Natural Game Gambler PUA PDF
Natural Game Gambler PUA PDF
Natural Game Gambler PUA PDF
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P3
Introduction 5
How to read this book 5
Acronyms 6
Background Zero to Hero, Gamblers Story 7
Pre-Game 14
Your First Impression Paving the Way 14
Pre-Opening Body Language: Standing-out Positively 15
Mission 1 16
Modelling Actors: Learning from the Best 16
Body Language 16
Direct vs. Indirect Body Language 17
Fashion 18
State Control: Being In the Zone. Anytime 19
Energy Levels and Holding Attention 20
The 3 Characters of a Seduction 23
Mission 2 26
Making Things Easier 27
Opening Cold vs. Opening Warm 27
Standing out in a Positive Way 27
Forcing Her Interest 27
Approaching after an Indication of Interest 27
Working the room 28
Mission 3 28
Direct or Indirect? Both! 28
The System From Open to Close 30
The 3 Characters of a Seduction and The System 32
The First Minute 34
The Power of Hey as a Pre-Opener 34
Opening and Transitioning 34
Opening 35
Indirect 35
Opinion Openers 38
Direct Openers 40
Situational 40
Mission 4 40
Skills of the natural Opener to Hook Point to Rapport 41
Mission 5 46
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P4
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P5
Youll get most out of this if you read it in order, its logically laid out to take
you through the necessary elements of a pickup all the way to the close. Ive
put inner game last because its something that you can be working on in
conjunction with your pickup skills and I want you to be out there practicing
as much as possible and not using the excuse of not having got past the
inner game chapter to stop you going out!
A certain amount of youll read the book and not actively put stuff to use.
Youll do slightly better because the information will be in your mind and
any interactions youve will be a little better than if you didnt have the
The guys that achieve more will be going out and putting things to use.
The guys that do best will have missions to try each new thing they learn
and will be out many nights a week. They will put the theory into practice,
look at their results and refine their approach for next time.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P6
In this book, Ill use a small amount of terms used by the community. They make it easier to explain
certain concepts.
Acronym Definition
AFC: Average Frustrated Chump (average dude with slim to none success with women)
Kino Touching
Coming in under the radar and only dialing it up once group are disarmed and tar-
get starts to give indicators of interest
Wingman Your partner in crime (useful for mixed groups and to occupy potential blocks)
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P7
lick it and she stood there expectantly, I said The next day I didnt call my prized number
nothing and she left. because I was too nervous. The day after I called
I can look back at all the times Ive dealt with and she didnt answer. I immediately was broken
women and left them with a bemused look on and sure that was it. Amazingly, she called
their face and thinking what was wrong with me back a couple of hours later! She had been
that guy? at work. We arranged to meet for drinks in a
couple of days. We had a few dates after that,
they were pretty crazy to the first she brought
The Story Continues her friend along and tried to set us up. On the
second, I cooked her dinner, she sat next to me
In September 2001, a friend invited me out to on my couch, put her head on my shoulder and I
a club and I agreed to go. The night before Id stroked her hair! On the third, I find out she has
almost sold my soul to the devil saying that Id a boyfriend. He even comes over so I cant see
give up all my material possessions for a girl. A her for a few days. She dumps him while he is
funny thing happened in the car, he wanted to visiting. Next she is going to university, a 4 hour
go to a certain club but I insisted on another train ride away, so it looks like it wont work. It
one. This was uncharacteristic, since I generally took me 3 dates to kiss her and after 10 dates
deferred to my friends. We went to the place we still hadnt slept together. To cut a long story
I wanted to go. In the club, my friend was short, I work to overcome all the obstacles and
approached by a hot girl. I stood there watching for some crazy reason, my desperate neediness
as he chatted with her. After a couple of minutes, doesnt scare her off. We spend the next 2 and a
her friend returned from the dance-floor. Our half years together. Im happy and in love and I
rapidly bonding friends were oblivious to us. I give up pretty much all my other interests. After
cant remember who spoke first, but we got into two years we start to have problems, Ive changed
a boring conversation then I bought her a drink. a lot and she has too and we start to argue more
Because we were forced together, she had to talk and over 6 months, things deteriorate and we
with me for an hour or more. I was nervous, mutually agree to break up.
couldnt hold good eye contact, but I guess she
liked my nice guy manner. My friend and the Its March 2004 and Im single again, but I think
other girl were getting on so well that he was meeting girls is a cinch, because I have a 100%
going to take her back to his place. He wanted to open-close record in clubs! Im more confident so
drop us off home first. We went to my girls street I dont think meeting girls will be a problem. Over
and we all said goodbye and she got out of the the next couple of years I do lots of approaches,
car. She walked 5 metres and I told my friend to get some numbers, have a few dates and they ALL
wait and ran after her. I just called her name, she stale out without getting any closes. Over the
turned and I said, Can I have your number? She same time, Im doing lots of self-improvement.
gave it. I wrote down all my problems, all the ways in
which I wanted to be better and made a plan for
addressing each one.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P9
For my shyness, I decided to do a TEFL course them. I listened in but it didnt make much
in Seville, Spain. This would force me to be the sense to me. I asked him whether it was a speed
centre of attention and stand up in front of a class dating event they were preparing for and he broke
of people for an hour at a time. In my first class, everything down to me. He told me to buy a book
I was nervous and my voice was shaking. By the called The Game and what it was all about.
last, I was pretty good. From looking at these guys, I didnt really buy
into the idea that they could do anything with
I started reading two books a week, mainly in the women but nevertheless I bought The Game when
areas of NLP, psychology, hypnosis, Buddhism and it was released. I found the book interesting
self-development. I didnt anticipate the effect and spent the next 6 months devouring all
this would have, but it made me more calm and the material I could find on the subject. Major
composed and generally more happy and content. influences were David Deangelo and Tyler. I did
I also took various business and finance courses less than 10 approaches in those 6 months but
which added nothing to my PU skill but overcame felt I had a good handle on the area because I
one of my perceived weaknesses which was a lack had studied it as thoroughly as I had my business
of qualifications on my CV. courses. Shortly after reading The Game I went to
Singapore on holiday. Over there I slept with my
I fixed my fashion over a period of two years. I second girl, she actually did most of the work but
went from wearing baggy jeans, Nike tops and at least I did most things right. She put her hand
trainers, to wearing well-fitting, stylish, designer on my leg, so I did the same. She started rubbing
clothes. I initially made mistakes and bought my leg so I did the same. She took my hand, so I
terrible items, but over time I refined my style kissed her. She still was the one that said lets
and learned a lot about labels, design, fit and go but I felt I knew what to do a little better
materials. than before and at least would never repeat my
mistakes from university again.
During this time, people started to consider
me as confident and women started paying me In March 2006 I moved to London. I picked the
more attention because of this and my improved location specifically for meeting women Leicester
fashion. I was very focused on my learning and Square. I didnt know anyone so I knew Id be
stayed out of the social scene. As a result, I didnt forced to get out there and meet people.
sleep with any women between March 2003 and
November 2005 apart from a couple of times with I wanted to move to London for years. I was never
my ex girlfriend! happy living in Cambridge. I thought it was too
small, I thought the people were unfriendly and
In September 2005 I met Tyler Durden of Real boring and I didnt have the kind of social life that
Social Dynamics in Starbucks, Leicester Square, I wanted.
London. He was sitting around with a bunch of
strange looking guys and they had papers with Why did I wait so long? I found out the real
graphics showing women and how to approach answer and this might be the same thing that
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P10
holds you back in many areas of your life, it was I was overcoming my approach anxiety and a
a HUGE realisation: I was afraid that if I moved couple of times I was successful in having a nice
to London and it was a failure, Id be back in conversation using my pre-existing introvert skill
Cambridge AND I would no longer have the dream of being an empathetic good listener.
of something better to hold onto.
I had a regular night out in Covent Garden with
So at its core, it was fear of failure. Look at any big Conor, where I started to get some good results.
steps that youve avoided taking and maybe its Wed act as each others wings, distracting the
the same reason. But I finally did do it... protective friends of our target girls so a strong
connection and a number close could be made.
I basically didnt know anyone when I moved
down. My flatmates were cool and we got on, but With a wing helping you, its easy to avoid getting
they had no social circle so I didnt get to meet blown out. If the conversation flags, your target
people that way. What happened was that I found girl sees her friend conversing with your pal so
some London pick up artists (from The London she doesnt mind continuing her chat with you.
Seduction Society/LSS) and hooked up with them. Working alone requires a lot more skill.
I went out with these guys and gave them the I was able to get a few number closes but nothing
kind of respect Id give the master pick up artists came of them. I had no idea how to use physical
chronicled in The Game. However, I quickly contact (kino-escalation) to get a kiss close in
found out that most of these guys could talk a the club. I have to say that by now I was pretty
good talk and walk a cool walk, but they didnt confident. The girls I was approaching were often
seem to be able to open, hold and close the deal hot and they did compliment me on my looks. It
with women. was new and it was good.
I had to ratchet down my expectations a little bit. The next big realisation happened about three
weeks into my London adventure. I was in a Soho
Over the next few weeks, I met some more of club with Conor and another guy, when Conor
these guys. Most of them I didnt really want to approached two Swedish girls.
hang out with, but I did meet two - Eugene and
Conor, who were cool guys and I tried to go out I didnt go help him and wing straight away
to clubs with these guys as possible. because I was having a go at an Australian chick.
It didnt go too far, so I went over to him. It was
I was going out four nights a week. At this point, an 18 year old Swedish chick. Pretty cute. I was
Id been to a club less than 30 times and was there sitting on the arm of the chair for AN HOUR
completely uncomfortable in the environment. So talking to her and then I told her to move up and
these nights would normally involve us opening sat down next to her, carried on talking.
20 or so groups of girls, not many would hold.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P11
I was getting no touching from her and didnt Anyway, I sat next to her, just chatted away. After
know what the hell to do. My one night stand in some teasing banter to challenge her, I lightly
Singapore only happened because she touched touched her leg and arm and she reciprocated. I
my leg first and I just matched her kino-escalation went for the kiss after about 5 minutes.
and then lead with the kiss. Anyhow, I said to I lead her around the club -lets go get a drink,
myself fuck it and put my arm around her and lets dance, lets sit down. We got quite hot and
went for the kiss. heavy and then I just got up and said lets go
She started walking with me but asked where? I
Lo-and-behold it worked, she was into it. Now said somewhere else and walked her out of the
I know I probably could have done it after club to my house. After some wine, I smoothly
30 seconds, but the point was that it shifted escalated with no resistance.
something in my mind - you dont need to ask if
its okay to kiss. Ill leave out the details! Met her for a date
another day and the attraction had vanished,
Conor left early because his chick didnt pan out. I didnt like that she smoked, I didnt like her
When the girls left, looking back, it would have accent, I didnt like her shoes or the way she
been an easy to take my girl home (other one was walked.
happy to leave her in my care!) and even get a
pretty simple 3-some. I felt like Jerry Seinfeld when he dumps the girl
for silly reasons but I didnt call her again. Over
But I didnt because I was probably buzzing from the next month I got plenty of kiss closes and a
the kiss close and didnt imagine it was possible. I couple more fuck closes. I took about four salsa
was now happy in London, I had friends and I felt classes. I didnt pick up any girls in the class
like I was in control of things a little more. I had a because they were generally not up to standard
lot of confidence and was on a high because I now but I did devise my salsa escalation where I go
was able to attract and seduce women. and ask the girl if she can salsa and then salsa my
way into a kiss.
I learned the basic structure of a pickup from
6 months of theory and a few weeks in field. I got a Serbian chick in one minute with this and
Admittedly, I spent way too long geeking out on she was a virgin. Six feet tall, toned and tanned
the material. I got way more out of going out and body, blonde, blue eyes. It took seven hours before
doing stuff. I spent the next month refining my she slept with me and then she was my girl for
approach. We used a lot of canned material (which about a month.
Ill explain later) and it worked to attract girls.
During my time with the Serbian girl I think I only
My first fuck-close came one night in a Covent kiss closed one other girl and that was when I
Garden club. My friend identified a hot girl. trained with Brent (a renowned American pick up
She was tall, blonde, thin, blue eyes. Now shed artist). He came to the UK in May and I decided
be average, but at the time, she was very hot. that either Id learn loads or Id realise that I could
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P12
be a trainer too. I paid $1000 + expenses for an In July I went on holiday for two months with
evening from 7pm to 2am. Steve and we went out 40 out of 44 nights in
11 countries. The only nights we didnt go out
He was good looking, confident and cool. The was when we were travelling on boats, trains or
training was a let down. He didnt demo anything coaches. During this holiday, my skills at kino,
cool. He couldnt entertain two girls after I non-verbal pickup, dance-floor game and others
engaged their cute friend (they quickly dragged all got a huge boost.
her away). He only said I should talk louder and
escalate faster. That was his only advice. Steve is a legend and few people have seen his
skills when he is at the top of his game. I saw him
Very nice guy though. Maybe my level was do things a couple of times on holiday that gave
already high. Anyhow, I pulled a nice girl that me the shivers! Next level game.
night. This was the first time I was disappointed
with the skills of a well-known guru. There were Fast forward to today. I am going to parties
many more to come in the next few months! Now, with celebrities to learn how to game in those
when I meet famous pick up gurus, my attitude environments. Im working with the guys
is, Hey, if they are great Ill learn something and here to further refine the system. And Im
if they arent, itll make me more confident. Win travelling to different countries to test my game
Win! internationally.
Over the next few months I improved my game, How do I pick up chicks now? I have an
gained more confidence, had more hot girls unbreakable routine stack that can get me
and met various influential characters, most laid every day of the week, one that uses an
importantly - Steve Jabba AKA Vertex and Anthony unbreakable opener followed by calculated
P. We went out a lot and gamed together. responses, built-in emotional spikes, seductive
language patterns and a host of psychological
In June I had started and had tricks. But you know what? I DONT USE THIS
been doing 1-on-1s. I was a skilled teacher, could STUFF! I want to be able to game naturally.
clearly communicate things and was able to
analyse the persons strengths and weaknesses I dont want to know what Im going to say next.
very quickly and give them practical advice. I like to test my intelligence and exercise my
mental muscles. I want to make a better self
Through teaching, I learned my stuff way more instead of making a character that I can step into
tightly and was forced to game. I learned how and act out.
to control my state instead of only being able to
game when I felt like it.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P13
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P14
Your First Impression Paving the Way she want to talk to me? How would she feel if I
approached her?
The first impression that a girl makes of you is
not formed when you first open your mouth to
Its difficult to know how you look to others,
speak to her, its formed when she first catches a
because you dont have a video camera following
glimpse of you out of the corner of her eye.
you around all the time. However, we can work
A few years ago, a savvy girl would have been able
to make the best possible first impression by
to tell that I was insecure, unhappy, unconfident,
being aware of the necessary components. There
unfashionable, low-energy, unsociable, non-sexual
are various elements then that affect her initial
and shy just from looking at me. Why would
perception of you:
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P15
Pre-Opening Body Language: Standing- taking sips of their drink. To stand out from all
out Positively these guys, to do the following alpha male
The Wrong Way
Most guys in bars and clubs are in a bad mood, get Legs: Stand with your feet slightly wider apart
drinks and stand shoulder to shoulder checking than is natural. It will fell unnatural at first, but
out the girls. This immediately creates a negative youll also feel completely rooted like a tree. Youll
first impression. If you do this, it makes it look no longer constantly change position or shift your
like youre out to pick up women and this can weight.
turn off girls before youve even approached them.
Arms: Most people I train have a problem with
fidgeting, they move their hands around, play
The Right Way with things, put their hands in their pockets and
The first thing to do is to look like youre having just cant stay still. Heres a trick to get over this:
fun and are happy to be there. When youre with put your thumb against your index and middle
your friends, face them and engage them. If fingers and let your hands fall to your sides. This
youre standing face to face, you can each cover removes the natural tendency for the fingers to
180 degrees of the location and check out all the find something to do. You can stay in this position
girls over each others shoulders. Women are comfortably for hours without moving. Dont
subtle and this is what they usually do. touch your face.
If youre walking around trying to find the hot Eyes: Dont look down! It conveys weakness. Be
girls, do the wheres Bob? face and look around confident holding eye contact with people.
as if youre looking for someone. This subtle
difference allows you to check out everyone in the Head: Move your head slowly, it conveys high-
whole place without having the pick up guy vibe. status. Quick head movements make you look
When youre speaking, facial animation and
gestures draw attention and make it look like Space: Take up lots of space. When sitting,
youre having fun. Someone who seems like a fun spread yourself out. When standing, have a wide
sociable guy is someone a woman wants to speak confident stance or gesture. When dancing, move
to. Someone who is not having much fun with around the dance floor a lot and use big arm
their friends and only wants to check out women movements.
is not someone who will get as good a reaction
when he approaches.
