Deployment risks 10 The effect will be highly disruptive to existing ways of doing
things, but promises huge opportunities for consumers and
Regulation as societys 16 for the entrepreneurs that realise their dreams. The argument
approach tomanaging risk that artificial intelligence will cause mass unemployment is
as unpersuasive as the argument that threshing machines,
Key principles for responsible 18 machine tools, dishwashers or computers would cause
deployment of AI mass unemployment. The bogeyman of automation
consumes worrying capacity that should be saved for real
Conclusion 21 problems, saidthe economist Herbert Simon in the 1960s.
Superhuman Resources 1
businesses are
coming to realise
that there are
some unique risks
2 Superhuman Resources
Great promise,
butstrings attached
Advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems are already It is thus increasingly critical for boards and leaders to
being used to enhance our lives and to transform the way consider carefully not only how adoption of technology such
businesses operate. Gains in both computational capacity, as AI can deliver efficiencies and cost savings, but also to
and our understanding of how to exploit that capacity, consider carefully how the associated risks can be managed
mean that a form of general artificial intelligence a truly properly. In an AI context in particular, this is undoubtedly
cognitive system could be created within our lifetimes. a challenge for managers who typically will not yet have
Thiswill be revolutionary in a way few can presently imagine. the knowledge and tools available to evaluate the size and
shape of the risks in an AI system, let alone to manage
While the holy grail of general AI is still just out of reach, them effectively. The absence of best practices or industry
right now businesses across a broad spectrum of industries standards also makes it hard to benchmark what the safe and
are exploring the potential efficiency gains offered by AI responsible use of AI looks like in a business environment.
systems when applied to specific tasks. Understanding AIs
potential, and how to exploit it, is no longer the preserve of We are keen advocates of AI and we believe it has
an elite cadre of data science academics and engineers; AI truly transformative potential in both the public and
and machine learning tools can now readily be developed private sector. We would like to see organisations
and deployed by public bodies and by private businesses and take a thoughtful and responsible approach to their
entrepreneurs. The use of AI systems is already widespread implementation of AI systems. Unfortunately, while much
in areas such as transport, finance, defence, social security, airtime has been given to the potential benefits of AI
education, law and order, public safety and healthcare. technologies, there has yet to be significant attention
devoted to the risks and potential vulnerabilities of AI.
Instances of businesses exploring and adopting AI systems
are increasing exponentially. Whilst this comes with clear This white paper, published jointly by ASI Data Science
upsides, businesses are also coming to realise that there and Slaughter and May, brings together technical and
are some unique risks associated with these systems and legal expertise to provide a unique analysis of this topic.
technologies. We believe they are risks which to date have We recognise that where businesses fail to lead the way in
been underappreciated and in many cases unaddressed. developing best practice, this may give rise to regulatory
and governmental responses that cannot but function as
The costs of getting AI implementation wrong could blunt tools in the face of AI across such a variety of sectors.
be great and this could include human, social and Therefore, to avoid this pitfall and help businesses retain
political costs as much as economic costs: organisations their ability to exploit AI to the full extent, we suggest a
risk meaningful losses, fines and reputational damage suite of concrete, practical principles to assist businesses
if the use of AI results, for example, in unintended and other organisations as they responsibly explore, create
discrimination, misselling or breach of privacy. and deploy advanced artificial intelligence systems.
Superhuman Resources 3
4 Superhuman Resources
Key terms
Superhuman Resources 5
Development of machine learning
Before the 1980s, machine learning was Arthur Samuels creation in 1959 of an algorithm that
considered to be at the fringes of the field learned to play checkers is often identified as the first in the
lineage of modern machine learning, although the roots
of artificial intelligence. It was even debated of the subject can be traced back beyond this, through
whether learning would be a necessary Alan Turing to the fathers of statistics and probability. The
feature of artificial general intelligence at all. term machine learning was coined by Arthur Samuel in
his 1959 paper titled Some Studies in Machine Learning
Only as computational power grew, and more Using the Game of Checkers and by 1962, Samuels
sophisticated algorithms were developed, learning algorithm was able to beat the Connecticut State
did it become evident that learning checkers champion, the fourth best player in the US.
