Rayid Method As An Instrument

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Iridology/Rayid method as an instrument of

psychological diagnostic and comparative with

Rorschach test .

Nowadays, the iridology is a method not so used in conventional

medicine. Knowing that can you imagine its function in a
psychological clinic ?

Its very difficult to prove it as a diagnostic method in the

medical clinic, even knowing that it exists in papyri Babilonia, in
this way the iridology applied to psychism, used as practice,
through Rayid method, its not get acceptable in psychological
office, because of innovating conditions as a psychodiagnostic

By the fact that it is a method of several facilities in the data

research and its very simple to evaluate them, so knowing that
we are evaluating this method. To do such a thing, we are using a
psychodiagnostic exam which is recognized all over the world by
the psychiatric and psychologic clinic, this is Rorschach test, as
an instrument to evaluate Rayid method we dont intend to
equalize one method to another, but correlate the data to use it in
the psychologic clinic.

In this way, we use seven aduts from 19 to 39 years old and they
were evaluated by Rorschach test in individual meeting by the
psychologist Sandra Regina de Souza Melo Martins, the data
correction by Kopfer and supervised by the psychologist Marins
Santa Rosa Pereira Santucci, technic teacher and psychologic
exams, coordinator of UMESP clinic, master in clinic
psychology and superintendent of the psychology departament
the Iris of these people were photographed by Dr. Celso F.
Batello, iridologist and homeophatic doctor and afterwards, the
slides were analyzed by Rayid method by Dr. Celso F. Batello
and by Dr. Jorge Meneguello, veterinarian and iridologist doctor.

The analysis was concluded by the reports elaborated by both

parts, which were evaluated by Professor and Dr. Eda Marconi
Custdio, Professor and Dr. of Psychology Institute of USP -
graduation and Ps-Graduation, specialist in psychologic
evaluation, professor and coordinator of master degree in health
pychology of UMESP.

Thus, considering the correlational analysis, it was concluded that

the results show a similarity between the two forms of
psychodiagnostic, indicating the possibility of utilizing Rayid
method, as a technic to know the persons personality, mainly
general characteristics of personality, the way of how to related to
a person affectionately, perception of paternal imago, among

However, Dr Eda remarks, ...that the continuity of this research

is important, its very good to remember that concerning to the
verification of validity of projective technics as Rorschach, and
the more you study, much bigger is the safety of its users.
Iridologia / Mtodo Rayid como instrumentode
diagnstico psicolgico e comparativo com teste de

A iridologia tida hoje como mtodo pouco utilizado na

medicina convencional. Pensando assim, possvel avaliar qual o
seu lugar na clnica psicolgica? Pois j difcil prov-la
enquanto mtodo diagnstico na clnica mdica onde ela j existe
registrada nos papiros na Babilnia; desta forma a iridologia
aplicada ao psiquismo, hoje utilizada como prtica, atravs do
mtodo Rayid ainda passa muito longe do consultrio
psicolgico, pela prpria condio de inovao como mtodo

Pelo fato deste ser um mtodo de infinita facilidade na pesquisa

dos dados e na praticidade de avaliao destes dados, sendo
praticamente simultneo a coleta e a devolutiva foi se pensando
em avaliar o mtodo. Para tanto utiliza-nos de um exame
psicodiagnstico mundialmente reconhecido pela clnica
psicolgica e psiquitrica, o teste de Rorschach, como
instrumento para avaliar o mtodo Rayid. No pretendemos com
isso igualar um mtodo ao outro, mas sim, correlacionar os dados
para podermos nos autorizarmos a us-lo na prtica clnica

Desta forma, foram utilizados 7 sujeitos adulltos na faixa etria

de 19 a 39 anos, os quais foram avaliados pelo teste de Rorschach
em sesso individual, pela psicloga Sandra Regina de Souza
Melo Martins sendo que a correo dos dados foi segundo Kopfer
e supervisionado pela psicloga Marins Santa Rosa Pereira
Santucci, professora de Tcnicas e exames psicolgicos,
coordenadora da clnica da UMESP, mestre em psicologia clnica
e chefe do departamento de psicologia. A ris dos sujeitos foram
fotografadas pelo Dr. Celso F. Batello, mdico homeopata e
iridologista e posteriormente os slides foram analisados segundo
o mtodoRayid pelo Dr. Celso F. Batello e pelo Dr. Jorge
Meneguello, mdico veterinrio e iridologista.

A anlise se deu aa partir de laudos elaborados por ambas as

partes, os quais foram avaliados pela Prof.a. Dra. Eda Marconi
Custodio, Prof.a. Dra. do Instituto de psicologia da USP -
Graduao e ps-graduao, especialista em avaliao
psicolgica, professora e coordenadora do mestrado em
psicologia da sase da UMESP.

Assim, a partir da analise correlacional foi-se concludo que os

resultados apontaram em geral para semelhana entre duas
formas de psicodiagnstico, indicando possibilidades de se
utilizar o mtodo Rayid como tcnica para se conhecer a estrutura
de personalidade do sujeito, principalmente no que se leva em
conta caractersticas gerais de personalidade, forma de vincular-
se afetivamente, percepo da imago paterna, entre outros dados.

Contudo, comenta a Dra. Eda, ...a continuidade desta pesquisa

importante, pois sempre bom lembrar no que diz respeito a
constatao da validade de tcnicas projetivas como o Rorschach
e outras quanto mais estudo, maior a segurana dos usurios.

Iridology/ Rayid method as an instrument of psychological

diagnostic and comparative with Rorschach test .
Sandra Regina de Souza Melo Martins
Celso Fernandes Batello
Jorge Meneghello

Nowadays, the iridology is a method not so used in conventional medicine.

Knowing that can you imagine its function in a psychological clinic ? Its
very difficult to prove it as a diagnostic method in the medical clinic, even
knowing that it exists in papyri Babilonia, in this way the iridology applied
to psychism, used as practice, through Rayid method, its not get acceptable
in psychological office, because of innovating conditions as a
psychodiagnostic method.

By the fact that it is a method of several facilities in the data research and
its very simple to evaluate them, so knowing that we are evaluating this
method. To do such a thing, we are using a psychodiagnostic exam which
is recognized all over the world by the psychiatric and psychologic clinic,
this is Rorschach test, as an instrument to evaluate Rayid method we dont
intend to equalize one method to another, but correlate the data to use it in
the psychologic clinic.

In this way, we use seven adults from 19 to 39 years old and they were
evaluated by Rorschach test in individual meeting by the psychologist
Sandra Regina de Souza Melo Martins, the data correction by Kopfer and
supervised by the psychologist Marins Santa Rosa Pereira Santucci,
technic teacher and psychologic exams, coordinator of UMESP clinic,
master in clinic psychology and superintendent of the psychology
departament the Iris of these people were photographed by Dr. Celso F.
Batello, iridologist and homeophatic doctor and afterwards, the slides were
analyzed by Rayid method by Dr. Celso F. Batello and by Dr. Jorge
Meneguello, master in science and iridologist.

The analysis was concluded by the reports elaborated by both parts, which
were evaluated by Professor and Dr. Eda Marconi Custdio, Professor and
Dr. of Psychology Institute of USP - graduation and Ps-Graduation,
specialist in psychologic evaluation, professor and coordinator of master
degree in health pychology of UMESP.

Thus, considering the correlational analysis, it was concluded that the

results show a similarity between the two forms of psychodiagnostic,
indicating the possibility of utilizing Rayid method, as a technic to know
the persons personality, mainly general characteristics of personality, the
way of how to related to a person affectionately, perception of paternal
imago, among others.

However, Dr Eda remarks, ...that the continuity of this research is

important, its very good to remember that concerning to the verification of
validity of projective technics as Rorschach, and the more you study, much
bigger is the safety of its users.
Iridologia / Mtodo Rayid como instrumento de
diagnstico psicolgico e comparativo com teste de

A iridologia tida hoje como mtodo pouco utilizado na

medicina convencional. Pensando assim, possvel avaliar qual o
seu lugar na clnica psicolgica? Pois j difcil prov-la
enquanto mtodo diagnstico na clnica mdica onde ela j existe
registrada nos papiros na Babilnia; desta forma a iridologia
aplicada ao psiquismo, hoje utilizada como prtica, atravs do
mtodo Rayid ainda passa muito longe do consultrio
psicolgico, pela prpria condio de inovao como mtodo

Pelo fato deste ser um mtodo de infinita facilidade na pesquisa

dos dados e na praticidade de avaliao destes dados, sendo
praticamente simultneo a coleta e a devolutiva foi se pensando
em avaliar o mtodo. Para tanto utiliza-nos de um exame
psicodiagnstico mundialmente reconhecido pela clnica
psicolgica e psiquitrica, o teste de Rorschach, como
instrumento para avaliar o mtodo Rayid. No pretendemos com
isso igualar um mtodo ao outro, mas sim, correlacionar os dados
para podermos nos autorizarmos a us-lo na prtica clnica

Desta forma, foram utilizados 7 sujeitos adulltos na faixa etria

de 19 a 39 anos, os quais foram avaliados pelo teste de Rorschach
em sesso individual, pela psicloga Sandra Regina de Souza
Melo Martins sendo que a correo dos dados foi segundo Kopfer
e supervisionado pela psicloga Marins Santa Rosa Pereira
Santucci, professora de Tcnicas e exames psicolgicos,
coordenadora da clnica da UMESP, mestre em psicologia clnica
e chefe do departamento de psicologia. A ris dos sujeitos foram
fotografadas pelo Dr. Celso F. Batello, mdico homeopata e
iridologista e posteriormente os slides foram analisados segundo
o mtodoRayid pelo Dr. Celso F. Batello e pelo Dr. Jorge
Meneguello, mestrando em cincias e iridologista.

A anlise se deu a partir de laudos elaborados por ambas as

partes, os quais foram avaliados pela Prof.a. Dra. Eda Marconi
Custodio, Prof.a. Dra. do Instituto de psicologia da USP -
Graduao e ps-graduao, especialista em avaliao
psicolgica, professora e coordenadora do mestrado em
psicologia da sase da UMESP.

Assim, a partir da analise correlacional foi-se concludo que os

resultados apontaram em geral para semelhana entre duas
formas de psicodiagnstico, indicando possibilidades de se
utilizar o mtodo Rayid como tcnica para se conhecer a estrutura
de personalidade do sujeito, principalmente no que se leva em
conta caractersticas gerais de personalidade, forma de vincular-
se afetivamente, percepo da imago paterna, entre outros dados.

Contudo, comenta a Dra. Eda, ...a continuidade desta pesquisa

importante, pois sempre bom lembrar no que diz respeito a
constatao da validade de tcnicas projetivas como o Rorschach
e outras quanto mais estudo, maior a segurana dos usurios.

Doroty Bermudes
Marilena Angeli
Celso Fernandes Batello
The Liver and the Iris:
Physical, psychic and mythical aspects.


The study in subject tried to relate the symbolism of the liver through somatic
Iridology, confronted with the Ray-Id Method of psychic evaluation at the Iris, as exist
two different topographical iridologic maps .
Putting both maps one on top of other, the livers area corresponds to the Area
2, in other words, Area of the Pardon, in the Ray-Id Map.
With this study it has been tried to enlarge the knowledgne of Human Being at
the Greco-Roman mythological point of view and at the Old Traditions wisdom, as
Egypitian, Chinese, and Jewish-Christian, among others, and trying to provide more
subsidies to the Psychosomatic studies, where the eyes, particularly the iris, seem to
work as personal computer-system, or a true database about the human being.


Physical and psychic aspects represented in the iris

1. Introduction
Scientists have been trying to demonstrate the Liver in the human being, on
the somatoppsychological action or, above the psychosomatic one. There are a vast
number of the statements and popular faiths in all the cultures, in all the times and
places, as for instance, to " be green of rage ", to " purge the liver " and I will still eat
your liver ".
Cervantes, in his book Dom Quixote de La Mancha, I, XXVII mentions: " he
has fallen in love hasta los higados ". For the Acupuncture, Chinese Traditional
Medicine, the headquarters of the Ethereal Soul is located in the Liver. In the old Greek
simbology, the liver was related with the vision and the desires, fact this that coincides
with the Chinese Traditional Medicine. In several cultures, as well as in this same Old
China, they used to eat the enemy's liver, and not to do him, would be to doubt of his
courage. This act also meant to assimilate this enemy's courage, as the liver is
associated to the courage and destemor. Already in the Mitologia Tupi or Nheengatu,
pi or pe means liver or heart.
It is very common in the Brazilian culture to say that " He/She suffers because
of his liver (His/her liver is ill), without this fact or this complaint finds echo among
the professionals of health, being interpreted more as superstition, that something that
should really be taken in consideration. Something similar happened with the heart,
about two decades before, when the current propaedeutical resources inexisted for the
physical and psychic complaints; it was common to consider that was the patient's
imagination; and today medicians knows how to treat, a lot of times, the prolapse of
mitral valve and in recent past, was ignored that the heart also works as an endocrine
organ, that secretes a natriuretic factor, when the liquid content can threaten the
continent. Do we know all about the organism, or still, will rest a lot to be developed
concerning this matter?
Regina Valverde, in her book "Nos olhos dos Deuses (The Gods eyes), about
Iridology , she mentions the liver related in the myth of Prometeu and Epimeteu. In the
Greek mythology Prometeu was punished by Zeus because of having taken the Fire
(the Mind) in order give it to the Humanity, which was not prepared for it. As
punishment, Prometeu was chained to the summit of a mountain, and everyday the
Eagle devoured his Liver. However, every night the liver grew again.
In this sense, it has been tried to settle down a relationship between Iridology
and the Greek Mythology. Two topographical maps exist in Iridology: a somatic, and
other psychic, where it will be demonstrated posteriori, that this area, among other,
the Liver, in the somatic map, corresponds exactly to the area of the Pardon in the
psychic topographical map.
In the method Ray-id of Psychic Iridology, Denny Johnson, creator of this
method, refers that the cure processes should pass, necessarily, for the resolution of the
difficulties related to the Pardons area, that confirms the established relationships in
the Old Traditions Knowledge about the Liver.
With the exposed in this first some subjects approach:
- Why so much emphasis to the liver along the eras? Does exist something real in this
sense? Why does most of the Brazilians say that his liver is ill? Should the doctors as
well as the psychotherapists take in consideration such complaint? Do we know about
everything about this great human laboratory that the liver is, nowadays? Does it really
exist the association between the liver and the psychic symptoms? So, why there is
this dissociation of the complaints, feelings and images to them linked? Should we take
in consideration the complaints, fellings and images in different postures and ethical
attitudes, being valued these complaints?
These are the inquiries that we will try to answer, in this work, at the light of
Iridology associated to the Analytic Psychology, in the sense of contributing, even
more, for a better understanding of the psychosomatic (in his campus, phenomena and
expression), with the propose of contributing to improve eventual linked human
sufferings to the this thematic one, preventive or terapeutically, physical or

