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Leading Edge International Research


Drawing Above From the Cover of Matrix V: Quest of the Spirit The Ultimate Frontier

21st Century Books from Leading Edge International Research

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Table of Contents General Publications Catalog

Your key to over 26,000 pages of research data on the nature of our reality
Amended: May 2007
Chart: Contexts of Reality Covered By the Matrix Books 2
Matrix 2: Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology 3
Matrix 3: Psychosocial, Biological, Chemical and Electromagnetic Manipulation of Humans Vol. 1 5
Matrix 3: Psychosocial, Biological, Chemical and Electromagnetic Manipulation of Humans Vol. 2 7
Matrix 5: Quest of the Spirit The Ultimate Frontier (3rd) Gold Edition March 2003 8
Matrix 5 Gold Edition Vol. 2: The Graduation Key, May 2004 11
Matrix 5 Gold Edition Vol. 3: The Journey, Sept 2005 12
Reader Comments on the Matrix 5 Material 13
Matrix 5 on the World Wide Web 16
Matrix 5 Gold Edition Graphic Art 18x24 Laminated Color Wall Posters 17
Matrix 6: Wayfarers of Reality The Quest for Experience (May 2007) 19
The Leading Edge Master Research Chronology 20
The Analytical Chronology of Fluoridation Politics vs. Science 20
Ancient Wisdom and Modern Physics The Ultimate Report on the World Technocracy 22
The Leading Edge Quarterly 8 Volumes 2002-2003 23
Bound Volumes of the Leading Edge Research Journal: 12 Years, 150 issues in 19 volumes 31

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Books Information

MATRIX 5 Gold Series Who You Are, Why You Are Here, Etc.
MATRIX 5 Gold Series More Expansive Aspects of Reality
MATRIX 5 Gold Series Close Examination of Nature of 3rd Density Reality
MATRIX 5 Gold Series Very Advanced Aspects of 3rd Density Universe
MATRIX 5 Gold Series Very Advanced Aspects of 3rd Density Population
MATRIX 5 Gold Series Very Advanced Aspects of Planetary Societies
MATRIX 2 Aspects of Planetary Societies & Earth Interaction
MATRIX 5 Gold Series Very Advanced Information Belief & Thought Systems
MATRIX 3 Vol 1 and Vol 2 Advanced Examination of Social Control Systems
ANCIENT WISDOM MODERN PHYSICS Advanced Examination of Social Control Systems
LEADING EDGE RES. QUARTERLIES (2002-2003) Examining Ongoing Events and Discoveries
LEADING EDGE RESEARCH JOURNAL VOLUMES (Same as Above) 19 Volumes containing 150 issues
ANALYTICAL CHRONOLOGY OF FLUORIDATION Examination of the Entire Fluoridation Timeline

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

The Matrix V series should be read, totally understood and internally integrated within you before everything
else we have produced is read in order to absolutely maximize the depth of your perceptive shift based on
reading the books. After all, we are in EndGame. Since the context of Matrix V is the largest and most
definitive context available through long-term consistent experiential observation, everything else we have
done before can now be re-examined in light of the new understandings. We knew what we knew when we
knew it. Now we know more. For example, Matrix 2 contains information relative to our investigation into the
nature of the paradigm and relationships relating alien incursion, government, military and planetary power
structures. But, why do they do what they do the way they do? Its a lot deeper than you may imagine and very
interesting indeed. Reading Matrix V, one will discern what the whole alien thing is really about, then go back
and read Matrix 2 and understand the material at a depth that others would find impossible. Better to
understand the highest-level information first because it presents the context in which all else exists.

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

The Abduction and Manipulation
of Humans Using Advanced Technology

Authored by Val Valerian, Third Edition, 661 pages, index, 8 by 11 Velo Bound, Leading Edge Research
Group, 1990/1991. Even now, this book is perhaps the most influential piece of work that has ever appeared on
the planet on the subject of the alien-human interaction issue. It represents the first major work ever published
that demonstrated a no-holds-barred approach to revealing what was really going on with the government,
underground bases and alien factions. At the time, a lot of people were in denial that what was in the book
could possibly be true. Now, years later, it is commonly recognized as the most forthright examination of many
core issues, such as abduction by military and alien factions. To date, Matrix II remains the original work that
covered these issues in detail details that no other author would touch. Containing all the information people
were denying in the early 1990s, it encompasses an extraordinary range of data that includes precedent-setting
research on human abductions by both government and alien forces material that others authors would not
speak of and what publishers will only now allow themselves to print. Valerian weaves a wide range of
interrelated material into a literary experience that will rock you to the core of your very being including
expansion of your consciousness as a side benefit. Included within the book is a wide-spectrum chronological
database, a large section of hypothetical analysis of the alien situation by the Nexus Seven, data and updates on
underground bases at Dulce and the Nevada Test Site, a large number of illustrations, maps and charts
detailing activity sites, underground installations and tunnel networks, and a commentary by John Lear,
Robert Lazar and host of other researchers. Valerian takes us through the gambit of how, why and whom
humans are manipulated, information about government connections to the abductions process, post-
abduction problems, and the things that the abductee can do. The book was the first to adequately relate
research on memory functions relative to the abductions process, virtual reality machines and so-called
Reichian programming and mind control by human and alien manipulators. It also discusses the abduction of
human children and how to handle the adjustment of the child to the experience, multi-generational abduction
scenarios and cases, human multidimensional anatomy and how it can be manipulated by technology. There is
more information in this book about the Greys then there is in probably any book existing on the planet, with
additional data on the dominant reptilian species. There are implant devices, as well as technical data gleaned
from analysis of both government and alien implant devices during 1991.

This book contributed toward the beginning of the eventual death-knell for planetary domination systems and
its accompanying social control systems (which are expanded on in Matrix III). It spelled the end of classical
ufology. Through this book, we can see how alien interaction has affected wave after wave of civilization on
this planet, injecting elements of adverse technology and mind control (again expanded on in Matrix III), and
how the suppression of human awareness is being performed and supported. Matrix II is an absolute must to
have in your library. It remains the best book on the planet on the subject, and will probably replace all your
other books that cover this paradigm. Having Matrix V will inform you of the context in which Matrix 2 takes
place. $58.50 Postpaid (USA), $74 Postpaid (Canada, Mexico), $95.50 Postpaid (Other). Prices cover printing,
binding, packaging and mailing costs. USA Bookrate paid. Foreign: Airmail Paid.. Send to: Leading Edge
International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597 USA See order form for payment info
(7/12/07 Revision)

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Comments from Readers About Matrix II

The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology
1st Edition 1990, Expanded 2nd Edition 1991

I have recently read Matrix II. I am extremely impressed by the sheer volume and quality of information
provided in that most important document. I would like to commend you for the exceptional work involved and
thank you for the enlightenment.
M.O., Anaheim, California

I consider Matrix II to be indispensable for a serious researchers library.

G.M., Del Haven, New Jersey

One of the most significant works in 500 years.

Michael Topper, Editor
New Thunderbird Chronicle

Thanks so much for having the courage to do Matrix II. Everyone is so excited up here about it!
B.C, Victoria, British Columbia

Thank you for putting Matrix II together. I am so glad I found out about it on Dr. Bobs Radio show!
T.O., Greenport, New York

I own a metaphysical bookstore in North Caroline and am very much interested in carrying Matrix II in my
bookstore. Please send me information.
C.H. Concord, North Carolina

I found Matrix II exactly what I was looking for. Incredible! A.E., Phoenix, Arizona

I am a hypnotherapist. Some of the information I read in Matrix II helped with the final keys!
S.D., Pruunene, Hawaii

I have to tell you how much I appreciate the enormous amount of work necessary to bring Matrix II into print.
With this amount of information, I have to conclude that you could either be a walk-in or a bevy of guardian
angels with drawn swords. I can appreciate why it isnt listed in the Library of Congress.
I.W., Portland, Oregon

Matrix II serves the human community with sufficient information to allow entities toi explore and have at
their fingertips many of the answers to the mysteries relating to aliens and UFOs. Any alien species who
themselves view the book will begin to recognize at last, a true evaluation of their place as viewed or seen by
humans. Matrix II helps create the potential for the beginning of a dialogue in this way, whereby
communication potentials are made possible.
Cosmic Awareness Communications, Olympia, Wash.

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

The Psychosocial, Chemical, Biological and
Electromagnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness

Volume One
Authored by Val Valerian, 913 pages, 1,540 item index, 8 by 11 Velo Bound, Leading Edge Research Group,
1992. Volume One begins the journey detailing how the consciousness of human beings is being modified by
psychological and social institutions, specific chemicals added to the food, water and environment, and how the
tactical aspects of chemical, biological and electromagnetic warfare are being implemented in order to support
the aims of the planetary power structure known as the New World Order. The two-volume 1,900-page work
called Matrix III is perhaps the only work on the planet to this day that completely investigates the motives,
methods, aims and origins of the technocratic society we live in today. More information that you could
accumulate in a lifetime of research trying to figure it out. Volume One begins the journey detailing how the
consciousness of human beings is being modified by psychological and social institutions, specific chemicals
added to the food, water and environment, and how the tactical aspects of chemical, biological and
electromagnetic warfare are being implemented in order to support the aims of the planetary power structure
known as the New World Order.

The book begins with a section familiarizing the reader with basic scientific terminology related to the subjects
discussed in the two-volume series, beginning with discussions of the concepts of resonance, oscillation,
vibration and frequency, and moves rapidly into discussions about human auric band structures and their
frequencies, as well as those involved in telepathic interaction. Matrix III Volume One begins the discussion on
electromagnetics with a review of the natural electromagnetic fields of the planet, the holographic aspects of the
universe and consciousness, the morphological fields set forth by Dr. Rupert Shedrake, and continues on with
hard-to-find data on the human brain and neurophysiology, as well as brain structures and their relationship to
levels of consciousness and behavior. The psychosocial aspects of human society are discussed in detail, with
emphasis on the nature of belief systems, perception, and the socially sanctioned programming involving the
ego functions of security, sensation and power. The book discusses four ascending levels of social manipulation,
including detailed data on consciousness, genetics, and manipulation of human consciousness from outside the
physical realm and beyond.

Matrix III Volume One begins the initial discussion of the various elements of population control through the
deliberate misuse of biological organisms, all the way from the very concept of disease to the covert production
of biological weapons under the guise of various government programs. Incredible data. There are sections
discussing biological warfare, a beginning treatise on the nature of the immune system (carried to further detail
in the second volume), a short review of the paradigm of vaccination (also brought into deeper focus in the
second volume), a discussion of the spread of neural fungi, zoonotic diseases and veterinary biology, viruses
(both human and non-human), and revealing data on who runs the major drug and chemical companies and
just how interconnected it all is.

The section on electromagnetic mind control in Matrix III Volume One has no equal anywhere in the world.
The groundwork is covered in relation to the use of the electromagnetic spectrum, the deliberate historical
suppression of the hyperspacial nature of electromagnetics (the so-called Hertzian Conspiracy), and a host of
data on advanced mind control applications that goes far beyond anything you have ever seen before. It is this
material which brought this book into planetary popularity.

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

The book discusses the new electronic networks, the secret behind the use of the cellular telephone systems,
mind control projects (two pages of projects are listed), and the manipulation of the earth grid. There is more
data on the Montauk projects than any single book in existence, including the individual books released years
later. Interspaced with all of this data, there is a host of supplementary material, interviews and revealing
information. The apparent plans for total planetary domination, economic and otherwise, are discussed,
including plans for a one-world religious control system, the objectives of electronic mind control and the
GWEN system, schools of thought contributing to the mind control paradigm, and research.

Volume One $62.50 Postpaid (USA), $77 Postpaid (Canada, Mexico), $112 Postpaid (Other) Prices cover
printing, binding, packaging and mailing costs. USA Bookrate paid. Foreign: Airmail Paid. All payment in US
Dollars. No Eurocheques Please. Send to: Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm,
Washington 98597 USA See order form for payment info (7/12/07 Revision)

Comments from Readers About Matrix III VOLUME ONE

The Psychosocial, Chemical, Biological and Electromagnetic
Manipulation of Human Consciousness

Matrix III is simply epochal! J.C., Amherst, Ohio

Matrix III is one of the most incredible books I have ever seen. It is a book that will never be out of date!
R.M., Rainier, Washington

Matrix III is a fine collection of invaluable information and research!

Dr. S.K., New York, New York

The material is so prolific and detailed ... it is for serious researchers. It will have a profound effect on those
who read and understand the information, and will give people a much deeper insight into the nature, qualities
and control of consciousness.
Cosmic Awareness Communications, Olympia, Washington

Everyone was overwhelmed with the material in Matrix III. They were thrilled that it is even available to
read! J.W., Kehei, Maui, Hawaii (Bookstore owner)

Fantastic! What a tremendous effort you must have made when you put together Matrix III. Anyone who
gathers that much information and expends energy to put together just one book deserves a lot of credit. I
wanted to say thanks to you for doing such a big job with the material.

R.F., Langley Park, Maryland

Last summer, I bought your very interesting and informative book Matrix III. To say that it changed my life,
for the better, is an understatement. I am grateful and delighted with the hard job you performed in compiling
this research.
D.S., Lincolnton, North Carolina

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

The Psychosocial, Chemical, Biological and
Electromagnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness

Volume Two
Authored by Val Valerian, 1014 pages, index, 8 by 11 Velo Bound, Leading Edge Research Group, 1995.
Matrix III Volume 2 explores the progression of science, biology and sociology into a materialist paradigm and
its eventual degradation into political systems which form the basis of all control paradigms, wars and human
conflict, and answers the questions: what is the nature of the two paradigms that collided at Waco, Texas? What
are the premises that have resulted in continuous ethnic cleansing, genocide, and the development of the
allopathic biomedical approach to health?

What paradigms are the basis for the planetary situation we see? What lessons can human civilization learn
from observing nature? Valerian explores these ideas and more, with in-depth discussions of the ideas of
Newton, Darwin, Hobbes, Malthus and other influential people, as well as the processes of conversion of these
ideas into political, sociological and psychological control systems. For anyone who wonders exactly how
Western Civilization ever got into the position it is in today, the answer lies within the pages of this work. This
book not only extends the research delineated in the first volume, but constitutes a superbly referenced
exploration into the nature of the paradigm itself.

Matrix III Volume 2 begins with a review of key people, ideas and belief systems, tracing their development
from aboriginal times to the present, and the merging of these systems into a Western world view that not only
promotes the degradation of the human civilization, but promotes elitism and control-manipulation paradigms
which surround use and underlie everything we see around us today,

Matrix III Volume 2 then uses its own exploration of the current elements of the paradigm, superbly cited and
referenced, to provide absolute proof of the intentionality to follow the ideas and thought patterns discussed at
the beginning of the book. After two years of work, this book is perhaps the best technical production to come
forth from Leading Edge Research. Despite the common focus on people as the problem, Valerian makes the
point that it is the paradigm which needs attention, the same paradigm superficially examined at Nuremberg
but left to fester and expand into a network of suppression fostered by global socialism, the basic cause of
human suffering worldwide. Valerian includes in the work a linear analysis of chronologically parallel
developments, over 200 pages long, which serve to illustrate the integration of various modes of subversion of
the human civilization over the last 1,500 years.

The main body of the book, over 700 pages, discusses the implementation of the paradigm, and includes
information in one volume that you would normally find in a dozen works. Matrix III Volume 2 is broken down
into about 19 major chapters, and several large appendices. It includes a fairly large section on biological effects
of electromagnetic fields, itself with about 200 references, an appendix with over 100 media exhibits, and of
course the master chronology. It also includes the now world-famous Conversations With Research Scientists.
Chapter headings include Production of Mass Behavioral and Neurological Problems Using Vaccination to
Increase Social Control, Gulf War Syndrome and Other Biological Problems, and Transition from Mechanistic
to Quantum Society.

This work, which is over 375,000 words, seems to make the point that, in the words of Valerian, we need a
New World Community, not a New World Order. It makes it quite evident that the planetary population has
been led astray by a sequence of false scientific assumptions, what the assumptions are, and, following the
Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

example of nature and ideas suppressed, what the true nature of society needs to be in order to transcend and
survive the current planetary crisis.

One easily comes to the conclusion that this second volume of Matrix III embodies knowledge that you could
not accumulate through 50 other books, if you could get hold of them. It is a searing examination of the
psycho-social, biological, and medical paradigms being falsely promoted as the only definitive reality for public
consumption. If you know people who seem to think that answers lie totally in political and religious belief
systems, genetics, violence, or just need to get it together in record time, this book is a must. Now, the
paradigm covered by Matrix III is embodied in 1,931 pages, in two volumes, and is an absolute must to have in
your library, if you wish to totally comprehend the reality in which we are living, and where we must go as a

$67.00 Postpaid (USA), $82 Postpaid (Canada, Mexico), $112 Postpaid (Other). Prices cover printing, binding,
packaging and mailing costs. USA Bookrate paid. Foreign: Airmail Paid. All payment in US Dollars. No
Eurocheques Please. Send to: Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington
98597 USA. Includes the initial 200 page version of the research chronology. See order form for payment info
(7/12/07 Revision)

Comments from Readers About Matrix III VOLUME TWO

The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological and Electromagnetic
Manipulation of Human Consciousness

I recently received Matrix III Volume 2. I would like to take a moment to offer my sincere thanks for your
contribution in helping the people like me who are in search of the real truth. You continue to provide people
with the tools to take massive leaps into higher consciousness. I am constantly amazed by your work and your
ability to compile and research this kind of information.
T.B., Bellevue, Washington

What can I say you pulled all the strings and brought it together. Any questions I had are settled. Reading
your material is a feast of information. Some how I have the feeling you put blood, sweat and tears into this
book. A simple thank you seems so inadequate. E.K., Worchester, Mass.