systems could solve impactful problems. Another pioneer of machine learning was Frank Rosenblatt,
who invented the perceptron in 1957. The perceptron was
the first design of what we now call an artificial neuron,
the individual entity that when connected together with
others forms an artificial neural network. The work led to
the creation of a machine for the US navy that could learn
to spot patterns through experience. Rosenblatts work
fell out of fashion when it was demonstrated that there
were simple problems for which it could never learn to
distinguish the correct answer. It was later found that by
tweaking the perceptron design, creating networks and using
different training algorithms (essentially, developing modern
artificial neural networks) these problems could be solved.
Breakthroughs were also made in the 1960s around the
architectures the wiring diagrams of neural networks
which reduced the time required for them to train.
6 Superhuman Resources
The recent excitement around deep learning the name Global investment in AI start-ups
for a particular set of architectures of artificial neural
networks started around 2005, when the work of people
like Hinton, Bengio and LeCun started to show human level
performance in the task of image recognition, something
that computers had struggled with historically. This was 2020
followed by surprising performance leaps in a variety of
$ 2.4bn
areas including tasks as diverse as speech recognition and
playing computer games. Generally, the feeling is that deep
learning will, at some point, allow computers to surpass
humans in most perceptual tasks, and allow the automation
$ 0.3bn
of those elements of any job where such skills are required.
We expect the ability of computers to continue to grow. If we could plot a graph to show the rate at which AI
Fundamentally, the human brain is a computer on a technology has developed over its relatively modern existence
biologicalsubstrate, and so ultimately we should not as a field of scientific endeavour, we would see a hyperbolic
expectthere to be any tasks performed by humans that curve; it seems highly likely that we are now entering the
remain outside of the capability of computers. This looming near vertical phase of that curve. Google and Nvidia, for
breakthrough may be closer than intuition suggests. instance, have both recently announced special purpose
The World Economic Forum reported in its Global Risks processors for AI that are capable of processing at tremendous
Report for 2017 that global investment in AI start-ups speeds, massively faster than anything seen to date.
has risen astronomically from USD282 million in 2011
to just short of USD2.4 billion in 2015. Figures published
recently by Bank of America Merrill Lynch suggest that
the global market for AI-based systems will reach a value
of USD153 billion by 2020; more money will be invested
into AI research in the next decade than has been
invested in the entire history of the field to this point.
Superhuman Resources 7
Transformative potential
The technological revolution has seen organisations automate repetitive, high volume,
sometimes complex but typically rule-based (if X then Y) processes, and has delivered
incredible increases in efficiency and productivity. The immense impact that technology has
had, and continues to have, in the world has transformed the human experience. Castin
this light, AI a system that can simulate human cognitive processes has the potential
to generate efficiency advances at a multiple rate of anything we have experienced to date.
There are some more evident aspects of AI that indicate its enormous potential:
8 Superhuman Resources
meaningful financial savings. In another example of able to sustain a level of conversation sufficient to
adaption, an AI circuit was shown to have learned to provide viable call-centre services. Another example
keep time by converting itself into a radio that picked is JukeDeck, a London-based AI group using AI to
up the recurring radio frequency of a nearby PC. produce music tailored to the listener or use in
essence a purely artistic creative application of AI.
3. Autonomy
The sophistication of tasks undertaken without Machine learning systems are especially effective
human oversight has seen a step-change with the at learning how to maximise performance through
advent of machine learning systems. Previous expert creativity. This feature of AI has already been exploited in
systems relied on logic that performed poorly in design processes to reimagine and optimise, for example,
novel situations for which the system had not been the construction of light-weight components for bicycle
prepared, and other autonomous systems depended frames or the structure of an automotive engine block.
on simple sensors and constrained environments.
