Spec Piping
Spec Piping
Spec Piping
Spec-Driven Piping
Help Topic Collection
To Display the Piping System Tree from the Active Assembly ....................... 8
To Create or Delete Pipeline Labels from the Piping System Tree .................. 9
Table of Contents
display_thick_insulation ............................................................................13
display_thick_pipes ..................................................................................13
Table of Contents
units_system_dic_file ...............................................................................24
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Associativity Between the Routed Pipeline and the Reference Pipeline ........... 172
Table of Contents
Considerations for Creating a Point on a Pipe Segment From Either End...... 188
Table of Contents
Propagating the Inserted From Pipeline in the To Pipeline Assembly ........... 194
To Create the Pipeline Model for a Pipeline with Branch Series ................... 196
Example: Default Flow Direction for Pipeline with Branch Series................. 197
To Create the Pipeline Model for a Pipeline with Loop Series ...................... 197
Example: Default Flow Direction for Pipeline with Loop Series.................... 198
Example: Displaying the Flow Direction of a Specified Pipeline Series ......... 199
Parameters......................................................................................... 209
Table of Contents
To Insert a Trimmed Elbow by Selecting the Nearest Standard Elbow ......... 213
To Insert Elbow Fittings at all Corners by Specifying a Selection Name ....... 216
Table of Contents
To Cut Pipe at a Single Location Using a Fitting Port Reference .................. 238
To Cut Pipe at Multiple Locations with Automatic Joint Fitting Insertion ....... 242
To Cut Parallel Pipes at Locations Identical to the Reference Pipe Run......... 243
Tip: Selecting a Reference Pipe Run for Cutting Parallel Pipes .................... 245
Checking the Clearance between the Pipe Cuts with Flanged Fittings .......... 247
Table of Contents
Using the Piping System Tree to Create and Erase Pipe Solids ................ 268
Table of Contents
To Set the Display of Thick Pipes and Thick Insulation .............................. 271
To Set Thick Pipe and Thick Insulation Display in Drawings ....................... 271
Branches............................................................................................ 275
Table of Contents
Example: ISOGEN Nominal Size Map File (Spec-Driven Piping) .................. 301
Table of Contents
Style............................................................................................... 319
Table of Contents
Reporting the Weight and COG Information for Pipe Segments ..................... 342
Table of Contents
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• A fitting is a part or assembly that you use to connect lines to other lines, fittings,
and equipment, or to perform specific functions in the piping system (for
example, flow valves).
The By Rule functionality enables you to exclude piping solids and fittings from a
simplified representation by assigning a parameter and then excluding all
components that have a particular value for that parameter.
Although you cannot exclude assembly features, you can easily place all piping
features on a layer by type.
• Using top-down design tools, you can set up a well-structured design using
advanced component creation tools containing skeleton models and copied
geometric and datum references.
• Using reference control and investigation tools, you can view and manage the
complex web of dependencies (references) that evolve as you make features in a
Spec-Driven Piping
• Using viewing and environment control settings, you can set different
visualization (display) modes for components in an assembly. You can assign
wire frame, hidden line, no hidden line, shaded or blanked display modes to
3. Click Applications > Piping. The PIPING menu appears. If you are using the
User-Driven mode, select the Spec Driven check box on the PIPING menu.
You can use the PIPING menu to design your spec-driven piping system.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• The View tab in the Piping System Tree allows you to change views.
• Pipeline—Opens the OPER PIPE LINE menu on which you can create and
immediately route a new pipeline or delete, rename, suppress, or resume
existing pipelines.
• Route—Opens the ROUTE PIPE menu on which you can add to or edit the path
of an existing pipeline assembly.
• Fitting—Opens the FITTING menu on which you can insert, delete, redefine, or
replace pipe fittings.
Spec-Driven Piping
• Modify Pipe—Opens the Modify Pipeline dialog box in which you can modify
several piping options in the active assembly.
• Modify Dim—Opens the MODIFY menu on which you can modify the active
assembly component dimensions.
• Designation—Opens the Pipeline Designation dialog box using which you can
designate pipeline information that is used for the schematic driven pipeline
• Drawing—Opens the Generate Isometric dialog box using which you can
generate PCF files.
• Set Up—Opens the PIPE SETUP menu on which you can set up how Spec-
Driven Piping creates piping systems.
• Info—Opens the Report Pipeline dialog box in which you can retrieve piping
system information.
• Allows for efficient pipeline selection. You can quickly select pipelines and perform
the required tasks.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Note: Unlike the Pro/ENGINEER Model Tree, you cannot use the Piping System
Tree to sequentially reorder the pipelines and assembly components.
Click on the top menu bar to switch between the standard Model Tree and the
Piping System Tree with pipeline view.
Note: You can switch to the standard Model Tree from the pipeline view or spool
view by clearing View > Pipeline View or View > Spool View, respectively.
• Flow—Displays and allows the reversal of the flow direction of the pipeline or
pipe segment nodes.
2. Click Applications > Piping. The Piping System Tree opens. From the Piping
System Tree, you can select pipelines and display modes. Click View > Pipeline
View or View > Spool View to switch between the pipeline view and the spool
Spec-Driven Piping
2. Select one or more pipelines from the Piping System Tree and right-click. A
shortcut menu appears.
3. Click Pipeline > Show from the menu to display the pipeline in the graphics
window, or click Pipeline > Hide to hide the pipeline in the graphics window.
3. Click Solid > Show to display pipe centerlines for the selections. The selected
pipelines appear in the Pro/ENGINEER graphics window.
Note: The Piping System Tree centerline or the solid display mode differs from the
centerline and solid display capabilities in Set Display and the mode set by the
pipe_solid_centerline configuration option in the following ways:
o The Piping System Tree centerline or the solid display mode allows you to
select one or more pipelines in the active assembly, including
subassemblies. You can display the selected pipeline with a pipe solid or
Note: If you are creating pipelines based on the "one pipeline per
assembly" modeling method, it is recommended that you use this centerline
or solid display mode.
o The Set Display centerline or solid display mode (PIPING > Set Up > Set
Display) enables you to select pipelines in both the active assembly, as
well as the subassemblies. You can display the selected pipeline with a pipe
solid or centerline.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
2. Select pipelines from Piping System Tree. The selected pipelines are highlighted
in the Piping System Tree and in the Pro/ENGINEER graphics window.
3. Repeat this process to turn off the Highlight Model display mode.
3. In the Value box, type one or any combination of the following values along with
any ASCII characters (default is MNEMONIC):
2. Click Settings > Tree Columns. The Model Tree Columns dialog box opens.
3. Under Not Displayed, select the items you want to display and click . The
selected items now appear under Displayed.
4. Click OK. The selected items and their respective values are displayed in the
columns of the Piping System Tree.
2. To cancel the selection of From Active Asm, clear From Active Asm.
Spec-Driven Piping
2. Click the plus sign (+) adjacent to the branch node or double-click the branch
node. The branch node expands to show the pipeline components.
3. Select a pipeline in the expanded Piping System Tree. The pipeline is highlighted
in the Pro/ENGINEER graphics window.
1. Click . The Piping System Tree opens. Click View > Spool View in the Piping
System Tree. All the pipelines that have their spool numbers generated are
shown with their respective spools.
2. Click the plus sign (+) adjacent to the spool node or double-click the spool node.
The spool node expands to show its branch components.
3. Click a spool to select it in the expanded Piping System Tree. The spool is
highlighted in the Pro/ENGINEER graphics window.
Note: You can switch between Pipeline View and Spool View at any time.
2. Select one or more pipelines from the Piping System Tree and right-click. A
shortcut menu appears.
3. Click Label > Create to create a label for the pipeline, or click Label > Delete
to delete the label of the selected pipeline.
Note: Delete is available only if a label has been created for a pipeline.
2. Select one or more pipelines from the Piping System Tree and right-click. A
shortcut menu appears.
3. Click Label > Show to display the label of the selected pipeline or click Label >
Hide to hide the label of the selected pipeline.
Note: Show and Hide are available for a pipeline only if a label has been
created for the pipeline.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
2. Select one or more pipelines from the Piping System Tree and right-click. A
shortcut menu appears.
3. Click Solid > Create to create solids for the entire pipeline or pipe segments, or
click Solid > Delete to delete the solids for the entire pipeline or pipe segments.
Note: Delete is available only if the selected pipe segment nodes have solids.
2. Select one or more pipelines from the Piping System Tree and right-click. A
shortcut menu appears.
3. Click Solid > Show to show solids for the entire pipeline or pipe segments, or
click Solid > Hide to hide solids for the entire pipeline or pipe segments.
Note: Hide is available only if the selected pipe segment nodes have
unsuppressed solids.
2. Select one or more pipelines from the Piping System Tree and right-click. A
shortcut menu appears.
3. Click Insulation > Create to create pipe insulation quilts for the entire pipelines,
or click Insulation > Delete to delete the pipe insulation quilts for the entire
2. Select one or more pipelines from the Piping System Tree and right-click. A
shortcut menu appears.
3. Click Insulation > Show to show pipe insulation quilts for the entire pipeline, or
click Insulation > Hide to hide pipe insulation quilts for the entire pipeline.
Note: Insulation is available only if the selected pipe segment nodes have
unsuppressed pipe insulation quilts.
Spec-Driven Piping
• Default and available variables or values. All default values are in italics.
• isogen_symbol_map_file
• isogen_output_files_dir
• isogen_nominal_size_map_file
• isogen_pcf_filename_format
• isogen_endtype_map_file
• Many configuration options are common to both the Spec-Driven and Nonspec-
Driven modes in Spec-Driven Piping.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• After you set the configuration options, all settings take effect immediately in the
current Pro/ENGINEER session.
• All the configuration options for which you specify numeric values will use the
units of the active piping assembly.
• The Symbol Map, Endtype Map, and Nominal Size ISOGEN Map files are required
to map Spec-Driven Piping component information to ISOGEN component
4. In the Value box, type the value. You can use the Value list to see which values
are available. If the value requires an integer, type it.
5. Click Add / Change. The configuration option and its value appear in the list. A
green status icon confirms the change.
Note: It is recommended that you set the Spec-Driven Piping configuration options
before starting a new piping project.
Spec-Driven Piping
yes, no
Sets the default value for the insulation lightweight representation option. This
configuration option is overridden by the Model Display dialog box Thick
insulation option.
yes—Displays thick insulation.
no—Displays the centerlines only. No insulation is visible.
yes no
Sets the default value for the pipe lightweight representation option. This
configuration option is overridden by the Model Display dialog box Thick pipes
yes—Displays thick pipes.
no—Displays the pipe centerlines only.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
Note: The pipe_solid_centerline mode differs from the centerline or solid display
capabilities in both the Set Display and the Piping System Tree in the following
• The mode set by the pipe_solid_centerline configuration option indicates the
center of the pipe solid geometry with a line. This is a global setting for all
• The Set Display centerline or solid display mode (PIPING > Set Up > Set
Display) enables you to select pipelines in both the active assembly, as well as
the subassemblies. You can display the selected pipelines with a pipe solid or
• The Piping System Tree centerline or solid display mode allows you to select one
or more pipelines in the active assembly, including subassemblies. You can
display the selected pipeline with a pipe solid or centerline. Note that if you are
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
creating pipelines based on the "one pipeline per assembly" modeling method, it
is recommended that you use this centerline/solid display mode.
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
no, yes
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Specify a value for the piping fitting angle tolerance. Spec-Driven Piping uses this
data to check fitting angles during fitting insertion. The unit of measurement is
Spec-Driven Piping
assembly units. For example, a value of 200.0 represents 200 inches in the INCH
assembly unit and 200 mm in the MM assembly unit. The default values are 100mm
in the MM assembly unit and 4 inches in the INCH assembly unit.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
no, yes
Enable or disable the schematic-driven modeling.
• yes—Enables the schematic-driven modeling options in pipeline creation, pipeline
routing, and fitting insertion.
Spec-Driven Piping
Specify the piping system tree format. Spec-Driven Piping creates piping systems or
categories from the values assigned to the keywords. These categories organize all
pipelines in the Piping System Tree. The following table describes the format:
• If you set the create_fraction_dim configuration option to no, and if you do not
specify any value for the piping_thumb_wheel_increment configuration option,
Spec-Driven Piping uses the least decimal value that you specified using the
default_dec_places configuration option, as the increment.
• If you set the create_fraction_dim configuration option to yes, and you do not
specify any value for the piping_thumb_wheel_increment configuration option,
Spec-Driven Piping uses the least fractional value as the increment.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
em_dic_file.ptd,<directory path and valid file name>
Specify a path and name for the file that specifies units systems used for various
piping specification database files.
• Update Model—Allows you to update the active assembly in the current piping
model with piping data changes made to the specification files (Project Data
files), the MCAT files, or both. You can also modify line stocks and update the
current piping model to reflect the changes.
Spec-Driven Piping
• Set Display—Sets the centerline or solid pipeline display for a selected pipeline
in the graphics window.
• Fitting Library Files—Fitting part files (Pro/ENGINEER and generic) with their
associated family tables and fitting assembly files. Fitting Library files provide the
physical representation for fittings in a piping model. Spec-Driven Piping includes
Fitting Library files. You can create Fitting Library Files or modify existing ones
when you want to update and expand the fitting library.
• Project Data Files—Pro/TABLE (ASCII) files that store all project-specific design
information selected from the Master Catalog files. You create new Project Data
files for each new piping project when you set up Spec-Driven Piping for that
project. After you select piping data for each specification in the Define Piping
Specification dialog box, Spec-Driven Piping saves this data to a Project Data
file. You can modify the Project Data file by selecting new piping data.
Both the Master Catalog files and the Fitting Library files are archived collections that
contain all available items or components that can be used in piping system creation.
Unlike Project Data Files, these files do not change as you design new piping
Note: Create or modify the Piping Specification Database files before designing a
Spec-Driven piping project.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
pipeline. After the pipeline is created, Spec-Driven Piping copies the piping data to
linestock features. As you begin routing pipelines or creating pipe solids, Spec-Driven
Piping uses the linestock data. All insulation data is retrieved from the Project Data
Files and copied to insulation features for use in insulation modeling. During fitting
insertion, Spec-Driven Piping retrieves fitting data from the Project Data files.
Piping Master Catalog Directory file All Piping Master Catalog files
Spec-Driven Piping
Note: You can define the MCAT directory path by setting the piping_mcat_dir
configuration option.
3. Enter the piping data into the file complying with the file format.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping uses the Piping Master Catalog Directory file to:
• Retrieve Pipe Outer Diameter and Pipe Thickness file data. This data is based on
the associated Pipe or Fitting MCAT file.
• Retrieve fitting selection names based on fitting categories and Fitting MCAT file
while creating the Auto-selection file.
• Retrieve the bolt and nut code associated with a fitting. The code provides
information about the type, quantity, associated Bolt Nut MCAT file, and MCCS
The Piping Master Catalog Directory file format is described in the next table.
Fixed Categories
o User Defined
Spec-Driven Piping
o User Defined
Note: You define the MCAT Directory file name by setting the
piping_mcat_dir_file configuration option. The default file is
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
Note: When you define a rectangular pipe, make sure there is a definition for a
round pipe with the same SCH_RATE, SIZE, and END_TYPE.
40 2" BE
40 3" BE
40 4" BE
40 6" BE
40 8" BE
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
40 10" BE
40 12" BE
40 14" BE
40 16" BE
40 18" BE
40 20" BE
40 24" BE
40 36" BE
80 ½" PE
80 ¾" PE
80 1" PE
80 1-1/2" PE
80 1"x1" PE
Spec-Driven Piping
<ProE load
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Default Path
Spec-Driven Piping
BOLT_NUT_CODE Code identifying the bolt and nut for this pipe size
and fitting pressure rating
QUANTITY Number of bolts and nuts for this particular bolt nut
MCAT_FILE Name and path of the Bolt Nut Master Catalog file
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Note: You can define the Piping Material file name by setting the
piping_material_file configuration option (default is piping_material.ptd).
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping uses the Pipe Outer Diameter file to retrieve the pipe outside
diameter and pipe size code based on the pipe size for spec-driven pipeline creation.
Spec-Driven Piping also uses this file to retrieve the fitting size code. This code is
based on the fitting size and is used for fitting stock number creation.
The Pipe Outer Diameter file format is described in the next table.
1" 1.315 01
1-1/2" 1.9 1D
2" 2.375 02
3" 3.5 03
4" 1.315 04
6" 6.625 06
8" 8.625 08
10" 10.75 10
12" 12.75 12
14" 14 14
16" 16 16
18" 18 18
20" 20 20
24" 24 24
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
40 1" 0.133
40 1-1/2" 0.145
40 2" 0.154
40 3" 0.216
40 4" 0.237
40 6" 0.28
40 8" 0.322
40 10" 0.365
40 12" 0.406
40 14" 0.438
40 16" 0.5
40 18" 0.562
40 20" 0.594
40 24" 0.688
Spec-Driven Piping
80 1" 0.179
80 1-1/2" 0.2
80 2" 0.218
80 3" 0.3
80 4" 0.337
80 6" 0.432
80 8" 0.5
80 10" 0.594
80 12" 0.688
80 14" 0.75
80 16" 0.844
80 18" 0.938
80 20" 1.031
80 24" 1.218
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Note: You can define the Pipe Manufacture Directory file name by setting the
piping_manufacture_dir_file configuration option (default is
<ProE load
CA bend/be
CB bend/be
Bend File
The Bend file defines the bend information for pipe sizes that are assigned to specific
pipe material codes. Pipe material codes and the Bend files are associated in the Pipe
Manufacture MCAT file. The Pipe Manufacture file is associated to the Pipe Master
Catalog file for each material code through the Piping Material file.
Spec-Driven Piping retrieves the bend radius from the Bend file. This bend data is
based on the pipe size and is used for spec-driven pipeline creation and routing.
Note: The Bend file units of measurement must be the same as those in the Pipe
Outer Diameter file.
Spec-Driven Piping
1. Bend radius
RATIO Ratio between the bend radius and the pipe outside
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
<ProE load
Spec-Driven Piping
15A 100 65 1 0
15A 100 75 1 0
15A 100 90 2 2
32A 135 5 0 0
32A 135 45 1 1
40A 145 45 1 1
40A 145 90 5 4
80A 265 10 0 0
80A 265 90 8 9
100A 345 5 0 0
200A 750 20 1 0
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
2. Bending start
3. Bend radius
2. Bending start
3. Bend radius
Spec-Driven Piping
½" 3.0
¾" 3.0
1" 3.0
1-1/2" 5.0
2" 5.8
3" 6.0
4" 10.5
6" 13.0
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Miter File
The Miter file defines miter information for pipe sizes that are assigned to specific
pipe material codes. The pipe material codes are associated with the Pipe Master
Catalog file through the Piping Material file.
Spec-Driven Piping uses the Miter file to retrieve the miter radius, the minimum and
maximum miter angles, and the number of cuts. The pipeline size and the vertex
angle are used to select the miter type from the Miter file when you create miters.
Note: The vertex angle must be greater than the minimum miter angle
(MIN_ANGLE) and less than or equal to the maximum miter angle (MAX_ANGLE).
The miter types can be one cut, two cut, three cut, or four cut.
The miter radius and the number of cuts from the selected miter file are used to
create miters.
Note: The unit of measurement in the Miter file is defined using the Units System
Directory File.
The Miter file format is described in the next table.
250A 0 0 30 1
250A 267 30 60 2
250A 267 60 90 3
300A 0 0 30 1
300A 319 30 60 2
300A 319 60 90 3
Spec-Driven Piping
350A 0 0 30 1
350A 356 30 60 2
350A 356 60 90 3
400A 0 0 30 1
400A 406 30 60 2
400A 406 60 90 3
450A 0 0 31 1
450A 457 30 60 2
450A 457 60 90 3
500A 0 0 31 1
500A 508 30 60 2
500A 508 60 90 3
Note: You can define the End Compatibility file name by setting the
piping_end_compatibility_file configuration option (default is
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
<ProE load
FF 150 GF 150
Insulation File
The Insulation file defines the insulation data for pipes and fittings. Spec-Driven
Piping retrieves the insulation material code and material thickness from the
Insulation file and uses this insulation data for use in insulation modeling and
The Insulation file format is described in the next table.
Spec-Driven Piping
<ProE load
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Steel wire
Spec-Driven Piping
The Combined Size Code file format is described in the next table.
Spec-Driven Piping, by default, uses the size code specified in the default combined
size code file for all the pipes and fittings.
<ProE load
100A 100
• The pipes and fittings in the first row of the previous table have only one size.
Therefore, no values are specified for NSIZE and BSIZE.
• A REDUCER fitting having main size 100A and new size 50A can be represented
by a combined size code A09. This combined size code represents the size
combination 100A x 50A. Because the combined size code such as A09 is user-
defined, it may not have any visual relation to the actual fitting size combination.
• A TEE fitting with a branch size of 65A is represented by a combined size code
010 as shown in the third row of the previous table.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• The size code defined in PIPE_OD_FILE that is specified in the Piping Master
Catalog Directory file is used to represent keywords such as SIZE_CODE,
o MMKS—Millimeter Kilogram
o MMNS—Millimeter Newton
Spec-Driven Piping
<ProE load
pipeod/od_steel MMKS
pipeod/od_copper MMKS
pipeod/od_albrass-nicu MMKS
pipethk/thk_copper MMKS
pipethk/thk_steel MMKS
pipethk/thk_sus MMKS
bend/bend_albs MMKS
bend/bend_copper MMKS
bend/bend_steel MMKS
miter/miter_steel MMKS
insulation/exhaust MMKS
insulation/general MMKS
insulation/general_fitting MMKS
insulation/sweat MMKS
insulation/trace_pipe MMKS
piping_material MMKS
bend_machine/bend_machine MMKS
bend_machine/bend_springback_elong_steel MMKS
piping_manufacture_dir MMKS
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
To set up Spec-Driven Piping, you must define each piping specification and assign
piping data to them using the Define Piping Specification dialog box (PIPING >
Set Up > Spec DB). Spec-Driven Piping writes this piping data to the following
Project Data files:
• Specification Directory Files—Store all piping specifications, mnemonics,
colors, layers, insulation codes, and assigned Auto-Selection files that you
selected for a piping project.
The Fitting Category Map Files are Project Data files in which you assign fitting
categories to Fitting Category buttons in the Insert Fitting and Insert Group
Fitting dialog boxes. These buttons allow you to easily access all fittings for the
selected pipeline specification during fitting insertion.
Spec-Driven Piping
After you open the Create Pipeline dialog box (PIPING > Pipeline >
Create/Route), Spec-Driven Piping retrieves all piping specifications from the
Specification Directory file. You select a specification and Spec-Driven Piping
retrieves the specification name, mnemonic, color, and layer from the Specification
Directory file for the selected specification. This file also directs Spec-Driven Piping to
the Auto-Selection and Insulation Directory files where Spec-Driven Piping retrieves
the pipe, fitting, and insulation data that you assigned to the specification. Spec-
Driven Piping populates the Create Pipeline dialog box with this data.
You select the piping data needed and click to create the pipeline. Spec-Driven
Piping copies the selected piping data to the linestock and insulation features, and
opens the ROUTE PIPE submenu. You can begin to route the pipeline.
Fitting Insertion
After you select a pipeline and insertion point, Spec-Driven Piping retrieves the
piping data from the Specification Directory file. This data includes the specification
name and the pipe size from the pipeline. The piping data directs Spec-Driven Piping
to the Auto-Selection file where Spec-Driven Piping retrieves the fittings that you
assigned to the specification. Spec-Driven Piping populates the appropriate fitting
insertion dialog boxes with this data.
You select a fitting with the Fitting Category buttons. After you click a button, Spec-
Driven Piping retrieves only the fittings (in the category) that you assigned to the
Auto-Selection file for that specification.
For example, you click PIPING > Fitting > Insert and select the pipeline for
specification 12A. You select the valve fitting category button to select a valve fitting.
Spec-Driven Piping retrieves all valve fittings that you assigned to the specification
12A Auto-Selection file (12a_asfile.ptd). After you select the valve fitting, click
to insert it.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Note: You can define the Specification Directory file name by setting the
piping_spec_dir_file configuration option (default is piping_spec_dir.ptd).
3. Click Set Up > Spec DB. The Define Piping Specification dialog box opens.
4. Click to create a new file. The New File dialog box opens.
Spec-Driven Piping
5. Under Type, select Spec Directory File and enter a file name. This file will
contain all specifications for the entire piping project. It is recommended that you
use a descriptive file name such as project_name_specs.ptd.
6. Click to open the file. Spec-Driven Piping displays the file name in the border
next to Specification Directory File. You can begin to define a specification
8. Type a mnemonic (optional). The Mnemonic box lists each mnemonic assigned
to a specification record in the current Specification Directory file. If you assign a
mnemonic, Spec-Driven Piping assigns the selected color to both the specification
and the mnemonic.
9. Type a layer name in the Layer box for specification and mnemonic (optional).
10. Select a color (required). Colors can be assigned to the specification and
mnemonic. The Color box lists all colors stored in the Piping Appearance Map
(MCAT) File. You can define new colors (View > Color and Appearance).
11. Select an Auto-Selection file (required). Click to open the Select Auto
Selection File dialog box. Select an Auto-Selection file and double-click. The
selected file populates the Auto Selection box. The current directory is based on
the directory path in the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
o Select the Insulation Code check box to assign an insulation code to the
current specification record (optional). The Insulation Code box lists all
insulation codes in the Insulation Directory Project Data file.
o Clear the Insulation Code check box and make the insulation codes
unavailable to the specification.
13. Click to add the new specification record to the Specification Directory file.
Spec-Driven Piping lists the record under Select Record.
14. Click to save the file. The current directory is based on the directory path in
the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Auto-Selection files allow Spec-Driven Piping to retrieve only the piping data that you
assigned to a specification. Each Auto-Selection file contains the following data:
• Pipe Data—Pipe categories, sizes, schedules, end types, material codes, Pipe
MCAT file names, and stock numbers. Spec-Driven Piping retrieves this data from
the appropriate MCAT files and saves it in pipe records that you define.
Note: After you create an Auto-Selection file, you must assign it to the
corresponding specification record (in the Specification Directory file) using the
Define Piping Specification dialog box (Auto-Selection box).
For example, you assign the Auto-Selection file created for specification 11C
(11c_asfile.ptd) to the specification 11C record in the Specification Directory file.
This allows the Specification Directory file to direct Spec-Driven Piping to the correct
Auto-Selection file.
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
BE 40 AB bend/ben BEND
ND d_steel
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
3. Click Set Up > Spec DB. The Define Piping Specification dialog box opens.
4. Click to create a new file. The New File dialog box opens.
5. Under Type, select Auto-Selection File and type a file name. This file will
contain all pipe and fitting data assigned to one piping specification. It is highly
recommended that you use a file name that includes the file descriptor. For
example, <specification or mnemonic name>_asfile.ptd.
6. Click to open the file. Spec-Driven Piping displays the file name in the border
next to Auto-Selection File.
7. Under Auto-Selection File, select the Pipe, Fitting, and Assembly (fitting)
tabs to define these records for each specification.
• The Pipe tab (Define Piping Specification dialog box) allows you to define all
pipe records for Auto-Selection files. You assign an Auto-Selection file to a piping
Spec-Driven Piping
To define an Auto-Selection pipe record, select pipe data from the boxes under
Define Record.
1. Under Select Pipe, select a pipe category (required). The Category box lists all
pipe categories retrieved from the Piping Master Catalog (MCAT) Directory file.
2. Select a Pipe MCAT file (required). The Master Catalog box lists all Pipe MCAT
files assigned to the selected pipe category in the Piping MCAT Directory file.
Spec-Driven Piping retrieves the file names from the Piping MCAT Directory file.
3. Select a pipe material code (required). The Material Code box lists all pipe
material codes assigned to the selected Pipe MCAT file and defined in the Piping
Material MCAT file. Spec-Driven Piping retrieves the material codes from the
Piping Material MCAT file.
4. Select a pipe schedule (required). The Schedule box lists all pipe schedules
assigned to the selected Pipe MCAT file. Spec-Driven Piping retrieves the
schedules from the Pipe MCAT file.
5. Select a pipe end type (required). The End Type box lists all pipe end types
assigned to the selected Pipe MCAT file. Spec-Driven Piping retrieves the end
types from the Pipe MCAT file.
a. You can confirm or change the pipe sizes assigned to the selected Pipe
You can click to reset the list to the Spec-Driven Piping default
b. Click to save all changes. The PIPE Size Table dialog box closes.
6. Select a stock number format for the pipe record (required). The Select Stock
Number Format box lists the stock number formats defined for the pipe records
in the current Auto-Selection file. Spec-Driven Piping displays the pipe stock
number during information reporting.
Under Select Stock Number Format, perform the following tasks to select the
pipe stock number format:
a. Select the stock number format keywords. You can select Spec-Driven
Piping format keywords from the Keyword box, enter words or ASCII
characters required by your project, or choose a combination of both.
b. Select a delimiter. A delimiter separates areas in a listing. You can select a
delimiter from the Delimiter box or enter a new delimiter. Note that
delimiters must be enclosed with commas omitting any white space (,-,).
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
7. Select a material classification code (MCCS) format for the pipe record (optional).
The Select Material Classification Code Format box lists all material
classification code formats defined for the pipe records in the current Auto-
Selection file.
a. Select the MCCS format keywords. You can select Spec-Driven Piping
format keywords from the Keyword box, enter words or ASCII characters
required by your project, or choose a combination of both.
b. Select a delimiter. A delimiter separates areas in a listing. You can select a
delimiter from the Delimiter box or enter a new delimiter. Note that
delimiters must be enclosed with commas omitting any white space (,-,).
8. Select either one or both of the following pipe corner type check boxes for the
pipe record (optional):
9. Click to add the new pipe record to the Auto-Selection file. Spec-Driven
Piping lists the record under Select Record.
10. Click to save the Auto-Selection file. The current directory is based on the
directory path in the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
Click the Fitting tab to define all fitting records for the current Auto-Selection
• The Fitting tab (Define Piping Specification dialog box) allows you to define
all fitting records for Auto-Selection files. You assign an Auto-Selection file to a
piping specification in the Specification Directory file. Spec-Driven Piping retrieves
the Auto-Selection file fitting data during fitting insertion.
Spec-Driven Piping
To define an Auto-Selection fitting record, select the fitting data from the boxes
under Define Record.
1. Under Select Fitting, select a fitting category (required). The Category box lists
all fitting categories retrieved from the Piping Master Catalog (MCAT) Directory
2. Select a Fitting MCAT file (required). The Master Catalog box lists all Fitting
MCAT files assigned to the selected fitting category in the Piping MCAT Directory
file. Spec-Driven Piping retrieves the file names from the Piping MCAT Directory
3. Select a fitting material code (required). The Material Code box lists all fitting
material codes assigned to the selected Fitting MCAT file and defined in the Piping
Material file.
4. Select a fitting rating (required). The Rating/Schedule box lists all fitting
ratings available in the selected Fitting MCAT file.
5. The End Type boxes list the first and second end type values available for the
selected fitting and defined in the respective master catalog file.
Note: The selection in the End Type boxes is based on the following:
o If the fitting master catalog specifies only one value for the first or the
second end type or both end types, the appropriate end type box displays
an end type value that you cannot modify.
o If the fitting master catalog specifies more than one value for the first,
second, or both end types, the appropriate end type boxes display a list of
the end type values. Select the required end types from the list.
o If the fitting master catalog does not specify any value for either the first or
the second end type, you cannot select any value for the corresponding end
6. The Bolt Nut Code box lists the bolt nut codes available in the Bolt-Nut Selection
file. Select the bolt nut code to be assigned to the fitting from the list. Spec-
Driven Piping assigns the default bolt nut code that is specified to the selected
fitting in the Piping MCAT Directory File.
7. You can select the fittings based on their sizes from the selected Fitting MCAT file
a. Click adjacent to Sizes. One of two Size Table dialog boxes opens
according to the type of fitting selected from the Master Catalog box. Spec-
Driven Piping lists all fitting sizes assigned to the selected Fitting MCAT file.
Each fitting size contains a check box to indicate selection status. Spec-
Driven Piping selects all sizes by default. Clear each check box to make a
fitting size unavailable from the fitting record. You can click to reset
the list to the Spec-Driven Piping default selections, which is based on all
the available sizes in the selected fitting MCAT file.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
b. Click to save all changes. The Size Table dialog box closes.
8. Select a stock number format for the fitting record (required). The Select Stock
Number Format box lists all stock number formats defined for the fitting
records in the current Auto-Selection file. Spec-Driven Piping displays the fitting
stock number during information reporting.
Under Select Stock Number Format, perform the following tasks to select the
fitting stock number format:
a. Select the stock number format keywords. You can select Spec-Driven
Piping format keywords from the Keyword box, enter words or ASCII
characters required by your project, or choose a combination of both.
b. Select a delimiter. A delimiter separates areas in a listing. You can select a
delimiter from the Delimiter box or enter a new delimiter. Note that
delimiters must be enclosed with commas omitting any white space (,-,).
9. Select a material classification code (MCCS) format for the fitting record
(optional). The Select Material Classification Code Format box lists all material
classification code formats defined for the fitting records in the current Auto-
Selection file.
a. Select the MCCS format keywords. You can select Spec-Driven Piping
format keywords from the Keyword box, enter new keywords unique to
your project, or choose a combination of both.
b. Select a delimiter. A delimiter separates areas in a listing. You can select a
delimiter from the Delimiter box or enter a new delimiter. Note that
delimiters must be enclosed with commas omitting any white space (,-,).
10. Under Specify Selection Name, enter a fitting selection name (required). The
Specify Selection Name box lists all selection names defined for the fitting
records in the current Auto-Selection file. Spec-Driven Piping uses the fitting
selection names to populate the Selection Name boxes in the Insert Fitting and
Insert Group Fitting dialog boxes during fitting insertion.
Note: You can select or specify a new value using the Specify Selection Name
list only if the required fitting selection name is not specified in the Piping MCAT
Directory file.
11. Click to add the new fitting record to the Auto-Selection file. Spec-Driven
Piping lists the record under Select Record.
12. Click to save the Auto-Selection file. The current directory is based on the
directory path in the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
Spec-Driven Piping
Click the Assembly tab to define all assembly fitting records for the current
Auto-Selection file.
• The Assembly tab (Define Piping Specification dialog box) enables you to
define all assembly fitting records for Auto-Selection files. You assign an Auto-
Selection file to a piping specification in the Specification Directory file. Spec-
Driven Piping retrieves the Auto-Selection file assembly fitting data during fitting
To define an assembly fitting record, select assembly fitting data from the boxes
under Define Record.
1. Under Select Assembly, select the fittings that make up an assembly fitting
(required). From the Fitting Selection Name box, select each fitting name
according to its sequence in the assembly, beginning with the branch fittings. For
example, BRAN, NIPPLE, GATE, NIPPLE. The Fitting Selection Name box lists
all fittings in the fitting records (Fitting tab) for the current Auto-Selection file.
Spec-Driven Piping populates the Configuration box with the assembly fitting
configuration (the fitting names and assembly sequence). The Configuration
box lists all configurations defined for the assembly fitting records.
2. You can confirm or change the assembly fitting sizes (optional). Note that Spec-
Driven Piping determines assembly fitting sizes according to the pipe sizes
defined in the pipe records (Pipe tab) for the current Auto-Selection file.
a. Click next to Sizes. The Size Table dialog boxes opens. Spec-Driven
Piping lists all pipe sizes assigned to the pipe records (Pipe tab). Spec-
Driven Piping retrieves the pipe sizes from the current Auto-Selection file.
Each pipe size contains a check box to indicate selection status. Spec-
Driven Piping selects all sizes by default. Clear each check box to make a
size unavailable from the assembly fitting record. You can click to
reset the list to the Spec-Driven Piping default selections.
b. Click to confirm all changes. The Size Table dialog box closes.
3. Select a stock number format for the assembly fitting record (required). The
Select Stock Number Format box lists all stock number formats defined for the
assembly fitting records in the current Auto-Selection file. Spec-Driven Piping
displays assembly fitting stock numbers during information reporting.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Under Select Stock Number Format, perform the following tasks to select an
assembly fitting stock number format:
a. Select the stock number format keywords. You can select Spec-Driven
Piping format keywords from the Keyword box, enter words or ASCII
characters required by your project, or choose a combination of both.
b. Select a delimiter. A delimiter separates areas in a listing. You can select a
delimiter from the Delimiter box or enter a new delimiter. Note that
delimiters must be enclosed with commas omitting any white space (,-,).
4. Select a material classification code (MCCS) format for the assembly fitting
record (optional). The Select Material Classification Code Format box lists all
material classification code formats defined for the assembly fitting records in the
current Auto-Selection file.
a. Select the MCCS format keywords. You can select Spec-Driven Piping
format keywords from the Keyword box, enter words or ASCII characters
required by your project, or choose a combination of both.
b. Select a delimiter. A delimiter separates areas in a listing. You can select a
delimiter from the Delimiter box or enter a new delimiter. Note that
delimiters must be enclosed with commas omitting any white space (,-,).
5. Under Select Selection Name, enter an assembly fitting selection name
(required). The Select Selection Name box lists all selection names defined for
the assembly fitting records in the current Auto-Selection file. Spec-Driven Piping
uses the assembly fitting selection names to populate the Selection Name
boxes in the Insert Fitting dialog box.
6. Click to add the new assembly fitting record to the Auto-Selection file. Spec-
Driven Piping lists the record under Select Record.
7. Click to save the Auto-Selection file. The current directory is based on the
directory path in the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
Spec-Driven Piping
Size Tables
Spec-Driven Piping uses size tables to list all pipe and fitting sizes in the selected
Pipe or Fitting Master Catalog (MCAT) file. You select an MCAT file (in the Define
Piping Specification dialog box) to define a pipe or fitting Auto-Selection file
Spec-Driven Piping opens two different size tables according to the following
Pipes and Standard Fittings
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Lists all sizes defined in the MCAT Displays the size selection status
file that you selected. with a check box. Spec-Driven
Piping selects all sizes by default.
You can clear a check box to make
the size unavailable.
Lists all main sizes defined in the Displays the branch or new size
MCAT File that you selected. selection status with a check box.
Spec-Driven Piping selects all
branch or new sizes by default. You
can clear a check box to make the
size unavailable.
Spec-Driven Piping
Format Keywords
The following tables describe the stock number and material classification code
(MCCS) format keywords for pipes, fittings, and assembly fitting records in the Auto-
Selection files.
Keywords Description
Keywords Description
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Assembly Fittings
Keywords Description
• Insulation MCAT file names—All Insulation file names stored in the Piping
MCAT Directory file. These file names point to the Insulation MCAT files. Spec-
Driven Piping retrieves insulation data for pipe and fittings from these files.
After you create an Insulation Directory file, you can assign an insulation code to
each project specification record (Specification Directory file) using the Define
Piping Specification dialog box (Insulation Code box).
Spec-Driven Piping
Note: You can define the Insulation Directory file name by setting the
piping_insulation_dir_file configuration option.
ES insulation/general_fitting Aqua
EH insulation/exhaust Violet
EN insulation/general_fitting Wheat
EK insulation/general_fitting Wheat
EC insulation/sweat Cyan
3. Click Set Up > Spec DB. The Define Piping Specification dialog box opens.
4. Click to create a new file. The New File dialog box opens.
5. Under Type, select Insulation Directory File and type a file name. This file will
contain the insulation data for the entire piping project. It is recommended that
you use a descriptive file name such as project_name_insulation_dir.ptd.
6. Click to open the file. Spec-Driven Piping displays the file name in the border
next to Insulation Directory File. Begin defining an insulation record.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
7. Under Define Record, type an insulation code (required). The Insulation Code
box lists all insulation codes assigned to the insulation records in the current
Insulation Directory file.
8. Select an Insulation Master Catalog (MCAT) file (required). This step assigns an
Insulation file to an insulation code. The Insulation File box lists all Insulation
files defined in the Piping MCAT Directory file. Spec-Driven Piping retrieves all
insulation data from both MCAT files.
9. Select a color for the solid representation of the insulation (required). The
Insulation Color box lists all Spec-Driven Piping colors stored in the Piping
Appearance Map (MCAT) file. You can define new colors.
10. Click to add the new insulation record to the Insulation Directory file. Spec-
Driven Piping lists the record under Select Record.
11. Click to save the Insulation Directory file. The current directory is based on
the directory path in the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
3. Click Set Up > Spec DB. The Define Piping Specification dialog box opens.
4. Click . The Open File dialog box opens. The current directory is based on
the directory path in the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
o Auto-Selection file
Spec-Driven Piping displays the file name in the border next to the file type.
6. Under Select Record, select a record to modify. Note that for Auto-Selection
files, you must select the appropriate tab (Pipe, Fitting, or Assembly) before
selecting a record.
Spec-Driven Piping
8. Click to add the changes to the selected record. Spec-Driven Piping either
creates a new record or modifies the existing record and displays all changes
under Select Record.
9. Click to save the file. The current directory is based on the directory path in
the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
Deleting a Record
Under Select Record, select the record to delete. Click and follow steps 9 and
10 above.
Note: If the bitmap file is not of .bif extension, you must specify the appropriate
filename extension for that file in the fitting category map file.
You can assign and reassign fitting categories to icons at any time by mapping each
fitting category to an icon bitmap file and assigning an order number.
Note: Spec-Driven Piping groups all unmapped fitting categories in the General
category and icon.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
specification name and pipe size from the pipeline. The specification name points
Spec-Driven Piping to the Auto-Selection file that you assigned to the specification
(in the Specification Directory file) and retrieves the data.
After Spec-Driven Piping populates either the Insert Fitting or Insert Group
Fitting dialog boxes with the data, you select a fitting category icon button to select
all fitting categories assigned to this icon (in the Fitting Category Map file). Spec-
Driven Piping retrieves the list of fitting selection names. This list contains only those
fittings that were assigned to those fitting categories in the Auto-Selection file for
that specification. You created this Auto-Selection file during Spec-Driven Piping
setup. You select a fitting and insert it.
For example, you click Fitting > Insert on the PIPING menu and select the
specification 12A pipeline and insertion point. Spec-Driven Piping populates the
boxes under Pipeline Selection. You select the valve category button under Fitting
Selection. Spec-Driven Piping retrieves the list of all valves for specification 12A and
populates the Selection Name box. This list was retrieved from the Auto-Selection
file that you created for specification 12A (12a_asfile.ptd). You select a fitting and
click to insert it.
The following table describes the Fitting Category Map file format:
Spec-Driven Piping
Note: You can define the Fitting Category Map file name by setting the
piping_fitt_category_map_file configuration option.
2 fit_flange FLANGE NO
3 fit_elbow ELBOW NO
4 fit_branch BRANCH, NO
5 fit_red REDUCER NO
7 fit_assembly ASSEMBLY NO
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Note: If the bitmap file is not of .bif extension, you must specify the
appropriate filename extension for that file in the fitting category map file.
Note: If you are mapping a new icon bitmap file, store the file in the Spec-Driven
Piping resource directory before you map it.
Fitting Categories
Spec-Driven Piping uses fitting categories for data retrieval. You can define Spec-
Driven Piping fitting categories as needed. Note that you must add each new fitting
category to the Piping Master Catalog (MCAT) Directory file and the Fitting Category
Map (Project Data) file.
Spec-Driven Piping provides the following fitting categories:
Spec-Driven Piping
After you create the icon files, store the files in the Spec-Driven Piping resource
location and map them to their appropriate fitting categories in the Fitting Category
Map file. For more information about mapping fitting category icon files, refer to the
Fitting Category Map file topics.
2. You can edit and expand the Master Catalog to include the Master Catalog
Directory (MCAT) information that is required by the library parts that you add.
3. You can generate a fitting library based on either the Family Table Parts or Family
Table Parts with associated accelerator parts or standalone parts.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• Rule 2—Make sure that the positive z-axis direction of every port in a fitting is
perpendicular to the fitting face at the respective port and oriented to point
outward from the fitting.
• Rule 3
o For In-line fittings, if there are two or more ports, the z-axes of two of the
ports must be collinear with the fitting local z-axis.
o For In-line Eccentric fittings, if there are two or more ports, they must be
parallel to the local z-axis. The inlet port should be located on the local z-
axis, and the outlet port should be offset along the local y-axis with its z-
axis parallel to the local z-axis.
o For Corner fittings, if there are two or more ports, you must include an
angle equal to the vertex angle where the fitting is inserted. The inlet port
should be located on the local z-axis.
• Rule 4—For Lateral fittings, the y-axis of the inlet port and the z-axis of the
lateral outlet port must include an angle equal to the lateral angle of the fitting.
o Locate the outlet port along the lateral axis that lies on the local z-y plane
of the fitting.
A fitting local coordinate system is a conceptual coordinate system you use to define
and create a library part. The coordinate system of the inlet port of a library part
represents the fitting local coordinate system.
Spec-Driven Piping
The local z-axis represents the fitting axis that is aligned with the pipeline segment
during fitting insertion.
The local positive z-axis is perpendicular to the inlet face of the fitting and is oriented
to point outward of the fitting at the inlet port.
The local y-axis is used to define the Fitting Stem or Stem Axis. The Fitting Stem or
Stem Axis is an imaginary axis that is parallel to the local y-axis. The local y-axis is
the axis along which special graphical details are created for certain fittings during
their library part preparation.
The local positive y-axis is used to determine the default stem orientation of a fitting
during fitting insertion.
• Prepare template parts for each of the piping standards. Use these template parts
to create individual library parts for the respective piping standards.
• Delete all redundant features from the library part to create the geometry
• Follow the rules given below to define a Family Table for library parts:
o All other columns that represent linear dimensions of the fitting must follow
the above columns in the Family Table.
o Assign a descriptive name to all the Family Table column headings and
name it consistently across library parts.
• Optionally, create bolt holes for fitting libraries. To achieve a proper bolt hole
alignment between the various flanged fittings,
o The first bolt hole in all the flanged fittings must be located at the same
angular location with reference to the positive y-axis of the inlet port.
o Bolt holes on the flanged end must be symmetric about the y-axis of the
inlet port.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
During the creation of the actual library part, the fitting solid features are
associated with the FITTING_GEOMETRY layer. The fitting inlet, fitting outlet, and
the branch ports are associated with the FITTING_PORTS layer. All other datum
features are associated with the FITTING_DATUM layer.
• Avoid creating solids that do not have any association with other solids during
any intermediate step of part creation.
Fitting Geometry
About Fitting Geometry
Spec-Driven Piping
The following example shows a simple geometry created for a gate valve using the
basic Pro/ENGINEER functions. The figure below shows details like the port
directions, and the fitting axis.
Fitting Ports
About Fitting Ports
• The location up to which the pipe extends into the fitting, as in socket-welded
and screwed fittings.
• The location up to which the pipe extends inside a fitting, as in flange fittings.
• The location of a flange face that mates with another flange face.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
The branch outlet fitting must have an inlet port and outlet ports as shown in the
following figures.
The inlet port of the fitting is aligned with the surface of the main pipe segment as
• The z-axis of the outlet port of the fitting is aligned with the branch pipe
segment, if an existing junction is identified for the fitting insertion.
• In orthogonal branch outlet fittings, the z-axes of inlet and outlet ports are
parallel to each other. The non-orthogonal branch outlet fittings such as latrolets,
have an angle between the z-axes of the inlet and the outlet ports. Based on this,
lateral fittings are distinguished from other branch outlet fittings.
Spec-Driven Piping
In the following graphic, the arrow shows the pipe contact location.
For butt-welded fittings, the pipe is welded to the butt-welded ends of the fitting.
The fitting ports are located at the butt-welded ends as shown in the figure. If a
butt-welded fitting has two butt-welded ends along its local z-axis, then either end
can be defined as the inlet port.
For flanged fittings, the flanged face of the fitting mates with a matching gasket or a
suitable flanged face of another fitting. The fitting ports must be located at the
flanged face as shown in the figure. If a flanged fitting has two flanged ends along its
local z-axis, then either end can be defined as the inlet port. The positive z-axes of
the inlet and outlet ports are pointing outward of the fitting and are aligned to the
fitting local z-axis.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Note: The two ports need not be created in any particular sequence and their names
are user-definable. Of the two ports, one must be defined as the inlet port. By
convention, the port with the SIZE parameter is defined as the inlet port.
Spec-Driven Piping
For fittings with socket-welded or threaded ends, the pipe extends up to the origin of
the port that represents the end of the socket or the threaded hole. The arrow in the
following figure points to the pipe contact location.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
In the following figure, PORT1 is located on the inside face of the socket, and PORT0
(a flanged end) is located on the outside flange face. For threaded fittings, the pipe
is threaded up to the origin of the port that represents the end of the threaded hole
or socket.
Based on the fitting code, the mandatory port requirements for the various fittings
are as summarized as follows:
Spec-Driven Piping
The following points must be noted about fitting codes and their insertion behavior:
• The INLINE_JOINT is a special fitting code that has the same fitting insertion
behavior as the INLINE code. Joint fittings such as couplings and sleeves must be
assigned this code. The code is used by the automatic joint fitting selection
• FLANGE and GASKET are special fitting codes that have the same fitting insertion
behavior as the INLINE code. Flange and gasket fittings such as a weldneck
flange, slip-on flange, or any type of gasket, must be assigned their respective
codes. The FLANGE and GASKET codes are used in the respective automatic
flange and gasket fitting selection functionality.
• The ELBOW is a special fitting code that has the same fitting insertion behavior as
the CORNER code. Elbow fittings such as 90 degree long/short radius and 45
degree long/short radius, must be assigned this code. This fitting code is used to
automatically select an elbow fitting and insert it as a trimmed elbow or, insert
elbows at all vertices of a pipeline with a single operation.
• The BRANCH_LET is a special fitting code for special branch outlet fittings (olet
fittings and half couplings). The library part model of a branch outlet fitting must
have a string value of BRANCH_LET in the string parameter FIT_TYPE.
• The NOBREAK is a special fitting code for no-break fittings such as pipe clip,
ubolt, ubolt-channel and pipe supports.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
A fitting is aligned to the selected insertion point on the pipe segment using pre-
defined reference locations on the fitting library part.
Based on the general piping design and pipe modeling practices, preferred locations
such as NEAR, FAR or CENTER on a fitting are used to constrain the fitting. The
Fitting Insertion functionality provides the option to choose one of these alignment
options during fitting insertion.
The Fitting Insertion functionality aligns the specified NEAR, FAR or CENTER locations
with the placement point location specified on the pipe segment. A parametric
dimension is created up to the placement/alignment location. You can modify this
dimension and reposition the fitting along the inserted pipeline segment.
NEAR, FAR, and CENTER Alignment Locations Based on Fitting Ports
For fittings with NEAR or FAR alignment locations that coincide with the respective
inlet and outlet port locations, such as butt-welded and flanged fittings, you are not
required to provide any additional information during library part creation.
Spec-Driven Piping
For such fittings, the NEAR/FAR alignment locations are automatically determined to
be at the inlet/outlet port origins. The CENTER location is determined as the midpoint
of the NEAR and FAR locations.
2. CENTER location
By default, the NEAR option aligns the fitting inlet port with the selected insertion
point on the pipe segment. Similarly, the FAR option aligns the fitting outlet port
with the selected insertion point on the pipe segment. The CENTER option aligns the
midpoint between the fitting inlet and outlet to the selected insertion point on the
pipe segment.
NEAR, FAR, and CENTER Alignment Locations Based on Fitting Ports and an OFFSET
For fittings with NEAR/FAR alignment locations that do not coincide with the
respective inlet/outlet port locations as in the case of socket-welded and screwed
fittings, you can still use the inlet/outlet port locations as default NEAR/FAR
alignment locations. The CENTER location is determined as the midpoint of the NEAR
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
and FAR locations. Alternatively, you can use an optional OFFSET parameter
associated with either or both of the ports to specify an offset location from the
inlet/outlet ports. Refer the following figure for details.
Using the OFFSET parameter and the ability to enable/disable it during fitting
insertion, you can apply the desired NEAR and FAR alignment locations as required
by your design. By this, you will be able to offset a fitting port to a desired location
and align that location to the point on the pipe segment where it is inserted. You can
create your linear parametric dimensions up to this point on the pipe segment. Using
the OFFSET parameter and appropriate offset value, you can optionally create your
Spec-Driven Piping
linear dimensions up to a fitting face (specified by the offset value from the
respective port) for socket-welded and threaded fittings.
Inlet Ports
About Inlet Ports
If a fitting has two or more ports, the z-axes of at least two of the ports must be
aligned along the local z-axis of the fitting or parallel to the local z-axis of the fitting.
Corner fittings and lateral branchlet fittings are the exceptions. One of the two ports
must be specified as the fitting's inlet port. This applies to corner and branchlet
fittings as well.
Specify the inlet port during the library part creation by attaching the SIZE
parameter to an appropriate port of the fitting.
To Specify an Inlet Port
You can specify an inlet port by attaching the SIZE parameter to an appropriate port
of the fitting during library part creation.
During fitting insertion, the Fitting Insertion functionality automatically aligns the
local z-axis of the fitting with the pipe segment on which the fitting is inserted. By
default, the fitting is inserted using the NEAR option, which aligns the fitting inlet
port with the specified insertion location on the pipeline. The fitting outlet port is
placed downstream in the direction of flow of the inlet port.
The concept of the inlet port is especially important for direction-specific fittings such
as check valves and special types of globe valves.
You can change the default behavior of the fitting insertion functionality by using
The inlet port of the branch outlet fittings can be aligned with the outer surface of
the main pipeline.
The inlet port of the neck outlet fitting is always aligned with the outside surface of
the main pipeline.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Nozzle outlet fittings and weldolet fittings are always aligned with the inner surface
of the main pipe segment.
In certain cases, the inlet port of the fitting is aligned at a distance from either the
inlet or the outlet surface of the main pipe segment.