Iridology is a propaedeutical method that allows the general and partial
individual's constitution as well as the stages evolutionary: acute, sub acute, chronic
and degenerative of the alterations that attack one or more organs in the organism,
through the iris observation, in a determinated moment of its life. As general
constitution it is understood as the group of morphologic na functional characters of
an individual in a determinated moment of his life. (Maffei-1978).
Already for partial constitution it is understood the shock organ or " minoris
resistentiae ", in other words, that or those organs that didn't complete its
embryological development appropriately, working as true " Heels of Achilles ", where
there is an unbalance emotional or organic, these will take the responsibilities of such
unbalance, justifying the organicist axiom that says: " Nobody gets sick of what he/she
wants, but of what he/she can get sick ". This bring us to the understanding that exists a
choice although abstract or unconscious in the individual which predisposes him to
certain psychic and physical evils, as well as there are established limits demonstrated
in the shock organs. Such weaknesses, are expressed and they are reflected in the iris,
through a topography, where each organ is represented in one or more iridological
maps, allowing and including a large boarding of the human being.
The Iridology works as a " pr-diagnosis ", where the detection of the shock
organs allows the elaboration of the diagnosis more easily, and being included
complemental exams that they come to confirm the clinical suspicions, acting,
therefore, as a facilitative agent to arrive to the correct clinical diagnosis.
It follows a iridological map:

Observing the map it can be noticed that the right iris reflects the right half
and, for consequent, the left iris reflects the left half of the human organism.

About the position of the Liver, it is situated next to 8 hours in the right iris
and of in its mirror image there is the spleen in the left iris, at the 4 hours as if it was
a marker of a clock in the topographical map, position where these areas (of Pardon)
are objects of this work.
The map in subject reveals the soma of the individual, although the
topographical cerebral areas in the iris supply organic substrata for psychic
manifestations - however, as it escapes from the propose of this work, we remain just
as citation to demonstrate that is also possible to do psychic relationships with referred
areas by itself .
Exists however, the method Ray Id (ray=raio + id=inconscient), of evaluation of
the iris that focuses the individual's psyche.
It is an approach that has a different map from the previous, using as analysis
key, as much the Psychoanalysis as the Analytic Psychology, without damage of both,
as the Medicine is only one, that differs to each other, they are, so only, the techniques
and therapeutic methods" (Celso Batello-l998), the authors in the same way extol that
the psychology is only one, and what varies are the focuses and the approaches,
although they seek the human in his balance,the paradigms and visions on the Human
Being differentiate in techniques and the chosen therapy, are also the same, because
according to Einstein:
" All the religions, all the arts and all the sciences are branches of a same tree, where
these aspirations seek to the ennoblement of the human life, elevating him purely above
the spheres of the material existence and leading the individual for the freedom". Such
affirmative demonstrates that, even with different objectives the purposes are
convergent, however maintaining its different slopes. The concept of Einstein appears
for the complementariety in a complex order and not of equality, that can darken the
importance of the differences.
The method Ray Id allows to evaluate what Denny Johnson, creator of the
method, defines as Basic Patterns: Introvertion, Extrovertion, Cerebral Hemisferical
Predominance and Specific Areas of Psyche, among which the area 2 of the referred
map will be approached, that Johnson designates how the Area of the Pardon and it has
specific psychic attributions, as it will be placed later.
It follows the Mapa Ray Id.


Observing the map, it can be noticed that there is a mirror topographical image,
where the right iris represents the masculine relationships and, consequently, the left iris
represents the feminine relationships, that is, the same specific area receives different
influence from one or another way, according to the iris where is located.
The authors tried to leave from the presupposition of the beginning of Holism
that the parts are part of the whole, and to improve the whole, the parts are improved,
in the same way, that they are improved, they improve the whole, however that the
whole is larger than the simple sum of the parts, therefore the improvement of some
organs with all their symbolisms can be redundant in the human's improvement.

The theme to be developed tries to demonstrate the relationship of the psyche

(feelings) related with the "shock organs that find topographical representations in the
iris. We can bring, so, an important contribution in the way of seeing the human and,
since then, to intend something that increases still more the conducts that can rebalance
the individual in all the possible levels and and looking for a redimention in the
understanding of the Human's roads, through the correlation with the symbolic universe.
For explanation effect, it follows the meanings of the area 2 of the map Ray Id,
where, in the positive aspect, this area, of the Pardon, contemplates:
capacity to receive love, creativity, manifestations and social capacities,
planning, leadership, lucky, independence, patience, humanitarian sense, observation
and responsibility.

Already in its negative aspect this area can reflect:

fear of the failure, tendency to be martyr and masochist, tendency to the
addiction, to the manipulation, self flagellation, anxiety and restlessness.

The authors chosed as starting point this understanding about the area n. 2 of
the map Ray Id, which is the one of the Pardon, that is intersectioned with the somatic
classic map, resulted in the area of the Liver with its physical and symbolic
representation for the human.
It is interesting to reaffirm that the images in mirror of the topographical area in
the left iris are exactly Spleens area, that is confirmed by the sayings of Plato, in the
Treaty of Enigma and Mysteries of the Universe, or Timeu and Criteas, in the chapter
Apetitive Soul, that says:

" Referring to structure of the neighboring viscus to the liver, the spleen, its
position - it was formed to the left of the liver, and because of it. It is in order to
always maintain the liver clear and bright, and being as a substance constantly ready
to do the paper of mirror of the liver and to receive its impressions. Because of that,
when the sludges are produced in the liver by the effect of the diseases of the body, the
spleens porousity purifies them, receiving them all, because it absorbs them, for being
its hollow and bloodless fabric. Then, when it feel full of that impurity, dilates itself
and becomes bulky and inwardly unhealthy. Soon after, when the body is purged, it
unswells and it retakes its primitive volume

3. Sructural and dynamic aspects of the Liver

3.1. Anatomy
The liver is the largest organ of the organism. It is placed predominantly on the
right side of the abdomem, under the diaphragm. It has a brown-red color and it weighs
1,800 kg approximately. Its size is of approximately 22 cm, 17cm and 10 cm in its
larger part.
According to the chapters regarding the Liver in the Enciclopdia Medicina and
Health, Edit. April, l970, the basic functional unit of the liver is the hepatic lobe, a
cylindrical structure with several millimeters of length and from 0,8 to 2 mm diameter.
The human Liver contains 50.000 to 100.000 lobes. The hepatic lobe is formed around a
central vein, as rays of a wheel. Each hepatic plate usually has the thickness of two
cells, and between them the gall bladder chanel are located, which ends at the terminal
gall conduits, that are formed in the channels, among the adjacent hepatic lobes.

3.2. Functions
It exercises multiple functions and it is one of the largest organs of the human
body. It is the central element of the intermediate metabolism or, to transform in white
and clear the image - the bodys laboratory. They are so many and so varied
functions, that it is impossible to separate its actions from the other organic systems.
The liver operates as individualized organ.
The main functions of the liver mentioned in the Enciclopdia Medicina e
Sade, edited in l970, they can be divided in:
1) Storage of energy: the liver produces glycogenase(starch) and it stores it (about five
hundred calories for kilo). Simultaneously, the carbohidratos are transformed in fat and
stored in fat deposits by the whole body.
2) Generation of energy: with the amino acids and the greasy components ingested in
the victuals, the liver produces glucose (= energy) that whole fat is going to the liver
and it can be used and burned to produce energy.
3) Metabolism of the albumin: besides synthesizing amino acids, the liver, also, is
capable to synthesize others. It becomes a connection organ among the albumin
(protein) of the kingdoms animal and vegetable, that constitutes our feeding, and the
human protein. The several protein types are different from each other, however, the
components that form the proteins - the amino acids - they are universal. (By analogy,
a great variety of individual house types - the proteins - they can be built with the same
bricks - the amino acids). The specific differences among the vegetable protein, to
animal and the human are the functions of the several patterns in that the amino acids
are organized, being the exact sequence codified in ADN.
4) Formation and destruction of the red globules and
5) Dispoisoning: as much the toxins of the own body as the other origins they are
disabled in the liver and solubilizated, in order to be eliminated through the gall
bladder and of the kidneys. Besides, the bilirrubin (gall) - a sub-product of the
decomposition of the red cells of the blood, the hemoglobin (thermodynamic operation)
-has to be transformed by the liver in a substance that can be eliminated. Any
interruption of that process provokes jaundice. Finally, the liver synthesizes the urea
that is excreted through the kidneys. (Encyclopedia Medicine and Health, l970)

4. Symbolic interpretation
Suwen, Basic Treaty of the Chinese Traditional Medicine, attributes to the liver
the bitter flavor and the green color. The liver, says that Treaty, it is the generator of
forces; he is the general that elaborates the plans, and the gall bladder is the judge that
decides and condemns. Generator of forces and, at the same time, generator of the
cholera and of the courage, and of the warlike virtues in general.
Jean Chevalier and Alain Gheerbrant, in the Dictionary of Symbols, 1906 in the
speech of the liver see under several point of view, in agreement with varied places and
cultures. In the languages of Far East, numerous expressions mean the liver - but, above
all, the gall - that have, at the same time, the courage sense. The meaning of bitterness is
known equally in Europe; sometimes, also as happiness.

In old China, they used to eat the enemies' liver; not to do it, would be to doubt
of his courage. That act meant to assimilate the enemies' courage. The same also
happened in all the American old cultures, (Inca, Aztecs, Toltecas and Mayan) that ate
the enemy's liver for recruiting his courage.

The gall of the hares was used in the foundry of the swords. Kong-yin opened
the own womb to substitute its by his gentleman's liver, dead in combat.

In Kampuchera (Cambodia), in Laos and in Champa, they preserve every year a

certain portion of human gall, obtained through subtle aggressions: that gall was used in
the preparation of a beverage that felt to the bosses, and it was to scrub the head of the
wars elephants. - ( in order to pass them the strategies.)

Inside of the Astrology, of the Old Mythology and today in the Antroposofy, the
Liver is governed by Jupiter and for a larger understanding on the Myth of the Liver and
of Jupiter, that reports to the Myth of Prometeu and Epimeteu in their connection with
Zeus of Olimpo)

Myth of Prometeu - The liver of Prometeu is as the headquarters of the desires.

The eagle represents the Will ( Will of Atma) - it comes to remove of the desires which
is useful for the Superior Will. Its propose is to unite the healthy desires with the
Superior desires
( Gods desires) The will removes of the desires what belongs to Atma.

According to the Greek Mythology, Prometeu the Great Hero, from whom the
Humanity descends in the Earth, the 4th Race of the Humanity who started to have the
divine spark, the conscience, the mental fire, attributes then just of the divine beings,
that thanks to Prometeu, son of a Tit of Jpeto with Clmene, started to reside in those
inhabited the Earth. Prometeu didn't value the desert and the Humanity's preparation to
reach the Fire, or the Conscience (that represents responsibility and justice) and didnt
valuated the consequences ocorred by such act. The fact is that the Humanity then
didn't drive that Light in harmony to the Light of the Divine World, its desires were
not led to ideals, therefore its desires and goals were not in Harmony with the Will of
Atma, with the Laws of Universal Balance. It lacked moderation, although Prometeus
ideals are of love. However his brother, his double-face, Epimeteu, made a mistake
because of the illusion, and the seduction [of Pandora]. Zeus, then, to impose the
necessary limits to the wild men, decided to punish the responsible. He sent Promised
for the highest summit of Caucasus (a mountainous area of Russia), and ordered
Hefestos (the god of the fire) to chain him to a big rock. There the adventurous youth
stayed for 30 years, solitary, without rest, exposed to the bad weather, without moving.
As if it was not enough, an eagle everyday ate his liver, (The settelment of the
passions) and it took small pieces of it to the skies, for Atma, and at night, the liver
grew again. Apolo, Zeus, Hfestos and Quiron then approached to Prometeu and they
made desires of the liver to turn into ideals of the Whole, forming a pact or alliance
then. Then because the Eagle, symbol of wisdom, bringing the good part of the all
desires for Atma, for the skies, those that could turn them into Superior Will and
follow the demonstration that it grows again, because the liver is serving as link among
the Man's desires and the Wholes desire, and that this superior desire or will can reside
in him.