5. Consistency and reliability
But because modern AI is capable of learning and In addition, machine learning creates opportunities to
accumulating knowledge without human supervision, achieve greater consistency and reliability in processes
it promises a more reliable future autonomy. that at present depend heavily on human judgment.
Autonomous cars are one of the more conspicuous Reliable, time-pressured decision-making systems could
deployments of AI at the moment, and significantly have a material beneficial impact in a diversity of sectors:
more complex than non-manned trains with which in transport, accidents could be avoided with more
we have lived for some years; yet have proven to be rational split second avoidance decisions; in medicine,
safer so far (admittedly based on relatively limited A&E patients could be more rapidly diagnosed on the
exposure to the real world) than human drivers. basis of a rapid synthesis of data points; and in disaster
situations, more rapid and thought-through safety
4. Creativity recommendations could be made in the immediate
There is some ineffable aspect of creativity that we aftermath of natural disasters or terrorist attacks.
struggle to ascribe to machines. Yet when confronted
with the art, writing and designs that machines have These opportunities come from the ability of machine
produced it is becoming evident that they are capable of learning systems to cut through complexity while
novel and sometimes impressive creations. For example, exploiting the speed and reliability of machine software
there are hundreds of new applications stemming relative to the performance of humans in pressurised
from computer vision, some of which are capable situations. Outside of high pressure environments,
of producing machine art: original creative images one can equally see potential for material gains, for
in an environment free from human supervision. example for investment firms making discretionary
financial recommendations, where inconsistencies in
Similar creativity as applied to language is now giving human decision-making (whatever the cause fatigue,
machines the ability to write both descriptive and document blindness or straightforward negligence) can
creative prose: news outlets Yahoo and Reuters have give rise to costly outcomes: penalties and remediation.
already published machine-written articles. When
combined with systems that can understand and
interrogate speech, so-called chatbot systems are
Superhuman Resources 9
Deployment risks
As the potential benefits multiply, so too do the risks. There are certainly risks associated with
reliance on machine learning systems, as well as some acute moral and ethical considerations.
Commentary on, and indeed investment in, AI and machine should be implemented; safe deployment is critical to
learning seems so far to have focussed on the potential the design process. The same reasoning applies to AI.
upsides. This is understandable, but misses a critical
point: AI can only ever be useful if it can be deployed To manage risk, you first need to understand it.
responsibly and safely. Safe means either no harm or an We have identified 6 categories of risk that are
acceptable risk of harm: civil engineers do not design a particularly acute for, and should be top of mind for,
bridge and then later contemplate what safety features theresponsible design and deployment of AI systems:
Social disruption
AI systems performing
safelyand securely may
havenegative social effects.
of risk
Vulnerability to misuse
10 Superhuman Resources
Failure to perform
AI, like any system, whether mechanical or human, will fail some of the time. There can be any number of cases of failure,
ranging from a typo in source code to a fundamental flaw in the overall design of a system. The following are three common
causes of failure for AI systems:
A. Bad design
AI systems often pose novel design challenges, even for
experienced scientists and expert software engineers.
Machine learning systems are fed examples and
B. Bad data
AI systems are only as good as the data they are designed
to handle. One of the great benefits of machine learning
algorithms is that they can be trained to handle a wide
autonomously learn a model that generates outputs variety of inputs by using large training data sets. Problems
from input data. This makes it much harder to predict arise where the training data set contains not enough
how the system will behave in practice than for other data, not the right data, not enough real-world data,
software where the model is prepared in advance by a incorrect data or data that is skewed/biased in a way that
human. Traditional software is deterministic, whereas does not reflect the environment in which the system
machine learning systems are probabilistic and can will be operating. How accurately a machine learning
learn surprising strategies to perform well at a task. system will respond to a given input is directly related to
how similar that input is to what it has seen before.
