3rº Bachillerato Pca 2017 2018
3rº Bachillerato Pca 2017 2018
3rº Bachillerato Pca 2017 2018
Weekly hours Number of weeks of work LearningAssessmentWeeks Total Weeks of class Total of periods
Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive
manner, maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures and languages from the secure manner, maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures and languages from the secure
standpoint of their own national and cultural identity. standpoint of their own national and cultural identity.
O.EFL 5.2
OG.EFL 2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards different cultures to
Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in building an intercultural and multinational society.
comprehend the role of diversity in building an intercultural and multinational society.
O.EFL 5.3
Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence, and critical thinking
Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence, and critical thinking skills through an appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of their
skills through an appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of their L1 own L1 and of language use for communication and learning.
and of language use for communication and learning.
O.EFL 5.4
Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability to independently
Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability to independently
access further (language) learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others
access further (language) learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others within the communication process, cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into responsible
within the communication process, cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into responsible academic behavior.
academic behavior.
Directly access the main points and important details of up-to date. English language texts, such Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date English language texts, such
as those published on the web, for professional or general investigation, through the efficient use as those published on the web, for professional or general investigation, through the efficient
of ICT and reference tools where required. use of ICT and reference tools where required.
expressing ideas and opinions effectively and appropriately. expressing ideas and opinions effectively and appropriately.
O.EFL 5.7
Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a range of formal and informal social
Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a range of formal and informal social
situations with a limited but effective command of the spoken language (CEFR B1 level).
situations with a limited but effective command of the spoken language (CEFR B1 level)
N Title of theunit Unit Specific Objectives Contents/skills ** Methodological Orientations Evaluation*** Weeks
(Skills and strategies) on
language production to -Reading a list of actions people take and prejudice and discrimination.
effectively express opinions evaluating and discussing the consequences on (I.1, I.2, S.2, J.1, J.3)
and make evaluations. others (including on the environment)
(Example: asking questions, -Simulating desirable social and cultural CE.EFL.5.5. Listening for
starting over, rephrasing, behaviors through role play activities. Meaning: Identify the main
exploring alternative -Choosing pictures that demonstrate tolerance idea in a variety of audio
and empathy towards groups that are sometimes recordings (e.g., interviews,
pronunciations, etc.)
discriminated against, and finding ways to make radio ads, news reports, etc.)
EFL 5.1.4. Identify and sure these groups feel included in Ecuadorian and deduce the meanings of
interpret how cultural and society. unfamiliar phrases and words
-Writing survey questions about socially and
language patterns in English in familiar contexts, provided
culturally responsible behaviors and surveying
are used when exchanging speech is clear and visuals help
classmates. Publishing the results in an online
ideas on familiar topics accord- chart. support meaning.
ing to a B1.2 level. (Example: -Brainstorming ways to counter discrimination in
slang, idioms, humor, levels of I.EFL.5.5.1. Learners can
ones daily life.
formality, etc.) identify the main idea in a
-Researching a cultural or social symbol of
variety of audio recordings
Ecuadorian culture and discussing the findings in
small groups. (e.g., interviews, radio ads,
news reports, etc.) and deduce
EFL 5.2.1. Deduce the the meanings of unfamiliar
Oral Communication:(Listening and Speaking)
meanings of unfamiliar phrases and words in familiar
phrases and words from a - Using context clues to deduce the contexts where speech is clear
context containing familiar meaning of an expression about and visuals help support
elements. (Example: conversation in recent news. meaning. (I.3, I.4)
colloquial greetings, - Listening the information about people
exclamations, interjections, involved in newspaper production.
etc.) - Using pictures and other visuals to
predict the main idea of a short CE.EFL.5.8. Interaction
EFL 5.3.5. Assess, compare conversation. Interpersonal: Respond to and
and evaluate the quality of - Listening to a straightforward article build on other peoples ideas in
written texts and visual and correcting false statements. extended conversations on
presentations using different - Listening to a short conversation and familiar social and academic
criteria and ICT tools related complete the information. topics by expressing opinions
to the organization, subject - Listening to a dialogue and completing and feelings and clarifying
area and purpose of a text.
EFL 5.5.10. Evaluate and - Creating literature circles where learners justify ones position on an
recommend a literary text have the freedom to say anything they argument through carefully
(written, oral, online, in want about a text from class or outside selected information and
of class.
video or in print) or a appropriate language, tone
- Participating in classroom games in
favorite activity to a peer. which problem-solving as a team is and evidence.