The liver is the connection link between the physical body and the psychic world
(individual and collective). Alchemist, the transmutator. All the emotions are
discharged on it, all the emotions balance themselfes on it, and, starting from this, it
changes the radicals. It works the term-dynamics operations. Impact Organ - it assumes
the souls paper of the in the physicist. It makes the connection between the eterichal
and the physical, and for this reason it is in a narrow relationship with the known
Atomic Screen, studied by the Physicists of the present time and in the Thesophy,
since 19th century - it is responsible for the visions and night dreams. The liver
determines the balance between the time of the dreams and the time of the vigil. Its
work is to let us see the essential part of the things, of the facts and of the individuals.
Plato in " the Republic " reports that the God can see future directly. The liver was
created to human see the future through it. The Liver has been placed by
Psycosomatology and Antroposophy as defender of the psychic toxins and regulator of
the general balance, and for this reason it dominates the dreams. In the Hebraic Culture,
the liver is represented by the word " Caved ", and it means weight, potency and wealth
at the same time. (Which are the attributes of Jupiter: Negative, Jupiter in the
Astrological Chart, reveals moderations lack, ideals too high to render, exaggerating
ideas, immoderate ambition. The message of Jupiter says that is not the conquest or
final product of the wanted, that brings the upset, but what will do with the conquest or
with the final product. Jpiter is between the personnal and the coletive planets. Jpiter
represents the stage of human being when he is conected with the universal/social

5. Approach of the Problem

The mythical value of the Liver and its representation in Classic Somatic
Iridology, associated to the method Ray Id of psychic evaluation, is connected with the
Pardon, as already sees previously.

Through the somatic iridolgical map with information on the individuals

shock organs and in knowing which they are, a psychosomatic strategy can be set up
with the propose of recovering the human's harmony, in the case it was chosen the Liver
because of its description along the eras and of the civilizations. In the Wisdom of the
Old Traditions it is said that the Liver is related to the adaptation of the human in the
face of the most several situations. Isnt forgiving, an adaptation, as it changes the
feeling, in the relations with the exterior?

Finally, Plato in Timeu and Criteas, in the chapter Appetitive Soul mentions:

.... " The part of the soul that has the appetite of eating and of drinking, and of
everything that the body has natural need, the gods camped in the area that extends
after the diaphragm, and that is limited by the navel. In whole this space organized
something as a manger for the nutrition of the body. There they tied this part of the
soul, as a beast that should be well fed, for the preservation of the human species. It is
then so that, being always satiated close to its manger, located far away as possible of
the part that deliberates, and not causing the minimum upset and noise, in order to
can leave that part schoolmistress alone, mainly because of the good of the group of
the parts of the body; it is, I say, for this reason, that they designated it a such place.
The Gods knew that it could never listen the reason, and that if, sometimes, it could
arrive it any feeling, it would never render attention to the reasons, and that,
constantly, if there wasnt the liver, night and day, this souls human would be guided
mainly by visions and ghosts so. Because of those considerations, a god invented for
her the structure of liver and He placed in the place that was done. He made the liver
flat, thick, diamond, containing the sweetness and the bitterness; and the vehemence of
the thoughts comming from the intellect comes to him as on a mirror, that receives
rays and lets to appear the images. For this reason, the intellect surprises the liver.
Frequently, using, for this effect, the bitterness of the liver, presents him frightening
visions; it mixes the acidity in the whole liver; it makes to appear gall colors, or then it
contracts it and it turns it entirely wrinkled and covered with grooves. Other times, by
the opposite, it bends and it contracts the wolf, and makes the channels coldoques to
leave their straight position; opens and closes the exits provoking sufferings and
nauseas. Other times, a quick and soft blow coming of the intellect sketches on the liver
the spectra of the contrary nature to the first one and it appeases its our bitterness,
because this blow only affects and it is arrested to which is of opposite nature. Using
the sweetness that the own liver, contains, it recomposes and it frees all his plane and
flat portions. It turns like cheerful and calm the part of the soul camped around the
liver. During the night, it calms it and it turns it capable, during the sleep, of using the
divination, because it doesn't participate nor of the reasonings, nor of the reflection ".

Dispoisoning: The capacity of dispoisoning the liver presupposes a possibility to

discriminate and to evaluate, therefore it becomes impossible when it doesnt get to
separate what is noxious of the one what is not. Therefore, hepatic disturbances
suggest evaluation problems and valorization, they indicate incapacity of choosing that
is useful or useless (nutrition or poison? ) and it requests it in the phisical, material and
eating atrs plans, as in the comportamental, intellectual and in the interior postures.
Therefore, hepatic disturbances are the demonstration of conflicts of separation,
disharmony, evaluation (discernment). While if it is capable to evaluate what it serves,
what doesn't serve, and it knows to what extention the food can be processed and to
digest, the problem of "making excess will never appear. The liver only gets sick due
to the excesses that it is made: too much fat, to eat too much, to drink in excess, to take
drugs in an exaggerating way, etc. The liver also reacts, besides the quality, also to the
amount of food, and to the feelings, to the desires instinctive animals, finally to the
desires generally, which the psyche cannot tolerate. A sick liver shows that the person
is assimilating something in surplus (to absorb everything that is pleasure, is personal
desires) - something that surpasses his elaboration capacity; it shows the moderation
lack, exaggerating ideas of expansion and he idealizes too high. (Thorwald Dethlefsen,
the Disease as Road, l994).

Therefore the liver only gets sick when capacity is not had of processing, to
recycle, what becomes similar, so much in nutrition, as in thoughts and emotions. It is
interesting to notice that the immoderate ambition, mainly the one that is just gone back
to the Ego, or just for himself, it carts that the obtained end, or the good is not
processed, in other words, it is not recycled, it doesn't go by the others, it doesn't divide
for multiplying - the end doesn't reach its full function; it doesn't establish, finally the
Harmony with the Whole - the same with the foods, that are not digested, and that is
not recycled, so returns against itself, because of its global uselessness.

The liver represents the wanting, and the desires, for this reason
denominated by all the sciences of the antique as the headquarter of the desires, Kama, (
in the Hindu science) establishment of the desiresbody and of the ethereal soul (part of
the soul related to the physical etero - physical and animal electromagnetism). Wanting
too much generates a reaction that seeks the balance - wanting less. Thus, the liver,
when it gets "sick the person, demonstrates total loss of energy: loses the sexual
potency, loses the desire even for the own life, loses the notion of the here-now, loses
the appetite for food or drink. Therefore the moral cause of the disease is not to know
the quality and the amount wanted. With this, the person, for preserving, or to
moderating the pain that can accompany the disease, begins to control his thoughts,
emotions and passions because he is informed by his own liver that those are causing
disturbs - as well as he will begin just to eat the necessary and it will improve the
quality of what he eats, what he thinks and feels.

According to the author above, the liver extracts the animal and vegetable protein
of the foods that we ingested, altering the space organization of the amino
acidsmolecules. In other words, while it retains the isolated components of individual
formation (the amino acids), the liver alters the way as they are structured in the space,
provoking a qualitative jump, and, consequently, an evolutionary jump of the vegetable
and animal kingdom, for the human kingdom.

It happens at physical level, too at that we assimilated and we digest in the

mental and emotional level. In the socratic or pre-socratic Medicine, the life quality
was directly dependent of the Man's relationship with yours spill, also, with the social
paper that he carries out. As he knows how to assimilate, to discern or to undergo
digestion and to distribute, he becomes a channel between the animal and the human,
and goes by the evolutions road for the Divine.

The person who has disturbs or illnes in the liver, or who has problems with forgiving,
should ask to himself the following questions, second class uttered by Prof. Michel
Echenique Isasa, Filosophy Course at Organizao Internacional Nova Acropole in the
Course " Sucess Road" and "How to deal with the Solitude:
1 - Which were the internal and external reasons what obstruct me of doing daily
valuations on myself?
2 - What obstruct me a lot of times of doing a correct discernment among the one what
it is good for me and for all, and what is not good nor for me or for the whole?
3 - In what sense I have been making excesses? To what extention am I flying too high
(ideas of greatness) and is where surpassing the limits ?
4 -Do I maybe worry about myself and with to the ambit of my " religio ", of my
reconection with the primordial source? Or is the worlds multiplicity impeding my
intuitive perception? Do the philosophical themes occupy a very small part in my life?
5 - Do I go back my being to the external, for the social, for the great universal family?

Can it simply be considered as coincidence, the fact of the Catholic Church, in this
millennium end, having chosen the year 2.000 how being the Pardons World Year?
The Pardon

The map Ray Id already mentioned, show the area corresponding to the Pardon
When the individual presents some sign in this area, it can denote attitudes so much
ositive as negatives:
As positive it is mentioned: the capacity to receive love, creativity, independence,
humanitarian sense, observation power, responsibility, leadership, social
In the negative aspect it can happen: fear of the failure, resentment, tendency to be
martyr, masochism, anxiety, self flagellation, restlessness and manipulation.

Creator of the method Ray Id, Denny Johnson, refers that to use the potentials of
all the other areas, better the individual should go by the sincere pardon, as just with
this posture the individual can become truly free and to do a self evaluation.

Rabin Casarjian, in his work "The Book of the Pardon " says: To forgive is not
to approve behaviors negative, so from itself as from other people. The pardon doesn't
obstruct either to protect its own rights or of thirds acting, to change a situation. To
forgive is not to think that everything is well. Sometimes, the difference among the
true pardon and to deny or to repress the rage and the sorrow (natural reactions of self
preservation), can be deceiving and confused.

In the Comportamental's Annual Medicine Encounter, accomplished in the

Tenesse-USA on the 06.04.2000 the Spelling book it was exhibited of How to Forgive,
elaborated starting from researches made in 107 individuals to discover which the
largest difficulties in forgiving
Basic rules to work the Pardon:
1)Dont think about to choke or to keep the rage - react to the insult!
2)The individual should make the choice - to forgive implicates in making the decision
3)Do an difficult exercise however not impossible - Trie to isolate, to separate the
person than what she did (bad to you )
4) Keep in mind that forgetfulness is not to forgive and that the pardon doesn't
necessarily implicate in reconciliation and that the pardon frees us of the sufferings that
the sorrow and the rage bring together.

5. Justification
The present work tries to find in the importance of the organ Liver along the times
and of the eras, in most of the civilizations, its relationship with the human, seeking the
understanding of its totality going by the aspects physical, philosophical, mythical and
psychic, so that this understanding can happen.

Although, citations happen regarding the theme in the different civilizations,

this fact already justifies previously this search of relationships between the Liver and
the aspects approached it was adopted for didactic and pedagogic effect, all the
information about the Antiques references on the Pardon under the point of view of
the Philosophers previous to the Era Crest, and that it coincides with the Buddhist
oriental precepts, as well as under the Christian point of view - Their more detailed
connotations on the pardon in each individual can be seen in the iris in each person,
since the Pardon should be individual and for to reaching this desideratum, internal
existential challenges happen and can be reflected in located specific areas in the iris.
According to the Iridological knowledge, it can, for instance, stimulate this process of
forgiving, through the Mtodo Ray Id, motivating the individual to adopt the positive
attitudes of the area of the Pardon. Already at the light of Classic Somatic Iridologia, it
can improve the function of this organ and consequently they interfere favorably in the
individuals'psychic processes, besides the Chinese Traditional Medicine, through
Acupuncture and Phitoterapy, the organs function can be modulated redundanting the
physics and psychic human improvement.

The possible detection of the shock organ through the iridological exam
allows to settle down the psychic and physical strategy, perhaps more appropriate in
order to acta little more favorably, as psychically as psychically on the human.

6. Objective

This work aims at to establish the relationship between the Liver and the human
through the Myth and of Rite represented by this organ in the humanity along the eras
and in a lot of civilizations. For the attainment of this project it was used as much
Psychic Iridology as the Somatic, once both has own topographical maps, that reflecting
specific areas of the psyche and this topographical areas of all the human organs. In this
sense the propose of the work sought to try to establish the existent relationship among
referred organ and the attitude of Forgiving, firstly at the light of the Christian Jewish
Myth, settling down posteriori ", some relationships with other myths of the Old
Traditions wisdom, that consider it, perhaps, the most important human organ.
Something to exist in this sense, however it should be deepened, this study, still plus,
so much in the referred area of the Liver and Pardon, as well as in the other areas of
both maps, position that it can result in something beneficial for the human.

7. Methodology

The methodology consisted of bibliographical Revision where it tried to lift data

on the mentioned subjects, in other words, on the Liver and its anatomical aspects,
phisiopatolocal, as well as its mythical aspects and influence on the human psyche in
several civilizations along the times.

8. Conclusion
This is a work that is in open, however it seems there to be a relationship with the
organ Liver with the human psyche, exemplifying for the mythological knowledge, on
this great and vital laboratories of the organism.
Psychic Iridologia, as well as the somatic classic, through the detection of
probable " shock " organs, and its psychic aspect, can contribute excessively to a better
understanding of the human being, could establish a bridge to understand, even more,
the psychosomatic.
The liver perhaps one of the most important organs, deserves an approach, as
being maybe the link between the physical body and the psychic world, so much
individual as collective. It seems to work still, as a put transmutador that the old several
traditions, it is him that softens all the emotions balancing them of such a luck, that
result in a " psychic homeostase ". Mainly through the dreamlike, resulting in the
balance among being awake, that is the vigil and dreaming, factors of extreme
importance for the Human's psychic balance. Second Plato, in The Republic the liver
was created by the God, for the simple human to see the future through him.

However, as already mentioned, in no one moment it intended to drain the

theme, but it is in open for critics and suggestions, with intention trying to contribute, a
little more, for this understanding so looked for, regarding the Human.