For example, an AI call-centre service could be trained
to communicate with customers and be given the goal A system trained with a limited data set will usually
of minimising the number of complaint calls. Expected encounter more inputs that are unfamiliar and will
to learn the most effective strategies for dealing with therefore perform poorly compared to a system trained
customer problems, the system will in fact learn any with a broader and more diverse data set. For example,
strategy that more effectively reduces calls, such as keeping take a photo app that has been trained on a large
the line active to prevent in-coming calls, or learning variety of animal faces, but a limited number of human
that communicating rudely reduces repeat callers. faces not representative of the diversity of photos it
would see in practice. When deployed to automatically
Whereas in traditional software some common sense label images, this could lead to the embarrassing and
can be explicitly encoded and its limitations made clear, potentially insulting mislabelling of people as animals.
the flexibility of AI to learn sophisticated behaviour can
lead us to forget that it need not learn common sense C. Bad application
solutions to the problems it is tasked with solving. The capabilities and limitations of conventional software
are typically quite evident. With machine learning systems,
These problems are compounded when a machine learning on the other hand, whether a system will handle certain
system operates dynamically, continually updating its inputs appropriately is a product of both the algorithm
model in real-time as it processes data, or when the model and its training data. Thus the model employed by an AI
is difficult to interpret, as with deep neural networks. While system is often much more opaque, and its operations
any system can fail because it is poorly designed, the fact less predictable, than conventional software. This lack
that it is particularly difficult to predict how an AI system of transparency and predictability does not necessarily
will perform in practice means it can be hard to spot mean the system is less reliable or less accurate. Indeed,
that the system has been badly designed until it fails. many innovative applications of AI technology in medical
diagnosis and autonomous piloting of vehicles are proving
to be significantly more reliable than most humans
Superhuman Resources 11
performing the same tasks. It does, however, mean the task
of determining where and when it is appropriate to deploy
a particular AI solution becomes more of a challenge.
12 Superhuman Resources
Discrimination, even
if inadvertent, can
cause substantial
Vulnerability to misuse
to an organisation high-profile example was the Microsoft Twitter bot, Tay. Tay
employed a machine learning algorithm to learn from tweets
it received on Twitter to inform tweets that it would post.
Not long after Tay was made open to the public, it began
posting racist and misogynistic tweets, mimicking tweets
Consider the example of an AI system deployed to that had been maliciously sent to it by certain Twitter users.
determine car insurance premium based on a wealth
of digital data concerning the policy holder. Even if A potentially more significant risk is conceivable in
characteristics such as that individuals gender, age and connection with face recognition systems being used
race are excluded from the input data, any number in vital processes such as border control. Very small
of data points about the individual may still correlate changes to what such a system sees can completely
with gender, age or race in a way that a human cannot change how the recognition system labels it. With
foresee. The AI system may therefore produce results some knowledge of the system, deliberate changes
which illegally discriminate against individuals on can make an image indistinguishable to the human
the grounds of gender, age or race, notwithstanding eye but totally mislead image classifiers.
well-intended attempts to avoid this outcome.
It may also be possible that the repeated input of data into
Discrimination, even if inadvertent, can cause an AI system could function to discover the underlying model
substantial reputational damage to an organisation. that the system us using. In many cases, a significant amount
Recent press has featured a number of stories about of the commercial value in the AI system will be in the model.
AI systems that have been seen to be racist, sexist This category of risk could give rise, then, to an unexpected
or otherwise discriminatory. Moreover, discrimination window on the valuable inner workings of an organisation.
based on certain characteristics including gender, age,
disability, pregnancy, race/ethnicity, religion or sexual
orientation can be unlawful in many contexts.
Superhuman Resources 13
Malicious re-purposing
the wrong hands First, proper consent must be obtained from each individual
(or there must be some other basis under applicable privacy/
from a benign to data protection law) for all processing that takes place.