I.EFL.5.15.1. Learners can plan
- Creating a crossword puzzle in groups
about an Ecuadorian story, region, and produce well-constructed
celebrity, etc. informational texts by applying
Brainstorming ideas for a writing project the writing process and while
in small groups, using a graphic
organizer demonstrating an ability to
justify ones position on an
argument through carefully
selected information and
appropriate language, tone
and evidence. (I.2, I.3, I.4, S.3,
CE.EFL.5.19. Engage in
collaborative activities through
a variety of student groupings
in order to solve problems and
reflect on literary texts, and
produce criteria for evaluating
the effectiveness of the group.
I.EFL.5.19.1Learners can
engage in collaborative
activities through a variety of
student groupings in order to
solve problems and reflect on
literary texts, and produce
criteria for evaluating the
effectiveness of the group. (I.1,
responding to suggestions, they have or havent eaten. Observing including ICT, by saying things
opinions, attitudes, advice, to see whether the learners can in alternative ways and apply-
feelings, etc. interact effectively and whether they ing self-correcting and self-
are able to ask follow up questions in monitoring strategies when
EFL 5.2.14. Request and order to extend the exchange. needed. (I.1, I.3, J.4)
provide information and (Example: How you ever felt stressed?
assistance orally for personal, Why? Your best friend is sleepy what CE.EFL.5.8. Interaction
social and academic purposes might have happened? - takes notes on Interpersonal: Respond to and
in order to clarify and extend the answers.) build on other peoples ideas in
meaning in spoken extended conversations on
interactions. familiar social and academic
- Thinking of questions about a topic and topics by expressing opinions
EFL 5.2.16. Deal with practical, then using the Internet and other
and feelings and clarifying
everyday communication sources to find the answers.
demands within familiar
contexts, effectively and - Reading two articles on the same topic I. EFL. 5.8.1. Learners can
without undue effort. and recording discrepancies in the respond to and build on other
(Example: meeting people, information. peoples ideas in extended
extending and accepting conversations on familiar social
invitations, exchanging - Identifying unreliable resources on the and academic topics by
information, giving reasons, Internet. expressing opinions and
asking and answering feelings and clarifying
questions about routines and meaning. (I.3, I.4, S.1, J.3, J.4)
preferences, etc.) - Using new words or information from a
CE.EFL.5.12. Engage with a
class lesson and creating an online
EFL 5.3.6. Display an variety of digital and print texts
game to practice them, then sharing
appreciation of the language and playing the game with the rest of and resources by evaluating
by interacting and engaging the class. and detecting complexities and
with a variety of digital and discrepancies in the
- Using GoogleApps to revise and edit
print texts and resources and student work both as a class and in information in order to find the
by selecting and evaluating pairs. most appropriate sources to
these materials as a means to - Creating a group presentation using support an idea or argument.
promote and strengthen biteslide.com.
literacy skills and language I.EFL. 5.12.1. Learners can
attitudes, and mood. EFL 5.1.3. Find parallels - Sharing a cross-cultural experience others.
between Ecuadorian cultural (such as feelings, personality, meeting
and political referents and someones life events from another I.EFL.5.1.1. Learners can
country) in pairs or as a class. demonstrate an un-
those of other countries by
talking about holidays, Oral Communication:(Listening and Speaking) derstanding of the integrity
symbols, customs and of different cultures by
schooling. - Asking classmates to repeat an answer sharing experiences and by
or statement if needed to clarify participating in class activities
EFL 5.1.6. Demonstrate an something. (Example: What do you like
and discussions in a way that
ability to make informed about your personality and character?
Is it easy or difficult for you to express
shows empathy and respect
choices about and take action for others. (I.3, S.1, S.2, J.1,
your feelings and emotions_____?,
on issues of prejudice and J.3)
CE.EFL.5.8. Interaction
EFL 5.1.8. - Listening to another learners answers
in class and responding appropriately. Interpersonal: Respond to and
Discover and employ (Example: giving praise, correcting an build on other peoples ideas in
alternative ways of saying error, asking a follow-up question, etc.) extended conversations on
things in social and classroom familiar social and academic
interactions. - Working in pairs to complete an topics by expressing opinions
information gap activity. and feelings and clarifying
EFL 5.2.15. Engage in an meaning.