This new volume adds a tremendous amount of vitally important information. It is must-reading for those
who want what is going on behind our backs. The benefit, apart from knowledge, is that after reading Matrix III
Volume 2, you can alter and/or stop certain manipulations in your life. Val, youre to be congratulated. Youve
given us another exceptional volume! G.M., Del Haven, New Jersey

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Matrix V Quest of the Spirit The Ultimate Frontier

Information for Very Advanced, Dominant and Final Third Density Incarnations.
Gold Edition March 2003

Matrix V Gold Edition, edited by Val Valerian, 8 by 11,

Velo-Bound, 600 pages, Leading Edge Research Group,
March 2003 The technical title of the material in Matrix V is
Information for Very Advanced, Dominant and Final Third
Density Incarnations. The new Gold Edition has a distinctive
gold colored cover in order to distinguish it from the
previous edition, as well as an expanded master index. If you
thought the second edition was good, youll love this final
Gold Edition, which replaces the earlier edition after two

The Gold Edition segments (together with the Q&A providing

a selection of over 700 unique keys) are divided into 9
major areas: Incarnations of the Higher Self, The Third
Density Game, Incarnations of Nature Spirit, Body and
Gender on the Third Density, Death of the Physical Vehicle,
Alien Influence on Third Density, Third Density Cultural
Programming, The Third Density EndGame, and Beyond
The Third Density EndGame. There are 341 segments (which
include more than 25 never previously released that were
written especially for the Gold Edition) and more than 400
Q&A, making this one of the most powerful books on the
planet for those having incarnational experience leading
them out of the box. The unpublished segments include: The Nexus of Time, Awakening, Anxiety
and DNA Commands, Drugs and The Game, Asexuality Living in Denial, More on the Nature of
Gold Light, Time, American Freedoms and Incarnational Visitations, The Ultimate Goal of The
Game on Earth, Alien Labels: Reincarnation and Past Lives, Incarnating Paths and Higher Self
Individuality, Sequential Influences, Individuality and The Game, Sequential Technology
Dependence & Spiritual Laziness, and more. The Gold Edition is a very powerful book, far exceeding
the capabilities of the 2 nd edition. See reader comments on the internet at:

Matrix V reveals who we really are, apart from culture and body, why were here, what the polarity-
based control structures on Earth are really about, and accurate information about what is beyond the
3 rd density and higher, based on direct observational experience that has lasted more than a decade.
No belief systems, speculation or game-related traps in this book. Were going outside the box. Matrix
V is a book that deals with the big questions in life who we are, and why we are here. In a world
where 99% of the information available constitutes a red herring, leading people away from realizing
who they are, Matrix V is truly an anomaly, laying out a greater context which can be used to evaluate
all other existing information a dimensional information template which has proven over the last
two years to have the ability to vastly transform the lives of those consciously expanding their
individual perspective. It also discusses the ongoing dynamics on this planet, including the alien factor
(sequential Higher Self incarnations), incarnations of the Earth Spirit into human form (minion
Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

incarnations) and simultaneous Higher Self incarnations. All the humans you see on Earth are not
using the same incarnational dynamic. Matrix V reveals the drama of the Dark side and Light side
polarities on Earth, and their relationship with control factors having their origin with alien
(sequential) control of the planet. Without this information, its difficult (if not impossible) to try and
understand whats happening on the planet at this time, the purpose of experience, the players and the
various levels of play that comprise the planetary EndGame in which you exist at this time.

Matrix V discusses information intended for advanced incarnational perspectives those that are
searching for genuine truths, progressing out of the box and on the way out of The Game. It can be
safely said (after examining existing literature out there) that it is virtually the only book on the planet
that accurately discusses the Higher Self, human incarnations, ancient manipulation of human DNA,
the genderization of the human body, and the mechanics of incarnation and detailed information on
the realms which we perceive when we become independent of the body after its death. Matrix V is a
vast treasure trove of vital information.

Matrix V, in effect, decodes earth reality, as well as the reality beyond the earth experience, in a way
that has never been achieved in human literature. Are you really a man or a woman? No. You are
spiritual being using a genderized body for experience. Only men and women buy into the cultural
belief that promotes identification with the body and gender, and they continue to revel in Earth life
and seek gratification and fulfillment of the DNA programming to which they have become slaves. The
scope of this book far exceeds anything even completed by Robert Monroe, author of three famous
books, Journeys Out Of the Body, Far Journeys and Ultimate Journey all recommended reading.

In truth, this book goes far beyond the material Robert Monroe or any other explorer has ever
released. It constitutes major keys for discovery for those Higher Self incarnations that are on the
verge of spiraling out of this reality altogether. If you are at a position in life at this time where you
seek more than what is around you in the controlled, idiotic culture we live in, more than religions,
channeling, alien contactees, belief systems and the pathetic body of knowledge on this planet, Matrix
V Gold Edition is for you.

Included in the book are 2 color artworks depicting the Library on Monroe focus level 27 (as visited by
The Author of the material), essential extracts from the Handbook for the New Paradigm (instead of
the whole Handbook, which is freely available on the internet and in print, freeing up space to
accommodate the new material), sections that explain the dynamic element of synchronicity and a re-
release of one of our investigations into influence over general education on out of body experience by
government and non-human factions. Without the information in Matrix V Gold Edition, decoding
what is happening on Earth is literally impossible. There are too many barriers in the way.

Remember: IF YOU ARENT READY TO HEAR THE TRUTH, DONT ASK FOR IT! If you identify with your
body or your gender, or are comfortable in your human existence, do not buy Matrix V. You will not be ready
for this. $64.22 Postpaid (USA), $75.95 Postpaid (Canada, Mexico), $90.95 Postpaid (Other) All payment in
US Dollars. No Eurocheques please. Money Orders preferred. See order form for payment info (7/12/07

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Matrix V Volume Two The Graduation Key

Information for Very Advanced, Dominant and Final Third Density Incarnations.
Gold Edition May 2004

Matrix V Gold Edition, Volume II, The Graduation Key, May

2004, Leading Edge International Research Group, Yelm, WA
98597. Edited by Val Valerian, 8 x 11 Velo Bound, ~263 pages.
Prerequisite: M5 Gold, Volume 1, Quest of the Spirit The
Ultimate Frontier. The 5-year Matrix V project, in terms of the
Quest of the Spirit The Ultimate Frontier, was complete with the
Gold Edition in terms of providing the individual Keys to those
incarnational threads for whom it was intended, which was a
limited group of Very Advanced, Dominant and Final
Incarnations. New information is now available to those for whom
the Gold Edition was written, and the need for a Volume II The
Graduation Key, became significant. What the Graduation Key is
and how it relates beyond the Gold Edition is fully explained by
The Author with unique Volume II segments and several new color
plates. In addition to this, there are 21 new segments in this
volume, never before published, which have been written in
conjunction with the energy dynamic of this Graduation Key. New,
very revealing segments include Game Pyramid Schemes;
Experiential Fences; EndGame Genetic Manipulation; Ancient
Telepathy, Reptilians and Other Dimensions; EndGame Earth
Planetary Spirit; Dark Shamans and Hallucinogenics;
Sequentialization of Earth During EndGame; Sequentialization,
Conformity and Graduation; The Genie Complex and others.
Beside the segments written during the formation of the second volume, Matrix V Gold Edition Volume II also
contains 53 additional Q&A pairs, as well as more than 120 segments (for a total of 142) written by The Author
since the publication of Matrix V Gold Edition Quest of the Spirit. Contained within the 500 Questions and
Answer (Q&A) sections of Volume I and II is additional knowledge that is not described in the segments, as well
as other keys. Matrix V Gold Edition Volume II contains 60 additional Q&A pairs. Together, Matrix V Gold
Edition Volume I and II have more than 486 segments (71 previously unreleased) and 500 Question and
Answer pairs, making a total of 986 major keys (with hundreds of hidden keys and sub-keys) for spiritual self-
discovery. The complete collection of Matrix V material reader comments precedes a complete Master Index for
both volumes in the back (a superb index tool for all the Matrix V Gold material) are you ready to expand
your perspective even further? Release Date: 11 May 2004

$42.44 Postpaid (USA), $54.14 Postpaid (Canada, Mexico), $66.20 Postpaid (Other)
All payment in US Dollars. Money Orders preferred.
Bookrate postage included in price (USA) Airmail postage included in price (Other)
No Eurocheques please (US Banks take 33% to convert)
US Domestic Add $7 for Priority Mail
See order form for payment info (7/12/07 Revision)

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Matrix V Volume Three The Journey

Information for Very Advanced, Dominant and Final Third Density Incarnations.
Gold Edition Sept 2005

Matrix V Gold Edition, Volume III, The Journey, September 2005,

Leading Edge International Research Group, Yelm, WA 98597.
Edited by Val Valerian, 8 x 11 Velo Bound, 280+ pages.
Prerequisites: M5 Gold, Volume 1, Quest of the Spirit The Ultimate
Frontier and M5 Gold Volume 2, The Graduation Key, both of
which are necessary in order to fully comprehend the 3rd volume
and the body of information as a whole.The book begins with an
introductory commentary by Val, relating some of the dynamics in
his life and his path which led to establishing the Matrix concept
and eventually to the Matrix V Project. This is followed by the
Author's introduction to the third volume, The Journey, which is
slightly longer than The Graduation Key. The book adds more than
60 new Q&A and more than 120 segments to the Gold Edition
series, including more than 25 new, previously unpublished
segments containing very expansive information, written in
conjunction with the developing energy dynamic of this
book. Previously unpublished segments for this volume include
such subjects as The Galactic Center and EndGame, Balance and
the Higher Self, Parallel Realities, Mystical Abilities and The
Game, Polarity Illusion - Game Subtlety and Balance, Astrology
and Game Design - Wild Cards, Polarity and Intervention and, of
course, The Journey, which, together with all the other segments,
woven intuitively into a specific order, make Matrix V Volume III a
very advanced piece of work and brings the whole body of knowledge full circle. The third volume also contains
a color plate and, naturally, an invaluable fully integrated index covering all three volumes of Matrix V Gold
Edition - a real tool for the reader for locating concepts and subjects in more than a thousand pages of material,
as well as the expression and progression of them throughout the three volumes, covering more than 600
segments and more than 560 Q&A pairs, which contain additional information. If you are ready to expand your
perspective even further, this is an opportunity to engage very advanced material in preparation for what is to
come. Release: September 16, 2005

$47.21 Postpaid (USA), $54.14 Postpaid (Canada, Mexico), $66.20 Postpaid (Other)
All payment in US Dollars. Money Orders preferred.
Bookrate postage included in price (USA) Airmail postage included in price (Other)
No Eurocheques please (US Banks take 33% to convert)
US Domestic Add $7 for Priority Mail
Leading Edge International Research Group,
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597 USA.
See order form for payment info (7/12/07 Revision)

(See more comments on the website)

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Reader Comments on Matrix V material:

One of the biggest things that MATRIX V explained for me is to be Happy with where you are in ones
Incarnational Cycle. I think worrying if your Awakened or Not or a Dominant or a Mid- Advanced
shows ones Ego talking. Be Happy with where you are. If you read MATRIX V or have the book it
seems one was able to connect to valuable information. Process what you can and chuck the rest if it
doesnt resonate with you in the bigger picture thru reading MATRIX V, whatever level one is at, if
you observe and learn and live the experiences one is faced in life with a sense of Humor and
detachment, it really doesnt matter to me, as long as I am in the process of attempting to connect to
my Higher Self and letting that info flow thru my life, I am not in competition with anyone. Enjoy
have fun, dont feel guilty, and use the time you have for how you see it.

The MOST CLARIFYING BOOK I have ever read in this incarnation ... If you are searching for the
truth, read & understand Matrix V.
Many times in my life I could have been married. I am the one who always backed out. There would
then follow a long period of self-condemnation, consisting of beating myself up for being such a
coward, etc. Yet, in spite of all the self-berating, that still small voice within would be resting quite
comfortably with these decisions. This shows me the distinction between the status quo approval of
the ego and the gentle urgings from my inner most self. This kind of inner battle has gone on most of
my life. I know now that I dont have to do that any more because I am able to see it for what it is and
which voice is really doing the talking. All my life I have been doing these kind of things. No more!
Now I know why seeking the status quo would never work for me. Just quite maybe it was not suppose
to work. Matrix V has cleared up the gay/lesbian issue for me completely as well as my own feelings of
shame and degradation whenever I would question my own sexuality. Thank You for the info
concerning the use of gold light. I have had many negative experiences while out of the body and the
change in color should put a stop to it. Yes, I got scared off (as did your friend whom you did not see
for a year and a half) and refused to meditate for years. So, I have the Astral Travel book on order, as
out of body travel seems to me to not be a good idea for the novice. When I found the excerpt for
Matrix V on Vals site I experienced a rush of relief. I was glued to the page for two days. Finally an
answer to what is going on. I dont have to be hard on myself as in the past. Matrix V is confirmation
of this.

I have had OOBE since an early age and only recently in the last 4 years have broken out of a
religious belief system and connected with my higher self. I have experienced a merging with my other
incarnations as well as meeting my future self who has come to help me on a couple of occasions to get
out of my body. When I was in the book store I saw the cover of Matrix V and immediately I recognized
the artwork out of my own conscious memories. I didnt even have to pick the book up to know that it
contained some very advanced truths, many of which I already know (although nice to see and confirm
that there are others who are aware of it). I havent even finished reading it. Ive gotten about one fifth
of the way through it. Its so very encouraging to meet other final incarnates who have woken up.

I received Matrix 5 as a Fathers Day gift. What a book!

The information in Matrix V for advanced/final incarnations resonates with how I feel. The
information presented by the author is very true and much thanks is given to the author for taking
the time to present the information now. The specific information regarding genders/gender splits
very clearly states the conflicts caused as a result of the gender split and I have noticed this for a long
time and the Matrix V information brings things into even better focus. It is time to move past the
bullshit and the agendas being pushed by the polarities (whether terrestrial or extraterrestrial) of this
planet (alien invasion, aliens running the planet, follow me Ill save you, this group is right/this

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

group is wrong, etc.). I am very aware that my true nature is unlimited and that through my
experiences I will continue to access more of my potential, which is unlimited.

Matrix V and the Paradigm Books have given me a sense of personal power and excitement toward
trying a more creative approach to life. If it is a game that will end, may as well try out some new ways
of thinking and have some fun while we are here! Knowing that I dont need to ask questions to an
external source is what I am working on presently. All of the answers I need can be received from my
higher self, if I can learn to trust the information. I sometimes hesitate to contribute to this
discussion, because of the fear of sounding stupid or getting entecosta. I enteco that this is am
external focus rather than entecost that I dont need validation from the outside.

I am in the process of reading Matrix 5 and I love it. It is amazing how much of it is me. I am female,
so for me to say that is stunning! I have been following the site for sometime now. I was raised
entecostal. Very strict. No pants, no make up, no music, go to church every day type of thing. Wasnt
me. Went to college and joined an organization that woke me up and impacted my life like nothing else
ever had. The organization talks about a lot of the stuff mentioned in the book and on the site, but I
was tired of the games. The power struggles, lies, worship me, do as I say not as I do aspects of the
organization got on my nerves. It was like looking for a diamond in a pile of coal. The information was
right but what you had to go through to get it was ridiculous. So I started to pull away a little.
Discovered your web site, and have been enjoying it every since.

I am finding the Matrix V material to be an excellent tool for me on my path. It is my deepest desire
to fully and completely connect with my Higher Self, and to fully complete my personal mission for the
good of my wholeness in this simultaneous lifetime. I want to thank you for your excellent works found
within the Matrix V material!

Thank you for all the info, just picked up Matrix 5 and it is amazing!!!!

I was reading Matrix V last night and found some writings on the topic of color . I know that I am
responsible for me! I know that all answers are within me! I know that it is critical for me to trust My
Self! And yes, I do not even have a twinge when I state that I am my own God.

Many thanks for publishing this milestone. You have shed a new light of understanding on the Orion
and Sirius issue that I was totally unaware of. Besides this, you have shed much light on many other
issues. Again, many thanks.

Thanks for the astounding information. This is my second to the last incarnation so that may be why I
resonate with it. Many bits and pieces of what Ets and other sources have said seem to hint at what
you have on this page being true. I am ready to hear whats written there, though much work remains
for me to unload the flawed programming left and live life accordingly.

Much interesting work. I admire your boldness in the information you present.

I love Robert Monroe. I had never considered the new age stuff to be a controlled substance. I see it
now! I am very excited. Thank you again.

Thanks for another fabulous example of how useful information appears when one is ready to absorb
it! Very stimulating!

The material is right on, 100%.... Thank you for this work, it is confirmation for me that I am on the
right path!!

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Hi! I enjoyed reading your material. You brought up many important issues.

Thanks for this information. You may not realize how important this information is for some people
going through the very difficult process of awakening to reality.

Your presentation on the idea of genderization and the nature of the male/female species is VERY
accurate to say the least.

Very engaging lines of thought in this material.

The information you have presented is extremely valuable to final incarnations. I agree that we chose
to come here and simply experiencing life on earth is what we are here for and while we are here
communicating with other beings who understand is appreciated.

The stuff is incredible. Its all true. I always felt I should be with someone else that I was weird and
people would think I was weird if I wasnt married , dating etc... I was particularly shocked by the
Sirian Orion conflict in regard to war on a mass level. My ego swells and shrinks it is not so solid. My
fear is also not solid. Staying in light and dark is a trap. Judgment, superiority, war are the result. I do
not want to be a part of this. I will be studying and researching this stuff further. P.S. This is not a new
trip for me, just something I have been asking for.

I recently came across your information and very quickly realized just how intrinsically in-tune I was
with the messages and also the Handbooks for the new paradigm. I have been on a long search for this
very material and have come across other materials that only contain a small portion of the truth you
represent, but have lead me ultimately to this present direction. I have known these things deep inside
me since I was 9 years old but have not been able to put it into words or understand that I wasnt the
one who was strange or had weird ideas. I have struggled hard with my inner feelings about the
deeper meaning of life as it conflicted with the general view and the indoctrination of the system I
always knew there was something very wrong with this holographic reality and couldnt quite put my
finger on it. Thank you for allowing me to find you your words are music to my ears and the message
is so clear because I feel right at the core of me that you are putting into words what I always thought
and felt.