Auditing consent can be challenging where the data set is
a malignant use vast, particularly where if the data set has been compiled
from multiple sources. The EU General Data Protection
Regulation coming into effect in early 2018 will make this
even more critical, as it: imposes obligations directly on data
processors, includes more onerous requirements around
obtaining consent and significantly increases the penalties
for non-compliance (up to the greater of 20 million or 4%
of global annual turnover). However, one of the interesting
challenges of AI that the Information Commissioner in the
UK has already noted in its guidance is that AI may well
undermine the traditional binary, yes/no approach
14 Superhuman Resources
to consent: This is seen as incompatible with big data
analytics due to its experimental nature and its propensity
to find new uses for data, and also because it may not fit
contexts where data is observed rather than directly provided
by data subjects. However, there are new approaches to
consent that go beyond the simple binary model. It may be
possible to have a process of graduated consent, in which
people can give consent or not to different uses of their
6 Social Disruption
AI may necessitate a
paradigm shift in our
economic attitude.
ICO (2017) Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and data protection
Superhuman Resources 15
Regulation as societys approach to managing risk
New technologies commonly raise questions of At one end of the spectrum, where a new technology or
regulation. The ethics and laws surrounding new fields of innovation is used by businesses in a relatively benign area,
innovation have often developed alongside the potential market-driven self-regulation may be sufficient to manage
of the new field itself biotech and genomics is a good any associated risks if a product simply does not work,
example where ethical concerns have needed to take consumers are likely to regulate with their feet by using
precedence over technical progress. Artificial Intelligence a different provider of the same product, or by not buying
is no different in raising questions about governance into the product at all. For example, a dating app based
but, because it relates to thought and the agency of upon a faulty algorithm is not likely to survive for long if
human judgement, it presents a unique challenge. users are paired with unsuitable matches. Alternatively, some
algorithms simply do not have the capacity to be seriously
There is one aspect of machine learning that stands out harmful. For example, Dijkstras algorithm to route traffic
as a distinct challenge for policy makers and corporate across the internet, or the MP3 sound compression algorithm,
governance. Statistical models that accurately predict or Auto Tune to make off-key singing more bearable.
an outcome or classify an object have traditionally been
transparent in their reasoning. We have been able to see their
workings and interrogate their internal logic. For some AI
algorithms, this is simply not possible2. An algorithm might Legal restrictions
be able to prevent more car crashes than any human driver, or prohibitions
but it wont be able to explain why a crash happened. It might
be able to diagnose cancer more reliably than any human
doctor, but with humans neither understanding why it is
more reliable, nor why it might sometimes make a mistake.
16 Superhuman Resources
Where there is an increased level of risk, commercial AI is at its heart simply a tool which can be used in
actors may self-regulate, for example by agreeing industry existing public and private sector functions the level
standards and codes of practice. This may include of risk associated with any particular AI system should be
having certain entry requirements to membership of an a function of the level of harm that would be caused by
industry body, which would then allow members to use a its failure, and so the responses of legislators and policy-
kitemark on their products. Alternatively, there could be makers to use-cases for AI systems will inevitably fall across
a kitemark applied on a product-by-product basis following a spectrum, depending on the context of the uses.
assessment against relevant industry body standards,
following trends in respect of other safety-oriented products Legislation and regulation tend to be blunter tools than
such as crash helmets, windows and smoke alarms. industry-driven regulation and codes of practice, and will
typically have a more restricting effect on innovation,
In some AI fields, it is implausible that purely internal creativity and productivity. It is certainly not the case that
regulation will be sufficient to provide a consistent and AI is free from legal and regulatory oversight today and so
acceptable level of public control for learning algorithms: businesses seeking to deploy AI systems already must have
where human life and liberty is involved, in medical, regard to the impact of those existing legal boundaries.
transportation, or military applications for example. Therefore,
at the next stage along the spectrum, governments may The key point we seek to make in this white paper, however,
empower independent regulatory bodies, which are is that businesses across all sectors have an opportunity
external to a market, to influence and oversee market to shape and influence the future development of legal
conduct. The role of regulators here is typically to protect and regulatory frameworks as they begin to adapt to
consumers as end-users within a given market, maintain address machine-based processes, products and services.
