The tank must be located so that a road tanker can
LPG Bulk Storage Tanks
LPG Storage Cylinders get within 25m of the tank fill valve. Whilst standing General at the tank, the delivery driver must be able to see his vehicle at all times. Where an LPG storage installation consists of a set A fixed LPG storage tank together with any associ- of cylinders, the installation should be in accordance ated pipework connecting the system providing The tank can only be installed on a suitable concrete with the LPGA Code of Practice 24: 'Use of LPG space, water heating or cooking facilities, should be base, a minimum of 150mm thick. However, if the cylinders': Part 1 - 'The Use of Propane in Cylinders designed, constructed and installed in accordance area is already made of concrete (not tarmac), no at Residential Premises'. Use of cylinders in a do- with the requirements set out in the LPGA Code of additional base is necessary. mestic installation commonly takes the form of 2 Practice 1: Bulk LPG Storage at Fixed Installation. Tanks must not be sited directly beneath electrical sets of paired cylinders connected to a manifold, power cables. Where the voltage is below 1kV, the with supply provided from one pair of cylinders at Above Ground tank must be located 1.5 metres from a plane drawn any one time. This allows continuous supply to be LPG Bulk Storage Tanks vertically downwards from the power cables. Where maintained when changing empty cylinders. the voltage is 1kV or greater, the distance must be To support the weight of the LPG bulk tank including increased to 10 metres. Where there is any doubt as Any installation should enable cylinders to stand the gas contents, a load bearing concrete base is re- to the cable voltage guidance should be obtained upright, secured by straps or chains against a wall quired. It is important to ensure that the base is ade- from the local power supply company. outside the building. Cylinders should be positioned quately sized for the appropriate tank and suitably The LPGA Code of Practice recommends that 2x9kg on a firm, level base such as concrete at least 50 constructed to ensure stability and correct functioning dry powder fire extinguishers are located near bulk mm thick or paving slabs bedded on mortar. Be- of the tank valves and fittings. tanks of up to 2000 litre capacity. For 3400 litre cause LPG is heavier than air, cylinders must not be tanks the LPGA Code of Practice suggests a 19mm located in cellars, basements or sunken areas. They The base should hose reel should also be installed. should be located in a well ventilated position at be sized accord- ground level, so that the cylinder valves will be: ing to the diagram LPG bulk tanks must always be located with specific (right) and table separation distances as illustrated in the diagrams a. at least 1 m horizontally and 300 mm vertically from openings in the buildings or from heat source shown below: which follow. such as flue terminals or tumble dryer vents and all Distances for 1200 Litre or 2000 Litre Tanks potential sources of ignition; Tank size Length (a) x width (b) x depth (c) b. at least 2 m horizontally from untrapped drains, unsealed gullies or cellar hatches unless an inter- 1 x 380 litre 1.7 x 0.65 x 0.15 vening wall not less that 250 mm high is present. 2 x 380 litre 1.7 x 2.3 x 0.15 c. The cylinders must be a minimum of 3 metres 1 x 1200 litre 2.0 x 1.0 x .015 from any corrosive, toxic or oxidising materials 2 x 1200 litre 2.0 x 3.0 x 0.15 unless separated by a fire resistant barrier. 1 x 2000 litre 3.1 x 1.0 x 0.15 Cylinders should be readily accessible, reasonably 2 x 2000 litre 3.1 x 3.0 x 0.15 protected from physical damage and located where 1 x 3400 litre 3.8 x 1.2 x .015 they do not obstruct exit routes from the building. 2 x 3400 litre 3.8 x 3.4 x 0.15 Main considerations are the safety of the location and easy access to permit cylinder replacement. The following measures should also be taken: Additionally, flammable material (such as grass, Suitable protection (e.g. crash barriers, bollards and The vehicle must be at least 3m from any manhole sheds and fences) must not be allowed near the gas walls) must be provided at least 1.5 metres from the during filling. cylinders. However, provided that free ventilation is tanks to prevent mechanical damage to the tanks The pump assembly must be at least 3m from build- not impaired around the cylinders, a nearby arrange- and equipment. Any wall used for this purpose ings, boundary, property or fixed source of ignition. ment of flowers, shrubs or slatted screens may be should be no more than 380mm high and non- Dispensing hose anchoring point at least 4.1m from acceptable. buildings, boundary or fixed source of ignition. Fire walls should be sited between 1m & 1.5m from Underground the nearest point of the vessel. With the wall in LPG Bulk Storage Tanks place the distance from the vessel to the buildings, boundary etc. may be reduced from 3m to 1.5m. It is important that an appropriate separation distance is maintained or a fire wall be in place when installing Building Distances for 3400 Litre or 4000 Litre Tanks an underground LPG bulk storage tank. It is also rec- ommended that a suitably qualified and experienced Standards engineer be employed to undertake a site survey and provide the appropriate advice on all the groundwork and foundations necessary for the ground conditions. LPG Storage Before any excavation work commences, ensure that the following safety points are considered: No cables or services are permitted within the tank excavation area. The site is checked with the local Water or Environ- mental Agency to ensure there is no risk of flooding. The excavation is clear of any foundations that may be at risk from undermining. Shown below is a diagram showing how an example of how an underground LPG storage tank and the as- The vehicle must be at least 3m from any manhole sociated works should be installed. during filling. The pump assembly must be at least 4.5m from buildings, boundary, property or fixed source of igni- tion. Dispensing hose anchoring point at least 4.1m from The purpose of this leaflet is to buildings, boundary or fixed source of ignition. provide additional guidance on Fire walls should be sited between 1m & 1.5m from Please note that this leaflet is merely intended to pro- the siting of either LPG storage the nearest point of the vessel. With the wall in vide supplementary guidance. Should you have any cylinders or LPG bulk storage place the distance from the vessel to the buildings, doubts about whether any work requires a building tank. boundary etc. may be reduced from 7.5m to 4m. warrant or whether it complies with current regulations then please consult the Building Standards Service at Should you need further assistance Service Pipework the number shown below. then please do not hesitate to con- The service pipework between the LPG bulk tank and Information current at time of printing: 31/01/2011. tact one of our Building Standards the building should be installed in a trench a minimum Comhairle nan Eilean Siar officers. of 600mm deep and the width of an ordinary garden Development Department spade as shown in the diagram below. You should Sandwick Road Comhairle nan Eilean Siar ensure that the bottom of the trench and the back fill Stornoway are free of sharp stones / objects as these may dam- Isle of Lewis Stornoway age the pipe. Extra Phone: 01851 822692 Stornoway protection may be Balivanich Phone: 01851 822692 necessary if the Phone: 01870 604990 pipe runs below Balivanich Phone: 01870 604990 Web: roadways or gar- den walls etc. Web: