Near-Source Strong Ground Motions Observed in The 22 February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake Brendon A. Bradley, Misko Cubrinovski
Near-Source Strong Ground Motions Observed in The 22 February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake Brendon A. Bradley, Misko Cubrinovski
Near-Source Strong Ground Motions Observed in The 22 February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake Brendon A. Bradley, Misko Cubrinovski
This manuscript provides a critical examination of the ground motions recorded in the near-source region
resulting from the 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquake. Particular attention is given to reconciling
the observed spatial distribution of ground motions in terms of physical phenomena related to source,
path and site effects. The large number of near-source observed strong ground motions show clear
evidence of: forward-directivity, basin generated surface waves, liquefaction and other significant
nonlinear site response. The pseudo-acceleration response spectra (SA) amplitudes and significant
duration of strong motions agree well with empirical prediction models, except at long vibration periods
where the influence of basin-generated surface waves and nonlinear site response are significant and not
adequately accounted for in empirical SA models. Pseudo-acceleration response spectra are also
compared with those observed in the 4 September 2010 Darfield earthquake and routine design response
spectra used in order to emphasise the amplitude of ground shaking and elucidate the importance of local
geotechnical characteristics on surface ground motions. The characteristics of the observed vertical
component accelerations are shown to be strongly dependent on source-to-site distance and are
comparable with those from the 4 September 2010 Darfield earthquake, implying the large amplitudes
observed are simply a result of many observations at close distances rather than a peculiar source effect.
beneath the Pacific plate along the Puysegur trench in the
INTRODUCTION south west of the South island; and (iii) oblique, right lateral
On 22 February 2011 at 12:51pm local time, a moment slip along numerous crustal faults in the axial tectonic belt, of
magnitude Mw6.3 earthquake occurred beneath the city of which the 650-km long Alpine fault is inferred to
Christchurch, New Zealand, causing an unparalleled level of accommodate approximately 70-75% of the approximately
damage in the countrys history, and the largest number of 40 mm/yr plate motion [2, 3].
causalities since the 1931 Hawkes Bay (Napier) earthquake.
Compared to the preceding 4 September 2010 Mw7.1 Darfield
earthquake, which occurred approximately 35 km to the west
of Christchurch, the close proximity of the 22 February event
lead to ground motions of significantly higher amplitude in the
densely populated regions of Christchurch. As a result of
these significantly larger ground motions, structures in
general, and commercial structures in the central business
district in particular, were subjected to severe seismic
demands and, combined with the event timing structural
collapses accounted for the majority of the 182 causalities [1].
The following section provides a brief overview of the
tectonic and geologic setting of the Canterbury region in order
to provide context for the observed ground motions which are
discussed in subsequent sections on the basis of source, path
and site effects, and comparisons with empirical prediction
models, design guidelines, and those of the 4 September 2010
Darfield earthquake.
Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch (member)
There are numerous identified faults in the Southern Alps and Christchurch is located on the Canterbury plains, a fan deposit
eastern foothills [4] and several significant earthquakes (i.e. resulting from the numerous rivers flowing eastward from the
Mw > 6) have occurred in this region in the past 150 years, foothills of the Southern Alps [8]. In the vicinity of
most notably the 4 September 2010 Mw7.1 Darfield earthquake Christchurch, the Canterbury plains are comprised of a
[5]. The Mw6.3 Christchurch earthquake occurred at 12:51pm complex sequence of gravels interbedded with silt, clay, peat,
on Tuesday 22 February 2011 beneath Christchurch, New and shelly sands. The fine sediments form aquicludes and
Zealands second largest city, and represents the most aquitards between the gravel aquifers, and with the nearby
significant earthquake in the unfolding seismic sequence in the coastline to the east, result in the majority of Christchurch
Canterbury region since the Darfield earthquake. Herein, a having a water table less than 5 m depth, with the majority of
moment magnitude of 6.3 is used with reference to this event, the area including, and to the east of, the central business
however it is noted that reported values range from Mw6.3 for district having a water table less than 1 m from the surface [8].
a geodetic finite fault model [6], 6.2 for regional moment The postglacial Christchurch formation created by estuarine,
tensor solutions (J. Ristau, pers. comm.), and 6.1 for the lagoonal, dune, and coastal swamp deposits (containing
USGS teleseismic moment tensor solution. The Mw6.3 event gravel, sand, silt, clay, shell and peat) is the predominant
occurred on a previously unrecognised deeply-dipping blind surface geology layer in the Christchurch area which outcrops
fault, which trends north-east to south-west (the location up to 11 km west of the coast and has a depth of
relative to Christchurch is presented in the context of observed approximately 40 km along the coast itself [8]. At the
ground motions subsequently). Figure 2 illustrates the southeast edge of Christchurch lies the extinct Banks
inferred slip distribution on the fault obtained by Beavan et al. Peninsula volcanic complex.