*Psichologist Postgraduated of Course of Iridology-Iris - Diagnosis na FACIS/IBEHE
**Psicanalist, Parapsichologist, Postgraduating of the Course of Iridology-Irisdiagnosis at
*** Mdician Coordenator of Course of Postgraduation in Iridology-Irisdiagnosis and of the
Ambulatory of Psichical Iridology at the Faculdade de Cincias da Sade de So Paulo
Mestrando em Homeopathy pelo FACIS/IBEHE

O livro de Ouro da Medicina Chinesa - Edit. Objetiva
Batello, Celso Fernandes, Iridologia e Irisdiagnose, O que os Olhos Podem Revelar,
e Mapa - Editora Ground,1999
Brennan, Barbara A. Mos de Luz
Blavatsky, H. P. Glossrio Teosfico 2a. Ed. Editora Ground, 1997
Calvin, S. Hall e Vernon, J. Nordby - Introduo Psicologia Junguiana Ed.
Cultrix l992/l993
Campbell, Joseph - O Poder do Mito 1a. Ed. Palas Atenas, l990
Campos, Dinah Martins de Souza Campos Edit. Vozes, 1981
Casarjian, Robin O Livro do Perdo, 8a. Ed. Rocco, l999
Chevalier, Jean - Dicionrio de Smbolos, Ed. Jos Olympio, 1992
Dahlke, Rudiger - A Doena como Linguagem da Alma Ed. Cultrix, 1991
Dahlke, Rudiger, Dethlefsen Thorwald - A Doena como Caminho, Ed. Cultrix
Diel, Paul. - O Simbolismo na Mitologia Grega Edit. Attar, 1991
Ellek Edith e Gernima Aznar.- Reconstruindo uma vida Ed. gora
Fadman, James e Frager, Robert - Teorias da Personalidade Edit. Harbra, 1979
Hillman, James. - A Busca Interior em Psicologia e Religio, Ed. Paulus, 3a. Ed.
Jensen, Bernard. The Science and Practice of Iridology, California, Bernard Jensen
Published, l985
Johnson, Denny, O Olho Revela, Uma Introduo ao Mtodo Rayid de
Interpretao da ris, Editora Ground, 2 Edio, 1984
Jung, C.J. - Psicologia e Alquimia Edit. Vozes, 1875/1991
Jung, C.J. - Smbolos da Transformao Edit. Vozes, 1973
Leloup, Jean Ives - O Corpo e seus Smbolos Ed. Vozes, 2a. Ed. l998
Lexikon, Herder - Dicionrio de Smbolos, Edit. Cultrix, l994
Powell, Arthur E. O Duplo Etreo Edit. O Pensamento
Ramos, Denize Gimenes - A Psique do Corpo, Sumus Editorial l994
Ramos, Denize Gimenes - A Psique do Corao Edit. Cultrix l995
Whitmont, Edward C. - A Busca do Smbolo Ed. Cultrix l998/1999
Wolman, Benjamin B.( Organizador ) - Tcnicas Psicanalticas Edit. Imago, 1977

Doroty Bermudes *
Marilena Angeli * *
Carlos Magno Scouto * * *
Celso Fernandes Batello * * * *


An Iridological approach
*Psichologist, Postgraduate of the Course of Iridology-Irisdiagnosis at FACIS/IBEHE.
**Psicanalist, Parapsichologist, Postgraduating in Irisdiagnose at FACIS/IBEHE.
* * *Phisioterapeuty , Teacher of the Course of Posgraduation in Acupuncture at the
* * * * Doctor, Coordenator of the Course of Posgraduation of Iridology-Irisdiagnosis
of Universidade de Cincia de Sade de So Paulo - Mestrando of Homeopathy

Our Thanks

Our more sincere gratefulness to Schoolmistress Mrcia Yole Turrini Coutinho,

specialist in Psicologia Jungs Psychology, Consultant and Psychologist Hospitalar and
Master of the Pontifcia Universidade Catlica, who helped a lot in all the analyses of
the free drawings and of the humans figure drawings, for her always readiness and

Our thanks to the doctor psychiatrist, Dr. Jair Loureno of Silva, who kindly gave up
the patients' relatories, examined at his clinic.

This study approaches manifestations and psychic reactions of the depression,

considering Iridology as a source of information on the psyche, through signs given by
the cerebral areas of the Bernard Jensen's Map.

This map allows the possibility to verify, through this microsistem, registered
signs in specific cerebral areas, related with defined states of depression. In this work,
the cerebral area of the Innate Mind was observed, as a common factor. The Innate
Mind embraces compulsive obsessive phenomena, as the schizophrenia and suicidal
tendencies. In this work, it is inferred that this topographical area is also related with
two other mental and endogenous diseases, which are: bipolar disturbance and epilepsy,
as well as neurotic phenomena.

It is possible to observe the implication of the neuroimunopsicoendocrinal axis

of the mentioned structures, when the Iris is evaluated in the research.

Common Iridological Signs Identification

in patients with Depression

Approach of the Problem


Very recently the depression was classified as reactive or endogenous. It was

believed that the reactive depression was caused by a certain episode. The person
became depressed by the reaction to facts happened in his life, as mourning, serious
diseases, dismissal of the employment etc.
The endogenous depression was that one which happened without obvious
reason: in according to what the person could remember - nothing had happened to
depressed her. Endogenous means "to come from inside, and it was believed that those
depressions were due to biochemical changes inside the body, although nobody knew
certainly what provoked them. Those definitions are useful: The depression is a form
that is known an affective upset or humors upset, because it is primarily linked to a
change of humor .

Considering that a great part of the population presents manifestations and

psychic reactions of depressive stamp; considering although Iridology/Irisdiagnosis
supply informations of the psyche through signs supplied by the cerebral areas of the
Jensens map, the authors tried to investigate the relationships between such depressive
phenomena and the iridological signs .


Although the cerebral areas of the somatic iridological map in any moment
represent the neuroathomic classic division, the subdivisions proposed by Bernard
Jensen supply very important informations for understanding the human better, as
physically as psychically and could serve as link with the psychosomatic. Particularly
it was noticed that the topographical division of the innate mind appears significantly as
being a common area in these patient ones. In this sense, the authors started from the
presupposition that should have a significant relationship between the depressive
phenomena and the iridological signs in this area, allowing, besides the simple
detection or confirmation of these data, to look for to base and to increase the use of the
iridological and appropriate approach and regarding the area of the Innate Mind, in the
accompaniment and definition of the conducts for these patients.

Iridology, means the study of the iris, since its anatomy, physiology, histology,
pharmacology, pathology until the possibility of knowing the individual's general and
partial constitution, since both are represented in the iris. However, for obtainning
information regarding this same individual, and having objective of understanding his
constitution, the best designation becomes IRISDIAGNOSIS: knowledge through the
iris of the mental, psychic and spiritual aspects.

Irisdiagnosis studies the human being and the animals as a whole, serving as "
the search of the lost link" , through the intersection of the several currents of the human
knowledge. As bigger is the knowledge of the Universe, bigger is the application of
Irisdiagnosis. Irisdiagnosis is "the world" and no other method makes possible to
understand the individual with so much wealth and subtileness as it, because the eye is,
perhaps, the organic microsistem that best translates the human like it is, indeed.

IRISDIAGNOSIS is a science - art whose propaedeutical method, which

allows, through the observation of the iris, to know in a determinated moment, the
individual's general and partial constitution, as well as the evolutionary stages: acute,
sub acute, chronic and degenerative of the alterations that attack one or more organs, or
the organism as a a whole. All this is expressed and it is reflected in the iris, through a
topography, where each organ is represented in one or more iridological maps,
allowing a complete approach of human being.
Although it is impossible to establish a diagnosis, that presupposes to give
names to the diseases, Irisdiagnosis works as a pr diagnosis, where the detection of the
shock organs, allows its elaboration more easily, through complemental exams that
come to confirm the clinical suspicions.

Map Jensen

Cerebral areas

The cronorichio, etmologically (cronos = time + richio risk) means times of
risk, in other words, times of the life where the individual is prone to suffer the action of
the noxas or aggressors agents, so much endogenous as external, just as, a " biorhythm
" printed in the iris, more precisely in the topographical area corresponding to Colarete
or Autonomous Nervous Systems Border.

The unpublished method was created and developed by Danielle Lo Rito

(1993),who observed that the facts that mark the life are registered in the iris in an
indelible way, serving as information for better understanding the human, being
therefore, valuable resource to the disposition of the iridologist.

The terminology cronorichio we understood as the condition (potential and

current) of larger danger (scratch out or amount of risk), for the health, a segment of the
quantitative anomalies verification and/or temporary in the economy of the biological
functions (Lo Rito, l993).

Therefore, with this term we want to indicate a period of a person's life where is
possible that a physical or psychic fact determines an alteration of the biological
function in such point of foreseeing the appearance of a disease. With such
dysfunction we didn't intend to introduce the concept of the possibility of determining it
through an analysis of the iris, although. The experience here obtained allows us to
affirm that the iris carries a sign of physical and psychic cronorischio (risk times).
Therefore there is possibility of the " quantum of risks " to associate and to put upon at
the "risks time". (Danielle Lo Rito, l993).

Exists an Endogenous and an Exogen Cronorichio, the first seems deeply to

call to the corresponding biological order:
the zones of constitutional weakness;
the alterations of the immunitys axis;
the unbalances of the axis of the stress;
to the organ or the most interested functions of a pathological axis;
the structure of the mental field;
the fundamental connections of the human brain that it are constituted before the
birth and they are ready to the successive sinaptical changes, subject to the learning

1) Definitions

According to Lehmann, 1959, depression holds at least three meanings. It can

refer to a symptom, to a syndrome and also to a nosological entity. The semiological
elementary element is a phenomenological aspect characterized by a disturbance, a
reduction of the humor (timia), that becomes sadness. About of this symptom, other
symptoms group together, that can justify the description of syndromes and even of
pathological entities. It is not possible to reduce the syndrome to a " depression " of
physiologic nature, because in the biological depression the physiologic blockade can
just be partial, while the other functions seem to be in superexcitao state. In short, the
depression cannot be explained by simple depressions of the biological functions,
because in the observed group, the Simphatetical Nervous System is excited while the
Parasimphatetical Nervous System is, in a contrary way, inhibited. In any way, as
consequence or as simple association, we found two other phenomena associated to the
disturbances of the humor: the inhibition and the moral suffering.


Due to such possibility, the accomplishment of this work is desirable and fully
justifiable, mainly because it refers to the preventive aspect in the genesis of the
depressive phenomenon, once the identification of any iridological sign in this area
denotes that it is an " minoris resistentiae " organ of the individual, and because of this,
the precocious detection of the area of the mind innates signs of the group, or better, it
can allow the psychotherapist to adopt an prophilaxial psychic approach or even
medicine, as for instance in the eventual relative phenomena to the serotoninas case. Of
course the extension and the understanding of such a phenomenon related to the innate
minds signs generates, opens expectations or it can still generate, infinite illations
regarding the purpose of this work.


The present work has the purpose at once investigated, detected and deepened
the relationship among the alterations in the innate minds signs, relate the depressive
phenomena, adopting measures as much prophilatical as of healing: alluding to the
Maffeis words: " nobody gets sick of what he/she wants, but of what he/she can to "...,
corroborated with the fact that the simple detection of such an iridological and
topographical area reflects to be " minoris resistentiae " this cerebral area, which,
depending on the internal ou external incentive can unchain, through the axis
psicoimunoneuroendcrino, depressive phenomena.

Theoretical Analysis Factors

Most of the iridological signs found is correlated with the endocrine glands,
especially the tireide, as participant of the axis psicoimmunoneuroendocrinal axis
dynamics, corroborated with the scientific literature about it.

Follow graph and the drawings frees, and the human figures drawings, as
well as the psychiatric lauda, correlating the iridological discoveries referring to the
studied irises.


The total sampling embraces 14 patient, being 7 women and 7 men (50% men
and 50% women), with data on age medium (age = 40 years for Men and 44 for
Women), color, Biophatographic Story, education, religion, Iridological Analisis,
evaluation for the Cronorichios Method, and the free history from the Patient no. 4
was averaged. The samplings were divided in two control groups, as follow:

1) patient with psychiatric diagnosis

9 patient psychiatric were investigated, of both sexes, in the age group between
36 and 54 years, interned and in hospital-day regime, initiate in the second semester of
1999 and in the first semester of 2000, in psychiatric clinic.

Cases/Names Ages Diatesis Cronorichio Psychiatric Biophatogrph Draws awards

awards ics History
42 2 evagination F.31.31- look at look at
1. V.B.S.A S 37 years old Affective Bi- sequence sequence
Polar Disturbe
55 3 47, 33 e 34 F.32.12- look at look at
Depressive sequence sequence
2. A M S F Moderated
37 2 3,4,8,15 e 22 F.39-Disturb look at look at
3JAMF affective not sequence sequence
34 1 13,17,37 e 38 F.32- look at look at
4. R A M Depressive sequence sequence ide
Episode sequncia
disturbs of
40 4 7,10,12,15,16, F.44.7- look at look at
5.N P C 22,27,30 e 37 Dissociative sequence sequence
Mixt Disturbs
53 1 18 e 19 F.33- look at look at
6. V R S Depressive sequence sequence
7. S A C 41 1 22,24,41,42, F.32- look at look at
43e 46 Depressive sequence sequence
8. L A L S 47 3 26,27,35 e 36 F.32- look at look at
Depressive sequence sequence
9. M L 39 3 13,14,22,37, F.31- Afetive look at look at
45,46 e 47 Bi-polar sequence sequence

Cases Other Endogenous Thymus/ Aut.Nervous Cronorquio

Cerebral Glandula Spleen Sist. Orle or / Diatesis
areas Lynphatics Colarete
1 The border Evagination
VBSAS disappears at 37,
n Hypophysis n next tos 7.oo invaginarion
oclock at 30 anos
Ditese 2
2 Vitality, Hypophysis 47, 33 e 34
AMSF Tyroid / n Bulb Diatesis 3
3 Acquired Hypophysis 3, 4, 8, 15,
JAMMF Speaks Tyiroid / n n 22
Egos Pancreas
Pressure 5 Suprarenals Diatesis 2
4 Equilibrium Pancreas, 13, 17, 37 e
RAM and Supra-renais n n 38
Sensorial and Diatesis 1
Locomotion Paratyroid
5 7, 10, 12, 15,
NPC Hypophysis 16, 22, 27,
Egos Tyiroid and Spleen n 30 e 37
Pressure Supra-renais Diatesis 4
6 Tyroid, 18 e 19
Vera Ego Paratyiroide n n Diatesis 1
Hypophysis 22, 24, 41,
Tyroid, 42, 43, 46
7 Paratyroid Diatesis 1
SAC Vitality and Spleen n
Womb /
8 Paratyroid 26, 27, 35 e
LALS n Testicles n n 36
Prostate Diatesis 3
9 Tyroid, 13, 14, 22,
ML n Paratyroid Suprarenal n 37, 45, 46 e
and 47
Pancreas ditesis 3

Studied variables:
Characteristics of the depression, characteristics of the iris: forms, color and size.
Fixed variables:
Number of patient: 9, being 6 women and 3 men (66% women and 33% men), with
data about age (medium age: 40 years, for Men , and age medium 44 years for women),
color, biophatografic history s, cronorischio, education, religion, iridological map, and
the free history from the Patient n. 4 were averaged.

2) Control group chosen incidentally, without psychiatrics complaints and without

depression complaints.

Cases/Name Ages Diatesis Cronorichio psychiatrics Biophatografic Drawings

Lauda History Lauda
10. A A 12 A 13,14, look at look at
39 3 15 A17,30A 32 n sequence sequence
E 38
6,15,16,17,18, look at look at
22,27,29,30, sequence sequence
11. M M G 42 4 31,32a34,38,4 n
5,47,49,52e 58
10,14,16,17,24 look at look at
12. S C A 38 4 ,26,28,30,33,3 n sequence sequence
47 e 59
2,3,9,16 a look at look at
13 P R M 43 4 18,30,37,39, n sequence sequence
41,45 e 47
15,21 a look at look at
14. J E C 38 3 23,32,37,38, e n sequence sequence

Cases Other Endocrinal Thimus / Aut. Cronorquio/

cerebral Glandula Spleen/ Nervous Diatesis
areas Linphatic Sist. Border
Organs or Colarete
10. A A Senile Hypophysis 12,13 Petal, 14, 15 2,13 Petal, 14, 15
to 17,30 to 32, and to 17,30 a 32, e
Arch, Pancreas, 38 - Petal 388 Petal
Pression of Testicles, n
Diatesis 3
Ego, Tyroid ,
Equilibrium Suprarenal
Vitality/ Hypophysis 6 years, Sun 6 years, Sun
Radium Petal - radium Petal - from
Pression of Tyrid from 15 to18, 15 to 18,
Ego, 22,27,29,30, 31- 22,27,29,30, 31-
11. M M G
solution of solution of
Acquired n continuity- 32 a 34, continuity - 32 to
Speak and 38,45,47,49,52,58 34,
Sun radium 38,45,47,49,52,58
Equilibrium Sun radium
Diatesis p/ 4
12. Silvana Mente Inata, Hypophysis Linphatic 10,14,16,17,26,28, 10,14,16,17,26,28,
30,33,35,37,45,47, 30,33,35,37,45,47,
Sensrio Ovary, Rosary , 59 Petal - 24,41 - 59 Petal - 24,41 -
Locomoo, Pancreas, Apendicis Psorical Spot Psorical Spot

Presso do Suprarenal, Diatesis 4

Ego, 5 Mamma
13. P R M Pression of Hypophysis 2,3,9,16,17,18,30, 2,3,9,16,17,18,30,
37,41,45,47 - Sun 37,41,45,47 - Sun
Ego, Tyroid, radium ,39 - radium ,39 -
Sexuality Supra-Renal n Closed Lesion Closed Lesion
Diatesis 4
Mental, 5
Senses and
Mente Inata
14. J E C Mente Inata Pancreas n 15,21 to 15,21 to
23,32,37,38,45 - 23,32,37,38,45 -
, Senile Petals. Petails
arch Diatesis 3

Studied variables - Characteristics of the depression, characteristics of the iris: its

forms, color and size
Fixed variables:
Number of patient: 1 woman and 3 men (33% of women and 66% of men), with data
about age (medium age: 40 years for Men, and medium age medium 44 years for the
women), color, biopathogrfic history , cronorchio, education, religion, iridological
map, meaning of the different lesions and evolutionary stages of the same ones, and the
free history of the Patient n. 4 were averaged.


It tried to investigate the patients, through the free history of (Hanneman) ,

picking " ipsis literis " the data told by the patient, proceeding to the bilateral exam of
all the patients' irises and establishing the relationship between this history with
Cerebral area of the Iridolgical Map, common to all the patients, as well as with the
drawings of the human figures draws, and the free draws. It was proceeded by
filming the eyes through vdeoimage, with specialized equipment Iriscan, video and TV
monitor. The patients were chosen incidentally, without any diagnostical reference. A
double-blind study was accomplished, composed of three different approaches on the
same group sample. The study makes possible, to the posteriori, to confront all these
data with the psychiatric lauda, because it seems to exist a connection between such
cerebral areas and the psychic symptoms.


The study in subject established clear relationship between the discoveries of the
iridological signs and the symptoms presented by the depressive patients, fully
compatible with the clinical history, as well as the drawingss illustrations, and the
Psychiatric Lauda that demonstrated agreement with referred depressive phenomena.

Such a work gives indications that it seems to exist indeed, in these cases, all the
compromising of the psicoimmunoneuroendocrine axis, opening, besides, a fan of
possibilities for the prophilatic act, at the prevention and at the cure, associating
everything that exists of classic, added to this new perspective. Once such identified
such areas, can be proceeded to the necessary cares to benefit the human, that
potentially can present the depressive phenomena here discussed. The iris is the world,
and more it knows regarding the human, larger the aplication in the Iridology.

In this sense, it was analyzed all the patients' different irises, being verified that
it was the cerebral area of the innate mind in 90% of the samples, as common area. The
lauda of the drawings of the human figure and free drawings interpretation resulted
suggestive depressive processes, that were confirmed, later, for the psychiatric lauda
that indicated 90% of the sample with depressive processes.

The control group constituted by six individuals, presented two cases where
happened registrations of signs in the Innate Minds area, that for the analysis of the
free drawings and the human figures drawings it was verified compatible
psychological factors with referred the iridological signs, getting the significant total
of agreement between the irises signs and the drawingsanalyses, denoting the
effectiveness of the method. The group control, for obvious reasons, was stopped
emitting the psychiatric lauda.

It can be inferred that immense majority presented of the patients' depressive

processes, however to be considered that the topographical area of the innate mind also
refers to the schizophrenia, according to Jensen, it is still enlarged more the inclusion of
this study, mainly to be taken in consideration the other such endogenous diseases as
the bipolar disturbance and the epilepsy, that appear as precursory or as resultants of
depressive processes. The neurotic disturbances can also be framed in the area of the
innate mind.

The authors in no moment intended to drain the subject, the contrary, they only
attempted to lift the subject to be discussed better by those are interested in this subject.


Deflection: Opening movement or expansion of the colarete Autonomous Neuro-

Sistem Band in the pupilar border ( Colarete ) in certain areas, denoting symphatycal
phenomena, for instance, in the area of the heart, it generates tachicardia.

Inflection: Closing movement or retration of the colarete in certain areas, denoting

phenomena parassimpticos, for instance, in the area of the heart, it generates

Cronorchio: Method of evaluation of the iris created by Daniele Lorito, that analyzes
the time of the individual's risk that is printed in the colarete.

Diatesis, according to Trousseau, is a predisposition congenital or acquired, however

essential and invariably chronic, because of multiple alterations are produced in the
form, however unique in the essence.

*Doroty Bermudes - Postgraduated Psychologist of the Course of Iridology-
IrisDiagnosis at FACIS/IBEHE
* * Marilena Angeli - Psychoanalyst, Parapsicloga, Posgraduating of the Course of
Iidology-Iris Diagnosis at FACIS/IBEHE.
* * * Carlos Magno Scouto - Physiotherapist, Teacher of the Curso Ps-graduation in
Acupuncture in the (FACIS/IBEHE)
* * * * Celso Batello - Doctor Coordenador of the Course of Ps Graduao of
Iridologia-Irisdiagnose of Universidade de Cincias da Sade de So Paulo -
Mestrando of Homeopathy (FACIS/IBEHE)

Revision of the Literature

* Aaron T. Beck, A John Rush, Brian F. Shaw, Gary Emery, Terapia Cognitiva da
Depresso, Zahar Editores, Rio de Janeiro, l982
* ACKERMANN, Albert Dardanelli. Iridologia Moderna Ilustrada. Editora Cabal,
Madrid, 1982.
* Batello, Celso Fernandes, Iridologia e Irisdiagnose, O que os Olhos Podem Revelar,
Editora Ground, 1 Edio, 1999
* Breton Sue, Depresso - Esclarecendo Suas Dvidas, gora 1996, So Paulo
* Brunini, C. Aforismos de Hipcrates S. P. Typos, 1998.
* Dahlke, Rudiger - A Doena como linguagem da Alma, Edit. Cultrix., SP. l991
* Dahlke, Rudiger, Dethlefesen Thorwald - a Doena como Caminho, Ed. Cultrix, SP.
* Deck, J. Principles of Iris Diagnosis Germany, Insitute for Fundamental Research
of Iris Diagnosis, l982.
* Demarque, D. Semiologia Homeoptica Buernos Aires, Ediciones Marecel, l978.
* Duprat, H. A Teroria e a Tcnica da Homeopatia, R. J. , Olimpica Editora, l974
* Johnson, Denny, O Olho Revela, Uma Introduo ao Mtodo Rayid de Interpretao
da ris, Editora Ground, 2 Edio, 1984.
* Fadman, James e Frager, Robert - Torias da Personalidade, Edit. Harbra, SP l979
* Ferrandiz, V.L. Iridodiagnosis. Ediciones CEDEL, Barcelona, 1981.
* Gazolla, Flavio. Curso de Iridologia, Cmo Leer El Estado de Salud En El ris.
Editorial de Vecchi, Barcelona, 1994.
* Henri, EY, P. Bernard e C. Brisset, Manual de Psiquiatria, Ed. Masson do Brasil
Ltda. 2a. Edio, 1985, Brasil.
* Ivaldi, M. Iridologia - Locchio specchio della salute, Milano, Italy Editiorium, l993
* Jausas, G. Tratado de Iridologia Mdica. Madrid, Las Mil e Unas Ediciones, l982
* Jensen, Bernard. The Science and Practice of Iridology, California, Bernard Jensen
Published, l985
* Johnson, D. What the Eyes Reveals; An Introduction in The Ray-Id Method of Iris
Interpretation EUA., Rayid Publications, l984
* Jurasunas, Serge e Clodoaldo Pacheco. Iridologia, Um Diagnstico Natural. Editora
Copyart, Tubaro, 1995.
* Jurasunas, S. Iridologia - Um Diagnstico Natural. S.C. Copiart, l995
* Kossak, R. 1000 Conceitos em Homeopatia. S. P. , Elcid l984
* Leloup, Jean Ives- O Corpo e seus Simbolos Ed. Vozes, SP. 2a. Ed. l998
* Lo Rito, D. II Cronoschio - Nueve Acquisiozione in Iridologia, Italy Editorium, 1993
* Maffei, W.E, Os Fundamentos da Medicina. 2. Ed. S.P. Artes Mdicas, l978
* Ramos, Denize Gimenes - A Psique do Corpo, Sumus Editorial, SP.l994
* ramos, Denize Gimenes - A Psique do Corao, Edit. Cultrix, SP. l995
* Sharan, F. Iridology: A complet guide to diagnosing through the iris and to related
forms of treatment. S.1.,
* Spoerri , T. H. Compndio de Psiquiatria, Editora Artes Mdicas.
* Thorsons Publishing Group, l989.
* Valverde, R. Os Olhos dos Deuses S.P. Ground, l991
* Vander. Diagnstico por el Iris y otros Signos de Las enfermidades, Barcelona.
Ediciones Adrian Vand Der Cut, l972
* Vannier, L. et al. Le diagnostic des maladies per les yeux. 4 ed. Paris, G. Doin, l957

Doroty Bermudes *
Marilena Angeli * *
Carlos MagnoScouto * * *
Celso Fernandes Batello * * * *


*Psichologist, Postgraduate of the Course of Iridology-Irisdiagnosis at FACIS/IBEHE.

**Psicanalist, Parapsichologist, Postgraduating in Irisdiagnose at FACIS/IBEHE.
* * *Phisioterapeuty , Teacher of the Course of Postgraduation in Acupuncture at the
* * * * Doctor Coordenator of the Course of Postgraduation of Iridology-Irisdiagnosis
of Universidade de Cincia de Sade de So Paulo - Mestrando of Homeopathy

The authors tried to demonstrate the correlation among the biophatografic
history of 14 individuals, of both sexes, with the signs found in Colarete, [Autonomous
Neuro-Sistem Band in the pupilar border] through the Cronorischio or Cronorichio
Method , where it seems to exis a significant relationship of approximately 90%
between both.


The cronorischio/cronorichio is a method of evaluation of the eyes, created by

Danielle Lorito, that analyzes the time of the individual's risk, and is printed in the
colarete of the Irises, portraying this same individual's biophatografic history. Because
of the temes importance for better understanding of the Human, the authors tried to
establish the relationship between the iridological and the free history, to try to confirm
the truthfulness of the method.


Iridologia is study of the iris that goes since its anatomy, physiology, histology,
pharmacology, pathology until the possibility of knowing the individual's general and
partial constitution, since both are represented in the iris. However, it obtains
information regarding this same individual, tends as objective the understanding of its
constitution, the best designation becomes IRISDIAGNOSIS, knowledge through the
iris at the mental, psychic and spiritual aspects. (Celso Batello, l998)

Irisdiagnosis studies the human being and the animals as a whole, serving as "
the search of the lost link, through the intersection of the several currents human
knowledge. As bigger is the knowledge of the Universe, bigger is the Irisdianosis

Irisdiagnosis is the world, and no other method makes possible to understand

the individual with so much wealth and subtileness as it, because the eye is, perhaps, the
organic microssistem that best translates the human like it is. (Celso Batello, l998).

