07 Analysis of Daily Vessel Costs
07 Analysis of Daily Vessel Costs
07 Analysis of Daily Vessel Costs
Handysize Daily Vessel Costs Opex The daily opex element of our vessel costs decreased 4%
Blended US$7,870 (FY2014: US$8,750) for Handysize and 9% for Handymax mainly due to the quality and
increased number of our owned ships leading to reduced repair
(excluding direct overheads)
and maintenance costs and increased procurement efficiencies.
Owned Chartered
Depreciation Daily depreciation (including capitalisation of dry-
8,510 8,460
8,930 docking costs) increased due to the delivery of our newer, larger
1,210 1,210 7,380
2,930 3,040
Finance costs Handysize daily finance costs were substantially
4,000 4,370
4,210 unchanged compared to 2014. Handymax daily finance costs
2,000 increased due to the allocation of higher finance costs to this
vessel type.
2014 1H15 2014 1H15
6,000 3,490 3,510 Direct overheads Our chartering, operations and technical
4,000 staff overheads and office costs related to our dry bulk ships
amounted to US$24.6 million (2014: US$24.7 million). Spread
across our vessel days, the aggregate overhead translated
2014 1H15 2014 1H15 into a 6% increase in daily cost to US$660 per day (1H 2014:
Vessel days 5,350 2,720 17,190 7,570 US$620 per day). The increased daily cost was due to the higher
24% 26% 76% 74%
proportion of owned ships and the subsequent increase in
Opex Depreciation Finance costs Charter-hire in-house technical staff costs.
Page 17
Vessel Operating Lease Commitments
Analysis of our long-term, short-term and index-linked inward
charter commitments
During the period, we secured 4,470 Handysize vessel days (2014: 6,090 days) and 750 Handymax vessel days (2014: 1,350
days) via variable-rate, inward charters with rates linked to the Baltic Handysize and Supramax indices. These index-linked
vessels represented 30% and 10% of our chartered Handysize and Handymax vessel days respectively.
Our fleet of owned and finance-leased dry bulk vessels experienced an average 0.9 days (FY2014: 0.4 days) unplanned
technical off-hire per vessel during the period.