[6]. It can be seen that slip on the fault occurred obliquely
with both significant up-dip and along-strike components
(average rake, = 146). For the purpose of the subsequent SUMMARY OF OBSERVED STRONG MOTIONS
engineering analysis of strong ground motion, the Beavan et Volume 1 ground motion records were obtained from GeoNet
al. finite fault model was trimmed using the methodology of ( and processed on a record-by-record
Somerville et al. [7], which resulted in the removal of 1 km basis. Table 1 presents a summary of the ground motions in
from the Northeast and Southwest extents of Figure 2. The the wider Christchurch region that were recorded within a
resulting trimmed fault therefore has dimensions of 15 km source-to-site distance of Rrup = 20 km, including: station site
along-strike and 8km down-dip, giving a total area of 120km2. class (SC) according to the current New Zealand loading
standard, NZS1170.5:2004 [9], peak ground acceleration
(PGA), and peak ground velocity (PGV) for geometric mean
horizontal component; and peak vertical ground acceleration
(PGAV). It can be seen that significant ground motions were
recorded in this event with ground motions of up to 1.41g in
the horizontal component (at Heathcote Valley, HVSC), and 7
and 16 records having PGAs exceeding 0.4g and 0.2g,
respectively. To put such numbers in context it is noted that
prior to the Darfield earthquake the maximum recorded PGA
in New Zealand was 0.39g [10]. Figure 3 illustrates the spatial
distribution of fault-normal, fault-parallel, and vertical ground
motions observed in Christchurch City. The subsequent
sections elaborate on the salient features which can be
Figure 2: Distribution of fault slip inferred in the
observed in Figure 3 and Table 1.
22/02/2011 Christchurch earthquake [6]. Arrows
indicate the slip vector and the inferred
hypocenter is indicated by a star.
Table 1: Summary of observed ground motions at strong motion stations in the 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquake.
Figure 3: Observed acceleration time histories at various locations in the Christchurch region from the 22 February
earthquake: (a) fault-normal horizontal; (b) fault-parallel horizontal; and (c) vertical components.
0 0
-1 -1.5
Acceleration, a (g)
Acceleration, a (g)
1 1.5
Fault Normal Fault Normal
0 0
-1 -1.5
2 2
Vertical Vertical
0 0
-2 -2
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Time, t (s) Time, t (s)
(c) 101 (d) 101
Pseudo-spectral acceleration, SA (g)
0 0
10 10
-1 -1
10 10
22/02/2011 22/02/2011
04/09/2010 04/09/2010
-2 NZS1170.5 -2 NZS1170.5
10 -1 0 1
10 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10
Period, T (s) Period, T (s)
V/H response spectral ratio, SAV/SAH
(e) 7 (f) 7
22/02/2011 22/02/2011
6 04/09/2010 6 04/09/2010
NZS1170.5 NZS1170.5
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (s) Period, T (s)
Figure 4: Extreme ground motions observed at Pages Road (PRPC) and Heathcote Valley (HVSC) in terms of acceleration time
history, pseudo-acceleration response spectra, and vertical to horizontal spectral ratios. Note the different scale used
for vertical acceleration time histories in Figure 4a and Figure 4b with that of the horizontal.
evident in the long-period content of the fault normal
EXTREME GROUND MOTIONS component in Figure 4a.
Examination of Figure 3 illustrates that very significant Figure 4c and Figure 4d illustrate the geometric mean
ground motion amplitudes were recorded in both the horizontal and vertical pseudo-acceleration response spectra at
horizontal and vertical components at Pages Road (PRPC) and PRPC and HVSC during both the Christchurch and 4
Heathcote Valley (HVSC), which are reproduced at a larger September 2010 Darfield earthquakes, and Figure 4e and
scale in Figure 4a and Figure 4b, respectively. In particular, Figure 4f illustrate the vertical-to-horizontal spectral ratios at
maximum PGAs in the vertical component of 2.21g and these two sites in these two events. It can be clearly seen that
1.88g were observed at HVSC and PRPC, respectively. The the nature of the surface ground motion at each of these sites
vertical acceleration time histories at these two sites are also is similar in each of the two events, but fundamentally
inferred to exhibit the so-called trampoline effect [11, 12] different between the two sites. For example, the response at
caused by separation of surficial soil layers in tension, limiting PRPC is dominated by a relatively flat response spectrum for
peak negative vertical accelerations to approximately -1g. As high frequencies, indicative of nonlinear response in soil soft
discussed subsequently, the ground motion at PRPC also deposits. Furthermore, the vertical ground motion amplitude
experienced significant forward directivity effects which are at high frequencies is particularly large (i.e. Figure 4e),
indicating a soil deposit with high compressibility, that is, low
P-wave velocity (e.g. clay, silt, peat). In contrast, the response seen in the fault-normal component manifested as the large
at HVSC is characterised by large short period (i.e. T < 0.4s) ground velocities of low frequency which cause a PGV of
ground motion with a rapid fall-off in spectral ordinates at approximately 100 cm/s in the fault-normal component, while
longer periods (the exception being the increase for the the fault-parallel component PGV is approximately 40 cm/s.
