Eor - Fundamentals
Eor - Fundamentals
Eor - Fundamentals
Trivedi 1
Water Flooding
Secondary Oil Recovery
Japan Trivedi
Associate Professor
School of Petroleum, University of Alberta
J. Trivedi 2
EOR Targets: % OOIP
Light Oils Heavy Oil Tar Sands
Primary Primary
25% OIP 5% OIP
EOR Target Secondary EOR Target
45% OIP 5% OIP 100% OIP
30% OIP EOR Target
90% OIP
J. Trivedi 3
Oil Recovery by Injection of Fluids not normally
present in the reservoir
J. Trivedi
Oil Recovery Mechanisms
RECOVERY Natural Artificial Lift
Flow (Pump, Gas Lift, etc.)
RECOVERY Pressure Maintenance
(Water, Gas Reinjection)
RECOVERY Thermal Solvent Chemical Other
J. Trivedi
Adapted from the Oil & Gas Journal, Apr 23, 1990
EOR Classification
J. Trivedi
Est. Worldwide EOR Production, 2007
Other Canada
17,800 B/D 325,500 B/D
22% 14%
Venezuela Indonesia
365,600 B/D 220,000 B/D
16% 10%
China USA
166,900 B/D 649,300 B/D
7% 30%
500,000 B/D
Percentages are those of total
J. Trivedi
Thomas (2008) EOR production of 2.5 MM B/D
Rock/Fluid Properties
J. Trivedi
J. Trivedi 8
Aim & Scope of the lecture
Wettability of a Rock
Contact Angle
Imbibition and Drainage
Capillary Pressure v/s Saturation
J. Trivedi 9
J. Trivedi 10
Oil Droplet
Contact angle
Wilson et al,
J. Trivedi 11
The wettability of fluid/rock system can range from strongly water-
wet to strongly oil-wet.
When the rock has no strong preference for either oil or water, the
system is said to be neutral (or intermediate) wettability.
Besides strong and neutral wettability, there are two different types
of wettability such as fractional wettability, and mixed wettability
J. Trivedi 12
J. Trivedi 13
Contact angle & Wettability
os ws os
Solid The contact angle, q, measured through the denser
liquid phase, defines which fluid wets the solid
AT = adhesion tension, milli-Newtons/m or dynes/cm) surface.
q = contact angle between the oil/water/solid interface measured through the water, degrees
J. Trivedi 16
Implication - in porous media
In preferentially water-wet rock, the brine occupies the small pores and forms a
continuous film on the grain surfaces.
J. Trivedi 18
Oil-wet Reservoir
Swir = irreduciable water saturation
J. Trivedi
J. Trivedi
Implication - Oil Recovery
J. Trivedi 21
Capillary Tube
po patm o gh1
pw patm o g (h1 h) w gh
po p w h ( w o ) g
pc po p w h ( w o ) g
J. Trivedi 25
b) What is the minimum pressure required (threshold pressure) to force the oil drop
from A to B assuming it is strongly water-wet capillary ( = 0). What would be the
pressure gradient (psi/ft) if the drop length were 0.015 cm? (rA = 14.5 m; rB = 6.5 m;
IFT = 25 dynes/cm).
2 * Cosq
r Trivedi
Capillary Tubes (diff diameter)
2 * Cosq
Water will rise higher in tubes of smaller diameters.
The capillary pressure at the interface between the water and air is greater
in the smaller tubes and the curvature of the interface in these tubes is also
This is an example of wetting fluid moving into pores of smaller diameters.
(small diameter first then big diameter)
J. Trivedi 28
Capillary Pressure
J. Trivedi 29
Capillary pressure and water saturation
Why ????
Water (Wetting phase) flows in small pores first Capillary Pressure is High
(High Swi)
Then it flows into larger pores Capillary Pressure is lower (Low Swi)
Higher the % of large pores : Lower the water level : So Low Swi
J. Trivedi 30
Higher the % of large pores : Lower the restriction to flow : High Perm
Capillary Pressure
Reservoir rocks are composed of varying sizes of grains, pores,
and capillaries (channels between grains which connect pores
together, sometimes called pore throats).
When there are several fluids in the rock, each fluid has a
different surface tension and adhesion that causes a pressure
variation between those fluids.
J. Trivedi 31
Capillary Pressure
For example, Figure above shows that the same adhesive forces that were
mentioned previously will cause water, when in contact with air, to rise slightly
against the walls of its container, against the pull of gravity, and form a
concave meniscus.
However, surface tension at the air-water interface will attempt to flatten this
interface, thereby causing a slight rise in the level of water across the entire
diameter of the tube.
As this occurs, the adhesion of the water to glass will continue to pull water
molecules upward near the edge of the tubes.
By this mechanism the water level in the tube will continue to rise until the
upward force is balanced by the weight of the water column.
