey don Fernando fijo del muy noble rrey
don Sancho,^ quando andava la era del mundo segund los abraicos en 9inco
mill et sesenta et finco afios, et la era del general diluvio en quatro mill et
quatrofientos et siete, et la era de Nabucodonosor Rey de Caldea en dos
mill et finquenta et dos aiios, et la era del grande Alixandre de Mafedonia
en mill et seysq;ientos et diez et siete aiios, e la era de ^esar Enperador de
Roma en mill et tresientos et quarenta et tres aiios, et la era de Cristo en
mill et trezientos et quatro aiios, et la era de los alarabes en siete^ientos et
seys, en onze dias del mes de setienbre.'^ Et avia en el rreynado del dicho
rreyno veynte et ocho fibdades et con otras muchas villas et castillos et
logares. Las tres ^ibdades son ar^obispados, que son Sevilla et Toledo et
Conpostela, et las veynte et ^inco ^ibdades son obispados, que son Alge-
zira^ et Cordova, Jahen, Mur^ia, Badajoz, Coria, Qibdat Rodrigo, ^amora,
Sancho IV (1284-95) and Fernando IV (1295-1312).
^ The
various methods used to calculate the year of the author's birth create confusion about
whether he was bom in September of 1304 or 1305. The Jews consider that Christ was born in
the year 3761 of Creation, therefore the year 5065 cited here seems to correspond to 1305; since
the Hebrew New Year could fall between September 3 and October 6, however, September 1
of Hebrew year 5065 could have corresponded to 1304 A.D. According to the Alphonsine
Tables, the Great Flood took place 3101 years and 319 days before the birth of Christ; the year
4407, therefore, would be the equivalent of 1305 A.D. The era of Alexander the Great began
with his fint conquests in 312 B.C.; 1617 years later also corresponds to 1305 A.D. Finally, the
author apparently uses the year 598 (when Mohammed began to preach his doctrine) as the
beginning point of the Islamic era; 706 years afterwards was 1304 A.D.
' Algeciras was conquered by Alfonso XI in 1344, a reference which helps determine that
this book was composed after this date.
The Book of Knowledge of all
THE Kingdoms, Lands, and Lordships
IN THE World
This is the book of knowledge of all the kingdoms and lands and lord-
ships that there are in the world, and of the insignia and arms that each land
and lordship has.
In the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, who are three indi-
during the reign of the very noble King Fernando, son of the very noble
King Don Sancho, when the era of the world, according to the Hebrews,
was 5065 years, and the era of the Great Flood 4407 years, and the era of
Nebuchadnezzar King of Caldea 2502 years, and the era of Alexander the
Great of Macedonia 1617 years, and the era of Caesar Emperor of Roma
1343 years, and the era of Christ 1304 years, and the era of the Arabs 706
years, on the eleventh day of the month of September.
And there were in the reign of said kingdom twenty-eight cities and
many other towns and castles and villages. Three of these cities are arch-
bishoprics, to wit, Sevilla and Toledo and Compostela; and twenty-five
cities are bishoprics, namely Algezira and Cordova, Jahen, Mur^ia, Badajoz,
Coria, (^iudad Rodrigo, Qamora, Salamanca, Plazen^ia, Avila, Segovia,
montes de Bizcaya, que son rribera del Mar Ogidental'* et que se tyenen
con las sierras de monte dizen la Sierra de Segovia, a do
las Asturias; al otro
son muchas villas et logares; al otro monte dizen la Sierra Morena; al quarto
monte dizen la Sierra de Segura, donde nas^en dos rrios muy grandes. Al
uno dizen Guadalquevyr, que antiguamente dezian Betis, et pasa por
Cordova et por Sevilla et entra en el Mar O^idental en un logar que dizen
Barrameda. Al otro rrio dizen Segura, et va por Mur^ia et entra en el mar
Medio Terreno ^erca de un lugar que dizen Guardamar. Et falle en este
rreinado seys rrios grandes: Guadalquivir, que ya conte; al otro rrio dizen
Tajo, que corre por Toledo et por Santaren et entra en la Mar Ofidental
ferca de una ^ibdat que dizen Lisboa en el rreynado de Portogal; al otro se
dizen Duero, et corre por Soria et por Alma9an et por Santesevan de Gor-
maz et va por una ^ibdat que dizen ^amora et entra en el Mar de
Poniente^ ferca de la fibdat que dizen Portogallo; al otro rrio dizen Gua-
diana, et va por un lugar que dizen Calatrava et dende va a un lugar que
dizen Merida et dende va por vna ^ibdat que dizen Badajoz et entra en la
Mar de Poniente en un lugar que dizen Castro Marin; al otro rrio dizen
Ebro, que va por Tudela et por Qaragoga (^ibdades del rreinado de Ara-
gon), et entra en el mar Medio Terreno ferca de una ^ibdat que dizen Tor-
tosa. Et sabet que en este rreynado de CastiUa et Leon tiene toda la marisma
del poniente fasta Bayona la mayor, et parte con Navarra et Aragon et Gran-
ada. Las seiiales deste rrey deste rreyno es un pendon con dos castillos et dos
leones fechos en quarterones, tales como estos que adelante se siguen. [I]
and villages; they call the other mountains the Sierra Morena; they call the
fourth mountain range the Sierra de Segura, where two great rivers
originate. One they call the Guadalquevyr, which they formerly called
Betis, and it passes through Cordova and Sevilla and enters the Western Sea
at a place called Barrameda. The other river they call Segura, and it goes
through Mur^ia and enters the Medio Terreno Sea near a village called
Guardamar. And there are in this kingdom six great rivers: Guadalquivir, of
which I have already told; the other river they call the Tajo, which runs by
Toledo and Santaren and enters the Western Sea near a city they call Lisboa
in the kingdom of Portogal; they call the other the Duero, and it runs
through Soria and through Alma^an and Santestevan de Gormaz, and goes
through a city called (^amora, then enters the Western Sea near a city they
call Portogallo; the other river they call Guadiana, and it flows near a place
called Calatrava and then goes to a town named Merida, then to a city
called Badajoz, and enters the Western Sea in a village called Castro Marin;
they call the other river the Ebro, which flows through Tudela and (^ara-
go^a (cities in the Kingdom of Aragon), and enters the Medio Terreno Sea
near a city they call Tortosa. And know that this Kingdom of Castilla and
Leon has swampy land in the west near Bayona Major, and it borders on
Navarra and Aragon and Granada. The insignia of the king of this kingdom
is a flag with two castles and two lions, quartered like these that now
follow. [I]
And I left the Kingdom of Castilla and went to the Kingdom of Porto-
gal, where I found four great cities: Lisbona and Portogallo and Santaren
and Bragaa. And three great rivers run through them: Tajo and Guadiana
and Duero, which I have already told of above. And this kingdom borders
on the Western Sea and the Kingdom of Castilla and Leon. And the insig-
nia of the king of this kingdom is a flag with castles around it and escutch-
eons in the center, in this manner. [II]
I left Portogal and went along the swampy coast of the Western Sea to
the province of Gallizia, to the port of Bayona de Mino, then to Ponte
Vedra, from where Ander and to Castro de Urdiales and to
I went to Sant
Bilbao and to Sant Sabastian, coastal lands which all belong to the King of
Castilla. And from there I went to Bayona la Mayor, which is in Gascuefia,
men Sigre. Et el rrey della a por senales estas que se siguen7 [IV]
E parti de Navarra et atravese los montes Perineos que allegan fasta el
entra por el mar del golfo de Loira. Et deste golfo fasta Paris son quatro
jomadas. Et sabed que el rreynado de Fran9ia parte con el Mar Medio
Terreno en una fibdat que dizen Narbona, et parte con los Alpes Alsa^ie,
et con toda la marisma de Flandes et toda la Gascueiia fasta los montes
^ S illustrates the familiar arms of Navarre, with its four chains that cross at the center.
Markham explains its origins: "The King of Navarre and his knights broke the chain which
defended the approach to the Almohade Sultan's tent, at the batde of Las Navas de Tolosa in
1212. From that time the Kings of Navarre bore the chain on their coat of arms, and on their
flag" {Knowledge of the World, 4).
Both N and R depict three horizontal chains, above which are found three fleurs-de-lis.
map as Samae. The others are the Gulf of St.-Malo and Normandy.
The Seine.
The Book of Knowledge
which is located between the Western Sea and the Pirineos Mountains. The
lord of this Bayona has as his insignia a white flag with a vermiUon cross, in
which there are three great cities, to wit, Pamplona and Tudela and Estela.
And through it run three great rivers, the Ebro and the Sinca and the Sigre.
And the king of it has as his insignia the one that follows. [IV]
And I left Navarra and crossed the Pirineos Mountains that extend to
the County of Anpurias, and from these mountains four great rivers
originate. The first they call Sinca, the second Sigre, the third Giron, and
the fourth Ebro. And on the left side of these mountains is the County of
Burdeo and Limogines, Caorz and Armeiiaque and Piteos, and the noble
city of Tolosa, where the Liberal Arts are studied. And the lord of this
Tolosa has as his insignia a vermilion flag with a cross of gold painted in this
manner. [V]
And I left Tolosa and returned to the coast to the County of Burdeo,
and from there to Rochela, a rich city in Fran^ia, and from there I went to
the Punta de Sanmae, which is in the province of Bretana, and from there
I went to the Golf of Samalo, and from there to the province of Lormandia,
all of this in the Kingdom of Fran^ia, which has many cities and towns and
villages. And I left Lormandia for the coast and went to the Gulf of Loira,
in which there enters a great river that they call Saina, which originates in
the mountains called the Pirineos and crosses the whole Kingdom of
Franfia, and passes through the center of the city of Paris, and enters the sea
at the Gulf of Loira. From this gulf to Paris there is a four-day journey.
Know that the Kingdom of Fran^ia borders on the Medio Terreno Sea at
a city called Narbona, and borders on the Alpes Alsa9ie and the whole coast
Pireneos. El Rey de Fran^ia a por senales un pendon azul con tres flores de
lises de oro atales. [VI]
Et sabed que desde Cales fasta la isla de Inglatera es una pequena traviesa de
ocho niillas. Et party de Cales et fliy al condado de Flandes a una noble
f ibdat que dizen Brujas. Et el senor dende a por seiiales un pendon de oro
con un leon prieto atal. [VII]
Desde ende fuy me por la marisma a una fibdat que dizen Solanda et
dende a otra que dizen Maxa, et otra Leobet, que son ^ibdades de Alemana.
Et dende pase a Dodret,''* una grand fibdat et rrica, et pasa por ella un
gran rrio que dizen Rinus que nas^e de los Alpes Alemana, el qual rrio pasa
por Colona, una grand ^ibdat de Alemana. Et en esta Colona diz que yazen
soterrados los tres Reyes Magos que adoraron a Jesu Cristo en Beleen, pero
que quando fuy en el inperio de Catayo en una fibdat que dizen Solin, me
mostraron tres monimentos muy onrrados et dixeron me que eran de los
tres Reyes Magos que adoradon a Jesu Cristo, et que de ally fueron na-
turales.'^ Et en esta Alemaiia son unos montes muy altos que llaman Alpes
Alemanie, et nas9en dende tres rrios. Al uno dizen Ruedano, que va por
una ^ibdat que dizen Leon,^^ et ayuntase a el otro rrio muy grande que
nasfe de los Alpes Alsafie. Et van por Lurdevit et por Avinon, una fibdat
do mora el Papa de Roma, et entra en el Mar Medio Terreno apres de una
fibdat que dizen Arle. Et estas ^ibdades son del rreyno de la Proen9ia.'^ Al
otro rrio dizen Rinus, et va por la gibdat de Colona de que ya conte de
suso, et entra en la Mar de Alemana. Al otro rrio dizen Danubio, et traviesa
After Paris, Rouen, Chalons, Dieppe, and Calais.
The first is the province of Zeeland (Netherlands). Jimenez de la Espada (226) and
Markham (64) identify the second as Maastricht. Jimenez de la Espada (220) suggests that Leobet
might be either Leuven or Limbourg (both in Belgium), while Markham (64) beheves it is
Lieges, but it is not clear which city the narrator had in mind. The last place mentioned is
Dordrecht; the supposed itinerary does not help determine what Leobet might be, since the
narrator would have traveled fi-om Zeeland southeast to Maastricht, then northwest to Dordrecht
after the intermediary stop in Leobet.
Besides this reference to Cologne, there are various legends about the burial place of the
Magi. Marco Polo reported that their tomb could be found in Penia, while the Catalan Atlas
illustrates it in the eastern part of Turkestan. Another story is that Saint Helena had them
removed from India and brought to Milan. See Markham (6, n.l) and Jimenez de la Espada
'^ The Rhone River, which passes through Lyon.
" Perhaps this is Luc-en-Diois, southwest of Lyon on the Drome River. The kingdom
mentioned is Provence.
The Book of Knowledge
of Flandes and Gascuena, up to the Pireneos. The King of Fran^ia has as his
insignia a blue flag with three gold fleurs-de-lis, in this way. [VI]
I departed Paris and went to Roan and to Chalon, and from there I
turned toward the coast to a city they call Diepa, in the Kingdom of
Fran^ia. And I left there and went to the point of Gales, a rich city in the
province of Picardia. Know that from Gales to the isle of Inglatera there is
a short crossing of eight miles. And I departed Gales and went to the Coun-
ty of Flandes to a noble city they call Brujas. And the lord of it has as his
insignia a flag of gold with a black lion. [VII]
From there I went along the coast to a city they call Solanda and from
there to another they call Maxa and another named Leobet, which are all
cities in Alemana. And from there I traveled on to Dodret, a great and rich
city, through which flows a great river they call Rinus that originates in the
Alpes Alemaiia and passes through Goloiia, a great city in Alemana. And in
the Goloiia they say the Three Magi who adored Jesus Ghrist in Beleen lie
buried, but when I went to the Empire of Gatayo to a city they call Solin,
they showed me three much honored monuments and told me they were
for the Three Magi who adored Jesus Ghrist, who were bom there. And in
this Alemaiia there are some very high mountains that they call the Alpes
Alemanie, from which three rivers originate. They call one Ruedano,
which runs through a city called Leon and converges with another great
river that originates in the Alpes Alsa^ie. And they flow through Lurdevit
and Avifion, a city where the Pope of Roma resides, and enter the Medio
Terreno Sea after a city they call Arle. And these cities are in the Kingdom
of Proen9ia. The other river they call Rinus, and it runs through the city of
Golona of which I told above, and enters the Sea of Alemaiia. They call the
other river Danubio, and it crosses all of Alemana and enters through the
toda la Alemana et entra por medio del rreino de Ungria,^^ et faze y diez
yslas muy grandes que adelante contare. Et fazen en la provin^ia de Barbaria
un grand lago de agua dul^e que dizen Lacus Danoye, et va por una ^ibdat
que dizen Varispona et entra por la provin^ia de la Germania, por una ^ib-
dat que dizen Tusna.^*^ Et despues entra en la provin^ia de Panonia et va
por Patania et por Ebruc et por Viana et por Arrisnar.^^ Et despues entra
por el rreyno de Ungria et traviesalo todo, et entra en el Mar Mayor ^erca
de una fibdat que dizen Ve^ina,^^ et faze apres della una ysla muy grande.
Et el Enperador de Alemana a por senales un pendon amariUo con una
aguila prieta coronada atal. [VIII]
Et el Rey de Frisa a por seiiales un pendon de oro con tres leones prietos
luengos atales. [IX]
"Ungria" is a name applied to an area which comprises modern-day Hungary, plus parts
of Yugoslavia, Romania, and Bulgaria.
" According to Markham (6), this is Lake Donaueschingen, just north of the French border
near the Rhine River; Jimenez de la Espada (217) nevertheless considers it imaginary. Varispona
is Ratisbon (Regensburg), on the Danube. Markham (6) believes that Tusna is the present-day
Donaustauf, also on the Danube, although Jimenez de la Espada (263) would have it be Cham,
a htde farther north on the Regen River.
Jimenez de la Espada (237) identifies Panonia as an old province bordered on the north
by the Danube. Patania is Passau, while Ebruc might be Enns (Austria, also on the Danube),
followed by Vienna and Bratislava, on the Austrian-Czech border.
Both Markham (6) and Jimenez de la Espada (123) mention Vidin, in Bulgaria, although
it is from the Black Sea (here called the Mar Mayor, or Great Sea). But Jimenez de la Espada
goes on to explain that on the Catalan Atlas and other related maps Vidin was located wrongly
near this body of water.
Jimenez de la Espada (124) believes that the narrator made an error in calling "Colanda"
and that he actually was referring to "(^elanda" or "Holanda," and that this confusion also
a city,
can be seen on some ambiguous labeling of places on the Catalan Atbs. The Albia might be the
Ohre River.
" The Baltic.
^^ See Jimenez de la Espada n.viii for more. Fyn and Lolland are Danish islands. According
to Wright {Geographical Lore, 327) Frisia Minor was adjacent to Denmark.
The Book of Knowledge H
middle of the Kingdom of Ungria, and forms ten islands about which I will
tell below. And in the province of Barbaria they form a large sweet- water
lake that they call Lacus Danoye, and it runs through a city they call Varis-
pona and enters the province of Germania near a city called Tusna. And
afterwards it enters the province of Panonia and runs through Patania and
Ebruc and Viana and Arrisnar. And later it enters the Kingdom of Ungria
and crosses all of it and enters the Great Sea near a city they call Ve^ina,
and it forms a very large island near it. And the Emperor of Alemaiia has as
his insignia a yellow flag with a crowned black eagle. [VIII]
I departed Colona and went to a city they call Colanda in the Kingdom
of Frisa. A great river they call Albia, which originates in the Sierra de
Boemia, runs through it. Here the Sea of Alemaiia forms a large gulf that
they call the Gulf of Frisa, in which there are four islands. One they call
Ruyna, the other Erria, another Finonia and the other they call Ganglante.
The King of Frisa has as his insignia a gold flag with three long, black lions,
like these. [IX]
I left the Kingdom of Frisa and then entered the Kingdom of Da^ia de
Danes, which is entirely surrounded by the Sea of Alemaiia, and on the
other end is the Gulf of Frisa, so that this kingdom has no more than one
entrance. In this kingdom there are twelve great cities. The largest they call
Burbena, and in it they crown the kings of Da^ia. The other they call Bur-
galensis, and they call the other Bina, another they call Abenbrut, another
they call Tandeus, another they call Artuz, another Orens, another Ardonxep,
otra que dizen Artuz, otra Orens, otra Ardonxep, otra Damesmare, otra
Corp, otra Dandora, otra Dasia, otra Bonia.^^ Et desta punta Da^ia fasta
Noruega son sesenta millas de traviesa. Et el rrey esta Da^ia a por senales un
pendon de oro con tres leones prietos atales. pC]
E parti del rreino de Dafia et tomeme para Alemana a una ^ibdat que
dizen Lubet, que es en el ducado de Xaxonia, et dende a Rostot et a Bon-
dizmague, que son ^ibdades de 7\lemana la alta, et dende a una fibdat que"
dizen Grisualdiz, que es rribera de un grand lago de agua que dizen Ale-
chon.^^ Et paselo et fuy a una fibdat que dizen Corverit, et dende a la
fibdat de Escorpe, et dende a otra que dizen Dan^icha. Et por esta Dan-
ficha pasa un grand rrio que dizen Turonie, que sale de las Sierras de
Boemia et metese en el Mar de Alemana. ^^ Et en el rreyno de Boemia son
siete fibdades grandes, conviene a saber: Grisua et Posna et Sirca et Noxia
et Furent.^^ A la mayor fibdat dizen Praga, do coronan los rreyes de
Boemia. Et esta Praga es toda ^ercada de una alta sierra que dizen los Montes
de Boemia. Et en medio es una grand nava et en medio esta la fibdat
que dizen Avandalia por nonbre del rrio. Et las gentes desta tierra Avandalia
conquyrieron antiguamente el Andaluzia de Espana et pusieronle su nonbre,
conviene a saber, Andaluzia. Et el Rey de Boemia a por senales un pendon
bianco con un leon bermejo coronado desta manera. [XI]
E parti de Boemia et fuy a una provin^ia que dizen Sant Mirio, et otra
que dizen Curconia et Culman,-"^ que son grandes provin^ias que son
entre Alemana et el Mar Mayor. Et como quiera que scan pobladas de cris-
tianos, pero son sismaticos. Et allegue a Litefama et a Catalant,-'' dos grandes
^^ The capital of the Danish kingdom was Viborg. The other places mentioned are: Bom-
holm, Ribe, AbenrS, Randers, Arhus, Odense, Haderelev, Gotorp, and Tonder. Danesmare
seems to be a misinterpretation of Danes Mare, and might refer to one of the bodies of water
surrounding this area. Jimenez de la Espada (185 and 197) suggests that the narrator mistook the
name of the kingdom Dasia (Dacia) for a city within it, and that Bonia is simply a misreading of
Dania, the other part of this toponym.
LiJbeck, Rostock, Straslund, and Greifswald, although this last town is not on the shores
of any lake. The closest lake to it is Kummerower See, just southwest of Greifewald.
^' Kolobrzeg, Stolpe Bank, and Gdansk are all on the north coast of Poland. The River
Wista also passes through the city of Torun, and seems to receive a related name (Jimenez de
la Espada 263).
^^ The narrator seems to refer to cities in present-day Germany, Poland, and the Czech
Repubhc as the Kingdom of Bohemia.
^' The Rivers Labe (Elbe) and Vltava pass through Prague.
"' Could the narrator be referring to Sandomierz, Krakow, and Lwow in Poland?
" Markham (64) suggests that these are Livonia and Courland, regions in the former Soviet
Union, and not cities as they are identified here.
The Book of Knowledge 13^
tot and to Bondizmague, cities in Upper Alemafia, and from there to a city
they call Grisualdiz, on the shores of a great lake they call Alechon. I passed
it and went to a city they call Corverit, and from there to the city of
Escorpe, and from there to another that they call Danficha. And through
this Dan^icha runs a great river called Turonie, which comes out of the
Sierra de Boemia and runs to the Sea of Alemaiia. In the Kingdom of
Boemia there are seven great cities, to wit, Grisua, and Posna, and Sirca,
and Noxia, and Furent. The largest city they call Praga, where they crown
the kings of Boemia. And this Praga is totally surrounded by a high moun-
tain range that they call the Mountains of Boemia. And in the middle is a
great plateau, and in the middle of this the city is located, surrounded by a
great river that they call the Albia. And yet another, larger river originates
here, which they call Vandalor, near a great land that they call Avandalia
after the river. And the people of this land Avandalia in ancient times
conquered Andaluzia in Spain and gave it its name, that is, Andaluzia. The
King of Boemia has as his insignia a white flag with a vermilion crowned
lion, in this manner. [XI]
I left Boemia and went to a province they call Sant Mirio, and to
another called Curconia and Culman, which are great provinces between
Alemaiia and the Great Sea. And although they are populated with Chris-
tians, they are schismatics. I arrived in Litefama and Catalant, two great
muy poblada. Et el rrey dende a por sefiales un pendon bianco con esta
rreyes, otra que dizen Rinalia, otra U^ibant, otra que dizen Nugradia, otra
Birona. Et sabet que entre en estas dos ^ibdades Nugradia et Virona, et
corre el grand rrio que nas^e del grand lago que dizen Tanaiz, de que ade-
lante contare. Et a este rrio dizen Nu-'-^ et entra en el Mar de Alemana, a
do se acaba el golfo porque el Mar de Alemana es golfo que entra del Mar
Of idental fasta la provin^ia de Palonia et pasa entre Alemaiia et las sierras de
Noruega et acaba en la provin^ia de Palonia. Otrosi por esta Palonia corre
otro rrio muy grande que dizen Echan, et nasf e de las nieves que se fazen
en las sierras de la trasmontana, et faze un grand lago apres de Virona. Et el
rrey desta Polonia a por sefiales un pendon verde con esta sefial bermeja
atal.-^^ [XIII]
^- The emblem depicted in all three manuscripts is a six-pointed star, like the Star of David.