Mission 1
Practice the alpha stance in your house, see
how it looks in the mirror. Next time youre
in a bar, observe other peoples body language
based on the rules above. See who has good
and bad body language. Be very aware of
your own and try to click into the alpha body
language mode.
1. Now this example is bad in so many ways. It is very locked in, Modelling Actors: Learning from the Best
the stance is statuesque, the head is the furthest part of the body
forward. The woman will feel very uncomfortable if this is your
body language on a cold approach. If this is how you are standing Hollywood actors are not natural. They have
calculated poses, body language and voices. Look
have to be pretty incredible!
at the faces they pull in pictures and in films,
they are not poses that normal people assume.
Thats because they are manipulating their facial
muscles in particular ways. Tom Cruises smile,
Brad Pitts eyes, Colin Farrells sexual badboy look,
George Clooneys voice are all manufactured.
You can model celebrities and create a look that
stands out as much as theirs. I imitated the
looks I saw in films and magazines in front
of the mirror. Some people might find that
embarrassing, but believe me, Hollywood actors
have done the same thing. Knowing how you look
at all times and manipulating your look to achieve
particular effects is very powerful. Knowing how
to turn on a sexy and seductive look at the right
time will melt a girl.
Body Language
6. If there are no spare chairs or you would need to ask her to 3. Match Clothes Correctly
move to make space for you, you should start off in a position like
this so that you are on her level. The longer you stay like this, the
Blue jeans with brown shoes is better than black.
more value you lose, but it is the best way in this situation. Quicly Dont wear more than three colours. Skinny
ask her to move over or sit on the arm of the chair or even share
her chair with her.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P19
trousers with a baggy jumper is wrong, the fits State Control: Being In the Zone.
should all match. More than one bold colour Anytime
probably means a clash. Sports shoes have no
place, but designer trainers are okay. State is how you feel at any particular moment.
Everyone has had times when they feel in the
4. Accessorise zone and times when they feel useless. State
A funky bracelet is worth more in terms of female control is about trying to take the in the zone
attention than a $15,000 solid white gold watch. feeling and be able to generate it at will when
Find accessories like rings, bracelets, necklaces necessary.
that work for you.
State control is something I didnt learn until
5. Get the best hair cut possible. I started training. Prior to that, my own state
If youre not getting comments on your hair cut, it fluctuated based on the vibe of a place, my mood
can be better. Go to an expensive salon for a free that day, my friends mood, the quality of the girls
consultation, find out what would be the best cut around and my first interactions. When I started
for your face shape and hair type and then get it training people one-on-one and spending up to
done in a cheaper place! twelve hours focused on one person, I needed to
always be on and so I couldnt sometimes be
6. Look Like you Get Laid in-state and sometimes not. I developed a system
Unbutton your top buttons and look around and for getting myself into state consistently and on-
copy sexual styles. Looking like you get laid is demand. Neuro-Linguistic Programming teaches
something you cant do with generic clothes. anchoring, which is basically a method of linking
Think Colin Farrell. a state to a body movement. I took things a step
further because anchoring wasnt enough for me.
Peacocking Gone Wrong Heres is my system for getting into state:
Peacocking is the pick up technique of wearing
clothes, accessories, or just generally adopting I have affirmations (see later) which I read to
a style that attracts attention. There is a right myself. At the same time, I play music that has
and a wrong way to do it. Many wannabe ladies very positive associations for me and gets me
men will copy the clothes and accessories of pumped up. At the same time I click my fingers
famous pick up gurus. I see these guys around and move my body to generate energy. After
and the problem with them is that they look doing this a number of times, each thing is
incongruent. What I mean is that they look like associated with the others. Before I train I do
they are wearing something because they think all three, but while Im out, the music, the finger
they should wear it. It doesnt suit them, its not clicking or the affirmations alone will be enough
a style that represents their character. They look to get me in state.
weird and stand out in a bad way. If you peacock,
wear things that you would like to wear because When Im in state, I feel completely confident,
you think it works for your personality. able to approach anybody. I feel like the most
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P20
attractive and powerful person in any situation. Energy Levels and Holding Attention
This belief means that groups blow wide open.
I am able to generate high energy for big high- Your energy levels are a tool that you can use to
energy groups, but can obviously calibrate and better manage the reaction you get. You should be
tone it down for low energy groups. In the past, aware of energy levels in a location and also of the
high-energy groups would intimidate me, so Id energy levels of groups youre going to open. You
only approach lower-energy groups. should aim to stand out in terms of your energy
level. If you are someplace where all the men
In the early days of training, if I didnt have a are trying to look cool, then you would be better
connection with the student and felt tired, my served by standing out by being the fun sociable
interactions might not go as well. Now, I can guy. If youre in a very high-energy environment,
sense when my state isnt good enough and you should be the James Bond guy that moves
generate it instantly. slowly and smoothly and stands out that way.
Look around a location and see the energy of
State control tools: the various groups. As a rule, you should aim to
come in with higher energy than the group youre
Small MP3 player for taking your music (and approaching. The reason for this is that you want
recorded affirmations) anywhere. to be more interesting than what they were doing
Crib sheet with affirmations. before you showed up to maximise your chances
Associate a body movement. of connecting.
Relaxed state control: This is an area where many guys have problems.
I also have a relaxed state. This is very similar Natural extroverts and good story-tellers share an
to the above except I have associated a body ability to hold the attention of a whole group. Ive
and hand position (from Pranayama which is seen guys with nothing to say command attention
like Yoga), to a state (from Pranayama) with very just by looking interesting. Whereas Ive seen
relaxing classical music or self-hypnosis audio. very interesting guys get blown out when they
Now, just the hand position on its own is enough are saying interesting things because they cant
to relax me and even lower my heart-rate. hold the groups attention. This was a big problem
for me starting out because of my naturally quiet
Mission 2 and shy nature. However, its a necessary skill
Write some affirmations (check chapter in Inner in pickup. When youre interrupting people, you
Game on affirmations), collect all the music need to be more interesting than whatever they
tracks that get you pumped up in one place. Play were doing before you showed up. Otherwise
the music, read the affirmations out loud and theyll lose interest. The words you use are only
associate a body movement. Do this before you go a small part of that. The statistic that only 7% of
out. communication being the words you use comes
in here more than anywhere else. How do you
learn to be more interesting? Ive broken down
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P21
Dynamically manage
energy levels to keep
the set hooked.
Most useful for large
sets (3+). The energy
(eye contact, gestures)
can be directed to
the members of the
set that are losing
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P22
the core components. As a natural introvert with but in this case you want to keep moving around.
none of these skills, Ive been able to apply them Leaning, stepping and shifting weight are the
effectively and you can do the same. main components here. The reason we gesture
and move our bodies is because the eye is drawn
What are the actual elements that affect your to movement. If we are completely still whilst in
energy levels? set, and we are in a venue with movement in the
background, the womens eyes will be drawn to
Gestures. that movement. When you lose eye contact with
Use hand gestures, they hold peoples attention someone, they are paying less attention. Their
better and are necessary to hold the attention of eyes wander, they notice other things, and then
larger groups. If you get used to gesturing, youll their mind wanders.
find it easier to progress to touching and itll seem
more natural to the girl. At first gesturing feels Facial animation
forced when youre not used to it but quickly People will be drawn into what you say more if
becomes second nature. To get used to gesturing, youre more facially animated. Be expressive.
bend your arms at the elbow and clasp your Practice, and study others who do this well.
hands. Make this your new default position when
in set, and put gestures out from this position. A Eye contact
gesture or touch coming from hands by the side To hold attention, spread your eye contact around
is always strange looking see the difference in the group, if youre losing one person, give them
other people. more attention. If you are holding eye contact
with someone, and they are giving it back, they
Voice Tone Variation have to focus on you and what you are saying. If
Another thing that adds interest and draws you dont look at them, they can look around the
peoples attention is voice tone variation. Listen room and their attention will wander and you will
to broadcasters, you dont need to go that far, but lose connection. If you hold eye contact, even if
you need some kind of variation in your tone. they look around the room, they will f eel drawn
Some people will just try to go up and down in back to you because of the eye contact.
voice tone at random. The real way to vary your
voice tone is to speak with passion and emotion. Energy levels can also be dynamically managed
Listen to Tony Robbins, he is able to draw you in during an interaction. This is a more advanced
and hold your attention for hours at a time, and use of energy levels, but what youre doing here
he does it by speaking with passion and emotion is bringing up your energy levels when you notice
all the time. that youre losing the attention of the group or
individual members. You direct your gestures and
Body Movement eye contact towards the people in the set that are
For larger groups, your feet shouldnt be rooted, not paying as much attention, and bring them
you should be moving around. Shifting weight back in. Its like spinning plates!
etc is bad when done because of nervousness
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P23
The 3 Characters of a
It doesnt get much simpler than this. Here are idea how to escalate. Id talk in this way for a
the steps you can use to immediately get better while and be thinking about going in for a kiss.
results. I could make this chapter into a book The problem would be that the conversation
and string it out, but just because I have made had no sexual tension and so going in for a kiss
it as succinct as possible, dont underestimate would have been awkward and would probably
the importance! These are the three characters be rejected. Guys who also have this will be the
you can assume during every interaction with often talked about nice guy who finishes last
women. Not it doesnt mean acting, it just means and the guy that the girls just want to be friends
being aware of how you are presenting yourself with. There is a point in an interaction where a
at different stages of an interaction. We all have woman makes the choice between seeing you as a
different ways of behaving, with our parents, our friend and a possible romantic interest. You need
girlfriend, our friends. What we do here is use our to be able to spice things up at this point to avoid
different ways of behaving consciously to progress going down the friends route.
an interaction to the next level. You can even use Over time and without any pre-planning, I
them on existing relationships to escalate to the developed my other two characters, the fun
next level. sociable guy and the seducer and my success rate
with women increased hugely.
The Fun Sociable Guy, Mr. Comfort and To increase your success rate, you need to use the
The Seducer three characters as follows:
Most guys have one character all the way through 1. The Fun Sociable Guy.
a seduction. For a fun extravert, it will be the This is the guy that makes a great first impression;
fun sociable guy. For most men, it will be Mr. he has high energy levels (see chapter on energy
Comfort, the nice guy who might be interesting levels), is animated, quickly makes a good
once you get talking to him but isnt especially fun impression and makes people comfortable. He
or sexual. The third is the sexual guy who goes in will be able to get in with any group, make them
directly and has a strong sexual vibe. These guys laugh and generally brighten up their evening.
will get some results, but they wont be consistent. We are glad this person is around because there
Once described in this way, its pretty easy to will be no awkward silences, hell keep the
see you need bit of each to be successful in any conversation going. Someone who is naturally
situation. Mr Comfort might think too much about what he
says, he thinks hes being considerate, but people
I was always the comfort guy. I found it hard relax a lot more when the person they are with
to start the interactions, to make people laugh is relaxed. The Fun Sociable Guy personifies this
and to have fun with light banter. Once in a relaxedness because he is obviously being very
conversation, I was good at making a strong natural, saying what comes to mind and because
connection with the girl, but unfortunately I was he is comfortable, people will relax around him.
also missing any kind of sexual vibe and had no
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P24
He will be very good for the first few minutes, Enjoy yourself. Enjoy the music, the company,
but might find it hard to connect with the person the venue, the drinks, the food. Most people
or to seduce them simply because he is too dont seem to enjoy themselves much but
high energy. After a while, women will probably we are always drawn towards people that
become tired of talking to him because he cant look like they are having fun. Enthusiasm,
be serious or deep. His high energy level is a bit passions, and happiness are contagious. You
too much for extended periods. Weve all been in will make people want to be part of your life
situations with someone who constantly tries to if you look like you are enjoying yourself. One
crack jokes, its good for a few minutes but quickly man might be a billionaire with the perfect
becomes tiresome. Use this character for the first life, but look bored and uninterested, another
few minutes until youre into a comfortable 2-way might be average in every regard but have a
conversation and they want you to stick around. real passion for life, and women will want
Extraverts will find it easier to step into this to be with him subconsciously because that
character whereas introverts will find it harder. person can make them feel good.
I knew for a long time that I needed to be more Smile. Youll already stand out, most people
sociable, outgoing, funny, and interesting, but how dont smile!
do you do that? Everyone can think of someone Do most of the talking. Ask few questions.
who is the archetypal fun sociable guy and to be Keep the conversation light, and situational.
him yourself, you need to:
To develop this character, there are a few active
Be high energy. Remember voice tone, steps you can take and exercises you can do:
body movement, eye contact, gestures, facial
animation. 1. Do something that involves public speaking
Be positive. People in England are generally toastmasters club, TEFL course, etc.
less positive than our American cousins. We 2. Try this acting exercise with a friend: One
like to moan about the weather, how stressed Word Impro. The way it works is that you try
me are, how bad the food is, and whatever and make a story one word at a time. You say
else. Although we can connect with people by a word (I) and then your friend says a word
taking about all this bad stuff, people would (will) and you continue like this (Go. And.
much prefer to be surrounded by people that See. My. Friends. At. The. Beach. And build. A
make us feel good and are positive. Find sandcastle. Then.) When you come to a full-
the positive aspects and if someone starts stop you use words like next, afterwards,
a negative conversational thread try to turn then, to carry it on. You try to increase the
it positive or switch as soon as possible. Im speed and when you get good at this, it should
not talking about being happy clappy, you translate directly into natural conversation.
can be realistic, but if you have the choice of
talking about something negative or positive, You can see this character at work in actors like
talk about the positive thing. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn in Wedding
Crashers. Id imagine that quick witted TV hosts
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P25
also could have the fun sociable guy character 3. The Seducer
down. The Seducer, coming in after The Fun Sociable
Guy and Mr. Comfort will be very effective. The
2. Mr. Comfort following are behaviours of The Seducer:
After youve integrated into a group, you can
bring out Mr. Comfort. When you first approach He looks at a woman in a way that tells her he
strangers, they are usually in a wait and see wants her.
kind of mode. It might happen quickly, or might He speaks more slowly, with a deeper voice.
take a while, but soon they should open up to you He touches her in increasingly sexual ways.
and commit to the interaction. How do you know He holds her hand when he talks.
when this has happened? Non-verbally: They He holds intense eye contact.
will stop looking at each other or around the room
and will be focused on you and what you say. The Seducer should smoothly emerge from Mr.
Verbally: They will start to commit more to the Comfort as you find out more about the woman
conversation, giving longer answers and asking and become more attracted. When he is there
you questions. from the start it looks like youre just into her
for her looks. By matching the way a woman
Mr Comfort is interested and interesting. He becomes attracted to a man (generally they warm
listens 50% of the time, doesnt talk too much up to a man over time) you separate yourself from
about himself and tries to understand women, other guys and shell feel a deeper connection.
find common interests and build rapport. He
should stick around until youve a connection Learn the three characters of the seduction and
with a girl, at which point, he should start to youll smoothly move from starting conversations
bring in some elements of the next character, to getting intimate. Its one of the most useful
The Seducer. Usually Mr. Comfort can not start skills you can have in female attraction.
conversations very well and he is not very
seductive, so it will be awkward when he goes
in for the kiss. Being Mr. Comfort was always
my strong point. Most introverts will have this
character down and will be at home in this mode.
The problem is getting stuck in it! 90% of the time
when guys tell me they have been put into the
friend zone by a woman, its due to being Mr.
Comfort for too long. Having no sexual vibe, no
matter how good you are conversationally, means
youre no more use than her girlfriends or gay
best friend!
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P26
Mission 2
You might have one or two of the characters
down, but work on the others. Sorry but the
best way is to use a mirror! You can also
watch films and see the transition at play. The
woman is never going to feel turned on in the
action scenes, just like with the fun sociable
guy. She isnt going to feel turned on from the
coffee shop conversation, thats Mr. Comfort.
