SRC362 Tri1 2016 Unit Guide
SRC362 Tri1 2016 Unit Guide
SRC362 Tri1 2016 Unit Guide
Trimester 1, 2016
WELCOME ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
WHO IS THE UNIT TEAM? ............................................................................................................................. 2
Unit chair: leads the teaching team and is responsible for overall delivery of this unit .......................... 2
Unit chair details ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Other members of the team and how to contact them ............................................................................. 3
Administrative queries .............................................................................................................................. 3
ABOUT THIS UNIT .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Unit development in response to student feedback ................................................................................. 3
Your course and Deakin's Graduate Learning Outcomes ......................................................................... 4
Your Unit Learning Outcomes .................................................................................................................. 4
ASSESSING YOUR ACHIEVEMENT OF THE UNIT LEARNING OUTCOMES .......................................... 5
Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Summative assessments ........................................................................................................................... 5
- Summative assessment task 1 ................................................................................................................ 5
- Summative assessment task 2 ................................................................................................................ 6
- Summative assessment task 3 ................................................................................................................ 7
Your learning experiences in this Unit - and your expected commitment ................................................ 8
Contact Hours ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Note .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
UNIT LEARNING RESOURCES ...................................................................................................................... 8
Essential learning resources ..................................................................................................................... 8
Recommended learning resources ........................................................................................................... 9
KEY DATES FOR THIS TRIMESTER ............................................................................................................. 9
UNIT WEEKLY ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................................... 9
25 February 2016
Deakin University, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
SRC362 Project Documentation - Trimester 1, 2016
This unit is a core unit in the S342 Bachelor of Design (Architecture) degree and the D364 Bachelor of Design
(Architecture)/Bachelor of Construction Management combined degree.
This unit forms also part of the communications stream. However, by its nature, project documentation
incorporates elements of design, technology, management and even history and theory, so it should be seen as
an inclusive unit rather than isolated in standard documentation graphic technique.
SRC362 is designed to enhance both self-directed study and teamwork with careful allocation of group marks
and individual marks. Both individual effort and team-based capacities are fundamental to successful
participation in future professional practice in project documentation. The unit is primarily project based so
there is significant responsibility placed on each student to participate in learning activity, manage progress
effectively and complete assignments in a timely manner. The classes and assignment outlines will explain this
in more detail with weekly progress expectations.
Please read this unit guide carefully as it explains the structure, content, and assessment associated with this
unit. The SRC362 website, accessed via CloudDeakin, will provide any necessary updates as we progress
through the trimester.
Occasionally students come to this unit feeling they have covered the unit content previously. As a result I
have developed criteria to assist any application for Credit Transfer Recognition (CTR), incorporating folio
collation and a subsequent interview procedure. The criteria for CTR in this unit are available at the unit
website on CloudDeakin.
Michael Sharman
Unit Chair
This Unit Guide provides you with the key information about this Unit for the best chance of success, you
should read it very carefully and refer to it frequently throughout the trimester. Your CloudDeakin Unit site
(inside DeakinSync) also provides information about your rights and responsibilities we will assume you
have read this before the Unit commences, and we expect you to refer to it throughout the trimester.
Unit chair: leads the teaching team and is responsible for overall delivery of this unit
Michael Sharman
Administrative queries
If you need help with any aspect of your life at Deakin, you can:
This unit is a study of architectural development and detailing and its critical relationship with design
implementation and progression to contractual enforcement in the management of a building project through
process and product. Appropriate decision-making and transfer of information forms the framework for
producing effective working documents through a process of information content development, and
communication. Research and speculation to refine project-specific construction knowledge is progressively
evidenced in documentation from a basis of sound technical building practice. Students also engage with
self-development of representation skills through assignment activity.
Every trimester, we ask students to tell us, through eVALUate, what helped and hindered their learning in
each Unit. You are strongly encouraged to provide constructive feedback for this Unit when eVALUate opens
(you will be emailed a link).
This unit has undergone a Course Enhancement process that looked to review the unit, its assessment
activities and the learning process against the Unit Learning Outcomes and Course Learning Outcomes. This
has meant that the unit has changed in some part from the previous offerings.
In the preceding version of this unit, students have given favourable evaluation in the areas of how they can
make best use of the learning experiences of this unit, and how they think about how they can learn more
Students highlighted that the areas of learning resources helping to achieve the learning outcomes,
workload in the unit being appropriate to the achievement of the learning outcomes and the quality of
teaching in the unit helping to achieve the learning outcomes as needing some improvement.
These three aspects were part of the response to the course enhancement, where assessment tasks were
consolidated and streamlined to the schedule. Furthermore, it is intended that students will be provided with a
weekly schema to help direct them on progressive expectation and activity, and the studio sessions will be
structured with a designated teaching member for designated groups.
There was a 29.4% response rate to the student evaluation of this unit in 2015. Students are encouraged to
participate in this evaluation as to improve on response rate for the current offering of the unit.
Each Deakin course has course learning outcomes which explain what the Deakin Learning Outcomes mean
in your discipline. Learning in each unit builds towards the course learning outcomes.
Each Unit in your course is a building block towards these Graduate Learning Outcomes - not all Units develop
and assess every Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO).