Pasch ("Drapeaux du Lihro del conosdmiento," 18) does not think it has anything to do with a
Jewish community there, and says that it is a "mysterious" usage of the star.
^'Jimenez deEspada (217) la identifies this lake as the supposed origin of the Rivers Volga,
Don, and Dvina. The River Nu is the Nogat, that flows into the Baltic.
^* S depicts a hexagram decorated with a scalloped border. N and R show a cross mounted
on an upturned crescent not only for Poland, but also for the next kingdom mentioned, Leon
This seems to be an area where Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, and the former
Soviet repubhcs meet. Markham (9) beUeves that Leon is the province Galicia in the southeast
comer of Poland.
^^ In S, the banner bears no cross.
^^ Finland, Sweden, and Norway.
The Book OF Knowledge 15
cities that lie between the Great Sea and Sea of Alemana. It is a densely
populated land. Its king has as his insignia a white flag with this black
emblem. [XII]
From there I departed Litefama and entered the Kingdom of Polonia,
where there are five great cities, the largest of which is Santa Maria, where
they crown their kings, another that they call Rinalia, another Ufibant,
another that they call Nugradia, another Birona. And know that I entered
these two cities Nugradia and Virona, and through them runs a great river
that originates in the great lake they call Tanaiz, of which I will tell later.
They call this river Nu, and it enters the Great Sea where the gulf ends,
because the Sea of Alemana is a gulf that enters the Western Sea near the
province of Palonia, and passes between Alemana and the sierras of
Noruega, and ends in the province of Palonia. In addition, another very
large river, which they call Echan, runs through this Palonia, and it origi-
nates in the snows that are made in the sierras of the north, and forms a
large lake after Virona. The king of this Polonia has as his insignia a green
flag with this vermilion emblem, like this. pCIII]
ince of Romania and the Kingdom of Suana. And the King of Leon has as
his insignia a green flag with a vermilion cross, as is seen here. [XIV]
After this I turned toward the other shore of the Sea of Alemana, to the
northern part they call the Land of Europe, which I will mention later on,
sigue. [XV]
Parti de la ^ibdat de Roderin, entre en una nao, et pase a una isla que
dizen Gotlandia, et fazese en cabo del Golfo de Alemana. En la qual isla es
una grand ^ibdat que dizen Bisuy, en que son noventa perrochias, et la isla
era toda poblada. Apres della es otra isla mas pequena que dizen Oxilia.^^
Et el rrey destas islas a por senales un pendon con vandas amarillas et car-
nado muy fuerte en que son quatro ^ibdades grandes. A la mayor dizen
Regis, do coronan los rreyes. A la otra dizen Nidroxia, a la otra Tronde, a
la otra Trimberet. En las montanas desta Noruega crian muchas aves giri-
faltes, a9ores, falcones. Otrosi crian muchas animalias fuertes, javalis blancos,
osos blancos. Et dizen que un infante fijo del Rey de Noruega conquyrio
el condado de Flandes en el tienpo del rrey Artur de Bretaiia.'*^ Et sabed
que de Noruega adelante contra la trasmontana es tierra desabitada en que
faze el aiio todo un dia et una noche, seys meses dura el dia et otros seys
meses la noche, et que ay unas gentes que an las cabe^as fixas en los pechos,
Escarse, the other Laco Estocol. And the king of this Suevia has as his
insignia a yellow flag with two vermilion lions, one facing the other, in the
land is a great city they call Bisuy, in which there are ninety parishes, and
the island was totally populated. After it is another smaller island they call
Oxilia. And the king of these islands has for his insignia a flag with yellow
and cardinal red crossed bands, in the following manner. [XVI]
I departed Gotlandia and went to Gotia, a province that is between
Suevia and Noruega, and there I found three great cities. They call the first
Estocol, the other Caiman, and the other Surdepinche. And beyond the city
of Estocol the Sea of Alemana forms a great gulf on the shores of which
there are many cities. And the water of this gulf is completely immobilized
and frozen because of the great cold of the north. And the people of this
Gotia conquered Spain and were lords of it for a long time. And the insig-
nia of this kingdom is a yellow flag with two vermilion lions, one facing
the other, such as follows here. pCVII]
I departed Gotia and ascended the high sierras of Noruega, which is in
a very important kingdom in which there are four great cities. The largest
they call Regis, where they crown their kings. They call the other Ni-
droxia, the other Tronde, and the other Trimberet. In the mountains of this
Noruega they raise many gerfalcons, hawks and falcons. They also raise
many wild animals, white boars, white bears. And they say that a son of the
king of Noruega conquered the County of Flandes in the time of King
Arthur of Bretana. Know that from Noruega onward toward the north the
land is is all one day and one night, the day
uninhabited, and the year
months and the night the other six months, and there are some
lasting six
people whose heads are attached to their shoulders, who do not have necks
que non an cuellos ninguno, pero yo non las vy.'*^ El rrey desta Noruega
a por senales un pendon de oro con un leon prieto segund aquy se sigue.
Parti de Noruega en una nao de ingleses et tomamos camino contra el
poniente, et venimos a una isla que dizen Insola Cola, et dende venimos a
otra isla que dizen Lister, et dende venimos a otra que dizen Insola Bon-
dola, et dende venimos a otra isla muy grande que dizen Ynsula Salanda, et
fazese a la entrada del Golfo de Frisa que ya conte de suso. Et esta Isla
Et el rrey desta isla a por senales un pendon de oro con un leon prieto,
como el de Noruega. [XIX]
Parti de la Isla de Salanda en la dicha nave et andovimos grand camino,
et Uegamos a otra isla que dizen Insula Tille, et dende Uegamos a la Isla de
Esco^iia. Et falle en ella quatro ^ibdades grandes. A la una dizen Donfres,
Eneruit, otra Donde, otra Veruit.'*^ El rrey desta Esco^ia a por senales un
pendon bermejo con tres leones de oro luengos, como aquy se sigue. [XX]
Parti por tierra d'Esco^ia et fuyme para el rreino de Inglaterra. Et sabed
que es tierra muy poblada. Et falle en ella onze ^ibdades grandes. La mayor
de ellas, do coronan los rreyes, Uaman Londres, otra Gunsa, do son los estu-
^^ Men without necks are common in medieval lore, but appeared much earlier in Pliny and
^* says that he travelled west, such a route would not have taken him
Although the author
to the places he mentions.The first island is Oland (Sweden), foUowed by the Swedish peninsula
Listerlandet, then Bornholm and Sjaslland, both Danish islands. Copenhagen, Ringsted, and Stor
Hedding are found on Sjaelland. The author apparently mistook the name of the Danish island
Lolland, just south of Sjaelland, for that of a city. Jimenez de la Espada (126) notes that the same
error can be seen on the Catalan Adas, which also contains the same remarks about the animal
life of Norway.
*^ Might Norway, or Thyland, a province
Insula Tille be Telemark, a region in the south of
in northwest Denmark? The four Scottish cities referred to are Dumfries, Edinburgh, Dundee,
and Berwick. During the era in which this book was probably written, the King of Scodand was
David Bruce; Robert Bruce had secured Scodand's independence in 1314.
After London, possibly Windsor (although
were no studies to be had there), then
Southampton, Bristol, Dartmouth, Plymouth, and Milford. Jimenez de la Espada (208) su^ests
that Dirgales might be "Virgalles" in Wales, although it is not clear to what town he is referring.
The Book of Knowledge 19^
at all, but I did not see them. The King of this Noruega has as his insignia
a gold flag with a black lion, as follows. pCVIII]
already mentioned above. And this Isla Salanda was very populated and
there were four great cities in it. One they call Salandi, the other Risent,
the other Esgendin, the other Alenda. And the king of this island has as his
insignia a gold flag with a black lion, like the King of Noruega. pCIX]
I departed the island of Salanda in the boat I mentioned and we traveled
for a long time, and arrived at another island that they call Insula Tille, from
which we came to the island of Esco^ia. And I found there four large cities.
They call the first Donfres, [the second] Eneruit, another Donde, another
Veruit. The king of this Esco^ia has as his insignia a vermilion flag with
three long gold lions, as follows here. [XX]
I left Escofia by land and went to the Kingdom of Inglaterra. And know
that it is a very populated land. And I found init eleven great cities. The
largest of them, where they crown their kings, they call Londres, another
Gunsa, where there are liberal studies, another Antona, and Bristol and
Artamua and Premua and Miraforda. And in this island of Inglaterra there
is a great province they call Galas in which there is a great city they call
Dirgales. And this Galas borders on another land they call Morgales, which
belongs to the lordship of Inglaterra. And the king of these lands has as his
insignia a quarterly flag: in two quarters there are gold flowen on a field of
blue because the king is of the House of Franfia; in the other two quarters
20 El libro del conoscimiento
otros dos quartos ay en cada uno tres on^as de oro luengas, et el canpo
bermejo como estas que siguen/^ [XXI]
Sali de la isla de Inglaterra en un barco et entre en la isla de Irlanda, que
es pequena traviesa de una milla.'*^ Et dizenle antigua mente Ibemia. Et
sabed que es isla muy poblada et tierra muy tenplada, et falle en ella seys
un grand lago de agua que dizen el Lago Afortunado'*'^ porque rribera del
fuy con ellos, et andudo aquella nao por alta mar tanto tienpo que Uegamos
a una isla que dizen Eterus, et dende a otra que dizen Artania, et a otra que
dizen Qitilant, et a otra que dizen Ibemia.^' Et son estas islas a la parte do
se pone el sol en el mes de junio, et todas estas islas eran pobladas et abon-
dadas et tierra muy tenplada. Et en esta isla de Ibemia avia arboles que la
fhita que llevavan eran aves muy gordas quando los arboles son muy bien
labrados et rregados. Et estas aves eran muy sobrosas de comer, quyer cozi-
das quier asadas.^^ Et en esta isla son los omes de muy grand vida, que al-
manera que non pueden morir demientra que estan en la ysla. Et quando
son muy flacos de vegedat sacanlos de la isla et mueren luego. Et en esta isla
non ay culebras nin bivoras nin sapos nin moscas nin araiias nin otra cosa
*^ The background of the banner in S has been colored, but otherwise left blank. "On^as"
(ounces) are heraldic leopards.
According to Hyde (144), this very short crossing from England to Ireland was the result
niae, completed in 1188, Giraldus Cambrensis writes of a large lake near Ulster, the Lough
Neagh, whose origin he attributes to a flood meant to punish the crimes of the people of this
region (Wright 208).
^" The outline of the flag is drawn in S, but left blank. Both N and R repeat the Ei^^
The first are probably the Faroe Islands, followed by the Orkneys, the Shetland Islands,
and Iceland, which is mistakenly called Ibernia. Dublin mentioned below, but Markham (13)
believes that the comment about it is a copyist's intercalation suggested by the erroneous men-
tion of this Irish city.
^^ Espada (128-29) reports that reference to animal-bearing plants originated
Jimenez de la
in Arabic travel accounts. In the twelfth century Giraldus Cambrensis (see also nn.49 and 53) de-
scribes trees in Ireland that bear ducks; later, pseudo-traveler John Mandeville mentions edible
birds that grow on trees in England.
The Book of Knowledge 21^
there are in each three long gold leopards, and the field is vermihon, like
Ibernia. Know that the island is very populated and the land is very tem-
perate, and I found in it six large cities. The largest, where they crowni their
kings, they call Estanforda, another Ymeric, and Gataforda, and the other
Rois, and Donbelin, Adrosda. And on this island there is a great lake that
they call the Fortunate Lake, because on its shore many spells were cast in
ancient times. And the king of this island has as his insignia the same as the
King of Inglaterra. [XXII]
It happened that while I was in Irlanda a ship was leaving there for
Espana, and I went with them, and that ship sailed on the high seas for so
long that we arrived at an island they call Eterus, and then to another they
call Artania, and another they call Citilant, and another they call Ibernia.
And these islands are on the western horizon in the month of June, and all
these islands were populated and abundant and of very temperate land. And
on this island of Ibernia there were trees whose fruit were very fat birds
when the trees are well tended and watered. And these birds were delicious
to eat, whether boiled or roasted. And on this island the men are very old,
since some of them live two hundred years, that is, those who are bom and
raised there, so that they cannot die as long as they are on the island. And
when they are weak with age they take them off the island and then they
die. And on this island there are no snakes nor vipers nor toads nor flies nor
et dende pase a Malaga, una fibdat muy vi^iosa et abondada del rreynado de
Granada, en el qual rreynado son tres ^ibdades grandes. La mayor dellas do
coronan los rreyes es Granada, et las otras dos son Malaga et Almaria. Et
este rreynado parte con el Mar Medio Terreno et con el rreyno de Castilla.
Et en este rreyno es un monte muy alto que llaman las Sierras de Granada,
et traviesa todo el rreyno fasta la villa de Lorca, que es del rreyno de Castilla.
Et las seiiales deste rrey son un pendon bermejo con letras de oro aravigas
como las traya Mahomad su profeta, et son estas que se siguen.^^ pCXIV]
Parti del rreinado de Granada et fuy al rreyno de Aragon, un rreynado
muy vi9iosso et abondado. Et falle en el ^inco fibdades grandes: la mayor,
do coronan los rreyes, es (^arago^a; otra dizen Valencia et a la otra Tarra-
gona et a la otra Tortosa et a la otra Barcelona. Et corre por este rreino el
rrio de Ebro et el flumen Sinca. Este rreynado parte con Navarra et con
Castilla et con Fran^ia et con los Montes Pireneos. Et el rrey dende a por
*^ In his Topographia Hibemiae, Giraldus Cambrensis writes that no poisonous creatures could
survive in Ireland because of some deficiency in the land's soil, and thus dismisses as fiction the
story of St. Patrick's ridding the country of snakes (Wright 212).
^^ The narrator is referring to the Batde of Salado, where Alfonso XI of Castile defeated
King Abu-1-Hasan of Morocco in 1348. The Moroccan was fint uken
king's wife Fatima
prisoner, then killed by her captors; historical accounts also mention the enormous amount of
booty taken by the Christians in this batde.
** The "Arabic letters" that foUow are simple fantasy.
The Book of Knowledge 23^
spiders nor anything else that is poisonous. And on this Ibemia there is an
archiepiscopal city they call Dubilin. And they are very beautiful people,
although they are very simple. And it is a land where there is no bread,
although there is a great abundance of meats and of milk. Know that this
island lies outside the Seven Climates. And the king of this island has as his
insignia a gold flag with a black lion, like the King of Noruega. [XXIII]
After this I departed the island of Ibemia in a ship and traveled a
distance on the Western Sea until I reached port at the head of the end of
the western land, Ponte Vedra in the province of Gallizia. And from Ponte
Vedra I came to a town which is in the Kingdom of Castilla, of which I
told above, that they call Tarifa, which a very powerful Arab, named Tarif,
founded. And near this town Alboa^en, King of all the western land beyond
the sea, was defeated and conquered, and it was the very noble King Don
Alfonso de Castilla who conquered and defeated him, and stole from him
all his military camps and his treasures and all his women, and [Alboa^en]
was killed by his knights. And I left Tarifa and went to the city of Aljezira,
and from there to the Peria de Gibraltar, which are towns in the Kingdom
of Castilla, and from there I went to Malaga, a very luxurious and abundant
city in the Kingdom of Granada, in which kingdom there are three great
cities. The largest of them, where they crown their kings, they call Granada,
and the others are Malaga and Almaria. And thiskingdom borders on the
Medio Terreno Sea and the Kingdom of Castilla. And in this kingdom there
is a very high mountain they call they Sierra de Granada, and it crosses the
entire kingdom all the way to the town of Lorca, which belongs to the
Kingdom of Castilla. And the insignia of this king is a vermilion flag with
gold Arabic letters, such as that of Mohammed, his prophet, and this is it
senor della a por senales uii pendon bianco con una cruz bermeja como la
de Tolosa, et en cada quarto una tal seiial, porque esta fibdat fue de don
Remondo, Conde de Tholosa. Et es esta que se sigue.^'' [XXVI]
Parti de Narbona et fuy a Malagona, et dende a Monpesler,^^ et dende
pase aguas muertas et travese el rrio de Ruedano, et fuy me para Arle, una
noble fibdat et rrica que es en la Proen^ia. Et apres desta rribera del Rue-
dano es Avifion, una rtica fibdat donde mora la corte de Roma et el Papa
et los cardenales. Otrosy es Letduena, una fibdat del Rey de Fran^ia.
Despues pase a Marsella que es cabe9a de la Proen^ia, et fuy me por la ma-
risma a Frenit, et dende a Nista, et pase por Monago, et dende a Arbenga
et a Saona.^^ Et subi en los montes de Genova, do es una rrica fibdat que
dizen Genova, rribera del Mar Medio Terreno. El senor della a por senales
un pendon bianco con una cruz bermeja. En^ima esta escripto "Justi^ia"
In S, a cross with scalloped edges centered on the flag; in each space formed by the arms
of the cross there is a triangular object. Pasch (12) beUeves that the narrator confiised this with
the cross on the arms of Toulouse.
In N
and R, a straight cross completely divides the flag into four areas; in each division
appears the same triangular object.
^^ Between Narbonne and Montpellier there is no town with a name resembling Malagona.
Letduena is Lyon. The others are Marseilles, Frainet, Nice, Monaco, and the
^* Italian towns
Albenga and Savona.
^' Pasch (14) says that the addition of this word is an innovation not found elsewhere.
^ In Lombardy are found Milan, Cremona, Bologna, Padua, Parma, Pavia, Bergamo,
Ravenna, and Piacenza. Wright (320) remarks that in the Middle Ages this was the best-known
region of Italy to those beyond the Alps. The narrator singles out Bologna because of its univer-
sity, which achieved great fame in the twelfth century for the study of law.
The illustrators of N and R mistakenly have interchanged the arms of Pisa and Piacenza.
The correct banner of the latter shows a white square on a red background. The flag of Pisa is
plain red. In S, Piacenza's arms are left blank, and Pisa's are illustrated correcdy.
The Book of Knowledge 25
I left Barcelona and went along the shore to the county of Anpuria, and
from there to the city of Narbona which is on the shore of the Medio Ter-
rene Sea. The lord of this city has as his insignia a white flag with a ver-
milion cross like that of Tholosa, and in each quarter an emblem like this
one, because this city belonged to Don Remondo, Count of Tolosa. And
it is this one, as follows. [XXVI]
I departed Narbona and went to Malagona and from there to Mon-
pesler, and from there I crossed stagnant waters and the Ruedano River and
went to Arle, a noble and rich city which is in Proen^ia. And beyond the
shores of the Ruedano is Avifion, a rich city where the Court of Roma and
the Pope and the Cardinals live. Letduena is also there, a city belonging to
the King of Fran^ia. Afterwards I went on to Marsella, which is the capital
of Proen^ia, and I went along the shore to Frenit, and then to Nista, and I
passed through Monago, and firom there to Arbenga and Saona. And I
climbed the Mountain of Genova, where there is a rich city they call
Genova on the shores of the Medio Terreno Sea. The lord of it has as his
insignia a white flag with a vermilion cross. On it is written "Justicia" in
this manner. [XXVII]
I left Genova and entered Lonbardia, where there are many rich cities,
which are Medio Lanensis, and Clamona, and Bolofia, home of the philoso-
phers, and Padua, and Panonia, and Pavia, and Burga, and Ravena and Pla-
zenfia. The insignia of this kingdom is that which follows, a vermiUon flag
in this manner. [XXVIII]
I departed Lonbardia and entered Pisa, a very luxurious and temperate
land. Its lord has as his insignia an entirely red-colored flag. [XXIX]
I left Pisa and entered Toscana in which there is a rich city they call
Floren9ia. Its lord has as his insignia a white flag with a vermilion cross in
this manner. [XXX]
26 El libro del coNOsgiMiENTO
destos montes de Albernia nasge otro rrio muy grande que dizen Amo, que
va por Toscana et va por Floren^ ia et entra en el Mar Mediterraneo en la
^ibdat de Pisa. Et apres desta Roma son estas fibdades: Veya, et Santa Sedra,
et Ostia, et Tara^ona, et Gayeta, et Montedragon.^-' Et sabed que Roma
et Pisa et Toscana et tierra del mar Medio Terreno et
prin^ipado son entre'l
el golfo de Venecia. Et las senales de Roma son un pendon bermejo con
una vanda de oro con unas letras que dizen Senatus Populusque Romanus,
et esta cruz blanca ante de las letras, desta manera que se sigue.^"* [XXXI]
plada, en la qual son las provin(;:ias de PuUa et de Calabria, en que son muc-
has fibdades et rricas. Las mayores son Surenti, Salerno, Policastro, Scalea,
Rezo, Girazo, Cotrun, Tarento, Entranto, Brandizo, Monapoli, Bar, Bar-
leto, Monfrodoye, Pescara, Schilazo.''^ El Rey de Napol a por senales un
pendon cardeno con flores de oro por que'l rrey es de la casa de Fran^ia. Et
una tierra muy vi^iosa et abondada, en que son ocho ^ibdades grandes. Es a
saber Medina, Catania, Sirracusana, Girenti, Trapana, Palermo, Cafallu,
Pari.^^ Et el rrey desta Qe^ilia a por senales un pendon a quarterones, los dos
I departed Toscana and went to the noble city of Roma, which is the
capital of the Roman Empire. And a river they call Tibre runs through it and
begins in the Alpes de Albemia and goes through the Sea of Ancona and the
patrimony, and enters the Medio Terreno Sea at the port of Roma. And
from these mountains of Albemia comes another very large river they call the
Amo, which flows through Toscana and Floren^ia and enters the Medio Ter-
reno Sea in the city of Pisa. And beyond Roma are these cities: Veya, and
Santa Sedra, and Ostia, and Taragona, and Gayeta, and Montedragon. Know
that Roma and Pisa and Toscana and the land of the principality are between
the Medio Terreno Sea and the Gulf of Venecia. At the insignia of Roma is
a vermihon flag with a band of gold with letters that say Senatus Populusque
Romanus, and a white cross before the letters, in the following manner.
I departed Roma and went to Romana and through the land of the
principaUty, and I entered the Kingdom of Napol, a very luxurious and abun-
dant and temperate land, in which the provinces of Pulla and Calabria are, in
which there are many and rich cities. The largest are Surenti, Salerno, Poli-
crossing, and it is a very luxurious and abundant land in which there are eight
Ca^u, Pari. And the king of this (^e^ilia has as his insignia a quarterly flag.
28 El libro del coNOsgiMiENXO
quartos son blancos con dos aguilas prietas, et los otros dos quartos bastones
bermejos et amarillos, por que el rrey es de la casa de Aragon. pCXXIII]
Aqui en Qe9ilia entre en una galea et tomeme a la marisma de Napol,
a Rezo, desi a Girazo,^*^ et entre a la fibdat de Entrant, que es en la
vara esta una estrella blanca, et la otra meitad del cabo es amarilla atal.
En el rreynado de la Esclavonia es una sierra muy alta que dizen los
Monies de Boxnia, donde na^en quatro rrios muy grandes. Al primero
dizen flumen Sar, al otro flumen Raba, al otro flumen Ur, al quarto dizen
flumen Rabeza.^' Et todos estos quatro rrios entran por el rreyno de Ung-
ria et ayuntanse al grand rrio Danubio que nas9e de las Alpes de Alemana.
Et sabet que esta sierra Boxnia parte la Germania, et la Pavonia, et la Ung-
ria, et la sierra esta en medio, et son montes muy poblados de gentes, et
tierra muy abondada de todas las cosas, pero non son cristianos catholicos.
Et el senor destos montes a por sefiales tales commo el Rey de la Escla-
vonia.^2 [XXXVI]
Between Reggio and Otranto there is no city with a name resembhng this, although both
Jimenez de la Espada and Markham identify it as Girace.
*' Sebenica, in former Yugoslavia.