Darfield earthquake at long periods due to the forward This is further evident in the polar plot of the velocity
directivity pulse [13]). The vertical-to-horizontal spectral trajectory at PRPC in Figure 5c. Figure 5b illustrates the three
ratio is also notably lower than that at PRPC and only larger component velocity time history at Christchurch Hospital
than 1.0 for very high frequencies. In-depth analysis of the (CHHC) where a velocity pulse in the fault normal component
strong ground motion at HVSC indicates a strong basin edge is not clearly evident (although there is some evidence in the
effect at this site due to its location near the Port Hills, fault-parallel component indicating complex rupture), and the
resulting in constructive interference between direct S-waves large velocity amplitudes are the result of surface waves
propagating through the underlying basin, and diffracted (elaborated upon subsequently). Again the lack of a strong
Rayleigh waves induced at the basin edge [13]. forward directivity effect is evident in the velocity trajectory
shown in Figure 5d, in which no clear polarity of large
amplitude velocity is observed in the fault normal direction,
NEAR SOURCE FORWARD DIRECTIVITY and in fact the peak velocity is observed in the fault parallel
In the near-source region ground motions may exhibit forward component.
directivity effects due to the rupture front and direction of slip Figure 6 illustrates the observed and empirically predicted
being co-aligned with the direction toward the site of interest. pseudo-acceleration response spectra at CHHC with and
While the finite fault model in Figure 2 does not provide without the consideration of directivity effects. The empirical
information on the temporal evolution of rupture, based on the directivity effect was estimated using the model of Shahi and
central location of the inferred hypocenter, the direction of slip Baker [15]. It can be seen that the predicted effect of forward
is not well aligned with an elliptically inferred rupture front. directivity is relatively small (compared to the basin depth
As a result, it is expected that rupture directivity effects will effect discussed subsequently) because of the small
only be important over a small area of the earths surface, propagation distance from the hypocenter along the fault plane
relative to other possible rupture scenarios [14]. This is in toward the site (which gives a low probability of observing a
contrast to the 4 September 2010 Darfield earthquake, in velocity pulse in the model of Shahi and Baker [15]), and also
which strike-slip rupture occurred bilaterally on the Greendale the lack of alignment between the inferred rupture front and
fault and forward directivity effects were significant for all the slip vector (which isnt considered in the model, but
locations in Christchurch city [13]. obviously physically affects the magnitude of forward
Figure 5a illustrates the three component velocity time history directivity).
at Pages road (PRPC), where forward directivity effects can be
(a) 100 (b) 80
Station:PRPC ; Rrup =2.5 km, Fault Parallel Station:CHHC ; Rrup =3.8 km,Fault Parallel
0 0
-100 -80
Velocity, v (cm/s)
Velocity, v (cm/s)
100 80
Fault Normal Fault Normal
0 0
-100 -80
100 80
Vertical Vertical
0 0
-100 -80
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Time, t (s) Time, t (s)
50 40
0 0
-50 -40
-100 -80
-100 -50 0 50 100 -80 -40 0 40 80
Fault parallel velocity, v (cm/s) Fault parallel velocity, v (cm/s)
Figure 5: Velocity time histories and corresponding horizontal trajectory of fault normal and fault parallel velocity trajectory
at Pages Road (PRPC) and Christchurch Hospital CHHC).
basement rock
Z1.0=1000m Hypocenter
-1 no directivity
10 (b)
Z1.0=1000m Station:CHHC
directivity considered Z1.0=1000m Rrup=3.8 km
Fault Parallel 10
Fault Normal
Velocity, v (cm/s)
40 30
Fault Normal Fault Normal
0 0
-40 -30
40 30
Vertical Vertical
0 0
-40 -30
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Time, t (s) Time, t (s)
(b) (d) 20 KPOC ; Rrup =17.4 km,Fault Parallel
10 TPLC ; Rrup =12.5 km,Fault Parallel
0 0
Velocity, v (cm/s)
Velocity, v (cm/s)
10 Fault Normal Fault Normal
0 0
10 Vertical Vertical
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Time, t (s) Time, t (s)
Figure 8: Velocity time histories illustrating the significance of basin-generated surface waves: (a) Papanui (PPHS); (b) Styx
Mill (SMTC); (c) Templeton (TPLC); and (d) Kaiapoi (KPOC).
acceleration time histories in Figure 3, Figure 9 illustrates the
NONLINEAR NEAR-SURFACE RESPONSE AT SOIL pseudo-acceleration response spectra of the geometric mean
SITES horizontal and vertical ground motion components at the two
sites. It can be seen that the observed horizontal ground
motion at the LPOC site has significantly lower high
Near-surface response at Lyttelton Port frequency ground motion amplitude, longer predominant
period (Table 1), larger peak ground velocity, and larger
When interpreting the observed ground motions in Figure 3, it
significant duration, relative to LPCC, inferred as the result of
is worth recalling that only the Lyttelton Port (LPCC) station
nonlinear response of the surficial soils. In contrast to the
to the southeast of Christchurch is located on engineering
significant difference in horizontal ground motion, it can be
bedrock (i.e. site class B). Stations HVSC and LPOC located
seen that there is relatively little difference between the
near the edge of the Port Hills rock outcrop are site class C,
vertical ground motion at LPCC and LPOC, with peak vertical
while all remaining stations are situated on the Christchurch
accelerations of 0.51g and 0.39g, respectively.
sedimentary basin and are predominantly site class D, with
those having (identified) soft soil layers deemed site class E.
