AZQ 3 0 Manual V1.7 PDF
AZQ 3 0 Manual V1.7 PDF
AZQ 3 0 Manual V1.7 PDF
Users Manual
RC4: 25 August 2014
FTP DOWNLOAD STATEMENT ................................................................................................. 20
FTP UPLOAD STATEMENT ....................................................................................................... 21
HTTP DOWNLOAD STATEMENT .............................................................................................. 22
BROWSE STATEMENT ............................................................................................................... 23
SMS STATEMENT ..................................................................................................................... 23
MMS STATEMENT.................................................................................................................... 24
DATA ENABLE STATEMENT ..................................................................................................... 25
PING STATEMENT ..................................................................................................................... 25
TRACE ROUTE STATEMENT ..................................................................................................... 26
NETWORK MODE STATEMENT ................................................................................................. 26
OOKLA SPEEDTEST STATEMENT ............................................................................................ 26
DROPBOX DOWNLOAD STATEMENT ...................................................................................... 27
DROPBOX UPLOAD STATEMENT ............................................................................................ 28
YOUTUBE STATEMENT ............................................................................................................. 28
PAUSE STATEMENT .................................................................................................................. 29
WIFI ENABLE STATEMENT...................................................................................................... 30
CONNECT WIFI STATEMENT ................................................................................................... 30
DISCONNECT WIFI STATEMENT .............................................................................................. 31
MULTI-RAB STATEMENT ........................................................................................................ 32
ADDITIONAL COMPONENTS ............................................................................................ 41
DATA PANEL......................................................................................................................... 46
GSM PANEL........................................................................................................................... 47
WCDMA PANEL.................................................................................................................... 48
EXPORTING AND OPENING .MIF GRID FILE IN AZQ ................................................................. 54
HOW TO USE YOUR OWN GRID FILES IN AZQ .......................................................................... 54
TRANSFERRING .MIF TO YOUR PHONE.................................................................................... 56
MY LOCATION FUNCTION ........................................................................................................ 57
GET DIRECTION FUNCTION ..................................................................................................... 59
ROUTE PLOTTING ON GOOGLE MAPS ..................................................................................... 59
GOOGLE MAPS IN OFFLINE MODE .......................................................................................... 60
APPENDIX.............................................................................................................................. 70
SUPPORT ............................................................................................................................... 73
Whats new in AZQ Android version 3.0.1
- Background Mode
User can now switch to conduct other activities while recording, this allows for
radio parameter collection of other apps such as OOKLA speedtest and games
User can now view Layer 3 messages and its content live on the phone
- Youtube Testing
Scripted testing of Youtube will now open a Youtube vdo, recording KPIs such
as buffer time and data transfer rate
Scripted testing of Speedtest will now open the speedtest app allowing user to
collect radio parameter in the background
- Multi-RAB Testing
- Cell Display
Users can import cell files into AZQ and display them on the map during drive
- Split Panel
- New Indoor Marking Method
Indoor marking has been completely redone for more convenient walk testing
- Cell Locking
LTE PCI/ EARFCN/Band Locking, WCMDA SC Stay in dedicated
mode/UARFCN/Band Locking, GSM Band Locking in selected devices. (Nexus
5,Samsung Galaxy S5 SMG900F)
AZQ Android overview
To ensure a stable and smooth operation of AZQ please make sure that the following
conditions has been checked
In modern smart phones, APN must be properly set before data operations can be
made, in any test cases special APN are required for the testing and must be set
To setup APN
Select Mobile networks
Be mindful of the nature of the test. It might requires 2G only, 3G only, 4G only or
automatic network parameter recording, to choose the one appropriate to the test, go
to Mobile Networks and choose network mode
Check phones data storage
If the phones data storage is less 200 MB then no script can be started. Please delete
unnecessary applications & images. If your phone is using an external SD card and its
showing 0.0 available space, the SD card might be defective
Correct date & time ensures that the log will come up on the server correctly
AZQ File Locations
Test Script
Located at sdcard/AZQ.script
Test Schedule
Located at sdcard/AZQ.schedule
Log files
Located at sdcard/diag_logs
Cell files
Located at sdcard/AZQ.cellfiles
Grid files
Located at sdcard/AZQ.gridfiles
Launching AZQ
AZQ Main menu
Once AZQ has finished launching, you will be greeted with the menu screen
Start Script
Run and record a pre-configured script.