These are the Learning Outcomes (ULO) for this Unit Deakin Graduate
At the completion of this unit successful students can: Learning
In brief, these are the assessment tasks for this Unit (details below):
Project design development (15% group, 15% individual) 30%, project documentation, detailing and
scheduling 60%, reflection 10%
Summative assessments
When you are required to submit an assignment through CloudDeakin, you should receive an email to your
Deakin email address confirming that it has been submitted. You should check that you can see your
assignment in the Submissions view of the Assignment folder after upload, and check for, and keep, the email
receipt for the submission.
Detail of student output 1. A collective research and design development record as part of a group
project folder.
2. An individual 2D & 3D design development document.
Grading and weighting 30%, graded.
(% total mark for unit) [15% Group Research, 15% Individual Documentation]
ULO1 Apply architectural design development and detailing processes and
procedures used in simple buildings.
ULO2 Recognise the relationship these processes have with design by
refining and implementing design intent, in a broad sense within a
This task assesses your professional environment and, ultimately, successful completion of a
achievement of these Unit building project.
Learning Outcome(s) ULO3 Analyse and enhance general construction knowledge to create
project-specific solutions for construction scope and detail from a basis of
sound building system research.
ULO4 Demonstrate information representation skills through appropriate
2D and 3D architectural delineation, detailing and scheduling.
This individual assessment task requires students to consistently record
their time management during the trimester and, subsequently,
Brief description of assessment reflectively report on selected aspects of the unit.
task Engagement with time management and reflection-on-action is common
to professional practise and effective management of project
development in an office environment.
Students are required to submit:
Detail of student output 1. Fortnightly timesheets
2. A reflective report
Grading and weighting
10%, graded.
(% total mark for unit)
This task assesses your
ULO 1: Apply architectural design development and detailing processes
achievement of these Unit
and procedures used in simple buildings.
Learning Outcome(s)
GLO 1: through student ability to engage in measuring and reflecting
on discipline specific time based processes evidenced in effective
This task assesses your records and analysis of individual progression over the trimester.
achievement of these Graduate GLO 6: through student ability to self-manage working and learning
Learning Outcome(s) independently, and taking responsibility for personal actions evidenced
through regular time management records and reflective concern for
capacity in detail design processes and outcomes.
How and when you will receive An update of class performance with timesheet submission will be
feedback on your work provided in class during the trimester.
Read all materials in preparation for your classes or seminars, and follow up each with further study and
research on the topic;
Start your assessment tasks well ahead of the due date;
Read or listen to all feedback carefully, and use it in your future work;
Attend and engage in all timetabled learning experiences as follows:
Contact Hours
Students will, on average, spend 150 hours over the trimester engaging with the learning and assessment
activities for this unit. This includes class time, designated activities in the seminar sessions, assessment tasks,
readings and study time.
The unit makes significant use of the campus based studio time to support assignment development through
the opportunity to engage with staff and peers in a collective learning environment that promotes reflection on
individual contribution and progression. CloudDeakin resources also support the unit learning experiences
with links to project resources and references. Students are particularly encouraged to access and study the
recommended ebooks in the reference list.
At Deakin,
Lectures are referred to as classes (definition: a general meeting for all students, for which students do
not need to register and where students are engaged through presentations and learning activities)
Tutorials, workshops and seminars are referred to as seminars (definition: more interactive meetings for
smaller groups of students).
2008 (ebook)
Ching, Francis & Onouye, B. & Zuberbuhler, D. Building Structures Illustrated, John Wiley, USA, 2009
624.1771 Chi/Bsi 2009 (ebook)
Watts, Andrew Modern Construction Facades, Ambra, Berlin, 2nd ed. 2014 - 729.1 (ebook)
Watts, Andrew Modern Construction Handbook, Ambra, Berlin, 3rd ed. 2013 - 690 Wat/Mch 2013 (ebook)
These are available as e-books and need not necessarily be purchased. Together they provide good
introductory coverage of structural system, building enclosure and construction detail taxonomies.
Specific references may be recommended in classes or assignment outlines for each study area.
UNIT CHAIR: List recommended learning resources relevant to the unit (including Cloud resources,
recommended texts, articles, image and audio, sites and so on) and indicate where they can be accessed.
Textbooks, reference books, general books and software may be ordered from the bookshop:
Studio Activity/
Week Monday Class Topics Assessment activity
Project Stage
A1 Introduction AT1 Brief +
1 7 March UNIT INTRODUCTION Group Formation Timesheets
Building Study Introduction (AT3)
PROJECT SPECIFIC Developing a Project Task Allocation +
2 14 March
INFORMATION Folder Research
Preliminary Drawings
Coordination, nodes
and assembly
Studio Activity/
Week Monday Class Topics Assessment activity
Project Stage
DETAIL STUDY: Floor + Structural
5 11 April Structure + Extents
CRONE + BURGESS Plan Production
Documentation Pinup +
6 18 April INFORMATION RETRIEVAL Section Production
ANZAC Day Documentation
7 26 April
(University Holiday) Development
Documentation Elevation Design +
Resolution Production
Documentation Sheet Arrangement +
Representation Production
10 16 May No Class (Lecture) A2 Due
11 23 May ULOs + REFLECTION Unit Review AT3 Discussion
12 6 June AT3 Due
*This Unit Schedule is subject to change, please check CloudDeakin for updates.