The stem axis of a fitting is an imaginary axis that is parallel to the local y-axis of the
It is applicable only to certain fittings and it represents the following:
• The branch direction of a junction fitting along the positive stem axis.
• The hand wheel direction of a valve along the positive stem axis.
• The eccentric offset direction of a reducer along the positive or negative stem
• The reference axis for bolt hole straddling of a flange (straddling is done with
reference to the positive stem axis).
For fittings involving the above graphical details, you must create the appropriate
geometry either with reference to or along the stem axis directions specified, to
achieve a consistent default orientation during fitting insertion.
Spec-Driven Piping
In the above figure, axis A_3 of the cone is created along the positive stem axis
direction of the fitting, parallel to the local positive y-axis of PORT0 (the inlet port
that has the SIZE parameter). The fitting insertion functionality aligns the local z-axis
of the fitting with the pipe segment and automatically orients the local y-axis to its
default direction, based on the orientation rules defined in the fitting insertion
functionality. The default direction of the fitting is the fitting stem, since it is created
parallel to the local y-axis. During fitting insertion you can further rotate the stem
about the pipe segment using the Rotation Angle option.
Fitting Parameter
About Fitting Parameters
The fitting parameters of a pipe are the non-graphic data associated with the library
components during their design phase.
You can associate fitting parameters to the library components using the standard
Pro/ENGINEER parameter feature. Fitting parameters provide the details of the
modeling automation while inserting fittings, checking design rules, and reporting.
To Assign User-Defined Parameters
2. Click Tools > Family Table. The Family Table dialog box opens.
3. Click Insert > Columns. The Family Items, Generic dialog box opens.
5. Select Alternate Mass Properties from the list at the bottom of the dialog box.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
6. Add all the required <user_ALT_parameters> to the family table and close the
Family Table dialog box.
7. Click Edit > Setup > Mass props. The Setup Mass Properties dialog box
8. Select Geometry and Parameters. Click Generate Report and click Ok.
You can display all the values assigned to the user-defined parameters using the
Report Pipeline dialog box.
The fitting code specifies the insertion behavior of the fitting. It is assigned to a
fitting generic part as a string parameter denoted as FITTING_CODE. Fitting codes are
predefined and cannot be changed. Each library fitting is associated with a fitting
code and is designed in accordance with the rules as applicable for the associated
fitting code.
The following table lists the fitting parameters for the various fitting codes:
Spec-Driven Piping
The branch size parameter must be inserted on the branch port of a fitting. It is a
string type feature parameter denoted as BRANCH_SIZE. This parameter accepts any
valid pipe nominal diameter value. Insert this parameter only if the branch port size
of a fitting is different from its inlet port size.
You can define a single reducing tee fitting by inserting the SIZE parameter on the
inlet port and the BRANCH_SIZE parameter on the branch port. Similarly, you can
define a double reducing TEE fitting by inserting the SIZE parameter on the inlet port
and the NEW_SIZE parameter on the outlet port and the BRANCH_SIZE parameter on
the branch port.
Flow Constrained Fitting Parameter
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
created by default. Use the option to change to the 180 degree orientation.
Fitting Inlet Size Parameter
The Fitting Inlet Size parameter is inserted only on one of the ports of a fitting. It is
a string type feature parameter denoted as SIZE. A fitting port that has the SIZE
parameter is designated as the inlet port of the fitting. This parameter accepts any
valid pipe nominal diameter value. The size values assigned to this parameter must
match the size values that you have specified in various master catalog files.
Fitting Outlet Size Parameter
The fitting outlet size parameter is inserted on the outlet port of a fitting. It is a
string type feature parameter denoted as NEW_SIZE. This parameter accepts any
valid pipe nominal diameter value. Insert this parameter only if the outlet port size of
a fitting is different from its inlet port size.
Spec-Driven Piping
The end type parameter must be inserted on the inlet port of a fitting with
appropriate end type values. It is a string type feature parameter denoted as
END_TYPE. It is mandatory to insert this parameter on the inlet ports of all the
If all the ports of a fitting are of the same end types, you need not assign this
parameter to all the ports. It is sufficient if you assign the END_TYPE parameter to
the inlet port. If a fitting does not have an END_TYPE parameter in its outlet or the
branch ports, the system automatically assigns the END_TYPE parameter specified for
the inlet port to all the other unspecified ports. However, if a fitting has different end
types for its inlet, outlet and branch ports, an END_TYPE parameter needs to be
inserted with appropriate values at the inlet, outlet or the branch ports. The system
uses these specified end types for the respective ports.
The end type values that are used for fitting end types in the supplied library and the
fitting MCAT files are as listed:
• BW—Butt Welded
• SW—Socket Welded
• SC—Screwed
Note: Though the end type codes are user definable you must use the following
1. The flanged end-types must start with the character "F".
3. Use the same end type values in the End Type Compatibility file that will be used
for the end type compatibility checking.
The END_TYPE parameter is used while inserting fittings for performing automatic end
type checking between the adjoining fittings. It is also used for automatically
inserting mating flanges and gaskets when you insert flanged fittings.
Fitting Eccentricity Parameter
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
The Y_ECCENTRICITY parameter behaves like a status flag while inserting eccentric
fittings, for enabling the centerline offset.
Fitting Alignment Offset Parameter
The fitting alignment offset parameter is an optional parameter and can be inserted
on any selected port of a fitting with an appropriate offset value. It is a real type
feature parameter denoted as OFFSET. The value of the OFFSET parameter must be
the distance between a port and its corresponding face. It is mainly used for socket-
welded and screwed fittings. The following figure shows a screwed valve:
Spec-Driven Piping
The following points must be noted while assigning offset parameter values to a
• Assign only positive values. The system ignores negative values, and in this case
an absolute value is used as the offset.
• When you use the offset value that is associated with a given port, the optional
alignment location for the port is offset along its positive z-axis.
• If a port has the same end type and offset value as the inlet port, specify the
OFFSET parameter only for the inlet port.
• If a port has a different end type as the inlet port, you must specify an OFFSET
parameter for that port and assign appropriate values depending on the end type
of that port. When the end types are different, the offset value specified for the
inlet port will not be applicable to the other port.
The surface area is assigned directly to a fitting library part using the real value
parameter PRO_MP_ALT_AREA. Specify a value for the PRO_MP_ALT_AREA parameter in
the same system of unit for area, as specified for the fitting library part.
The surface area of a fitting library part is calculated when you perform the model
analysis of a pipeline assembly using the Model Analysis dialog box. If you have
specified the value PARAMETERS for the PRO_MP_SOURCE parameter, Pro/ENGINEER
uses the value that you have specified for PRO_MP_ALT_AREA for the fitting, and
relates it to the analysis parameter PRO_MP_AREA, to calculate the surface area. If
you do not specify any value for PRO_MP_ALT_AREA, or if you specify the value
GEOMETRY for the PRO_MP_SOURCE parameter, the geometry of the fitting library part
is used for surface area calculations.
Center of Gravity Parameters
You can directly assign the center of gravity for a fitting library part using the real
values that you assign for PRO_MP_ALT_COGX, PRO_MP_ALT_COGY, and
PRO_MP_ALT_COGZ are used for center of gravity calculations if you specify the value
PARAMETERS for the PRO_MP_SOURCE parameter. If you do not specify any values for
the center of gravity parameters, or if you specify the value GEOMETRY for the
PRO_MP_SOURCE parameter, the geometry of the fitting library part is used for center
of gravity calculations.
Spec-Driven Piping automatically updates the center of gravity information when you
modify or replace a fitting.
The Report Pipeline dialog box reports the center of gravity information if you
select COG_X, COG_Y, or COG_Z as the columns in the Report Format dialog box.
In case of fittings, if you assign PRO_MP_ALT_COGX, PRO_MP_ALT_COGY, and
PRO_MP_ALT_COGZ parameters to a fitting, Spec-Driven Piping transforms these
parameters with respect to the start location of the pipeline and reports the center of
gravity information. The x-, y-, and z- coordinates of the center of gravity of pipe
segments and fittings are reported in the linear units of the piping assembly.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Weight Parameter
You can assign the PRO_MP_ALT_MASS parameter to library parts for weight
calculation. The Model Analysis feature uses this parameter along with other user-
defined parameters for the appropriate model analysis calculations.
If you have set the value of the PRO_MP_SOURCE parameter to PARAMETERS, Model
Analysis uses the associated value for mass property calculations. If the value for the
PRO_MP_SOURCE parameter is set to GEOMETRY, or if you have not assigned values
for other parameters, Model Analysis uses the geometry of the part for model
analysis calculations.
Note: If the mass_property_calculate configuration option is set to automatic,
regenerating the piping assembly assigns the Mass Property parameters to all fittings
in the assembly.
Valve Number Fitting Parameter
Mating Plane
Specifying a Mating Plane
A mating plane is used to mate a fitting with other fittings. You can use a datum
plane or a solid surface as a mating plane if it satisfies the following conditions:
• The datum plane or the solid surface aligns with the x-y plane of the related port.
• The normal of the datum plane or the solid surface is in the same direction as the
z-axis of the related port.
Spec-Driven Piping
BE Beveled End
PE Plain End
BW Butt Welded
SW Socket Welded
SC Screwed
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Off Angle
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
80, 160,
12Y, 79Y,
5S, 10S,
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Flat Face
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
SW 6- Red_concentric_s Inline_
100 w Reducing
Update Model
• Corner types
• Material code
• Wall thickness
Spec-Driven Piping
• Material density
• Miter parameters
• Bend parameters
2. Click . The Open File dialog box opens. The current directory is based on
the directory path in the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
3. Double-click the Specification Directory file that contains the specification that
you want to modify. The Open File dialog box closes. In the Define Piping
Specification dialog box, the file name appears in the border next to
Specification Directory File.
4. Under Select Record, select the specification record that you want to modify.
5. Under Define Record, select a new piping color from the Color box. You can
define new colors (View > Color and Appearance).
7. Click to save the changes to the file. The current directory is based on the
directory path in the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
8. Click File > Exit. The Define Piping Specification dialog box closes.
9. Update the model. Click Set Up > Update Model. The Update Model dialog box
10. Under Assembly, click and select the assembly to which you want to apply
the changes.
12. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click Yes to confirm the
update. The dialog boxes close and Spec-Driven Piping updates the active
assembly information. Spec-Driven Piping confirms the update in the Message
13. Verify the changes. Click PIPING > Info. In the Report Pipeline dialog box,
select Type > Segment.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
14. Click and select a pipe segment in the graphics window. Note that the
segment must be from the updated assembly. Spec-Driven Piping displays the
pipeline information in the Information Window.
2. Click . The Open File dialog box opens. The current directory is based on
the directory path in the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
3. Double-click the Auto-Selection file that is associated with the specification that
you want to modify. The Open File dialog box closes. In the Define Piping
Specification dialog box, the file name appears in the border next to Auto-
Selection File.
4. Under Select Record, select the specification record that you want to modify.
o Bend and Miter Corner Types—Under Define Record, check the Allow
Bend or Allow Miter or both to accept bend or mitered corner types or
both the corner types. Clear the check boxes to make these corner types
unavailable to the specification.
7. Click to save changes to the file. The current directory is based on the
directory path in the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
8. Click File > Exit. The Define Piping Specification dialog box closes.
9. Update the model. Click Set Up > Update Model. The Update Model dialog box
10. Under Select Assembly, click and select the assembly to which you want to
apply the changes.
11. Under Model Information, select the Corner Types check box.
Spec-Driven Piping
12. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click Yes to confirm the
update. The dialog boxes close and Spec-Driven Piping updates the active
assembly information. Spec-Driven Piping confirms the update in the Message
13. Click PIPING > Regenerate to apply the changes to the piping model displayed
in the graphics window.
14. Verify the changes. Click PIPING > Route > Pipe Envrnmt > Corner Type.
The Corner Type menu lists the allowed corner types (Fitting, Bend, Miter) for
the active assembly.
2. Modify the specification. Click PIPING > Set Up > Spec DB. The Define Piping
Specification dialog box opens.
3. Click . The Open File dialog box opens. The current directory is based on
the directory path in the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
4. Double-click the Auto-Selection file that is associated with the specification that
you want to modify. The Open File dialog box closes. In the Define Piping
Specification dialog box, the file name appears in the border next to Auto-
Selection File.
5. Under Select Record, select the specification record that you want to modify.
6. Select the Pipe or Fitting tabbed pages for the material code type. Spec-Driven
Piping displays the updated material code in the Material Code box under
Define Record.
7. Click to insert a new record that contains the changes. Spec-Driven Piping
adds the record and displays the changes under Select Record. Note that you
must delete the existing record before Spec-Driven Piping can insert the record
with the new material code.
8. Click to save changes to the file. The current directory is based on the
directory path in the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
9. Click File > Exit. The Define Piping Specification dialog box closes.
10. Update the model. Click Set Up > Update Model. The Update Model dialog box
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
11. Under Select Assembly, click and select the assembly to which you want to
apply the changes.
12. Under Model Information, select the Material Data check box.
13. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click Yes to confirm the
update. The dialog boxes close and Spec-Driven Piping updates the active
assembly information. Spec-Driven Piping confirms the update in the Message
14. Regenerate (PIPING > Regenerate) to apply the changes to the piping model
displayed in the graphics window.
15. Verify the changes. Click PIPING > Info. In the Report Pipeline dialog box,
select Type > Segment.
16. Click and select a pipe segment in the graphics window. Note that the
segment must be from the updated assembly. Spec-Driven Piping displays the
pipeline information in the Information Window.
2. Click . The Open File dialog box opens. The current directory is based on
the directory path in the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
3. Double-click the Auto-Selection file that is associated with the specification that
you want to modify. The Open File dialog box closes. In the Define Piping
Specification dialog box, the file name appears in the border next to Auto-
Selection File.
4. Under Select Record, select the specification record that you want to modify.
5. Select the Pipe, Fitting, or Assembly (fitting) tabs for the type of stock number
format to change.
6. Under Define Record and Select Stock Number Format, select new format
keywords from the Keyword box or enter unique keywords. You can delete any
keyword to make it unavailable to the specification.
8. Click to save changes to the file. The current directory is based on the
directory path in the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
9. Click File > Exit. The Define Piping Specification dialog box closes.
Spec-Driven Piping
10. Update the model. Click Set Up > Update Model. The Update Model dialog box
11. Under Select Assembly, click and select the assembly to which you want to
apply the changes.
12. Under Model Information, select the Stock Number check box.
13. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click Yes to confirm the
update. The dialog boxes close and Spec-Driven Piping updates the active
assembly information. Spec-Driven Piping confirms the update in the Message
14. Regenerate (PIPING > Regenerate) to apply the changes to the piping model
displayed in the graphics window.
15. Verify the changes. To display the stock number in the updated format, click
PIPING > Info. In the Report Pipeline dialog box, select Type > Segment.
16. Click and select a pipe segment in the graphics window. Note that the
segment must be from the updated assembly. Spec-Driven Piping displays the
pipeline information in the INFORMATION WINDOW.
2. Use a text editor and change the outside diameter value for a selected line stock.
Save all changes.
3. Update the model. Click PIPING > Set Up > Update Model. The Update
Model dialog box opens.
4. Under Select Assembly, click and select the assembly to which you want to
apply the changes.
6. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click Yes to confirm the
update. The dialog boxes close and Spec-Driven Piping updates the active
assembly information. Spec-Driven Piping confirms the update in the Message
7. Regenerate (PIPING > Regenerate) to apply the changes to the piping model
displayed in the graphics window.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
8. Verify the changes. Click PIPING > Info. In the Report Pipeline dialog box,
select Type > Segment.
9. Click and select a pipe segment in the graphics window. Note that the
segment must be from the updated assembly. Spec-Driven Piping displays the
pipeline information in the Information Window.
2. Use a text editor and change the wall thickness value for a selected line stock.
Save all changes.
3. Update the model. Click PIPING > Set Up > Update Model. The Update
Model dialog box opens.
4. Under Select Assembly, click and select the assembly to which you want to
apply the changes.
6. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click Yes to confirm the
update. The dialog boxes close and Spec-Driven Piping updates the active
assembly information. Spec-Driven Piping confirms the update in the Message
7. Regenerate (PIPING > Regenerate) to apply the changes to the piping model
displayed in the graphics window.
8. Verify the changes. Click PIPING > Info. In the Report Pipeline dialog box,
select Type > Segment.
9. Click and select a pipe segment in the graphics window. Note that the
segment must be from the updated assembly. Spec-Driven Piping displays the
pipeline information in the Information Window.
Spec-Driven Piping
2. Use a text editor and change the material density value for the selected pipeline
or line stock. Save all changes.
3. Update the model. Click PIPING > Set Up > Update Model. The Update
Model dialog box opens.
4. Under Select Assembly, click and select the assembly to which you want to
apply the changes.
6. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click Yes to confirm the
update. The dialog boxes close and Spec-Driven Piping updates the active
assembly information. Spec-Driven Piping confirms the update in the Message
7. Regenerate (PIPING > Regenerate) to apply the changes to the piping model
displayed in the graphics window.
8. Verify the changes. Click Analysis > Model Analysis. In the Model Analysis
dialog box, retrieve a solid part density.
2. Use a text editor and change the miter parameter value for the selected pipeline
or line stock. Save all changes.
3. Update the model. Click PIPING > Set Up > Update Model. The Update
Model dialog box opens.
4. Under Select Assembly, click and select the assembly to which you want to
apply the changes.
6. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click Yes to confirm the
update. The dialog boxes close and Spec-Driven Piping updates the active
assembly information. Spec-Driven Piping confirms the update in the Message
7. Click PIPING > Regenerate to regenerate and apply the changes to the piping
model displayed in the graphics window.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
2. Use a text editor and change the bend parameter value for the selected pipeline
or line stock. Save all changes.
3. Update the model. Click PIPING > Set Up > Update Model. The Update
Model dialog box opens.
4. Under Select Assembly, click and select the assembly to which you want to
apply the changes.
6. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click Yes to confirm the
update. The dialog boxes close and Spec-Driven Piping updates the active
assembly information. Spec-Driven Piping confirms the update in the Message
7. Click PIPING > Regenerate to regenerate and apply the changes to the piping
model displayed in the graphics window.
8. Verify the changes. Click Set Up > Design Rules. The Define Design Rules
dialog box opens.
10. Click . The Design Rule Parameters dialog box opens and displays the
updated bend parameters.
2. Use a text editor and change the bend parameter value for the selected pipeline
or line stock. Save all changes.
Spec-Driven Piping
3. Update the model. Click PIPING > Set Up > Update Model. The Update
Model dialog box opens.
4. Under Select Assembly, click and select the assembly to which you want to
apply the changes.
5. Under Model Information, select the Bend m/c Parameters check box.
6. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click Yes to confirm the
update. The dialog boxes close and Spec-Driven Piping updates the active
assembly information. Spec-Driven Piping confirms the update in the Message
7. Click PIPING > Regenerate to apply the changes to the piping model displayed
in the graphics window.
2. Click PIPING > Set Up > Update Model. The Update Model dialog box opens.
3. Under Select Assembly, click and select the assembly to which you want to
apply the changes.
4. Under Model Information, select all check boxes that correspond to the
modified data.
5. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click Yes to confirm the
update. The dialog boxes close and Spec-Driven Piping updates the active
assembly information. Spec-Driven Piping confirms the update in the Message
6. Click PIPING > Regenerate to apply the changes to the piping model displayed
in the graphics window.
Note: To quickly apply the changes to another assembly, click under Select
Assembly in the Update Model dialog box and select another assembly. Then,
repeat the last three steps above.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
If there are any violations, the pipeline is highlighted, which gives you the
opportunity to correct the pipeline parameters.
Spec-Driven Piping uses Design Rule parameters for both the Non Spec-Driven and
the Spec-Driven Piping modes.
2. Under By Segment, click and select a pipe segment. This allows you to
assign design rule parameters to a pipe segment.
Under By Parameters, select a linestock. This allows you to assign Design Rule
parameters to an entire line stock.
4. Type the Design Rule parameter values in any of the following boxes and ENTER.
A highlighted dot at the bottom of the dialog box confirms the entry.
Spec-Driven Piping
o Bend Table Name—Assign a bend table to the line stock. You can create a
bend table at any time (Default value: NO_TABLE).
5. Click to apply the design rule parameters and close the Design Rule
Parameters dialog box.
Note: All bend radius and bend angle boxes are unavailable. Spec-Driven Piping
retrieves this bend data from the Specification Database Bend Master Catalog
(MCAT) file.
• Bend angles that are smaller than 180 degrees get dimensioned based on the
Theoretical Intersection Point of the bend.
For a 180 degree bend, one bend value is reported for the location of the center of
the arc of the 180 degree bend.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Route a 180-degree bend—Gets reported as one 180-degree bend from the arc
center of the bend.
Route a 180-degree bend—Gets reported as two 90-degree bends from the
theoretical intersection points.
Note: To enable the checking of design rules for piping assemblies that are created
using versions of Pro/ENGINEER earlier than Wildfire, set appropriate values to the
piping_wildfire_convert configuration option.
o The Design Rules Check dialog box opens only when an active assembly
contains a pipeline for which you can check design rules.
o If you are working with a piping assembly that is created using versions of
Pro/ENGINEER earlier than Wildfire, set the piping_wildfire_convert
configuration option.
2. Under Setup, select one or more of the following design rules to check.
Spec-Driven Piping
o End Type Compatibility—Checks for conflicts in the end type for two
mated fittings. Under Design Rules Tree, click End Type Compatibility
to display the first end type and rating and the second end type and rating
under Violation Details.
o Invalid Pipeline Label Size—Checks for conflicts when the pipe pieces do
not have the same size as specified in the pipeline label. Under Design
Rules Tree, click Invalid Pipeline Label Size to display the invalid
pipeline label size under Violation Details.
o Size Mismatch—Checks for size mismatches between a free port and its
connected pipeline.
Note: If you do not want to check for any of the previous design rule violations,
clear the appropriate design rule from the Setup list.
o Expand One—Expands only the selected tree node and not its component
child nodes.
o Expand Branch—Expands the selected tree node and all its component
child nodes.
o Collapse Branch—Collapses the selected tree node and all its component
child nodes.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Note: A tree node and its child nodes represent design rules in all the above
o Sname—The selection name of the fitting that has the missing flange and
The violation results are displayed in the following columns under Violation
Details when you click Min Segment Length or Max Segment Length:
Spec-Driven Piping
• End Clamp Length—Displays violation results if you create a pipe segment with
its end clamp length less than the specified value.
• Min Bend Radius—Displays violation results if you create a pipe bend with its
radius less than the specified value.
• Max Bend Radius—Displays violation results if you create a pipe bend with its
radius greater than the specified value.
• Min Bend Angle—Displays violation results if you create a pipe bend with its
angle less than the specified value.
• Max Bend Angle—Displays violation results if you create a pipe bend with its
angle greater than the specified value.
In all the previous cases, the violation results are displayed in the following columns
under Violation Details:
• Stockno—The stock number of the pipe.
• Current—The current bend number, start clamp length, middle clamp length,
end clamp length, bend radius, or the bend angle.
• Required—The required bend number, start clamp length, middle clamp length,
end clamp length, minimum bend radius, maximum bend radius, minimum bend
angle, or the maximum bend angle.
• Min Branch Angle—Displays violation results if you create a branch with the
angle between the branch and the main less than the specified minimum branch
angle value.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
In the previous cases, the violation results are displayed in the following columns
under Violation Details:
• Stockno—The stock number of the pipe.
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
Bend Tables
• Edit—Modifies Spec-Driven Piping bend tables. You can update a bend table at
any time.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• Show—Displays Spec-Driven Piping bend tables. You can confirm bend table
2. Type a bend table name and click . A Pro/TABLE window opens containing an
table outline.
Select File > Read to use an existing bend table as a baseline. The Read File
dialog box opens.
Enter the name of the existing bend table file and click OK. The system reads the
file data and writes it to the current bend table file. Modify the bend table data, if
4. Click File > Save and Exit to save and close the bend table. You must now
assign the new bend table to a pipe segment or line stock to use it.
Spec-Driven Piping
radius radius radius radius radius
• The following definitions apply for the above bend table format:
o TABLE—A combination of pipe outer diameter (OD) and bend radius table
data that will never be encountered in your pipe assembly. For example,
0.25 bend radius with an OD of 0.5 inches.
• Comment lines can appear anywhere in a bend table. Each comment line in the
table must start with an exclamation point (!).
2. Select the bend table to modify from the TBL NAMES menu. This menu lists all
bend tables that were applied to the assembly or were created when the
assembly was currently in session.
5. Click File > Save or Exit. Spec-Driven Piping saves the bend table in the current
Note: You must assign a bend table to a pipe segment or line stock to use it.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
2. Select the bend table to delete from the TBL NAMES menu. This menu lists all
bend tables that were applied to the assembly or were created when the
assembly was currently in session. Spec-Driven Piping deletes the selected bend
2. Select the bend table to show from the TBL NAMES menu. This menu lists all
bend tables that were applied to the assembly or were created when the
assembly was currently in session.
4. After viewing the table, click File > Exit. The Pro/TABLE window closes.
2. Select a bend table name. Spec-Driven Piping lists all saved bend tables. If you
select Names, the Open dialog box opens in which you select a bend table
(.bnd) file to read. The Pro/ENGINEER Message Area confirms the action.
2. Select the bend table to modify from the TBL NAMES menu. This menu lists all
bend tables that were applied to the assembly or were created when the
assembly was currently in session. The Pro/ENGINEER Message Area confirms the
Spec-Driven Piping
• You do not have to insert a bend allowance value (A) in every cell in a bend
allowance table.
• If you leave a particular cell blank, the system uses interpolation to calculate the
length value.
• For bend radii and outside diameters (OD) between the values in adjacent cells, a
linear interpolation is used.
Note: The values in the bend tables are independent of the model units. They do not
change if you change the model units.
For example, you originally create a pipe assembly with the model units set to
inches. The outside diameter is 0.25 and the bend radius is 0.5. The system looks up
the bend table to find the developed length at the ordinates (0.25, 0.5). If you
change the model units to centimeters and keep the model the same size, the pipe
OD becomes 0.625 and the bend radius 1.270. The system looks up the table to find
the developed length at the ordinates (0.625, 1.270).
• R—Bend radius.
• The formula must begin with the descriptor FORMULA, in the first column.
FORMULA L = (ANGLE*PI/180)*(R+T/2)
o If the formula is more complex and/or contains some logic statements, then
the FORMULA descriptor must precede the actual formula on its own line.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
The formula must also be concluded by the descriptor END FORMULA, on its
own line and in the first column. The following example illustrates this
L = (PI*R*T)/2.0
L = (PI/2)*(R + (T*0.35))
In a multi-statement formula like this, you can enter the statements in columns
other than column one.
• R—Bend radius.
• T—Material thickness.
• The conversion must begin with the descriptor CONVERSION, in the first column.
o If the equation is a simple one, then it can be written in the second column
on the same line as the descriptor, as in this example:
Spec-Driven Piping
o If the formula is more complex and/or contains some logic statements, then
the CONVERSION descriptor must precede the actual formula on its own line
and the formula must be concluded by the descriptor END CONVERSION,
again on its own line and in the first column.
o Under By Segment, click and select pipe segment from the graphics
o Under By Parameters, select a line stock name from the Model Tree or
Piping System Tree.