J. Trivedi 32
Capillary Pressure
Again, referring to Figure above, the strength of the capillary pressure may
be thought of in terms of the concavity of the air-water interfaces seen in
the different tubes.
The greater the capillary pressure, the more the air-water interface will be
distorted into concavity by the adhesion of water to glass on the side of
the tube.
Consequently, the height of the water columns in the B tubes (which are
narrow) rise even higher than that of the A tubes (which are wider).
The smaller the opening, the greater the capillary pressure.
J. Trivedi 33
Summary of Pc Sw relation
Summary of Imbibition / Drainage
Jamin or bypassing effect
Snap off
Relative permeability
J. Trivedi
Capillary in porous media (sugar cure model - in tea)
The surface of the cup of tea is large such that it is flat (except at the
edges where the tea meets the cup wall). Thus the pressure at the surface
is atmospheric, equal to the pressure of the air that is in the sugar cube.
Nevertheless, as soon as the cube touches the surface, the tea will flow
upward into the cube.
This happens because when the small pores of the solid cube are put in
contact with the wetting tea, a curved interface forms such that, to reach
a new equilibrium state where the microscale interface equilibrium
condition, pw + pc = pn , is satisfied, phase w will move upward into the
J. Trivedi 35
Capillary in porous media (sugar cure in tea)
On the other hand, if the sugar cube in the previous example were actually made of
some hydrophobic material (oil-wet), the tea would not move into the cube at first contact.
The cube would have to be pushed down into the tea to a depth such that the pressure in
the tea (Pw) is high enough to overcome preference of the cube material for the air phase.
The tea would enter first into the larger pores, where capillary forces are smaller, and
would enter into smaller pores only if the cube were submerged deeply enough into the
cup to overcome the capillary forces in those pores.
The entry pressure is related to the largest pore diameter since invasion will take place first
into the largest pores where capillary pressure effects will be smallest.
J. Trivedi 36
Water displacement from largest pore first
A core with five different pore sizes and completely saturated with water (w phase)
B Core subjected to oil (nw phase) with increasing pressure until some water is displaced from
the core, i.e., displacement pressure pd. (from largest pore)
C Oil pressure will have to increase to displace the water in the second largest
J. Trivedi 37
Displacement Pressure
Above figure shows a schematic illustration of a core that is represented
by five different pore sizes and completely saturated with water, i.e.,
wetting phase.
Assume that we subject the core to oil (the nonwetting phase) with
increasing pressure until some water is displaced from the core, i.e.,
displacement pressure pd.
This water displacement will occur from the largest pore size. The oil
pressure will have to increase to displace the water in the second largest
J. Trivedi 38
Capillary pr. & wettability
capillary pressure values are positive for strongly water-wet and negative for strongly
oil-wet conditions. Why ?
J. Trivedi 39
Intermediate Wettability
In the intermediate wettability case,
the small positive value of
threshold pressure during the
drainage cycle suggests the sample
was moderately water-wet. After
the drainage cycle, the sample
spontmeously imbibed water until
the capillary pressure was zero at a
water saturation of 55% . Then, as
water pressure was applied, the
maximum water saturation of about
88% was achieved.
J. Trivedi 40
Effect of Grain Size Distribution on Shape
Poorly sorted
Capillary pressure, psia
Water J.saturation,
Trivedi % 41
Effect of absolute perm. on Capillary Pressure
(a) Represents imbibition process: water-wet rock, wetting phase i.e. water entering smaller pores first
(b) Represents drainage process: oil-wet rock, non-wetting phase (water) displacing the wetting phase
(oil) out. J. Trivedi 44
The porous medium is very heterogeneous in pore size, pore throat
dimensions, aspect ratios, pore-wall roughness.
J. Trivedi 45
Snap-off effect
Effect of pore aspect ratio on organic liquid trapping in a tube of non-uniform diameter (after Chartzis et al., 1983)
J. Trivedi 46
Snap off
When oil is flowing from one pore into another filled with water through a
narrow throat, the oil surface will at some point become unstable and a
droplet will detach from the main bulk oil. This process is referred to as
snap-off of oil.
J. Trivedi 48
Snap-off Effect
When the thin layer of water phase reaches the exit pore throat, a large
blob of oil still remains in the pore. Snap-off occurs as the water continues
through the exit throat leaving behind the now disconnected single blob.
In a sequence of high aspect ratio (small pore throat), single blob is trapped
by snap-off in each pore.
In low aspect ratio (Large pore throat as pore bodies) it is possible to
completely displace the oil
J. Trivedi 49
Trapping Mechanism
J. Trivedi 50
Trapping using doublet model : By-passing
Pore doublet model describes trapping mechanism on a microscopic scale
A pore doublet consist of a tube which splits into two pores, one generally
narrower than the other, and other rejoins.
The pore walls are smooth and strongly water wet.
