Neonatal Notes
Neonatal Notes
Neonatal Notes
Newborn examination
Normal variants and common disorders
When? after delivery and then 24 and 48 hours (blue book check)
Where? with mother
Who by? midwifery/ medical staff
o 1st week midwife
o 2nd week medical staff
o 6th week pediatrician/ GP
Newborn exam
take a history maternal anxieties, substances, significant events in pregnancy and delivery
o birth forceps use, injuries, complications
o wash hands
o have a system and stick to it top bottom back
o quiet things first listen to heart early
Normal variants
1) posture and colour
flexion of extremities well babies are flexed. If
unwell, they are extended and floppy.
pink with transient acrocyanosis hands and
feet purple in colour 2-3 days OK in term babies
o if cyanosed lips CENTRAL CYANOSIS
2) skin appearance mild peeling normal. common in post term and IUGR infants
4) Jaundice
day 1: pathological (unconjugated)
day 3-4, peaks day 5-6 then resolves by 2 weeks: physiological (unconjugated)
>2-3 weeks: pathological (conjugated) exclude hypothyroidism, biliary atresia
5) Vernix caseosa protect greasy white material, covers body of infants usually between 35-38weeks
6) Livedo reticularis
mottling/ marbling of skin
very common considering way baby maintains
can last days
7) Lanugo
fine facial and body hair
seen mostly in preterm babies
lost during 1st month of life
10) Milia
40% newborns
usually on face and scalp if in mouth = Epstein pearls
Yellow/ white papules about 1mm epidermal cysts caused by blocked sebaceous gland which
resolve spontaneously
may be present at birth or appear later
20) miliaria
vs. milia: these are due to obstruction of sweat and rupture of exocrine sweat ducts
o secondary to thermal stress/ overwrapped
o once heat stress removed, lesions quickly resolve
miliaria crystalline superficial vesicles 1-2cm in diameter. skin does not appear inflamed
miliaria rubra prickly heat papules and pustules from obstruction in mid epidermis
Neonatal medicine
Positional plagiocephaly
Unilateral - more common in males, on the R side and present from birth
Bilateral - develops postnatally (brachycephaly)
Neonatal medicine
o HC = normal
o Palpate fontanelle and sutures = ridging
o Head shape from above (position of ear that is anterior in PP) and head from in front
o Look for torticollis to rule out
o Examine spine for curvature and sign of muscular asymmetry
Tongue tie
- associated with short frenulum
- difficult to latch onto breast
- interference with feeding and later speech development (uncommon)
Oral candiadias white patches on tongue, gums, lips and buccal mucosa
- both mum and baby needs to be treated with antifungal
- if bottlefed and has OC throw out bottles and start again
Sacral dimple
- usually a bind pit in sacral region = no significance
- if pit is higher over lumbar or sacral region), discoloured or with hairy
tuft may be associated with spina bifida
Postural Tapies
- cramped pregnancy
- oligohydramnios
Neonatal medicine
- structural in syndromes, de novo (these need orthopod review) + must also check hips as
associated ith developmental dysplasia of hips
Sucking blister
May be present at birth
Sites: over dorsal and lateral aspect of wrist or fingers
May appeara like well demarcated bruises or vesucilar
Infant often exhbiits XS sucking activity
Absence of lesions in other parts of body + well appearance
rule out pathological disorders like herpes/ bullous
Congenital hydrocele
- often transient
- transilluminable swellings surrounding testis
- associated with continuation of process vaginalis and contain peritoneal fluid
- spontaneous disappearance by 1 year
- ensure no hernia and that testes is in the scrotum
Hymenal tag
- common
- associated with protrusion of redundant vaginal mucosa
- often regresses without treatment over first 2 months of life
Fetal blood glucose
Babies need more glucose because of larger brain-to-body size ratio!
Normal production: 4-8mg/kg/min (3-6x more than adults)
What is normal
Fetal BGL closely related to maternal BGL
o umbilical venous BGL is estimated 2/3 value of mothers value
o maintained by facilitated diffusion across placenta
o GL and GN are not active prior to delivery
At delivery: Continuous diffusion of glucose by maternal circulation ceases abruptly baby
now needs to switch to GL and GN to maintain
o Transient fall in BGL in first 2hr after birth common in healthy infants
o Stabilizes by 4-8h
o Before counter-regulatory hormones (glucagon, adrenaline, GH and cortisol) induces
endogenous glucose production
o When BGL falls utilizes alternative fuels (KB & lactate)
Transient asymptomatic hypoglycemia is normal transition to extrauterine life!