^" The
traveler passes through the Itahan towns of Aquileia and Trieste, then continues the
journey on the eastern side of the Adriatic. Both Jimenez de la Espada and Markham keep the
name Parenzo, but it is not clear what place this might be, unless it refers to Premantura, a town
south of Trieste on the same coast. Sena is also difficult to identify, but may be present-day Senj.
Jara is evidently Zara or Zadar, further south.
In the mountains of Bosnia originate the Rivers Sava, Raab, and Drava. Both Jimenez de
laEspada and Markham identify Rabeza as a tributary of the Raab. Notice, however, that the
author beheves that Bosnia is simply the name of a mountain.
'^ In S, the arms of Bosnia are shown exacdy as the preceding banner of Sebenica. In N and
R, however, a circle divided by a cross is added to the plain half of the flag.
The Book of Knowledge 29
two of whose quarters are white with two black eagles, and [in] the other
two quarters vermilion and yellow pales, because the king is of the House
of Aragon. PCXXIII]
Here in Qefilia I embarked a galley and headed for the shores of Napol,
to Rezo, [and] from there to Girazo, and I entered the city of Entranto,
which is on the tip of the gulf of Venecia. And I entered the gulf and went
to Brandiza, and from there to Monapoli, and I went along the left side of
the gulf by Napol and went to Barleto, [and] from there to Pescara and to
Antona and to Ravena, and from there to the city of Venecia, which is at
the end of the gulf in the sea. And it borders with Lonbardia and with the
Sea of Ancona, and with the land of the patrimony, and on the eastern side
with Esclavonia. The lord of this Venecia has as his insignia a white flag
with a vermilion winged lion, like the Evangelist Saint Mark. [XXXIV]
After this I departed Venecia in the aforementioned galley and traveled
the shore by Esclavonia, and I passed by a city they call Aquylea and an-
other they call Triesa, and from there I went to Parenzo, and arrived at a
city they call Sena which is in Esclavonia, and another they call Jara. And
the king of this Esclavonia has as his insignia a flag divided in two vertical
stripes: in the vermilion stripe near the staflf is a white star, and the other
stripe is yellow, like this. [XXXV]
In the Kingdom of Esclavonia there is a very high sierra they call the
Mountains of Boxnia, where four great rivers originate. The first they call
the River Sar, the other the River Raba, the other River Ur, the fourth
the River Rabeza. And all of these four rivers enter the Kingdom of Ungria
and converge with the great River Danubio that originates in the Alpes de
Alemafia. Note that this Sierra of Boxnia borders on Alemaiia and Pavonia
and Ungria, and the sierra is in the center, and these mountains are quite
populated with people, and the land abundant with all things, but they are
not Catholic Christians. And the lord of these mountains has as his insignia
the same as the King of Esclavonia. [XXXVI]
Montes de A^ervya, una tierra muy vi^iosa et abondada. Con este rreynado
de Afervya confina el rreyno de Bulgaria et el rreyno de Daraze, que son en
la provin^ia de la Esclavonia. Et destos montes nas^en dos rrios muy
grandes. Al uno dizen Dranoya, al otro dizen flumen Pirus, los quales entran
por el rreyno de Ungria et se ayuntan al grand rrio Danubio7^ Et fazen en
Ungria diez islas, a la primera dizen Ungria la Mayor, onde tomo este non-
bre el rreyno de Ungria, a la segunda dizen Jaurin, a la ter^era Unda, a la
quarta Firmia, a la quinta Signa, a la sesta Mafesno, a la septima Drinago, a
la octava Posga, a la novena Ungria la Menor, a la dezena Servia7^ Et
todos estos rrios que fazen estas islas entran en la Mar Mayor gerca de una
fibdat que dizen Ve^ina, de que adelante contare. Et sabet que en esta
'^ From Zara, the narrator travels south along the Adriatic coast to Gabela. Of the latter,
originate. One they call Dranoya, the other they call the river Pirus, which
enter the Kingdom of Ungria and converge with the great River Danubio.
And in Ungria they form ten islands: the first they call Ungria Major, which
took this name from the Kingdom Ungria, the second they call Jaurin, the
third Unda, the fourth Firmia, the fifth Signa, the sixth Ma^esno, the sev-
enth Drinago, the eighth Posga, the ninth Ungria Minor, the tenth Servia.
And all the rivers that form these islands enter the Great Sea near a city they
call Ve^ina, about which I will tell further on. Know that in this Ungria
there are many rich cities, to wit, Ungria, (^evana, Casot, Biver, Castro
Ferrun, Jaurin, Servia, Strugonun, Bagamos, Beat, Drinago, Saladino, Myr-
ria, and many others. This Kingdom of Ungria borders on Grefia and Ale-
maiia and Esclavonia and Palonia and Bulgaria. And the insigne of this
kingdom is a flag per pale, one pale with the flowen of Fran^ia because the
king is of the House of Fran^ia, and the other pale [with] vermilion and
white bands in this manner. [XXXVIII]
I departed the Kingdom of Ungria and went along the shore to a city
they call Durazo, and I embarked a ship and went to the island of Morea.
And there are on it seven large cities, to wit, Trareoza, Patris, Coranto, and
et Colon, et Mutam7^ El prin^ipe desta ysla a por senales estas que se si-
sus senales, commo estas que aqui se siguen, un pendon vermejo con una
cruz blanca atal commo esta.^^ [XL]
que dizen Negro Ponte, que ganaron los vene^ianos. Et dexe a la mano
siniestra la entrada de la Mar Mayor^* et de Costantinopla, de que adelante
contare, et fiiy a una fibdat que dizen Satalia,^^ que era de cristianos grie-
gos. Et esta Satalia a por senales un pendon con ondas blancas et cardenas,
Turquya llega fasta el Mar Mayor. Et sabet que es tierra muy rrica de todos
bienes abondada. Et las senales de Turquia son estas que se siguen, un pen-
don a meytades, la meytad amarilla con esta senal vermeja, et la otra meytad
blanca con finco cruzes vermejas atales commo estas.^^ [XLII]
Fuy me por la marisma desta Turquia a una fibdat que dizen Candebor,
et dende a otra que dizen Antro^eta, et a Corincho. Et en esta Turquya son
Some of the cities on Morea (Peloponnesus) seem to be Troezen, Patrai, Corinth,
Neapohs, and Monemvasia; Colon and Mutam are more difficult to identify.
^^ The emblem in question is a circle that contains arcing spokes, as depicted in and R.N
The flag is left blank in S. Markham (plate 8, facing p. 17) mistakes the foUowing coat of arms
in N, which belongs to Rhodes, for that of Morea.
^^ Notice that the narrator believes that Crete is a city on Rhodes.
"" The Knights of St. John (Hospitallers) were a religious military order originally dedicated
to caring for the sick. Later they became a purely military order whose purpose was defending
pilgrims to the Holy Land. The Knights conquered Rhodes in 1307 and formed an independent
feudal state there. The banner mentioned here was their coat of arms. Only its outline can be
seen in S.
Candia is Crete, and the body of water the narrator heads toward is the Black Sea.
^^ Satalia (Adalia) was on the southern coast of Asia Minor.
S illustrates a flag completely covered with waves, on which is superimposed a six-point
star. Both N and R divide the banner, with the star above and waves below.
^ Armenia Minor is the ancient Cilicia.
*' Only the oudine of the flag is shown in S; Markham (plate 9, facing
p. 19) nevertheless
provides an illustration he labels as being from this manuscript. N and R depict vertically divided
flags: on the left, a cross (a dagger in R) surrounded by four smaller crosses; on the right, a red
Neapoli, and Marbaxa and Colon and Mutam. The prince of this island has
as his insignia the one that follows, a white flag with this yellow emblem
outlined in vermilion. [XXXIX]
I departed the island of Morea and went to the island of Rodas, where
there is a rich city they call Creta. This island is of the Order of Saint John,
and this is its insignia, like the one that follows, a vermilion flag with a
white cross like this one. \XL]
I left Rodas and went to the island of Candia, and from
the island of
there to another island they call Negro Ponte, that the Venecians con-
quered. And I left on my left side the entrance to the Great Sea and to
Constantinopla, about which I will tell further on, and I went to a city they
call Satalia, which belonged to Greek Christians. And this Satalia has as its
insignia a flag with gold and cardinal red bars wavy, and near the stafi" an
emblem like this one. [XLI]
The city of Satalia and Sinbichon, about which I already told above, and
the other cities about which I will tell up to Armenia Minor, are all in the
province of Turquya, which they formerly called Asia Minor, where there
are many scattered provinces and many lordships that are difiicult to enu-
merate, because this Turquya extends to the Great Sea. Note that it is a
land rich and abundant in all things. And the insignia of Turquia is the one
that follows, a flag per pale, one pale yellow with this vermilion emblem,
and the other half white with five vermiHon crosses like these. [XLII]
I went along the shore of this Turquia to a city they call Candebor, and
from there to another they call Antro^eta and to Corincho. And in this
En esta Turquia ay otra provin^ia que dizen Cunio en que ay una rrica
fibdat que dizen Cunyo, con muchas tierras.*^^ Et el rrey dende a por
senales un pendon con ondas blancas et bermejas tales. [XLIV]
Otrosi en esta Turquia es otra provin^ia que dizen Savasco. Et antigua
mente dezian a esta Turquia Savasco, et tomo este nonbre de una fibdat
que dizen Savasco, que antigua mente era cabe^a de las otras ^ibdades. Et a
esta 9 ibdat de Savasco dezian antigua mente Samaria.^*^ Aun agora es Sa-
vasco cabe^a del rreynado, et a por seiiales un pendon bianco con finco
cruzes bermejas atales. pCLV]
En esta Turquia son dos ^ibdades a la parte de Armenia la Menor, que
dizen a la una Chotay, et a la otra Silia.^^ Parti dende et entre en Armenia
la Menor, la qual es toda ^ercada de montes muy altos que dizen los Montes
de Arme^iia, et dentro de los montes es tierra liana en que son trezientas et
"* Both Jimenez de la Espada and Markham believe that Candebor is present-day Alanya, on
Turkey's south coast, followed by Antioch and another city difficult to identify. The provinces
referred to are Cappadocia, Cilicia, Boeotia (a geographic error, according to Jimenez de la
Espada 184), Bithynia, Galatia, a repeat of Cilicia, Phrygia, Pamphilia, and Isauria.
^' Philadelphia, in Phrygia (Turkey).
"^ Markham (plate 10, facing p. 20) interchanges this and the following banner (Iconium).
The square (cuadra) does not seem to be a heraldic device.
*' Iconium (Konya).
'" Savasco was the ancient name for Turkey. Jimenez de la Espada (24849) beheves that the
narrator erred in calling this city Samaria, confusing it with a place in modern Jordan (now Se-
" If Chotay refers to Kiitahya (as Jimenez de la Espada and Markham would have it), it is
out of place in the area described by the author. The other city may be Cilicia.
'-Jimenez de la Espada and Markham affirm that there is such an island as Port Bonel in the
small gulf near the ancient city of Alexandretta, now called Iskenderun (Turkey).
The Book of Knowledge 35^
Vitilia, Gala, (^ililidia, Frigia, where Troya is, Pamfilia, Isauria. The king of
this land has as his insignia a black flag with five white crosses like these.
I left Corincho and went to a city they call Feradelfia or Feradelfin,
which borders on the Hmits of Troya, which King Menalaus of Greece de-
stroyed. And in ancient times this Troya was the capital of all Asia Minor,
which they now call Turquia. And its insignia is a flag per pale, one pale
white with a vermilion cross, the other pale yellow with a vermilion square
like this.
In this Turquia there is another province they call Cunio in which there
is a rich city they call Cunyo, which has many lands. And its king has as his
insignia a flag with white and vermilion bars wavy in this manner. [XLIV]
Also in this Turquia there is another province they call Savasco. And in
ancient times they called Turquia Savasco, and it took this name from a city
they call Savasco, that was formerly the capital of the other cities. And they
formerly called this city of Savasco Samaria. Savasco is still the head of the
kingdom, and has as his insignia a white flag with five vermiUon crosses, in
Know that they formerly called this Armenia the Isla de Colcos, because
into this Armenia there enters a gulf of the sea in which there is a small
island, and they call it Port Bonel. And here there was a temple where the
enchanted golden ram was found, whose spell was undone by Jason the
36 El libro del coNOsgiMiENXo
grinos para Iherusalem.'^^ Et sabet que en la Suria son estas fibdades que
dichas son, con otras muchas villas et logares et castillos. En la Suria son
finco montes altos. Al primero dizen el Monte de Libano, donde salen dos
rrios que dizen aluno Jor, al otro Dan, et ayuntanse amos et dizenles
Jordan. Esta tierra por do corre el rrio Jordan dezian antigua mente Tiberia,
'^ The first four were cities in southern Turkey, and the last is exclusive to S.
S mistakenly gives the arms of Cyprus (which is the next land described) in this place.
Markham (pbte 10, facing p. 20) includes only this erroneous banner, ignoring the Hon rampant
of N and R, and Pasch (21) follows suit.
Famagusta, Nicosia, Limassol, and Paphos. From 1376 to 1464, Famagusta was the
dominion of the Genoese.
"" The oudine is drawn but left blank in S. Markham, nevertheless, depicts the flag as in N
and R (verticaUy), then labels As we mentioned in n.94, S erroneously attributed the
it S.
Cypriote arms to "Armenia la Menor," which Markham shows on the same plate, next to the
flag of Cyprus, but as a horizontal banner; the similarity which would have revealed his mistake
does not seem to have occurred to him.
'^ The country in question is Syria. Antioch was the site of a patriarchal seat of the early
church and of a long struggle during the First Crusade, when it was captured in 1098. After
Antioch, the narrator's dubious itinerary takes him south to Seleucia (Samandagi), then north to
Tarsus (both in Turkey), before heading south again to Tripoli (now Tarabulus, Lebanon). The
Franks established themselves in this area after the First Crusade. The Don Remondo referred
to here was the father of Alfonso, Conde de Tolosa, not of Alfonso VII of Castile, as the author
would have it.
Continuing south along the Mediterranean coast, the traveler arrives in Beirut, Acre (now
Akko), Caesarea, and Ashqelon, which were commercial centers at the times of the Crusades.
The Book of Knowledge 37^
Greek. And within Armenia there are four large cities, to wit, Laiso,
Curquo, and Tarso, and Sifia, and Danabu. Its king has as his insignia a
white flag with a vermiUon Hon in a field of white, like this one. [XLVI]
After this Armenia is the island Chipre, and on this Chipre there are
four large cities. The first they call Famagosta, the other Nycoxia, the other
Lamiso, the other Bafa. And the King of Chipre has as his insignia a flag per
pales, one pale cardinal red with gold flowers because the king is of the
House of Franfia, and the other pale [has] five vermilion crosses like these.
Jutting firom this Chipre is a point that they call the Point of Santander,
and fi-om there to Alixandreta, a city in Suria, there are thirty-six miles; and
I departed Chipre and went to Alixandreta and firom there to Antiocha, a
noble and rich city, which the French took when they conquered Suria.
They formerly called this Antiocha Repeleta. And fi-om there I went to
Solin and to Tortosa, and fi-om there to Tripul de la Suria, and from there
to Solin, which was conquered by Don Remundo, Count of Tolosa, father
of Don Alfonso Emperor of Espafia. And fi-om there I went to Eburut and
firom there to the city of Acre, which belonged to the fiiars of Saint John,
and from there I went to Qesaria and to Escalona. And they formerly called
this Escalona Palestina. And went to the port ofJafa where the pilgrims set
oflffor Iherusalem. And know that these aforementioned cities are in Suria,
with many other towns and villages and castles. In Suria there are five high
mountains. They call the first the Mount of Libano, where two rivers origi-
nate, which they call Jor and the other Dan, and they both converge and
they call them Jordan. This land through which the River Jordan flows was
38 El libro del conoscimiento
despues le dixeron Siria. Et corren por medio de la Suria et fazen dos lagos
muy grandes, al uno dizen el Mar Muerto et al otro el Mar de Galilea. Et
afirman que en estos dos lagos fueron las dos fibdades que dezian Sodoma
et Gomorra. Et en estos dos lagos se sume el rrio que non pare^e mas. Al
otro monte dizen Monte Ermon, al otro Monte Galat, al otro Monte Abra-
ren, al otro Seyr.'^'^ Et sabet que en esta Suria es la ^ibdat de Iherusalem
que fue santificada por el santo tenplo que fizo en ella Salamon, el qual fue
consagrado por la sangre de Nuestro Senor Jesu Cristo. Et esta tierra de
Iherusalem antigua mente fue dicha Cananea porque fue de Can, fijo de
Noe, et despues ovo nonbre Judea, de Juda fijo de Jaco. Et sabed que esta
provinfia ganaron los fran^eses quando la conquysta de ultra mar. Las
seiiales desta provin^ia son un pendon todo bianco con cruzes bermejas en
canpo bianco, desta manera.'' [XL VIII]
Con la Suria parte la tierra de Jafet, et con esta Jafet parte terminos la
The area now near the Syrian-Lebanese border. Presently Mount Hermon is called Jabal
N and R correctly depict the flag described here. S, however, shows a banner divided
into four parts by a cross; each of the resulting fields also contains a cross. According to Pasch
(22), the true coat of arms of Jerusalem is like the one illustrated in S. Nevertheless, he copies
the banner provided by Markham (plate 1 1 , facing p. 22) which shows the arms as they appear
in N or R, but which he has labeled S; Pasch, therefore erroneously believes that the artist of S
has drawn a fanciful flag, although it is only correct in S.
"" Damascus was a well-irrigated market and holy city which reached its greatest moment
in the thirteenth century. Lairag, according to Jimenez de la Espada (217), was called Al-Hirac
All three manuscripts show the same shape flag, triangular with rounded edges. Markham
provides a rectangular banner with a scalloped edge, which is the coat of arms of Luchon as it
appears in S below.
The traveler is in the area of El Arish, firom which he continues to Damietta.
Louis IX held Damietta in 124849, and was taken prisoner near there in April of 1250
(Markham 22, Wright 300, Jimenez de la Espada 132).
The Book of Knowledge 39
formerly called Tiberia, and afterward they called it Siria. And they run
through the middle of Suria and form two great lakes; they call one the
Dead Sea and the other the Sea of Galilea. And they confirm that in these
two lakes were the two cities they called Sodoma and Gomorra. And in
these two lakes the river submerges and disappears. The other mountain
they call Mount Ermon, the other Mount Galat, the other Mount Abraren,
the other Seyr. And know that in this Suria is the city of Iherusalem that
was by the sacred temple that Solomon built in it, [the temple]
sanctified by the blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. And this land of Iheru-
salem was in ancient times called Cananea because it belonged to Cam, son
of Noah, and afterward it was named Judea, for Judah, son of Jacob. And
know that the French took this province during the Great Overseas
Expedition. The insignia of this province is an entirely white flag with
vermilion crosses in a field of white, in this manner. [XLVIII]
Suria borders on the land of Jafet, and Jafet borders on the city of
Damasco, which is a city rich and abundant in all things. And through this
Damasco the River Eufirates flows, and they formerly called it Lairag. And
its king has as his insignia a yellow flag with a white moon in this manner.
Suria also borders Egipto. In ancient times they called Egipto Exia. And
firom there I came along the coast to a port that is in Suria, that they call
the Port of La Risa, and from there I came to Port Descrion, and fi-om
there to Port Tenexe, which is in Egipto. And I set off" toward the west and
came to Damianta, a noble city, and the River Nilus completely surrounds
it. And note that the King of Fran^ia was taken captive and defeated when
he went on the Great Overseas Expedition. And on the shores of this River
grand 9ibdat de Alcaira, do coronan los rreyes de Egipto, et aquy fue coro-
nado Melicnas^ar, el sefior de los turcos magnos, que llaman el Soldan de
Egipto. Et en esta Alcaara sobre dicha son quatro pueblos. Al primero dizen
Alcaara, al otro Babilonia por que la poblaron los que escaparon de la de-
struy9ion de Babilonia, el otro dizen Roda, el quarto dizen Lajuza.'"^ Et
las senales deste rreinado son un pendon bianco et en medio una luna de
azul atal. [L]
una rrica fibdat. Et sabet que a treinta et seis millas desta Africa es la grand
Malek Nasser was crowned in Cairo after he defeated the Mongols in Damascus in 1 303.
He died in 1341, a fact not mentioned here, which might indicate that it was a relatively recent
event. The towns (or sections of Cairo) are: Cairo, Babilonia of Egypt, Roddah, and El Giza.
Rachid, formerly Rosetta.
He continues along the coast of North Africa.
This is the north coast of Libya, heading west toward the Barbary Coast.
Tovajones do not seem to be a usual heraldic device. In the drawing that follows they re-
semble long, fringed sashes.
"" The traveler now finds himself in the area of Benghazi and the Gulf of Sirte (Libya). The
Montes Cbros are the Adas Mountains, in present-day Morocco and Algeria. Puerto Magro
might refer to Leptis Magna, an ancient town just east of Tripoli, where the narrator is headed
The Book of Knowledge 41_
Nilus is seated the great city of Alcaira, where they crown the kings of
Egipto, and here Malek Nasser was crowned, who was the lord of the great
Turks, and whom they call the Sultan of Egipto. And in this aforemen-
tioned Alcaara there are four towns. They call the first Alcaara, the other
Babilonia because those who escaped the destruction of Babilonia founded
it, the other Roda, [and] they call the fourth Lajuza. And the insignia of
this kingdom is a white flag with a blue moon in the center, like this. [L]
I departed Alcaira and went along the coast to the city of Alixandria,
which is a noble and rich city. And between this Alixandria and the island
Roxeto there are ten leagues, all populated with villages. Its king has as his
insignia a yellow flag with a black wheel in the center, and in the wheel a
I departed Alixandria and came southward along the coast to the Port of
Ribas Alvas, and fi-om there to Partalbert, and I went to a city they call Lu-
chon. And its king has as his insignia a yellow flag with a white moon, in
this way. [LI I]
I departed Luchon and went to the Port of Tarabut, and firom there I
came to Mon de Barcas, and to Bon Andrea, which is in the middle of Ber-
beria, and firom there to Tolometa, which is on the seacoast. Its king has as
his insignia yellow sashes atop a lance, done in this manner. [LIII]
of Sfin and went to Port Magro and fi-om there to Tripul de Berberia. And
they call it Tripul because it borders the Tripolitana Mountains. And this
Tripul is a rich city. Its king has as his insignia a white flag with a green
palm tree and two vermilion keys, like these. [LIV]
I departed Tripul for Rahasa, and from there to Capiz, and to Faquiz,
and firom there to Afi-ica, a rich city. And know that thirty-six miles firom
this Afirica is the great tower they call Ligen, and fi-om this tower Ligen to
42 El libro del conoscimiento
torre que dizen Ligen, et desta torre Ligen fasta Alcarahuan do se tomo
moro Mahomat son quarenta millas. Et sabet que en esta Alcarahuan fue
desbaratado Alboa^en, rrey de toda Africa fasta el poniente, et fueron rro-
bados todos sus rreales.^" Et el Rey de Africa a por seiiales un pendon
bianco con una luna cardena atal. [LV]
Dende vine me para C^ufia^'^ et dende para Tunez, que es una grand
fibdat, et rrica, et muy abondada, et es cabe^a de toda la Berberia. El rrey
dende a por senales un pendon bianco con una luna prieta tal. [LVI]
Apres desta Tunez es la Isla de Qerdena, que es una grand tierra en que
son dos montes muy altos. Al uno dizen Mons Barvaria, et al otro dizen
Mons Arbolea.^^^ El Rey de Qerdefia a por seiiales bastones del Rey de
Aragon, commo estos. [LVII]
Apres de ^erdefia es otra isla que dizen Cor^ega. Las senales dende son
un pendon bianco con una cruz bermeja, por que la ganaron los ginoveses
a los catalanes.^^"* Et por eso an oy dia guerra con ellos. [LVIII]
Dende tome a Bona donde frie obispo Sant Agostin.^'^ Es una rrica
fibdat. El rrey della a por seiiales un pendon bianco con una luna prieta
atal. [LIX]
Parti de Bona et friy a la gibdat de Costantina,'''' la qual es toda ^er-
cada de un rrio enderredor. El Rey de Costantina a por seiiales un pendon
ameitades bianco et amarillo atal. [LX]
Sali de Costantina et vine a una fibdat que dizen Astora, et dende Al-
corn, et Gigar, et Uegue a Bugia. Et pasa por ella un rrio que dizen Guadal-
quiujr,''^ et es ^ibdat muy frierte et antigua. Et el rrey desta Bugia a por
senales un pendon bermejo con una ballesta amarilla atal. [LXI]
'"Jimenez de la Espada (132) remarks on the historical error that places Mohammed in this
area,which he did not visit. After TripoH the narrator continues to the coast of Tunisia. Ligem,
according to Jimenez de la Espada (261) was a fortress. Abu-1-Hasan was defeated by Ahmed, an
Almohad, in Qairouan in 1348. This is one of the latest events mentioned in this book.
