Astm A609
Astm A609
Astm A609
Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
A 609/A 609M 91 (2002)
4. Apparatus
4.1 Electronic Apparatus:
4.1.1 An ultrasonic, pulsed, reflection type of instrument
that is capable of generating, receiving, and amplifying fre-
quencies of at least 1 to 5 MHz.
4.1.2 The ultrasonic instrument shall provide linear presen-
tation (within 65 %) for at least 75 % of the screen height
(sweep line to top of screen). Linearity shall be determined in
accordance with Practice E 317 or equivalent electronic means.
4.1.3 The electronic apparatus shall contain a signal attenu-
ator or calibrated gain control that shall be accurate over its
useful range to 610 % of the nominal attenuation or gain ratio
to allow measurement of signals beyond the linear range of the
4.2 Search Units:
4.2.1 Longitudinal Wave, internally grounded, having a to
1! in. [13 to 28 mm] diameter or 1-in. [25-mm] square
piezo-electric elements. Based on the signals-to-noise ratio of
the response pattern of the casting, a frequency in the range NOTE 1Opposite ends of reference block shall be flat and parallel
from 1 to 5 MHz shall be used. The background noise shall not within 0.001 in. [0.025 mm].
exceed 25 % of the distance amplitude correction curve NOTE 2Bottom of flat-bottom hole shall be flat within 0.002-in.
(DAC). Transducers shall be utilized at their rated frequencies. [0.051 mm] and the finished diameter shall be 14 + 0.002 in. [6.4 + 0.050].
4.2.2 Dual-Element, 5-MHz, by 1-in. [13 by 25-mm], 12 NOTE 3Hole shall be straight and perpendicular to entry surface
within 0, 30 min and located within 132 in. [0.80 mm] of longitudinal
included angle search units are recommended for sections 1 in.
[25 mm] and under. NOTE 4Counter bore shall be 12 in. [15.0 mm] diameter by 18 in. [5
4.2.3 Other frequencies and sizes of search units may be mm] deep.
used for evaluating and pinpointing indications. FIG. 1 Ultrasonic Standard Reference Block
4.3 Reference Blocks:
4.3.1 Reference blocks containing flat-bottom holes shall be TABLE 1 Dimensions and Identification of Reference Blocks in
used to establish test sensitivity in accordance with 8.2. the Basic Set (See Fig. 1)
4.3.2 Reference blocks shall be made from cast steels that Hole Diameter
Metal Overall Width or Block
give an acoustic response similar to the castings being exam- Distance Length Diameter Identifi-
in 164ths, in.
(B), in.A (C), in. (D), min, cation
ined. [mm]
[mm] [mm] in. [mm] Number
4.3.3 The design of reference blocks shall be in accordance 16 [6.4] 1 [25] 134 [45] 2 [50] 16-0100
with Fig. 1, and the basic set shall consist of those blocks listed 16 [6.4] 2 [50] 234 [70] 2 [50] 16-0200
in Table 1. When section thicknesses over 15 in. [380-mm] are 16 [6.4] 3 [75] 334 [95] 2 [50] 16-0300
16 [6.4] 6 [150] 634 [170] 3 [75] 16-0600
to be inspected, an additional block of the maximum test 16 [6.4] 10 [255] 1034 [275] 4 [100] 16-1000
thickness shall be made to supplement the basic set. 16 [6.4] B B + 34 [B + 20] 5 [125] 16-B00B
4.3.4 Machined blocks with 332-in. [2.4-mm] diameter flat- Tolerance 618 in. [3 mm].
bottom holes at depths from the entry surface of 18 in. [3 mm], Additional supplemental blocks for testing thickness greater than 10 in. [250
12 in. [13 mm], or 12 t and 34 in. [19 mm], or 34 t (where t = mm], see 4.3.3.