Watching how actors switch the mood up by
looking at her differently and speaking in a
seductive way, its easy to see how this can
apply in the real world! Become aware of
yourself and practice your seductive looks in
the mirror.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P27
After months in the field, I realised there were Forcing Her Interest
ways to make my job of picking up women much
easier. I could cold-approach a seated group of Most guys deal with eye contact from a girl in one
five, isolate, go off somewhere with one of them of three ways. The first is that they nervously look
and go for the close. However, I learned that by away and get embarrassed. The next is that they
only considering cold approaches I was missing hold the eye contact. The third is that they force
out on a lot of much easier opportunities. I also a smile. These are all pretty bad. You can still
realised that I could do certain things to increase wonder why a girl was looking at you and use the
my success rate on cold approaches by increasing uncertainty as an excuse not to approach. Heres
my value within a location first. The easiest what to do: force her interest! When youve eye
approach is a warm approach. The second easiest contact with the girl, provoke a response from her
is a cold approach in a location where you already by doing something like: pointing at her, waving,
have a lot of value. Heres how you make your raising your glass, making a cheeky face, poking
approaches easier and maximise the chances of your tongue out. Personally, I do my trademark
success: point. The girl is compelled to respond. The
number of responses she can give is limited. She
Opening Cold vs. Opening Warm can:
A cold approach is when you open a girl and are Mirror your action
unsure of the response youll get. She has not Smile,
shown interest in you and might not have even Smile and look away embarrassed,
noticed you. A warm approach is one where you Look away in disgust,
think the response will be at least somewhat Turn up her lip like whats he doing?
positive because youve made eye contact or
received some sign of interest. Obviously, if all If you get a positive reaction, you can approach
our approaches could be warm approaches, our straight away. If you get a negative reaction, you
results would be a lot more consistent. There probably wont get a good one when you open.
are ways of increasing the ratio of warm to cold Many of my girlfriends were gamed by forcing
approaches. These are: interest. Its is one of my best skills and makes
my life a lot easier.
Standing out in a Positive Way
Approaching after an Indication of
Being the Fun Sociable Guy and talking to people Interest
besides the hottest girls will disarm the hotties.
Theyll see you having fun with people and by the If she gave you a sign of interest, its doubtful
time you get near them, they will be a lot more shes not attracted. So go for it! I usually use hey,
open and receptive. This is easier than trying to hows it going? Longer, involved openers like
stand out in a club by being super cool since many asking for an opinion will kill tension. Just be
other guys are trying to do the same. boldly direct.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P28
Maximising Interactions Taking Every name is the key factor, I found out by chance that
Opportunity re-opening using the name is much more effective
and they actually treat you like someone they
In a club or bar environment, if you limit yourself have known for a long time.
to cold walk-ups, youre making things difficult for
yourself. There are plenty of opportunities around This technique is best used in smaller places early
you at all times to get into interactions: on in the night. That way, as the night progresses
Women stepping on your foot: hey, watch it punk and people open up, your options will continue
(squaring up with smirk), lets take this outside, to increase. Plus, you wont have the problem of
let me see (do flex pose and point for her to do it, opening when it gets noisier.
then muscle feel).
Women squeezing past with drink: cheers.
Mission 3
Women pushing past rudely no my dear, do it
Go to a bar, buy a drink (or get a tap water!)
like this (demo polite way to move past), excuse
and go around the bar and cheers everyone.
me sir.
You will find that people will always cheers
you back, and that afterwards you are getting a
All these will allow you to get into interactions
lot of attention from girls wondering why you
without the pressure and effort of a cold
didnt try and pick them up. Its an easy way to
work the room and removes the need to think
of anything to say!
Working the room
quickly test a girls interest and, ideally, close her. Easier to do on an all girl or mixed group.
Who wants to wait hours to kiss? More and longer interactions which allow you to
get comfortable talking to women and to practice
The drawbacks of direct game are that: your conversation skills.
It takes a lot of personal and sexual confidence to The drawbacks of an indirect approach are:
pull off. Sometimes the target wants you and you lose her
because she doesnt think youre interested.
It generates more approach anxiety by putting you You can waste time on a girl who you have no
on the line and adding pressure to the interaction. chance with (shell never find you attractive, she
It might blow you out of a group that would have is engaged, she is a lesbian) and you dont find out
been receptive to a more subtle slow approach. because she thinks youre just being friendly.
Women generally need more time to warm up to a
guy and go less off the initial first impression. I suggest you use direct game when youre getting
a clear sign of interest. If youre not quite sure,
Indirect game basically is coming in under the take the indirect route. I also suggest that your
radar, getting the girl comfortable with you and approaches be indirect until you have a lot of
slowly introducing the sexual vibe. experience reading situations and have overcome
any approach anxiety.
The benefits of an indirect approach are:
Less approach anxiety by minimising the chance
of getting blown out.
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The first minute of a pickup is the most Everyone wants to know the openers, but the
important. In this time, youll have identified a transition is actually more important. I like to say
target, gone into state, overcome any approach that the opener doesnt matter.
anxiety, positioned yourself, opened and hopefully
achieved a hook point. Normally by the end of the The most important thing is what you follow the
first minute, you know how receptive the target is opener with. Thats why, until you can freestyle
and whether or not youre in. using Skills of the Natural, you need to know
your opener and also the transition before you
The Power of Hey as a Pre-Opener start an interaction. If you open with hey should
I dye my hair blonde? and they say yes, and
Why do all openers start with hey? This is an you say ok thanks, bye, thats not too good. You
important point that needs to be explained. If need to know before you go in what youll follow
you deliver an opener to a woman or a group, it up with. So you can use that opener and then
most of the time youre interrupting them. They your transition is cool, because my hairdresser
will likely be in conversation already, or at a tells me every time I go there that Id look great
least thinking about something , so will have a with blonde hair, hes a great hairdresser. But hes
conversation going on inside their head. When gay so I really wasnt sure on this one. Actually I
you start talking, youre breaking that state and say hes gay because I just think he is, but he tries
their response will be what? They will say to talk about women. He just looks gay. Do you
what? even if they heard what youve said. think you can tell when a man is gay? If you go
Think about how you do this in your own life. I in there with that much ready, youve enough to
only learned this properly when I started training get to the hook point in a lot of cases. If you just
and saw students open without saying hey have the opener ready youll be putting a lot more
the girls would say what? and the interaction pressure on yourself.
seemed to always go badly after that. It got them
off on the wrong foot from the beginning. The I prove that the opener doesnt matter with
hey is followed by a pause and its to ensure that students by getting them to give me the lamest
you have the attention of the group BEFORE you opener possible and still showing that I can
deliver your opener. Its hey [pause. Group looks hook or close. An example would be my elbow
at you] do you guys The pre-opener can be hurts, this was one given to me by a one-on-one
anything that gets the attention of the group, it student who just didnt believe that the opener
can be hey, oi, yo, howdy, whatever you like. wasnt important. I went in to a seated pair of
girls without knowing what Id come up with as
a transition. I used I was testing the theory that
you can use anything to start a conversation.
They were initially very negative, but even off this
opener, they opened up after a minute or so and I
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P35
stayed for 15 minutes and n-closed one of them. trust you because youre a great matchmaker.
I could also have used Im doing acting classes It leads nicely into conversation on dating and
and wanted to see if I could make you believe my relationships. Her objection is projected onto
elbow actually hurt. The transition needs to also the other guy, so youve less chance of getting
be as solid as possible. If its weak it shouldnt be rejected. It also provides a false disqualifier for
dwelt on, change subjects quickly. you, ultimately making it easier to hook a group.
Opening Youre soIn my way.
If youve a situation where youre walking and a
The opener is the first thing you say to an girl blocks your path, put your hand up as if to
interaction. The best openers make her gesture her to stop. Look at her seriously and
laugh, make you look cool and are much more deliver the line. The key is the pause; it makes
interesting than whatever they were doing before her think youre going to say youre so beautiful
you came along. There are various types of or some other cliched statement. If you do it
openers. An indirect opener is one that doesnt right, it guarantees a laugh.
immediately convey your interest in her and
doesnt put much pressure on the interaction. If Are you guys sociable/friendly?
you say Youre hot and I want you that would Standard opener, can deliver with suspicious face.
be direct and is putting a lot of pressure on her, if Be ready for a yes or no answer and have a follow-
you say when does it get busy here there is no up ready.
pressure. Opinion openers work very well in bars
and quiet clubs. Time and time again Ive seen Are you guys super shy or what? Ive been here
them successfully hook a group. for 10 minutes and you havent offered to buy me
a drink or even said hello.
Indirect This one puts them on the spot slightly and
then releases the tension and they will laugh if
Here are some indirect openers and how they delivered right.
might be used. Different people feel comfortable
saying different things. You can pick a few from Are you posh girls, are you rich?
below, modify one or later make up your own. You This allows the funny follow-up Im looking for a
dont need hundreds. A couple of solid tried and rich posh girl who can buy me stuff.
tested openers are enough.
Did you invite all these people? I thought itd just
Oh, there is a guy over there who is so perfect for be us.
you. This is semi-direct
This opener involves approaching a woman,
pointing to a guy you think is perfect for her and I know you probably get no attention from guys
trying to take her over to meet him. Invariably, whatsoever so I thought Id come and make some
shell refuse and then you can say how she should conversation with you.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P36
This one should get a laugh. Youll be on the spot horrid unconfident delivery. Then you let them
after this, so have something to follow it up with. reject that version of you which gets past their
bitch shield and offsets their objections. You can
Clothing primp. Whats your name? then start talking about meeting girls in bars,
This one is good for a girl with a hat or other picking up and dating in general. Ask questions
kind of accessory. You look at her, double take, about what the best and worst approach ever was.
look at the item and screw your face up as if
something is wrong. Hold out finger to say wait, Are you undressing me with your eyes?
adjust the item then study her again and then If a girl is making eye contact with you, this is a
make a thumbs up. Dont let the opener end good opener to use.
there otherwise that will be it. Follow it up with
something like: My girl friend thinks youre hot.
Uses fake social proof to make it easier to open.
You: Whats your name? Point to some random hot girl who is your
Her: Tanya girlfriend. Later it can be revealed that she is a
You: Tanya, Ive just made you 38% more female friend and youre in fact single although
attractive, you owe me! youre friends with lots of girls.
Hey, Im out meeting people tonight, whats your Are you guys making mischief over here?
name? This is a funny one, the delivery is important,
Standard, pretty low-risk opener that fits a fun suspicion mixed with playfulness works well.
sociable guy frame. Say they look shifty like they are going to steal
Is this area of floor taken?
This is funny, its a play on is this chair taken? My friend wants to know if you think Im hot.
Other variations include A somewhat direct opener that offsets the direct
question by asking it from a friends point of view.
Park: is this area of grass taken?
I know that look, are you guys male-bashing?
Get ready! Huh? We are going to chat you When you see women talking seriously, you can
up. open with this. Chances are they are talking
What you do here is tell the girls that youre going about men so will laugh. If not they still probably
to chat them up. You can add something like I laugh because they know that they often are male
dont know how many times youve been chatted bashing.
up but this is going to be the best ever, you should
really be sitting down! You then do a little bit I saw you checking me out. I knew that if I didnt
of whispering and you come in with the lamest confront you, youd be following me around all
chat-up line ever something like Is god missing night and try and follow me home. I dont need
an angel because youre here? Deliver it with a another stalker.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P37
Hows it going? Were out picking up chicks. without giving her much time to think or answer
Why didnt you call me?
If I didnt have a girlfriend and wasnt gay, youd
(suspicious) You look familiar, did we have sex? so be mine.
This one is very funny but more for the guys This is a variation on saying youre either gay or
delivering it than the girls. I like it a lot but there have a girlfriend. I think this one is better because
are much more effective lines. most people do not want to mislead a girl into
thinking they are gay or have a girlfriend. This
Are you listening to our conversation? Then why one is confusing but her subconscious will get
you acting so nervous? that youre actually saying youre mine.
This is a good way to open a group who are
standing near you. You can follow up with so Big table Hey, sorry Im late.
what do you think? How the hell do you approach a big group who
About what? are waiting in the street or are sitting at a table
About what we were talking about in a bar/club? With this one way. Talk about how
We werent listening! the traffic was terrible. Youre Pauls Cousin Bobs
Okay well we were talking about whether.. nephew or whatever. Its funny. When you get
Into an opinion opener. caught out, dont dwell on it, ask some names and
find out whats going on then proceed as normal.
Which of you guys gets hit on the most?
This is a pretty good opener on two attractive girls Which of you girls is the toughest?
that look kind of different.
You have very thoughtful eyes. I think you have a
Are you confident enough to accept a sincere lot going on inside here (touch head).
compliment? Good so am I, you go first. This is a good direct line to use on a girl who looks
This is classic, it will usually make them laugh. bored. Most guys go in with you look bored.
Expect that it can sometimes fall flat after they Thats never going to work. This one is a nice
laugh and have something ready to follow up direct compliment that works.
Hey, I have a policy of meeting the hottest girl in
Are you single? So when are you asking me out? the club when I go out. My names Rich (shake
Are you nervous? hands).
This one works very well because it puts the girl Nice opener that has got me in consistently.
on the spot and gets her frustrated. You can then
release it by nudging her and laughing or saying Hey, I have a policy of meeting the hottest girl in
wow youre really cute when youre mad. You the club when I go out. My names Rich (shake
want to fire the questions in quick succession hands). So, do you know that girl (point at
another hot girl?)
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P38
Cheekier, funnier, doesnt work as well for me! Jealous Girlfriend Routine
You: Hey guys, let me get your opinion on
Opinion Openers something. Im trying to
give my friend over there advice, but were
Opinion openers are the easiest way for a newbie just a bunch of guys
to open in a quiet bar/club. They are good in and not qualified to comment on these
that they can get a long conversation started matters. Okay, well my friend has been
pretty easily. A well-crafted opinion opener can dating a girl for three months. And she just
guarantee you a few minutes of conversation. moved in with him. Now, this is a two
However, theyre overused by pickup artists. You part question. So, imagine youve been
should be careful using the classics. dating someone for three months. And he is
The way to deliver an opinion opener is to still friends with his old girlfriend from
either make it seem spontaneous or to root college. How do you feel about that?
it. A spontaneous one comes from reacting to HBs: Answer.
something your friend supposedly said and asking You: Yes, theyre JUST friends. Theres nothing
whoever is nearest, which just happens to be a else going on. They talk like once a week at
pair of hot chicks! Rooting the opener means that most.
you need to tell them the reason youre asking so HBs: I think its fine/I dont think they should be
that they know why they are spending their time talking/whatever
giving you their advice. I will illustrate this with You: Okay, now lets say that he has a drawer in
the Dye Hair Blonde opener: his apartment. And
in that drawer he keeps all of his old
Should I dye my hair blonde? will usually get a photographs and letters.
one-word answer. Now, some of those letters happen to be
from exes and some of
Should I dye my hair blonde, because every time I the photographs happen to be with exes.
go to my hairdresser he says man youd look great HBs: blah blah blah concerned comment blah
with blonde hair and he is a great hairdresser, blah question
buthes gay, so I need your help, should I die my You: Its not like he ever looks at them. They are
hair blonde? will get you a much fuller response just there, like
because youve rooted the opener and told them old souvenirs and memories of his past.
the reason youre asking. This also helps it seem HBs: I think its fine/I think he should put them
more indirect and innocent if thats your goal. away in a closet/He
Another important point about opinion openers is should destroy them/whatever
that they can be used ANY TIME in the interaction. You: Okay, the reason Im asking is because
If things are dying out, just throw in an opener. WINGs girlfriend says
They are designed to be the most interesting doesnt want him to talk to his ex from
conversation possible so are a great way to re- college at all. She wants
capture interest.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P39
him to cut it off completely. And she wants Do you think Derren Brown/David Blaine is sexy?
him to destroy all of The follow up is to say that youve been studying
his old photos and letters from exes. She magic/psychic stuff/ESP or whatever and that you
says its just holding wondered if it was their looks or their abilities
onto the past and he should let go of it now. that made them sexy to some women. It leads in
Personally, I thought to any skill or routine in these areas.
it was extreme and a bit insecure. But what
do I know. Im a guy. Do you believe in palm reading/handwriting
And, as we all know, guys think differently analysis?
from girls... Follow with me too or I didnt either but then
and go into a story about a relative who does it
David Bowie for a living and showed you some stuff. I was
Do you guys think the rock star David Bowie is sceptical but I brought my friend along and they
hot? Cause get this, my niece just got a poster of got everything right. Im not entirely sold, but
him this big (indicate with arms) and put it on her Ive been learning it a bit and want to see if its a
ceiling, I mean thats an old man, do you guys like way to get to know people better more quickly.
old men? This is a nice way to open and lead into one of
these skills in a smooth way.
I deliver this one as follows: Guys, what do you
think of piercings? Because my ex-girlfriend was How soon is too soon to get engaged?
a bit of a rock chick and she used to always say You look like you can help me with this. My
(pinching eyebrow to show where it would go) friend is coming in an hour and he needs
you should get a piercing. Im not going out my advice. He has known his girlfriend for 3
with her anymore, but Im still kinda considering months and he is going to ask her to marry him,
it, do you think piercings are sexy? tomorrow. He says he wants my advice, but I
think he has already made his mind up. I think
This one goes into lots of things about male its too soon, but if I tell him that he might disown
attractiveness and what they consider attractive me because I think he has already decided. But
in a man. if I say its a good idea and it doesnt work out, Ill
feel responsible. So what do you guys think, how
Do I look gay? soon is too soon to get engaged?
