Combustion Characteristics of Diesel-Hydrogen Dual Fuel Engine at Low Load

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Energy Procedia 32 (2013) 3 10

International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application

[ICSEEA 2012]

Combustion characteristics of diesel-hydrogen dual fuel engine at low load

W. B. Santosoa,b,*, R. A. Bakara, A. Nurb

Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26600 Pekan, Pahang Malaysia
Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Bandung 40135, Indonesia


In the present study, hydrogen utilization as diesel engine fuel at low load operation was investigated. Hydrogen
cannot be used directly in a diesel engine due to its auto ignition temperature higher than that of diesel fuel. One
alternative method is to use hydrogen in enrichment or induction. To investigate the combustion characteristics of this
dual fuel engine, a single cylinder diesel research engine was converted to utilize hydrogen as fuel. Hydrogen was
introduced to the intake manifold using a mixer before entering the combustion chamber. The engine was run at a
constant speed of 2000 rpm and 10 Nm load. Hydrogen was introduced at the flow rate of 21.4, 36.2, and 49.6
liter/minute. Specific energy consumption, indicated efficiency, and cylinder pressure were investigated. At this low
load, the hydrogen enrichment reduced the cylinder peak pressure and the engine efficiency. The reaction progress
variable and combustion rate of reaction were slower as shown by the CFD calculation.

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Keywords: Diesel; hydrogen; dual fuel; combustion; CFD.

1. Introduction

The advantages of using hydrogen as fuel for internal combustion engine is among other a long-term
renewable and less polluting fuel, non-toxic, odorless, and has wide range flammability. Other hydrogen
properties that would be a challenge to solve when using it for internal combustion engine fuel, i.e.: low
ignition energy, small quenching distance, and low density [1].

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +60-166-784-167

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1876-6102 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences.
4 W.B. Santoso et al. / Energy Procedia 32 (2013) 3 10

The diesel-hydrogen dual fuel engine can be operated with less fuel than neat diesel operations,
resulting in lower smoke level and higher brake thermal efficiency. NOx emissions were also reduced
except at full load operation [2]. Hydrogen induction, particularly when its energy share increased above
15% resulted in a sharp decrease in ignition delay, very high peak pressure rates, increase in smoke and
loss in fuel efficiency [3]. The brake thermal efficiency of dual fuel with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)
is higher than that of neat diesel operation. Dual fuel operation without EGR resulted in the lowest smoke
and unburned HC. EGR reduced NOx emission effectively [4]. It was found that CO, FSN, and THC
increase with EGR but NOx emission decrease drastically. Inversely, CO, FSN, and THC emission
decrease with hydrogen, but NOx increases. This inverse relationship will allow the combination of EGR
and hydrogen induction to be optimized to minimize both FSN and NOx [5].
Using port-injected hydrogen, there was an increase in brake thermal efficiency of the engine with a
greater reduction in emissions [6]. Any decrease of emission, especially NOx is likely due to
enhancement of turbulent mixing in the cylinder caused by the injection of pressurized hydrogen through
the intake valve [7]. Timed manifold injection (TMI) of hydrogen gave higher thermal efficiency and
avoided undesirable combustion [8-10]. Hydrogen induction with TMI coupled with EGR results in
lowered emission level and improved performance level compared to the case of neat diesel operation
[11]. Although research on hydrogen combustion in the internal combustion engine has intensified, the
number of published papers in the field of hydrogen-diesel co-combustion is not as rich as for hydrogen
used in spark ignited engines [12].
The aim of the work presented here is to investigate the effect of hydrogen enrichment on the diesel
combustion process in a stationary diesel engine at a low load. To that end, experiments were performed
to investigate the combustion process of a diesel-hydrogen dual fuel engine at various hydrogen flow
rates. Based on experimental results, CFD calculations were conducted to have a deeper understanding of
combustion processes of the dual fuel engine. This was done by simulating the closed volume cycle
during compression and expansion stroke where both valves are closed.

2. Experimental setup

A single cylinder diesel engine was converted to utilize hydrogen as fuel. The engine was a single
cylinder, air cooled, direct injection diesel engine with a bore of 100 mm and stroke of 85 mm. The
compression ratio of the engine was 20.5. Hydrogen was introduced to the intake manifold by a mixer
before entering the combustion chamber. It was supplied from a high-pressure cylinder (150 bar) and then
reduced to a pressure of 1.5 bar using a pressure regulator.
The engine was coupled to a SCHENCK eddy-current dynamometer with a rated power of 70 kW.
Engine torque and speed were measured by the dynamometer. In-cylinder pressure was measured using a
Kistler water-cooled piezo electric pressure transducer and was sampled every 1 degree crank angle. Start
of injection and injection duration were measured by a needle lift sensor. Diesel fuel consumption was
measured using gravimetric fuel balance AVL 733S. Hot film anemometer was used to measure air
The engine was run at a constant speed of 2000 rpm and 10 Nm load. Hydrogen was introduced at the
flow rate of 21.4, 36.2, and 49.6 liter/minute. The engine was started with diesel fuel at 2000 rpm and 10
Nm load. After allowing the engine to reach the steady state conditions, the following parameters were
measured and recorded: fuel (diesel and hydrogen) consumption, air consumption, exhaust gas
temperature, needle lift, and cylinder pressure. Hydrogen was introduced at the flow rate of 21.4
liter/minute; engine speed was kept constant by adjusting the injection pump lever's position. The above
parameters were measured and recorded again. This procedure was repeated for different hydrogen flow
W.B. Santoso et al. / Energy Procedia 32 (2013) 3 10 5

3. CFD calculation and performance evaluation

A commercial software AVL FIRE CFD code was used to simulate the combustion process of the
diesel-hydrogen dual fuel engine. Calculation was started at the compression stroke when both valves
were closed. It is assumed that the mixture of air and hydrogen inside the cylinder is homogeneous at the
start of calculation. The ECFM combustion model combined with Diesel-ignited gas engine ignition
model was used throughout the calculation. The input data is taken from the experimental results. With
the hydrogen flow rate of 21.4, 36.2, and 49.6 l/min, the equivalence ratio of 0.203, 0.367, and 0.530
respectively were defined as the initial value. Diesel fuel was directly injected into the cylinder at 14CA
before TDC. The boundary conditions were assumed as those of used in 1D thermodynamics cycle
The engine performance is evaluated for the three hydrogen enrichment level by computing and
comparing the diesel fuel replacement, the brake specific energy consumption (BSEC), and the indicated
efficiency ( i).

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Effect of hydrogen enrichment on performance

During the hydrogen addition, the load and speed were kept constant. This mode can be realized by
setting the dynamometer at fixed load. The engine speed was kept constant by controlling the diesel fuel
governor. The percentage of diesel fuel on the energy basis of this load condition is depicted in Fig. 1a. It
is noted that the diesel replacement for hydrogen flow rates at 21.4, 36.2, and 49.6 l/minute were around
50, 90, and 97% respectively. More energy was added when hydrogen was introduced. To keep the load
and speed constant, the fuel governor was adjusted accordingly to reduce the diesel supply. As a result,
part of diesel fuel was replaced by hydrogen enrichment.
Figure 1b depicts the variation in specific energy consumption (SEC) at 10 Nm load for different level
of hydrogen enrichment. SEC indicates the amount of total fuel energy (diesel and hydrogen) needed to
produce 1 kW power for an hour engine operation. The total fuel energy is calculated from the individual
fuels (diesel and hydrogen) multiplied by their respective calorific value. An increasing hydrogen flow
rate at the low load operation results in a higher SEC. The specific energy is found to be 20.73 MJ/kWh
with hydrogen flow rate of 21.4 l/min. A further increase in SEC to 21.70 MJ/kWh is obtained when
hydrogen flow rate increase to 36.2 l/min. A slightly increase in SEC to 21.8 MJ/kWh is noticed at
hydrogen flow at 49.6 l/min.
Figure 1c shows the variation of indicated efficiency at each load when hydrogen was introduced. It
relates the indicated power to the supplied fuel energy. At this low load, the efficiency decreases with
hydrogen enrichment. The indicated efficiency of 57.9% is achieved at the hydrogen flow rate of 21.4
l/min. Further increase in hydrogen flow rate of 36.2 and 49.6 l/min reduce the efficiency to 54.3 and
49% respectively. The percentage of diesel fuel is reduced significantly with hydrogen enrichment at this
low load condition. This low portion of the diesel fuel may not be sufficient to ignite the premixing
mixture of hydrogen-air. The efficient combustion cannot be achieved and resulted in increasing SEC as
shown in Fig. 1b.
6 W.B. Santoso et al. / Energy Procedia 32 (2013) 3 10