Most are asymptomatic or have non specific sx:
jitteriness, irritability, poor feeding, lethargy, apnea and cyanosis, hypotonia and convulsions
ASYMPTOMATIC: feed ASAP (within 2h) continue every 3-4 hours +/- complementary feed
(EBM or formula) via bottle/OGT
o AIM: raise BGL >2.6mmol/L to provide a margin of safety BSL should be repeated 30
mins after feed
SYMPTOMATIC (significant symptoms)
o transfer urgently to NICU for assessment
o IV fluids 10% dextrose urgently
o BSL monitored frequent
BSL <1.2
establish IV access + bolus 2ml/kg 10% dextrose + commence IV fluids at 10% dextrose at
IMI glucagon if IV access failures
recheck BSL 30 min after bolus
Neonatal medicine
- listen to chest equal air entry + axilla to pick up dextrocardia
- scaphoid abdomen = diaphragmatic hernia
CXR: small lung fields with reticulo-granular ground glass appearance (uniform,
spreading out to ribs) secondary to microatelectasis of alveoli + air
Neonatal medicine
o TREAT with artificial surfactant prophylactically in at-risk (<27 GA) or
rescue when develop sx
o Manage with oxygen and CPAP
o Chest physiotherapy
o Antibiotics within 30 mins penicillin/ ampicillin and gentamicin
o use of antenatal steroid reduces this risk (RR:0.66) 20-30% babies at 32-36
weeks will develop this considered at 34-35 weeks gestationally (2 doses)
Transient tachypnea of Increased fluid retention in lungs tachypnea in the first few hours of life,
newborn wet lungs resolving in 2 days
- Normal:
o Increased fetal epinephrine concentration during labour
activates sodium channels leading to reabsorption of amniotic
o Fetal lung fluid is squeezed out during descent through birth
canal/ within first few breaths
- Pathology: build up of fluid in lungs due to reduced mechanical squeeze
and reduced capillary and lymphatic removal
RF: maternal asthma and diabetes, macroscomia, male sex, CS (lack of thoracic
compression reduced clearance of fluid), delivery <38 weeks, birth asphyxia,
excessive fluid administration to mother in labour
- humidified inspired
oxygen + regular blood
- suctioning not
- if need intubation & baby will deteriorate very fast
GBS Strep pneumonia Cause: Rupture of membranes >18 hours + positive GBS swab on mother or
previous baby with GBS
- Two onsets:
1. pneumonia SEPSIS AT BIRTH! 5% of those will have meningitis
at the same time
2. relapse at 6 weeks (second) significant risk
If colonized late in trimester, not enough time to produce IgG to cross placenta
Commence abx after blood cultures
cover gram + and (penicillin or cefotaxine
and gentamicin
Intrapartum treatment to to eliminate GBS
Chronic lung disease presence of chronic respiratory signs (tachypnea and increased WOB),
persistent oxygen requirement or dependence on respiratory support +
abnormal CXR
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
o Typically in long-ventilated premature neonates
Recurrent aspiration
Interstitial pneumonitis
Chromic pulmonary edema (PDA shunting)
Rickets of prematurity
Neuromuscular diseases e.g. SMA, MD, MG
CXR: honeycombing of lungs (fibrosis + cystic changes)
pneumopericardium PTX can lead to this
serious condition, many do not survive
diaphragmatic hernia
mostly on left side, high mortality if R side, if
bilateral 1-5% survival rate
o pathology: during embryological development
foramen Bochdalek (posterolateral) herniation
of gut contents through incomplete diaphragm
during fetal development causing hypoplasia of
Neonatal medicine
Pleural effusion
Seen normally in hydrops fetalis
Chylothorax thoracic duct blending into pleura
Need chest drains
o intrapartum asphyxia
metabolic academia measured at birth which induces rapid deep
respirations in attempt to blow off CO2
leads to MOF and neonatal encephalopathy
Neonatal medicine
o maintain temperature
o provide oxygen if <92% O2Sat
nasal prongs
o Fluids
o Test BGL, FBC, CRP (septic screen),
o Management depends on how much oxygen needed/ how much
respiratory support required
Mechanical ventilation
volume titrated use low tidal volume ventilation and keep
plateau pressure <30cm H2O to minimize volutrauma (over-
distension injury)
Appropriate inspiratory time minimize O2 toxicity by
maintaining FiO2 below 0.6
Permissive hypercapnia accept physiologic target outside normal
Optimal PEEP keep alveoli open (prevent de-recruitment)
reduces lung injury and pulmonary hypoplasia
Neonatal medicine
F: Lung Fields
o Hetero/homogeneity hypodense and hyperdense areas? Reticular/
granular? Nodules or cysts? Diffuse or focal?
Honeycombing in CLD/ BPD cysts and fibrosis with
inflammation over time
Ground glass in HMD
o air brochograms
G: Gas bubble
Neonatal stethoscope
Oxygen saturation monitor/pulse oximeter
2. Introduce yourself to mum and clarify her, and babys identity. Explain what you would
like to do, i.e. full examination of her new baby(s) and gain her consent. Congratulate her
on the birth as this will put her at ease and help gain your trust. New mums are protective
of their babies so trust and rapport is essential.