(Stage 1.A) The advancing water phase enters the narrower pore opening first
In each pore, the total pressure drop driving flow is the sum of the capillary
pressure and the dynamic pressure drop caused by flow (Moore and Slobod,
For the pore doublet the have any physical meaning, the flow rate (and dynamic
pressure drop) should be low enough to approximate aquifer conditions.
On a pore scale, under such conditions, capillary forces are much larger than the
dynamic viscous forces. Capillary then controls advance of wetting front causing
water to initially fill the narrower pore (chartzis and Dulllien, 1983)
J. Trivedi 51
Trapping using doublet model : By-passing
Stage 2.A : The water-oil interface remains stable at the entrance to the
wider pore
When the water reaches the downstream node (where the pores rejoins), it
forms a stable meniscus with the oil because the cross-section at the
downstream node is greater than at the entrance to the wider pore.
The menisci rejoin at the downstream node (Stage 4.A). In this case, the
water has displaced the oil completely from the pore doublet and no trapping
has occurred.
Case B
Water enters the narrower pore first. However, as water reaches the
downstream node, it does not stop because no stable interface is formed (Stage
The oil in the wider pore has become disconnected from the main body of oil
and is now unable to drain from the pore. This liquid has become by-passed
by the advancing water (Stage 3.B)
J. Trivedi 52
J. Trivedi 54
Review: Absolute Permeability
Absolute permeability: is the permeability of a porous
medium saturated with a single fluid (e.g. Sw=1)
k A p
J. Trivedi 55
Multiphase Flow in Reservoirs
Commonly, reservoirs contain 2 or 3 fluids
Water-oil systems
Oil-gas systems
Water-gas systems
Three phase systems (water, oil, and gas)
To evaluate multiphase systems, must consider the effective and
relative permeability
k w A w
Water qw A = flow area
w L n = flow potential drop for
phase, n (including pressure,
gravity and capillary pressure
k g A g terms)
Gas g L n = fluid viscosity for phase n
L = flow length
J. Trivedi 57
Relative Permeability
Relative Permeability is the ratio of the effective permeability of a
fluid at a given saturation to some base permeability
Base permeability is typically defined as:
absolute permeability, k
air permeability, kair
effective permeability to non-wetting phase at irreducible wetting
phase saturation [e.g. ko(Sw=Swi)]
because definition of base permeability varies, the definition used
must always be:
confirmed before applying relative permeability data
noted along with tables and figures presenting relative
permeability data
J. Trivedi 58
Relative Permeability
ko ( 0.5,0.3)
Oil k ro ( 0.5, 0.3)
k So =0.5
Sw =0.3
k w( 0.5,0.3) Sg = 0.2
Water k rw ( 0.5, 0.3)
k g ( 0.5, 0.3)
Gas k rg ( 0.5, 0.3)
J. Trivedi 59
Relative Permeability Functions
Imbibition Relative Permeability
kro @ Swi Wettability and direction of
Relative Permeability (fraction)
0.6 0.6
Relative Permeability, Fraction
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Water Saturation (% PV) Water Saturation (% PV)
Characteristics of
typical relative
permeability for a two-
phase flow, where Sw
is the wetting phase
left: a water-wet
formation and right:
an oil-wet formations.
J. Trivedi 62
Rock Wettability and Relative Permeabilities
Let us note that the endpoint values of the relative permeabilities are usually (if
not always) less than 1 and which are measures of wettability.
The non-wetting phase occurs in isolated globules, several pore diameters in
length, that occupy the center of the pores.
Trapped wetting phase, on the other hand, occupies the cavities between rock
the grains and coats the rock surfaces.
Thus we would expect the trapped non-wetting phase to be a bigger obstacle to
the wetting phase, then the trapped wetting phase is to the non-wetting phase.
The wetting phase endpoint relative permeability will, therefore, be smaller
than the non-wetting phase endpoint.
The ratio of wetting to non-wetting endpoints proves to be a good qualitative
measure of the wettability of the medium.
For extreme cases of preferential wetting, the endpoint relative permeability to
the wetting phase can be 0.05 or less.
Others view the crossover saturation (kr2 = kr1), of the relative permeabilities is
a more appropriate indicator of wettability, perhaps because it is less sensitive
to the value of the residual saturations (see the rule of thumb, above).
J. Trivedi 63
Characteristics of Relative Permeability Functions
Reservoir simulation
Flow calculations that involve multi-phase flow in reservoirs
Estimation of residual oil (and/or gas) saturation
J. Trivedi 64
Factors Affecting Relative Permeabilities
Fluid saturations
Geometry of the pore spaces and pore size
Fluid saturation history (i.e., imbibition or
After Standing, 1975
J. Trivedi 65
Wettability effect on relative perm
J. Trivedi 67
General Rules
Miscible Gas Injection
Miscible gas injection techniques are, in a sense, the opposite extreme to steam
flooding. To be feasible, the reservoirs must have considerable depth so that the
process pressure is adequate for achieving miscibility between a displacing
fluid and the displaced fluid.