A 609/A 609M 91 (2002)
5.3 A qualification record (see Note 2) of personnel consid- 8.2 Using the set of reference blocks spanning the thickness
ered suitable by the manufacturer to perform examinations in of the casting being inspected, mark the flat-bottom hole
accordance with this practice shall be available upon request. indication height for each of the applicable blocks on the
NOTE 2SNT-TC-1A, Ultrasonic Testing Method, provides a recom-
cathode ray tube shield. Draw a curve through these marks on
mended procedure for qualifying personnel. Other personnel qualification the screen or on suitable graph paper. The maximum signal
requirement documents may by used when agreed upon between the amplitude for the test blocks used shall peak at approximately
purchaser and the supplier. three-fourths of the screen height above the sweep by use of the
attenuator. This curve shall be referred to as the 100 % distance
6. Casting Conditions
amplitude correction (DAC) curve. If the attenuation of ultra-
6.1 Castings shall receive at least an austenitizing heat sound in the casting thickness being examined is such that the
treatment before being ultrasonically examined. systems dynamic range is exceeded, segmented DAC curves
6.2 Test surfaces of castings shall be free of material that are permitted.
will interfere with the ultrasonic examination. They may be as 8.3 The casting examination surface will normally be
cast, blasted, ground, or machined.
rougher than that of the test blocks; consequently, employ a
6.3 The ultrasonic examination shall be conducted prior to
transfer mechanism to provide approximate compensation. In
machining that prevents an effective examination of the cast-
order to accomplish this, first select a region of the casting that
has parallel walls and a surface condition representative of the
7. Test Conditions rest of the casting as a transfer point. Next, select the test block
7.1 To assure complete coverage of the specified casting whose overall length, C (Fig. 1), most closely matches the
section, each pass of the search unit shall overlap by at least reflection amplitude through the block length. Place the search
10 % of the width of the transducer. unit on the casting at the transfer point and adjust the
7.2 The rate of scanning shall not exceed 6 in./s [150 mm/s]. instrument gain until the back reflection amplitude through the
7.3 The ultrasonic beam shall be introduced perpendicular casting matches that through the test block. Using this transfer
to the examination surface. technique, the examination sensitivity in the casting may be
expected to be within 630 % or less of that given by the test
8. Procedure blocks.
8.1 Adjust the instrument controls to position the first back 8.4 Do not change those instrument controls and the test
reflection for the thickness to be tested at least one half of the frequency set during calibration, except the attenuator, or
distance across the cathode ray tube. calibrated gain control, during acceptance examination of a
A 609/A 609M 91 (2002)
given thickness of the casting. Make a periodic calibration TABLE 2 Rejection Level
during the inspection by checking the amplitude of response NOTE 1The areas in the table refer to the surface area on the casting
from the 14-in. [6.4-mm] diameter flat-bottom hole in the test over which a continuous indication exceeding the amplitude reference line
block utilized for the transfer. or a continuous loss of back reflection of 75 % or greater is maintained.
NOTE 2 Areas shall be measured from the center of the search unit.
NOTE 3The attenuator or calibrated gain control may be used to NOTE 3In certain castings, because of very long test distances or
change the signal amplitude during examination to permit small amplitude curvature of the test surface, the casting surface area over which a given
signals to be more readily detected. Signal evaluation is made by returning discontinuity is detected may be considerably larger or smaller than the
the attenuator or calibrated gain control to its original setting. actual area of the discontinuity in the casting; in such cases a graphic plot
8.5 During examination of areas of the casting having that incorporates a consideration of beam spread should be used for
parallel walls, recheck areas showing 75 % or greater loss of realistic evaluation of the discontinuity.
back reflection to determine whether loss of back reflection is Area, in.2[cm2]
Ultrasonic Testing Length, max,
(see 10.2.1 and
due to poor contact, insufficient couplant, misoriented discon- Quality Level
in. [mm]
tinuity, etc. If the reason for loss of back reflection is not
1 0.8 [5] 1.5 [40]
evident, consider the area questionable and further investigate. 2 1.5 [10] 2.2 [55]
3 3 [20] 3.0 [75]
9. Report 4 5 [30] 3.9 [100]
5 8 [50] 4.8 [120]
9.1 The manufacturers report of final ultrasonic examina- 6 12 [80] 6.0 [150]
tion shall contain the following data and shall be furnished to 7 16 [100] 6.9 [175]
the purchaser:
9.1.1 The total number, location, amplitude, and area when
possible to delineate boundaries by monitoring the movement
of the center of the search unit of all indications equal to or 10.3 Other means may be used to establish the validity of a
greater than 100 % of the DAC, rejection based on ultrasonic inspection.
