Apsara 5

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Showing posts with label *APSARA*. Show all posts

Showing posts with label *APSARA*. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


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My Friends,
*_Apsara or Yakshini Keelan Vidhaan has remain hidden up till now_*_
_(In this context, first time Rozy Nikhil put forward one sadhna
sequence in front of us which is available in our blog).Without it, how
many time we have done sadhna in this context .But we were unaware of
this fact that Keelan procedure is also one essential procedure and
without it expecting success??
Keelan means to bind it..this word carries a normal meaning..so that
Apsara or Yakshini enters our life definitely and not only enter rather
they remain in our life permanently as our friend. For this purpose,
this procedure carries significance. As we have heard about sadhna of
other yonis that in them promise is taken that they will stay with us
for 1 year or 5 year or some more time. Is it similar with these sadhnas
Sometimes for one year, sometimes for years or sometimes for the whole
But how will it be possible??
For it, what will be the changes in Vidhaan.. We have to know this also.
Friends, the Vidhaan which I am talking about.it does not mean that
this Vidhaan will consume so many years and you will not reach basic
sadhna. Nothing like this will happen.
It is not like this.rather learning necessary procedures and after
learning doing them will put you on the doorsteps to success.
*Because to be the disciple of capable Guru is achievement in itself.
But far big achievement is that we establish knowledge, intensity and
power of sadhna of Guru in ourselves as his blessing. Then only one
normal sadhak can come in category of successful sadhak and Siddh.*
Shishya should also be capable then only it is pride of being Shishya
also.and happiness of Guru that one of my son or daughter has imbibed
my knowledge in right mannerand has not spent his energy in mere
appreciation .rather in become living scripture..
And happening this this is good fortune..otherwise anyone is free to
*But getting Diksha from Sadgurudev and after that , successively rising
in the four ladders of curious.sadhaksiddhshishya and to imbibe one
of infinite kalas of Sadgurudevs infinite kalas completely and setting
up an example in front of entire world.this will be the test of our
*This can be only attained by learning, not by..sitting in home.thinking.*
*_Now back to the amazing Vidhaan of this keelan .Is it possible that
they can become life-partner in our life also..??_*
Why not..this is also possible..
Meaning not our assistant in invisible form rather.
Yes bhai yes..If you want them to be part of your life every time in
human form then it is also possible
But definitely Vidhaan will be something different for it
So all those who have got interest in that Vidhaan, they can also get
knowledge regarding that Vidhaan there.
Let me share one amazing thing with you after hearing which..you.
When I was in office, all of my colleagues were very astonished seeing
me wear one ring.at that time they were curious to know why I wore that
And that was Asht Naagini Mudrika.I found it nice wearing itbecause
whenever someone saw that ring ..Become curious to knowand I answered
all their questions in my smile that..i dont know why
However I do not wear it nowSMILE
Reason is that when I was not getting success in big-2 sadhnas then I
thought that lets try easy-2 sadhnas and the easiest sadhna I found was
Asht Naagini Sadhna.
I thought that first I should take permission from Sadgurudev.
He listened and said that if you wish to do.you have interest in these
type of sadhnas.then go and do it.
*_I did it two times but success_**??* (Because I did not know
Vidhaanthen how could I have got success)
I came in contact with bhai and we all were in first parad workshop. The
moments of evening and night which we spent in discussion are invaluable.
Then one day Bhai discussed about Apsara Yakshini sadhna as one brother
expressed desire that he definitely want to do it.
I told Bhai..I also tried doing Asht Naagini sadhnabut was not able to
do it
Bhai said it is not that easy Bhaiya
I told .No bhai, it is very easy sadhna
Bhai told Anu Bhaiya, when one Naag (snake) comes in room then how much