Unfortunately at present the site characterisation of strong Geometric Mean
motion stations in the Christchurch region, and New Zealand 0
Spectral acc, Sa (g)
Acceleration, a (g) 0.8 can be understood physically, because the majority of strong
Station:CBGS ; Rrup =4.7 km,Fault Parallel
motion stations are located on soil sites, and for soil sites in
sedimentary basins large vertical accelerations at near-source
0 locations can result from the conversion of inclined SV-waves
to P-waves at the sedimentary basin interface which are
Cyclic Mobility subsequently amplified and refracted towards vertical
-0.8 incidence due to the basin P-wave gradient [20]. Secondly,
0 10 20 30 40 the relatively steep dip of the fault plane ( = 69), and up-dip
Time, t (s) rupture propagation also likely resulted in a large component
Figure 10: Spikes in acceleration time histories resulting of fault slip oriented in the vertical direction.
cyclic mobility in underlying liquefied soils.
Figure 11 illustrates the ratio of peak vertical acceleration and
peak horizontal acceleration observed at the near-source
Evidence of liquefaction strong motion sites in the Christchurch earthquake. For
One of the major causes of damage in the Mw6.3 Christchurch comparison, the empirical model of Bozorgnia and Campbell
earthquake resulted from the severity and spatial extent of [21] is also shown. It can be seen that peak vertical-to-
liquefaction in residential, commercial and industrial areas. horizontal ground acceleration ratios of up to 4.8 were
The horizontal components of acceleration depicted in Figure observed. The peak vertical-to-horizontal ground acceleration
3a and Figure 3b show clear evidence of liquefaction ratios show a rapid decay with source-to-site distance and it
phenomena in the central business district and eastern suburbs can be seen that the observed ratios compare favourably with
which are located in the near-source region beyond the up-dip the Bozorgnia and Campbell empirical model for source-to-
projection of the fault plane. For clarity, an example ground site distances beyond 5 km, but significantly under-predict the
motion for Canterbury Botanic Garden (CBGS) is shown in ratios at closer distances. In Figure 11, data are also
Figure 10, for which the acceleration spikes due to cyclic differentiated by whether liquefaction was observed (as
mobility are explicitly annotated. Such phenomena occur as a discussed previously). It can be seen that almost all strong
result of the rapid increase in shear stiffness and strength motion records at distances less than 5km show liquefaction
during large shear displacement in soils as a result of evidence (the exception being HVSC). At the aforementioned
volumetric dilation, which consequently allows for the sites (with source-to-site distances are less than 5 km), the
propagation of high frequency ground motion. large peak vertical-to-horizontal ground acceleration ratios
observed are interpreted to be the result of significant non-
In the central business district (i.e. REHS, CBGS, CHHC, linear soil behaviour (including liquefaction) which generally
CCCC), Cashmere (CMHS) and Shirley (SHLC), evidence of results in more of a reduction in peak horizontal accelerations
liquefaction at depth is inferred based on the manifested than peak vertical accelerations (e.g. as seen in Figure 9).
reduction in high frequency content of ground motion
following several seconds of S-wave arrivals, and the To explore the results in Figure 11 in more detail, and provide
subsequent acceleration spikes. In the eastern suburbs (i.e. addition insight, Figure 12a illustrates the geometric mean
PRPC, HPSC, NNBS), the picture is somewhat more complex. horizontal pseudo-acceleration response spectra at PRPC,
The ground motion at Pages road (PRPC) also has some of the CHHC and RHSC, and Figure 12b the corresponding vertical-
characteristics discussed above, but in addition exhibits very to-horizontal ratios. As has been commonly observed in
high accelerations in the fault-normal and vertical directions, numerous other studies, it can be seen that the vertical-to-
which likely result from both surficial soil and source effects, horizontal (V-to-H) spectral ratio is largest at high frequencies
due to its proximity to the up-dip projection of the slip asperity with values that can be significantly greater than 1.0, and
(as previously noted). The ground motion at North New tends to reduce rapidly for vibration periods greater than
Brighton (NNBS) exhibits several seconds of cyclic mobility T = 0.1s, and as a function of source to site distance (i.e. from
before an abrupt reduction in acceleration amplitude resulting Table 1, Rrup = 2.5 km, 3.8 km, and 6.5 km for PRPC, CHHC,
in a very short significant duration of 2.4 seconds (Table 1). and RHSC, respectively). Figure 12c-Figure 12f illustrate the
The ground motion observed at Hulverstone Drive (HPSC) is V-to-H spectral ratios for four different vibration periods,
also of interest due to the relatively small horizontal T = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3s as a function of source-to-site
component acceleration amplitudes compared with what might distance for both the 22 February 2011 Christchurch and 4
be expected at such a near-source location (including observed 5
shaking at nearby stations), and relative to its high vertical
Vertical-to-horizontal PGA ratio
accelerations. HPSC C
No significant signs of liquefaction are evident in the ground 4 D
motions recorded to the west of those discussed above, which E
results from three factors: (i) a reduction in amplitude of Liquefaction
ground shaking; (ii) a change in surficial soil characterization;
and (iii) an increase in water table depth as noted previously.
Given the observed spatial extent of liquefaction in the Bozorgnia and
Darfield earthquake [19], in which the majority of this western Campbell (2004)
region was unaffected by liquefaction, despite been subjected LPOC Firm Soil
to generally stronger shaking than the eastern regions (where Soft Rock
liquefaction was prevalent), it can be logically concluded that
the character and in-situ state of the soils are the predominant
reason for the absence of liquefaction in the western LPCC
Christchurch region [8]. 0 5 10 15 20
Source-to-site distance, Rrup (km)
VERTICAL GROUND MOTION Figure 11: Observed vertical-to-horizontal peak ground
acceleration ratios as a function of source-to-site
As previously noted with reference to Figure 3c, large ground distance in comparison with the empirical equation of
motions were observed in the vertical component at various Bozorgnia and Campbell [21]. Data are differentiated
locations in this earthquake. Such large vertical accelerations by site class as well as evidence of liquefaction.
September 2010 Darfield earthquakes. Also shown for for which it underestimates the observed ratios. Comparison
comparison is the empirical model of Bozorgnia and Campbell of the observations from the Darfield and Christchurch
[21], and the prescribed ratio of 0.7 for the development of earthquakes also illustrates that the ratios, on average, are
vertical design spectra in NZS1170.5 [9]. Firstly, it can be principally a function of source-to-site distance and there is no
clearly seen that V-to-H ratios above 1.0 are frequently evidence for a systematic differences between the two events
observed for distances up to Rrup = 40 km in both these events due to their different magnitude and style of faulting. This
(as well as other historical earthquakes worldwide [21]), and lack of average dependence the seismic source features is
hence the code prescription of 0.7 is, without question, consistent with that of Bozorgnia and Campbell [21].
significantly un-conservative. Secondly, it can be seen that Comparison of the ratios observed at the same station in the
while there is significant scatter in the observed ratios, the two different events (annotated in the figures for PRPC and
Bozorgnia and Campbell empirical model is able to capture HPSC) illustrates that there is some systematic site effect, for
the overall trends in the observations, except for Rrup < 10 km example, HPSC is always above the average prediction, but
(a) (b) 7
Pseudo-spectral acceleration, SA (g)
Site class D 2
CHHC Site class E
-2 NZS1170.5
10 -1 0 1
0 -2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Period, T (s) Period, T (s)
(c) 5 (d) 7
HPSC 22/02/2011 22/02/2011
04/09/2010 6 04/09/2010
V/H ratio - SA(0.1s)
V/H ratio - PGA
Bozorgnia and Campbell (2004)
'Firm Soil' Median Prediction
Bozorgnia and Campbell (2004)
'Firm Soil' Median Prediction
2 3 NZS1170.5(2004)
HPSC V/H=0.7
HPSC V/H=0.7 2
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Source-to-site distance, Rrup (km) Source-to-site distance, Rrup (km)
Bozorgnia and Campbell (2004)
Bozorgnia and Campbell (2004)
2 'Firm Soil' Median Prediction PRPC
'Firm Soil' Median Prediction
1.5 NZS1170.5(2004) HPSC
V/H=0.7 PRPC NZS1170.5(2004)
1 V/H=0.7
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Source-to-site distance, Rrup (km) Source-to-site distance, Rrup (km)
Figure 12: Vertical ground motion response spectral amplitudes observed: (a)-(b) Example geometric mean horizontal and
vertical response spectra and their vertical-to-horizontal ratio; (c)-(e) vertical-to-horizontal response spectral ratios
for T = 0.0-0.3 s as a function of distance observed in the 4 September 2010 Darfield and 22 February 2011
Christchurch earthquakes and comparison with the empirical prediction of Bozorgnia and Campbell [21].
this is not always the case for PRPC with the ratio for T = 0.2s motions at source-to-site distances less than 10 km, and also a
well above the prediction in the Christchurch earthquake, but notable under-prediction of SA(3.0) amplitudes for all
below the prediction in the Darfield earthquake. Given that distances (i.e. = 1.283). The good prediction of high
vertical ground motion is only significant at very high frequency ground motion (i.e. PGA and SA(0.2)) indicates
frequencies, then it is expected to be strongly correlated with that the source rupture didnt have a significantly different
near-surface P-wave velocity structure, and some of the stress drop than what would be expected for such events.
fluctuations observed in Figure 12 are likely the result of Hence, based on the previously discussed observations it can
variability in the amplitude of the horizontal ground motion on be logically concluded that the under-prediction at medium-to-
the V-to-H ratio (due to nonlinearities for example). long vibration periods is likely primarily a result of the fact
that the model does not explicitly account for the large long-
The above discussions serve to illustrate that the large number period ground motion resulting from basin-generated surface
of observed strong vertical ground motions in the 22 February waves (as previously noted the basin depth parameter, Z1.0, is
2011 Christchurch earthquake is simply a result of a larger presently set based on the near surface shear wave velocity,
number of recordings at very small source-to-site distances Vs30, due to a lack of data on basin depths for various
relative to the Darfield earthquake (e.g. 15 records within locations in New Zealand), or near-source forward directivity.