9.1.2 Questionable areas from 8.5 that, upon further inves- NOTE 4The areas for the ultrasonic quality levels in Table 2 of
tigation, are determined to be caused by discontinuities, Practice A 609/A 609M refer to the surface area on the casting over which
9.1.3 The examination frequency, type of instrument, types a continuous indication exceeding the DAC is maintained.
of search units employed, couplant, manufacturers identifying NOTE 5Areas are to be measured from dimensions of the movement
of the search unit by outlining locations where the amplitude of the
numbers, purchasers order number, and data and authorized indication is 100 % of the DAC or where the back reflection is reduced by
signature, and 75 %, using the center of the search unit as a reference point to establish
9.1.4 A sketch showing the physical outline of the casting, the outline of the indication area.
including dimensions of all areas not inspected due to geomet- NOTE 6In certain castings, because of very long metal path distances
ric configuration, with the location and sizes of all indications or curvature of the examination surfaces, the surface area over which a
in accordance with 9.1.1 and 9.1.2. given discontinuity is detected may be considerably larger or smaller than
the actual area of the discontinuity in the casting; in such cases, other
criteria that incorporate a consideration of beam angles or beam spread
10. Acceptance Standards must be used for realistic evaluation of the discontinuity.
10.1 This practice is intended for application to castings
with a wide variety of sizes, shapes, compositions, melting PROCEDURE BBACK-WALL REFLECTION
processes, foundry practices, and applications. Therefore, it is CALIBRATION PROCEDURE
impractical to specify an ultrasonic quality level that would be
universally applicable to such a diversity of products. Ultra- 11. Apparatus
sonic acceptance or rejection criteria for individual castings 11.1 Apparatus shall be kept on a regular six month main-
should be based on a realistic appraisal of service requirements tenance cycle during which, as a minimum requirement, the
and the quality that can normally be obtained in production of vertical and horizontal linearities, sensitivity, and resolution
the particular type of casting. shall be established in accordance with the requirements of
10.2 Acceptance quality levels shall be established between Practice E 317.
the purchaser and the manufacturer on the basis of one or more 11.2 Search UnitsCeramic element transducers not ex-
of the following criteria: ceeding 1.25 in. [32 mm] diameter or 1 in.2 [645 mm2] shall be
10.2.1 No indication equal to or greater than the DAC over used.
an area specified for the applicable quality level of Table 2. 11.3 Search Units FacingA soft urethane membrane or
10.2.2 No reduction of back reflection of 75 % or greater neoprene sheet, approximately 0.025 in. [0.64 mm] thick, may
that has been determined to be caused by a discontinuity over be used to improve coupling and minimize transducer wear
an area specified for the applicable quality level of Table 2. caused by casting surface roughness.
10.2.3 Indications producing a continuous response equal to 11.4 Calibration/TestingThe same system, including the
or greater than the DAC with a dimension exceeding the urethane membrane, used for calibration shall be used to
maximum length shown for the applicable quality level shall be inspect the casting.
unacceptable. 11.5 Other InspectionsOther frequencies and type search
10.2.4 Other criteria agreed upon between the purchaser and units may be used for obtaining additional information and
the manufacturer. pinpointing of individual indications.
A 609/A 609M 91 (2002)
11.6 CouplantA suitable liquid couplant, such as clean between the purchaser and the supplier. Records of all person-
SAE 30 motor oil or similar commercial ultrasonic couplant, nel shall be available to customers upon request.
shall be used to couple the search unit to the test surface. Other 13.1.2 EquipmentThe equipment shall be capable of
couplants may be used when agreed upon between the pur- meeting the requirements in Section 12.
chaser and supplier.
11.7 Reference StandardsReference standards in accor- 14. Preparation
dance with Fig. 3 shall be used to calibrate the instrument for 14.1 Time of InspectionThe final ultrasonic acceptance
inspecting machined and cast surfaces. Reference standards inspection shall be performed after at least an austenitizing heat
shall be flaw free and machined within tolerances indi- treatment and preferably after machining. In order to avoid
cated. time loss in production, acceptance inspection of cast surfaces
may be done prior to machining. Machined surfaces shall be
12. Ultrasonic Instrument acceptance inspected as soon as possible after machining.
12.1 TypePulsed ultrasonic reflection instrument capable Repair welds may be inspected before the postweld heat
of generating, receiving, and amplifying frequencies of 1 MHz treatment.
to 5 MHz shall be used for testing. 14.2 Surface Finish:
12.2 VoltageLine voltage shall be suitably regulated by 14.2.1 Machined SurfacesMachined surfaces subject to
constant voltage equipment and metal housing must be ultrasonic inspection shall have a finish that will produce an
grounded to prevent electric shock. ultrasonic response equivalent to that obtained from a 250 in.