120 25
Energy sharing [%]


SEC [MJ/kWh]




0 0
21.4 l/min 36.2 l/min 49.6 l/min 21.4 l/min 36.2 l/min 49.6 l/min

H2 flow rate H2 flow rate

(a) (b)


Indicated Efficiency [%]






21.4 l/min 36.2 l/min 49.6 l/min

H2 flow rate


Fig. 1. (a) Diesel energy replacement by hydrogen; (b) Specific energy consumption; (c) Indicated efficiency

4.2. Effect of hydrogen enrichment on combustion

The variation of cylinder pressure traces and pressure rise at speed 2000 rpm and 10 Nm load for
different hydrogen flow rates are shown in Fig. 2a and b. It is noted that hydrogen addition will reduce the
cylinder pressure and the pressure rise. More hydrogen enrichment resulted in lower cylinder peak
pressure. The peak pressure is found to be 73.50 bar with hydrogen flow rate of 21.4 l/min. Further
increase in hydrogen flow rate of 36.2 and 49.6 l/min reduces the cylinder peak pressure to 64.28 and
62.29 bar respectively. Hydrogen enrichment also reduced the rate of pressure rise. The peak value of the
rise shifted a few degree crank angle when the hydrogen flow rate increased. This indicates a slower
combustion reaction rate. This may be due to the availability of diesel fuel needed to ignite the premixing
of hydrogen with air. The combustion process was promoted by the auto-ignition of diesel fuel. The
percentage of diesel fuel at 21.4 l/min and 36.2 l/min hydrogen enrichments were around 50% and 10%
respectively. A further increase in hydrogen enrichment to 49.6 l/min reduced the percentage of diesel
fuel to 3.1%. These portions of diesel may not be adequate to produce an efficient combustion. The
amount of diesel fuel to ignite the premixing of hydrogen with air was reduced and resulted in a late start
of combustion as shown in rate of heat release diagram in Fig. 2c.
W.B. Santoso et al. / Energy Procedia 32 (2013) 3 10 7

Rate of Pressure Rise (bar/deg)

Cylinder Pressure (bar)

21.4 l/min
60 21.4 l/min 36.2 l/min
36.2 l/min 49.6 l/min
50 1
49.6 l/min
40 0

10 -2

0 -3
315 330 345 360 375 390 405 315 330 345 360 375 390 405
Crank Angle (deg) Crank Angle (deg)

(a) (b)
Rate of Heat Release (J/deg)


40 21.4 l/min
30 36.2 l/min
49.6 l/min



315 330 345 360 375 390 405
Crank Angle (deg)


Fig. 2. Effect of hydrogen addition at 2000 rpm, 10 Nm on: (a) cylinder pressure; (b) rate of pressure rise; (c) rate of heat release

