A Beginner's Guide To Cry Havoc
A Beginner's Guide To Cry Havoc
A Beginner's Guide To Cry Havoc
Cry Havoc
CRY HAVOC is a simple game which recreates mediaeval times. Two players or two
teams control counters which represent men and move them over a map representing
the terrain. There are two mapsheets included in the game, one of the village and the
other of the crossroads. The map is broken up into hexagons (or hexes for short).
There are four playsheets included in the game. By looking at the centre of one of the
playsheets a player will see what effect the terrain on the map will have on play. Players
should look at each example illustration on the terrain types chart and compare these
with the same features on the map. The play sheet also has other tables on it which will
be needed for play.
You will notice that all of the pieces are joined together on a piece of card. Before you
punch them out look carefully at the bottom left hand corner of the sheet. You will see
two counters representing a crossbowman called Nicholas. The left hand counter shows
Nicholas at full strength, the other is used when he is wounded. Only one counter at a
time is used for each man. On the left hand counter we see three numbers. The black
number shows his attack strength in hand to hand combat. The red number shows his
defence strength and the blue number shows how far he may move. You notice that
these are reduced when the character is wounded. Turning the counter over shows the
character stunned or dead. Looking at the bottom right hand side of the countersheet
you will see that Sir Gunter is represented by four counters. Two show him on foot, and
two on horses.
There are three booklets, the first of these is the rules. Players should have a quick read
through to get a general idea. They should then read them thoroughly before playing.
During play the rules should be kept handy for both sides to refer to.
The second booklet deals with the scenarios or different versions of the game. The
scenarios describe the set up in which the sides fight each other. They list which men
each side has, now the maps are set up and what each side has to do to win.
The third booklet gives background information and a description of the pieces and their
Players do not throw the dice to move their pieces. The distance they move is printed on
the counter, but this may be modified by difficult terrain such as woods. The dice is used
to give the chance factor in combat. It gives a score of between 1 and 10. (on the dice the
o face equals 10).
"1ayers take it in turns to move, fire and fight.
here are two different ways to fight. Hand-to-hand is dealt with in the rules in the
section on COMBAT. Firing from a distance is dealt with in the section on MISSILES.
Only certain pieces have bows for missile fire. Everyone can fight in close combat. As an
example of combat we will have Sergeant Armin and Sir Gunter (on foot) against the
crossbowman Bertrand. Look on the Crossroads map for an area of clear terrain. Place
Bertrand in the middle of it with Sgt Armin and Sir Gunter to either side. The sergeant
and the footknight each have an attack strength of ten points. This means that together
they have a combined strength of 20 points. Bertrand has a defence strength of 4 points.
This means that an attack on Bertrand is at 20 points to 4. This equals odds of 1-5. Pick
up a playsheet. On the right of the sheet are the combat results tables. In the the bottom
right hand corner is the table for combat against infantry. Look across the top of the
table for the 1-5 column. Now throw the dice. Look down the left of the results table for
the number you have thrown. Then look back until you are under the 5-1 column. This
letter shows the result of the combat. It is explained in the key below the results table. A
score of 0 on the dice means that neither Sgt Armin nor Sir Gunter have managed to
hack poor Bertrand.
Now read the rules thoroughly and set up and play the first scenario.
Best of luck.
Unfurl the banners and CRY HAVOC.