Miscible gas injection techniques are divided into hydrocarbon, nitrogen and
flue gas and carbon dioxide.
Chemical Flooding
Reservoir permeability poses some restrictions on chemical flooding, but more
often, characteristics affecting chemical stability, such as temperature,
formation brine and rock composition are the limiting parameters.
Generally not preferred for carbonate reservoirs. Chemical flooding has a much
less restricted set of conditions for use and is divided into polymer, surfactant-
polymer and alkaline recovery techniques.
For alkaline flooding, the oil should have an acid number greater than 0.2 mg
KOH/g of oil.
J. Trivedi 68
General Rules
Thermal techniques are subdivided into in situ combustion and steam flooding. To be
technically and economically feasible, thermal techniques usually require reservoirs
with fairly high permeability. Steam flooding is traditionally the most used EOR method
in the US, and is most often applied to relatively shallow reservoirs containing viscous
Process is applicable:
In shallow and thick, high permeability sand stone and unconsolidated sand to avoid
heat loss in well and adjacent formation
Steam flooding is not normally used in carbonate formation and also where water
sensitive clays are present
Also high mobility and challenging of steam may make the process unattractive
In high depth reservoir maintaining steam quality is not possible
Cost per incremental bbls is high. Normally 1/3 of incremental oil is used in
generation of steam
J. Trivedi 69
Screening Method
Backward chaining (Goal-driven method)
If we search the table starting at the top, and move left-to-right, before
moving down a row, we are using the backward-chaining or goal-
driven method. That is, we are first assuming a solution, e.g.
hydrocarbon gas-injection, and then checking the data either to verify
or disprove that assumption.
J. Trivedi 70
Case Study - I
Reservoir properties
Depth - 3800 ft
Temperature 140 0F
Rock type - carbonate
Formation thickness - 50 ft
Porosity - 15%
Permeability - 120 md
API gravity 370 (high percentage of light hydrocarbons)
Oil viscosity - 8 cP
Dipping angle - 35
Clays - present (large quantity)
Formation water 25,000 ppm chlorides
Acid number 0.1 mg KOH / g of oil
J. Trivedi 71
Method API Comp So type T K(avg) Depth Temp
N2 & Flue
J. Trivedi 72
Method API Comp So type T K(avg) Depth Temp
CASE STUDY 37 8 High 50 Carbonate 50 120 3800 1400 F
cp C4-C7 % ft md ft
N2 & Flue Y Y OK Y OK NC N NC
Surfactnat/ Y Y OK N
Polymer Y Y NC N
Alkaline N
J. Trivedi 73
To check the applicability of the expert system, a reservoir whose
properties are summarized, is considered as a case study. The reservoir
investigated here is assumed to have already been produced to its
economic limit and is a potential candidate for an EOR process or
otherwise subject to abandonment.
The followings are feasible EOR processes for this reservoir:
1.carbon dioxide flooding,
2.miscible hydrocarbon injection, and
3.nitrogen flooding.
In addition, the results also show that miscible hydrocarbon injection
is the most suitable EOR process for the reservoir. Reasons for this
answer can be summarized by listing some rules:
J. Trivedi 74
Screening Rules - Analysis
1. The presence of high amount of clays is undesirable for surfactant and
polymer flooding. Clays increase polymer adsorption.
2. High chloride concentration in the formation water (25,000 ppm.) is not
suitable for surfactant Flooding.
3. Polymer, surfactant, or alkaline flooding is not preferred for carbonate
4. The oil API gravity range for alkaline flooding is 13340 API.
5. For alkaline flooding, the oil should have an acid number greater than 0.2 mg
KOH/g of oil.
6. Carbonates are avoided for alkaline flooding because they often contain
anhydrite or gypsum that interact adversely with the caustic chemical.
7. In-situ combustion is used for heavy crudes and in sandstone with high
8. Steam flooding is applicable to viscous oil (oil viscosity generally greater than
100 cP. ) and is not normally used in carbonate reservoirs.
9. Deeper reservoirs are needed for nitrogen and CO2 flooding (generally greater
than 4500 ft.) in order to develop miscibility with the reservoir oil.
J. Trivedi 75
Case Study - II
gravity = 18 API,
viscosity = 500 cP,
composition = high-percentage C4-C7,
oil saturation = 50%,
formation type = sandstone,
payzone thickness = 35 ft,
average permeability = 1000 mD,
well depth = 2000 ft,
temperature = 110 F.
J. Trivedi 76
Method API Comp So type T K(avg) Depth Temp
CASE STUDY 18 500 High 50 SS 35 ft 1000 2000 1100 F
cp C4-C7 % md ft
N2 & Flue N
Surfactnat/P N
Polymer N
Alkaline YES N
Combustion Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Steam Y Y NC Y Y Y Y Y NC
J. Trivedi 77
We used backward-chaining to find that steam flooding is the only good
method to use for this situation.
