Pressure Pulsations in Reciprocating Pump Piping Systems Part 1: Modelling
Pressure Pulsations in Reciprocating Pump Piping Systems Part 1: Modelling
Pressure Pulsations in Reciprocating Pump Piping Systems Part 1: Modelling
Abstract: A distributed parameter model of pipeline transmission line behaviour is presented, based on a
Galerkin method incorporating frequency-dependent friction. This is readily interfaced to an existing
model of the pumping dynamics of a plunger pump to allow time-domain simulations of pipeline pressure
pulsations in both suction and delivery lines. A new model for the pump inlet manifold is also proposed.
Keywords: reciprocating plunger pump, pipeline dynamics, pressure pulsations, distributed parameter
I01596 # IMechE 1997 Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 211 Part I
Qc Qc n (3)
Bc n Vl n =Va n P0 =Pc n pressure P and the flowrate Q. Hence two partial dif-
B Vl n =Va n P0 B=P2c n ferential equations have to be solved:
1 @P r @Q
Vl n Pc n 2
2 0 (6)
Bc n Pc n 1 (5) c0 @ t r0 @x
Va n P0
Equation of motion:
The principal problem with this detailed model is the
difficulty in selecting appropriate values for the volumes r @Q @ P
Vl n , Va n and the pressure loss coefficient K c n . This may F(Q) r g sin 0 0 (7)
r20 @ t @x
be eased somewhat by selecting the same parameters for
each restrictor and chamber combination, albeit at the In the case of laminar flow the friction term F(Q) can be
expense of losing the ability to model cylinder-to- expressed as a quasi steady term F0 plus an unsteady term
cylinder variations. However, if this approach is accep- (`frequency-dependent friction'), for which an approxima-
table, significant gains in computational efficiency can tion has been developed by Zielke (14) and Kagawa et al.
be achieved by assuming the existence of just one (15):
chamber with which all cylinders communicate. This
chamber is linked to the manifold through one square-
1X k
law restrictor. In the case of a three-cylinder pump the F(Q) F0 Yi (8)
error introduced has been found to be acceptably small 2 i1
since the `overlap' between two cylinders communicating
with the chamber at the same time is small, relative to where
the period of each suction stroke.
F0 (9)
@Yi ni @ F0
The dynamics of distributed parameter piping systems are 2 Y i mi
described by hyperbolic partial differential equations. A @t rr0 @t
commonly used numerical scheme to solve these equations
Yi (0) 0 (10)
is the method of characteristics (9, 10) which has been
widely and successfully employed to model fluid transient
The constants ni and mi are given by Kagawa et al. (15)
behaviour such as waterhammer under non-cavitating and
and are reproduced in Table 1. The number of terms k
cavitating conditions. However, because the spatial discre-
should be selected according to the frequency range of
tization of the line is intrinsically linked to the time step
and speed of sound in the fluid, difficulties can be
encountered in obtaining compatibility with the small time
steps required to solve the differential equations describing
components connected to the line (11). For example, for
a time step of 102 ms and a speed of sound of 1000 m=s,
a line 10 m long would need to be divided into 1000
elements. Moreover, when variable time steps are required,
the calculation of intermediate values by interpolation Table 1 Values of ni and mi for use
becomes a further computational burden. in equation (10)
To avoid these problems, an alternative approach is
i ni mi
adopted in this study in which the Galerkin finite element
method (12, 13) is applied in the spatial variables only. This 1 2.63744 3 101 1.0
2 7.28033 3 101 1.16725
gives rise to an initial value problem for a system of 3 1.87424 3 102 2.20064
ordinary differential equations, allowing the time step to be 4 5.36626 3 102 3.92861
decoupled from the spatial interval. 5 1.57060 3 103 6.78788
6 4.61813 3 103 1.16761 3 101
The flow within a transmission line is to be calculated 7 1.36011 3 104 2.00612 3 101
under the assumptions of one-dimensional, unsteady com- 8 4.00825 3 104 3.44541 3 101
pressible flow. Independent variables of space and time are 9 1.18153 3 105 5.91642 3 101
10 3.48316 3 105 1.01590 3 102
denoted by x and t. The dependent variables are the
Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 211 Part I I01596 # IMechE 1997
operator equations: x2 j3
(L1 , w
2 j1 ) w
2 j1 (x)L1 dx 0 (21)
1 @ P @U x2 j1
L1 (U , P, Yi ) 2 0 (11)
c0 @ t @x
and, for e 2 and e 3,
@U @ P 1X k
L2 (U , P, Yi ) R9U Yi H 0 0 x2 j2
@t @x 2 i1
(Le , w
2 j) w
2 j (x)Le dx 0 (22)
(12) x2 j
x2 j2
@Yi ni R @U
L3 (U , P, Yi ) Yi mi R 0 (13) (Le , w
2 j) w
2 j (x)Le dx 0 (23)
@t 8 @t x2 j
Evaluation of these integrals results in a set of ordinary
rQ 8 differential equations which allow the calculation of the
U , R and H 0 r g sin 0 pressures at the odd-numbered nodes and flows at the even-
r20 rr20
numbered nodes. In this study it was decided to specify the
flow at one end of the line and the pressure at the other end
For laminar flow, R9 R. For turbulent flow, the quasi- (although it is equally possible to formulate solutions for
steady term may be approximated by the cases where either pressure is defined at both ends or
flow is defined at both ends). The pressure=flow boundary
f jU 1 j condition structure is appropriate for the test system studied
R9 (14)
4rr0 in Part 2 of this paper, as outlined later. In order to establish
each boundary condition it is necessary to solve the
where U1 is the value for U from the previous time step. equation relating to the end condition simultaneously
The transmission line is divided into 2N 1 equal ele- within the equation describing the behaviour of the at-
ments, each x in length. A minimum of five elements is tached component. This necessitates the use of a different
required. weighting function, spanning a single element rather than
The Galerkin method involves finding approximations to two, for the elements at each end of the line. The resultant
U, P and Yi of the form grid is illustrated in Fig. 3.
I01596 # IMechE 1997 Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 211 Part I
Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 211 Part I I01596 # IMechE 1997
To account for the effects of cavitation on flow through taken into account through appropriate adjustment of in
the valve, an estimate of the pressure at the vena contracta equation (29).
P9VC is obtained from
2 !
r QVC 1 a2 1
2 a C 2D A2 C 2Q
Valve motion
where PDOWN is the pressure downstream of the valve
under consideration. The flow through the vena contracta, The modelling of the valve dynamics closely follows
QVC , is either (QIN Au) or (QOUT Au), as appropriate. the approach of Johnston (6) and is applied to both inlet
These expressions account for the motion of the valve on and delivery valves. When the valve is partially open
the flow (6). (0 < z < zSTOP ),
The orifice area is obtained from
" r # FN ACF (PUP PDOWN ) mg c k s z FPRE
p z
a 2z (A) sin 1 sin (2) (37) (42)
4 A
In order to simulate valve bounce, the valve seat and the
with the area taken to be a small, but finite, value for z < 0 end stop are modelled as very stiff spring=damper systems.
to account for imperfect sealing when the valve is seated. When z , 0,
It is assumed that the pressure at the vena contracta
cannot fall below the vapour pressure, i.e. FN ACF (PUP PDOWN ) mg
I01596 # IMechE 1997 Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 211 Part I