Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials

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Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials

Emerald Article: Preparation of non-chromium polymer films on zinc for

corrosion protection due to a compound effect between silane and cerium
Da-jing Fang, Xu-hui Mao, Ye-ming Zhang, Zhi-liang Chen, Min Liu, Fu-xing

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To cite this document: Da-jing Fang, Xu-hui Mao, Ye-ming Zhang, Zhi-liang Chen, Min Liu, Fu-xing Gan, (2009),"Preparation of
non-chromium polymer films on zinc for corrosion protection due to a compound effect between silane and cerium salt",
Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 56 Iss: 4 pp. 226 - 231
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Preparation of non-chromium polymer films
on zinc for corrosion protection
due to a compound effect between
silane and cerium salt
Da-jing Fang and Xu-hui Mao
School of Resource and Environmental Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Peoples Republic of China
Ye-ming Zhang
School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Huangshi Institute of Technology,
Huangshi, Peoples Republic of China, and
Zhi-liang Chen, Min Liu and Fu-xing Gan
School of Resource and Environmental Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Peoples Republic of China and
State Key Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection of Metals, Shenyang, Peoples Republic of China

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study the compound effect between silane and cerium salts in the passivation process of chemical conversion
treatment of zinc.
Design/methodology/approach Chemical conversion treatment using 3-Glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane on zinc is investigated as an alternative
treatment to chromate conversion. The surface chemistry of the silane-treated samples is investigated with mass change measurements, polarization
curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and the salt spray tests (SST). The surface morphology of samples was studied using a scanning
electron microscope.
Findings The polarization curves, EIS and SST data are in agreement. On the surface of zinc, the silane formed a compound with the cerium, thus
enhancing the adhesion and corrosion resistance of the polymer film.
Originality/value There have been few reports on the compound effects of silanes and cerium salts in the passivation process. The mechanism of
this compound effect may be due to the ability of Ce3 ions to gain access to the interface through tiny cracks or micropores in the cross-linking
structure of GPS polymer films on zinc, and the subsequent oxidation of Ce3 to Ce4 by H2O2 may result in a barrier effect between the electrolyte
and the metallic substrate.

Keywords Passivation, Zinc, Corrosion protection, Films (states of matter)

Paper type Research paper

Introduction and the strong carcinogensis of the Cr6 ions (Xia and
McCreery, 1998). For these reasons it is desirable to identify
Zinc is widely used as a metal coating on steel to reduce alternative methods for corrosion protection, other than the
corrosion, where the zinc acts as a sacrificial anode providing use of chromium salts, which are now restricted by
high corrosion resistance. In the past, a very popular way to environmental protection legislation all over the world.
reduce the corrosion rate of zinc was the use of chemical Silicate layers have been deposited on aluminum
conversion layers based on hexavalent chromium ions (Thim et al., 2000), copper (Garcia-Cerda et al., 2002) and
(Cr6 ), which can increase the passivation tendency of the iron alloys (Zwinkels et al., 1996), and as reported, silica
zinc. This procedure is quite effective also for improving the containing layers can also be deposited on zinc from alcoholic
adhesion of organic coatings deposited on the zinc surface, colloidal solutions of silica derived from hydrolyzed
but there is a serious environmental problem associated with alkoxysilanes (Brinker and Scherer, 1990; Atik et al., 1994).
the use of Cr6 in the formation of chromate conversion Moreover, the use of silane coupling agents (SCA), which
(CRC) films for galvanized steels because of the high toxicity containing many organofunctional groups, seems promising
as an environmentally benign alternative for corrosion
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at protection methods (Veeraraghavan et al., 2003; Hara et al., 2003). Apparently, SCAs have received the most attention of

Da-jing Fang gratefully acknowledges the support and continuous

Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
56/4 (2009) 226 231 encouragement from Prof. Fu-xing Gan, Prof. Lin An and Dr Xu-hui
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 0003-5599] Mao as well as the help of Si-yu Zhang and Yu-jie Qiao for sample
[DOI 10.1108/00035590910969356] preparation.