This one is killer. It seems to never fail. The root
is that a guy just tried to pick you up, or your This is a fantastic opener that leads straight into
friend said you look gay in those shoes/that shirt. relationship talk and has a lot of drama built in. It
They will laugh and it just works a charm. should hook very well.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P40
My friends GF deleted all the pics of them kissing For more openers check out the PUATraining Blog.
from his digital camera, you think that means
anything? Situational
Id further classify opinion openers into These are what I mainly use now at the time of
Spontaneous seeming and walk-up strength. writing. A situational opener is taking something
If you have three girls sitting in the corner and about the current situation and using that to start
need to go and approach, itd seem strange to go the interaction. It could be noticing something
all that way only to ask if they think you look gay. about her, it could be a Seinfeld-esque Whats
However, using How Soon is Too Soon will work the deal with corn nuts? Usually its noticing
very well. Generally you need a more serious something about the environment and saying
opener for a walk-up. what happens to be the question in your head.
How can they eat ice cream in the winter?,
Direct Openers would you wear THAT? Which one do you
think is healthier? I know when I have used
Direct openers are something I took a while a situational opener when I try to remember
to get the balls to deliver. You need internal which opener I used and I cant. Its so natural
confidence. You have to believe in what you say and unconscious and uncalculated that I dont
and put yourself on the line. You have to have remember it. The way to be as natural and
complete authority. If there is a hint of weakness comfortable as possible is to get used to just
and she picks up on it, the opener will fall flat. saying whatever comes into your head without
When you have confidence from success using delay or planning.
other openers, or if youre confident because you
can tell that the girl is attracted to you, bust out
Mission 4
the direct game and itll be fantastic. Super fast
Write down 3 openers you like, go out, and
results and women that think youre incredible
open 10 sets. Your goal is just to open and stay
because of your boldness. With a direct opener,
as long as you are comfortable, make an excuse
if she doesnt respond negatively, take the direct
to leave, get their name, and eject. This is to
route and escalate quickly.
get comfortable with opening sets. You will
notice that as you get more comfortable, the
I know this is kind of random, but I had to tell
interactions naturally last longer.
you that youre just too cute
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Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P42
For anyone that wants to become a natural with from, do you like films, blah, blah, blah. We hate
women, someone who seems like theyve always answering these questions over and over, yet we
had the ability, this is the section to pay attention ask them of others. For attractive women who get
to. approached regularly, the issue is even bigger.
Ask Leading questions Your goal with each hook should be to connect
Instead of asking where are you from, say are in a positive way about the point. The best way
you Swedish. Make some kind of personal guess to do this is to talk positively about her. The less
that shows youre paying attention to her. effective way is to relate the point to your own
experience, be clichd, or be negative.
Make assumptions and funny guesses Lets look at the three levels of evolution in this
Instead of asking what she is doing, say okay, area:
so youre waiting to meet Steve, he is a guy you
chatted up on the internet and youve no idea 1. The high-pressure interview
what he looks like, but he is going to be wearing What do you do?
a red shirt. Shell laugh and then tell you what Im an artist
she is actually doing or even better shell play Where are you from?
along with it and youll have a fun moment. Make Switzerland.
up a silly scenario. What is she going to do with Whats a hobby youve?
her friend? Why is she visiting London? Another Going to the cinema.
example okay, so youve been shopping all day,
bought loads of stuff and now your feet are killing Put yourself in the girls position here. She is
you so youre going for a coffee together. This constantly under pressure, the spotlight is always
kind of thing also gets you in the habit of focusing on her and she is being asked to commit a lot
on them and making observations and cold reads. while getting nothing back. She is not rewarded
Over time, this skill is developed and you can in the slightest for giving you information about
usually guess correctly! herself. Regardless of her answer, you are straight
on to the next question. This is because you are
Connecting on the Hooks thinking about he next question as she answers
A hook is something given to you that you can instead of trying to use what she gives you in a
use to extend the interaction without starting a unique way depending on her response. This is
new, unrelated topic. Every time a woman opens how most guys pick up.
her mouth she is giving you a hook. It might be
her accent, the words she uses, or the information 2. Self-obsessed relating
she gives you. If she tells you she is Brazilian and What do you do?
is studying English in London for three weeks, you Im an artist.
have three hooks that you can feed off (Brazil, Cool, my brother is an artist, he makes these
studying English, here for three weeks). The way sculptures out of plastercine, he made one the
to feed off a hook is to relate the point to them other day of a fish, its really cool. Where
for a little while, which establishes a connection are you from?
and only then to ask another question or to elicit Switzerland.
another hook. Oh great, I have a Swiss watch and I like Swiss
chocolates. My friend went to Switzerland on
holiday, said it was great.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P44
Whats your hobby? things. You look more like a bit of a rebel, just
Cinema. look at that hairstyle!
Oh I love watching films, I saw that new Whats a hobby of yours?
Johnny Depp film, that was coolI want to Cinema
watch that new one coming out next week, I guess that being a creative person, you
forgot the name must enjoy seeing other peoples creativity,
but when you look at art I guess you always
What is going on here is that the person is using see the technical aspects as well so it must
the hook, taking the pressure off the girl, so its be nice to go to the cinema and just enjoy the
better than the interview. However, they are not experience.
making a connection, they are putting up a barrier.
They are saying anything you say I will relate to The above are snippets from real conversations,
my reality and I wont try and understand yours. but in the actual conversations I didnt jump
When someone is talking about themselves, its around the topics in that way, because I was
less interesting than when they are talking about talking about her. The conversation naturally
you. In this kind of conversation, the girl will flowed more deeply into those areas. By giving
not want to give more to the interaction because the examples of the most boring questions
you have not shown empathy or understanding. possible and seeing how they become acceptable,
At this level of rapport, it takes a lot longer to you can see how this is a very powerful technique.
get rapport and solid closes. Sure, it will work
sometimes, especially if you have other talents She would tell me more about her art and natural
that shine through when youre talking humour questions arose from imagining what it was like
being the main one that can save the day. But to to be her. If I am imagining being an artist, I can
get fast rapport and connection, you need to do it talk globally about it, then I might wonder what
like this: kind of art. Ill ask her and then I have more
information which I can use to imagine her more
3. Gambler-style Hook Connections Taking deeply and so connect more deeply. This process
Things Deeper continues usually until the topic naturally morphs
What do you do? into something else rather than the staccato style
Im an artist. of examples one and two.
Interesting, I like that, I imagine you must
see the world in a different way to most Of course, you can relate things to yourself if they
people; you must be able to appreciate beauty are particularly relevant and you have something
in more things. interesting to say. But try to connect with her
Where are you from? on the hook first, that way shell be 10 times
Switzerland more interested in what you have to say. It kind
You dont look like you do, but I heard of invokes the law of reciprocity someone is
that people from Switzerland are quite interested in me, Ill be interested in them!
conventional and really stick to rules and
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P45
Attraction Building - Making her Conversational So, lets put it all together with an example of the
Threads More Interesting natural + situational observational opener.
At some point she is going to want to contribute The following interaction is was real demo for
to the conversation, shell ask you questions. The a student. Location: Leicester Square, London,
danger here is that they are super boring and so 3:30pm. I recorded the interaction on MP3 and
kill any kind of interesting stuff you had going on. the below is the transcript. There are many
Heres how to be ready for this: techniques used and you can continue to refer to
this. Youll see more each time you look:
Have interesting answers to standard questions (A girl standing alone with arms crossed, looking
There are certain questions and conversational pretty unfriendly).
paths that occur again and again for each person.
Think about what yours are and make your input Me: Hi, youre crossing your arms and I study
more interesting. If a conversation gets boring body language so I could say thats because youre
because the girl starts asking boring questions, closed or in a bad mood, but I was noticing a lot
she wont remember it was her fault, shell just of people standing like this recently and either
know she is bored! people are more closed at this time of year, or
more people are cold! <Laughs> so are you in a
bad mood or are you just cold?
Stay away from topics like:
HB: Im cold.
Disgusting stuff (No conversational pressure to begin, Im talking
Religion and bantering without putting conversational
Contentious political issues. pressure on her. This is necessary because I
Violence. have no indication of interest and she looks
Bad past relationships unapproachable).
Negative things.
Me: See people take this body language stuff
too seriously, they need to put more disclaimers
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P46
in these books. People crossing their arms are Me: Wow, your hands are cold <takes other hand
closed, UNLESS they also might be cold. People too>, squeezes them.
stroking their hair fancy you, UNLESS their hair (Ive quickly kinod and Ive actually done a quite
is in their face and they cant see anything. intimate thing that jump starts a sexual frame).
<Laughs> You look like youre waiting for So is your friend cute?
HB: <laughs> She is actually.
HB: Yeah, Im waiting for my friend.
(At this point, I dont immediately ask another Me: Cool, so we can all go to coffee together, but
question like who?, what time were they meant we cant stay long we need to be somewhere. Tell
to be here?, what are you doing together?. This her Im your fianc that we met last week, it was a
would be natural but its not very interesting. She whirlwind romance and that we flew to Vegas, got
has given me another hook which I can feed off so married by Elvis and came back yesterday.
I should use it. Her body language is opening up <Laughs>
and she is receptive to the interaction).
Skills of the natural pretty much ended
Me: I hate waiting for people here, you cant call there because we moved into a more 2-way
them because they are on the underground and conversation and rapport. The interaction went
there are so many people so you keep thinking on in more relaxed style, she started giving 50%
is that them? Is that them? the time goes way of the conversation and asking a lot of questions.
slower than when youre waiting somewhere Her friend turned up (who was hot too) and we
less hectic. So let me guess, its your old school went for coffee together after we persuaded the
friend and youre meeting for the 10 year reunion friend to be cool with things. Number closed
dinner? and ended the interaction after 30 mins. Went
to bed with her at the next meeting and she later
HB: <laughs> Well is my friend from university but became a girlfriend.
we are going for a coffee. Whats your name?
(This is a big sign of interest. She is asking a There is no way to conversationally block a pickup
question of me. It isnt related to the topic and its unless she is being directly rude.
personal which means she wants to know more
about me and extend the interaction)
Mission 5
Practice your new conversation skills on your
Me: Richard, and you?
social circle. See if you can make them feel
good and get a deeper level of connection than
HB: Im Anna
you normally do. Youll notice that you get a
much better reaction from people and can use
Both: Nice to meet you.
these skills at work.
(Shake hands)
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P47
The Hook Point and Sexual Indicators of She laughs and hits you on the shoulder when
Interest you tease her.
She looks at you in a dreamy kind of way.
The hook point is when a girl shows interest in She asks if youre single.
extending the interaction. She is happy for you She is comfortable with pauses in the
to stick around and talk more. You tell youve conversation.
reached the hook point when: She says your name in conversation.
She leans in to you.
She asks you questions
She asks your name.
She gives extended answers to your questions.
Her body language changes and becomes
more open.
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Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P49
In Skills of the Natural I talked about how to talked about for a long time, but that has strong
make connections with the girl. This continues emotions attached to it. It also can age regress the
now in the rapport phase. The difference is that girl, this is a hypnosis term. Do not be surprised if
the goal here has become to find a reason to see she suddenly starts acting very childishly. To ask
her again and discover mutual interests. You know a question like this, you cant just say where are
the process of connecting, so how do you elicit you from? What do you do? Do you remember
these things in the first place? your first day at school? The first thing you need
to do is to root the question. This means that
1. Be Observant you need to lead into it smoothly. You could do
Notice things about their appearance (clothes, this by saying you know, I was walking down the
accessories, hair, nails, jewellery). Women usually street this morning and I passed a bakery and
put a lot of effort and time into the way they look; smelled the apple pie. It immediately brought
their bag might match their shoes, belt, earrings me back to when I was 6 years old and I spent
and dress. Most people dont notice, theyll the next thirty minutes walking around like a
be happy if you do. Jewellery and accessories kid with a silly expression on my face because
also often have a story behind them or mean I was remembering my childhood really vividly.
something to the girl. What about you, do you remember your first
day at school? Any question like this should be
2. Talk about things that evoke passions and rooted correctly and there are many ways to do
feeling. that. After she has given her response you should
What is something they are very passionate about, connect on it. So you can say I can just imagine
it might be anything from friends and family, you with your my little pony lunch box skipping
to travel or ballet. Connect on these points by to school. Next you should relate your own story.
showing you understand why they feel that way. If you connect like this on a few emotional topics,
youve built a deep connection in a short amount
of time. Youll already have talked about stuff
Rapport and Comfort Building Questions thats not normally talked about until youve
dated a girl for 3 months or so.
Ive told you to avoid asking the usual boring
questions. So what kind of things would it be If you could wake up tomorrow anywhere in the
okay to ask? The best questions build comfort world, where would it be?
and create a connection that elicits emotions. The
following are some examples of good questions to This is another good question and replaces boring
ask: questions on this subject such as do you like
travel? and did you go on holiday this year.
Do you remember your first day at school? This one doesnt need so much rooting, it could
simply be I need a holiday, let me ask you, if you
This is a question that brings out strong emotions could wake up anywhere in the world tomorrow,
because its something that they probably havent where would it be? Connect on her answer
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P50
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P51
yeah, lying on the beach, with the sun beating happened this would focus on the break-up!
down, the sound of the ocean then relate your Youll make her want those feelings again and
own answer in vivid detail. This is a good one since she is with a cool guy, shell probably be
for trance state, visualisation, evoking feelings of imagining them with you. This is a great one,
comfort and relaxation which shell later relate to for a number of reasons. First, it brings out the
being with you. emotion and memories connected with love.
Second, it gets onto the subject of relationships
Are your friends mostly men or women? and so gets her to easily start to imagine a
relationship with you.
This tells you something about their character
and also gets them talking about people they care Think of your own questions too. Throw out a
about and their friends. couple of these types of questions and follow the
process of:
Whats the one thing you cant say no to?
This is a good way to find out something they Asking
really enjoy. It could be chocolate. Perhaps fresh Connecting
orange juice. It should make their eyes light up. Answering
You can then describe how good it is to eat that
chocolate or drink that fresh orange juice and When youve done this, youll already have a deep
watch how you can lead them into a desiring connection with the girl. On numerous occasions,
state. girls have told me after just a few hours that they
feel like they have known me for three months.
What talents do you have that would surprise The reason is:
I am completely comfortable, open and
This is a great question and is a challenge. Early relaxed with them.
on in an interaction, they wont feel any need to I am making them as comfortable as they
answer challenging questions. By the rapport normally feel after three months.
stage, they will feel some pressure to respond to She is feeling things that she would normally
a question like this to prove themselves to you. only feel within a committed relationship.
Remember that she is likely to ask the same back She is talking about things she would only
to you, so have something ready. normally talk about with very close friends,
family or the long-term boyfriend.
Have you ever been in love?
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Lets use the example of passions, but remember Guy: Cool, I like football.
it applies to all of the above. Your goal should Or
be to get down to this deep emotional level
and connect. Every person has things they are Mystery Method Guy: Oh my God, I cant talk to
passionate about. These arent critical must do you any more. Oh my God, youre a ballet dancer?
activities, but provide a sense of joy, achievement Oh my god, this girl at school was a ballet dancer
or being alive. and she bullied me...
Some examples could be: This pretty much covers all the possible responses
to ballet or pretty much any other passion. Lets
Dancing think about this for a second. The girl has revealed
Theatre to you something that she is very passionate
Museums about. She has done it for 10 years. She doesnt
Art need to do it, but she is that committed that she
Playing an instrument has routinely done it for this long.
Reading fiction
Fishing In the above examples, her offer to you has been
Golf rejected. You might as well have asked if she likes
Poetry oranges, because youve treated her passion in
Collecting something a superficial way. If youre going to do this, you
might as well stay on superficial subjects..
These all share common elements. They are ways Dont dismiss her passion in any of the above
that the person chooses to spend their time. You ways. Connect with her on it. You could lie
have passions. I have passions. And the girls you and say how much you love ballet. I dont like
meet will have passions. Lets look at the typical to lie, so I wouldnt do this. What you CAN do
ways they are dealt with in conversation: is be empathetic. Imagine why she loves ballet,
what she feels when she dances. I show that I
Girl: Actually I do ballet, Ive done it for 10 years. understand why she loves ballet without saying
Guy: Cool, you must be very flexible. that I love it. Its something she has never heard
Or before and establishes the soul-mate connection.
