5822 2004 PDF
5822 2004 PDF
5822 2004 PDF
Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
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in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.
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IS 5822 : 1994
( Reaffirmed 2004 )
Indian Standard
fSecond Revision )
Q BIS 1994
This Indian Standard ( Second Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Water Supply and Sanitation Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil
Engineering Division Council.
The selection of a pipeline for any particular application depends on the service and environmental
conditions to be satisfied. With the development of new materials and jointing methods, changes in the
application and in design can be expected, but it is the responsibility of every authority to ensure that
the type of the pipeline selected is suitable and safe for the duty envisaged. The earlier disadvantages
of steel pipelines ( liability to deteriorate by corrosion ) have been largely overcome in recent years due
to development of protective coatings, and steel pipelines may now be safely used for carrying certain
fluids. This standard was first published in 1970 and subsequently revised in 1986. The present revision
incorporates the following major changes:
a) Inclusion of 168.3 mm outside diameter pipe,
b) Criteria for calculating the nominal thickness has been modified, and
c) Criteria for selecting protective coatings has been modified,
In the formulation of this code due weightage has been given to international co-ordination among
standards and practices prevailing in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the
field in this country. This has been met by deriving assistance from the following standards:
BS CP 8010-1981 Code of practice for pipelines British Standards Institution.
BS CP 2010 ( Part 2 ) Pipelines: Part 2 Design and construction of steel pipelines in land British
Standards Institution.
The Committee responsible for the preparation of this standard is given in Annex C.
IS 5822 : 1994
Indian Standard
( Second Revision )
is recoiiiiiieiided, but it may be niodified to suit local
couditions by taking necessary precautions. The trench
1.1 Thiscode covers the melhods of laying electrically shall bc shored, wherever necessary, and kept dry so
welded mild steel pipes ofoutsidc diameters 16S.3 nun
that the workman may work therein safely, and effi-
IO 2 032 nun (as covered iu IS 3589 : 199i), laid either
ciently. The discharge of Ihe trench dewatering pumps
above ground or underground for water supply.
shall he conveyed &her to drainage charnels or to
1.2 For the purpose of this code, elcclrically welded natural drains, and shall not be allowed to be spread in
stcrl pips shall cnnfom to IS 3589: 1991; mild sleel the vicinity of Ihe worksite.
plates to IS 2062 : 1992 and welding rlectrodes to IS
814 : 1991. 4.2.1 Trenching
Trenchiug includes all excavation which is carried out
by hand or by machine. The width of the trench shall
2.1 The Indian Standards listed in Amex A are nercs- be kept toa mii~luumcoitcisteiltwith theworkingspace
sary i\djL\lKtS lo this standard.
required. At the bottom belween the faces, it shall be
3 CI,EARIN(; THE SIlE such as to provide not less than 200 mm clearance on
tither side of the pipe. Each case should, however, he
3.1 Preliminary work required to be done before pipe
considered on its merits, having regard to rhe safety of
laying is started, includes pegging out, clearing and
the Irench, the method of laying and jointing the pipe
disposal of all shrub, grass, Iage and sn~ll hushes,
and lhe need to avoid damage to pipe.coating. The
trees, hedges, fences, gates, portions of old masonry
bottom of the trench shall be properly trinmed to
and debris from the route.
permit even bedding of the pipeline. For pipes larger
3.2 Whcrc trees have been Mlcd, the resulting timber than 1 200 mm diameter in earth and munm the curva-
shall be stacked properly aud disposed off, as directed ture of the boottom of the trench should match the
by the authority. Tree roots within a distance of about curvature of the pipe as far as possible, subtending an
half nlctre from the side of the pipeliuc shall be angle of about 120* at the centrc of the pipe, as shown
rcnloved or killed. in Fig. 1A. Where rock or boulders are encountered, the
3.3 All other scrviceablcmaterials, such as wood work, trench shall be trinmed to a depth of at least 100 nun
bricks and nlasoury, recovered during the operation of below the level at which the botion~ of the barrel of the
clearing the site shall be separately stacked aud dis- pipe is to be laid and filled to a like depth with lean
pscd OK, as direcled by Ihe authority. . ccmentcoucrc~eorwi~h non-compressible material like
NOTE - For the purpxe of this code, authority may be sand of adequate depth to give the curved seating, as
an individual, an oflicial, a board, a department or an shown in Fig. 1B and Fig. 1C.