A compound effect between silane and cerium salt Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
Da-jing Fang et al. Volume 56 Number 4 2009 226 231

the various organic conversion coatings being developed, for For the sake of comparative study, a GPS film was prepared
the reason that SCAs are capable of forming strong bonds to on zinc in an aqueous solution containing only GPS and
metal substrates and, additionally, of forming cross-linking methanol following the foregoing method, with a cerium
polymers on the zinc surface. Both of these abilities contribute conversion (CEC) film on zinc in aqueous solution containing
to the formation of strong conversion films. Recent cerous nitrate, hydrogen peroxide and boric acid. Table I
publications have reported that the chrome-free conversion shows the operation conditions of CEC, CRC, GPS, GCC
coatings formed by SCA were comparable to or better than films for all experiments.
CRC films (Tang and van Ooij, 1997; van Ooij and Child, A Sartorius BS 124S balance (made in Germany) with an
1998). Additionally, more than half of the methods associated accuracy of 102 4 g was used to record mass changes. The
with the applications of SCA for conversion coating are mass gain of the zinc sheet specimen was measured before
protected by patents (van Ooij, 1996a; van Ooij, 1996b; van and after the aforementioned passivation process at room
Ooij et al., 1998; van Ooij and Yuan, 1998). Another temperature. After the passivation process, the corrosion
environmentally benign inhibitor, cerous nitrate, is also process was carried out by immersing the zinc sheet into a
known to be effective for corrosion resistance of zinc or solution containing 1.3 M lead acetate (5.8 pH, adjusted by
galvanized steel in acidic solutions. This kind of inhibitor acetic acid) at room temperature for 1 min. Subsequently, the
suppresses the cathodic process of zinc corrosion by the zinc sheets were brushed free of corrosion products, rinsed
formation of a hydrated or hydroxylated cerium oxide layer on and dried. Finally, the weight losses of the zinc sheet
the surface (van Ooij et al., 2001; Aramaki, 2001). This layer specimens were measured immediately before and after the
is constructed by adsorption of hydrated or hydroxylated corrosion process.
Ce3 ions on the hydroxylated zinc surface, therefore, A zinc electrode with an exposed area of 0.896 cm2 was
protecting zinc from corrosion. immersed in an aerated 0.5 M NaCl solution at 303 K for 4 h.
In this paper, a characterization of a compound conversion With a saturated calomel reference electrode and a platinum
film of silane and cerium on zinc surface is reported in counter electrode, the anodic and cathodic polarization curves
comparison with traditional chromate treatments. An of the bare and film-covered electrodes were measured
improved method to form a dense cross-linking polymer potentiodynamically in the NaCl solution at room
film containing silica and cerium onto zinc is proposed that is temperature at a sweep rate of 5 mV/min in the positive and
based on the use of GPS and cerium salts. The central aim of negative directions starting from open-circuit potential. Data
this study is to investigate the possibility and feasibility of obtained from electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS) were
the composition of silane and cerium salt as well as the recorded at the corrosion potential in a frequency range
anticorrosion effectiveness of the GPS-Cerium conversion between 105 and 10 102 3 Hz by Parstat 2273 (Ametek Inc).
(GCC) polymer films in comparison with CRC films on zinc. Surface morphologies of the films were analyzed using a
Stereoscan 440 (Leo) scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Experimental And the corrosion behavior was evaluated by neutral SST
carried out employing a humidified NaCl spray in accordance
In all experiments, pure zinc specimens (99.95 per cent purity, with the ASTM B117 standard. The deterioration of the
2.5 mm thickness), provided by Wuhan Research Institute of coated surfaces was monitored over time by simple visual
Materials Protection, were prepared by dividing the pure zinc observation of the white rust coverage.
plate into 35 55 mm (for SST) and 8 12 mm (for making
electrodes) sheets. The smaller zinc sheets were fixed with epoxy
adhesive to the end of special plastic tube holders and the
outside of the zinc sheet was used as an electrode. Every zinc Mass change tests
sample was degreased at about 325 K for 5 min in an aqueous The mass changes of the bare zinc, CEC, GPS, GCC and
alkaline degreaser after its surface was polished with emery CRC films on zinc recorded at room temperature are
paper and rinsed with distilled water. After these steps, the presented in Figure 1.
sample was rinsed with distilled water again before use.
A high grade reagent of Ce(NO3)3 6H2O, CoSO4 7H2O, Tafel studies
H2O2 (30 per cent), and nanometric colloidal silicate were Figure 2 shows the polarization curves of the zinc electrode
used in this experiment. The silane, GPS, is a commercial coated with films in the aerated 0.5 M NaCl solution at about
product of the Debang Chemical Industries, Ltd, Hubei, PR 298 K. Both the cathodic and the anodic processes of zinc
China. corrosion were suppressed to some extent by covering the
An example of the GCC polymer film preparation is surface with the CEC, GPS or GCC films. The Ecorr values of
described as follows: cerium salt, hydrogen peroxide and these films on electrodes were changed to some extent toward
nanometric colloidal silicate were added into an aqueous a more positive potential from the value of uninhibited
solution containing GPS and methanol (hydrolyzed for electrode, E 0corr 21:076 V(SCE) The Ecorr values of inhibited
several hours, 298 K, with agitation) after the pH value of electrodes were 2 1.065, 2 1.042, 2 1.025 and 2 1.021
the aqueous solution had been adjusted to about 1.5. The V (SCE) for the CEC, GPS, GCC and CRC films,
specimens then were rinsed thoroughly with distilled water respectively. These small shifts were attributed to inhibition
and treated in the foregoing solution immediately after they of both anodic and cathodic processes by these inhibitors.
were acid activated in 3 mass% HNO3 at 298 K for 5 s. The corrosion current density was determined by
Immediately after the passivation process, the specimens with extrapolation of the cathodic and anodic Tafel lines in the
wet films were placed into a convection oven at 423 K for curves and the protective efficiency, P(%) of a film on an
40 min. The specimens then were taken out from the oven for electrode in an aerated NaCl solution can be obtained by the
natural aging for two days. following equation:

A compound effect between silane and cerium salt Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
Da-jing Fang et al. Volume 56 Number 4 2009 226 231

Table I Operation conditions of CEC, CRC, GPS, GCC films

The Immersion
Films Composition of the conversion solution pH value Temperature/K time/s Subsequent processing
CEC cerous nitrate, hydrogen peroxide and boric acid 1.5 318 120 Rinsed with distilled water,
hot blast dried and natural aging for 5 days
CRC chromium trioxide, nitric acid, sulfuric acid and acetic acid 1.8 298 30 Rinsed with distilled water, hot blast
dried and natural aging for 2 days
GPS GPS, methanol, acetic acid and nitric acid 2.0 298 130 Heated in convection oven at 423 K
for 30 min with wet film and natural
aging for 2 days
GCC GPS, methanol, acetic acid, cerous nitrate, 1.7 298 130 Heated in convection oven at 423 K
hydrogen peroxide, nanometric colloidal silicate, for 40 min with wet film and natural
cobaltous sulfate and nitric acid aging for 2 days

Figure 1 Average results of the mass gain and weight loss P% 1001 2 i cor =i 0cor
measurements for different conversion coatings in passivation process
(treated in conversion solution) and corrosion process (treated in where i 0corr and icorr denote the corrosion current densities of
solution of lead acetate), respectively the electrode bare and coated with the film, respectively. The P
Blank CEC GPS GCC CRC values of different films on the electrodes are also shown in
Figure 2.
Mass gain (gm2)

1 EIS tests
Figure 3 shows the Nyquist plots from the EIS study in 5 M
NaCl solution at room temperature. In the case of CRC film,
1 the EIS response showed in Figure 4(a) was modeled by a
Randles-type equivalent circuit consisted of polarization
Figure 3 Nyquist diagrams obtained for the bare electrode and
electrodes coated with CEC, GPS, GCC and CRC films in 0.5 M NaCl
Weight loss (gm2)

4 solution at about 298 K

5 10,000
Passivation process
Corrosion process Blank
7 8,000 CEC
Zim (ohmscm2)

6,000 CRC

Figure 2 Polarization curves (the potential, E and the current density, i)

of a zinc electrode in an aerated 0.5 M NaCl solution and the electrode 4,000
covered with a CRC, CEC, GPS and GCC film. The protective efficiency, P
of different films on the electrodes was also expressed in the diagram
100 Blank CEC
3.0 80 GPS
60 GCC 0

2.5 40
0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000
20 CRC Zre (ohmscm2)

2.0 0
Figure 4 Equivalent electrical circuits for the samples
1.5 CEC
1.0 CRC Cf

Rs Rs Cdl
1.30 1.25 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95
E (V/SCE) (a) (b)