The truth of what you are presenting here is sinking in, and the longer I contemplate it, the clearer it
becomes. Since first digesting this material a month ago, its been gestating within my consciousness
and I am now seeing validation of its truth in my everyday life. Particularly in regards to dating and
relationships, I have experienced all of the characteristics you lay out as the programming of the
Orion DNA commands in females firsthand, and I pretty ugly scene. I have had continual friction with
the opposite sex, particularly when it comes to ideology...If I am truthful about what I feel and see
concerning trends such as feminism, the womens movement, the emerging totalitarian state, etc. I
am ridiculed mercilessly as small minded and reactionary. Eventually, each potential relationship was
thwarted by a decision by myself to be true to myself and stick to my values and what I know to be
true. I have always valued freedom and wisdom above anything else. I am not an abrasive, bigoted
chauvinistic man. Quite the opposite.

The material in Matrix V is at once shocking and ultimately freeing if you can let yourself go for the
reaction ride. I had some definite reaction to the roughness with which the author endeavored to
communicate not only the truth about women and their programming, but also his very personal
feelings about such. After letting all the reactions and arguments play out, I understood that it doesnt
matter. The author is very concise at conveying his message, its just a different frequency of

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

communication. So after getting down to what is important, well, its the information no matter how it
is presented. I realized that if the burning bush is speaking truth then I want to listen, even if it is a
little hot.

The Matrix V Website

Matrix V has proven to be such a powerful book for so many people. With that in mind, a website specifically
devoted to the book and continued exploration has been created at:

The Matrix V website also contains ongoing feedback from readers, recommended reading lists, links of
interest, various excerpts from the book, hallmark analytical essays on out-of-body experience and many other
interesting features, including an on-line chat room for those with a sense of immediacy. You can get there
from the Leading Edge Research Group website home page

Thanks for your continuing interest and input. Feedback on your discoveries and how Matrix V has helped you
in your journey are always appreciated.

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Matrix V Gold Edition 18x24 Laminated GRAPHIC POSTERS

Matrix V Gold Edition Volume I: Quest of the Spirit The Ultimate Frontier

Cover Art: Higher Selves On the Simultaneous Incarnational Path

The cover art depicts what I have seen on the level where the
Higher Selves reside. From my crude drawings, to Vals
enhancements after discussing it with me, to Arthurs excellent,
breathtaking final product, you are looking at an accurate
representation of what everyone, with a Higher Self, really looks

The oval, glowing energy being IS you! The energy extensions descending
from the central orb are one for each incarnation. As we have hundreds
and hundreds of incarnations, space limitations required a depiction of
only several streams per Higher Self. These energy cables are the silver
cords seen in astral travel. Each extension ends in a physical
incarnation. Earth incarnations are simultaneous, hence all are alive at
the same time but in different phases (time periods). Genders, races, etc
are merely different learning experiences for the Higher Self. The 3rd
stream, from your left, of the largest Higher Self indicates an incarnation
on the 4th density (astral) after death. The astral levels are depicted as the
misty areas above and closest to the incarnated humans. They are ALL

If you look closely inside the Higher Self, youll notice small ovals
along the left wall. These represent each individual incarnation for
that individual Higher Self. The Final Incarnation can access each
of the Higher Self incarnations by simply touching any one head to
see through that streams eyes.

The corkscrew in the center is not a part of the Higher Self. This is a graphic representation of energy spiraling
up through the opening in the top, center of the Higher Self. This opening is the path the Higher Self will follow
after the Final Incarnation is completed and all energy streams are absorbed back into the Higher Self, which
would now be complete. The Higher Self is, at this point, a true composite of all the Higher Self incarnations
and the Final Incarnation becomes the Higher Self. The central, lower object is on the base of the Higher Self,
an energy pillar with a multifaceted energy ball on top. This is the central nexus/processing center for the
Higher Self and is a natural part of shim. Dominants and Final incarnations may access ANY component or
experience of any of the Higher Self incarnations through this ball. It would compare to the brain of the third
density body.

You will see several other Higher Selves engaged on their Paths. This is how I saw them. The energy shown at the top of
each Higher Self is the path that the Higher Self will follow to the next level of experiences. These upcoming experiences
are TOTALLY different than those on 3rd density. The rectangular upper part of the art, with the Higher Self energy
ripples, is a depth drawn image. As it gets narrower, farther distance is indicated.

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Matrix V Gold Edition Volume II and Volume III Cover Posters

Cover Art: The Graduation Key and Galactic Perspective

The gold aura around copies of Matrix V

Gold Edition, envelopes the whole book
and swirls in a clockwise movement at the
cover to form the inverted tornado look
with a thread of gold energy spiraling out
from the book. The meaning and result of
this is discussed in the book. The picture on
the right is a galactic view of what is
described in the book. These laminated wall
posters were inevitable developments. The
covers of the Matrix V Gold Edition
volumes are amazing as is, but they look
fantastic blown up to 18x24. The original
huge graphic files were used, so quality is
simply unearthly, suitable for framing or mounting. Prices include printing, laminating, packing and
shipping. Stunning graphics with stunning results! Excellent wall posters for meditation, or even attach to your
ceiling for an AM wake-up.



(US Orders) 18 x 24 laminated color print $US 37 each, Priority Postpaid

(Mexico/Canada) 18 x 24 laminated color print $US 43 each, Airmail Postpaid
(International) 18 x 24 laminated color print $US 50 each, Airmail Postpaid

See order form for payment info (7/12/07 Revision)

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Matrix VI
Wayfarers of Reality The Quest for Experience

Matrix VI Wayfarers of Reality The Quest for Experience,

May 2007, Leading Edge International Research Group, Yelm,
WA 98597. Edited by Val Valerian, 8 x 11 Velo Bound, 534

We are all wayfarers, travelers in reality, each with our own

unique individual journey, filled with hopes and dreams,
discoveries, disasters, experiential loops, synchronicities, 20-20
hindsight and realizations which make up our experiential
journey and our individual progression and the expansion of our
awareness. What have you learned, upon reflection? What
patterns in your life do you discern? What were the progression
of events? What were the synchronicities? What were the
experiential loops and the major decisions in life? What was the
wisdom learned?

Since the Matrix V Trilogy addressed the individual and

incarnational experience, the logical next step, in my mind, was
to document the incarnational experiences of individuals,
allowing readers to gain vicariously from anonymous accounts by
other individuals and their retrospective review of their lives,
according to intuitively developed guidelines. Wayfarers of
Reality was the result. The perfect companion for those who have
the Matrix V Trilogy! The book has stories from people like you, from all over the planet, detailing their
unique evolutionary journey and their retrospective review. From the readers point of view, there is something
that can be said for vicarious experience - what people go through and discover about themselves can be
inspiring, and spur us on to greater experiences within our own unique path. The guidelines used in this
project are also included, allowing the reader to also generate their own 'life review', which is itself a very
cathartic process. The book leads off with an interview with Val done in Seattle and winds up with an an
analysis of parameters of wild card events generated from the center of our Galaxy which will no doubt be part
of EndGame. Some writer comments: Many thanks for this opportunity for us to put it all together and get a
perspective about our current lifetime. This review has been an amazing exercise! Thanks for the opportunity
to share my experiences. I know that this is the only place where people would actually believe me.

Release Date: May 21, 2007

$US58.00 Postpaid (USA) , $US 70.00 Postpaid (Canada, Mexico), $US 82.00 Postpaid (Other)
All payment in US Dollars. Money Orders preferred.
Bookrate postage included in price (USA) Airmail postage included in price (Other)
No Eurocheques please (US Banks take 33% to convert)
US Domestic Add $7 for Priority Mail
Leading Edge International Research Group,
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597 USA.
See order form for payment info (7/12/07 Revision)

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

The Leading Edge Master Research Chronology

Makes the Gemstone Papers look like Cliff Notes!

Authored by Val Valerian,290 pages, 8 by 11 Velo Bound, Leading Edge Research Group, 1996. Have
you ever wondered how everything in the planetary power structure is connected through time? This
is the ultimate chronology that will put things in perspective! Covers 544 AD to the late 1990s, in
detail, in terms of interrelated historical events. Beginning with the 204 page chronology in the rear of
Matrix III Volume 2, work was continued another year or so, assembling about 90 pages more,
reaching 290 pages, creating a work which makes the Gemstone Files look like cliff notes. Highly
acclaimed. $40.00 postpaid (US) $53 (Canada,Mexico), $58 Postpaid (Other). Prices cover printing,
binding, packaging and mailing costs. USA Bookrate paid. Foreign: Airmail Paid. All payment in US
Dollars. No Eurocheques Please. Send to: Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370,
Yelm, Washington 98597 USA See order form for payment info (7/12/07 Revision)

The Analytical Chronology of Fluoridation: Politics vs. Science

Authored by Val Valerian,189 pages, 8 by 11 Velo Bound, Leading Edge Research Group, 1997. A
70,000-word white paper and research tool, with more than 850 entries, master index, and reference
bibliography. The Analytical Chronology of Fluoridation is the result of the examination of thousands
of letters, monographs, scientific documents and declassified materials from the National Archives.
Through the use of these materials it goes on to prove, by definition, that the fluoridation paradigm is
a civil conspiracy participated in by agencies all the way from the US Public Health Service, the World
Health Organization, the AMA and ADA, and all state health departments, and that the fluoridation
paradigm is based on false science, misrepresentation and deliberate falsehood in order to provide a
means for dumping hazardous wastes from industry into the food and water without challenge from
the population. This 189 page, 70,000 word piece of work took hundreds of hours to compile and
analyze, and is backed up by numerous references and a superb index for locating those hard-to-find
statements by the AMA and ADA who, before 1945, told the scientific truth about the nature of
fluorides, chemicals more toxic than lead and arsenic.

Contrary to what the population is told, fluorides produce rapid aging, cause brittle bones and
interfere with virtually every enzymatic process in the body. Dentists tell people that fluorides
prevent cavities, yet statistical analysis of all the major fluoridation studies upon which this premise
is based demonstrates these studies to be fraudulent. Together with legitimate studies done
independently which show both greater dental decay rates, higher dentist ratios and higher dentist
incomes in fluoridated areas, right from the ADA and AMAs own publications, there can be no doubt
that the public is being taken for one of the biggest rides of the century. According to Senior EPA
Scientist Robert Carton, fluoridation may well represent the biggest case of fraud in this century.
Trace the statements of major players in this drama from the early times to the present, and peek into
secret closed sessions of state and territorial dental directors in the 1950s where they admit that
fluorides are systemic poisons.

Comparing the statements, actions and activities of these health professionals with definitions from
Blacks Law Dictionary on conspiracy, especially civil conspiracy, it can be readily seen that the whole

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

paradigm has been an ongoing conspiracy, where 144 million people in the United States alone are
exposed to these EPA-certified hazardous wastes deliberately and arrogantly dumped into the food,
water and air. Furthermore, these compounds are known to affect human reproduction, fertility,
mortality, intelligence and health. If fluorides in fact do cause cavities and dental problems in
humans after 5 years of age, and they really dont produce the effects we are told, and, considering the
effect on the human hippocampus, where all memories are coordinated and behavioral decisions are
sculpted, it makes sense why at least one concentration camp run by I.G. Farben had fluoridated the
water. Knowing there was no dental plan for Nazi prisoners, there must have been another reason.

There seems to be some evidence that both the Germans and the Soviets fluoridated the water of
prisons and concentration camps in order to keep the confined population docile. Fluorides are used
for this purpose in animal breeding, where intractable bulls are administered fluorides to calm them
down. The Analytical Chronology is larger and more comprehensive than anything available on the
Internet, or anywhere else. If you are interested in the fluoridation paradigm and what it is doing,
and want to have a definitive guideline and a comprehensive view of activity in order to assist you to
evaluate current and future activity, this work is invaluable. $26.00 postpaid (USA) $36 postpaid
(Canada, Mexico), $43 Postpaid (Other). Send to Leading Edge Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm,
Washington 98597. Prices cover printing, binding, packaging and mailing costs. USA Bookrate paid.
Foreign: Airmail Paid. All payment in US Dollars. No Eurocheques Please. Send to: Leading Edge
International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597 USA fTake a look at
Reader Comments on the Analytical Chronology of Fluoridation, including those by medical and
scientific readers:

Thank you for kindly sending me your Analytical Chronology of Fluoridation: Politics vs. Science.
Considering the enormous amount of material that surrounds this subject, you have really done a
remarkable job! Albert W. Burgstahler, Ph.D. (Harvard), University of Kansas, Professor of Organic
Chemistry, January 31, 1998, author, Fluoridation: The Great Dilemma, Coronado Press, 1978, past
co-editor of the scientific journal Fluoride, and former president of the International Society for
Fluoride Research.

The Analytical Chronology of Fluoridation tells the bizarre story of fluoridation from its earliest beginnings to
the time of publication. There is no concealment of the bias of the author the opposing of fluoridation and
those who promote the process. Its forte is the documentation of the ruthlessness of the promoters of
fluoridation and the possible motives behind the movement. It documents the use of U.S. taxpayers dollars to
subvert individuals and institutions to promote fluoridation not only in the United States and Canada, but also
overseas. It also presents, in abridged form, the evidence that fluoridation does not improve oral health but is
associated with appreciable harm. The index and extensive bibliography provides a unique resource. It is must
reading for those who may come face-to-face with the powerful elite to continue to wage a war on behalf of
fluoridation. -- (June 1998) Richard A Foulkes, M.D., former Executive Director of the Royal Columbian
Hospital in New Westminster, B.C., Medical Officer with the Royal Canadian Air Force, and Assistant Professor
in the University of British Columbia Department of Health Care and Epidemiology. Dr, Foulkes has published
numerous papers in medical journals, trade magazines and news papers dealing with health issues. Journals
include: Canadian Medical Association Journal; Journal of the American Medical Association; Journal of
American Hospital Association; American Journal of Mental Deficiency; and, Medical Services Journal,
Canada .

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Ancient Wisdom and Modern Physics

An Inside Report on the World Technocracy

Ancient Wisdom and Modern Physics, Leading Edge Research Group, August 1999, 238 pages, 8 x
11 Velo Bound, with master index. Edited and footnoted by Val Valerian. For almost six years, a select
group of world scientists also on the path of self-knowledge and discovery began to transmit
fascinating information to Leading Edge Research Group in regard to technological developments
occurring behind the scenes in the planetary control paradigm, as well as new developments occurring
in other facets of society, covered in annual meetings, primarily in Chicago, Illinois but also in New
York and other locations around the world. The information first began to appear in the Leading Edge
Research Journal in 1993, where the group introduced themselves to readers and then embarked on a
series of revelations that began to evoke a lot of interest in the research community.

In 1995, when more of the series was released in LE Journal No.78, the contents literally rocked
people all over the world, revealing developments in manipulative electromagnetics and mind control
suspected but never actually verified until that time. The Chicago Research Group periodically
released data in the Leading Edge Research Journal over the next several years, often in parallel with
pertinent data in Kostas Lambrakis Unified Field and Takyon-Delton Physics series, as planetary
conditions and situations warranted. New scientific discoveries in astronomy, neurology, applied
materials sciences and a host of other areas brought a vast array of data to researchers worldwide.

A tremendous amount of research on planetary changes and changes in the universe around us also
came forth as the series continued through the years into 1999, often incorporating commentary,
supporting background information and verification of events and trends brought forth by other
researchers. A staggering amount of data covering literally hundreds of subjects is contained in this
collection of published Chicago Group material extracted from the Leading Edge Research Journal.
Issue No. 78 alone contained commentary on 111 different subjects. As the 1990s progressed, more
data detailing the involvement of both extraterrestrial and dimensional races in our planetary affairs
was discussed, expanding the scope of the information available to LEIRG readers even further. When
Alex Collier brought forth his information in the late 1990s, these scientists were able to verify a lot of
data on events and trends not only in regard to the Earth, but also our solar system.

In June 1999, the decision was made to combine everything released into one volume, totally re-
indexed and expanded to include current developments. For those who have always wanted to know
the inside details of what has been happening around them but have never had much success in
finding out, this book will be an eye-opening and transforming experience. You will be one of the
select few who actually know the details behind trends and events that keep the rest of the population
guessing. Incredible discoveries about consciousness and reality are enfolded into the material. You
will not be the same person after reading this material. The book is available only from Leading Edge
International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597. US$26.00 ppd (USA) US$35
(other). See order form for payment info (7/12/07 Revision)

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Leading Edge Research Quarterly

Media Mail (Book Rate) postage included in US price. Published in 2002 and 2003 only.