stability and integrity in the market and promote healthy
competition between the relevant market actors. The By being forward-thinking and, perhaps above all else,
presence of an external regulator often engenders a greater responsible in the design and deployment of AI businesses,
level of trust and confidence in the relevant market and sectors and whole industries can mitigate the restricting
its products; this can be as simple as an easily accessible effect that external regulation of AI may have in the longer
ombudsman and a binding industry code (for example, term. Getting out ahead of the policy-makers by designing
regulatory bodies in the legal or advertising spaces). AI systems that can take full account of the risks to which
they may expose individuals, communities or society, and
At the top end of the risk-management spectrum, as far as possible mitigating those risks must be the best
governments can apply legal restrictions or prohibitions. means to avoid the need for legislators and policy-makers
At the most draconian end would be a total ban on certain to feel they must take restrictive or prohibitive action.
types of activity where a very high risk of harm exists, backed
up by sanctions. Before an outright prohibition, however, may With that in mind, in the final section of this white paper
come laws and regulations that limit or control particular we have identified three key themes for businesses to
activities and establish frameworks within which close focus on when contemplating the design and deployment
monitoring and supervision takes place. A good example of of AI systems, and a series of practical reflective
this would be the aviation industry, where the barriers for questions that are intended to enable those businesses
entry are high and regulatory requirements stringent, with in- to identify and minimise the risks of harm associate
depth investigations into any failure this is not surprising, with AI system deployment and thereby maximise the
given that any small failure could affect very many lives. ability to exploit the gains that AI promises to deliver.
Superhuman Resources 17
Key principles for responsible deployment of AI
The ability to understand and challenge AI systems now work sufficiently well to deliver real
decisions and processes within your organisation business value, but they are not yet a mature technology
is crucial to discharging your duties of good well understood throughout all levels of business.
governance. As withother aspects of technology The value of AI will accrue to businesses who develop
in business, such as cyber risk, the assessment confidence in their technology and succeed in deploying
and responsible deployment of AI requires both AI in practice. To be assured of performance from a
good governance and good technicalexecution. system that is complex and often difficult to interpret will
require a broad picture of whats going into the system
and how it has performed under a range of scenarios.
1. Has the business accepted AI as part of its 5. Are the algorithmic predictions sufficiently
riskregister? accurate in practice?
AI should be a core component of an organisations The performance of your algorithm is a critical
risk register. Assuming your model could fail, it and often dynamic metric that can change over
is vital to assess the likelihood and the impact time as the model learns from new data. The levels
of such a failure. What could a failure look like? of risk, and type of errors, that are acceptable will
In the event of a failure, what contingency depend on the context and what currently counts
plans exist if the operation of the algorithm as good enough. The best metric to assess the
needs to be suspended? Have these been performance of the model will vary depending
tested with a fire-drill in a live environment? on the application (e.g. classifying events into
groups, detecting anomalies, predicting demand).
2. Does the business have real-time monitoring
Do you understand your risk tolerance in the
andalerting for security and performance?
deployment environment? Is your organisation
Firms commonly require IT functions to monitor
clear on the benchmark level of error for your
the state of the network, but it is currently less
particular application that would constitute
common to monitor the health of the algorithms,
unacceptable accuracy and whether the model
and the underlying data, that are driving the decision
operates above or below that level, or is there a
making across that network. This is a capability
need to look to external professional support?
that would provide firms with significantly greater
ability to respond quickly to problems if they arise. 6. Has the algorithm been fed a healthy data diet?
