Performence Apprisel HERITAGE

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Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating an employee's performance and productivity at work. It is important for identifying areas for improvement, training and development, setting performance targets, and motivating employees.

Performance appraisal is the systematic evaluation of an employee's job performance and ability to determine training, rewards, and career growth opportunities. It is important for organizational effectiveness by ensuring employees are effectively contributing towards organizational goals.

Factors considered include actual job performance, qualifications, experience, interpersonal effectiveness, teambuilding skills, leadership abilities, and self-motivation.




Performance appraisal is the process of obtaining, analyzing and recording information

about the relative worth of an employee. The focus of the performance appraisal is
measuring and improving the actual performance of the employee and also the future
potential of the employee. Its aim is to measure what an employee does.

According to Flippo, a prominent personality in the field of Human resources,

"performance appraisal is the systematic, periodic and an impartial rating of an employees
excellence in the matters pertaining to his present job and his potential for a better job."
Performance appraisal is a systematic way of reviewing and assessing the performance of an
employee during a given period of time and planning for his future.

It is a powerful tool to calibrate, refine and reward the performance of the employee. It helps
to analyze his achievements and evaluate his contribution towards the achievements of the
overall organizational goals.

By focusing the attention on performance, performance appraisal goes to the heart of

personnel management and reflects the management's interest in the progress of the

A major concern of every organization should be to contribute positively towards the

achievement of its objective. Organizational effectiveness is often equated with managerial
efficiency. A manager can ensure organizational effectiveness only by guaranteeing the full
utilization of human resource available through individual employees under his guidance.
Hence, it is always required for a manager to monitor and measure the performance of
Moreover, since the organization exists to achieve the goals, the degree of
success that individual employees have in reaching this individual goal is important in
determining organizational effectiveness. The assessment of how successful employees

have been at meeting their individual goal to come a critical part of human resource
management. This leads to concept of performance appraisal. A performance appraisal
system functions as definitions of performance.
Performance appraisal is a method of evaluating the behaviour of employees in the work
spot, including both qualitative and quantitative aspects of job performance indicates how
an individual is fulfilling the job demands and it is always in terms of results. Under
performance appraisal not only the performance of an employee but also his potential for
development is evaluated.

Performance Appraisal is a systematic description of an employees job relevant strengths

and weaknesses.
In performance appraisal or merit rating refers to all the formal procedures used in working
organizations to evaluate the personalities and contributions and potential group members.
In appraisal system the employees merits like initiatives, dependability, personality etc., are
compared with others and ranked to rated. Appraisals might be based on the criteria of
employees skills, educational

Qualifications, knowledge, abilities to delegate plans, supervise; assume

responsibility, exercise leadership, personal qualities, creativity, decision making and
interpersonal skills.
An appraisal motivates an employee into increased effort aimed at enhancing
the outcome of the assessment. It tells an employee what set of activities or what qualities are
considered desirable by the organization.

It is the systematic method of obtaining, analyzing & recording information about an

employee that is needed:
For effective management of business.
By the manager to help him improve the jobholders performance and plan his
By the jobholder to assist him to evaluate his own performance and develop
In performance planning and review, the Reporting Manager is expected to set
targets or tasks for the appraise in the beginning of the year. In the middle of the year, the
appraise fills the self-appraisal form, indicating the extent which the target or task has been
completed, the difficulties faced and the suggestions for improvement. At the end of the
year, there is the annual review and targets/tasks set for the next year. Both in the mid-year
review and annual review, the self-appraisal is supplemented by a performance review,
discussion, the problems are discussed and the appraiser is given feedback on how he is
The appraisal system is an instrument for improving the work culture by convincing
employees that their career growth is linked with the performance of the company.


Employees appraisal techniques are said to have been used for the first time. During
the first world war, when, at the instant of Walter Dill Scott, the US Army adopted the 'Man-
to- Man' rating system for evaluating military personnel. During the 1920-30 period, rational
wage structures for hourly paid workers were adopted in industrial units. Under this system,
the policy of giving grade wages increment on the basis of merit was accepted. These early
employee plans were called merit rating programs, which continued to be so called up to the
mid-fifties. By then, most of these plans were of the rating scale type, where emphasis was
given to factors, degree and points in the early professional & managerial personnel, Since
then, as a result of experiments and a great professional and managerial personnel. Since
then, as a result of experiments and a great deal of study, the philosophy of performance
appraisal has undergone tremendous changes. Consequently, a change has also taken place in
the terminology used. Now, the older phrase merit rating is largely restricted to the rating of
hourly paid employees, and it is used frequently in developing criteria for salary adjustment,
promotions, transfer etc. the later phrase, personnel appraisal, places emphasis on the
development of the individual as and widely used to evaluate technical, professional and
managerial personnel.

Prof. Beach has provided a useful chart, showing the changes in the terminology of
employee appraisal which have taken place since 1920.
Although the interest in the use of performance appraisal has increased over the last
thirty years, the practice of formally evaluating employees has existed for centuries. The
performance appraisal system has undergone a lot of changes over the years as shown below:

1900; Subjective appraisals.

1940: Increased psychometric sophistication.
1950: Management by objectives (MBO).
1960: BARS.
1970-90: Hybrid system & approach.
The appraisal of individuals in an employment has been labeled and described by
experts over the years in different ways. Common descriptions include performance
appraisal, merit rating, behavioral assessment, employee evaluation, personnel review,
progress report, staff assessment, service rating and fitness report. Some personnel authorities
use such concept interchangeably, while interpret some of these appraisal phrases differently.
However the term performance appraisal or evaluation is most widely used.


The need of the study of performance appraisal is to determine what aspects
of performance are required to be evaluated.
To identify those who are performing their assigned task well and those who are
not and the reason for such performance.

To provide information about the performance ranks basing on which decisions

regarded salary fixation, conformation, promotion, demotion and transfer are

To provide feedback information about the level of achievements and behavior of

an employee.
To provide information and counsel the employee.
To compare actual performance with the standards and in out deviations (positive
and negative)
To create and maintain satisfactory level of performance.
To prevent grievance and in disciplinary activity.
To facilitate fair and equitable compensation.
To ensure organizational effectiveness.
It guarantees useful information about employees and the nature of their duties.

We can briefly say that performance appraisal systems are necessities to assess
performance at regular intervals with consistency to study improvements, deviation and to
take corrective actions to bride gaps and improve performance over a period of time.

The objective is to know how effective is the execution of appraisal system in
Heritage Foods Pvt Ltd ., Hyderabad.

To review the performance of the employees over a given period of time.

To judge the gap between the actual and the desired performance.

To help the management in exercising organizational control.

Helps to strengthen the relationship and communication between superior

subordinates and management employees.

To diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals so as to identify the

training and development needs of the future.

To provide feedback to the employees regarding their past performance.

Provide information to assist in the other personal decisions in the organization.

Provide clarity of the expectations and responsibilities of the functions to be

performed by the employees.

To judge the effectiveness of the other human resource functions of the organization
such as recruitment, selection, training and development.

To reduce the grievances of the employees.


In the present study an attempt has been made to know the actual
implementation of performance appraisal techniques in general and some other aspects such
as awareness of the workers, effectiveness of the performance appraisal system in particular.
Human resource projections are valid on appraisals. By improving job skills,
the employees have lot of scope for development and prepare themselves for higher
A through analysis of the performance appraisal system will help the
management to know the short comings, if any. It also help the company in knowing whether
the performance appraisal techniques are used to full extent or not, there by the researcher
can understand the effective implement of the performance appraisal system.


The research methodology is a systematic way to solve the problem and it is
an important component of the study without which researcher may not be able to obtain
the facts and figures from the employees.

The study is based on primary as well as secondary data collected from
different sources:

A). Primary Data:

The primary data is collected with the help of questionnaires, which consists
of twenty questions each. The questionnaires are chosen because of its simplicity and
liability. Researcher can expect straight answers to the questions. The respondents are
informed about the significant of the study and requested to give their fair opinions.

B). Secondary Data:

Secondary data is collected through the documents provided by the personnel
department. The documents include personnel manuals, books, reports, journal, etc.

A). Sample Unit:

The executives and employed at Heritage Foods Pvt Ltd ., Hyderabad
constitute universe of the present study. A part of it is taken as sample unit for the resent
study. It includes JGMS, AGMS, manager and other employees of Heritage Foods Pvt
Ltd .Hyderabad.

B). Sample Size:

The sample size consists of 100 respondents employed in Heritage Foods Pvt
Ltd, Hyderabad. Of these 30 are executives, 20 are senior executives and the remaining 50
are employees.


Since so many years Heritage Foods Pvt Ltd .Hyderabad has been following
the same procedure of appraisals for their executives and employees and for the study of
my project last one-year data has collected on performance appraisals.


To shed light on introduction on subject background of study
The profile of the company
Present frame work regarding research design of the study
Explore performance appraisal process in Heritage Foods Pvt Ltd .., Hyderabad
Exam in data, analysis and interpretation
Highlight summary of findings and conclusions
Offer suggestions and recommendations



Performance appraisal is the process of obtaining, analyzing and recording information

about the relative worth of an employee. The focus of the performance appraisal is
measuring and improving the actual performance of the employee and also the future
potential of the employee. Its aim is to measure what an employee does.

According to Flippo, a prominent personality in the field of Human resources,

"performance appraisal is the systematic, periodic and an impartial rating of an employees
excellence in the matters pertaining to his present job and his potential for a better job."
Performance appraisal is a systematic way of reviewing and assessing the performance of an
employee during a given period of time and planning for his future.

It is a powerful tool to calibrate, refine and reward the performance of the employee. It helps
to analyze his achievements and evaluate his contribution towards the achievements of the
overall organizational goals.

By focusing the attention on performance, performance appraisal goes to the heart of

personnel management and reflects the management's interest in the progress of the

Main Components of a Performance Appraisal System.

