Bituthene 3000/3000 HC: Self-Adhesive Rubber/bitumen Polyethylene Waterproof Membrane For Basements and Sub-Structures
Bituthene 3000/3000 HC: Self-Adhesive Rubber/bitumen Polyethylene Waterproof Membrane For Basements and Sub-Structures
Bituthene 3000/3000 HC: Self-Adhesive Rubber/bitumen Polyethylene Waterproof Membrane For Basements and Sub-Structures
w w w. g r a c e c o n s t r u c t i o n . c o m
9 Ln2
Ref. WM007B 05/06
Bituthene 3000/3000 HC
movement. EN 13967
CERTIFICATE No. 97/3325 EN 13967
and exclude air. Adjacent rolls are
Supply overlapped 50mm minimum at side and
ends and well rolled with a firm pressure,
using a lap roller to ensure complete
Bituthene 3000/3000 HC 1 m x 20 m roll (20 sq m) adhesion and continuity between the
weight 32 kg layers. On high walls it may be necessary
Bituthene 3000 15 rolls per pallet (Europallet) to batten fix the membrane to prevent
Bituthene 3000 HC 20 rolls per pallet slippage.
Storage Store upright in dry conditions below +35C Repairs and Protection
Damaged areas to be repaired by patching
Ancillary Products
with an oversize patch applied to a clean
Primer B1 5.25 and 25 litre drums dry surface extending 100mm beyond
Coverage 10-12 sq metre per litre depending on method of damage and firmly rolled. The membrane
application, surface texture, porosity and ambient should be protected against damage using
temperature Bituthene Protection Boards bonded to the
Bituthene LM 5.7 litre packs membrane using Bitustik 4000 double sided
Bituthene Mastic 4.5 litre can tape or Pak Adhesive.
Bitustik 4000 150 mm x 12 m rolls
Health and Safety
Bituthene Protection Board 3 mm x 1 m x 2 m
Adcor 500S 6 x 5 m rolls There is no legal requirement for a Material
Hydroduct See separate data sheets Safety Data Sheet for Bituthene 3000,
Bituthene 3000 HC, Bituthene Protection
Pak Adhesive 5 litre can
Boards, Servitape, Lap Roller, Hydroduct or
Lap Roller Unit
waterstops. For health and safety questions
on these products please contact Grace
Equipment by Others Construction Products Limited
Soft broom, Stanley knife, brush or roller for priming. For Primer B1, Bituthene LM, Bituthene
Mastic and Pak Adhesive read the product
label and Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) before use. Users must comply with
all risk and safety phrases. MSDSs can be
obtained from Grace Construction Products
or from our web site at
Physical Properties
Property Typical Results Test Method
Elongation at Long 134% BS 2782 320 A
NBS Specification Clause
max. load Trans 103% Refer to Clause 180 and 190.
Tear Resistance Long 77N MOAT 27:5.4.1 Typical ground level termination detail
Trans 92N
Peel Strength 105.4N MOAT 27:5.1.3
Tensile Strength 130.6N MOAT 27:5.2.2
of joints
Moisture Vapour 0.23 g/m2/24 hours BS 3177: 1959
Permeability (75% RH/25C)
Puncture Resistance 220 N 65mm ASTM E154
Water Resistance No penetration MOAT 27:5.1.4
(6m head)
Environmental Conforms ASTM D543
Bituthene 3000 complies with the relevant section of the following national standards:
BS 8102:1990, Building Regulations (England and Wales) 1991 (amended 1994) clause C4.
Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1994 (amended 1995) clause B2. Building Standard 5
(Scotland) Regulations 1990, Regulation B2.1, G2.6.
Details shown are typical illustrations only and not working drawings. For 1
assistance with working drawings and additional technical advice please
contact Grace Technical Services Key to diagrams:
1 Bituthene 4000 on Primer B2
2 Bituthene LM
3 Adcor 500S
4 Bituthene Protection Board
Visit our web site at Hydroduct 220
Grace Construction Products Ltd, Ajax Avenue, Slough, Berkshire SL1 4BH United Kingdom Tel +44 (0)1753 692929 Fax +44 (0)1753 691623
Adcor, Aerofil, BETEC, Bituthene, Hydroduct, Insupak, Korkpak, Paraflex, Paraseal, Preprufe, Procor, Servicised, Servidek, Servigard, Servijoint, Servimastic, Servipak,
Servirufe, Serviseal, Servistrip, Servitite, Vertigard and Vertiseal are registered trademarks of W R Grace & Co.-Conn.
Adprufe, Armourtape, Bitushield, Bitustik, Bitutape, Hydropaste, Pak Adhesive, PVC Edgetie, Serviband, Serviflex, Servitape, Slipstrip, and Solarshield are trademarks
of W R Grace & Co.-Conn.
The information given is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users consideration, investigation and verification. Since the conditions of use are beyond our
control we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale including those limiting warranties and remedies
which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is intended for any use which would violate or infringe statutory obligations or any rights belonging to a third party.
Copyright 2006. Grace Construction Products Limited. Printed in England - 05.06- Ref. WM007B