This situation is not ideal because we have only one candidate for the next
screening step.
Having a well that is not recommended for EOR is certainly legitimate, but
we shouldn't eliminate the possibility because of too little knowledge. 78
J. Trivedi
Case Study - III
(1) gravity = 35 API,
(2) viscosity = 10 cP,
(3) composition = high percentages C4 - C7 and some organic acids,
(4) oil saturation = 50%,
(5) formation type = sandstone,
(6) payzone thickness = 10 ft,
(7) Average permeability = 1000 mD,
(8) well depth = 5000 ft,
(9) temperature = 150 F.
J. Trivedi 79
Method API Comp So type T K(avg) Depth Temp
N2 & Flue
J. Trivedi 80
Next Class
Quiz next class
J. Trivedi 81
Method API Comp So type Thick K(avg) Depth Temp
CASE STUDY 35 10 High 50 SS 10 ft 1000 5000 1500 F
cp C4-C7 % md ft
N2 & Flue Y Y OK Y Y OK NC Y NC
Surfactnat/P Y Y OK Y Y Y Y Y Y
Polymer Y Y NC Y Y NC Y Y Y
Alkaline Y Y OK Y Y NC Y Y Y
Combustion Y Y OK Y Y Y Y Y NC
Steam N
J. Trivedi 82
EOR Screening Criteria
J. Trivedi 83
J. Trivedi 84
Example -2
Example -3
J. Trivedi 85
Criteria - 1
Oil Gravity (API)
Criteria 2
Oil Viscosity (cp)
J. Trivedi 86
Criteria - 3
Oil Composition
Criteria 4
Formation Salinity (ppm)
J. Trivedi 87
Criteria - 5
Oil Saturation (% PV)
Criteria 6
Formation Type
J. Trivedi 88
Criteria - 7
Net Thickness (feet)
Criteria 8
Permeability (md)
J. Trivedi 89
Criteria - 9
Well Depth (feet)
Criteria 10
Formation Temp. (F)
J. Trivedi 90
Criteria - 11
Formation Porosity (%)
Ref : Fuzzy Logic and Control: Software and Hardware Applications, Volume 2
J. Trivedi 92
EOR Screening & Ranking
Example 4
Scenario : 1
Scenario : 1
(1) Gravity = 15 degrees API
(1) Gravity = 15 degrees API
(2) Viscosity = 1001 cp
(2) Viscosity = 999 cp
(3) Composition = high percent of C5-C12
(3) Composition = high percent of C5-C12
(4) Salinity = 50,000 ppm
(4) Salinity = 50,000 ppm
(5) Oil saturation = 50%
(5) Oil saturation = 50%
(6) Formation type = sandstone (homogeneous)
(6) Formation type = sandstone (homogeneous)
(7) Payzone thickness = 35 ft
(7) Payzone thickness = 35 ft
(8) Average permeability = 1000 md
(8) Average permeability = 1000 md
(9) Well depth = 2000 ft
(9) Well depth = 2000 ft
(10)Temperature = 110F
(10)Temperature = 110F
(11)Porosity = 28%
(11)Porosity = 28%
J. Trivedi 93
EOR Screening Tools
J. Trivedi 94
J. Trivedi 95
Fractional Flow Equation
BL Theory Immiscible displacement
PETE 471
J. Trivedi 96
Frontal advance - Immiscible
J. Trivedi 99
Frontal advance - unsteady 1D displacement
The Buckley-Leverett theory [1942] estimates the rate at which an injected water
bank moves through a porous medium.
The approach uses fractional flow theory and is based on the following assumptions:
J. Trivedi 100
Derivation of fractional flow equation
kkro A pcow
g sin
1 o qt x
fw .........(7)
k ro w k ro w
k rw o k rw o
J. Trivedi 102
Pcow Pcow S w
with negligible , the expression reduces to : x
S x
Which shows Pc/ x will be small when
kkro A
g sin Pc/ Sw and/or Sw/ x are small.
1 q This situation will occur at moderate to
fw o t .........(8) high water saturations.
k ro w k ro w
1 1
k rw o k rw o
fw .........(9)
k ro w When x is in horizontal plane = 0, there is no
k rw o gravity term
J. Trivedi 103
Fractional Flow curve
From the definition of water cut, i.e., fw = qw/(qw + qo), we can see
that the limits of the water cut are 0 and 100%.
At the irreducible (connate) water saturation, the water flow rate qw
is zero and, therefore, the water cut is 0%.
At the residual oil saturation point, Sor, the oil flow rate is zero and
the water cut reaches its upper limit of 100%.
The shape of the water cut versus water saturation curve is
characteristically S-shaped.