Guy: Cool, I saw Swan Lake. My answer would be made up on the spot
Or following the guideline of being empathetic and
Guy: Oh my mum made me do it when I was a kid, understanding why she might love ballet:
I hated it. Wow, thats so cool, you must be very dedicated
Or to have kept it up for 10 years, I mean when youre
Guy: Id like to see you in your tutu. young its easy, but as you get older you get more
Or and more commitments,
Guy: Me too.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P56
(This is standard connection for any long-term Going out and getting drunk on a Friday night
committed passion). is about how youve been stressed at work all
week and that moment when youre with your
So you must really love dancing. Most people friends and have been drinking and youre just
have their 9-5 jobs and come home and watch completely in the moment. Just feeling the
TV. Its refreshing to find someone with a passion enjoyment and you hvent got a care in the world.
thats expressive and artistic. That sense of release from it all.
(This is standard for any artistic or creative
passion) Kino-Escalation
People might think that dancing is just learning This was my sticking point for a while. I missed
steps and then performing them, but I think that the whole thing where people started hugging
dance is something that brings out the soul in when they met. I didnt get the whole double
someone, you can dance robotically by perfectly cheek kiss thing. I wasnt comfortable touching
learning the steps, but its when you really feel people. The fact is, most people like to be
them that you become great. I also imagine that touched. Hugs feel good. Someone touching your
its a way of expressing your feelings through arm when they offer their emotional support feels
the movement of your body, like an artist does better. A lot of guys have problems with touching
on canvas or a musician does through their because they are scared of being perceived as
instrument. When youre in the moment, youre creepy. Yes, women hate being grabbed by the
expressing yourself through the way you move. drunk guys at the bar, but if they are talking
It must go back to before we communicated with to someone that they like, they want you to be
speech and used dance and ritual to express our touching them!
emotions. Id love to see you perform.
Kino-escalation is the process of going all the way
Now you can see why its dynamite. It can be from incidental touches to sex. Obviously the first
done on any passion. Whether you like it or not. time you touch a girl cant be when you kiss her,
You can do it with ANYTHING. Examples: thatd be weird. You need to get her comfortable
with your touches and there are lots of ways to do
Fishing is about being with nature, serenity mixed this.
with anticipation mixed with excitement when
you catch something and being alone with your Some key points on kino:
Intent: Women can sense the intent behind
Stamp collecting is about a sense of achievement. kino. An arm on the shoulder from someone
Remembering that each stamp has a memory thinking okay, now Im going to escalate by
attached because youve been doing it for years putting my arm on her shoulder will weird
so each stamp is from a different time in your life. her out. Shell subconsciously know the
Your stamp book is like a book of memories. difference between creepy touching and nice
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P57
touching because she has been touched by kino leading up to a k-close. I normally only date
a lot of men! The average woman has been young girls and was genuinely surprised to find
touched by 18,472 men in her life* When she a girl my age (26) who looked really young. I said
is attracted to you, you can get away with you must use good moisturiser and stroked
anything you like, but until that point, the her face with the back of my index finger. If she
intent should be pure. When YOU touch her, flinched in the slightest, the kiss close wouldnt
make it part of your natural movements, have been on. I also touched her hair and asked
touch her in the same way you would touch if she ever tried it up. The kiss was on at this
a friend and believe that the intent behind point, we both knew it. I did a couple things to
it is positive and natural. Dont think sleazy dial up the tension even more then finally kissed
thoughts! When you have attraction, you can her. Im still thinking about if there is any benefit
have a sexual intent behind your kino and to delaying the kiss to build more tension versus
that will be completely cool. going for it as soon as its on.
Speed: The faster the kino, the more you
can get away with because the harder it is Having excuses to touch solves the problem of
to object to. Their brain doesnt have time kino-escalation for anyone thats not used to
to register the hand on the shoulder if its touching strangers in conversation. Below are
just there for a second. If you gesture a lot, some ways to kino escalate:
build in some rapid kino and it will allow you
escalate more quickly and smoothly than Dont shake her hand when introduced, hold
usual. it about 3 seconds. Its long enough to notice
Eye contact: Do not look at the part of her but not long enough to object to.
that youre touching, it draws attention Use high-5s when you find something cool
and feels icky to women. When you go about her.
to escalate kino in a major way, like by If she goes to the gym, does exercise, looks
putting your arm around her, eye contact tough, or whatever, its an excuse to muscle
will make it a high-pressure and intense feel. Flex your arm and point at her to do the
moment. If youre looking away when you same.
make this move, its much more comfortable Check out her jewellery. Hold her hand to see
and acceptable. Use the looking away trick her rings or bracelets. Move her hair back to
when taking her hand or anything thats too check out her earrings. You can use many
intimate at the time. excuses to check out her hair. Ever wear it
up? Is that your natural colour? Ever had it
*I love making up statistics! long/short?
Take her pulse.
Excuses to touch Ask if she Salsas or any other dance and
dance with her. Dont ask if she wants to, just
During an approach I did the other day, I used lead.
some methods I made up on the spot to advance
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P58
If she gives you any shit, you can take her girlfriends in a comfortable relationship do. So its
hand, put it on your chest and say Oh youre a great way to escalate and trigger feelings of fun
breaking my heart. and sexual tension.
Arm in arm leading Kino Escalation Process
Teasing poking, prodding, tickling, play-
fighting, barging, nudging--all great playful All of these steps can sometimes be skipped
ways to kino-escalate. and you can go straight for a kiss. It might work
sometimes. But to smoothly lead into it, youre
Sexual Escalation Techniques amping up the kino bit by bit. The below process
is a smooth way to go from nothing to kissing.
There are more of these in the Sexual Spike You can also combine it with some verbal sexual
chapter. These are purely physical. The others are escalation (see Sexual Spike chapter):
verbal or a combination of both.
1. Touch Shoulder
Finger playing 2. Take hand (use excuse).
When youre holding hands, play with her 3. Dance.
fingers and see if she reciprocates, this is 4. Hold hand.
surprisingly sexy and a great test. 5. Squeeze hand.
Hand Squeeze 6. Touch hair (use excuse).
Squeeze her hand and see if she squeezes 7. Touch face.
back. This is a great indicator and the k-close 8. Kiss.
is definitely on and probably a lot more.
Triangle gazing
This is a method of making her think in a
sexual way. Look at her left eye, then the
right, then the lips. Repeat.
Slow blink. Blink slowly, this is very sexy.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P60
Most guys make the mistake of making small talk You: What do you like to do when youre not
for a period of time and then just coming out and working?
asking for a number. This is wrong. A connection Her: I like to go to the theatre/exhibitions/
can (but usually isnt) built with small talk but museums/ballet.
it takes a lot longer. Instead the conversation You: Have you been to that new show/exhibition/
needs to be directed towards the goal at all times. whatever
A conversation which is directed at getting a Her: No
number needs to be based around connections You: Me neither, we should go
and common interests. Her: Okay sure.
You: Great, give me your number*.
Example Questions which establish a connection,
or common interest: *You never ask outright for a number, it should
flow naturally. The close should be assumed.
What does she do when she isnt working?
How does she spend her time? How about if you cant find a connection, dont
What food does she like? What places does have time to or for some other reason just dont
she like to go to in the evening? Is she a have a conversation like the above? You can use
party girl? Does she like the arts? What is the universal:
something she would like to do but hasnt yet
(e.g. salsa class)? You: Youre cool/Its interesting talking to you, we
should hang out.
These are basic common interest questions that Her: Yeah.
lead to a possible connection. Think of your
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P61
You: <hands phone> What are you doing on I cant believe weve met in a club, I didnt expect
Thursday?** to meet a quality girl in a nightclub. We might
go home and think that it was just an amazing
Finally, most guys get numbers that flake. So. connection because of the environment. That
might be the case, but Id love to find out by
2. How to minimise Flakeage: getting to know you better in a more chilled-out
Enter your number in her phone too. location.
Have a connection or something you can do
together as described above. By doing this, she can remain focused on
And most importantly: meeting you again and not dwell on the potential
**Arrange a date there and then. problems. This is especially important if you
escalated kino pretty hard, youll also have to deal
If youve already arranged a date, she can be with maybe hes a player and if we meet again
thinking about it and when you call she is hell be all over me straight away. You can use
expecting it. Use these tips and all your good the same method to deal with these issues too.
interactions should end in solid number closes.
Kiss Closing
Now is a good time to mention depotentiation
of future objections. This subject is almost This is a sticking point for lots of guys. Going for
big enough to warrant its own section, so pay the kiss is another point where youre putting
attention. The situation: She is tipsy, you meet yourself in a position to get rejected. The way
in a bar, you have a great time. Easy to see her to remove the pressure from this moment is to
again? Not always. The problem is, she is going work up to it smoothly with a variety of escalation
to go home, talk to her friends, be distracted by techniques and by using tests to see if the girl is
all the other guys chasing her. You can easily turn ready to be kissed. If youre not in the seductive
into the dude I met when I was drunk, even character at the time of the kiss, she might not be
though you might have had the most incredible feeling in the mood! Here are the techniques to
connection of all time. You can be thinking shell make the kiss a smooth move shell go for every
fall in love with you, but shell flake! The way you time:
deal with this is by making statements that put
the potential objection out there before she thinks 1. Touch her in increasingly more sensual ways
of it later: leading up to the kiss:
I know we are drunk, but I can tell that we will Touch her arm for emphasis when youre
get along great. It will be excellent to meet up talking.
somewhere more quiet and really get to know Touch her hand. Looking at jewellery is a
each other. good excuse.
Touch her hair. Asking if its her natural
colour, if she ever wears it up, has ever cut
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P62
it short/used to have it long, or even when Look at her in a sexual way, start to look at
she washed it is a good excuse. If she is her lips as well as her eyes and see if she
comfortable with you touching her hair and reciprocates. If she does she is imagining
doesnt recoil at all, then she is kissable. You kissing you.
can go for it here.
Smell her hair. Sometimes, even with no work on your part, shell
Take her hand and hold it as you talk. If want you.
youve done the above, it will be acceptable
at this point. Dont look at her hand or draw When a girl wants to kiss you:
attention to it, just do it.
Squeeze her hand and see if she squeezes She squeezes your hand.
back, this is another kissability indicator. No She looks at your lips.
girl ever squeezes back if she isnt ready to She touches your chest instead of arm.
kiss. She is comfortable with hard eye contact even
Stop talking, pause, tilt your head and look at when no one is speaking.
her. See if she is comfortable. If she is, you
can kiss. Same Night Lay
What if she turns her face when you try to kiss? I believe that EVERY girl is persuadable! Im not
Kiss her cheek and then her neck! Shell turn going to use the term One Night Stand, instead
around and kiss you. This is not a rejection but I will say Same Night Lay. This means sleeping
most guys assume it to be and back away. Do this with the girl the night you meet her. You might
and you can turn her on even more. well see her again. I tend to call it Same Night Lay
Its only a rejection if she recoils backs off and because it can apply to both!
I always try to sleep with the girl as quickly as
So, now you know how to touch her, but it will possible, even if its for a relationship because it
still not be 100% smooth if youre still in the just makes things so much easier once its out of
same character as you are when talking to your the way.
hairdresser i.e. boring and acting like a friend
instead of lover. Remember the Three Characters Why go for the same-night lay?
of a Seduction? Its time for The Seducer Sometimes you meet and have a huge sexual
vibe. If you took a number and met another time,
2. Establish a sexual vibe as you escalate the it might be gone. Im able to get a very strong
physical contact. connection with a girl very quickly from the way I
have conversations. I can generate attraction on
You do this by: lots of levels quickly. Anyway, Ive had my best
More intense eye contact experiences when things seem just perfect on the
Slower, smoother, deeper voice. same night I meet a girl.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P63
If you want a casual relationship, sleeping with be any questions asked about what is going on.
them before they know you well enough to Wheres your jacket? Lets get out of here!
become emotionally attached is the right policy. If
you want something deeper, sleeping with them Medium:
quickly so that you can both be more yourselves There are other girls that have maybe tried it
and relaxed with each other is also the right once, but it isnt something they look for. They
policy. are not sluts and dont want to be considered as
such but still enjoy sex and arent prudish. These
Remember, Im a pick up artist, Im not grabbing girls need more than the physical. They will reject
ugly drunk girls off the dance-floor at 2am. Im that. You can give them a taste but then you
meeting a good quality girl, usually the best in should suggest slowing down to show you have
the club, at 10pm and getting to know her and self-control (this is useful later when they are at
then taking her home later (usually!). This means your house because they trust you more) and take
we can create a romantic, intimate, passionate the time to get to know her. She needs to feel that
experience. I love romance, the Hollywood Hollywood moment. Like she has met a fantastic
moments, dont like sex in the bathroom. And I guy. Its okay to do it with you because youre
think you can get this on the same night if youre special and tonight is special. Stare into her eyes
both pretty sober and have more than a physical in a loving way. Find out stuff about her and
connection. connect on it. Then show how you become more
and more attracted to her as you find out more
Ive done everything from 20 minute street about her. You need to connect on emotions,
to house with a super hot model (the hottest show your emotional side, be a modern man.
girl I ever slept with) to a 10 hour marathon of However Underneath its some sexual tension that
objections from a virgin (I wasnt being a bastard, comes from the way you look at her! In summary
she became my GF!). turn her on logically, emotionally and physically.
There are different types of Same Night Lays and Youll need to be clever in getting this girl home.
it generally depends on the girl Having an excuse to see something at your house
hearing you play a song, seeing some pictures,
Easy: seeing your cute dog. You should say lets go
You have girls that have lots of one night stands somewhere else and then when she says where
and are open to it, they want it. What appeals to you can say I want to show you something and
them is a sexual, dominant man who looks like just take her to your place. Youll have objections
he can take care of her sexually. He should have on the way if she finds out what you plan. You say
all the outward displays of confidence. He should well you cant stay long I need to wake up early
approach directly and escalate smoothly from and then quickly change the subject. DO NOT
touching, to kissing, to grinding, telling her what ENGAGE IN LOGICAL DEBATE. Keep leading her
he wants to do to her etc. With this girl, you can and change the subject. This is a good time to talk
simply lead her out of the club and there wont about rape and things like this. Follow this rule to
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P64
make sure you respect the woman and dont cross girl, things you can do together. If there are any
the line: objections, I manage to get around them with I
want to show you where I live. Anyway Get to
If she objects to you verbally but still consents the house. Sit her on your bed. Get the wine out.
physically (ie she says she shouldnt go back with Give her time to get comfortable. After 5 minutes,
you but is still walking hand in hand), its a token go in for the kiss. Remember that you could have
objection and can be quickly dealt with and the kissed earlier because you have comfort, trust,
subject changed. connection and attraction, but you waited to avoid
the oh Im horny now, lets go to my place vibe.
If she objects to you physically and verbally, stop The kiss has been on for a while so its easy.
what youre doing, she is not going to come home You kiss, you brush your hand over her breast.
with you or do anything with you. Respect her You escalate very slowly and smoothly. You undo
and stop it! her bra before taking her top off. You touch her
boobs before taking her top off. You touch her
If she objects to you physically only, looks like she pussy via the back of her pants before taking
is enjoying it, wants you to hold her down and them off. You put her hand on your penis because
isnt saying anything verbally, she is just turning she wont do it herself. Any time you sense
herself on. You can continue. This is the most discomfort on her part, take a step back, keep it
dodgy one though so make sure you judge it right! there and then re-escalate. Have an excuse to get
If youre hurting her rather than just controlling in the bed its more comfortable. Have an excuse
her physically, in my opinion thats also going too to take clothes off its hot. All while escalating
far even if she likes it! physically. Its got to be like it happened by
accident. Once she is naked, it has passed the
Advanced: point of no return and should be plain sailing.
The third type of girl is the one thats not very
sexual and would always react in horror at the Girls will be much more likely to go home with
thought of a dirty one night stand or sleeping you if you do not directly imply that they are
with a guy so quickly. Connect with her on an coming back to have sex with you. Of course,
emotional level. Have a tiny bit of sexual tension, they will know it on some level but a much higher
just enough to generate attraction and avoid being percentage of girls will sleep with you just from
thought of as a friend. the subtle change of:
Want to go back and have sex with me? to
Getting her back to the house wont be too Want to come for coffee? which makes it
difficult because youll generate trust and you slightly more likely to:
WONT KISS HER before you get there. You Want to go someplace more comfortable? which
connect on all levels, then make the excuse to go makes it more likely still to:
somewhere more quiet, more comfortable and Lets go somewhere else.
where the drinks are cheaper to chat some more.
You need to talk about future plans with this
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P65
The difference is that youre leading, not asking. So how do you do it? There are a few essential
Its easier for someone to just follow than to elements.
commit to following. For example, Lets go
dance always works better than Would you like Meet at night. There is more of a sexual vibe in the
to dance? night so you can establish it straight away. Meet
somewhere near where you live, preferably within
Tips: walking distance.
Dirty dancing is generally good for getting in
the mood, getting her comfortable with you
physically etc. You need to be confident and
comfortable so she feels that vibe, too. Treat her
like your girlfriend. Touch her with familiarity.