See order form for payment info (7/12/07 Revision)

Leading Edge Research Quarterly No.1

Cost: $US33.00 postpaid per issue inside the US, $US39 Canada/Mexico, $US46 Other Locations, per 250
page bound issue covering approximately a 90 day period prior to its publication. Articles:

Preparing for Chemical and Biological Terrorism, A Practical Guide to Antibiotics and Their Usage for Survival,
A Simplified Guide to Antibiotics and Their Uses, Maintaining Healthy Gut Flora and Immunity, Biological
Weapons Most Likely To Be Used, Chemical Weapons Most Likely To Be Used, Clean Water and Adequate
Hydration, Healthy Food Intake and Supplies, Essential Oils for Biological Warfare Preparedness,
Recommended Individual Essential Oils, Anthrax, Pharmaceuticals, Germany and The War. Matrix 5
materials: Feng Shui & Yin/Yang, Ghosts- New Information, Disruptive Symbol to Chakras Cross,
Information on some Basic Rules of The Game, Why Star Trek Scenario Will Not Happen Here on Earth, On
Feelings of Resentment and The Game, Light Feeding Dark / Aliens Who Cry Wolf, The God of These People
/ Polarities Factions No Longer Significant, Where the idea of We Are All The Same Comes From, The
Concept of Final incarnation from a Cultural Perspective, Higher Self-Tests Pass or Fail Only, Setting Up
For Act III of the Event, Matters of Balance / Osama Bin Laden, War Wild Card Played? / The Need For a Gun,
Farscape Episode Higher Self Interaction Dynamics Illustrated, Aliens and Spirituality, Clinging to Body
Identification and Victimhood, First Wave Episode on the Sci-Fi Channel, Breaking the Experiential Loop, The
Concept of Freedom of Speech in America, Observations on the Concept of Home Ownership in America,
Observation on David Ickes View of Reptilian Presence, Two Reptilian Influences On Earth, Q&A #314-
357 ,Reader Comments. Congressional Hearing: US Interests in Asian Republics, On Cognitive Liberty The
Freedom for Free Thought, Biochemical Warfare: Should Resources Be Deployed?, Civil Defense Perspectives:
Drugs As Weapons, Drug War Reports, Civil Defense: the Forgotten Defense, New Surveillance Technologies,
FBI Develops Eavesdropping Tools: Magic Lantern, The Smart Card Era: Future Biometric Techniques ,
Digital Angel Product Launch, Analysis: Reality, Belief and the Mind, Home Run: Electronic Remote Control of
Aircraft, Geopolitical Astrological Projections, New Discoveries in Science and Technology, Honeycomb
Geometry Helps Dancing Bees Gather An Audience, Consciousness Influences How a Pot Boils, Nerve cells
soldered to semiconductors, First Nerve Cell-Silicon Microchip Built, Placebo mimics Drug Effects on
Parkinsons brains, Paradox Of Groundwater Age Has Implications For Hydrology, New Details Of Earths
Internal Structure Emerge, Scientists Produce Detailed Image Of The Inside Of A Sunspot, Device Could Aid
Production Of Electricity, Superconductors That Work At Room Temperature, Thermochemistry On A Chip,
Radiation: New Fears After Test Flawed, Radiation Risk From Low Particle Exposure Greater Than Thought,
Journal Axes Gene Research On Jews And Palestinians, Scientists Predict 50% Drop In Global Fish Stocks By
2015, Top Scientist Warns Of Extinction Danger, Rare Blue Mineral Excites Scientific World, Greener Energy
Research May Generate Results, New Material Helps To Make Clean Fuel From Water, Sept 11th Event Exposes
Variation in Random Probability Matrix, Curry Can Fight Alzheimers Disease, Briton Patents Cancer Vaccine,
British Change Pasteurization To Combat Crohns Disease, The Carlyle Group: Shadowy Profits Behind The
War, The ENRON Black Magic: Behind the Scenes During Collapse, Chomsky Saying What Media Dont
Want Us to Hear, Video Shows Bin Laden Admitting Responsibility for Sept 11th, Abuse of Property Law Strips
Lands from Private Ownership, Optics Expert: 2 Year Study Disputes Government WACO Claims, Scotland

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Program Outlines Massive Renewable Energy Sources, Court Refuses To Rule on Issue of Forced Medication,
Healthy Immune System May Be Best Defense Against Bioweapons, Junk Medicine: Aspirin Increases
Strokes, But Makes Them Milder, Biophysical Warfare The Mind Has No Firewalls, Ultrasound Scans May
Disrupt Fetal Brain Development, Mechanism Of Short-Term Memory Loss Revealed, and more.

Leading Edge Research Quarterly No.2

Cost: $US33.00 postpaid per issue inside the US, $US39 Canada/Mexico, $US46 Other Locations, per 250
page bound issue covering approximately a 90 day period prior to its publication.

Matrix V material: Endgame & Simultaneous Incarnation Higher Selves, Tests and The Higher Self, Tests and
The Higher Self Part II, Game Traps: Ancestor Worship and Genealogy, Zimbabwe and The Niburu, The
Game and Participation In It , Matrix 5 and The Time Machine 2002, To Men Who Want To Open Their Heart
Chakra, More Information on the Nature Spirit Realm, A Deeper Look At Alien Semantics, Obeying The Orion
DNA Call, Forced Conformity, When Earths Vibrations Get Too Heavy, Body ID and The End of the Earther
Human Race, Obstacles Caused By Faulty Decisions, Obstacles Caused By Faulty Decisions- Part II,
Revelation: Percentage of Brain Use, A Deeper Look: Sexuality, Control and Spirit, Fear As The Root of Most
Problems, Higher Self Individuality, Facet of the Game: Immune System Attacks, A Different Facet: Alien
Higher Selves, Revelation: Loosh, The Game is NOT The Film Matrix, Divide and Conquer, More Data on
Colors The Latest Diversion, Deceptions Do This So You Will Live Longer, David Ickes Children of the
Matrix, Matrix V Guide or bible?, The Higher Self and What No One Can Do For You, Origin of the Custom
of Kneeling to Another, Q&A. More: Beachead Magazine (Australia) Interview, Examining Life After Death
in the Cultural Media, New Discoveries in Science and Technology, Inner Earth May Hold More Water Than
the Seas, Scientists Explain Why Time Travel Is Possible, Exploding Chip Could Help in Battle Against Stolen
Mobiles, Scientists Use Mud To Power Batteries , Scientists Breakthrough Shows Objects Fall in Mini-Steps,
Prunes Can Help Make Meat Safer, Top US Climate Scientists Suggest Catastrophe May Be Near, New Scan
Sees Brains Nerve Pathways, Cells in Sex Organs Linked to Aging , NASA Jets Mimic Migrating Geese To
Save Fuel, Antarctic Ice Thickening, Scientists Churn Out Alternative Fuel From Vegetable Oil, Scientists
Cross Pigs with Spinach, U.S. in Fusion Power Rethink, New Anthrax Toxin Research, Bacteria Mimic Cell
Phone System to Communicate, New State of Matter Made: Physicists Create A Patterned Liquid, UK Families
Seek Compensation for MMR Vaccine Harm, Injectable Chip Opens Doot to Human Bar Code, Funeral
Homes Offering DNA Collection Services For Genetic Testing, U.S. Waterways Contaminated By Medications
and Personal Products, Scientists Use Big Patterns for Forecast Earthquakes , 20 Reasons Not To Take The
Smallpox Vaccine, Agricultural Biotechnology Patent Issue Settled In Favor of Developers, Ancient Supernova
Damaged Ozone Layer, Earthquakes Took Heavy Human Toll in 2001, Antimatter Atoms Created For The First
Time, Common Virus Linked to Malignant Brain Tumors, Bacteria Breaks Down PCBs in Baltimore Harbor,
New Technology Helps Clean Up Hazardous Waste, Incineration Alternative Headed For Field Tests, $2.8
Million Funds Renewable Energy Research, Urban Air Pollution Linked to Birth Defects, Pollution Drying Up
Rainfall, Scientists May Find Space Warps in 3 years, North Atlantic Fishery Collapsing, Genetically Modified
Oral Spray Prevents Tooth Decay for Life, Sea Level Rise Seriously Underestimated, Personal Rejection
Massively Reduces Intelligence Capabilities, Believing Is Seeing For Hypnosis Subjects, Chocolate Keeps Blood
Pressure Low, BioPort Gets FDA Approval Forced Anthrax Shots to Resume, Geopolitical Astrological
Projections, Dark Secrets: The Israeli Connection, Television Addiction, The Model State Bo-Terrorism Laws:
The Controversy, United States on the World Stage: Historys Mysteries, The Secret United States Bioweapons
Program, Unusual News and Developments, The China Factor in Recent World Events, Back To The Stone Age:
The Electromagnetic Bomb, Calorie Intake vs. Rate of Physical Degeneration, Terror Triumvirate Seen By
Nostrodamus, On A Humorous Note: Amazing Anagrams, Massive Lawsuits Pending on Mercury in Vaccines,
Geopolitical Astrological Projections Part II and Updates, and more.

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Leading Edge Research Quarterly No.3

Cost: $US33.00 postpaid per issue inside the US, $US39 Canada/Mexico, $US46 Other Locations, per 250
page bound issue covering approximately a 90 day period prior to its publication.

Matrix V materials: Lightsider Deceptions Update, Some End Game Observations, Aliens ON Earth and The
Game, Body & Spririt Controls and Experiences, Awakening , Bisexuality and Minions, Bisexuality and the
Universal Laws, Bisexuality and The Game, Gays, The Game and DNA Commands, Why the American
Government Cries Wolf, Terrorism and The Game, Awakened Final Incarnation and Self-Doubts, Can we
save ourselves?, The Truth is (NOT) Out There, The Game and Dinotopia, The Game and Dinotopia:
Revisited, Symbols: The Dragon and the Phoenix, Body ID and Extinction of Species, The Game and One-
Godders , Rigelian Culture China, Body ID in Control, McCarthyism Returns as McBushyism , Winged
Reptilian Emblem and American Diety, Semi-Global Mantra- Leader of the Free World, Earth Planetary Spirit
More Information, Orion Empire Lackies: Testosterone Wails, Revelation: Ascended Masters, Revelation:
Ascended Masters Part II , Q&A. More Articles: TWA 800 Crash: New Findings and Questions, Recent
Developments: Acoustic Weaponry, New Developments in Science and Technology Part 1, IBM Claims Punch
Cards Can Bring Data Storage Breakthrough, Tests Show Most People Lie, Eleven New Moons Fount
Orbiting Jupiter: 6 Months of Silence, Old Age Runs in the Family, Say Scientists, Giant Nuclear Reactor May
Run Earths Magnetic Field, 425 Million-Year-Old DNA Sample Found in United States, Hydrogen in Earths
Crust Could End Worlds Energy Problems, DNA Technique Will Trap Criminals By Their Breath, European
Union Study on Gender-Bending Chemicals Announced, Researchers Present Theory of Memory Loss
Desynchronization, Earth Hit At 900,000 MPH by Tiny Cosmic Missiles, Study Finds Coffee May Stop Tooth
Rot, Starch in Bread and Cereals Blamed For Short-Sighted Children, Bacteria Message to Each Other, New
Discoveries Could Represent Glimpse of New Matter, New Study Links Parasites to U.S. Amplibian Mutations,
Light Bulb Gas Could Treat Nerve-Damaging Conditions, Study: Finches Capable of Changing Their Physcial
Characteristics, Endless Universe Driven By Dark Forces, Spin May Be The Key to Molecular Computing,
Microscopic Nanotubes May Strengthen Materials, Placebos Improve Mood and Change Brain Chemistry,
Researchers Demonstrate Wireless Chips, Map of Electricity and Helium Promise Instant Directions, Honda
Ploughs Cashe Into Home Hydrogen Plants, Water Pistol Safer Way To Destroy Land Mines, Warplace ID
Technology Could Improve Mass-Scanning Capabilities, Device Remotely Stops Stolen Cars, Techno-Paint
Can Change Color, Just 60 Minutes of Television Daily Can Lead to Violence, Brain Scans Draw Dark Image of
the Violent Mind, Strange Life Form Found in Ocean, Old Indian Remedy May Be Cholesterol Beater, Scientists
Hope to Use Carrot Juice as Hepatitis Vaccine, Extra Apple A Day Can Cut Cancer Risk 20%, Interesting and
Anomalous Developments, Antarctic Ice Melt Poses Worldwide Threat, New Report Explains Mystery of Rapid
Ice Ages, Climate Scientist Ousted From UN Panel on Climate Change, Death of Eleven Microbiologists Under
Suspicious Circumstances, Strange Lights In The Sky Baffle Bavarians, Geologist Says North Pole May Flip to
South, Black Death Was Not Plague Say Experts, Sick Boy Blames Air Security Orders, China Wants Manned
Base on the Moon, Are Science and Technology Governable?, As Technology Rolls On, Batteries Dont,
Interesting Developments: Society and Politics, MIT Invents Videos of People Saying Things They Never Said,
German Ground Zero Bank Refuses Cleanup Offers, Companies Create Fake Citizens to Change How We Think,
Ailing Japanese Economy Runs Out of Options, German Socialists Urge Abolition of American Way of Life,
TAGINT Tag Technologu Intelligence Begins to Bloom, Australias Emergency Laws Mimic Those of Adolph
Hitler, Czech Official Says He Expelled Iraqi Envoy After Meeting, Pakistan: More American Taliban
Arrested, UK Sells Chemical Weapons to the World, Scientists Charge FBI is Hiding the Name of the Anthrax
Killer, and more.

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Leading Edge Research Quarterly No.4

Cost: $US33.00 postpaid per issue inside the US, $US39 Canada/Mexico, $US46 Other Locations, per 250
page bound issue covering approximately a 90 day period prior to its publication.

Matrix V materials: 9/11 Media Circus, Anti-Male Hatred Rages On (Orion Influence), Wild Card: World War
III, Questions and The Game, Intolerance, Conformity and Earther Incarnations, Fear, Control and Your
Power, Orion Princess Mode, Another Variation of Higher Selves, Time Travel and The Game, V and V-The
Final Battle, Signs, More on Nature Spirit Incarnations, Astral Defenses and The Higher Self, Incarnational
Missions and The Higher Self, Faux Balance, Coming Out and The Game, Patriotism and The Game, Touch
Therapies and Minor Melding, Minor Melding Part II, Death and The Higher Self, Alien Technology and The
Game, Gods DNA Commands and Creation of Them, Minions, Aliens and The Game On My!, The Wiz , The
Game, America and God, The Game and The Players, Changing The Future, Orion Female Agenda Rampages
On, Q&A.

More articles: Bio-Photons and Biological Communication, Studies on Photon Emission with Photomultiplier
Tubes, Biochemical Mechanisms of Photon Emission, The Informational Character of Bio-Photons, Models:
Photon Emission from Collective Molecular Interactions, Consciousness As a Sub-Quantum Phenomenon, The
Movement to Ban Mind Manipulation Technology, New Developments in Science and Technology,
Astonishing Skull Unearthed in Africa, The Moon as a Power Source, Laser Armed Humvee to Blast Mines,
Government Watchdog: Software That Sniffs, Mysterious Hum Haunts Indiana City, Advancing Glacier
Threatens Alaskan Village, Crossbreeding to Save Species and Create New Ones, Harvard Artificial Plants
That Shimmer With Life, Babies Exposed to Cancer Chemicals, Japanese Study: Negative Correlation: Games
and Brain Activity, Asteroid Set Off Hiroshima-Sized Blast in Atmosphere in June 2002, New Developments in
Society and Politics, Youve Got Identity Why A National ID Card is a Bad Idea, Bush Aims to Recruit
Americans as Spies and Informants, High-Tech Transfers to China Continue During Bush Administration, U.S.
Court Balks At New Spy Powers, Social Fear and the Co-modification of Terrorism, Archaeological Coverups:
The Brain Police, Two Years Into The Worst Financial Crash in History, Electromagnetic Fusion and ET Space
Technology, Why Water is Weird, The Lighter Side of the Shrub: Collected Bushisms, British Press Reveals
New Twist for 9-11 Event, Alleged Cancer Breakthrough Announced, Ancient Megaliths, Earth Energy and Life
Forms, Biological Mechanisms for Interaction: RF Energy, Vaccines: Causing More Disease Than Curing, The
World Trade Center Attack: Smoking Guns?. Many large articles in this issue.

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Leading Edge Research Quarterly No.5

Cost: $US33.00 postpaid per issue inside the US, $US39 Canada/Mexico, $US46 Other Locations, per 250
page bound issue covering approximately a 90 day period prior to its publication.

Matrix V materials: Taken, Taken Second Commentary, Taken Final Notes, Harry Potter-Chamber of
Secrets, Higher Self Intervention on TV, Violence Against Men Encouraged, Cold-Blooded, Reptilian
Balance, Blind Obedience and Questions, Increasing Anti-Male Droning, 2012 and Lightsiders, Election 2000
and The Game, Orion in Disney, Death of a U.S. Senator, Atlantean Experiments Revived, Zigzag, Body ID
and The Game, Twisted Words, Law of Allowance and Earther Freedoms, Separation of Church and State,
The Great Dictator (1940) and Game Symbol, Polarities and EndGame, Four Steps Away From Seig Heil,
Fear and Manipulation, Lockdown on Earther Exploration of Space. More Articles: More Focus on Vaccine
Effects: A Federal Coverup?, Bush Asks Court to Seal MMR Vaccine Injury Records, Eli Lilly Wins Protection
From Autism Lawsuits, Mick High School Bio-Attack Provides Means to Forcably Inject Kids, Smallpox Vaccine
Text Results From Baylor University, Smallpox Vaccine Results Are In, Vaccination vs. Natural Healing of
Smallpox, Abrupt Climate Change: Global Warming and Ice Age, World Records Its Second Warmest Year,
Development of Anti-Weapon Technologies, Russian Scientists Threaten to Halt Space War, The War on
Terror and the War in the Middle East, How and Why America Was Attacked on 9-11: Who Knew?, Rome, AD
Rome DC, Iraq Report Cites US Corporate Role in Creating 1980s Weapons, The Secret 9-11 Project?,
Americas Secret War, Developments in Science, Technology and Society, Metamaterial Bends Microwaves into
Beam, Honey Kills Antibiotic Resistant Bugs, Scientists Develop Remote Control Brain Sensor

Astronomers Find Evidence of Mysterious Dark Forces, Europe Plans Worlds Biggest Telescope, Giant
Planets Formed in Hundreds of Years, Sound Waves May Replace Refrigerants, The Microwave Phaser:
Weapon of the Week, US Forced to OK Lawsuit Charging Laboratory Origin of HIV, 7.9 Alaska Quake Caused
By Huge Fault Rupture, New UK Law Bans A Word: Homosexual, Software Aims To Put Your Life on a Disk,
ELF/VLF Natural Radio Emissions of the Earth: 0.1 to 10KHz, Developments in Planetary Control and
Surveillance, Domestic Spying Pressed Police Seek to Ease Limits, Pariss and Berlin Plan Powerful EU Police
Force, Radio Frequency Auto-ID: Tracking Everything, Everywhere, The Information Awareness Office Total
Surveillance System, Probing The Israeli Spy Network in the United States, Developments in Bio-
Electromagnetics, The Story of the Dotto Ring, Background of the Theory, The Peltier Effect, Aging Process,
Missing Ingredient in Rifes Work? Bedinis Discovery, Water, Oxygen, Photons and Life. Several articles are
very large.