4. Select a bend table from the Bend Table Name box (Default value: NO_TABLE).
This box lists all bend tables defined for the pipe segment or line stock.
5. Click to apply the bend table. The Design Rule Parameters dialog box
• Flow Direction—Displays arrows indicating the flow direction in the pipeline. The
arrows disappear when the dialog box quits.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
When you add a property, you may need to set the display options again to display
the new property's value. You can use the right mouse button shortcut menu in the
Model Tree to set some of these properties. Display options set in Piping are visible
in Assembly, but can be edited only in Piping.
3. Click and select one or more pipelines in the graphics window or Model Tree.
4. Click OK in the Select window. The pipeline appears in the Selected pipelines
5. Select an option from the Display Options list to change the action:
7. Click to apply the changes and repeat steps 5 and 6 to set additional
Display Options.
Spec-Driven Piping
• Convert existing piping assemblies created in one piping design mode to the
other mode on-the-fly using the User-Driven piping design mode.
4. Select a pipeline from the graphics window. The assembly associated with the
selected pipeline becomes the active assembly. Spec-Driven Piping displays the
active assembly name in the graphics window.
You can also select an assembly from the Model Tree or the Piping System Tree.
4. Right-click a node in the tree and choose Info > Piping from the shortcut menu.
The pipeline Information Window opens.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven to Non Spec- Clear the Spec Driven check box on the
Driven PIPING menu. After this process, Spec-
Driven Piping considers all pipelines as Non
Non Spec-Driven to Spec- Select the Spec Driven check box on the
Driven PIPING menu. You must assign
specification-specific data in the Convert
Pipeline dialog box for each pipeline in the
active assembly. After entering this data,
the Pro/ENGINEER message area displays
each pipeline and its conversion status. All
pipelines must be converted to Spec-Driven.
• The piping assembly conversion processes occur on a pipeline basis only. Fittings
are not converted.
• Mixed models are not allowed. Non Spec-Driven and Spec-Driven pipelines
cannot be included in the same piping assembly.
• Mixed assemblies are allowed. Non Spec-Driven and Spec-Driven assemblies and
subassemblies can be grouped.
• All existing line stocks are automatically deleted. The Non Spec-Driven mode
permits different line stock assignments to each pipe segment.
Spec-Driven Piping
3. Click Active Asm on the PIPING menu and select a piping assembly from either
the Piping System Tree or the graphics window.
4. Select the Spec Driven check box on the PIPING menu. The Convert Pipeline
dialog box opens. Spec-Driven Piping displays the active assembly under Active
b. Click and select an XML file from the directory path specified by
the piping_schematic_xml_dir configuration option or your current
working directory. You can browse to any required directory to select
the XML file.
c. The Schematic Label option under Schematic Driven lists all the
eligible pipelines for conversion, based on the information in the
specified XML file. Select a pipeline from the eligible list.
d. Click the Label tab. The Specification, Size, Schedule, Mnemonic,
Number, and Insulation boxes get updated.
e. Click the Parameters tab. The Oper. Pressure, Oper. Temperature,
Design Pressure, and Design Temperature boxes get updated if the
schematic information contains the respective operating and design
pipeline parameters.
f. Click the Defined tab. The User Defined Parameters get updated.
Note: To convert a pipeline without the schematic information, clear the XML
File option and perform the following steps.
6. Select a pipeline to convert from the Select Pipeline box. If only one pipeline is
available, Spec-Driven Piping displays its name beside Pipeline.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
8. If applicable, type pipeline parameter values. Click the Parameters tab. Under
Pipeline Parameters, enter the parameter values. By default, Spec-Driven
Piping makes the pipeline parameters unavailable.
o Type a parameter name in the Name box (must begin with a letter) and a
corresponding value in the Value box. Click to add the parameter to
the pipeline.
11. Click to accept all pipeline data and begin the conversion process.
The Pro/ENGINEER Message area displays the pipeline conversion status. Spec-
Driven Piping generates new line stocks based on the assigned specification.
• You must perform this conversion process each time you switch from the Non
Spec-Driven to the Spec-Driven design mode.
• You must select each assembly to convert. Mixed assemblies are allowed.
3. On the PIPING menu, clear the Spec Driven check box. Spec-Driven Piping
considers all pipelines as Non Spec-Driven.
Spec-Driven Piping
• Every pipeline in the active assembly must be converted because the Non Spec-
Driven mode permits different line stock assignments for each pipe segment.
• All existing fittings remain Spec-Driven. So, if you convert the pipeline to Spec-
Driven, Spec-Driven Piping selects and inserts all Spec-Driven fittings according
to the pipeline specification.
Note: When you convert piping assemblies, the assembly revision number is
updated automatically.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• When using a schematic to drive the piping, make all needed parts and
subassemblies available as references in the external simplified representation.
These subassemblies are no longer active, but you can select their features for
references when creating pipelines.
9. Click Active Asm and choose a piping subassembly. The piping subassembly is
now the active assembly.
11. Save the external simplified representation, unless it is no longer needed. Any
changes to it are automatically merged in to the master assembly.
Spec-Driven Pipelines
Spec-Driven Piping
The OPER PIPE LINE menu allows you perform the following pipeline tasks:
• Create/Route—Creates a pipeline and provides you with the ROUTE PIPE
menu to route the pipeline immediately.
• Delete—Deletes the selected pipeline and provides you with the option of
deleting or suspending all associated children.
3. Click PIPING > Pipeline > Create/Route. The Create Pipeline dialog box
b. Click and select an XML file from the directory path specified by
the piping_schematic_xml_dir configuration option or your current
working directory. You can browse to any required directory to select
the XML file.
c. The Schematic Label option under Schematic Driven lists all the
eligible pipelines for creation, based on the information in the specified
XML file. Select a pipeline from the eligible list.
d. Click the Label tab. The Specification, Size, Schedule, Mnemonic,
Number, and Insulation boxes get updated.
e. Click the Parameters tab. The Oper. Pressure, Oper. Temperature,
Design Pressure, and Design Temperature boxes get updated if the
schematic information contains the respective operating and design
pipeline parameters.
f. Click the Defined tab. The User Defined Parameters get updated.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Note: To create a pipeline without the schematic information, clear the XML File
option and perform the following steps.
c. Click the Insulation check box to select or clear the Insulation box.
The Insulation box displays the default insulation type that is defined
for the selected specification in the Piping Specification Directory file.
Specify another value by selecting from the Insulation list.
Note: The Insulation list displays all the values that are specified in the
Insulation Directory file.
6. Under Pipeline Assembly, click and select an active assembly for the new
pipeline to be created with the Create Sub Assembly option from the Model
Tree. Spec-Driven Piping displays the selection in the Select Assembly box.
Spec-Driven Piping selects the top assembly (or last assembly selected) by
o Clear the Name check box. A new subassembly is not created. Spec-Driven
Piping creates all pipeline features for the new pipeline in the active
assembly displayed in the right bottom corner of the graphics window.
8. If applicable, enter pipeline parameter values. Click the Parameters tab. Under
Pipeline Parameters, type the pipeline parameter values. By default, Spec-
Driven Piping makes the pipeline parameters unavailable.
o Enter a parameter name in the Name box and a corresponding value in the
Value box. Note that all parameter names must begin with a letter. Click
to add the parameter to the pipeline.
Spec-Driven Piping
11. Click to accept all pipeline data and create the pipeline. The ROUTE PIPE
menu appears. Begin routing the pipeline.
2. Select the pipeline to delete from the graphics window. The CONFIRMATION
menu appears.
3. Enter a new name for the pipeline and click . Spec-Driven Piping confirms the
status of this task in the Message Area.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• When merging pipelines, Spec-Driven Piping does not perform automatic
propagation of the pipelines.
To Merge Pipelines
1. Click PIPING > Pipeline > Merge. The Merge Pipeline dialog box opens.
2. Under Select From Pipeline, select a pipeline from the graphics window or the
Model Tree.
3. Under Select Start Segment/Fitting, select the start pipe segment or fitting.
By default, an arrow is displayed along the downstream flow direction of the
pipeline at the selected pipe segment or fitting. This indicates that all of the
connected portion along the downstream portion of the pipeline is selected if you
do not specify any additional end pipes or fittings.
6. Under Select To Pipe Line, select the pipeline on which the components of the
From Pipeline are merged.
7. Click to merge the components from the From Pipeline to the To Pipeline
Spec-Driven Piping
The yellow circles in the previous figure represent the following modeling steps
performed to achieve the required pipeline configuration:
1. Create the AA-1002-100A pipeline using the Create Pipeline dialog box. The
specification AA has components with the rate 10K.
2. Route the entire pipeline from the location 2A to the location 2B as shown in the
previous figure.
6. Create a new pipeline using the Create Pipeline dialog box. Specify AA as the
specification, 1001 as the number, and 100A as the size.
7. Click PIPING > Pipeline > Merge, and select the pipeline that you have
created in step 6 as the To Pipeline in the Merge Pipeline dialog box.
8. Select the segment that you created in step 1 as the start segment under Select
Start Segment/Fitting. Specify the upstream flange of the gate valve as the
end segment under Select End Segment/Fittings(s).
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
9. Click . All the selected components, other than the flange, are merged to the
selected To Pipeline as shown in the following figure.
Spec-Driven Piping
To merge pipelines:
1. Click PIPING > Pipeline > Merge.
2. Select the trajectory that starts from the gasket in the Merge Pipeline dialog
box. Spec-Driven Piping highlights the selected components.
Spec-Driven Piping selects all the components of the AA 1002-100A pipeline located
downstream to the gasket indicated by the red arrow and associates them with the
AA-1001-100A pipeline when you click .
• The start and the first end piping components that you specify are used to check
the validity of the subsequent end components.
• Though you can select a break fitting as a bound when merging pipelines, the
merge operation starts from the adjacent fitting or pipe segment within the
selected boundary. Therefore, the From Pipeline retains the break fitting in this
Spec-Driven Piping highlights the connected portion of the pipeline with a larger
point size. This point size is displayed until the pipeline is merged, or until you select
a new start segment or a fitting, or until you end the session.
• You can separate pipes and fittings merged from a pipeline and merge them back
only to the original pipeline that contained these pipes and fittings. Spec-Driven
Piping does not allow nested merge operations. All the pipes and fittings in the
From Pipeline, including the ones that are not merged from the original pipeline,
are merged back to the original pipeline. The bound selection and the To Pipeline
selection are not required.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
o The selected pipeline already has pipes and fittings that are merged from
another pipeline.
o Part of the selected pipeline has already been merged to another pipeline.
• If the To Pipeline already has pipes and fittings merged from one pipeline, you
cannot merge pipelines to it from another pipeline.
• The insulation assigned to the selected pipes and fittings of the From Pipeline
within the selected bounds is merged to the To Pipeline during the merge
operation. The insulation assigned to the From Pipeline beyond the selected
bounds is not merged to the To Pipeline.
• Pipe spools and spool labels that contain the selected pipes and fittings of the
From Pipeline are deleted from the From Pipeline after the merge operation.
• The pipeline label attached to the selected pipes of the From Pipeline are deleted
after the merge operation.
• You cannot perform a merge operation if the piping features of the From Pipeline
are included in the user-defined group. Ungroup the piping features before you
Specification Break
2. Click PIPING > Pipeline > Spec Break. The Specification Break dialog box
Spec-Driven Piping
o If you want the new specification that you have selected to be propagated
till the end of the pipeline, do not use the Select End Segment/Fitting(s)
o If the pipeline that you selected has one or more branch segments in the
downstream direction of the segment or the fitting that you selected to
start the specification break, select more than one fitting or pipe segment
to stop the specification change along each branch of the pipeline.
5. Under Select Specification, the various specifications for the selected fitting or
the pipe segment are displayed. If required, select a different specification name
from the list.
1. A3A
2. Start fitting
3. End fittings
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
The pipeline specification after propagation changes as shown in the following figure:
1. A3A
2. A7K
Note: In the previous example, if you do not select the check valve as one of the
end fittings, all the fittings and segments in the branch side of the TEE fitting change
to the new specification, A7K.
Suppressing Pipelines
3. Click Confirm. Spec-Driven Piping suppresses the selected pipeline and all of its
highlighted children.
2. Select a suppressed pipeline. Spec-Driven Piping resumes the pipeline. You can
view the resumed pipeline in either the Model Tree, the Piping System Tree, or
the graphics window.
Piping Layers
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping creates three piping layers after you create a pipeline. These
layers are located in the active pipe assembly and use the naming convention
established in the Specification Database during piping setup.
Spec-Driven Piping creates the following three types of layers:
• ROUTE—Contains all routing features in piping assembly
3. If you create a new assembly, you must create a pipeline to view the piping
layers. From the PIPING menu, click Pipeline > Create/Route and create a
pipeline. Spec-Driven Piping automatically creates piping layers after pipeline
4. Click , or click Show > Layer Tree to view the piping layers.
• Set a start point from the corner of a pipe segment that has a corner of type
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• Use the set start features of point type or entry port type to route a pipe segment
by aligning the edge of the pipe segment to the edge of an existing pipe segment
or to an existing plane.
• Route a pipeline from the free port of a valid pipe fitting, such as a branch fitting
or an inline fitting. The size of the pipe segment that is routed on a free port
depends on the size of the fitting end that is free.
o When you select fitting ports to route a pipeline, you can select only those
free fitting ports that are not mated.
o The set start point that is created is the projection of the port on the main
segment. It is similar to setting a branch start point, but takes parameters
from the fitting port automatically. The next route will appear to be from
the center of the fitting itself. If the route segment is aligned with the fitting
port it becomes a placement constraint for the fitting.
Note: You can route a pipeline from a set start feature only when you create it.
• To Pnt/Port—Creates a pipe piece from the current start point to the selected
point, port, or pipe end.
• Branch—Creates a section that taps into a pipeline at the point you have
Spec-Driven Piping
These commands are available in both the Non Spec-Driven and Spec-Driven modes.
Note: If the pipe segment is not in the active assembly, you can route the
branch pipeline from the main pipeline that is not in the active assembly.
2. Under Select Parameters, select the specification, size, and the schedule.
Note: When you select the free port of a fitting, Spec-Driven Piping updates the
pipe parameters depending on the fitting. You cannot edit the Specification,
Size, and Schedule boxes if you select the free port of a fitting.
3. Click to define the start part and close the dialog box.
3. Connect individual segments of the same pipeline using ROUTE PIPE > Connect
> Define.
4. Create other pipelines to add branches to the main pipeline. Then create
branches using ROUTE PIPE > Branch.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
3. Under Select Parameters, the Specification, Size, and the Schedule boxes
display the default values. Select another value from the specification, size, and
schedule lists, if required.
4. Under Align Pipe Edge, select the pipe edge or the plane that you want to
reference. Based on your selection, specify one of the following:
o If you select a plane, under Select Pipe/Plane, click one of the following
to specify the offset for the pipe segment that is to be routed with reference
to the selected plane:
—Specifies the offset from the selected plane to the nearest edge of
the pipe that is to be routed.
—Specifies the offset from the selected plane to the farthest edge of
the pipe that is to be routed.
o If you select a pipe segment, click one of the following to specify the offset
for the pipe segment that is to be routed, with reference to the selected
pipe edge:
—Specifies the offset between the left edge of the existing pipe and
the left edge of the pipe that is to be routed.
—Specifies the offset between the left edge of the existing pipe and
the right edge of the pipe that is to be routed.
—Specifies the offset between the right edge of the existing pipe and
the left edge of the pipe that is to be routed.
—Specifies the offset between the right edge of the existing pipe and
the right edge of the pipe that is to be routed.
—Specifies the offset between the top edge of the existing pipe and
the top edge of the pipe that is to be routed.
—Specifies the offset between the top edge of the existing pipe and
the bottom edge of the pipe that is to be routed.
Spec-Driven Piping
—Specifies the offset between the bottom edge of the existing pipe
and the top edge of the pipe that is to be routed.
—Specifies the offset between the bottom edge of the existing pipe
and the bottom edge of the pipe that is to be routed.
Note: The green circle represents the pipe that is to be routed, while the
black circle represents the selected pipe that you are referencing.
5. Under Specify Offset Distance, specify the required offset distance from the
selected pipe edge or plane. Click to flip the offset direction, if required.
The plane ACBD that passes through the pipe segment AB and parallel to the y-z
plane is the base for the left and the right edges of the pipe segment AB. The plane
ABEF that passes through the pipe segment AB and perpendicular to the plane ACBD
is the base for the top and bottom edges of the pipe segment AB.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
When the reference pipe segment is not along the z-axis of the Global Csys, the left,
right, top, and bottom edges are defined as shown in the following figure.
The plane ABCD that passes through the pipe segment AB and perpendicular to the
x-y plane is the base for the left and the right edges of the pipe segment AB. The
plane EFGH that passes through the pipe segment AB and perpendicular to the plane
ACBD is the base for the top and bottom edges of the pipe segment AB.
Spec-Driven Piping
In the following figure, the pipe segment in black is the reference pipe segment and
the pipe segment in green is the new pipe segment created after routing. Before a
reducer is inserted on the reference pipe segment, the distance between the
reference pipe segment and the new pipe segment created after routing is as shown:
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
After a reducer is inserted on the reference pipe segment, the distance between the
reference pipe segment and the new pipe segment created after routing is updated
as shown in the following figure:
Spec-Driven Piping
When you route the pipeline, you can display the pipeline name, default corner type,
and line shape in the graphics window. The information updates with any change to
the active pipeline or current line stock. The information appears below the active
piping assembly name, as in the next figure:
o Line Shape—Displays the line shape: Free length flex, Set length flex,
or Straight.
4. Click OK.
Note: When you begin routing a pipeline, the routing information appears in the
lower-left of the graphics window.
2. Click Set Up > SpecDB. The Define Piping Specification dialog box opens.
5. Create a new specification using the newly created auto selection file. If the auto-
selection file is not available in the Auto Selection box, click to browse to
the location where the file is stored.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
3. Under the CORNER TYPE menu, Bend, Fitting, or Miter are available for
selection, depending on the size and specification of the pipeline.
If you create a pipeline using a specification that has FLEX_PIPE as the category, the
Line Shape option is available in the PIPE ENV menu.
1. In the ROUTE PIPE menu, click Pipe Envrnmt. The PIPE ENV menu appears.
o Click Flexible and Free Length to determine the length of the flexible pipe
o Click Flexible and Set Length to specify a length for the flexible pipe after
creating each segment.
Note: Free Length and Set Length are available only when you select Flexible
in the LINE SHAPE menu.
4. Click Done.
Spec-Driven Piping
By default, Spec-Driven Piping uses the reference coordinate system that was used
for the previous extend operation in the active assembly. If an extend operation was
not performed earlier in the active assembly, the global coordinate system is used by
2. Specify the start point for the pipeline extension and close the Define Start
dialog box.
3. Click PIPING > Route > Extend. The Extend dialog box opens.
Select one of the following from the list adjacent to to specify the
reference coordinate system:
Other coordinate systems that you have used for the previous extend
operations in the same extend session.
o Under Type, select the extend type as Csys to specify that the pipe
segment will be extended to the given coordinates of the reference
coordinate system.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Note: The Angle option is not applicable for the Cartesian system. The
angle dimension is always displayed in degrees irrespective of the format
specified in the Angle box.
o Under Locking Axes, select the extend directions along the x-, y-, or z-
axes, or along all three axes.
o Under Coordinates, type the coordinate values along the respective axes
in the available boxes or use the thumb wheel increments to specify the
values. You can also click and drag the pipe segment to the required
length. Spec-Driven Piping displays a preview of the pipe segment that is
extended using the drag operation, in the graphics window. Click to lock
the required coordinate boxes. The display changes to to indicate that
the boxes are locked.
2. Specify the start point for the pipeline extension and close the Define Start
dialog box.
3. Click PIPING > Route > Extend. The Extend dialog box opens.
Select one of the following from the list adjacent to to specify the
reference coordinate system:
Spec-Driven Piping
Other coordinate systems that you have used for the previous extend
operations in the same extend session.
o Under Type, select the extend type as Csys Axis to specify that the pipe
segment will be extended along the selected axis of the reference
coordinate system.
a. Under Select Axis, select one of the reference coordinate system axes
as the reference axis.
b. Under Options, select one of the following to specify the length of the
pipe segment:
Length—Extends the pipe segment to the given length along the reference
axis. Specify a value for the length in the Value box.
Offset Fm Ref—Extends the pipe segment along the reference axis until its
end is at a given offset distance from another selected reference plane or
coordinate system. Do each of the following:
Specify a value for the offset distance in the Value box or click and
drag the pipe segment to the required length. Spec-Driven Piping displays a
preview of the pipe segment that is extended using the drag operation, in
the graphics window.
Note: The Projection box is not available if you select a plane under
Select Plane/Csys.
Note: The options Offset, Offset Edge, Offset Edge Fm Ref, and Stop At are
not available if you use the Csys Axis extend type.
6. Click to extend the pipe segment along the reference axis with the required
2. Specify the start point for the pipeline extension and close the Define Start
dialog box.
3. Click PIPING > Route > Extend. The Extend dialog box opens.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Select one of the following from the list adjacent to to specify the
reference coordinate system:
Other coordinate systems that you have used for the previous extend
operations in the same extend session.
o Length—Extends the pipe segment to the given length along the reference
axis, edge, or pipe segment. Specify a value for the length in the Value
o Offset Fm Ref—Extends the pipe segment along the reference axis, edge,
or a pipe segment till the end of the pipe segment is at a given offset
distance from another selected reference plane or coordinate system. Do
each of the following:
Specify a value for the offset distance in the Value box or click and
drag the pipe segment to the required length. Spec-Driven Piping displays a
preview of the pipe segment that is extended using the drag operation, in
the graphics window.
Note: The Projection box is not available if you select a plane under
Select Plane/Csys.
Spec-Driven Piping
Note: The options Offset, Offset Edge, Offset Edge Fm Ref, and Stop At are
not available if you use an axis, edge, or pipe segment as a reference to extend
the pipeline.
6. Click to extend the pipe segment along the reference axis, edge, or pipe
segment with a required length.
2. Specify the start point for the pipeline extension and close the Define Start
dialog box.
3. Click PIPING > Route > Extend to open the Extend dialog box.
Select one of the following from the list adjacent to to specify the
reference coordinate system:
Other coordinate systems that you have used for the previous extend
operations in the same extend session.
o Under Type, select the extend type as Plane/Point to specify that the
pipe segment will be extended up to the selected plane or a point.
5. Under Upto Plane/Point, select one of the following from the Options list:
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Specify a value for the offset distance in the Value box or click and
drag the pipe segment to the required length. Spec-Driven Piping displays a
preview of the pipe segment that is extended using the drag operation, in
the graphics window.
Note: The Projection box is not available if you select a plane under
Select Plane/Csys.
Note: Calculated offset distance = offset distance (+) or (-) 1/2 pipe outer
diameter, depending on the offset direction.
6. Click to extend the pipe segment up to the reference plane or point with the
required length.
• END_TYPE—A string parameter that stores the nozzle end type, which is used to
automate the fitting selection. It is also used for end compatibility checking
between a nozzle and its connected pipeline.
Spec-Driven Piping
• RATING—A string parameter used to store the nozzle rating, which is used to
automate the fitting selection. It is also used for end compatibility checking
between a nozzle and its connected pipeline.
2. Click Applications > Standard > Edit > Setup > Name > Feature to assign a
name to the port of the nozzle, which will be used as the name of the nozzle.
3. Click Applications > Piping > PIPING > Info. The Report Pipeline dialog box
4. If a pipeline starts or ends at a nozzle, the nozzle name appears as the From or
To for the pipeline in the pipeline report. Generate this information, using the
Report Pipeline dialog box. This name appears in the Information Window.
If the assembly where the nozzle is assembled has a name and a FITTING_CODE
parameter with the value of EQUIPMENT assigned to it, then its name is used as
the equipment name. Output for the From or To is "Equipment_Name –
Nozzle_Name". For example, E7A-N2 means Heater Exchange E7A and Nozzle
3. You can change the port size in the Define Start dialog box and continue to
To Route to a Port
1. Click the Route > To/Pnt Port command or the Route > Connect command.
2. Select a valid entry port in the piping assembly. The current pipe size may be
different from the selected port size. If so, a warning message appears with a
size mismatch message.
3. Using a reducer, you can change the size of the pipe or the port so that they
An error message can appear when you modify the pipeline, and the port and
pipe become mismatched.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
2. You can route a pipe follow using anyone of the following methods. Select the
routing option and then click Done.
The SETUP SK PLN and SETUP PLANE menus appear. Set up and specify
a new sketching plane. A sketching window opens. When you have
completed your sketch, exit the sketcher.
3. When the INT FOLLOW menu appears, select Done Follow to create the pipe
2. Select the follow segment you want to redefine. The INT FOLLOW menu
Spec-Driven Piping
o Pipe Line—To redefine the seed pipeline of the pipe follow feature (this
option appears if the original pipe follow feature is created by following a
o Sketch—To redefine the sketch of the pipe follow feature (this option
appears if the follow feature is created by following a sketch).
o Curve—To reselect the curve selected for the pipe follow feature (this
option appears if the follow feature is created by following a curve).
o Axis—To reselect the axis selected for the pipe follow feature (this option
appears if the follow feature is created by following an axis).
o Ends—To trim and extend the end of the current pipe follow segment.
o Start/End—To change the start and end segments of the current pipe
follow segment.
o Constraint—To change the offset constraint type of the current pipe follow
Branch Routing
2. Under Type, select Segment or Corner and then select a location on the pipe
3. Under Select Parameters, select the specification, size, and the schedule.
Note: You cannot edit the Specification, Size, and the Schedule boxes if you
select the Type as Corner.
4. Under Select Placement, select one of the following placement location types:
Note: For both of the above location types, by default, Spec-Driven Piping
considers the reference location from the start end of the pipe segment.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
You can select another fitting on the same pipe run for reference, if
5. Under Location Parameter, specify a location parameter. Use the thumb wheel
to increase or decrease the offset distance or specify a value in the box adjacent
to the thumb wheel to change the offset distance.
6. Click the arrow to open the Offset From section of the dialog box.
Note: You cannot edit the Offset From section if the branch pipe size is equal to
the main pipe size.
o —Offsets from the centerline of the main pipe to the centerline of the
branch pipe.
o —Offsets from the top or bottom of the main pipe to the top or
bottom of the branch pipe.
Spec-Driven Piping
2. Under Select Branch Location, select a point, a pipe segment, or a corner for
specifying the branch point.
Note: For both the above location types, by default, Spec-Driven Piping
considers the reference location from the start end of the pipe segment.
Click under Location Parameter to flip the location with reference to
the end of the pipe segment. Spec-Driven Piping changes to to
indicate the change in the reference location.
You can select another fitting on the same pipe run for reference, if
4. Under Location Parameter, specify a location parameter. Use the thumb wheel
to increase or decrease the offset distance, or specify a value in the box adjacent
to the thumb wheel to change the offset distance.