10 km in the Christchurch earthquake as compared with 8 in As was previously noted with reference to Figure 6 and Figure
the Darfield earthquake), rather than any specific source effect 7, the explicit consideration of these effects can help to
during rupture in the Christchurch earthquake. Finally, as improve the prediction of the model at long periods, which is
horizontal ground motion amplitudes within Christchurch city an active area of current research.
in the Christchurch earthquake were larger than those from the
Darfield earthquake (elaborated upon subsequently), then Another possible reason for the under-prediction of ground
nonlinear shear deformation of soils which results in a motion at long periods is the additional amplification of long
reduction of tangent shear modulus, and therefore the ability period motion resulting from highly nonlinear soil behaviour.
to propagate high frequency ground motion, was more While the empirical model attempts to account for soil
significant in the 22 February event. Nonlinear shear nonlinearity, clearly this is achieved in a highly simplified
deformation on the other hand does not have as significant an manner, and there is a limited number of strong motions
effect on the compressibility of soil, which is related to P- previously recorded on soft soil deposits. While it is often
wave velocity, and hence vertical ground motion noted that highly nonlinear behaviour also results in an
amplification. The significant effect of nonlinear site response increase in hysteretic damping it should be borne in mind that
on horizontal ground motion, yet minor effect on vertical because of the short duration of shaking (as elaborated below),
ground motion, was clearly illustrated in Figure 9. there was generally not a large amount of time for hysteretic
damping to have a significant effect on the peak response
EMPIRICAL GROUND MOTION PREDICTIONS FOR Finally, Figure 13 also annotates various strong motion
HORIZONTAL COMPONENTS stations which lie outside the 16th and 84th percentiles of the
empirical prediction, and which have been mentioned in
To provide a more complete analysis of the ground motions previous sections. It can be seen, for example, that the short
discussed in the previous sections with respect to physical period spectral amplitudes observed at Heathcote Valley
phenomena this section compares the observed ground (HVSC) are significantly above those predicted (for site class
motions with empirical ground motion predictions. A rigorous C, even though only the site class D prediction is shown) as a
assessment of the efficacy of various empirical ground motion result of basin edge effects [13]. For SA(1.0) and SA(3.0), in
prediction equations (GMPEs) is not attempted, and the aim is particular it can be seen that all of the notable under-
merely to identify ground motions which have intensity predictions occur for ground motions within 10 km, and for
measures deviating from such GMPEs, and subsequently an which as previously noted, significant basin effects were
attempt to explain such deviations based on previous physical evident.
phenomena-oriented discussions.
Significant duration
Pseudo-acceleration response spectra
The duration of strong motion is also important if strong
Figure 13 illustrates the pseudo-acceleration response spectra motion amplitude is sufficient to cause nonlinear response of
(SA) amplitudes of ground motions recorded within 50km of soil deposits and/or structures. Figure 14 illustrates the 5-
the casual faults in the Darfield earthquake at periods of 75% and 5-95% significant durations (Ds575 and Ds595,
T = 0.0, 0.2, 1.0 and 3.0 s. The observations are compared respectively) of ground motion observed at stations within 50
with the empirical SA GMPE developed by Bradley [10], km of the causative fault. It is worth noting that anecdotally
which is a NZ-specific modification of the Chiou and Youngs the 5-75% and 5-95% definitions of significant durations can
[18] and Chiou et al. [22] models. For each of the different be considered to approximately represent the durations the
vibration periods considered, the median, 16th and 84th majority of energy associated with body-wave arrivals and
percentiles of the prediction for site class D conditions is body- plus surface-wave arrivals, respectively [25].
shown. Mixed-effects regression [23, 24] was utilized in order
to determine the inter- and intra-event results for each The empirical prediction of Bommer et al. [26] was utilized in
vibration period. The value of the normalized inter-event the comparisons with the observed durations. It can be seen in
residual ( ) is also shown in the inset of each figure. Figure 14 that for both measures of duration, the observations
are on average in good agreement with the observations, with
The results of Figure 13 illustrate that the Bradley [10] GMPE inter-event residuals of = -0.064 and -0.179 for Ds575 and
is able to capture the source-to-site distance dependence of the Ds595, respectively. However, for Ds575 in particular, it can be
observations with good accuracy. The inter-event term, which seen that for ground motions within approximately 10-15 km,
can be viewed as an overall bias of the amplitudes predicted the ground motion duration at site class D sites (which the
relative to those observed, indicates that the model has very prediction is shown for), tend to be larger than the median
small bias for vibration periods of T= 0.0 and 0.2 s (i.e. =
0.034 and -0.037, respectively), but that there is a an under- of the prediction, although less than the 84th percentile, while
prediction of SA(1.0) amplitudes for a handful of ground in contrast the durations tend to be below average beyond this
Peak ground acceleration, PGA (g) (b)
Median prediction
Median prediction
(site class D)
-1 (site class D) HPSC
10 -1 HPSC
-2 E -2 E
10 0 1
10 0 1
10 10 10 10
Source-to-site distance, Rrup (km) Source-to-site distance, Rrup (km)
(c) (d)
Spectral acceleration, SA(1s) (g)
Median prediction
Median prediction (site class D)
-1 (site class D)
10 -2
10 MQZ
-2 E -3 E
10 0 1
10 0 1
10 10 10 10
Source-to-site distance, Rrup (km) Source-to-site distance, Rrup (km)
Figure 13: Comparison of pseudo-acceleration response spectral amplitudes observed with empirical prediction equations: (a)
PGA; (b) SA(0.2s); (c) SA(1s); and (d) SA(3s).