"^ Sousse, on the Tunisian coast south of Tunis.
'" It is unclear to which mountains the narrator refers.
"^ The author is referring to the 1347 Genoese takeover of Corsica, one of the latest
historical occurrences mentioned in the text.
After Sardinia and Corsica, the traveler returns to the north coast of Africa, to what is
Alcarahuan, where Mohammed became a Moor, there are forty miles. And
know that in the Alcarahuan Abu-1-Hasan was defeated, [who was] king of
all Africa toward the west, and all his military camps were taken. And the
King of Africa has as his insignia a white flag with a cardinal red moon, like
this. [LV]
From there I came to Qu^ia and from there to Tunez, which is a great
city, and rich and very abundant, and it is the capital of all Berberia. Its
king has as his insignia a white flag with a black moon, like this. [LVI]
Beyond this Tunez is the island of (^erdena, which is a great land that has
two high mountains. They call one Mons Bavaria, and they call the other
Mons Arbolea. The King of (^erdefia has as his insignia the pales of the King
of Aragon, like these. [LVII]
After ^erdena there is another island they call Cor^ega. Its insignia is a
white flag with a vermilion cross, because the Genoese took it from the
Catalans. And for that reason there is war between them today. [LVIII]
From there I went to Bona where Saint Augustine was bishop. It is a rich
city. Its king has as his insignia a white flag with a black moon, like this.
I departed Bona and went to the city of Costantina, which is totally
surrounded by a river. The King of Costantina has as his insignia a flag per
call Guadalquivyr, and it is a strong and ancient city. And the king of this
Bugia has as his insignia a vermihon flag with a yellow crossbow, like this.
I departed Bugia and came to Titeliz and from there to Arguer, and
44 El libro del coNOsgiMiENTO
una ^ibdat rribera del mar.''^ El rrey della a por senales un pendon bianco
con un signo tal commo aquy esta.^^^ [LXII]
Sally desta Brischan et pase a la isla de Mayorca en la qual es una noble
fibdat, et rrica, et abondada. El rrey della a por senales bastones verdes
prietos.'^o [LXIII]
Montes Claros. Et sabet que sobresta Treme^en mataron a Beacob, rrey del
poniente.^^^ El Rey de Treme^en ha por senales un pendon bianco con
una luna azul. [LXIV]
Parti de Treme^en et tome a Une (et a esta Une dezian Numedia),
dizen ^ale.^^-' Et en esta Fez coronan los rreyes. Aquy fazen su morada.
El rrey dende a por senales un pendon todo bianco. [LXVI]
"" The first two are Dellys and Alger, but it is not clear what coastal town Brischan might
be.South of Constantine there is a city named Biskra, but it is not on the shore, as the author
would have it.
'" The emblem shown is a six-point star. In S, the points are ornamented with curls; in R,
they are not, and a heart pierced by an arrow appears at its center. Because of a lacuna in N, the
flag does not appear.
IV of Aragon annexed Mallorca, thus changing the colors of the flag fi-om
In 1375 Pedro
green and black (sinople and sable) pales to red and yellow (gules and or). This might suggest
that the book was written before that date. Although the flag is only an outline in S, Markham
(plate 13, facing p. 25) nevertheless illustrates it as described, then labels it S.
The Mostaganem, Oran, and
narrator returns to Algeria after visiting Mallorca, arriving in
Tlemcen. According to Markham (25), Abu Yakub Yusuf Almansor, a Benimerin king, was
assassinated by a slave here in 1307 after a conflict with Abu Said, King of Tlemcen. Pasch (23)
reports that the kingdom of Tlemcen was founded in 1285 and lasted until 1554.
The traveler continues west on the north coast of Africa, stopping in Melilla and Ceuta.
Jimenez de la Espada (178) identifies the last body of water as the "Mar de Zakak," the present-
day Straits of Gibraltar.
From Ceuta he travels south to Fez, then west to Sale, on the Atlantic coast of Morocco
just north of Casablanca.
The Book of Knowledge 45^
from there to Brischan, a city on the seacoast. Its king has as his insignia a
white flag with an emblem like the one that is here. [LXII]
originates in the White Mountains and enters the Western Sea beyond a
city they call Qale. And in this Fez they crown their kings. They make
their home here. Its king has an entirely white flag as his insignia. [LXVI]
46 El libro del coNOsgiMiENTO
Mar Ofidental. Et en esta fibdat sotierran los rreyes. Et dende fuy a Nife,
et a Azamor, et a Qafi. Et en esta (^afi entra en la mar un rrio que dizen
Gux et nas^e de los Montes Claros.'^'* Et sabet que en esta provin^ia es
tienpo del senorio de los rromanos. Despues la senorearon los godos que
fueron senores de Espaiia.'^'' Et el Rey de Marruecos a por senales un
pendon bermejo con un axedrez prieto et bianco atal. [LXVII]
Despues desto parti de Marruecos et fuy a Admet, una gibdat muy
antigua et muy vifiosa, en la qual son soterrados Benabit Rey de Sevilla et
su muger la Romaiqua. Et dende fuy a (^afi et a Modogor, puertos del Mar
09idental. Et subi en las sierras de Qu^ia la alta, que es una tierra muy
vi^iosa et abondada de todos los bienes. Et sabet que son unos montes muy
altos et tierra muy peligrosa, que non an mas de dos sobidas peligrosas muy
mucho. En estos montes escape el rrey Myramamolin quando lo desbara-
taron los marines, et oy dia esta (^u^ia es del linaje del Miramamolyn.*'^^
El rrey dende a por senales un pendon bianco con un leon prieto. Et sabet
que en esta sierra ^ucia comiengan los Montes Claros que los cristianos
dizen Acalanes et los antiguos dizen Carena, et son en luengo dos mill et
seisfientas et setenta et finco millas, que son ochofientas et noventa et una
leguas et dos ter^ios de legua. [LXVIII]
Parti de la (^ufia et entre por la Gazula, una provinfia muy vi^iosa et
muy grande fercada de sierras muy altas, et abondada de aguas et muy frias.
Et sabet que es a la parte do se pone el sol en el mes de dezienbre, et por
eso la Gazula es firia en el estio et caliente en el ynviemo. Et los pobladores
'^^ Meknes is east of Sale and Rabat, on the coast south of it. The narrator turns north again
to Tanger, then south to Asilah and down the Moroccan coast to Safi.
The narrator confuses Morocco with Tunis. The Goths mentioned here are the Vandak,
who crossed the Straits of Gibraltar in A.D. 429 and conquered Mauritania.
Benabit or Al-Mutamed-ala-Illah, King of Seville from 1069 to 1091, was dethroned by
the Almoravids and exiled to the casde of Aghmat, where he died and was buried in 1095. His
favorite wifewas named Romeykiyyah, whose capriciousness was immortalized in Exemplum
XLI of Don Juan Manuel's Conde Lucanor: Because Romeykiyyah yearned to see snow, her
husband had almond trees planted throughout Cordoba so that their white blossoms would
moUify her desire.
Leaving Aghmat, the narrator passes through the port cities of Safi and Essaouira (formerly
Mogodor), then climbs the western part of the Adas Mountains.
At the end of the thirteenth century, the Miramamolin Almortada lost a batde against the
Beni Merini in Meknes, then fled to the Adas Mountains. See Jimenez de la Espada (139-41).
The Book of Knowledge 42
city on the coast of the Western Sea. And in this city they bury their kings.
And from there I went to Nife and to Azamor and to ^afi. And in this (^afi
a river called Gux enters the sea, and originates in the White Mountains.
And know that in this province is the very noble city of Marruecos that
they used to call Cartago la Grande, which a Consul of Roma that they
called Scipio AfHcanus conquered, in the time of the rule of the Romans.
Afterwards the Goths, who were lords of Espafia, governed it. And the
King of Marruecos has as his insignia a vermilion flag with white and black
cheeky, like this. [LXVII]
I departed Marruecos and went to Admet, a very ancient and
After this
rich city inwhich Benabit the King of Sevilla and his wife Romaiqua are
buried. And from there I went to (^afi and Mogodor, ports on the Western
Sea. And I climbed the high sierras of the White Mountains, which is a very
rich and abundant land in all things. And know that the mountains are very
high and the land is very dangerous, as there are no more than two very
dangerous paths up them. In these mountains the King Miramamolin es-
caped when the Benimerins defeated him, and today this (^u^ia is of the
Miramamolin lineage. Its king has as his insignia a white flag with a black
lion. And know White Mountains begin, which the
that in this sierra the
Christians call Acalanes and the ancients call Carena, which are 2675 miles
long, which are 891 leagues and two-thirds of a league. [LXVIII]
I departed (^ufia and entered Gazula, a very rich and large province sur-
rounded by very high sierras, and abundant in very cold waters. And know
that it is on the side where the sun sets in the month of December, and for
this reason Gazula is cold in the summer and hot in the winter. And its
48 El libro del coNosgiMiENxo
della nunca quysieron rrey pero que han un juez, et son gentes muy esentas.
Et party de la Gazula et tome a la marisma a un puerto que dizen Zama-
tana, et dende fuy al cabo de Na en el Mar O^idental.''^^ Et es tierra
yerma pero que ay gentes malas crueles que biven en los canpos. Et fuy por
la rribera adelante sienpre en un panfilo^^^ fasta que Uegue al cabo de Sant
Bin. Et dende falle toda la marisma desabitada que non ay ^ibdat, nin villa,
nin logar. Et andove por la marisma muy grand camino et atravese todas las
playas arenosas que non son abitadas de omes, et Uegue a la tierra de los
negros a un cabo que dizen de Buyder, que es del Rey de Guynea, ^erca de
la mar. Et ally falle moros et judios. Et sabet que desde'l cabo de Buyder
fasta el Oro son ocho^ientas et sesenta miUas, toda tierra desabitada.
Rio del
Et deste logar se tomo el panfilo, et yo fmque ally un tienpo et fuy ver las
Islas Perdidas que llama Tolomeo las Islas de la Caridat. Et sabed que desde
Sobi en un lefio con unos moros et Uegamos a la primera isla, que dizen
Gresa, et apres della es la isla de Langarote, et dizen le asi porque las gentes
desta isla mataron a un ginoves que dezian Lan^arote. Dende fuy a otra isla
que dizen Vezimarin et a otra que dizen Rachan, et dende a otra que dizen
Alegran^a, et otra que dizen Vegimar, et otra que dizen Forte Ventura, et
otra que dizen Canaria. Et fuy a otra que dizen Tenerefiz, et a otra que di-
zen la Isla del Infiemo, et fuy a otra que dizen Gomera, et a otra que dizen
'^^ Djezula is to the southwest of the Atlas Mountains. Travehng on the coast in a northerly
direction, one reaches the port of Samota, then Cape Non.
This was a kind of boat equipped with oars used in the Mediterranean from the
thirteenth to fifteenth centuries (Jimenez de la Espada 141). Hyde (145) believes that it was
possible to cruise down the African coast in such a boat, but not sail over to the Canary Islands
in a Moorish ship, as the narrator soon claims.
'-' Morocco along
Traveling south from the western African coast, the narrator reaches
Cape Boujdour. The kingdom of Guinea (Guinoa), according to Jimenez de la Espada (209), was
"una gran region del Africa indefinida y cada vez mas extensa, a contar de la altura del cabo
Bojador hacia el S. y alcanzando hasta el Niger o Djoliba; muy otra de la que los Portugueses
denominaron despues de aquella manera, y la misma que los espaiioles conociamos, frecuenta-
bamos, y quiza poseiamos a principios del siglo XV" (". a great region of and undefined and
. .
ever more extended Africa, from the point of Cape Boujdour toward the south and extending
to the Niger or DjoHba; very different from what the Portuguese called by that name, and the
same that the Spanish knew, and frequented and maybe even possessed at the beginning of the
fifteenth century").
The River of Gold was the "El Dorado" of the Middle Ages, an illusory place that incited
men to explore Africa. See Taylor's article for information on the expeditionary frenzy caused
by the belief that gold could be found easily along the shores of this imaginary waterway.
Arab geographers had named the Canaries the Lost Islands, also called in Spanish "las Islas
de la Caridat" (Al-Kalidat), which means Fortunate Islands, the name that the Romans had given
them previously.
The Canaries were re-discovered in 1312 by the Genoese explorer Lancelloto MaloceUo,
for whom the island of Lanzarote was named.
The Book of Knowledge 49
inhabitants never wanted a king but they have a judge, and they are very
free people. And I departed Gazula and followed the coast to a port they
call Zamatana, and from there I went to Cape Na in the Western Sea. And
it is some cruel and bad people that live in the
barren land but there are
countryside. And I went onward along the shore, always in a panfilo, until
I arrived at the Cape of Sant Bin. And from there I found the whole coast
uninhabited, for there is no city nor town nor village. And I traveled along
the coast a very long way and crossed all the sandy beaches that are not
inhabited by men, and I arrived at a land of black people, at a Cape they
call Buyder, which belongs to the King of Guynea, near the sea. And there
I found Moors and Jews. And know that from Cape Buyder to the River
of Gold there are 860 miles, all uninhabited land. And from this place the
panfilo turned, and I stayed there a time and went to see the Lost Islands
that Ptolemy calls the Fortunate Islands. And know that from Cape Buyder
to the first island there are 110 miles.
I embarked in a sailing vessel with some Moors and we arrived at the
first island, which they call Gresa, and beyond it is the island of Lan^arote,
and they call it that because the people of this island killed a Genoese man
named Lan^arote. From there I went to another island they call Vezimarin,
and another they call Rachan, and from there to another that they call Ale-
gran^a, and another they call Vegimar, and another they call Forte Ventura,
and another they call Canaria. And wentI to another that they call Tenere-
fiz, and another they call Isla de Infiemo, and another they call Gomera,
50 El libro del coNOsgiMiENTO
la Isla del Ferro, et a otra que dizen Aragavia, et a otra que dizen Salvaje, et
a otra que dizen la Isla Desierta, et a otra que dizen Lecmane, et a otra el
Puerto Santo, et a otra la Isla del Lobo, et a otra la Isla de las Cabras, et a
otra la Isla del Brasil, et a otra la Colunbaria, et a otra la Isla de la Ventura,
et a otra la Isla de Sant Jorge, et a otra la Ysla de los Conejos, et a otra la
Isla de los Cuervos Marines.'-'" Et en tal manera que son veynte et ^inco
yslas. Et de todas estas yslas non eran pobladas de gentes mas de las tres que
son Canaria et Lan^arote et Forte Ventura. Et las gentes que ende moran
son commo estas que se siguen.
The narrator groups together all these Atlantic islands. He first travels east to west
through the Canary Islands: Graciosa, Lanzarote, one he calls Vezimarin (Vesci marini on the
Dulcert map, now Isla de Lobos), Rachan (El Roque), Alegranza, (followed by a repeat of the
Isla de Lobos), Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Tenerife and Infiemo (which is also Tenerife),
Canarias," 218-19).
The narrator seems to be in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco once again, traveling south
into Algeria. Segelmessa (or Sigilmesa) was the capital of the kingdom of the same name which
was destroyed (Jimenez de la Espada 255).
The Book of Knowledge 5j^
and another they call Isla de Ferro, and another they call Aragavia, and
another they call Salvaje, and another they call Isla Desierta, and another
they call Lecmane, and another Puerto Santo, and another Isla del Lobo,
and another Isla de las Cabras, and another Isla del Brasil, and another Co-
lunbaria, and another Isla de la Ventura, and another Isla de Sant Jorge, and
another Isla de los Conejos, and another Isla de los Cuervos Marines. And
in this manner there are twenty-five islands. And of all these islands no
more than three w^ere populated by people, which are Canaria and Lan-
^arote and Forte Ventura. And the people who live there are like those that
I turned back to Cape Buyder fi-om where I left, and went to Zaara
with some Moors that were taking gold on camels to the King of Guinea.
And we found some very large and high mountains in the middle of the
Zahara, and they call them Zichialhamera. And later we traveled a long way
through the Zaara until we arrived at another mountain they call Isfurent,
and from this Isfurent I took leave of the aforementioned Moors and en-
countered others that were coming to the Algarbe. And I came with them
through the Zahara until I reached Mascarota, which is a town belonging
to the King of the Benimerins that is at the foot of the Sierra of Qu^ia. And
I stayed there for a time, and afterward went to Sulgulmen^a, a rich city
that is in the Zaara, and a river that comes from the White Mountains sur-
rounds it. And its king has as his insignia a white flag with the root of a
green palm, in this manner. [LXIX]
And I departed Sugulmen^a and went to the River Dara which is a six-
day journey, all populated here and there. And it is a very inhabited land
and very abundant in all things, although it is in the Zaara. And I departed
the River Dara with some Moors that were going to Guynoa and went
with them through the Zahara until we reached Tocoron, a city which is
pase a Buda,'-^^ otra fibdat muy abondada que esta asentada en ^ima de
un monte. Et sabed que esta fibdat poblo un rrey de Treme9en porque era
malo et fazia malas obras, et despechava a los pueblos. Quisieron lo matar,
et fuyo con sus thesoros a este logar, et fizo esta gibdat de Buda.'-*'* Et sus
senales sonun pendon bianco con una luna bermeja tal como esta. [LXXI]
Despues parti de Buda et fuy por la Zahara a otro monte que dezian
Ganaht, en que ay un rrica fibdat et abondada de todos los bienes, et dizen
le Ganaht. ^-^^ Et es cabe^a del rreyno de Guinoa. Et el rrey desta Guinoa
ha por senales un pendon de oro et en medyo un monte prieto. [LXXII]
Parti de Ganaht et fuy a Crima, otra fibdat que es en la Zahara, et
dende a Mes9a, una rrica ^ibdat. Et corre por ella un rrio que nas^e de los
Monies Claros. Et sabed que en este rrio fenes^e el rrio de Guynoa, que es
montes.'-^'' Lo otro es toda Zahara desabitada. Et los dos montes que dichos
son llegan al Rio del Oro de que ya conte de suso, et alii cogen los dientes
de los marfiles que crian rribera del rrio, et cogen oro en los formigueros
que fazen las formigas rribera del rrio. Et las formigas son grandes como
gatos et sacan mucha tierra.^^^ Et con este rreynado confina el rreynado
"^ This river seems to be Oued Draa, that crosses the Atlas Mountains from Morocco to
Algeria. Tocoron is probably Tamgrout, a city on this river.
'^^ Tabelbala is now in Algeria. Jimenez de la Espada (253) conjectures that Sidan and Dan
might refer to the Sudan, while Markham (69) simply identifies Sidan as an oasis. According to
Jimenez de la Espada (185) Buda was the capital of a region called Tuat, south of the Adas.
"^Jimenez de la Espada (142) reports that there seems to be no other historical reference to
such a king.
"^ Ghana, the capital of Guinea, which can be identified with Senegal.
On several of the maps of this period, the area around Guinea is labeled with reference
to seven mountains (Jimenez de la Espada 14243). Hyde agrees, and adds that the information
about them originally came fi-om Solinus (145).
"' In his translation of Z^ Canarien, Major (100, n.2) informs us that this legend goes back
to Herodotus, who wrote that ants (smaller than dogs but larger than foxes) dug up gold with
sand as they dug out their homes.
The Book of Knowledge 53
people are black. And the king of this Tocoron has as his insignia a white
flag and in the center a black mountain, like the King of Guynoa. [LXX]
And from there I went to Tibalbert, which is a city that is in some very
high sierras. And from there I went to another mountain they call Sydon,
in which there are two cities. One they call Sidan, the other Dan, [and]
they belong to the King of Guinoa. And from there I passed on to Buda,
another very abundant city that is seated on top of a mountain. And know
that a king of Treme^en founded this city because he was evil and did evil
deeds and angered the people. They tried to kill him, and he fled with his
treasures to this place, and founded this city of Buda. And his insignia is a
white flag with a vermilion moon, like this one. [LXXI]
Afterward I departed Buda and went through the Zahara to another
mountain that they called Ganaht, in which there is a rich city abundant in
all things, and they call it Ganaht. It is the capital of the Kingdom of Gui-
noa. And the king of this Guinoa has as his insignia a gold flag with a black
mountain in the center. [LXXII]
I departed Ganaht and went to Crima, another city that is in the Zahara,
and from there to Mes^a, a rich city. And through it runs a river that
White Mountains.
originates in the And note that in this river ends the
River Guynoa, which is very wide and very long, [and] in which there are
many barren and inhabited lands, so that it is a sixty-five-day journey long
and forty wide. And Guinoa means "seven mountains," because in Guynoa
there are seven very populated mountains and very abundant land where
the mountains are. The rest is all uninhabited Zahara. And the two afore-
mentioned mountains extend to the River of Gold of which I have already
told above, and there they collect ivory teeth that they raise along the river,
and they collect gold from the anthills that the ants make on the shores of
the river. And the ants are as big as cats and dig up a lot of earth. And this
kingdom borders on the Kingdom of Organa, in which there are also many
Zahara tiene tres montes niuy altos, et son poblados de muchas gentes. Al
primero monte dizen Mons Orgando, et es la cabe^a del rreyno et do coro-
nan los rreyes. Mons Tamar, por que ay en el muchas palmas.
Al otro dizen
Al ter^ero dizen Mons Tamir, por que en el cogen mucho oro.^-*" Los
pueblos que son rribera del rrio non los pude asumar por que son muchos.
Et el rrey desta Organa ha por sefiales un pendon bianco con una palma
verde et dos Haves desta manera. [LXXIII]
Dende parti del rreinado de Organa et pase al rreinado de Tauser, que
tiene otro si muy grandes tierras yermas, desabitadas, todo Zaara muerta,
pero que ay seys montes que son poblados de gentes de los negros como la
"* The legendary kingdom of Organa was supposedly in the north of Senegal. It 6gures on
the Catalan Atlas, with a miniature of its king.
"' The kingdom of Tauser apparendy bordered on Organa, and is surely just as legendary.
Markham (31-32) places the Kingdom of Tremecen on the north coast of Africa between
Melilla and the Algerian city of Bejaia. The first king began his reign in 633, and during the
time thatthis book was written, Tremecen was ruled by the Beni Zeian dynasty.
Old Dongola was just south of the present-day city of the same name on the Nile.
Damiaca refers to modern Damietta (Egypt).