agency established and authorized by the llnion or State
(%~vcrumenl or any slatutory body created by law who 4.2.2 Pits for Joints
tdertakes to administer ilnd enforce the provisions of
When welding is to be carried out with the pipe in the
lhis cock as adopted or amended.
trench, additional excavation of not more than 600 nun
4 IWHMAITON in depth and 900 nun in length should be provided all
4.1 (;rwt-al
round the pipe at the position nf the jointsfor facilities
of welding.
Bctorr pipeline is laid, proper fornration shall be
prcparcd. For buried pipeline, suitable trenches should 4.2.3 Specicll Forrndrltions in Poor Sail
be exraVi~ted, pipeline above ground may be laid in
Where the bottom of the trench at subgrade is found to
autting or on embanknients or be supported~by pillars
consist of niaterial which is unstable to such a degree
as the cast inay be.
that, .in the opinion of the authority, it cannot be
4.2 Excavation and Preparation of Trenches for removed and replaced with an approved material
Laying 1hdrrground Pipeline thoroughly conipacted in place to support the pipe
The trench shall be so dug that the pipe nlay be laid to properly, a suitable foundation for the pipe, consisting
the rcquircd alignment and at required depth. When the of piling, timbers or other materials, in accordance with
pipeline is under a roildWay, a niininiuni cover of 1.0 iii plans~prepared by the authority, shall 1~ constructed.
IS 5822 : 1994
100 mm
100 mm
IS 5822 : 1994
be closed in such a manner that it causes the least 4.3 Preparation of Formation for Pipeline Above
interruption to the traffic. Where it is necessary for Ground
traffic to cross open trenches, suitable bridges shall be
Formation should be prepared by cutting high grounds
and filling in low areas. Care shall be taken while fixing Suitable signs indicating that astreet is closed the alignment and gradient of the pipeline, to balance
shall be placed and necessary detour signs for the the cutting and filling quantities, as far as possible, with
proper maintenance of traffic shall be provided, minimum of lead. Care should also be taken to ensure
that the pipe rests fully either on cutting or on bank.
4.2.11 Structure Protection
4.3.1 Cutting High Grounds
Temporary support, adequate protection and main-
tenance of all underground and surface structures, Excavation for the formation in cutting should be done
drains, sewers and other obstruction encountered in the il+such a manner as to obtain sufficient width at the
progress of the work shall be furnished under the direc- botiom to accommodate the pipeline, its supports, a
tion of the authority. The structures which may have service passage and side drains. The sides of the cutting
been disturbed shall be restored upon completion of the should generally have the following slopes:
work. a) Earth MURUM and boulders 1:l
b) Hard MURUM and soft frocks l/2 : 1
4.2.12 Protection of Property
c) Hard rock l/4 :l
Tress, shrubbery fences, poles and all other property
All excavated material shall be the property of the
shall be protected unless iheir removal is shown on the
authority and shall be stacked or disposed off as
drawings or authorized by the authority. When it is
directed under 4.2 above. Typical sections in cuttings
necessary to cut roots and tree branches; such cutting
are shown in Fig. 2 and 3.
shall be done under the supervision and direction of the
authority. 4.3.2 Preparation of Embankmen!