The limits of the fw curve (0 and 1) are defined by the end points of
the relative permeability curves.
Draw a fractional flow curve computed from (8/9) for oil/water system.
Draw a tangent to the fractional flow curve that originates from the initial water
saturation (Swi)
The point of tangency defines the breakthrough or flood front saturation, Swf.
J. Trivedi 104
Tangent from Swc determines the water saturation at the front (Swf)
The point where the tangent meets the line fw=1, represents the average
water saturation in the reservoir at the time of breakthrough
J. Trivedi 105
Properties of Fractional Flow Curves
By drawing the tangent to fractional flow curve, which goes through Sw irr
or Swc point, the following properties are determined in the figure.
J. Trivedi 106
At any water saturation, Sw2, we may draw a tangent to the fw- curve in
order to determine saturations (Sw2) and corresponding water fraction
0.7 .703 .713 .721 .73
fw2 Sw2
fw2 Sw2
0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8
J. Trivedi
S w Siw The displaced hydrocarbon saturation (PV)
N P VP S w S wi NP = Cumulative oil displaced
Qi bt
qi tbt
S wf S wi
S S wi 1 Simillarly for subsequent saturations (Sw2 );
f f
Qi bt
f wi
wf w 1 S w2 S w2
S Qi
w S wf f w 1 f w2
f wf 1 S w Sw 2
f wi 0 J. Trivedi
Production Rates
The fractional flow of water is determined from the frontal advance solution for every value of Sw2
f w 2 qt
qw 2
f o 2 qt 1 f w 2 qt
qo 2
Bo Bo
The WOR is a measure of the efficiency of the displacement at a point in the process
The volume of water that must be handled to produce a unit volume of oil
f Bo f w2 Bo
WOR Fwo w 2
fo2 Bw 1 f w2 Bw
J. Trivedi
B-L steps
1.Organize relative permeability data into form suggested in Table. If several sets of relative perm
data exist for a reservoir, use the set which is representative of the portion of the reservoir
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sw Kro Krw Kro/Krw w/o fw fw/Sw
2.Calculate the fractional flow, fw, as a function of water saturation (Sw), using equation of fw and
plot on Cartesian coordinate paper 1 1
k 1
1 o w 1
k w o M
3.Draw tangent to fractional flow curve as indicated. This gives the water saturation value at the
flood front at breakthrough. The average saturation behind the front is read at fw = 1.0
4.Draw 6 to 8 tangents to the fractional flow curve at Sw values greater than that at breakthrough.
Determine the S and fw2 values corresponding to these Sw2 points.
5.Determine the rate of change in fractional flow , fw as a function of the change in the flood
front water saturation.
df w f w 1 f w2
f w'
dS w S w S w 2 S w 2
J. Trivedi
B-L steps
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Sw2 (front) S w2 fw2 Qi t Sw2 - Siw Np qo WOR
(Fraction PV) (Days) (STB) (B/D) (bbl/STB)
8. Calculate the recovery oil oil, Np, in barrels at breakthrough following steps in Table
N P VP S w 2 Siw NP = Cumulative oil displaced
J. Trivedi 111
B-L steps
9. Calculate water - oil production rates for each of the Sw
f w 2 qt
qw 2
qo 2
f o 2 qt
1 f w 2 qt
Bo Bo
10. Calculate water/oil production ratio [WOR] for each of the Sw
f w2 Bo f w2 Bo
f o 2 Bw 1 f w2 Bw
11. Plot WOR v/s Np Select a WOR cutoff which is acceptable
12. Plot WOR v/s time To determine the life of flood from the WOR cutoff point
13. Plot WOR v/s Wi Determine total water injection from the WOR cutoff point
J. Trivedi
Fractional Flow Equation
J. Trivedi 113
Waterflooding Example
Reservoir is 300 ft wide [91.44 m], 20 ft [6.1 m] thick, 1000ft [305 m] long.
The reservoir is horizontal and has a porosity of 0.15
an initial water saturation of 0.363, which is considered immobile.
It is proposed to drill a row of injection wells at one end of reservoir and flood the reservoir by
injecting water at a rate of 338 B/D [53.7 m3/d].
Viscosity of oil and water are 2 and 1 cp [0.002 Pa.S & 0.001 Pa.S].
Relative permeability data corresponding to the displacement of oil by water are given by
following equations.
The residual oil saturation is 0.205 (Sor). Oil and water FVFs are 1.0.
Estimates of the oil displacement rate and cumulative oil displaced are required as functions
of injection rate.