12.3 LinearityThe instrument must provide a linear pre- [6.3 m] surface. The surface finish shall also permit adequate
sentation (within 65 %) of at least 1.5 in. [40 mm] sweep to movement of search units along the surface.
peak (S/P). 14.2.2 Casting SurfacesCasting surfaces to be ultrasoni-
12.4 Calibrated Gain Control of AttenuatorThe instru- cally inspected shall be suitable for the intended type and
ment shall contain a calibrated gain control or signal attenuator quality level (Table 3 and Table 4) of inspection as judged
(accurate within 610 %) which will allow indications beyond acceptable by a qualified individual as specified in 13.1.1.
the linear range of the instrument to be measured. 14.2.3 Surface ConditionAll surfaces to be inspected
12.5 Time-Corrected GainThe instrument shall be shall be free of scale, machining or grinding particles, exces-
equipped to compensate for signal decay with distance. A sive paint thickness, dirt, or other foreign matter that may
method should be available to equalize signal response at interfere with the inspection.
different depths. 14.3 Position of CastingThe casting shall be positioned
such that the inspector has free access to the back wall for the
13. Qualification purpose of verifying change in contour.
13.1 The requirements for pre-production qualification are 15. Calibration
as follows:
15.1 Calibration BlocksDetermine the thickness of the
13.1.1 PersonnelThe personnel qualification require-
material to be ultrasonically inspected. For material thickness
ments of SNT-TC-1A are applicable. Other personnel qualifi-
of 3 in. [75 mm] or less, use the series of 3 blocks, 12, 2, 5 in.
cation requirement documents may be used when agreed upon
[13, 50, 125 mm] (Fig. 3, B dimension) for calibration. For a
A 609/A 609M 91 (2002)
TABLE 4 Acceptance Criteria for Clustered Indications 15.3.6 Draw a line on the cathode ray tube screen parallel to
Cumulative Area
Minimum Area in the sweep line at 0.5 in. [13 mm] (S/P) amplitude. This will be
Which Indications the reference line for reporting discontinuity amplitudes.
Quality Level of Indications,
Must be Dispersed,
in.2[cm2]A,B 15.3.7 For tests on machined surfaces, position the search
1 0 0
unit on a machined surface of casting where the walls are
23 2 [13] 36 [232] reasonably parallel and adjust the gain of the instrument until
45 4 [26] 36 [232] the back reflection signal height is 1.5 in. [40 mm] (S/P).
67 6 [39] 36 [232]
89 8 [52] 36 [232]
Increase the inspection sensitivity by a factor of three times (10
1011 10 [64] 36 [232] dB gain) with the calibrated attenuator. Surfaces that do not
Regardless of wall location, that is midwall 13, innermost 13, or outermost 13. meet the requirements of 14.2.1 shall be inspected as specified
Each indication that equals or exceeds the 0.5-in. [18 mm] reference line shall in 15.3.8.
be traced to the position where the indication is equal to 0.25 in. [6 mm]. The area
of the location, for the purpose of this evaluation, shall be considered the area that
15.3.8 For inspections on cast surfaces, position the search
is confined within the outline established by the center of the transducer during unit on the casting to be inspected at a location where the walls
tracing of the flaw as required. Whenever no discernible surface tracing is are reasonably parallel and smooth (inside and outside diam-
possible, each indication which equals or exceeds the 0.5 in. reference amplitude
shall be considered 0.15 in.2 [1 cm2] (three times the area of the 14 diameter [6
eter) and the surface condition is representative of the surface
mm] flat bottomed hole to compensate for reflectivity degradation of natural flaw) being inspected. Adjust the gain of the instrument until the
for the cumulative area estimates.