The Book of Knowledge 55^
inhabited lands, completely Zahara, and one side borders entirely on the
River of Gold that they call Nilo. And further out in the Zahara there are
three very high mountains, and they are inhabited by many people. They
call the first mountain Mons Orgando, and it is the capital of the kingdom,
and where they crown their kings. They call the other Mons Tamar because
there are many palm trees in it. They call the third Mons Timer because
they collect a lot of gold there. I could not count all the towns on the river
because they are many. And the king of this Organa has as his insignia a
white flag with a green palm tree and two keys, in this manner. [LXXIII]
From there I departed theKingdom of Organa and went to the King-
dom of Tauser, which many barren, uninhabited lands, all Zahara,
also has
but there are six mountains inhabited by people as black as pitch. The first
mountain, where the the king always resides and where they crown their
kings, they call Almena. They call the other Albertara, the other Merma,
and the other Catifi el Quibir, and the other they call Saploya. The king of
this kingdom Tauser is always at war with the Arabs that live in the Zahara,
and has as his insignia a gold flag with a black mountain, like the King of
Guynoa. [LXXIV]
I departed Tauser and traveled a long way through
on camels, the Zaara
and arrived at another kingdom they call Tremisin, and it borders on the
River Nilus and is always at war with the Christians of Nubia and Etiopia.
And I found in this kingdom five great towns inhabited by black people.
They call the first Trimisin, the other Oadat, they call the other Manola,
the other Orzia, and the other Palola. And know that the people of the
kingdom founded the Treme^en in Berberia. And the king of this kingdom
moon, like this. [LXXV]
has as his insignia a cardinal red flag with a white
From there I went kingdom that they call Dongola. This
to another
borders on the deserts of Egipto where the Nilus River separates into two
parts. One of them, the greater part, comes toward the west [and] they call
it the River of Gold, on the shores of which are the kingdoms of Guynoa.
And the other part goes through the deserts of Egipto and enters the Medio
Terreno Sea in the city of Damiaca. Between these two branches of the
56 El libro del coNOsgiMiENTO
Entre estos dos bragos del dicho rrio es este rreynado de Dongola, et es
tierra muy poblada de cristianos de Nubia, pero que son negros. Et es tierra
muy abondada et rrica de todos los bienes del mundo, de muchos ganados
et de todas naturas, et de muchos frutos de arboles, commo quyer que es
tierra muy caliente. Et el rrey della a por senales un pendon bianco con una
cruz prieta asy.''^^ [lXXVI]
En este rreynado de Dongola falle cristianos ginoveses mercaderes et
fuyme con ellos, et tomamos camino el rrio del Nilo ayusso. Et andodimos
sesenta jomadas por los desiertos de Egipto fasta que Uegamos a la ^ibdat de
Alcaara que es cabe^a del rreynado de Egipto et a do coronan los rreyes, et
segund que ya conte de suso. Et parti de Alcaara et fuy me para Damieta et
falle una nao de cristianos et entre en ella. Et andude un tienpo en esta nao
de que ya conte de suso, por que fazen alia grandes ganan^ias, et fuy con
ellos por algo que me dixeron. Et party de la Gazula en la dicha galea et
levamos sienpre la rribera del Mar del Poniente, fasta que llegamos al Cabo
de No, et dende al Cabo de Sant Bin, et dende al Cabo de Buyder de que
ya conte de suso, que es toda la rribera desabitada. Et llegamos al Rio del
Oro de que ya conte de suso, que se parte del Nilo, el qual nas^e de las
del Oro. Et andodimos despues que partimos del Rio del Oro muy grand
camino, guardando sienpre la rribera. Et dexamos atras las Islas Perdidas, et
Ynsola Gropis,''^'* et era tierra abondada de todos los bienes salvo que las
R and S show a cross with two horizontal bars. In N, the lower bar traverses the whole
banner, completely changing its appearance.
On the various "locations" of Earthly Paradise, see Wright 261-63. Like the Conosci-
miento, the Dalorto map of 1339 places it south of Ethiopia.
This is probably one of the Bisagots Islands off the coast of Senegal (see Jimenez de h
Espada 151).
The Book of Knowledge 57
And its king has as his insignia a white flag with a black cross, Uke this.
In the kingdom of Dongola I encountered some Genoese Christian
merchants and went with them, and we went off down the Nilo River. And
we traveled sixty days through the deserts of Egipto until we reached the city
of Alcaara which is the capital of the kingdom of Egipto and where they
crown their kings, of which I have already told above. And I departed Al-
caara and went to Damieta and I encountered a ship of Christians and em-
barked it. And I traveled a time in this ship until they unloaded in the city of
Qepta, which I have already told of above. And I departed Qeptaon land and
went to Marruecos once again, and crossed the White Mountains and went
to Gazula, and there I lived for a time because it is rich and comfortable. And
some Moors supplied a galley to go to the River of Gold of which I already
told above, because there they make great profits, and I went with them
because of something they told me. And I departed Gazula in the said galley
and we we reached Cape
always followed the coast of the Western Sea until
No, and from there the Cape of Sant Bin, and from there Cape Buyder of
which I have already told above; it is entirely uninhabited coastHne. And we
arrived at the River of Gold which I told of above, which originates in the
Nilo, which originates in the high sierras of the Antarctic Pole where they say
Earthly Paradise is, and it crosses all of Nubia and all Etiopia, and at the end
of Etiopia it divides into two branches. One goes through the desert of
Egipto to Damieta. The other branch comes west and enters the Western
Sea, and they call it the River of Gold. And after we departed the River of
Gold we traveled a long way, keeping always to the coast. And we left
behind us the Lost Islands, and we found a very large populated island with
a lot of people, and they called it the Insula Gropis, and it was a land abun-
dant in all things, except that the people were idolaters. And they took all of
us to their king and he marveled at us and at our speech, and at our customs.
And the merchants that supplied the galley made a great profit. And its king
has as his insignia a white flag with the figure of their idol, like this.
mayores del mundo, et van todos caer en el Rio del Oro, et esta es su
Rio del Oro, et del otro cabo con el Mar O^iano,''*'^ et del otro cabo con
un golfo que entra en el Mar Occidental quinze jomadas. Asy que es uno
de los grandes rreinos del mundo. Et sus seiiales son unos tovajones de oro
atados en una lan^a. [LXXVIII]
Sabet que esta tierra de que ya contamos como quyer que es tierra muy
caliente pero es tierra muy abondada de muchos datiles et muchos camellos.
Et rribera deste rrio Nilo crian los grandes marfiles, et de aquy lievan los
mercadores los dientes et los huesos dellos. Et rribera deste rrio cogen el oro
en los formigueros, et cogen el alanbar, et por esso esta tierra es muy rrica.
Perhaps this refers to the Sherbro Islands, near the coast of Sierra Leone.
Espada (175) and Markham (69) believe that Alboch might be Sierra Leone
Jimenez de la
and that the Enalco River is the Kamaranka. Lirri is more difficult to identify: Markham refers
to it simply as an oasis in Central Africa.
For Jimenez de la Espada (207), Gotonie was a large area of Equatorial Africa, and the
mountains mentioned are Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya.
In N and R appears a drawing of a mountain with five rivers coming fi:om it and empty-
ing into another, larger river.
The Atlantic.
The Book of Knowledge 59^
And we departed Insula Gropis and took the route eastward to the Sea
of India, and we found another island they call Quible. And we left it on
the right side and traveled near the coast, and there appeared a very high
mountain that they called Alboch. And we went there, and it was totally
inhabited by many people, and a very large river originated there, and it
was a very abundant land. And from here the galley turned away. And I re-
mained there for a time and afterward I departed Alboch with some people
and went to another mountain they call Liny. And a river they call Enalco
originated in it. And I departed this mountain they call Lirri and went to
the Kingdom Gotonie, which has many great inhabited and barren lands.
And in this Kingdom Gotonie there are many high mountains, for they say
that there are none higher in the world. And they call them the Mountains
of the Moon. Others call them the Mountains of Gold. And five rivers
originate in these mountains, the largest in the world, and all flow to the
River of Gold, and this is its image.
And a very large lake is formed there, a twenty-days' journey in length
and ten wide. And there is in the middle a great island that they call Palola,
gentes eran ydolatrias et creyan en los idolos. Et avia en este rreynado ocho
^ibdades grandes. Son: la mayor, Amenuan, do moran sienpre los rreyes et
do los coronan, otra Goran, otra As^ida, otra Cologane, otra Benateo, otra
Unda, otra Gaona, otra Canben.^^' Et el rrey dende a por senales un pen-
don bianco con una idola tal. [LXXIX]
En este rreynado de Amenuan entra un bra90 del rrio Eufrates, el qual
rrio nas^e de las altas sierras del Polo Antarico do diz que es el Paraiso
Terrenal.'^^ Et este rrio Eufirates faze se tres bra^os: el un bra^o entra por
medio del rreino de Amenuan, et los otros bra^os fircunrrodean todo el
Pero que son negros como la pez et quemanse con fuego en las fruentes en
seiial de cruz et en rreconos^imiento de bautismo. Et como quier que estas
gentes son negras, pero son omes de buen entendimiento et de buen seso,
et an saberes et fien^ias, et an tierra muy abondada de todos los bienes, por
que ay muchas aguas et muy buenas de las que salen del Polo Antarico do
dizen que es el Paraiso Terrenal. Et dixeron me en esta ^ibdat de Gran9iona
que fueron y traidos los ginoveses que escaparon de la galea que se quebro
Markham (69) places these islands in the Gulf of Guinea.
Apparently an area in western Equatorial Africa.
The narrator later demonstrates that he knows that this river is not the same Euphrates
as the one in the Near East. Since he believed that Earthly Paradise was located in Africa, he
must have thought it necessary to place a Euphrates River here also.
According to Conti Rossini (673), the name Gra^iona might be derived from Civitas
Syone of the 1325 Dalorto map; or "hagara Sion" (Sion City), probably Aksum (Ethiopia).
On the Pizigani brothers' map and on the metallic planisphere in the Borgiano Museum
there exists in the south of Africa a region governed by a king "Ebini Chilebi" or "Ebinichibel"
who, along with his vassals, had the head of a dog.
Prester John was a legendary and very wealthy priest-emperor sought out by Europeans in
the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. See Beckingham's article on the quest for this imagirury
figure. Markham (38, n.l) sutes that the author of this book was the first to locate Prester John
in the area of Ethiopia.
The Book of Knowledge 61^
arrived at a gulf that the Ocean Sea forms there. And there were three
islands in this gulf They call one Zanno, the other A^evean, and the other
Malicun. And I crossed the said gulf and took port in a great city they call
Amenuan, and it is also a very large kingdom, and with many people, and
it is a land abundant in all things, except that the people were idolaters and
believed in idols. And there were in this kingdom eight large cities. They
are: the largest, Amenuan, where the kings always reside and where they
crown them, another [is] Goran, another As^ida, another Cologane, another
Benateo, another Unda, another Gaona, another Canben. And its king has
as his insignia a white flag with an idol, like this. [LXXIX]
Into this kingdom of Amenuan enters a branch of the River Eufrates,
which [river] originates in the high sierras of the Antarctic Pole where they
say Earthly Paradise is. And this River Eufrates divides into three branches:
one branch enters through the middle of the kingdom of Amenuan, and the
other branches surround all the kingdom, which is two-days' journey in
width in some places. Therefore the kingdom is very large. And from there
I crossed the aforementioned river and traveled a long way near the coast,
which is very populated. And I reached a great city they call Gra^iona,
which is the capital of the empire of Abdeselib, which means "servant of
the cross." And this Abdeselib Church of Nubia and
is the defender of the
of Etiopia, and he defends Prester John, who is the Patriarch of Nubia and
of Etiopia and governs many great lands and many cities of Christians. But
they are as black as pitch and they bum themselves with fire on their
foreheads with the sign of the cross in recognition of their baptism. And
although these people are black, they are men of good understanding and
good mind, and they have knowledge and science, and they have a land
that is very abundant in all things because there are many and very good
waters that come from the Antarctic Pole where they say Earthly Paradise
is. And they told me in this city of Gragiona that the Genoese men that
Et este enperador Abdeselib a por senales un pendon de plata con una cruz
prieta desta manera. [LXXX]
Parti de la fibdat de Gra^iona por que las fibdades deste inperio non
pude asumar, et andude por muchas tierras et fibdades et Uegue a la ^ibdat
de Malsa, do mora sienpre'l Preste lohn, patriarca de Nubia et de Etio-
pia.^^^ Et a la ida yva sienpre rribera del rrio Eufirates, que es una tierra
tres dellos, et que nunca oyeran dezir de ome que alia subiese. Et omes ay
que dizen que los vieron a la parte de oriente, et otros a la parte de medio
dia. Et dizen que quando el sol es en Geminis veen los a medio dia, et
quando el sol es en Capricomio veen los a la parte de oriente. Et dixeron
me que estos montes eran todos ^ercados de pielagos muy fondos del agua
que dellos des9iende, de los quales pielagos salen quatro rrios muy grandes
que son los mayores del mundo, que les dizen Tigris, Eufirates, Gion, et
Ficxion.'^^ Et estos quatro rrios rriegan toda Nubia et Etiopia, et las aguas
que delos dichos montes desgienden fazen tan grand rruydo, que a dos
jomadas suena el son de las aguas. Et todos los omes que ^erca moran son
todos sordos que non se oyen unos a otros del grand rroydo de las aguas. Et
en todo tienpo da el sol en aquellos montes, quier de noche quier de dia,
quando del un cabo, quando del otro. Esto es por que la meitad destos
montes son sobre el orizonte et la otra so el orizonte, en tal manera que
en^ima de los montes nunca faze noche, nin tiniebra, nin faze fiio, nin
It is said that in 1281, two ships originating in Genoa were headed for India; one stopped
in an Ethiopian city called Menam, where all the Genoese aboard were taken prisoner. No one
returned from this expedition. See Rogers, "The Vivaldi Expedition," for details.
Conti Rossini (673) affirms that it is difficult to identify the supposed city of Malsa, and
it does not appear in any Ethiopian historical documents or maps.
^^ Genesis (2:10) first mentions the four rivers of Paradise: the Pison, the Gihon (Nile), the
Hiddekel (Tigris), and the Euphrates (see also n.l52). Benjamin de Tudela calls Fison the Nile
that emptied into the Mediterranean.
The Book of Knowledge 63
escaped the galley that broke up in Amenuan were taken there, and they
never knew what happened to the other galley that escaped. And this
Emperor Abdeselib has as his insignia a silver flag with a black cross in this
manner. [LXXX]
I departed the city of Gra^iona because the cities of this empire cannot
be counted, and I traveled through many lands and cities and reached the
city of Malsa, where Prester John, the Patriarch of Nubia and of Etiopia,
always resides. On my way I always kept to the shore of the River Eufrates,
which is a very inhabited and abundant land. And when I arrived in Malsa
I stayed there for a time because I saw and heard marvelous things every
day. And I asked what Earthly Paradise was, and what they said about it.
And some wise men told me that it was some very high mountains that
border on the circle of the Moon and that not every man could see them,
since of twenty men who might go, only three of them would see it, and
they never heard of any man climbing them. And there are men that say
that they saw them on the eastern side, and others on the south. And they
say that when the Sun is in Gemini they see them to the south, and when
the Sun is in Capricorn they see them to the west. And they told me that
these mountains were completely surrounded by seas deep with the water
that descends from them, from which [seas] flow four very large rivers that
are the greatest in the world, which they call Tigris, Eufrates, Gion and
Ficxion. And these four rivers irrigate all of Nubia and Etiopia, and the
waters of the aforementioned mountains that descend make such a great
noise, that the sound can be heard two-days' journey away. And all the men
that live near are totally deaf, since they cannot hear each other because of
the great noise of the waters. And the Sun always shines in those moun-
tains, be it night or day, whether on one side or the other. This is because
half of these mountains are above the horizon and the other under the hori-
zon, so that atop the mountain it is never night, nor dark, nor cold, nor
hot, nor dry, nor wet, but a great even temperature. And all things that are
there, vegetable as well as sentient and animal, can never decay nor die.
And they told me many other secrets of the virtues of the stars, concerning
predictions as well as magic, and also the virtues of the herbs and plants and
64 El libro del coNOsgiMiENXo
Ganheden,^^^ et los latinos Paraiso Terrenal por que sienpre ally es grand
tenpramiento. Et las senales del Preste lohn son un pendon de plata con una
cruz prieta, et de amas partes dos blagos desta manera, por que en tierra de
Nubia et uno el Enperador de Gra^iona
de Etiopia son dos enperadores, el
Gion, que lo non pude escusar, fasta que Uegue a una grand fibdat que
dizen Magdasor.'^^ Et es un inperio muy grande en que ay muchas fib-
dades, et villas, et castillos, et logares, et es tierra muy poblada de cristianos
de Nubia. Este ynperio de Magdasor es todo ^ercado de los dos rrios que
sallen de los grandes pielagos que se fazen derredor del Paraiso Terrenal. Al
un rrio dizen Gion, et al otro Fison, et del otro cabo confinan con un golfo
del Mar de India que entra por la tierra quarenta jomadas. En esta fibdat de
Magdasor me dixeron de un ginoves que dezian Sorleonis que fuera y en
busca de su padre que fuera en una de las galeas de que ya conte de suso. Et
fizieronle toda onrra. Et este Sorleonis quysiera traspasar al inperio de Gra-
fiona a buscar a su padre, et este Enperador de Magdasor non le consintio
yr por que la yda era dubdosa por que el camino es peligroso.'^'" Et sabet
que en esta tierra de Nubia et de Etyopia son ^iento et ^inquenta et quatro
rregiones que tienen muy grandes tierras yermas et pobladas, en tal manera
what appears to be an orthodox cross, with its three, successively larger cross bars. In R, the
shield is traversed completely by a simple cross.
Markham (plate 15, facing p. 35) attributes the orthodox cross banner to S, the flag that
actually is found in S to N, and the other arms drawn in N
to R. He does not provide the coat
of arms that appears in R.
'^' Conti Rossini (674) finds these place-names inexphcably altered fi-om their counterparts
on the Dalorto map. He them as cities along the Ethiopian and Somafian
tentatively identifies
coast down Mogadishu (here, Magdasor). In their order of appearance in the text: Amhara,
Roha, Sarmat, Uag, (Moraina is left unidentified), Urma, and Galloc.
Conti Rossini also remarks that this is the first time that a Western text mentions Moga-
dishu (675, n.l).
Seen. 154.
The Book of Knowledge 65
minerals. And I saw there marvellous things. And the Greeks call this place
Ortodoxis, and the Hebrews call it Ganheden, and the Latins Paraiso Ter-
renal because it is always a wonderful temperature there. And the insignia
of Prester John is a silver flag with a black cross, and on both sides two
crooks in this manner, because in the land of Nubia and of Etiopia there are
two emperors: one is the Emperor of Gra9iona and the other is the Em-
peror of Magdasor. [LXXXI]
I left the city of Malsa where Prester John resides and took the road east
and crossed the Nilo River, and I found many cities on its shores. They call
the first Amo, and the other Araot, and the other Sarma, and the other Oc-
fidela, and the other Moraina, and the other Vyma, and the other Gaben-
colit, and the other Glaot, and many other towns. And I twice crossed the
river Gion, which I could not avoid, until I reached a great city they call
Magdasor. It is a very large empire in which there are many cities and
towns and castles and villages, and it is a land quite populated by Christians
firom Nubia. This empire of Magdasor is totally surrounded by two rivers
thatcome out of the great seas that are formed around Earthly Paradise.
They call one river Gion, and the other Fison, and on the other end they
border on a gulf of the Sea of India that enters into land a distance of a
forty-days' journey. In this city of Magdasor they told me of a Genoese man
that they called Sorleonis who had gone there in search of his father who
had gone there in one of the galleys that I told of above. And they did him
every honor. And this Sorleonis had wanted to cross the empire of Gra-
fiona to look for his father, and this Emperor of Magdasor did not consent
that he go because the journey was dubious because the way is dangerous.
And note that in this land of Nubia and of Etiopia there are 1 54 regions
that have many great barren and inhabited lands, so that it forms one fourth
finquenta jomadas. Et en este golfo son tres islas muy grandes. A la una
dizen Zinzibar, a la otra Alcubil, et a la ter^era Insola Aden, que mayor
es la
son muchas ^ibdades et villas et logares. Et quando vienen las naos de India
llegan a Aden et pagan y el diezmo de las mercadurias que traen, por
la Isla
que entre esta Isla Aden et la punta de Aravia es una rrica ^ibdat. Faze se
muy grand angostura que mala vez cabe una nao, et entran luego en el Mar
Rubro et descargan en una fibdat que llaman Sacam, que es del Rey de
Caldea. Ribera deste Mar Rubro es una fibdat que dizen Alba^io,"*^ que
antigua mente era cabe^a de rreynado, et de alii derraman para Egipto et a
Damasco et lievan las mercadurias por tierras en camellos. Et sabet que este
Mar Rubro confina con Arabia et con Caldea, et llega fasta los desiertos de
Egipto. Ribera del son muchas fibdades et senorios, pero dire los mayores.
Al primero dizen Chos, al otro Lidebo, al otro Made, al otro Exion Gabel,
al otro Gide, al otro Serayn, al otro Sacan, al otro Yude, al otro Adromar,
al otro Rasaquipal, et al otro Me^a."''^ Et a este Mare Rubro dizen asi por
que el suelo del es todo almagra et tierra bermeja, et faze el agua rruvia. Et
por este mar pasaron los judios quando salieron de Egipto del cautiverio del
Rey Faraon. Et dende entre luego por Caldea, que es toda ^ercada de dos
rrios muy grandes que na^en de los Montes del Toro. Al uno dizen el
All three manuscripts depict a patriarchal cross with two horizontal branches.
'" For information on Zinzibar, see Jimenez de la Espada, n.xlvi. The narrator now heads
into the Arabian Sea and the Arabian Peninsula.
Sacam refers to the port city of Suakin, now in Sudan on the Red Sea. Both Markham
(39) and Jimenez de la Espada (174-75) believe that Alba^io is a corruption of Abyssinia.
All are cities on either side of the Red Sea, ending with Mecca. Conti Rossini establishes
the identity of several of them: on the Egyptian side are Quseir, Aidhab, and the port Batse;
Exion Gabel is Ezeongeber (Gulf of Aqaba); Gide is surely Jedda, followed by the port Sirrein
to its south; Yude might be Zebid, an important city at the time, followed perhaps by Uadi
Rum (677).
The Book of Knowledge 67
of the entire face of the earth. The Emperor of Magdasor has as his insignia
and went along the other branch a long way, and found people of many
beliefs and of strange manners and customs that would take long to relate,
until I reached a gulf of the Sea of India that enters into land a distance of
fifty-days' journey. And in this gulf there are three very large islands. They
call one Zinzibar, the other Alcubil, and the third Insula Aden, which is the
largest and most populated and faces Arabia. And here the Red Sea begins
and penetrates the land in a westward direction the distance of a forty-days'
journey, and on its shores there are many cities and towns and villages. And
when the ships from India come, they arrive at the island Aden and there
they pay the tax for the merchandise they are carrying because between this
island Aden and the tip of Arabia there is a rich city. It becomes so narrow
there that a ship hardly fits, and they enter the Red Sea and unload in a city
they call Sacam, which belongs to the King of Caldea. On the shores of this
Red Sea is a city they call Albagio, which in ancient times was the capital
of the kingdom, and from there they leave for Egipto and Damasco and
take their merchandise by land on camels. And note that this Red Sea bor-
ders on Arabia and Caldea, and extends to the deserts of Egipto. On its
shores are many cities and lordships, but I will mention [only] the largest.
They call the first Chos, the other Lidebo, the other Made, the other Exion
Gabel, the other Gide, the other Serayn, the other Sacan, the other Yude,
the other Adromar, the other Rasaquipal, and the other Me^a. And they
call it the Red Sea because its bottom is all red ochre and red earth, and it
makes the water red. And over this sea the Jews passed when they left
Egipto from the captivity of the Pharaoh King. And from there I then
entered Caldea, which is surrounded entirely by two very large rivers that
originate in the Toro Mountains. They call one the River Cur and the
68 El libro del coNOsgiMiENTO
flumen Cur et al otro Eufratres, mas non el de Nubia. ^^^ Et anbos dos
estos rrios entran en el Mar de Yndia en un golfo que dizen el Mar Negro,
et los judios le dizen Mare Porticun.^^^ Esta Caldea es una mucho
poblada et rrica et muy abondada de todos los bienes et de todas las cosas.