3. Whilst washing your hands you could ask mum to strip her baby down to its
nappy. Ensure you have a changing mat to do the examination on.
Good to know as forcep deliveries can cause facial bruising, subdural hematoma, c-
sections can occasionally cut the babys skin. Babys born by c-section are usually more
mucusy too.
Did your baby need any help after birth with breathing?
i.e. did the midwives or paediatric doctors have to give oxygen/rescue breaths.
Which milk are you giving your baby/is baby taking bottles ok, etc?
Dont criticise if mum has not opted to breast feed, this is an individual decision.
Are there any conditions that run in you or dads family e.g. congenital heart
Has anyone in your family (especially females) had problems with their hips at
Female babies are more likely to have clicky or dislocated hips due to the hormones that
are in mums body during pregnancy, these are the hormones which help to open up
mums pelvis prior to and during birth.
5. Start by observing the baby. Does it look and behave normally, i.e. colour e.g.
jaundice, activity and posture. Is there any obvious bruising or marks from birth. Are
there any other marks such as strawberry naevus, stork marks or Mongolian blue spot.
Remember to turn the baby over and inspect its back too.
6. With the baby lying on its back feel the fontanelle gently with your hand. It should be nice
and soft, a tense/bulging or sunken fontanelle can suggest the baby is unwell.
7. Using both your hands gently feel the babys bones checking they are symmetrical on
both sides. Face, around ears, clavicles (these can be injured during birth if shoulder
dystocia occurs), both arms (e.g. Erbs palsy) down to legs and feet. Open up the babys
hand and look at the palm for normal palmar creases, count the fingers on each hand.
Look at the feet, is there any signs of a sandal gap or talipes and count the toes on each
8. If the baby has its eyes open at this point check for the red reflex using your
opthalmoscope. An absent reflex could suggest congenital cataracts.
9. Auscultate the babys heart using a neonatal/paediatric stethoscope. The normal rate is
120-150 so you will have to listen much more carefully for any murmurs as there is less
time between heartbeats to hear them. If you do pick up any murmurs assess whether it
radiates anywhere.
Neonatal medicine
10. Ausculate the lung fields. The normal respiratory rate is 30-60 in newborns. Are there any
extra sounds e.g. grunting or stridor.
11. Palpate the abdomen and check the umbilical stump/clamp to ensure no signs of
12. Turn the baby over and check down its spine and between buttock cheeks for the sacral
13. At this point undo the babys nappy. Look for any obvious genital abnormalities. If its a
male infant you should check the scrotum to see if the testicles have descended. If not
you may be able to palpate them in the spermatic cord and gently bring them down
yourself. Check the patency of the anus at this point too.
14. Test the babys hips. This is done by two techniques, Ortolani and Barlow tests.
Essentially cup the babys hips in the palm of your hand and gently abduct the hips, this
should be smooth with no clicks. Next move your hands to the front of the baby and with
their knees flexed push gently downwards into the bed, again this should be smooth with
no clunks.
15. At this point redo the nappy and again wash your hands. With your hands freshly washed
you now want to assess inside the babys mouth. Use your little finger to feel the palate
of the mouth. Look to see if there is a tongue tie.
16. Again wash your hands. Attach the pulse/oxygen monitor to the babys foot. Remember
if a baby is sleeping or crying the heartrate may be higher or lower than the normal
17. There are a number of primitive reflexes present in newborns which you should
elicit. Moro, grasp and sucking.
18. Thank mum, offer to dress the baby, although she will usually wish to do this herself.
Answer any questions she may have.
19. Again wash your hands and report your findings, if any, to the examiner, or doctor if on a
ward. Should you notice any abnormalities you may wish to suggest how to investigate
these further.