back reflection signal height is 1.5 in. [40 mm] (S/P). Increase
The indications within a cluster with the cumulative areas traced shall be
dispersed in a minimum surface area of the casting equal to 36 in.2 [230 cm2]. If
the inspection sensitivity by a factor of six times (16 dB) by use
the cumulative areas traced are confined with a smaller area of distribution, the of the calibrated control or attenuator. A significant change in
area shall be repair welded to the extent necessary to meet the applicable quality surface finish requires a compensating adjustment to the gain.
level. Rejectable indications on as-cast surfaces may be
reevaluated by surface preparation to 250 in. [6.3 m] finish
or better, and re-inspected in accordance with 15.3.7 of this
material thickness greater than 3 in., use the series of 3 blocks, practice.
2, 5, 10 in. [50, 125, 250 mm] (Fig. 3, B dimension) for It should be noted that some instruments are
calibration. equipped with decibel calibrated gain controls, in which case
15.2 Calibration of Search UnitsFor the thickness of the decibel required to increase the sensitivity must be added.
material to be inspected, as determined in 15.1, use the Other instruments have decibel calibrated attenuators, in which
following search units: case the required decibel must be removed. Still other instru-
15.2.1 For materials 3 in. [75 mm] or less in thickness, use ments do not have calibrated gains or attenuators. They require
a 214 MHz, in. [13 mm] diameter search unit. external attenuators.
15.2.2 For material greater than 3 in. [75 mm] in thickness,
use a 214 MHz, 1 in. [25 mm] diameter search unit. 16. Scanning
15.3 Calibration Procedure: 16.1 Grid PatternThe surface of the casting shall be laid
15.3.1 Set the frequency selector as required. Set the reject out in a 12 by 12 in. [300 by 300 mm] or any similar grid
control in the OFF position. pattern for guidance in scanning. Grid numbers shall be
15.3.2 Position the search unit on the entrant surface of the stenciled on the casting for record purposes and for grid area
block that completely encompasses the metal thickness to be identity. The stenciled grid number shall appear in the upper
inspected (Fig. 3) and adjust the sweep control such that the right hand corner of the grid. When grids are laid out on the
back reflection signal appears approximately, but not more than casting surface and they encompass different quality levels,
three-quarters along the sweep line from the initial pulse each specific area shall be evaluated in accordance with the
signal. requirements of the specific quality level designated for that
15.3.3 Position the search unit on the entrant surface of the area.
smallest block of the series of 3 blocks selected for calibration 16.2 OverlapScan over the surface allowing 10 % mini-
and adjust the gain until the back reflection signal height mum overlap of the working diameters of the search unit.
(amplitude) is 1.5 in. [40 mm] sweep to peak (S/P). Draw a line 16.3 Inspection RequirementsAll surfaces specified for
on the cathode-ray screen (CRT), parallel to the sweep line, ultrasonic (UT) shall be completely inspected from both sides,
through the peak of the 1.5 in. (S/P) amplitude. whenever both sides are accessible. The same search unit used
for calibration shall be used to inspect the casting.
15.3.4 Position the search unit on the entrant surface of the
largest block of the series of 3 blocks selected for calibration,
and adjust the distance amplitude control to provide a back 17. Additional Transducer Evaluation
reflection signal height of 1.5 in. [40 mm] (S/P). 17.1 Additional information regarding any ultrasonic indi-
15.3.5 Position the search unit on the entrant surface of the cation may be obtained through the use of other frequency,
intermediate calibration block of the series of 3 blocks being type, and size search unit.
used for calibration and confirm that the back reflection signal
height is approximately 1.5 in. [40 mm] (S/P). If it is not, 18. Acceptance Criteria
obtain the best compromise between this block and the largest 18.1 Rejectable ConditionsThe locations of all indica-
block of the series of 3 blocks being used for calibration. tions having amplitudes greater than the 0.5 in. [13 mm] line
A 609/A 609M 91 (2002)
given in 15.3.6, when amplitude three times (machined sur- regardless of the quality level required, shall not have a
faces) or six times (cast surfaces) shall be marked on the through wall distance greater than 13 T, where T is the wall
casting surface. The boundary limits of the indication shall be thickness in the area containing the indication.
