Schip en Werf de Zee PDF
Schip en Werf de Zee PDF
Schip en Werf de Zee PDF
MV Deo Volente
On Tuesday 2nd December 2006, the Urk based shipyard Hartman Marine BV delivered MV Deo Volen-
te to her owner, Hartman Seatrade, Urk, The Netherlands. Deo Volente is an ice strengthened 3650
tdw general cargo/heavy lift/container (MPC) vessel and is custom built to the owners specifications.
Design was carried out with the owners. Conoship and Marin also carried out calculations and model
testing. Hartman Seatrade has previously owned coasters that also sailed under the name Deo Volente.
MV Deo Volente, yard number 001, costs of the vessel (totaling around her non self-polishing silicon an-
operates in the free market while opera- eleven million euro) was reached by tifouling. None of the bunker tanks
tions will be managed by Amasus Ship- subcontracting the complete construc- are in contact with the hull plating;
ping Delfzijl. The new vessel was de- tion of the hull to the OAG/Partner, Possess an extremely high degree of
signed jointly by the Hartman brothers Stettin, Poland, and by outfitting her at maneuverability by the large rudder
(Hartman Marine BV Johan and Hartman Marine BV in Urk under su- and the high rudder turning angle
Berend Hartman) and by Conoship pervision of Hartman Seatrade, Urk. (65-0-65 degrees);
with Marin Wageningen acting as engi- Possess a high degree of automation
neering partner during design and con- The Design Challenge to decrease the crew requirements
struction. Exceptional for a vessel of her The main function of the Deo Volente and to reduce the risk of mistakes and
size (<3000 GT) is her high speed of is to: pollution. The vessel is equipped
eighteen knots (normally similar sized Reduce passage time under all cir- with a PLC control system control-
vessels sail around twelve knots) and cumstances without high fuel costs; ling ballast, power, loading, lighting,
her two large cranes which together can Maximize cargo lifting capabilities on engine room equipment and propul-
handle up to 240 tons SWL. vessel below 3000 GT (2 x 120 mt at sion plant;
Hartman Seatrade expects to be able to 16 m); Maximize the work and living atmos-
compete well with this ship on the open Maximize the floor space in the hold phere and comfort for the vessels
Jakob Pinkster is market by offering shorter sailing times and on deck by the tween decks and crew (swimming pool, world-wide e-
marine consul- and being able to make more trips per large clear weather deck; mail access, low noise, large cabins,
tant en docent year at reasonable operating costs as the Function in an environmentally separate crew officer mess rooms);
aan de TU Delft vessel sails on heavy fuel. The building friendly manner (green ship) by using Reduce the maintenance of the vessel
An active anti-rolling tank system
(Frank Mohn) is situated in a large
structure between the deeptanks 2. The
stainless steel pump (capacity of 500
m3/hr) is a reversible propeller pump
operating in both directions by revers-
ing the electric motor. This active sys-
tem will perform automatic anti-heeling
ballasting operations during loading/
discharging in port.
The cargo hold is fitted with flush fit- the pontoon hatch covers which can
tings for containers. The cargo hold can then be stacked up to a maximum Bilge/Ballast/Fire Fighting
furthermore be divided vertically into height of covers. The same traveling The bilge/ballast/internal fire fighting
an upper and lower hold by placing a crane can be used for moving and set- system, complying both with the re-
pontoon tweendeck with the aid of pon- ting up the two transportable grain quirements of the Netherlands Ship-
toon hatches. Also horizontal subdivi- bulkheads fitted for bulk cargo stowing ping Inspectorate and the rules of Bu-
sion of the hold is possible whereby two purposes that can be slotted at several reau Veritas, consists of two bilge/bal-
tweendeck hatches can be used to to- positions in each hold. When not in use last pumps of 250 m3/h each, a general
gether form one transverse bulkhead. A the crane is stored against the front of service pump and an emergency
total of two transverse bulkeads can so the accommodation superstructure aft. fifi/deckwash pump, all placed in the
divide the single hold into three parts. The hatch covers are battened to the engine room serving the bilge, ballast,
The lower hold dimension (L x B) are coaming by quick acting cleats. In the fire fighting and deck washing system.
31.50 x 11.00 m and the upper hold di- stowage position, the covers are secured Ballasting and de-ballasting can be op-
mensions are 63.60 x 11.50 m. The total by manually operated locking devices. erated by the Vessels Control System
depth of the cargo hold is 8.17 m. In compliance with the rules of the clas- (Marble), (see Vessel Control System).
In order to accommodate the high speed sification society the maximum permis- Also placed in the engine room is a hold
of the vessel, the Deo Volente obviously sible hatch cover load (Weather Load) bilge ejector, a bilge ejector fore ship, a
has less breadth towards the bow and is calculated as being 3.4 t/m2. When ballast ejector, a fully MEPC 60(33)