Chapter 4 - Orí K÷Rin - What Time Do We Meet?: Objectives
Chapter 4 - Orí K÷Rin - What Time Do We Meet?: Objectives
Chapter 4 - Orí K÷Rin - What Time Do We Meet?: Objectives
In this chapter you will learn:
- How to express quantity using ml
- How to ask time using ml
- How to express your age using ml
- Colors in Yorb Culture
Or Krin ( Chapter 4 ) wn r ( Vocabulary )
wn r ( Vocabulary )
d charcoal
ew leaf (green color)
gr cassava grains
Noun Phrases
ibi j-b birthday venue
sn gb adults worship
sn md childrens service/worship
br to start
d to arrive
f to want/wish
j to wake up
l to go
ma will
n to have
w to come
w to be or to exist
Verb Phrases
b mi er play with me
gb il to sweep the floor
jun sn to eat lunch
jun al to eat dinner
j k pd let us meet
s fn to tell(e.g. someone)
bl blue
dd black
funfun white
pnk pink
yn that
yl yellow
bi / b like
d a little
ganan ni a lot (very)
kk just
t..b if
ntor p because
Prepositional phrases
n yn s at the end of the week
n d Akin at Akins place
ljoojm everyday
lyn n following that /after that
Ngb wo ni ? when?
Other Expressions
dra thats fine
funfun b er It is white like ashes (grey)
Olr l mrk The President of the United States of
m dn ml? how old?
O thank you
ti p j It is too late
ti y j It is too early
Lesson 1 - k Kn
The Interrogative Ml
Remember how to count from 1 10, as we already learned in Chapter 2 and as found below under
numbers. Cardinals act like adjectives they follow the noun that they describe and answer the
question ml? how many?
For example:
Also, the numbers in between the multiples of 10 will take an m before them.
For example:
m mtdnlgn seveenteen children
ga mj two chairs
w mtl thirteen books
I e 1
Write out the following in Yorb.
B pr:
80 people grin nyn
13 books w mtl
1. 18 houses
2. 38 pencils
3. 62 tables
4. 40 students
5. 80 pencils
6. 75 schools
7. 54 children
8. 46 teachers
9. 20 computers
10. 6 desks
I e 2
Remember the verbs n (to have), f (to want/to wish), w (to be or to exist)
Dhn wn br wny n knrr.
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. w ml ni o n?
3. br ml ni o n?
4. Il ml ni o f?
I e 3
In pairs, a student should ask his or her partner the number of peoplemen, women, or
children in that partners family, with the partner responding. Students take turns.
1. A.
2. A.
3. A.
4. A.
5. A.
Lesson 2 - k Kej
Aago ml ni l? ( What time is it?)
Remember in Chapter One we discussed how to distinguish
between a.m. and p.m.
Other expressions:
ti p j = It is too late
ti y j =It is too early
Different times of the day such as r, sn, rl, and al express how we distinguish time(aago).
See exercises below and write down the indicated times.
I e 1
Complete the following exercices. The first one has been done for you.
2. aago mj ru =
3. aago mjl sn =
4. aago kan b ru =
5. aago mf rl kj j mta =
6. aago mje al ku j mw =
9. aago mjl ru =
srgbs (Dialogue)
Lyn jde il-w
Jm: Fy, w w k mi n pin s, n
j k?
Fy: N aago ml ni o f k n w? ma
dra n sn ntor p mo ma l s
sn md n aago msnn b
r. Lyn n, n aago mwa, sn
gb ma br.
Jm: (mi n), n aago mrnn rl, mo
l s ibi j b r mi kan.
Fy: j bi ta ni?
Lyn jde il-w, Jm b Fy sr
Jm: j b Akin mym.
I e 2
Dhn wn br wny n knrr.
Answer the following questions in complete sentences
1. Aago ml ni Jm ma d d Akin?
2. Ta ni Fy?
3. j bi ta ni Fy ti Jm f l?
4. Ta ni Akin mym?
5. Aago ml ni Fy ma l s sn md?
I e 3
Aago ml ni l lr wn aago wny?
What time is it on the following clocks?
1) 2) 3)
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5
4) 5) 6)
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 4 4
8 8
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5
7) 8) 9)
11 12 1 11 12
10 2
1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 4
8 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5
Ma + Time
I e 4
Dhn wn br wny n knrr.
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
B pr:
Aago ml ni kls de Gs r ma br?
Aago mw r ni kls de Gs mi ma br.
I e 5
w ti r r, fn ara yn gb t nkkan nnu yn l s kls ti w p kls wo ni?
You and your friend, tell each other what time you go to class and what class you have.
B pr:
Dp: Aago ml ni kls Blj r ma br n j
Tsn: Aago mj ni.
Tsn: Mo n Kmsr.
Dp: _______________________
Tsn: _______________________
I e 6
y ni t kk i ad fn s kan
This is ades schedule for the week.
kk Aj gun jr jb t
9 -1 0 de Gs ir Fss ir
3- 4 ir de Gs Farans
5- 7 Lb Lb
Dhn wn br wny.