Awkwardness wont fly.
Is she able to leave her friends or is she driving
them home or have other commitments?
Is your place/her place close by? It helps a lot if it
Day 2 F-Close
Most guys meet girls for dates after a number
close and see the attraction completely fizzle out,
or at a minimum they take a number of dates to
get into a position where they can take things
physical with a girl. Meeting her for lunch or
meeting her in a coffee shop in the day-time are
mistakes. There is a way to close 80%+ of girls on
a first date, even from a 5 minute number close.
You want a set pattern to these dates. Its in
your interest to sleep with a girl quickly. Either
you only want something casual with her, or
you want her for your girlfriend. Either way, you
should sleep with her quickly. If you want casual
relationships, you achieve your goal quickly. If
you want a girlfriend it makes things a whole lot
less complicated and is good to get the first time
out of the way.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P66
Day Game
Day Game and night-game are different and youll The problem with day-game is that the girls you
probably prefer one or the other and there are approach will be more difficult to hook. Girls in
benefits and drawbacks to each. Day-game means the day-time are doing something, they are on
game outside bars and clubs. It covers street their way somewhere, are waiting for someone,
game, shops, gym, public transport etc. It has lots are buying something or are doing their workout.
of benefits and differences compared to night You can open any group standing around in a bar
game. and holding them for a minute shouldnt be too
much of a problem. A girl walking in the street
Day Game allows you to approach girls who are: will only stop for you if youve a very good reason
On their own (they probably wont be in the to stop her (David Bowie opener wont cut it!)
night!). and it will take a lot for you to distract her from
whatever she was doing.
Not used to getting hit on in this situation so dont
have bitch shields. Day-game is a more advanced skill because
it works best when you can use something
Youll be getting the real person; most people spontaneous and situational to start the
have a persona that they adopt in a club. Because conversation. Canned material, opinion openers,
youre both sober and being yourselves, any routines and magic tricks just seem a little weird
number you get in the day-time is a lot more solid. in the day. Its really more about your natural
Girls often flake on club number closes because conversation skills and personality. Another
they were drunk and they dont like the idea of drawback of day-game is that its difficult to kino-
meeting a guy when drunk in a bar. Day-time escalate. A one-minute kiss close in the day-time
approaches are the opposite; they are actually or a same-day lay from a day-game approach is an
romantic, a nice story to tell her friends and advanced level skill.
even her kids. Telling her friends she is meeting
the guy that chatted her up in the post office is
much better than the guy I met in a bar on Friday
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P67
1. You stand near the girls, have fun together Code words: You can work out code words with
and react to what each other says, then open your wing. For example, for location changing
the girls with a spontaneous seeming opener: (I like this song), taking the girls home (want
some gum?), identifying your target (this one is
No Way! (to friend) Hey Guys, Do I look gay? trouble), etc.
He just said I look gay in this shirt!.
The importance of having fun with your wings in
2. One of you approaches and opens the whole a non-club environment
group, the other friend wanders in once the Do competitive fun activities sports, games, the
group is hooked. If its a pair of girls, you arcade, bowling. Harness upbeat high energy. If
can both isolate. On a bigger group, one guy your only connection is skulking around looking
should take out the rest of the group while for chicks it wont be as interesting. Get some
one has the target isolated. This could be the stories to tell, have loads of fun and then bring the
guy who opened or the guy that comes in. party to the location.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P68
AMOGing and Disarming - Dealing with If the guy talks about how great he is, agree
Other Guys and say something like wow, you must be
really proud of yourself.
AMOGing is the process of putting another male If he looks really cool and alpha say girls look
in a lower position than you. Obviously the how cool this guy is, look at how he stands
leader of men is more attractive to women so this with his legs wide apart and has that cool
increases your chances of picking up. You need James Bond look on his face. Hell become
to have higher status than the other males. I self-conscious and lose the plot.
dont endorse these tactics and feel they are not
necessary for a successful pickup, but here in case Disarming
you want to use them are the ways to AMOG a Disarming is the process of befriending a male
man: in a group or otherwise taking away the threat of
him ruining the interaction for you. To disarm,
Backslapping and putting your arm round him you can open the guy first and pay him lots of
are two ways to physically AMOG a guy. compliments and make him feel good, then
The Alpha handshake when you shake ask how he knows the girls, get introduced and
hands come in high with your hand pointing work your way onto the girls. Guys rarely get
downwards, shake their hand and turn to put compliments so its pretty easy to do this and
their hand in the lower position palm up. As make them like you. Gaming guys is easier than
an added insult, take their elbow as you shake gaming girls!
and then slap them on the back afterwards.
Use Tyler Durdens Hey thats a great shirt, If a guy is coming into a interaction, you should
look at those cool stripes, my mum bought immediately introduce yourself, make him like
me one of those in high school and similar you and then find out who he is in relation to the
variations. girls. If he is the boyfriend of the target and you
Dont answer a question he asks you. want to leave the group, its always good to ask
Ignore him and carry on talking to the girls if how long they have been going out. Make them
he tries to say something. feel good before you leave. You dont ever want to
Get between him and the girl(s) and turn your be the guy that just leaves as soon as he finds out
back to him. the girl isnt single.
He might ask you a question about your
job, your clothes, whether you work out, or Breaking Rapport
something else with the goal of saying Im Breaking Rapport is disagreeing with her on a
richer than you or Im tougher than you. point or expressing a contrary view. It can be very
If he does this, you should say oooh no, its powerful. To exemplify its importance, imagine
really cheap, oh youre much stronger than being a hot woman for a moment. You are being
me. He wont know what to say and will look approached by smiling, nodding men, and feel you
stupid. cant do or say anything wrong. They will agree
with you on everything and think everything you
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P69
do is just great. You know there are things they flips in the girls brain. They are just looking for
shouldnt like about you but they dont express it. blatant indications, OR even worse, they are using
This means you wont trust them as much, youll kino-tests or whatever other bullshit to escalate.
think they are only after one thing, and their To feel it, you have to know where that line is, the
compliments wont be worth as much. point where she is open to the next stage in the
escalation. When you know that you can do it
The answer to this is to break rapport. When you quickly. Otherwise its all guess work or waiting
break rapport, you mustnt do it on big things that for something very blatant. You must have forced
have an emotional connection for her. Dont call it a lot of times before you knew? Got it right
her passion for painting lame, thats not a good sometimes, wrong sometimes?
way to break rapport. What you can do is break it
on casual interests like Harry Potter books, Hugh The side benefit is that youll even learn how to
Grant films, etc. When you say that something FORCE that indicator because you know what
she likes sucks, it makes it twice as powerful youve done in the past to trigger it. In the end, it
when you later say that you appreciate something all becomes intuitive and an energy you project.
about her. Dont be afraid to tell the truth, it
actually increases trust and connection, as well as
dialling up attraction. Objection Management and The
Intense Sexual Escalation Sensing a In your career as a pickup artist, youre going to
Womans Responsiveness get plenty of objections from girls. How you deal
with these is very important. Many objections
How do you have super-rapid sexual escalation? are just tests to see if youre enough of a man.
The kind that blow peoples minds? Getting a kiss Its more an attitude than learning lines. But by
in the day-time in 2 minutes, or in the club after looking at these examples, you can develop the
10 seconds? How do you take a girl home after 5 right mental frame to come up with your own
minutes? The answer is intense sexual escalation. objection responses.
Most guys go for the kiss or sex when its The boyfriend
OBVIOUS. They wait until its plain as day. HB: I have a boyfriend
PUA: Cool he can make us breakfast in bed. or
Lets say a girl is ready to kiss after 3 minutes. PUA: Youve a bore-friend? or
I will kiss her dead on 3 minutes. Other guys PUA: Good, itll give you something to do when
wait until 6, 10, 20 minutes or never kiss her. By Im busy. or
pushing the boundary, you learn exactly where it PUA: Excellent, he can hang out with my
is. Sometimes youll be too early, but thats the girlfriend when we are together. or
only way you learn where it is. All the guys that PUA: Nice. Anyway(continue seduction).
play it safe miss the point at which the switch
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P70
I should add the disclaimer here that you solid relationship. She knows that no man can
shouldnt mess up peoples relationships lightly. show her more in 30 minutes than her boyfriend
Youll be treading on dangerous ground. I has in the months or years that they have been
personally havent messed up a good relationship together. Even if youre better looking, funnier
for a girl and have no girls out there that hate and tick every box, she is just not thinking along
me for breaking their heart. These morals mean those lines at all. This is a very nice girl, you want
I get laid less than I might otherwise, but I can one like this for yourself when you want a proper
genuinely say I love women and dont want to relationship. They are rare and you wont find
hurt them unnecessarily. many in clubs.
Having said that, there are a few types of girls I have an intuition about these three types now.
with boyfriends: I can usually tell how long a girl has been in a
relationship, how solid it is and give very accurate
The first type of girl acts like she is single! You cold reads on their relationship.
might ask if she has a boyfriend and she says
yes. However, she is grinding on you, expressing I remember an approach I was doing when she
interest and shows no remorse whatsoever for told me she had a boyfriend and I said and I have
flirting. She is obviously not in a relationship that a girlfriend, she isnt here then I said come here
she cares about. and kissed her. She slapped me lightly, told me I
was bad, then came and kissed me again.
The second type still shows signs of interest but Another time, I was with a girl that was showing
is kind of torn and will often act nervous and lots of interest but seemed really nervous. It
unpredictable because she wants you but doesnt didnt make sense and then it hit me she had
really want to cheat. This girl is not in an amazing a BF but wanted me! I told her this, did a great
relationship but likes the guy and has morals. cold read Two month relationship, likes him but
She can easily be persuaded by slowly building not that much, when she is with him she enjoys
comfort and staying far away from that subject. If herself but she isnt really thinking about him
you take this girl, you need to consider whether much now. It was spot on and we hooked up too.
youre doing the right thing because unlike girl #1, Once, I was talking to a very hot girl, I ran amazing
she probably wouldnt cheat with just any guy. game, was getting lots of positive response, but
there was no sexual element there at all. I just
The third type is the rarest of them all. It took me said you have a boyfriend dont you? and I was
a few hundred approaches before I encountered spot on. Students have seen me steal a girl from
this kind of girl. This girl has fun with you, laughs a date in a club as a demo, but in a situation
and you have a great interaction. BUT there is like this I wont rock any boats unless this is my
absolutely no sexual tension or indicators of dream girl.
interest. She is not looking at you in that way
whatsoever, you might as well be gay or a girl.
The reason she can do this is that she is in a very
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P71
Rude Responses say you like torturing cats and theyll say cool.
If the girl is completely rude, blanks you, or maybe Okay maybe thats going too far, but we all know
her friends are very aggressive, there are only two that the natural thing to do when with a beautiful
ways to deal with the situation. You can turn it woman is to go into me too mode where you
into something cute with a comment like: agree with her on everything and try to connect.
Wow, youre so cute when youre mad. or The point is that you think similarities will bring
Whoa, is she your bodyguard? You should take you closer. This would generally be true, however,
her to one of these places with all big rugby guys this is what 99% of men do, and what youve
and get her to harshly reject all of them. or probably realised from reading this book so far
Wow that was so cool the way you blew me is that you need to do what 99% of men dont do,
out. Do it again. Look, Im gonna do my best chat thats how you get success.
up line this time. I wasnt bringing my A-game
before! Or you can just be silent and leave. Imagine being this beautiful woman again. Men
I would never advocate being rude or insulting will agree with you on everything and think
the girls, whatever she does. A girl has a right to everything you do is just great. You know there
not want to speak to you. She even has a right are things they shouldnt like about you but they
to be in a bad mood sometimes, or to hate men dont express it. This means you wont trust them
or whatever. Its better to give her this right than as much, youll think they are only after one thing,
to hate her for it. Love women, enjoy the good and their compliments wont be worth as much.
interactions, dont let the bad ones bother you.
The answer to this is to break rapport. When you
break rapport, you mustnt do it on big things that
Breaking Rapport have an emotional connection for her. Dont call
her passion for painting lame, thats not a good
Along with Challenges (see next chapter), way to break rapport. What you can do is break it
breaking rapport is one of the most powerful on casual interests like Harry Potter books, Hugh
things you can do to build attraction. I include it Grant films, etc. When you say that something
in the optional and advanced techniques because she likes sucks, it makes it twice as powerful
I was able to achieve good results without them. when you later say that you appreciate something
However, when you add these to your game, youll about her.
see another dramatic improvement.
If you say Oh I love Harry Potter too, oh yes I
Breaking Rapport is disagreeing with her on a love musicals, and then say I have a good feeling
point or expressing a contrary view. It can be very about you, we should meet again, you come off as
powerful. To exemplify its importance, imagine fake. Better is to say Harry Potter, I couldnt even
being a hot woman for a moment. You are being get half way through the first book, I watched
approached by smiling, nodding men, and feel you the Lion King but wouldnt watch another musical
cant do or say anything wrong. You could say you anytime soon, and then I love your laugh, the
love cats, and they will say they love cats, you can compliment has much stronger effect because you
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P72
have shown that you only say what you mean and Beauty is common, so what do you have to
mean what you say. make me more and more attracted as I get to
know you?
When to break rapport: Do it after the hook point, There are three things I look for in a woman.
and just do it enough to show that she can do The first is (insert quality, e.g. confidence), the
something wrong and lose you. The point is not second is (passion) and the third isno, Im
to lower her self-esteem or make her feel stupid, not telling you. Why? you might fake it.
its just to show that you can disagree and that
you have your own views and opinions. If you You should be able to see that the above examples
break rapport, the best thing to do is quickly communicate that youre picky and wont date
change subject and not dwell on it and turn it into just any girl looks are not enough. This makes
an argument. you more attractive by subconsciously telling her
youre high value.
Dont be afraid to tell the truth, it actually
increases trust and connection, as well as dialling The above is the outer-game way to challenge
up attraction. Trust and honesty are key things a girl. The problem is that if the thoughts in
people respect in other people. This is a way to your mind are about how much you want her
be honest without hurting peoples feelings. If and how youd do anything for her, youll have
you notice yourself me-tooing and not getting as a conflict between your non-verbal and verbal
much attraction as youd like after the hook point, communication. Women are sensitive and will
try breaking rapport combined with genuine pick up on things subconsciously, they might not
compliments and also try challenges! mention them or even know consciously that
they have noticed, but it will affect your chances
if you use this shallow way to challenge. The best
Challenges way to challenge a woman is to do the following
Challenges are ways to establish that youre the
selector, the high value one in the interaction. You
Mission 7
choose her, not the other way around. Most guys
Get a pen and describe your ideal woman. What
will passively let themselves be selected, so if
character attributes would she have? To help
you can challenge her, itll be uniquely attractive.
you out, here are some questions:
You need to have earned some value before shell
Would she smoke? Does she keep fit? can
respond and try to meet your challenges. Some
she dance? Can she sing? Is she sharp? Is
examples of challenges are:
she educated? Does she read poetry or OK!
Magazine? does she like Disney films or action
If everyone looked the same, how would you
films? Does she like sushi? Is she well travelled?
stand out?
Does she watch Sex & the City?
Can you cook?
Are you rich?
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P73
If you have this in mind, when you meet a woman Sexual Spikes
you wont give her as much credit for her looks,
and if you can work these questions into the Often, you can just physically escalate the kino to
interaction, you will flip the dynamic and she will get her primed for the kiss close. But you can also
have to start qualifying herself to you. You are use verbal escalation to get her in the mood and
positioning yourself as the selector, and you are bring in some sexual tension. Most guys wont do
seeing if she matches up to your requirements. it or at least wont do it smoothly. Here are some
99% of men dont do this and youll see how routines and lines that can be used:
woman start chasing you if you do this.
Cool, youre my new girlfriend
Challenges with a hint of NLP You look like youre imagining kissing me
Challenges with NLP are statements that get her This is a good one, because it isnt asking if
to agree to the behaviour you want. They can she wants to kiss you, but if she responds
include subtle language and cues that link the positively, the kiss is on. If she wasnt
behaviour to being with you. You can decide what imagining kissing you already, shell after this.
you want and make your own. Check out the NLP Watch her look at your lips! Then you could
section for more info on using NLP in a pickup. say, okay, now you are.
The following are examples: Let me see something (take pulse) I knew it,
you are attracted to me.