The specific objectives of an Appraisal determine the components to be used in a

performance appraisal system. Basically the following components are in use in Indian

1. Key Performance Areas (KPAs):-

For role clarity and key result areas (KRA's) for accountability. While KPAs
stress what main functions the appraisal as an individual is expected to perform in the
performance period, KRAs emphasis the accountability or the results the appraisal is
expected to achieve in the performance period. However KPAs are to be preferred
over KRAs as KOAs stress on what the appraiser should do and the effort he has to
put in moreover, an identification of KPA's given and understanding of the nature,
quality and level of performance expected of the time in which the tasks are expected
to be completed.
2. Attributes/Qualities/Trait: -
Attributes as a part of performance Appraisal help in reinforcing the behavior
of qualities or competencies that are required or are to be developed by the
executives. Most organizations, however, realizing the extent of subjectively involved
in trait based appraisals and recognizing the need to promote performance orientation
rather than merely trait orientation have stated using a mixture of KPAs and attributes
for assessment.

3. Self Appraisal: -
Development or change takes place only if the appraise is interested in
development or change. Self-appraisal is an opportunity for the appraise to
recapitulate and list down the accomplishments and failures during the performance
period. The most important part of self-appraisal is the process of review and
reflection and through Performance appraisal. Such performance analysis should be
done both by the appraise and appraiser separately and exchanged during review
4. Performance Analysis: -
Performance Appraisal should be based on the performance planning
dimensions. The work done or the performance during the year should be broken
down into various KPAs/KRAs/tasks/targets. Performance under each of the above
should be analyzed under the following headings. How is the actual performance with
respect to the planned performances what factors contributes to the achievements
from the point of view of the appraise, appraiser environment etc.
5. Performance Review Discussion or counseling: -
A number of objectives can be achieved through performance review discussions
which aims at making the appraiser and the appraise understand each other better by
communicating the performance analysis of appraiser's performance. Performance Appraisal
does not serve the purpose of developing employees unless an effective system of
performance counseling in practiced in the organization performance counseling can be
defined as the help provided by a manager to his subordinates in analyzing their performance
and other job behaviors in order to increase their job effectiveness.
6. Performance Ratings: -
One of the useful out comes of an appraisal is the ratings assigned at the end of
the appraisal to the appraise. This practice distorts the main purpose of appraisals. In
view of this, some organizations are seriously considering dropping rating as a part of
the development oriented appraisal system and keep simple, short and confidential
form separately for it.

7. Identification of training/development needs: -

Appraisal provides a good opportunity to identify the developmental needs of
an employer. Developmental needs should flow from performance analysis. It is
important to identify the 'competency' or 'capability' (he appraise needs to develop in
order to perform a given task better. This rather than (raining program titles. It is
useful to needs of all employees and work out strategies and plans to meet them.
8. Final assessment by the Appraise: -
In some organizations the final ratings given by the appraiser are not
shown to the appraise because the final ratings are given taking into consideration
comparative performance of other in the department. If an organization subscribes to
such philosophy, it is useful to have separate formats for ratings rather than mixing it
up with development oriented appraisals.

9. Reviewing officer's Role: -

In almost all organization the requiring officer given an important role. As
the reviewing officer has a larger responsibility, span of control, authority and
accountability, it is useful to design a significant role for him in the appraisal process.
The remaining officers, to examine the rating behavior of the reporting officers, give
recommendations on developmental needs.
10. Potential Appraisal: -
A system of developing employees for occupying higher positions in the
organizational hierarchy to undertake higher potential appraisal. A good potential
appraisal system attempts to generate data about employees and their potential for
occupying higher positions from a variety of sources, and helps the top management
to make decisions about the suitable persons for given job.
11. Signature by the Appraiser: -
Some organizations require the appraiser to sign the form after the review
discussion is over and ratings are assigned. The intention is that the appraiser should
know what is being stated about him and he should be given a chance to express his
own views in case of negative marks.


360 Degree Performance Appraisal:

The appraiser may be any person who has thorough knowledge about the job contents,
contents to be appraised, standards of contents and who observes the employee while
performing a job. The appraiser should be capable of determining what is more important and
what is relatively less important. The appraiser should prepare reports and make judgments
without bias. Typical appraisers are: supervisors, peers, subordinates, employees themselves,
users of service and consultants. Performance appraisal by all these parties is called 360
degree performance appraisal.
Supervisors include superiors of the employee, other superiors having knowledge
about the work of the employee and department head.
Peers appraisals may be reliable if the work group is stable over a reasonably long
period of" time and performs tasks that require interaction. However, little research has been
conducted to determine how peers establish standards for evaluating others for the over all
effect of peer appraisal on the groups attitude.

The concept of having superiors rated by subordinates is being used in most
organizations. This method can be useful in organizational settings to provide the
relationships between superiors and subordinates are cordial.
Users of services:
Employee performance in service organizations relating through behaviours, promptness,
speed in doing the job and accuracy can be better judged by the customers or users of

Some times consultants may be engaged for appraisal when employers do not trust
supervisor appraisals and management does not trust self appraisal, peer appraisals or
subordinate appraisals. In this situation, consultants are trained and they observe the
employee at work for a sufficiently long time for the purpose of appraisal.

Process of Performance Appraisal

Performance can be undertaken either on informal basis or on formal or systematic basis.
Informal appraisals are conducted when ever the supervisor or personal managers feel it
necessary. However, formal and systematic appraisals are conducted on a regular basis. The
systematic performance appraisal process follows a set pattern and consists few


Establishing Performance Standards

Communicating the Standards
Measuring actual performance
Comparing the actual with the Standards
Discussing the Appraisal
Taking corrective action

1. Establishing Performance Standards

The Appraisal process begins with the setting up of criteria to be used for appraising
the performance of employee. The criteria is specified with the help of job analysis which
reveals the contents of the job. The criteria should be discussed with the supervisors to ensure
that all the relevant factors have be included. These standards should be indicated on the
appraisal form. Appraisal form should be carefully designed and printed.

Performance standards will depend upon the objectives of the appraisals.

2. Communicating the standards

The standards set for performance should be communicated to all the employees. The
standards set must be explained to the employees, so that they come to know what is
expected of them. When the standards are made known to the employees, they will try to
make their performance equal or above them.

3. Measuring actual performance

Once the performance standards are specified and accepted, the next stage is the actual
performance. This requires choosing the right technique of measurement, identifying the internal
and external factors influencing performance and collecting and results achieved. Personal
observations, written reports and face to face contacts are the means of collecting data and

4. Comparing the actual with the standards

Actual performance is compared with the predetermined performance standards. Such
comparison will reveal the deviations. Deviations may be positive or negative. Positive deviations
occur when the actual performance exceeds the standards. Negative deviations occur when the
actual performance is less than the standards.

5. Discussing the appraisal

The results of the appraisal are communicated to the employees and discussed with the
employees. Such discussion will enable the employee to know his weakness and strengths. There
fore employee will be motivated to improve themselves.

6. Taking corrective action

Appraisal process will be useful only when corrective action is taken on the basis of
reports. Corrective action may be in the form of advice, council or warning. It may also be in the
form of additional training, refresher courses, delegation of more authority, special assignment and
coaching, etc. these actions will be useful in helping employees to improve their performance in
future. If the actual performance is very poor and behind the scope of improvement, it may be
necessary to take steps for demotion or retrenchment or any other suitable measure.

Methods and technique of Performance Appraiser

The Performance Appraiser methods differ in the approach for the following reasons.

Firstly, they differ in the resources of traits or qualified to be appraisal.

Secondly, they differ because of the different kinds of worked who are beingrated.

Thirdly, the variations may be caused by the degree of precision attempted in an


Finally, they may differ because of the methods used to obtain weightings for various

A number of performance Appraisal methods are available. The idea used

categorizations is that given Strauss and sakes the methods are classified into traditional and
modern methods.

Once the employee has been selected, trained and motivated, he is then
appraised for his performance. Performance appraisal is the step where the management
finds out how effective it has been hiring and placing employees. If any problems are
identified, steps are taken to communicate with the employee and remedy them.
Performance appraisal or merit rating is one of the oldest and most universal
practices of management. Performance appraisal often provides the rational foundation for
the payment of piecework wages, bonus etc. the estimates of the relative contributions of
employees help to determine the rewards and privileges rationally.
Performance appraisal serves as means for evaluating the effectiveness of
devices used for the selection and classification of workers.
Performance appraisal has been considered as a most significant and
indispensable tool for an organization, for the information it provides is highly useful in
making decisions regarding various personal aspects such as promotions and increases.
According to Ronald Benjamin, performance appraisal determines who
shall receive merit increases, counsels employees ob their improvement determines
training needs, determines promotability, identifies those who should be transferred.


Several methods and techniques of appraisal are available for

measuring the performance of an employee. They are:
1. Straight rank method
2. Man to man comparison method
3. Grading
4. Graphic rating method
5. Forced choice description method
6. Forced distribution method
7. Checklists
8. Free from easy method
9. Critical incidents
10. Group appraisal
11. Field review method

Modern Methods:
1. Assessment center
2. Appraisal by results or management by objectives
3. Human asset accounting method
4. Behaviorally anchored rating sales


1. Straight Rank Method:

It is the oldest & simplest method of performance appraisal,
by which the man and his performance are considered as an entity by the rater. Then
ranking of a man in work group is done against may also do that of another member of a
competitive group by placing him as one or two or three in total group, i.e. persons are
tested in order of merit and place in a simple grouping.

2. Man To-man Comparison Method:

The USA army during the FIRST WORLD WAR used this
technique. By this method, certain factors are selected for the purpose of analysis and a
scale is designed by the rater for each factor. A scale of man is also created for each selected
factor. The each man to be rated is compared with in the scale, and certain scores for each
factor are awarded to him. This method is used in job evaluation, and is known as the factor
comparison method.