Garbage in, garbage out always applies to
3. Is the causal process auditable?
algorithms. How robust is the model to
The lack of transparency often associated with AI
junk, partial, or poisoned data? Data is often
systems is not insurmountable human beings
overlooked for potential biases, especially if
are often opaque as well. If the full context of the
they are the result of pre-existing biases within
algorithm can be logged, its decisions could even
human systems. A series of straightforward
be more reproducible than a human example.
checks would help satisfy this concern: was the
Do you have in place the strategy and capability
training sample of sufficient scale, and checked
to reconstruct decisions by these algorithms?
for bias? Has it been tested against adversarial
Your approach must be sufficient in the context
data? Is data used in developing the model
of your particular market environment.
equivalent to the data it will see once deployed?
4. Is there an accountability framework for the Are statistics on the data being monitored,
performance and security of the algorithm? as well as the overall model performance?
Every significant algorithm the business relies upon
7. Is the algorithms objective well-specified
should have an internal owner, even where the
androbust to attack or distortion?
algorithm is supplied by a third party as a black
It is important that the objective the AI system
box. A central register or record of such algorithms
tries to achieve is well specified to avoid
and their owners can be a significant asset to a
accidents, unintended misuse or malicious
business trying to navigate a complex internal data
repurposing. Have you been sufficiently specific
landscape. In addition to a named owner, ideally the
in defining your objective, to capture what
record should contain basic information relating
you want the system to do? Is there some
to the purpose and structure of the algorithm, and
undesirable behaviour that could accidentally
the services that are dependent on it. There should
fulfil the objective? Have you gone beyond
be a clear reporting line from these key individuals
best-case scenarios in testing the algorithm?
to senior executives, with careful avoidance of
closed feedback loops to help mitigate any lack
of clarity around responsibility for algorithms.
18 Superhuman Resources
In light of the variety and complexity of AI and its complicate the legal challenges for businesses looking
deployment across businesses, there may be a limit to deploy AI systems. Similarly, the application of
to the extent to which existing regulatory systems AI tools in cross-cutting areas, such as pricing, may
are able adequately to supervise and control the risks well raise issues under more generally applicable
involved. Responses to this new technology may be regulatory regimes such as competition law. Responsible
unexpected and tricky to navigate. In many verticals, deployment of AI requires careful and specialist legal
from financial services to civil aviation, medicine engagement. Under this heading, we have identified
to consumer credit, sectoral regulatory regimes can three legal focal points that will be critical to the
already present complexities that will only further responsible deployment of most AI systems.
8. Is the algorithms use of personal data compliant (b) seek validation that your algorithm has been
with privacy and data processing legislation? subjected to comprehensive quality-testing,
All learning algorithms depend on data, and typically either by an appropriately independent internal
substantial quantities of data, and often this data team or if necessary by an experienced external
includes personal data relating to individuals. There resource, to ensure that it does not engage in
are well established laws governing the use of illegal or otherwise damaging discrimination; and
personal data, but regulation in this area is generally
(c) if an undesirable discriminatory bias is detected,
becoming stricter and the penalties for breach
seek help to correct for this; this may entail
are becoming more severe (the EU General Data
feeding the AI system tailored input data
Protection Regulation is already a new benchmark
to negate the discriminatory correlation or
in this field). Whenever you are looking to deploy
alternatively building into the system an active
an AI system, it is essential to undertake a proper
correction filter for the discriminatory bias. Such
data protection assessment to ensure that any
fixes will become increasingly straightforward to
personal data processed in the system is dealt with
achieve in data science terms, but the fix may only
lawfully. In particular, there must be a lawful basis
be possible if the if the issue is addressed up front.
for all processing of personal data, and the operation
of the AI system may necessitate changes to that 10. Have you considered what is a fair allocation
basis over time. Your organisations data protection ofrisk with your counterparties?