(a) (b)
Bommer et al (2009) B Bommer et al (2009)
Significant duration, Ds575 (s)
=-0.064 35 C =-0.179
15 D D
E 30 E
0 0 1 0 1
10 10 10 10
Source-to-site distance, Rrup (km) Source-to-site distance, Rrup (km)
Figure 14: Comparison of observed ground motion significant direction with empirical prediction equations: (a) 5-75%
significant duration; and (b) 5-95% significant duration.
It is speculated that this maybe the result of the rupture having site distances, likely a consequence of the basin-generated
a shorter than typical source duration (which would mean that surface waves (as discussed with reference to Figure 8).
motions at all distances, on average, would be below the Ds575
prediction), but that within the near-source region (in this case
Rrup< 15 km) significant nonlinear behaviour leads to an GROUND MOTION INTENSITY IN THE CENTRAL
increase in long period nature of the surface motion and BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD)
consequently strong motion duration. For the 5-95% duration The Christchurch earthquake caused significant damage to
it can be seen that there is no clear bias at the larger source-to- commercial structures in the CBD, with a large portion still (at
Vertical 20
-2 -1 0 1 0
10 10 10 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Period, T (s) Period, T (s)
Figure 15: Comparison of response spectra from four strong motion stations located in the Christchurch central business district:
(a) horizontal and vertical pseudo-acceleration response spectra; and (b) horizontal displacement response spectra.
the time of writing) prohibited while an estimated 1,000 spectral amplitudes are larger for the Christchurch earthquake.
structures (of various typologies, construction materials and The primary exception of the above statement is the spectral
age) are being demolished. The complete collapse of the Pine amplitudes at long vibration periods (i.e. T > 2s) due to both
Gould Corporation (PGC) and Canterbury Television (CTV) the longer duration of shaking and forward directivity effects
buildings also lead to the majority of the 182 casualties [1]. in the Darfield earthquake [13]. Strong long-period spectral
ordinates associated with these phenomena in the Darfield
Figure 15a and Figure 15b illustrate the pseudo-acceleration earthquake can be clearly seen at CCCC, RHSC and CACS
and displacement response spectra of four strong motion stations. Figure 16a illustrates that at Christchurch Cathedral
stations (CCCC, CHHC, CBGS, REHS) located in the CBD College (CCCC), which is located in the Christchurch CBD,
region. Despite their geographic separation distances (relative spectral amplitudes in the Christchurch earthquake were
to their respective source-to-site distances) it can be seen that approximately twice that of the Darfield earthquake for
the characteristics of the ground motion observed at these vibration periods less than T = 1.5s. It can also be seen that at
locations is relatively similar. This is particularly the case for CCCC station, spectral amplitudes resulting from the Darfield
long-period ground motion amplitudes, which have longer earthquake were notably below the design spectra for T < 2s.
wavelengths and therefore are expected to be more coherent. Figure 16c-Figure 16d also illustrate that spectral amplitudes
On the other hand, at short vibration periods there is more of a from the Darfield earthquake were below the design spectra at
discrepancy in seismic intensity due to a shorter wavelength short periods throughout the majority of Christchurch, with
and therefore lower wave coherency, and probably more exceptions being Heathcote Valley (HVSC), Lyttelton Port
importantly due to the nonlinear response of significantly (LPCC), and several western suburbs (i.e. TPLC, ROLC,
different surficial soil layers [27]. Figure 15a, in particular, LINC) not shown here [13].