S wD w
k rw 0.78S wD
3.72 1 Sor Siw 1 0.205 0.363 0.432
J. Trivedi 114
Index Sw Krw Kro fw
1 0.363 0 1 0
2 0.38 0 0.902 0
3 0.4 0 0.795 0
4 0.42 0 0.696 0.001
5 0.44 0.001 0.605 0.004
6 0.46 0.003 0.522 0.011
7 0.48 0.006 0.445 0.026
8 0.5 0.011 0.377 0.055
9 0.52 0.018 0.315 0.103
10 0.54 0.028 0.26 0.179
11 0.56 0.042 0.21 0.285 1
12 0.58 0.06 0.168 0.418 fw .........(9)
k w
13 0.6 0.084 0.131 0.562 1 ro
14 0.62 0.113 0.099 0.696 k rw
15 0.64 0.149 0.073 0.805
16 0.66 0.194 0.051 0.884
17 0.68 0.247 0.034 0.936
18 0.7 0.31 0.021 0.968
19 0.72 0.384 0.011 0.985
20 0.74 0.47 0.005 0.995
21 0.76 0.57 0.002 0.999
22 0.795 0.78 0 1
J. Trivedi 115
0.8 Swf
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
J. Trivedi 116
0.7 .703 .713 .721 .73
fw2 Sw2
fw2 Sw2
0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8
J. Trivedi 117
Sw2 Sw2 fw2 Qi Time Np q0 WOR
J. Trivedi 123
fw with change in o
J. Trivedi 124
fw with change in dip angle
The linear system in above example is under consideration for a waterflooding
project with a water injection rate of 1000 bbl/day. The oil viscosity is considered
constant at 1.0 cp.
Calculate the fractional flow curve for the reservoir dip angles of 10, 20, and 30,
assuming (a) updip displacement and (b) downdip displacement.
J. Trivedi 125
Result Graph: Fw v/s Sw
J. Trivedi 126
The fractional flow equation, as discussed in the
previous section, is used to determine the water cut, fw
at any point in the reservoir, assuming that the water
saturation at the point is known.
J. Trivedi 127
Fractional Flow Equation
J. Trivedi 128
Topics covered
Effect of o or M on fw
Effect of gravity on fw
Effect of dip angle on fw
Effect of wettability on fw
J. Trivedi 129
In which of the following cases recovery will be higher?
J. Trivedi 130
fw with change in M or o
The efficiency of a water flood depends greatly on the mobility ratio
(M) of the displacing fluid to the displaced fluid.
The lower this ratio, the more efficient displacement, and the curve is
shifted right. M (Higher) Unfavorable [High o]
M (Lower) Favorable [Lower o]
Ulimate recovery efficiency is obtained if the ratio is so low that the
fractional flow curve has no inflection point, ie. no S-shape.
Typical fractional flow curves for high and low oil viscosities, and thus
high or low mobility ratios, are shown in the figure below.
J. Trivedi 132
J. Trivedi 133
Effect of oil viscosity on fw
EXAMPLE: Use the relative permeability as shown in Figure to plot the
fractional flow curve for a linear reservoir system with the following
J. Trivedi 134
Effect of oil viscosity on fw
J. Trivedi 135
fw with change in o
J. Trivedi 136
Five-spot saturation profile mobility effect
1/M = 20
Wang et al.
J. Trivedi 137
Effect of gravity on fw
J. Trivedi 138
fw with change in dip angle ()
J. Trivedi 139
fw with change in dip angle ()
Example : The linear system in above example is under consideration for a
waterflooding project with a water injection rate of 1000 bbl/day. The oil
viscosity is considered constant at 1.0 cp.
Calculate the fractional flow curve for the reservoir dip angles of 10, 20,
and 30, assuming (a) updip displacement and (b) downdip
J. Trivedi 140
fw with change in wettability
No inflection point
J. Trivedi 141
Location(x) of saturation Sw
S w S w ( x, t )
dS w w dx w dt
x t t x
Setting dSw = 0
S w
dx t x Velocity at which the saturation (Sw) moves
through the porous media
dt S w S w
x t
142 J. Trivedi
Location(x) of saturation Sw
dx qt f w
B-L equation Frontal advance equation
dt Sw A S w t
qt t f w
A S w S For Siw < Sw < Swf
(Interstitial water saturation to breakthrough)
143 J. Trivedi
The Buckley-Leverett solution
J. Trivedi 144
Using the expression for the front position, and plotting water saturation
vs. distance, we get the following figure:
J. Trivedi 145
However, this is a result of the discontinuity in the saturation function,
and the Buckley-Leverett solution to this problem is to modify the plot
by defining a saturation discontinuity at xf and balancing of the areas
ahead of the front and below the curve:
J. Trivedi 146
Areal Sweep Efficiency
J. Trivedi 147
Macroscopic Displacement of Fluids Sweep
Efficiency Considerations
So far we have considered only one-dimensional flow.
They are also very good for describing the process at a microscopic
scale, i.e. what happens in a very small elementary volume.
In areal sweep you are looking at a horizontal plane to see what portion of
the total area has been swept.
In vertical sweep, you are looking at a vertical plane to see what fraction
of the plane has been swept.