3. Grading Method:

Under this system, the rater considers certain features and
marks them accordingly to a scale. The selected features may be analytical ability,
cooperativeness, dependability, self-expression, job knowledge, judgment, leadership and
organizing ability, etc. they may be

A Outstanding,
B Very good,
C Good or average,
D Fair,
E Poor,
-B (or B-) very poor or hopeless.
The actual performance of an employee is then compared with
these grade definitions; such type of grading is done in semester examinations and also in
the selection of candidates by the public service commissions.

4. Graphic or Linear Rating scale:

This is most commonly used method of performance appraisal.
Under it, a printed forms one of each person to be rated. According to juices, these factors
are employee characteristics ad employee contribution. In employee characteristics are
included such qualities and initiative, leadership, cooperativeness, dependability, industry,
attitude, enthusiasm, loyalty, creative ability, decisiveness, analytical ability, emotional
ability and co-ordination. In the employee contribution are quantity and quality of work, the
responsibility assumed specific goals achieved regularity of attendance, leadership offered,
attitude towards supervisors and associates, versatility etc.
The rating scale method is easy to understand and easy to use,
and permits a statistical tabulation of scores. A ready comparison of scores among the
employees is possible.

5. Forced Choice Description Method:
This method was evolved after great deal of research
conducted for military services during World War II. It attempts to correct a raters
tendency to give consistently high or consistently low ratings to all employees. The use of
this method calls for objective reporting and minimum subjective judgment. Under this
method the rating elements are several sets of pair phrases or adjectives (usually sets of
four phrases two of which are positive, two negative) relating to job proficiency
Or personal qualifications. The rater is asked to indicate which of the four phrases is most
and least descriptive of the employee.

6. Forced Description Method:

Joseph Tiffin evolved this method after statistical work. This
system is used to eliminate or minimize raters bias, so that all personnel may not

be placed at the higher end or at the lower end of the scale. It requires the rater to appraise
an employee according to a predetermined distribution scale. Under this
system, it is assumed that it is possible and desirable to rate only to factors, viz., job
performance and promotability. For this purpose, a five point performance scale is used
without any descriptive statement. Employees are placed between the two extremes of
good and bad job performance.

7. Check List:
Under this method, the rater does not evaluate employee
performance; he supplies report about it and the personnel department does the final rating.
A series of questions are presented concerning an employee to his behaviour. The rater, the
checks to indicate if the answer to a question about an employee is positive or negative. An
example of check list is given below:

1. Is the employee really interested in his job? Yes/No

2. Is regular on his job? Yes/No
3. Does he follow instructions properly? Yes/No
4. Is he always wiling to help other employees? Yes/No
5. Does he ever make mistakes? Yes/No

8. Free Easy Method:

Under this method, the supervisor makes a free from, open-
ended appraisal of an employee in his own words and puts down his impressions about the
employee. He takes not of these factors.
a.General Organization and planning ability.
b. Job knowledge and potential.
c.Employee characteristics and attitudes.
d. Understanding and application of company policies and procedures.
e.Production, quality and cost control.
f. Physical conditions.
g. Development needs for future.
9. Critical Incident Method:
The essence of this system is that I attempts to measure
workers performance of certain events or episodes that occur in the performance of the
rates job. The supervisor keeps a written record of the events that can easily be recalled and
used in the course of periodical of formal appraisal. Feedback is provided about the
incidents during performance review session. Various behaviors are recorded under such
categories as the type of job, requirements for employees, judgment, learning ability,
productivity and precision in work, responsibility and initiative.

10. Group Appraisal Method:

Under this method, an appraisal group rates employees,
Consisting of their supervisor and three or four other supervisors who have knowledge of
their performance. The supervisor explains to the group the nature of his subordinates
duties. The group then discusses the standards of performance for that job, the actual
performance of the job holder, and the causes of their particular level of performance, and
offers suggestions for future improvement, if any.

11.Field Review Method:

Under this method, trainer employees from the personnel
department interview line supervisors to evaluate their respective subordinates. The appraiser
is fully equipped with definite test questions, usually memorized in advance, which he puts to
the supervisors. The supervisor is required to give his opinion about the progress of his
subordinates, the level of the performance of each subordinate, his weakness, good points,
outstanding ability, and promotability, and the possible plans of action in cases requiring
further consideration.


1) Appraisal by Results Management by Objectives(MBO):

Peter ducker has evolved this method. MBO is potentially a
powerful philosophy of managing and an effective way for operationlising the evaluation
process. It seeks to minimize external controls and maximize internal motivation through
joint goal setting between the managers and subordinate and increasing the subordinates
own control of the work. It strongly reinforces the importance of allowing the subordinate
to participate actively in the decisions that affect him directly. Management by objectives
can be described as a process where by the supervisor and subordinate managers of an
organization jointly identify its common goals, define each individuals major areas of
responsibility in terms of results expected of him and use these measures as guides for
operating the unit and assessing the contributions of each of its members.

Objectives of MBO:

MBO has an objective in itself. The objective is to change
behaviour and attitudes towards the affecting getting the job done. In other words, it is
result oriented; it is performance that counts. It is a management system and philosophy
that stresses goals rather has methods. It provides responsibility and accountability and
recognizes that employees have needs for achievement and self-fulfillment. It meets
These needs by providing opportunities for participation goals setting process. Sub
ordinates become involved in planning their own careers.
MBO Process:
This method emphasizes the value of the present and the future
instead of that of the past, and focuses attention on the results that are accomplished and not
on personal traits or operational methodology. An employee is not judged in terms of
operational methodology, or in terms of initiative, cooperativeness, attitude, emotional
stability, or any other human quality, but on the basis of the achievement of the targets that
have been set. This method is largely applied to technical, professional, supervisory or
execute personnel and not to the hourly paid workers because their jobs are usually too
Under MBO programme, an employee and his supervisory
meet and together define, establish and set certain goals or objectives which the employee
would attempt to achieve within the period of, prescribed time.
It consists of five basic steps:
Set organizational goals i.e., establishment of an organization wide strategy
and goals.
Joint goals setting i.e., establishment of short term performance targets
between the management and the subordinate in a conference between them.
Performance review i.e., frequent performance review meetings between the
manager and the subordinate.
Set check points i.e., establishment of major check points to measure progress.
Feed back.

1) Benefits of MBO Programme:
The benefits of MBO programme are:
MBO helps and increases employee motivation because it reveals overall
goals to the individual goals and help to increase an employees understanding
of where the organization is and where it is heading.
MBO reduces role conflict and ambiguity. Role conflict exists when a person
is faced with conflicting demands from two or more. Supervisors and role
ambiguity exists when a person is uncertain as how he will be evaluated, or
what he has to achieve. Since MBO aims at providing clear targets and their
order of priority, it reduces both these situations.
MBO identifies problems better and early. Frequent performance review
sessions make this possible.
MBO forces and aids in planning. By forcing top management to establish a
strategy and goals for the entire organization and by requiring other managers
to set their targets and plan how to reach them.
MBO helps he individual manager to develop personal leadership especially
the skills of listening, planning, counseling, motivating and evaluating.

2) Assessment Center Method:

Under this method, many evaluations join together to judge
employee performance in several situations with the use of a variety of criteria. The purpose
of this method was end is to test the candidates in a social situation using a number of
assessors and a variety of procedures. The most important feature of this is job related

3). Human Asset Accounting Method:

This method refers to activity devoted to attaching money estimates
to the value of a firms internal human organization and its external customer goodwill. If
able, well trained personnel leave a firm, the human organization is worthless if they join it,
its human assets are increased. If distrust and conflict prevail, the human enterprise
devalued. If team work and high moral prevail, the human organization is a very valuable

4) Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales(BARS):

This is a new technique for appraisals. It provides better, more
equitable appraisals as compared to other techniques. Though bars technique is more time
consuming and expensive than other appraisal tools. Since bars is done by persons expert
in the technique, the results are sufficiently accurate. It has got certain advantages:
More accurate
It clearly clarifies what we extremely good performance, average
performance & so forth.
More useful in providing feedback to the people being appraised.
Helps in making dimensions more independent if one another.
The technique is not biased by the experience and evaluation of the



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galore to entrepreneurs worldwide, who wish to capitalize on one of the world's largest and
fastest growing markets for milk and milk products. A bagful of 'pearls' awaits the
international dairy processor in India. The Indian dairy industry is rapidly growing, trying to
keep pace with the galloping progress around the world. As he expands his overseas
operations to India many profitable options await him. He may transfer technology, sign joint
ventures or use India as a sourcing center for regional exports. The liberalization of the
Indian economy beckons to MNC's and foreign investors alike.

Indias dairy sector is expected to triple its production in the next 10 years in view of
expanding potential for export to Europe and the West. Moreover with WTO regulations
expected to come into force in coming years all the developed countries which are among big
exporters today would have to withdraw the support and subsidy to their domestic milk
products sector. Also India today is the lowest cost producer of per liter of milk in the world,
at 27 cents, compared with the U.S' 63 cents, and Japans $2.8 dollars. Also to take advantage
of this lowest cost of milk production and increasing production in the country multinational
companies are planning to expand their activities here. Some of these milk producers have
already obtained quality standard certificates from the authorities. This will help them in
marketing their products in foreign countries in processed form.

The urban market for milk products is expected to grow at an accelerated pace of
around 33% per annum to around Rs.43, 500 corers by year 2007. This growth is going to
come from the greater emphasis on the processed foods sector and also by increase in the
conversion of milk into milk products. By 2007, the value of Indian dairy produce is
expected to be Rs 10, 00,000 million. Presently the market is valued at around Rs7,


India with 134mn cows and 125mn buffaloes has the largest population of cattle in the
world. Total cattle population in the country as on October'00 stood at 313mn. More than
fifty percent of the buffaloes and twenty percent of the cattle in the world are found in India
and most of these are milch cows and milch buffaloes.

