4 D
4 D
4 D
When I enter into my student teaching classroom I will sit Mentor Teacher I will know I have During the 2017 2018
down with my mentor teacher and learn about her Her Classroom accomplished this after I school year.
classroom management in all of these areas. Management have sat down and taken
Materials (i.e Juan notes as well as received
Carlos) any classroom management
materials my teacher has so
I can study them.
After I understand her classroom management I will Mentor Teacher I will have accomplished this During the 2017 2018
immediately implement it with the students so they can Classroom as I immediately start using school year.
have the same expectations across both of us. This will Management her same procedures, rules,
help to build a better rapport with them, which will foster Materials (i.e Juan and consequences.
the learning environment. Carlos)
I will make sure I am following through with each of these Mentor Teacher I will discuss with my During the 2017 2018
instead of saying something and never following through. mentor teacher how well school year.
By following through the students will never have to she feels I am following
question if I am or am not going to give a consequence. through with management.
This will minimize behavior escalations in the classroom. Then I will continue to grow
as I take her feedback and
create smaller goals. Finally,
I will have accomplished this
when my mentor teacher
feels like I am following
through with proficiency.
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Domain Three Goal (3a 3c): 3b, Using questioning and discussion techniques. This includes quality questioning, discussion techniques, and student
During the 2016 2017 school year,
When I create lesson plans I will ponder specific questions that I Total Participation I will know I have completed During the 2017 2018
want to ask the students and write them down. I will also make Techniques this when I can look back on school year.
sure these questions reflect on what I know about questioning Mentor Teacher my lessons and see effective
this is: open-ended, promotes different opinions, and causes the questions. I will also reflect
child to think deeper. I will reference my Total Participation on my questions at the end
Techniques book as I create these questions to make sure I am of some of my lessons to
doing it correctly and to the best of my ability. make sure I am on the right
I will use my mentor teacher to assist me when writing lesson track. If I am not I will reach
plans so I understand what questions she would like to see be out to others to see how I
asked during the lesson and then adopt or adapt those questions can improve in that area.
into the lesson.
As I create lesson plans and work within the classroom I plan to Total Participation I will know I have been able During the 2017
use discussion techniques and other forms of activities to Techniques to implement participation 20178school year.
increase student participation and their learning. To do this I will Mentor Teacher techniques as I observe and
imbed Total Participation Techniques into my lessons. These monitor my classs behavior. I
techniques can include movement, writing, drawing, and sharing will also know that I have
with peers or the entire class. I will also have back-up ones used them when I can look
prepared so when I am teaching a lesson and I notice a lack of back on my lesson plans and
student attention I can bring them back to learning. see where they were
I will use my mentor teacher to assist me in coming up with more implemented. I will also make
note on my lesson plans
activities, she will know different activities that I had never heard
when and where I needed
of before. I will also approach her with my participation activities
when I wasnt expecting to
to see if she believes it will work in the classroom and is aligned
need. This way I can plan for
with the lessons and the lesson objective. it in my future activities.
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Third Goal: Domain 3d, Using assessment in instruction: assessment criteria, monitoring of student learning, feedback to students, student self-
assessment and monitoring of progress.
During the 2016 2017 school year,
When I am student teacher/teaching I will use assessment in the Student Checklist, This will be measured by During the 2017 2018
classroom throughout the day. I will improve on creating proper rubrics, having graphs, tests, and school year.
assessment criteria by creating a rubric. I will monitor students worksheets, tests, journals as a paper trail
learning by using checklists, reviewing worksheets, and tests. I pre-assessment, showing how I used
will also use a pre-assessment and post-assessment on units to post-assessment, assessment. I will
see how the students have grown and where they need to mentor teacher implement assessment at
improve. least 4 times a day in my
classroom. I will keep track
of the use of assessment on
my own personal checklist
that shows me when I used
it and what I did.
When I am student teaching/ teaching I will encourage my Journals This will be measured by my During the 2017 2018
students to use self- assessment by having them write in their Mentor Teacher students journals and the school year.
journals and create smart goals. I will make sure to follow time I spend one-on-one
through with them on an individual basis to see how they are with the students. I will
doing with their goals. Once a week we will document what steps write anecdotal notes on
they have taken and if they have accomplished a goal. If they what they tell me. This
have accomplished a goal they will create a new one. The goals knowledge will also be able
can be academic or on a personal level. to help me build rapport
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with them and understand
where they are in the
learning process.
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