Remember!!! we found S w
and calculated ED
(Recovery factor) & NP
during B-L Method
J. Trivedi 152
Microscopic Displacement of Fluids
J. Trivedi 153
Initial oil saturation, Soi, is 0.60 and Sor in the swept
region for a typical water flood is 0.30
ED = (Soi Sor) / Soi
ED= ( 0.60 0.30 ) / 0.60
A typical waterflood sweep efficiency, Evolumetric (or
macroscopic efficiency), at the economic limit is
0.70. Therefore,
E = ED * EA * EV =ED Evolumetric = 0.50 X 0.70 = 0.35
J. Trivedi 154
Areal Sweep Efficiency
Areal sweep efficiency (EA)is
defined as the fraction of the
total flood pattern that is
contacted by the displacing fluid.
It increases steadily with
injection from zero at the start
of the flood until breakthrough
occurs, after which EA continues
to increase at a slower rate.
EA depends basically on the
following three main factors:
Mobility ratio M Think of a top-view of the reservoir
Flood pattern
Cumulative water injected Winj
J. Trivedi 155
The following figure illustrate the definition
of areal sweep efficiency
J. Trivedi 157
Viscous Fingering
If the displacing fluid has a tendency to move faster than
the displaced fluid, the fluid-fluid interface is unstable.
tongues of displacing fluid propagate at the interface.
This process is called viscous fingering.
J. Trivedi 158
Viscous Fingering
E A - Decreases when the mobility ratio increases because the displacement front
becomes unstable. This phenomena, known as viscous fingering results in an
early breakthrough for the displacing fluid, or into a prolonged injection to
achieve sweep-out. The next figure illustrates this phenomena, which is
commonly observed in solvent flooding.
J. Trivedi 159
Areal Sweep Efficiency
J. Trivedi 160
Areal Sweep Efficiency
Figure (previous slide) shows that at the start of the flood, the water front
takes on a cylindrical form around the injection point (well).
As a result of the continuous injection, pressure distribution and
corresponding streamlines are developed between the injection and
production wells.
However, various streamlines have different lengths with the shortest
streamline being the direct line between the injector and producer.
The pressure gradient along this line is the highest that causes the
injection fluid to flow faster along the shortest streamline than the other
The water front gradually begins to deform from the cylindrical form and
cusp into the production well as water breakthrough occurs.
J. Trivedi 161
Areal Sweep Efficiency
The effect of the mobility ratio on the areal sweep efficiency is
apparent by examining the figure. It shows that at breakthrough,
only 65% of the flood pattern area has been contacted (swept) by
the injection fluid with a mobility ratio of 1.43 and 82.8% when the
mobility ratio is 0.4.
J. Trivedi 162
Areal Sweep Prediction Methods
Methods of predicting the areal sweep efficiency are essentially
divided into the following three phases of the flood:
Before breakthrough
At breakthrough
After breakthrough
( PV )( S wBT S wi )
E A Areal sweep efficiency before breakthrough
Winj cumulative water injected, bbl
(PV) flood pattern pore volume,
J. Trivedi
bbl 163
Areal Sweep Efficiency at Breakthrough
Craig (1955) proposed a graphical relationship that correlates the
areal sweep efficiency at breakthrough EABT with the mobility ratio for
the five spot pattern.
The graphical illustration of areal sweep efficiency as a strong
function of mobility ratio shows that a change in the mobility ratio
from 0.15 to 10.0 would change the breakthrough areal sweep
efficiency from 100 to 50%.
Willhite (1986) presented the following mathematical correlation,
which closely approximates the graphical relationship
J. Trivedi 166
Inverted Five-Spot Pattern
J. Trivedi 167
Line-Drive Pattern
J. Trivedi 168
Stagered line-drive
J. Trivedi 169
Four Spot
J. Trivedi 170
Skewed Four spot
J. Trivedi 171
Seven-Spot Pattern
J. Trivedi 172
Well configurations
J. Trivedi
Well configurations
J. Trivedi
Vertical Sweep Efficiency
The vertical sweep efficiency, EV, is defined as the fraction of the
vertical section of the pay zone that is the injection fluid.
This particular sweep efficiency depends primarily on (a) the
mobility ratio, and (b) total volume injected.
As a consequence of the nonuniform permeabilities, any injected
fluid will tend to move through the reservoir with an irregular
In the more permeable portions, the injected water will travel
more rapidly than in the less permeable zone.
Perhaps the area of the greatest uncertainty in designing a
waterflood is the quantitative knowledge of the permeability
variation within the reservoir.
The degree of permeability variation is considered by far the most
significant parameter influencing the vertical sweep efficiency.
J. Trivedi 175
This figure illustrates the concept of the vertical and
areal sweep efficiency
J. Trivedi 176
Displacement Efficiency
B-L / Weldge Method
J. Trivedi 177