Indian dairy sector contributes the large share in agricultural gross domestic products.
Presently there are around 70,000 village dairy cooperatives across the country. The co-
operative societies are federated into 170 district milk producers unions, which is turn has
22-state cooperative dairy federation. Milk production gives employment to more than 72mn
dairy farmers. In terms of total production, India is the leading producer of milk in the world
followed by USA. The milk production in 1999-00 is estimated at 78mn MT as compared to
74.5mn MT in the previous year. This production is expected to increase to 81mn MT by
2000-01. Of this total produce of 78mn cows' milk constitute 36mn MT while rest is from
other cattle.

While world milk production declined by 2 per cent in the last three years, according
to FAO estimates, Indian production has increased by 4 per cent. The milk production in
India accounts for more than 13% of the total world output and 57% of total Asia's
production. The top five milk producing nations in the world are India, USA, Russia,
Germany and France.

Although milk production has grown at a fast pace during the last three decades
(courtesy: Operation Flood), milk yield per animal is very low. The main reasons for the low
yield are

Lack of use of scientific practices in mulching.

Inadequate availability of fodder in all seasons.
Unavailability of veterinary health services.

The transition of the Indian milk industry from a situation of net import to that of
surplus has been led by the efforts of National Dairy Development Board's Operation Flood.
Programmer under the aegis of the former Chairman of the board Dr. Kurien.

Launched in 1970, Operation Flood has led to the modernization of India's dairy
sector and created a strong network for procurement processing and distribution of milk by
the co-operative sector. Per capita availability of milk has increased from 132 gm per day in
1950 to over 220 gm per day in 1998. The main thrust of Operation Flood was to organize
dairy cooperatives in the milk shed areas of the village, and to link them to the four Metro
cities, which are the main markets for milk. The efforts undertaken by NDDB have not only
led to enhanced production, improvement in methods of processing and development of a
strong marketing network, but have also led to the emergence of dairying as an important
source of employment and income generation in the rural areas. It has also led to an
improvement in yields, longer lactation periods, shorter calving intervals, etc through the use
of modern breeding techniques. Establishment of milk collection centers, and chilling centers
has enhanced life of raw milk and enabled minimization of wastage due to spoilage of milk.
Operation Flood has been one of the world's largest dairy development programmers and
looking at the success achieved in India by adopting the co-operative route, a few other
countries have also replicated the model of India's White Revolution.

Fresh Milk

Over 50% of the milk produced in India is buffalo milk, and 45% is cow milk. The
buffalo milk contribution to total milk produce is expected to be 54% in 2000. Buffalo milk
has 3.6% protein, 7.4% fat, 5.5% milk sugar, 0.8% ash and 82.7% water whereas cow milk
has 3.5% protein, 3.7% fat, 4.9% milk sugar, 0.7% ash and 87% water. While presently (for
the year 2000) the price of Buffalo milk is ruling at $261-313 per MT that of cow is ruling at

$170-267 per MT. Fresh pasteurized milk is available in packaged form. However, a large
part of milk consumed in India is not pasteurized, and is sold in loose form by vendors.
Sterilized milk is scarcely available in India. Packaged milk can be divided according to fat
content as follows,

Whole (full cream) milk - 6% fat

Standardized (toned) milk - 4.5% fat
Doubled toned (low fat) milk - 3% fat
another category of milk, which has a small market is flavored milk.

Growing Volumes

The effective milk market is largely confined to urban areas, inhabited by over 25 per cent
of the country's population. An estimated 50 per cent of the total milk produced is consumed
here. By the end of the twentieth century, the urban population is expected to increase by
more than 100 million to touch 364 million in 2000 a growth of about 40 per cent. The
expected rise in urban population would be a boon to Indian dairying. Presently, the
organized sector both cooperative and private and the traditional sector cater to this market.

The consumer access has become easier with the information revolution. The number of
households with TV has increased from 23 million in 1989 to 45 million in 1995. About 34
per cent of these households in urban India have access to satellite television channel.

Potential for further growth

Of the three A's of marketing - availability, acceptability and affordability, Indian

dairying is already endowed with the first two. People in India love to drink milk. Hence no
efforts are needed to make it acceptable. Its availability is not a limitation either, because of
the ample scope for increasing milk production, given the prevailing low yields from dairy
cattle. It leaves the third vital marketing factor affordability. How to make milk affordable for
the large majority with limited purchasing power? That is essence of the challenge. One
practical way is to pack milk in small quantities of 250 ml or less in polythene sachets.
Already, the glass bottle for retailing milk has given way to single-use sachets which are
more economical. Another viable alternative is to sell small quantities of milk powder in
mini-sachets, adequate for two cups of tea or coffee.

Marketing Strategy for 2000 AD

Two key elements of marketing strategy for 2000 AD are: Focus on strong brands and,
product mix expansion to include UHT milk, cheese, ice creams and spreads. The changing
marketing trends will see the shift from generic products to the packaged quasi, regular and
premium brands. The national brands will gradually edge out the regional brands or reduce
their presence. The brand image can do wonders to a product's marketing as is evident from
the words of Perfume Princess Coco Channel: In the factory, we pack perfume; in the market,
we sell hope!

Emerging Dairy Markets

Food service institutional market: It is growing at double the rate of consumer
Defense market: An important growing market for quality products at reasonable
Ingredients market: A boom is forecast in the market of dairy products used as raw
material in pharmaceutical and allied industries
Par lour market: The increasing away-from-home consumption trend opens new
vistas for ready-to-serve dairy products which would ride piggyback on the fast food
revolution sweeping the urban India

. India, with her sizable dairy industry growing rapidly and on the path of
modernization, would have a place in the sun of prosperity for many decades to come.
The one index to the statement is the fact that the projected total milk output over the
next 15 years (1995-2012) would exceed 1457.6 million tones which is twice the total
production of the past 15 years!

Market Size and Growth

Market size for milk (sold in loose/ packaged form) is estimated to be 36mn MT
valued at Rs470bn. The market is currently growing at round 4% pa in volume terms. The
milk surplus states in India are Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat,
Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The manufacturing of milk
products is concentrated in these milk surplus States. The top 6 states viz. Uttar Pradesh,
Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat together account for 58% of
national production.

Milk production grew by a mere 1% pa between 1947 and 1970. Since the early 70's, under
Operation Flood, production growth increased significantly averaging over 5% pa.

About 75% of milk is consumed at the household level which is not a part of commercial
dairy industry. Loose milk has a larger market in India as it is perceived to be fresh by most
consumers. In reality however, it poses a higher risk of adulteration and contamination.

The production of milk products, i.e. milk products including infant milk food, malted food,
condensed milk & cheese stood at 3.07 lakh MT in 1999. Production of milk powder
including infant milk-food has risen to 2.25 lakh MT in 1999, whereas that of malted food is
at 65000 MT. Cheese and condensed milk production stands at 5000 and 11000 MT
respectively in the same year..

Amul's secret of success

The system succeeded mainly because it provides an assured market at remunerative

prices for producers' milk besides acting as a channel to market the production enhancement
package. What's more, it does not disturb the agro-system of the farmers. It also enables the
consumer an access to high quality milk and milk products. Contrary to the traditional

system, when the profit of the business was cornered by the middlemen, the system ensured
that the profit goes to the participants for their socio-economic upliftment and common good.

Looking back on the path traversed by Amul, the following features make it a pattern and
model for emulation elsewhere. Amul has been able to:

Produce an appropriate blend of the policy makers farmers board of management and
the professionals: each group appreciating its roles and limitations
Bring at the command of the rural milk producers the best of the technology and
harness its fruit for betterment
Provide a support system to the milk producers without disturbing their agro-
economic systems
Plough back the profits, by prudent use of men, material and machines, in the rural
sector for the common good and betterment of the member producers and
Even though, growing with time and on scale, it has remained with the smallest
producer members. In that sense, Alum is an example par excellence, of an
intervention for rural change.

The Union looks after policy formulation, processing and marketing of milk, provision of
technical inputs to enhance milk yield of animals, the artificial insemination service,
veterinary care, better feeds and the like - all through the village societies.

The village society also facilitates the implementation of various production enhancement
and member education programs undertaken by the Union. The staff of the village societies
have been trained to undertake the veterinary first-aid and the artificial insemination
activities on their own.

Amul's success: A model for other districts to follow.

Amul's success led to the creation of similar structures of milk producers in other
districts of Gujarat. They drew on Amul's experience in project planning and execution. Thus
the 'Anand Pattern' was followed not just in Kaira district but in Mehsana, Sabarkantha,
Banaskantha, Baroda and Surat districts also. Even before the Dairy Board of India was born,
farmers and their leaders carried out empirical tests of the hypotheses that explained Amurs
success. In these districts, milk producers and their leaders experienced significant
commonalties and found easy and effortless ways to adapt Amul's gameplan to their
respective areas. This led to the Creation of the National Dairy Development Board with the
clear mandate of replicating the 'An and pattern' in other parts of the country. Initially the
pattern was followed for the dairy sector but at a later stage oilseeds, fruit and vegetables,
salt, and tree sectors also benefited from it's success.



The Heritage Group, founded in 1992 by Sri Nara Chandra Babu Naidu, is one of
the fastest growing Private Sector Enterprises in India, with three-business divisions viz.,
Dairy, Retail and Agri under its flagship Company Heritage Foods (India) Limited (HFIL),
one infrastructure subsidiary - Heritage Infra Developers Limited and other associate
Companies viz., Heritage Finlease Limited, Heritage International Limited and Heritage
Agro Merine Private Limited. The annual turnover of Heritage Foods crossed Rs.347 crores
in 2011-07 and is aiming for Rs.700 crores during 2012-08.