5. If you are inserting an angle branch, select Control placement using angle
and use the slider or type a value to adjust the angles. If you select this option,
you can modify only the angle. You can control the angle to use by clicking Angle
Type at the top of the Branch Pipe dialog box and selecting one of the options:
6. Click the arrow to open the Offset From section of the dialog box.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Note: You cannot edit the Offset From section if the branch pipe size is equal to
the main pipe size.
o —Offsets from the centerline of the main pipe to the centerline of the
branch pipe.
o —Offsets from the top or bottom of the main pipe to the top or
bottom of the branch pipe.
Points on a Segment
Spec-Driven Piping
2. Select a pipe segment to insert the points. The ends of the pipe segment are
3. Click Create and Dynamic in the CHOOSE POINT menu and click Done. An
additional point is highlighted between the ends of the pipe segment.
4. Select a point or a section on the pipe segment to move. Two points are
highlighted based on your selection.
5. Click No or Yes in the message area depending on whether you want to create a
single break point or two break points.
7. Use the sliders in the MOVE DRAG SEGMENT thermo tool to move the break
point as well as the selected section of the pipe segment. You can move the
selected section of the pipe segment normal to the plane as well as normal to the
pipe segment. The new shape of the pipeline is displayed dynamically according
to the slider movement.
Use the sensitivity slider to control the step value of the slider movement.
Note: Set the sensitivity slider value to 100 before you use the other sliders to
move the point or the pipe segment.
After setting the slider values, left-click in the area above the first slider in the
MOVE DRAG SEGMENT thermo tool to display the new shape of the pipeline or
right-click to reset the MOVE DRAG SEGMENT thermo tool.
8. Use the Offset Surf or the Offset Csys commands in the OFFSET PNT menu to
define the dimensioning references of the datum point.
The original pipe segment is now replaced with new datum points and Pipe to
Point features.
4. Click Select in the CHOOSE POINT menu to select an existing datum point. The
pipe segment is reshaped to pass through the selected datum point.
Click Create and Static in the CHOOSE POINT menu and click Done. The
DATUM POINT dialog box opens. Create a datum point.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Note: To create a datum point using any other datum point creation tool, do the
The selected pipe segment is replaced with new points and Pipe to Point features.
6. Select a free-length flexible pipeline. You can add, delete, and move interpolation
points as needed or move the control polygon points using the Modify Curve
dialog box.
• Specify the first segment of the From Pipeline that is inserted into the To Pipeline.
• Specify the orientation of the first segment of the From Pipeline in the To Pipeline
• Specify the rotation angle about the first segment to orient the inserted From
• Propagate the inserted From Pipeline based on the size and the specification
information defined at the Set Start location on the To Pipeline.
Spec-Driven Piping
2. Select a starting location for the pipeline insertion referred to as the Set Start
location and close the Set Start dialog box.
3. Click PIPING > Route > Insert. The Insert Pipeline dialog box opens. The
Selection tab is selected by default.
4. Under Select Pipeline, to select the From Pipeline, do one of the following:
o Select a pipeline or any component of the pipeline from the current Spec-
Driven Piping session.
o Click and select a pipeline assembly using the Open dialog box. Spec-
Driven Piping displays the selected pipeline assembly in a separate preview
5. Under Select Start Segment/Fitting, select the pipe segment or fitting to start
the selection bound. By default, an arrow is displayed along the downstream flow
direction of the pipeline at the selected pipe segment or fitting. This indicates
that the entire connected portion along the downstream portion of the pipeline is
selected if you do not specify any additional end pipes or fittings.
Note: If you have not activated the preview window, Spec-Driven Piping
automatically activates the preview window so that you can select the bound
segments or the fittings.
8. Specify the orientation values for the inserted From Pipeline, if required, using
the options that are available when you click the Orientation tab.
Note: The Orientation tab is available only after you select the From Pipeline.
9. If required, under Rotation, specify the rotation angle of the selected first
segment in the Angle box, or use the thumb wheel to specify the orientation.
Specify any value between 0 and 360 degrees.
10. Click to apply the changes and close the dialog box.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
For example, in the following figure, segment S2 is the only bound that is
Spec-Driven Piping selects and highlights the From Pipeline based on the
preceding selection, as shown in the following figure:
• If you select more than one segment or fitting, Spec-Driven Piping selects the
portion of the pipeline between the selected components as the pipeline for
Spec-Driven Piping
For example, in the following figure, the fitting F1 and the segment S4 have been
selected as the bounds.
Spec-Driven Piping selects and highlights the From Pipeline based on the
preceding selection, as shown in the following figure:
• If you select pipeline configurations with branch series, the part of the pipeline
between the selected bounds including the bounds is selected as the pipeline for
For example, in the following figure, multiple pipeline bounds are selected along a
branched pipeline.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping selects and highlights the From Pipeline as shown in the
following figure:
• If you select a TEE fitting as a pipeline bound, the entire branch side part of the
pipeline is selected as a pipeline bound. You can specify pipeline bounds on the
branch side and specify another location along the branch side to restrict the
bound. If you want to select pipeline components upstream or downstream of the
TEE fitting, specify additional pipeline bounds along the required direction.
• If the first segment of the From Pipeline is a stubin branch with an offset from its
original main pipe, do one of the following to obtain the required offset for the
branch, on the To Pipeline:
o Set the branch offset appropriately when you create the branch Set Start in
the To Pipeline.
o After the From Pipeline is inserted, redefine the branch Set Start.
Spec-Driven Piping
• The From Pipeline becomes a part of the To Pipeline after it is inserted into the To
• When you insert a From Pipeline into the To Pipeline, the trajectory of the From
Pipeline is copied into the To Pipeline assembly without any external references.
• You can use any of the Spec-Driven Piping functionality to modify pipelines that
are inserted into the To Pipeline.
• A stub-in with a center or tangent offset is not inserted with an offset value. The
offset value gets deleted after insertion.
o Specified extensions
• Reverse the assigned flow direction of all series in the specified pipelines and
automatically reverse the appropriate direction-specific fittings.
• Decide the NEAR and FAR placement locations during fitting insertion.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
3. Create a branch segment in the Negative Z direction from point APNT1. This
segment has a physical gap between itself and the segment created in Step 2.
See Step 4 for resolution. The default flow direction for the downstream series
that was created during branching at point APNT1, is determined by Flow
Direction Rule 2.
4. Connect the segments created in Step 2 and 3 in the direction shown in the
example. The default flow direction for the branch series is determined by Flow
Direction Rule 3.
If you create the first segment in the correct flow direction, this ensures the
correct flow direction for the entire series. Otherwise, you must reverse the
resulting series.
• Rule 2—The flow direction of a new series, which is split and created as a result
of inserting a branch fitting or stub-in, is the same as the original series from
which it is created.
• Rule 3—The flow direction of a branch series is the same as the flow direction of
the pipe segment in the branch line that was created first.
Spec-Driven Piping
4. Green lines—Pipelines
2. Create a branch segment in the Negative Z direction from point APNT1. This
segment ends within point APNT2 along the Negative Z direction. The default flow
direction for the downstream series created during branching at point APNT1 is
determined by Flow Direction Rule 2.
4. Connect the segments created in steps 2 and 3 as shown in the example. The
default flow direction for the branch series is determined by Flow Direction Rule
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
3. Green lines—Pipelines
4. Under Flow Direction, select the flow unit you want to modify by selecting from
the list. The options are:
o PipeLine
o Extension
o Series
Select the unit. In the graphics window the flow direction is indicated by arrows
along the pipeline.
• Click to switch between displaying and hiding the flow direction of the
pipelines in the active assembly.
Spec-Driven Piping
• Click to display the Piping System Tree. Select a pipe segment in the
graphics window or a node from the Piping System Tree and right-click. A
shortcut menu appears. Click Flow > Show to display the flow direction of the
selected pipe series or pipeline.
2. Green lines—Pipelines
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• Diverging pipelines (two different pipelines that share a physical connection point
but are opposed in direction).
• Pipelines with dead loops (loops that feed back into the pipeline and have no
• When you suppress pipe segments you can also suppress the associated pipe
solids and insulation.
• Fittings of type break, cut, or elbow, that are placed on the ends of a suppressed
pipe segment are automatically changed to type "on end".
• All the suppressed components are resumed during the resume operation.
• You cannot resume a suppressed pipe segment if its end is used by a new
segment due to routing.
• You cannot suppress pipe segments that have insulation, branch points, pipeline
labels, or spools.
2. Select the pipe segment to suppress. Spec-Driven Piping suppresses the selected
pipe segments and all the highlighted children.
4. Select the suppressed pipe segments that you want to resume. Spec-Driven
Piping resumes all the suppressed segments and their associated components. If
the selected pipe segment cannot be resumed, it is highlighted.
Spec-Driven Piping
1. Segment 1
2. Segment 2
3. Segment 3
2. Segment 2
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
2. If you click Resume, all the segments that were previously suppressed are
1. Segment 1
2. Segment 2
3. Segment 3
3. If you select segment #3, Spec-Driven Piping resumes segment #3, the flange,
and the gasket.
2. Segment 2
3. Segment 3
Spec-Driven Piping
4. Spec-Driven Piping uses the free segment end for the new routing.
2. Segment 2
3. Segment 3
5. If you click Resume again, segment #1 is not resumed, because its end is
occupied by an elbow of type "on end."
2. Segment 2
3. Segment 3
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• Insert a fitting of a specification other than the pipe specification at the insertion
location. For example, you can insert a B3A Gate Valve on a A3A pipeline.
To Insert Fittings
1. Click PIPING > Fitting > Insert. The Insert Fitting dialog box opens with the
Selection tab selected.
Under Pipeline Selection, select a pipe segment. The pipeline that the
pipe segment belongs to becomes active and its label appears in the
Insertion Location box.
Under Pipeline Selection, select a free port. The pipeline that the free
port belongs to is automatically selected. If the free port does not belong to
any pipeline, the active pipeline is automatically selected. Select a different
pipeline, if required. The label of the selected pipeline appears in the Select
Pipeline box.
The Specification and Schedule check boxes display the specification and
schedule of the selected pipeline. The Size box displays the size of the free
port. If the free port does not have a size, the last used size is displayed.
To override the specification, click the Specification check box and select a
different specification from the list. Spec-Driven Piping selects the fitting
based on the specification that you have selected.
You can also change the size of a free port fitting if the free port does not
have an existing size.
Spec-Driven Piping
Select an active Fitting Category icon and then select a value in the Selection
Name list.
The Designator box displays the ref_des value of the selected fitting. You
cannot edit this value.
The Specification, Valve Number, New Size, and Branch Size boxes are
automatically updated based on the schematic information of the selected fitting.
Note: To insert a fitting in the nonschematic mode, clear the XML File check box
and proceed to step 4.
—Inserts a valve.
—Inserts a flange.
Note: All user-defined fitting categories also appear under Fitting Selection.
5. The Selection Name section displays a default fitting selection name. Select a
different name from the list, if required.
6. The Bolt Nut Code box displays a default bolt nut code assigned to the fitting.
Bolts are automatically inserted in the fitting and flanges based on the Auto-
Selection file. Select a different bolt nut code from the list, if required.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
This input panel is available only when you set VALVE_NUMBER to YES for the
selected fitting category in the Piping Fitting Category Map file. The value
you type is saved as the VALVENUMBER component parameter.
Note: If the first fitting in the selected category is a no-break fitting, then the
name of the input panel is Number. Otherwise, it is Valve Number.
You can also use the Piping System Tree or Model Tree to assign a valve number
to a selected fitting. To do so, specify the VALVENUMBER string parameter as one
of the Feat Params columns to be displayed in the Model Tree Columns dialog
8. Click the Automatic Flange Gasket check box to automatically insert flanges
and gaskets. For some fittings with flanged end types, you can automatically
insert a set of flanges and gaskets.
9. To preview the fittings, click the arrow adjacent to Preview Fitting Graphics to
display the graphics window. A single fitting or the first fitting in the assembly
fitting appears in the Preview Fitting Graphics box. To preview the graphics in
a separate window, click the relevant check box.
Fitting Placement
Note: You cannot insert a no-break fitting face to face with another fitting.
Note: You cannot insert a no-break fitting at the end of a pipe segment.
Spec-Driven Piping
Location Type
Location Type buttons are available when you click under Fitting
Note: By default, Spec-Driven Piping considers the reference location from the
start point of the pipe segment. Click under Location Parameter to flip the
location with reference to the end of the pipe segment. Spec-Driven Piping
changes to to indicate the change in the reference location.
Note: By default, Spec-Driven Piping considers the reference location from the
start point of the pipe segment. Click under Location Parameter to flip the
location with reference to the end of the pipe segment. Spec-Driven Piping
changes to to indicate the change in the reference location.
Location Parameter
Specify a location parameter and use the thumb wheel to increase or decrease
the offset.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Alignment Point
The alignment point positions the fitting on the pipe segment as follows:
—Near point.
—Center point.
—Far point.
Alignment Offset
Click this check box to offset the near or far alignment of the fitting by the value
set by the OFFSET parameter. Pro/ENGINEER applies the offset value in the
positive z-direction of the entry port fitting.
Rotation Angle
Select from the standard options or use the thumb wheel to adjust the rotation
13. Click to insert the fitting and close the dialog box.
Note: You can also insert a missing fitting node using the standard Model Tree
Spec-Driven Piping
1. A3A
2. B3A
3. A3A
If you click the Specification check box in the Insert Fitting dialog box, you can
insert a fitting of a specification, B3A. The specifications of the upstream and the
downstream pipes and fittings do not change when you insert the fitting of
specification B3A as shown in the following figure.
1. A3A
2. B3A
3. A3A
Add the following parameters to the bulk item:
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
The values of the BOLT_DIA and BOLT_LENGTH parameters are exported to the PCF
Note: After a bulk item is placed in an assembly, a parameter requiring user input
behaves as a component parameter. For different instances of a Family Table
member, the bulk item can have different values.
Add the following relation to the bulk item:
Family Table
Create a Family Table for the bulk item with the following columns:
• Instance name—Name of the bulk item in the Bolt Nut Master Catalog file
• SCH_RATE—Fitting rating
Note: When you create a report, the bolt nut codes from a valve always take priority
over codes from a flange mated to the valve. For example, when a valve is mated to
two flanges, only the bolts and nuts assigned to the valve are reported. The bolts
and nuts assigned to the two flanges are ignored.
Spec-Driven Piping
• A port of an equipment nozzle that is not connected with any pipe or fitting
• A port of a fitting that is not connected with any pipe or fitting, and the fitting is
inserted at a free port.
Note: Insert Pipeline does not support fittings inserted at a free port.
3. Under Pipeline Selection, click to select a free port. The selected port is
displayed in the Select Free Port box.
4. Click to select a pipeline. The label of the selected pipeline is displayed in the
Select Pipeline box.
The Specification and Schedule boxes display the specification and schedule of
the selected pipeline. The Size box displays the size of the free port. If the free
port does not have a size, the last used size is displayed.
To override the specification, click the Specification check box and select a
different specification from the list. Spec-Driven Piping selects the fitting based
on the specification that you have selected.
5. Under Fitting Selection, select the fitting that you want to insert.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
You cannot select no-break fittings for group fitting insertion nor can you use no-
break fittings as references for break fittings. For example, you cannot mate a break
fitting with a no-break fitting, nor can you offset a break fitting from a no-break
If you change the size or specification of the pipeline on which you have inserted a
no-break fittings, the no-break fitting is propagated in the same way as a break
fitting. The no-break fitting does not propagate the pipeline on which the no-break
fitting is inserted.
You can redefine or delete a no-break fitting in the same way as a break fitting.
Deleting a no-break fitting does not cause any propagation to the pipeline.
Inserting Elbows
3. For each instance in the generic, that is, for each size, create instances of
different angles. For example, you can create instances using an incremental
value of 1.
4. Ensure that the ports align properly with the inlet and outlet of the elbow in the
trimmed instances so that the fittings can be inserted.
Spec-Driven Piping
2. Click PIPING > Fitting > Insert. The Insert Fitting dialog box opens. Under
3. Under Pipeline Selection, select a pipe segment. The selection location must be
close to the vertex where you want to insert the elbow. The pipeline label of the
selected pipe segment appears as read-only in the box adjacent to .
4. Under Select Fitting Category, select a fitting category where the elbows are
5. Click to select the Elbow category if you have used the sample project files.
8. Click to insert the trimmed elbow and close the dialog box.
Click to insert the trimmed elbow and keep the Insert Fitting dialog box
2. Click PIPING > Fitting > Insert. The Insert Fitting dialog box opens.
4. Under Pipeline Selection, select a pipe segment. The selection location must be
close to the vertex where you want to insert the elbow. The pipeline label of the
selected pipe segment appears as read-only in the box adjacent to .
5. Under Select Fitting Category, select a fitting category where the elbows are
6. Click to select the Elbow category, if you have used the sample project files.
7. Click Trim and Nearest Std. Elbow. The Selection Name list becomes
inaccessible and the required elbow for trimming is determined automatically,
based on the vertex angle.
8. Click to insert the trimmed elbow and close the dialog box.
Click to insert the trimmed elbow and keep the Insert Fitting dialog box
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
2. Click PIPING > Fitting > Insert. The Insert Fitting dialog box opens.
4. Under Pipeline Selection, select a pipeline by selecting one of its segments. The
label of the selected pipeline appears as read-only in the box adjacent to .
5. Under Select Fitting Category, select a fitting category where the elbows are
6. Click to select the Elbow category, if you have used the sample project files.
Note: Do not select the Selection Name option because you want the fitting
selection names to be determined automatically.
8. Click Nearest Std. Elbow. If you do not select this option you are prompted
with an option list of valid elbows for trimming at every vertex where a trimmed
elbow will be inserted.
9. Click to insert the trimmed elbow and close the dialog box.
Click to insert the trimmed elbow and keep the Insert Fitting dialog box
3. Under Pipeline Selection, select a pipeline by selecting one of its segments. The
label of the selected pipeline appears as read-only in the box adjacent to .
4. Under Select Fitting Category, select a fitting category where the elbows are
5. Click to select the Elbow category, if you have used the sample project files.
Spec-Driven Piping
Click to insert the elbow and keep the Insert Fitting dialog box open.
Note: Trim is not selected in this case and so trimmed elbows are not inserted.
3. Under Pipeline Selection, click and select a pipe segment end. The selected
location is displayed in the Insertion Location box.
4. The Specification, Size, and Schedule boxes display values of the selected
pipe segment. To override the current specification, click the Specification check
box and select a different specification from the list. Spec-Driven Piping selects
the fitting again based on the specification that you have selected.
8. If required, rotate the elbow using the options under Rotation Angle.
9. Click to insert the fitting and close the Insert Fitting dialog box.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
1. Pipe end
2. Elbow vertex
3. Under Pipeline Selection, select a pipeline by selecting one of its segments. The
label of the selected pipeline appears as read-only in the box adjacent to .
4. Under Select Fitting Category, select a fitting category where the elbows are
5. Click to select the Elbow category, if you have used the sample project files.
Click to insert the elbow and keep the Insert Fitting dialog box open.
Spec-Driven Piping
• Automatically select and insert the appropriate gaskets between the adjacent
flanged fittings in the group.
• Automatically select and insert an appropriate pair of flange and gaskets between
a flanged end of a fitting and a non-flanged end of another fitting.
• Insert the specified group fittings on a pipe segment with their adjacent faces
Note: You cannot flip the fittings of type eccentric reducers during group fitting
insertion because of the offset in the centerline axis of such fittings. To avoid this,
you can insert expansion fittings instead of reducer fittings or vice versa. To get the
required size, modify the pipe size before you insert the fittings.
3. The Specification, Size, and the Schedule boxes display default values. Click
the Specification check box, and select another specification from the
specification list to override the current specification for the fitting that you want
to insert.
If you override specifications, all the subsequent fittings that you insert will use
the same overridden specification until you clear the Specification box.
The Designator box displays the ref_des value of the selected fitting. You
cannot edit this value.
The Specification, Valve Number, New Size, and Branch Size boxes are
automatically updated according to the schematic information of the selected
schematic fitting.
5. Under Fitting Selection, select a fitting that you want to insert. The options are:
—Inserts a valve.
—Inserts a flange.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
6. The Selection Name box displays a default fitting selection name. Change this
name by selecting another name from the list, if required.
7. The Bolt Nut Code box displays a default bolt nut code assigned to that fitting
based on the Auto-Selection file. Change this code by selecting another bolt nut
code from the list, if required.
8. Specify a string that contains one or more characters or numbers, or both, in the
Valve Number box to assign a valve number to the selected fitting.
Note: You can also use the Piping System Tree or Model Tree to assign a valve
number to a selected fitting. To do so, specify the VALVENUMBER string parameter
as one of the Feat Params columns to be displayed in the Model Tree Columns
dialog box.
9. Click Automatic Flange & Gasket if you want a set of flanges and gaskets to be
inserted automatically.
10. Use the Group Manipulation buttons to add fittings or display information about
selected fittings for your group of fittings.
—Displays the previous fitting in the group and makes it the current fitting.
—Displays the next fitting in the group and makes it the current fitting.
—Inserts a new fitting into the group before the current fitting.
—Inserts a new fitting into the group after the current fitting.
—Specifies the current fitting as the key fitting. This is not available if the
current fitting is already the key fitting, or if the current key fitting of the group is
an elbow, branch, eccentric reducer fitting, or angle valve.
Spec-Driven Piping
—Deletes the current fitting from the group. The next fitting in the group
becomes the current fitting. If the key fitting is deleted, then the next fitting
becomes the key fitting.
As you add or remove fittings from the groups, the Group Parent at the top of
the dialog box displays the number of the current fitting and the number of total
fittings in the group. If the current fitting is the key fitting, the Group Parent
box displays this information.
11. Click the Placement/Orientation tab. You can determine Placement and
Orientation options, one fitting at a time.
Fitting Placement
Location Type
Location Type buttons are available when you click under Fitting
Note: By default, Spec-Driven Piping considers the reference location from the
start point of the pipe segment. Click available under Location Parameter
to flip the location with reference to the end of the pipe segment. Spec-Driven
Piping changes to to indicate the change in the reference location.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Note: By default, Spec-Driven Piping considers the reference location from the
start point of the pipe segment. Click available under Location Parameter
to flip the location with reference to the end of the pipe segment. Spec-Driven
Piping changes to to indicate the change in the reference location.
Location Parameter
Specify a location parameter and use the thumb wheel to increase or decrease
the offset.
Alignment Offset
Check this box to offset the near or far alignment of the fitting by the value set
by the OFFSET parameter. Pro/ENGINEER applies the offset value in the positive
z-direction of the entry port fitting.
Alignment Point
The alignment point positions the fitting on the fitting port at the following point
—Near point. Pro/ENGINEER aligns the inlet (upstream) port of the fitting
with the location point of the fitting.
—Far point. Pro/ENGINEER places the fitting so that the alignment point is
in the middle of the two ports.
Spec-Driven Piping
Rotation Angle
Select from the standard options or use the thumb wheel to adjust the rotation
14. To preview the fittings, click the arrow adjacent to Preview Fitting Graphics to
display the graphics window. To preview the graphics in a separate window,
select the relevant check box.
15. Click to insert the group fitting and close the dialog box.
1. A3A
2. A7K
3. A7N
4. A3A
Spec-Driven Piping uses the specification of the upstream fitting, that is, of
specification A7K, and selects the specification for the intermediate gasket between
the check valve and the gate valve.
Key Fitting
The key fitting is a fitting in the group, that is inserted first on the pipe segment.
Before the key fitting is inserted, the selected pipe segment is divided into two
segments at the specified location. The key fitting is placed at the specified location.
The adjacent fittings are inserted with their faces mating with either side face of the
key fitting. All the fittings in the group are inserted subsequently in this manner.
The first selected fitting becomes the key fitting by default. If any one of the
following fittings is added to the group, then that fitting automatically becomes the
key fitting, and the original key fitting becomes the normal fitting:
• Elbows
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• Branch fittings
• Eccentric fittings
• Angle valves
A group cannot have more than one fitting from these categories.
A key fitting can be used to mate a group fitting to one or more existing fittings in
the piping model. To do so, the key fitting must exist at the mating end of the group.
Also, there must be no group fittings between the key fitting and the mating surface
of the existing fittings.
• The placement options and alignment point options can be specified only for the
key fitting. The placement options will be disabled for other fittings. But
orientation options will be accessible individually for all the fittings.
• When a non-key fitting is manually set as "key fitting", the Placement Options
and alignment point options of the original key fitting will be transferred to the
new key fitting. However, you can change these options as required for the new
key fitting.
• You can correct the failure either by selecting another fitting or by flipping a
Modifying Fittings
Spec-Driven Piping
You can also perform these operations using the Info, Redefine, Replace, and
Delete options from the shortcut menu.
To Delete Fittings
1. Click PIPING > Fitting > Delete.
2. Select a fitting, and then Ok from the SELECT menu. The fitting is deleted.
2. Under Select Fitting, select the pipe fitting component that you want to delete.
o Selected & All Upstream—Deletes the selected fitting and all fittings that
are mated to the selected fitting, upstream in the group. If the selected
fitting is located below the parent fitting, all the fittings located upstream to
it including the parent fitting are deleted. In this case, Spec-Driven Piping
prompts you to select another fitting in the group as the new parent fitting.
Note: If you select a fitting that is located downstream of the group parent
fitting, and the parent fitting is a corner or a branch fitting, you cannot
select fittings using Selected & All Upstream.
o Selected & All Downstream—Deletes the selected fitting and all the
fittings that are mated to the selected fitting, downstream in the group. If
the selected fitting is located above the parent fitting, all the fittings located
downstream to it including the parent fitting are deleted. In this case, Spec-
Driven Piping prompts you to select another fitting in the group as the new
parent fitting.
Note: If you select a fitting that is located upstream of the group parent
fitting, and the parent fitting is a corner or a branch fitting, you cannot
select fittings using Selected & All Downstream.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
4. Under Select New Group Parent, click to select a new parent for the group
if you have deleted the parent fitting of the group and have not specified a new
Note: You cannot select the following items as a new parent fitting:
o Gaskets
o If you select a parent fitting for deletion from a group of two fittings
o If you select a parent fitting for deletion from a group fitting located at the
end of a pipe, the fitting adjacent to the parent fitting is selected as the
new parent fitting
The network report for the fittings is shown in the next table.
100A ms NIPPLE
100A ms NIPPLE
100A ms NIPPLE
100A ms GASKET
100A ms NIPPLE
Spec-Driven Piping
If you select the NIPPLE 100A, which is the group parent fitting for deletion, Spec-
Driven Piping highlights all selected fittings that will be deleted as shown in the
following figure:
The highlighted fittings are deleted when you click . The remaining group fittings
appear as shown in the following figure:
Select the new parent fitting as NIPPLE of size 100A in the Select New Group
Parent box. The size of the pipe segment is propagated along its downstream to
match the downstream size of the group fittings. The network report for the group
fittings with the new parent is as shown in the following table.