determined by marking a sufficient number of marks on the 18.3.5 Repair welding of cluster-type indications need only
casting surfaces where the ultrasonic signal equals one half the be the extent necessary to meet the applicable quality level for
reference amplitude, 0.25 in. [6 mm]. To completely delineate that particular area. All other types of rejectable indications
the indication, draw a line around the outer boundary of the shall be completely removed.
center of the number of marks to form the indication area. 18.3.6 Repair welds of castings shall meet the quality level
Draw a rectangle or other regular shape through the indication designated for that particular area of the casting.
in order to form a polygon from which the area may be easily 18.3.7 Any location that has a 75 % or greater loss in back
computed. It is not necessary that the ultrasonic signal exceed reflection and exceeds the area of the applicable quality level,
the amplitude reference line over the entire area. At some and whose indication amplitudes may or may not exceed the
locations within the limits of the indication, the signal may be 0.5 in. [13 mm] rejection line, shall be rejected unless the
less than the reference line, but nevertheless still present such reason for the loss in back reflection can be resolved as not
that it may be judged as a continuous, signal indication. being caused by an indication. If gain is added and back echo
Rejectable conditions are as follows and when any of the is achieved without indication percent amplitude exceeding the
conditions listed below are found, the indications shall be 0.5 in. [13 mm] rejection line, the area should be accepted.
removed and repair welded to the applicable process specifi-
cation. 19. Records
18.2 Linear IndicationsA linear indication is defined as 19.1 StencilingEach casting shall be permanently sten-
one having a length equal to or greater than three times its ciled to locate inspection zones or grid pattern for ease in
width. An amplitude of in. [13 mm], such as would result locating areas where rejectable indications were observed.
from tears or stringer type slag inclusion, shall be removed. 19.2 SketchA report showing the exact depth and surface
18.3 Non-Linear Indications: location in relation to the stencil numbers shall be made for
18.3.1 Isolated IndicationsIsolated indications shall not each rejectable indicator found during each inspection.
exceed the limits of the quality level designated by the 19.2.1 The sketch shall also include, but not be limited to,
customers purchase order listed in Table 3. An isolated the following:
indication may be defined as one for which the distance Part identification numbers,
between it and an adjacent indication is greater than the longest Purchase order numbers,
dimension of the larger of the adjacent indications. Type and size of supplemental transducers used,
18.3.2 Clustered IndicationsClustered indications shall Name of inspector, and
be defined as two or more indications that are confined in a 1 Date of inspection.
in. [25 mm] cube. Clustered indications shall not exceed the
limits of the quality level designated by the customer purchase 20. Product Marking
order in Table 4. Where the distance between indications is less
than the lowest dimension of the largest indication in the 20.1 Any rejectable areas (those indications exceeding the
group, the cluster shall be repair welded. limits of Section 19) shall be marked on the casting as the
18.3.3 The distance between two clusters must be greater inspection progresses. The point of marking shall be the center
than the lowest dimension of the largest indication in either of the search unit.
cluster. If they are not, the cluster having the largest single
indication shall be removed. 21. Keywords
18.3.4 All indications, regardless of their surface areas as 21.1 carbon and low-alloy steel; castings; martensitic
indicated by transducer movement on the casting surface and stainless steel; ultrasonic
A 609/A 609M 91 (2002)
The following supplementary requirement shall be applied only when agreed upon between the
purchaser and the supplier to achieve an effective examination of a critical casting area that cannot be
effectively examined using a longitudinal beam as a result of casting design or possible discontinuity
S1. Angle Beam Examination of Steel Castings parator A36 and of a thickness comparable to the sections being
S1.1 Equipment: examined with side-drilled holes at 14 t, 12 t, and 34 t (where t
S1.1.1 Examination InstrumentExamination shall be con- = thickness of the block) shall be used to establish an amplitude
ducted with an ultrasonic, pulsed-reflection type of system reference line (ARL).
generating frequencies of at least 0.4 to 5 MHz. Properties of S1.2 Calibration of Equipment:
the electronic apparatus shall be the same as those specified in S1.2.1 Construct the distance amplitude correction curve by
4.1. utilizing the responses from the side-drilled holes in the basic
S1.1.2 Search UnitsAngle-beam search units shall pro- calibration block for angle beam examination as shown in Fig.
duce an angle beam in steel in the range from 30 to 75 S1.1 and Table S1.1.
inclusive, measured to the perpendicular of the entry surface of S1.2.1.1 Resolve and mark the amplitudes of the 14 t and
12 t side-drilled holes from the same surface. The side-drilled
the casting being examined. It is preferred that search units
shall have frequency of 0.4 to 5 MHz.