illustrates that the strong long period ground motion
previously discussed with respect to CHHC (i.e. Figure 7b) Another notable feature illustrated in Figure 16 is the
was observed at all four CBD stations and both Figure 15a and similarity of the response spectral shapes at a given site from
Figure 15b illustrate that the seismic demands were above the these two events. In such an examination it is important to
475 year return period design ground motion for Christchurch note the markedly different source locations of these two
site class D as specified by the New Zealand loading standard, events, with the Christchurch earthquake occurring to the
NZS1170.5 [9]. Furthermore, Figure 15b illustrates that for south-east, and the Darfield earthquake approximately 30km
structures whose secant period at peak displacement is in the west of, central Christchurch. Hence, the source and path
region of 1.5 or 3.5 seconds, the displacement demands effects of the ground motion at a single site are expected to be
imposed by the ground motion were in the order of two times significantly different in both events. For example, Figure 16b
the seismic design level. and Figure 16c illustrate the similarity of response spectral
shapes, for vibration periods less than T = 2 s, of both
horizontal and vertical ground motion components at
COMPARISON WITH GROUND MOTIONS Riccarton (RHSC) and Canterbury Aero Club (CACS). At
OBSERVED IN THE 2010 DARFIELD EARTHQUAKE vibration periods larger than T = 2 s, the aforementioned
AND DESIGN SPECTRA source effects from the Darfield earthquake become
The Mw6.3 Christchurch earthquake was the second event in significant (as well as 3D basin structure) and the response
approximately six months to cause significant ground motion spectral shapes at a given site from these two events deviate.
shaking in Christchurch, having been preceded by the 4 These observations clearly point to the importance of local site
September 2010 Darfield earthquake [5]. In this section effects on surface ground motions, particularly at high to
comparison is made between the ground motion intensities in moderate vibration frequencies, and hence the benefits that
these two events at various locations, and also with respect to can be obtained via site-specific response analysis as opposed
seismic design spectra. to simple soil classification (recall that most of the sites in the
Christchurch basin are assigned as site class D [9]). It should
Figure 16 illustrates the geometric mean horizontal and also be noted that the RHSC and CCCC sites discussed above,
vertical pseudo-acceleration response spectra of ground while experiencing significant ground motions, are founded on
motions at various strong motion stations in Christchurch soils which did not exhibit liquefaction (which obviously
resulting from both the Christchurch and Darfield earthquakes, causes a notable change in the stiffness and strength of the
in addition to those that have been already presented for PRPC affected soils and hence modifies the near-surface site
and HVSC in Figure 4. It can be immediately seen that for the response).
majority of vibration periods of engineering interest the
Pseudo-spectral acceleration, SA (g) (b)
-1 10
04/09/2010 04/09/2010
22/02/2011 22/02/2011
NZS1170.5 -2 NZS1170.5
10 -2 -1 0 1
10 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Period, T (s) Period, T (s)
(c) (d)
Pseudo-spectral acceleration, SA (g)
10 -1
04/09/2010 04/09/2010
22/02/2011 22/02/2011
NZS1170.5 -2
10 -1 0 1
10 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10
Period, T (s) Period, T (s)
Figure 16: Comparison of geometric mean horizontal and vertical pseudo-acceleration response spectra observed in the
22/02/2010 Christchurch and 04/09/2010 Darfield earthquakes at various strong motion stations.
On average, the observed ground motion amplitudes were seen
CONCLUSIONS to be consistent with empirical predictions for high
frequencies, and the under-prediction for long periods is a
The 22 February 2011 Mw6.3 Christchurch earthquake likely result of the pronounced basin-generated surface waves,
imposed severe ground motion intensities, which were in forward directivity and significant nonlinear soil behaviour
excess of the current seismic design spectra and those observed. Discerning the relative contribution of each of these
experienced in the 4 September 2010 Darfield earthquake, effects at various locations is the subject of ongoing work
over the majority of the Christchurch region. using more sophisticated methods of analysis.
The dense set of near-source ground motions enable a detailed The Christchurch earthquake produced ground motions in the
examination of salient features of the earthquake source, path majority of the eastern and central Christchurch region which
and local site characteristics. It was seen that forward had pseudo-acceleration response spectral amplitudes that
directivity due to the rupture propagation was evident at Pages were generally above the 475-year routine seismic design
Road (PRPC), however, such effects were not predominant spectra, and also larger than those of the 4 September 2010
over the region due to the inferred misalignment between the Darfield earthquake. At a single strong motion station, the
rupture font and slip vector. The large velocity contrast similarity of response-spectral shapes of the ground motion
between the Christchurch sedimentary basin and underlying observed from the Christchurch and Darfield earthquakes, for
rock likely lead to a waveguide effect in which seismic waves which source and path effects were largely different, also
were trapped and propagated across the basin, principally illustrated the significance of site-specific response for short
resulting in an increase in long period response spectral and moderate vibration frequencies and hence that clearly
amplitudes and ground motion durations. The severity of the more detailed subsurface investigations and modelling are
ground motion intensity in the near-source region resulted in needed to adequately infer the performance of soil and
significant nonlinear soil behaviour and severe and widespread overlying structures in future earthquakes than simply using
liquefaction which were evident in recorded acceleration time alphabet-based site classifications.
histories. The ratio between vertical and horizontal ground
motion amplitude is strongly dependent on source-to-site
distance, and weakly dependent on source magnitude or ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
faulting style. It was seen that the vertical-to-horizontal
response spectral ratios were similar for the Darfield and Dr. Weng Yuen Kam provided constructive comments on a
Christchurch earthquakes and hence the large vertical ground draft of the manuscript, and discussions with Dr. John Beavan
motions observed were simply a result of the significant and Dr. John Berrill are greatly appreciated.
number of near-source recordings rather than any event-
specific features.
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