Network Monitor
Run an idle script which will not be recorded by AZQ
Open Script
Open a pre-configured script to edit
Delete Script
Delete a pre-configured script
User can set automatic test characteristics, import cell file, manage audio warnings
Upload logs
Upload recorded log to the AZQ server
Manage Logs
View or download uploaded logs from the AZQ server
Enter a Bluetooth test mode where one Android Tablet can control multiple AZQ
Technical Support
Directly email our support desk with your questions, please remember to fill in the form
with your inquiries
Script Creation
Script allow users to setup and execute a sequence of pre-determined statements such
as Voice call, FTP download and FTP upload on the phone. Once a script has been
created you can initiate it via Start Script on the main menu.
To create a script, go to AZQ main menu and enter New Script
Once you enter New Script You will be able to add a new statement by tapping the
You can also edit an existing statement by tapping on that statement to bring up the
edit menu. In this example, Voice Dial is tapped and the edit menu is displayed
Pressing Will move the current statement down and make Voice Dial happens after
Wait, as shown in the next image
Likewise, tapping will move the current statement up and make Voice Dial happen
before the wait statement as in the original script as shown in the next image
Tapping will allow the user to edit the Voice Dial script
Importance of loop
Loop allows a statement within the loop to be repeated automatically, this generally
means that the user need to start the script only once during a drive. However,
incorrectly setting the loop means that script will only execute a statement once before
ending, thus requiring the user to start script again. It can be very tiring so we better
get this right the first time
Starting this script means that the Voice Dial will happen once, followed by 45 seconds
idle time, then the script will end. This is because the Voice Dial and Wait are not in the
loop! To setup a correct loop, please follow these steps
Tap to move Voice Dial into the loop, notice that voice dial is now moved to the
right and into the loop, if this script is started now, Voice Dial will be repeated
10,000 times
The loop is now setup correctly and starting it will make the phone execute Voice Dial
followed by wait for 10,000 times or until the user ends the test
By tapping the icon, a list of statements will be displayed; the user can then tap a
statement to add it into the script
Loop statement
Loop count: The number of times a script will repeat itself before ending, please keep in
mind the importance of keeping statements in the loop
Wait statement
Wait will make the phone enters into idle mode, log will still be recorded during this
time and the user can execute actions such as calls or use applications manually. Ideal
for collecting coverage information
Report Status to Server: Enabling this will allow the phone to send its status (Location,
Battery level, Type of test being done) back to the server when wait is being executed
Answer statement
Answer will make the phone picks up incoming calls, if the answer statement is not
active then incoming calls will be ignored unless the user manually picks up the call
Incoming Number: Specify the number of the incoming call that the phone will pick up.
If left blank the phone will pick up calls from any number
Duration: The duration of the conversation after call has been picked up in seconds
Wait time: The duration of time the phone will wait for calls in idle mode before
executing the next statement
Voice Dial will make the phone initiate calls to the target number
Tel Number: The target number the phone will call to.
Duration: The duration of the conversation after call has been picked up on the
receiving side.
Answer timeout: The duration of time (in seconds) the phone will wait for the call to be
picked up after ringing has started
Setup timeout: The duration of time (in seconds) the phone will wait for the call to ring
after it has been initiated on the caller side
FTP download will download a file from the target server, please note that the target file
name must exist on the server for the download to be started
File name: Specify the file name to download, please make sure that it must follow the
exact same convention (Capital letters, spacing) as the file name on the server
Timeout: Specify the download time before the FTP download is considered as failed
Inactivity Timeout: Specify the period of no data activity before the FTP download is
considered as fail
FTP upload will upload a randomly generated text string of the specified size to the
target server.