4.2.13 Avoidmce of the Existing Service Material used for embankment shall be spread in
horizontal layers not more than 300 mm thick. Each
As f:ir as possible, the pipeline shall be laid below layer shall be consolidated by watering, ramming and
existing services, such as water and gas pipes, cables, rolling before the next layer is laid. Mechanical con-
cable ducts and drains but not below sewers, which are solidation is recommended. The consolidation obtained
usually laid at great depth; if it is unavoidable pipeline shall not be less than 90 percent of the proctor density
should be suitably protected. A minimum clearance of [ see IS 2720 (Part 7) : 1980 1. Any wash-outs during
1.50 mm shall be provided between the pipeline and rains shall be replaced with suitable material. The em-
such other services. Where thrust or auger boring is bankment shall be finished to the correct dimensions
used for laying pipeline across roads, railways or other and gradient prescribed by the authority. If banking is
utilities, larger clearance as required by the authority to be done on the sloping ground or on embankment, it
shall be provided. Adequate arrangements shall be shall be cut in steps of not less than 300 mm deep and
made to protect and support the other services during 450 mm wide to give a proper bond. Side slopes of the
laying operations. The pipeline shall be so laid as not embankment shall be steeper than 1 l/2 horizontal to 1
to obstruct access to the other services for inspection, vertical. The slopes of embankment should be protected
repair and replacement. When such utilities are met by-pitching or any other method, if so required by the
with during excavation, the authority concerned shall authority.
bc intimated and arrangements made to support the Width of embankment
utilities in consultation with them.
The width of the embankment at top shall be such as to
IS 5822 : 1994
accommodate the pipeline and the service passage. menced, some preliminary work described in 52.1
Typical section of the bank is shown in Fig. 4. to 52.5 shall be done.
5.2 Irelitninary Work Before Pipe.Laying Before aligning, assembling and welding, the pipe
faces shall be cleaned by scraping by wire brushes or
Before the actual pipe laying opclations are corn-- any other method specified by the authority.
IS 5822 : 1994
the authority. Figures 5 and 6 show supp&ts gcucrally railway or a river shall be detemincd so as to satisfy
;idoplcd 011 slrcl pipcliws. the rcquiremnts of the authority concerned.
10.1 Complicated specials, such as Y pieces, coni-
positc bends and tapers, shall be fabricated in
workshop. Small branches, single piece bends, etc, may
IX fabricated at site, care being taken to ensure that the
fabricated fittings have at least the sang strength as the
pipeline to which these are to be joined.
10.2 Appurtenances
The spacing of the isolating sluice valves along a
pipeline depends upon the type of terrain through which
the pipclinc passes and the operational flexibility rc-
quircd. Valves may be positioned as follows:
a) At the beginning and at the end of the pipeline;
b) To facilitate hydraulic testing of sections or the
For all pipelines laid above ground, provision for pipeline;
expansion and contraction on accouut of temperature c) For long pipelines, isnlating valves should be
variationshould be made either by providing expansion provided at intervals not exceeding 6 km; and
joints at predetermined intervals or by providing loops d) On either side of a major crossing.
where leakage through expansion joitlts cannot bc per-
Valves may bc located cithcr above ground or below
mitted. Where expansion joints are provided, it is
ground, but should bc easily accessible (see IS 780 :
necessary to create restraining points on the pipeline to
1984 and IS 2906 : 1984 ).
ensure proper functioning of these joints. The pipe
laying work should preferably start from the restrained 10.2.1 Control valves should be provided on all
points on either side working towards centre where the branches. Similarly, air valves at all humps and scour
cxpamiou joint should be fitted last. Spacing ofexpan- valves at all dips are necessary. For inspection pur-
sion joint depends on local conditions. Provision of poses, man-holes may be provided on either side of
expamion joint at intervals of 300 man exposed steel isolating valve and at other suitable places.
pipeline is gcncrally recommended. Expansion joints 10.2.2 Protective devices, such as relief valves, surge
should always be provided between two fixed supports or break pressure stations, may be provided to ensure
or anchorages (see 8.3.3). that the internal pressure at any point in the pipeline
8.3.3 Anchortrp dots not exceed the design pressure.
The pipe shall IX anchored by concrete anchor blocks 102.3 Pressure indicating the flow recording instru-
or other means to resist unbalanced water pressures and ments and burst alarms should also be provided at
tenlpemturc stresses. Provision should be made to suitable places.
anchor the main during construction and in service 11 TESTING OF PIPELINE
where floatation could occur.
