Ethnobotanical and Phytopharmacological Review of Pisonia Alba Span

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Vol 10, Issue 5, 2017 Print - 0974-2441

Review Article


Department of Zoology, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India. Email:
Received: 29January 2017, Revised and Accepted: 01March 2017


Pisonia alba is used for the long period in various chronic diseases in traditional medicine use. To desire of this review is to search literature for
the pharmacological properties toxicity studies, pharmacology studies and phytochemical exploration of anti-inflammation, antidiabetic studies,
antioxidant, etc., and the amassed data may be helpful for the researchers to attention on the significance areas of research yet to be revealed.
Widespread information about the plant has been together from various books, journals and ayurvedic classical texts, etc. Researcher and
pharmacologist and Ayurveda treatment may be helpful security of the whole plant was settled in the criticism.

Keywords: Pisonia alba, Antioxidant, Ayurvedic, Novel drug, Ethno botanical.

2017 The Authors. Published by Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.
org/licenses/by/4. 0/) DOI:

INTRODUCTION recovered [15,16]. Boerhavia erecta histochemical and biochemical

and antioxidant diabetes, inflammation, stress, hepatotoxicity,
Medicinal plants besides therapeutic agents are also a big source of
jaundice, and heart failure effort done by similar family [17]. The
information for a wide variety of chemical constituents which could be
extraordinary antioxidant, hepatoprotective, antibiotic, antidiabetic,
developed as drugs with precise selectivity [1]. Since primordial period
and anticarcinogenic properties at hand identical plant [18]. B.
various plants are being used for the progress of medicinal uses in trebles
erecta is a potential source have been discussed phytochemicals
now a day in present scenario new drugs develop and phytomedicine for
screening results such as shown on antioxidants enhance particular
the treatment of various diseases human begins [2]. Urban forests and
plant [19]. In vitro antibacterial activity and hypoglycemic activity of
trees are getting more importance of evolving countries for pharmacy
Bougainvillea spectabilis leaves extracts benefit [20,21]. Antidiabetic
studies [3]. They are the vital components in urban biodiversity and
and hypolipidemic effects of the aqueous leaf extract to be used
play a major role of abatement of global warming [4]. Medicinal plants
Bougainvillea species [22]. Antibacterial activity against of B. spectabilis
are a natural gift for human beings disease free and healthy life [5].
leaves extract Escherichia coli NCIM 2832 and Micrococcus aureus
The herbal products today are considered to be safer to human and
NCIM 5021 [23]. Evaluation of antimicrobial and antioxidant activities
environment in India has different parts of several medicinal plants or
of B. spectabilis [24] proteins from Mirabilis jalapa possess anticancer
their extracts are used for the treatment of various diseases [6]. Herbal
activity controlled via an apoptotic pathway [25]. Importance of white
medicines have not gained much importance due to the deficient in
flowered M. jalapa was respect to be its analyzed phytochemical
of scientific facts for their mechanism of exploit [7]. According to
extraction and best results given for antimicrobial screening [26] and
the World Health Organization state that traditional medicine is
antibacterial activity of M.jalapa flower act as against gastrointestinal
used in plant parts such as a leaf, stem, bark, and flowers estimated
pathogens [27]. Nyctanthes arbor-tristis act as against targeting
to be used medicine by 80% of the population most of developing
pathogenic like bacteria [28] hepatoprotective and antipyretic effect of
countries [8]. Phytochemicals are bioactive chemicals of plant origin.
bark of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis use trebles [29]. Similar plants have so
The plant cooking did not affect significantly calcium bioavailability
many disease cures and recovery acting traditional and now a day.
had a very high content of total oxalates, tannins, and dietary fibers,
which reduced calcium bioavailability [9]. They are regarded secondary
Hence, in this review monitoring plant conservation and awareness
metabolic activity because the plants that manufacture them may
develop modern life. This review may be help made to investigate
be have little need for the human population. The extraction and
medicinal plants and health professionals, scientists and scholars
characterization of several active phytocompounds from these green
operational in the field of pharmacology and therapeutics to develop
factories have given birth to some high activity drug profile [10]. Both
various drugs synthesis and build new remedies various diseases
primary and secondary compounds form phytochemicals, where in
the primary constituents include chlorophyll, proteins, and common
sugars and the secondary compounds are total terpenoid, flavonoids, P. ALBA PLANT HISTORY
alkaloids, phenolic compounds, glycosides, gums, tannins, and essential
oils among others [11]. Pisonia alba has various activities carried and Pisonia is a genus of flowering plants in the 4 Oclock flower family,
done by best results like in vitro propagation [12]. Nyctaginaceae is a Nyctaginaceae. It was named for Dutch physician and naturalist Willem
small family of trees, to be used various human diseases using various Piso (1611-1678). Certain species in this genus are known as catch
formulated like shrubs and herbs distributed mainly in tropical and bird trees, bird catcher trees or birdlime trees because their sticky
subtropical regions In around world [13]. Nyctaginaceae family totally seeds reportedly trap small birds shows on Fig. 1. Such sticky seeds
17 plants avail various tropical region and similar phytomedicine are postulated to be an evolutionary feature of some island species for
parallel to Abronia latifolia propagation and field crop production. adherence of their seeds to birds; thereby facilitating dispersal of seeds
Hawk moth pollination of Mirabilis longiflora [14]. Boerhavia diffusa between islands. The plant taxonomic in India [29] these include Pisonia
the roots are reputed to be diuretic and laxative and are given for brunoniana of Australasia and Polynesia and Pisonia umbellifera, which
the treatment of anassarca, ascites, jaundice then hypoglycemic also is widespread in the tropical Indo-Pacific region.
Tamizhazhagan and Pugazhendy
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 10, Issue 5, 2017, 69-71