Et sabet que en este rreyno de Caldea es la muy grande Torre de Bavel que
fezieron los gigantes en medio de un gran canpo que dizen el Agro de
Senabar. Et aqui fue la grand ^ibdat de Bavilonia, que agora es ya destruida,
de que fue senor Nabucodonusor. Et las gentes desta Babilonia se partieron
en dos partes. Los unos poblaron a Bandacha, una noble ^ibdat que es en la
"^ The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. It is here that the author distinguishes between this and
the Euphrates River on the African continent.
'^ The Persian Gulf.
Bandacha and Baldaque both refer to Baghdad. Jimenez de la Espada (227) identifies
Mistrayn simply as Egypt.
The object in the center of this flag is an inverted triangle. Only the outUne of the
banner appears in S. Markham (and thus Pasch) does not supply an illustration.
Markham (40, n.5) and Jimenez de la Espada (158) conjecture that this might be Holagou
Khan, a grandson of Genghis, who conquered Baghdad in 1258.
Might Mon Falcon be Al Mawsil, a city on the left bank of the Tigris? Across from it is
the site of ancient Ninive, and the name Ansera could refer to an islet in the river itself
Qeshm, the island and city of this name that are now part of Iran, in the Persian Gulf
The Book of Knowledge 69
other the Eufrates, but not the one in Nubia. And both of these rivers enter
the Sea of India in a gulf that they call the Black Sea, and the Jews call it
the Porticun Sea. This Caldea is a very populated and rich land and is very
abundant in all things. And note that in this kingdom of Caldea is the great
Tower of Babel that giants built in the middle of a great field that they call
theAgro de Senabar. And here was the great city of Babilonia, which is
And in this Mestrayn the Jews were captive in the time of Moses. And
later this Mestrayn was destroyed by the River Nilo, and those who escaped
inhabited the city of Alcahara where the Sultan of Egipto now resides. And
I passed a branch of the River Eufi"ates and entered the province of Balda-
que, in which there is a great city they call Bandacho, which also belonged
to the lord Nebuchadnezzar. The king of these two provinces has as his
insignia a silver flag with an emblem like this one. [LXXXIII]
I departed Bandacha and went to Mesopotania, a great city abundant in
many things, in which the Emperor Merlinus Tartarus, Lord of Armenia
Major, was crowned. And I departed Mesopotania and went to a city that
they call Mon Falcon, and there the River Cur forms a large island they call
Ansera, on which there is a great city. And beyond this river is the place
where the city of Ninive used to be, which was destroyed for the sin of
Sodomia that men committed. And know that this region has many great
lands and cities and villages, and is surrounded totally by two very large
rivers. They call one the River Eufrates and the other the River Cur. And
firom the other side of the Red Sea and the other of the Par^icun Sea up to
non posimos aqui senales por que Caldea et Baldaque todo es un senorio et
ayre, que nin des^iende ayuso nin sube arriba. Et sabet que esta Meca es la
cabe^a del ynperio de los alarabes, et sus senales son un pendon bermejo et
en medio letras de oro aravigas. [LXXXIV]
Parti de Meca et fuy por el rreyno de Arabia adelante, et llegue a una
^ibdat muy grande et muy rica et de muchos bienes abondada que dizen
Fadal, que es ribera del Mar de India, et alii folgue un tienpo. Et entre en
un navio en la mar et pase a una ysla que dizen Sicroca, muy grande et
mucho poblada. Et avia en ella una grand ciudad que dezian otrosi Sicro-
ca, '^-^ et es del rrey de Aravia et trae esas mesmas seiiales que son tales
zese a la entrada del golfo del Mar Perticun, quiere dezir el mar negro. E en
este golfo cojen el aljofar. E esta ysla Enrro es del Rey de Arabia. E fuymos
por el dicho golfo adelante contra la transmontana, que fallamos dos mares
que era el agua della bermeja commo la sangre. E fuemos mas adelante fasta
la tierra, e fallamos otras dos yslas. A la una dezian Aquisio, apres de la qual
esta una grand ciudad que dizen Aquisio, et a la otra dizen Hormixio, apres
de la qual esta otrosi una grand ciudad que dizen Hormixio.'''^ E sabed
que fasta estas dos ciudades Uega el imperio del Persia et el senorio del
grand soldan Bena^ayt. E parti del dicho golfo et entre por la provincia de
Sabba do cojen encienso, e llegue a una grand ciudad que dizen Golfathan, et
dende a Gepta, et dende a otra que dizen Cabat,'^'' que son muy grandes
ciudades et muy ricas et muy abondadas, pero que son pobladas de tartaros et
"^ Both Nand R repeat the previous coat of arms (that of Baghdad) here.
Perhaps Fadal is Ra's Fartak, on the southern coast of the Arabian peninsula. From there
the traveler crosses the Gulf of Aden to the Island of Socotra.
"* Both Jimenez de la Espada (200) and Markham (70) identify this as Suto, at the entrance
to the Persian Gulf.
Once again Qeshm, and Hormuz.
"^ The province named here seems to correspond to the part of present-day Oman that
faces the gulf of the same name.
The Book of Knowledge 71
Aquysio, we did not put down the insignia because Caldea and Baldaque
belong to the same lordship, and it is all one region.
I departed the island of Ansera and went down the River Cur a long
way until I reached the province of Arabia. And I crossed a great expanse
of land until I arrived at the city of Almedina where Mohammed was bom,
and from there I went to Meca where the law and testament of Moham-
med is found, which is in an iron chest in a house of lodestone. And for
this reason it is in the air, and does not descend nor ascend. And note that
this Meca is the capital of the Empire of the Arabs, and its insignia is a
a time. And I embarked a ship in the sea and went to an island they call Si-
croca, very large and very populated. And on it there was a city that they
also call Sicroca, and it belongs to the King of Arabia and has the same in-
signia as Meca, and it is a vermilion flag with Arabic letters. And know that
on this same island the ships that come from India laden with spices take
port. [LXXXV]
I departed the island of Sicocra and went to another island that they call
Enrro, which is at the entrance to the Perticun Sea, and it means black sea.
And in this gulf they collect pearls. And on the island Enrro is the King of
Arabia. And we went onward through the aforementioned gulf to the north
and found two seasas red as blood. And we went on-
whose waters were
ward toward land and found two other islands. They call one Aquisio, be-
yond which is a great city they call Aquisio, and they call the other Hor-
mixio, beyond which is also a great city they call Hormixio. And know that
the empire of Persia and the lordship of the great Sultan Benascayt extend
to these two cities. And I departed the aformentioned gulf and entered the
province of Sabba where they get incense, and I arrived at a great city that
they call Golfathan, and from there Gepta, and from there to another that
they call Cabat, which are very great and rich and abundant cities, but they
are inhabited by Tartars and people without religion who do not keep one
72 El libro del coNosgiMiENXo
otrosi ribera del Mar de India. Et es tierra muy rica et abondada de todos
los bienes. Las ciudades que yo andude en el reynado de Viguy son estas:
Mar de India que dizen Sagela en que ay una grand ciudad et rica.'^^ E
en esta ysla ay almadenes donde sacan oro et plata et otros metales, et sacan
otrosy un grand monte en que es una rica ciudad que dizen Baxaja. E en
este monte otrosy ay almadenes de todos los metales, et principal mente
sacan muy gordas esmeraldas. Este reynado parte con el imperio de Arma-
let,^*^^ et con el reyno de Lini, et con el Mar de India. E sabed que este
Mar de India es un bra^o que entra del grand Mar Oriental,'*^' e dizen
algunos que atraviesa toda la tierra fasta el Mar Occidental. E los sabios
dizen le el Mar Meridional. E deste mar fasta el Polo Antartico es una grand
tierra que es la de^ima parte de la faz de la tierra, e quando el sol es en
Tropico de Capricomio pasa el sol sobre las cabecas de los pobladores, a los
The traveler crosses the Arabian Sea to India, and treks to Delhi (here, Delini) and other
cities of the kingdom.
Jimenez de la Espada (245) conjectures that the Kingdom of Viguy was between Delhi
and the Bay of Bengal.
The present-day island of Sri Lanka.
The identity of this kingdom is difficult to determine.
The Pacific.
The Book of Knowledge 73
an island in the Sea of India that they call Sagelaon which there is a great
and rich city. And on this island there are mines where they get gold and
silver and other metals, and they mine very large and some smaller rubies
and other stones. And in this kingdom is also a great mountain in which
there is a rich city they call Baxaja. And in this mountain there are also
mines of all metals, and they principally mine very large emeralds. This
kingdom borders on the Empire of Armalet and with the kingdom of Lini,
and with the Sea of India. And note that this Sea of India is a branch that
enters the great Eastern Sea, and some say that it crosses the whole Earth up
to the Western Sea. And the wise men call it the South Sea. And from this
sea to the Antarctic Pole there is a great expanse of land that is one tenth
of the face of the Earth, and when the Sun is in the Tropic of Capricorn
it passes over the heads of the inhabitants, which the wise men call the
grand calentura del sol, pero que es tierra en que son muchas aguas que
salen del Polo Antartico. Et llaman los sabios a esta tierra Trapovana,'**-' et
confina con la ysla de Java et Uega fasta el poniente, pero que traviesa por
medio de un bra^o del mar grande que fircunrrodea toda la tierra et metese
en el Mar de India. E sabed que en la ysla de Java et Trapovana son qua-
renta et ^inco regiones muy grandes, et lo mas destas tierras es deshabitado
por la muy grand calentura del sol, pero que en lo que es poblado cojen
mucha pimienta et muchas otras espe^ias. Et aqui son los grandes grifos et
las grandes cocatrizes. E el rey dende ha por sefiales un pendon de plata con
un baston de oro tal. [LXXXVII]
Dende parti del reynado de Viguy et pase un golfo del Mar de India que
dizen el Golfo de Bangalia, por que en la ribera del es una rica ciudad que
dizen Bangala del imperio de Armelet, et es cabe^a de rreynado. E dende
pase al reynado de Oxanap que es otrosy ribera del Mar de India. E son en
este reynado quatro ciudades grandes. La primera es Moroa, et Cortomar,
et Sorfaxa, et Xaloat.^^'* E esta Xaloat confina con el imperio de Catayo,
e en su ribera deste Xaloat es el Mar Verde, '^^ que
un golfo que entra es
The antipodeans, other creatures of medieval lore, resided at the other extreme of the
Earth and were black from over-exposure to the sun.
According to Jimenez de la Espada (261), Trapovana is Australia; Markham (43, n.2) is
probably correct in his assertion that it is Sumatra; he states that the name Taprobana originally
referred to Sri Lanka, but during the Middle Ages is was applied to Sumatra.
The Kingdom of Oxanap is probably Burma.
The sea referred to could be the South China, which is in the area described here.
Mogoles is probably named for the race of people who inhabited it.
N and R show the Emperor seated, with a sword in his right hand and a sphere in his
left. The oudined, horizontal flag is left blank in S, but Markham (plate 16, facing p. 40) illus-
trates a vertical banner with the Emperor as just described, and it labels it with S.
The Book of Knowledge 7_5
antipodeans. And they are black people, burnt from the great heat of the
sun, but it is a land in which there are many waters that come from the
Antarctic Pole. And the wise men call this land Trapovana, and it borders
on the island of Java and extends westward, but it crosses through a branch
of the great sea that surrounds all the land and flows into the Sea of India.
And note that in this island of Java and Trapovana there are forty-five very
large regions, and the largest of these lands is uninhabited because of the
great heat of the sun, but in the inhabited part they harvest a lot of pepper
and many other spices. And here can be found large grifiQns and crocodiles.
And the king has as his insignia a silver flag with a gold pale, like this.
From there I departed the kingdom of Viguy and passed a gulf of the
Sea of India that they call the Gulf of Bangalia because on its shore is a rich
city that they call Bangala of the Empire of Armelet, and it is the capital of
the kingdom. And from there I went to the kingdom of Oxanap that is also
on the shores of the Sea of India. And in this kingdom there are four large
cities. The first is Moroa, and Cortomar and Sorfaxa and Xaloat. And this
Xaloat borders on the Empire of Catayo, and on the shores of the Xaloat is
the Green Sea, which is a gulf that enters the Sea of India between this
Oxanap and the island of Java. The King of Oxanap has as his insignia a
silver flag with [LXXXVIII]
a gold pale, hke this.
with merchants, and we crossed the Green Sea. And we took port at the
island of Java that is in the Sea of India, and it is a great island that is forty-
days' journey long. And there are three great kingdoms on this island. They
call one Mogoles, and the other Javales, and the other Manbrot. And it is
an inhabited land, but there are no cities because all the inhabitants live in
the countryside and harvest many spices, and a lot of pepper and fragrant
gums. Nevertheless it is a very hot land. And the people are black and wor-
ship the Emperor of Catayo, whose vassals they are. And they have his
image on their flags, in this manner. [LXXXIX]
los Montes Caspios que tienen la Tartaria ^ercada.'^^ E las fibdades que
yo ay andude del imperio de Catayo son estas: Solin, et Godiana, et Mago-
diana, et Morrosia, et Facolisia, et Dardasan, et Tordaor, et Bocarda, et As-
tania, et Longavisa.^"^^ E rriega se este imperio de tres rrios muy grandes
que nascen de Montes Caspios, que se parten en muchas partidas. El
mayor destos rrios dizen el flumen Magot por que nasce apres del castillo de
Magot, que es una de las puertas de la Tartaria cercada. Este flumen Magot
entra en el Mar Verde, et los otros dos rrios en el Mar de Java. Llaman a
este emperador Gosnian Imperator Morroy, Grand Can, Senor de la parte
'^ The first city named is perhaps the present-day Beijing; the rest are difficult to identify.
"' The Caspians here described refer to a mountain range in Central Asia which include the
Himalayas and the Caucasus.
Solin was the capital of this empire, either Beijing or near it in the estimation of
Markham (71).
Jimenez de la Espada (162-63) guesses that the tide could mean "Great Emperor of
Muren" (a Tartar region) but offers no further identification of the person.
The Book of Knowledge 11^
I left the island of Java and turned to the kingdom of Oxanap, and
followed the land route to the empire of Armalet, which has many great
provinces and many cities. The cities that I traveled are these: the first and
largest, where they crown their kings, is Canbalech, which is the capital of
the empire, and it is one of the greatest cities in the world; they call the
other Orga, and the other they call Balaxia, where there is a mine where
they get rubies, and another they call Menoar, and Almodasi and La^eria
and Noranda and Rafama. And this empire borders the Kingdom of Lini
and the Kingdom of Viguy and the Gulf of Bangalia, and the Empire of
Catayo. And the insignia of this empire is a silver flag with a gold pale, like
this. [XC]
I departed the Empire of Armalet and went by land a great distance, and
although it is very populated with people and cattle, there are nevertheless
no cities or towns because everyone lives in the countryside. And I reached
the Empire of Catayo, and most of its cities are on the shores of the Eastern
Sea that borders the Sea of India. And this Eastern Sea is all sandbanks and
islands, and fi-om there on eastward there no news of any lands, only is
waters as in the west. And know that Catayo is the end of the face of the
Earth in the Hne of Espaiia, and it borders on the empire of Armalet on the
western side, and in the east with the Eastern Sea, and in the north with the
Caspios Mountains that have Tartaria surrounded. And the cities that I trav-
eled in the Empire of Catayo are these: Solin and Godiana and Magodiana
and Morrosia and Facolisia and Dardasan and Tordaor and Bocarda, and
Astania and Longavisa. And three very large rivers, which originate in the
Caspios Mountains, irrigate this empire, and they branch into many parts.
The largest of these rivers they call the River Magot because it originates
beyond the castle of Magot, which is one of the entrances to encircled
Tartaria. This River Magot enters the Green Sea, and the other two rivers
[enter] the Java Sea. They call this emperor Gosnian Imperator Morroy,
Great Can, Lord of the East. And his insignia is a gold flag and in its center
an emperor seated with white clothing, and he has an imperial crown on
his head, and in his hand a Turkish bow, and in the other hand a gold
apple, in this manner. [XCI]
78 El libro del conosqimiento
Los caminos ^iertos para Catayo son dos. El uno es por Costantinopla et
travesar el Mar Mayor, et entrar por elMar de Letana, et entrar por tierra
de Avegazia, et dende entrar por tierra del Rey David, et pasar apres de Ar-
menia la Mayor, et atravesar todo el rreyno de Armenia la Mayor, et yr al
Puerto del Fierro, et desi entrar en el Mar de Sara, et yr a la Ysla de Janula
por el Golfo de Monimenti, et salir en la ^ibdad de Trastago, et dende
tomar camino para Norgan^ia, et dende travesar los Montes Caspios, et desi
a la fibdad de Cato, et dende al rreynado de Bocarin, et atravesar toda Asia
que non fallara fibdades nin villas fasta el imperio de Catayo. ^^^ El otro
camino es entrar en el Mar Mediterraneo et yr a la ysla de Chipre, et dende
otra Sfim es en India la alta et confina con el Mar Oriental, el qual confina
con el imperio de Catayo. Pero que S^im fasta Catayo non ay fibdad nin
villa por que los moradores biven todos en los canpos.'^^
andude sesenta et finco jomadas et non falle villa nin fibdad, pero que la
non ay piedras, nin arbores, nin las gentes comen pan nin fructos, salvo tan
sola mente came et leche, pero siembran una semiente que dizen monos et
es asi como ajonjoli. Et siembranla en qual quier parte del ano et nasce
"- The first route to Cathay begins in Constantinople, crosses the Black Sea, passes the Sea
of Azov of Tana) and Armenia, enters the Caspian Sea (Jimenez de la Espada, n.L),
(the old Sea
heads for the Island of Kulaly in the Caspian, then arrives in China, where it crosses the
Himalayas and continues by traversing the rest of Asia to Cathay.
'" The other route to Cathay passes Cyprus, Armenia, and Turkey on the way to the banks
of the Euphrates, crosses Iraq to the Tigris River, passes through Iran and its old capital Tabriz,
continues through Samarkand (Uzbekistan), then heads east, finally reaching Cathay.
The Book of Knowledge 79^
in Turquia, and going along until the River Eufrates and crossing it in the
city of Argot, and crossing the empire of Mesopotania, and from there
reaching the River Cur and crossing it in the kingdom of Eglesia, which is
in the empire of Persia, and crossing all of Persia and going through the city
of Toris, and leaving the Sea of Sara on your left, and crossing the whole
kingdom of Siras, where there are no cities or towns, and also crossing the
Kingdom of Sarmagant, and going always eastward through the Kingdom
of S^im. This S^im is not the one we mentioned above, because the other
S^im is in High India and borders on the Eastern Sea, which borders on the
Empire of Catayo. But from S^im to Catayo there is no city nor town be-
cause the inhabitants live in the country.
I departed the Empire of Catayo going north, up the River Magot, and
I traveled sixty-five days and did not find a town nor city, but the land is
inhabited with people and cattle, and it is all flat land and there are no
stones, nor trees, nor do the people eat bread or fi-uit, except only meat and
milk, but they sow a seed they call monos, and it is like sesame. And they
sow it at any time of the year and it then grows and they reap it after thirty
days. They harvest a great amount of it. And they put this monos in milk
and cook it and make delicious dishes that everyone eats, and they give it
to travelers. And these people have numerous horses, and they do not eat
barley because there is none, but they eat green and dry grass. And there
is abundance because it is a very temperate land. From there I reached
the Caspios Mountains and the castle of Magot. And know that these
son muy altos sin mesura et ^ircunrrodean la Tartaria de mar a mar, et asy
que no ay mas de una sola entrada muy angosta. E de una parte desta
entrada es un castillo todo de piedra magnita ferrea, todo entero, que lo fizo
desta manera la natura, et confina con las nuves. E del pie del sale el flumen
Magoti. E luego de la otra parte es otro castillo que dizen Got, desa mesma
piedra et tan alto commo el otro que dizen Magot. E son estos castillos en
fima muy altos et muy anchos, de manera que en cada uno pueden morar
diez mill omes. E entre el un castillo et el otro estan las puertas del fierro, que
es la entrada de la Tartaria ^ercada. Et esta su figura de Got et Magot.
E dentro de aquellos montes es toda la tierra liana sin piedras et sin
arbores, et tierra muy tenplada et abondada de muchos ganados. Et ay en
luengo fient jomadas et en ancho setenta, et es todo fercado destos Montes
Caspios. Et de la parte oriental ^erca la toda la mar, et otrosi muy grandes
muchedunbre de gentes sin cuenta, et
roquedales. Dentro desta Tartaria son
non guardan ningund mandamiento de Dios salvo non fazer mal a otro. Et
son gentes muy esentas et fuertes lidiadores de pie et de cavallo, en tal
manera que el Grant Alexandre no los pudo conquerir nin les pudo entrar
aquellos montes, pero que los en^erro et atapoles las puertas del fierro con
grandes peiias, en tal manera que estodieron gran tienpo en aquel en^er-
ramiento. E despues desto delibraron se de aquel en^erramiento et salieron
et conquirieron muy gran partida del mundo.'^^ Por que de aquel linaje
salieron todos los del imperio de Catayo, maguer agora son contrarios. E
dese linaje salieron los del imperio de Armalet, et del imperio de Aravia, et
de Mesopotania, et todos los persianos, et los del imperio de Sara, asi turcos
commo tartaros, et saraynos, et godos, como quier que algunos deUos se
tomaron a la ley de Abraham et otros se tornaron moros. E dizen los sabios
de la Tartaria que quando se conplieren los siete mil anos de la era de Adam
seran seiiores de toda la faz de la tierra, et que faran tomar todas las gentes
del mundo a su ley et a su libertad. E fierto ellos non han ley ninguna, nin
guardan ningund mandamiento de Dios salvo non fazer mal a otro. E esta
In R only, there is a sketch of the castle described here.
'" Gog and Magog, two tribes led by Satan, were thought to be in the north of Asia. The
Bible mentions them in several places, warning that on Judgement Day they would bring about
the destruction of the world. Legend hasit that Alexander the Great built walls of bronze, pitch,
and brimstone to enclose these people, and medieval maps generally show Gog and Magog
behind such walls. In the Middle Ages many different versions of this apocryphal story appear,
including one which has Alexander enclosing these people behind the walls (Wright 7273, 287
88; Markham 45, n.2).
Markham (48) identifies this body of water as "Lake Lob."
The Book of Knowledge 81_
mountains are very high, without measure, and they surround Tartaria from
sea to sea, so that there is no more than one narrow entrance. And on one
side of this entrance is a castle all of magnet iron stone, all of it entirely,
since nature made it that way, and it reaches to the clouds. And from its
foot the River Magoti flows. And then on the other side is another castle
they call Got, made of that same stone and as high as the other that they
call Magot. And these castles are very high and narrow on the top, so that
on each one 10,000 men can live. And between one and the other castle
there are iron gates, which are the entrance to encircled Tartaria. And this
is the image of Got and Magot.
And within those mountains there is just flat land without stones and
without trees, and [it is] a very temperate and abundant land with many
cattle. And it is in length a 100-days' journey and in width sixty, and it is
totally surrounded by these Caspios Mountains. And on the eastern side the
sea surrounds all of it, and also many great rocky places. Within this Tartaria
there are innumerable persons, and they do not keep any of God's com-
mandments except not to harm one another. And they are very free and
strong fighters on foot and on horse, so that Alexander the Great could not
conquer them nor enter those mountains, but he enclosed them and shut
the iron gates with large rocks so that they were enclosed for a long time.