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Leading Edge Research Quarterly No.6

250 pages, bound, color cover. $US33.00 postpaid per issue inside the US, $US39 Canada/Mexico, $US46
Other Locations

EndGame Observations from the Author of Matrix V , Initial Reader Comments on Matrix V Gold Edition,
Challenger Shuttle Destruction: Ongoing Information, SARS The Great Global Scam by Dr. Leonard Horowitz
,Interesting Developments in the Sciences ,Orbital Oddities: Why Mars So Close to Earth in August
2003,Scientists Discover Second Serotonin-Making Gene Large Plastic Web Electrostatic Phenomena ,
Cherenkov Radiation ,Government Probe of Death Caused By Mysterious Particles in Blood ,Entirely New Kind
of Generator Invented ,World Straining to Double Food Output by 2050,Study Finds Growing Overload of
Heavy Metals in Human Bodies, Effects of Meteorological Phenomena on the Human Nervous System
Subterfuges and Syringes The Real World of Vaccinations, Health Care Leaders Voice Doubts on Smallpox
Inoculations Vaccines Offer Little Protection to Public ,Ion Trek Through Polymer Offers Better Batteries,
Longer Lasting Lithium Batteries on Horizon ,Study Discovers Cells Segregate Molecules to Control Signaling,
NASA Study Finds Increasing Solar Trend That Can Change Climate ,Supergrid Could Meet Nations Energy
Needs, Receptor Found That Guides Nerve Cells to Final Connecting Sites, Lightning Has Big Effect on
Atmospheric Chemistry, Alcohol Dependence Linked to Chemical Deficit Researchers Find Link Between
Estrogen and Brain Structure Changes ,New Crystalline Structure May Open Door to Molecular Filters , Newly
Identified Molecules Silence Most Human Genes, Scientists Discover How to Wipe Spatial Memory Creation,
Australian Overturns 15 Years of Nano-Science Doctrine, Changes in the Earths Rotation Are in the Wind ,
Anti-Viral Protein from Blue-Green Algae Also Inhibits Ebola Infection , Researcher Studies Aurora Borealis
Secrets Researchers Discover Way to Control Electron Spin with Electric Field, Composted Biosolids Bind Lead
in Soil , Scientists Address Mysteries of Ozone in the Human Body ,Natural Anti-Inflammatory May Shield
Brain From Stroke Damage Physicist Designs Perfect Automotive Engine ,Molecules Unite in Self-Assembled
Liquid Crystal Lattice, Bacterial Infections Alter Allergic Response, NASA Solves Half-Century Old Moon
Mystery ,Berkeley Scientists Create 3-D Map of Protein Universe,The Eye Can Self-Correct Some Optical Faults,
Undergrads Discover New Class of Stars Which Pulsate Like Jello , Researchers Discover How Leukaemia Virus
Spreads in Body,Study Shows Variation in Loss of Mental and Functional Abilities ,Scientists Find Calcium Is
Key to Slowing Colorectal Cancer Growth ,Brain Images Reveal Effect of Anti-Depressants, Alzheimer Patients
Show Unique Compensatory Brain Activity, Drinking Water Can Help Your Diet Research Discovers RNA
linked to Energy Source ,Poor Sleep Linked to Earlier Death in Older Adults ,Protein Linked to Movement
Disorders ,Researchers Unwind Secrets of Biological Clocks,New Horizons in Parallel Computing and Networks
Newly Discovered Cellular Process Helps Cells with DNA Damage, Study Confirms Links Between Exercise and
Changes in Brain ,Giant Virus Discovered in Water Tower, Seven New Moons Discovered Orbiting
Jupiter,Time-Traveler Busted for Insider Trading, Third Death Follows Smallpox Vaccination, Attempt to
Program Earthers: Stay Away From Mars , Magnetic Crystals in Brain Linked to Alzheimers , Interesting
Developments in The War on Terror , An Analysis of the Domestic Security Enhancement Act, The case of
Adams Alien Genes , Information Transmission Between Bio-Organisms, Hidden Sources of Aspartame and
MSG in Foods, Tales from the Far Side, Stevia: A Sweet Native Alternative, Geopolitical Astrological
Projections, Special Segments Written on the Release of the Book.

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Leading Edge Research Quarterly No.7

250 pages, bound, color cover. $US33.00 postpaid per issue inside the US, $US39 Canada/Mexico, $US46
Other Locations

More Information from the Author of Matrix V: Nature Spirit Assistance, Ascended Masters and The Game,
EndGame, Earth and Higher Selves, Sequential Incarnates on Earth, The Filtering Effects of Experiential
Loops, Experiential Loops and Polarities, Minion Talk, Personal Event: The Last Moments of Life, Reentry
Station and The Light Trap, New Age Guilt, Conflicts of Mid-Advanced Levels of Progression, Emotional Fire
III: The Final Key, Body Dreams and The Spirit, Life is Sacred and Body ID, Personal Teachers, Body ID
Loops: Youth and Superficial Beauty, Observations: Pride Issues and The Game, Polarity/Game Manipulation,
The Year From Hell Update , EndGame Female Instability, Silent Warnings, Amerika Fascism Rules,
Amerika Uber Alles, American New World Order, US Supreme Court and Gay Ruling, Journey to the Emerald
City, Post-Publication Matrix V Questions and Answer Update, Latest Reader Comments on Matrix V Gold
Edition, Natural EM Environment and Biological Systems, Schumanns Resonances and Human
Psychobiology, EM Frequencies and Brainwave Responses, Measuring Changes in the Schumann Resonances,
Tampering With the Ionosphere, Schumanns Resonances and Vision 2020: Our Climate, The Effect of
Geophysical Phenomena on Human Health, Brainwave Frequencies and Schumann Resonances, Synthetic
Electromagnetics and Human Biology, Synthetic Telepathy and The Early Mind Wars, Pulsed Microwave
Technology, Biological Amplification Using Microwave Band Frequencies, Cloning The Emotions, Mind
Reading Devices, Most Common Known ELF Effects, Human Auditory System Response to Modulated EM
Energy, Meditative Brain States and Resonance Effects, Influence of Brain EM Fields on Cellular Processes,
Patent Research: New Developments, Magnetic Excitation of Sensory Resonances, Remote Magnetic
Manipulation of Nervous Systems, Nervous System Manipulation by EM Fields from Monitors, Pulse
Variability in Electric Field Manipulation of Nervous Systems, Protection of Living Systems from Adverse
Effects of Electromagnetics, Nature, Science and Heliobacter Pylori, News and Developments on the World
Arena, Two Huge Intelligence Centers to Be Built in Iraq, Rebuilding Iraq The Contractors, Supplement
Industry Under Massive Global Assault, US Cuts Aid to All Who Refuse to Exempt US Troops from Court, US
Develops Urban Surveillance System, US-Based Missles to Have Global Reach, Bush Family Funded Adolf
Hitler, US Companies Caught Trading With the Enemy, Earths Magnetic Field and Regions of Cultural Unrest,
Dirt on Dirt: Soil Information for Gardeners, Interesting Developments in Science and Technology, Y
Chromosome Can Repair Its Own Genes, Genome Biology: Tales of the Y Chromosome, Bone Mimic Makes
Anti-Decay Fillings, Role of Cell Surface Proteins in Brain Function, Fluoride and the Pineal Gland, Autism,
Vaccine Link Considered, Granular Patterns and Oscillons, Research Breakthrough on High Blood Pressure,
Scientists Uncover Deep Impact Disaster From Space, Extreme Weather Prompts Unprecedented Global
Weather Alert, New Developments in Alternative Energy, Doctors Make Natural Treatment SARS Available,
Lightning in Astronomy and Electricity in Space, Paramagnetic Effects on Plant Growth, Overlooked Mind
Control Research, Vaccine-Induced Polio in Uganda: Genocide in Action.

Leading Edge Research Quarterly No.8

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

250 pages, bound, color cover. $US33.00 postpaid per issue inside the US, $US39 Canada/Mexico, $US46
Other Locations

Sequential Compliance and Wave-Path Incarnations, The Start of EndGame, Equality and Polarity-Based
Racism, A Closer Look at Polarity and Racism, Final Expectations and Reality, The Herd Mentality and
Victimhood/Victimizer, Emotional Fire and Your Incarnational Moon, Fear of Bisexuality, Complacency Trap,
Self-Reliance, Self-Development and Matrix V Gold Edition, Astral Entity Frustrations With Matrix V Gold
Edition, Problem Reactions Solution , Body ID During EndGame: Fad Followers, Key: Higher Self Pre-
Incarnational Assessments, Television, Electronic Attacks. Trust and EndGame, America, Iraq and
Incarnational Pathways, German Concentration Camps, Israel and The Game, Latest Lightside Deception,
Child Heroics in Film and Cartoons, Death: The UnchangeableEvent, Body ID Concept: My Children, The
REAL God and Satan, Dark Energy Vortex, Halloween Observations, Observation: Pride Issues and The
Game, Observation: Reptilians Against Gay Marriages, Talk Radio: The Oppression of Men By Women, Book
Recommendation: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them , Observation: Predatory Females, Observation:
Insectoid Aliens, Victimhood Phrase: I Had No Choice, Post-Publication Matrix V Website Q&A, Latest
Reader Comments on Matrix V Gold Edition, The Effect of Gold Ions on Biological Systems, Viruses
Found in United States SARS Genome, U. S Military Used Advanced and Frightening New Technology in Iraq
,Gulf War Story No One Would Publish: Operation Black Dog, The Iron Triangle: Inside The Secret World of
the Carlyle Group, U.S. Allows National Social Infrastructure to Collapse, Consumer Debt Bubble Could Make
Stock Bubble Seem Like Nothing, The Challenge to Mass Vaccination, Water in the Body, Biological Activity
and Aging, How the Nature of Bacteria is Explained in Fermentation, Bacteria, Fermentation and Putrefaction,
Water: A Vital Force in the Stability of the Fermentation Process, Relationship of Magnetism, Water and Cell
Stability, Naturally Magnetized Water from Japans Ancient Magic Mountain, Intercellular Communication,
The Collapse of the Ideal State: Some Notes, A New Spectre: Vaccine-Induced Disease in Iraq, Father of Dead
Soldier Claims Army Coverup, Archaeological Coverup: Giant Humanoids, Outrage Over Call for Population
Engineering, Developments in Science, Nature and Technology, New Projector Puts 3-D Images in Mid-Air,
Black Hole Strikes Deepest Musical Note Ever Heard, DNA Tests Sought for All Residents of the United
Kingdom, Sage Oil and Memory Improvement, Scientists Sound New Climate Change Warning, The
Destructive Nature of Western Education, Atrology: The End for George W. Bush Foreseen, The New Medicine
of Dr. Hamer: Secrets of Cancer?, A Interview with T. Galen Hieronymus, Related Explorations in Radionics
and Psychotronics, Typical Hieronymus Detector, Blast From the Past: Biowarfare in the 21st Century, and

EDITOR NOTE: Of course, all publications and books that we have done between 1988 and present will always
be available for purchase. Thank you for your continuing patronage and support. Val

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

The Leading Edge International Research Journal

Cost-Saving Bound Volumes

The most cost-effective way to acquire early backissues of the Leading Edge International Research Journal,
over 18,000 pages of material (Issues 1-150). Get multiple issues in bound book form, 8 1/2 x 11 Velo Bound
with protective covers. There are 19 volumes most of which are more than 800-900 pages. Price listed
includes bookrate postage within the USA and airmail outside USA. Like with all our books, there are No
Returns On Orders ,except to replace material returned damaged in transit (rarely happens). Send to Leading
Edge Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597. See order form for payment info (7/12/07
Revision) Considering that the individual issue price was $13 each (now $14), this is an excellent way to get all
18,000 pages of material, covering 1988 to October 2001, at a reasonable price for research purposes. The
Journal books are 250 pages in length.

Leading Edge Bound Volume 1

$US 68.00 (USA*) $US 74.00 (Canada) $US114 (Other)

Descriptive contents of subjects or articles, covering LE Journal issues 1 to 19, in this 978 page book: Send to
Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597.

The Phenomenon of Human Abduction and Biological Implant, The Phenomenon of Geomagnetic Vortices and
UFO Presence, The Three-Taloned Claw: Conflict Over Earth Ownership, The Phenomenon of Geo-Magnetic
Dimensional Windows, The Imposition of Religion on Human Society, The Aleister Crowley Connection, The
First Generation U.S. Underground Base Map, The Inner Earth Access Map for the United States, Animal
Abductions: A New Phenomenon without Answers, Atomic Vortex Theory and Magnetic Fields, Extraterrestrial
Friends and Foes: George Andrews Studies on the Brain of Humans and Dolphins, The Eight Circuit Model of
Consciousness, Communication Wavelength Bands and Brain Mass, New Thoughts on Strategic Defense
Initiative Theories, Government By Secret Directive, An Interview with Abductee Christa Tilton, Gravitational
Anomaly Areas and Other Anomalous Events, The Theory of Ultra-Dimensional Activities and UFO, Analysis of
States of Consciousness and Brainwaves, Genetic Experiments by the Government: The "Cabbit", The CRILL
Connection to the UFO Phenomena: Bill Hamilton, The Grudge 13 Report on Government Possession of Aliens,
Laser Technology and Elimination of Pathogenic Organisms, The Exo-Biological Intervention Hypothesis: B.
Hamilton, Mind Control and Brain Implants in Canada: Marti Koski, The NSA Facility at Pine Gap Australia: A
World Context Artificial Tunnel Networks Under the United States, Animal Mutilation Investigation
Procedures, A Wide-Spectrum Chronological Database, Tonal Patterns that Underlie Genetic Structure,
Genetics and the Criminal Justice System, Soviet Underground Tunneling Machines, More Conversations
Between Researchers, United States As Major Source of Cocaine Chemicals, The Cashless Society: An
Examination of Singapore, Biological and Chemical Warfare at Dugway Proving Ground, Axioms of Personal
Conscious Choice: The Nexus Seven, The Chronology of Psychiatry and Eugenics in the U.S.A., A Review of the
Grudge 13 Report by John Lear, A Case of Mass Mind Control on Family of Eleven, The Australian Surveillance
State: Shadow of Coming Time, The Issue of Mind Control in Prisons: Captive Audiences, The Krill Report by
Val Valerian, Masterminding Tomorrows Technologies, Using Mathematics to Predict Geological Events:
Browning, Universal Metaphysical Truth Maps: Nexus Seven, Death and Damage from Psychiatry in the United
States Collection of Cosmic Awareness Materials and Essays, ...and a whole lot more!

Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Leading Edge Bound Volume 2

Cost savings over purchase of the collective individual issues is $96.00*
$US 68.00 (USA*) $US 74.00 (Canada) $US114 (Other)

Descriptive contents of subjects or articles, covering LE Journal issues 20 to 27, in this 903 page book: Send to
Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597.

Author of Alternative Three Book Says 90% Correct, Battlefield Earth: The Cobert Subversion of Humanity,
The Phoenix Letter: Politics of Cancer, Dolphin Population Acquires Immune System Deficiency, Secrets:
Underground City in the Ozarks, The Phenomenon of Black Helicopters and Drug Running, Mysterious Rings
in the Australian Outback: Mars Connect, Alien Abductions for Cross-Breeding Purposes, Orion Mind Control
and Other Secret Projects: V.Valerian, The CIA Role in the War on Drugs: CIA Links with Mexico, The CIA
Links to the Savings and Loan Scandal, Oppression in the Age of High Technology, Light Wheels and Acoustical
Radiation Holograms, CURE: The Gap Between Scientists and the Public, New Research: Thought-Controlled
Flight Technology, New Projects: The Radio Recorder Beam Receiver, A Florida Abduction: A Unique Case by
Jim Greenen, Federal Employee Prohibition on Non-Fiction Topics, NASA Regulations on Extraterrestrial
Exposure Protocols, A Cherokee View of Star Wars and the New World Order, The Matrix: Understanding
Planetary Power Structures, The Reality of the Serpent Race in Literature & History, The Caves and Catacombs
of Malta: A Continuing Enigma, Encounters with Pre-Deluvian Tunnel Networks, Changes in the Fundamental
Theories of the Universe, The Claims of Thomas C. on the Underground Base at Dulce, The Case of M.P. and
the Sirians in Nevada: New Paradigm, Secret Alliances of the CIA from WWII to Watergate, Mystery Passages
Beneath the Earth's Surface, Listening In on the Middle East: Technological Approach, Vaccine Paradigm
Update: Deadly Vaccines in the U.S.A., Mind Control Technology: Orgastic Programming Devices, Virtual
Reality Abductee Programming Devices, A New Cognitive Approach: Quotes from the Law of One, Reichian
Programming and Other Humanoid Species, The Dixonville Mine Encounters, The Alleged South African
Military-UFO Incident, The Wartime Committee: Quest for Bovine Adrenal Glands, Skywatch Rangers:
Another U.S. Army Intelligence Scam?, New Developments at the National High Magnetic Field Lab, Cancer
Drugs Banned in the United States: A Review, The True Story of Jonestown: John Judge, What is God? The
Illusion of Separateness, An Analysis of Religious Concepts, The U.S. Army, Aliens and Vietnam, Law
Enforcement: Identification, Transponders, Cambridge UFO Study Group: Abductee Hypnosis Sessions, The
Gulf War: Kuwait and Iraq - A Look At History, How to Hide Your Broccoli From George Bush, and more.

Leading Edge Bound Volume 3

Cost savings over purchase of the collective individual issues is $108.00*
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Descriptive contents of subjects or articles, covering LE Journal issues 28 to 36, in this 949 page book: Send to
Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597.