officer should therefore be heavily involved in the For now one of the more knotty problems to solve
deployment and specialist legal advice may be in the field of AI is the allocation of liability. It is
required to provide assurance that the business increasingly common for AI systems to be deployed
can remain compliant with its legal obligations. to undertake tasks that would formerly have been
performed by a person. Whereas previously a person
9. Does the algorithm produce
could be held responsible for any failures in the
performance of those tasks, it may not always be
All responsible businesses will avoid intentional
clear who is responsible when an AI system fails in
bias. As we noted in the previous section of this
the performance of its tasks. It may be difficult to
white paper, a particular concern with AI systems is
discern whether the problem originated with the
that they can develop unintentional discriminatory
design of the algorithm, the coding of the software,
biases quite easily. While you may reduce the risk
some other element of the coding of the surrounding
of discriminatory biases by carefully selecting
software, the initial training data, or how the algorithm
the data used to train a particular algorithm, it
has been deployed. The critical questions from
is often difficult, if not impossible, to identify all
a governance and risk management perspective,
the data that may cause a discriminatory bias in a
therefore, are: who is responsible for failure of the
system. This is a legal point that requires technical
AI system to perform? In what circumstances will
execution, lawyers who understand AI and the
they be responsible? And what are they responsible
potential for discriminatory effects will need to
for? As a business seeking to deploy an AI solution,
work closely with data scientists who can offer
the answers to these questions should direct key
effective solutions. To protect against the problems of
aspects of contracts with investors, developers,
discriminatory biases in your use of AI, you should:
suppliers, implementation partners, external
(a) fully understand the potential legal as consultants and customers. It is essential that the
well as reputational risks associated legal and commercial teams involved in preparing and
with discrimination in the area where negotiating these contracts understand the unusual
your AI system is being deployed; complexities around liability and risk for AI systems.
The reflective questions which appear in this section are part of a process of assurance for AI design and deployment.
intended to be used as a practical touchstone for General We have grouped these questions into three broad categories,
Counsel, Chief Data Officers and other senior executives as albeit there will inevitably be overlap between them.
Superhuman Resources 19
Artificial Intelligence
could be the most
technology of the
21st Century
20 Superhuman Resources
We believe that Artificial Intelligence could be the ButAI isnt just another technology. Because of its ability
mosttransformative technology of the 21st Century. to alter and in some cases replace human processes,
Thesepractical opportunities are not the stuff of the the way we have traditionally supervised and assured
future they are here today. AI is already driving down the judgement of our human resources will have to be
the cost of doing business, improving the quality of reinterpreted if it is to be applied effectively to machines.
decision making, and increasing the personalisation
and responsiveness of services. This is no longer just an The scalability of digital services means that a single
opportunity for the R&D team or the Innovation lab, but for algorithm could soon (or may already) affect the lives of
mainstream business leaders in every industry and sector. millions of customers, suppliers and counterparties, and be
responsible for decisions worth billions. Just as with cyber
However, while learning algorithms have enormous security, the reputation of entire organisations may hang
positive potential, they also carry significant legal, security, in the balance. AI holds enormous promise, but it requires
and performance risks that, if not managed well, could responsible deployment. If business does not take on that
jeopardise reputations, or worse. Just as AI may transform responsibility, then other bodies may feel obliged to step in.
the success of businesses that use it well, it may also
be at the root of future corporate failures and social In this white paper, we have set out a series of practical
harms.If knowledge is power, then AI has the potential questions for boards to use to assure themselves that they
to give superpowers to our human resources; and those are deploying AI effectively and responsibly. Some of these
superhuman resources will have to be used with care. questions may require specialist legal or technological
knowledge and support to answer, but we hope that our
Technology issues have historically been the preserve of white paper has at least clarified the right questions to ask.
the back office, not the board. In the last decade, with
the rise in significance of technology and of related cyber And if our white paper has provoked further thoughts or
risks, the seniority of technology leaders has increased, questionsfor you, we would be delighted to hear from you.
with Chief Digital Officers and Chief Data Officers
commonly now being appointed to the main board.
Superhuman Resources 21
The authors
Matthew Harman
Harry Vanner
22 Superhuman Resources
The authors
Nick Robinson
Superhuman Resources 23
Superhuman Resources 25
Slaughter and May 2017
This material is for general information only and is not intended to provide legal advice.
For further information, please speak to your usual Slaughter and May contact.
June 2017