extended conversation on
I.EFL.5.8.1. Learners can
most general topics and keep it
going by expressing and - Reading a range of texts from subject demonstrate an ability to give
areas and finding and defining common and ask for information and
responding to suggestions,
themes across content areas. (Example: assistance using level-
opinions, attitudes, advice,
for a text about social media and one appropriate language and
feelings, etc.
about art, learners notice that artists interaction styles in online or
EFL 5.2.14. Request and are using social media to help them face-to-face social and
provide information and promote their work and reach larger classroom interactions. (J.2,
audiences, etc.) J.3, J.4, I.3)
assistance orally for personal,
social and academic purposes
in order to clarify and extend
- Reading about a topic and then CE.EFL.5.6.Listening for
identifying reference materials and Information: Deal with
meaning in spoken sources that could be used to find out practical, everyday communi-
interactions. more information. cation demands in familiar
social and academic contexts,
EFL 5.2.13. Deal with practical, - Thinking of questions about a topic and including following directions
everyday communication then using the Internet and other in class activities and
demands within familiar sources to find the answers. identifying main ideas in other
contexts, effectively and curricular subjects when given
without undue effort. sufficient support.
(Example: meeting people,
extending and accepting I.EFL. 5.6.1.Learners can deal
with practical, everyday
invitations, exchanging - Finding a variety of online references to
information, giving reasons, practice a grammar structure, then communication demands in
asking and answering recommending the best one to the familiar social and academic
questions about routines and class. contexts, such as following
preferences, etc.) directions in class activities and
- Identifying statements that use identifying main ideas in other
EFL 5.3.5. Assess, compare and exaggeration or hyperbole (rather than curricular subjects when given
evaluate the quality of written true facts) to sway the readers sufficient support. (I.1, I.3, S.1)
texts and visual presentations opinion. (Example: Every animal on
using different criteria and ICT Earth will become extinct if we dont do CE. EFL. 5.12. Engage with a
tools related to the something about the environment variety of digital and print texts
organization, subject area and soon, etc.) and resources by evaluating
purpose of a text. (Examples of and detecting complexities and
text types: editorials, letters to - Adding pictures to a group discrepancies in the
the editor, political speeches, presentation. information in order to find the
illustrations, charts, most appropriate sources to
advertisements, etc.) Language throughthe Arts support an idea or argument.
tolerance and an overall re- - Participating in short dialogues and role ICT, by saying things in
spect for the integrity of plays to practice target language. (Exa- alternative ways and applying
4 For Old Times sake To talk about changes cultures in daily classroom mple: keeping traditions alive, self-correcting and self-
overtime in favor of sharing technology, inventions, communication monitoring strategies when
experiences and on social networks etc.) needed.
accomplishments. EFL 5.1.9. Communicate
information and ideas - Paraphrasing an idea when a peer asks I.EFL.5.4.1. Learners can
effectively to diverse audiences for clarification. communicate effectively using
using a variety of media and a variety of media and formats,
formats. - Completing group work in a fair and including ICT, by saying things
honest manner and accepting the in alternative ways and apply-
EFL 5.1.5. Identify, discuss and groups decisions. ing self-correcting and self-
analyze cultural products from monitoring strategies when
Ecuador and beyond and use needed. (I.1, I.3, J.4)
- Responding to classroom activities and
them to explore the pair work through short expressions or
perspectives of the culture. emoticons.
Demonstrate an ability to
EFL 5.1.8. Discover and employ discuss culture by analyzing
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking)
alternative ways of saying cultural products and referents
from Ecuador and other
things in social and classroom
countries while making in-
interactions. - Establishing a clear expectation of formed choices about and
English use for classroom functions. taking action on issues of
EFL 5.1.10. Take initiative in a (Example: greeting, requesting, prejudice and discrimination.
discussion in a positive way by thanking, asking for repetition /
being sensitive to the nuances clarification, giving instructions,
of peers comments, reactions offering help, comparing answers, I.EFL. 5.2.1. Learners can
taking leave, etc.) Informal assessment exhibit an ability to discuss
and responses (both verbal and
could involve personal notes from the culture by analyzing cultural
teacher to learners who use L2 products and referents from
EFL 5.1.4. Identify and regularly. Ecuador and other countries
while making informed choices
interpret how cultural and
about and taking action on
language patterns in English - Listening to another learners answers
issues of prejudice and
are used when exchanging in class and responding appropriately.
discrimination. (I.1, I.2, S.2, J.1,
ideas on familiar topics accord- (Example: giving praise, correcting an
ing to a B1.2 level. (Example: error, asking a follow-up question, etc.)
appropriate vocabulary and writing a similar position piece while argument. (I.2, I.4, J.3)
elements of the literature implementing your own examples and (I.1, I.2, J.2)
learners have read or heard. evidence.