Are you decisive? Do you know what you want When youre having a conversation, stop,
when its right in front of you (self point), look at her boobs. Check them out blatantly.
imagine what it would be like to get it and When she asks what are you doing? or calls
then go for it without hesitation. Or do you let you on it, put a finger up to signal wait, then
opportunities slip away (lean back)? look up and say okay carry on. Its very
Can you be crazy and spontaneous? Now, do What is your favourite fruit? Wow, I have
you ever do something that you know will never eaten (strawberries) off a naked woman
be an amazing experience that might not be before!
logical or what other people would approve The other day, I heard the craziest chat up
of but is what you heart is telling you to do? line, a guy said imagine me going down on
Now, with me, I think those kinds of decisions you all night, now I dont know about you
to go with (self point) these experiences turn but
out to be the happiest memories and lead How much would you like to kiss me?
to all kinds of possibilities. We have to live On a scale of 1 to 10, how dirty is your mind?
more in the moment, follow our feelings and If you were in kissing school, what grade
enjoy things when the opportunities present would you get? Lets find out!
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P74
Have you ever just met someone and almost You can generally be trusted and Id say that
immediately you start to feel incredibly perhaps youre a little more honest than most
comfortable like youve known this person forever people.
and then as you just let the barriers drop and you
let them more inside you start to naturally feel a Youre generally content with the way things
sense of rightness, like this is meant to be. have worked out for you, but sometimes you
wonder if you should take a chance and try
NLP patterns can be used effectively in almost something completely different, the kind of thing
any interaction but is best suited for a quite that would surprise people that have known you a
environment with few distractions or when youre long time.
already in a comfortable one-on-one situation
with a girl. You tend to feel you have a lot of unused
capacity. That people dont always give you full
Cold Reading credit for your abilities. Some of your hopes and
Why is this a powerful technique? Everyone goals tend to be far off or unrealistic. Youre an
loves being told about themselves. Women are independent and original thinker. You dont just
especially susceptible, palm readers will tell you accept what people tell you to believe. You like to
that a huge percentage of their customers are find your own reasons to support an action.
female. Cold reading can be learned in 5 minutes
and women will go mad for it. It also builds good As you can see, these are things you can just trot
rapport because youre showing understanding. A out and most people will nod away. Tailor them
woman who thinks she has found someone who to your own method of speaking and vocabulary.
finally understands her will be very happy! Its the idea that youre communicating so dont
make it sound rehearsed. Women are much more
There are two methods I can use to cold read. susceptible than men to this stuff so even if you
Now, you can buy a bunch of books on the subject think it wouldnt work on you, itll probably work
or you can just read this, practice and then be on a girl.
better than most professional psychics.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P76
Youre a bad girl with nice girl mannerisms - Grinding on a girls ass.
Normally Id be really attracted to you, but I think Here are a couple of things you can do to pickup
youre just acting cool so Ill buy you a drink. on the dance floor:
Your first impression kind of sucked but actually
Have fun dancing around, dont try to get near the
Youre the coolest girls Ive talked toin the last 15 woman. Enjoy yourself, enjoy the music. When
minutes! youre a man having fun on the dance floor, youll
immediately stand out from all the other men.
Youre coolyou can help me pick up chicks. The women will move away from all the other
weird guys and gather around you.
You can then: mirror the girls dancing in an
Dance floor Game exaggerated funny way, get eye contact and force
interest, have a dance-off with the girl where
Can you pick up girls on the dance floor? If you you gesture to get her to watch your moves, bust a
dont, youre limiting yourself . There are a whole silly little move and then point at her expectantly.
load of girls who love dancing that you wont On the edge of the dance floor with girls that
be able to approach. My philosophy was that I are not quiet dancing, you can say do you like
wanted to be able to pick up a girl I was attracted dancing? If they say yes, say do you salsa? and
to any time, any place, any situation. As someone as you say it take them and start salsaing with
that had two left feet, felt uncomfortable in clubs them. You need about four salsa lessons to be
and was very self-conscious, dance floor game able to do the basic steps, which are all you need.
didnt come easy. Now I can dance a little bit at You can quickly kino-escalate from the salsa
least Im on beat, but the main thing I have is that opener.
I am not self-conscious and I have fun dancing. I
actually enjoy it! The goal on the dance floor is to dance with them,
escalate kino a little bit and then extract to a
There are a few ways to pickup a girl on the quieter location where you can talk.
dance-floor. It will always be more of a numbers
game because it relies on direct non-verbal game.
First you want to differentiate yourself from the
other guys on the dance floor. They are doing a
couple of things that you should not do. They are
- Standing around the girls checking them out
while not dancing.
- Making a sad attempt to dance whilst not
being into the music, but just trying to get
near the girls.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P78
Inner game
Feeling Good about Yourself, Staying What this does is allows you to look back and
Motivated and Focused Tools of the feel good about the progress youre making. Like
Trade anything, youll have setbacks on a day-to-day
basis. Youll have some able to recover from these
The first thing anyone should do who wants to setbacks if you can see a pattern of progress on
have success in this area is to use a notebook. a month-by-month basis. It also helps because
The notebook should contain various things and, it forces you to judge your own progress instead
if used properly, will allow you to feel good about of other peoples. You can always find someone
yourself, have a clear understanding of what with more women, more money, more material
youre doing and keep you motivated and positive. possessions, but, as long as you judge by yourself
and your progress youll be satisfied. Keeping a
The notebook should have the following sections: record of it means you wont forget where you
came from and you can be proud of yourself every
1. Affirmations. (see chapter) time you look back.
2. Concise notes on everything you learn about
pickup from products, from other people and Crib Sheet
your own realisations. Keep these concise. If In the early days, it helps to carry around
you cant summarise the knowledge you got something with summaries of all the material
out of The Game by Neil Strauss in 6 lines, you know. You can even refer to it when you get
then you need to work on this. stuck by going to the bathroom and then coming
3. A list of things you want to try out in the field back with an idea of what you need to do. Mine
that you tick off openers, routines, whatever. contained:
4. A breakdown of your interactions, what went
well, what went badly and what you should 1. My affirmations (for state).
do next time to do better. Even if you close, 2. A list of openers.
you could have probably closed earlier. Its 3. Demonstrations of higher value
possible to close while only doing 30% right. 4. Cocky Funny lines.
Analysing your interactions will be a great 5. Seduction routines.
way to improve quickly.
5. A month by month summary of your progress.
Being an Attractive Man
July: Read Gamblers ebook, number closed HB Affirmations
Spanish, HB Swedish, first k-close using game, 20 Something I recommend people use for both state
approaches every Friday. control and long-term change is affirmations.
August: k-closed HB French, HB Anna, First ONS Affirmations are positive statements made about
HB Emily, first day-game number close yourself that act on your subconscious mind.
This summary should be short, its not like a diary, Over time they affect our self-image, confidence
its just a quick record of the interactions. and beliefs. You can test the effectiveness of
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P79
affirmations by writing a list of all the things you 3. The affirmations should be based on how you
like about yourself on one side of a piece of paper picture your ideal self. The person youd like
and all the things you dont like about yourself on to be. You at your best.
the other side. Notice how your mood is affected 4. They should make you feel something when
differently when each side of the paper. you say them. If they dont, change the
By writing and using positive affirmations, youre language around or scrap it.
counteracting the generally negative influence
other people, the media and society in general You can write affirmations as statements and
have on your self-esteem. in a paragraph form. Below are some sample
affirmations. However, please be sure to make
Some books suggest that you read affirmations yours meaningful to you. I wrote my first
out loud in front of a mirror twice a day. I dont affirmations in mid-2003--they all came true
think you need to go that far. I think you can within a couple of years! At the time they were
keep them in your notebook and read them before outside the realm of possibility but I believe my
you go on a date or any other time it suits you to sub-conscious helped me make them a reality.
be in a positive state. You can also record your Now Ive written some next-level affirmations and
affirmations onto an MP3 and play them on a loop I hope they come true, too.
for hours. That would be a sure-fire way to get
them deep into your subconscious. Examples:
Its important to follow these rules when writing
your affirmations. Otherwise, they just wont be as I am friendly
effective: I am fun-loving
I am approachable
1. A positive statement written in the present I am interesting
tense I am friendly. Not I will be friendly. I am clever
2. No use of negative words Im not an I am a leader
idiot should be Im clever. I dont get I am challenging
rejected should be All women love me. The I am a success in all that I do
subconscious doesnt understand negatives, I can attract any woman I want
thats why if you generally use phrases such I know my purpose
as not too good instead of bad, youll I am confident about who I am
be healthier. The classic NLP example is to I am an attractive man
tell you to think of anything except a pink I have a powerful reality
elephant, just dont think of a pink elephant. I am cool, calm, collected
You have all just thought of a pink elephant, My world and life are attractive and
so saying Im not a loser who gets rejected interesting.
and everyone hates is just as bad as saying People like me, they want to meet me.
I AM a loser who gets rejected and everyone I am very interested in other people.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P80
I want to meet fun, positive and interesting Though I gave the example of status with your
people. friends and work colleagues, there is no point
attempting to change the dynamic with these
people. It might jeopardise these relationships. I
Universal Frame am happy to play beta and low status with good
friends. But, with women, its simply unattractive.
I am High status
Status is something thats often talked about in Status is mainly communicated through the
the pickup community but is rarely well-defined choice of words. Use this combination with
or presented in a way thats immediately usable. women: let your words be borderline rude while
Yet its very important. Whether its with friends, being loving in the way you look and touch her.
at work or with a girl, one person is higher status This mix will allow you to avoid her thinking
than the rest. This person is the decision maker. youre too cocky and will be very attractive.
The one whos deferred to by the group. Are you The rules for maintaining status when dealing
the one who asks, Think we should go to X with women are:
place? If so, youre low status. Youre handing
over the decision making power to someone else. 1. Dont ask lots of questions.
If you say, Lets go to X place, and everyone 2. Dont give her the decision-making power.
follows, youre the groups high-status person. If Only give her the option to accept your
your friend always ends phone conversations first, choices Where would you like to eat? gives
he is higher status than you. her the decision-making power, but Lets go
to the Italian, yeah? just gives her the chance
Examples of high-status are all around us and to go along with your decision.
in the media. A high-status person never gives 3. Dont seek approval. Is this okay?, Is that
away power to someone else. He never defers. alright with you?, Hows my jacket look?
He doesnt seek approval. He doesnt ask for 4. Lead Im hungry, lets go eat, Im thirsty,
permission. lets go get a drink.
youll ALWAYS be unhappy. There is always probably arent. The guy with the Ferrari
someone with more money, more women, probably works 12 hours a day or was born
better looking, whatever. I used to judge rich so doesnt get satisfaction from having
myself by other people, try to beat them and earned it. Most people will have something
never be content. Now I can say that my you COULD be jealous of. But remember, if
frame of reference is pretty much internal and your goal is to be a well-rounded, content
I am much happier for it. What moving your human being, this shouldnt bother you.
frame of reference internal means is that you
judge by yourself only. Lets say you used to 2. Eliminate the concept of failure
have no women at all and now you can get When you go out and start approaching women,
numbers and dates. Thats something to be youll make mistakes. There is no way to fully
proud of and happy about. Judged by yourself, prepare for every eventuality before you go out.
youve made good progress. If you want to Expect to make mistakes. Mistakes are fine. What
feel bad, you can look at the guy that sleeps is important is how you deal with them. When
with five women a week and isnt happy. you make a mistake, learn from it and know what
you should do in the future. What you can say
In PU terms, the best way to make your frame of is: Im glad I made that mistake. Now that Ive
reference internal is to: learned from it, Ill never mess up in that situation
again. Most of the pain of failure is caused by
Keep track of your progress have a written the belief you can fail like that again. If you write
record of where youre at each month so you down what happened, what you should have
can chart the progress. I do this and any time done and how youll avoid it happening again,
I have a setback or want to judge by someone then youll immediately feel better. Remember,
else, I can look at this. Ill see the great the average entrepreneur millionaire has a string
progress Ive made and be happy. of failed businesses behind him. The average
Make plans for the future. Record your goals MPUA has hundreds of blow-outs and rejections
and each step necessary to get there. Make behind him. The guy that goes out and does
it happen. If youre uncertain and dont have 100 approaches that day and gets blown out 80
direction, this allows you to focus on other times is still better than the guy that only does
people. 2 but picks his shots. He will learn much more,
Cut down your TV watching and unhealthy losing his inhibitions and fear in the process. Plus
society influences. If you watch MTV all day, hell gain way more numbers, dates, kisses, sex,
its selling a life thats not real and 99.999999% girlfriends and whatever he wants.
of people cant have. You want to live like
Hugh Hefner? That will make you unsatisfied 3. Surround yourself with success models
even if youve a beautiful girl IF you let it! Its useful to be influenced by people that have
Remember that everyone has strengths and qualities that you would like for yourself. For me,
weaknesses. Just because someone is richer I needed to learn how to be an extravert, outgoing
doesnt mean they are happier, in fact they and sociable. All my old friends are like me, so
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P83
hanging out with them only reinforced my old 5. Use the time when youre not Picking Up
habits. If you want to change, you need to hang Awareness and Ideas
around with people who have qualities that you An important PUA skill is the ability to be socially
lack. After I hung around extraverts for a while, I aware. What is an sign of interest and what isnt?
became more outgoing and gained the skills that Who is a couple? Who is out looking for a man?
made them good socially. Now, if I lack a quality I When youre in a social situation, look around,
know that the best way to get it is to find someone make your best guess and then try to verify it.
with it and learn from them. If you have trouble Over time, social awareness allows you to be in an
finding people that you admire, read books, interaction and know exactly where you stand.
watch videos and listen to audio by people like:
David Denagelo, Anthony Robbins, Nicolai Tesla, The second thing you can do is to be anywhere
Alexander the Great and Thomas Edison. supermarket, bookshop, train station --and
imagine what you would use to open and
4. Surround Yourself with Positive People transition. Dont wait until you see an HB to start
When we are embarking on a period of change thinking of things that you could say. Walk around
in our life, we will be moving away from our and think of situational openers to exercise your
social circle and will begin acting differently and mental muscles. Even use them on non-HBs to
changing before our friends eyes. This can cause practice being a fun, spontaneous, sociable guy .
a lot of problems. Most people stay the same and
dont improve. These people will reinforce your 6. Balance learning, practising and refining.
bad habits and bad behaviour. Its like being a Some people spend 12 months going through
drug addict and being with other drug addicts. the theory. There are enough ebooks, videos
They reinforce your bad behaviour and will not and audio products to stay in your house forever
encourage you to change. When you start to and still think youre doing something useful. I
become good with women, your friends can hold actually made this mistake for a few months, I
you back. A big percentage of people are negative went through thousands of hours of study before I
and will find problems with all your new ideas. really tried anything in field. The practicing is the
Even if someone is a good friend, you need to be hardest part, thats why its the most important
careful about the effect they have on your mental thing to do NOW. I learned more from 2 weeks of
state. The way to judge is this: if you spend an going out than I did with my months of theory.
hour with this person do you feel better or worse
about things? Some people JUST go out. They dont refine their
approach and dont learn any new techniques.
If you feel worse, cut down the time you spend These people usually dont improve very rapidly.
with this person. Similarly to the above, if you The best approach is to learn some theory (as you
lack positive people, you can bring them into your now have!), go out and practice (like tonight!).
life by studying great role models from throughout Then come back, look at what you did and refine
history. it. Rinse, repeat. Now you have the best and most
efficient way to get good quickly.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P84
7. Stop idealising women & Relationships take your focus of attention into your body
Most men put women on a pedestal, they give her and notice the sensations throughout your
a lot of credit for their looks and would commit to body. Close your eyes. A good time to do this
a date, relationship, or maybe even more purely is just before you sleep.
based on their looks. Most women are not right
for you! Likewise, most relationships dont work! 2. Think of an opener and transition that you
This reframe enables you to approach more would like to field-test. Imagine an approach
confidently and be more circumspect. and see yourself deliver your opener. See
their response. See how youll respond to
8. Eliminate all nervous ticks and shit their response and let the interaction flow.
It is important to be aware of how you look at
all times. Ask your friends to tell you about the Overcoming Transition and Approach
things you do that are unattractive or stupid. I Anxiety.
used to have a nervous laugh, bite my lip, touch
my face, and fidget amongst other things. Transition Anxiety
When doing something outside your comfort
9. Learn how to make a conversation interesting zone, youll naturally find it scary.
for a woman.
Transition Anxiety is best described as the
feeling you get in your stomach any time you
Visualisation Techniques consider doing something outside of your comfort
zone. Whether its the thought of riding a scary
Visualisation techniques are something that rollercoaster, jumping out of an plane, signing up
can be used very effectively to improve your for a course, meeting new people at a party, taking
pickup skills. They allow you to field test openers a test, public speaking or approaching a woman.
and routines in a controlled environment. You What all these things share in common is that
need to be in a very relaxed state, because a they might give us that feeling in our stomach to
fully conscious and aware state has too many varying degrees.
distractions. Likewise, field-testing openers in
a live situation is very good but there are lots of This feeling is holding us back, it doesnt serve
things trying to grab your attention. Visualisation us well. Anything thats outside of our comfort
will allow you to come up with new material, see zone, that we havent done before, or that puts
what will or wont work and practice your delivery. us in an uncertain situation that we dont feel
The process for visualisation is as follows: equipped for will give us some transition anxiety.