A compound effect between silane and cerium salt Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
Da-jing Fang et al. Volume 56 Number 4 2009 226 231

resistance (Rp) and film capacitance (Cf) in parallel, in which the value of the conversion solution. However, in the case of GPS
Rp represented the electrical resistance of the chromate film or GCC films, the weight of zinc electrodes increased during
coated on electrode at open circuit potential. The equivalent the passivation process and the mass gain of GCC film was a
electrical circuit able to model the impedance values of CEC, little larger than GPS film, indicating a possibility that silane
GPS and GCC films is shown in Figure 4(b), which is based on a compounded with cerium. By contrast, the GCC film lost
previous proposal by Michailovskii et al., (Hinton and Wilson, more weight than did the CEC or GPS films during the
1989). This circuit is based on the solution resistance (Rs), film corrosion process, so it is not easy to determine whether this
resistance (R f ), film capacitance (Cf ) and other two film composition occurred or (on the assumption it
contributions: the impedance of the interface, the charge happened) that it enhanced the corrosion resistance of
transfer resistance (Rct) in parallel with the double layer conversion films on zinc surface.
capacitance (Cdl). In general, the corrosion potentials did not vary
significantly from CEC/GPS to the GCC film, but on the
SEM microanalysis other hand, the corrosion current varied more, due to the
The microscopic observation of the samples shown in Figure 5
cathodic process, which was stimulated by the addition of
revealed that uniform films were formed on the electrodes.
cerium salt into the GPS conversion solution, implying a
compound effect between silane and cerium that enhanced
Salt spray tests
Figure 6 shows the surface ratio of white rust for the four kinds the corrosion resisting property of the GPS film. However, the
of specimens in a salt spray atmosphere of NaCl solution. It was composite film of silane and cerium was inferior to the CRC
found that the time for white rust to initiation on samples coated film, and research on the composition between them is almost
with silica-based polymer films increased significantly non-existent. No pit was observed on the electrode surface
compared to untreated samples, as shown in Figure 6. after the polarization measurement in the NaCl solution,
though severe pitting corrosion occurred on the uninhibited
electrode. The p value of the compound film was higher than
Discussion for the CEC or GPS films. It was concluded, therefore, that
The zinc electrodes lose their weight during the passivation the corrosion resisting property of the GCC polymer film
process of forming CEC or CRC films, owing to the low pH containing both silicates and cerium salts was better than the

Figure 5 Surface morphology (SEM) of the electrodes coated with different films

(a) CEC (b) GPS

(c) GCC (d) CRC

A compound effect between silane and cerium salt Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
Da-jing Fang et al. Volume 56 Number 4 2009 226 231

Figure 6 The ratio of white rust in the SST for bare zinc and sheets It was verified that the morphology of the CEC film was
coated with different films light golden, brownish and had a finely cracked structure,
whilst some brownish powder could be found on its surface,
100 which was confirmed later to be cerium oxide. The silica-
based baths usually led to semitransparent, grayish, relatively
thicker and homogeneously cracked layers (treated at 423 K
for 30 min), but the GCC film was dissimilar to GPS film, the
Ratio of white rust (%)