File size: Specify the size of the file to upload, Please use lower case letter without
spacing to specify the file size
Timeout: Specify the download time before the FTP download is considered as failed
Inactivity Timeout: Specify the period of no data activity before the FTP download is
considered as fail
HTTP Download will download the target URL; this is not the same as browsing a web
URL: The URL of the target web page
Timeout: Specify the download time before the FTP download is considered as failed
Inactivity Timeout: Specify the period of no data activity before the FTP download is
considered as fail
Browse statement
Browse will use the Android web browsing API to open a webpage and download the
pages resources. Please note that Java script will not be downloaded
Timeout: Specify the download time before the FTP download is considered as failed
SMS statement
Phone Number: The SMS receivers number
SentTimeout: Specify the period the application will wait for the sms send ack from the
phones API
MMS statement
Android will send MMS to the specified number, MMS can be sent in image only,
animations and VDOs MMS are not allowed
Phone Number: The MMS receivers number
UploadTimeout: Specify the time period the application will wait for the MMS upload to
be finished
Image: Choose from a pre-defined image or image from the photo gallery
Android will enable/disable data service, check to enable and uncheck to disable
Ping statement
Repeat Count: The number of times ping will be executed before moving to the next
Timeout: Specify the time period the application will wait for the Ping response
Android will force to a certain technology before executing the next statement, please
note that this function is not supported on all phones.
Android will open OOKLA and conduct speedtest for the purpose of collecting radio
parameter information, OOKLA speedtest must be installed on the phone and no other
activities can be done while the test is underway
Timeout: Specify the time period the application will wait for the Speedtest to complete
AZQ will use the Dropbox API to conduct download test from a dropbox account, a valid
Dropbox account and file is required for this test. File for download test must be placed
in the root directory and not in a folder
File Name: Specify the file name to download, please make sure that it must follow the
exact same convention (Capital letters, spacing) as the file name on Dropbox
Download Timeout(s): Specify the download time before the FTP download is
considered as failed
Change Account: If this box is checked then the Dropbox login account page will be
opened for the user to login with a different account
Change Account Timeout(s): Specify the time AZQ will wait for the manual account
login to be complete if the Change Account box is checked
DROPBOX upload statement
AZQ will use the Dropbox API to conduct upload test to a dropbox account, a valid
Dropbox account is required for this test.
Upload Timeout(s): Specify the download time before the FTP download is considered
as failed
Change Account: If this box is checked then the Dropbox login account page will be
opened for the user to login with a different account
Change Account Timeout(s): Specify the time AZQ will wait for the manual account
login to be complete if the Change Account box is checked
Youtube statement
AZQ will use the Youtube API to open a streaming VDO from Youtube while collecting
radio parameters, data throughput and buffering statistics. Youtube must be installed
on the phone with user account registered. No other activities can be done while the
VDO is playing
VDO ID: Specify the streaming VDO to play, VDO ID can be found by opening the target
Youtube VDO on a browser
Timeout Before Playing (s): Specify the duration before the download is considered as
High Quality: AZQ will play the VDO in high definition if the High Quality box is
Pause statement
AZQ will pause the script from continuing to the next statement, user can click Un
pause at any time to release the pause. While pausing, the radio parameters will not be
recorded but Test KPIs (events) are still recorded.
Timeout(s): Specify the pause period duration, at the end of the timeout the next
statement will be started even if Un pause hasnt been clicked.
You can also pause the script during testing by pressing option select Pause
WIFI Enable statement
Android will enable/disable WIFI connection, check to enable and uncheck to disable.
The phones WIFI connection must be enabled for the WIFI connect/disconnect
statement can be used.
SSID: The name of the Wireless Network the Android will connect to
WEP Key/ Password: The password to the wireless network
Public Wifi(Show web login): In case a public hotspot is being connected to, this must
be checked to open the login page on the browser
Public Wifi(Show web logout): In case a public hotspot is being connected to, this must
be checked to open the logout page on the browser
Multi-RAB statement
With Multi-RAB, Android will conduct two types of test simultaneously provided that
the network supports it (Some GSM network might not allow concurrent voice and
4 types of Multi-RAB tests are possible, Voice + FTP Download / Voice + FTP Upload /
Ping + FTP Download and Ping + FTP Upload. The same rules for each of the statement
Stop at Ping End: If this is checked, Android will end the Ping + FTP Download or Ping +
FTP Upload statement once Ping is done. FTP Download or FTP Upload at that moment
will count as fail if its not successful before Ping is done
Stop at Voice End: If this is checked, Android will end the Voice + FTP Download or
Voice + FTP Upload statement once voice call has ended (From normal call clearing/
Call drop/Call block). FTP Download or FTP Upload at that moment will count as fail if
its not successful before Voice Call is done
AZQ Settings
AZQ Settings can be accessed from AZQ main menu, here users can import cell file for
display during outdoors drive test, setup automatic mode testing, enable audio alarms
and download components for additional testing.