IRISDIAGNOSIS is a science - art whose propaedeutical method allows,

through the observation of the iris, to know in a determinated moment, the individual's
general and partial constitution, as well as the evolutionary stages, acute, sub acute,
chronic and degenerative of the alterations that attack one or more organs, or the
organism as a a whole. All this is expressed and it is reflected in the iris, through a
topography, where each organ is represented in one or more iridological maps,
allowing a complete approach of human being.

Although it is impossible to establish a diagnosis, that presupposes to give

names to the diseases, Irisdiagnosis works as a pr diagnosis, where the detection of the
shock organs, allows the its elaboration more easily, through complemental exams that
come to confirm the clinical suspicions.
The cronorichio, etmologically (cronos = time + richio risk) means times of
risk, in other words, times of the life where the individual is prone to suffer the action of
the noxas or aggressors agents, so much endogenous as external, just as, a " biorhythm
" printed in the iris, more precisely in the topographical area corresponding to Colarete
or Autonomous Nervous Systems Border.

The unpublished method was created and developed by Danielle Lo Rito

(1993),who observed that the facts that mark the life are registered in the iris in an
indelible way, serving as information for better understanding the human, being
therefore, valuable resource to the disposition of the iridologist.

The terminology cronorichio we understood as the condition (potential and

current) of larger danger (scratch out or amount of risk), for the health, a segment of the
quantitative anomalies verification and/or temporary in the economy of the biological
functions (Lo Rito, l993).

Therefore, with this term we want to indicate a period of a person's life where is
possible that a physical or psychic fact determines an alteration of the biological
function in such point of foreseeing the appearance of a disease. With such
dysfunction we didn't intend to introduce the concept of the possibility of determining it
through an analysis of the iris, although. The experience here obtained allows us to
affirm that the iris carries a sign of physical and psychic cronorischio (risk times).
Therefore there is possibility of the " quantum of risks " to associate and to put upon at
the "risks time". (Danielle Lo Rito, l993).

Exists an Endogenous and an Exogen Cronorichio, the first seems deeply to

call to the corresponding biological order:
the zones of constitutional weakness;
the alterations of the immunitys axis;
the unbalances of the axis of the stress;
to the organ or the most interested functions of a pathological axis;
the structure of the mental field;
the fundamental connections of the human brain that it are constituted before the
birth and they are ready to the successive sinaptical changes, subject to the learning

The capacity adaptative of the alive being is born by the endogenous cycles
with the environmental factors.
Cronorichio Exgeno is the dependence of the social events or of environmental
factors, which are:
the affective loss
traumatic facts in accidents
natural catastrophes

The external and psychophyisical fact determines the unleashing of the energy
of the quantum of endogenous risks.
The blood takes the rhythm of the Time, the spine takes that one of the Space.
Every time that a trauma to show in the zone of the time, it will provoke a alteration
more at the level of the pupils border (Colarete), and if instead of that, to appear in
the zone of the Space, it will cause a more alteration at Pupil's border .



In Cronorichio the heart and the articulation seem to result and to register the
traumatic fact that can be alive at level of the colarete (Lo Rito, l993).

In the iris the hour of the birth is printed in the colarete as if it was 12:00
oclock, that corresponds to the point zero. Starting from this point zero and traveling
the circumference in counterclockwise sense to each section understood in the angle of
90o. they will correspond 15 years. The semi-circumference 30 years, and a total
circumference will correspond 60 years.


15 45


The direction of the calculation (counterclockwise) is valid as for the right iris,
as for the left iris. the accomplished experience confirms that the anti-hourly direction
confirms that, the correspondence between the degrees and years is more real, not
excluding another calculation possibility and of direcionality (Lo Rito, l993).


7 52

15 45

22 37

For best to find the correct age, the division of the colarete should be proceeded
in 360 and to do division equal year to year up to 60 years. If a person overcomes the
60 years, a new cycle begins which overlapps at the of the circle up to 75 years
and to the second circle the 90 years. In calculating the age where the trauma is
verified, we should wonder the individual's birth it happened before or after the nine
months. (Lo Rito, l993)

Supposing that, based on the Method of Dr. Lorito, is possible to identify events
happened during a patient's life, the present work intends to identify significant facts,
related to certain moments of life and, that they can be confirmed, confronting with the
patient's biophatographic history. Once correlated the informations at the psychiatric
lauda, at the patientss drawings and history free, this study makes possible, at the
posteriori, to confront all these data with the psychiatric lauda, because it seems to exist
a connection between such signs and the beginning of the psychic symptoms.


Considering that, the cronorichio method determines the time in that happened
significant facts in the individual's life, for the presentation of signs in the band of
autonomous nervous system (colarete), seeming to work as a true human biorhythm;
considering that is possible connect these facts with the individual's sintomatology;
considering that it can have alterations in the neuropsicoimmunoendocrine axis, with
detailed registrations on the colarete; considering that these registrations can be
elucidating regarding traumatic conditions, being taken in consideration the choice of
certain medicines, it becomes fully justifiable the accomplishment of this work.


To establish relationships among the method Cronorichio and the

Biophatographic History, through the study of the iris and the free history told by the
studied individuals, and to establish conducts that seek to collaborate, through this
facilitative agent, to elucidate facts, feelings, emotions and to understand better the
individual and to look for methods and effective therapeutic criteria.

Theoretical Analysis factors

Most of the iridological signs found is correlated with the endocrine glands,
especially the tireide, as participant of the axis psicoimmunoneuroendocrines
dynamics, corroborated with the scientific literature about it.


The total sampling embraces 14 patient, being 7 women and 7 men (50% men
and 50% women), with data on age medium (age = 40 years for Men and 44 for
Women), color, Biophatographic Story, education, religion, Iridological Analisis,
evaluation for the Cronorichios Method, and the free history from the Patient no. 4
was averaged. The samplings were divided in two control groups, as follow:

1) patient with psychiatric diagnosis

9 patient psychiatric were investigated, of both sexes, in the age group between
36 and 54 years, interned and in hospital-day regime, initiate in the second semester of
1999 and in the first semester of 2000, in psychiatric clinic.

Cases/Names Ages Diatesis Cronorichio Psychiatric Biophatograph Draws awards

awards ics History
42 2 evagination F.31.31- look at look at
1. V.B.S.A S 37 years old Affective Bi- sequence sequence
Polar Disturbe
55 3 47, 33 e 34 F.32.12- look at look at
Depressive sequence sequence
2. A M S F Moderated
37 2 3,4,8,15 e 22 F.39-Disturb look at look at
3JAMF affective not sequence sequence
34 1 13,17,37 e 38 F.32- look at look at
4. R A M Depressive sequence sequence ide
Episode sequncia
disturbs of
40 4 7,10,12,15,16, F.44.7- look at look at
5.N P C 22,27,30 e 37 Dissociative sequence sequence
Mixt Disturbs
53 1 18 e 19 F.33- look at look at
6. V R S Depressive sequence sequence
7. S A C 41 1 22,24,41,42, F.32- look at look at
43e 46 Depressive sequence sequence
8. L A L S 47 3 26,27,35 e 36 F.32- look at look at
Depressive sequence sequence
9. M L 39 3 13,14,22,37, F.31- Afetive look at look at
45,46 e 47 Bi-polar sequence sequence
Cases Other Endogenous Thymus/ Aut.Nervous Cronorquio
Cerebral Glandula Spleen Sist. Orle or / Diatesis
areas Lynphatics Colarete
1 The border Evagination
VBSAS disappears at 37,
n Hypophysis n next tos 7.oo invaginarion
oclock at 30 anos
Ditese 2
2 Vitality, Hypophysis 47, 33 e 34
AMSF Tyroid / n Bulb Diatesis 3
3 Acquired Hypophysis 3, 4, 8, 15,
JAMMF Speaks Tyiroid / n n 22
Egos Pancreas
Pressure 5 Suprarenals Diatesis 2
4 Equilibrium Pancreas, 13, 17, 37 e
RAM and Supra-renais n n 38
Sensorial and Diatesis 1
Locomotion Paratyroid
5 7, 10, 12, 15,
NPC Hypophysis 16, 22, 27,
Egos Tyiroid and Spleen n 30 e 37
Pressure Supra-renais Diatesis 4
6 Tyroid, 18 e 19
Vera Ego Paratyiroide n n Diatesis 1
Hypophysis 22, 24, 41,
Tyroid, 42, 43, 46
7 Paratyroid Diatesis 1
SAC Vitality and Spleen n
Womb /
8 Paratyroid 26, 27, 35 e
LALS n Testicles n n 36
Prostate Diatesis 3
9 Tyroid, 13, 14, 22,
ML n Paratyroid Suprarenal n 37, 45, 46 e
and 47
Pancreas ditesis 3

Studied variables: Alterations in Colarete or Band of the Autonomous nervous system

in function of history biopatogrfica.
Fixed variables:
Number of patient: 9, being 6 women and 3 men (66% women and 33% men), with
data about age (medium age: 40 years, for Men , and age medium 44 years for women),
color, biophatografic history s, cronorischio, education, religion, iridological map, and
the free history from the Patient n. 4 were averaged.

2) Control group chosen incidentally

Cases/Name Ages Diatesis Cronorichio psychiatrics Biophatografic Drawings

Lauda History Lauda
10. A A 12 A 13,14, look at look at
39 3 15 A17,30A 32 n sequence sequence
E 38
6,15,16,17,18, look at look at
22,27,29,30, sequence sequence
11. M M G 42 4 31,32a34,38,4 n
5,47,49,52e 58
10,14,16,17,24 look at look at
12. S C A 38 4 ,26,28,30,33,3 n sequence sequence
47 e 59
2,3,9,16 a look at look at
13 P R M 43 4 18,30,37,39, n sequence sequence
41,45 e 47
15,21 a look at look at
14. J E C 38 3 23,32,37,38, e n sequence sequence

Cases Other Endocrinal Thimus / Aut. Cronorquio/

cerebral Glandula Spleen/ Nervous Diatesis
areas Linphatic Sist. Border
Organs or Colarete
10. A A Senile Hypophysis 12,13 Petal, 14, 15 2,13 Petal, 14, 15
to 17,30 to 32, and to 17,30 a 32, e
Arch, Pancreas, 38 - Petal 388 Petal
Pression of Testicles, n
Diatesis 3
Ego, Tyroid ,
Equilibrium Suprarenal
Vitality/ Hypophysis 6 years, Sun 6 years, Sun
Radium Petal - radium Petal - from
Pression of Tyrid from 15 to18, 15 to 18,
Ego, 22,27,29,30, 31- 22,27,29,30, 31-
11. M M G
solution of solution of
Acquired n continuity- 32 a 34, continuity - 32 to
Speak and 38,45,47,49,52,58 34,
Sun radium 38,45,47,49,52,58
Equilibrium Sun radium
Diatesis p/ 4
12. Silvana Mente Inata, Hypophysis Linphatic 10,14,16,17,26,28, 10,14,16,17,26,28,
30,33,35,37,45,47, 30,33,35,37,45,47,
Sensrio Ovary, Rosary , 59 Petal - 24,41 - 59 Petal - 24,41 -
Locomoo, Pancreas, Apendicis Psorical Spot Psorical Spot

Presso do Suprarenal, Diatesis 4

Ego, 5 Mamma
13. P R M Pression of Hypophysis 2,3,9,16,17,18,30, 2,3,9,16,17,18,30,
37,41,45,47 - Sun 37,41,45,47 - Sun
Ego, Tyroid, radium ,39 - radium ,39 -
Sexuality Supra-Renal n Closed Lesion Closed Lesion
Diatesis 4
Mental, 5
Senses and
Mente Inata
14. J E C Mente Inata Pancreas n 15,21 to 15,21 to
23,32,37,38,45 - 23,32,37,38,45 -
, Senile Petals. Petails
arch Diatesis 3

Studied variables - Characteristics of the depression, characteristics of the iris: its

forms, color and size
Fixed variables: Number of patient: 1 woman and 3 men (33% of women and 66% of
men), with data about age (medium age: 40 years for Men, and medium age medium
44 years for the women), color, biopathogrfic history , cronorchio, education,
religion, iridological map, meaning of the different lesions and evolutionary stages of
the same ones, and the free history of the Patient n. 4 were averaged.

It tried to investigate the patients, through the free history of (Hanneman) ,
picking " ipsis literis " the data told by the patient, proceeding to the bilateral exam of
all the patients' irises and establishing the relationship between this history with
Cerebral area of the Iridolgical Map, common to all the patients, as well as with the
drawings of the human figures draws, and the free draws. It was proceeded by
filming the eyes through vdeoimage, with specialized equipment Iriscan, video and TV
monitor. The patients were chosen incidentally, without any diagnostical reference. A
double-blind study was accomplished, composed of three different approaches on the
same group sample.


The study in subject established clear relationship between the discoveries of the
iridological signs and the symptoms presented by the depressive patients, fully
compatible with the clinical history, as well as the human figuresdrawings, and the
Psychiatric Lauda, that demonstrated agreement with the signs and chronological dates
observed in the Autonomous Neuro-Sistem Band in the pupilar border ( Colarete ).
Such a work gives indications that it seems to exist indeed, in these cases, all
the compromising of the psicoimmunoneuroendocrine axis, opening, besides, a fan of
possibilities for the prophilatic act, at the prevention and at the cure, associating
everything that exists of classic, added to this new perspective.

In this sense, it was analyzed all the patients' different irises, and it was verified
that there was topographical signs on the Autonomous Neuro-Sistem Band in 90% of
the samples, as common sign. The lauda of the interpretation of the human figures
drawings resulted coincident with events told in the free history besides with the
suitable chronological dates in the iridological exam.