main differences between them being their color and

60 microstructure. Pits were distributed on the GCC film
instead of cracks, and both pits and cracks on the silica-based
films were adverse to the anti-corrosion capability of the silica-
40 based film. Additionally, the addition of CoSO4 and colloidal
Blank silicate to the GPS solution enhanced adhesion between zinc
CEC and the silica-based polymer film. By contrast, the classic
20 GPS CRC film was light green, iridescent, thin and was more
GCC compact than were the other coatings.
CRC The proportion of white rust formation on sheet coated
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 with GCC film increased at a relatively low speed, compared
Immersion time (h) to sheets coated with GPS or CEC films, indicating an
improvement in corrosion resistance stemming from the
synergistic effect between the silane and the cerium salt. The
CEC or GPS films, hence indicating the compound effect results of mass change measurements and electrochemical
between silane and cerium had occurred. measurements also supported the observations of the salt
The values of Rf and Rct give information on the barrier spray test.
properties of the films and the kinetics of the corrosive
processes, respectively. The compound polymer film (GCC)
of silane and cerium salt seemed to offer a higher corrosion Conclusions
resisting property than did the single and simple films.
The curve of the GCC film on the Nyquist diagram shows It has been shown clearly from the analysis of the
two capacitive loops and a relatively larger value of charge aforementioned data that the formation of GCC film
transfer resistance Rct. This indicates a more highly resistant improved the anticorrosion abilities of GPS or CEC films
corrosion interface, as compared to the CEC or GPS films. through a synergistic effect. The mechanism of forming of the
This enhancement in its corrosion resisting property could be GCC film may be due to the ability of aggressive ions (Ce3 )
attributed to the dielectric properties of the insulating silica- to gain access to the interface through cracks or microspores
based cross-linking structure polymer film, i.e. a corrosion in the cross-linking structure of the GPS polymer film on the
protection mechanism by a barrier effect between the zinc surface, and the subsequent dehydration process
electrolyte and the metallic substrate. The existence of (forming of CeO2) of the hydrated film at 423 K for 30 min
Ce3 ions enhances the barrier effect by forming of insoluble may result in a barrier effect between the electrolyte and the
CeO2 at the interface. metallic substrate.
However, the mechanism of corrosion protection of the The GCC film was produced as a new chemical conversion
GCC polymer film is not a self-healing process, as in the case treatment for pure zinc or galvanized steel, and was
of CRC film, for the reason that the GCC film is not characterized as an alternative to the traditional CRC
impermeable, so that the incipient barrier effect of the GCC coating. Further, work has to be carried out in order to
film is not present as the electrolyte was absorbed by the understand better the composite mode of silane and cerium
polymer layer, though the absorption process was salt on the existence of CoSO4 and colloidal silicate.
comparatively slow. The charge transfer resistance, as shown
by the impedance diagram of the GCC file, will be reduced to
some extent after days of immersion in 0.5 M NaCl solution. References
The Rct value decreased after 24-60 h of immersion, and the
diagram of GCC film in Figure 3 was obtained after it had Aramaki, K. (2001), Treatment of zinc surface with
been immersed in 0.5 M NaCl solution for 36 h. After days of cerium(III) nitrate to prevent zinc corrosion in aerated
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layer. This means that although stemming from a different Physics and Chemistry of Sol-Gel Processing, Academic Press,
protective mechanism, the silica-based cross-linking polymer New York, NY, p. 838.
layer introduced in the present paper generally could be Garcia-Cerda, L.A., Mendoza-Gonzalez, O., Perez-Robles, J.F.
expected to provide an equivalent degree of corrosion and Gonzalez-Hernandez, J. (2002), Structural characterization
protection to classical chromate coatings if the composite and properties of colloidal silica coatings on copper substrates,
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Hara, M., Ichino, R., Okido, M. and Wada, N. (2003), and characterization of a novel non-chrome electrolytic
Corrosion protection property of colloidal silicate film on surface treatment process to protect zinc coatings, Surf.
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inhibition of zinc with cerous chloride, Corros. Sci., Vol. 29, chromate conversion coating on aluminum alloy AA2024-
p. 967. T3 probed by vibrational spectroscopy, J. Electrochem.
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Thim, G.P., Oliveira, M.A.S., Oliveira, E.D.A. and Melo, F.C.L. metal substrates: a modified sol-gel technique using
(2000), Sol-gel silica film preparation from aqueous solutions colloidal silica sol, J. Mater. Sci., Vol. 31, p. 6345.
for corrosion protection, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, Vol. 273, p. 124.
van Ooij, W.J. (1996a), Metal Substrate with Enhanced
Further reading
Corrosion Resistance and Improved Paint Adhesion,
US Patent No. 5,498,481, Alexandria, VA, March 3. Michailovskki, Y.N., Leonov, V.V. and Tomasky, N.D. (1965),
van Ooij, W.J. (1996b), Metal Substrate with Enhanced A comparative study between Cr-containing and Cr-free
Corrosion Resistance and Improved Paint Adhesion, films on galvanized steels, Kor. Met. Spanov., Vol. 201
US Patent No. 5,539,031, US Patents Office, Alexandria, (British Lending Library Translation).
VA, July 23. van Ooij, W.J., Subramanian, V. and Zhang, C. (1998),
van Ooij, W.J. and Child, T. (1998), Protecting metals with Method of Preventing Corrosion of Metals Using Silanes,
silane coupling agents, Chemtech, Vol. 28 No. 2, pp. 26-35. US Patent No. 5,750,197, US Patents Office, Alexandria,
van Ooij, W.J. and Yuan, W. (1998), Method of Preventing VA, May 12.
Corrosion of Metals Using Vinyl Silanes, US Patent
No. 5,759,629, US Patents Office, Alexandria, VA, June 2.
Corresponding author
Veeraraghavan, B., Slavkov, D., Prabhu, S., Nicholson, M.,
Haran, B., Popov, B. and Heimann, B. (2003), Synthesis Fu-xing Gan can be contacted at:

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