And after this they freed themselves from this enclosure and got out and
conquered a great part of the world. Despite the fact that from that lineage
came all of the empire of Catayo, they are now hostile to one another. And
from this hneage came all of the Empire of Armalet, and the Empire of
Arabia, and of Mesopotania, and all the Persians, and those of the Empire
of Sara, Turks as well as Tartars, and Saracens and Goths, although some of
them converted to the law of Abraham and others became Moors. And the
wise men of Tartaria say that when 7000 years of the era of Adam are com-
pleted, they will be lords of the whole face of the Earth and they will make
all the people in the world convert to their law and their freedom. And it
is true that they have no religion at all, nor do they keep any of God's
commandments, except not to harm others. And this encircled Tartaria is
one fourth of the face of the Earth. And in the middle of this land is a great
lagoon they call the Tabasur Sea. And the people of this land they call
82 El libro del coNOsgiMiENTO
Tartaria ^errada las tierras de Albizibi,''^^ que son tierras yermas et des-
habitadas, pero que en algunos lugares habitan gentes, et son omes viles et
comen la came et los pescados crudos et han los rostros luengos como
canes, pero que son blancos et fazen todas las cosas que veen fazer, et Ua-
manlos sinofalos.^^** Et yo vi uno dellos en la fibdad de Norgan^io. En el
Mar Oriental que es fin de la tierra. E deste rreyno de S^im sale el grand
monte Cancasum que traviesa desde'l Mar Oriental fasta el Mar de India la
Baxa. E el rreyno de Trimit es todo ^ercado de montes de que nas^en
muchas fiientes et rios. Et es tierra muy tenplada et muy egualada, de ma-
nera que los omes que alii biven et nas^en son de grand vida que biven mas
de dozientos afios. Et son omes de buenos entendimientos, et sanas memo-
rias, et han profiindas s^ien^ias, et biven por ley. Et dizen que los omes del
mundo que primera mente ovieron sfientias et saberes que fiaeron estos, et
de aqui los ovieron los persianos, et por eso meresfieron la nobleza mas que
todos los otros omes. Por que no se egualaron a estos en s^ientia nin en sa-
beres, et por esto meresfieron la nobleza sobre todos. E esto es por que son
en el comien^o del oriente de lo poblado, et las mas de sus villas et sus
En pos estos son los de India que son sola liiia E maguer la su equino^ial.
tierra es de grand calentura, pero las mas de sus villas son rribera del mar et
son muchas yslas, et por eso el ayre res^ibe humidad del mar con que se
tiempra la sequedad et la calentura. Et con esto se fezieron de fermosos
Jimenez de la Espada (259) asks whether this might be Siberia, while Markham (71)
thinks itcould be part of Mongolia.
"" The cynocephali were reputed to have the heads and paws of dogs, and to bark as well.
They were mentioned by Pliny and Solinus, and drawings of them often appeared on mappae-
mundi. R includes an illustration of two of these creatures.
Trimit is Tibet. According to Markham (49, n.3) this is the earliest European account of
the Tibetans that exists.
The Book of Knowledge 83
Mogols and they call the land Land of Mogolin, and Land of Tagojar, and
Land of Got and Magot. And these mountains border the Empire of
Catayo. And in this castle of Magot I lived for a time because every day I
saw and heard marvelous things. And to the north the lands of Albizibi
border on encircled Tartaria, which are barren and uninhabited lands, but
people live in some places, and they are vile men and they eat raw meat
and fish and have long faces like dogs, but they are white and do everything
they see done, and they call them cynocephali. And I saw one of them in
the capital of Norgan^io. In the Empire of Catayo there is a kingdom they
call Sf im that borders on the Kingdom of Sarmagant and the Kingdom of
Bocarin and the Kingdom of Trimit. And this Kingdom of S9im is in Upper
India, that borders on the Eastern Sea, which is the end of the earth. And
from the Kingdom of S^im there emerges the great mountain Cancasum
that crosses firom the Eastern Sea to the Sea of Lower India. And this King-
dom of Trimit is totally surrounded by mountains firom which many springs
and rivers originate. And it is a very temperate and healthy land, so that the
men that live and are bom here have a long more than 200
life and live
years. And they are men of good understanding and healthy memory, and
they are very learned in science, and live by the law of religion. And they
say that these were the first men in the world to have science and knowl-
edge, and the Persians got them here, and for that reason they merited
nobility more than any other men because they were not equalled in sci-
ence nor in other knowledge, and for that reason they merited nobility
above all others. And this is because they are at the beginning of the east of
populated lands, and the majority of their towns and their great cities, and
the root of this kingdom is in the temperate climate, where nature is tem-
perate. And their bodies and elements are tempered there and they are
happy there and it has extended to their spirits. And therefore they have
better understanding and healthier memories, and for this reason they merit-
ed greater nobility. After them are those firom India, that are below the
celestial equator. And although their land is very hot, the majority of their
towns are on the shores of the sea and there are many islands, and for this
reason the air receives moisture from the sea with which the dryness and
the heat are tempered. And in this way they derived beautiful bodies and
84 El libro del coNosgiMiENTO
calentura salvo que los faze bafos de color. India la Alta confina con el Mar
Oriental et es llamado Mare Sericun o Mare Cancasur por los Montes
Caucasos.^^ E en este mar es una grand ysla que dizen Insula Manzie, e
despues desta es fallada otra que dizen Insula Paradisa.^"^ Et de aqui se
departe un grand golfo que entra por la tierra et traviesala toda fasta que
entra en el poniente. Et llaman lo el Mar de India. E rribera deste mar es
India la alta et India la arenosa et todas las fibdades de Nubia. E sabed que
el agua deste mar es caliente commo agua de bafio, et crian se en el muy
grandes pescados. E los otros dos rreynados son en la partida o^idental del
poblado. El primero dellos es la tierra de Babilonia et de Persia, que son
tenprada gente por que son en medio de las climas en el lugar do son las
naturas et las conplisiones tenpladas ca son en el comien^o del medio o^i-
dental del poblado. E por eso son otrosi sotiles et de buenas memorias, et
entremeten se en las s^ien^ias et de los saberes et han senorio et setas et
leyes. Et por esto meres^ieron la nobleza, mas por que son en la partida
occidental menguales la calentura ya quanto. E por esto son en el segundo
grado de la nobleza de los orientales. E por esto los rromanos que son en la
encias et saberes, como quier que menos que los otros. E por eso son ufa-
nosos et orguUosos et libradores et guerreros et soberbios. Mas los de S^im
meresfieron la nobleza sobre todos. Et en este rreyno de S^im falle quatro
^ibdades grandes. A la una dizen Catigora, et a la otra Qebia, et a la otra
Cufi, et Ba^erta.^'^^ E las seiiales del rrey de Scim son un pendon de plata
This body of water seems to be the South China Sea.
The first is Manji, followed by Taiwan.
^"^ Markham (50, n.l) believes that S^im might be a legendary kingdom or perhaps the old
realm of Siam.
The Book of Knowledge 85
them except
elegant forms and fine hair, and the heat does nothing else to
make them brown in color. High India borders on the Eastern Sea and is
called Mare Sericun or Mare Cancasur for the Caucasos Mountains. And in
this sea there is a large island they call Insula Manzie, and after this one is
found another they call Insula Paradisa. And fi^om here flows a great gulf
that penetrates the land and crosses it completely until it enters the west.
And they call it the Sea of India. And on the shores of the sea is High India
and India the Sandy and all the cities of Nubia. And know that the water
of this sea is as hot as bath water, and many large fish are bred there. And
the other two kingdoms are on the western side of the land. The first of
these is the land of Babilonia and of Persia, [in] which [there] are temperate
people because they are in the middle of the climates in the place where
their natures and dispositions are temperate, for they are at the entrance to
the middle west of the land. And for this reason they are also keen-minded
and of good memory, and they study the sciences and other knowledge and
they have government and sects and religions. And for this reason they
merited nobility, because they are on the western side, suffering a bit less
heat. And for this reason they are in the second grade of eastern nobility.
And Romans, that
for this reason the are in the fifth climate and even the
sixth somewhat, have government and religion and sciences and knowledge,
although less than others. And for that reason they are arrogant and proud
and free and warlike and haughty. But those from S^im merited nobility
above all others. And in this kingdom of S^im I found four large cities.
They call one Catigora, and the other (^ebia, and the other Cufi, and Ba-
ferta. And the insignia of the King of S^im is a silver flag with a figure of
the sun in the center. [XCII]
After this I departed the castle of Magot, where I resided for a time, and
came westward with some companions thirty-five days to the Kingdom of
Bocarin, where the king always resides. And it is a very large city, and
through it runs a river that originates in the Caspios Mountains. And in all
chants who were coming to Catayo, and I came with them thirty-six days
to another city they call Cato, which is the capital of the kingdom and has
many great lands, but all the inhabitants live in the countryside except for
one city where the king resides. And this kingdom of Cato borders the
veynte finco jomadas, que atraviesa Asia fasta el Mar de Sara. Et atrave-
samos el dicho monte por un puerto muy alto et andodimos muy gran ca-
mino por una tierra muy abondada, maguer non ay ^ibdades nin villas, fasta
que Uegamos a una grand fibdad que dizen Norgan^io, que es del imperio
de Uxbeco.^^-' Et corre por esta giibdad un grand rrio que dizen Organ^io
que nas^e de aquel monte que se aparta de los Montes Caspios. E el rrey
Mar de Sara entre dos ^ibdades que dizen Godaspi et Sarmagante, que son
The Kingdom of Shah Usbek (1292-1341) figures on the Catalan Atlas, where it covers
the territory between the Caspian Sea and the Ural Mountains. Nearby is the river Amu Dar'ya;
on its shores is a city called Urgench, which resolves the identity of the river Organ^io and the
city Norganfio or Norgan^ia.
According to Pasch (29), the sign on this banner, as depicted in all three codices, is that
of the Uzbek emperors.
Markham (51) says that this city might be the present-day Astrakhan and the gulf in
which it is may be Mertvoy, which is just across the Caspian.
Benascayt is Abu Said Jan Bahadur, Sultan of Persia from 1317 to 1335 (Markham 51,
n.8, and Jimenez de la Espada 166-67). The city referred to was apparendy somewhere on the
On the plains of Russia lived a tribe called the Kotnans (Cumans) who dwelled in tents and
ate a dietof raw meat, rice, and milk. They are mentioned in several places, including Benjamin
of Tudela's travel account (Wright 331-14).
The Book of Knowledge
Empire of Medio which is between Nori and Levante, which they call the
Medorun Empire. These two kings have as their insignia each a yellow flag
with many white stars. [XCIII]
From there we departed the kingdom of Cato and traveled a long way
and did not find a town or city, but it is a land very populated by people
and cattle. And we found very high mountains that juts off the Caspios
Mountains and extend to the Sea of Sara. This mountain is in length a 125-
days' journey and crosses Asia all the way to the Sea of Sara. And we
crossed the aformentioned mountain by a very high pass and traveled a long
way through a very abundant land, although there are no cities or towns,
until we reached a great city that they call Norgan^io, which is in the Em-
pire of Uxbeco. And a great river they call Organ^io runs through this city
and originates in that mountain that juts firom the Caspios Mountains. And
the king of this Norgan^io has as his insignia a white flag with these vermil-
ion signs, Uxbeco Emperor of Sara, hke this. pCCIV]
We departed Norgan^io and traveled thirty days without a town or city,
but there is an abundance of milk and meats and monkeys. And we reached
the Sea of Sara and a city they call Raansinlia, which is near the Gulf of
Monimenti. And I stayed there for a time. And later I entered the Sea of
Sara in a boat of Christian Komans and we crossed the whole sea and took
port in a city they call Godaspi, which belongs to the empire of Benascayt,
Emperor of Persia. And beyond it a great river they call the Tigris, which
originates in the Toro Mountains, enters the sea. And I went up that river
on the shore until I arrived at the Toro Mountains, which are in the center
of the face of the Earth and belong to the Empire of Persia. From these
mountains originate four very large rivers. They call one the River Tigris,
which enters the Sea of Sara between two cities they call Godaspi and
rribera del qual rrio son muchas ^ibdades. La primera, que dizen Qensor, es
f erca de los Montes del Toro que llaman el rreyno de Eglesia, el qual es
poblado de cristianos armenios. Et otra fibdad que dizen Malascort, et otra
Argor, et Nega, et Camar, et Alargeo, et Malaxia Bira. E este rrio se faze tres
partes. La una entra en el Mar Rubro, la otra parte va por Aravia et entra en
el Mar Negro, e la otra parte va por Damasco et por la tierra de Jafet, et
entra en el Mar Medio Terraneo apres de Armenia la Menor. Al quarto rio
dizen Surmena, que va por la grand fibdad de Toris et por la Jorgania et entra
en el Mar Mayor apres de Trapesonda.^'^^ Et esta es la figura de los Montes
del Toro, et tiene en somo una gran cruz por que sean conos^idos.^^^
Despues desto parti de los Montes del Toro et fuy veer los Montes de
Armenia la Mayor, do arribo el area de Noe quando escape del general di-
luvio. Aquel monte es todo de piedra de sal tan blanca como el cristal.^'*
E sabed que es una de las montanas altas del mundo et es medio de la faz de
la tierra, e ningund omme puede alia sobir maguer fue provado por muchas
vezes. E son en el imperio de Persia. E toda en derredor es poblada de cris-
tianos armenios que son la guarda del emperador et fia mucho dellos, ca
Samarkand, in Uzbekistan. The Kura River empties into the Caspian, although it does
not cross Persia, as the narrator claims.
Some of the cities named here are apparendy along the Tigris River: Masol was probably
Al Mawsil (Mosul) in Iraq; Brasara could be Al Basrah. The list ends to the east in Qeshm (Iran)
on the Persian Gulf.
A tributary of the Euphrates.
N and R contain illustrations of these mountains.
^" Medieval accounts differ on whether Mount Ararat was reachable or not, but our
narrator now claims to have seen the remains of Noah's ark. John Mandeville also refers to a
mountain of rock salt close to this place. See Jimenez de la Espada (167).
In N and R the artists have drawn the mountains mentioned here, atop which is a chest.
Apparendy the word "area" was taken quite literally by the illuminators.
The Book of Knowledge 89
Samiagante, which are in the empire of Persia. They call the other, that
goes through the middle of Persia, the Cur, on the shores of which there
are many cities. The first, that they call Qensor, is near the Toro Mountains
that they call the Kingdom of Eglesia, which is inhabited by Armenian
Christians. And another city they call Malascort, and another Masol, another
Orbe, Esustar, and Maxate, and Mahumen, and Brasara, and Aquisio, which
is on the shores of the Black Sea. And Empire of Persia
in this Aquisio the
ends. They call the third river Eufirates, on the shores of which are these
cities: Argor and Nega and Camar, and Alargeo, and Malaxia Bira. And this
river divides into three parts. One enters the Red Sea, the other part goes
through Arabia and enters the Black Sea, and the other part goes through
Damasco and through the land of Jafet and enters the Medio Terraneo Sea
beyond Armenia Minor. They call the fourth river Surmena, which goes
through the great city of Toris and through Jorgania and enters the Great
Sea beyond Trapesonda. And this is the image of the Toro Mountains, and
it has on top a great cross so they can be recognized.
After this I departed the Toro Mountains and went to see the mountain
of Armenia Major, where Noah's ark reached when it escaped the general
flood. That mountain is all rock salt as white as glass. And know that it is
one of the highest mountains in the world and is in the middle of the face
of the Earth, and no man can ascend there, although it has been tried many
times. And they belong to the Emperor of Persia. And all around it is
And I departed Armenia and went to the great city of Toris, which is
the capital of the empire of the Persians. And it is one of the great cities of
et mucho abondada et rica, et es tierra muy tenplada. E por eso los omes de
Persia son muy sabios et entendidos en todas han saberes muy
las sfientias, e
et entran en el Mar de India en el Mar Negro. Et a las fibdades que son rri-
E el rrey deUa ha por seiiales un pendon de oro et en medio una quadra ber-
meja tal. pCCVI]
Parti de Saldania et fuy contra el levante con mercadores, et fuy a otra
fibdad que dizen Premua del Rey de Persia, et desi a otra que dizen Aba.
Et fuy muy grand camino fasta que Uegue a la ^ibdad de Syras, que los tar-
The fint is Lake Oroumieh (in northwest Iran), and the other is Van Golii (Lake Van),
just to the west in present-day Turkey.
^'^ Argis (the origin of the name Mare Argis) is today the city of Van. It is difficult to
identify the other towns that are said to surround these lakes.
Premua del Rey might be Tehran. From there the traveler would head south for a long
way before arriving at Shiraz.
The Catalan Adas makes the same observation next to the site of this city.
^'^ This random selection of cities in Iran seems to include Kazerun, Esfahan, and Tabriz,
among others.
The Book of Knowledge 91^
the world and it is very abundant and rich and the land is very temperate.
And for this reason the men of Persia are very wise and knowledgeable
about all the sciences, and they have very profound knowledge about the
predictions of the stars. And the Emperor of Persia has as his insignia a gold
flag with a vermilion square in the center, like this. pCCV]
Note that two springs originate in Persia, and each one of then forms a
great lake of water twelve miles wide, and out of each of these lakes a great
river flows and each one crosses all of Persia. They call one spring Mar Sar-
gis, and the other Mar Argis. And these two rivers converge and enter the
Sea of India in the Black Sea. And the cities that are on the shore of these
two springs are Argis, and Caperti, and Salamoda, and Orinorde, and Bu-
xila, and Pastello. And I crossed the aforementioned River Argis and trav-
eled a great part of Persia, and went to the kingdom of Saldania, which is
a noble and rich city. And its king has as his insignia a gold flag with a
vermilion square in the center, like this. [XCVI]
I departed Saldania and went eastward with merchants, and
I went to
another city they Premua of the King of Persia, and from there to
another they call Alba. And I went a long way until I reached the city of
Syras, that the Tartars call Sarax, where the Empire of Persia ends. And it
is a very rich and abundant and ancient city. And they say that in the city
astronomy, which means the law of the stars, was first discovered, because
this city is in the line of the middle of the populated land. And the cities I
traveled in Persia are these: Casar, and Seranes, and Thesi, and Spaor, and
Jorjamen, and Spalonero, and Saldania, and Toris. And in this Toris Benas-
cayt, Emperor of Persia, was crowned. And his empire extends from the
Sea of Sara to the Sea of India, where the city of Hormixio is, and from the
Great Sea to Aquisio, which is also the Black Sea, that is twenty-five days'
journey in length and in width from the River Cur to the city of Siras,
which is 100 days. Benascayt the Emperor of Persia assembled a great army
and went to do battle with Uxbeco, Emperor of Sara. More than 1,000,000
soldiers came here. And Benascayt promised some Armenian monks from
whom he took advice that if he won would become a
the battle, he
Christian. And the Armenian Christians who went with him carried the
92 El libro del coNosgiMiENTO
todos sus reales robados et sus mugeres captivas. Et entrole muy grand par-
tida de la tierra que avia rribera del Mar Mayor. Despues desto unos alhages
moros que predicavan cada dia a Benascayt dieron le yervas, et morio.^**
Pero los rreyes de Persia siempre fezieron mucho bien a los cristianos de
Armenia et fiaron dellos. Despues desto parti de Persia con mercadores cris-
tianos que venian de Catayo. Et travesamos el rrio Cur por la ysla de Ansera
et venimos a la ^ibdad de Mesopotania, que es del imperio de Baldat. Et
parti dende et vine contra el poniente grande camino que non falle villa nin
fibdad, por que los pobladores dende moran todos en los canpos, fasta que
llegue al rrio Eufrates. Et traveselo en una ^ibdad que dizen Malaxia.^^^
Et alii se parte un brafo deste rrio que viene por Damasco et por la tierra de
Jafet et entra en el Mar Mediterraneo apres de Armenia la Menor. Et dende
vyn me por el rrio ayuso fasta que llegue a una ^ibdad que dizen Tripul de
la Suria,^^^ que es rribera del Mar Mediterraneo. Et entre en una nao de
cristianos et vin me para Chip re, et de Chipre vine me a las yslas perdidas
dende a Negro Ponte. Et dende fuy a un rreynado de griegos que dizen Salo-
nico que parte con Macedonia, donde fue el Grand Alexandre, et con la
Apres della es una torre de piedra que no ha sobida ninguna. En f ima desta
torre esta un cavallero fecho de metal en su cavallo muy grande, et tiene en
Markham Abu Said died while bathing in the River Kur, but allows
(54, n.l) states that
that others believe he was poisoned by his favorite wife. Jimenez de la Espada (168-69) dates the
events in the years 133435, stating that Abu Said went out to fight against invaders of his realm,
but was taken ill because of heat and died while bathing; he also mentions that some writers
refer to the poisoning episode, which could be legend.
^" Malatya is a Turkish city just north of the Euphrates.
Jimenez de la Espada (169) observes that this supposed tributary of the Euphrates is non-
existent,and that the traveler could not possibly have arrived at "Tripul de la Suria" (now
Tarabulus in Lebanon) in this way.
Heraclea, now only ruins in southwest Turkey.
The Book of Knowledge 93^
cross in the front line. And God helped them and they won the battle, and
Uxbeco and his soldiers were defeated and he fled, and many of them were
killed and taken captive, and all of his military camps were taken and his
women taken captive. And [Benascayt] penetrated a long way into the land
on the shores of the Great Sea. After this some Moorish Hajjis who
preached every day to Benascayt gave him some herbs, and he died. But the
kings of Persia always treated the Christians of Armenia well and trusted
them. After this I who were com-
departed Persia with Christian merchants
ing from Catayo. And we Cur near the island of Ansera
crossed the River
and came to the city of Mesopotania, which is in the Empire of Baldat.
And I departed from there and came westward for a long way and did not
find a town or city, because the inhabitants from there live in the coun-
tryside, until I arrived at the River Eufrates. And I crossed it in a city they
call Malaxia. And there a branch of the river that comes through Damasco
and the land of Jafet and enters the Mediterraneo beyond Armenia Minor.
And from there I came downriver until I reached a city they call Tripul de
la Suria, which is on the shores of the Mediterraneo Sea. And I embarked
a boat of Christians and came to Chipre, and from Chipre I came to the
lost islands of Romania, which are Ancandia, and from there to Morea, and
from there and from there to Negro Ponte. And from there I
to Creta,
went kingdom of the Greeks they call Salonico that borders on
to the
Macedonia, where Alexander the Great was from, and [it also borders] on
the mountain Pirus. And the king of this Salonico has as his insignia a ver-
mihon flag with a gold cross and four gold links in this manner. [XCVII]
From there I went to a city they call Galipoli, which is on the shores of
the gulf that enters the Mediterraneo Sea and the Great Sea. And the
French passed here when they conquered Suria. And from there I went
along the coast to a city they call Re^ira, of the Empire of Constaninopla.
And I departed Ref ira and went to Constaninopla, a rich city [which is] the
capital where they crown their kings, in which there is a great church of
God they call Santa Sophia. It is very tall and very wide and beautiful, and
there are 366 doors. Beyond it there is a stone tower that is impossible to
climb. On top of this tower is a knight made of metal on his very large
horse, and he has on his head an episcopal hat in honor of the Emperor
94 El libro del coNosgiMiENXo
que dizen flumen Pirus, que nas^e de los Montes de Qerva.^^^ E el rrey
ha por sefiales un pendon bermejo con una cruz de oro con quatro esla-
^^^ The statue of Constantine fell during a storm in 1201. Afterwards, a statue of Theodosius
was placed there, on a column of silver, which was later used to coin currency. During the four-
teenth century, a statue ofJustinian occupied this place (Markham 55; Jimenez de la Espada 169-
N and R contain drawings of the column, upon which the Emperor on his horse can be
^* Markham (72) places this kingdom northwest of Constantinople, on the Black Sea.
^^^ The flag is divided into four parts. In S, two of the quarters are traversed completely by
the sea. And this is the image of the knight emperor on his horse and of
the tower, like this one that follows.
This Emperor of Constantinopla is very rich and very endowed and has
many great powers and very many and very great people. And the Emperor
of Constantinopla has as his insignia a quarterly flag, two quarters white
with vermilion crosses, and the other two quarters are vermilion, each with
a cross of gold and four gold links, in this manner. [XCVIII]
I departed Constantinopla and entered the Great Sea, and went on the
left side of the coast and reached a kingdom they call Lodomago. And it is
a rich and abundant land. And its king has as his insignia a red flag with a
gold cross and four gold links, in this manner. [XCIX]
I departed Lodomago and went to Meseber and from there to Buma.