100A ms NIPPLE
100A ms NIPPLE
2. Select a fitting that you want to redefine. You can redefine no-break fittings in
the same way as break fittings.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
4. Click to complete the redefinition of the fitting on the pipeline and close the
dialog box.
To Replace Fittings
1. Click PIPING > Fittings > Replace. The Replace Fitting dialog box opens.
2. Under Select Fitting, select the fitting to be replaced. Information about the
fitting appears as read-only text under Fitting Data.
The Specification, Size, and the Schedule boxes display relevant values by
default. Click the Specification box and select a different specification from the
specification list to override the current specification values for the fitting that
you want to replace.
The Designator box displays the ref_des value of the selected fitting. You
cannot edit this value.
The Specification, Valve Number, New Size, and Branch Size boxes are
automatically updated according to the schematic information of the selected
schematic fitting.
Spec-Driven Piping
Note: You can replace a no-break fitting with another no-break fitting only and a
break fitting with another break fitting. If you try to replace a no-break fitting
with a break fitting or a break fitting with a no-break fitting, Pro/ENGINEER
displays an error message in the message area.
5. The Selection Name section displays a default name for the fitting. Change this
name by selecting another one from the list.
6. Specify a string that contains one or more characters or numbers, or both, in the
Valve Number or Number box to assign or modify a valve number or an
identification number for the fitting that you want to replace.
Note: You can also use the Piping System Tree or Model Tree to modify the valve
number of the selected fitting. To do so, specify the VALVENUMBER string
parameter as one of the Feat Params column to be displayed in the Model Tree
Columns dialog box.
• Use the Piping System Tree by setting the VALVENUMBER string parameter as one
of the display Feat Params columns in the Model Tree Columns dialog box.
Select the box specific to a valve in the Piping System Tree and delete or modify
the valve number.
• Use the Model Tree by selecting the box specific to a valve in the model tree and
deleting or modifying the valve number.
Note: You can use the Model Tree to create, modify, or delete valve numbers even if
you set the value of the VALVE_NUMBER parameter in the Fitting Category Map file to
no. As good practice, avoid using the Model Tree to create, modify, or delete valve
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
If the length of the pipe segment is less than any of the values specified for these
configuration options, then a message appears and the pipe segment that does
not satisfy any of the above conditions is highlighted.
• Checks for a fitting that overlaps another fitting at the given insertion location
and tries to move the fitting to avoid the overlap. If the fitting cannot be moved,
a message appears and the existing fitting that is being overlapped is
highlighted. In such instances, no fittings are inserted.
• For slip-on flanges and socket-welded fittings, Spec-Driven Piping does not
automatically perform the overlap check for the fitting parts that lie outside the
port. This is because the ports do not lie on the external surface of the fitting. To
enable Spec-Driven Piping to perform checking for fitting overlap for slip-on
flanges and socket welded fittings, use the OFFSET parameter to specify the
additional distance between the port and the external surface and attach the
parameter to the required port. Spec-Driven Piping performs the overlap
checking for the additional distance from the fitting port location.
• Spec-Driven Piping does not check overlap for no-break fittings during various
piping modeling operations.
You can also make dimensional changes to pipelines outside of the active assembly;
however, changes are not observed until either the assembly in question or the top
level assembly is made active and regenerated.
During the modification or automatic propagation of pipelines, Spec-Driven Piping
checks for the fittings that can overlap at different locations on a pipeline. The
fittings that are being overlapped are highlighted and the modification of the pipeline
is terminated.
Note: Spec-Driven Piping does not check overlap for no-break fittings during various
piping modeling operations.
Spec-Driven Piping
o Specification
o Size
o Schedule
• If the selected pipe segment contains a reducer then the fitting modification
dialog box opens.
• If a fitting overlaps because of a change in the size of the pipe segment, Spec-
Driven Piping reports all the fitting overlap violations in the INFORMATION
WINDOW. You cannot modify the pipeline, unless you redefine the insertion
location of the fittings that are overlapping.
5. In the New Type box, select a new corner type from the list.
Note: The New Type box displays only those corner types that are specified in
the Piping Specification File.
o If you select a corner of type Bend, the Bend Radius box displays a default
value for the bend radius. If more than one value is specified for the radius
in the Piping Specification file, select the required bend radius value from
the Bend Radius list.
Note: The Bend Radius box is available only when you select the New
Type as Bend.
o If you select a corner of type Miter Cut, the Cut Radius box displays a
default value for the cut radius. If more than one value for the radius is
specified in the Piping Specification file, you can select the required radius
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
from the Cut Radius list. After you select a cut radius, the Cut Number
box displays the default value for the cut number. If more than one value is
specified for the cut number in the Piping Specification file, select the
required cut number value from the Cut Number list.
o The Cut Radius and the Cut Number boxes are available only when you
select the New Type as Miter Cut.
o The corners have the same line stock, that is, they have the same
specification, material code, nominal size, and schedule.
• If you select multiple miters for modification, the Cut Radius box displays the
value of the radius, if the selected miters have the same radius. If you select
multiple miters of variable radius, the Cut Radius box displays the value
• If you select multiple miters for modification, the Cut Number box displays the
value of the cut number if the selected miters have the same cut number. If you
select multiple miters of variable cut number, the Cut Number box displays the
value Multiple.
• If you select multiple corners of different corner types like bends, fittings, and
miter cuts, the Select Corner box in the Modify Pipeline dialog box displays
the value Current Type Multiple.
Spec-Driven Piping
After you create a pipeline using a pipe size that has multiple bend radius values
associated with it, you can set the bend radius value for that routing session by
doing the following.
1. Click Route Pipe > Pipe Envrmnt > Corner Vals. The SEL VALUE menu
appears and displays the multiple bend radius values in the order that they are
specified in the bend file.
2. Select the required bend radius value from the list as the current one for that
routing session. If you do not select a bend radius value, then the first value
displayed in the SEL VALUE menu is set as the default bend radius value.
The bend radius value you set as current is valid only for the routing session. For
a new routing session, the first value in the SEL VALUE menu is set as the
default value if you do not set a different value.
You can change the bend radius value of a selected corner in a pipeline using the
Modify Pipeline dialog box. Under Modify Options, select Corner Type. The
default value displayed in the Bend Radii list is the current bend radius value for the
selected bend. You can select a new value from the list.
Note: A routing session starts when you click Pipeline > Create/Route and ends
when you click Route Pipe > Done/ Return.
3. Under Modify Options, select Bend Parameters. The Bend Parameters dialog
box opens.
4. From the menu click Edit > Columns > Add/Remove. The Bend Parameters
Columns dialog box opens.
5. Under Not Displayed, Bend Params must be selected. If it is not, select it from
the list.
7. Click to add the name to the Displayed area. You can manipulate this list
using the following:
Type a value in the Width box to change the column width. Optionally, use the
spin wheel to change the value.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
8. When you have created the bend parameters, do one of the following:
o Click Apply to add the changes and keep the dialog box open.
9. In the Bend Parameters dialog box, a column is displayed for each added
parameter. To modify the parameters, click in the parameter column next to the
feature you want to modify and fill in or change the information.
10. Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog box.
4. Under Flow Direction, select the flow unit you want to modify by selecting from
the list. The options are:
o Extension—A set of series that are connected together and having the
same flow direction.
Select the unit. In the graphics window the flow direction is indicated by arrows
along the pipeline.
Spec-Driven Piping
• Diverging pipelines (two different pipelines that share a physical connection point
but are opposed in direction).
• Pipelines with dead loops (loops that feed back into the pipeline and have no
4. Under Modify Shape, click Fixed Length or Free Length and type a value in
the Length option.
To Edit a Pipeline
1. Click PIPING > Modify Pipe. The Modify Pipeline dialog box opens.
3. Under Modify Options, select Edit Pipeline. The Edit Pipeline dialog box
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
3. Under Modify Options, select Bend to Elbow. The Replace Bend dialog box
6. A list of invalid pipe pieces display under Select Invalid Pipe Piece.
All the segments and bends of the selected invalid pipe piece display under
Select Bend to Replace, the invalid ones are highlighted with a symbol next to
them. Those are the ones that violated the minimum clamp length defined in the
bend machine file inside the Master Catalog.
7. Under Select Bend to Replace, select the bend adjacent to the invalid segment
to be replaced by a fitting corner type.
8. Click to apply the changes and close the dialog box. The elbow fittings are
inserted automatically when you apply the changes.
Spec-Driven Piping
• Pipe spool piece generation that allows you to generate pipe spool pieces
• Create a solid representation for piping insulation and store the information in the
• Create a pipe solid for a pipe segment or the entire pipeline in the current active
• Cut a straight pipe run at multiple locations by specifying the stock length or
using a user-specified length of pipe.
• Cut all parallel pipe runs at locations identical to the reference pipe run.
• Cut all pipe segments at locations where pipelines intersect with the block
• Automatically insert joint fittings at the cut location during piece cutting.
3. Select the pipe segment to insert a cut. By default, the selected location is the
placement location of the cut. The pipeline label is displayed under Select Pipe
Segment as read-only information.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
4. The distance of the selected location on the pipe segment displays in the thumb
wheel input panel. Select the following Cut Placement Options:
o —Use the thumb wheel to reposition the cut location along the pipe
segment or enter an explicit distance directly in the input panel.
o —Specify a distance ratio from the upstream end of the specified pipe
5. To insert a joint fitting at the cut, under Miscellaneous Options, select Joint
Fitting and specify the joint fitting name.
The Bolt Nut Code box displays a default bolt nut code assigned to that fitting.
You can change this code by selecting from the list.
6. If you want to assign a weld attribute to this cut, under Weld Type, select from
the following weld type options: Shop-Field, Shop-Shop, and Field-Shop.
o Click to insert a cut at the defined location, generate the specified weld
attribute, and close the Cut Pipe dialog box.
o Click to insert a cut at the defined location, generate the specified weld
attribute, and then continue inserting cuts with the Cut Pipe dialog box.
Note: You can control the display format of the linear dimension and the incremental
step value for the thumb wheel movement using the
piping_thumb_wheel_increment configuration option.
Spec-Driven Piping
3. Select an approximate location on the pipe segment in which you want to insert a
cut. The pipeline label is displayed under Select Pipe Segment as read-only
5. Select a planar hull structural surface or datum plane that is perpendicular to the
pipe segment. The name of the reference is displayed under Location
Note: Spec-Driven Piping does not allow you to select referenced planar hull
structural surface or datum planes that are not perpendicular to the pipe segment
in which you are inserting the cut.
6. Use the thumb wheel to position the cut location along the pipe segment or enter
an explicit distance directly in the input panel.
7. To insert a joint fitting at the cut, under Miscellaneous Options, select Joint
Fitting and specify the joint fitting name. The default is no joint fitting.
The Bolt Nut Code box displays a default bolt nut code assigned to that fitting.
You can change this code by selecting from the list.
8. Under Weld Type, the Field option is selected by default. If it is not, select it to
assign a field weld attribute to this cut.
Click to insert a cut at the defined location, generate the specified weld
attribute, and close the Cut Pipe dialog box.
Click to insert a cut at the defined location, generate the specified weld
attribute, and then continue inserting cuts with the Cut Pipe dialog box.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
3. Select an approximate location on the pipe segment where you want to insert a
cut. The pipeline label is displayed under Select Pipe Segment as read-only
6. Use the thumb wheel to position the cut location along the pipe segment or enter
an explicit distance directly in the input panel.
7. To insert a joint fitting at the cut, under Miscellaneous Options, select Joint
Fitting and specify the joint fitting name. The default is no joint fitting.
The Bolt Nut Code box displays a default bolt nut code assigned to that fitting.
You can change this code by selecting from the list.
8. Under Weld Type, the Field option is selected by default. If it is not, select it to
assign a field weld attribute to this cut.
Click to insert a cut at the defined location, generate the specified weld
attribute, and close the Cut Pipe dialog box.
Click to insert a cut at the defined location, generate the specified weld
attribute, and then continue inserting cuts with the Cut Pipe dialog box.
Note: The referenced pipe segment must be perpendicular to the pipe segment in
which you are inserting the cut. If it is not, this functionality will be disabled.
3. Select an approximate location on the pipe segment in which you want to insert a
cut. The pipeline label is displayed under Select Pipe Segment as read-only
Spec-Driven Piping
4. Under Cut Placement Options, select the fitting reference option . Use
available under Location Parameter to flip the reference port. Spec-Driven
Piping changes to to indicate the change in the reference port.
o If the selected pipe segment does not have any existing fitting, Spec-Driven
Piping disables the fitting reference option.
o You cannot flip the placement location of an elbow fitting or a branch port.
Click to select any other nearest fitting that is located on the upstream side,
downstream side, on the branch port, or on the center point between the
upstream and downstream ports of the cut. The selected fitting must exist in the
same pipeline and in the same pipe run. The name of the selected fitting is
displayed in the selection field as read-only information.
6. Use the thumb wheel to position the cut location along the pipe segment or enter
an explicit distance directly in the input panel.
7. To insert a joint fitting at the cut, under Miscellaneous Options, select Joint
Fitting and specify the joint fitting selection name. The default is no joint fitting.
The Bolt Nut Code box displays a default bolt nut code assigned to the fitting to
be inserted. You can change this code by selecting from the list.
Under Weld Type, the weld type options are displayed based on the selected
type of fitting. The Field option is selected by default.
Click to insert a cut at the defined location, generate the specified weld
attribute, and close the Cut Pipe dialog box.
Click to insert a cut at the defined location, generate the specified weld
attribute, and then continue inserting cuts with the Cut Pipe dialog box.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
For example, in the following figure, fittings A and B are upstream of the selected
location. As fitting B is the nearest upstream fitting, Spec-Driven Piping
automatically identifies it as the reference fitting and its downstream port as the
default reference port.
1. Selected location
• If no fitting exists in the upstream side before the corner or free end and if a
fitting exists in the immediate downstream of the selected location, then the
nearest port of that fitting is selected as the default reference and its origin is
For example, in the preceding figure, if the selected location is in the upstream
side of fitting A, then Spec-Driven Piping selects the upstream port of the fitting
A as the default reference.
• In the above cases, if the nearest fitting to the selected location is part of a group
of fittings, then the closest fitting in the group is selected as the default reference
fitting, and the nearest port of that fitting is selected as the default reference
Spec-Driven Piping
Note: You can either change the reference to any other port of the same fitting or
select a port of a different fitting. The selected fitting must exist in the same pipeline
and in the same pipe run.
• If the selected port has the OFFSET parameter to identify the location of the
fitting's end face and if you have used the end face to insert the fitting, then the
location of the end face is used as the reference location. The location of the end
face is located at a distance specified by the OFFSET parameter along the port's z-
o The label indicates that PORT1 is the name of CSYS, whose feature number
is 113, inside the fitting model VL_CHK_FLRF-100.
o The port switch option is used to change the reference fitting port.
Click the port switch option to change the reference to the upstream port of
the same fitting. Spec-Driven Piping selects the upstream port PORT0 as
If a selected segment is in the branch side of a junction and if the default reference
port is a branch port of a branch fitting, the port switch option appears as shown:
If you click the port switch option again, the same port remains selected
because the object in the branch pipe segment cannot refer to the ports in the main
pipe segment. However, you can select a port from another fitting using and the
SELECT menu.
• If the referenced fitting is replaced, the existing reference for the piping objects
is re-routed to the corresponding port of the new fitting model. That is, if the
original fitting's upstream port was referenced, then the reference is rerouted to
the new fitting's upstream port.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• If you delete the referenced fitting, the reference for the piping objects to the
fitting port is also deleted. Spec-Driven Piping creates a new reference for the
pipe segment on which the piping objects are located. During this rerouting, the
actual location of the fitting is not affected. The Length location option is used
for creating a reference for the new pipe segment.
3. Select a straight pipe run in which you want to insert multiple cuts. The pipeline
label is displayed under Select Pipe Segment as read-only information.
4. Under Interval Length, specify the desired stock length or a desired interval
length to cut the pipe runs at multiple locations.
5. To insert a joint fitting at the cut, under Miscellaneous Options, select Joint
Fitting and specify the joint fitting name. The default is no joint fitting.
The Bolt Nut Code box displays a default bolt nut code assigned to that fitting.
You can change this code by selecting from the list.
6. Under Weld Type, the Field option is selected by default. If it is not, select it to
assign a field weld attribute to this cut. Field welds with unique identification
numbers will be created at each cut location.
Click to insert cuts at the defined location, generate the specified weld
attribute, and close the Cut Pipe dialog box.
Click to insert cuts at the defined location, generate the specified weld
attribute, and then continue inserting cuts with the Cut Pipe dialog box.
Spec-Driven Piping
1. Click PIPING > Fabrication > Cut Pipe. The Cut Pipe dialog box opens.
3. Select a straight pipe run in which you want to insert multiple cuts. The pipeline
label is displayed under Select Pipe Segment as read-only information.
4. Under Interval Length, specify the desired stock length or a desired interval
length to cut the pipe run at multiple locations.
5. Under Miscellaneous Options, click Joint Fitting and select the type of fitting
from the list. If the selected joint fitting is a flange, the Weld Type options are
not accessible.
The Bolt Nut Code box displays a default bolt nut code assigned to that fitting.
You can change this code by selecting from the list.
If the joint fitting specified is a sleeve or coupling with welding end types, under
Weld Type, select one of the following options. The weld attribute is
automatically associated to the inlet port of the joint fitting.
o Shop-Field—The joint fitting is inserted with its far point aligned to the cut
location and cut location has a Field Weld (FW) attribute.
o Shop-Shop—The joint fitting is inserted with its far point aligned to the cut
location and cut location has a Shop Weld (SW) attribute.
o Field-Shop—The joint fitting is inserted with its near point aligned to the
cut location and cut location has a Field Weld (FW) attribute.
Note: In all of these Weld Type options, the welding at the other side of the
fitting is a Shop Weld.
Click to insert cuts at the defined location, generate the specified weld
attribute, and close the Cut Pipe dialog box.
Click to insert cuts at the defined location, generate the specified weld
attribute, and then continue inserting cuts with the Cut Pipe dialog box.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
1. Click PIPING > Fabrication > Cut Pipe. The Cut Pipe dialog box opens.
3. Select a pipe segment that is part of a pipe run that has one or many pipe cuts.
The pipeline label is displayed under Select Reference Pipe Run as read-only
Note: Spec-Driven Piping does not allow selection of pipe segments of a pipe run
that has no pipe cuts on it.
4. Select the pipe runs parallel to the reference pipe run. The pipeline label of the
selected pipe segments is displayed under Select Target Pipe Run(s) as read-
only information.
Note: Spec-Driven Piping does not allow selection of pipe runs that are not
parallel to the reference pipe run.
Click to insert cuts on the parallel pipe runs and close the Cut Pipe dialog
Click to insert cuts on the parallel pipe runs and then continue inserting cuts
with the Cut Pipe dialog box.
Spec-Driven Piping
2. Click the Parallel Interval Length Cutting option to cut parallel pipe runs at
the specified interval length.
3. Under Select Pipe Segments, select the parallel pipe segments to cut.
4. Under Cut Placement Option, type a value in the Interval Length box to cut
the parallel pipe runs at the specified intervals.
The first selected pipe run is cut at the specified interval, and then all other
selected pipe runs are cut at similar locations as that of the first run. The cuts on
parallel pipe runs are aligned to the cuts on the first pipe run.
5. To insert a joint fitting at the cut, under Miscellaneous Options, select Joint
Fitting and specify the joint fitting name. The default is no joint fitting.
o The Bolt Nut Code box displays a default bolt nut code assigned to that
fitting. You can change this code by selecting from the list.
o Under Weld Type, the Field option is selected by default. If it is not, select
it to assign a field weld attribute to this cut. Field Welds with unique
identification numbers will be created at each cut location.
• Select the pipe run with multiple cuts as the reference run. All these cuts on the
reference run must be created using the length, ratio, offset from corner, offset
from plane, or offset from fitting port icons available in the Cut Pipe dialog box.
If the cuts on the reference run are created using any other placement type
option, Spec-Driven Piping creates cuts on the target runs using the default
Length placement type option.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• To create cuts on the other three parallel pipe runs, select Fabrication > Cut
Pipe from the PIPING menu.
• Select the 100A-MS-STEAM-0001 pipe run as the reference pipe run because it
contains the pipe piece cuts.
• Select the pipe runs that are parallel to the reference pipe run as target pipe runs
for creating new cuts.
Spec-Driven Piping creates cuts on the selected parallel target pipe runs at locations
identical to locations on the reference pipe run as shown in the following figure.
Spec-Driven Piping
1. Pipe run A
2. Actual clearance
3. Pipe run B
In the preceding example, the actual clearance is greater than the minimum
clearance value. Therefore, the cuts and joint fittings are aligned one below the
If the actual clearance is less than the specified minimum clearance, the cuts on the
target pipe runs are staggered by the value specified for the offset distance.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
1. Offset
2. Pipe run A
3. Actual clearance
4. Pipe run B
5. Pipe run C
In the preceding figure, the cut locations on adjacent pipe runs, that is, pipe run A
and pipe run B are staggered. The cut locations on alternate pipe runs, that is, pipe
run A and pipe run C are aligned.
Spec-Driven Piping
2. Click to cut the pipe segments intersecting with the associated block
3. Under Select Block, select the name of a block or zone from the list.
The labels of all the pipelines that intersect with the selected block are displayed
under Pipelines To Be Cut.
All the listed pipelines under Pipelines To Be Cut are verified for intersection
with the selected block and intersecting locations are highlighted. Information
about the intersections is also displayed in the message window.
4. To insert a joint fitting at the cut, under Miscellaneous Options, select Joint
Fitting and specify the joint fitting name. The default is no joint fitting.
The Bolt Nut Code box displays a default bolt nut code assigned to that fitting.
You can change this code by selecting another code from the list.
5. To assign a field weld attribute to this cut, under Weld Type, select the Field or
Shop option. The default is Field.
6. To insert cuts on the selected pipe segments at locations intersecting with the
block boundary, do one of the following:
Click to insert cuts at the highlighted locations, generate the specified weld
attribute, and close the Cut Pipe dialog box.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Click to insert cuts at the highlighted locations, generate the specified weld
attribute, and then continue inserting cuts with the Cut Pipe dialog box.
Use the following procedure to create pipe piece cuttings based on the block
• Select PIPING > Fabrication > Cut Pipe.
Spec-Driven Piping selects all pipelines in the specified block for creation of the pipe
piece cuts. The labels of all the pipelines that intersect with the selected block are
displayed under Pipelines To Be Cut.
Spec-Driven Piping
All locations where the pipelines intersect with the block boundary are highlighted as
shown in the following figure.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• Select to create a pipe piece cuttings as shown in the following figure. The
pipe pieces are created at locations where pipeline intersect block boundary
These cut point locations depend on the block boundaries. The dimension for the
cut points is not displayed in the figure because the driving dimensions of the
block boundary geometry control the locations of these cut points.
Spec-Driven Piping
For example, the preceding figure shows the dimension of the block boundaries
ADTM1 and ADTM2, The dimension of both the boundaries is 75.00.
If you modify the dimension of ADTM1 and ADTM2 as 40.00 and 100.00
respectively, the cut points on those boundaries also move along with the
bounding geometry as shown in the following figure.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
o Select Selected Cut to delete only the selected cut. The name of the
selected cut location is displayed under Select Pipe Cut.
o Select All Cuts in Pipe Segment to delete the cuts on a pipe segment.
Select a pipe segment on the model. The pipeline label of the selected pipe
segment and the ID of the pipe segment are displayed under Select Pipe
Spec-Driven Piping
o Select All Cuts in Pipe Run to delete all the cuts existing on a pipe run.
Select a pipe run on the model. The pipeline label of the selected pipe
segment and the ID of the pipe segment are displayed under Select Pipe
o The pipe run includes all pipe segments between two consecutive free ends
along a straight line, or a free end and a corner, or a corner and a free end,
or a corner and another corner of a pipeline.
o Select All Cuts at Block Boundary to delete all cuts associated with a
block. Under Select Block Name, select a block name from the list.
o Select All Cuts on Pipeline to delete the cuts in an entire pipeline. Select
any pipe segment on the pipeline whose cuts are to be deleted. The pipeline
label of the selected pipe segment is displayed under Select Pipeline.
o Click to delete all the selected cuts and close the Delete Cut dialog
Each pipe spool label that is created has a unique spool number. The spool label and
its number are stored in the model and are used during the pipe spool piece drawing
generation, the installation drawing generation, and reporting.
2. To create spool labels for a pipeline, under Select pipeline(s), select one or
more pipelines for which you want to create spool labels. To create spool labels
for spool segments, select one or more spool segments under Select spool(s).
You can select the required pipelines or spool segments from the graphics
window or from the Piping System Tree.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
o If required, specify a prefix for the spool label in the Prefix box to
substitute the value specified for the pipeline_spool_label_format
configuration option. The default value is 0.
o If required, specify a suffix for the spool label in the Suffix box to
substitute the value specified for the pipeline_spool_label_format
configuration option.
o Specify a start number in the Number box for the spool labels that you
want to create. The default value is 01.
Note: The value 01 means that a two-digit spool label number is created
with a leading zero. If you want to assign a three-digit spool label number,
specify 001.
o Specify an increment value for the generated spool label number in the
Increment box. The default value is 1.
4. Click to create spool labels for the selected pipelines or spool segments and
close the Create Spool dialog box.
Click to create the spools and continue using the Create Spool dialog box.
2. To modify spool labels for a pipeline, under Select pipeline, select the required
pipeline. To modify spool labels for a spool segment, select the required spool
segment under Select spool. You can select the pipeline or spool segment from
the graphics window or from the Piping System Tree.
o Specify a new prefix in the Prefix box to substitute the existing value.
o Specify a new suffix in the Suffix box to substitute the existing value.
Spec-Driven Piping
o Specify a new start number in the Number box for the spool label that you
want to modify.
o Specify a new increment value for the spool label number in the
Increment box.
labels, you can click adjacent to the Prefix, Suffix, and the Number
boxes to unlock the boxes, if they are locked.
4. Click to modify spool labels for the selected pipelines or spool segments and
close the Modify Spool dialog box.
Click to create the spools and continue using the Modify Spool dialog box.
2. To delete spool labels for a pipeline, under Select pipeline(s), select one or
more pipelines for which you want to delete spool labels. To delete spool labels
for a spool segment, select one or more spool segments under Select spool(s).
Select the pipelines or spool segments from the graphics window or from the
Piping System Tree.
3. Under Parameters, click the Delete the locked spools check box to delete
spools that are locked previously using the Create Spool or Modify Spool dialog
Click to delete the spool and continue using the Delete Spool dialog box.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
1. Click , or click View > View Manager. The View Manager dialog box
Under Names, all the pipeline spool components are displayed and Master Rep
is selected by default.
Pipe Insulation
• Assign insulation to any part of a selected pipeline. Target and insulate specific
pipeline areas.
Spec-Driven Piping
4. Click to save the selections. Spec-Driven Piping saves the insulation data in
an insulation feature in the active assembly.