11.1 GearI-al
Bclijrc putting it into ronmission. the wcltlcd pipeline
9.1 The mode of laying the pipeline crossing. road, shall 1)~trstrd both Ihr its strength ,Ind Ic;~kagc.
IS 5822 : 1994
IS 5822 : 1994
interiors, bolh before and during construction each of flushing and commissioning, reliable communication
1hen1 should be inspected and, if necessary, cleaned system between both ends of the section of the
before inslallalion. pipeline being dealt with as well as between the field
13.1.3 Afler pressure testing the niaiil, it should be partics in between thcsc sections should be established.
tlushcd with water of sufficim~ velocily to remove all
dirt and olhcr fnrcign materials. When this~process has
been completed, disinfection (using liquid chlorine,
sodium or calcium hypochlorite) should proceed by one
of the recoumeuded melhods as described in 13.2 15.1 Allowitble Removal of Puvetnent
and 13.3.
Paveinenl and road surfaces may be removed as a part
13.2 Continuous Feed ofthe lrenchcxcavalion, and the amount removed shall
In this method, water from the distribution system or depend upon Ihe width of trench specified for the
otherapproved source and Ihechlc~r~ac is fed at constant imlallation ofthe pipe and the width and length of the
rate into Ihe new main at a co~~c.slltr;lrio~~of at least 20 pavenml area required to be removed for the installa-
tion of gate valves, specials, man-holes or other struc-
n~g/l. A properly adjusted hyp~~chlori~e solulion in-
lures. The width of pavement removed along the
jected inlo lhe main with a hypochlorinator, or liquid
nonual trench for the installation of the pipe shall not
chlorine injected into the main through a solution-feed
chlorinator and booster pump may he used. The exceed the width of the trench specified by more than
chloriuc residual should be checked at intervals 10 1.50 mu on each side of the trench. The width and
ensure that the proper level is maintained. Chlorine lengths of Ihe area of pavement removed for the instal-
application should continue uutil the entire njain is lation of gate valves, specials, man-holes or otherstruc-
filled. All valves, hydrants, ctc, along the main should lures shall not cxcced Ihe n~axinnm linear dimensions
be opcratcd to cnsurc their proper disinfection. The of such slructures by more than 150 nun on each side.
water should remain in the main Fora minioiunl of Wherever in the opinion of the authority, existing con-
24 h.-Following the 24 hours period no less than 10 nig/l ditions make it ucccssary oradvisable to remove addi-
chlorine residual should remain in the main. tional pavemcnl, ir shall be removed as directed by the
13.3 Slug Method ,
15.2 Replacement of Pavements and Structures
In this method a continuous flow of water is Ted with a
constant dose vf chlorine (as in the previous method) All pavements, paved footpaths, curbing, gutters,
but with rales proportioned to give a chlorine con- shrubbery, fences, poles, sods or other property and
centration ol at least 300 mg/l. The chlorine is applied surface structures retuoved or disturbed as a part of the
continuously for a period of time to provide a column work shall be restored lo a condition equal to that before
of chlorinaled water that contacts all interior surfaces the work began, furnishing all labour and materials
ofthe minlhra prriodofatleast3 h. As thcslugpasscs incidental thereto. In restoring the pavement, sound
Ices, crosses, ctc, proper valves shall bc operated IO granite blocks, sound brick or asphalt paving blocks
ensure their disinfeclion. This method is used priucipal- may be re-used. No permanent paven~eut shall be res-
ly for large diameter mains where continuous feed is tored unless and until in the opinion of the authority, the
iu~practiciil. condition of the backfill is such as to properly support
the pavement.
13.4 Regardless of the method used, it is necessary to
niakc certain that backllow of the strong chlorine solu- 15.3 Cleaning-IJp
tion inlo the supplying line does not occur. Following
rhe prcscrihed contact period, the chlorinaled waler All surplus water main materials and all tools and
should be flushed to waste ~until the reniaining water temporary structures shall be renioved from the site as
has a chlorine residual approximating that throughout directed by Ihe authority. All dirt, rubbish, and excess
Ihe rest of the system. Bacteriological lests as earthfromtheexcavationshall behauled toa dutnpand
prcscribedby the authorities should be taken, and ifthe the construction site left clean to the satisfaction of the
results fail to meet n~ininnm standards, the disinfecting authority.
procedure should be repeated and the results again 16 DESIGN REQlJlREMENTS
tested before placing the main in service.
