Navkar Mantra
Navkar Mantra
Navkar Mantra
Navkar Mantra
Namah Arihantanam
Namah Siddhhanam
Namah Ayariyanam
Namah Uvjhayanam
Namah Loye Savva Saahunam
Aiso Panch Namahkkaro, Savva Paav Panasano I
Manglanancha Savvesim, Padhmam Havei Mangalam II
Meaning of Navkar Mantra ( ))
The scriptures which describe these mantras are not the result of
their wayward imagination but they are the result of their sadhana
and inner experiences. This mantra vidya (knowledge of mystical
formulae) owes its origin, development and success to India and it
was from here that it gradually spread across the world. This
Indian vidya or what we call Indian science of mantras is complete
in itself. There is no exaggeration or distortion of facts and I can
say emphatically that they have a scientific basis.