4.3. CFD analysis of dual fuel combustion

CFD calculation was carried out the have a better understanding on combustion process of this dual
fuel engine. It was assumed that the boundary conditions were the same for all cases. The averaged
cylinder pressure was compared to that of the experimental results to validate the simulation. The
validations of cylinder pressures for all cases in this investigation were shown in Fig. 3a-c. In general, the
simulation's results seem to have a good agreement with the experimental data. The cylinder peak
pressures were slightly under predicted by the simulation. This may be due to the detailed input data,
especially for the fuel injection profile. It was assumed the diesel fuel was injected at the same start of
injection time and the end of injection time for all cases. Furthermore, the injection rate profile was also
Figure 4a shows the mean total reaction rate for the three cases investigated. The quantity represents
the fuel mass fraction depletion rate. It is assumed that the liquid fuel was injected at the same start of
injection (SOI) and end of injection (EOI). It is shown that more hydrogen enrichment resulted in lower
reaction rate and later start of combustion. The combustion started easier when the portion of diesel fuel
was sufficient to promote the auto-ignition. The depletion rate of the fuel is faster for a less hydrogen
8 W.B. Santoso et al. / Energy Procedia 32 (2013) 3 10


Cylinder Pressure (bar)

70 Sim.
Cylinder Pressure (bar)

Sim. 60
60 Exp.

40 40


10 10

0 0

0 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 720 0 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 720
Crank Angle (deg) Crank Angle (deg)

(a) H2 = 21.4 l/min (b) H2 = 36.2 l/min

Cylinder Pressure (bar)

60 Exp.
0 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 720
Crank Angle (deg)

(c) H2 = 49.6 l/min

Fig. 3. Comparison between simulation and experiment result on cylinder pressure at 2000 rpm

Other parameter to be investigated to explain the combustion process of dual fuel engine is the reaction
progress variable. It represents the mass of combustion products over the theoretical maximum mass of
combustion products. The reaction progress variable is shown in Fig. 4b. A higher fuel depletion rate can
be achieved at the lower hydrogen percentage. The formation of combustion product started earlier. In
addition, the slope of the graph is steeper. It means that the combustion process started earlier and faster.

18 1.1
Mean Reaction Progress Variable (-)
Mean Total Reaction Rate (1/s)

16 1
21.4 l/min 0.7
10 36.2 l/min 0.6
8 49.6 l/min 0.5

6 0.4 21.4 l/min

0.3 36.2 l/min
0.2 49.6 l/min
0 0
-2 -0.1
320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480
Crank Angle (deg) Crank Angle (deg)

(a) (b)

Fig. 4. (a) Variation of mean total reaction rate with hydrogen enrichment; (b) Mean reaction progress variable
W.B. Santoso et al. / Energy Procedia 32 (2013) 3 10 9

Fig. 5. Progress of temperature distribution at the spray axis

The combustion progress can be represented by the temperature distribution in the calculation domain.
Figure 5 shows the progress of temperature distribution on the cut plane along the spray axis from TDC
until 70CA after TDC. It is noted from the previous explanation that more hydrogen enrichment resulted
in a later start of combustion. When hydrogen was introduced at the flow rate of 21.4 l/min or about 50%
of the total fuel energy, the start of combustion occurred at TDC. More hydrogen enrichment delayed the
start of combustion for about 10CA.

5. Conclusion

Experiments and simulation works were conducted on DI diesel engine with hydrogen in the dual fuel
mode. Under constant load and speed engine operation, hydrogen induction into the intake manifold
10 W.B. Santoso et al. / Energy Procedia 32 (2013) 3 10

reduces the diesel fuel consumption. Diesel reduction of 50, 90, and 97% was achieved during the
investigation. These relatively high percentages of hydrogen fuel are detrimental to the engine
performance in terms of energy consumption and efficiency. An increasing hydrogen flow rate at the low
load operation results in a higher SEC. It means that more fuel is necessary to produce the same power
output. At this low load operation, the efficiency decreases with hydrogen enrichment. This condition
affects the values of SEC. Measurement of in-cylinder pressure was carried out to investigate the
combustion process inside the combustion chamber. Hydrogen enrichment reduced the peak pressure and
retarded the start of combustion. CFD simulation reveals that hydrogen enrichment in such a high
percentage resulted in slower reaction progress due to lower combustion rate of reaction. Temperature
distributions along the cut plane at the spray axis showed the progress of the combustion processes.


The authors wish to thank Universiti Malaysia Pahang for supporting this research under GRS 100303.
Fully support from LIPI by providing the experiment and simulation facilities are grateful acknowledged.


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