Table1: P. alba classification

P. alba taxonomy
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Tracheophyta
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Caryophyllales
Family Nyctaginaceae
Genuss Pisonia
Species P. alba
P. alba: Pisonia alba

Table2: Phytomedicine studies of P. alba

S. No Phytomedicine studies References

1. Analgesic, antiinflammatory [3537]
2. Hypoglycemic agent [7,21,3840]
Fig.1: Pisonia alba plant 3. Antifungal [20,23]
4. Wound healing [46]
5. Rheumatism and arthritis [33]
HABITAT AND ECOLOGY 6. Histological [47]
Pisonia is found on many of the Seychelles Islands that have had habitat 7. Antidiabetic [22,32,38,41,48]
8. Antioxidant [5,11,44,45,49,53]
restoration and subsequently is a key part of the habitat associated with
9. Biochemical [42,38]
high biodiversity and a complex food web. It is therefore not as easy 10. Thyroid hormone studies [43]
as replacing Pisonia with other native tree species; it was discovered 11. Microbial studies [23,24,27]
by [30] that Pisonia is the most common nest tree for the Seychelles 12. Blood glucose [11,36]
warbler an endemic land bird brought back from near extinction by 13. Enzyme activity [50]
careful habitat management and translocation, thus showing that
P. alba: Pisonia alba
careful consideration of the entire island ecosystem is essential.

P. alba is a large evergreen shrub. It is originally from the beach forests solution for human and its developing drug design Table 2 shows in
of Andaman Islands. Leaves: Long, bounty, and fresh green in color. If phytomedicine studies.
planted in good sunlight, the leaves may acquire a light yellow color.
Flowers: The tree rarely flowers in India. The flowers are small, green, CONCLUSION
and inconspicuous. Uses: The leaves are edible. Young leaves are used
P. alba is used as an important ingredient in many ayurvedic formulations
as a vegetable. Leaves make good cattle feed too and are mostly used to
and phytomedicine compound just on basis of its traditional medicinal
treat rheumatism or arthritis.
uses. It may be generated researchers good novel drug design and drug
development using such a medicinal plant its grow medicine ayurvedic
revolution various cultivated, natural medicinal plant and ornamental,
The phytochemical of P. alba showed the presence of vitamin A, vitamin sea weed sea grass plants to be initiated conservation drug synthesis
C, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid (vitamin B3), alkaloids, proteins, may be use this review approaches in future studies and formulate idea.
and fats. vitamin C is one of the four dietary antioxidants, the others
being vitamin E, vitamin A precursor -carotene, and selenium [31]. REFERENCES
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