Presently Heritages milk products have market presence in Andhra Pradesh,

Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra and its retail stores across Bangalore,
Chennai and Hyderabad. Integrated agri operations are in Chittoor and Medak Districts and
these are backbone to retail operations.

In the year 1994, HFIL went to Public Issue to raise resources, which was
oversubscribed 54 times and its shares are listed under B1 Category on BSE (Stock Code:
519552) and NSE (Stock Code: HERITGFOOD)

The Founder

Mr. Nara Chandrababu Naidu

Heritage Foods Limited, India

Mr. Nara Chandrababu Naidu is one of the greatest dynamic, pragmatic, progressive
and visionary Leaders of the 21st Century.

With an objective of "Bringing prosperity into rural families through co-operative
efforts", he along with a few like minded, friends and associates promoted 'Heritage Foods' in
the year 1992 taking opportunity from the Industrial Policy, 1991 of the Government of India
to which end he has been successful.

At present, Heritage has a market presence in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharastra, Odisha, NCR Delhi,Haryana, Rajasthan,
Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and Uttarakhand.More than three thousand
villages and three lakh farmers are being benefited in these states. On the other side, Heritage
is serving millions of customers needs by, employing more than 2400 people and generating
indirect employment opportunities for more than 10000 people. Beginning with a humble
annual turnover of Rs.4.38 crores in 1993-94, the annual turnover of Heritage Foods crossed
Rs 2642.89 crores in financial year 2016-17.

Mr. Chandrababu Naidu was born on April 20, 1951 in Naravaripally Village,
Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh, India. His late father Mr. N. Kharjura Naidu was an
agriculturist and his late mother Smt. Ammanamma was a housewife. Mr. Naidu did his
schooling in Chandragiri. He went on to study at the Sri Venkateswara Arts College, Tirupati.
He later also obtained his Masters in Economics from the Sri Venkateswara University,
Tirupati. Mr. Naidu is married to Mrs. Bhuvaneswari, the daughter of Mr. N T Rama Rao,
Ex-Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and a famous star of Telugu Cinema. Mrs. N
Bhuvaneswari is the Vice Chairperson & Managing Director of the company.

Mr. Naidu held various positions of office in college and organised a number of social
activities. Following the 1977 cyclone, which devastated the Diviseema Taluk of Krishna
District, he actively organised donations and relief material from Chittoor district for the
cyclone victims. Mr. Naidu has always evinced keen interest in rural development activities
in general and the upliftment of the poor and downtrodden sections of society in particular.

Mr. Naidu has held various coveted and honourable positions including Chief
Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Minister for Finance & Revenue, Minister for Archives &

Cinematography, Member of the A.P. Legislative Assembly, Director of A.P. Small Scale
Industries Development Corporation, and Chairman of Karshaka Parishad.

Mr. Naidu has been honoured with numerous prestigious awards including "Member of the
World Economic Forum's Dream Cabinet" (Time Asia), "South Asian of the Year" (Time
Asia), "Business Person of the Year" (Economic Times), and "IT Indian of the Millennium"
(India Today).

Mr. Naidu was chosen as one of 50 leaders at the forefront of change in the year 2000 by the
Business Week magazine for being an unflinching proponent of technology and for his drive
to transform the State of Andhra Pradesh.

Mr. Naidu has been re-elected as the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh in the 2014 elections.

Heritage Slogan
Bring Home Health & Happiness

When you are healthy, we are healthy

When you are happy, we are happy

Forward looking statements:

We have grown, and intended to grow, focusing on harnessing our

willingness to experiment and innovate our ability to transform our drive towards excellence
in quality, our people first attitude and our strategic direction.


Bringing prosperity into rural families of India through co-operative efforts

and providing customers with hygienic, affordable and convenient supply of Fresh and
Healthy " food products.


To be a progressive billion dollar organization with a pan India foot print by 2012.To
achieve this by delighting customers with "Fresh and Healthy" food products, those are a
benchmark for quality in the industry.

We are committed to enhanced prosperity and the empowerment of the

farming community through our unique "Relationship Farming" Model.

To be a preferred employer by nurturing entrepreneurship, managing career

aspirations and providing innovative avenues for enhanced employee prosperity.


Mr. Seetharamaiah Devineni Chairperson,

Commerce graduate from Andhra University and a fellow member of the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India. Senior partner of Brahmayya & Co., a leading Chartered
Accountancy firm and has been practicing for the last five decades. Has held various coveted
posts, which include Membership of the Southern Regional Board of Reserve Bank of India,
and Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chairpersonship of
the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams Trust Board and Trusteeship of the NTR Memorial
Trust. Is also on the Board of several other companies.

Mr. Srivishnu Raju Nandyala Director,

Holds a bachelors degree in Chemical Engineering from Osmania University, Andhra

Pradesh. Founder Chairperson and CEO of EXCIGA group, which consists of five non
banking finance companies. Founder and Past President of Entrepreneurs Organization,
Hyderabad. Past President of CII's (Confederation of Indian Industries) Young Indians,

Hyderabad Chapter and a past member on the state council of CII. Is a Director in several
Public and Private Companies.

Mr. Rajesh Thakur Ahuja Director,

Graduate in Production Engineering from Pune University Engineering College. Started

Silver line Wire Products in 1993 as a manufacturer of plastic coated wire products for
household applications. In 1998, started marketing under the brand name of Sleek. Presently
he is Managing Director at M/s. Sleek International Private Limited, which is a subsidiary
company of M/s. Asian Paints Limited, Mumbai. Currently pursuing Owner President
Management Programme at Harvard University, USA.

Dr. Nagaraja Naidu Vadlamudi Director,

M. Com, M. Litt and a PhD. (Financial Management), Began his career from the
Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad in 1972. Has held various positions in
reputed Universities, like Professor, Dean, Director etc., and has taught in the fields of
Finance and Business Economics at Post Graduate and Doctorate levels for about 25 years.
Has been the Registrar (Administrative Head) of the Dr B R Ambedkar Open University for
about 10 years. Has been associated with the company since it's inception and has been able
to utilize his intimate understanding of the rural socio-economic scenario to strengthen milk
procurement systems and strategies of Heritage, which has contributed to the current status of
Heritage as a leading player in South India.

Mrs. Bhuvaneswari Nara Vice-Chairperson & Managing Director,

B.A Graduate, Is a Director in several other Companies. Is a dynamic leader who has
extensive experience in business and has been successfully steering Heritage towards growth
and better prospects.

Mrs. Brahmani Nara Executive Director,

Master's Degree in Business Administration from Stanford University, Bachelor of Science

degree in Electrical Engineering from Santa Clara University USA and Bachelor of
Engineering with specialization of Electronics and Communications from Chaitanya Bharathi
Institute of Technology. Investment Associate in Vertex Venture Management Pvt Ltd
between 2009-2011 in Singapore and was associated with the Company as a Vice-President
(Business Development).

Quality policy of HFIL:

We are committed to achieve customer satisfaction through hygienically processed

and packed Milk and Milk Products. We strive to continually improve the quality of our
products and services through up gradation of technologies and systems.

Heritage's soul has always been imbibed with an unwritten perpetual commitment to
itself, to always produce and provide quality products with continuous efforts to improve the
process and environment.

Adhering to its moral commitment and its continuous drive to achieve

excellence in quality of Milk, Milk products & Systems, Heritage has always been laying
emphasis on not only reviewing & re-defining quality standards, but also in implementing
them successfully. All activities of Processing, Quality control, Purchase, Stores, Marketing
and Training have been documented with detailed quality plans in each of the departments.

Today Heritage feels that the ISO certificate is not only an epitome of achieved
targets, but also a scale to identify & reckon, what is yet to be achieved on a continuous
basis. Though, it is a beginning, Heritage has initiated the process of standardizing and
adopting similar quality systems at most of its other plants.


Milk Producers:

Change in life styles of rural families in terms of:

Regular high income through co-operative efforts.

Women participation in income generation.

Saved from price exploitation by un-organized sector .

Remunerative prices for milk.

Increase of milk productivity through input and extension activities

Shift from risky agriculture to dairy farming


financial support for purchase of cattle; insuring cattle

Establishment of Cattle Health Care Centers

Supplying high quality Cattle feed

Organizing "Rythu Sadasu" and Video programmes for educating
the formers in dairy farming.


Timely Supply of Quality & Healthy Products

Supply high quality milk and milk products at affordable prices

Focused on Nutritional Foods

More than 4 lakh happy customers

High customer satisfaction

24 hours help lines ( <10 complaints a day)


enhancing the Technical and Managerial skills of Employees through continuous

training and development

Best appraisal systems to motivate employees

Incentive, bonus and reward systems to encourage employees

Heritage forges ahead with a motto "add value to everything you do"



Consistent Dividend Payment since Public Issue (January 1995)


Highest impotence to investor service; no notice from any

regulatory authority since 2001 in respect of investor service

Very transparent disclosures


Doehlar: technical collaboration in Milk drinks, yogurts drinks and fruit flavored
drinks Alfa-Laval: supplier of high-end machinery and technical support Focusing on Tetra
pack association for products package.


Potential Employment Generation more than 3500 employees are working with
heritage more than 9500 procurement agents got self employment in rural areas more
than 5000 sales agents associated with the company

Employment for the youth by providing financial and animal husbandry support
for establishing MINI DAIRIES

producing highly health conscious products for the society

Qualities of management principles:

1. Customer focuses to understand and meet the changing needs and expectations of

2. People involvement to promote team work and tap the potential of people.

3. Leadership to set constancy of purpose and promote quality culture trough out the

4. Process approach to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of each process.

5. Systems approach to understand the sequence and interaction of process.

6. Factual approach to decision making to ensure its accuracy.

7. Continual improvement processes for improved business results.

8. Development of suppliers to get right product and services in right time at right

Product/Market wise performance:

The total turnover is Rs 341 Crores during the financial year 2011-089against
the turnover of 292.02 Crores in 2009-08. Today Heritage distributes quality milk & milk
products in the states of A.P, Karnataka, and Kerala & Tamil nadu.