16.1 General Design Requirements
Geneial requirements for the design of steel -pipes are
14.1 During all phases of cleaning, testing, disinfecting,
given in Qnex B for information.
IS 5822 : 1994
( Clause 2.1 )
( Clause 16.1 )
IS 5822 : 1994
IS 5822 : 1994
sunmvs. underrroes variation in length as well as in II, = tnnxitnuni or iuinitiiutn opcmting tettipcra-
diantktcrs. TheSiatnetrical expansiogor contraction of ture in C,
the pipe is generally small and it tnay bc neglected for
11 = temperalure at the titne of ittstallalion in
the purposes of design. The linear expansion in a pipe
line is given by the expression: OC,
d/=t.=.L III = Poissons ratio, and
where fit = hoop stress due IO water in N/ttttu2.
dl = variation in length in nun, B-12 DESIGN REQIJIREMENTS FOR
1 = temperature variation in C, FLEXIBILITY AND BENDING
c1: = linear coefficient of expansion iii B-12.1 The physical constants for the steel for pipeline
shall be as follows:
tutiiitntii/C, and
L = length between fixed point and free end in a) Coeficient ofE.ipmkv7 - The linear coeflicient
of thermal expattcton for tuild steel tray be taken
as 12 X 10-6/0C for tctuperature up to 120C.
B-11.1.1 Expansion joints arc gcncrally provided on
the above ground pipelitte which absorb the elongation b) Modulus ofelasticity as 0.2 x 10 N/n&, and
or contraction of the pipe by telescopic movement of c) Poissons ratio as 0.3 for steel.
inner and outer gland of the expansion joint. Provision
ofcxpattsion joint thus releases the pipeline of thermal B-13 PIPE SUIPOMLS
stresses. The relief is not, however, cotnplele as some
amount of restraint on the free tnovetnent of the pipe B-13.1 (;eneral
line is always present due to frictional force developed The stresses transmitted to the connected equipment,
within the expansion jointproper and at the supporting like valves should be kept within safe limits.
system of Ihe pipeline, which depends upon the type of
support adopted. The fricrional force developed within B-13.2 Supports
the expansion joints is given by the expression.
Supports should be designed to support the pipeline
F,=mx3.14xdxBxp without causing excessive local stresses. Due al-
(Skoctiich expression) lowance shall be made for the weight of water, hydros-
whcrc tatic head, frictional resistance at the supports, etc.
Proper bearing surface, such as flat base, roller and
Fe = axial force in N,
rocker, should bc provided where controlled niove-
m = cocfficicnt of f&ion = 0.3, tncttls are required.
d = dia tnetcr of pipe in ttttn,
B = width of packing in nun, and
y = i ttternal pressure in N/nun.
B-14.1 Anchorages
Fe = POXF + A.p .. .. .... . (American practice) Anchors are provided on the pipeline at the position of
line valves or sectionalizing valves, at the blank flange,
whcrc at the tapers and at the mid-point between two consecu-
Fe. = axial force in N, tive expansion joints, in the case of above ground
P = n x CJ= circumference of pipe shell in tntn, pipeline. These anchors are generally of gravity type
F = 7.43 N/mm of circumference, and should be designed to resist the axial forces due.to
tnaxitnutu design hydraulic pressure, frictional resis-
A = cross-sectional area of shell in tntt?, and tattcesetupatthecxpai~siottjoint,attdat~hesupporting
1) = internal pressure in N/nun*. system, for their worst combination so that the pipe
shell is completely relieved ofstresses resulted from the
Ii-U.2 Restrained Iipeline
above forces.
In pipelittc laid above ground where the movement due
to temperature variation, cannot be accommodated .B-14.1.1 The anchors provided at the tnid-point be-
either in expansion joints or loops, full provision for the tween the two consecutive expansion joints, fixity
longitudinal cotttpression stress due to axial force points ntay be fratne type in which case all the axial
_ caused by tctnperature rise should be made in accord- forces acting on the pipeline are carried by (hc frame
ance with the expression : consisting of one or more pair of supports and the
pipeline, by shear and bending.
where B-14.2 Anchor Blocks
E = tnodulus of elasticity in N/inn?, Anchor blocks shall bc designed in accordance with
L = linear cocflicicttt of expansion, IS 5330 : 1984.
IS 5822 : 1994
( Foreword )
Water Supply and Sanitation Sectional Conmittcc, CED 24
SHRI v. I% IATEL In personal capacity (128 Munukbag Society, Ambawudi, Altmedabad)
ADWSER (PI-IE) Central Public Health Sr Ertvironmcntal Engineering Organization, Ministry
of Urban Development, New Delhi
Detw~~ AnvtseR (PI II?) ( AItcrnute ) .
SttRl M. S. &NAN1 Public Works Department, Delhi Adtninistration
SttRt AvAnttFsti KUMAR Tata Consulting Engineers, Bombay
DR S. GAONKAR (Alternate)
Smt I. S. IJAWWA Public Health Engineering Department, Madhya Pradesh
SttRl J. N. Clttose ( Altcrnute )
Ctttw ENGINEER (PPRD) U. I? Jal Nigam, Lucknow
S;HRIv. K. ~LIPTA ( ~hmte )
SttRt S. (;. ~hLAl_IKER In personal capacity (Flut No. 40.3, Savhi Cinema (~ommcrcial Complex,
New Delhi)
SHRI DEVENDRASING~~ In personal capacity (Anneye Building, 2nd Flooc DD-I, Kalkaji Extension,
New De&q
StlRt H. (3. (jAR(i Haryana Public Works Department, Chandigarh
SttRt S. S. BOLA ( Alternutr )
hDRALIl.lC EN( itNEER Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay
( AiGzrnafe)
SttRt F. LAL KAN~AL Public Works Department, Public Health, Patiala (Punjab)
SHRt M. M. KAtOOR Engineers India Limited, New Delhi
SttRt RANA PRATAP (Alternate)
Stat LALLAN~PR/\SA~ The Institution of Engineers India, Calcutta
Sttu B. A. MALL~A Northern Railway Headquarters, New Delhi
MANAGtNCi~RK-KIR Punjab Water Supply & Sewerage Roard, Chandigarh
l>R v. A. MttAtSALK/\R National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (<SIR), Maharashtra
StrRt A. K. SETH( Ahernale )
Stmt S. li. MUKHERIEE Metropolitan Development Authority, Calcutta (West Bengal)
SttRt A. K. Dmr~ (Alternate )
SHR~R. NATARAJAN +Iindustan Dore, Oliver (India) Ltd, New Delhi
SttRt B. P. MtsttRA (Alternate)
PROP K. J. ihtt All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Calcutta
SttRl I). GUIN (Alternate)
Stttu StstR K. NEAGI Inslitutional Public Health Engineers, Calcutta
SttRtJ. P. GIIPTA (Alternule )
(bL I-i. S. IAI!L Directorate of Designs, Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, Army Headquarters,
MAJ B. DAS (Alternate ) New Delhi
SHRt T. RAMACHANDRAN Madras Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewage Board, Tamil Nadu
SttRtK. NAFRAJA~(Alfernnte)
SttRt s. PRAKAstt Delhi Water Supply Rr Sewage Disposal lrndertaking, Delhi
SttRt S. S. Cwnnn~ (Alternate )
SECREIARY India Water Works Association, Bombay
SHRt L. R. SEHGAL L. R. Sehgal 6r CQ, New Delhi
SttRt S. K. SItARMA Central Building Research Institute (CSIR), Roorkee
Start S. S. SRNASTAVA U. P. Jai Nigam, Lucknow
StiRt V. K. &PTA ( A /ternale )
( Continued on page 13 )
1s 5822 : 1994
Members Hepresenting
Member Secrelary
Brueau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and qualit! certification of goods
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This Indian Standard has been developed from Boc : No. CED 24 ( 5322
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