Answer the following questions.
I e 7
Using the exercise 3 above, prepare your class schedule using Yorb language. Indicate
the time you have each class and who your teachers are. Below, you will find a list of
courses to help you. If your course is not listed, ask your teacher.
Blj Biology
Kmsr Chemistry
Fss Physics
de Farans French language
de Spn Spanish language
k npa l Government
Lgsk Linguistics
de Gs English
Lb Lab work
de Yorb Yorb language
de Potog Portuguese language
k tn History
Saiklj Psychology
Sosilj Sociology
k nipa r l Political Science
k npa r aj Economics
Ltr Literature
I e 8
Par srgbs y npa llo wn kk ti u Yorb (Gblhn mjl s
Complete the short dialogue below using time and Yoruba calendar (12-15 sentences).
Ldi pe Knl p k w gb bl pl un.
Ldi invites Knl to play soccer with him.
Ldi: Knl, w w s ile wa lti w gb bl n rl la?
Knl: dra. M s fn mm mi. Aago ml ni k n w?
Ldi: N aago mrnn b rl. M ma ret r o.
Knl: _______________________
Ldi: _______________________
I e 9
W wn r wny
Look for these words in the puzzle below. Pay attention to the tones!
d gs ir kmsr fss farans lgsk lb potog ltr
l i t i r e k m s r
d d f a r a n s b i s l l
g e f i s i i s m r o s
e d e p o t k o s i
g e b o h i l a s u n g
i r r t l a b r
s g u n u o l e d e g
k e i m s i l g b a l s
f i s r i s l m b
r u l a d s i t a m g j
g e s l i k a f u n k
l a b d e k e b r b n i
d s l b n h m g
s e i b u l i t i r e
f s s n s i d f l
I e 10 Scenarios
In pairs, create your own dialogue on planning on eating in a restaurant.
Lesson 3 - k Kta:
Asking for Age
When you want to ask how old you will ask: m dn ml? For example, if you want to
ask how old Tmi is, you will ask: m dn mlo ni Tmi?
And the response:
m dn mj ni Tmi.
Tmi is 2 years old.
srngbs (Dialogue)
Ym, m dn ml ni ?
m dn mjdnlgn ni m.
m dn ml ni bb r?
m dn mtllgj ni wn.
m dn ml ni mm r?
m ogj dn ni wn.
m dn ml ni bro bb r?
m gbn dn ni wn.
Tnd f m npa j-or wn bi Ym.
m dn ml ni gbnn r?
Tnd wants to know how old
m ogn dn ni wn. Yms family members are.
m dn ml ni br r?
m dn mrndnlgn ni.
I e 1
Dhn awn br wny npa llo pr t w n sl y.
Follow this pattern below to answer the following questions.
B pr:
1. m dn ml ni bb r? 70 years old
2. m dn ml ni t r? 34 years old
3. m dn ml ni mma bb r? 97 years old
4. m dn ml ni w? 19 years old
5. m dn ml ni r r? 21 years old
I e 2
Dhn wn br wny n knrr.
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
B pr:
m dn ml ni br r?
m ogn dn ni br mi.
m dn ml ni m r?
m dn mjllgn ni m mi.
1. m dn ml ni bb r?
2. m dn ml ni mm r?
3. m dn ml ni bba bb r?
4. m dn ml ni bba mm r?
5. m dn ml ni gbn tb br r?
I e 3
Dhn awn br wny npa llo pr t w n sl y.
Follow this pattern below to answer the following questions.
B pr:
Tt--16years old.
j m dn mrndnlgn.
I e 4
Dhn awn br wny npa llo pr t w n sl y.
Follow this pattern below to answer the following questions.
B pr:
Lesson 4 - k Krin:
wn w ( Colors )
There are three primary colors in Yoruba culture:
red (pupa)
black (dd)
white (funfun)
For example:
There are other colors besides the primary colors. However, their description is foreign or
For example:
bl blue
yl yellow
pk pink
However, to describe the colors that are off primary colors such as a light or dark color, we
use the words d and gan-an ni respectively following the main color.
For example:
Bl Yel Pnk
Pupa Dd Funfun
I e 1
e pjwe wn nyn wny.
Describe the following people.
B pr:
Bill Clinton: Wn funfun
Another way to describe colors is to use comparison as and like, b in Yorb language.
For example:
dd b ew S/he/ It is black/dark like a leaf (green color)
dd b d S/he/ it is dark/black like charcoal
funfun b er It is white like ashes (grey)
One uses b for colors that are not primary, that is variants of the primary colors.
B i is used before a noun that starts with a consonant
(bi gr like gr)
Primary colors are also used as the base color to describe variants of colors or other shades
of the same color. For example, a beige wall or an off-white wall will be described as ogiri
funfun because off-white or beige color is closer to white. Brown color will be described as
pupa, and blue as in blue jeans will be described as dd .
I e 2
Group Activity. In pairs, take turns to describe your friend in class.