S1.1.3 Calibration BlocksA set of blocks, as shown in 6
Available from Steel Founders Society of America, 205 Park Ave., Barrington,
Fig. S1.1, with as cast surface equivalent to SCRATA Com- IL 60010-4332.
L = length of block determined by the angle of search unit and the vee-path used,
T = thickness of basic calibration block (see Table S1.1),
D = depth of side-drilled hole (see Table S1.1),
d = diameter of side-drilled hole (see Table S1.1),
t = nominal production material thickness.
FIG. S1.1 Basic Calibration Block for Angle Beam Examination
A 609/A 609M 91 (2002)
TABLE S1.1 Dimensions of Calibration Blocks for Angle Beam S1.2.4 The search unit and all instrument control settings
Examination remain unchanged except the attenuator or calibrated gain
NOTE 1Dimensions of Calibration Blocks for Angle-Beam Examina- control.
tion For each increase in thickness of 2 in. [50 mm], or a fraction thereof, S1.2.4.1 The attenuator or calibrated gain control may be
the hole diameter shall increase 116 in. [1.6mm].
NOTE 2For block sizes over 3 in. [75 mm] in thickness, T, the
used to change the signal amplitude during examination to
distance from the hole to the end of the block shall be 12 T, min, to permit small amplitude signals to be more readily detected.
prevent coincident reflections from the hole and the corner. Block Signal evaluation is made by returning the attenuator or
fabricated with a 2-in. [50-mm] minimum dimension need not be modified calibrated gain control to its original setting.
if the corner and hole indications can be easily resolved.
S1.3 Data ReportingThe suppliers report of final ultra-
Nominal Production Basic Calibration Hole Diameter Minimum sonic examination shall contain the following data:
Material Thickness Block Thickness (d), in 1.002 Depth
(t), in. [mm] (T), in. [mm] [mm 6 0.05] (D), in. [mm] S1.3.1 The total number, location, amplitude, and area of all
Up to 1 [25] incl. 1 [25] or t [2.4]
3 32 112 [40] indications equal to or greater than 100 % of the distance
Over 1 to 2 [2550] 2 [50] or t [3.2]
18 112 [40] amplitude curve.
Over 2 to 4 [50100] 4 [100] or t 316 [4.8] 112 [40]
Over 4 to 6 [100150] 6 [150] or t 14 [6.3] 112 [40] S1.3.2 The examination frequency, type of instrument, type,
Over 6 to 8 [150200] 8 [200] or t 516 [7.9] 112 [40] and size of search units employed, couplant, transfer method,
Over 8 to 10 [200250] 10 [250] or t 38 [9.5] 112 [40]
Over 10 [250] t See Note 1 112 [40]
examination operator, suppliers identifying numbers, purchase
order number, date, and authorized signature.
S1.3.3 A sketch showing the physical outline of the casting,
hole used for the 14 t amplitude may be used to establish the including dimensions of all areas not examined due to geomet-
34 t amplitude from the opposite surface or a separate hole may
ric configuration, with the location of all indications in accor-
be used. dance with S1.3.1.
S1.2.1.2 Connect the 14 t, 12 t, and 34 t amplitudes to
S1.4 Acceptance StandardsAcceptance quality levels
establish the applicable DAC.
shall be established between the purchaser and the manufac-
S1.2.2 The basic calibration blocks shall be made of mate-
rial that is acoustically similar to the casting being examined. turer on the basis of one or more of the following criteria:
S1.2.3 Do not use basic calibration blocks with as cast S1.4.1 No indication equal to or greater than the DAC over
surface equivalent to SCRATA Comparator A3 to examine an area specified for the applicable quality level of Table 2.
castings with surface rougher than SCRATA Comparator A3. S1.4.2 Other criteria agreed upon between the purchaser
Use a machined calibration block for machined surfaces. and the manufacturer.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website