Users can now import cell files into AZQ for display during outdoors testing,
XXX9340B1 XXX9340B 13.74864 100.5357 360 0 XX0 XX 15061 20257 573 1-0
XXX9340B2 XXX9340B 13.74864 100.5357 360 50 XX0 XX 15061 20258 571 2-0
XXX9340B3 XXX9340B 13.74864 100.5357 360 120 XX0 XX 15061 20259 569 0-2
XXX9340B4 XXX9340B 13.74864 100.5357 360 210 XX0 XX 15061 20261 567 0-8
XXX9341B1 XXX9341B 13.7446 100.533 360 0 XX0 XX 15061 20151 571 2-1
Channel Number CH integer ARFCN. Values range from 0 to
Scrambling code SCR integer Value range from 0-512
Routing Area RAC Integer Values range from 0 to 255.
XXX-BKK0006-1A BKKXXXX 13.7668 100.586 360 0 XXX XX 437 4433 14701 12003 41
XXX-BKK0006-1B BKKXXXX 13.7668 100.586 360 120 XXX XX 438 4433 14701 12006 41
XXX-BKK0006-1C BKKXXXX 13.7668 100.586 360 270 XXX XX 439 4433 14701 12007 41
XXX-BKK0007-1A BKKXXXX 13.7594 100.541 360 30 XXX XX 357 4433 14701 12008 41
You can now move the cell file you have created into the phone .First Enter AZQ
Application. Then, connect your phone to the PC via USB cable and choose Disk Drive
Change Connection mode from Charge only to Disk Drive
Move your AZQ Cell file into the folder AZQ.cellfiles in the SD card (if its not found,
disconnect the USB cable and enter AZQ again)
Now that the cell files are in the phone, disconnect the USB cable from the phone and
enter AZQ again. -> Go to settings. You will now see 2 new options, import GSM Cell
and import WCDMA Cell
Click on Import GSM or WCDMA then choose the cell files you want to use. Please be
aware that the number of cell files will affect storage space and performance.
Maximum of 10,000 Cells is recommended
After the import is successful, the number of cell files will be changed, as shown in
If the number of imported cells is 0 after import, it means the cell file is incompatible
with AZQ
During Drive Test, user can now see Cell files displayed on the map. Maximum of 100
Cells can be displayed
GSM Cell will be displayed in Green/WCDMA cell will be displayed in Blue, Outdoor cells
will be displayed in Triangles while Indoors cell will be displayed in squares
In unattended mode the phone will start testing the script named default whenever
power is plugged in and will stop testing and start uploading the log once power has
been unplugged for a specified period of time. User must create a valid script named
default for this mode to work.
If schedule is also checked, the phone will instead connect to AZQ server and download
the appropriate script.
Enable: Check to enable automatic mode
No power period (minute): User can change the interval between the loss of power
source and end of the test. Default setting is 1 minute
Clear SMS/MMS: If checked, Android will delete all SMS/MMS message in the inbox
every time the test is started. SMS or MMS deleted in this way cant be recovered
Alarm Settings
No Power Alarm: Check to enable audio warning when phone is not plugged into a
power source during testing
GPS Alarm: Check to enable audio warning when GPS connection is lost
Audio Notification: Check to enable audio notification for various events used as call
setup, call block, call drop, Handover
Schedule Settings
Instead of executing the default script when unattended mode is checked, Android can
also download and execute script from the AZQ server. The script can also be assigned
to a particular period of time.
Enable: If checked, Android will connect to the AZQ server for the test script instead of
executing the default script on the phone
Load Script & Schedule: If clicked, Android will download the script from the server for
use in manual mode.