5. Retrieve insulation information (PIPING > Info) to view the assigned insulation
• The following Specification Database files must be populated with insulation data
in order to assign insulation to spec-driven pipelines:
o Insulation Directory file (Project Data file) must contain records for the
insulation codes.
• Optionally, Spec-Driven Piping can create insulation quilts after you create pipe
3. Under Modify Options, click Edit Pipeline. The Edit Pipeline dialog box opens.
4. If active assembly contains multiple pipelines, select the pipeline to insulate from
the Select Pipeline box.
6. Under Pipeline Label, modify the insulation code for the selected pipeline. Two
conditions apply for insulation modification:
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
7. Click to save the selections. Spec-Driven Piping modifies the insulation data
in the insulation feature in the active assembly.
8. Retrieve insulation information (PIPING > Info) to view the assigned insulation
9. Click PIPING > Regenerate to regenerate the assembly and update the model
• The following Specification Database files must be populated with insulation data
in order to assign insulation to spec-driven pipelines:
o Insulation Directory file (Project Data file) must contain records for the
insulation codes.
• Optionally, Spec-Driven Piping can create insulation quilts after you create pipe
a. Click PIPING > Modify Pipe. The Modify Pipeline dialog box opens.
b. Under Active Assembly select the active assembly.
c. Under Modify Options, select Edit Pipeline. The Edit Pipeline dialog
box opens.
d. Clear the Insulation option to delete the insulation.
3. In the Model Tree, locate the assembly containing the insulated pipeline and
corresponding the insulation feature. You can delete the following types of
insulation features:
Spec-Driven Piping
2. Click PIPING > Info. The Report Pipeline dialog box opens.
Spec-Driven Piping displays the insulation information under Preview Info. You
can either scroll to view the entire report or click and view the report in the
separate Information Window.
2. Click PIPING > Fabrication > Insulation. The Create Insulation dialog box
opens. The Start option under Insulation Segment Points is selected by
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
3. Follow these steps to select insulation start and end points. Start and end points
must be on the same pipeline:
a. Under Select Start Point, click and select a pipe segment to specify
the insulation start point. Crosshairs indicate the start point on the pipe
segment, and the pipe segment ID is displayed in the Select Start Point
b. Click End under Insulation Segment Points.
c. Under Select End Point, click and select the insulation end point.
Crosshairs indicate the end point on the pipe segment, and the pipe
segment ID is displayed in the Select End Point box.
4. Under Location Type, select one of the following to specify both start and end
point placement.
Note: You must select Start and End under Insulation Segment Points to
place the appropriate points.
—Specifies the distance of the start or end point from the pipe segment's
upstream end.
—Specifies the distance ratio of the start or end point from the pipe segment's
upstream end.
Note: In the above two cases, by default, Spec-Driven Piping considers the
reference location from the start end of the pipe segment. Click available under
Location Parameter to flip the location with reference to the end of the pipe
segment. Spec-Driven Piping changes to to indicate the change in the
reference location.
—Places a start or end point on the pipe segment perpendicular to that pipe
Note: The pipe segment's start point must be perpendicular to the pipe segment's
end point to make this option available.
—Places a start or end point from a specified datum plane. The datum plane
must be perpendicular to the start or end point pipe segment. Spec-Driven Piping
creates a reference to the datum plane.
—Places a start or end point from a specified fitting. The selected fitting must
exist in the same pipeline and in the same straight pipe piece. Click under
Location Parameter to flip the reference port.
Spec-Driven Piping
5. Under Location Parameter, specify the point location parameters based on the
selected placement option. Use the thumb wheel to move the point placement or
enter a value in the thumb wheel box for exact placement.
If you clicked, , select a datum plane from the graphics window. Spec-
Driven Piping displays the datum plane name in the Location Parameter box.
• The following Specification Database files must be populated with insulation data
in order to assign insulation to spec-driven pipelines:
o The Insulation Directory file (Project Data file) must contain records for the
insulation codes.
• Optionally, Spec-Driven Piping can create insulation quilts after you create pipe
3. In the Model Tree, locate the insulation segment feature to redefine. The Model
Tree lists the following insulation features:
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
2. Click Edit Definition. The Redefine Insulation dialog box opens with the
insulation segment selected.
3. Select Start under Insulation Segment Points and perform any of the
following tasks:
o Change the insulation start point. Under Select Start Point, click and
select a pipe segment to specify the insulation start point. Crosshairs
indicate the start point on the pipe segment and the pipe segment ID is
displayed in the Select Start Point box.
o Change the insulation end point. Select End under Insulation Segment
Points. Under Select End Point, click and select the insulation end
point. Crosshairs indicate the end point on the pipe segment and the pipe
segment ID is displayed in the Select End Point box.
o Change the start and end point placement. Under Location Type, select
one of the following to specify both start and end point placement. You
must select Start and End under Insulation Segment Points to place the
appropriate points:
—Specifies the distance of the start or end point distance from the
pipe segment's upstream end.
—Specifies the distance ratio of the start or end point from the pipe
segment's upstream end.
—Places a start or end point from a specified datum plane. The datum
plane must be perpendicular to the pipe segment's start or end point. Spec-
Driven Piping creates a reference to the datum plane.
Spec-Driven Piping
If you clicked , select a datum plane from the graphics window. Spec-
Driven Piping displays the datum plane name in the Location Parameter
• The following Specification Database files must be populated with insulation data
in order to assign insulation to spec-driven pipelines:
o The Insulation Directory file (Project Data file) must contain records for the
insulation codes.
• The Model Tree must display features to redefine insulation segment features
from the Model Tree. Click Settings > Tree Filters. The Model Tree Items
dialog box opens. Under Display, click the Features check box and click OK.
• Optionally, Spec-Driven Piping can create insulation quilts after you create pipe
• Pipeline modification
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Note: If you select segments to create pipe solids, you cannot select fitting
If you select a piping system node, all pipelines in this piping system are
o Pipe Solid—Only pipe solids are generated or erased for the selected
pipelines or pipe segments.
Note: If you select Pipe Solid and Insulation Quilt, Spec-Driven Piping
generates or erases both pipe solids and insulation quilts.
—Only a few pipe segments associated with the selected pipeline or pipe
segment have associated pipe solids.
o Solid Name—Displays the actual part name if the pipe solid has been
generated for the selected pipeline or pipe segment. Otherwise, displays a
Spec-Driven Piping
Note: You can edit the part name of the pipe solid.
o Solid Start Part Name—Displays the name of the solid start part specified
by the configuration option, pipeline_solid_start_part_name. You can
edit this name.
Click to generate the pipe solid and the insulation quilt and repeat the Pipe
Solid generation operation for a different set of pipelines or pipe segments.
Note: If the selected pipe segments have insulation assigned to them, Spec-Driven
Piping automatically creates insulation quilts during the Pipe Solid generation
To generate the required pipe solids and insulation quilts, perform the following
1. Open the Pipe Solid dialog box and select the pipeline 100A-RW-WATER-111-EK
using the Pipelines option.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
2. Use the Pipelines option again to select Pipe Extend id 46 from the Model Tree.
Spec-Driven Piping selects the entire pipeline 50A-HA-STEAM-1111-ES.
3. Under Select Insulation Option, select both Pipe Solid as well as Insulation
4. Click to generate the required pipe solids and insulation quilts as shown in
the following figure:
Using the Piping System Tree to Create and Erase Pipe Solids
The following figure shows three pipelines that are located under different
Spec-Driven Piping
2. Right-click and select Solid > Create from the shortcut menu. The pipe solids
and the insulation quilts are generated for all the pipelines located under the AIR
and STEAM assemblies as shown in the following figure:
3. Use the same selection as discussed in step 1. Right-click and select Solid >
Delete from the shortcut menu. The pipe solids and the insulation quilts are
deleted as shown in the following figure:
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Thick pipes do not have geometric information or data, so keep the following in
• Boolean operations do not apply.
• Pairs clearance analysis performed on a thick pipe does not have the same
results as on the solid pipe.
• Thick pipes are not part of the BOM or mass properties calculations.
The following figure shows the same pipeline displayed as a thick pipe (in blue):
Spec-Driven Piping
o display_thick_pipes
o display_thick_insulation
3. Click View > Display Settings > Model Display. The Model Display dialog
box opens.
4. Click Edge/Line.
o display_thick_pipes
o display_thick_insulation
4. Click Drawing.
7. Select a Template and click OK. The drawing opens. Three default drawing
views appear in the graphics window.
8. Select a drawing view, right-click, and choose Properties from the shortcut
menu. The Drawing View dialog box opens.
9. Select View Display from the Categories list. The View display options are
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
10. When the Display style is not Shading, you can set a Pipe and insulation
display option:
11. Click Apply to apply the change. Continue configuring the Drawing View
properties, or click OK.
Note: To verify the change of display style, click Info > Drawing View, the
Information Window opens.
About Welds
Welds are inserted at the physical location of a pipe cut or a fitting port. Welds on a
pipe cut are implied welds and are usually field welds. Welds on a fitting port are
shop welds. When you export pipeline data to a PCF file, an implied weld is exported
without attributes, but a shop weld is not exported. To export a shop weld with
parameters or parameters for an implied weld, you must define them in the Weld
dialog box:
• Weld number
• Weld specification
• Weld type
• Weld description
• Weld note
When you set parameters for a weld the weld number is automatically incremented
by one. When you delete a weld, the number is deleted creating a gap in the
numbering. Setting parameters for a new weld does not fill the gap, it creates a new
incremental number.
Use the Set Display dialog box to display weld numbers in the graphics window.
When a fitting with welds is replaced in a piping assembly by another of fitting, the
welds assigned to the original fitting are transferred to the corresponding ports of the
new fitting.
2. Select the fitting port or cut point weld and click OK. Existing weld parameters
are displayed.
Spec-Driven Piping
5. Click Done/Return.
2. Select the fitting port, cut point weld, or weld number and click OK. The weld
parameters are deleted.
3. Click Done/Return.
To specify an absolute path to be used as the start location for XML file selection and
look-up, set the piping_schematic_xml_dir configuration option to the required
path. The default path for the XML file is the Pro/ENGINEER working directory.
The SPEC, SIZE, SCHEDULE, MNEMONIC and NUMBER properties associated with a
pipeline label are displayed when you click Label in the Create Pipeline dialog box.
DESIGN_TEMPERATURE properties are available when you click the Parameters tab
in the Create Pipeline dialog box. Any other property defined in XML is read in the
Defined tab.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Note: If a pipeline connects two equipment that have the same REF_DES value,
only one of the equipment is listed during designation. Hence, you must always
assign a unique value to the REF_DES parameter.
• CATEGORY—Must be same as the CATEGORY value stored in the
piping_mcat_dir.ptd file. The CATEGORY value controls the activation of the
fitting category icons under Select Fitting Category in the Insert Fitting dialog
• SIZE—Fittings are filtered according to the size of the selected segment if you
have specified the Routed Systems Designer component property, SIZE, for that
fitting in the XML file. If a fitting does not have the Routed Systems Designer
component property, SIZE, then that fitting is always available for insertion
irrespective of the selected segment size.
• NSIZE—Required while inserting reducers. The NSIZE value in the XML file is the
default value while inserting the reducer. You can change the value of the NSIZE
parameter during insertion.
Note: You can also use the NEW_SIZE parameter instead of the NSIZE parameter.
• BSIZE—The BSIZE value is useful during branch fitting or drain valve insertion.
This is the default branch size value when you insert a particular branch fitting or
drain valve.
Spec-Driven Piping
Note: You can also use the BRANCH_SIZE parameter instead of the BSIZE
• SPEC—If you have specified SPEC in the XML file and if it is different from the
selected pipe segment, the Specification check box is selected by default and
the list becomes available.
CATEGORY—Specify CATEGORY = BRANCH to classify a Routed Systems Designer
component as a branch. Select a branch point or fitting to designate the branch
3. Under Schematic, click to select the appropriate XML file from the
directory specified by the piping_schematic_xml_dir configuration option. You
can also select an XML file from any other directory.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
6. Click Reload to reload or refresh the schematic information from the XML file for
the selected designated pipeline.
8. Click the Equipment tab to designate the equipment related to the pipeline. In
the Designate Equipment table, the schematic equipments are listed under the
Designator column and their corresponding 3D equipments are listed under the
Component column.
9. Select a row from the Designate Equipment table, then click Designate to
select a 3D equipment to designate, or click Undesignate to undesignate a
designated 3D equipment.
o The Status column shows the status as Missing. In this case, click
Options > Allow Mismatch and select the components. The Status
column then changes to Manual Match.
o The Status column shows the status as Multiple. Multiple components are
10. If the equipment has nozzles, they will be listed in the Designate Nozzles table.
The schematic nozzles are listed under the Designator column and their
corresponding 3D nozzles are listed under the Component column. Select a row
from the Designate Nozzles table and click Designate to select a 3D nozzle to
designate, or click Undesignate to undesignate a designated 3D nozzle.
11. Click the Fittings tab to designate fittings of the pipeline. In the Designate
Fittings table, the schematic fittings are listed under the Designator column
and their corresponding 3D fittings are listed under the Component column.
12. Select a row from the Designate Fittings table, and click Designate to select a
3D fitting to designate, or click Undesignate to undesignate a designated 3D
13. Click the Fittings tab to designate branches of the pipeline. In the Designate
Branches table, the schematic branches are listed under the Designator
column and their corresponding 3D branches are listed under the Component
column. Select a row from the Designate Branches table and click Designate
to select a 3D branch point or a 3D tee fitting to designate. Click Undesignate to
undesignate a designated 3D branch point or a 3D tee fitting.
Spec-Driven Piping
• Model is the value of the modelname property specified in the XML file. The
Model column is not displayed by default. Click Columns > Model to display the
Model column.
o Missing—A component with the name as that displayed under the Model
column is not found.
• Terminal locations and models that are already connected are not highlighted.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
abort the selection. You can ignore the warning message and continue the
routing operation from the selected port.
Note: If you ignore this warning message for a particular pipeline, perform a
schematic check later against the updated schematic information.
• If the XML information for a fitting contains the SIZE parameter, the fitting is
available only if the selected pipe segment in Spec-Driven Piping has a matching
size. You can insert an XML fitting that does not have a SIZE parameter
irrespective of the selected pipe segment in Spec-Driven Piping.
These prerequisites are also valid when you insert a group fitting.
During the schematic fitting insertion,
• The fitting category icons and the Selection Name list in the Insert Fitting
dialog box are updated each time you insert a schematic fitting.
• Context-sensitive information such as the valve number, new size, and branch
size for the selected fitting are displayed based on the information in the
schematic information file.
o You can insert a group fitting using schematic information, using the same
method as for inserting a fitting.
• When you insert all the available schematic fittings, further fitting insertion is
possible only in the nonschematic mode.
Spec-Driven Piping
• You can replace a schematic fitting with a nonschematic fitting by clearing the
XML File check box in the Replace Fitting dialog box. This is possible even if
schematic fittings are available for insertion.
• If no schematic fittings are available when replacing schematic fittings, you can
replace fittings in the default nonschematic replacement mode.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
A detailed description of each setup option appears in the Drawing Files Setup
Options section of the Detailed Drawings Help. Click About Drawing Setup Options
under See Also.
2. Under Select Isometric Drawing Type, specify the isometric drawing type. The
options are:
Spec-Driven Piping
4. Under Options, use the following boxes to override any of the ISOGEN
configuration options. Note that any changes to these four options will remain in
effect throughout the Pro/ENGINEER session unless you change them during the
o Click Generate One PCF File Per Spool to generate one PCF file for each
spool. The default is OFF, that is, Spec-Driven Piping writes the PCF data of
all spools of a pipeline in one PCF file and generates separate PCF files for
each selected pipeline.
5. Click the General Attr tab. These attributes are supported by ISOGEN and can
be used to determine various isometric drawing options.
6. Under Specify General Attributes, click the System Attr tab. The following
fields are optional ISOGEN system attributes:
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
7. Click the User Attr tab. These are user attributes provided by ISOGEN. Select
from the option list to specify the user attributes. The list contains all the
available user attributes supported by ISOGEN. They are MISC-SPEC1 to MISC-
SPEC5 and ATTRIBUTE1 to ATTRIBUTE99. Select an attribute, specify a
corresponding value, and ENTER. Spec-Driven Piping displays the attributes.
8. Click the Pipeline Attr tab. The attributes under Specify Pipeline Attributes are
usually applicable to one pipeline but you can also use them for multiple
pipelines. ISOGEN supports all of the following attributes, however, not every
attribute is available from the Spec-Driven Piping model.
o Pipeline Type—Select the pipeline construction type. All the valid types
are listed. Note that you should be informed about the other ISOGEN
pipeline construction types before changing this value to anything other
than General.
o Output File Name—Specify the name of the drawing output file. The value
entered is used only when a single pipeline is selected. If pipeline isometric
or multiple pipelines are selected, the value is ignored.
Note: If you select multiple pipelines and data exists on this tabbed page (other
than the default General in the Pipeline Type option), a message dialog box
opens with following message:
Spec-Driven Piping
Multiple Pipelines Selected. Use data in Pipeline Attr tab for all
9. Click Yes to export the data or No (the default) to ignore the data. If you click
Yes, the Output File Name attribute is not exported.
Click to apply the specified options on the selected pipelines, create the
necessary PCF files, and close the dialog box.
Click to apply the specified options on the selected pipelines, create the
necessary PCF files, and keep the dialog box open for further selections.
• ITEM-CODE data
• ITEM-CODE data
• Spec-Driven Piping uses the STOCKNO (stock number) as the ITEM-CODE. The
STOCKNO uniquely identifies each Spec-Driven Piping component.
• The material description is retrieved from the Pipe Material Master Catalog
(MCAT) file.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
The ISOGEN component identifier and the information extracted is shown in the next
Spec-Driven Piping
ANGLE 6000
Up 45 deg. North
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
Note: The number of bending data sets that can be shown on a piece drawing
depends on the number of ISOGEN user definable attributes supported by ISOGEN.
ISOGEN allows a maximum of 100 such attributes.
The modified ISOGEN Attribute Map file is as shown in the next table.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
The first two columns in this table are a part of the isogen_attribute map.ptd file.
The last column shows typical values for a spool and is not a part of the
isogen_attribute map.ptd file, but is included for better clarity.
In the previous table isogen_attribute_map.ptd file, bending data of the spool can
be viewed in the following four parts:
• Attributes between 10 and 33 represent bending data for pipe bends that appear
between node number 1 ( a pipe start represented by Attribute 11) and node
number 2 (an entry point of reducer represented by Attribute 23)
• Attributes between 34 and 49 represent bending data for pipe bends that appear
between node number 3 (exit point of reducer represented by Attribute 35) and
node number 4 (an entry point of TEE fitting represented by Attribute 43)
• Attributes between 50 and 65 represent bending data for pipe bends that appear
between node number 5 (right exit of reducer represented by Attribute 51) and
node number 6 (right end of the pipe represented by Attribute 59)
• Attributes between 66 and 89 represent bending data for pipe bends that appear
between node number 7 (left exit of reducer represented by Attribute 67) and
node number 8 (left end of the pipe represented by Attribute 79)
Spec-Driven Piping
The ISOGEN Symbol Map file format is displayed in the next table.
Note: If no material item type is found for a fitting, Spec-Driven Piping checks all
the end types of the fitting ports. If any of the end type is welded (an end type that
contains 'W' or 'w' character) or slip on (an end type that contains the 'SO' or 'so'
string), the FABRICATION-ITEM type is assigned to that fitting. Otherwise the
ERECTION-ITEM type is assigned.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Note: The double asterisks (**) indicate ISOGEN endtypes. You can use these
characters or replace them with suitable endtypes allowed by ISOGEN. If you use the
asterisks, Spec-Driven Piping matches the fitting endtype in the model against the
corresponding ISOGEN endtypes and the ISOGEN endtypes replace the asterisks for
each fitting.
The disadvantage of using the double asterisks is that if the ISOGEN Endtype Map
file does not contain a mapped ISOGEN endtype, Spec-Driven Piping ignores the
setting in the ISOGEN Symbol Map and selects the default symbol key (SKEY).
• If the symbol key has the double asterisks (**) as a substring and an endtype
string is found, the endtype string replaces the double asterisks in the symbol
key to form the final SKEY.
Spec-Driven Piping
• A bolt is an ERECTION-ITEM.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• In the PCF file, the bolt component appears below the key fitting as shown in the
following example of a valve with bolts:
BOLT-DIA xxx.xx or *
BOLT- 12
BOLT-LENGTH xxx.xxx or *
DESCRIPTION xxxxxxxxxxxx
• CO-ORDS—Downstream END-POINT of the key fitting
Spec-Driven Piping
No match found BW
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Specification WELD-ATTRIBUTE1
Spec-Driven Piping
END-POINT 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 100
END-POINT 0.0000 0.0000 200.0000 100
END-POINT 0.0000 0.0000 200.0000 100
END-POINT 0.0000 0.0000 200.0000 100
END-POINT 0.0000 0.0000 200.0000 100
END-POINT 0.0000 0.0000 600.0000 100
END-POINT 0.0000 0.0000 600.0000 100
END-POINT 0.0000 0.0000 600.0000 100
END-POINT 0.0000 0.0000 600.0000 100
END-POINT 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0000 100
END-POINT 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0000 100
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping matches the extracted size against the nominal size in either the
NB_MM or NB_INCH column. The nominal size must correspond to the model size in
the SIZE column.
You can modify the ISOGEN Nominal Size Map file by using a text editor. The
ISOGEN Nominal Size Map file format is displayed in the next table.
• Spec-Driven Piping allows you to specify any character as a nominal size.
However, the ISOGEN PCF file format expects a number as the pipe nominal size.
• For Nominal Bore (NB) values, use only the numbers 0-9, the period (.), or the
slash (/).
Spec-Driven Piping
• For NB values in inches, you can use fractions (For example, 1-1/2 for a one and
one half inch bore).
• For NB values, the symbol (") used normally for inches cannot be used
<ProE load
10A ¼ 10
15A ½ 15
20A ¾ 20
25A 1 25
32A 1-1/4 32
40A 1-1/2 40
50A 2 50
65A 2-1/2 65
80A 3 80
100A 4 100
125A 5 125
150A 6 150
200A 8 200
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
250A 10 250
300A 12 300
350A 14 350
400A 16 400
450A 18 450
500A 20 500
550A 22 550
600A 24 600
650A 26 650
700A 28 700
750A 30 750
800A 32 800
850A 34 850
900A 36 900
1000A 40 1000
1050A 42 1050
1100A 44 1100
1150A 46 1150
1200A 48 1200
1250A 50 1250
1300A 52 1300
1350A 54 1350
1400A 56 1400
1450A 58 1450
1500A 60 1500
1600A 64 1600
Spec-Driven Piping
1700A 68 1700
1800A 72 1800
1900A 76 1900
2000A 80 2000
2100A 84 2100
2200A 88 2200
2300A 92 2300
2400A 96 2400
¼" ¼ 10
½" ½ 15
¾" ¾ 20
1" 1 25
1-1/4" 1-1/4 32
1-1/2" 1-1/2 40
2" 2 50
2-1/2" 2-1/2 65
3" 3 80
4" 4 100
5" 5 125
6" 6 150
8" 8 200
10" 10 250
12" 12 300
14" 14 350
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
16" 16 400
18" 18 450
20" 20 500
22" 22 550
24" 24 600
26" 26 650
28" 28 700
30" 30 750
32" 32 800
34" 34 850
36" 36 900
40" 40 1000
42" 42 1050
44" 44 1100
46" 46 1150
48" 48 1200
50" 50 1250
52" 52 1300
54" 54 1350
56" 56 1400
58" 58 1450
60" 60 1500
64" 64 1600
68" 68 1700
72" 72 1800
76" 76 1900
Spec-Driven Piping
80" 80 2000
84" 84 2100
88" 88 2200
92" 92 2300
96" 96 2400
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Date : 25-4-2000
ERROR : Processing Fitting TEE_RED_BW-STEEL-65X50 in Pipeline 65A-SPEC-
WARNING : Material Description not found for 3 item(s) in Pipeline 65A-
ERRORS : ISOGEN may fail to process intermediate output PCF files.
REPAINT to restore Highlighted components in case of error.
WARNINGS : ISOGEN may not fail to process but some of the desirable
data may be missing.
This file may be appended with errors occurring in future sessions.
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
3. Click View > Pipeline Display > Style from the top menu bar. The Display
Style dialog box opens.
4. Under Select View, click one of the following options to select views from the
The names of the selected views are displayed in the selection list.
5. Under Select Style, click one of the following options to specify the style for
displaying pipe segments in the drawing:
Note: Spec-Driven Piping displays all pipelines with a size greater than the
specified size in double line representation and all pipelines with a size smaller
than or equal to the specified size in single line representation.
6. Click to display the pipelines in the selected views in the specified style and
close the dialog box.
Click to display the pipelines in the selected views in the specified style and
keep the dialog box open for further selections.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
All the pipe segments of a pipeline, irrespective of their sizes, displayed in single-line
representation are shown in the next figure.
All the pipe segments of a pipeline, irrespective of their sizes, displayed in double-
line representation are shown in the next figure.
Spec-Driven Piping
Pipe segments of a size larger than the specified size in double-line representation
and all the other pipe segments in single-line representation are shown in the next
3. Click Insert > Piping Symbol > Slope from the top menu bar. The Slope Mark
dialog box opens.
4. Under Select View, click one of the following to select views from the drawing:
The names of the selected views are displayed in the selection list.
5. Under Select Symbol, use one of the following methods to select a symbol for
displaying the slope of pipe segments in the drawing:
o Select a symbol from the adjacent selection list. All symbols in the current
drawing are displayed in the list.
You can also type a symbol name in the adjacent field. Before loading the
specified symbol, Spec-Driven Piping searches the directories in the following
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
o The symbols directory under the project data directory specified using the
piping_project_data_dir configuration option
Note: The default symbol for pipe slope, slope.sym, is located in the
$PTCSRC/text/piping_data/sample_project/symbols directory.
6. Under Select Symbol Parameter, specify the parameters for the selected
o Click Symbol Height to specify the height of the pipe slope symbol on the
drawing. Enter a value in the adjacent field. The unit for this value is the
active drawing unit.
Note: If you do not specify the height for the slope symbol, Spec-Driven
Piping considers the height to be equal to the outer diameter of the pipe.
7. Click to display the pipelines in the selected views in the specified style and
close the dialog box.
Click to display the pipelines in the selected views in the specified style and
keep the dialog box open for further selections.
Spec-Driven Piping
1. Slope direction
2. Slope symbol
The pipe slope symbol is created as a Detailed Drawings drawing symbol. When the
location of the pipe segment on the drawing changes, the pipe slope symbol also
changes its location.
If you change the outer diameter of the pipe segment in the model, use Regenerate
> Draft to update the diameter of the pipe slope symbol.
3. Click Insert > Annotations. The Annotate Attr/Params dialog box opens.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
aec_dwg_anno_attrparam_spec_file spec.ptd
Or, use to browse the directory for selecting the Attribute and Parameter
Specification file. This new file is used instead of the file specified by the
configuration option. The new file is valid till you exit the Annotate
Attr/Params dialog box.
