Pygmalion and Galatea
Pygmalion and Galatea
Pygmalion and Galatea
: ) is
a legendary figure of Cyprus. Though Pygmalion is the Greek version of
the Phoenician royal namePumayyaton,[2] he is most familiar
from Ovid's narrative poem Metamorphoses, in which Pygmalion was a
sculptor who fell in love with a statue he had carved.
Pygmalions Statue
Whatever the case, Pygmalion worked so long and with such inspiration on
the statue of Galatea, that it became more beautiful than any woman that
had ever lived or been carved in stone.
As he finished the statues features, they became exquisitely lovely, and he
found himself applying the strokes of hammer and chisel with increasing
affection. When his chisel finally stopped ringing, there stood before him a
woman of such perfection that Pygmalion, who had professed his disdain of
all females, fell deeply in love.
He would bring it gifts, caress it, kiss it and talk to it every day. He brought it
gifts he thought women would enjoy, such as pretty seashells, beads,
songbirds, baubles and flowers.
He would dress the statue in fine clothing, and put rings on her fingers,
necklaces around her neck and even earrings. However, what irony that he
who had scorned women should fall in love with a woman who could never
love him in return!
Pygmalion and Aphrodite
Such a passion could not go unnoticed by the goddess of love, Aphrodite.
She took pity on the young man and, when Pygmalion went to her temple
to sacrifice a bull, Aphrodite gave him a sign. As the offering burned on the
temple, the flames shot up one, two, three times.
Did she seem warm to his touch, or was it just residual heat form the
sunset that had warmed the stone? He kissed her.
Did the statues lips seem soft? He stood back and regarded her.
Did there appear the glow of life from within the marble form? Was he
imagining it?
No. Aphrodite had given life to the statue, whose name was Galatea.
Slowly it dawned on Pygmalion that the animation of his sculpture was the
result of his prayer to Goddess Aphrodite who knew his desire. At last, the
votary of Aphrodite found words to thank the goddess. Pygmalion humbled
himself at the Goddess feet.
Soon Pygmalion and Galatea were wed, and Pygmalion never forgot to
thank Aphrodite for the gift she had given him.
Aphrodite blessed the nuptials she had formed, and this union between
Pygmalion and Galatea produced a son named Paphos, from whom the
city of Paphos in Cyprus (this city was sacred to Aphrodite), received its
Pygmalion and Galatea brought gifts to her temple throughout their life and
Aphrodite blessed them with happiness and love in return.
The unusual love that blossomed between Pygmalion and Galatea
enthralls all. Falling in love with ones creation and then getting the desired
object as wife- perhaps this was destined for Pygmalion.
Even to this day, countless people and young lovers are mesmerized by
this exceptional love that existed between two persons at a time when
civilization was in its infancy.
The Myth of Pygmalion and Galatea in Arts
The basic myth of Pygmalion and Galatea has been widely transmitted
and re-presented in the arts through the centuries. A few centuries later
Goethe calls the statue Elise, based upon the variants in the story of
George Bernard Shaw wrote a play titled Pygmalion. In Shaws play, the
girl is brought to life by two men in speech the goal for their masterpiece
is for her to marry and become a duchess. It has an interesting spin on the
original story and has a subtle hint of feminism.