User can assign an email address for the AZQ server to send back the report once
uploaded log has been processed, please note that the server will send email report of
logs conducted by this phone only
Enable: If checked, server will email the report once uploaded log has been processed
Email address: Enter the preferred email account; it doesnt have to be the phones
Google account
Additional Components
AZQ requires additional components for some particular test and functions to work
please make sure that these components are downloaded before testing is conducted
Load Google Map Service: Download map component for use in outdoors testing
Data Panels
Once testing has been initiated, AZQ will open the main testing screen where various
event and radio information can be viewed, you can swipe the data tabs to navigate
between panels and also swipe the left side of the screen to enable split panel views
User can click on this part of the screen or swipe any left part of the screen to bring up
split panel view
User can click to bring up the option to pause log during recording or mute audio
notification sound during drive testing
Script Panel
The script panel displays the script the user is running and the statement the phone is
currently executing, user can click on some statements like data download to view
more information
Click on FTP Download The status for FTP download will be shown
Events Panel
The event panel displays the KPI event and handover information for the user. This
Screen can be swapped to the right to display the summary event counter
Layer 3 Messages Panel
The Layer 3 Messages panel displays the Layer 3 Messages of the test; user can click
on the layer message itself to view additional information of the message
Sys Panel
The sys panel displays relevant information about the system the phone is currently
latched on to. The Cell ID (System) field will display the Cell ID retrieved from the
Android API and may not be accurate, the Cell ID (CellRef) uses the cell reference file in
the phone and needs valid GPS location fix to display
Data Panel
The data panel displays data-related parameters; it will be displayed only when Android
uses data connection
GSM Panel
The GSM panel displays the relevant 2G radio parameter and Speech Codec during
voice call test
C/I Panel
The C/I panel displays the C/I statistics while the phone is in GSM mode
2G Cells Panel
The 2G Cells panel displays the serving and neighboring cell information
The EDGE/GPRS panel displays the 2G data related radio parameter when Android uses
data or conduct data tests
The WCDMA panel displays the relevant WCDMA radio parameter
3G Cells Panel
The HSDPA/HSPA+ panel displays the 3G data related radio parameter when Android
uses data or conduct data tests
The HSUPA panel displays the 3G data related radio parameter when Android uses data
or conduct data tests
LTE Panel
WIFI Panel
The WIFI panel displays the information of the Wi-Fi access point the phone currently
connects to
The WIFI panel displays the information of Wi-Fi access points that Android can detect
Bearers Panel
The Bearers panel displays the voice and data bearer currently assigned to the phone
Split Panel
User can click on this part of the screen or swipe any left part of the screen to bring up
split panel view, user can then choose the split panel to display
With split panel, two sets of information can be seen on the screen at the same time,
for example, if WCDMA is chosen as a split panel while in Layer 3 Message tab, user
can view multiple information at the same time.
Split panel is designed to allow users to display multiple sets of information at the
same time and allow for easier analysis during testing.
Outdoor map
Exporting and opening .mif grid file in AZQ
After starting script, select Outdoor tab and click Open Map button. From map
screen, touch at the menu button on the phone then select Choose Grid Tab then
choose grid files that you want.
AZQ support only .MIF map file format but normally your grid will come as .TAB. You
can use MapInfo program to convert from .TAB to .MIF by following below instruction
2. Select open
5. Click Table
6. Select Export
7. Select MapInfo Interchange (*.MIF)
8. Click Save
After getting .MIF, you have to copy this file to SDCARD on the phone and must place it
inside folder AZQ.gridfiles as shown below. AZQ will search for grid file (*.MIF) from
that folder. When you click Choose Grid Tab you will find your .MIF in the list.
My Location function
Once user opens the map, navigation and location functions will become available
My location will zoom in on the users location once GPS has been fixed, the GPS icon
on the screen will notify the user when GPS location is fixed
Get Direction function
User can navigate from one location to another with the get direction function; press
on any point on the screen, the upper right will now display Set as origin and Set as
User can then set that location as origin or destination, once two points has been
selected, click on Get direction to bring up the navigation screen
User can also use Search Cell to use the cell name as origin or destination, select Get
direction and drive route will be generated
AZQ will display Rxlvl and EC/IO on the drive route; user can also use the split panel
function to display additional information such as Cell name & Color Theme
Maps information may not update properly if the phone doesnt have data connection.
However, user can cache the map beforehand by opening the map before the drive test
in AZQs network monitoring and glide around the designated drive test areas at
various zoom levels before exiting. This will cache map information and will allow map
to display correctly in the drive test even without data connection.
Indoor Map
For indoor testing without GPS, users can use the Indoor map function in AZQ to open
a PNG or JPG floor plan format and mark walk test path. Please be noted that one log
cant contain both indoors and outdoors location information
User can then choose the floor plan image from the gallery, If the image file larger than
1MB the phone might run out of memory, in that case please restart the test.