CE.EFL.5.15. Plan and produce
- Reading a letter to the editor and well-constructed informational
evaluating the purpose and the texts by applying the writing
EFL 5.5.6. Evaluate ones own effectiveness of the message, using a process and while
and others work, individually rubric. Then writing your own letter to demonstrating an ability to
and collaboratively, on the the editor while using the rubric as a justify ones position on an
basis of a variety of criteria, guide. argument through carefully
and recognize how chosen selected information and
criteria affect evaluation. Language through the Arts appropriate language, tone
(Examples of criteria: clarity of and evidence.
ideas, use of English grammar
and vocabulary, register, I.EFL.5.15.1.
- Using a checklist to evaluate the work Learners can plan and produce
originality, visual presentation,
of a performing artist, then well-constructed informational
etc.) recommending his/her work to a peer. texts by applying the writing
process and while
- Underlining literary elements in a demonstrating an ability to
peers text and then comparing them justify ones position on an
to those in ones own writing. argument through carefully
selected information and
- Brainstorming your favorite activities appropriate language, tone
on the social media, then selecting and and evidence. (I.2, I.3, I.4, S.3,
recommending one for a peer one of J.1)
CE.EFL.5.18. Use a range of
criteria to evaluate and
recommend literary texts to
others, and recognize how
chosen criteria affects
EFL 5.3.6. Display an answers. (Example: Marco loves soccer. respond to and build on other
appreciation of the language Hes a Barcelona fan. He plays soccer peoples ideas in extended
by interacting and engaging every day in recess, but last week he conversations on familiar social
with a variety of digital and sprained his ankle and he cant play and academic topics by
print texts and resources and right now, etc.) expressing opinions and
by selecting and evaluating feelings and clarifying
these materials as a means to - Playing a conversation game, where meaning. (I.3, I.4, S.1, J.3, J.4)
promote and strengthen learners move their tokens around the
board after choosing a card and CE.EFL.5.12. Engage with a
literacy skills and language
answering the question. (Example variety of digital and print texts
questions: Have you planned your and resources by evaluating
EFL 5.4.7. Use the process of vacation already?Whats the weather and detecting complexities and
like there?, etc.)
prewriting, drafting, revising, discrepancies in the
peer editing and proofreading information in order to find the
(i.e., the writing process) to
- Working in pairs to complete an
most appropriate sources to
information gap activity.
produce well-constructed support an idea or argument.
informational texts.
- Doing a mingle activity where learners I.EFL.5.12.1. Learners can
ask and answer questions about things
EFL 5.4.8. Create an effective employ a range of reference
they have or havent done. Observing to
voice, using a variety of writing see whether the learners can interact materials and sources, both
styles appropriate to different effectively and whether they are able to online and in print, in order to
audiences, purposes and ask follow up questions in order to support ideas, answer
settings, and adjust these extend the exchange. (Example: inquiries, find relationships and
styles as necessary. Haveyouchosenyourholiddestination? relate ideas between different
What places are worth visiting? subject areas. (I.1, I.2, J.2)
EFL 5.5.1.Compare and present What activities can you do there?-
personal and formal responses takes notes on the answers.) CE.EFL.4.13. Apply learning
to and interpretations of strategies such as using prior
published literary texts and the Reading knowledge and graphic
works of peers, referring to - Highlighting relevant key information in organizers to interpret new
details and features of the text. a text and crossing out irrelevant information in a text, and
(Example: text structure, plot, information. assess this information
ideas, events, vocabulary, etc.). - Keeping a vocabulary notebook of according to the organization,
synonyms and antonyms of words from subject area and purpose of
analyze cultural products from Oral Communication:(Listening and Speaking) responsible behaviors at
Ecuador and beyond and use school, online, at home and in
them to explore the - Asking classmates to repeat an answer
the community, and evaluate
or statement if needed to clarify
perspectives of the culture. something. their actions by ethical, safety
6. BIBLIOGRAPHY/ WEB GRAPHY (APA VI edition): Planning Guidelines EFL. - Curriculum Guidelines EFL. - Curriculum Specifications EFL. - 7. OBSERVATIONS
Assessment Suggestions EFL. - The English Language Learning Standards. - Biography-Driven Culturally Responsive Teaching. By Socorro
Herrera - English book level B1.1