An Interview with Alfred Bielek: Philadelphia Experiment, An Interview with William Cooper on the MJ-12
Concept, An Interview with Preston Nichols on Mind Control, An Interview with Leo Bell on Privacy Concepts,
A Detailed Look at the Protocols of the Illuminati, The Realities of Animal-Based Agriculture, Cosmic
Awareness and the Alien Presence, The Greenlining of Property Rights in the United States, The Tau Ceti
Connection, Prisms of Lyrae: Chart on Cultural, Distribution, Here Comes The Judge: Essays by John Judge,
The Federal Reserve Reform Act of 1991, Spirulina: Food for the Future, The Issue of Jurisdictional
Sovereignty, U.S. Army Plan for "AIDS Vaccine" Third World Testing, An Interview with Zecharia Sitchin,
Italian Magazine Reveals Details of Reptilian Humanoids, Gene Therapy: Gene Injection Produces Body
Changes, Breakthroughs of Cydonia: Report That NASA Suppressed, The Nutrient That Jack Built: The Story of
Y-12, Radiosondes: An Article by Preston Nichols, Paradox in a Jar: Consciousness and Its Effect on Matter,
Conceptual Nature of Ahriman, Lucifer, Other Archetypes, Nerve Tissue Regeneration in the Laboratory, The
Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Human Brain as a Biocrystalline Transceiver, The Spectrum of Consciousness and Energy Frequencies,
Mechanisms of Thought Reception and Conversion, The Satges of Electronic Mind Control and Programming,
The Hertzian Conspiracy: Rewriting Maxwells Equations, Mind Control Programming: The Texas Cafe
Massacre,Twenty Three British High-Tech Scientists Die in Mystery, UFOs: Grand Deception and the Coming
New World Order, Star Wars or Star Peace: A Soviet Perspective, The Inslaw-Promis-Brainstorm Software
Case, The Pacific Yew tree and Cancer Treatment Potentials, The AIDS and Condom Scam: Re-inventing,
Science, Positive and Negative Realms Beyond This World, The Alien Presence: The Reptilian Heritage, What is
Christ Consciousness?, The U.S. Forest Service and Prison Camps, Toward An American Police State and
Cashless Society, Al Bielek: Civilizations and Technology on Mars, NSA Technology and Alternative Reality
Generators, Non-Hertzian Scalar Energy and EM Energy - Glen Rein, Conversations Between Researchers,
November 1991, Operation Blackbird: Crop Circle Formation Witnessed, The Symptoms of Inner Peace, The
Bennewitz Papers: U.S. Government and Alien Intelligence, Cosmic Conflict and the Earth Seed Branton,
Government Manipulation of Scientists as Political Tools, The Increase in Brain Cancers: What's The Source?,
What's Good, Bad and Curls Up Under a Rock - M. Topper, Viruses and Bacterial: Time to Rethink the Germ
Theory, Fluoridation for Stupification and Population Control, Conversations Between Researchers: Mind
Control Projects, Human Auric Bands and Electronic Access Frequencies, Psychological Schools of Thought
and Mind Control, The STEFAN Project: Affecting the Earth with Technology, Scientific Censorship and
Thought Control: A Reality, Computer Surveillance of the Elderly: A New Adventure, On Ramtha, Bashar and
the Peter Principle: M. Topper, A Discourse on the Mayan Work of Jose Arguelles, The Nazi Origin of the Skull
and Bones Society, Malta: The Order of Knights and Halting Place of Nations, NASA Launches a New Search
for Extraterrestrials, ... and a whole lot more!

Leading Edge Bound Volume 4

Cost savings over purchase of the collective individual issues is $108.00*
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Descriptive contents of subjects or articles, covering LE Journal issues 37 to 45, in this 930 page book: Send to
Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597.

The Nazi Connection to the JFK Assassination: Brussell, Bashar: Four years of Scientific and Technical Info,
The Casebook on Cosmic Awareness: Michael Topper, The Second Genesis: The Coming Control of Life, The
Effect of Light and Color on Human Physiology, The Conduction of Photons by Acupuncture Meridians, The
Therapeutic Effects of Monochromatic Light Energy, Updates on Activities of Sun Myung Moon and US
Intelligence, The Rights of Children and Seizure of Children, Current Influence and Effect of US Masonic
Structures, Cancer Warfare: The Cancer Virus Program of the NCI, Catholic Hierarchy and Support of WWII
Nazi Regime, An Influenza with Alleged Psychoactive Effect in Europe, The Testimony of William Pabst on the
Takeover of the US, The CIA and the HUMINT Program: More Eyes on the World, The Grass Roots of Ufology
in the Soviet Union, The Negative Effects of Television: Need for a Policy, The Bush Administration and Latin
American Trafficking, The Inherent Danger in Mercury Dental Filling Materials, Guillain-Barre Syndrome and
the Swine Flu Vaccine, Boot Camp Prisons: A House Committee, Recommendation, The Invasion of Privacy:
Trends for the Future, NASA and the Tug of War Over Space Policy Control, Limitations of Dark Forces and
Updates on Alien Paradigm, How to Develop Your Magnetic Center: Manifestation, Creating Social Casualties:
The War on Drugs, A Study of the Use and Effects of Caffeine and Coffee, Tailoring Genes as Carriers for Cell
Transgression, The Green Regime: The Emerging Eco-Dictatorship, An Interview with Edward McCabe on
Oxygen Therapies, The Computerization of the Population by FEMA, FDA Agenda: Confiscation of Health-
Oriented Options, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Review of the Phenomenon, Fluoridation, Fraud and Coverup:
Health Action Network, Advances in Japanese Neuro-Electronic Research Programs, Parallels Between Clinton
and German Social Democrats, The Janker Clinic in Mexico: New Cancer Options, Privacy and Genetic Testing:
States Shielding Results, The Training of T-Cells to Fight Viral Pneumonia, Human Manipulation by ELF
Waves: West Germany, SDI Project Zeus: Taking A Bead on Errant UFO?, Earthquakes and Nuclear Testing in
California, NIMH: The New Ploy to "Check Out" Alternative Meds, The Censoring of Astromomical
Publications: Hidden Data, Seven Pentagon Scenarios Justifying Wartime Paradigms, The Phenomenon of
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P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Electrocrystalline Diagnostics, Viral Treatment Through Hyper-Oxydation Procedures, The Production of

Bacterial Compounds for Data Storage, The Phenomenon of Bovine Immune Disorders in the U.S., The Delayed
Effects of Low-Level Radiation, The AIDS Enigma: Is This the "Final Solution"?, Allegations of Alien Activity at
the Monroe Institute, Tapping the Zero Point Continuum As An Energy Source, Theory and Evidence Linking
the CIA to Pan Am 103 Crash, Analysis of Sounds Created During Crop Circle Formation, One Hundred Years
of Water Chlorination: A Health Report, Madigan Army Hospital: Aliens and High Tech Medicine, Naval
Intelligence Command: $114 Million Spy Center, The Peruvian Attack on U.S. Drug Enforcement Aircraft, A
San Francisco Abductee Tells Her Story: Humans + Grays, Conflict in the US Between Humans and Reptoid
Humanoids, World Changes Update: The Ultimate Tactical Scenarios, Conversations Between Researchers:
1992 Eco Meeting Plan, A Summary of the Agenda of the World Power Structures, Drugs as a Social Control
Medium in the 1990's, Caltech Discovery of Magnetic Particles in Human Brain, Forgetting to Remember:
Humans as Limitation Masters, Unedited Transcripts from the UNCED Conference in Brazil, The Role of UV
Blood Irradiation Therapy in Health, Cancer, Nitrosamine Poisoning and the American Diet, Achieving Anti-
Gravity Affects Using Present Technology, The Golden Pyramid in Illinois: Frank Joseph, Extraterrestrial
Biological Entities and the U.S. Gov't, An Interview with the President of Psi-Tech, The Ozone Hoax: Evidence
for Another Sinister Agenda, Experiencing the Kundalini Fire: A Revealing Account, Controlling Government
Response: Nation State Systems, Reverse Speech Analysis: Communications from Inner Mind?, The Storage
and Retrieval of Data in Crystals, Sound Wave and Color Therapy, The Mirage of Social Image: What Are We
Doing?, Green Tea: A New Cavity Fighting Potential, The New World Order, Globalism and Money: Aspen, A
Review of the Prevailing "Photon Belt" Theories, The Missing MIA's: An Investigative Report, and more.

Leading Edge Bound Volume 5

Cost savings over purchase of the collective individual issues is $96.00*
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Descriptive contents of subjects or articles, covering LE Journal issues 46 to 53, in this 915 page book: Send to
Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597.

Health Care Fraud in the United States, The State of Water in the United States, The Connection Between Polio
Vaccines and Other Disease, The Amsterdam AIDS Conference: Human Immune System, Congressional
Admonition of Wackenhut for Espionage, The Fully Informed Jury Association: Juror Capabilities, Close
Encounters of the Third Kind: David Huggins Story, UFOs, ET and You: An Essay By Tom Dongo in Arizona,
Natural Energy Works: Selections of books and devices, Railroad Ownership of the US Infrastructure: Pandora
Box, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Viruses, ET and Radiation, Remote Electronic Monitoring of the Population in
1992, Libya, Lockerbie and the New World Order - Duncan Roads, A Suppressed Theory of Nuclear Decay: A
Physics Rethink?, The "Com-12" Briefing: CIN California August 1992, The Saga of Yull Brown and Dissociation
of Water, Suppressed Tech: Pacheo Bi-Polar Auto Hydrogen Generator, Toward a Unified Electrodynamic View
of Basic Fields, The Removal of Classified Documents by Reagan Officials, World Grid Patterns: The Theories
of Bruce Cathie, Mind Control and Programming Drugs: DIA Material, Space Power Generation: The Theories
of P. Tawari, Animal Experiments and Medical Fraud New Evidence, AIDS and the Somatidian Theory of
Gaston Naessens, Politics and Food: Enforcement of Poor Dietary Habits, How to Legally Avoid Unwanted
Immunizations, The Banking Safety Digest: Fraudulent Banking Activities, Fractional Banking: How to
Produce Money From Nothing, The Water Fuel Cell: The Atomic Balance of Water, Television: Programming
Drug of the Nation, General Reports on the Subject of UN Troops in the USA, Genetic Farming: Mixing Human
Genes with Farm Animals, Oxygen Therapy, AIDS and Ozone: The Ongoing Controversy, High Voltage Projects
and Tesla Coil Technologies, Toward An Electronics and Energy Society: Toshiba Corporation, New Age
Technology: Would a Buddha Use a Mind Machine?, Psychedelic Experiences Associated With Mutual
Hypnosis, New Science: Fantastic Facts About the Yucca Plant, Confederacy of Dunces: Tyranny of Compulsory
Schooling, An Interview with Joseph Pierce on Evolution's End, The War on Cash: Achieving Privacy in
Cashless Societies, New Projects: High Voltage Capacitors for Tesla Devices, The Biology of Cymatics: Patterns
of Sound and Frequency, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: A Social Engineering Plan, Northern California:
Underground Base Updates, Natural Therapy and Intelligence of Healing Functions, and more.
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Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Leading Edge Bound Volume 6

Cost savings over purchase of the collective individual issues is $123.00*
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Descriptive contents of subjects or articles, covering LE Journal issues 54 to 61, in this 904 page book: Send to
Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597.

Underground Bases in Northern California - Part 4, Electromagnetism, Spiritual Healing & Wilhelm Reich, A
Letter Regarding Covert Operations & Alien Technology, Cattle Mutilations and Black Helicopters in Alabama,
Working With Perceived-Depth Images: Some Examples, Excerpts from Peter Moons The Montauk Project,
Molecular Marvels: Advancements in Nanotechnology, Earthquakes, Tidal Waves and Perceived Solar Changes,
Sonic Tones, Brain Dominance and Intrinsic Health, The Case of the Anna Hedges Crystal Skull, The Adams
Pulsed Motor Generator, Theoretical foundation: Antigravity & Present Technology, In the Face of the Alien
Question: Humanities Manifesto, An Interview with Ari Ben-Menashe: Profits of War, Michael Topper: The
Unseen Emperor and the Crack of Doom, The Electronic Dazer: The Stun Gun Evolves, AZT as a cellular toxin
which destroys the immune system, Dulce: How Sweet Is It? - Wes Bateman Ponders Reality, Crime and the
Biotechnology Revolution, A Close Encounter of the Alien Kind in Bogata, Columbia, More on the Underground
Bases in Northern California, Maitreya on the Vatican Throne: Ben's Plan, The Water Fuel Cell - Using Water as
a Fuel, The Rene Caisse Story: A Nurse, Essiac and Cancer, Tom Bearden: The Final Secret of Free Energy,
New Information About Earth Changes in the 1990's, The Pharmaceutical Drug Racket: A CAFMR Report, An
Update on Research: The "Taos Hum" Frequency Analysis, Clinical Homeopathy, Bio-Allergy and
Electroacupuncture, AIDS: The Great Deception and Conspiracy Problem, Treasury-Gate: Parts 1 and 2, What
Your Doctor Won't Tell You About Cancer, An Interview With Jerome Eden: Reichian Technology, Operational
Energy Devices & Accelerated Magnetic Fields, Operation Vampire-Killer 2000: Police Against the New World
Order, Walking Prisons: Developing Technologies of Control, Revelations from "Thomas C" on the Dulce
Installation, The Alaskan Mental Health Lands: The US Gulags?, Heims Theory of Elementary Particle
Structure, Secret Antigravity Research During World War Two, The Complete Predictions of the Gulf Breeze
Six, The Mars Ploy: Avoiding a New Look At Cydonia, Big Brother Arrives in Australia: The New Medicare
Card, Secrets: The Constitution of No Authority, Mind Control and Tactics of the New World Order, .... and a
whole lot more!

Leading Edge Bound Volume 7

Cost savings over purchase of the collective individual issues is $84.00*
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Descriptive contents of subjects or articles, covering LE Journal issues 62 to 68, in this 871 page book: Send to
Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597.

The CanCell Story: FDA Suppression of Advanced Research, Controlling the Future By Controlling the Past,
The Crime of Punishment: Prison in California, Clinton: Double or Nothin - Presidential Doubles, Mind
Control: Little Known Aspects of Political Control, David Bohm: Last Words of a Quantum Heretic, Interview
with Richard Hoagland on Mars Mission Scams, The Truth About Waco - Ron Cole, A Branch Davidian, Use of
Biological Weapons on Gulf War Military Troops, The Meeting Between Research Scientists - Parts 1 and 2,
Methodology and Patents for Underground Tunneling, Magnetohydrodynamic Effects of EM Fields on Blood,
Conversations Between Researchers on Synthetics & Clones, Puerto Rico as a Sociological Testing Area for the
New World Order, CIA Terrorism and Drug Trafficking in Haiti, NAFTA and Elitist Control of the World
Economy, Private Prisons - Profits of Crime and Industry, The Controversial "Mark from Michigan" Document,
A Theoretical Conversation with the New World Order, The Life and Work of Physicist David Bohm, Economic
Intelligence Collection of the CIA, The Clipper Proposal on Personal Privacy by the NSA, Northern California
Investigations into Underground Bases, Reality and Belief Systems: Bridging Group Consciousness, FDA
Control of Russian Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network: Perceptions
Update, The Illuminati, Alien Intelligence, Crowley and Gnostics, The Arkansas DOC as a Legacy in System
Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Corruption, Information Battleground and Technology as Weaponry, Unified Field and Consciousness: A New
Series in the LE, Summary of the Enslavement of Mankind, Theoretical Neutralization of Viruses in Humans,
Casebook on Alternative Three: Book Review, An Introduction to the Use of Software Encryption, An Analysis
of Various UN Troop Invasion Scenarios, An Update from Colorado on Animal Mutilation Activity, The Role of
the CIA in the Global Oil Conspiracy, Changing Images of Man: Making Earthquakes, The Overview: Rights of
Individual Existence, The Overview: The Judeo-Christian Ethic and the New Age, NAFTA as a Part of United
States Hemispheric Hegemony, Remote Electromagnetic Disease Induction in Humans, The FDA Assumption
as "Arbiter of Truth" for America, Lords of Acid: The Trilateral Spin on NAFTA, Covert Activities: IMF, the
World Bank & The Third World, The Clinton National Health Plan: Stealing Assets, Multiple Chemical
Sensitivity Syndrome: AIDS Precursor?, Unified Field and Consciousness - Wave Function CollapseInternal
and External EM Field Effects on Bio-Organisms, Whittaker Waves and the Aharonnov-Bohm Effect, The Work
of Kaznacheyev and Priore: Biowar Implications, Electromagnetic Biological Trigger Windows & Evolution,
Recent Scientific American Data on Time Travel, Current Research on Time-Reversed Microwave Emissions,
Update on Developments in Scalar Time-Reversed Weaponry, Five Ideologies of Space and Power,
Synchronicity and the Tao, Mysticism, Metaphor, Morphic Fields and Meaning, and a lot more.

Leading Edge Bound Volume 8

Cost savings over purchase of the collective individual issues is $84.00*
$US 687.00 (USA*) $US 74.00 (Canada) $US114 (Other)
Descriptive contents of subjects or articles, covering LE Journal issues 69 to 75, in this 886 page book: Send to
Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597.