During the year 2011-09 liquid milk sales was Rs.28329.79 lakhs against
Rs.24525.23 lakhs in the previous year. The sales of milk products including bulk sales of
cream, ghee and butter were recorded Rs 5781.59 lakhs against Rs 4677.21 lakhs

Milk sales:

23% growth was recorded in AP 2.38 lakhs litres per day(LLPD) in 2011-09 against
1.93 LLPD in 2009-08. 13% growth was recorded in Tamilnadu-1.53 LLPD in 2012-08
against 1.35 LLPD in 2009-08. Over all growth of 6% was recorded- 5.49 LLPD in 2012-08
against 5.16 LLPD. Flavored milk sales recorded a growth rate of 77% over 2009-08. Butter
milk sales have gone up by 45% over 2009-08.


Considering the growth potential in the liquid milk market, the company has
drawn plans to increase its market share in the existing markets and to enter into new markets

there by doubling revenues in dairy business in the next 3 years. To achieve this object,
company is undertaking major expansion in dairy business by inverting over Rs20 crores
during 2011-09 and over Rs10 crores during the current year to strengthen the milk


HFIL has 3 wings. They are

1. Dairy

2. Retail

3. Agribusiness

1. Dairy:

It is the major wing among all. The dairy products manufactured by HFIL are Milk,
curd, butter, ghee, flavoured milk, paneer, doodhpeda, ice cream.

2. Retail:

In the retail sector HFIL has outlets namely Fresh@. In those stores the
products sold are vegetables, milk& milk products, grocery, pulses, fruits etc.

In Hyderabad 19 retail shops are there. In Bangalore& Chennai, 3&4

respectively are there. Totally there are 26 retail shops are there.

Fresh@ is a unique chain of retail stores, designed to meet the needs of the
modern Indian consumer. The store rediscovers the taste of nature every day making grocery
shopping a never before experience.

The unique& distinctive feature of Fresh@ is that it offers the widest range of
fresh fruits and vegetables which are directly hand picked from the farms. Freshness lies in
their merchandise and the customers are always welcomed with fresh fruits and vegetables
no matter what what time they walk in.

3. Agri Business:

In this business HFIL employees will go to farmers and have a deal with them.
Those farmers will sell their goods like vegetables, pulses to HFIL only. And HFIL will
transport the goods to retail outlets.

The agricultural professors will examine which area is suitable to import

vegetables from and also examine the vegetables, pulses and fruits in the lab. And finally
they report to the Head-Agribusiness. Representatives as per the instructions given by the
agri professors will approach the farmers directly and make a deal with them. It is the process
of registering the farmers

Contact Us

6-3-541/C, Panjagutta
Hyderabad - 500 082

Phone: 040 - 2339 1221 / 222

Fax: 040 - 3068 5458



The research design in preliminary design of research work to

be carried out and is in agreement to the condition for collection and analysis of data in
manner that aims to combine prevalence of research design with respect to work carried
data, techniques used to interpret and analyze the data and finally concluding on certain
with the help of findings and recommendations.


Employees, executives and mere workers are the backbone of
every organization. In fact, questions like do the organization achieve the said goals? Does
the organization work smoothly? Will be answered by the efficiency, commitment,
contentment, dedication, inclination to work and such other positive tendencies of the
employees. Bet whether the employees are committed, dedicated, willing to work hard etc.
depends on few factors viz., employees feelings about the nature of work, yearning for
recognition, cordial relations and above all a well guided and properly designed personnel
appraisal system is implemented to achieve the said goal. This has led to the researcher to
choose the topic.
In the present study an attempt has been made to throw a
beacon of light on the various aspects related to performance appraisal system as witnesses
Heritage Foods Pvt Ltd ., Hyderabad. Based on the analysis it needs to be probed how
performance appraisal practices help in achieving the organizational goal?


Performance appraisal system serves the organizational
objectives and goals besides encouraging high level performance. This evaluation system is
useful in identifying employees, rewarding performance equitably and determining
employee needs for development. These are some of the activities that support the
organizations strategic orientation.
In Heritage Foods Pvt Ltd . Hyderabad, performance appraisal system was
carried out in two ways. For executives grading system is carried out and for workers they
implement merit rating system. These systems are carries on at different intervals.
For executives the grading system is carried out once in a year
and for workers if his done ever six months. These systems have the following procedures.


Stages of Appraisal:
1). The appraisal consists of the following stages:
Job knowledge.
Mental ability.
General disposition.
Leadership (for supervisory staff).

2). General comments are overall assessment including development needs

of the appraised leading to the final assessment.
3). Review discussion between appraised.
4). Follow up action, if any, to be taken.

Appraisal Ratings:
Individual factors failing within the areas including separate
weightages for WG 1 to 6, WG 5 to 6, WSI, administrative staff is follows:
Factors WGI WGV/VI WSI Administrative
to WGIV Staff
Job knowledge 4 2 2 4
Mental ability 3 2 5 4
Attitude 5 5 4 6
General ability 3 6 2 2
Efficiency/leadership 5 5 7 7

Factor Score:
Each of these factors has to be assessed on a 5-point scale multiplied
by the specified weightage from each other factor. Assessment of each factor will be done
separately by the reporting officer and the reviewing officer.


A general description along with a development plan is
provided for assessment. In this the reporting as well as reviewing officers well mention the
contribution, achievements, strength and weakness of the appraised, the areas in which he
needs improvement and the plan of action there on.

A review discussion between appraise n the reporting officer
will take place after the appraisal of the employee is completed both by the reporting and
reviewing officers.
The personnel department in consultation with the head of the
department concerne will take the necessary follow up- action.
The officers are required to evaluate the performance of the
workers every 6 months in a year.
Foods Pvt Ltd ., HYDEARBAD.
In Heritage Foods Pvt Ltd ., Hyderabad the performance
appraisal is mainly done through rating method. In this method they provide some kind of a
scale for measuring absolute difference between individuals. In Heritage Foods Pvt Ltd
indirect employees are in WG I, II, III and IV for them there is a separate appraisal from
through their work is assessed.

The appraisal system consists of the following stages:
1. Appraisal rating of the workmen on job:
1. job knowledge
2. efficiency of work
3. volume of output
4. Quality of output.
2. General comments and overall assessment including development of the appraisal
leading to the final assessment.
3. A review discussion between the appraiser and appraise.
4. Follow up action, if any, to be taken.

Appraisal Rating:
Individual factors failing within the above areas have separate
weightages. The details are given below:

Job knowledge 4
Volume of output 6
Efficiency of work 6
Quality of output 4
Minimum score 60%

Factors Score:
Each of these factors has to be assessed on a 5-point scale and
multiplied by the specified weightage from each other. Both the reporting officer and the
reviewing officer will separately assess each other.


An accepted system of performance appraisal is a great asset in
the development of human resources in an organization.
It helps in assessing managerial strengths and weakness. Such a
system should be an effective tool of growth for the individual as well as contribute to
increase the recognition of the organization and the people in it. A performance appraisal
system has been evolved with this in mind.
To make known the performance base of the employees and to ensure an
objective assessment of employees performance potential,
To establish an objective basis for the different levels of performance and to
identify executives with potential to grow in the organization.
To counsel the employees appropriately regarding their strengths and
weakness and assist in developing them to realize their full potential in line
with the companys objectives and goals.

This system consists of the following stages:
1. appraisal rating of the employees on:
Job performance factors.
Managerial ability factors.

2. General comments and overall assessment including developmental needs of the

appraise leading to the final assessment.

3. A review discussion between the appraiser and appraise.

4. Follow up action, if any to be taken.

Individual factors failing within the above areas have separate
weighages for supervisory and executive groups. These are given below:

A Job Performance Factors:

Factors Weightage
Supervisors Executive
Job knowledge 6 4
Quality of work 6 4
Target fulfillment 6 4
Cost/time control 6 4
Safety consciousness 6 4
TOTAL: 30 20

B. Managerial Ability Factors:

Factors Weightage
Supervisors Executive
Planning and organizing 2 2
Problem analysis and decision making 2 2
Interpersonal skills 2 4
Communication skills 2 4
Self motivation 2 3
Commitment 2 2
Responsiveness to change/innovation 2 3
Developing subordinates 2 3
Management of human resources 2 4
Positive discipline 2 2
TOTAL(B) 2 30
TATAL(A+B) 2 50

Factor Score:
Each of these has to be assessed on a 5-point scale and multiple
by the specified weightage from each other. Assessment of each factor will be done
separately by the reporting officer and the reviewing officer.
Total appraisal score:
In arriving at the total score, the following weightages are
given to the assessment of reporting/reviewing officers.
Reporting officer-60%
Reviewing officer-40%
The total appraisal score for each of this appraise are arrived at
by applying weightages as given below:

Total factor Weightage Score Weighted Score
Reporting Officer 200 60% 120
Reviewing Officer 150 40% 60
Total appraisal score 180

For the purpose of consideration for promotion the total

appraisal score will be divided by 5 and entered in the assessment sheet.


A general descriptive assessment is provided along with a
development plan. In this, the reporting officer will mention the contribution, achievement,
strengths and weakness of the appraise, in the areas in which he needs improvement and
A Final overall assessment should be arrived at as under:
Total appraisal score:
200 and above - outstanding
180 and above - very good
150 and above - marginal
120 and above - poor

Review Discussion:
A review discussion between the appraisee and the reporting
officer will the place after the appraisal of the employee is completed both by the reporting
and reviewing officers. During the review discussion, the appraisee should give a list of the
factors to the appraisal of the employee is completed him approximately on the areas of
strengths and weaknesses. He should specially indicate the lines on which the appraisee
should make improvements and give him proper guideline. The response of the appraisee
should there after be recorded.

