Hunting Is Necessary For The Environment FINAL
Hunting Is Necessary For The Environment FINAL
Hunting Is Necessary For The Environment FINAL
Brett Gordon
University of Phoenix
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Hunting, performed in an ethical and legal manner is beneficial to the ecosystem. There
has been a great deal of controversy about the topic of legally hunting small and big game in
North America. Many people believe that hunting is unethical is a method of murdering innocent
animals. This statement is much further from the truth than people understand. Legal hunting
actually helps the species and the herd more than if they were left alone to roam the wilderness
by themselves.
There are many different types of game in North America and also many different ways
to hunt the different species. Big game is referred to mostly land animals such as deer, elk,
caribou, bear, and moose. Small game is usually referred to smaller game such as duck, geese,
and pheasant. There is a different hunting season for each species. For example, deer season
usually lands in mid fall around October or November, where small game hunting has a longer
season that varies on location. Many different methods are used to take game, both large and
small. Some of the most popular methods for big game hunting are with a rifle, muzzle loader, or
bow and arrow. All have regulations attached to them to make sure the hunter is taking the
animal ethically. For example, in order to hunt big game in Arizona a hunter must use a center
fire rifle such as a 30-06 and not a rim fire rifle such as a .22 caliber because a rim fire cartridge
would not have enough power to take the animal ethically (Arizona Game and Fish Hunting
Regulations, 2008). There are also many other regulations that must be followed to hunt big
game, one of the most popular is the rule that no one may take a shot from or on top of a vehicle.
This regulation makes sure that the animal has a fair chance and isn’t just being chased by an
ATV or truck and shot (Arizona Game and Fish Hunting Regulations, 2008). These regulations
are just a few of many that help keep hunters and the animals safe.
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Poaching is the act of hunting without the proper license or tag. These practices are
illegal and the violators of such are dealt with harsh punishments. Although The United States
has made a great deal of progress in the violation of poachers, Africa still has many problems
especially when it comes to the illegal hunting of the African Elephant for its ivory tusks. In
1980 a law was passed to ban the trading of ivory in Africa, and even though this helped,
poaching is still a very common practice in Africa. In fact the African Elephant population is
now down to less than 470,000 in Africa, and some estimate that if nothing is done by the year
2020 the only Elephants left in Africa will be those that are caged and guarded (Ivory Poaching
Imperils Elephants, 2008). This is an example of illegal hunting that is neither ethical nor good
for the environment or the species. For reasons such as these that many people have a strong
opinion against hunting, but what most people don’t understand is that there is a way to legally
hunt the land to help certain species grow and thrive. It all comes down to proper management of
So how does proper management help a heard? How can killing part of a species help the
environment in general, wouldn’t that just cause it to weaken? These are very valid questions
that can be answered. Take a look at Arizona’s national forests in Northern Arizona, which has
many different species living amongst each other. This forest has both mountain lions and white
tail deer in the same area, this is a classic example of a predator and a prey, the mountain lion
being the predator and the deer being the prey. If the deer or over populated in the area then the
mountain lion population will also grow exponentially and cause many more deer deaths than the
hunters would have taken to control the population, it would also cause many deaths to domestic
animals such as cattle and sheep as a mountain lion will take the weakest and slowest animal that
it can find (Mills, 1998). However, if the herd were to be managed properly using hunters it
Hunting is necessary 4
could regulate how large the deer herd should be in order to keep the population under control.
The goal of any fish and game department should be to make sure the population of any specific
Professor John Daigle of the University of Maine said this of hunting. “It’s too bad that
there are a lot of negative stereotypes that have emerged around hunting, because some of our
most respected conservationists here in the United States from Teddy Roosevelt to Aldo
Leopold, were real pioneers when it comes to thinking about conservation and how to manage
land and resources and they themselves were hunters.” Like Teddy Roosevelt, most hunters
consider themselves to be conservationists that love and care for the environment because they
understand that without it they wouldn’t have their lifestyle. In fact, there are many monetary
benefits to hunting as well. Most national forests that cover the United States have hunting
dollars to thanks for its land management and conservation. Hunting brings in a great deal of
money that can then be spent to manage the wildlife as well as the plant life that the animals call
their home. Mark Laittl a PR representative of the Maine dept of inland fish and wildlife said
“this money is what is responsible for the reintroduction of the wild turkey, the comeback of the
moose population, growth in the deer population, and water fowl numbers that are restored to
near what they used to be.” So one can easily see that conservation and hunting go hand in hand,
and it is the dollars that are spent by the hunters that help protect and nurture the wildlife,
especially those particular species that are endangered and are feared to become extinct without
In today’s politically correct world that revolves around global warming, saving the
environment and cruelty to animals, it is easy for one to get confused about the effect of hunting
in America. Most people simply are not educated on the topic because they either have never
Hunting is necessary 5
been themselves or they have been filled with incorrect information about the topic. The forests
in this country definitely need to be taken care of, the wildlife needs to be conserved, and people
need to all be held accountable for the effects of global warming and our impact on the state of
the environment. However, one needs to be thanking the hunters, because without them the
wildlife conservation efforts would not be nearly as successful as they are today. There is
definitely a correct and legal way of practicing this sport and when it is performed in an ethical
Arizona Game and Fish Department. (2008). 2008-2009 Arizona Hunting and Trapping
Ivory Poaching Imperils Elephants. (2008, November). Futurist, Retrieved October 10, 2008,