User can pinch to zoom the image for more accurate marking, mark points by moving
the target reticle to the desired point and click to add points with tag click
If users want to delete a marked point, click on and the latest point will be
deleted while the recorded radio parameter will still be stored for the next map marking.
Log File
Start Recording
User can then select the desired script to run.
The test will be executed and the log recorded after 15 seconds
Please note that if connected to the PC as a power source during test, the phone must
be in Charge Only mode, this can be found in the Settings -> Power or Settings -> PC
Connection of the phone. For some models like the Sony Xperia E charging through the
PC is not recommended
Stop Recording
Once testing is complete, user can press the back button on Android to end script and
stop recording
Cell Locking
On supported model, the user can perform locking / forcing functions by clicking on
Force / Lock button on the bottom of the screen
LTE PCI Lock: This is LTE 'cell locking'. For testing purposes, engineers can force the
phone to use only the specified LTE cell via this feature. Suitable for testing a specifiec
LTE Cell in areas where reselections/handovers happen too often or testing the
maximum coverage of the cell for cross sector issues.
LTE EARFCN Lock: This forces the phone to only use the specified LTE frequency
channel number (EARFCN) within a specified LTE Band.
LTE Band Lock: This forces the phone to only use the specified LTE Band for LTE
WCDMA PSC Stay: This feature disables WCDMA Handovers (by disabling RRC
Measurement Reports) and would cause to phone to 'stay' on the current PSC while in
dedicated (Cell_DCH) mode. Users simply enable this function, disables data (to make
sure RRC is idle), then walk/wait for phone to reselect to your desired PSC. When AZQ
shows your desired PSC, immediately make a voice call - this would make phone enter
Cell_DCH on that PSC and then no handovers would happen (since no
MeasurementReports would be sent) until either a 'Radio Link Failure' or a 'Call End'
happens which causes the phone to exit Cell_DCH state.
WCDMA UARFCN Lock: This forces the phone to only use the specified WCDMA
Frequency channel number (UARFCN) for WCDMA operations.
GSM/WCDMA Band Lock: This forces the phone to only use the list of specified GSM
and WCDMA bands for its operations. For example, we can tell the phone to only use
WCDMA 2100 Mhz Band only, or GSM 1800 only, etc.
R99 Lock: This disables 'HSDPA' and 'HSPA+' and forces the phone to use only R99
WCDMA data mode. The Android data indicator would show '3G' instead of 'H' or 'H+'.
Suitable for legacy report test cases where customers need to ensure and test WCDMA
R99 operations.
GPRS Lock: This disables 'EDGE' and forces the phone to use only 'GPRS' for GSM data
mode. The Android data indicator would show 'G' instead of 'E'. Suitable for legacy
report test cases where customers need to ensure and test GPRS operations.
Ignore Cell Barred: This requires USIM with EF_AD set as 'cell test'. If the HPLMN of the
SIM is the same with the 'barred cell' then the phone would 'ignore the cell's barring
status' and use/camp on the cell. Suitable for pre-testing new cell sites before enabling
it to the public users/customers.
Tag name or Job ID can be entered at this time, please note that the tag must be in
English only with no spacing
Log file will be saved to the sdcard/diag_logs folder, once uploaded it will be moved
into sdcard/diag_logs/uploaded, the file can be moved to sdcard/diag_logs again in
case a manual upload retry is needed
Background Mode
During testing, the user can press the home button to come out to the main menu and
conduct other activities while the log is being recorded, please be noted that activities
that require heavy memory usage might cause the phone and AZQ to crash,
List of Measurements (All data might not be available on the phone screen)