An Interview with David Bohm on the Implicate Order, Understanding Religious Abuse and Addiction, Cellular
Healing: Letting Go of the Past Trauma, Unified Field and Consciousness - Part 5- Foundations, Monarch Mind
Control Programming of MPD Sleepers, Antishyster: The Missing 13th Amendment, Weather Control
Operations by the Knights of Malta, Bill Clinton's Central Intelligence Connections, Recent Reports on
Sightings of Triangular Aircraft , Mount Rainier Youth Encounter with Winged Humanoid, Extracts from HR
3355: The Crime Control Act, Unified Field and Consciousness - Part 6 Phononics, David Bohms Alternative
to Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Design Principles Applied to Mass Structure, Recent Exploration Into Deep
Earth Structure, The Violent Crime Control and Enforcement Act, Clementine Goes Exploring: Star Wars
Technology Test?, Patterns in Human Evolution and Hominid Development, Dimensional Ring Windows:
Advanced Inorganic Sciences, Yellowstone Thermophile Bacteria and Genetic Engineering, Morphology and
Mechanisms in the Fruit Fly Death Gene, Unified Field and Consciousness - Part 7: Subtle Energy, A Lecture by
Drunvalo Melchezedek in Canada, Penchants for Paranoia or Changes in Historical Context, The Global Seeds
Conspiracy - Survival or Servitude?, The Spatial Structure of Liquid Water, Engineering Polio Virus as a
Vaccine Vector, The Race to Understand Matter and Its Mysteries, A Health Story: Healing After the Pertussis
Vaccine, More Interviews with David Bohm on the Implicate Order, Unified Field and Consciousness - Part 8:
Zero Point, The Vaccine Developers International Meeting in Nevada, Senate Report 93-589: The 1933
Bankruptcy of the USA, Book Review: Space Aliens from the Pentagon, Unified Field and Consciousness - Part
9: Consciousness, The Hippocampus and Memory Retention, Time-Reversed Sound Waves: New Views in
Physics, Review: From Common Law to the Uniform Commercial Code, Interview with Canadian Researcher
Serge Monast, Unified Field and Consciousness - Part 10: Free Energy, Modern Medicine and Its Military Links
and Relationships, Exposing the Myth of Pasteur's Germ Theory of Disease, An Interview with Molecular
Biologist Peter Duesberg, The Immune System and ELF Electromagnetic Fields, The Effect of Microwave
Radiation on the Cell Genome, Complaint to the UN on Tyranny in Medicine in the US, The Cobden Club
Document: Prescription for NWO Genocide, The HAARP Program: The US Naval Research Group, The
Continuum: Essay on Fourth Dimensional Consciousness, Secret, Veiled and Obscure: US Martial Law Since
1933, Emergency War Powers: Penalty for Treason is Death, German Roots of Allopathic Medicine in the
United States, The Mysterious HCI Document: Secrets of Gun Control, Deep Dark Secrets: America's
Underground Bases, and more.

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Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Leading Edge Bound Volume 9

Cost savings over purchase of the collective individual issues is $91.00*
$US 68.00 (USA*) $US 74.00 (Canada) $US114 (Other)
Descriptive contents of subjects or articles, covering LE Journal issues 76 to 82, in this 909 page book: Send to
Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597.

Complaint to UN on Medical Tyranny in the USA - Part 2, Unified Field and Consciousness - Part 11, Stealth
De-Population by UV Immune Suppression, Electronic Mind Control and Behavior Modification, OSHA on EM
Field Exposure and Leukemia Mortality in USA, The 1994 Combat Arms Survey on Shooting Americans, More
Strange Happenings in the San Luis Valley, Colorado, Electronics and Brain Control: Cell Phone Effect
Coverup, Whose Mind Is It Anyway?: Government Control Games, Real World Economics: The Type versus
Size of Government, Intelligence News Briefs: Medical and Control Issues, Prozac: Penetrating the Facade of
Safety and Efficacy, The Issue of Non-Lethal Weaponry on the Battlefield, Mapping the Sequence of Disease
Resistance, Odors, Oscillations and Waves in the Human Brain, OJ and the NWO: Psychotronic Technology
and Programming, Unified Field and Consciousness - Part 12 Acoustics, Hearing Voices: Hidden History of
CIA Mind Control, US Patent 4858612: Microwave Stimulated Hearing, Electromagnetic End Times
Devastation - C.B. Baker, The Health Effects of Low Frequency EM Fields, Significant Dates in the Fight
Against Fluoridation, HIV Infection? Tested to Death - The HIV-AIDS Scam, Book Review: Why We Will Never
Win the War on AIDS, The Monarch Mind Control Program - Or, Auschwitz II, Petrochemicals, Parasites and
Immune System Disorders, Origins and History of Compulsory American Schooling, The "Greenbaum" Lecture
on Ritual Abuse and MPD, Healing the Effects of Ritual Abuse and Mind Control, The Testing of Non-Lethal
Weapons on American Citizens, Media Reports of Unusual Events Concerned with Control, A Letter to the
Editor on the Mind Control Experience, Unified Field and Consciousnss - Part 16: Energy Dynamic, The Family
Privacy Act of 1995: Concern or Abuse?, The Biowarfare Substance Called Aspartame, Dreamland in the
Rockies: Underground Bases in Utah, The Church of Spiritual Technology & Underground Vaults, The Great
Pyramid and the Mayan Calendar: Misnomers?, Response from the Government on the GWEN System,
Pesticides: What the FDA Doesn't Want You to Know, Star Wars Tech: Using X-Rays to Irradiate US Foods, An
Analysis: 31 Inconsistencies in the Oklahoma Bombing, An Introduction to Microwave Sensing of the
Environment, The "Roswell Abduction Film": Research or Fraud?, The Toxic Effects of Heavy Metals on
Human Health, Environmental Neurotoxicology: An Executive Summary, Montauk and the Earth Grid:
"Madame X" Speaks, Educating for the New World Order: B.K. Eakman Interview, The Chemistry of Life at the
Margins: Enzyme Chemistry, Reflections on the New World Order - David Gergen Speech, How Neural
Networks Learn from Experience, Special Advisory: Brain Research and Technology Update Unified Field and
Consciousness - Part 13: Space-Time, Cellular Industry to Force Microwave Towers on People, The
Psychoactivity of ELF EM and Scalar Fields, Possible Role of the Pineal Gland in Psychic Activity, Hippocampal
Kindling, Theta Resonance and Psi, An Introduction to MRX Photonic Technologies, Unified Field and
Consciousness - Part 14 Space, The Discovery of Atmospheric Sprites and Jets, HAARP: The Artificial
Ionospheric Mirror Concept, MRX Medical Technology: Eradication of Cancer and Virus, Alchemical Research,
DNA Alteration and Light of Life, The Secret Intercontinental Aerospace Alliance (IAA), A Test for the Remote
Electrical Shutdown of Autos, Free Thinking: The Freedom of Thought Newsletter, Falls of Biological Goo in
Washington State, 1994, McCaw Cellular Company and Control of Implants: Review, The Microsoft - HP SETI
Progam in Australia, Black Helicopters Over America: National Police Forces, UN Objectives: Nature Worship
as a State Religion, Relevance: Psychological Warfare in America, Unified Field and Consciousness - part 15:
Thermodynamic Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation, Crop Circles, Earthquakes and
UFO Activity Convergence, A Re-examination of the Iron Mountain Report as Policy, Environmental
Surveillance: New Mission of the CIA?, Virtual Retinal Display Technology: Micro-Vision, Book Excerpt:
Pyramids of Montauk,The Nazi's Darkest Hour, Scientific Facts on the Biological Effect of Fluorides, John
Keely's Forty Laws of Resonant Vibration, Acoutophoresis: Ultrasonic Chemical Separation Process,
Sonochemistry: Using HF Waves for Cleaning Surfaces, New Science: Magnetic Resonance Amplification, A
Report on Frequency-Shifting During Abduction, Unified Field and Consciousness - Part 17: Xtal Lattices, The
Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Tachyon Field: The work of Hans Neiper, The Magnetohydrodynamic Generatior: Tesla Technology, The
Technology of Time-Reversed Sound Waves, and more.

Leading Edge Bound Volume 10

Cost savings over purchase of the collective individual issues is $91.00*
$US 68.00 (USA) $US 74.00 (Canada) $US114 (Other)
Descriptive contents of subjects or articles, covering LE Journal issues 83 to 89, in this 908 page book: Send to
Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597.

Unified Field and Consciousness - Part 18, Musings on Hyperspacial Photonics and Covert Technology, The
Vaccine Reaction: Standards for Vaccine Injury, The End of Mechanical Time:Smashing the Gregorian clock,
Senate Bill 652: The 1995 Telecommunications Act, Electromagnetic Exposire: A Secret Agenda?, A Recipe for a
Revolution in Military Affairs, Pathways to Transcendental Consciousness - Part 1, The Secrets of the
Mojave:The Conspiracy Against Reality, Unified Field and Consciousness - Part 19 - Earth Grid, Scientific
Research on Aspartame and Seizures, Government Duplicity and AZT: A Culling Paradigm?, Diagnosing and
Treating Chemically Injured People, Estogenic Environmental Chemicals and Reproduction, Community
Agriculture: Where We Know How We Farm, The Scientific Background of "Race Purification" Programs, A
Citizens for Health Report on the FDA vs Alternatives, An Interview with a Heretic: A Sharp Intake of Breath,
Fluorides - A Chronology, Reconciliation: Occult Chemistry and Modern Science?, UN Convention on
Environmental Modification Techniques, Revisioning Global Priorities: Gorbachev Foundation USA,
Chronology of Mass Spraying of Neurotoxins on Population, CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children,
Inner Realization versus Technological Dependency, An Open Letter to Participants in Covert Research, Gulf
War Syndrome: Engineered in the United States?, Vaccine Reaction: Population Control Vaccines in Use The
Changing Face of Gulf War Syndrome in the Media, GAO Document: Gulf War Reproductive Dysfunction,
Unified Fields and Consciousness - Part 20 Alchemy, Bioeffects and Safety: EM Telecommunication
Frequencies, Gulf War Syndrome: Question of National Integrity, French Nuclear Tests and Subsequent
Earthquakes, Spoof Interview with William Jennings Bryan ,Unified Field and Physics - Part 21 - Quantum
Alchemy ,Fundamentalism on Trial: Speech by William J. Bryan, The Complete 35,000 word Statement of the
Unabomber, Unified Field and Physics - Part 22 Biochemistry, An Interview with Drunvalo Melchezedek, Dec
22, 1995. , Government Deceit and Coverup on Non-Radioactive Tech, Tort Laws and Fluoridation - Water
Wars Weaponry, Report from Sweden: Electrosmog and Chemistry, Conversations with Richard Hoagland:
Nuclear Tests, Planetary Alignment and Government Geological Research, Unified Field and Consciousness -
Part 23 - Life Force, Media Review: The Issue of Heavy Metal Duplicity, A Quick Look at Television
Programming and Society, Vaccine Reaction: Malthusian Control and Vaccines, The ET Global Connection:
Lecture by Alex Collier, Possible Mutagenic Effects of Microwave Radiation, HAARP: Government documents
and other significant information, and more.

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$US 68.00 (USA) $US 74.00 (Canada) $US114 (Other)
Descriptive contents of subjects or articles, covering LE Journal issues 90 to 96, in this 880 page book: Send to
Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597.

Leading Edge Interviews Alex Collier, Unified Field and Consciousness- Part 24, The Original Patent of David
Hudson for Alchemical White Gold, The Therapeutic Path of An African Doctors Commentary on Primitive
American Medicine, Practical Time Travel, Galactic Connection - Linking Ancient Maya to Star Treks 23rd
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Century, Interview With Richard Hoagland, Unified Field & Physics - Part 25: Physics of Ancient Tantra-
Kundalini Yoga, A Leading Edge Followup Interview With Alex Collier, A Short History of Good & Evil - And
the End of Evil, A Lecture By Captain Joyce Riley on Gulf War Biological Warfare, Earthpulse Flashpoints -
Change Agents and Reality Creation, The Psychopharmacology of Fluoride, Effect of Fluoride Exposure on
Intelligence in Children, A Letter from Health Alliance International to the American Dental Association, The
KSEO Interview With Alex Christopher, Our Moons Forbidden History, Andromedan Information on
Underground Base Locations, The May 1995 Lecture by Dulce Construction Engineer Phil Schneider, Mind
Control and UFOs & A Successful Revolution in Military Affairs, The Interview With Peter Kawaja and ex-NSA
Agent Joseph Jordan, Reptilian Data Extracts from Cosmic Conflict and the DAATH Wars, Face to Face With a
Reptilian Link, What Theyre Not Telling You - The News Behind Orthodox News, The Secret of Fluoridation -
Suppression of Intelligence and Will to Resist, The Vaccine Reaction, Bio-Diversity Treaty - An Analysis,
Unified Field & Tachyon-Delton Physics - Part 26, Toward an Understand of Vaccines - An Iconoclastic, The
Hidden Agenda Behind HIV and AIDS, The Theory of Evolutionary Process as Unifying Paradigm,
Conversations Between Phil Schneider and Alex Christopher, Living Neural Networks and Neurochip Implants,
Andromedan Paradigm - Points of Interest on Earths Moon, Virus Hybrids and Vaccines - A New Model for
AIDS, Unified Field and Physics - Part 27: Cerebral Unification and Internal Acoustics, Val Valerian Interviews
Wendelle C. Stevens, The CIA, Drug Trafficking & Other Tales of Woe, A Letter to the Open Line - Does Bud
Hopkins Work for the CIA, Electromagnetic & Gravitational Energies and Healing, The Alex Collier 1996 Global
Sciences Congress Lecture, An Initial Encounter With Ramtha, The Elkhorn Manifesto, The Rise of the
Transnational Corporations, The Fluoride Connection, The Blue Star Hoax, Quantum Theory of
Electrohealing , The Alex Collier Lecture at the American Gnostic School, Cutting to the Chase - Conversations
with Dr. Theodore Hall, The Gulf War, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Corporate-Directed Biowarfare.

Leading Edge Bound Volume 12

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Descriptive contents of subjects or articles, covering LE Journal issues 97 to 103, in this 843 page book: Send
to Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597.

Union of Sacred Mathematics, Geometry and Consciousness, Leading Edge Interview with Alex Collier -
January 12, 1997. Return of the Angels - UFOs in Israel, Past and Present, Emerging Viruses - AIDS and Ebola
- Nature Accident or Intentional, Electromagnetic Weapons in the Australian Outback, Hazardous US Pesticide
Exports & Cypermethrin Spray on Californians, Dare to Think A Message About Fluorides, Toxicity of
Fluorides and Diabetic Rats - A Scientific Studym, Mysterious Aluminum Contamination of Food Crops and
Livestock in the US, UFO Roundup - Significant Incidents in February 1997, Gigantic Triangular Craft in
JAPAN, Mels Hole - Deep Hole or Deep Throat, Double Take - Creating Your Own Reality in the Extreme, The
Quantum Nature of Reality - Lessons from Deepak Chopra and Seth, An Evolutionary Overview of Sacred
Mathematics, The Alex Collier Lecture at the 1997 Star Family Conference, Excerpts from David Icke's
Washington Lecture, The Interview with Alex Collier on Timeless Voyager Radio, Interview with author Arthur
Young on Self and the Universe, Interview with Steven Levine on Conscious Living and Conscious Dying,
Interview with Dr. Huston Smith on the Psychology of Religious Experience, The Terran World Forum Review,
Mathematical Harmonics of the Giza Pyramid, Ancient Wisdom , Extracts from the paradigm of the Essassani,
3.The US Code, Biowarfare Experiments and the US Public Vaccine Program, Dismantling America's Patent
System, Re-examination of the Acute Toxicity of Fluorides in Fluoridation, Dispelling Vaccination Myths:
Contraindications in Medical Science and Policy, The Ten Worst Corporations of 1996: The Multinational
Monitor, Secret Weapons Research and Microwave Plasmas, The US Military and Holographic Weaponry,
Information and data from the Andromedan paradigm, Geometry and Chemistry of Monoatomics, Extracts
from the Alex Collier follow-up lecture at the American Gnostic School June 97, The Latest Fractal Time
Compression Wave Analyses, The Future of Earth: Future Projection Studies, The Future of Earth: Astral
Projection Studies, The Future of Medicine: Thought Therapy, George Soros' "Open Society" - Can It Be
Created?, Abstract Analysis of the USPHS Toxicological Profile on Fluorides, Secret Conducts Secret Biological
Books and Publications from
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P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Experiments on Americans, The Effect of Electrical and Magnetic Fields on the Nervous System, The Complete
Rockefeller Report on Experimental Research on Military Members, Leukemia - Lurking in Your Hamburgers -
An Examination of Industrial Waste Policy, Who Are You? - A Piece on Developmental Human Nature, State
Imposition of Scientific Experimentation on Australians 1997 Bill, and more.

Leading Edge Bound Volume 13

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A World Update Letter from the Scientist-Initiates in Chicago, Earth Changes - What You Should Know,
Oracles of Earth Changes - Belief Systems as Human Reality Generators, Nurse Riley, the US Government and
Area 51, and Thoughts on Human Bioevolution, Alex Collier Update at the Star Knowledge Conference, Nov 22,
1997, Osteosarcoma, Tom Ogle and his controversial energy-saving fuel system, An Interview with Dr. Philip
Callahan, An Analysis of the "Lake County Abductions" Videotape, Montauk: The Alien Connection, Unified
Field and Physics- Part 34, The Suppressed Work of a Brilliant Man, Ether Physics: Tesla's Hidden Space
Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It, Vaccine Paradigm Updates, Leading Edge Research
Interviews Alex Collier March 30, 1998, Quantum Theory The Implicate Order and the Self, Cold Fusion and
Zero Point Energy, Media Cover-up on Gulf War Syndrome, Oxygen Depletion Will We Survive Below 15%,
Timewave Zero Data, The Vaccine Reaction, The World of Liquid and Foamy Ether, Update on the Pantone
Geet Device, A New and Future Economic Basis for a Planetary Society, Neural Development and Neural
Plasticity, Vaccines Demyelinization and Encephalitis, NASAs Break through Propulsion Systems, The
Multilateral Agreement on Investment A Split in the New World Order?, Canadian Health Lawsuits, and a
whole lot more fascinating material.

Leading Edge Bound Volume 14

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Descriptive contents of subjects or articles, covering LE Journal issues 111 to 117, in this 841 page book: Send
to Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597.