Biophatografy as the own name indicates: bio = life, pathos = disease and graphia =
to record. It is factors that happened, marking the individual's life, making him to get

Deflection: Opening movement or expansion of the colarete Autonomous Neuro-

Sistem Band in the pupilar border ( Colarete ) in certain areas, denoting symphatycal
phenomena, for instance, in the area of the heart, it generates tachicardia.

Inflection: Closing movement or retration of the colarete in certain areas, denoting

phenomena parassimpticos, for instance, in the area of the heart, it generates

Cronorchio: Method of evaluation of the iris created by Daniele Lorito, that analyzes
the time of the individual's risk that is printed in the colarete.

Diatesis, according to Trousseau, is a predisposition congenital or acquired, however

essential and invariably chronic, because of multiple alterations are produced in the
form, however unique in the essence.

Reviso da Literatura
* Aaron T. Beck, A John Rush, Brian F. Shaw, Gary Emery, Terapia Cognitiva da
Depresso, Zahar Editores, Rio de Janeiro, l982
* ACKERMANN, Albert Dardanelli. Iridologia Moderna Ilustrada. Editora Cabal,
Madrid, 1982.
* Batello, Celso Fernandes, Iridologia e Irisdiagnose, O que os Olhos Podem Revelar,
Editora Ground, 1 Edio, 1999
* Breton Sue, Depresso - Esclarecendo Suas Dvidas, gora 1996, So Paulo
* Brunini, C. Aforismos de Hipcrates S. P. Typos, 1998.
* Dahlke, Rudiger - A Doena como linguagem da Alma, Edit. Cultrix., SP. l991
* Dahlke, Rudiger, Dethlefesen Thorwald - a Doena como Caminho, Ed. Cultrix, SP.
* Deck, J. Principles of Iris Diagnosis Germany, Insitute for Fundamental Research
of Iris Diagnosis, l982.
* Demarque, D. Semiologia Homeoptica Buernos Aires, Ediciones Marecel, l978.
* Duprat, H. A Teroria e a Tcnica da Homeopatia, R. J. , Olimpica Editora, l974
* Johnson, Denny, O Olho Revela, Uma Introduo ao Mtodo Rayid de Interpretao
da ris, Editora Ground, 2 Edio, 1984.
* Fadman, James e Frager, Robert - Torias da Personalidade, Edit. Harbra, SP l979
* Ferrandiz, V.L. Iridodiagnosis. Ediciones CEDEL, Barcelona, 1981.
* Gazolla, Flavio. Curso de Iridologia, Cmo Leer El Estado de Salud En El ris.
Editorial de Vecchi, Barcelona, 1994.
* Henri, EY, P. Bernard e C. Brisset, Manual de Psiquiatria, Ed. Masson do Brasil
Ltda. 2a. Edio, 1985, Brasil.
* Ivaldi, M. Iridologia - Locchio specchio della salute, Milano, Italy Editiorium, l993
* Jausas, G. Tratado de Iridologia Mdica. Madrid, Las Mil e Unas Ediciones, l982
* Jensen, Bernard. The Science and Practice of Iridology, California, Bernard Jensen
Published, l985
* Johnson, D. What the Eyes Reveals; An Introduction in The Ray-Id Method of Iris
Interpretation EUA., Rayid Publications, l984
* Jurasunas, Serge e Clodoaldo Pacheco. Iridologia, Um Diagnstico Natural. Editora
Copyart, Tubaro, 1995.
* Jurasunas, S. Iridologia - Um Diagnstico Natural. S.C. Copiart, l995
* Kossak, R. 1000 Conceitos em Homeopatia. S. P. , Elcid l984
* Leloup, Jean Ives- O Corpo e seus Simbolos Ed. Vozes, SP. 2a. Ed. l998
* Lo Rito, D. II Cronoschio - Nueve Acquisiozione in Iridologia, Italy Editorium, 1993
* Maffei, W.E, Os Fundamentos da Medicina. 2. Ed. S.P. Artes Mdicas, l978
* Ramos, Denize Gimenes - A Psique do Corpo, Sumus Editotial, SP.l994
* ramos, Denize Gimenes - A Psique do Corao, Edit. Cultrix, SP. l995
* Sharan, F. Iridology: A complet guide to diagnosing through the iris and to related
forms of treatment. S.1.,
* Spoerri , T. H. Compndio de Psiquiatria, Editora Artes Mdicas.
* Thorsons Publishing Group, l989.
* Valverde, R. Os Olhos dos Deuses S.P. Ground, l991
* Vander. Diagnstico por el Iris y otros Signos de Las enfermidades, Barcelona.
Ediciones Adrian Vand Der Cut, l972
* Vannier, L. et al. Le diagnostic des maladies per les yeus. 4 ed. Paris, G. Doin, l957

[Signs in the identical rays at the Iridological Map and at the Astrological Map.]


Carlos Magno Scouto*

Marilena Angeli**
* Physiotherapist, Teacher of the Course of Masters degree in Acupuncture at
* * Psychoanalyst, Hipnologist, Parapsichologist, Postgraduating in Irisdiagnose at

That work was made with a sample of 60 patients, starting from the obtained
results overlaping the Topographical Iridological Maps on the Astrological Map in
the position [12:00 oclock - Norte/ries 15o.] when was verified, as folow:


H 15o.
9:00 3:00


1) In the exact grades corresponding to the clocks hour, where the planet is negative or
badly aspected (suffering energy influences of 45o, 90o., 180o. from other planets),
coexist topographical iridological signs (showed by putting right iris on top of left iris)
that denote vulnerabilities, in other words, they are organs " loccus minoris resistentiae
". This coincides with the position of the neuropsicoimmunoendocrine axis, proposed
by studies accomplished on the Pupil Border, in the Cronorischios Theory.

2) The Rings presented in the Iris, which are: Harmony, Purpose, Determination and
Accomplishment/Realization, they are exactly declared and portrayed by the positions
of the planets and constellations that govern the qualities/charactheristics of those


Through rich change of experiences among different scientific areas, to mention,

Iridology and Astrology/Astronomy, was observed the full interrelation,
complementation and integration among both, happened in the analysis process of the
Human Eyes Maps with the Astrological Maps, in 100% of the 60 patients.

The authors, verified facts of undeniable truthfulness, investigated the presence,

in the topographical location and the shock organs nature of those patients, looking
for to relate and to interpret the coincident points, registered in those documents

It is possible to exist coincidences among the shock organs found in the

Human Eyes exam and the shock organs found in the Astrological Map, as well as it is
possible to go towards to the analysis of the aspects, character and prophilatic
attitudes, then finding, the syntomatologys causes of the referred organs minoris
resistentiae. It is plausible that it can establish, therefore, the self-evaluation and
priority purifications in the individual, demonstrated in the Astrological Map, as well
as, in the Topographical Iridological Map, with intentions of evidencing coincidences
on the causes and primary and secondary pathologies, in both documents.


Considered that, the Eye in its form and nature, represents the transgeracional
physicist, psychic and the individual's aspects, containing the own individual inside of
the Universe; too considered that, as at the Topographical Iridological Map (the Iris),
the Astrological Map, also demonstrates the Man inside the Cosmos; also considered
that as in the Eye, as at the Astrolgical Map, they are expressed not only the physical
aspect (manifested), but also the manifestation process to which the individual is
submitted and , considered that this approach makes possible to infer us the spiritual,
psychic moral and behavioural flaws and, at the same time, to the pathological
manifestation, becomes fully justifiable the accomplishment of this study.


To establish an interpretations relationship between the Iridological Maps and

the Astrological Maps; to observe and to register, starting from the interrelation of these
documents, the pertinent information of each one of the sciences, integrating them;
explicit that each organ minoris resistentiae found in the Bernard Jensens Map, is
located in topographical terms, exactly on the negative planet in the astrological map
and that this planet and its configurations reveal the patterns of thoughts, mental forms,
intentions, feelings, emotions and concomitant attitudes to certain pr-dispositions of
disease; explicit that, theo organ minoris resistentiae iridologically, will answer
proportionally to the negatives patterns of the planet, as these they show the posture
and the individual's behaviour; to establish the relationship of the transgenerational
rings defined in the Astrological Map and in the Iridological Map; to confirm the
iridological typology, starting from the global analysis of the Astrological Map.

Theoretical AnalysisFactor

Through evaluations done with 60 patient, it was verified that two embryos or
fetuses, in front of each other, form a perfect circle, needing the junction of an eye of
an embryo with the eye of the other, in order to form a 3o.eye, exactly in the Pineal
line, of the Callous Body, and of the Vitality Area - to 12.00oclock/Midday /15o.grades
of Aries.
The feet, also need to be put one on topo of the other, for coinciding the Setor
Thigh-Sagitrio, Knee-Capricorn, Calf-Aquarius and Foot-Pisces. Only through this
fetuses geometric disposition, we will really have the explanation of the reason of the
Head beeing at the schedule among 10.30. to the 13.30 oclock, and thats why it
occupies the largest section of the Iris and, seemingly, it is desproporcional in relation
to the other iridological sections.

Being placed the Astrological Map with Ascendent to 15o. of Cancer, and
therefore with the Midday to 15o. of Aries, it is put on top of the Iridological Map, and
then Zenit or Midday (15o. of Aries) it will be on the 12.00 oclock in the Iridological
Map. It is disrespected, therefore, the Real Ascendant of the individual's astrological
map, because we placed the fixed Ascendant at 15o.Cancer, and withou this process,
Zenit/Midday/12:00 oclock would not be at 15o. of Aries.

We verified that:

1) The signs visualized in both irises, correspond to the exact position of the planets in
quadrature [aspect from other planets of 90 grades], semi/sesqui-quadrature, [ aspect of
45 or 135 grades] opposition [aspect of 180 grades], or still planets in conjunction to
the South Node, in other words, conflicted in the Astrological Theme.

2) Just the negative planets, or be conflicted, has its correspondent sign in the iris (left
and/or right) and therefore the iris doesn't hold the positive signs (physical and psychic
elements) .

3) The conflicted planets also represent organs, symptoms, pathologies and psychic
elements in unbalance with the Whole.

ARIES/Mars - Head, and Central Nervous System, Pineal, Hippotalamus, Hypophysis

TAURUS-LIBRA/Vnus - Throat, Tyroid, Paratyroids, Tonsils - Kidney, Suprarenal -

GMINI-VIRGIN/ Mercrio - Torax, Scapula, Speaks, Shoulder, Abdomen, Digestion

in intestinal phase

CANCER/ Moon - Stomach, Pancreas

LION/ Sun - Heart , Sanguineous Circulation

SCORPIO/ Pluto - Reproducers Organs, nus

SAGITTARIUS/Jupiter - Thighs,

CAPRICORN/ Saturn - Knees, Bones, Back

AQUARIUS/ Uranus - Tibia, calf,

PISCES/ Neptune - Lymphatic, Liquids of the Body, Feet

Inflammations - Mars
Infections - Mercury, Pluto
Hemorrhage - Pluto, Mars
Hiperthermy - Mars
Eruptions - Uranus, Mars, Pluto
Liquids Retention - Venus, Neptune, Moon
Veined congestion - Neptune, Saturn
Hipofunction - Venus, Saturn, Moon
Calcification - Saturn
Osseousporousness - Uranus, Saturn
Acidosis - Mercury, Uranus
Oxidation - Mercury, Neptune


4) The conflicted planets, in the exact grade where the organs loccus minoris
resistentiae are declared in the iridological exam, can represent:
a) the pathology type to which the shock organ is prone
b) other organ which can be involved in the pathology

5)When it is verified all the planetary aspects to each other (2,3,4 or 5 planets at the
same time) the hierarchy is observed among the causes, the organs, and pathological
manifestations. It can, therefore, verify which the dominant shock organ that will
deflagrate secondary pathologies and which are;

6) The quadratures, oppositions and conjunctions to the South Node, show the
psychological causes, mental postures, behaviors, and which diseases in which organs,
it will happen the descending problems manifestation from the soul to the physical

7) The values or beginnings (virtues) governed by the planets and constellations where
are located, represent the point of turning of the disease, the cure processs

8) When the individual's life, and its nature is going to excessive attachments to the
material side of the life, or there is the apotheosis of the instincts on the universal and
human values, the terrestrial energy tries to dominate the celestial energy. Once the
telluric energy cannot win against the cosmic, there will be impactations of forces at
the two sections (8:00 to 10:00 and 2:00 to 4:00 oclock ), generating the acidosis
and/or the increase of the intern temperature at the corresponding organs.
Celestial Energy

Water Earth
Terrestrial Energy
9) The presence of a degenerative sign in a certain organ, fabric or gland, without any
manifestations symptom, sends us to three possible hypotheses:

1a. The person didn't act erroneously according to the moral flaws of the planet,

2a. The planet on which is happening the degenerative sign is of slow cycle. (Planets
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.) The planet has, according to its nature, an
own speed and own actions/reactions on the individual, as a whole, and in its

3a. The Lunar Nodes (South and North), called as Dragons Tail and Head also show
which the propensity (in a scale from 0 to 100) of the individual to go too far in those
fails. The North Lunar Node is the goal of being interior and the South Lunar Node is
its past.

It should be researched excelling for the iridological rays and sections

(arches)s accuracy with the astrological, in the process of Juxtaposition of the Negative
Planets and the Iridological Signs, although in the Astrology are admitted 2 (two)
previous grades and 2 (two) subsequent grades from the Planets position, as" harmed
" area by the bad aspect.