Outstanding appraisals of executives shall be subject to review
in detail by performance review committees constituted as under. The above committees
shall examine these ratings on objective basis keeping in view the significant contributions
of the assesses in relation to the unit/company performance.
Chief of unit
Chief of finance not below the rank of DGM
Chief of personnel
Chief of works/division
Functional director
Business group director
Executive director not below the rank of GM
Chief of unit
Representative of director, finance
Representative of director, personnel

C). Unit chief and above- chairman, managing director and functional director:
The above performance shall also review the ratings of low
performers with the reference to the constraints, if any, faced by the appraisee. The
committees may also recommend development through training or change of job to enable
such low performers to improve their performance.

The appraisal format shall be filled each financial year before
30th April, with effect from 1992-93.


The reporting officer shall normally be the immediate superior of the assesses.
One executive of one group should write no appraisal for another in the same
group. The reporting officer shall in these cases de from the next group.
The reviewing officer should be one step above the reporting officer.

The interpretation of the personnel directorate shall be final in
respect of this system.
Management reserves the right to modify the performance
appraisal system partially of wholly.
The performance improvement and development system shall
comprise the following steps:
a) Target setting and identifying the personnel development needs by appraiser and
appraisee jointly.
b) First 4months review by the appraiser and appraisee.
c) Second 4 monthly reviews by the appraiser and appraisee.
d) Annual review and review discussion by the appraiser and appraisee.

e) Evaluation of tasks and performance recording by the appraiser.

f) Evaluation of tasks and performance recording by the reviewing officer.
g) Record keeping, monitoring and effective utilization of performance improvement
and development system for H.R.D network activities by the custodian of the unit, business
group and co-operative levels.
The PIDS form shall be kept with the appraisee for reference of
the task/objectives assigned to him right from the stage (a) to (c). The appraiser will
nevertheless retain it.

In stages (d) to (e) he shall forward the form to the reviewing
officer for taking action on (f) and (g). Finally, the custodian at stage (h) shall take PIDS
form on the record. This will be done for the purpose of record and also for its gainful
utilization for integration of H.R.D network as indicated in this system.


The performance improvement and development systems

(PIDS). Bring about the total integration with the HRD network. The PIDS envisages a
gainful and optimum utilization of such integration as shown in the following diagram.

Exceeding high achiever Succession plan

Career growth
Higher achiever Challenging tasks
Low achiever Counseling
Golden hand shake
Extremely low achiever Rehabilitation
Job rotation
Approach Participative management

Key task/objectives Performance

The performance improvement and development system shall
comprise the following structure:
Four monthly and final review discussions.
Factors relating to skills and managerial abilities.
Key performance factors.

Varying performance factors.
Corporate cadre (PSIII to PS VI).
Unit cadre(PSIII to PSVI)
Unit cadre
Supervisor (PSI & PSII)
Review and observation by the reviewing officer.

The objectives or tasks include routine as well as key tasks.
I) Routine Tasks:
The routine tasks are in conformity with the job description of
each job holder which may not necessary de the dame for all supervisors/executive with
the same designation or play scale. The routine tasks are significant for these assume the
major portion of the activities of any job holder with any designation or skill.
II). Key Tasks:
Key tasks are the special assignment to the appraise as jointly
agreed to by appraiser and appraisee for the specific appraisal year. These shall be in
addition to the routine tasks as described above.
The purpose of the key tasks is to bring about improvement in
the individual job performance and functional effectiveness with creativity and innovation.


Creative and innovation.
Linked to the needs of the section/department.
Descriptive of the end result to be achieved.
Realistic and achievable.
Reasonable and have clearly identified standards quantitative or qualitative.

Capable of being achieved with the specified time limit with dates of completion.
Set in terms of the priorities.
Identified and agreed jointly by the appraiser and appraisee.


Periodical review shall be held in mid august and mid December.
The final review discussion, appraiser and appraisee shall:
Jointly review the appraisers performance against the agreed objective/tasks.
For the preceding year.
Jointly review the routine tasks and key tasks/objectives and standards for the
current year and identity the area for the personal development of the
Review and take follow up action, if any, for:
Agreement and implementation of planning requirements for the appraisee.
Continuous monitoring of progress towards achieving defined
objectives/tasks by the appraisee and appraiser.


Analyze the strengths and weakness and suggest corrective measures
Use of the performance review date for the various aspects integrated HRD
networks, such as training, retraining, counseling, job rotation, transfer,
carrier growth plans, succession plan rehabilitation and golden hand shake.
Evaluate quantitatively the achievements vis--vis the routine tasks.
This is the closed portion of PIDS, which is confidentially
recorded by the appraiser and the reviewing officer on their performance rating
Key performance factors:

Application of knowledge/skills.
Leadership skills.
Initiative and innovative (creativity).
Participative approach (inclusive of inner-personal relationship and team work).
Cost and quality consciousness (TQM).
Varying performance factors.
In terms of the varying needs and functions of the corporate
cadre, unit cadre and supervisory cadre, different performance factors have been identified
as under.
Developing/appraising people.
Delegation, organization and control.
Problem analysis and decision making.
Communication skills.
Skills and commitment to manage changes.
Negotiation skills/commitment/safety consciousness.
This factor shall vary or be substituted in terms of the nature of job carried out
by the corporate cadre and senior executives.


Developing/appraising people.
Organization and control.
Problem analysis and decision making.
Communication skills.
Responsiveness to change.
Negotiation skills/safety consciousness/R & D skills.
The factor shall vary or be substituted in terms of nature of job
carried out by the unit cadre executives.

Co-ordinates and control.
Attitude towards learning.
Expanding decisions.
Trouble shooting skills
Adaptability to change.
Safety of house keeping.
The total evaluation score shall be the sum total of:
i. Evaluation of objectives.
ii. Performance factors.
Following is the allocation of total evaluation score;
a) Objectives/Tasks.
Routine Tasks 7*10=70
(7 major routine tasks to be identified jointly)
Key tasks 3*20=60
(3 key tasks to be identified jointly)
Total 130
Performance factors
a). key performance factors 6*4*3=72
(6 key factors common to all cadres / disciplines
On 4 points scale multiplied by the weightage
Of three for each factor)
b). Varying performance factors 6*4*2=48
(6 cadres performance factors for different
Cadres/disciplines on four point scale multiplied
By the weightage of two for each factor)
Total 120

Weightage to reporting and reviewing officer:

In arriving at the total evaluation score, the following weightage
are given to the evaluation marks by the reporting and reviewing officer.
Reporting officer 60%
Reviewing officer 40%
Reporting and reviewing officers:
The reporting officer shall be the immediate supervisor of the appraise.
The reviewing officer shall be the immediate supervisor of the reporting
For the various functional chiefs, the unit chief/business group chief shall be
appraiser and the respective functional director/financial executive directive
shall be the reviewing officer as described under.

Functional Chief Reviewing Officer

Personal chief of unit _ Director, personal director
Marketing chief of unit _ Marketing policy
Finance chief of unit _ corporate planning and projects
Quality chief of unit _ Director Finance
HRD chief of unit _ Executive director (HRD)
Vigilance officer of the unit _ Executive director
Internal audit chief of unit _ Director, Finance
Business group

Reviewing officers view:

The reviewing officer, while evaluating the performance of the
appraise shall also evaluate the contribution made by him to help achieve the
tasks/objective set him and also the fulfillment of the personnel development needs.

Performance Review Committee:

The unit boards and the executive committee shall perform the functions of the
performance review committees at the micro-level for supervisory and unit cadres
and at the macro-level for the corporate cadre respectively.
Ordinarily the number of Exceedingly high achievers shall not exceed 20% of the
total strength in any PS credit unit. Where it exceeds 20% all such performance
improvement forms shall be referred to unit board / executive committee shall
identify the 20%out such exceedingly high achievers.
The corporate HRD at macro level and HRD departments of the units of the micro
level will look in to the genuine problems of the extremely low achievers and suggest
the remedial measures in terms of the integration HRD network chart after a formal
interaction with them.

Effective date frequency:

The appraisal shall cover the period of from 1 st April of current
year to 31st March of the succeeding year. The procedure shall be followed as prescribed in
this system.

The PIDS is an integrated part of promotion and carrier growth
policies for PS cadre and other network such as personal department plan, HRD plans,
succession plan, golden hand shake etc,.
The interpretation of the director, personnel shall be final in
respect of all such integrated HRD policies/systems as mentioned above which will be
communicated by DPS directly or by ED (HRD) on his behalf.
a) Where the reporting officer and review officer are the same place





b) Where the reporting officer & reviewing officer are at different stations





a) Where the reporting officer and reviewing officer are at the same place





b) Where the reporting officer and reviewing officer are at different stations







Data analysis has been done by arranging the data in a simple table form and
percentages are calculated. The quantitative data has been represented by drawing out the
charts where ever necessary.

1. Do you think performance appraisal is needed in a company?

(a ) YES (b) NO Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 YES 100 100
2 NO 0 0
TOTAL 100 100

To above question, almost 100% of the employees thought that the performance
appraisal is needed in a company.

2. Performance appraisal rating is used to
(a) Identify areas of improvement
(b) Identifying quality for unit of work
(c) Set performance target
(d) All the above Options No. of Responses Percentage
Identify areas of
1 improvement 28 28
Identify areas of training
2 & development 48 48
3 Set performance target 8 8
4 All the above 16 16
Total 100 100

About the useful of Performance appraisal system, 28% have said that
appraisal system helped them to identify areas of improvement, to 48% it helped in
identifying training & development needs, to 8% it helped in setting performance targets

and to 16% it was helpful in all the above areas. By this we can say that P.A is helpful in
one way or the other for the employees.
3. In your experience the outstanding Performance of an employee is due to:
(a) Actual Performance (b) Qualification
(c) Experience (d) All the above Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 Actual Performance 28 28
2 Qualification 0 0
3 Experience 52 52
4 All the above 20 20
total 100 100

Above 28% of the employees responded that the outstanding Performance
appraisal is due to Actual Performance, 52% of the employees is due to Experience and 20%
of the employees is due to all the above.