Here is true Grefia. And the empire of the Greeks in Gre^ ia has many
scattered provinces, to wit, Archadia, Achia, Boe^ia, Macedonia, Cahonia,
Le^edomonia, Asalonica, Para, another Macedonia, extending to Constan-
inopla and the Land of Sufragia and the Land of MacaH. And a river they
call Pirus, which originates in the Mountains of (^erva, surrounds all these
lands. And the king has as his insignia a vermilion flag with a gold cross and
four gold links, like this. [C]
I departed from the Kingdom of Meseber and went along the shores of
the Great Sea to a city they call Ve^ina, which borders on Ungria. In this
Ve^ina nine rivers converge and all of them enter the Great Sea. They call
the first Turbo, the second Danubio, the third they call Orinfin^ia, the
96 El libro del conoscimiento
Puerto de Lobo, que es una sierra muy alta, et gerca la toda un rrio que
dizen Lusur que nas^e de los Montes Rexos. E apres deste puerto es una
fibdad que dizen Pidea, et es cabe^a del rreynado. Et trae tales senales como
Uxbeto por que es su vasallo. E dende fuy al Puerto de Nigropila, que es
un golfo muy grande del Mar Mayor.^^"^ E dende fuy al cabo de Gotia
que lo ^erca del un cabo el Mar Mayor, et del otro el Mar de Letana. Este
cabo conquirieron los godos quando salieron del en^erramiento de Alexan-
dre. Con esta Gotia confinan dos provin^ias muy grandes: son tierra del
a la ^ibdad Tana.'^-^^ E las senales destos rreynados son pendones blancos con
seiiales bermejas como las de Uxbeto, por que son sus vasallos. [CII]
De si parti del Mar de Letana et tome me al Mar Mayor, et tome la
marisma del levante muy grand camino. Et pase por Arvasaxia et por Pe-
sonta del imperio de Uxbeto, et Uegue al rreynado de Sant Estopoli, que es
Newton (Trauels and Travellers, 142) Tana was on the caravan silk route across Central Asia. Also
traded there were the fors of Russia and the merchandise of the Far East and India. Newton also
informs us that contemporary travelers found this area safe day or night, and that there was a
Franciscan mission station at Tana (145).
^^" The narrator follows the east coast of the Black Sea to Pitsunda, then seems to find
himself in Sevastopol, although this would take him once again to the Crimea.
The Book of Knowledge 97^
fourth Drinago, the fifth Pinga, the sixth Raba, the seventh Rabeza, the
eighth Ur, the ninth Ve^ine. These nine rivers make a great swamp before
the city of Ve^ina. This city Ve^ina is the capital of the kingdom and has as
its insignia a white flag with these vermiHon emblems. [CI]
I departed Ve^ina along the coast and went to Manro Castro and from
there to the Puerto de Lobo, which is a very high sierra, and a river they
call Lusur, which originates in the Rexos Mountains, surrounds it all. And
beyond this port is a city they call Pidea, and it is the capital of the king-
dom. And it has the same insignia as Uxbeto because it is his vassal. And
from there I went to the Port of Nigropila, which is a very large gulf of the
Great Sea. And from there to the Cape of Gotia which is surrounded on
one end by the Great Sea and the other end by the Sea of Letana. The
Goths conquered this cape when they escaped from the imprisonment of
Alexander. Gotia borders on two very large provinces: they are the land of
King David and the province of Avogasia, and it borders on Tana. And
from there I entered the Sea of Tana through a strait that is between this
Gotia and the Cape of Tus, where there is a city they call Materga. And on
the shores of this Sea of Letana there are three very large kingdoms that obey
Uxbeto. They are Comania, which belongs to the Christians, and Tana,
which belongs to the Turks and the Tartars, and the Kingdom of Canardi.
And they are separated by a great river they call Tanay, and after this river
they named the city Tana. And the insignia of these kingdoms are white
flags with vermilion emblems, like the one for Uxbeto, because they are his
vassals. [CII]
I departed the Sea of Letana and turned to the Great Sea, and took the
eastern shore for a long way. And I passed through Arvasaxia and through
Pesonta in the empire of Uxbeto, and I reached the kingdom of Sant
Estopoli, which belongs to Koman Christians. And there are many people
that have Jewish names, but all do Christian works in the sacrifices, more
like Greeks than Latins. Its king has as his insignia a vermilion flag with a
white hand, like this. [CIII]
98 El libro del conoscpimiento
muy poblada et muy abondada de todas las cosas que son menester et es de
cristianos griegos. E el rrey dende ha por senales otras tales commo las de
Castelle.2-''' [CVII]
Parti de Palolimen et vine a Diaschilo et a Veda, et dende a Ferandelfia de
que ya conte de suso, e dende fuy a Faya,^'* una rica ^ibdad et abondada.
Todas estas ^ibdades son en la Turquia et antigua mente dezian la Asia Menor.
El rrey destas ^ibdades ha por sefiales un pendon con vandas blancas et
Cardenas, et ^erca de la vara una cruz bermeja et el canpo bianco tal. [CVIII]
From Georgia, between the Black and the Caspian Seas, the traveler arrives in Trebizond
(now Trabzon), an empire in north Turkey that bordered on the Black Sea. It was located on
the trade route linking East and West and therefore frequented by the Genoese and Venetians
during the Middle Ages.
The double-headed eagle is the last coat of arms in R.
Continuing west on the south shores of the Black Sea, the next stop is probably Semsun
(also in Turkey).
A six-point star, in N it appears unadorned, while in S it is florid.
The province of Sinop (aUtde farther west along the same coast) had as its capital a city
named CasteH (Jimenez de la Espada 189-90).
^^* Continuing in a westerly direction, the traveler reaches Scutari (Palominen, accordii^ to
Markham, 58).
^" In N, the previous arms are repeated. In S, the emblem of the Emperors of Uzbekistan
^^" Across the Marmara Sea from Scutari was the city of Dascylium, from where the narrator
headed south to Philadelphia, now called Alasehir.
The Book of Knowledge 99
Castelle, which belongs to Greek Christians who war with the Turks. And
it is a strong and well populated kingdom. And its insignia is a vermilion
flag with a gold cross and four gold links, like this. [CVI]
From there I departed Castelle and went to Samasco, from there to
Punta Rancha, from there to Carpi. And I reached a kingdom they call
Palolimen that borders on the province of Troya and on the Great Sea. And
it is a very rich and very populated land and abundant in all things that are
necessary, and it belongs to Greek Christians. And its king has as his insig-
Punta de Bacu,^'*^ que es toda ^ercada del Mar de Sara pero que ay una
entrada por tierra firme. Et alii entra en el Mar de Sara un grand rrio que
dizen Tigres, que nas^e de las altas Sierras del Toro et corre por Armenia la
Mayor. A la entrada desta punta es una rica ^ibdad que dizen Bacu, et al
mar dizen Sara de Bacu. Este nonbre ha por rrey de aquella tierra que
dezian don Bacus, el qual era muy poderoso. Et fazia creer a la gentes de
aquella tierra que el era Dios, et que lo adorassen asi como a Dios, et dezian
Jimenez de la Espada (180) and Markham (73) believe that this was Hypsili in Asia
^^^ The narrator travels through the interior of Turkey this time, passing the city of Sivas and
crossing its river, the Kizil. He then traverses Georgia and arrives in Derbent, on the Caspian.
Caraol seems to have been a city on the west coast of the Caspian.
The Iron Gates, according to Markham (73).
Here he goes south along the west coast of the Caspian to Baku.
The Book of Knowledge 101
of Turquia and went to the city of Savasco, and departed there and crossed
the river Sur that originates in the Toro Mountains. And I crossed all of
Jorgania until I reached the Sea of Sara at a city they call Dement, which
has many great lands and very abundant land, although it is a cold land. And
its king has as his insignia an emblem like Uxbeto because he is his vassal.
Here in this Derebent I entered the Sea of Sara in a panfilo, and arrived
at a city they call Caraol, and it is a very large and very abundant kingdom
in the Empire of Persia. And its king has as his insignia a yellow flag with
a vermilion square, like this. [CXI]
Between these two cities, that is Derbent and Caraol, is the port they
call Januas Ferri. And near this port there are many battles because Derbent
belongs to the Empire of Uxbeto and Caraol is of the Empire of Persia.
And I departed Caraol and went to Axanbran, and from there to Bamachu,
and from there to the Punta de Bacu, which is totally surrounded by the
Sea of Sara, but there is an entrance on firm soil. And there a great river
they call Tigris enters the Sea of Sara, [a river] that originates in the high
Sierras of Toro and runs through Armenia Minor. At the entrance to this
point is a rich city they call Bacu, and they call the sea Sara de Bacu. It has
this name for a king of that land that they called Don Bacus, who was very
powerful. And he made the people of that land believe that he was God,
and that they should worship him like God, and they called him the God
of Bacu. And he founded that city of Bacu. The Tartars call this Sea of Sara
by many names, for they call it the Caspio Sea for the Caspios Mountains
that are found there, and they call it the Sea of Jorgania because it is near
[that place], and they call it the Sea of Quillan for a province that is on its
shore that they call Quillan, and they call it the Sea of Sara for the Empire
of Sarra, and they call it the Bacu Sea for the city of Bacu. And I departed
102 El libro del conoscimiento
son del imperio de Persia. E dende fuy me por la rribera a la otra parte que
es contra la trasmontana al Golfo de Monimenti, et dende a Trescargo et a
tierras del Albizibi que son yermas et desabitadas, pero que en algunos lu-
gares dellas ay gentes viles que comen came cruda et los pescados crudos et
beven agua de la mar et han rostros luengos commo canes, et dizen les sig-
nosalos. E tome me contra el poniente el rrio de Tir arriba por que lo non
pude pasar, que lieva dos jomadas en ancho, et llegue a una proving ia que
dizen Sebur. Et es en ella una grand fibdad que dizen Castrama, et es ca-
be^a del rreyno de Sabur.^^' E este rreyno es todo ^ercado de los dos rrios
que dizen el flumen Tyr et el flumen Tanay. E el rrey dende ha por seiiales
un pendon bianco et senales bermejas como el Emperador de Sara. [CXIII]
Desi parti del rreyno de Sebur et llegue a una f ibdad que dizen Rastaor
et a otra que dizen Pidea. Et por aqui pase el rrio Tanay et entre en una
grand provin^ia que dizen Roxia, que es en ella una grand ^ibdad que dizen
figured on the Catalan Adas as well as on the map prepared by the Pizigani brothers.
The capital of this kingdom was Kostroma, in Russia.
The Book of Knowledge 103
the city of Bacu and went to Godaspi, and from there to Reversa, and to
Var, and to Maumet, and to Sangui, and to Musuar, and to Espanor, and to
Quillan, all of which are cities are on the shores of the Sea of Sara near the
south, and they belong to the Empire of Persia. And from there I went
along the shore to the other side that is on the north to the Gulf of
Monimenti, and from there to Trescargo and to Contulicanchi, and from
there to the great city of Sara where Uxbeto, Emperor of the Tartars, was
crowned. This city is seated between the Gulf of Monimenti and the River
Tanay, on the shores of which there are many rich and abundant cities,
although the land is very cold. And the insignia of the Emperor of Sara is
converges with the River Tanay. And the cities [to which] I traveled on the
shores of the Tanay are Baltachinca, and Escluerza, and Tifer, and Coranchi,
and they are capitals of kingdoms and each one is very large, and they
belong to the Empire of Sara. And the lands are very rich and abundant and
generally have many cattle, which are camels, cows, sheep, and bufralo. And
I traveled a long way going eastward until I reached the place where the
River Tir (others call it Caspio) converges, and it originates in the Caspios
Mountains. And this River Tir comes out of Lake Tanays and both con-
verge, and there a great river is formed which flows north. And I could not
find out where they end because they go near the lands of Albizibi that are
barren and uninhabited, but in some places there are vile people that eat
raw meat and raw fish and drink sea water and have long faces like dogs,
and they call them the cynocephali. And I turned west, going up the River
Tir because I could not cross it, because it is a two-day journey wide, and
I reached a province they call Sebur. And in it there is a great city they call
Castrama, and it is the capital of the Kingdom of Sabur. And this kingdom
is totally surrounded by two rivers they call the River Tyr and the River
Tanay. And its king has as his insignia a white flag with vermilion emblems
like the Emperor of Sara. [CXIII]
From there I departed the Kingdom of Sebur and reached a city they
call Rastaor and another they Pidea. And near here I crossed the River
Tanay and entered a great province they call Roxia, and in it is a great city
nas^en dende tres rrios muy grandes. Al uno dizen Tanay, que entra en el
Sicfia es una grand ^ibdad que es cabega del rreynado que dizen Noga-
rado.^^^ E son las gentes muy ricas et muy abondadas de todas E el
rey dende ha por seiiales un pendon roxo con un castillo bianco [CXV]
Sali del rreynado de Maxar et entre luego en el rreyno de Silvana, que
dizen Septen Castra et los griegos dizen le Horgimil, que es todo ^ercado
de dos rrios muy grandes, et dizen al uno flumen Turbo et al otro flumen
Lusim. En este rreynado es una gran ^ibdad que dizen Sarax.^'''^ E el rrey
Not far from Moscow can be found the cities of Rostov and Kholm (here, Xorman).
Although this lake was imaginary, many geographers of the Middle Ages believed in its
they call Xorman, and it is the capital of the kingdom and borders on the
great lake of Tanay . And its insignia is a red flag with a castle in the center,
like the one that follows. [CXIV]
The great lake of Tanay is and two wide, and
three-days' journey long
three very large rivers originate inThey call one Tanay, which enters the
Great Sea beyond the city of Tana. They call the other river Tir, and it
goes near the lands of Albizibi through uninhabited lands. They call the
other Nu, and it goes eastward and flows into the Sea of Alemaiia beyond
a city they call Virona, which I have already told of above. This River Nu
borders on a great province they call Sic^ia, and it is a very cold land. And
in this Sicfia there is a great city that is the capital of the kingdom, which
they call Nogarado. And the people are very rich and well-supplied with all
things. And its king has as his insignia a red flag with a white castle, like
this. [CXV]
I departed Sic^ia and then entered another kingdom they call Xorman.
And in it is a great city they call Xorman, which is the capital of the king-
dom. And its king has as his insignia a green flag with a gold star, like this
one. [CXVI]
And I departed Xorman and then entered another kingdom they call
Maxar, in which there are three great They call one Casama, and the
other Lasat, and the other Monsaior. This kingdom borders the kingdom of
Nogarado and the Kingdom of Silvana, which I already told of above. And
the king of this Maxar has as his insignia a cardinal red flag with white stars
of silver, hke this. [CXVII]
I left the kingdom of Maxar and then entered the kingdom of Silvana,
which they call Septen Castra and the Greeks call Horgimil, which is totally
surrounded by two very large rivers; and they call one the River Turbo and
the other River Lusim. In this kingdom is a great city they call Sarax. And
its king has as his insignia a flag with a vermilion scimitar. And they ar
schismatic Christians and I have already told of them above. [CXVIII]
106 El libro del coNOsgiMiENXO
ano un dia seys meses dura el dia, et seys meses dura la noche. Et es tierra
desabitada pero que dizen que son fallados en esta tierra ommes que han las
cabef as pegadas sobre los ombros, que non han cuellos ningunos, et la barva
tienen sobre los pechos, et las orejas dellas Uegados a los ombros. Et esta es
su figura, commo estos dos ommes que estan en este monte desnudos.^^^
Otrosi son fallados en esta tierra muy grandes osos et puercos javalis
blancos, segund que ya conte de suso. Estas dos provin^ias de Yrcania et de
Gotia poblaron los godos que salieron de la Tartaria ^errada de los castillos
de Got et Magot quando se delibraron del en^erramiento de Alexandre, e
conquirieron la mayor parte del mundo. Con esta Gotia confina otra grand
provinfia que dizen Paschar,^^'-^ que confina con Suevia, la que de suso
reconte. En esta Suevia es una grand fibdad que dizen Roderin. Otrosi en
esta Suevia son dos lagos muy grandes, que cada uno dellos es de ancho una
Jornada. Al uno dizen Lacus Stocol, et al otro dizen Lacus Estarse. Et dende
nasf en dos rrios muy grandes que ^ ircunrrodean una gran tierra que es entre
mar a una ^ibdad que dizen Sordepinche, e de si a otra que dizen Caiman,
e de si a otra que dizen Estocol, et a otra que dizen Sormenfes, e otra que
dizen Ystat, et a otra que dizen Londis que confina con la Noruega.^'''* En
esta fibdad Londis entre en una quinta de alemanes et venimos por el Mar
Ukraine and a land called Gotia, for the Goths who inhabited it.
This emblem looks like a cross with two legs. According to Pasch (29) it might represent
a cross planted upon a hiU, an emblem not unlike some found on old Russian banners.
^^ In N there is an iUustration of two nude men in a wood, pointing at one another; neither
has a neck.
^" On the banks of the Volga.
^^* Sweden. unclear what
Sordekoping, Kalmar, Stockholm, Ystad, and Lund, all in It is
Beyond the River Tir near the north are two very large provinces. And
they call one Yrcania and the other Gotia, where the Goths that conquered
all of Espana came from, and they were lords of it for a long time. And it
is called the Land of Nogulaus. And the people are strong and warlike, but
the land is very cold. And the king of Siria and also the one from Arcania
have this insignia.
This Gotia and this Yrcania border on the high sierras of the north. In
these sierras they see the North Star in the center of the sky, and in the
whole year a day lasts six months, and a night lasts six months. And it is an
uninhabited land but they say that in this land men are found that have
their heads attached to their shoulders, who have no necks, and their beard
is on their chests, and their ears go down to their shoulders. And this is
their image, like these two men that are naked on this mountain.
In this land also are found many great bears and white boars, according
to what I have already told above. These two provinces of Yrcania and of
Gotia were populated by the Goths who came out of encircled Tartaria
from the castles of Got and Magot when they freed
themselves from the
imprisonment of Alexander, and they conquered the better part of the
world. Gotia borders on another great province they call Paschar, which
borders on Suevia, of which I told above. In this Suevia is a great city they
call Roderin. In this Suevia there are also two very large lakes, for each of
them is a day's journey wide. They call one Lacus Stocol, and they other
they call Lacus Estarse. And from two very large rivers that
there originate
surround a great land that is between the mountains of the north and the
Sea of Alemaiia. And it is a very cold land, without measure. And later
these two rivers flow into the Sea of Alemana in a gulf of the sea they call
the Stocol Gulf This gulf is most of the time frozen and immobilized from
the great cold that is there. In this sea is the island Godlandia I told of
above. And I departed Suevia and turned to the shores of the sea to a city
they call Surdepinche, and from there to another they call Caiman, and
from there to another they call Estocol, and to another they call Sormen^es,
and another they call Ystat, and to another they call Londis which borders
on Noruega. In this city Londis I entered the boat of some Germans and
^*' Gotland, Oland, the Swedish peninsula Listerlandet, then Bomholm and Aland.
^^ These are the Danish islands of Lolland and Fyn.
The Book of Knowledge 109
we came westward on the Sea of Alemana. And we found in this sea five
islands that I already told of above. They call one Godlandia, the other
Cola, the other Lister, the other Bondelet, the other Salandia. And a great
gulf of the Sea of Alemana enters here and surrounds the whole tip of the
kingdom of Da^ia de Danes, of which I have already told above. And at the
entrance of this gulf there are two islands; they call one Insula Janglant and
the other Finonia. And firom there I came to Flandes, and firom there I
came to Sevilla, from where I first left.
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Newton, Arthur P. Travels and Travellers of the Middle Ages. London: Rout-
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Valera, Diego de. Espejo de la uerdadera nohleza y Tratado de las annas. Ed.
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Index to the Introduction
Aristotle, liii
Georgia, xxiv
Germany, xxii Labarge, Margaret Wade, 1 n.76
Gibraltar, xx, xxii Ladero Quesada, Miguel Angel, 1 n.76
Gog and Magog, xxiii, xxvi, xxix Lebanon, xxiv
Libro del conodmiento de todos los reinos Laurentian Adas (Medici Atlas),
Ancona, Sea of. See Adriatic Artamua, 19. See also Dartmouth
Andaluzia, 13 Artania, 21. See also Orkney Islands
Andine, 15 Artillo, 73
Androvar, 73 Artur (Arthur) (king), 17
Annaba, 42 n.ll5 Artuz, 11. See also Arhus
Anpurias (Ampurias), 7, 25 Arvasaxia (Abkhazia), 97
Qeshm Astorga, 5
71 Biver, 31
Burgalensis, 11 Carena, 41
Burgos, 5 Carpi, 99
Qensor, 89 Coria, 3
Qevana, 31 Cortomar, 75
Qever, 15 Corverit, 13. See also Kolobrzeg
Chalon, 9 Costantina, 43
Colunbaria, 51 Dapia, 13
Gepta, 71 Grisua, 13
Got and Magot (Gog and Magog) Haderslev, 12 n.25. 5ee also Ardonxep
Gold, Mountains of, 59. See also Kenya Heraclea, 92 n.221
Great Sea, 11, 13, 15, 31, 33, 79, 93, Iraq, 78 n.l93, 88 n.208. 5ee also Al-
95, 97, 99, 101, 105. See also Hirac, Lairag
Islas Perdidas. See Lost Islands Lacus Danoye, 11. See also Donau-
Italy, 25-29 eschingen
Lairag, 38 n.lOl, 39. See also Iraq
Januas Ferri, 101. See also Iron Gates La Risa, 39. See also El Arish
Nori, 87
Normandy. See Lormandia Pacific Ocean, 72 n.l81. See also East-
Nu (river) Palermo, 27
Dvina, 105, cf. 104 n.254 Palestina (Palestine), 37
Orzia, 55 Pavonia, 29
Osel, 16 n.39 Persia, 71, 79, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 101, 103
Osma, 5 Persian Gulf (Porticun/Perticun Sea),
River of Gold, 49, 53, 55, 57, 59 Salandi, 19. See also Copenhagen
Roan, 9. See also Rouen Saldania, 91
Sagela, 73. See also Sri Lanka (empire), 81, 87, 101, 103
Sahara Desert. See Zahara Sea of, 79, 87, 91, 99, 101, 103
Saint John, Order of, 33, 37 Sarax, 105. See also Odessa
Seranes, 91 Zeeland
Serayn, 67. See abo Sirrein Solin, 77
Sericun, Mare. See Pacific Ocean Solomon, 39
Sersel, 45 Sophia, Santa (church), 93
Sur (river), 101. See also Kizil Tibalbert, 53. See also Tabelbala
53, 55 Valencia, 23
Turbo (river), 95, 105. See also Dnies- Veruit, 19. See also Berwick
ter Veya, 27. See abo Civita Vecchia
Turonie (river), 13. See also Wista Vezimarin, 49
Turquia, Turquya (Turkey), 33, 35, Viana (Vienna), 11
79, 95, 99, 101 Viborg, 12 n.25
Tus, Cape of, 97 Vidin, 10 n.21
57. See also Atlas Mountains, Yude (Zebid), 67, cf. 66 n.l64
Montes Claros
Windsor, 18 n.46 Zahara, Zaara (Sahara Desert), 51, 53,
Wisby, 16 n.39 55
Wista River, 12 n.27 Zadar, Zara. See Jara, Jaurin
Zamatana, 49
Xaloat, 75 Zanno, 61
Xaxonia (Saxony), 13 Zebid, 66 n.l64
Xorman (Kholm), 105, cf. 104 n.252 Zeeland, 8 n.l4, 10 n.22
Zichialhamera (mountains), 51
Ymeric, 21. See also Limerick Zinzibar (Zanzibar), 67
Yrcania, 107. See also Ukraine Zunara, 41
Ystat, 15, 107
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