It is also important the accuracy of the planets and its aspects with the signs, for
the verification of more detailed diagnosis elements on the Pathologies, the
chronological order among the same ones, the place in that they will elapse, and the
varied presentation forms.
Ex: l85 opposition moderate - 180o exact opposition
95o opposition moderate - 90o exact opposition

Individuals Essencial Cathegories

(Pr-Aristotlical Science and in Iridology)

1. Artisan [Creative] - 1) (Venus, Moon), 2) (Mars, Saturn) - Taurus, Balance, Cancer,

Aries and Capricorn, respectively) it is what creates, that modifies, that forges the
matter and it will show through two types iridolgicos: Flower and Current.

1.1.Vnus and Moon (Balance/Taurus and Cancer) they are preponderant in the Flower
typology .They form the mythological representative group of Afrodite with the
Destiny, Learning and Legend " Psiqu and Eros "

1.2. Mars and Saturn (Aries and Capricorn) combined or not with Venus and Moon
(Taurus-Balance and Cancer), also generated of the essence Artisan, it represents the
Current typology, what forges the matter - production. Mars with Moon (Aries-
Cancer) they form Diana's mythological representative group or Artemis, with the
Destiny and Learning of the Legend "Teseu and Ariadne

2) Merchant - Saturn and Mercury (Capricorn and Virgin/Gemini) it represents the

typology Jewel. They are the ones that they relate the people, preparing them for the
survival, Social Emergencies, Food(distribuition), Clothing(distribuition), Hygiene and
Basic Health.
Saturn and Mercury form the mythological representative group of Minerva, with the
Destiny and the Learning of the Legend Demter, Persfone, Hades and Zeus.

3) Warrior - (Leader, Driver, beginner to Philosopher or Active idealist) - Uranus -

Mars - Jupiter - Sun (Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius and Lion), it represents the typology
Agitator or Tip of Lance. Journalism, Orientation, Magistracy and Public Positions,
Politics Activates, Presentation of Social Solutions, Compromising with Social
Solutions, Juridical Positions and Teaching, Medicine.

Uranus (Aquarius) and Mars (Aries), they form a representative of Hermes, of the
Heroes, and it has the Destiny and the Learning of the Legend of Prometeu and

It was verified through research made with 500 patient coming from different
places in Brazil, a percentile of 30% of individuals belonging to the Warlike
spiritual level and 60% to the level Artisan together with the Merchant.

4) Philosopher (The Road of the Wisdom) - (Natural Leaders, Idealists) Jupiter, Saturn
(Sagittarius, Capricorn) - it represents union conquered by the beginnings of the other
three iridological cathegories/tipologies: Flower, Current, Jewel and Agitator.
Priesthood, Philosophy, Leadership of Nations, Conduction of the Species,
Compromising with the Fauna, Flora and with the human beings in the Earth.

Myth of Quiron - in its saga in relation to Zeus, Cronos and Uranus.


1) Neptune and Pluto (Pisces and Scorpio) are not part of the division of the
human typology, because they are God created starting from the union of the God of the
1a. Dynasty, in other words, they are part of the 2a. Dynasty. Only with the 3rd.
Dynasty there is the link to the Mans world , and it represents the Human mind with
its differentiations and its divisions capacity.

2)An individual of a certain iridologicals pattern can demonstrate behavior of

another pattern, and this will determine the need of studies on the other elements of
iridological verification, as for instance the Rings. The rings also correspond to planets
and constellations. So, the individual with iridological pattern FLOWER (Artisan), it
can present behavior and psychological and somatic characteristics of the pattern
AGITATOR (Warrior) - for the presence of Rings of Objectivity and Freedom (Aries-
Aquarius - Mars-Uranus), that represent the Agitator's pattern.

3) A individual with iridological pattern AGITATOR (Warrior), it can present

behavior and psychological and somatic characteristics of the pattern JEWEL
(Merchant), for the presence of Determinations rings, what reinforces the
predominance of the left cerebral hemisphere. Another individual with iridological
pattern JEWEL (Merchant), it can present characteristics of the pattern FLOWER
(Artisan), for the presence of rings of Harmony, what reinforces the predominance or
the displacement for the right cerebral hemisphere.

4) The astrological verification can clear it because of an individual, of a certain

iridological pattern, to behave differently to this pattern, through the analysis of the
planets and mainly through the analysis of the position of the North Lunar Node and


1 - RING OF the ACCOMPLISHMENT - transgeracional - The individual has larger

accomplishment difficulties. Conjunctions exist to the South Lunar Node and
Quadratures or sesqui/semi-quadratures to the Nodes or still dominant
Uranus/Aquarius badly aspected.

2 - RING OF the HARMONY - high Ideals - Denial of himself, cynicism, song, fantasy.
It is born for the consent, it is represented by Lymphatic Rosary. Bad renal operation.
He/she is born in disharmony and it tries to look for the harmony inside of himherself
and in the atmosphere. Negative aspects exist (quadrature, semi or sesqui-quadratures
and oppositions to Venus and Planets that locate in the Libras constellation, in the
individual's Iridological Map.

3 - RING of PURPOSE - transgeracional - The individual was born with defined and
clear objectives. If it be retained by external agents, it develops this ring, also
denominated objectivity ring, or skin ring. The indecision can appear due to the focus
Negative aspects exist to Mars and Planets that locate in the Ariesconstellation .

4 - RING OF DETERMINATION - transgeracional - The individual brings a certain

nature, is rigid and he learns the malleableness in elapsing of his life. When there is the
Ring of Determinations Rings presence, or Cholesterols Ring or the character
Jewel, the individual came to learn the sensibility (characteristic of cancer). Negative
aspects exist with Saturn or with planets that locate in Capricorn.

Of the patients' 60 astrological maps, compared with your maps iridolgicos,

100% of the rings Accomplishment, Purpose, Determination corresponded her/it those
distressed planets. Concerning to the Harmonys Ring, as it represents Venus and
Balance badly aspected, totalized 80% of the correspondent iridological maps and, in
the remaining 20%, the presence of jewel was observed on the topographical area of
the spleen, or mucosity disperses in the iris, or tonsils.
When, therefore, in the Astrological Map disharmony problems are evidenced
(Venus-Libra conflicted), it is necessary to observe also with attention the sections of
the for-nasal breast, the Peyers plate and the lymphatic system.


Astro-iridological analysis including Quron

It has been done comparative analysis between the 35 Patients Astrological
Maps with their Iridodogical Maps and it was constated that in 31 of them, the
iridological signs presence at the correspondent grade of Quiron in their Astrological
Map. Concerning to the others 4, although it theres no correspondent sign at the
Iridological Map, Quron was opposite 180o. grades to the existent sign at the iris. In
the most of cases among the 35 patients, Quron was appoiting to signs that represented
the more relevant patients claims


Quron (king of the centaurs) located among Saturn and Uranus, it was only
sighted in 1.977. It is treated asa planetoid that takes between 50 and 51 years to do
itsorbit about of the sun. Its elliptic orbit is the determinant factor of having a variable
duration of time in each sign/constellation. Quron not stays in Ballance more than 18
months, while in Aries it stays for 8 years. Some astrologers consider Quron the regent
of Virgin, while others opt for Sagittarius.

The preliminary interpretations of Quron didn't progress a lot. Its astrological

exploration is just beginning. As well as all the discovered planets in the modern era,
the humor and the general situation of the whole human race in the moment of the
discovery, they are mischievous in consideration to denominate them once the
astronomers know that they were already presented as Bodies of the Sky, at the same
time that as Myth/Heros/Gods whose symbol reminds a key has been objective of a
lot of curiosity, so much in the Astrology, as in the Astronomy. For this reason and ever
since, exhausting researches are being accomplished in search of the astrological and
psychological meaning of Quron and about its possible influences, so much in
individual astral maps as in the collective ambit. For that, they fell back upon the
symbolism of the myth, in the same way how it happened with relationship to Uranus,
Neptune and Pluto, as these went being detected.

Quiron represents The Curator

The Aggressor
The Victim
The philosophical independence
The compassion before the suffering
The learning process for we get to trust the Master or it Internal


The Houses where is Quirn are the sections of the Individual's life as stage, so
that the personalities (internal and external) they form the catalizator of theaggressor's
scene, of the victim, of the curator. Quron is what is demanded from the individual, so
that he/she enters in connection with its Dharma and with the numinous (self -
knowledge) inside of the Astrological houses, inside of the following Sections of Life:

1a. House - Initiative, Objectivity, Action adapted
2a. House - Valorization of the priorities, appropriate acquisition, maintenance and
conservation of the goods.
3a. House - Communication, Expression, thought, language, relationships and adapted
4a. House - Emotional entails and appropriate attitudes in relation to the family
5a. House - Appropriate form of creative self-expression, of linking afetivamente, of
generating children, of educating them and of expanding its creativity
6a. House - Appropriate form of rendering services to others and the due respect to its
body and social health.
7a. House - Relationships, societies, partnerships and marriage with right people
8a. House - Appropriate attitude in relationship the finances of the other ones under
your cares, in relation to your own death and to the sexuality.
9a. House - Opportune attitude with sense-social due to your capacities, that should be
for the community's orientation
10a. House - Social responsibility, maturity for direct action on the society.
11a. House - Idealss plasmation of its dreams and appropriate friendships.
12a. House - Appropriate renouncement, appropriate self isolation.

Signs [constellations]
The signs (constellations) where Quron is, by its negative designations are
the vicissitudes, the weakness, errors, the illness, the bad, the agressor, inside it and
against itself. [ Agressor and victim] In its positive designations are the beginnings by
those the cure will occurr as will occurr in the others, by its help. [Curator]


Putting the Astrological Map with Ascendent to 15o. of Cancer, and therefore
with the 12:00 oclock to 15o. of Aries, on top of the Iridological Map, and then Zenit
(15o. of Aries) it will be on the 12.00 oclock in the Iridological Map. It is
disrespected therefore the Ascendancy Real of the individual's Birth Theme, because
we placed the Ascendent at 15o. of Cancer, if not we wouldn/t have Zenit at 15o. of

Astro-iridological analysis including Quron

It has been done comparative analysis between the 35 Patients Astrological
Maps with their Iridodogical Maps and it was constated that in 31 of them, the
iridological signs presence at the correspondent grade of Quiron in their Astrological
Map. Concerning to the others 4, although it theres no correspondent sign at the
Iridological Map, Quron was opposite 180o. grades to the existent sign at the iris. In
the most of cases among the 35 patients, Quron was appoiting to signs that represented
the more relevant patients claims


It is possible to end, therefore, that it is presented to the individual the

opportunity of self-knowledge and self-transformation, what takes it to have determined
more resistant shock organs to the external and internal factors, although presents in the
Iris. The self-knowledge takes the individual to experienciate an important protection,
usually something that he sees that it created by itself and inside itself. The
demonstrative signs of hereditary tendencies verified in the iridological exams, and
that doesn't have organic manifestation, it means that the individual doesn't participate
in the same ideas and postures of life of its ancestral ones.

In the Astrological Analysis, when the person doesn't exercise the behavior and
own negative posture of that aspect, it doesn't receive the reaction or current negative
facts of that planet, which would be the pathological manifestation.

In the Iridological Analysis, the sign corresponding to the aspect, for instance a
jewel (yolk?), it can be demonstrating the moral and physical elements and its
consequences, inherited from its family and, therefore, it is a transgenerational factor
and ir doesn't necessarily show in its behavior, in the mental and in the patient's

Chemists William Bonner and Edward Rubenstein, of the University of

Stanford, from l997, in the United States, discovered that there was a type of connection
among the movement of the particles of the organic matter, including the couple helix
of human DNA, and the radiations emitted by the stars. (out of our Sun Sistem). The
stars emit eletromagnetics radiations that are polarized in hourly sense at Northern
Hemisphere and in the unterclockwise sense at Southern Hemisphere. Being followed
the same researches Prof. Yoshihisa Inoue, of Osaka University and its team projected
ultraviolet rays over a chemical reaction, to a couple helix of DNA with two atoms of
carbon. They, without this interference should rotate in the hourly sense, from the left
to the right. They started to rotate in the contrary sense. According to the quantic
physics and the chaoss theory, we are influence everything and everything influences
us. The classic physics said that the space separated bodies and objects. The modern
affirms that, instead of it separates, the space it unites everything to everything.

The authors count with the well-coming inclusion of the one who wants give
continuity and complementation the these researches on behalf of the minimization of
the sufferings human through the self-knowledge.

Bibliographical revision

* Melanie Reinhart, QUIRON the Journey in search of the Cure, dit. ROCCO - RJ
* Material Apostilado of the Course of Philosophy - International New Acropolis
Organization - Jorge Angel Livraga
* Eduardo Castor Borgonov, The Book of the Revelations - Edit. Allegro 1999
* Anna Maria Costa Ribeiro, The Knowledge of the Astrology. Edit.ao Livro Tecnico
* Martin Schulman " Lunar " Nodes - Edit. gora.
* Batello, Celso Fernandes, Iridology and Irisdiagnose, which the Eyes can Reveal,
Publisher Ground,
* Jensen, Bernard, The Science and Practice of Iridology, California, Bernard Jensen
Published, l985
* Johnson, Denny, The Eye Reveals, An Introduction to the Mtodo Rayid of
Interpretation of the Iris, Publisher Ground, 2nd Edition, 1984.e What the Eyes Vereals;
An Introduction in The Ray-Id Method of ris Interpretation EUA., Rayid Publications,
* Lo Rito D. II Cronorischio - Nueve Acquisiozione in Iridologia, Italy Editorium, 1993
* Valverde, R. Nos olhos dos Deuses ( e a Iridologia) . Ground, l991
H 15o.
9:00 3:00

E os Deuses nos deram a oportunidade de progredirmos, dentro de
nossas limitaes e caminhos j impostos por ns mesmos em nosso
passado. E ao nascermos, nos do os sinais, em nossa ris, em nossas
mos, nos cus que nos rodeiam, sinais que nos mantm a Eles ligados,
para que, ainda com todo o conhecimento que possamos dispor,
constatemos que com Eles, somos um s.

Carlos Magno Scouto

Marilena Angeli

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