4. Do you think that a good workman gets motivated with frequent Performance
Appraisal? Is conducted?
(a) YES (b) NO

No. of Options Responses Percentage
1 YES 88 88
2 NO 12 12
TOTAL 100 100

% of respondents

12% NO

88% YES


A majority of 88% of the employees said that a good workman gets motivated
with frequent Performance Appraisal and 12% of the employees are not satisfied with above.

5. What are the factors taken into consideration while appraising an individual?
(a) Interpersonal effectiveness (b) Team building skills
(c) Self motivate skills (d) leadership Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 effectiveness 20 20
2 Teambuilding skills 24 24
3 Self motivate skills 44 44
4 Leadership 8 8
Total 100 100

About 20% of employees considered interpersonal effectiveness while
appraising an individual, 24% of employees considered Teambuilding skills, 22% of
employees considered self motivate skills and 8% of employees considered Leadership. By

this we can say that these are the factors taken into consideration while appraising an
6. In your opinion an employee should be:
(a) Effective (b) Moderate (c) Both A & B Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 Effective 80 80
2 Moderate 0 0
3 Both A & B 20 20
Total 100 100

About 80% of the employees opinion is that the employee should be
effective and rest 20% of the employees opinion is that the employee should be
effective and moderate.

7. Which method you are using for evaluating Performance?
(a) 360 degree appraisal (b) MBO (c) Assessment centre
(d) BARS (e) Any other Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 360 degree appraisal 48 48
2 Mgmt By Objects 24 24
3 Assessment centre 8 8
4 BARS 12 12
5 Any other 8 8
Total 100 100

About 48% of the employees using 360 degree appraisal method for
evaluating Performance, 24% of the employees using Mgmt By Objects, 8% of the
employees using Assessment centre, 12% of the employees using BARS, 8% of the
employees using other method.
8. Is Appraisal process expensive and time consuming?
(a) YES (b) NO Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 YES 64 64
2 NO 36 36
Total 100 100

About 64% of the respondents said that the performance appraisal is
expensive and time consuming. And 36% of the respondents said that the Performance
appraisal is not expensive and time consuming.

9. Do you agree with the assessment of your reviewing/reporting officers?
(a) Agree (b) Disagree Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 Agree 92 92
2 Disagree 8 8
Total 100 100

Majority of 92% of the employees responded that reporting officer was good
at grading the performance. Nearly 8% were disagreeing his duties as per the guidelines laid

10. Do you want any change in frequent between the appraisals?
(a) YES (b) NO Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 YES 72 72
2 NO 28 28
Total 100 100


About 72% of the employees want to change in frequent between the

appraisals. And 28% of the employees dont want to change between the appraisals.

11. Have you been able to express all difficulties & problems which you have been facing
Regarding your job & achievement of your performance area?
(a) YES (b) NO Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 YES 100 100
2 NO 0 0
Total 100 100


About 100% of the employees are able to express all difficulties &
problems which they have been facing regarding their job.

12. Frequency at which merit rating/Performance appraisal is conducted?

(a) 1year (b) 2years (c) half yearly (d) Quarterly Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 1YEAR 36 36
2 2YEARS 0 0
TOTAL 100 100

About 36% of the employees conducted merit rating/performance appraisal at
the frequency 1year, 52% of the employees conducted at half yearly,12% of the employees
conducted at quarterly.

13. Are you satisfied with present Performance appraisal system?

(a) YES (b) NO Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 YES 64 64
2 NO 36 36
TOTAL 100 100


About 64% of the employees were satisfied with present Performance

appraisal system. Rest 36% of the employees was not satisfied with present system.

14. The appraisal is an opportunity for self review & reflection?
(a) YES (b) NO Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 YES 80 80
2 NO 20 20
TOTAL 100 100

About 80% of the respondents have agreed that its an opportunity to
review themselves. About 20% of them said that it does not help them in reviewing

15. Do you think the reward system is fair and adequate?

(a) YES (b) NO Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 YES 72 72
2 NO 28 28
TOTAL 100 100


About 72% said that the reward system is fair and adequate and 28%
responded that it is not fair.

16. Do you have a good relationship with appraiser after Performance appraisal?
(a) YES (b) NO Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 YES 96 96
2 NO 4 4
TOTAL 100 100


A Majority 96% of the respondents have the good relationship with
appraiser after Performance appraisal. Rest 4% of the respondents is not having a good
relationship with appraiser after Performance appraisal.

17. Do you feel Performance appraisal promote you?

(a) YES (b) NO Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 YES 76 76
2 NO 24 24
TOTAL 100 100


About 76% of the respondents feel that the Performance appraisal can
promote the employee. Remaining 24% of the respondents are not agreed with the above

18. In your opinion PIDS is necessary?

(a) YES (b) NO Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 YES 96 96
2 NO 4 4
TOTAL 100 100

Majority of 96% of the respondents opinion is that the PIDS is necessary.
About 4% of the respondents opinion is that PIDS is not necessary

19. By which way you are consistent for Performance appraisal in organization?
(a) Individual (b) Group (c) Both A & B Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 Individual 8 8
2 Group 56 56
3 Both A & B 36 36
Total 100 100


About 8% of the respondents were consistent as a Individual for

Performance appraisal, about 56% of the respondents were consistent as a group for

Performing appraisal and 36% of the respondents were consistent as both individual and
group for Performance appraisal.

20. Is Balance Score Card helps in improving the Performance?

(a) YES (b) NO Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 YES 88 88
2 NO 12 12
Total 100 100


About 88% of the respondents agrees that the Balance Score Card helps in
improving the Performance. About 12% of the respondents disagrees that the BSC helps in
improving the Performance.



1. In the light of the above discussion the following findings and conclusions are
1. It is revealed that the executive are getting feedback on their performance though
which they can review their performance. Sort on the problems and can overcome the
2. The management has a clear understanding about the problem that the workers are the
best with moreover, they are eager to solve the problems of the workers as and when
they arise.
3. The management was giving requisite training to workers in the areas where they are
4. Workers awareness about the fact that the appraisal is one of the factors for
promotion was cent percent.
5. Performance appraisal system is considered as a means that aim at identifying the
areas of improvement, identifying areas of training and development setting
performance target for future.
6. The management desire having cordial relations with the work to hold mutual
7. The performance appraisal system it exists as it exists now is properly worked out
and appropriately evolved. This revealed from the opinion given by the majority of
the employees.


Based on the findings of the study and personal discussions held with various
executives and employees at Heritage Foods Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad possible suggestions and
recommendations are given:
It is recommended that employees should be immediately communicated.
The result of the appraisal particularly when they are negative.
It is recommended that the supervisor should try to analyze the strengths and
weaknesses of an employee and advise him on correcting the weakness.
It is commended to counsel the employees appropriately regarding their strength and
weaknesses and assist in developing them to realize their full potential in line with the
companys goals.
The top management is very much committed in implementing the performance
appraisal system as it is. The performance appraisal system is consider as an essential
tool for bridging gap between the top management and the executives it thus helps
them to develop cordial relations and mutual understanding.
It is recommended that the employees should be communicated information about his
performance, again his acceptance of it and draw up a plan for future improvement, if
It is recommended that the rater must be thoroughly well versed in the philosophy and
of the rating system. Factor sales must be thoroughly defined, analyzed and
To conclude, it is imperative to immunize of the problems or hindrances to
strengthen the system.



1. Do you think Performance appraisal is needed in a Company?

(a) YES (b) NO

2. Performance appraisal rating is used to

(a) Identify areas of improvement
(b) Identify areas of training and development
(c) Set performance target
(d) All the above

3. In your experience the outstanding Performance of an employee is due to :

(a) Actual Performance (b) Qualification
(c) Experience (d) All the above

4. Do you think that a good workmen gets motivated with frequent Performance appraisal is
(a) YES (b) NO

5. What are the factors taken into consideration while appraising an individual?
(a) Interpersonal effectiveness (b) Teambuilding skills
(c) Self motivate skills (d) Leadership

6. In your opinion an employee should be:

(a) Effective (b) Ineffective (c) Both A & B

7. Which method you are using for evaluating Performance?

(a) 360 degree appraisal (b) MBO (c) Assessment centre
(d) BARS (e) Any other

8. Is it expensive and time consuming?

(a) YES (b) NO

9. Do you agree with the assessment of your reviewing/reporting officers?

(a) Agree (b) Disagree

10. Do you want any change frequency between the appraisals?

(a) YES (b) NO

11. Have you been able to express all difficulties & problems which you have been
Facing regarding your job & achievement of your performance area ?
(a) YES (b) NO

12. Frequency at which Performance appraisal is conducted
(a) 1year (b) 2years (c) half yearly (d) Quarterly

13. Are you satisfied with present Performance appraisal system?

(a) YES (b) NO

14. The appraisal is an opportunity for self review & reflection

(a) YES (b) NO

15. Do you think the reward system is fair and adequate?

(a) YES (b) NO

16. Do you have a good relationship with appraiser after Performance appraisal?
(a) YES (b) NO

17. DO you feel Performance appraisal promote you?

(a) YES (b) NO

18. In your opinion PIDS is necessary?

(a) YES (b) NO

19. By which way you are consistent for Performance appraisal in

(a) Individual (b) Group (c) Both A & B

20. Is Balance score card (BSC) helps in improving the performance?

(a) YES (b) NO



1. SUBBA RAO.P : Personnel/Human resource Management.

2. ASWATAPPA : Human Resource Management

3. T.V.RAO : Appraising Performance

4. C.B.MAMORIA : Human Resource Management.

Heritage Foods Pvt Ltd PERSONNEL MANUAL



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