This document provides information about a summer camp from June 14 to June 26. The camp focuses on cherishing traditions through six guiding principles: not contending, not being greedy, not seeking, not being selfish, not pursuing personal advantage, and not lying. It is for students from kindergarten to twelfth grade and provides contact information for the boys and girls divisions.
This document provides information about a summer camp from June 14 to June 26. The camp focuses on cherishing traditions through six guiding principles: not contending, not being greedy, not seeking, not being selfish, not pursuing personal advantage, and not lying. It is for students from kindergarten to twelfth grade and provides contact information for the boys and girls divisions.
This document provides information about a summer camp from June 14 to June 26. The camp focuses on cherishing traditions through six guiding principles: not contending, not being greedy, not seeking, not being selfish, not pursuing personal advantage, and not lying. It is for students from kindergarten to twelfth grade and provides contact information for the boys and girls divisions.
This document provides information about a summer camp from June 14 to June 26. The camp focuses on cherishing traditions through six guiding principles: not contending, not being greedy, not seeking, not being selfish, not pursuing personal advantage, and not lying. It is for students from kindergarten to twelfth grade and provides contact information for the boys and girls divisions.
The 6 Guidi ng P r i nci p l es 1) not contending 2) not being geedy 3) not seeking 4) not being selsh 5) not pursuing personal advantage 6) not lying -Kindergarden to Twelf th G rade-
Boys Division : 707 468 1138 Girls Division : 707 468 3896 2001 Talmage Road, Ukiah, CA 95482 w w w . i g d v s . o r g