3.2.5 GMM/SM state
3.2.6 RAC (Routing Area Code)
3.2.7 Routing area update
3.3.1 Ec/Io (Active set, Monitor set, Detect set)
3.3.2 RSCP (Active set, Monitor set, Detect set)
3.3.3 RSSI
3.3.4 SF usage
3.3.5 UE Tx power
3.3.6 RRC state
3.3.7 UARFCN
3.3.8 Speech codec (AMR codec rate)
3.3.9 Active and neighbour set information (both WCDMA and GSM - Rxlev)
3.3.10 Handover state
3.3.11 RACH power
3.3.12 BLER
3.3.13 DL Frequency
3.3.14 UL Frequency
3.3.15 Scrambling Code
3.3.16 Rx Power
3.3.17 Tx Power
3.4 Packet switch (R99)
3.4.1 Application/RLC throughput
3.4.2 PDP context activation info. (TP/state)
3.4.3 Data amount (sent/receive)
3.4.4 Session information (FTP get info, FTP download)
3.5 Packet switch (HSPA)
3.5.1 HSDPA Scheduled Rate
3.5.2 HSDPA Served Rate
3.5.3 HSDPA MAC Layer Rate
3.5.4 HSDPA SBLER on 1st Transmission
3.5.6 HSDPA CQI Number avg.
3.5.7 HSDPA Num Codes Used Avg.
3.5.8 HSDPA MOD QPSK Percent
3.5.9 HSDPA MOD 16QAM Percent
3.5.10 HSDPA Meas from num 2MS Slots
3.5.11 WCDMA RLC DL Throughput
3.6 Signaling
3.6.1 L3 message display in replay
3.6.2 L3 message display on Android
3.6.3 RRC signaling
3.7 Miscellaneous Parameter
3.7.1 Time
3.7.2 Date
3.7.3 LAT/LON
3.7.4 MAP from GPS or manual marking for indoors
3.7.5 Display Events message (ex. call attempt, handover attempt, dropped call and etc.)
3.8 Function
3.8.1 Google Maps file format, ability to import Mapinfo route,JPG,PNG map for indoor testing
3.8.2 Plot ECIO/Rxlvl parameters on map
3.8.4 able to show active cell when site database is imported
3.8.5 Display cell sites with different technologies with different color
3.8.7 chart plot( bar, line) (selectable)
3.8.9 Script can be made on phone or server
3.8.10 Script can be remotely assigned from the server
3.8.11 Test both indoor and outdoor
3.8.12 Phone can be used in Automatic, static and manual mode
3.8.17 Automatically generate Predefined Microsoft Excel, CSV, Google Earth Report on the server
within 10 minutes of log upload
3.8.19 display route on map(selectable/offset setting)
3.8.29 sound identification (event)
3.8.36 export logfile to replay on PC manually
4.0 Application Service Test
4.1 Voice End To End Test
4.1.1 can test mobile to mobile
4.1.2 can test mobile to landline
4.1.3 can test landline to mobile
4.1.4 can show speech codec
4.1.5 can show Call Setup Time
4.1.6 can measure MOS Quality PESQ P.862
4.1.7 can set call setup time
4.1.8 can set call duration time
4.1.9 2G/3G Handover
4.1.10 Show drop call/Fail call cause
4.2 SMSP2P
4.2.1 can test mobile to mobile
4.2.2 automatically clear the inbox once SMS test successful
4.2.3 can measure percent of success send/receive
4.2.4 can measure send and receive time
4.2.5 can show alerting when receive the message
4.3 FTP Download / Upload
4.3.1 Multi-Threaded Upload FTP test
4.3.2 Multi-Threaded Download FTP test
4.3.3 can specify size of file transfer
4.3.4 can measure Application /RLC/LLC throughput
4.3.5 can measure BLER
4.3.6 can measure download duration
4.3.7 can show coding scheme
4.3.8 can show DL time slot
4.4 HTTP Browser
4.4.1 can test with various web page size
4.4.2 can measure Application RLC throughput
4.4.3 can measure BLER
4.4.4 can measure download duration
4.4.5 can measure objects load result (success/fail)
4.5 MMSP2P
4.5.1 can test mobile to mobile
4.5.2 automatic clear message at terminal mobile
4.5.3 can measure percent of success send/receive
4.5.4 can measure send and receive time
4.6 Ping
4.8.1 can test mobile to server
4.8.2 can measure ping duration (RRT)
4.8.3 can measure packet loss
4.8.4 can customize test file size
4.8.5 can measure throughput
4.8.6 flexible to setting Job sequence
4.7 Inter RAT
4.7.1 can test Inter RAT with CS service (AMR call ) from 3G to 2G
4.7.2 can test Inter RAT with PS service from 3G to 2G
4.7.3 can show event message detail
4.8 Multi RAB Test
4.8.1 can test AMR call + PS( Interactive Class)
4.8.2 can show event message detail
Android Test Terminal
OS Version
Support for locally-sourced & supported Commercial Android mobile phones (Single
SIM variant only)
Xperia V
Samsung Galaxy S5 (SM-G900F)
Google Nexus 5 (LG D821)