scared we are? When she will come in sadhna time, then what will
happen?? Tell
I told bhai listen, it does not happen like thisshe will come in human
form.then no problem
Bhai said who told you this that .in human forms..Bhaiya first she
will come in that original form, after complete siddhi, thing is
altogether different
I thought for a while.said that Bhai.it is not written anywhere..
Bhai said,, ask first those who have done this sadhna
Told all of us that one disciple of Sadgurudev said to Sadgurudev that
can he get the suitable one among the yonis of para world as his
life-partner. Sadgurudev for one moment saw his eye
And provided him the special procedure of Naag Kanya.
(Friends, please understand that we have considered Naag and Sarp
(Snake) as one and same thing. This is not correct. Various queens of
Mahabharata fighter Arjuna and Lord Shri Krishna were from Naag Lokthen
it means that it will be some other yoni.Isnt?
In the similar manner we have considered Jaamvant as bear.and Lord Shri
Krishna got married to daughter of Jaamvant Jaamvanti then it means that
is there something wrong in our understanding)
And that brother went on bank of river in night time and what happened
there.how and what
Lets leave these things..why will you want to know .??
I dont think that your interest.
Let us come back to our topic
So in this sadhnas, there is amazing Vidhaan of Apsara Yakshini Sadhna.
And friends, when keelan of this sadhna is done in our life.then how
success can remain far from us
What is this Vidhaan and we all will understand its keys.
Now do not think that unknown secrets will be told to you in thousands
of numbers. Rather secret is only secret because we have not known it
and as we know it, then how can it still remain secret.
So do not consider this seminar..merely as the medium of
advertisementbecause tomorrow somebody else will stand up and say that
we are doing seminar in this much.then what..
Because everything is possible .nothing is impossible in this world
Regarding the talks of today I will only say that this seminar is not a
medium to earn money. But it is also correct that whatever is being done
for you, to make it happen needs some money. Isnt .whether it is
special yantraor something else.
It is not like that ten thousand people are coming.few person become
worried calculating returns
Ratherthe one who are fortunate..who have intense desire..who have
got desire to live sadhnas.Can siddhi be attained in reality, have
mentality to experience that..it is for those fortunate persons. Now
how many can come, how many cant, we never think about it.The thing
that always remains in our mind is that Sadgurudev has said some time
that whenever he conducted any shivir, it was meant for only one or two
sadhak, but the others who came it became their fortune.
In the similar manner, there are drops of nectar attained from the lotus
feet of Sadgurudev whose one part can transform our sadhna life failure
to success.
*Now about money, then this fact has not remain hidden from you all that
the Parad Shivling which Bhai make, is multiple times costlier than
Parad Shivling available in market due to sanskars,gems,metals,quality
and procedures..Entire fees collected from the persons who are coming
can be arranged by selling few of such Shivlings*
*If only earning money has been the aim of us thenwhy these seminars
should be organized. We have also said that if any sadhak wants to do
Praan Pratishtha of Mandal Yantra himself then he can come in advance
and do the Vidhaan himself at his own expenditure, and when you are
doing Praan Pratishtha and Vidhaan yourself and that too by your own
expenditure then nobody can accuse usBesides it, scripture introducing
hidden secrets of this subject could have also been published spending
our own money.what about that..*
*Just we and you all can meet and can learn knowledge with dignity from
one of our brother and after attaining success if we get your company in
completing our works (however, this is not a condition) then it will be
our fortune.*
So you have to think or as always time pass away and we are still busy
preparing our mind.
To Be Continued.
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*****ANU NIKHIL*****
*******NPRU *******
Posted by Nikhil <http://www.blogger.com/profile/08354675555933898528>
at 7:29 PM <http://nikhil-alchemy2.blogspot.in/2012/07/3.html> 2

