Seaeye Falcon NEW
Seaeye Falcon NEW
Seaeye Falcon NEW
Max 450 metre umbilical (1100 metres with F2 Fibre
Optic Pack)
Magnetically coupled brushless DC thrusters with
velocity feedback loop
4 Vectored and 1 vertical thruster
50 kgf thrust with 1:1 power to weight ratio
Distributed intelligence control system
The Falcon switch mode power supplies, control system, fold out
Integral system diagnostics 17 inch LCD monitor and keyboard are installed in a 19 inch rack
High resolution colour camera on 180 Tilt Platform mount transport case.
Variable intensity 150 watts of lighting
All connections to the surface unit are on the front panel for easy
Auto heading, depth, compass and rate gyro
access including the hand controller with its 5 metre flying lead.
Portable surface control system with video overlay and
The power output from the surface unit to the umbilical is a
daylight readable display
galvanically isolated 500 VDC supply protected by a L.I.M.
Low drag umbilical
Single phase A/C power input - auto selecting
universal 100-270 VAC at 2.8 kW
Vehicle Controls on the Hand Control Unit (HCU) Falcon upgraded with the F2 Fibre Optic Pack the following Fibre
The following vehicle controls are provided on the HCU: Optic umbilical is used with a maximum length of 1100 metres (for
Single 3 axis joystick for horizontal vehicle control longer excursions custom designed umbilicals are available).
including forward, back, sideways and turn. This cable features a tough abrasion resistant Polyethylene inner
Rotary trim controller for vertical thrust up or down. and outer jacket with a torque balanced vectran braided strength
Push button dive and surface control member. Internally this cable has two multi mode fibre optic passes
Thruster enable / disable and power setting providing 100% redundancy.
Camera selection
Rotary control for lights intensity
Auto pilot function for both heading & depth.
Diameter 14 mm
Auxiliary vehicle controls (including manipulator open/close)
Breaking strain 2000 kgf
Weight in air 164 5 kg/km
Weight in freshwater 10 5 kg/km
Minimum bend radius 165 mm (dynamic)
110 mm (static)
Height 180 mm
Width 280 mm
Depth 120 mm
Weight 0.5 kg
Video Overlay
A video overlay system is incorporated as standard providing the
following information to the pilot:
Compass heading
Camera tilt position
Auto pilot function status
Umbilical turns counter
Vehicle pitch and roll
CP reading
Date and time
Free Text using a QWERTY keyboard
For the standard Falcon a choice of neutrally buoyant or thinner,
slightly heavy umbilical cable is offered. These light weight
proprietary jacketed cables offer high abrasion resistance and
incorporate a Vectran strength member.
(with 1 additional
5733 5736 Screened Twisted Pair)
Diameter 11 mm 14 mm 15 mm
Breaking Strain 530 kg 530 kg 530 kg
Weight in air 121 4 kg/km 170 5 kg/km 209 6 kg/km
Weight in seawater 7 4 kg/km 7 5 kg/km 7 6 kg/km
Minimum bend 165 mm (dynamic) 197 mm (dynamic) 240 mm (dynamic)
radius 110 mm (static) 131 mm (static) 160 mm (static)
9978 Jan2013
Particulars are believed to be correct and subject to revision without prior notice. Interested parties must inspect vehicle to check suitability.