Clausius Mossotti Article
Clausius Mossotti Article
Clausius Mossotti Article
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The formula for the electric field of an ideal dipole theory of dielectrics. This equation which is taught
p at the origin is (in SI units) in most physics degree courses is usually explained
ina quitedifferentway involving animaginary
cavity in the dielectric whose shape must be taken
as spherical (for quite subtle reasons, often omit-
ted).Actually a precedentforthealternative
explanation has been pointed out to me. Although
the starting point in the form of equation (1) is not
made explicitin his paper, Darwin (1934) clearly
Often the last termis omitted because it is localised had the same idea some 50 years ago in a plasma
onthedipoleitself. Physically it representsthe physics contextandtheapproachhasapparently
infinitely strong backwards field directly between beenuseful in other physical contextsalso (A B
the positive and negative charges. Mathematically it Pippard,privatecommunication).Heretheargu-
arisesfromthesecondderivative of l / r ; if the ment will bepresented in its ownrightwiththe
dipole axis taken as the z axis then E, = ( 4 7 r ~ ~ ) Xp concise notationafforded by the S function.
a(l/r)/az2. Like a(l/r)/ax and a2(l/r)/ay2 this Another derivation which deserves mention, lying
derivativecontains a term f V z ( l / r ) = - 4 ~ / 3 S ( r ) . somewhere between the conventional one and the
It is worth emphasising that the coefficient - p / 3 ~ , present one is that in volume two of the Berkeley
is model independent: if the positive and negative physics course(Purcell1965). A thoroughtreat-
charges are smeared into balls for example to pro- ment of the conventional argument is given in the
duce a field locally different from equation (l),the book by Robinson (1973).
volume integral of the true field over this locality is The model of a dielectric medium in question is
still equal to the corresponding integral of equation an array which may be regular or irregular of ideal
(1) complete with the consequent-p/3so term. (The polarisable atoms in which dipole moments p can
volume integral of the field can be expressed asa be induced by applying an electric field. Each di-
surface integral using the identity JV+dV=J&i dS. pole sits in a local microscopic electric field which is
If thelatter is unchanged, so therefore is the the superposition of the fields,given by equation
former.) (l),of the other dipoles and the external field. In
The case I shallseektomakehere is that the the case of a simple (i.e. Bravais) lattice array this
often neglected 6 function term in the electric field local field will bethesameateachdipoleand
of a dipole can provide a simple and natural expla- the induced moment p is proportional to it through
nation of the Clausius-Mossotti equation in the the atomic polarisability constant a. Otherwise the
Ashcroft N W and Mermin N D 1976 Solid State Purcell E M 1965 Electricity and Magnetism, Berkeley
Physics (New York: Holt-Saunders) Physics Course, v01 2 (New York: McGraw-Hill)
Darwin C G 1934 R o c . Roy. Soc. A146 17 Robinson F N H 1973 Macroscopic Electromagnetism
Onsager L 1936 J. Am. Chem.Soc. 58 1486 (Oxford: Pergamon)