Labels: APSARA <http://nikhil-alchemy2.blogspot.in/search/label/APSARA>,

MY VIEW <http://nikhil-alchemy2.blogspot.in/search/label/MY%20VIEW>,
SEMINAAR <http://nikhil-alchemy2.blogspot.in/search/label/SEMINAAR>,

Monday, July 23, 2012


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My Friends,
*Brahmrishi Viswamitra, one such name in front of which entire world bow
down in reverence, who was the live indicator of Tantra in right sense.
One such personality who did what he aspired..neither he cared about
the narrow mentality prevalent in society nor did he implore in front of
anyone. If it was not possible in the normal way then he created even a
novel set of sadhnas and put them in front of us and compelled entire
Dev category to appear in front of him ..It may be any of the dev.*
And the one who has got intense desire.want to move forward, has got
the courage to change the circumstances, who can stay in his own path
without deviation has got the ingredients to be sadhak in Tantra sadhna
and he will definitely succeed in future.
Because tantra is the field of challenges, those who can accept the
challenge.this field is meant for them.
And one thing has to be clearly understood regarding the Yakshini Apsara
sadhna that it can be accomplished only by those who possess the
valour.*Please understand that word vigor or manhood.. Do not indicate
male or female rather they indicate one feeling. And may it be any
female but who can walk on this path without trouble then she will be
called to possess vigor.*
But for this physical firmness and strong will power is very important
and today our GEN NEXT generation has got lot of will but there is
scarcity of willpower.
Then how will it be possible???
And similar is the case with physical aspectswe have forgotten the
real beauty of men and women..that how personality used to be .
Sadgurudev has told us how personality of sadhak should be at various
places and also highlighted our drawbacks and shortcomingsbut who want
to care about them.
So does tantra sadhna about which it is said that it is directly
connected to all aspects of our life, not have any Vidhaan regarding
it..why not.
Any ordinary piece of iron if rubbed with magnet again and again attains
the qualities of magnetism. So can it not happen with human beings? Here
magnet refers to sadhna that too which carries so much of intensity that
after doing it, our life becomes full of energy, enthusiasm, honor of
sadhak, strength, courage and intensity.
Such sadhna has been given by *Brahmrishi Viswamitra. It is not sadhna
rather we should touch our lives with his direct energy and his
power. When his intensity comes in our life then what is apsara and what
is yakshini..every sadhna of life will start waiting for us every
moment.it may be Mahavidya or Vaitaal or some other sadhna*..this thing
has to be borne in mind.
But without such intense sadhna, how it is possible??? That your
personality becomes so much full of intensity and energy. Today one girl
or boy or our sons or family member do not listen to us *then thinking
that just chanting mantra for one night will give siddhi is like living
in dream. And assuming that someone has done like it then it cannot be
understood in any way that whose births sadhna or sacred acts have
yielded results for him.*
So this amazing Vidhaan is also waiting for you in this seminar where it
will be discussed that how it is or it can be possible.
And do not confine this to Yakshini Apsara alone rather when the
blessings of Maha Rishi Viswamitra will be on us then we will be able to
accomplish other sadhnas alsobecause if blessings of Agni form
Brahmrishi..symbolizer of tantra..is with us then which obstacle can
stand in front of us.
After doing this prayog you yourself can understand that *the person who
made Menaka his wife cannot have a weak character..rather he offered a
new dimension to sadhna world. After imbibing the energy of that intense
person inside us we will be able to get success in any sadhna, whatever
sadhna it may be*. Let us wait for this prayog to be revealed there.
Now we all know that water can be mixed only in water and oil in oil
mixing of water and oil is not possible.
*It means that Apsara Yakshini are composed of four elements and we
human are made up of five elements then how is this meeting possible?*
For this reason, we are not able to see them, hear them. Then what
should we do? We cannot increase the number of elements in Apsara or
Yakshini to 5 from 4 but it is possible that we vanish one of the
elements which is not present inside them.
Is it possible?
If yes then we have started winning over the nature.
*Because sadhna of these 5 elements cannot be any ordinary sadhna*
Accomplishing one -2 element.can take entire life because the one who
has accomplished these five elements, then which sadhna he needs to do.
Everything will be subsumed inside these five elements.
But how to do such giant Vidhaan. It seems next to impossible. Is there
any answer to it
We will get its answer only at one place. *That is in Parad Tantra
Vigyaan.Sadgurudev himself has clarified that if one special mantra is
chanted in front of Parad Shivling (made up from parad of 8 sanskars)**
**in fixed period then this hard work procedure will become easy like
picking flower.*
But what is that procedure, *which has two benefits on one hand sadhna
of origin of tantra Lord shiva and on other hand to vanish one element.*
And what will be that element. This we will know in this
seminar..*because the element which will be talked about, it vanishes
or is reduced in someone then that person become master of so many
siddhis. Besides Apsara and yakshini sadhna many sadhna he can*.and
for it he does not have to do any sadhna separately.
So easiest Vidhaan for this procedure, which you can do it easily in
your home and attain the eligibility to achieve success not only in
Yakshini Apsara but in every sadhna..which had remained only a dream
for you.
Vidhaan of this process and its related mantra has been given by Aatm
form of Sadgurudev, our elder Sanyasi brothers and sisters. This Vidhaan
is waiting for you all.
We will talk relating to it more in future also.
So for today, I can only write this.
You will want to know that what nextso friendsyou would have seen
one Vidhaan of Apsara Keelan.But in how many ways that keelan is
possible and what are various necessities.after which we can get
success in these sadhnas. We will try to understand things connected to it.
Yes it is definite that the brothers and sisters who will come in this
seminar they will really be full of amazement that this and this facts
were also necessaryfor attaining success in such sadhnas.
But all these things we will see later because you still have got the
time that you do not waste this opportunity because the times which
goes, never comes back.
And what can be said more rather, one of your brothers will introduce
you to all the secrets at definite time.
Still.you have to think.????
To be continued
Nikhil Pranaam

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*****ANU NIKHIL*****

Posted by Nikhil <http://www.blogger.com/profile/08354675555933898528>
at 10:23 PM <http://nikhil-alchemy2.blogspot.in/2012/07/2.html> No

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