That would be fine if the feeling was saving us
1. Get into a very relaxed state using self- from getting eaten by a lion or doing something
hypnosis. If youve never tried self-hypnosis, hazardous, BUT this feeling is actually stopping us
what you need to do is start to breathe deeply, from improving, learning and changing.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P85
We have a comfort zone within which we can do this as you would be to fight a mugger. In
safely stay inside--a daily routine, people we one situation the worst that can happen is that
know. However remaining in this comfort she says no. In the second, the worst that can
zone makes it hard to make big changes or happen is serious physical injury. Over 95% of the
improvements to your life. If you look back at people I work with have some degree of approach
your life and remember all the times youve felt anxiety.
transition anxiety and taken action anyway. Youll
see that each time youve taken action, it has Conquering approach anxiety is not something
impacted your life in a positive way. Whether it that NLP or affirmations can provide a quick fix
was moving to a new area, changing job, taking for. There is no easy way to get over it. However,
a class, signing up for a course, they will likely I can give you the most painless way possible. In
be things that have benefited you greatly. Any my experience, 30 approaches will be enough to
person who decides to get this area of their free you of crippling approach anxiety. You might
life handled and signs up for a course with me still have some, but youll be opening enough
will feel transition anxiety before they click the groups to get along.
button. Lots of others will feel it and never click First lets take away some of the fear: Outcome
the button, its a fact! dependency. As long as you have a lot of
approach anxiety, work on that first. In your
So what about these crazy people that always first approaches, youre not opening to close,
try new things and never feel uncomfortable? If youre just opening and ejecting. Youre practising
anything, they welcome uncertain new situations. opening. Just going up, asking Whats the time?
What have they done? They have changed that thanking her and leaving is a lot easier than
feeling in their stomach from something that approaching with the intention of spending hours
holds them back to something that kicks them to get her back to your place.
into action. Its what Ive done. I used to be a
complete scaredy cat when it came to almost The next thing you can do is use indirect openers.
anything that involved leaving my house! Now These minimise the chance of rejection and allow
any time I get that feeling, I know that I should you to practice opening without caring whether
take action and that by the end of it, Ill be a shes attracted or has a boyfriend. Finally, it helps
better person. As a result, fewer and fewer things is to not be fussy. Practice opening and extending
intimidate me and I feel like I can handle almost the interaction, but do it with any group. Dont
anything. Embrace Transition Anxiety and youll try to conquer your fear or practice pickup skills
be thanking me later. It will affect every area of ONLY with women you find super hot. It will
your life and will make you a better man. take too long. You need to be out there practicing,
opening 20 groups a day. You have to be focused
Approach Anxiety on practicing, not on closing. When I began,
Approaching a woman he is attracted to is one I opened 20 a night. Now Im fussy and only
of the scariest things a guy can do. You know approach particular girls who meet my standards.
it doesnt make sense that youre as afraid to But thats because my skill-set doesnt need much
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P86
polishing or refinement. If I tried to improve by around the corner and that theyre waiting to go
opening only one or a night, it would have taken have coffee with him. They do it again and its
ten times longer! usually completely comfortable for them.
Other ideas for getting over approach anxiety. Similarly, being alone in a club can be framed
Missions: Give yourself missions each time you go so that youre completely comfortable youre
out. Test openers or see how many groups you can waiting for a friend. You were meant to meet
engage. at the entrance, he texted to say he is running
Go out with a friend and push each other into late and will be there in an hour. Now you can
action. be more comfortable in the club on your own
Find out what your motivation is and when you and nothing has really changed. Its like method
perform well. I perform well under pressure so acting.
its good to put myself under pressure by telling
guys Ill open any group they tell me to. Other You can also apply this to approaching women.
people might want to dare or bet each other. Find Instead of having a pickup frame in your head,
out what will make you approach and make it you should have the frame that Im a fun sociable
happen. guy. Im going to talk to lots of people and if I
Some guys do better with a wing, so experiment. happen to have a good interaction with a girl who
I find attractive, closing will be natural. This is a
much healthier frame and also removes a lot of
Framing an uncomfortable situation the approach anxiety, outcome dependency and
Some situations just feel uncomfortable.
Approaching a girl you really fancy and knowing You should try and reframe any situation in which
youll be crushed if she rejects because you you feel uncomfortable.
havent had sex in six months is going to be
uncomfortable. Going to a club on your own
is probably also going to be uncomfortable.
However, most of the discomfort felt from these
situations has to do with your mental frame. By
framing a situation differently, you can actually be
at ease. I have done this for self-conscious people
on my one-on-one trainings. I get them to stand
for one minute in a very busy street and look
straight ahead, no fidgeting, no shifting around, no
looking down. They inevitably feel like everyone
is looking at them and feel uncomfortable. I then
tell them to repeat the exercise imagining that a
friend of theirs is going to appear in the distance
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P87
Example pickups
Pickup 1 HBItalian, Night time Street PU Let girls get their own drinks, we chat, come back
to them.
Situation: Friday night, leaving a bar at 10pm
with one friend. I talk to HBCroatia because I have some girls and
wanted my friend to try his luck with HB Italian.
We leave the bar because there are no HBs. I hear I connect well with HB Croatia, have some light
another door opening behind me as I walk along banter, and manage it so that it is interesting but
the street and see one HBItalian and her less try not to generate too much attraction since Im
attractive friend HBCroatia come out of the same not interested in her. My friend isnt progressing
bar we were in. How we didnt see them inside I things with HB Italian, and goes to the bar, I
dont know. engage them both and then switch to HB Italian
when he comes back leaving him to wing her
I let them catch up, walk in step as if we are friend.
together and then say:
(I ask some boring questions but connect well)
Gambler: So where are we going now? Because that
place was pretty lame. Gambler: Do you like London?
HBItalian: Yes I love London.
HBCroatia: I dont know.
Gambler: Londons a great city, it has a pretty unique
Gambler: Theres a place over there thats pretty good feel, its very mixed culturally and even has a mix of
called Digress, lets try that. historical and modern
We slightly separate at the bar to let the girls buy Gambler: You must be very passionate about helping
their own drinks. people and making a difference. I like that, most people
work just for money, its nice to meet someone who does
(I might buy a girl a drink, but never this soon, and something that is for the good of mankind. That is why
never her friends too). you do it right?
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P88
HBItalian: Yes, I love what I do. I couldnt do (I decide at this point to bring them along to the
anything else. What do you do? club we were planning to go to. I call the club and
add the two girls to the guest list. The attraction
Gambler: Im a life coach. is there, there is some sexual tension. I find that
when I create sexual tension the girl will enjoy the
HBItalian: So you help people too? wait for the kiss rather than wondering When is
this idiot going to kiss me?)
Gambler: Yeah I guess so, I wouldnt like to say it is as
important or that I do it just because Im a good person. On the way to the club, my friend is bantering,
we make some jokes, he teases HB Croatian. This
(I sense some connection so want to dial it up a mixes up the mood a bit which is good.
bit) We have a little demonstration of value by being
able to breeze in to the club for free without
Gambler: What compliment do guys normally give queueing.
I ask if theyd like to share a bottle of wine. They
HBItalian: Usually about my eyes. say yes and we buy it and collect half the money
from them.
Gambler: Your eyes are nice, but mainly because you
always seem to be smiling with your eyes. I love your Crystal is a club where to sit down, you need to
hair! get a table, and to get a table you need to spend
hundreds or thousands on bottles champagne or
Gambler: What actress do people say you look like? vodka. I managed to work the staff and get us in
a table for 12. We were the only ones with a 20
HBItalian: Monica Bellucci. bottle of wine, everyone else with tables were big
Gambler: Hmmm, I dont know, maybe, but to me, you
look more like Sandra Bullock or Eva Longoria. Who do We take our seat and unfortunately I make a little
I look like? mistake here because I dont pay attention and
she sits adjacent to me instead of next to me. Im
HBItalian: You look like Ethan Hawke. still close enough to touch but its not as intimate
as Id like. I decide to leave things as they are
Gambler: Ethan Hawke? Do you like Ethan Hawke instead of asking people to move around.
(with smirk)?
I did some future objection depotentiation-
HBItalian: Yes
Gambler: Im glad we met in the street and not in
Gambler: I like Sandra Bullock (seductive face). a club. I dont like to meet girls in bars
(First verbal IOI)
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P89
I also did some talk about fate which helps to Gambler: My friends are mostly women, male
progress things nicely- friends can get jealous and its rare to find
one who would be truly happy for me if really
Gambler: It was amazing how we met because if good things happened. There is always some
either of us left the bar just 10 seconds earlier or later, competitiveness. My female friends would all be
we never would have seen each other. We could go happy for me if something good happened.
back further about the decision to go to that particular
place, or even further about how our parents met (fate HBItalian: What kind of girl do you like?
Gambler: I look for a girl who has her life together,
Gambler: When are you going back? who is content with what she has, that doesnt NEED
a man, but wants one who will make her happier. A
HBItalian: In two days relationship where together we equal more than if
were apart.
Gambler: Well we better not fall in love tonight then
(Gaze into her eyes). Gambler: Do you smoke?
Gambler: How many times have you been in Love? HBItalian: No.
Gambler: Definitely once, maybe twice. Gambler: What colour are your eyes?
HBItalian: Men. I get on better with men. Gambler: An A? No way! Only a small percentage
can get an A.
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P90
She knows I know I can kiss her, but I lean in a It escalates a lot. The club is too noisy now to
bit, then come back out, and make her wait a bit talk, I kiss her neck, touch the back of her hair, Im
more. Im trying out a new thing which is just going for sensual over sexual
building up loads of sexual tension. Also, I liked
this girl so didnt want to use the cheesy kissing Gambler: How tall are you?
school close.
HBItalian: 173cm
HBItalian: How old are you? (Look of semi-approval)
Gambler: 26, I dont normally date girls over 24! The other two look a bit tired and bored, its
You tricked me, you look young, you must have good getting late so I suggest we leave. We come out of
moisturiser (stroke face with back of index finger) the club and it turns out that their bus home goes
from very near my house so I make like we are
(Notice Im in a qualifying phase where I keep leading them to the bus. When we are right near
challenging her in a way that shows I have high my house, I say
standards and certain requirements that need to
be met). Gambler: Lets go for a drink somewhere else.
Gambler: Youre a good girl, but I think you know how HBItalian says Okay, where?
to have fun!
Gambler: I live just there, I have some nice wine
HBItalian: Yes I do. (I would normally have to work harder but think that
in this case it was on already.)
I lean in as I say the above and get the kiss.,
My friend tells the other girl we are going to Club
Gambler: Hmmm, nice, B+ with room for improvement. Rich.
each other too much even though they kissed in her back to her friends. The club was cool but
the club. nothing exceptional so we left.
I say its a shame she cant stay and we could talk On the way home there was a girl on the street,
more and have a nice breakfast. under a shelter trying to keep out of the rain. She
was an HB 9. Really. I dont throw these numbers
Gambler: I wish I had another hour to talk to you, around lightly. I saw one girl as hot as her this
theres lots more we need to know about each year and that was in Riga, Latvia. She is hotter
other. than Paris Hilton and whoever else at these celeb
parties. Blonde, tall as me with heels, perfect
We walk them to their bus and say goodbye. skin, thin waist, green/blue eyes, ass and boobs. I
She leaves in two days, I dont see her again in wouldnt change anything.
London because she needs to make it up to her
poor best friend. I get a text when she gets back I stood a couple of metres away, mirrored the
home to Italy asking me to come and visit. I visit look on her face in a funny way. I had my leather
her in Italy after a month. Between meeting jacket under my top because it was raining, she
her and going to visit, she finds the PUATraining looked at it quizzically and I mimed that it was
website, we have a little bit of drama, but my my baby. I looked at the shelter, then at the space
impression on the night is so strong that she still next to her meaning there wasnt enough room
wants to see me and says she loves me. She later for me to come and stand next to her. She moved
becomes my girlfriend. back and I went and stood next to her.
I will mention here that I was in a great state,
any time Im in a club and getting k-closes and
Pickup HBRussian, Street Game, non-verbal, dancing like a nutter I get an irresistible sexual
hottest girl ever energy that means I dont get blown out. Its
Situation: Friday night, leaving a bar at midnight difficult to get in London because the women
with one friend. arent hot enough but I often had it in Eastern
I went with Anthony P to 24, which is a trendy
club in London. The night was alright, there were I stood next to her, made small talk:
a few hot girls. I chatted to a bunch of them, had Whats your name, where have you been
some good response. Highlight of the evening in tonight, how long have you been in London.
the club was a 15 second K-close on this Russian The thing that made the small talk interesting
chick. I got her to take my picture, looked at it was that I was in seduction mode, looking at her
with her, got her to take one of us together, then like I wanted her. I went for the kiss within 20
got in her face and kissed her cheek, then the seconds and she turned her face and I kissed
other cheek, then lingered in the middle, kissed her on the cheek. In my experience this isnt a
the other cheek again, then kissed her properly. rejection, its just they dont want to make it too
Got quite hardcore on the dance floor then sent easy. I asked her where she was going, told her
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P92
she was going the wrong way and started walking Being a PUA is not a good ultimate goal. Just
her in the rain towards my house! I asked if she like having X amount of money isnt a healthy
wanted to go somewhere else for a drink. She ultimate goal. Being good with women will
said yes. I took her to my front door and then she enable you to have choice with women for the
physically and verbally dissented. She said I was rest of your life. Your ultimate goal in terms of
a prick and that I think Russian girls are all easy. I relationships will be in there somewhere. Money
said calmly and sincerely no I love Russian girls, allows you to do things that can enrich your life,
and youre special. She physically showed the they are the ultimate goal, not the money. Its best
objection had gone so I lead her into my place by to take a holistic approach to both.
the hand.
Keep balance in your life. Enjoy the present as
She threw in okay because Im cold. much as you can but strive for more. When you
Took her to my room. She sat on the window start getting success its fine to be content and
sil, looked so damn sexy. I went up, got in her enjoy yourself. You only need that initial pain and
face but didnt kiss her. There was tons of sexual discomfort to force you to take action.
tension. I teased her a bit, then we kissed. I said
come here she didnt, so I pulled her to stand up The key to happiness throughout any long journey
and then tripped her up onto the bed. The rest is of self-improvement is keeping balance. At one
history and no LMR. time or other, one area of your life is going to be
bad. Youll have setbacks. If youre TOO focused
She has a boyfriend, is rich (5k earrings) and is on PU, money, your job, your girlfriend, your
going back home for the holidays. studies, then they will have too much control over
your mood. Bring balance to your life by working
I had flashbacks for the next few days because she on different areas at once. When one isnt going
is just too damn hot. Ill see a girl as hot as her so well, youve other areas to focus on.
less than 3 times a year in London.
There is no way to become great with women
without suffering all kinds of pain on the way
Closing Thoughts there. Dealing with this in the right way and
learning from it and not letting it affect you too
My journey over the past 6 years has been much is what will make the difference. After a
interesting, challenging and fun. Ive felt almost certain amount of discomfort, youll come through
as good on the way here as I do now when I have the other side.
achieved most of my goals. When you plan to do
something, see the ultimate goal within reach Use my inner game techniques and youll save
and can look back at your progress it makes you yourself a lot of this pain. Get out there and apply
happier immediately. the techniques in this book and youll get this
area of your life handled. It really is in your hands
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P93
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Credit To
Useful Links
David Deangelo: Double Your Dating
Tyler & RSD:
Lance & Pickup 101: Fearless First Impressions;
Surefire Attraction Secrets; Physical Confidence; Workshops:
Wes H
Neil Strauss: The Game
Badboy Blog:
Hemal R
Wayne Elise
Will/Daddy Gallery:
David X
Mystery: Mystery Method
Ross Jeffries
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P94
Gambler is versed in all methods of pickup and he never does
two sets the same way. He has trained with some of the worlds
best PUAs and now has his own style that is uniquely his.
Having entered the Game aged 19 hes now honed his skills so
pick up line in and out of the book. None would work unless
there was a connection made.
Anthony P
own openers, the funnier the better - particularly for day game!
Recently started expanding his horizons by peacocking a little
Natural Game - the system for being a natural with women P95
The System, taught by Gambler and is the first complete
system for seduction. This ebook outlines every necessary element for
maximising your chances of success and minimising your chances of failure at
every step of a successful seduction. It will break down every step, give you the
content and techniques you need and allow you to go out with a map in your
head which will allow you to be successful with women. The System is not rigid,
it will fit in with your personality, natural talents and morals.