Neonatal medicine
Postnatal care
o mothercrafting support
o keep baby settled
o refer for hep C testing
o Postnatal ward NAS scoring
Develop at day 5 of life
Dosing: not related to if baby will withdraw or not
If loswer dose though, less likely
o Sweating
o Fever
o Frequent yawning
o Mottlng
o Nsaal stuffniess
o Sneezing
o Nasal flaring
o excessive sucking
Neonatal medicine
o poor feeding
o regurgitation
o loos stools
Jitteriness in preterm babies
o normal
o DDx: seizure
o test: hold the limb and flex it and it stops jitteriness
o observe for other clues of seizures
o jitteriness more high frequency vs. seizure slower
Withdrawal period
amphetamines 3-5 days
heroin 0-4 days
alcohol 3-12 hrs
methadone 12h to 14 days (even 1 month) peaking in first week
Treating withdrawal
o Drug of choice for opiate withdrawal morphine (acts on MG3 recptors
causing CNS symptoms)
o phenobarbiturates (sedative) for non opiates
** commence (/increase dose) if NAS scores
>= 8 for 3 consecutive scores (24 together)
>= 12 (for 2 consequetive scores)
Hep C okay for breastfeeding unless CRACKED BLEEDING nipples or super high viral
Neonatal medicine
Definition Sudden Infant Death Syndrome = sudden death of an infant under one year of age,
during apparent sleep, which remains unexplained after a thorough case
investigation including review of the clinical history, examination of the death scene
and performance of a complete autopsy
Sudden Unexpected Death of Infant = an infant less than one year of age who died
All deaths classified as SUDI were found to have at least one known risk factor, most
exposed to at least one modifiable one
- cot environment: no pillows or soft toys or feather type doonas/ mattress
covered in plastic and not exposed foam (bed wetting can increase no)
- Room share until at least 6 months
Neonatal jaundice
Definition: >10-15% direct bilirubin conjugated
Direct soluble and secreted sallow appearence
Indirect insoluble and likely to be absorbed in the skin very high
concentrations cause yellowing of skin
Complications: If bilirubin in serum is too high indirect bili can cross BBB (is neurotoxic)
in basal ganglia (kernicterus) CP (dystonic)
prematurity increased RBCs
sepsis hypoxia increased cell lines
albumin low (from sulphonamids and any illness/ SIRS) less binding of
the bilirubin to a protein
increased RBC breakdown
blood group incompatibility
bruising/ cephalhematoma
premature (decrease life space of RBC)
decreased albumin binding sepsis, premature (immature liver function)
Decreased liver conjugation
changing liver function
breastfeeding (if glucorinyl transferase function) ask about
feeding and bowel habits
Decreased liver excretion dehydration, blood group incompatibility
sludging, obstruction
Increased reabsorption decreased GIT transit, breastfeeding
(glucoronidases effect)
Day Unconjugated Conjugated
1 Hemolytic disease assumed until Neonatal hepatitis
proven otherwise Rubella
Neonatal medicine
Day 2-5 Hemolysis As above
Jaundice of prematurity
Extravascular blood
Day 5-10 Sepsis As above
Breast milk jaundice
10+ Sepsis Biliary atresia
UTI Neonatal hepatitis
Pyloric stenosis
physiological jaundice is due to all five reasons peaks at 2-3 day of life, stabilizing
by 5th-7th day, disappears by day 14
o most common reason for readmission in first week
o peaking day 3-4 (formulae fed) ending 1st week, into 2nd
week (breast fed)
o plateauing of levels
day 5 in term baby
day 6-7 in preterm baby
o physiological + feeding + sepsis + medications
Conjugated causes
biliary atresia (before 6 months, must reconnect biliary tree)
choledodochal cyst
Hepatic hepatitis A/B/C/ congenital malformation
Metabolic disorders
for skin yellowing >120 total SBr
baby well?
General colour in natural light blanch skin and still yellow!
Bruising/ hematomas
Abdominal exam: distension and hepatosplenomegaly
Neurological effects: hypertonia, seizures, abnormal eye
Extravascular blood
- FBC & film hb, hemolytic screen
- Bilirubin total and conjugated
- Coombs test + G&H
- Weight feeding well or not
- Infection screen CRP, blood culture, urine culture
Neonatal medicine
If infant <24 hours old or bili >200 Coombs test positive = isoimmunisation
Coombs negative OR baby >24 hours or serum bili <200 measure conjugated
bilirubin (elevated = sepsis, TORCH)
o Normal conjugated bilirubin do FBC and Hct (high Hct TTTS,
materno fetal transfusion, delayed cord claming and SGA)
If Hct normal/ low blood smear to observe red blood morphology and
reticulocyte count
o If abnormal ABO incompatibility , G6PD, spherocytosis
o If normal extravascular blood e.g. cephalohematoma, hemrrohage,
increased enterohepatic circulation, Crigler Najjar, galactosemia,
hypothyroidism, drugs and hormones, transient familial
1. Supportive hydration
2. Phototherapy
photodegradation with 450mm blue light
serial SBR important to monitor
- temperature instability
- fluid disturbances water los
- retinal damage
Neonatal medicine
Neonatal resuscitation
take baby place in cot with head towards you with head in neutral position
turn on timer
call for help if needed
stimulate it by rubbing blanket over it
Preterm issues
Fetal risk
neonatal abstinence syndrome
Neonatal medicine
rug Risks
Uncoordinated and
constant sucking
Irritability Vomiting
Increased wakefulness Diarrhea
High-pitched crying Dehydration
Increased muscle tone Poor weight gain
Hyperactive deep tendon Autonomic Signs
reflexes Increased sweating
Exaggerated Moro reflex Nasal stuffiness
Seizures Fever
Frequent yawning and Mottling
sneezing Temperature instability