Select Object Type—Select the type of objects to be selected from the drawing
from the adjacent list. This list comprises objects specified in the
USER_OBJECT_TYPE column of the Attribute and Parameter Specification file.
The list also includes object types Part and Feature. Use these object types to
select any standard part or feature from the drawing.
o Click to select one or more views in the drawing. All objects of the
specified type are selected and annotated in the selected views.
o Click to automatically select all views in the current sheet. All objects
of the specified object type are selected and annotated in all views.
The following options are used to filter, select, or deselect items in the list:
o —Displays only those attributes and parameters that are listed in the
ATTRPARAM_NAME column for the selected object type in the Attribute and
Parameter Specification file.
Spec-Driven Piping
o —Displays all attributes and parameters of the selected object. The list
displays all the attributes and parameters, even if they are not specified in
the Attribute and Parameter Specification file.
o —Selects all the items. All the items in the list are highlighted for the
insertion of a note in the drawing.
o —Deselects all the items. The items that were highlighted earlier are
no longer highlighted.
If multiple objects in a drawing are selected, Spec-Driven Piping lists only the
attributes and parameters that are specific to the object that you first selected.
Note: The values of these selected attributes and parameters are inserted at the
specified location in the drawing.
Select Note Option—Use the following options to control the format and
location of the note in the drawing:
o Create leader line—Creates the notes with a leader line. For multiple
notes, separate leader lines are created for each note. The end of the
leader line is displayed with an arrow. Place this arrow on the selected
object that is to be annotated.
o Note angle—Specifies the text angle for the note to be inserted. All the
used angles are listed in the adjacent option list. This option overrides any
angle specified for style in the Attribute and Parameter Specification file. If
you do not select this option, notes are created aligned to the selected
o Note style—Specifies the style for the notes to be inserted in the drawing.
All the styles available in the current drawing are listed in the adjacent list.
The style that you specify using this option overrides the style defined in
the Attribute and Parameters specification file. The first item in the list is
User Specified style and displays the style specified in the Attribute and
Parameters Specification file for inserting the note.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Click to insert notes with current selections without closing the Annotate
Attr/Params dialog box. You can select a different object or different items from
the Select Attributes list for the currently selected object. When you select a
different object of the same type, the items selected in the Select Attributes list
remain highlighted if the attributes and parameters are valid for the new object.
Note: If the value of any attribute or parameter changes after insertion into the
drawing, the drawing does not automatically update with the new value. Edit the
existing note or insert it again.
Spec-Driven Piping
The third column specifies the multiplication factor. This is valid only for the
attributes or parameters with double or integer types. The attribute and parameter
value is multiplied by the given factor before being displayed in the specified format
on the drawing. By default, the multiplication factor is 1. It is useful for the
conversion of units, that is, to display units in millimeters when the model unit is in
The fourth column specifies the format for the notes for displaying the attribute and
the parameter values in the drawing. The format string consists of two parts,
ordinary characters and the conversion specification.
• Ordinary characters are displayed in the drawing notes as specified.
• The conversion specification is replaced with the actual value of the attribute and
the parameter before being displayed in the drawing notes.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
o A minus sign (-) to specify the left alignment of the value in its field.
o A plus sign (+) to specify that the value is displayed with a sign.
o A space ( ) to prefix the value with a space in the absence of any sign.
o Zero (0) for numeric conversion. It assigns leading zeroes as padding for
the field width.
1.0 1 1.00000
• A number to specify the minimum field width. The converted value is displayed in
the field with the specified minimum width, or if required, in a field wider than
the specified minimum width. If the converted value has fewer characters than
the specified minimum field width, trailing or leading spaces are added to the
field. If you have specified the zero flag, trailing or leading zeros are used.
The conversion characters for strings, integers, and double values are shown in the
next table.
Spec-Driven Piping
% No Displays %.
The fifth column specifies the default style of the note to be used for the
corresponding parameter or attribute. The specified style must be available in the
current drawing.
The sixth column specifies the default layer to be used for displaying the note
created for the corresponding parameter or attribute. If the specified layer is not
available, a new layer is created.
Pipeline LABEL
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
This file has a tabular format and consists of the following two columns:
The attributes and parameters valid for the corresponding object types are specified
in the next table.
Spec-Driven Piping
PIPE Label
A pipeline is split into several small pieces called pipe pieces or spools. The pipe
spool (or piece) drawing provides detailed information for fabrication.
The pipe spool drawings are divided into three major areas: graphics area, bill of
material area, and title block area. The pipe piece drawings generated are:
• Not to scale
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
You can use the following process for pipe spool drawing generation with
Use Pro/ENGINEER for generating the .pcf (Piping Component File) format using the
following process. The .pcf files are provided as an input for ISOGEN for generating
the spool drawing files in .dxf format.
Spec-Driven Piping
PCF files contain material and geometrical data from a Spec-Driven Piping model in a
readable ISOGEN .pcf (Piping Component File) format. This format serves as an
input to ISOGEN for creating pipeline isometric drawings.
• ISOGEN file
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
O.S. 2 CUT PIECE NUMBERING/LIST TYPE Controls the cut piece list generation
and the corresponding cut piece
Spec-Driven Piping
string from the drawing. Alternative Text files have a .ALT extension. Some standard
text strings related to pipe spool drawing are listed in the following table.
Feature Note
An ISOGEN file specifies the part name of each ISOGEN Data Control file used. All
ISOGEN files have the .FLS extension. You can customize the layout of a pipe piece
drawing and the contents displayed on it using the ISOGEN Data Control files.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• Bending angle
• Bending radius
• Flange angle
Spec-Driven Piping
The node numbers as displayed in the graphics window are shown in the next figure.
In the above figure the numbers 1 to 8 represent node numbers. Node numbers 2
and 3 are assigned to the either sides of a reducer. Node numbers 4, 7, and 5 are
assigned to each end of a TEE fitting. Node numbers 1, 6, and 8 are assigned to pipe
Refer to the example on the ISOGEN Attribute Map file for details on how you can
modify the isogen_attribute map_file.ptd file to generate the bending data for
the figure above.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
When flanges are welded to the pipe before bending, the flange faces are the
bending start and end points as shown in the following figure:
1. Bending end
4. Bending start
Real bending point—If the bending point moves away from the theoretical location,
you must mark the real bending point on the pipe before the actual bending.
The bending points move away from their theoretical locations during the bending
process due to the following:
• Bending spring back
• Bending elongation
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
1. Bending direction
2. Bending point
Note: Only the theoretical bending angle is shown on a pipe piece drawing.
Spec-Driven Piping
1. Bending direction
2. Elongation
You can calculate the real bending point for the bend of a pipe using the following
L(n) = S(n-1) + l(n) - E(n-1) - S(n)
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
L2 = S1 + l2 - E1 - S2
L3 = S2 + l3 - E2 -0.0
l Pipe length
Where, l is the theoretical pipe length derived directly from the 3D model and L is
the real pipe length after considering the elongation caused by the bending process.
Spec-Driven Piping
Pipe cutting length or real pipe length is the straight pipe length before the actual
bending. You can calculate the pipe cutting length using the following formula:
L = L1 + L2 + L3 + ... + L(n-1) + L(n)
1. Bending angle
2. Bending direction
1. Bend radius
2. Bend direction
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
2. Bending direction
Spec-Driven Piping
The following figure shows a pipe with two flanges welded at both ends. The start
flange is yellow and the end flange is blue. The start flange baseline is along the z-
axis. The end flange baseline has an angle with the z-axis.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
When you unbend a pipe, the remainder of the angle between the start flange
baseline and the end flange baseline divided by the angle between the flange holes is
the flange twist angle. Looking from the end flange to the start flange, when the
rotation is in the clockwise direction, the value of flange twist angle is negative.
When the rotation is in the counterclockwise direction, the value of flange twist angle
is positive. The details are shown in the following figure.
The end flange is welded on to the pipe with the specified flange twist angle against
the start flange.
Spec-Driven Piping
The installation position of a pipe with a flange welded at one of its ends is shown in
the following figure. The z-axis and the black segment form the flange base plane.
The black and blue segments of the pipe form the bending plane. The remainder of
the angle between the flange base plane and the bending plane divided by the angle
between the flange holes is the flange angle.
1. Flange angle
3. Bending plane
If the black segment is along the z-axis, then the flange base plane is formed by the
y-axis and the black segment.
The next figure shows a flange welded onto the straight pipe.
1. Flange baseline
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
After welding the flange onto the pipe, you must load the pipe on the bending
machine. When you load the pipe on the bending machine, first align the flange base
plane with the bending plane, then rotate the flange with the given flange angle.
Standing in front of the bending machine, looking into the pipe when the rotation is
in the clockwise direction, the value of the flange angle is negative. When the
rotation is in the counterclockwise direction, the value of the flange angle is positive.
1. Bending plane
4. Flange angle
7. Bending plane
Spec-Driven Piping
8. Flange angle
Note: The flange base plane aligns with the z-axis when you put the pipe at its
installation position.
The pipe is ready for the first bending after the flange angle rotation. The first
bending is shown in the next figure.
1. Bending plane
2. Flange angle
3. Flange angle
• Pipeline
• Fitting
• Insulation
• Bills of Materials
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• Designatable Reports:
o Holes Report
2. Click Type and select the type of report that you want to create.
o —Segment report
o —Pipeline report
o —Fitting report
o —Insulation report
o —Designatable reports
Spec-Driven Piping
Note: You can indicate the number of decimal places in the Bend Location report,
the Bend Machine report, and the Output FIF report by specifying a value for the
default_dec_places configuration option. The default value is 2.
3. To select a different report format, choose from the Select Report Format list.
Note: Select Report Format is available only if you select the report type as
4. Click to select the segment, pipeline, or fitting from which you want to
retrieve information. You can select the segment, pipeline, or fitting from the
Model Tree, the Piping System Tree, or the graphics window.
5. Click Preview Info to display the results the Report Pipeline dialog box.
6. Click .
3. Under Select pipe segment or pipe feature, click and select a pipe
segment or pipe feature from which you want to retrieve information.
Note: All segments with a bend angle of 1.4° or less will not appear in the
4. Click OK in the Select dialog box. The bend location information table is
displayed in the Information Window. The table displays the bend number, the
XYZ coordinates, bend angle, and bend radius.
Bend location information is also displayed under Preview Info in the Report
Pipeline dialog box. You can either scroll to view the entire report or click
and view the report in a separate Information Window.
Note: You can regulate the number of decimal places in the bend location table by
specifying the value for the default_dec_places configuration option. The default
value is 2.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
3. Under Select pipe segment or pipe feature, click and select a pipe
segment or pipe feature from which you want to retrieve information.
Note: All segments with a bend angle of 1.4° or less will not appear in the
4. Click OK in the Select dialog box. The bend machine information table is
displayed in the Information Window. The table displays the bend number, offset,
twist angle, bend angle, and bend radius.
Bend location information is also displayed under Preview Info in the Report
Pipeline dialog box. You can either scroll to view the entire report or click
and view the report in a separate Information Window.
Spec-Driven Piping uses the value of the density that you specify in the
MATL_DENSITY column of the Piping Material file to calculate the weight of the pipe
Spec-Driven Piping determines the center of gravity (COG) of the pipe segment
based on the geometric details of the segment. The x-, y-, and the z-coordinates for
the center of gravity are reported based on the start location of the pipeline.
The pipeline report, which is stored in your working directory as a text file named
pline_info.dat, reports the weight and COG information for the selected pipe
Spec-Driven Piping
Pipeline Information
Pipe Spec : ms
Model Unit : MM
Fitting Information
Designation : UNDESIGNATED
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
MCCS : 322AA20150
Size : 150A
Weight : 146.1152 KG
Layer : ms_layer
Color : magenta
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
1 Sub-Assembly STEAM-3
1 Sub-Assembly STEAM-4
1 Sub-Assembly STEAM-5
3 Part TEE_RED_BW-STEEL-150X100
1 Part NIPPLE_BW-100A
1 Part RED_CON_BW-STEEL-100X65
1 Part TEE_STR_BW-STEEL-100X100
1 Part TEE_STR_BW-STEEL-100X100
1 Part TEE_RED_BW-STEEL-100X80
1 Part VL_S_CHK_FLRF-STEEL-20K-100
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
1 Part 100A-MS-STEAM-5001
2 Part TEE_STR_BW-STEEL-100X100
1 Part TEE_RED_BW-STEEL-100X80
1 Part VL_S_CHK_FLRF-STEEL-20K-100
1 Part 100A-MS-STEAM-5001
3 Part TEE_RED_BW-STEEL-150X100
1 Part NIPPLE_BW-100A
1 Part RED_CON_BW-STEEL-100X65
Spec-Driven Piping
• Bend Machine
• Holes Report
• Clocking Angle
o Bend Location
o Bend Machine
o Holes Report
o Clocking Angle
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Note: When you select a pipe segment, a directional arrow appears on the
selected pipe segment. Click Flip to reverse the direction of reporting on the pipe
segment. Pro/ENGINEER calculates and displays the changed values in the
7. Click the Designate for Report Setup box to make the information available in
Pro/REPORT. The report information is now available in Drawing Mode.
8. Type a Name for the saved report and click . The name appears in the
Saved Analyses box.
Note: You can regulate the number of decimal places displayed under Results
by specifying a value for the default_dec_places configuration option. The
default value is 2.
Note: Bend Location information is available for all pipelines with bends. It is also
available for pipelines with a combination of bends and miter cuts.
Spec-Driven Piping
Information about designated reports is stored in the piping assembly. You can
access this information by using the Pro/REPORT repeat region functionality in the
Drawing mode. The following table maps the entities in the report with their
corresponding parameters:
Entity Parameter
Bend # &asm.mbr.pipe.segment.loc_csys.bend.loc_num
X &asm.mbr.pipe.segment.loc_csys.bend.loc_x
Y &asm.mbr.pipe.segment.loc_csys.bend.loc_y
Z &asm.mbr.pipe.segment.loc_csys.bend.loc_z
Note: For the twist angle information to appear in the Bend Machine report, the
pipeline must have two or more bends.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
4 5158.41
Information about designated reports is stored in the piping assembly. You can
access this information by using the Pro/REPORT repeat region functionality in the
Drawing mode. The following table maps the entities in the report with their
corresponding parameters:
Entity Parameter
Bend # &asm.mbr.pipe.segment.mach_csys.bend.mach_num
Offset &asm.mbr.pipe.segment.mach_csys.bend.mach_offset
Spec-Driven Piping
Entity Parameter
Hole # &asm.mbr.pipe.segment.holes.hole_params.hole_num
Offset &asm.mbr.pipe.segment.holes.hole_params.hole_offset
Angle &asm.mbr.pipe.segment.holes.hole_params.hole_angle
Diameter &asm.mbr.pipe.segment.holes.hole_params.hole_diam
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
assembled into a hose and the hose is taken from its routed state to a flattened
state, the fittings must be correctly twisted and assembled into the hose. This is
done so that the hose fits in the assembly properly without requiring the hose itself
to twist. Many fittings are not axially symmetric and require a specific orientation
when they are assembled.
Pro/ENGINEER calculates the clocking angle by sliding the initial coordinate system
from one end of the flexible pipe until its origin is coincident with the final coordinate
system at the other end of the segment. It then determines the angle between the
two x-axes of the coordinate systems.
Entity Parameter
clockangle = clk_ang:fid_30:57
Spec-Driven Piping
30 is the evaluate ID
57 is the session ID
3. Create a 3D note in the assembly and type “The clock angle is &clockangle” as
the text of the note.
The 3D note is displayed as “The clock angle is XXX”, where XXX is the value of
the assembly parameter, clockangle.
EVALUATE_ID is the ID of the evaluate feature.
SESSION_ID is the session ID of the assembly in which the evaluate feature is
EVALUATE_NAME is the name of the evaluate feature.
A seg_name feature parameter is created in the evaluate feature to identify its parent
segment. On regenerating the model, Pro/ENGINEER updates the evaluate feature
for a particular segment of the pipe to a new value if the segment changes.
Using pipeline and pipe segment Pro/REPORT parameters, you can access clocking
angle information specific to particular segments.
• Reports that are not designated using the Designate for Report Setup check
box are available in the Saved Analysis box, if saved.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• When you select the name of a report in the Names Designated for Report
Setup box, the details of the report appears in the Results window in the
4. Click and select a pipe segment or coordinate system in the graphics window.
Saved reports for bend machine, bend location, holes, or clocking angle
information display in the Names Designated for Report Setup list.
Note: You can select a pipe segment or a coordinate system only from an active
5. Select a report from the list. The report appears in the Results box.
3. Under Select pipe segment or pipe feature, click and select a pipe
segment or pipe feature. The bending information is displayed according to the
File Interchange Format (FIF) under Preview Info.
Spec-Driven Piping
• To create a piping report in Drawing, make sure that you set the repeat region
attribute to Recursive.
• To create a report that contains only piping information in the top-level assembly,
set the Recursive attribute in the repeat region and add the filter
• Use the report parameters or the Report Symbol dialog box to set the values in
the table cells.
• You cannot use report parameters that contain more than 32 characters in report
relations, for example, as filters to determine what is displayed in a table.
For more information, search the Detailed Drawings functional area of the
Pro/ENGINEER Help Center.
Additionally, the Pipeline Network report provides information about design rule
violations and missing corner fittings and flanges.
Spec-Driven Piping provides a predefined format for the Pipeline Network report. You
can change the format of a Pipeline Network report using the Report Pipeline dialog
box. You can then use these customized formats to create subsequent Pipeline
Network reports.
The report provides information in the following sequence:
• Information about the pipeline network. The information includes:
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
• Information about the main pipeline and all branch extensions is provided in a
tabular format. The standard report consists of six columns for size, specification,
name, length or angle, material code, and description. The number of rows is
based on the number of elements fabricated on a pipeline.
• Name of the co-ordinate system is reported under FROM and TO. If this
coordinate system is a part of an equipment, you can report the coordinate
system name in the Equipment-Csys format by assigning an appropriate name to
the component in the Feat Name column of the Model Tree or by designating the
equipment if you have created the pipeline using an XML file.
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
150A ms NIPPLE
===>> Ends Incompatible : Type FLRF Rate *** and Type GKFF Rate *** ...
===>> Ends Incompatible : Type GKFF Rate *** and Type FLRF Rate *** ...
150A ms GASKET
===>> Ends Incompatible : Type FLRF Rate *** and Type GKFF Rate *** ...
150A ms GATE
===>> Ends Incompatible : Type GKFF Rate *** and Type FLRF Rate *** ...
150A ms GASKET
APNT0 150A ms PIPE 2275.666 AB PIPEAB40PE-150
===>> Pipe maximum segment length violated. Actual = 2275.666 : Max =
===>> Missing Branch ...
===>> Ends Incompatible : Type FLRF Rate *** and Type GKFF Rate *** ...
===>> Ends Incompatible : Type GKFF Rate *** and Type FLRF Rate *** ...
===>> Ends Incompatible : Type FLRF Rate *** and Type GKFF Rate *** ...
===>> Ends Incompatible : Type GKFF Rate *** and Type FLRF Rate *** ...
150A ms PIPE 362.321 AB PIPEAB40PE-150
===>> Pipe maximum segment length violated. Actual = 362.321 : Max =
150A ms *PIPE 5318.214 AB PIPEAB40PE-150
===>> Pipe maximum segment length violated. Actual = 5318.214 : Max =
Spec-Driven Piping
===>> Ends Incompatible : Type FLRF Rate *** and Type GKFF Rate *** ...
===>> Ends Incompatible : Type GKFF Rate *** and Type FLRF Rate *** ...
===>> Ends Incompatible : Type FLRF Rate *** and Type GKFF Rate *** ...
===>> Ends Incompatible : Type GKFF Rate *** and Type FLRF Rate *** ...
150A ms PIPE 1548.832 AB PIPEAB40PE-150
===>> Pipe maximum segment length violated. Actual = 1548.832 : Max =
150A ms ELBOW90LR 90.000 AA ELBOW90LRAA40BW-
150A ms PIPE 442.800 AB PIPEAB40PE-150
===>> Pipe maximum segment length violated. Actual = 442.800 : Max =
150A ms ELBOW90LR 90.000 AA ELBOW90LRAA40BW-
150A ms PIPE 628.520 AB PIPEAB40PE-150
===>> Pipe maximum segment length violated. Actual = 628.520 : Max =
150A ms PIPE 1014.229 AB PIPEAB40PE-150
===>> Pipe maximum segment length violated. Actual = 1014.229 : Max =
===>> Ends Incompatible : Type FLRF Rate *** and Type GKFF Rate *** ...
===>> Ends Incompatible : Type GKFF Rate *** and Type FLRF Rate *** ...
===>> Ends Incompatible : Type FLRF Rate *** and Type GKFF Rate *** ...
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
===>> Ends Incompatible : Type FLRF Rate *** and Type GKRF Rate *** ...
===>> Ends Incompatible : Type GKRF Rate *** and Type FLRF Rate *** ...
150A ms PIPE 1170.530 AB PIPEAB40PE-150
===>> Pipe maximum segment length violated. Actual = 1170.530 : Max =
Material Information
52561.231 150A PIPEAB40PE-150 WT=7.10 mm
2251.171 80A PIPEAB40PE-080 WT=5.50 mm
50 CH
F-150 TM
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
8 CFD 33AA30150 BOLT NUT
• Missing corner fittings in the case of a pipe vertex modeled as a corner fitting
• Violations in the design rule about the minimum clamp length at the start or end
of a pipe piece
• Violations in the design rule about the minimum or maximum pipe segment
Spec-Driven Piping
Network Information
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Material Information
40 STEEL A23
Spec-Driven Piping
3. Under Select Report Format, click to change the default format of the
report. The Report Format dialog box opens.
a. Under Name, type a name for the new report format or select an
existing format name from the list.
b. Under Parameters, select the parameters that you want to display in
the new report. All the available parameters are displayed in the
Parameters box. You can also specify the order of the columns to be
displayed in the report from the left to the right and the width of each
Under Columns, all parameters selected from the Parameters list are
displayed under the Name, Width, and Parameter columns.
Use to move a selected field from the Parameters box into the
Columns box. Use to move a selected field from the Columns box
back to the Parameters box.
Use to shift the selected field in the Columns box in the upward
direction. Similarly, use to shift the selected field in the downward
direction. The fields are displayed from the left to the right in the report
based on the specified order.
c. To include a tally for a pipe, fitting, and bolt and nut at the end of the
pipeline network report, under Tally, select:
Pipe to add a pipe tally.
Network Information
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
PIPE ms 100A
BRAN ms 100AX100A
PIPE ms 100A
GASKET ms 100A
GASKET ms 100A
PIPE ms 100A
BRAN ms 100AX100A
*PIPE ms 100A
BRAN ms 100AX80A
*PIPE ms 100A
*PIPE ms 100A
GASKET ms 100A
GASKET ms 100A
*PIPE ms 100A
BRAN ms 100AX100A
Spec-Driven Piping
PIPE ms 100A
PIPE ms 80A
Material Information
F-100 TM A105
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
1 100AX100A
1. Flange fitting
2. Main fitting
3. Flange fitting
• For 2 mated flanges, the total quantity of bolts and nuts in the report is the sum
of half the quantity from both the flanges. For example, in a mated flange, 1
flange requires 6 bolts and the other flange requires 8 bolts. The total quantity
Spec-Driven Piping
reported in this case is 7. A typical pair of mated flanges is shown in the next
1. Flange fitting
2. Flange fitting
• In a group fitting, the quantity of bolts and nuts in the report is based on the
following rules:
o For the two main fittings, which are located at each end of the group, the
quantity in the Bolt Nut Master Catalog file (bolt_nut_mcat.ptd) is
multiplied by a factor of 0.75.
o For the main fittings, which are not located at the ends of the group, the
quantity in the Bolt Nut Master Catalog file (bolt_nut_mcat.ptd) is
multiplied by a factor of 0.50.
o The end flanges of the group fitting are not considered to be main fittings.
They have lower priority, and the quantity of bolts and nuts is not included
in the report.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
A group fitting with three main fittings (globe valves) and two flanges at the ends
of the group is shown in the next figure.
1. Flange fitting
2. Main fitting
3. Main fitting
4. Main fitting
5. Flange fitting
Bolt nut codes for the group fitting in the figure above are assigned as shown in
the following table:
Spec-Driven Piping
In the Bolt Nut Summary report, the quantities reported in the Material
Information area follow.
20 CFA
To specify an absolute path to be used as the start location for the XML file selection
and look-up, set the piping_schematic_xml_dir configuration option to the
required path. The default path for the XML file is the Pro/ENGINEER working
To generate an accurate report, you should designate as many 3D fittings,
equipment, and branch points as possible.
o Select a pipeline or pipelines directly from the graphics area, model tree, or
from the piping system tree. The 3D model will be checked against the
schematic information stored within the 3D model.
All the selected pipelines appear in the box under Select pipeline(s).
Note: If you select a pipeline that is not designated, a warning appears and
the selection is not made.
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
o Select From XML File and click to browse to the required XML file.
The 3D model will be checked against the schematic information stored in
the XML file.
All pipelines present in both the XML file and the model appear in the
Schematic Pipelines box.
Click to generate the Consistency Check Report for the selected pipelines in a
separate window, and close the Schematic Consistency Check dialog box.
• The FROM, TO, PIPE, FITTING, SEGMENT, and segment parameters SIZE and SPEC
on each schematic extension are compared to and matched against the 3D
Spec-Driven Piping
• Information related to the main extension, followed by data for each branch
extension. Branch extensions are identified by the BRxx DETAILS string, where xx
is the extension number.
• The connected series and the constituent components within each extension are
reported in the flow direction and the sequence in which they appear on the
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Spec-Driven Piping
The 3D piping model is shown next. Note the extra fitting (14), the placement of
Gate Valve 1 (10) and Check Valve 2 (11), and Nozzle 3 (15) in the schematic
diagram and in the 3D model. These discrepancies appear in the report.
4. Branch 9. Tee
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
Click Piping > Info to compare the 3D model with the schematic information in the
XML file. The resulting Schematic Consistency Check Report is shown below:
SPEC ms ms
SPEC ms ms
SPEC ms ms
TO P_101-P1 P_101-P1
SPEC ms ms
SEGMENT <186472913-83> -
SPEC ms ms
Spec-Driven Piping
SPEC ms ms
SPEC ms ms
SPEC ms ms
SEGMENT <187941084-425> -
SPEC rw X ms
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
SPEC ms ms
SPEC ms ms
TO C 301-P1 C 301-P1
SEGMENT <188999489-64>
Spec-Driven Piping
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
dynamic design rule Checks for design rule errors such as bend
checking violations, missing fittings, and end type
Spec-Driven Piping
Term Definition
pipeline routing The act of configuring line stock and pipeline start
points and of creating pipeline segments.
B cut pipe
convert .............................. 151, 155 deleting pipe piece cuts ............. 254
Spec-Driven Piping – Help Topic Collection
inserting .....203, 204, 210, 211, 217 installation drawing ..................... 307
fitting............................................ 2 layer
pipeline report
piping assembly ......................... 151
specification break
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