The Philosophy of Money, Intellectual Monopolies, Gulf War Veterans and the Military Medical Establishment,
Andromedan Data Update, Ice-Age Nanotechnology, Crop Circle Cybernetics, National Identification
Paradigms, UFOs and Anomalies, Forty Years of Tainted Polio Vaccine, The Quinacrine Pushers and Chemical
Population Control in the Third World, Data from the Hopi Elders and Ed Dames, Chicago Research Group
July 1998 Update, Unresolved Crisis and Carcinogenic Processes, The Embrace of Light By Gravitational Fields,
Cymatics The Science of the Future, Chaos and the New Order, The Pineal Gland The Bridge Between the
Physical and Spiritual Reality, Endogenous Electromagnetic Fields and Potential Links to Life and Healing
Processes, The Meridian System and the Mechanism of Acupuncture, Updates from Drunvalo Melchezedek,
Radio Interviews With Alex Collier, Vaccine-Induced Diabetes, Physics News, Chicago Research Group Sept
1998 Update, Alex Collier Interview on Sightings August 1998, Challenging Bureaucratic Elites, Corporate
Accountability, The Way of the Circle, Fluoridation One Scary Tale, Can Corporations Be Accountable as
Synthetic Entities of Social Control?, The Way of Circle: Medicine Story - Living a Humane Life in the Now ,The
Alex Collier August 21, 1998 Radio Interview on Sightings on the Radio, Astrological Indications of Event Trend
Probabilities: Sept 1998 to Dec 1998 , Latest Update on Global Changes from the Chicago Research Group Sept
98 , Effects of the New Solar Electromagnetic Radiation / Global Famine Analysis , The Present Global
Economic and Political Scenario - Stock Market Control , Brazil Heads Latin America Financial Collapse - Wars
of Convenience, The Political, Psychological and Tactical Scenario: Really Wagging the Dog , More On The
Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Insidious Nature of Fluorides: Hyper-functional Suppression, The Religious and Elitist Synthetic New Age: The
September 1998 Meeting, The New Spiritual Cosmic Dance and the New Alchemy / Epilogue , Dartmouth
Study: Fluoridation as a Behavior Modifier - Violence and Drugs ,Silicofluorides and Lead Uptake / The ADA
and Fluoride Exposure Liability, The Vaccine Industry: Merchants of Disorder for the Pharmaceutical Industry
, Vaccine Danger Coverups Documented in National Magazines / AMA Conflicts ,Researchers Look At Role of
Vaccines in Autoimmune Brain Diseases ,Study Finds Drug Defender Connections with Drug Makers in
Medical Reports ,Fluoridation - One Scary Tale - A Complete Overview Sept 1998 , Challenging Bureaucratic
Elites and the Nature of Bureaucracy ,Alternatives to Bureaucracy: Local Autonomy and Other Practical Ideas
,Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Challenging Bureaucracy , Chicago Group Update October 1998,
The Secret Expedition in 1940s Uncovered The Hall of Records at the Pyramids, International Survey of
Privacy Laws and Practice, The Drug Story I.G. Farben, Contaminaed Vaccines and AIDS, The Berlin
Tribunal and the Pharma-Cartel, Phoenix Undead: The Montauk Project and Camp Hero Today - John Quinn,
The United States Air Force and the Base at Montauk / More Weird Tales, Whos Running the Show? Belief
Systems and Illusions of Choice , and a whole lot more.

Leading Edge Bound Volume 15

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Descriptive contents of subjects or articles, covering LE Journal issues 118 to 124, in this 843 page book: Send
to Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597.

Democracy without Elections: A New Transitional Political Paradigm?, Demarchy : Random Selection for
Service in Decision-Making Bodies , Letters From Andromeda Comments on Andromedan Presence Scenario ,
Time War Update : U.S. Attacks on Iraq and the Time Continuum , Astrological Profile Updates and Projections
for Early 1999 , Fractal Time Compression Graphs for 1999 to 2005 and the Near-Future , Sunspot Cycle 23
and Geomagnetic Projections 1999 to 2005 , A Personal Letter from the Chicago Group on the LE#117 Changes
Update , The Latest Update on Global Changes from the Chicago Research Group , Prophecies, Predictions,
Time Flow and Perception: Whats Happening? , More on the Current Strategic and Tactical Planetary
Scenarios and Schemes , Mind and Behavior Control Through Spacetime Manipulation Technologies ,
Prophecy, Prediction and the New Millennium Time Shift Paradigm , Individual Impact in Prediction and
Prophecy . Predistination and the Problem of Historical Catastrophism: Timeline Analysis , Relativistic Non-
Linear Optics / SMART Satellite Human Tracking Technology , Recent UFO and Anomalies: Indicate Increase
in Triangular Craft Sightings , The Freedom and Privacy Restoration Act of 1999 : An Offering by Ron Paul ,
Iceland Yields to Harvard Scientist Idea and Sells Populations Entire DNA , Linguistic Analysis Shows U.S.
Constitution Supercedes All Treaties Made , New FDIC Banking Surveillance Proposal Lacks Foundation and
Violates Law , Institutionalized Tyranny: The Character and Color of Authority , How Much Longer Can We
Afford the AID=HIV Paradigm and Monopoly? ,CNN Airs Controversial Case and Concept of Harmless Nature
of HIV , Professional Medical and Scientific Citations on the HIV=AIDS Concept , General Benton K. Partin
Analysis of the Oklahoma Federal Building Bombing , A Leading Edge Update on the Current Status of the
Andromedan Paradigm , Oregon Scientists Discover Existence of Second Blood-Brain Barrier, Sandia
Laboratories Discovers Biochemical Decontamination Foam, Utilization of Human Genetic Antibody Coding
Sequences in Law Enforcemen, Cornell University Researchers Discover Gene For Boosting Rice Yield, United
Nations Environmental Official Predicts Water Over Water Rights . Massive DEA Files Link International Drug
Trafficking to Syria , Connections Revealed Between Banking Institutions and WWII Nazi Factions , British
Telecommunications Engineer Claims Brain Damage from Cell Phones and a whole lot more.

Leading Edge Bound Volume 16

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Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

An Update from the Chicago Research Group on the Latest Global Scenarios A Prospectus for Solar Activity
Effects : June 1999 to June 2000 The Biophysics of Touching and Love : Energy Exchange Between People
The Controversial Martial Art of Falun Dafa : Why the Fear in Chinas Govt? The Super-Secret
Nanotechnology of the Technocratic Power Structure Nanotech Water : Clearing Planetary Pollution with
Super Ionized Fluids Nanotechnology and the Neurochemistry of Enlightenment / Wormhole Tech Ancient
Wisdom and Modern Physics: The Complete Chicago Group Treatise Scientists Discover How to Transmit
Digital Data Suspended in Magnetic Field The Process of Clearing Planetary Pollution : A Background
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Five Major Phenomena Impacting Our World An Interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek and Greg Braden on
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Death of John F. Kennedy Jr - What Happened to Americas Golden Boy? Neurological Synchronicity in
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1999 Aspartme Studies - Correlation of Funding and Outcome Non-Industry Sponsored Research on the
Effects of Aspartame Aspartame - The Bad News - A Paradigm Review by Mark Gold Gnosticism Reborn -
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Health Benefits of Microwater and Ionized Water The Microwater Theory - Why We Get Sick - Have You Had
A Drink Today? An Update on the Status of Super-Ionized Water - Perfect Science & Drunvalo Biological
Forms of Water - Clustered Water and Bound Water New Science - Aging as a Function of Cellular
Dehydration On The Fringe - An Interview with Aaron Rosewater Liquid Crystals in Biosystems - Effect of
Natural and Artificial EM Fields The Planetary Resonator Hypothesis Wave Interaction as a Key
Determinant of Biological Structure and lot more material.

Leading Edge Bound Volume 17

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Biological Transformation of Periodic Elements in Living Biological Systems , Evidence That , Atoms Behave
Differently in Biological Systems, Studies in the 1960s and 1970s for Nuclear Waste Transformation, The
Work of Louis Kervran on the Biological Transformation of Elements, Some Notes and Observations on the
Work of Louis Kervran, Investigations into Infra-Sonic Phenomena and Resonance, The Sonic and Acoustic
Weaponry Devised by Vladimir Gavreau, Research and Investigation into Plants and Radionic Research,
Research into Sunspot Frequency and Number with Human Behavior Patterns , The Mysteries of Ground
Radio and Radio-Frequency Anomalies, Research on Dowsing and the Effects of Earth Radiation, Research
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on Growing Plants in Darkness Using Derivative Radiation, The History of Neuro-Magnetics and the
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Developments in Science and in the News, Perfect Science Environmental Technology Available / Takyon
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in Order of Evolutionary Perspective: The Eight Circuits, Letters to the Editor: On Social Posturing and DNA
Composition, Letters to the Editor: On Personal Change and External Events, Since When Is Telling the
Truth Negative ? David Ickes Response to Critics, Researchers Mate Human Cells with Circuitry / Behind
Elections and Guns, An Interview with Dr. Elaine De Beauport on Three Human Brain Systems, The Triple-
Layered Human Brain and Behavior Patterns: The Reptilian Brain, The Paleomammalian Area of the Brain :
Using Emotional Language, Powerful Emotions As Vehicles for Self-Identification / The Neocortex, New in
Science: A Left-Handed Material With Strange Energy Properties, Aspartame as Britain's Top Sweetener
Condemned by Covert Report, Neuron Growth in Adult Human Brains / Neurogenesis Controversies, More
Studies Revealing the Role of the Hippocampus and Memory, Research Studies: How the Brain Builds
Memory and Stores Experience, Research on Neurological Supplements: Anti-Aging Substances and the
Brain, Liquid Candy The Consumption of Soft Beverages and American Health, The Possibility of the
Acquisition of Atlantic Richfield by the State of Alaska, Dossier: The Secrets Behind Armand Hammer
Interview with Ed Epstein, Additional Research Armand Hammer, Vladimir Lenin and Albert Gore,
Evolving the Educational System in the United States Educational Reform, Cortex Linked With Moral
Behavior Factors Vaccine Damage a Possibility, The International Drug Complex Crime, Enforcement
and Drug Economies Spread Spectrum Technologies and Abuse Potential ,Graphic Representation of the
Higher Self and its Incarnations, Update on the series Questions and Answers, A Summary of Extracts
Relating to Final Incarnations, After More Than Two Years - Alex Collier Releases New Information, New
Overtures Toward Global Control: United Nations Millennium Conference, The Coming Collapse and the
Electronic Economy, A Reminder About Your Human Experience on Earth, Video and Television
Manipulation Technology Wags the Dog, The United Nations Plan for Americas Future, The September
2000 United Nations Declaration of Global Guidelines, Former UN Secretary Found to Be Arms Dealer
Connected to Genocide, United Nations Proposing Own SETI Program to Explore Life in Space, and a whole
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Leading Edge Bound Volume 18

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Mind Control and the Stolen Network of Consciousness, Operation Rain Dance, Red Sky, Chemtrails, Mind
Control and Great Dying, The Functional Basis of Electromagnetic Mind and Behavior Implants, Direct
Monitoring and Manipulation of the Human Brain and Mind, Tesla Technology, Mind Reading and Thought
Implantation Technology, A Summary of ELF Wave Mind Control Capabilities , British Medical Journal
Condemns Pro-Fluoride Research as Fraudulent, Factors of Vortexian Physics - The Work of Physicist Dr.
M.W. Youds, Vortex Physics Applications: Cold Fusion and Atomic Energy - A New Spin, Personal Reality:
More Handbook for the New Paradigm Data June-Sept 2000, Using the Energy of Intentional Thought
Patterns and Observer Mode, Australian Government Said to Have Withdrawn From UN Treaty System, Ritalin
Maker Under Fraud and Conspiracy Class Action Suit for Drug and ADD, Australian Government Boosts Aerial
Spraying of Organophosphate Toxins, Did An Israeli Faction Try and Murder the CIA Director George Tenant?,
Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
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The World of Big Oil and the Problem of Planetary Terrorism, The Unexplained Abilities in Animals / Scientists
Program Human Dreams,NOAA Report Alleged to Doom Planetary Ecosystem by 2003, Quantum Realities,
Quantum Montauks and Parallel WorldsAlexandra Bruce, Biological Systems, Liquid Crystals and
Electromagnetic Effects, The Planetary Resonator Hypothesis: Potential Life-Activating Mechanism, Wave
Interaction As A Key Determinant of Biological Structure: EM Info Flux, Non-Linear Biological Molecular
Information Transfer Processes, Unique Natural and Artificial EMF Effects Transmitted to Biological Systems,
Unique Natural EMF Effects Transmitted From Biological Systems, More From The Chicago Research Group :
Solar Magnetic Field Rotation, Foot and Mouth UK Outbreak: Results of Virus Stolen from Government Lab?,
More News: New Materials With New Physics, The Controversy on Soy: The Third International Symposium
Research Studies, More News: Fat As Stem Cell Source / Earth Orbit Anomaly / Fiber & Diet, Resource Lists:
Personal Growth, Defense Mechanisms / Journaling and More, Understanding Digital Biology: New Frontiers
of Bio-Molecular Communication, Interesting News and Discoveries / New Breakthroughs With Light,
Scientists Discover Potential for Superconductivity in DNA Complexes, Makers of Animal Feed in United States
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Questions in Science: Where is the Science in Global Warming?, The Use of Fluoride Compounds and
Population Behavior Modification, New Frontiers: The Future Prophecies of the Qero Shamans of the Inca,
Evolution, Diet and Health: Hunting and the Expansion of Brain Capacity, New Studies Reveal Emission of
Hydrocarbon Compounds by Trees, New Theories Challenge Usual Concepts About Origin of Earths Moon,
United States Releases New Patent Guidelines, New Research Reveals Carbon Dioxide Not Only Factor in
Climate Change, Ancient Crystals and Evolutionary Theory / Researchers Develop Liquid DNA, New Studies
Support Theories of Diverse Human Ancestry, and a whole lot more fascinating material.

Leading Edge Bound Volume 19

$US 58.00 (USA) $US 64.00 (Canada) $US 85 (Other)
Descriptive contents of subjects or articles, covering LE Journal issues 146 to 150, in this 600 page book: Send
to Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597.

Standing Waves and Harmonic Resonance in the Human Brain, Diet and Disease in Cattle - The Use of High
Grain Feed Products, New Study Sheds Light on the Evolution of the Human Brain, New Research: Musical
Childhood Training and Regional Brain Growth, Home-made Radio Frequency Weapons Fry Electronics,
Russia Claims Scientific Breakthrough in Creation of Artificial Brain, U.S. Government Institutes Increasing
Surveillance on the General Population, U.S. National Security Issues and Chinas Acquisition of Spy
Technologies, New Views Arise on Theories of Mass Extinction Processes, Arizona Researchers Challenge
Water-On-Mars Theories, European Union Decides to Keep Record of All Public Communications, Genetic
Research: Switch Discovered for Stem Cell Conversion to Neurons, From Mad Cows to Humans: Could This
Be The Next Global Plague?, Water Wars: The Scramble for Planetary Resources Continues, New Discoveries
and Research: The Motionless Electromagnetic Generator, A Study on Organizational Dynamics and the
Difficulty of Instituting Change, A Comparison: Lucid Dreaming and Out of Body Experience, Memory and
Books and Publications from
Leading Edge International Research Group
P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597

Fear: Brain States and the Occurrence of Traumatic Events, Credo Mutwa Reveals Plant-Sourced Treatment
for the AIDS Virus, Project Intersect 2001: Electricity, Cosmology and Human History, The Oklahoma
Federal Building Bombing: An Interview With A Grand Juror, Research: Body Water, Bacteria, Health and
Aging, The Healing Power of Full Spectrum Light on the Human Body, Central Intelligence Agency
Documents on Ron Brown Declared Secret, French Prime Minister Reveals Master Plan for European Super-
State, New Electromagnetic Body Scanning Technology Raises Privacy Issues, China Has Multiple Farm
Animal Cloning Programs in Progress, Cellular/Mobile Telephone Companies Claim Safety Yet Create Cancer
Shields, NASA Plans to Blow Up Comet in 2005 for Scientific Purposes, The Truth About Pearl Harbor -
Evidence FDR Knew Attack Was Coming, Evidence FDR Day of Infamy Speech Was Written Before Pearl
Harbor, The War on Breast Cancer - What Part Do Underarm Products Play in Cancer?, Health Technology in
the West - Why Our Technology Is Killing People, Dental Groups Brought To Court Over Issue of Mercury
Amalgam Fillings, Research: The Neurological Impact of Fluoride Toxicity, Body Implant Controversy
Continues - Will the Digital Angel Make a Debut?, Hague Conference on the World Wide Web - Public
Domain Concept Studied, Developing Technologies - Using Ocean Waves to Provide Electricity, Chemical
Trails and Aerial Spraying - Analysis of Military Participation, New Research - China Develops Process for
Seawater Food Farming, U.S. Foreign Policy Under Fire - Global Policeman - Global Judge?, Energy
Development - British Efforts at Geothermal Power, Russian Scientists Discover New Energy Sources, Huge
Unexpected Genetic Variation Found in Human DNA Patterns, Vaccine Discovered to Cure Foot and Mouth
Disease : Culling Not Necessary, Portuguese Researchers Claim Cheap and Effective AIDS Therapy, Chinese
Anti-Cancer Herb Approved By FDA for Testing in United States, New Research Indicates Androgynous Start
for Human Embryos, Research Raises New Fears Over Toxic Vaccine Preservatives, Israeli Researchers Claim
New Simple Test for Mad Cow Disease, US Economic Slowdown Part of Greater Planetary Dynamic,
Microwave Madness: The Effect of Microwaves on Food and Humans, Microwave Mind Control and Cellular
Telephones: New Dangers and Concerns, New Research on Sunspot Incidence and Effects on Human Behavior
Patterns, Evidence of Secret Use of Microwave Technology by UK Police and Army, British Government
Builds Own Version of HAARP Installation in Cyprus, Research: The Effect of 6-10 Hz ELF on Brainwave
Patterns, Report: The Shocking Menace of Satellite Surveillance Technology, US Lawmakers Warned About
Potential for Biological Attack on the USA, Research Summary: The TWA-800 Explosion Hypothesis,
Conflicts of Interest in Studies of Vaccines and Autism by Vaccine Companies, US Alleged to Have Used
Hallucinogenic Weapons on Iraqi Military, British Army Calls for Volunteers to Be Micro-chipped in New
Study, Bacteria With Origin in Space Discovered in Upper Atmosphere, and a whole lot more!!


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